Office on Aging COVID Update

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Office on Aging COVI D UPDATE

Overview of the Larimer County Office on Aging The Larimer County Office on Aging, which is located in the Department of Human Services, is the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Larimer County. As one of sixteen AAA’s in Colorado, the Office on Aging receives funding from the Federal Older Americans Act and the Older Coloradans Fund to provide services to Larimer County residents who are 60 and older, and to serve as the lead agency for planning and coordinating those services. Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), as mandated under the Older American’s Act, play a unique role to not only fund community partners and provide direct services but to innovate, advocate, and lead our community to meet the growing needs of the population. AAA’s need to be visible, innovative, collaborative, and responsive to community needs. Included in the Office on Aging service area are the communities of Berthoud, Estes Park, Fort Collins, LaPorte, Loveland and Wellington, as well as the rural areas of the county. The Office on Aging provides funding to agencies that provide services for seniors in Larimer County, including congregate meals, transportation, legal assistance, caregiver support and many more. These agencies are referred to as our funded community partners. In addition, the Office on Aging staff provides direct services and programs to older adults.






Global Pandemic Operational Changes Day-to-day operations at the Office on Aging changed dramatically when the COVID-19 pandemic took hold. Our staff had to quickly adapt to a virtual environment and build out all of their files digitally. Staff developed digital intake forms through our Network of Care website and they also worked with providers to extend service

Day-to-day operations at the Office on Aging changed dramatically when the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.

to include services like grocery and Rx deliveries. The clients were affected even more so because of the pandemic. They were removed from visitors and pushed to learn how to connect digitally as well. We are so proud of the innovative activities and solutions that our staff created to keep in touch with their clients and to continue providing vital services to the community. Further into this recap, you will read about a few of the innovative ways that staff, providers and clients came together to continue to build relationships and connect during a very isolated and difficult time.

COVID-19 Emergency Funding $877,000 was awarded to the Office on Aging in federal COVID-19 emergency funding. Approximately $600,000 has been awarded to the agencies listed below, some of them current partners and some of them new. Larimer County Blizzard Box initiative, Heart and Soul, Larimer County Ombudsman, Partnership for Age Friendly Communities, Catholic Charities, Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging, Dementia Together, Energy Resource Center, Fort Collins Meals on Wheels, A Little Help, PAFC, Homeward Alliance, Dementia-Friendly Communities, Food Bank for Larimer County, Grand Family Support, Healing Warriors, Hearth and Soul Paratransit, Loveland Public Library, Partnership for Age Friendly Communities, Sound Affects Music, Volunteers of America, Volunteers of America Handyman, Volunteers of Amercia Smiling Spoons, A Little Help, CSU Extension, Alzheimer’s Association, and North 40 Mountain Alliance. Through these programs we are reaching a variety of citizens. Through these programs we are reaching Veterans, those with dementia, persons in skilled nursing facilities, people through healthy meal delivery, and others.

$877,000 awarded to the Office on Aging in federalCOVID-19emergencyfunding






Stories of HOPE Reducing Isolation for Larimer County residents living in long-term care facilities The Larimer County Ombudsman Team initiated a program to help combat isolation for some of Larimer County’s most vulnerable citizens. One hundred and sixty seven tablets were granted and distributed to long term care facilities throughout Larimer County, for residents to stay connected with their loved ones and their advocates at the Ombudsman program via video conferencing. In March 2020, long term care facilities in Larimer County no longer allowed in-person visitors for residents, including the ombudsman, as response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts both locally and nationally, acknowledged that this type of isolation would have long term negative effects. The Larimer County ombudsman team quickly jumped into action. Upon learning of the visitor changes, the Ombudsman Team knew they had to develop a strategy to still serve their long term care facility residents. The tablets offered an excellent option to stay in touch with their customers, the residents, and allow residents to maintain connections with their loved ones. They worked with Wish of A Lifetime to receive 100 tablets. The Office on Aging utilized Federal Families First Coronavirus Act funding to purchase the additional 67 tablets. The ombudsman team coordinated with their colleagues in Adult Protective Services to safely deliver the tablets to Skilled Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities throughout the County. The impact was substantial. The tablet initiative by the Ombudsman Team further deepened their relationship with Long Term Care Facilities across Larimer County. They collaborated with facility staff to assist residents with accessing the tablets, the necessary software for video conferencing and disinfectant practices for the tablets before and after resident use. The tablet innovation by the Larimer County Ombudsman Team is a fundamental shift of program and approach. The Larimer County Ombudsman Team has historically been visible in all long term care facilities, responding to resident concerns, attending resident council meetings and following up with staff and administrators. While this initiative is not unique to Larimer County, the impact has been tremendous. Lori Smetanka, JD, executive director of the advocacy group National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care said, “The physical and psychosocial wellbeing of residents has been tremendously impacted by the isolation and COVID restrictions.” Additionally a staff person from a long term care facility in Larimer County shared, “This is a real game changer for our residents!”

November 2020 Proclamation The Larimer County Commissioners proclaimed November 10, 2020 a day to express gratitude and appreciation for long term care workers and providers. The inspiration arose from a resident named Tracy at Sierra Vista, who wanted recognition for staff’s hard work during the pandemic. Ombudsman Estes Park worked with Tracy to help amplify her voice to the local newspaper and county commissioner’s office. The result was the proclamation and articles in local newspapers.

Handyman Projects Success This project is an excellent example of how the Emergency Funds from the Larimer County (CARES Act) are being used to help with Handyman Program projects. This client withdrew his request for assistance late in June because he did not have the money needed to pay for materials, even with some help from Disabled Resource Services. The decision was recently made to schedule this ramp with assistance from the Volunteers of America (VOA) Emergency Fund. You may notice the deck boards are a composite material rather than the usual pressure treated boards. The composite material was donated to the Handyman Program by the local Boy Scout Troop 97 following a joint project with VOA in Fort Collins. HMP did not build the steps, only the ramp. What would otherwise have been a $1,500 ramp, was less than half that cost as a result of the donation.

The Hug Tunnel The Larimer County Ombudsman program in partnership with The Long-Term Care Subcommittee for the Colorado Health Equity Resource Group is working on a project to bring safe hugs to socially/physically isolated older adults living in settings where visits from family and friends have been restricted. The “hug tunnel” consists of a clean, clear, soft plastic curtain with arms that allows older adults around the country a viable way to safely embrace family and friends. Input and guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Long-Term Care Program Supervisor at the Colorado Department of Health has been provided regarding this project. They had no concerns about the implementation of the hug tunnel when it is properly cleaned and disinfected between uses. The first of its kind in Northern Colorado, the hug tunnel debuted at Aspen House Assisted Living on November 13, 2020. Hug tunnels are also planned at The Center at Rock Creek Skilled and Assisted Living, Fort Collins Good Samaritan Skilled and Assisted Living and Silver Leaf Apartments. TRU Hospice has created a traveling hug tunnel for Boulder County. The hug tunnel was also featured at the Museum of Discovery Mental Health exhibition.






Colorado Residents Virtual Chat with Pennsylvania Residents For the first time, the Pennsylvania Empowered Expert Residents (PEER) Advisory Council met with the Colorado Prepared Empowered Expert Residents (CO-PEER). Pennsylvania has been running a very successful PEER program for 18 years. The program is designed to empower residents in long term care with advocacy tools to advocate for themselves and their fellow residents. Colorado is the second state to adopt this program. The two programs had the opportunity to meet via a zoom video call on November 16, 2020.

December 2020 More Hug Tunnel The Ombudsman team helped facilitate a hug tunnel at Spring Creek Nursing Home. The team worked with Sound Affects to bring live music while people received their much-needed hugs. Spring Creek staff set up a speaker in the lobby so residents not able to receive a hug could listen and see the music. After the event the SSD commented that one resident had thanked him for the event every day since. All residents who participated were amazed! The Ombudsman team also facilitated a hug tunnel at Collinwood Assisted Living and Fox Meadows Assisted Living! The same idea for a hug tunnel was borrowed by Water Valley Assisted Living. While we did not participate, we are sure it received rave reviews!

January 2021 Sound Affects Amber Franzel participates in a self-directed volunteer team (SDVT) called Sound Affects, with the goal of bringing more music to facilities and better supporting local artists in the community. Over the past year, the group succeeded in the following: • 98 performances total (most outdoors) • 10 other virtual programs (like virtual concerts) • 30 musical telegrams sent to residents and community older adults • 60 artists gave performances • 19 facilities were involved in the project • Partnered with 4 other nonprofits on major projects (like the Hug Tunnel group) • Last year we raised $16,920 for our pilot program • This year we raised $70,000 for the continuation of the programs through 2021






Postcards to Long Term Care project In December, the Ombudsman team purchased Consumer Voice postcards and distributed them to members of the Larimer County Office on Aging Advisory Board to address to residents in hopes of reducing isolation and bringing a small bit of joy through the mail during the holidays. In total, 300 postcards were distributed with 13 advisory council members, and the CO-PEERs participated in the project.

February 2021 Colorado Commission on Aging Recognition In January, both Amber Franzel and Eliza Piesman received recognition for their work from the Colorado Commission on Aging. Please see letters and awards shared with this document.

Valentines to Long Term Care Project The Ombudsman team worked to send out valentines to long term care residents who might not have received a postcard in the previous round of mail. The Advisory Council asked to fill these out again, as they liked the connections they felt when filling out the postcards.

PEER to PEER Valentine’s Day Cards The Pennsylvania Ombudsman program partnered with the Larimer County Ombudsman program to exchange postcards between the Pennsylvania PEERs and the Colorado CO-PEERs. Each CO-PEER received an average of 30-40 Valentine’s Day cards.

Moral Boost Gift Basket A resident council president approached an Ombudsman with a concern that staff morale was down due to the COVID-19 outbreak in their facility. The resident wanted to find a way to lift spirits. The Estes Park Ombudsman connected the resident with a local church who brought donuts and coffee for all 35 residents and 60 staff. Staff shared their gratitude with the resident for organizing this gift.






2020 Office on Aging: BY T H E N U M B E R S Home Delivered Meals TOTAL UNITS



Adult Day Care TOTAL UNITS






1,476 9 118

Congregate Meals TOTAL UNITS


Caregiver Counseling TOTAL UNITS




Legal Assistance




Options Counseling TOTAL UNITS



640 141



Information & Assistance UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS





200 72





Respite Care TOTAL UNITS


Homemaker/Personal Care TOTAL UNITS



Case Management TOTAL UNITS









Material Aid TOTAL UNITS




unduplicated clients served

Office on Aging COVI D UPDATE 1501 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524 (970) 498-7000


Education-Health Promotion




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