Production Schedule Name(s): Production title: Production dates: Date & Time 03/01/2017
Kofi Cheung, Larissa Cook, Megan Spencer, Kate Heil A2 Horror Trailer Tuesday 3rd January – Friday 17th March Personnel, Props, Costumes & Equipment Required Film the police scene in Police costume, camera, the Aldred room near skills paperwork on desk, pen and in East Norfolk Sixth Form actors such as the policeman, College. Ashley and our media group to film and direct. Activity/Scene
Film the Woods scene in gunton woods.
Hoodie, casual clothing, camera, tripod, SD card, media group to film and actress/actor such as; Max and Ashley First house scene of Ashley Hoodie, casual clothing walking home and putting camera, media camera to film, her things away. SD card, media group to film and direct as well as Max and Ashley the characters. Norwich scene representing Casual Clothing, Hoodie, media the antagonist stalking the camera to film, SD card, media protagonist. group to film and direct as well as Max, Ashley and introduction to Rachael the characters in the scene. Second house scene of Clothing same as the woods Ashley held hostage. scene, Camera, Media camera to film, SD Card, Rope, fake blood, media group to direct and film including Ashley and Max. Locker scene to show Ashley Casual Clothing, Media camera is receiving unwanted to film, Tripod, SD card, calls. Phone, Locker, Folder, Media group to direct and film including Ashley and Racheal. Letter Box Scene, Ashley Casual Clothing, Photos of receives present and future Ashley and Racheal, Tripod, photos. Media Camera For Filming, Envelope, Letter box, Media group to direct and film Ashley. Counseling Scene to Casual and smart Clothing, represent Ashley's fear and Phone, Tripod, Media Camera concern. for filming, Media group for directing and filming scene including Ashley and new character added.