Link to our questionnaire:
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
From looking at our results is it clear that more females have answered the questionnaire than males. However, this is due to how the questionnaire was published to the public as it was posted on our social media and we have more female friends than male. As a result this has been connoted in our results as more females have answered our questionnaire; therefore the gender of our audience isn’t accurate as the publication dominated in female users. Therefore, it is safe to say that our synopsis will be an equal divide in targeting male and females as the male audience are stereotypically known for watching horror genres and gore aspects which occur in video games dominated by male users. Our second question in our questionnaire asks our audience how many films they have seen at home in the last month. The most popular answer was 6-10 at 46.67% which was picked by 14 users. This clearly shows that our audience have an interest in films and like to find new releases due to the high amount they have seen at home. This result is extremely helpful to us as we know people are constantly watching films which increase the chances of going to the cinema. 96.67% of our audience have visited the cinema 0-5 times in the last month. However, now looking at the question it hasn’t helped us to see how many people have visited the cinema as 0 is in the same category as 5. Therefore, for all we know 90% of the audience could have not even watched a film at the cinema last month which makes these results irrelevant due to the mistake of the categories. However, our questionnaire has allowed us to find out the percentage of the audience that watch horror films. From looking at the chart of results it is clear that over 50% of people who answered our questionnaire watch horror films which has been a successful result as we are producing a horror trailer. Although our audience favourite films are from other genres is it helpful to see they have all answered and no one has skipped the question meaning every respondent has an interest in films. The majority of our audience watch horror films either at home or the cinema which means that we have an audience that are interested in this genre who could potentially pay to see our film. The most popular influence for our audience to watch a film is the directors/producers. This is an important factor as directors and producers create a reputation for themselves influencing a wider audience to watch their films. 70% of the audience answered impartial; therefore they are unsure if they are influenced by additional marketing in a film campaign. However, the other 30% are influenced which means that although 70% are impartial about the film campaign they are aware of the marketing. Our question 8 asks why and if the audience would pay to see our film at the cinema going from our synopsis. There is a problem with categorising and the finding of the results as the categories given to answer haven’t been well thought out. Instead of the option ‘why’ the person who created the questionnaire in our group should have put ‘other’ as now we don’t know what percentage of the audience would go to see our film. Our final question has received positive feedback and suggestions as some of the audience feel our synopsis is too similar to modern horror films. However, overall we got more positive feedback than constructive.