Enligntenment Conference Program Version 2

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Year 10 2010 21st Century Enlightenment Learning Conference Thursday 11th November – Friday 12th November 2010 MLC School Drama Theatre Conference Proceedings

ut filiae lucis ambulate

Thursday November 11th, 2010

Official opening and Keynote address 1a Dr Andrew McGarrity Lecturer in South Asian and Indo-­‐Tibetan Studies, Department of Indian Subcontinental Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney Andrew McGarrity’s research and teaching areas are in Buddhism and Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit and Tibetan language study. He researches issues of meaning and authenticity in Tradition and Modernity, particularly in relation to ethics and selfhood and issues in comparative philosophy, religion and the history of ideas. Special Presentation 1b What is the future for Nepal and its people? Shelley Jiang, Kimberley Ong, Maree Raad, Brittany Sheahan, Caragh Spencer, Kate Sullivan, Elizabeth Tiems, Katelyn Torres, Nina Woods The group identified 9 aspects of Nepali life that they considered important if Nepal is to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Each member of the group will address one of these issues by looking at is current situation and then look at the possibility of future development and prospective possibilities for the future. Topic areas include: Shelley Jiang and Religion and Society, Kimberley Ong and Health, Maree Raad and the importance of industry and trade marking, Brittany Sheahan and Nepal and its imitation of the western world, Caragh Spencer and women’s issues, Kate Sullivan and Nepal’s political turmoil, Elizabeth Tiems and environmental issues, Katelyn Torres and how their culture impacts on the issues facing their society, the emphasis being on culture, and Nina Woods and the future of spirituality. Recess

Presentation 1 2a/b How have specific areas of popular music developed in the 20th and 21st Century and how will they continue to do so? Meta Cohen, Ellen Kokkolis, Fiona Yau Meta has investigated the concept of genre and whether it is a constraint. She has researched how artists have managed to overcome this and has used the Finnish band Nightwish and the singer Tarja Turunen to illustrate her points. Ellen has focused on people who have influenced the music industry. She has researched how Madonna has influenced the music industry and how she has influenced artists like Lady Gaga. Fiona has focused on how popular music has changed from the 1970s to the 1990s. As well as conducting this research, she has attempted to predict which styles of rock music will gain popularity in the future. Presentation 2 2a/b How does infrastructure, resources and demographics aid in the population sustainability for survival in the future? Julie Kim, Sharon Park, Jane Kusnan, Rachel Luu, and Vivian Nguyen. Our group divided into 3 separate focus groups of building infrastructure, resources and demographics. We then narrowed it down into smaller sub-­‐focus groups, which consists of building for natural disasters, living in uncommon areas & housing people with special needs for building infrustructure, renewable resources, non-­‐ renewable resources and resources harmful to the environment and finally, past, present and future population growth. We investigated into the advantages and disadvantages to each sub-­‐focus areas and decided to present in a way, using multimedia for an entertaining yet informative presentation. Presentation 3 2a/b How have the roles and expectations of women changed over time? Vicky Chen, Angela Liu, Jessica Bui, Taeisha Dou and Natasha Chawla This group has been researching changes in the roles and expectations of women in the past, present and future. This is being presented as a magazine and short play. The group members have researched various aspects of each time period, including the roles and limitations of women in ancient society, the portrayal of women in the mass media and whether this affects society’s perception, whether the burqa is an expectation of women or a choice, the roles of women in families by 2040 and the roles of women in society by 2040.

Presentation 4 2a/b Is Scientology a legitimate religion or is it a money making scheme? Annie Wang, Cindy Feng, Stephanie Ooi, Natasha Chau, Jennifer Tsiknas The research our group undertook included looking at both the positive and negative aspects of Scientology. We used both primary and secondary sources to retrieve information to help answer our research question. The evidence we have is primarily opinion based and biased and therefore our question is open to interpretation. Thus it was critical for us to both incorporate the opinions of everyone in the group as well as identify reliable from unreliable information on the Internet. Presentation 5 2a/b What role does the Internet play in today’s youth culture? Leilani Doorbinnia, Maison Punyalack, Salina Lam, Shirley Xiao, Paloma Soulos Our group has investigated how the phenomena of the Internet has impacted the youth culture of today. We have separated our topic into the sub-­‐topics of consumerism, education, social networking, gaming, and the youth’s dependency on the Internet. We have used primary and secondary sources to help in our investigation. Presentation 6 2a/b Are women still classified as second class citizens. (Gender Issues) Marina Ghabriel, Victoria Chapple, Tess Condstantinidis, Miki Wan, Madeleine Taylor-­‐Menzies Our research is focused on the issue of women still being under appreciated around the globe. The sub focuses, lead on to women that have been treated with disrespect in developing countries. The focus of women in the media is also discussed in our research, it explores the aspect of women being portrayed in the media as a negative and how they are taken for granted. In our research we also cover the aspect of women in politics. It explores how they are treated in politics due to their gender. House Time Lunch

Presentation 7 3a/b How Much Impact Do Celebrities Have On Society? Nicolette Marangos and Monica Woo Our research is about how in the 21st century most of our celebrities are chosen for their looks, and how their influence on society can be damaging. Our research explores aspects of how the media influence celebrities, and how celebrities influence young people, by promoting drug abuse or body image. The aspect of the media explores the extreme measures they take in order to take a picture of a celebrity or find out something personal and exploit it. The aspect of how celebrities influence young people, mainly focuses on how particularly young teenage girls are trying to be skinny like the celebrities they see in the magazines or in TV. It also focuses on how they are influencing people to change their own looks and personality in order for them to be the perfect person. Presentation 8 3a/b How will the changing environment affect survival in the future? Ebony Catalano, Prudence Wignall, Ellie Yee, Bronwen Greenfield, Haley Crawford, Sarah Park As a group we have researched individual aspects of the environment to see how climate change and human impacts have affected the environment. Resulting in the gain of information highly relevant to survival in the future. Through a range of primary and secondary resources we have identified climate change, pollution, extinction of animals, natural resources and conservation for the future as key issues we are facing today. From our research and through our presentation we will inform and educate people on these issues. The Enlightenment Project has allowed to gain knowledge on environmental issues that need to be resolved for survival in the future. Presentation 9 3a/b How will the world’s growing population changed the way food and water needs are managed? Jenny Chen, Ellie Edstein, Sophia Maling, Anna de Sterke We decided to research future food and water sustainability because we feel that this issue is one that is often overlooked. Food and water are the two most important substances needed for survival, yet most people would not know the journeys and the complete economic and political implications of the foods they eat every day. We have found that although new technology can help us to overcome some sustainability problems, social change is also needed. We have conducted largely secondary research and have chosen to present out findings as an iMovie.

Presentation 10 3a/b Have laws relating the youth become more severe and how does this reflect their image? Emelyne Miller, Lucy Riechelmann, Jessica Pritchard, Esra Capa and Arianna Rizzi As a group, ‘Da Teenagers’, we decided that the allocated topic of ‘gender in the political world’ we were given did not appeal to our interests, so we changed our topic to ‘law relating the youth’. Once we had our focus topic, we divided it into five individual research subjects, which include the typical youth image, behaviour of the youth in the eyes of the media, new laws that refer to the youth, different political systems in other countries and the consequences of breaking enforced laws. By conducting primary and secondary research, we have gained knowledge and an insight of the political world, especially the introduction of laws that refer to us, teenagers. Presentation 11 3a/b What is the future for aid? Clare Cornish, Denise Ribeiro, Betty Sun, Sarah Vorasurayakarnt, Nadja Giles Presentation 12 3a/b What is the future of space exploration? Abharrna Dushyanthira, Ceren Cankurt, Elisha Ramos-­‐Conna, Kelly Xu, Kristen Yung Our learning team chose to research space exploration, as it was something we were all interested in. We created a scrapbook and a twenty-­‐minute movie that documents our findings about the future of space exploration. Our research encompasses the importance of water for life in space exploration; the possible end (and beginning) of our solar system; the possibility of colonization of Mars for human survival; improvements being made to space accommodation and the possibility of a space hotel; and if space exploration is really worth the money spent on it. End of Day 1

Friday November 12th, 2010 Presentation 13 1a/b What are the different factors that contribute towards an unsuccessful government? Shivani Dewan, Ruru Zhu, Michelle Van, Isabella Costa and Priyanka Sriram As a group, we have identified the main factors that contribute to an unsuccessful government as being -­‐ the state of the country (when the government comes into office), its foreign relations, corruption (or lack thereof) and its political system (e.g. a dictatorship or democratic government). Using examples from past and existing countries, we will demonstrate why how these factors can affect the government in a negative sense. We have also identified different factors of what we would consider to be an ideal government, or what needs to be done to further an effective political system as part of the future-­‐based aspect of the Enlightenment program. Presentation 14 1a/b How does the context effect how the author writes? Laurel Hooper, Jessica Duan, Tahlia Peterson Reading a range of science fiction to observe the manner in which the technological context of the mid-­‐twentieth century affected the authors views about the future of the human race. Reading a range of different works of literature from varying latitudinal origins in order to explore the timeless argument of nature vs nurture applied to literature. Reading a variety of texts to explore how political, cultural and political context affects the way the author writes in terms of character development, themes and motifs. Presentation 15 1a/b How has technology shaped Science and where is it heading in the future? Angela Chen, Teresa Tsui, Tracy Ge, Le Kim Nguyen, Casey Ng and Amrutha Patkunarajah Our group researched the different types of technology in Science. The six of us have specialised in the different fields. Tracy focused on Nanotechnology, Teresa and Le Kim researched Medical technology, Casey looked into laser technology, Angela researched on the advancements in technology including robots helping in Science and Amrutha looked into Hybrid technology. We have also looked at the future of these technologies and how they are helping scientific discoveries.

Presentation 16 1a/b How does the Australian Indigenous culture differ from other Indigenous cultures around the world? Amrita Saluja, Fotini Panselinos, Roxanne Tran & Keisha Ponnusamy The group has researched on the topics of living standards, education, indigenous identity and gender roles in Australia, Africa, Asia, North America, New Zealand, South America and Europe. We’ve also gathered information on the aid that the government supplies to the different Indigenous cultures. For our presentation we have constructed a PowerPoint to show the information that we have collected over the past two weeks on Indigenous cultures around the world as well as a speech about each topic from each group member. Presentation 17 1a/b Are the future generation the answer to eradicating poverty? Enrica Wong, Mary Nguyen, Amrita Chatterjee, Mary Gergis and Sharon Ong Our learning team explored the idea that eradicating poverty is up to us as we are the ‘future generation’. From our research, we investigated how young people perceived poverty and wealth, how do they respond to poverty, the importance of education in alleviating poverty as well as how celebrities can influence youth to take action. We have conducted interviews, surveys and looked at various secondary in order to answer our question. It was interesting to see different people’s opinions. The youth of today will be unable to eradicate poverty unless they change their attitudes as they have lack of concern and experience. Presentation 18 1a/b Arts and Entertainment 1 Alia Faymy, Catherine Penrose, Rebecca Tang Recess

Presentation 19 2a/b Gruenworld 1 Micayla Bui, Jennifer Lam, Lily Tran, Louisa Zhang Presentation 20 2a/b Has atheism gained prominence in the youth community of 21st century Australia? Alex Adoncello, Vanessa Chan, Priya Prasad, Shirley Shen, Joyce Shi Presentation 21 2a/b How does poverty and wealth influence our global society in terms of happiness, economy, lifestyle, health and opportunities? Stephanie Rago, Stephanie El Saftey, Kate Latimer, Lara Fernandes and Yvonne Lindsay Our question allowed us to branch out into separate research areas so that we each were able to become an expert in that specific field. Yvonne focused on health and how wealth and poverty influence the access to medical aid and the influx of HIV Aids. Lara concentrated on the economy and how poverty and wealth can influence a whole countries financial status. Steph Rago focused on happiness, and whether or not wealth and poverty influence your level of happiness. Steph E focused on opportunities available to people living in poverty and in wealth. Katie concentrated on the similarities and differences of the lifestyle of people in poverty and in wealth. Presentation 22 2a/b Spirituality Harriet Hodge, Catlin Hunter, Ashleigh Parr, Greta Saggus, Hannah Wright Presentation 23 2a/b Indigenous People Yeliz Avsar, Vanessa Cavallaro, Cynthia Farah, Cristina Romeo Opera House Concert Rehearsal Lunch

Presentation 24 3a/b Has the way our parents been raised affected the way we’ve grown up? Will it affect the way we raise our children? Pruyanka Dharmapalan, Leitu Havea, Tori Kittikhoun, Tae Nikua, Jasmin Rasiah Presentation 25 3a/b Youth Culture Kate Bittar, Nicole Cai, Natalie Christodoulides, Mikeala Cribb, Nicole Janes Presentation 26 3a/b How has the sexualisation of women shaped the roles of women in the art world, in mass media and the workplace, and how do attitudes to sexualisation compare across different cultures? Erin Au, Seentinie Hong, Linda Jia, Juliana Yu During enlightenment, our group has researched the effects of female sexualisation through exploring mass media in the form of television and popular art, as well as garnering the opinions of well-­‐informed women from different age groups. Presentation 27 3a/b How do the arts reflect on society Ellen Atkinson, Elizabeth Gamboa, Danielle Hassarati, Bianca Musico, Dominique Viney In the world Art has reflected the surroundings. In the modern world we see this -­‐ it being reflected again, modernism approaches towards the way art is performed, created and seen. In the future, it will change again to reflect what that world will be like, just like in the past it did. Presentation 28 3a/b What is the “Real World Game”? Isabelle Gray, Serena Lui, Nilani Mills, Sylvie Virachit Closing End of Conference

Year 10 2010

Alexandra Ellen Erin Yeliz Kate Micayla Jessica

Adoncello Atkinson Au Avsar Bittar Bui Bui

Nicole Ceren Esra Ebony Vanessa Vanessa Victoria Amrita Natasha Natasha Angela Vicky Jenny Natalie Meta Tess

Cai Cankurt Capa Catalano Cavallaro Chan Chappel Chatterjee Chau Chawla Chen Chen Chen Christodoulides Cohen Constantinidis

Clare Isabella Haley Mikaela Anna Shivani Priyanka Leilani Taeisha Jessica Abharrna Ellie Stephanie

Cornish Costa Crawford Cribb de Sterke Dewan Dharmapalan Doorbinnia Dou Duan Dushyanthira Edstein El Safty

Emelyne Nilani Bianca

Miller Mills Musico

Cassey Cecilia Mary Vivian Le Kim Tae Sharon Kimberly Stephanie Fotini Sharon

Ng Ngu Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nikua Ong Ong Ooi Panselinos Park

Sarah Ashleigh Amrutha Catherine

Park Parr Patkunarajah Penrose

Tahlia Keisha Priya Jessica Maison Maree Stephanie

Peterson Ponnusamy Prasad Pritchard Punyalack Raad Rago

Elisha Jasmin Denise Lucy Arianna Cristina Greta Amrita Brittany Shirley Joyce

RamosConna Rasiah Ribeiro Riechelmann Rizzi Romeo Saggus Saluja Sheahan Shen Shi

Alia Cynthia Cindy Lara

Fahmy Farah Feng Fernandes

Elizabeth Tracy Mary Marina Nadja Dominique Isabelle Bronwen Danielle Leitu Harriet Seentinie Laurel Caitlin Nicole Linda Shelley Julie Tori Ellen Jane Jennifer Salina Kate Yvonne Angela Serena Rachel Sophia Nicolette

Gamboa Ge Gergis Ghabriel Giles Glass Gray Greenfield Hassarati Havea Hodge Hong Hooper Hunter Janes Jia Jiang Kim Kittikhoun Kokkolis Kusnan Lam Lam Latimer Lindsay Liu Lui Luu Maling Marangos

Paloma Caragh Priyanka Kate Betty Rebecca Maddy Elizabeth Katelyn Lily Roxanne Jennifer Teresa Kalisi Michelle Dominique Sylvie Sarah

Soulos Spencer Sriram Sullivan Sun Tang Taylor-­‐Menzies Tiems Torres Tran Tran Tsiknas Tsui Tuifua Van Viney Virachit Vorasurayakarnt

Miki Annie Prudence Enrica Monica Nina Hannah Shirley Kelly Fiona Ellie Juliana Kristen Louisa Ruru

Wan Wang Wignall Wong Woo Wood Wright Xiao Xu Yau Yee Yu Yung Zhang Zhu

Enlightenment Advisors 2010


A. McGoldrick

















A. Wood





B. Finch























K. Lahye





V. Zinopoulos





C. Bruce





De Domeneghi





M . M






. E. Smeets










M . L.


















G. McArdle





C. Hayles




Ms s



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