t a ma ra edition collection
t a ma ra Creata negli anni Duemila Tamara è un progetto sull’assoluto femminile, sul lato sexy e ancora incredibilmente contemporaneo della donna. La fisicità è aperta, splendente, rilassata, accogliente. Lo sguardo è ironico, vivo, leggero, felice. Tamara ha un nome e un’attitudine che ricordano luoghi lontani di sogno e sensazioni assolutamente fisiche di piacere puro. Il suo appeal di oggi è verso chi cerca un’ eleganza glamour che corrisponda ad un dinamismo visivo pieno di sensualità. -Created in the 2000s, Tamara is a project focused on absolute femininity, on the sexy and unbelievably contemporary nature of women. Its physicality is open, sparkling, relaxed, welcoming. Its face is ironic, lively, light and happy. Tamara’ name and attitude are reminiscent Tamara’s of far-away dream places and an absolutely physical feeling of pure pleasure. Its current appeal caters for those who look for glamorous elegance coupled with visual dynamism full of sensuality.
L’immenso e unico archivio La Rosa che data dal 1922 rivive in una chiave nuova e contemporanea. Le edizioni storiche dei manichini più rappresentativi vengono riproposte attraverso un’attenta selezione in linea con le richieste del mercato e diventano terreno di sperimentazione per nuovi finishing, colori e styling. La Rosa’s huge and unique archive, dating back to 1922, has been revived with a new and contemporary view. The historical editions of the most representative mannequins are exhibited through a careful selection in line with today’s market requirements using experimentation in new finishes, colours and styling.
LRTT10 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm Fianchi/Hips 91 cm Altezza/Height 170 cm Altezza seduta/sitting 81 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Testa/Head Queen Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
81 cm
LRTT04 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 178 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
LRTT01 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm Fianchi/Hips 91 cm Altezza/Height 178 cm Distanza piedi/Width feet 72 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Testa/Head Queen Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
72 cm
LRTT05 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 178 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
LRTT02 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm Fianchi/Hips 91 cm Altezza/Height 178 cm Distanza piedi/Width feet 72 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Testa/Head Queen Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
72 cm
LRTT08 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm Fianchi/Hips 91 cm Altezza/Height 72 cm Distanza gomiti/ Width elbows 35 cm Lunghezza/ width 156 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Testa/Head Queen Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
35 cm
156 cm
12 12
LRHT 2249
LRTT06 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 178 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
60 cm
14 14
LRHT 2249
LRTT12 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 178 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
198 cm
LRTT07 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm 91 cm Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height 178 cm Distanza piedi/Width feet 72 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Queen Testa/Head Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
72 cm
16 16
LRHT 2249
LRTT03 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders 40 cm Seno/Breast 87 cm Vita/Waist 64 cm Fianchi/Hips 91 cm Altezza/Height 178 cm Distanza piedi/Width feet 72 cm Scarpe/Shoes 38 EU - 4.5 GB Tacco/Heel 10 cm Testa/Head Queen Colore/Colour Snow pearl glossy
185 cm
72 cm
LRTT11 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 170 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
107 cm
18 18
LRHT 2249
LRTT13 misure/measures Spalle/Shoulders Seno/Breast Vita/Waist Fianchi/Hips Altezza/Height Scarpe/Shoes Tacco/Heel Testa/Head Colore/Colour
40 cm 87 cm 64 cm 91 cm 178 cm 38 EU - 4.5 GB 10 cm Queen Snow pearl glossy
220 cm
Testa/ head
edition collection
t a ma ra
art direction Andrea Batilla e Sabrina Ciofi/Annus Mirabilis graphic design Alessandro Gori.Laboratorium photo Carolina Amoretti styling Giovanni Dionisi coordination and set design Elisa Cambioli thanks to Fausto Puglisi www.faustopuglisi.com
heads all heads are interchangeable
natural / moulded / stilyzed
wig styles and colours any natural mannequin can have the make-up wig combination of your choice
body colours all our products are available in all coulors and with a matt high-glossy or velvet finish
Calf fitting and square glass base (standard)
Foot fitting and Boot fitting (optional)
bases are available in glass metal polished or satin either square or rectangular calf fitting and square glass base (standard) foot fitting and boot fitting (optional)
other available categories male children torsos bustos accessories
t a ma ra edition collection
s.p.a. via coti zelati 90 20030 palazzolo milanese (mi) italy p +39 02 990 44 222 www.larosaitaly.com info@larosaitaly.com
made in italy