Second Chance Magazine

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A Second Chance for Success:

The New Approach for Employment

How to Avoid Relapse

Celebrity Criminal Justice Influencers



When It Hurts



Forging The Way


Steps To Personal Prosperity

God Does

Still Love Me?

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Keys To Developing Your Inner Skills


Ways To Rebuild Your Confidence And Get Your Life Back



ver the years life has brought me a ton of challenges. Along the way I’ve had the opportunity to encourage a bunch of great men and women. A few years ago while sitting in a probation and parole office I noticed an unusual quiet in the room. Many of the probationers sat in silence and in fear as they awaited their turn to see their officer. I sat and observed and an image came to mind that looked as if they were like “sheep headed to the slaughter”. Men and Women who looked as if they had no hope, help, or voice. I started Second Chance Magazine™ with one goal in mind, to give someone a Second Chance at life. Second Chance Magazine™, is a publication focused on providing its readers, who range from felons to their loved ones, valuable resources for reentry and recovery. It has an eye opening mission to bring the topic of Criminal Justice Reform, its challenges and successes, into to the nation’s spotlight. Along with this, Second Chance Magazine™ is a source of help for those who have had their lives and their family’s lives turned upside

down by felonies and bad choices. In it, readers will find up to date reentry services, programs, and the tools needed for personal and career development. It also features inspirational articles that serve as daily sources of inspiration for everyday living and growth. With these attributes, Second Chance Magazine™ hopes to expand its reach by partnering with some of the nation’s top second chance programs and influencers of criminal justice reform and reentry. In conjunction with these programs and influencers, the magazine will be able to host job readiness, business, and career development workshops for formerly incarcerated individuals and their loved ones. Second Chance Magazine™, The Voice of New Beginnings.

Larry M. Anderson Founder and Publisher

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Second Chance Magazine P.O.Box 16811 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37416

Writers For Justice Team: Akyra Allen Larry M. Anderson Tracy Barkley Samuel L. Fair Victoria Grace Dr. Cleveland McLeish D.Min. Mercy Pilkington Amy Sylvestre Justin Steward Dr. Anne Wade Ed.D. Ph.D.

Marketing and Sales: Kayla M. Scott- Media/Marketing Manager Alok Rana- International Sales/ Distribution P.O.W.E.R Academy Publishing Creative Design Nika M. Anderson- Juvenile Justice Liaison

Contact: 615-212-9439

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Table of Contents

Celebrity Criminal Justice Influencers 06 Reentry Recovery »» A Second Chance for Success: The New Approach for Employment 10 »» Finding Resources for Reentry 11 »» Creating Successful Reentry Programs 12 »» How to Avoid Relapse 14 »» How to Pick Yourself up after Relapse 16 »» Overcoming Insecurity 17 »» Overcoming Substance Abuse 18 »» Preparing For Their Return: What You Need to Know About Reentry 19 »» The Bias that Bonds 20

Faith »» 3 Ways Christians can live a Life of Excellence 22 »» Overcoming Fear with Faith 24 »» Why you need to Surrender yo ur Family to God 26 »» Trusting God When It Hurts 28 »» Why You Should Stop Complaining and Start Believing 30

Family »» Fun Facts about Witness Protection 31 »» 5 Ways to De-stress as a Family 32 »» 4 Keys to Fearless Parenting 33 »» God’s Purpose for Family 35 »» How to Fight for your Family 36 »» Fun Facts about Blue Whales 38

resource guide 39

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Forging The Way

Celebrity Criminal Justice Influencers Writers of Justice • By: Akyra Allen

2.) Kory Wise

1) Yusef Salaam Yusef Salaam was one of the men that was wrongfully convicted in the Central Park Five case, in which a 28 year old woman was brutally raped on the night of April 19,1989. Salaam, along with four other teens were wrongfully convicted as juveniles and sentenced to a maximum of 10 years. In 2002, after they each spent between seven and thirteen years behind bars, they were released after a confession from serial rapist confessed to the crime. Since his release, Salaam became a father and activist, focusing his work on mass incarceration, false confessions, and the disparities in the American criminal justice system. Citation: Yusef Salaam Signs With CAA (EXCLUSIVE). (n.d.). Retrieved from https:// biz/news/yusef-salaam-caa-when-they-seeus-1203253954/amp/

Kory Wise was the oldest that was affected by the Central Park five case. Wise was just sixteen years old when he was arrested and convicted in connection to the rape allegations between Wise and four other teenagers that prosecutors alleged were the perpetrators of the rape. Wise was the only one that was tried as an adult, and was convicted of assault, sexual abuse and riot. He spent over eleven years in prison before he was released. Following the confession of serial rapist Matias Reyes, all men were exonerated of the charges and Wise received $12.25 million in a settlement. Wise is now an award winning activist and has worked extensively with The Innocence Project. Citation: Korey Wise Today: Where Is the Central Park Five Member Now? (n.d.). Retrieved from

3.) Kim Kardashian West Kim Kardashian’s West is no stranger to the spotlight. With her influence as a socialite and businesswoman, she has decided to use her connections in the efforts of criminal justice reform. Kardashian-West and lawyers Brittany Barnett and MiAngel Cody frees seventeen people from prison who have served extensive time for low-level crimes, including first time drug offenses. She has also funded the 90 days of Freedom Campaign, which will help free others from low level crimes and give them a chance to reclaim their lives. Citation: Opinion | Kim Kardashian’s ‘Prison Reform’ Work Reveals Downsides of Celebrity Activism.” Google, Google, ncna1004571

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Forging The Way 4.) Meek Mill Rapper Meek Mill became a notable figure in criminal justice reform. After being sentenced two to four years in prison for minor violations of his probation resulting from a decades long gun and drug case, he spent months in prison before his release. After being released, Mill joined other influencers, including Jay- Z to launch the Reform Alliance. Mill states, “give young kids a fair shot in the system.” Citation: Rapper Meek Mill honored for criminal justice reform work. (n.d.). Retrieved from

6.) Matt McGorry An actor on Orange is the New Black, McGorry’s involvement with the show opened his perspective on criminal justice and the efforts to reform the criminal justice system. After reading Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow and Shaka Sengor’s memoir Writing My Wrongs, McGorry made the decision to take decisive action towards addressing the many issues that plague the criminal justice system. McGorry calls for congress to take the necessary action needed in order for those that are affected by the system to reclaim the lives that they have lost. Citation: Orange is the New Black taught me about criminal justice reform. Congress must act | Matt McGorry. (n.d.). Retrieved from https:// may/02/orange-new-black-taught-me-criminal-justice-reform-congressmust-act

5.) JAY-Z When it comes to social justice issues, JAY-Z never shied away from it. Working on projects such as The Trayvon Martin documentary, Rest in Power, Jay-Z has also partnered with Meek Mill to launch the Reform Alliance. The Reform Alliance aims to “drastically reduce the number of people who are under control of the criminal justice system while keeping communities safe by changing laws and public opinion.” Citation: JAY-Z and Meek Mill launch criminal justice reform organization . (n.d.). Retrieved from amp/s/

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Forging The Way 8.) Ava Duvernay American filmmaker Ava Duvernay is notorious for using her platform to address criminal justice issues. Recently creating attention for the Central Park Five case, she uses her filmmaking talent to bring awareness to the cracks that exists in the criminal justice system. With her compelling methods of storytelling, Duvernay hopes that this would create the necessary conversations needed in order to bring the change needed. Citation: Ava DuVernay on Her Initial Reluctance to Stories Like ‘When They See Us’: “I Didn’t Want to Be Social Justice Girl”. (n.d.). Retrieved from amp/s/ news/ava-duvernay-they-see-us-being-socialjustice-girl-1217261

9.) Beyoncé

7.) Dascha Polanco Dascha Polanco is steadily creating momentum, bringing awareness to mass incarceration and women of color. Polanco has been involved with Hour Children, an organization based in Queens, New York, which caters to incarcerated and former convict women and their children to rebuild their lives. Citation: Dascha Polanco’s Fight For Incarcerated Women Of Color. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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After the killings of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile, Beyoncé written a letter addressing police brutality. “It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they stop killing us.We’re going to stand up as a community and fight against anyone who believes that murder or any violent action by those who are sworn in to protect us should consistently go unpunished,” her statement read. “These robberies of lives make us feel helpless and hopeless but we have to believe that we are fighting for the rights of the next generation, for the next young men and women who believe in good.” Citation: 10 stars who have advocated for prison reform. (n.d.). Retrieved from kim-kardashian-west-stars-advocated-prisonreform-55726911

Forging The Way 10.) Anquan Boldin Retired wide receiver Anquan Boldin’s involvement with criminal justice reform is personal. In 2015, Boldin’s cousin Cory Jones was shot and killed by a plainclothes officer. After Boldin recurved he news of his cousin’s killings, he, along with other NFL players founded many organizations, including the Player’s Coalition, during Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protests. “If we want this marriage to work, I’ve got to be willing to listen, I’ve got to be willing to open myself up to things I had no idea about,” he said. “And it’s the same way in our criminal justice system. We are married whether we want to be or not. We have to deal with each other whether we want to or not. But if we are going to be closed-minded about it and see things from only one side, then this marriage will never work.” Citation: Walsh, C., & Walsh, C. (2018, March 30). NFL players talk criminal justice reform at Harvard. Retrieved from story/2018/03/nfl-players-talk-criminal-justice-reform-at-harvard/

12.) Alicia Keys

11.) Malcolm Jenkins With a recent string of police shootings of unarmed black men, this prompted Philadelphia Eagle’s safety Malcolm Jenkins to use his influence to address this issue. He met with grassroots organizers and police to “elevate the voices that often aren’t heard.” He also partnered with Anquan Boldin in various initiatives addressing police brutality among people of color. Citation: Walsh, C., & Walsh, C. (2018, March 30). NFL players talk criminal justice reform at Harvard. Retrieved from story/2018/03/nfl-players-talk-criminal-justice-reform-at-harvard/

Alicia Keys came before Congress, after spending hours with families that have been incarcerated. “We need to take that momentum and utilize it,” she said. “We’re losing lives, stopping lives.” Keys spoke Congress as a mother, focusing her initiative on the children that have been affected by incarceration and urging lawmakers to give them the support that is desperately needed. Keys launched the We Are Here movement, an initiative to push social justice issues in a national and international scale, including racial inequity in the United States. Citation: Alicia Keys laments ‘heartless’ justice system in reform pitch to Congress. (n.d.). Retrieved from justice_system_in_reform_pitch_to_congress

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Reentry and Recovery

A Second Chance for Success: The New Approach for Employment By: Akyra Allen


n June 13th, Kim Kardashian West visited the White House to speak about an initiative being set assisting former inmates secure employment. The White House announced plans to engage agencies, non-profits, and the private sector to give former inmates a “second chance at success.” Kardashian West announced a ride-share program that would assist individuals with their preparation of their upcoming job interviews. “We have a ride-share program where formerly incarcerated people will be gifted gift cards so they can get rides to and from job interviews, to and from jobs, family members, and that is so important, so needed,” Kardashian West stated. The Bureau of prisons will be working towards connecting employers directly with former prisoners. The Labor Department is setting aside $2 million to assist companies that are hiring workers with criminal backgrounds. The Education Department is expanding a Pell Grant pilot program and the Energy Department is launching a program, educating individuals about jobs within the energy sector. With the discussion of these initiatives being created, this would give hope to those that would work towards their success, despite the past mistakes that they have made.

Citation: Vazquez, M., & Diamond, J. (2019, June 13). Kim Kardashian West speaks at White House event on hiring ex-prisoners. Retrieved from

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Reentry and Recovery Finding Resources for Reentry

A The fastest and easiest way to get the answers that you seek is by surfing the internet.

fter spending some part of your adult life in a correctional facility, reintegrating into society might be a little more difficult than you think. The transition from incarceration to everyday life out of prison is a difficult period for ex-prisoners. Needs ranging from employment, to housing, to social assistance usually proves impossible to get. However, there are programs, resources and organization whose mission it is to make this process as seamless as possible. For ex-offenders looking to fit back into the world they left behind, here are some tips on accessing reentry resources. • Search the internet: Like everything else in the world, all the information you need about reentry is probably already somewhere on the internet. As someone who is just leaving the prison system, it is normal to have questions. The fastest and easiest way to get the answers that you seek is by surfing the internet. There are several online libraries and directories that will provide you with journals and articles on reentry. Some of them include The Coming Home Directory, Court

Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), National Reentry Resource Center and several State Department of Justice websites. You can also connect with fellow ex-prisoners online if you need extra support on reintegrating into the society. Bottom line: there is no need to wing it, the internet already has a lot of information that you could use. • Reach out to reentry programs and organizations: Currently, there are several reentry programs and community initiatives. It is important that you do not shy away from them. If your local community runs reentry programs, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself. The last thing you want to be during this period is alone. The United States Department of Justice has designed reentry programs and reentry courts to help ex-prisoners successfully return to society; take advantage of this provision. There are also private initiatives that are committed to providing assistance to ex-offenders. Just do a little research and reach out to them. • Speak to Local law enforcement: More often than not, reentry programs will work closely with law enforcement (especially in instances of community supervision). If you have question about offender registration, reentry resources, assistance programs, your local law enforcement officials could provide you with more information on that. Remember that reentry is hard on everyone, do not be afraid to ask for help.

References 1. The Natural Reentry Resource Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from 1. The Coming Home Directory (n.d.). Retrieved from 1. County of Santa Clara Resource Center. (n.d.) Retrieved from

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Reentry and Recovery

Creating Successful

Reentry Programs


ooking from outside in, it may seem like being released from prison is the ultimate. However, for ex-prisoners, release is only the beginning of a long list of other problems. Those first few weeks are very important if they are going to reintegrate into society and achieve sustainable success after incarceration. Not only are they saddled with the overwhelming responsibility if finding housing and employment with almost no resources, their time in prison may have distorted their view of what it means to survive as a free person. While there are a few outliers who may have built successful lives after prison, the truth is at least seventy-five percent of ex-prisoners find themselves back in the system within the first year of their release. In order to reduce this alarming number, it is important to bridge the gap between recently released prisoners and a successful life after prison. That’s where reentry programs come in. Currently, there are hundreds of reentry programs

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Reentry and Recovery Reentry programs will have to invest in robust data collection and tracking frameworks. offering resources to ex-prisoners. The problem however is that successful reentry goes beyond offering resources. Successful reentry would have to also include motivation and reorientation of previously incarcerated persons. In this post, we will be discussing some of the attributes that those aiming to create successful programs need to focus on. • Begin early enough: The mistake that most reentry programs make is that they wait until prisoners have been released before they initiate reentry. The most successful programs start way before then. Pre-release programs lay the foundation for whatever work will be done after. If the foundation is rocky, then there is not much to build on afterwards. Facilitating reentry is usually more about changing ex-prisoners approach to mental and physical health issues, job hunting, rejoining society as well as crime. All of these programs need to begin long before the prisoner is released. • Focus less on punitive measures: If there’s anything the recidivism rates

have taught us, it’s that punishment is not the great reformer we think it is. Reentry programs are supposed to motivate and provide support. Therefore, it is important hat programs are designed around that philosophy. • Design individual strategies: No two people are the same. Insisting on a “onesize fits all” approach will definitely not yield the success that we want to see in ex-prisoners. This means that reentry programs need to focus on designing strategies that address individual needs of the ex-prisoners. That way, they are not just treated like a statistic; they get to feel like they really do matter. Because of the large number of persons that are released from persons annually, applying this approach might be a little daunting. Reentry programs will have to invest in robust data collection and tracking frameworks. Whatever aspect of reentry a program focuses on (h­ousing, employment, social assistance etc.), applying the measures discussing in this post will yield far better results than previously recorded.

References 1. Drake, E.B., LaFrance, S. (2007). Findings on Best Practices of Community Re-Entry Programs for Previously Incarcerated Persons, Milton Eisenhower Foundation.

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Reentry and Recovery

How to Avoid Relapse

F Fear and negativity is a constant in the thoughts of many addicts.

or most addicts, overcoming their drug addiction is an ongoing struggle. Even after they complete their treatment programs and follow all the rules, it is not uncommon for them to relapse. According to research, between about sixty percent of addicts will relapse within the first six months of receiving treatment. Does this then mean that addicts should simply accept relapse as part of the process and not avoid it? While the greater number of addicts have relapsed at some point or the other, some haven’t. They quit drugs and they quit for good. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but remember this old saying: “Reach for the moon. Even if you

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miss, you’ll land among the stars.” That is what this post is about – reaching for the moon on your journey to recovery. Stages of Relapse The first step to avoiding relapse is realizing that it is a process. Choosing to try drugs one more time is not a decision that just happens. There is usually a journey of internal conflict before actual drug abuse comes into play. Once you realize what stage of relapse you’re in, then you can work towards ensuring that the cycle never completes itself. • Emotional Relapse: At this point, you may not exactly be thinking about using again, but you’re going through a series of emotions that can trigger drug use. You are experiencing anxiety, anger, denial and maybe even depression. At this stage, addicts start to miss meetings and bail on their sponsors; they start to bottle up their emotions and attempt to fix it all on their own. If you’re self-aware enough, you

Reentry and Recovery can tell when you’re in this stage of relapse and you can seek professional help. • Mental Relapse: This is when the internal battles begin. You want to use again but you also do not want to slip into drug addiction again. The longer you spend in this stage, the less appealing sobriety becomes to you. If you notice that you’re descending into this zone, talk to someone immediately. • Physical relapse: Finally, the battle of emotions is over and the person starts using again. At this point, we’ll no longer be talking prevention. When people think of relapse, they think it only involves saying no when they are about to use. They fail to realize that that was just the final stage in the process. This lack of understanding is the main reason people relapse. Because if you notice the first and second stages early enough and seek help, you can prevent the last stage from happening. Avoiding Relapse • Be Positive: Fear and negativity is a constant in the thoughts of many addicts. The fear of failure, the fear of disappointing your loved ones, the fear of not being able to live without drugs. However, rejecting the negative feelings is important for recovery. Try to avoid being alone, keep the company of people who are concerned about your recovery. Most importantly, stay in touch with your sponsor at all times. • Avoid being around drugs: No matter how strong you think your will is, if you continue to hang around places where drugs are in full display, it’s only a matter of time. Redefine what fun means to you and try to find new ways to let off steam. Remember, your symptoms are normal. Prolonged drug use has an effect on the brain and it will take a while for your emotions to become stable again. As long as you stay in therapy and remain accountable, you’ll soon find yourself immersed in a life worth staying sober for.

No matter how strong you think your will is, if you continue to hang around places where drugs are in full display, it’s only a matter of time.

References 1. Ramo, D., Brown, S. (2008). Classes of substance abuse relapse situations: A comparison of adolescents and adults. US National Library of Medicine. 2. Melemis, S. (2015). Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery. US National Library of Medicine

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Reentry and Recovery

R How to Pick Yourself up after


ecovering from drug addiction is a lifelong process; it never really ends. The road to sobriety is more likely to be bumpy than smooth. That’s why drug relapses are never shocking when they occur. It is possible to go years without drugs, all it takes is one moment of weakness and you’re back on your old habits. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a least forty percent of people recovering from drug addiction will relapse at least once. In fact, most recovering addicts will relapse more than once in their lifetime. For some addicts, it may be because they didn’t remove themselves from trigger situations, for some others, it may just be that they didn’t have the right support system. Whatever the case may be, drug relapses are expected. What matters is where you go from there. As a drug addict who has fallen in a moment of weakness, you may be wondering, “so where do I go from here”. In this post, we will be discussing two practical steps you can take to get your life back on track after a drug relapse. • Forgive Yourself: The greatest hindrance to getting back on track after a relapse is guilt. Instead of viewing your relapse as a personal failure, view it as

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a bump in the road. Refuse to wallow in guilt and a feeling of failure. Instead, take the opportunity to double your efforts to stay sober. Use that remorse as a fuel to propel you towards maintaining a life of sobriety. • Get Help: A relapse is an indicator that maybe you need more help than you’re currently letting yourself receive. Overcoming drug addiction is hard; it’s totally okay if you cannot do it on your own. If you have just gone through a relapse, talk to someone. You need to let your loved ones and the professionals know what you’re going through. Speak to a recovery coach, your accountability partner or even your sponsor. If you also need to check yourself into a rehab facility, you do that. Just make sure you are not fighting an uphill battle trying to do it all on your own. Overcoming substance abuse is a process that you will continue to go through for as long as you live. It is important to commit to change. When a drug relapse occurs, that is the time to reevaluate. It is important to use the experience to identify trigger factors and work on eliminating them. Remember, a relapse is not the end of the road. Pick yourself up, tighten your shoelaces and hit the tracks again.

Reentry and Recovery

Overcoming Insecurity By: Victoria Grace


nsecurity. It’s that uncomfortable feeling that comes when one lacks self-confidence. It often brings with it anxiety and fear and it excels at wreaking havoc on any attempt at peace. Battles with insecurity plague many in this world and that is especially true among the prison population. For a prisoner, the reality of their crime stares them in the face every day. From the environment in which all sense of control is stripped, to the self-help groups that focus on rehabilitation and change, the very essence of prison life is designed to keep the reality and consequences of the crime in the forefront of the mind of those serving time. While this constant reminder of the crime is beneficial in changing criminal behavior, it simultaneously creates a level of insecurity that can be damaging. In Jeremiah 1:5, God tells Jeremiah that before he was ever formed in his mother’s womb, God knew him. Before he was born, God sanctified him and ordained him. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, Galatians 2:6), so that verse can be applied to everyone. That is wonderful news! That is a Word from God that has the power to crush the stronghold of insecurity. Before you were born, God knew you. He loved you then and still loves you today regardless of the sins in your life. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are a new

creation. Old things have passed away, behold all things are new (2 Corinthians 5:17)! God knew you, created you, and ordained you to serve Him. As individuals with free will living in a world where sin is abundant, it is easy to get caught up in bad situations. Yet there is an assurance, a promise from God, that when we accept His Son into our hearts, His blood covers us and our sins are remembered no more. You are brought instantaneously back to the place where He designed you to be. Having been washed by the blood of Jesus, you can hold your head up high because you belong to the King of Kings. He has sanctified you and ordained you. Insecurity has no right to invade a child of God. He is the great I AM. He loves you unconditionally and His power is greater than anything that comes against you.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future.”

Meditate on Scripture and learn to walk in its promises. When you question if you will measure up, or when you fret over what others think of you, push those thoughts aside and replace them with Scripture such a Jeremiah 29:11 which says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future.” As you meditate on the Word, insecurity doesn’t stand a chance. God’s love is all powerful. Walk in it.

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Reentry and Recovery


Overcoming Substance Abuse

hen it comes to drug addiction, different people have different ideas on how to kick the habit. What most people fail to understand is that drug addiction is more than a habit – you can’t just quit cold turkey. If it were that easy, many people would simply get it done. However, substance abuse alters the way the brain functions. It creates powerful cravings that make it seem like quitting is impossible. In fact, some people do not even admit that they have a substance abuse problem. So how can you fix a problem you don’t even think you have? Most drug addicts still define their addiction as occasional drug use. It then becomes difficult for them to draw the line between occasional drug use and a full-blown addiction. It is therefore necessary for everyone, both drug users and non-users alike, to educate themselves well enough to notice the warning signs. Once you know

what to look out for, you can easily tell when you or a loved one is slipping into substance abuse. First Steps to Overcoming Substance Abuse In order to fight the problem that is drug abuse, it is important to get all the information you can. The process is most definitely not going to be an easy one; but it can be done. If you’re battling a substance abuse problem, or you know someone who is, here are few tips to guide you through the process. • Admit that there is a problem: For sobriety to be attainable, drug addicts need to be honest with themselves. The first step to overcoming drug addiction is recognizing that there is a problem and admitting that you need to get help. Honestly, this might be a hard conclusion to come to and that’s okay. It’s okay to feel unready, it’s okay to feel conflicted. The road to sobriety is a long one,

but by accepting the problem and seeking help, overcoming substance is possible. • Seek professional help: While there are people who pride themselves in being able to quit on their own, it is usually advisable to attempt recovery with the help of a professional. Quitting will usually come with purging yourself of the substance and ultimately going through withdrawal. Sometimes, withdrawal might take a mental and physical toll on the drug addict, especially with more powerful drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. In that case, it is important to have a professional around. If it impossible to access a professional, there are thousands of reliable resources available online. • Identify and get rid of triggers: Most drug users admit that there are certain things or situations that drive them to drugs. As someone trying to overcome addiction, it is important to find out what those triggers are and avoid them as much as you can. The most important thing on the road is recovery is a healthy support system. Inform close family, join an addicts’ support group, or visit a therapist. Whatever you think you need to keep you on track, do it.

References 1. Crane, M. (2019, June 18). How to Tell if Someone Is on Drugs: Opiates, Marijuana, and More. Retrieved from 2. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2017, October 26). Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder). Retrieved from

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Reentry and Recovery

Preparing For Their Return:

What You Need to Know About Reentry


s often as prisoners are released from incarceration, the conversation of reentry is still not being had enough. Even though we know that reentry is hard enough on the offenders we never really talk about what it must be like for their loved ones. When you have a loved one coming from prison, it is very normal to feel overwhelmed. However, taking the step to prepare you and your family for their return is not only beneficial to them, but to you as well. If you’re going to be in these shoes in the near future, here are some steps you could take to prepare for their return. • Understand the conditions of their return: Most times, when prisoners are released, they are released either on parole or on probation. Understanding the conditions of their return will help you prepare better to provide them the support that they

need. Depending on the nature of their crime, their probation/ parole may include offender registration, random drug/ alcohol tests, therapy, curfew and several other possibilities. It is in their best interest that you try to get them to comply. They are more likely to listen to you that they trust. If you can, develop a relationship with their supervision officer so that you have all the information about their release conditions that you need. (1) • Find reentry programs and potential support groups: As a family, you will have to adjust to your loved one coming home from prison. You will also have to come to terms with the fact that there will be behavioral changes from their time in prison. In fact, their time in prison may have uncovered mental health challenges that may have gone unnoticed before their incarceration. In a 2014 study, it

was confirmed that about twenty-six percent of inmates would be diagnosed with mental illness at some point in their lives (2). Also, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will find it hard to find employment, housing or even social assistance. Reentry programs and support groups will help them in a way that you might not be able to. • Be Patient: You have to understand that society is not just waiting for your loved ones with open arms. In fact, it is more likely to spit them back into the system. Having the support of a patient loved one while they get their lives back on track, is something that every ex-prisoner needs. The early stages may be clouded by the excitement of having your loved one back. Eventually, that excitement will fade off. You will then have to work out a plan for your relationship, discuss physical and emotional boundaries and be patient while they come up to speed. The most important advice that anyone could give you is to plan. Don’t feel like you know them well enough for your relationship to pick up right where it stopped. It almost never works like that. Develop a plan for the days when it gets hard, for the times when the job hunt might get too hard. If you feel like you need to talk to a professional at any point, do not hesitate.

References Probation and Parole Requirements. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gonzalez, J.M., Connell, N.M. (2014). Mental Health of Prisoners: Identifying Barriers to Mental Health Treatment and Medication Continuity. US National Library of Medicine

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Reentry and Recovery


I The bonding process is initiated during pre-release phase to allow for the greatest opportunity to secure gainful employment, and increase the likelihood of successful reintegration.

n considering issues surrounding justice-involved citizens and the barriers to employment they experience, we can pinpoint three (3) levels on which these impediments exist: • Micro - individual (e.g., returning citizen) • Meso - family/community (e.g., social circle, networks) • Macro - government policies (e.g., programs, laws) For those amongst us with a criminal record, employer bias presents a primary barrier to employment, and in turn, to successful reintegration back into society.

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This barrier extends into greater and more concerning implications for racial disparities: »» The barriers these men face in reaching economic self-sufficiency are compounded by the stigma of minority status and criminal record. [Pager, D. (2003). The Mark of a Criminal Record. American Journal of Sociology, Volume (108) Number (5), pp. 939] »» Blacks are less than half as likely to receive consideration by employers, relative to their white counterparts and black nonoffenders fall behind even whites with prior felony convictions. The powerful effects of race thus continue to direct employment decisions in ways that contribute to persisting racial inequality. [Pager, D. (2003). The Mark of a Criminal Record. American Journal

Reentry and Recovery of Sociology, Volume (108) Number (5), pp. 960] One of the strategies employed by the federal government and some states to improve employment outcomes, is the affording of the opportunity for returning citizens to be bonded. Since the mark of a criminal record indicates that such individuals will be high/at-risk employees, many insurance companies will not provide coverage to an employer seeking to hire justice-involved individuals. Delving deeper into the insurance issue, for example, an employer may have an openmind toward providing second chances, but their efforts may be hampered by the specific industry sector and the insurance coverage constraints. Considering this dilemma, the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL)

created the Federal Bonding Program (FBP), through which they provide fidelity bonds for the first six months to employers for hiring high/at-risk job applicants. On their face, these bonds serve as a job placement tool and protect the employer against losses incurred by the dishonest actions of a bonded employee; hence, relieving an employer’s insurance provider of the liability and eliminating them from the hiring equation. In combination with the protections afforded by the bonding program, the added incentive of a Federal tax credit is available for second-chance friendly employers through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). The WOTC is a policy initiative administered by the USDOL and U.S. Department of Treasury, through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

As per the listing of targeted groups employers can receive a tax credit for hiring, returning citizens are identified and qualify as follows according to the IRS: »» A “qualified ex-felon” is a person hired within a year of: »» Being convicted of a felony or »» Being released from prison from the felony [ businesses/small-businessesself-employed/workopportunity-tax-credit] In most states, the bonding process is initiated during prerelease phase to allow for the greatest opportunity to secure gainful employment, and increase the likelihood of successful reintegration.

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Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. Daniel 6:3 (NIV)

3 Ways Christians can live a Life of Excellence Know what is better than average? Excellence. Excellence is an essential virtue that all of us need to have. We are to do things as unto to the Lord, and that means doing things excellently. But the truth is most of us do things just for the sake of it. We don’t put much effort into what we do. We use spirituality and God’s grace as a cover, and so we end up producing average results in our homes, churches, jobs, and schools. We need to give God our very best. You are not supposed to be average;

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you were created to excel at what you do. Not just that we also need to get better at what we do by improving ourselves. So, how do we do it? How do we move from average to excellent? Make Excellence a way of Life Let excellence be a way of life for you. Strive to produce excellent results when doing house chores, in your business, job, school, and society. If you always think in terms of good enough, then you need to rethink and plan because God wants you to pursue perfection. It doesn’t mean that you overwork yourself.

faith No, you can produce excellent results through proper planning, God’s guidance, and favor. God’s Standards Our visions and goals should be based on God’s standard, not the standards of this world or ours. If you haven’t set any goals, then take time to do so. Ask God to help you so that your goals can align with His purposes and plans. When your goals and vision are based on God’s standards, you will have an excellent reason for doing things well. It will not be about finishing the task quickly, getting money or the position you want. It will be about the ‘why’ and when your ‘why’ is God, you will give it your best because you want to please your heavenly father. Honor God with what you do because everything that we do on day-to-day basis matters to God. Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is your teacher and friend; he knows the best way for you to do things and excel. But here is the thing you can’t follow the leading of the Holy Spirit if you don’t spend quality time with Him. Learn about his role in your life and how he works. He will lead you in truth and help you to make the right decisions in life. To excel in life, you need to practice consistently. It doesn’t mean that you will always do things correctly. There are times you will mess up, but the truth is God has got your back even in your mess; he will not abandon you just because you failed. Ask for the spirit of excellence from God, and like Daniel, you will be able to do things exceptionally well and lead a successful life. Excellence will make you stand out among your peers. You will find favor with God and man.

Our visions and goals should be based on God’s standard, not the standards of this world or ours.

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Overcoming Fear with Faith There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 (NIV)


ave you ever gone to bed so full of faith and then woke the next day with a heart full of fear? Or you maybe you have grown up in an environment where people live in fear. You were told to expect bad things and avoid some things not because of the kind; of the world we live in but out of fear. So you ended up being so fearful. Honestly, we all deal with fear. Some of the fears are so small we don’t realize we have them until someone points them out.

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faith With so many things happening nowadays, it is easy to justify fear. But fear is not a good thing because it is from the devil. Well, fear is not something that you can get rid of completely from your heart; that is why the bible doesn’t tell us to get rid of it; we are told to fear not. But you can overcome fear by faith. The devil will attack you with fearful thoughts, but you have to fight him with faith. But how do we do it? By Growing our Faith The best way to deal with fear is to grow our faith. Through faith, we are able to live according to the promises of God and to stand against the wiles of the enemy. To grow your faith, you need to abide in the word of God daily. It is through listening, studying, and meditating on the word of God that we are able to overcome fear. Let the word of God become your truth and not what the enemy is putting in your heart. Choose to believe the word of God and not the lies of the enemy. Declaring God’s Word over Our Lives One of the most powerful weapons that we have is the word of God.

Look at Setbacks as Stepping Stones Setbacks can leave you fearful. But the things that the enemy uses to destroy you are actually stepping stones that God uses to do great things in your life.

When we choose to stand firm in the word instead of focusing on what is happening all around us, we start walking by faith despite our fears. Declaring the word of God is proof that you believe what God is saying over our situation.

Handle every issue you face by faith and great things will happen in your life. But if you let what you go through bring fear in your heart, you will end up facing setback after setback and be broken. It is not easy but standing on your faith will bring you peace and joy, even amid trial than living in fear.

Fill your mind with the word of God and memorize verses on courage, fear, and God’s love. Declare these verses over your life until they become a reality in your heart.

You can try every other means that the world offers to deal with fear, but the most effective way to do it is to stand firm in your faith, and the promises of God.

Handle every issue you face by faith and great things will happen in your life.

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Why you need to

Surrender your Family to God Do you find yourself worrying about your family?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

You wonder whether you are a good spouse or parent and whether your family will be okay. Well, today it is for one to be worried about their family. The rate of divorce and level of immorality in society is high; it can cause you to worry about your family.

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But the truth is worry will not help you protect your family. Family is a fundamental institution that was designed by God. It is through our families that we learn how to relate with other people, patience, love, and we get protection. That is why we always feel the need to protect our

faith family. He is all knowing, so he knows the needs of everyone and how to meet them.

God has got your back, but you need to let go and let him deal with your family. families. So, we try to come up with our own strategies on how to deal with issues in our homes, and if we are sincere, most of the solutions we get don’t work. So how do we ensure that our families are protected, happy, and contented with life? Surrender them to God. Okay, maybe this is not what you want to hear but surrendering your family to God is the best solution that you can ever make in life, and here is why: God has got your back Trying to do things alone is not wise; in fact, it makes God take his hands off your family because you don’t trust him. God has got your back, but you need to let go and let him deal with your

Yes, you may do your best to ensure everyone is satisfied and happy, but that doesn’t mean that you will solve everyone’s problem. Allow God to take charge of your family. It takes the pressure off you Doing things all by yourself will only cause you to be unhappy and dissatisfied with life. But letting God take charge of your family will make you restful because you know that he is in control of your family and no matter what kind of challenges you are facing, he will come through for you. Reassurance See you don’t know where your spouse and children are all the time. You also don’t know if they are doing the right things behind your back. When you depend on God, you have the reassurance that even if they are not doing the right thing, God will deal with their hearts. You are also assured that their future is in safe hands even though it looks bleak. When you stop using your will power and let God take over, you magnify His role and control over your family. Give God full control of your loved ones. Look giving him control doesn’t mean that you should neglect your family, no as you take on your duty as a wife, husband, or child, let God work in you and through you. God will never leave you or fail you.

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Trusting God When It Hurts

You are going through so much pain. God seems far away from you.

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 (NIV)

Isn’t he a loving God? A protector? Couldn’t he have protected you from all the pain that you are going through after all he is an all-knowing God, right? Well, if you are going through this right now, know that you are not alone and God loves you. We have all gone through different

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situations that have left us questioning God’s love; at least some of us can honestly say so. People and situations can disappoint. Drawing close to God during such time is very difficult, but the truth is, trusting other things instead of God makes things worse. Here are reasons why you need to keep trusting God when it hurts:

faith It is just for a Season There are different seasons in life, and they keep changing. Maybe you have been told this repeatedly but it worth repeating, no matter what you are going through and, it will come to pass. God doesn’t bring bad seasons in our lives, but we live in a fallen world, so we are bound to go through hard times one way or another, just like Jesus did. Now instead of getting angry and feeling sorry for ourselves, it is better to endure and keep trusting that the season will soon be over. Shapes our Character Hard times shape our character. See, it is easy to be calm and reasonable when things are good, but when we are hurt and going through difficult times our real character us comes out.

So while God doesn’t bring the hurt in your life, he allows it to happen so that he can shape your character to be Christ-like. We are not promised easy Life Okay, sometimes when a person gets saved, they are told that the Christian life is easy; hopefully, that is not what happened to you because the Bible doesn’t promise us a comfortable life in this particular world. If anything, Jesus tells us that we will have many troubles, but we need to be strong and courageous. Accepting that trials and temptation are part of the Christian life will enable you to go through them while trusting God. It doesn’t mean that you will not have moments of despair and questioning, but through it all, you will know that you serve a God that will see you through.

Until we leave this world if Jesus tarries, we will go through different things in life, and some will leave us hurt. But we have the Holy Spirit our comforter and friend. Don’t think for a moment that you are alone because he is there helping you through it all. Yes, the devil will try to convince you that you are all alone especially when people abandon you in the middle of pain but know that is not true you will get through this no matter how long it takes. Instead of focusing on the hurt, focus on Jesus, and see him leading you and helping you through it all.

Accepting that trials and temptation are part of the Christian life will enable you to go through them while trusting God.

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Why You Should Stop Complaining and Start Believing they wanted meat, so they complained some more. Despite all the things God did for them, they continued to complain and did not trust Him. Like the children of Israel, we will continue being stuck in the same place if we keep on complaining. So instead of spending time doing that how about, we start believing that God has our best interests at heart.

And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel. 1 Corinthians 10:10(NIV)

Sometimes it feels good to complain, right? The times when things are working against you and the devil won’t give you a break. Sitting down with your friends and family and listening to each other whine and complain about politics, how today’s church is messed up, money, your neighbors and friends always feels right. But complaining is not good no matter how good or justified you feel after doing it. Here is why you need to start believing God instead of complaining: Remain in these same Place What made the children of Israel to spend 40years in the wilderness instead of 11days? Complaining. They complained about the lack of water and food, and when God gave them food,

Believing will set you apart because you will start operating in the supernatural. Gives Foot to the Devil Complaining opens doors for the enemy in our lives. Look, when we spend time complaining instead of believing, we magnifying the issues of life and make God small when you do that you open doors for the enemy to attack and harm you. You may start blaming God for all that is happening, but when it is the devil. It may feel good to grumble, but in reality, you are complaining against God. Instead of complaining pray about your situation and then thank God for everything because you know that he is going to change things for you. If you have to complain, tell God your problems and frus-

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trations. Cast everything you are going through to God and believe that he has heard you and is doing something about it. Unshakable Hope Believing God during a storm is hard, but when you choose to believe in the word instead of the world when you want to declare and decree bible verses instead of grumbling, you will develop unshakable hope. As children of God we need to stand firm in the faith because we know that God has great and bigger plans for us and no matter what storms we face in this life, he will not fail us. Focus on Jesus and what he has done for you on the cross. Of course, the devil will try to discourage you, but you need to hold on to your faith. Believe that Jesus has set you free, and that situation has no power over you. Trust the process, however difficult it may be. The enemy is after you, and he will be more than happy when you complain. Whenever you have the urge to complain, declare the word of God, and resist the devil. He is not powerful even though he wants us to believe so, fight against him by standing firm on God’s word.


Fun Facts about Witness Protection W

ith several movies and TV shows creating stories around witness protective programs, it’s easy to think we know all about it. While the media does a good job of portraying what generally goes on in witness protection programs, so much is still left unsaid. The Witness Security Program (WITSEC) was created by US attorney, Gerald Shur who also ran the program for thirty-four years after that. WITSEC was originally designed in 1970 as part of the Organized Crime Control Act and since then, over six thousand witnesses have gone through the program. If you’re a lover of crime dramas and the Investigative Discovery channel, here are a few things about witness protection you might want to know:

You also have to limit your social media activity and never speak to the media.

• You get to keep your first name: Dropping everything and abandoning life as you know it is not very easy. In order to make transition a little easier on witnesses, the program allows them to keep their first names. Even though they have to change their last names, it’s usually to a name that begins with the same letter as their government last name. That way, they get to keep even their initials. • You have a say in your new location: According to the

movies, people in WITSEC are thrown into any location the authorities deem safe. However, in reality, they actually have a say. Shur stated that in the program’s early stages, he used to ask witnesses their top three cities so he knows never to send them there. In recent times. US Marshalls present witnesses with possible locations and they get to chip in their preferences. • You can get kicked out: Even though the program was designed to keep you safe, you can get thrown out of WITSEC. Due to its delicate and secretive nature, the witness protection program has strict rules that all participants must adhere to. For example, until your stay is over, you can never visit home or contact people who are not your immediate family. You also have to limit your social media activity and never speak to the media. If you break any of these rules, you will be kicked out – and you know what that means for you. Although the movies may paint WITSEC as fun and exciting, the actual witnesses involved may think otherwise. Any information leaked can result in loss of lives. Therefore, if any of your close family ever has to go into WITSEC, you know never to say anything about it.

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5 Ways to De-stress as a Family Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27(NIV)

It has been from one challenge to another, your loved ones are stressed, and you are not any better.

lies, just like other families, need to come up with strategies of dealing stress.

You want the laughter and goofing that goes on in your house back, but you don’t know how to do it.

Here are ways to de-stress as a family:

Well, all families deal with stress from time to time. The busyness of life leaves us stressed, and we end up carrying the stress to our homes. De-stressing is essential because it helps take the pressure off. If not dealt with, stress can lead to bigger problems like depression, addictions, separation, and divorce. Christian fami-

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Family Devotion Organize for a family devotion where you pray about pressing issues that every member is facing. The Bible tells us to pray instead of being anxious. Praying together shows that your family puts God first, and you trust him completely. Prayer and Bible study are great ways for families to de-stress because it is only God that knows how to help each family member.

family Go for a Family Outing Prepare some fun activities that you can do as a family. For example, you can visit new places, go to the park or visit relatives in other towns. Take a walk in your neighborhood to unwind after a busy week of school and work. Do not push aside family outings because of financial issues. At times it is the smallest things you do as a family that count. Effective Communication Sometimes family members become stressed because they feel left out. Talk to your children and spouse and find out what they are going through.

Hold regular family meetings so that you can talk about family values and goals. Encourage your family to be there for one another. If a member is stressed out, the rest should rally behind them and be a source of comfort. Change Habits Could it be that your family is stressed because of the way things are done in your home? Sit down with your family and come up with a list of habits that you all need to practice like having enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and listening to others keenly without interruptions.

Forming new habits as a family may be tricky but sticking to them will help you avoid stress. As Children of God, we need to care about one another and that starts at home. You can’t treat friends, colleagues, and strangers nicely while neglecting your own family. Charity should begin in your home whether you are a parent or a child. Stress can lead to health problems and other family issues if left unchecked, that is why we need to take time to de-stress. Doing fun activities regularly and not just when we are stressed will help you to cope with stress from the start before things get out of hand.

4 Keys to Fearless Parenting Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3(NIV) Do you find yourself worrying about your children’s future? Ever wonder how they will turn out? Will they go to jail or will they be straight up citizens? Will they turn out to be God-fearing children, or will they abandon their faith when they become adults?

Or maybe they seem to be growing up so fast, and you still want to hold on to them a little. Well, raising a child is not easy. You may start doubting your parenting skills and even compare yourself with other parents along the way. But here is the thing you are not

perfect and honestly none of us is anyway. Be strong and start parenting your children fearlessly by: Surrendering them to God Let’s face it. Your child is God’s child first before they are yours; you are a custodian.

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family So surrender your child to God and let him lead you in the way you should go as a parent.

child because they will start looking for help in different places and end up being trouble makers.

You may be trying to control everything. But the truth is there are times you are going to fail, there are times you will not understand why your child is acting that way, but when you let God lead you, he will help you make things clear.

Expect the Best Yes, the world is changing, and there are so many bad things happening around us, but there is so much you can do.

God gave his only son for us; you can trust him with your child. Pray Always If you are going to let God be part of your parenting journey, then become prayerful. Bless your children when they leave the house and when they come back. Cover them when they are toddlers and when they are teenagers. Pray for them when they become adults and for their future mates.

Worrying and expecting bad things will only open doors to bad stuff. Remember to think about things that are lovely, honest, of good report and praiseworthy about your child. It doesn’t mean that you turn a blind eye to their bad behavior, but always expect good stuff because God has your back. Fearless parenting starts when you surrender your child to God, pray for them, and expect the best. You will face tough times, but God is with you every step of the way.

You will not go everywhere with your child, but with prayer, you will know that they are safe in God’s hands. Communicate with your Children Encourage your children to speak about their feeling and to air out their opinions when they are still young. That way, they will be able to open up to you when they are teenagers and adults. Yes, you are the final decision maker, but giving your child a chance to talk about how they feel will help them to trust you more. They will grow knowing that you care about their opinions. Listen to them when they talk and offer them solutions when they ask for help. Never be too busy for your

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Bless your children when they leave the house and when they come back. Cover them when they are toddlers and when they are teenagers.


God’s Purpose for Family God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28 (NIV)

You have found your purpose, and you’re living it. You’re doing great exploits for God. Sounds exciting right? Well, we love talking about purpose. In fact, we are encouraged to live purpose-filled lives all the time. But have you ever wondered what God’s purpose for the family is? Ever feel like there is more to your family than the usual things that go on in your home? God always has a reason for creating or establishing things in this

world. Everything in creation from people to small insects like ants and institutions like marriage and family all has a purpose. So what is God’s purpose for the family? Spiritual Training Ground It is through the family that we get the revelation of who God is and how to relate with him. Parents should teach their children about God though this is not always the case, especially in these times. But under God’s design, it is through the family that children get to know more about God, and they, in turn, teach their children about Him. There’s just one problem: Most Christians think the church is the first place where they need to get spiritual nourishment. But God wants people to become spiritually mature, and family is the first setting where spiritual things can be taught and learned.

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family To fight against the Enemy For the devil to effectively destroy godly generations and the body of Christ he has to destroy the family and that is why we see many bad things like divorce, murder, abuse and rape happening in our families today. But why is the devil fighting families and marriages so much? It is because, through families, God is able to fight the devil. When parents unite and raise generations of godly people they bring glory to God. To have Dominion over his Creation God created Adam and Eve and gave dominion over the earth. They were to fulfill the purposes of God together as a family.

Just like our first parents, each family has to fulfill a specific purpose in this world. Amazing, isn’t it? But as we know, people get married and start families for various reasons that are outside God’s plans. We all need to put God first in our lives and families so that he can direct us from the onset on the way we should go. There are places like regions, marketplaces, and even nations that God wants families to dominate, we only need to ask and follow his leading. Produce God Fearing Generations We may have a limited view about

family, but God thinks in terms of eternity. He created the institution of marriage and family so that we can raise generations of God-fearing people. God wants the earth to be filled with God-fearing people that worship him, and it all starts with a god-fearing family. When parents raise God-fearing children, they end up with god-fearing, churches, societies, and nations around the world. Every family in this world should be a source of blessing to another because that is how God intends it to be. Families are not just for fun and enjoyment. Ultimately they serve higher purposes that have been set up by God.

How to Fight for your Family The family is under attack.

After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” Nehemiah 4:14(NIV)

The enemy is out to destroy the first institution that God created. Many people are giving up on their families, but as Christians, we need to see things beyond what is happening in the physical and start looking at the real enemy, the devil. When you fight for your family, God will fight for you. Don’t give up on your spouse, children, or parents. Don’t take them for granted. Stand up and fight for them, not with them. Fight for what is left and know that God is with you he is fighting your battles.

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But how do you fight for your family? Know the enemy’s strategy The best way to defeat the enemy is to know his strategy, right? You cannot fight to win if you don’t understand how your enemy operates, and that is why you need to know how the enemy attacks the family. Study the Bible to find out his strategies. The enemy wants you to look at your family members as the enemy, just like he made Adam and Eve to believe that God did not have their best interests at heart. He also wants you to disrespect them the way Absalom

family disrespected his father. He will try to make you think that your spouse and children are the problem when he is the problem. Satan doesn’t want you to have a great family because having one means raising a generation of people that glorify God. Knowing that the enemy is targeting you and your family will help you to fight the right way. You will not fall for his lies and schemes. Through Praying for them We are told in the word of God to pray without ceasing. Prayer is a powerful weapon God has given us to use in our spiritual battles.

Pray with confidence for your family, knowing that God loves all of you, and he wants unity in your family. Don’t feel discouraged when things seem to be getting out of hand as you pray. The devil will use different strategies to discourage you from praying but stand firm and be watchful. Walking by Faith It is easy to get caught up with all the things that are happening in your family. You may find yourself walking by what you see and not by faith. That is why the word of God tells us to be vigilant.

Get scripture about family and meditate on them until they become real in your heart. Live by them and not by your child’s addiction or all the wrong things that your spouse is doing. Walking by sight will weaken your family even further. You will start doing things with your strength instead of depending on God, and that will open up doors for the enemy to attack and defeat you. It is easy to take our families for granted. There are times we may find ourselves focusing on the natural things, looking for who to blame and being angry at our family members. But we need to realize that the only way to win this battle is to fight with the weapons God has given us.

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Fun Facts about Blue Whales

The Blue Whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. In fact, according to several reports, it’s heart alone could weigh as much as a car. If you would love to know more about this magnificent marine mammal, here are some fun facts about the Blue Whale: • They live forever: Well technically not forever, but Blue Whales can live for up to ninety years! You can always tell their age by looking at their ear plugs. By counting the layers of the earplugs of a Blue Whale .You can closely estimate its age. According to the National Geographic, the oldest Blue Whale identified by this method was about 110 years.

• They feed on the smallest marine life forms: You would think that because of their size, they feed on larger animals. On the contrary, Blue Whales survive mostly on smaller shrimp-like organisms called krill. According to marine biologists, the Blue Whale can consume up to 36,000 kg of krill daily. • They don’t have teeth: Instead of regular teeth, the Blue Whale has about 400 plates (also called Baleen plates) made of fibrous material that it uses to filter food. When it wants to feed, it takes a mouthful of water (usually about 5000kg of water) and then it forces the water out through the space between the bristles. It then

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licks off the plankton and other food from the bristles with its fleshy tongue. • They cannot breathe under water: When we think marine animals, we think underwater breathing. However, Blue Whales are a tad different – they have to come up for air. • There used to be lots of them: Before the whale hunting craze of the nineteenth and twentieth century, blue whales were numerous on earth. In 1931, which some people describe as the peak of the “whaling” era, a record number of twenty-nine thousand blue whales were killed in a single season. However, in 1967, a global hunting ban was enacted and the hunting reduced drastically. Despite the ban that has lasted over fifty years, blue whales remain an endangered species. Although we can’t hear them, scientists believe that Blue whales make the loudest sounds on the planet. In fact, Blue Whales can communicate with each other for as far as 1600 kilometers apart. These magnificent sea creatures are ginormous yet graceful and sadly there are only about ten thousand of them left in the world. So if you get wind of anyone hunting whales, you know what to do: see something, say something.

According to marine biologists, the Blue Whale can consume up to 36,000 kg of krill daily.

resource guide Tennessee

Criminal Lawyers Region East Tennessee

Steve Oberman 550 Main St SW, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-249-7200

Robert R. Kurtz, Attorney at Law 422 S Gay St Suite 300, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-896-9779

Eldridge & Blakney PC 400 W Church Ave # 101, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-999-0350

Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz 800 S Gay St Suite 2250, Knoxville, TN 37929, USA 865-896-9971 Jed McKeehan, Attorney 1111 N Northshore Dr suite n-290, Knoxville, TN 37919, USA 865-588-1096 Banks & Jones, Attorneys At Law 2125 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA 865-546-2141 McKellar & Easter, Attorneys at Law 412 Ebenezer Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA 865-566-0125 Hindman & Lanzon 550 W Main St Suite 550, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-525-7777 Garza Law Firm, PLLC 550 W Main St #340, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-540-8300

Barnes Law Firm 109 S Northshore Dr #310, Knoxville, TN 37919, USA 865-805-5703 Owen Law Firm James R. Owen, Attorney 550 West Main Street Suite 950 Bank of America Building, Knoxville, TN 37902, United States 865-440-6345 The Isaacs Law Firm 618 S Gay St # 300, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-673-4953 Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney 550 Main St SW Suite 775, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-281-1000

Region Middle Tennessee Law Office of Bernie McEvoy 214 2nd Ave N Suite 206, Nashville, TN 37201, USA 615-255-9595

Patrick Slaughter, Esq Riverview Tower, 900 S Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-444-3303

William F. Roberson Attorney At Law 320 E Broad St, Cookeville, TN 38501, USA 931-526-5060

The Law Office of Randall E. Reagan 100 W Summit Hill Dr SW, Knoxville, TN 37902, USA 865-637-8505

Nashville Criminal Defense Attorney 615-678-1033

Law Offices Of James A.H. Bell, P.C. 10 Emory Pl, Knoxville, TN 37917, USA 865-637-2900

Andrew C. Beasley, PLLC 818 Woodland St, Nashville, TN 37206, USA 615-454-9053

Alexander Brown Attorney at Law 212 S Peters Rd # 108, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA 865-556-4231

M. Don Himmelberg & Associates 525 4th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210, USA 615-308-5405

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resource guide Horst Law 315 Deaderick St #1550-11, Nashville, TN 37238, United States 615-403-2971

Jennifer Lynn Thompson, Attorney at Law entrance, 810 Broadway #305, Nashville, TN 37203 (Use the 9th Avenue, Nashville, TN 37201, United States 615-601-2484 ttps://

Patrick T. McNally, Attorney at Law 424 Church St #2260, Nashville, TN 37219, USA 615-986-3377

PNC Law Criminal Defense Attorney 615 Main St suite 102, Nashville, TN 37206, USA 615-785-2000

Raybin & Weissman, P.C. 424 Church St Suite 2120, Nashville, TN 37219, USA 615-256-6666

Nashville Criminal Defense Attorney 615-241-5111 nashville.html

May & McKinney, PLLC 214 2nd Ave N Suite 400, Nashville, TN 37201, USA 615-265-6383

Cheap Lawyer Fees 615-278-9447

Ridings Law Group, P.C. 211 Union St #205, Nashville, TN 37201, USA 615-412-0222 Ryan C. Davis Law, PLLC 1230 2nd Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210, USA 615-649-0110

William D. Bowen (Bill) 1026 College St, Milan, TN 38358, USA 731-686-1198 Crocker·Carter·Hall PLLC 1026 College St #202, Milan, TN 38358, USA 731-686-2400

Bartlett Injury and Trial Law 404 James Robertson Pkwy #1613, Nashville, TN 37219, USA 615-415-0542

Watridge & Tubbs Law Firm 1215 E Main St, Humboldt, TN 38343, USA 731-784-6560

Shipman & Crim, Attorneys at Law 332 White Bridge Pike, Nashville, TN 37209, USA 615-829-8259

Flippin Collins & Hill Pllc 1066 S W Main St, Milan, TN 38358, USA 731-686-8355

Shipman & Crim, Criminal Attorneys Fifth Third Center, 424 Church St #2120a, Nashville, TN 37219, USA 615-829-8259

Law Office of Bryan Stephenson 2021 Richard Jones Rd Suite 150E, Nashville, TN 37215, USA 615-515-5110

Nashville DUI Attorney 615-241-2004

Region West Tennessee

Michael K. Walker, Attorney at Law 341 Harrison St, Nashville, TN 37219, USA 615-485-3065

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Weinman Thomas Law Firm 112 S Liberty St Ste 321, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-423-5565 Law Offices of Edward L. Martindale Jr. 174 W University Pkwy, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-660-1529

resource guide Byrd & Byrd, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, North Office (Real estate closings) 518 Carriage House Dr, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-660-1577 Krenis Law 367A North Pkwy Suite 1, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-736-0889 HARDEE, MARTIN, DONAHOE & OWENS, P.A. 213 E Lafayette St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-424-2151 Grant & Sain, Attorneys at Law 2821 N Highland Ave c, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-256-7477 Mitchell G. Tollison 2815 N Highland Ave, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-668-9886 Johnson and Milam 116 S Liberty St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-423-9333 Bailey & Greer 2790-A N Highland Ave Suite 100, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-423-2789

Union City Criminal Office 201 West Main A & B, Union City, TN 38281, USA 731-884-2610 West Tennessee Legal Services Inc 210 W Main St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-423-0616 Cobb Lewis L 312 E Lafayette St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-424-0461 Milton E. Magee Jr. Attorney at Law 3595 Johnwood Dr, Memphis, TN 38122, USA 901-409-0971

Reentry Services Region East Tennessee Federal Defender Services of Eastern TN, Inc. 800 S Gay St suite 2400, Knoxville, TN 37929, USA 865-637-7979

Region Middle Tennessee Re Entry Recovery Center 1113 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37216, USA 615-754-8977

Taylor Daniel J 312 E Lafayette St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-424-0461

Project Return 806 4th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210, USA 615-327-9654

Byrd & Byrd, Attorneys at Law, PLLC 116 N Church St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-424-7188

Men of Valor 504 Valor Way, Antioch, TN 37013, USA 615-399-9111

Casey, Simmons & Bryant, PLLC 449 E Baltimore St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-256-0023

Region West Tennessee

Spragins, Barnett & Cobb, PLC 312 E Lafayette St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-300-1592

Memphis and Shelby County Office of Reentry 1362 Mississippi Blvd, Memphis, TN 38106, USA 901-222-4550 Memphis and Shelby County Office of Reentry 1362 Mississippi Blvd, Memphis, TN 38106, USA 901-222-4550

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resource guide Substance Abuse Centers/Programs Region East Tennessee Hope of East Tennessee Inc 188 Raleigh Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA 865-482-4826 New Horizons Recovery Center 9610 W Emory Rd, Knoxville, TN 37931, USA 901-881-0159 Tennessee Recovery 1630 Downtown W Blvd #119, Knoxville, TN 37919, USA 865-409-4309 Centerpointe Alcohol & Drug 5310 Ball Camp Pike, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA 865-262-8208 Behavioral Health Group 412 Citico St, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA 865-522-0661 Chattanooga Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 6650 E Brainerd Rd #102, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA 423-308-0689 Helen Ross Mcnabb Center Inc 1105 Dailey St, Knoxville, TN 37915, USA 865-522-4556 Hamblen County Substance Abuse 814 W Main St, Morristown, TN 37814, USA 423-748-7494 Bradford Health Services 301 S Gallaher View Rd STE 300, Knoxville, TN 37919, USA 866-977-7158 English Mountain Recovery 1096 Alpine Dr, Sevierville, TN 37876, USA 888-995-9705

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Behavioral Health Group 626 Bernard Ave, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA 865-522-0161 Steps House 2024 Sevier Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920, USA 865-573-4675 Focus Treatment Centers (Eating Disorder & Substance Abuse) 7429 Shallowford Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA 423-308-2560 Helen Ross McNabb Center Inc 424 Clark St, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA 865-541-6647 Recovery Strategies, LLC 120 Center Park Dr, Knoxville, TN 37922, USA 865-966-3869

Region Middle Tennessee Cumberland Heights Nashville Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center 8283 River Rd Pike, Nashville, TN 37209, USA 800-646-9998 JourneyPure Nashville Addiction Recovery Center (Substance Abuse IOP and ED Program) 3808 Park Ave, Nashville, TN 37209, USA 888-517-3453 Integrative Life Center 1104 16th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212, USA 615-891-2226 System of Care Across Tennessee 500 Deaderick St, Nashville, TN 37243, USA 615-532-6700 Music Row Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 1619 17th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212, USA 615-356-2700

resource guide TAADAS 1321 Murfreesboro Pike #155, Nashville, TN 37217, USA 615-780-5901 Integrative Life Center 1104 16th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212, USA 615-891-2226 Samaritan Recovery Community 319 S 4th St, Nashville, TN 37206, USA 615-244-4802 JourneyPure Nashville Addiction Recovery Center (Substance Abuse IOP and ED Program) 3808 Park Ave, Nashville, TN 37209, USA 888-517-3453 Foundations Nashville 2603 Westwood Dr, Nashville, TN 37204, USA 615-212-8360 JourneyPure At The River 5080 Florence Rd, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, USA 615-410-9260 medium=GMB&utm_campaign=res&utm_term=river The Ranch Tennessee - A Promises Behavioral Health Company 6107 Pinewood Rd, Nunnelly, TN 37137, USA 931-219-1819 Murfreesboro Drug & Alcohol Treatment (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 745 S Church St #505, Murfreesboro, TN 37130, USA 615-356-2700 Mending Hearts Inc 4305 Albion St, Nashville, TN 37209, USA 615-385-1696 The Sober Recovery Journey: Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Coaching Services 165-A Belle Forest Cir, Nashville, TN 37221, USA 615-852-5272

Solutions Retreat 5405 Forest Acres Dr, Nashville, TN 37220, USA 615-944-8030 Mirror Lake Recovery Center 999 Girl Scout Rd, Burns, TN 37029, USA 615-913-8493 JourneyPure 624 Grassmere Park Suite 11, Nashville, TN 37211, USA 615-209-9276 medium=GMB&utm_campaign=CORPORATE Buffalo Valley, Inc 885 US-231, Castalian Springs, TN 37031, USA 615-374-9397 Behavioral Health Group 2410 Charlotte Ave, Nashville, TN 37203, USA 615-321-2575 Foundations Recovery Network 1000 Health Park Dr Suite 400, Brentwood, TN 37027, USA 855-648-1592 The Next Door 402 22nd Ave N, Nashville, TN 37203, USA 615-251-8805 Buffalo Valley Inc 501 S Park St, Hohenwald, TN 38462, USA 931-796-5427 Cornerstone of Recovery 4726 Airport Hwy, Louisville, TN 37777, USA 865-407-2460 Discovery Place 1635 Spencer Mill Rd, Burns, TN 37029, USA 800-725-0922 Hermitage Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 3441 Lebanon Pike #108, Hermitage, TN 37076, USA 615-356-2700

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resource guide Cool Springs Drug & Alcohol Treatment (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 7105 Crossroads Blvd #107, Brentwood, TN 37027, USA 615-356-2700 Recovery House of East Tennessee 105 Caldwell Cir, Oliver Springs, TN 37840, USA 888-794-0411

Serenity Recovery Centers 1094 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38105, USA 901-521-1131 Cocaine Alcohol Awareness Program 4023 Knight Arnold Rd, Memphis, TN 38118, USA 901-367-7550

Cornerstone of Recovery 4726 Airport Hwy, Louisville, TN 37777, USA 865-407-2460

MHR Memphis 1037 Cresthaven Rd, Memphis, TN 38119, USA 901-682-6136

(JourneyPure Norris) Knoxville Addiction Recovery Center 17 Ridgeway Rd, Norris, TN 37828, USA 865-247-5196

Mental Health Resources Substance Abuse Treatment 1037 Cresthaven Rd Suite B, Memphis, TN 38119, USA 901-682-1434

Marcia Bradley Substance Abuse 1615 E Blairmont Dr, Lebanon, TN 37087, USA 615-449-2265

(JACOA) Jackson Area Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency 900 E Chester St, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-423-3653

Region West Tennessee Foundations Memphis 1083 W Rex Rd, Memphis, TN 38119, USA 901-979-2058 ReVIDA Recovery Center 1369 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Morristown, TN 37814, USA 423-586-3249 Aspell Recovery Center 331 N Highland Ave, Jackson, TN 38301, USA 731-427-7238 Grove Primary Care Clinic 541 W Park Pl, Henderson, TN 38340, USA 731-983-0499 Power of Putnam 25 W Broad St Suite #12, Cookeville, TN 38501, USA 931-520-7531 Detox Abuse Action Addiction Memphis, TN 38104, USA 901-726-9392

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Cocaine Alcohol Awareness 4041 Knight Arnold Rd, Memphis, TN 38118, USA 901-272-2227 The Oaks at La Paloma 2009 Lamar Ave, Memphis, TN 38114, USA 855-607-1715 Jackson Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center (A Cumberland Heights Facility) 130 Stonebridge Blvd # C, Jackson, TN 38305, USA 731-660-2790 Bradford Health Services Bradford Health Services 866-977-7158 Memphis Recovery Center 219 N Montgomery St, Memphis, TN 38104, USA 866-304-8254

resource guide Alabama

Criminal Lawyers Region East Alabama Crumbley-Blackwell & Associates, P.C. 2304 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA 256-539-4464 Dani V. Bone and Sam D. Bone, Attorneys at Law 1031 Forrest Ave, Gadsden, AL 35901, USA 256-547-1005 Mitchell John Howie-Law Office 107 North Side Square, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA 256-533-8074 Young Jr Paul A 125 E College St, Enterprise, AL 36330, USA 334-347-0843 Law Office of Patrick Mahaney 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-277-3974 Andrew M. Skier & Associates 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-263-4105 Merrell Law Firm, LLC 101 Riverchase Pkwy E, Hoover, AL 35244, USA 205-874-9697 Eversole Law, LLC 850 Corporate Pkwy #114, Birmingham, AL 35242, USA 205-981-2450 Joel L. Sogol, Attorney at Law 811 21st Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-345-0966 Scherf Law Firm LLC 1213 E 3 Notch St Suite B, Andalusia, AL 36420, USA 334-222-0544 The Bogdany Law Firm, L.L.P., Immigration & Criminal Defense Attorneys 165 E Magnolia Ave Suite 225, Auburn, AL 36830, USA 334-539-8778 Michael J. Upton, Attorney at Law 410 20th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-799-3800 Attorney John Michael Barclay 2127 1st Ave N #202, Birmingham, AL 35203, USA 205-488-2797 Shane A. Taylor & Associates, P.C. 308 Congress St, Mobile, AL 36603, USA 251-438-7199 Law Office of John W. Cowling 2119 E Relham Dr, Loxley, AL 36551, USA 251-947-7667 Beckerle Law Firm 712 Oak Cir Dr E # C, Mobile, AL 36609, USA 251-660-0261 Jaffe & Drennan, P.C. 2320 Arlington Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-930-9800 Law Offices Of Segal & Segal 706 Madison St SE, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA 256-533-4529 Brogden Law Firm, LLC 164 E College St, Ozark, AL 36360, USA 334-774-5171 John L Bodie PC 122 N Chalkville Rd, Trussville, AL 35173, USA 205-701-4444 Law Office of Jeffrey G. Hester 2163 Pelham Pkwy #211, Pelham, AL 35124, USA 205-861-0980 Orange Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer 316 S McKenzie St Ste 127, Foley, AL 36535, USA 251-545-3637

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resource guide Andrew M. Skier & Associates 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-263-4105 Merrell Law Firm, LLC 101 Riverchase Pkwy E, Hoover, AL 35244, USA 205-874-9697 Kyatt King Law, LLC 205-218-9337 Bradford Ladner, LLP 1330 21st Way S #120, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-802-8823 Aaron Law Firm 131 1st St S, Alabaster, AL 35007, USA 205-685-8383 Shockley & Ransom 140 Yeager Pkwy, Pelham, AL 35124, USA 205-663-3363 Brett M. Bloomston, Attorney at Law 2151 Highland Ave Suite 310, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-212-9700 Alvis and Alvis, LLC 2450 Valleydale Rd, Birmingham, AL 35244, USA 205-444-4773 Alabama Expungement Services, LLC 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-239-8336 Jaffe & Drennan, P.C 2320 Arlington Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-930-9800 Revill Law Firm 2027 2nd Avenue North Bradford, Building, Suite A, Birmingham, AL 35203, United States 205-928-6544 Eversole Law, LLC

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850 Corporate Pkwy #114, Birmingham, AL 35242, USA 205-981-2450 Jim Pino & Associates PC Attorneys At Law 363 Canyon Park Dr, Pelham, AL 35124, USA 205-663-1581 Polson & Polson, P.C. 2824 Central Ave #150, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA 205-871-8838 Shane A. Taylor & Associates, P.C. 308 Congress St, Mobile, AL 36603, USA 251-438-7199 The Bloomston Firm 2151 Highland Ave #310, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-212-9700 Ingram Law LLC 3 Office Park Cir suite 230, Birmingham, AL 35223, USA 205-656-0044 William E. Swatek, Attorney at Law 230 Bearden Rd, Pelham, AL 35124, USA 205-663-0905 Joel L. Sogol, Attorney at Law 811 21st Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-345-0966 Gregory K Price 116 W Alabama Ave Suite B, Albertville, AL 35950, USA 256-891-7979 Michael J. Upton, Attorney at Law 410 20th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-799-3800 Crumbley-Blackwell & Associates, P.C. 2304 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA 256-539-4464 Crumbley-Blackwell & Associates, P.C. 112 Market St W, Athens, AL 35611, USA 256-539-4464

resource guide Law Office of Patrick Mahaney 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-277-3974 Mitchell John Howie-Law Office 107 North Side Square, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA 256-533-8074 Tony Hughes Law 215 W College St, Florence, AL 35630, USA 256-349-5694 Jaffe & Drennan, P.C. 2320 Arlington Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-930-9800 Barnett Law Firm 2600 7th St Ste B, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-657-5663 Andrew M. Skier & Associates 8191 Seaton Pl, Montgomery, AL 36116, USA 334-263-4105 John F Brasfield Attorney At Law 811 21st Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-523-0046 Law Office of Elizabeth Berry, P.C. 206 S Pine St Suite 207, Florence, AL 35630, USA 256-762-1027 Stallings & Eubanks LLC 306 Cherokee Ave West, Centre, AL 35960, USA 256-927-7758 Shane A. Taylor & Associates, P.C. 308 Congress St, Mobile, AL 36603, USA 251-438-7199 Beckerle Law Firm 712 Oak Cir Dr E # C, Mobile, AL 36609, USA 251-660-0261 Law Office of Matthew T. Jackson 2163 Pelham Pkwy #211, Pelham, AL 35124, USA

205-358-8623 Orange Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer 316 S McKenzie St Ste 127, Foley, AL 36535, USA 251-545-3637 Charlie Waits Attorney at Law 347 20th St W Ste 100, Jasper, AL 35501, USA 205-388-1507 Smith & McGhee, PC 211 W Main St STE 1, Dothan, AL 36301, USA 334-702-1744

Reentry Services Region Alabama Foundry Reentry Program 1616 5th Ave N, Bessemer, AL 35020, USA 205-428-8097

Substance Abuse Centers/Programs Region Alabama Montgomery Metro Treatment Center 6001 E Shirley Ln, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA 334-244-1618 AltaPointe Health Outpatient - Foley 201 E Camphor Ave, Foley, AL 36536, USA 251-929-5410 Bradford Health Services 303 E College St, Florence, AL 35630, USA 866-977-7158 Opelika Addictions Center 2300 Center Hill Dr, Opelika, AL 36801, USA 334-742-2130 Bradford Health Services - Anniston 1713 Hamric Dr E #2, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 866-977-7158

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resource guide Insight Treatment Program 1111 East Interstate 65 Service Rd S # A7, Mobile, AL 36606, USA 251-473-6093 Birmingham Metro Treatment Center 151 Industrial Dr, Birmingham, AL 35211, USA 205-941-1799 The Bridge, Inc. - Home Campus 3232 Lay Springs Rd, Gadsden, AL 35904, USA 256-546-6324 Calhoun Cleburne Mental Health 1640 Coleman Rd, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 256-236-8003 Bradford Health Services 386 St Lukes Dr, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA 866-977-7158 East Alabama Mental Health 214 Jeter Ave, Opelika, AL 36801, USA 334-745-4544 Health Services Center 320 E 15th St, Anniston, AL 36207, USA 256-405-4104 East Alabama Mental Health 2506 Lambert Dr, Opelika, AL 36801, USA 334-742-2700

Riverbend Center 635 W College St, Florence, AL 35630, USA 256-764-3431 Elk River Treatment Program 4812 Commercial Dr NW, Huntsville, AL 35816, USA 866-906-8336 Pathway Healthcare - Huntsville Bob Wallace 2745 Bob Wallace Ave SW Ste D, Huntsville, AL 35805, USA 844-728-4929 The Shoulder 31214 Coleman Ln, Spanish Fort, AL 36527, USA 251-626-2199 Pathway Healthcare 48 Medical Park Dr E Suite 453, Birmingham, AL 35235, USA 205-831-9783 Huntsville Metro Treatment Center 2227 Drake Ave SW #19, Huntsville, AL 35805, USA 256-881-1311 Rapha Treatment Center 677 W Covington Ave, Attalla, AL 35954, USA 256-538-7458 UAB Beacon Recovery 401 Beacon Pkwy W, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA 205-917-3733 ext. 103

TASC Treatment Alternatives 401 Beacon Pkwy W, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA 205-917-3780

New Directions 1640 Coleman Rd, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 256-236-8003

Lighthouse Counseling Center Inc 111 Coliseum Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36109, USA 334-286-5980

New Horizons Recovery Center 4040 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL 35802, USA 334-219-3622

East Al Mental Health 590 Co Rd 148, Opelika, AL 36804, USA 334-745-6224

South Central Alabama Mental Health Center 19815 Bay Branch Rd, Andalusia, AL 36420, USA 334-222-2523

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resource guide Bradford Health Services 300 Century Park S #100, Birmingham, AL 35226, USA 866-977-7158

Calhoun Cleburne Mental Health 1640 Coleman Rd, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 256-236-8003

Bridge Inc 3401 Newman Rd, Mobile, AL 36695, USA 251-633-0475

Family Life Center 141 W Main St, Centre, AL 35960, USA 256-927-4722

Council On Substance Abuse-NCADD 828 Forest Ave, Montgomery, AL 36106, USA 334-262-1629

Addiction Research Foundation 4126 Autumn Ln, Birmingham, AL 35243, USA 205-970-4110

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council 1923 14th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA 205-933-1213

Hope For Women 1705 5th Ave S, Jasper, AL 35501, USA 205-265-2799

Birmingham Metro Treatment Center 151 Industrial Dr, Birmingham, AL 35211, USA 205-941-1799

Chilton County Treatment Center 2100 Holiday Inn Dr, Clanton, AL 35046, USA 205-755-4300

Alcohol Abuse & Drug Rehab Alabaster, AL 35007, USA Tri County Treatment Center 5605 Clifford Cir, Birmingham, AL 35210, USA 205-836-3345 Turning Point Foundation 1881 Co Rd 627, Thorsby, AL 35171, USA 205-646-3650 Walker Recovery Center 2195 N Airport Rd, Jasper, AL 35504, USA 205-221-1799 Bradford Health Services - Anniston 1713 Hamric Dr E #2, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 866-977-7158 Cocaine Anonymous Birmingham, AL 35203, USA 205-266-2022

Cullman County Treatment Center 1912 Commerce Ave NW, Cullman, AL 35055, USA 256-739-5595 Aletheia House - Women’s and Wellness Services 3512 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35222, USA 205-279-3999 The Bridge, Inc. - Home Campus 3232 Lay Springs Rd, Gadsden, AL 35904, USA 256-546-6324 Alabama Teen Challenge 3888 Co Rd 261, Jones, AL 36749, USA 334-872-0133 UAB Department of Psychiatry, Community Justice Programs 401 Beacon Pkwy W, Birmingham, AL 35209, USA 205-917-3780 Substance Abuse Clinic UAB 3015 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233, USA 205-934-2118

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resource guide New Directions 407 Noble St, Anniston, AL 36201, USA 256-236-8003

Cheaha Mental Health Center 351 W 3rd St, Sylacauga, AL 35150, USA 256-245-1340

MedMark Treatment Centers Oxford 118 Choccolocco St, Oxford, AL 36203, USA 256-831-4601

Love Lady Center Baldwin Co 531 W Laurel Ave, Foley, AL 36535, USA 251-943-2246

Chilton-Shelby Mental Health Center 2100 County Services Dr, Pelham, AL 35124, USA 205-663-1252 The Lovelady Center 7916 2nd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35206, USA 205-833-7410 Bridge Outpatient Counseling 795 10th St, Ashville, AL 35953, USA 205-594-3111 South Central Alabama Mental Health Center 19815 Bay Branch Rd, Andalusia, AL 36420, USA 334-222-2523 CSAP 1324 4th Ave N, Bessemer, AL 35020, USA 205-428-7362 Alethia House 212 Frankfurt Cir, Birmingham, AL 35211, USA 205-264-9900 AltaPointe Health Outpatient - West Mobile 4211 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL 36693, USA 251-666-2569 Riverbend Center 635 W College St, Florence, AL 35630, USA 256-764-3431

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Indian Rivers Mental Health Center 2209 9th St, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-391-3131 A Reprieve for Women 14332 Alabama Hwy 69 S, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405, USA 866-977-7158 Phoenix House 700 35th Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA 205-758-3867 West Alabama Mental Health Center 401 Rogers Ave, Butler, AL 36904, USA 205-459-2612 Northwest Alabama Treatment Center 4204 Edmonton Drive, Bessemer, AL 35022, USA 205-425-1200 Behavioral Health Group 1001 Mimosa Park Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405, USA 205-752-5857 Alabama Department of Mental Health 1301 Jack Warner Pkwy, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, USA 205-556-7060

resource guide Georgia

Criminal Lawyers Region East Georgia Jason Slider, Attorney, DUI and Criminal Defense 298 E Washington St, Athens, GA 30601, USA 706-208-1514 McCranie Law Firm 301 E Jackson St, Douglas, GA 31533, USA 912-217-6813 The Schneider Law Firm 302 E Bay St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-385-0854 Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. 210 E 31st St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-713-3426 Grisham & Poole, P.C. 577 E Main St, Canton, GA 30114, USA 678-880-9360 Cerbone DUI Defense 302 E Oglethorpe Ave, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-236-0595 Richard A. Grossman, Trial Attorney 66 Lenox Pointe NE #200, Atlanta, GA 30324, USA 678-358-6555 William C. Head, PC 5590 Roswell Rd #210, Sandy Springs, GA 30342, USA 404-567-5515 M. Qader A. Baig & Associates, LLC 913 Commercial St NE, Conyers, GA 30012, USA 770-929-1665 The Turner Firm, LLC 7 E Congress St #611, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-303-5547

Law Office Of E.J Boswell 201 N East St, Greensboro, GA 30642, USA 454-0032 David West & Associates 123 Church St #220, Marietta, GA 30060, USA 770-422-2844


The Law Offices of Howard J. Weintraub, P.C. The Peachtree, 1355 Peachtree St NE #1250, Atlanta, GA 30309, USA 404-907-1536 Bixon Law Coastal States Building, 2200, W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303, United States 404-551-5684 Darrin Keaton, Attorney at Law 200 E Memorial Dr, Dallas, GA 30132, USA 678-772-8425 Jeffrey A. Rothman, Attorney at Law 150 E Washington St Suite B, Athens, GA 30601, USA 706-208-1169 Elmer Pete Young, Attorney at Law 1010 E Victory Dr, Savannah, GA 31405, USA 912-236-4384 Cansino Blanchette Law Firm, LLC 107 Postelle St, Cartersville, GA 30120, USA 404-997-8470 Law Offices of Walter L. Lutes, P.C. 270 E Main St suite h, Canton, GA 30114, USA 770-479-1400 Kish Law LLC 225 Peachtree St #1700, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 404-207-1338

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resource guide Region Middle Georgia Attorney Patrick Kunes 230 2nd St E, Tifton, GA 31794, USA 229-382-4900 Robert L Ferguson PC Attorney At Law 990 E Main St, Blue Ridge, GA 30513, USA 706-258-4544 The Bratcher Firm, LLC 415 E 2nd Ave, Rome, GA 30161, USA 706-509-0353 Carlton Carter Law 501 E Main St, Canton, GA 30114, USA 770-423-1500 Law Office of Kevin R. Fisher 1800 Peachtree St NW #300, Atlanta, GA 30309, USA 404-403-2665 Nick Lotito & Seth Kirschenbaum 918 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306, USA 404-471-3177 Howard & Arca Attorneys at Law 6560 Church St Suite B, Douglasville, GA 30134, USA 678-922-9743 Ayers Law Office, P.C. 724 E Winthrope Ave, Millen, GA 30442, USA 478-401-0355 Thomas C. Nagel 5855 Sandy Springs Cir STE 150, Atlanta, GA 30328, USA 404-255-1600 Yeargan & Kert, LLC 555 North Point Center E 4th Floor, Alpharetta, GA 30022, USA 678-250-5744

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Kimmey & Murphy, P.C. 229 Peachtree St #2410, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 404-586-9848 Law Office of Matthew T. McNally 659 Auburn Ave NE Suite 153, Atlanta, GA 30312, USA 678-386-4968 Smith, Schnatmeier, Dettmering & Reeves, LLP 278 North Marietta Pkwy NE, Marietta, GA 30060, USA 770-771-5097 The Merchant Law Firm, P.C. 701 Whitlock Ave SW Suite J43, Marietta, GA 30064, USA 404-828-0969 W. Scott Smith 100 Peachtree St NW Suite 2060, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 404-581-0999 Michael D. Barber, Jr. and Associates 1755 N Brown Rd #200, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, USA 770-336-7175 Phillips Carson & Phillips 420 W Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-232-0081 The Law Office of Judy Kim, P.C. 3500 Lenox Rd NE #1500, Atlanta, GA 30326, USA 404-839-2300 The Law Office Of Nathanael E. Wright, PC 210 E 31st St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-238-2881 R. Lars Anderson, P.C. 2476 Vineville Ave, Macon, GA 31204, USA 478-742-0294

resource guide Region West Georgia Cotton Law Firm 119 E 12th Ave, Cordele, GA 31015, USA 229-273-9490 Swindle Law Group 310 Tanner St, Carrollton, GA 30117, USA 770-836-8332 R. Gary Spencer, P.C. Hurt Bldg, 50 Hurt Plaza SE #560, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 404-549-8782 Larry W. Fouche, Attorney at Law 4480 Riverside Dr suite 31, Macon, GA 31210, USA 478-238-4880 Ralph M. Hinman, Attorney at Law 215 W Gordon St, Dalton, GA 30720, USA 706-278-2488 Stephen G Adkins, Attorney at Law 112 Webster St, Valdosta, GA 31601, USA 229-244-2332 Clarence Williams, III Attorney at Law 1200 Green St, Warner Robins, GA 31093, USA 800-340-2304 Scott T. Poole - Attorney 577 E Main St, Canton, GA 30114, USA 678-880-9360 Speights Law, PC 360 W Main St, Canton, GA 30114, USA 770-479-1500 The Abt Law Firm, LLC 2300 Henderson Mill Rd #300, Atlanta, GA 30345, USA 678-582-2272 Teague Law: The Josh Teague Firm, LLC 35 1st Ave, East Ellijay, GA 30540, USA 706-276-3636

Daniels & Rothman, P.C. 150 E Washington St b, Athens, GA 30601, USA 706-208-1169 Baker & Slider, LLC 298 E Washington St, Athens, GA 30601, USA 706-208-1514 Cook & Tolley, LLP 304 E Washington St, Athens, GA 30601, USA 706-549-6111 John Gee Edwards, Attorney at Law 108 E Valley St, Valdosta, GA 31601, USA 229-242-1790 Barber & Assoc DUI Defense Lawyers 924 Cherokee Ave, Monroe, GA 30655, USA 770-336-7192 Coastal Empire Law Group, LLC 2 E Bryan St #601, Savannah, GA 31401, USA 912-368-1262 Elmer H. Young, III 1010 E Victory Dr, Savannah, GA 31405, USA 912-236-4384 James R. Dutton Attorney At Law 113 E Solomon St, Griffin, GA 30223, USA 770-229-5959 The Hube Law Firm PC 14 Oak St, Statesboro, GA 30458, USA 912-764-2400 Reentry Services Region East Georgia Georgia Community Affairs 60 Executive Park South, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 (800) 359-4663 Metro Reentry Facility 1301 Constitution Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30316, USA 404-460-2100

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resource guide Reentry Services Region Middle Georgia Central Georgia Technical College 3300 Macon Tech Dr, Macon, GA 31206, USA 478-757-3400 Georgia Center for Opportunity 333 Research Court Suite 210 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 770-242-0001

Region West Georgia

RiverMend Health Centers - Atlanta Drug Rehab 1640 Powers Ferry Rd Building 28, Suite #100, Marietta, GA 30067, USA 404-445-5369 Oakhurst Recovery Program 232 East Lake Dr, Decatur, GA 30030, USA 404-371-0590 Recovery Place 515 E 63rd St, Savannah, GA 31405, USA 912-355-5938

Carroll County Reentry Services 135 W Center St, Carrollton, GA 30117, USA 770-834-6025

Road To Recovery 2870 E Point St, East Point, GA 30344, USA 404-361-5009

The Liberty County Re-Entry Coalition, Inc. 205 E Court St, Hinesville, GA 31313, USA 912-877-5293

Alliance Recovery Center 1116 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030, USA 404-377-7669

Substance Abuse Centers/Programs Region East Georgia

Savannah Mission Bible Training Center 1000 E Victory Dr, Savannah, GA 31405, USA 912-234-7000

Bluff Plantation Alcohol & Drug Rehab Georgia 963 Bennock Mill Rd, Augusta, GA 30906, USA 706-432-1451 Carter Hope Center 506 E Hawthorne St, Dalton, GA 30721, USA 706-226-7044 Recovery Place Inc 835 E 65th St #102, Savannah, GA 31405, USA 912-355-1440 RiverMend Health Centers - Drug Rehab Augusta 2812B, Hillcreek Dr, Augusta, GA 30909, USA 706-426-5445 Substance Abuse Center 510 N Jefferson St, Albany, GA 31701, USA 229-430-4345

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Gateway Behavioral Health Services 1113 E Oglethorpe Hwy #84, Hinesville, GA 31313, USA 866-557-9955 Perry Wellness Center 302 E Furlow St, Americus, GA 31709, USA 229-924-2430 Phoenix Center Behavioral 410 E Church St, Fort Valley, GA 31030, USA 478-825-6499 Georgia Addiction Treatment Center 100 Governors Trace Suite 109-110, Peachtree City, GA 30269, USA 833-297-1254 Project ADAM 8100, 112 Lanthier, Winder, GA 30680, United States 770-867-8003

resource guide Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center 255 Depot St Suite 200, Ball Ground, GA 30107, USA 678-515-9867 Midway Recovery Systems 119 S 10th St, Griffin, GA 30223, USA 770-227-8975

Region East Georgia River Edge Behavioral Health 175 Emery Hwy, Macon, GA 31217, USA 478-803-7600 Georgia Men’s Center 3729 US-441, Dublin, GA 31021, USA 478-984-5252 River Edge Recovery Center 3575 Fulton Mill Rd, Macon, GA 31206, USA 478-803-8617 Drug 24 Hour A & A Abuse Detox Macon, GA 31206, USA 478-785-9578 Bainbridge Probation Substance Abuse Center 235 State Hospital Rd, Bainbridge, GA 39817, USA 229-248-2463 RiskReduction/RSAT

Region East Georgia Sober Men Living 3330 Cobb Pl Blvd NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA 470-253-4765 Synapse, LLC Fountains at Piedmont Center, Bldg. 11, Suite 810, 3495 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, United States 404-848-9333 The Insight Program - Atlanta 5110 Old Ellis Point, Roswell, GA 30076, USA 770-751-8383

TM Behavioral Health Centers 3715 Northside Pkwy NW building 100 suite 700, Atlanta, GA 30327, USA 800-713-9662 St Jude’s Recovery Center 139 Renaissance Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA 404-874-2224 Hope Homes, Inc 1741 Spring St, Smyrna, GA 30080, USA 678-556-0840 Tangu Inc 1820 Water Pl SE # 250, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA 404-220-7362 Atlanta Substance Abuse LLC 171 Auburn Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 800-410-8031 Elite Rehab Placement 260 Peachtree St Ste 12C, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA 404-445-3304 Alcohol and Drug Evaluation (Diversion Center) 2759 Delk Rd #2425, Marietta, GA 30067, USA 404-503-8069 North Fulton Treatment Center 601 Bombay Ln, Roswell, GA 30076, USA 770-754-4674 Breakthrough Addiction Recovery 3330 Cumberland Blvd SE, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA 770-933-6846 http://www. The Purpose Center 2439 US-27, Carrollton, GA 30117, USA 770-906-4145 Talbott Recovery Campus 5355 Hunter Rd, Atlanta, GA 30349, USA 855-648-6832 Oxford House Drug Alcohol Substance Abuse 5260 Scofield Rd, Atlanta, GA 30349, USA 678-884-8277

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