More, Amour - 16 Valentines - new edition 2019

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More, Amour

larry goodell 2019

16 valentines by larry goodell

watercolor election time 2018 Cover: A Formal Masked Portrait of Larry, Lenore & Joel Goodell in front of their new house. Placitas, October 1975 published by Ken Saville as a Postcard, Transient Press

Š 2019, larry goodell 1 more added in this 3rd edition 3 more poems added & 1 removed in this 2nd edition

a duende book digital release 2014 & 1 more 2015 po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043

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2 Belated Valentines

You're the cup of my coffee I'm the spoon of your soup we've been eating together since Alley Oop.


You are my antelope I am your zebra we've been in love since the first cathedral. with love, larry

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Valentine But Not For Me

The world is a box of chocolate roses nobody can afford unless you’re a lawyer or down under a rare finder or just view exquisite things from a real rose, dead in February and you make your own chocolate milk or mousse. What is covered in chocolate, a valentine? A rose is a muse amused it doesn’t exist in winter in bloom except to titillate the bank account of nursery growers or tropical greenhouses hiring cheap labor to ship up to yuppie nose(s) questionable perfumes roses dipped in chocolate for the wealthiest tight-lipped goons. /1995

larry goodell 3

Loop Fold Dynasty

the loops & folds the dynasty achieved duenna addenda duende

given in the end

the DNA of and

in the 4 Corners Region add dada ann (a) a new recreation area & the ADA.

Lora oral laurel near Stonelake airport at Dulce

paid for by the Apaches

add a wanta tall pole stilts in other words to walk the land just under the present stratum where the place names the place names ‘the heart's land’ adding where the western corners meet the states of ann gina peter rita max bill suzanne ken one two three lenore errand late full step walking where the heart is gino bob brenda bobbie kell bill bill bill lyman who? uncle wiggly ken

close together gino brenda krishna zen ron fred jeff elder human-brother sister janie nick miki terry walter nancy katherine inner space keith alan upper space dad bette kenner annie kathy alan rick suzanne alvis martie sandra joyce adding to the land lone dorothy states of heloise diana drummond louise & lorraine ron michelle robert button neil sonia meredith steve barry roz barry Jr. king of Oz roger susan lora david diva lee joel lenore more loaning of the lore the old mines entered loops & folds the dynasty achieved given in the end the DNA of and interred

/3Mar70#2 this poem appeared in a Fervent Valley and included the names of everyone dear to me in 1970

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No Whine for Mystics /for Lenore & thanks Charles Alexander Sacred entity of the quiet dogma Bark Bark out Be the Mother Dog The Bitch of God— Oh God-Ditty Invading palavers of mystical thought-sinks. I am not a mystic, nor even a barbarian. Just the son of a business man & piano player & flower arranger. Just a small-town boy who discovers with horror he's on the verge of being a life-long poet. Bitch-God doesn't sing for me on Valentine's day I write express wishes to a real human being after watering the orchids & misting their green-tipped roots. Bark, no, mystics are for Madmen & rococo women Bernini twisted & El Greco racked till blood spurts. I give real heart in a valentine a real head a hard day's work wanting to get outside to manure the old ground for the first peas. That is fact.

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Love starts up from the day in the old ways as the old couples reminiscences intersplice in easy conversation that is a male-female repartee of story our story, only bite no bark of Church dungeons & New Age toiletries the bite of 10 minutes after ten on Valentine's on air Cabezon, snow-topped, the Giant's bit-off head gone legends say, playing with the landscape. Which came first? the chicken or the peck that broke the egg. English came before me and I'm only a tiny part of my love for you real woman at work I work here to be with you oh mine is fine woman mine and you line my Valentine. /14Feb1992

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Too Early, Too Dry, Too Warm

I saw the first forsythia right after Valentine’s Day What are you doing bringing Spring in so early There’s hardly been a winter there’s hardly been a freeze There’s hardly been a knocking on the doors of “wintry gloom.” The first bit of yellow blooms ready to sweep on over the shrub unready uncertain against Max’s East rock wall the forsythia forewarning foreshortening the spring after hardly any winter snow at all portends the wonderful bright yellow blush of everything budding out to get frozen down warm breaking record 70's yesterday the insects hardly killed back everything pretending oh spring oh sprung too early go home give me normality again when I’m not certain everything is crazy. I wish I was happy to feel the wacky winds so early in February and the first rush of spring in yellow forsythia blooming for all the world to bear the premature birth of the earth out of joint But I welcome, how can I, do anything else, spring time magic in the powdery dust. /1996

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Happy Valentine’s Day Lenore

I couldn’t say anything but Happy Valentine’s Day. My valentine isn’t a heart: it’s anything but a part of everything I say. It goes unsaid, lives on and on and on and on. My valentine whispers through and gets to the other side with you. My valentine is with you. When I reach for it you have it. My valentine is you. Love, Larry 13Feb1998

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Growing Up

Enter the enterable and be there for me Whatever, whenever, however you are that is the peace that is security a release from fear, momentarily holding on beyond the possible, the leap to long time. I mean that good feeling, boy, I mean I wish I had it. I did and I will again. When I realize I’m doing just about what I can do, am honestly turning myself around in the pleasure of the dance, the only dance I do these days, these days, cavorting with them. You are my parent, and I am your child. And I am always growing up. /late night Valentine’s Day 2000

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I valentine my valentine by valued time arranged open ears open eyes open open until unlayered naked spirit stands in love before me, around me in me. This is my valentine where words won’t work. Heart flower of the universe does, just this hour. Just this just instant. Bliss of the morning kiss. Hug on the rug. Goodbye hello. In the atmosphere this dawning every minute of the day when pulled down, realized or just opened up. I have to, have to remind myself to live when I can and fall off the spiritual cliff which is not a real cliff so disappears as the music and my deep in drawn breath expands my chest to the max and releases, releases, releases back to this. /14Feb2001

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Lots of time has gone by since the beginning when a flower opened up space. Now where did that flower come from, some ask. That flower came out of itself in an intense expression of beauty. The concept of beauty exploded into reality: and therefore space opened up. And where did the concept come from? It came out of the intense boredom of the vacuum of the universe. And this flower, this this flower is the result. The beautiful flower of the universe, among many flowers, among many flowers. These carnations, these many carnations, red-tipped, white petaled in a blue vase. /Valentine's Day 2003

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A Valentine Without “Be Mine”

How do you write a valentine without saying “be mine”? be not trine, be a sign of two. Be me. Be you. And that be true. Don’t whine. Everything is fine. The balance is in the wine. What has value comes in time. And that is not a fine line. The rind of the lemon is bitter but the zest is used for flavor. Love can stop on a dime & be a mime and go on forever, be in favor make the heart stop then go on to jump, stump the experts, overwhelm the senses surprise the eyes fill the soul with the body lift the spirits just with your presence what is love not at its height but a delight, not to fight we will go on forever loving the lover. Oh where art thou? Thou art art. Heart to heart. Head to heart. Heart to art. Art thou with me? What are you not? Oh vacancy & dread with a throbbing head without love I’m dead, I can’t even go to bed. O king of doggerel I don’t care who you argue-el cat or mouse or eagle I’m no good without my more than equal. Love let us be dutiful and live our quieter times together sublime remembered and renewable – love remains undefined and yet exists to ward off unpleasant times. Heart caught in a maze with you laughing with a kiss that is true. /14Feb06 larry goodell 12


Budwana, Bood wana Wana catastrophe. Bood. In the Bood. Bood day. Bood day a wana. Wana bood bood bood bood day. A bood day. Catastrophe. Serene entity. Entitle serenity. There is no serenity as catastrophe laces everything. At the edge of a cliff a cliff hanger. It bodes destiny. It’s destiny, give in, fall. Wake up in a dream. I am falling for you, goddamn life. Life falls. Everything interconnected there is only isolation, a bood bud. Bud duh. Duh bood day. It boods, it buds, it bodes, a bôda, a bodacious, abode, a boat to paradise, a paradise of catastrophe, a cross out, a release, please release me everyone. Everyone is every man. Every man is every woman. I only speak for half the race. And of all those, one. The chattered universe. One of the cogs of the chatter. I don’t say anything and a word pops in. Pops in place. A bud, not yet, it’s still winter. A mind of silence bud. I found a religion, give it up & move on. I cling to nothing but things cling to me. Stuck on a word. The word for a bud. A bud bod. “A,” the letter A. A Bood AH. The sound ah. Ah Bud Ee. A bud ee. Buddy. Finally a mantra sitting power. Bood bud day. Bud day. It’s a bud day. Falling for you or rather myself, my unknown self. To thine own pelf be who you are. I am the you who you are, an imagination. Bud’s aura. Aura shoots out from the stars. The tongue twists into a bud. Bud bood bood “A.” A bood A. A is the beginning of a bud, bud is a beginning of Ah. Ah is all things, or at all things or at something opening. A baddy, ah b4d ee. At a body. Bruno. Broody. Bud Ah. Bud Ah. Bud Ah. At a Bud, Ah. Ah bud. Bood bood bood bood Bood uh. Bood uh. Bood. Uh. on Valentine’s Day/14Feb08

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A Valentine Is My Name

A Valentine is my name, St. Name I confer upon you names of love. Amor, liebe, lonely place filled to capacity, two vibrant soul dancers, rakostaa. Amar, amar, älska. Names put you through a sweat activated nicely. Turned into action from cinta to mincintai, miloœæ to kochaæ, turned passion into flames. Love only love amour, aimer– aim to hit re-ci-pro-ca-tive-ly: love passions all dogma, explodes definitions, is too broad-minded to be narrow, engulfs, engages, inflames, empowers, teeters, holds, annoys, clasps, subsumes, transcends ends. Tends to be finite and then infinite asik. Hits, boles over, strangulates, empties breath. Gasps. Turns into a butterfly remembered, a pleasant seasonal pain. Regains to last, reincarnated desire, settled into pastorale of perfection, the well drinking of forever moist, and more, amour.

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Flower Found for Lenore Love of my life enter in to a species of flower only discovered this year 2003. Did I discover you? no, but I am the head of a society to protect you and to broaden the discovery to the whole plant. It was found that the entire plant not just the flower has never been discovered, has no history, no one knows where it came from: you are a mystery, but our foundation of which this society is one of many is working to observe every detail of your life: what was your family history where did you come from, well it is known it is the Earth. You are simply a flower of the Earth, with no history, perhaps your genes will open up a path. How did you achieve this fragrance that brings back the tropics and night visitors. The sweet that draws you, anyone, to it. As President I direct the challenge of your dream become reality, beautiful flower, unknown. /9Oct2003

(Heard Lenore say something loudly in her sleep. Woke up. And the first line came to me. Searched for this notebook, saying the line over and over so I wouldn’t forget it. Finally found it and wrote this poem for Lenore.)

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February 14, 2019 That we know nothing surprises except the bad, those worst elements that bite you in the face, but for now there is a steady course towards love or a stay there, it just infuses the whole body, the receptive mind. Dawn lifts up to awake and correct to infuse back to all here in this time zone, I have been absorbed. It takes me, what? With it it arises in me as your presence not far away close, how close, how close can you get to real love? I don’t know what is real but love simply appears with the day in everything working together to play at life, be life in love absorbing all so it is care, a you and a me, what more to be becomes “is.” Let’s find it playing out together. Here this day, too near to miss. love, larry

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sing to the heart of things stay there tongue tied in it

yes yes yes yes yes yes

Back Cover: Family Portrait, pencil drawing, Lenore Goodell November 1975

a duende book digital release 2011 (2nd edition 2014, 3rd 2015, 4th 2019) po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043

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forever moist, and more, amour

in celebration of the poet’s 75th year larry goodell 2011 & every day 2019

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