Larry Savage Jr explains that in today’s world, you have many choices in energy efficient lightning with the most effective being LEDs. Although they cost a bit higher than traditional bulbs, they consume less energy and in turn you will save money instantaneously. Other options of timers and photocells help to save electricity by switching off lights when not in use. Dimmers also save electricity. Be wise in your choice and choose from energy-efficient bulbs only. Apart from switching to energy efficient bulbs, Larry Savage Jr Birmingham also shares some of the useful energy saving tips.
GET AN ENERGY AUDIT Doing an energy audit helps to determine your baseline energy and offer a clear outline for better ways to save energy at work. Some of the electric utility companies offer free audit service to check for insulation issues ,air leaks and create several options for the installation of energy efficient lightning systems.
BUY ENERGY-EFFICIENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT Before making any new purchases, make sure to buy ENERGYSTAR rated products as these products are evaluated properly and help you to save money and manage your business’ energy costs in the long run. Reduce
Demand in Peak time
Another viable option to save energy is to reduce the demand at the time of peak hours. The electricity rates are comparative higher in peak demand times like the normal office hours say from 9 am to 5 pm. You can stagger the timings and run your heavy equipment during late evening or early morning to save money and conserve energy.
PROGRAM YOUR Use EnergyTHERMOSTATS Efficient Solutions The office programming of thermostats must be done properly. There is no need to heat or cool a workplace after office hours. Use of programmable or smart thermostats manage the temperature after and during the office working hours and this makes a huge impact on total consumable energy.
One of the simplest and best energy saving tip is to replace the incandescent bulbs with LED’s to reduce the electricity cost. Apart from this, make sure to turn off the lights when not in use. Sensor lights can be installed in office to keep the lights on when required.
PREVENT “PHANTOM ENERGY” Phantom energy means energy which is being used by equipment that remains plugged in but not in use. Larry Savage Jr recommends to connect all computer peripherals (printers, monitors, etc.) to power strips (aka “surge protectors”) so that the flip of a single switch can shut down several devices. Take advantage of natural sunlight and fans: If you’re fortunate enough to have an office space where abundant natural light is available then you might need not to turn on the lights as windows can give all the illumination. Also, use fans wherever possible as the fewer kilowatt hours of energy you use, the less you have to pay. Always remember that a dollar saved is a dollar earned.
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