Top 5 Benefits Of Taking Phosphatidylserine (PS)

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Top 5 Benefits Of Taking Phosphatidylserine (PS)

1. Why We Need Phosphatidylserine (PS) Some days, our brain feels like it has become clogged and cannot perform any function. In most cases, this happens due to declined cognitive function, a state more common to old people but not rare in young adults. Over the last few years, scientists and researchers have shown great confidence in

Phosphatidylserine's capability to treat diminished cognitive function. More importantly, growing research in the area has exposed people to other benefits of Phosphatidylserine, such as its ability to treat conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease and ADHD as well as its ability to boost sleep and enhance mood. Before getting into the details of what Phosphatidylserine does for the human body, let us first understand what is Phosphatidylserine (PS).

2. What is Phosphatidylserine (PS)?

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid and a compound that is very close to a dietary fibre commonly found in the human neural tissue. Phosphatidylserine plays a crucial role in clotting function and is vital for cognitive function as Phosphatidylserine facilitates the transferring of messages between nerve cells. On average, a Western diet supplies close to 130 mg of Phosphatidylserine every day. Fish and meat are good sources of Phosphatidylserine, which is also found in sparse amounts in dairy products and vegetables. Soy lecithin is

another good source of Phosphatidylserine. However, though Phosphatidylserine can be synthesized by the body as well as consumed through the diet in the form of natural sources, preliminary research shows that its levels decline with age. Thus, these days, Phosphatidylserine supplementation is promoted, especially in older individuals registering any decline in memory and cognitive function. Over the last few years, the demand for Phosphatidylserine supplements has increased significantly since Phosphatidylserine supplements are considered a natural remedy for a variety of conditions, such as anxiety, Alzheimer's, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, depression, stress and multiple sclerosis. That apart, Phosphatidylserine supplements are also known to enhance physical output, exercise performance, mood and sleep.

In this article, alongside discussing the several key functions and benefits of Phosphatidylserine, we will also dig deeper to reveal the best Phosphatidylserine supplement currently available in the market.

3. Phosphatidylserine (PS) Benefits

Let us look at some of the key benefits of Phosphatidylserine (PS):

â—?It Is an Effective Treatment Option Against Cognitive Decline and Dementia Initial research conducted on animals revealed that prolonged supplementation of Phosphatidylserine either reduces the rate of cognitive decline or completely reverses it in rats. Following these positive conclusions, studies were conducted to analyze the effect of Phosphatidylserine intake on human beings and several studies corroborated the fact that 200 mg intravenous supplementation of Phosphatidylserine to Alzheimer's patients increases the level of dopamine and serotonin, the two hormones that register significant decline otherwise due to the condition. More importantly, Phosphatidylserine also performs the key function of preserving glucose metabolism, which also provides relief from the disease.

â—?It Is Used Commonly for Its Nootropic Effect Phosphatidylserine supplement is often prescribed to old people to improve their attention as well as declining thinking skills. The first research that studied the effect of Phosphatidylserine on memory function in elderly humans with non-pathological mental impairment linked 300mg soy-based Phosphatidylserine intake for three months with improved visual memory. Yet

another study assessed the effect of fish oil Phosphatidylserine on memory and revealed that Phosphatidylserine supplementation improved immediate word recall action in old people by up to 42%. Thus, Phosphatidylserine certainly has a nootropic effect on the body. However, research on the efficacy of plant-derived Phosphatidylserine in preventing age-related memory loss is limited and more work is needed in this area.

â—?Phosphatidylserine Intake Is Also Associated with Enhanced Exercise Performance A report published in Sports Medicine revealed that there is enough evidence to prove that Phosphatidylserine supplementation is linked with improved athletic performance and exercise capacity. The study also stated that regular Phosphatidylserine supplementation reduces muscle soreness as well as one's risk of developing injuries. Similarly, another study revealed that Phosphatidylserine supplementation for six weeks improved how golfers tee off and combining Phosphatidylserine with caffeine and vitamin reduces feelings of tiredness after exercising. However, it must be kept in mind that these improvements are not very marked.

â—?Phosphatidylserine Helps Fight Depression

In 2015, a study published in Mental Illness revealed that in people aged 65 and above, regular Phosphatidylserine, DHA and EPA intake can reduce depression. Similarly, another study revealed that Phosphatidylserine supplementation promotes feelings of satisfaction and happiness after a workout session by reducing the level of stress-induced cortisol i.e. the stress hormone.

â—?It Can Be Used to Treat ADHD in Children A 2012 study studied the effect of Phosphatidylserine on children with ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 200 children with ADHD participated in the study, which concluded that 15 weeks of treatment using Phosphatidylserine in combination with omega-3 fatty acids was effective in treating ADHD. Children given this combination registered reduced hyperactive or impulsive behaviour and enhanced mood. In 2014, another study was conducted to analyze phosphatidylserine to placebo in 36 children suffering from ADHA for two months. At the end of the study, the treatment group exhibited improved memory and attention.

Other Benefits

Other than the benefits mentioned above, Phosphatidylserine supplementation is also linked with improved anaerobic running capacity, reduced fatigue and better processing accuracy and speed.

4. Phosphatidylserine (PS) Dosage The correct dosage of Phosphatidylserine (PS) depends on the benefit for which it is being taken. The general consensus is that a standard dosage of 100 mg, taken thrice a day, thereby totalling at 300 mg daily, is both safe and

effective against cognitive decline. On the other hand, when Phosphatidylserine is being used to treat ADHD, a standard dosage of 200 mg per day is considered ideal for children and 400 mg per day is considered ideal for adults. For Alzheimer's, a dosage of 300-400 mg is considered necessary. If a Phosphatidylserine supplement is being used to improve exercise output, users are asked to not exceed the 300 mg dosage limit per day.

5. Is Phosphatidylserine (PS) Safe? The research done so far reveals that Phosphatidylserine is well tolerated by the body and when taken orally, it is safe to take Phosphatidylserine for up to 3 months with the daily dosage not exceeding 300 mg per day. Children can take these supplements for up to 4 months. However, exceeding daily dosage beyond 300 mg per day can lead to side effects such as insomnia and stomach issues. Pregnant and breast-feeding women must stay away from Phosphatidylserine supplements as there isn't enough evidence to prove that these supplements are safe for these groups. Many people prefer plant-based Phosphatidylserine supplements as it is believed that animal-based supplements expose users to animal-related

diseases. However, no research study has found any concrete evidence to support this idea.

6. Phosphatidylserine (PS) Uses Over the last few years, the demand for Phosphatidylserine supplements has increased considerably owing to the several uses of Phosphatidylserine (PS). For starters, Phosphatidylserine is very effective in enhancing cognitive function and minimizing cognitive decline. Similarly, it has also shown to be effective against ADHD in children as well as adults and efficiently tackles exercise-induced stress by reducing the cortisol levels within the body. It is also known to enhance a person's attention, working memory and exercise output. Phosphatidylserine is also known to be a mood and sleep booster. Owing to all of these reasons and more, the demand for Phosphatidylserine supplements has increased considerably over the last few years.

7. The Best Phosphatidylserine (PS) Supplement of 2020 The market is brimming with Phosphatidylserine (PS) supplements, all of which claim to be equally effective. Thus, buyers are often left confused about

which supplement is the right choice for them. If you are one such buyer, read on. In our opinion, the Double Wood Supplements Phosphatidylserine is the best supplement currently available in the market. We present our reasons in support of this choice. First, this supplement offers the best value for money -in a sea of super-expensive products, this Phosphatidylserine supplement falls on the affordable side. Second, this supplement by Double Wood Supplements is made in a USDA-inspected facility and therefore, its quality can be tested. The product has also been tested for purity as well as potency. The bottle contains 120 capsules that will last you a month or more. So, if you are looking to buy a good Phosphatidylserine supplement, trust this one.

8. Where to Buy Phosphatidylserine (PS) Powder in Bulk? Whether you are a company that manufactures Phosphatidylserine supplements or an individual who wants to buy Phosphatidylserine (PS) powder in bulk for any other purposes, the best place to shop is Cofttek is a supplement raw material manufacturer that has been in the market since 2008. The company is committed to producing high-quality

products and has a highly-skilled and experienced research team that works round-the-clock to ensure buyers are getting the best quality products for their money. Cofttek already has clients and customers in various parts of India, China, Europe and North America. It also has a dedicated sales team that ensures all of the company's clients turn into happy customers. The Phosphatidylserine powder offered by Cofttek comes in batches of 25 kilograms.

( and can be trusted blindly for quality and reliability. Thus, if you are looking to buy Phosphatidylserine (PS) powder in bulk, do not shop anywhere else but at Cofttek.

References ne pplements

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