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Graphics by Gunnar Haywood


Cons: E-books on wireless, or even homewired will inevitebly have network issues and people will be unable to use them for a time. At anytime the device you are using could disconnect and because it is electronic, there can even be permanent loss of data depending on how long it had been since it had been used.

Pros: Some advantages for online reading/ e-books are that if they have been saved to a device, on a platform that can function without internet, and it has been saved on a mobile device, then it would be possible to use it wherever you go. The availability of e-books is also much better than physical copies, it’s possible to rent, find online, or purchase a book at anytime online. There is also much more content for heavy readers online, though the quality of some of the content may be below average.

Physical Books

Pros: Real books have the advantage of never having difficulties with the internet, they can be bought at anytime, and can be brought anywhere. There are no real restrictions on real books unless that specific book has been banned in that specific country/state/location.

Cons: The problem with real books is that if they are ever damaged in any way is that the book will likely be ruined forever, and the person who owns the book will have to aquire another copy of the book. Another disadvantage is the availability of the book, if the book production line has been discontinued, then you will have dificulty replacing or purchasing the book.

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