1 minute read
Keep Austin Green
by LASA Ezine
What’s the difference between being Vegan and Vegetarian?
By: Nithya Rupavatharam
Two categories of plant-based eaters include Vegans and Vegetarians. Although they are similar, they have their differences, and it is important to be able to distinguish between the two of them so that both groups are respected.
Vegan Vegetarian
Vegans do not consume products that come from animals -> this includes meats/seafood, dairy products, and animal rennet (which is a product that speeds up cheese-fermentation processes).
BOTH GROUPS: vs. Vegetarians do not consume meat products, but they can eat certain animal products (such as dairy products).
-> plant-based -> do not use or consume meat products. -> may choose these dietary restrictions because of religious reasons or concern for the well being of animals