Innovation Austin How Austin’s Makers are Changing the World Limitless Asleep at the Wheel The Reality of Virtual Reality Energy Revolutionized
Volume 1
Features Asleep at the wheel
Self driving cars are going to change the way we travel and live our lives. Discover the possibilities of Autonomous Vehicles and when we may see them in the future. Samuel Skeith
The Reality of Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality has changed a lot since it early stages. It now has a variaty of uses, such a more imersive game or providing a work environment. Virtual Reality is getting more imersive, and much more realistic. Nicholas Thompson
3-D printing is one of the fastest rising industries on the market. It allows anybody to make anything, as long as they have a large enough machine, the right skill set, and a creative imagination. Lenny Chen Circuit boards like this one can be found in almost every piece of modern technology. Used with permision from Pexels.
Alternate Stories
3-D Printer Comparison
Austin’s Makers
The Future of Austin Tech Trans Industry portation
The pros and cons of different 3-D printers and their many uses. Lenny Chen
Austin has a large makers community who are using tech in new and creative ways. Ian Poe
2 / Innovation AUstin
The future is now, along with its cars. Here are 3 cars that are innovative, weir, or just plain cool. Sam S
In recent years, the Austin Technology Industry has exploded. Nicholas Thompson
Energy: Revolutionized
Clean green energy is being used more and more because of its low environmental footprint and high efficiency. Green energy is now showing up in all sorts of places, and can almost be used as instead of fossil fuels. Ian Poe
From The Editors We, the editors, would like to welcome you, the readers, to the first edition of Innovation Austin, our new tech magazine. Our magazine was created with prospective tech workers in mind. Tech workers can expect a yearly salary $40,000 greater than the average Austinite, making tech jobs desirable. However, there are many different fields in the tech industry,
and finding the fields with the greatest promise can be a challenge. We aim to give Austin tech workers a sampling of some of the most promising fields. Readers will find information on four of the aforementioned fields within our magazine. These fields include green energy, self driving cars, 3D printing, and virtual reality. All of these fields have the poten-
tial to change the way we live, and offer many opportunities. On behalf of the Innovation Austin team, I would like to welcome readers to our magazine. Enjoy.
-Innovation Austin team
The Editors
Innovation Austin / 3
Contributors Lenny Chen Lenny Chen is a contributor and writer for Innovation Austin. In his free time, he plays the piano and cello, and spends time with his two dogs. He also designs gadgets in CAD software. Lenny has been using new technologies such as 3D printing in his day to day life. He attends the Liberal Arts and Science Academy, and lives with his family in Northwest Austin.
Ian Poe Ian Poe is a contributor and writer of Innovation Austin. In addition to school, he enjoys competing in Cross Examination debate tournaments, glassblowing and creating glass art, working with metal, and programming in Java. He is a member of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Cohort 16, and he has been interested in technology for his whole life. Ian lives in Central Austin with his parents and dog.
Nicholas Thompson Nicholas Thompson is a contributor and writer of Innovation Austin. When Nicholas isn’t studying or doing homework, he is practicing at the Archery Training Center in Austin, playing video games, and watching Netflix. Nicholas has always been interested in new technology, movies, and robotics, and would like to pursue his interests in robotics. Nicholas currently lives in South Austin with his parents and little sister.
Sam Skeith Sam Skeith is a contributor and writer of Innovation Austin. His favorite pastimes are playing video games, sleeping, and playing with his dog. Sam also plays the Violin and is part of a Cross Country team. Sam currently lives in South Austin with his parents and dog.
4 / Innovation Austin
With the population of Austin at nearly one million, and quickly rising, places to live are growing scarce and expensive. The Austonian, a 683 foot tall luxury apartment complex in the middle of downtown Austin, is one of the many new housing solutions helping Austin accomodate its growth. Photo by Laksge under Creative Commons license. Cropped to size.
The University of Texas at Austin is one of the major drivers of innovation in Austin, with over 50 thousand students in a multitude of fields. The UT Tower is one of the many things that makes Austin special. Photo by LoneStarMike under Creative Commons license. Cropped to size.
5 / Innovation Austin
A collection of antique steering wheels, showing the progression of design and innovation in cars. By Chris 73
Asleep at the Wheel Autonomous Vehicles, and how they will change our lives By Samuel Skeith
Autonomous vehicles will change the way we live. They will be energy efficient and will allow the driver to not have to worry about focusing on driving. These vehicles may also allow the driver to get work done, work out, or do anything as long as it can fit in the car. Self driving cars have already had an impact on the tech industry, and have an energy efficient way of driving. People have already started using prototype self
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driving cars, and they will probably be available for the general public in about 5 years. Autonomous vehicles will completely change the way people and goods move and will change the way we live. “AVs use LiDAR & cameras & radars & their existing computer databases to “see”/anticipate obstacles (like curbs, other vehicles, pedestrians) & infer what they should do” said Profesor Kara Kockelman, an Profesor at the University of Texas who has been studying autonomous
vehicles..This type of system allows self driving cars to be much more efficient than a car driven by a human driver. Senior Environmental Engineer from Samsung, Britt Taylor-Burton thinks that this type of system could be more energy efficient than how people currently drive. According to him, “There is a lot of energy wasted by inefficient driving that could be reduced if the car is controlled by a computer that doesn’t make mistakes or simply guess the best way through traffic. I think self-driving cars could be the ultimate in energy efficient driving.” Although these cars are more energy efficient, people may
“It’s going to be a huge lifestyle change.” Desdemona Bandini Gas stations like these are crucial to keeping Americans on the road. By Juvara
Highways like this one allow for easy transportation across the country. Used with permission by Kenny Louie
still be sceptical about completely trusting a fully autonomous vehicle. People are just used to being in control of their car, and they may not be ready to fully accept self driving cars. “It’s kind of like with anything brand new, there is kind of a trickle down” said Desdemona Bandini, a Senior Content Manager for Global Brands. Although some may still be sceptical, there will always be the people who adapt first and accept both the benefits and risks of a fully autonomous vehicle. Professor Kara Kockelman said “I think people will use them regularly, if they are available”. Once the majority of people are
willing to trust a autonomous vehicle, they may start buying them because of their energy efficiency and possible long term cost efficiency. “I think they’ll be available for purchase by BIG FLEET owners/managers in the next 5 years, but you & I probably can’t buy one for at least 5 years.” said Profesor Kara Kockelman. Good news for anyone interested in these new cars. Once people start using autonomous vehicles on a regular basis, we will start seeing many changes, and not just transportation wise. “Yea, they are going to have a huge change on everything. It’s going to be a huge
lifestyle change.” said Desdemona Bandini. Once self driving cars become a daily norm, they might become more specialized to suit people’s needs. “I think it’s going to be a huge open space of creativity. So there may be like, gym cars for example.” said Desdemona Bandini. Self drivings cars are going to have a large impact, and will change our lives..
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A car part of the Google self driving car fleet, a Lexus RX450h. Similar cars will be available for the general public ot drive in about five years. By Mariordo. Innovation Austin 8
Innovation Austin 9
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Build Volume
3-D It’s safe to say that nowadays, you can probably afford a 3-D printer. Why? In recent years, the consumer market has been flooded by so many different products that you can now pick up a decent printer for two hundred dollars or less. But what printer will suit your uses? In determining this, there are many factors to take into consideration. If you plan to use a printer for your job, I would recommend that you spend a little more for a higher-end printer, for the added features and reliability. If you just plan to get your toes wet in 3-D printing, one of the aforementioned low budget printers is best for you. If you are a hobbyist, a cheap printer with limited features might cut it for you, but if you’re left wanting more, a medium price printer might suit your needs. But, should you even buy one of these devices? While obsolescence is a problem with these machines, they can be bought for so little, and are incredibly useful, versatile tools, so I would say yes; you should get a 3-D printer. The following infographic’s purpose is to show, not rank, some 3-D printers which might suit your needs.
Printer Comparison MP Select Mini 3D Printer V2: 1 Pros: Very cheap. Cons: Technical problems, small build volume. Severely limited in materials and settings. Who is it for? Beginners, hobbyists with a low budget.
CR-10: 2 Pros: Massive build volume for a cheap price. Cons: Minor technical problems, such as filament getting stuck. Who is it for? Hobbyists of all skill levels, small businesses.
Original Prusa i3 mk3: 3 Pros: Can print most materials for FDM, medium build volume, reasonably priced, a plethora of handy features, quite reliable Cons: Not that many, it faces most limitations of FDM machines. Who is it for? High to medium experience hobbyists, can be used for small businesses due to reliability and versatility.
Makerbot Replicator +: 4 Pros: Ready to print, relatively simple UI, easy to use. Cons: Rather expensive compared to similar printers. Who is it for? Small businesses, schools, most hobbyists
Ultimaker 3: 5 Pros: Reliable, high quality, can print a wide range of materials. Cons: Barely any issues, this is a high end desktop 3-D printer. Who is it for? Experienced hobbyist, businesses, companies.
Form 2: 6 Pros: extremely high resolution, medical grade materials, can print final products, not just prototypes Cons: Extensive post-processing, resin is hard to work with, high cost, not a large build volume. Who is it for? Small Companies, medical professionals, hobbyist with a high budget. Not a starter machine.
Fuse 1: 7 Pros: No support material required due to SLS, extremely cheap for machines of its type, high resolution. SLS printers normally sell for a hundred thousand dollars or more. Cons: Powder is hard to work with and requires safety equipment, still extremely expensive. Who is it for? Businesses or Companies. This is too much effort for the average hobbyist.
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The Reality of Virtual Reality BBy Nicholas Thompson
14 / Innovation Austin
No one ever expected that scientists Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull’s invention would become one of the most wanted devices on the market. Even though it’s not their device that sits in a local Gamestop, it is inspired by it. Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull created the world’s first VR headset. Today there are tons of different VR headsets with a common goal to give people a major interactive experience. Though some cost more than others, each one will provide an unforgettable experience and put a smile on anyone’s face. Virtual reality allows the experience like no other. In the last few years virtual reality ,also known as VR, has made a big impact. Developers and users of virtual reality have used it to create more immersive experiences. Businesses in Austin, Texas have used virtual reality to make games, host virtual reality arcades, make models, and more. Virtual reality allows people to have experiences that would seem impossible. A person could walk on the moon while at home or watch a movie in a movie theater while sitting on the floor. VR will revolutionize the way things are experienced.
This is the prototype of the virtual reality headset by Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull. This picture was taken by Pargon.
The popular game Super Hot in VR. Photo taken by Bago Games
VR has been used by a variety people and is used for a variety of things. Some developers used VR as a social platform. One of the most popular headsets, called the Oculus Rift, was created by a 22 year old inventor named Palmer Luckey. Mark Zuckerberg saw this device and invested in it. “It’s no coincidence that they see it as a social platform of the future,”said Associate Video Producer, Wylie Earnhart. Oculus has made the Oculus Rooms which allows a person and their friends to be in a voice call. The purpose of the Oculus Rooms is to simulate how someone would hang out with their friends in real
life. There is also an app called VR chat which allows VR users to create and share world with each other. It also allows users to experience huge worlds with their friends in online communities. VR is mostly used for video games, because gaming is one of the biggest industries in the world. Lots of people love to play video games on their computer and on their phones. With VR, a lot of new and innovative experiences can be formed. Games like Gorn and Superhot VR gives the user the feeling of a kickbutt warrior.
This is a man is training for his driver’s licnese using the Oculus headset. This picture was taken by Nan Palmero
13 / Innovation Austin
This is a picture of someone using the HTC vibe as a VR headset. This is photo is taken at Originator Studios in Austin, Texas
This is the sign at Orginator Studions that host VR arcades with a varity of experiences.
14 / Innovation Austin
While some games focus on fighting, other games focus on unorthodox experiences. Games like Star Trek Bridge Crew, which puts the user in the shoes of a crew member on the USS Enterprise and explore space. Then there’s Richie’s Plank, that allows someone to step on a wooden plank 30 stories high and gives the user the fear of falling off a building. “It’s pretty cool to see how people react,” Kari Burke, Studio Manager of Originator Studios, said. VR isn’t just used for entertainment and video games, it can also be used by architects to show buildings that are across the
world from where the user is. Say a researcher wishes to study The Great Wall of China, but it’s too expensive to get a ticket to China. If the researcher has a VR headset, they could experience The Great Wall of China from their living room. Originator Studios made a Whole Foods location in VR, so investors across seas can see it without flying anyone over. More and more possibilities open up for VR every year. VR is being used to help people learn how to drive, help paraplegics regain body functions, and train employees. Many dentist offices use VR to distract
This a picture of the title of the exploration virtual reality game Star Trek Bridge Crew. This photo is taken by Bago Games.
This is a photo of the Playstation VR headset and is used with the popular Playstation 4. This photo was taken by Bago Games.
patients from the surgery that is going on in their mouths.
The other headsets cost anywhere from 500 to 3,000 dollars, depending on what a person has. If someone is starting “The possibilities are endless when with nothing, a computer is where to start. A it comes to virtual good computer will allow reality,� Burke said. anything to run on a VR headset. Once a good computer is bought, 500 Types of Headsets dollars is needed to buy the headset The use depends Another option to on the type of headset. get started in VR is the There are two different Playstation VR headset. kinds of headsets, cheap This option is open to smartphone powered Playstation 4 owners who headsets and more expen- are looking for a more sive but also more powerimmersive experience. This ful headsets designed for option still cost about 500 use with computers or con- dollars, but will provide a soles. The headset powvariety of experiences and ered a smartphone gives games. a mediocre experience for Though VR may low prices. The headsets cost a lot, it is worth it for powered by computers the experience a person and consoles give a more will have and the many extravagant experience different ways someone and would pull a lot out of can use it. Users can the average bank account. create experiences with The VR headset for infinite possibilities. With the a smartphone can cost a lot of innovation on the between 10 and 45 dolway, VR will become more lars. Some headsets come mobile and more amazing. with a controller because VR may grow to become most experiences in VR one of the most innovative requires a controller. devices of the 21st century.
This is a model of the HTC vibe, one of the most advanced VR headsets. Photo by Maurizio Pesce.
15 / Innovation Austin
Austin’s Makers Austin is rich with artistic and technical talent and boasts a wide array of amazing sculptures. Here are 7 of our favorites, located all around Austin. Story, Design, and Photographs by Ian Poe
“Lake Nessie”
At Mueller Austin By Dixie Friend Gay
This Large Glass and Ceramic Sculpture is a popular attraction at Mueller Austin inspired by Mythical water creatures.
At Mueller Austin By Dixie Friend Gay
Walkers at Mueller Austin can appreciate this core-ten and stainless steel spider. Over time, the elements will dramatically change this sculpture to a rusty orange.
“monochrome for Austin” On the UT Austin campus BY nancy Rubins
“Forever Bicycles”
At The Waller Creek Boathouse By Ai WeiWei
This massive sculpture made of 1,254 bicycles presents a blurring visual effect for walkers as well as austinites enjoying the river.
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UT students can enjoy this Colossal Sculpture of 70 Canoes and small boats which cost years and nearly $1.4 Million to produce.
“Looking Up”
At Laguna Gloria BY Tom Friedman
This towering stainless steel figure is the crownpiece of the COntemporary Austin’s Laguna Gloria sculpture garden, a local park that boasts a multitude of fabulous sculptures.
“Iron Tree Trunk” At Laguna Gloria BY Ai WeiWei
This rusted iron recreation of a tree trunk is another sculpture displayed prominently at The Contemporary Austin’s Laguna GLoria Sculpture Garden. Made to closely mimic an actual tree trunk, this sculpture blends perfectly with Laguna Gloria’s natural Atmosphere.
“Pollen Grain”
At Mueller Austin BY Chris Levack
This metal sphere made of steel rings represents one pollen grain magnified 30,000 times. Park goers can admire this sculpture from afar or while walking on Mueller’s southwest greenway.
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Three objects printed in plastic on one of EOS’s machines. Photo courtesy of Jay Jones
Additive manufacturing is advancing at a rapid pace. How will it affect you? Written by Leonard Chen
have probably seen these Y oumachines in the news, or in a shop-window, or even at work or school. You may have used shoes, custom parts, or even had an implant made on one of these machines. Expect to see more of them, because 3D printing is on the rise and becoming more affordable, and you might even have one in your home in the near future. This story is based on the experiences of people working at EOS, a power player in the additive manufacturing industry since 1989, with their machines and service centers around the globe. These are the opinions of people in the additive manufacturing industry, some who have upwards of a decade’s experience. They believe that 3D printing is the future, with the potential to improve every aspect of modern life. This could happen in the near
future, thanks to the rapid advances in the field of additive manufacturing. 3D printers can use several diferent processes, of which the most common are FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication,) SLS (Selective Laser Sintering,) and SLA (Stereolithography.) FFF involves melting a plastic filament and extruding it one line at a time, layer by layer. SLA involves a UV laser curing photosensitive resin, with the same layer by layer process as FFF, and SLS involves a laser sintering plastic or metal powder, layer by layer. EOS specializes in machines that use the SLS process. Their machines are industrial sized, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, due to their experience in the AM industry, their machines offer a range of benefits.
“Companies that are looking for superior design, repeatability, top quality, reliability, material flexibility, as well as the largest install base and experience with consulting at all levels Additive Manufacturing would be interested in talking with EOS.” Adam Penna, Inside Sales and Marketing lead at EOS North America, says. He has worked at EOS for 4 years. It appears that many companies have taken this into consideration, as there are many notable things being printed with EOS machines, used in many applications. 3D printing is already being used in many fields, from design, to the medical field, even for footwear, and much more! The best part is that both industrial and home printers can be used for these functions. EOS machines have been used to make sports equipment, parts for
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“I don’t see a limit on the amount of Industries that can use Additive Manufacturing in one way or another.” the aerospace industry, medical devices, and more. “There is so many different areas in which 3-D printing and AM can help, not only in the mechanical side of things, but also in the electrical side, for prostheses, for implants, there’s all different industries so, as the AM industry grows, more and more of those groups will utilize it.” Jay Jones, a Business owner of Infinia Design Solutions working for EOS North America, says. He believes that the uses for 3D printing can only increase. As
someone with over 25 years of experience in the AM industry, and who has been working at EOS for 3 years, it is not surprising that others with experience in additive manufacturing agree. “I expect AM to be a standard manufacturing method especially for complex, individual and/or “high end” components (think of aerospace industry)” Hans Perret, a Senior Technical Project Manager, says. He has been working at EOS for 20 years. This is already beginning to happen, for example,
customised satellite antenna brackets were printed on EOS machines, because of their complex weight-reducing structure, and their intended use in a harsh environment. However, like with all technologies, there is still room for improvement. The 3D printing industry was attracted to Austin due to the creation of the SLS process by group of people at UT in the 1980’s. However, these machines were limited due to less advanced and compact electronics, and there were numerous patents on 3D printing processes, stifling innovation in the field. This is why it advanced at a slow but steady pace, until recently. It is because of this that current machines still have some limitations, although the technology is advancing by leaps and bounds currently. “I guess the limits of additive manufacturing are just the different types of materials that could be used in the machines.” Jones says. Contrarily, some believe that the future of 3-D printing for industrial uses is limitless. “I don’t see a limit on the amount of Industries that can use Additive Manufacturing in one way or another,” Penna says. This stance is confirmed by the use of 3D printing for many different industries, such as the mould industry, or the defense/military industry. 3D printing can also benefit those with a lower budget, such as small businesses, or individuals, by enabling them to create items and tools that they can use.
Household 3D printer in action. Photo by the author
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There is already an abundance of home size 3D printers today, but most use FFF, and suffer from the disadvantages of this process. However, these machines are still very useful, and will increase in function and decrease in price, due to the rapid development of the AM
Jay Jones in front of one of EOS’s 3D printers. Photo courtesy of Jay Jones
industry. Jones said that its’ future is exciting. “It’s exciting because it’s the future, we don’t know what it holds, but, we know that not only EOS but the other companies are working towards progressing the technology as a whole. And, we’re going to do it! We’re going to have machines in homes, we’re going to have them readily available for people to create parts that they can use on an everyday basis.” Jones said. His hope is that 3D printers will become as ubiquitous as personal computers in the near future. This might become a reality, due to more talent coming into the AM industry. 3D printing and CAD skills are becoming increasingly desired in the engineering job market. Also, due to the increasing amount of
industries in which additive manufacturing is utilized, the aforementioned skills will be priceless for those seeking employment in many different fields. Perret says that the
“We’re going to have machines in homes, we’re going to have them readily available for people to create parts that they can use on an everyday basis.” additive manufacturing industry has a promising future, with the potential to see huge growth. “So trust your intuition and bring in your talents!” Perret said. This is his advice for those pursuing a career in AM.
3D printing has immense potential, and will provide many opportunities, whether they be jobs, cheaper items, and an opportunity to increase the public’s tech-knowledge, and experts in this industry agree. With this industry’s growth, and unlimited applications, 3D printing will revolutionize every aspect of modern life. It is only a matter of time.
21 / Innovation Austin
The enine from a car built in 1919, a Stanley Steam Car.
22 / Innovation Austin
The Future is Now 3 Futuristic cars that are innovative, weird, or just cool For many years, transportation has been getting more advanced and more effective. By far the most common mode of transport is the car. Cars can go most places and come in many shapes and sizes, making them available and appealing to many. In recent years, technology in cars has made great leaps and bounds. Although we still don’t have cars flying on a regular basis like in “Back to the Future”, some cars are still impressive in other ways. Here are 3 futuristic cars that are innovative, weird, or just plain cool.
Tesla Roadster:
By: Samuel Skeith
This impressive car runs on electricity, has stunning looks, and is the fastest car in the world. The Tesla Roadster has a recorded top speed of over 250 mph and can accelerate from 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds. This car is set apart from most sports cars by the facrt that it can seat 4 people and still have some room to spare. Even though the Tesla Roadster is an electric car, the user will not have to worry about the batterie due to the 200 kw battery pack, providing a 621 mile range.
Watar Car Panther: This is the worlds fastest amphibious car. . This car is powered by a 300 hp engine, allowing it to zoom over the water at 44 mph and can go up to 80 mph on the road. The car hase a 160 mile range and is Coast Guard-approved. When on land, the car functions like any other car with the standard accesories, but when it enters the water its wheels rise above the hull of the car giving it the function of a boat.
PAL-V One:
Picture By: Kmr1985
The PAL-V One is a drivable car that can transform into a miniature helicopter. This car can fly at 4,000 feet and can be flown and drivin and up ot 112 mph. The PAL-V One is extremily agile thanks to its cutting edge technology and is powered by a flight certified aircraft engine. Not only does this car look like something out of a James Bond movie, but it is also a high performance vehicle. nl/deed.en
23 / Innovation Austin
EnergY: Revolutionized The green energy revolution is coming, and Austinites are on the front lines creating innovative solutions. By Ian Poe
Windmills provide energy whenever there is wind. They are often placed near bodies of water so that they get more wind. Photo courtesy of Pexels.
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25 / Innovation Austin
nergy makes the world go round, but we’re quickly running out of it. With the fossil fuel industry in quick decline, clean energy alternatives are an absolute necessity if humanity wants to survive the century. People all over the world are developing possible alternatives, and thinkers in Austin have played a critical role in the imagination of innovative technologies. Fossil fuel crude oil will run out by 2052. Natural gas won’t last much longer, with most estimates predicting depletion by 2060. Coal will run out by 2088. That gives humanity less than 40 years until it has to deal with major fossil fuel collapse, which may be accompanied by massive price hikes and resource wars mirroring a post-apocalyptic scene straight out of The Road Warrior. Without some other way to get the energy to power a rapidly growing world, the future looks pretty bleak for humanity. Luckily, some of the brightest minds in the world are working diligently to try to solve this problem, with two thirds of new energy last year coming in the form of green renewables and 15% of total US generation coming from renewables. But without continuous innovation, the 20% capacity curse, which states that a grid can only contain 20% renewables due to non-continuous generation, may halt the green energy revolution in its tracks within a few years. Fortunately, Researchers have started to make serious progress in combating the capacity curse, with energy storage technologies rapidly improving. “Now it seems that storage may have become economically viable, it’s an important way to help stabilize the grid, but with the
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Windmills have to be strong enough to withstand the elements, or repair costs will ruin their benefits. This windmill generator has to endure the lightning and rain of a coming storm.. Photo by Expert Best, courtesy of Pexels.
ics, is working with hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles to develop effective energy storage technologies. “The great thing about hydrogen is that you can get basically the same range that you currently get out of your gasoline vehicle,” Lewis said. “A fuel cell vehicle allows you to still have an electric vehicle architecture but you can store more energy on the vehicle in the form of hydrogen and if you have a fuel cell you can convert that hydrogen to electricity to extend the range of the batteries.” Fuel cell vehicles are shaping up to be a very possible future alternative, with researchers all over the world imagining better ways to utilize hydrogen. The big advantage of hydrogen vehicles is that they can get a range similar to or better than gasoline vehicles while still charging up quickly and releasing no emissions. The magic of hydrogen fuel cells lies in the proton exchange membrane, an ingenious membrane technology that lets protons through but forces electrons to take an alternative route, which charges batteries. The positive hydrogen atoms then combines with oxygen in the air to produce water vapor, a harmless and clean emission. But hydrogen fuel cells aren’t just for cars. Continued research and improvement could likely propel them into the grid Power must be available any time of the day or night to power anything from phone energy market, where they could chargers to factories. This powerline structure stands tall, providing electricity through be a gamechanger for other renewthe night. ables. Photo by Tookapic, courtesy of Pexels. “If we can use hydrogen to store energy, we can use it to addition of renewables it makes it can gain energy easily and hold implement more solar and more even more important,” Greg Buis, a lot of it while still being able to wind, and when the sun’s not shinpresident of clean energy contracquickly discharge it without losing ing, you can use hydrogen to run a tor Pioneer Green, said. too much to entropy. Mike Lewis, a fuel cell to make power,” Lewis said. senior engineering Without effective storage, One critical aspect of energy scientist at the University of renewables may still lag behind, storage is having a material that Texas’ Center for Electromechanbut the technologies in energy capturing devices like solar panels and windmills are just “Now it seems that storage may have become as important. Yuebing Zheng, assistant professor in the deeconomically viable, it’s an important way to partment of Mechanical Enat the University of help stabilize the grid, but with the addition of gineering Texas, works with
renewables it makes it even more important,”
27 / Innovation AuStin
Hydrogen fuel cells can be integrated into traditional gasoline vehicles, but the integration is still a tricky process. This hydrogen fuel cell vehicle at the University of Texas’ Center for Electromechanics is still a work in progress. Photo by Ian Poe.
“If we can use hydrogen to store energy, we can use it to implement more solar and more wind, and when the sun’s not shining, you can use hydrogen to run a fuel cell to make power,” nanomaterials that could revolutionize solar energy. Zheng’s research group develops nanomaterials that can concentrate light into small scales, dramatically
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enhancing the efficiency of solar panels. The current problem with traditional photovoltaic solar panels is that absorbing all the light takes thick materials which are very costly. If solar panel manufacturers try to use thinner materials to lower
the cost, then they won’t absorb all the light. But nanomaterials can change that. “The advantage of nanomaterials is that even though it is very thin and it uses very little material, it has a very unique property to concentrate the light into the specific and active materials, so that the light can be used fully with very little materials,” Zheng said. If continued work with nanomaterials is taken to the commercial solar panel market, which it likely will be, there will be a large drop in the price of
One appeal of solar panels is that they take up much less space than other renewables, like wind. These solar panels provide plenty of energy on sunny days, but continued improvement and work in storage technology is a must if they’re going to be a feasible mass producer in the future. Photo by Carl Attard, courtesy of Pexels.
solar panels,coupled with a large increase in efficiency. Another huge advantage in an already rapidly growing field could make solar the energy of the future. In fact, solar is already shaping up to be the energy of the future, even without nanomaterials, thanks to continuous cost decreases that are quickly making renewables more economically viable. “The impact that wind and solar have had on the Texas market is bringing the price down quite a lot,” Buis said. “It’s an inexpensive source of energy, it’s benefited from the production tax credit, particularly wind, which is allowed to operate at times for a very low price. Cheap energy is the foundation of a thriving economy.” This phenomenon isn’t just
in Texas, although Texas has the most renewables of any state. Energy markets around the country are moving more and more towards solar and wind, especially as fossil
humanity from a whole lot of hardship. If humanity can just keep its energy clean, it’s already one step closer to a thriving future.
“Coal is already on its way to no longer being viable and that’s just an economic reality,” fuels start to become inconvenient. “Coal is already on its way to no longer being viable and that’s just an economic reality,” Buis said. The future may look pretty dismal if people continue to rely on fossil fuels, but there are definitely realizable alternatives that could save
29 / Innovation Austin
T p Tech C mpanies in Austin Texas By Nicholas Thompson
When going into the tech industry, it seems that it would be easy to do since the world is evolving. The tech industry focuses on innovation and finding new and easier ways to do things. This industry is a huge part of our society today. About 95% of americans have smart phones and 84% of americans have computers in their household. Technology is evolving rapidly. This makes it harder for new innovations to be made. This article is ment to help you find what tech companies that are at the top of the tech chain in Austin. These companiese are companies you are likely trying to aim to join in the future. To begin you should start at smaller companies that provide good employee expeirences. Luckly there are some of those companies imn this article as well.
30 / Innovation Austin
Top 5 Best Tech Companies in Austin Texas
1. Dell
Since 1984, Dell has played a major role in enabling more affordable and accessible technology around the world. As a computing solutions company, Dell continues to transform computing and provide high quality solutions that empower people to do more all over the world, including schools around the nation.
2. Apple
Apple was founded in 1976 and made a big imapct on the tech industry. They have made devices such as itouches, iphones, ipads, mac computers, and the mac book. As well as the new apple TV. They have also made a varity of apps like garage band, keynote, and imovie.
3. IBM
Found in 1911, IBM is a multinational technology company that has operations in over 170 companies in the world. IBM has hardware, software, server hosting, computers and nanotechnology. Along with creating the SQL programming language.
4. National Intruments
In Nationnal Intruments they have been working with engineers and scientist to answer challenging questions. National Intruments have innovated everything from semiconductors to heavy equipment to help contruction. As well as studying advancements in 5G wireless and smart vehicles
5. Oracle
Oracle is a multinational company in the tech industry. Oracle is one of the biggest software companies in the tech industry. Oracle have create over 50 applications and have exprience in cloud computing. They have also created a varity of platforms that are used often.
Top 5 Best Tech Companies to Work at in Austin Texas 1. Aceable
Aceable is a tech company that focuses on training young drivers . It’s main focus is to affordable certification and a training program which is also a mobile app. Aceable have talented employees and have a healthy working enivironment.
2. Clearhead
Clear head is a data tech company that helps other companies. They help optimize businesses by using innovative design and testing. The company is ego free and creates an enviroment that is nice to work in.
3. Spark Cognition
Spark Cognition is a artificial intellegence start up company. They help other companies with data breaches and other cyper security offers. They’ve created productss such as deep armor and darwin. Upper management appreciates all their employees.
4. Zengistics 5. ePatientFinder
Zengistics is a transportation and frieght management company . Zengistics uses new technology to help customers transport itmes quickly and efficiently across the world. Employees like to work at Zengistics because of the freedom they get. ePatientFinder is a healthcare technology company. ePatientFinder helps patients with chronic diseases who would usually have sub-standard care. The positive engery and the technology they use is why people like working at epatientFinder
31 / Innovation Austin
The average Austin tech worker earns $40,000 more per year than the average Austinite. The tech industry employment rate has increased by 17% since 2010. Join 132,000 skilled people like you; enter the tech industry.
Innovation Austin