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December 2016

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PAGE NOT FOUND Virtual Reality 3D Printing Artificial Intelligence Internet Security Smart Grids


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Letter From the Editor Thi s m aga z in e i s s o m u c h m ore t han a bu n c h o f t e x t . I t i s a n a m az i ng t hi n g t h a t w a s p u t t oge ther wi t h t h e h a rd w o r k o f our team . T hi s m a g a z in e t a k e s a de eper l o o k i n t o t e c h n o l o g y a nd ho w i t affe c t s u s . I t c ov ers t hi ngs f ro m a r t if i c ia l in telli gence t o i n t e r n e t s ecuri t y i n way s n e v e r b e fore expl ore d . I t t r u l y i s a n a m az i ng pi e c e o f a r t t h a t repres ent s our t e a m n o t a s s tu de nt s , but a s p e o p le . I a m ver y happy w i t h h o w t h i s m aga z i ne t ur ne d o u t a n d f e e l like thi s experi e n c e t a u g h t m e a lot a s wel l . I h a v e a lw a y s lik e d t echno l ogy and t h i s m a g a z i n e ju st rem in ded m y w h y.

C h i ef Ed i tor

Suchi t h P alya m


Table of Contents Page 8

Page 22 Printing Pictures

Grids-Smart or Not?

Page 18

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How Much Power is in a Printable Lightning Bolt?


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The Power of VR

Moore’s Law Rules All


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AI Unveiled Top 10 AI Movies Page 30

Top 10 Security Breaches of All Time Page 32 Staying Safe in the Information Age


contributors Vincent Irani

My name is Vincent Irani. I am a student at LAS high school. I am on the robotics team and I really like butter fingers. My favorite hobbys are sitting at home doing nothing and playing video games. I have two sisters, and two cats. I also like kitcats.

Lucas Teltow

I enjoy playing video games and reading in my free time. My favorite sport is soccer and I love any kind of candy, especially Skittles. I enjoy doing anything technology based including, but not limited to, playing video games, Photoshopping, and using Google Docs instead of killing trees. I always wear a black jacket full of weird stuff.


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Max Martin

From the time of my birth until now I have been dissatisfied with the world that we live in. While minimal enjoyment can be found I have never truly been satisfied with the way our civilization has existed. From this dissatisfaction I began a pursuit of a new goal. I want to become a goat and the only way to do so is through virtual reality. The quest for the goat-life will never die.

Aidan Chang

Aidan frequently finds himself walking in the wrong direction. He believes baseball is the greatest game ever invented and loves competition. Aidan has always felt a strong obligation to serve people, and believes technology is one of the best outlets to do this in a future career. Aidan is also chronically sleep deprived and can be found sleeping in World Geography. 7

Grids- Smart Or Not?


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A Smart Solution to Technological Trouble By Lucas Teltow


full third

in this field. NI is working to help allow the grid to almost think for itself and do things like reroute power if a line is down, or make sure that energy is

of the energy generated in the US every day is

getting to every corner of the grid by checking that

wasted and lost in transit alone, without powering

every line is getting power.

anything! One third of all the coal and oil and

The vice president in research and development

natural gas that is burned just goes to waste with

who has about 300 engineers working in projects,

all the pollutants created by fossil fuel burning, not

Steve Warntjes, has described smart grids and

to mention all the other wasted energy. However,

what he, and NI, hope to do in this field. “Smart

there is hope, National Instruments [NI] is working

grids try to be a little more smart about how the

to make more efficient, smarter and faster energy

energy is moved around so not as much gets lost


in transmission. This is also about how we can be

The words “smart grid” can mean any number

smart about having less outages, the grid can if

of concepts and have meant a large variety of

the electricity goes down, that happens in the

concepts over the course of the history of the

blink of an eye and so there has to be smart grid

word. Roberto Piacentini, electrical engineer at NI,

electronics out that know to switch the power really

says ”Smart grid used to mean just the power grid

quickly so that power doesn’t stay of very long.

[originally], but now it has taken on a new meaning,

It knows, well I can’t get energy from this power

and now it means making the smart grid more

line so the grid is talking amongst itself to make

efficient and having less blackouts and having less

sure it’s appropriately powering everywhere.” NI is

energy lost in transit.” Brian McCleery, principal

working toward this goal, and they have invented

product manager for Clean Energy Technology at

many gizmos that help already. Power grids

NI, says the smart grid NI is making, “is basically a

already have people working to make blackouts as

grid that can think for itself to help make decisions

infrequent as possible and make them disappear

on how the power should be routed so that there is

as fast as possible, but they are only humans and

no energy waste (or blackouts).”

their reaction speed is nothing close to the speed

NI is inventing chips to help make more efficient

of a computer. NI is trying to make a smart grid

energy grids, or “smart grids”, so everyone who

that basically has its own artificial intelligence and

uses their cell phone or their computer can stop

can test that it’s powering everything and make

wasting energy. This can be done in a variety of

sure that power goes everywhere and as little as

ways, like making our transfer cables better capable

possible is lost in transmission.

of storing electricity or even better planning of

the spacing of power distribution and generation

all of them are for making an energy grid Skynet. NI

plants. This also involves creating easier ways to

makes machines that are easily programmable and

integrate renewable energy sources instead of

can measure and test anything from how fast your

fossil fuel burning power plants.Brian McCleery

heart is racing after a track run to how much your

loves how NI chips can be used to help “to make

iPhone heats up in a day. In fact, Piacentini says

smart grids that are almost like a human brain,

“one thing that I love about working at NI because

capable of keeping track of all lines connected to

one day I can be talking to a medical doctor about

the mainframe and able to respond at the speed of

using NI tools for monitoring patients and then the

thought. One that can measure everything to make

next day talk to a guy who wants to use NI tools

sure it’s at safe levels.”

with his new startup or, like you said, use our

NI is not the only company or group working

NI makes many gadgets and gizmos, and not


instruments to measure for surges in power or large losses of power in transit.” They have products in a very wide array of technological fields, not just smart grids, and products that work in a large array of fields all at the same time. They are

“Smart grids are the future of technology.”

“smart grid” applies too. However, they can both be right. We can make a smart grid that can think for itself and be much more efficient and energy saving.

Smart grid can mean

based in Austin, Texas, but

any of many different

they have branches all over the

dreams, ideas and


thoughts, and all of them

are worthy goals for our

Various people see

smart grids differently. Even


two people who work in the

Smart grid means stopping

same area can have different

the wasted of a third of

opinions on how smart grids

all energy generated.

should work.

Smart grid means more

widespread power

McCleery thinks, “making

the smart grid more efficient

and having less blackouts and having less energy lost in transit.” but Piacentini would say smart grids that NI want’s are “basically a grid that can think for itself to help make decisions on how the power should be routed so that there is no energy waste.” They might have the same general idea, but this shows how

A smart grid will help make our cities green

“A smart grid is a power grid that can think for itself.”


Smart grid means less power outs. When we get smart grids, we will be able to burn at least 33% less coal and oil and natural gas, just with Smart Grids!

varied and diverse the term


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Virtual Reality is on the Rise and it’s Absolutely Mind Blowing By Maxwell Martin

Virtual reality could change your life in

several ways, but you may not like it.

virtual reality is video games. The ability

implement safety features to prevent

Virtual Reality can unsettling for those

to experience the things you do in video

harm from being causing to the users.

who have not been previously exposed.

games as if they are real is just simply

One of the major appeals of

reality developers are going to have to

As it currently stands there is

For those readers who are not up to date captivating to some such as Dayne

what is called a “screen door effect.”

on their technological terminology. A

Ware, who is sharing his thoughts on the

This is because the level of detail we

short definition of virtual reality would

recently released HTC Vive.

are currently able to generate on a

be, Virtual Reality: reality, but not really.

“It’s definitely worth the cost he says

screen isn’t high enough to match the

For those who are confused, reality

as he falls to his death in the game

resolution of the human eye, so when

is everything we can perceive. Now

WindLands.” While this can be all fun

using virtual reality gear it creates the

imagine there was some computer

and games for some, there are some

effect that you are looking through a

hardware that ran software would trick

questions of the medical issues that

screen door, as is implied by the name

your brain into thinking the output of the

would occur from elevated stress that

“screen door effect.” This can make

software was your reality.

can be caused from experiencing some

it difficult to be properly invested in

“The goal of virtual reality is to seem as

of the things that happen in video games the virtual world you are partaking in

real as possible,” says Dayne Ware, who


has run programs for VR gear. Virtual

Reality is a computer generated third

the most popular is the horror genre.

you normally would see if using your

image through the assistance of some

The amount of stress that can occur from

eyes to observe a real object. This

sort of gear such as gloves or head set

playing very action-heavy activity in an

separation from the virtual world can

that would appear to be real with us that

action game is enough for some people

stop the more traumatic side effects

we can also interact with.

too, and if you have a fear of heights

from happening.

you probably shouldn’t go near Virtual

virtual reality for market purposes was

Reality as several game elements take

for some, though several people

the launch of the Nintendo Virtual Boy

place at heights. When playing a game

would rather have as realistic of

game console. That was of course

that is designed to terrify you without

an experience as possible. These

a massive failure from technological

virtual reality elements could probably

people proceed to equip themselves

and market stand points. However the

put people into a psychiatric ward for

with haptic feedback gear. This is

release of the Oculus rift and its success

post traumatic stress disorder. This is

clothing that you can wear that gives

among the online community, a new era

cause for concern. This means that virtual a response similar to that of touch.

The first attempt at main stream

of virtual reality has begun to rise.

because of the decreased resolution

A genre of gaming that is among being so obviously different from what

This ruins the experience

This brings another issue into light as



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people could be physically harmed by the entertainment they are using. Powerful of gear should be available on the market because the more powerful it is, the more true to life and realistic it will seem. However with the the large increase in power there would be a much larger risk for the user of the gear. Through strict feedback control a simulation indistinguishable from reality could be achieved. Without this physical harm of the user could be a major concern. Having virtual reality that is near indistinguishable from reality

would create a large mass of people who attempt to move to living in virtual reality full time and abandon their lives in the real world, because of the lack of limits and the endless opportunity Virtual Reality offers you.


How Much Power is in a Lightning Bolt ? By Lucas Teltow

Learn how your lifestyle effects your evironment.

If you are a vegetarian and eat mostly local food, live in a small house, live with three or more others, don’t create too much waste and do lots of recycling, and don’t run your washing machine or dishwasher too much you are: Clean and


If you eat meat a few times a week and eat food mostly locally, live in a medium sized house, live with two or more others, create some waste and do recycle, and don’t run your washing machine or dishwasher every day you are: An Average Citizen.

If you eat a lot of meat and eat imported food, live in a large house, live by yourself or with one other person, create lots of waste and don’t recycle, and run your washing machine and dishwasher at least every day you are: Hazardous Waste!


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In a lightning bolt

there is more than enough power to power a lightbulb for six

months, or about billion watts. The average American home consumes about 30,000 watts per day, which means the average household could be powered for more than two years off of one lightning bolt. Take a look at how many lightning bolts it takes to power your lifestyle, and learn how many earths it would take to supply power and resources to the whole world if we all lived like you. Most people would need 39 lightning bolts worth of power over their whole life, and that’s more than the amount of people hit by lightning per year. And if everyone lived like an American, then we would need 3.9 earths to supply us all with the resources we would consume. Clean and Green people help the planet

in numerous ways and if we all lived

like them we would have no more

environmental problems. We would

only need this one Earth, or less, to

sustain us if we all lived like they do.

Next time you see a hippy, remember they are Clean and Green!

Average Citizens help the planet die,

but they are better than hazardous

waste, and if we all lived like them

we will have all of the environmental

problems we have today, 30 years

from now. We would only need

two to three Earths to sustain us if we all lived like they do.

Hazardous Waste people help kill the planet and if we all lived like them we would have all of the environmental problems we have today and worse until we don’t have a planet anymore. We would need four or more Earths to sustain us if we all lived like they do. Next time you see a hamburger, remember: the hamburgers you eat help kill the planet!



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Moore’s Law Rules All How Moore’s law dictates the growth of technology in society.

By Maxwell Martin

Moore’s Law refers to an observation made by a co-founder of Intel Gordon Moore in 1965. He observed that the number of transistors per square inch on an integrated circuit board had doubled every year since their initial invention. This has held true for the past 50 years and is only now decreasing. This is an unfortunate event as this will put a halt on technological growth and our society has become so dependent on growth. The halt of growth in technology could result in economic collapse throwing our society into disarray. A poor growing economy should be avoided at all cost for those interested in tech. The primary way to avoid total economic halt in the tech industry would be to increase research on processors and the efficacy of transistors as well as multicore processors.This should stop any major problems in the computing industry until we can properly pursue quantum computing.


Printable Problems By Suchith Palyam

What are 3d printers


printer is a machine that takes a digital file of a 3D object and creates layers of plastic that stack on top of each other to create the 3D object.

little box

The digital file is created

comes to

from a CAD design

life slowly

software or copied from


online. The idea behind

material like

3D printing is quite

a baker does to icing on

simple and the first 3D

a cake. Its sole purpose is

printers were from the

to bring to life ideas that

1980’s, but they did not

you come up with. W ith

get advanced enough

possibilities as big as your

or cheap enough for

dreams, millions of things

practical use until the

can be made with it. This

last decade.

is a 3D printer and with it

Currently 3D printers

you are equipped to make

have many of

whatever you want whether

applications, but

good or bad.

the most common

This is no longer a science

one is prototyping.

fiction fantasy as 3D printers

Many companies and

are making their way into

consumers use 3D

people’s houses.They

printers to prototype

make all kinds of things

products quickly. As

from houses and cars to

for home use, 3D

phone holders and door

printers have yet to

handles. This scary amount

fit in completely. Most

of possibilities also leads to

people who have them

a scary amount of problems

use them just to tinker

with copyright violation and

and make things as

weapons at the top of that

a hobby, not use it

list. This is an impending

practically every day.

problem as this technology

When asked what a

improves, so what can we

practical daily use for

do about it and what are we

3D printers was Max

doing about it?

Mittler, from Solid

Before all of that, how does

Prototype a company

a 3D printer actually work

that 3D prints for

and why is it used ? A 3D 18

people, says, “I think

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Arnaud Latombe, an owner of a 3d printer that was interviewed.

the everyday use might be a little bit overrated because people might create a part or two, but it is hard to find an everyday use for it. I think most people who have a 3D printer at home will have it for more as a hobby and to tinker with it rather than for a practical use. They will have it more to experiment than f or common use.” Though 3D printers have not quite found their spot in homes, they are starting to spread which will cause many other problems to spread as well. As with any upcoming discovery, even though it brings a multitude of opportunities, it also causes a multitude of problems. For 3D

Photo by Suchith Palyam

printers this is copyright and weapons. For criminals 3D printers make it easier to

Legal Issues

create copyrighted material at home or even

There has already been instances of copyright

manufacture their own guns.

infringement and they are not going to stop.

Although it is illegal to to build weapons in a 3D printer, it is very unlikely that people will get caught doing so. “Technically as long as you copy it, it’s irrelevant if you’re going to sell it for money or not,” says Ar naud Latombe, a regular consumer and works at a tech company called Precision Production. “So if your question is, are you going to get caught? Probably not. Is it morally and ethically correct? Of course not. You should not be 3D printing things that have copyrights on them.” This is the real issue. Sure it is illegal, but who is going to stop you? There is nothing that actually prevents people from doing these things. There A very popular 3d printer made by Makerbot

are conflicting opinions among experts because some believe that this is not an issue to be worried about since anything can be dangerous and anything can be used to break the law. “As more 3D printable files are shared, and as 3D modeling skills become more common, there


will li kely be an increase in potentially dangerous items and copyright infringements. It’s important to understand that 3D printing is a tool, and given a creative enough criminal, any tool can be used in not-so-cool ways, even a can of spaghetti sauce can be dangerous,” says Josh Snider from Makerbot, a manufacturer of 3D printers. The problem starts with the limited laws in place for 3D printers currently. The laws and regulations are so unclear to the point that experts themselves don’t have a clear understanding. “It’s still pretty unclear, there are not very many laws yet restricting Very cool 3d printed burger

3D printers that I have heard of,” says Mittler.


“There are laws restricting the printing of

to ‘screen’

copyright material, but as for weapons, not much

them before they are even

has b een done to prevent this yet. I think this is

printed. Essentially, stop the problem

because you can’t make super dangerous weapons

before it even starts. If the person is sending the

out o f plastic, so there has not been a need yet.

prints to companies who print the CAD designs

Experts believe there is not much push for clarity

for them and send it back, the companies can

in thi s area because there hasn’t been a need yet.

glance at the file before printing to see if it is

How To Fix It

dangerous which should not be diff icult “If someone wants to print a gun part for example, there is nothing illegal about it as long

They believe that as 3D printers become

as it is documented properly,” says Michelle

advanced enough to pose a threat, the right

Saindon, an engineer from Stratasys. “Our staff

precautions will be used.

reviews every part that comes in. If it looks like

The only way to get rid of this unclarity is to stop

something that needs to be documented we

people from actually printing illegal objects. To

have that discussion with the customer.” When

prevent these bad files from being printed it is

they discuss the issue with the customer, they

“So if your question is are you going to get caught, probably not. Is it morally and ethically correct, of course not. You should not be 3d printing things that have copyrights on them.”- Arnaud Latombe 20

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can either document it or it will not be printed.

“There are already a few instances of t hings

This is very simple and for the most part is

happening with copyrights where people break

already implemented and that is why most of the

them, but so far 3d printers can’t really make a

problems are coming from home printers which on very dangerous weapon like a gun or anything that would work because it is only plastic,” says the other hand are not screened. For these there is a more complex solution.

Mittler. At this point your file might be screened

“So one way to do that would probably be t o get

at the most. For now this is considered by experts

the manufacturer to restrict the 3D printer from

to be good enough, but it is also thought to

printing the copyrighted stuff,” says Mittler. “They

be a war ning for the future. 3D printer s are an

would program the printer, so that if a file had a

incredible tool which if dealt with properly can be

certain property that shows it is copyrighted, the

introduced in society without any issues.

printer won’t print it.” This solution will not stop people from designing and creating their own weapons, but at least it is a start. While 3D printers are an exciting new technology gaining traction, the problems it brings cannot be overlooked. If copyright violation was a big problem before, it is about to get a lot bigger. The freedom that 3D printers bring allows criminals to not just break copyrights, but make weapons as well and the unclear regulations certainly don’t help. Rules that just say ‘it’s illegal’ is not going to cut it. There are those people who don’t care about ethics or breaking the law and will try their hardest not to be caught. For now these are the best solutions, but as 3D printers spread and the need comes, better ideas will surface.

Design for a 3D Printed Gun that could be very dangerous


Printing Pictures By Suchith Palyam




r Too


3D printing has come a long way and there have been many cool things made with them. 3D printers can make almost anything now and these are just a few of the cool things that have been made:

That’s were right, eve n m and a ade and a fully fun each ble to ction in on make w witho ork. This e much s g mini-dr ill m ut a 3 w d pri ould hav aller than and saw nter. e bee a n imp finger ossib le to

VillaA 400 square meter villa was printed on site in 45 days which is way faster than the three months it would have taken traditional building to do. It not only saved money, but each wall is 250 mm thick and is more structurally sound. It can take an 8 on the richter scale and be fine.

BridgeA bridge was printed in Amsterdam made out of steel. This is as amazing, if not more, than a building as bridges are major engineering challenges.


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Lawn mowerIn just 9 hours one man printed a whole lawnmower. This lawnmower actually works and has a practical purpose at home. Plus it is by far the coolest lawnmower you could ever have.

CarIn just 9 hours one man printed a whole lawnmower. This lawnmower actually works and has a practical purpose at home. Plus it is by far the coolest lawnmower you could ever have.

KayakThis was particularly amazing not because of the actual object, though that is cool as well, but because of what it was printed on. Unlike the rest of these objects that were printed on super high quality, industrial printers, the kayak was printed with a home printer over the course of 42 days. 23


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A Look Into The World of AI Written By Vincent Irani

Artificial Intelligence could be the most beneficial device that humans have created yet, or it could kill us all. In the past 20 years, companies and organizations have made leaps and bounds in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can now solve simple problems and even complete more human-like tasks such as organizing movie trailers. AI is used every day in human’s daily lives for activities like inter net searches or software that predicts anything. AI is expanding rapidly into areas that could be extremely helpful. But some fear that it is expanding too much, that it could be extremely dangerous. So , is artificial intelligence good or bad, should we embrace or fear it? Artificial Intelligence is a computer program that reads and comprehends massive amounts of data and uses the infor mation processed to make predictions and answer questions. Researchers and scientists have been working on ways of using artificial intelligence to answer more advanced questions. Bill Griffith is a salesman at IBM, a major company involved in Artificial Intelligence. He explains that one of the benefits of AI is to look at a full database of infor mation that humans cannot. He gives an example of a doctor using an AI system to diagnose a patient. “So really one of the biggest capabilities of artificial intelligence is just making everybody more efficient at their jobs, by being able to sort through large amounts of infor mation, understand that infor mation and then provide that infor mation to what we call knowledge workers.” Bill Griffith says. Artificial intelligence systems compare thousands of examples of patients symptoms and correspond them to the affliction they have. These so called knowledge workers are the humans using this infor mation. By plugging in a patient’s symptoms 25

into the artificial intelligence system a doctor can find out exactly what affliction a patient has and sometimes where the disease is (If it is a disease like cancer that has a specific location). But this sort t echnology can be applied to a large percent of other jobs in at least one aspect including, toy making companies, music writers, Heavy labor, transportation, or any sort of job that requires sales prediction. “Well [Artificial Intelligence] just allows us to spend more time doing creative things.” says Bill Griffith as he describes one of the main benefits of AI. Artificial intelligence can feasibly do the time consuming chores that humans don’t like to or don’t have time to do like any sort of banking, household chores, managing sc hedule, and even driving pesky family members around (self driving cars have already become available). That could leave humans with more time to do more creative activities. That statement is a double edged sword though because with artificial intelligence doing all the work there could be fewer jobs for people and that could lead to a significant increase in the unemployed. People with any jobs that are in any way, repetitive like factory workers, are at risk of losing their jobs to robots in the near future. That doesn’t mean people with more complex jobs aren’t at risk of losing their jobs. While artif icial intelligence definitely has its benefits there are also plenty of risks that come with these. One popular theory about artificial intelligence is that AI systems will eventually take over the world. Many movies have been written about artificial intelligence har ming humans including Ter minator, the War Games, and The Matrix. The movie Ter minator is about a arti ficial intelligence called Skynet taking over the world. The War Games is about a artificial

intelligence system that the gover nment hooked up to all of the defense in the U.S. They trained this artificial intelligence to win wars by playing it against itself in a game that closely resembled war. Ted Irani Every Time the robot played itself i t got smarter. The artificial intelligence, in a surprising twist, lear ned the only way to win this realistic game was to kill all humans, so when they gave this AI control over the military, that’s what it attempted to do. It’s important to recognize that with artificial intelligence that lear ns in this way that this scenario is a possibility. The Matrix is about robots who took over the world and are using human beings as a power source. While this scenario seems farfetched it is definitely something to take into account when giving artificial intelligence systems power. Ted Irani uses artificial intelligence in his day to day life to deter mine which customers are more likely to buy his products and sells software that lets people leverage IBM watson, shares his view on the matter, “I think what might happen is they [artificial intelligence] might become self aware or self preserving in such away that they are more clever at preserving themselves then we are a destroying them then they could live on forever.” Ted is describing yet another dangerous scenario involving artificial intelligence in which artificial intelligence systems are too good at staying alive for us to kill them. When asked what he believed to be the most probable movie out of the three Ted said, “well I think War Games is set along time ago and it was more military based, and I don’t really think that is where we will start.


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Ter minator was set very much in the future buts it’s a very pessimistic view of AI though it’s maybe not a extreme as the matrix. Out of the three, probably Ter minator.” Though artificial intelligence taking over the world is definitely possible most people don’t think this is a very likely outcome of artificial intelligence. Elliot Crunk, a teenager with a lot of experience in the field of AI, shares his view on the topic, “umm, I think that it is possible that artificial intelligence could become self aware, but something like Ter minator seems a little far fetched. I think If artificial intelligence does come to life it won’t like cause some giant man vs. machine war.” What Elliot is saying is that he believes that even if AI becomes self aware, it is still unlikely that it will take over the world. These systems don’t exist quite yet but will soon. When Ted was asked how long before these capable artificial intelligence systems exist, he responded with, “I think it’s possible in the next 50 years, so maybe not in my lifetime but possibly in yours.” This might seem like a long time but it really isn’t. Ter minator advanced artificial intelligence systems would be a large step from the ones we had today. There are many speech artificial intelligence programs on the inter net, on of which is cleverbot. Cleverbot is meant to be able to have a full conversation with you, but is not really able to. You are able to have a conversation with this AI, but Cleverbot did not

always respond with appropriate answers. When asked simple questions like what is your favorite movie, Cleverbot responded with dialogue like, “What’s your second favorite movie?” So how should humanity feel about artificial intelligence? The answer is humans should feel good about it. artificial intelligence can help us solve a large number of our major problems simply by finding solutions for us. The potential in artificial intelligence is really amazing. Though there are many possibilities of artificial intelligence taking over the world, most of these situations are improbable. That does not mean humankind should not to worry about giving artificial intelligence systems power. We still have to closely watch how this technology develops.


Top Ten AI Movies

By Vincent Irani


Ex Machina

The Matrix Artificial Intelligence 28

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Terminator is a movie about a AI called Skynet that was created by the military for military purposes. This AI became so advanced that it became self aware. It realized that the only way to ensure its existence is to eradicate all humans. It creates a race of killer robots called terminators that look like humans to achieve this goal. Ex-Machina is a movie about a study for an independent company called Blue Book. The owner of this company, Nathan Bateman, wants to know how people would react to an robot that is practically indistinguishable from a human being. The Robot in question is incredibly advanced but what makes it interesting is its special brain which gives it extreme intelligence. The main character, Caleb Smith, and Nathan Bateman do run into some trouble though when these robots attempt to kill them both. Short Circuit is a movie about a robot that was one of the many developed for military purposes. It is a humanoid sort robot with treads and a laser weapon. This robot became self aware and escaped from the military compound that it was being kept at. The Military desperately tries to get this armed military robot back under control. The irony of this situation is that this robot actually acquires a very harmful and curious personality.

Short Circuit


Space Odyssey

The Wargames

This movie is about a group of astronauts who go out in search for a habitat for all humans because earth is decaying and running out of its natural resources. They visit many planets hoping for one suitable for human kind. They are occupied by an intelligent robot ment to aid thim in their adventures. By the end of this movie humankind realizes that the key of their survival is not finding new planets but making them themselves.

Space Odyssey is a movie about a group of astronuts heading for Jupiter. onboard their space craft is a AI system called Hal. Hal tells the crew that he is incapable of error, but in reality he is plotting the death of them all. He tells the crew to do stuff and plans ways of sabotaging what they are doing. He ends up killing them all in the end by cutting their life support and making them loose controll of space pods. The war games is a movie in which the military develops a Ai system to protect the country. This Ai is put into a game that very closely simulates war, and is forced to play itself over and over again. The robot learns through this that the only way to win the game is to not play it. When the gov. Decides that the Ai is capable enough, and gives it full control of the US military it uses its control to start a world war.

The Matrix is a very complicated movie about an alternate reality in which robots have taken over the world. All humans live in a virtual reality that simulate real life exactly. All humans think that they are living in real life, but in reality they are living in the Matrix controlled by an extraordinarily intelligent Ai system. All the while the robots harvest the human population for energy. In this movie the main character has the power to code through the matrix and starts a war against the robots. The movie Artificial Intelligence is about a civilization in the future where humanoid robots are common. The main characters son is in a coma and the family adopts a robot son instead. When this boy survives and comes back the family is very different. 29

TOP 10 SECURITIY BRE Read about some of the biggest security failures of all time. Most of these

Ashley Madison 2015

Ashley Madison, a website used for arranging affairs betwwen married individuals, had thousands of customer’s personal information leaked such as emails, phone numbers, and adresses. The hacker criticized the “sexist” views of the website, as well as the $19 charge to remove all data the customer had submitted. This was proved ultimately untruthful, as they still kept data in backup servers kept secret from the outsiders.

JP Morgan Chase 2014

Hannaford Brothers 2013 4.2 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen within 3 months from 300 Hannaford stores, a large supermarket retailer. Hackers collected customer data via malware uploaded to Hannaford servers. The malware could intercepted customer data during transactions, which was then used in over 2,000 cases of international customer fraud.

This cyber-attack compromised 83 million household and business accounts that included names, email addresses, and phone numbers. In some instances, login credentials were obtained through tricking users. Hackers also exploited the Heartbleed bug in this breach, a vulnerability in OpenSSL that allowed hackers to steal information that is normally encrypted.

Target 2016 Hackers were able to access the retail giant’s system for nearly a month. Target initially said the attackers had swiped 40 million credit and debit cards, but it later revised its figures to say that 70 million customers were affected. 30

Wells Fargo 2016 Wells Fargo had a massive fraud scheme discovered by hackers in early 2016. Customers had over 100 million accounts created without permission, charging them for the fee and also exchanging money in and out of the accounts. This was all done by sales associates to drive up their own numbers, without administrator permission. Wells Fargo servers were breached, unveiling all of the secret accounts. The company is still trying to recover from te breach. Error 404: Page Not Found

EACHES OF cases happened due to human error.

Sony Pictures 2014 A group calling itself “Guardians of Peace” said it had taken over the corporate network and would release detailed company information online if unspecified demands weren’t met. Gigabytes of internal Sony Pictures data appeared on filesharing sites, including Social Security numbers and scanned passports, internal passwords, unpublished scripts, marketing plans, financial and legal information and even four entire unreleased Sony movies.

Home Depot 2014 A breach that attacked Home Depot’s payment terminals affected 56 million credit and debit card numbers. An estimated $194 per customer was lost. Hackers first gained access to Home Depot’s systems through stolen vendor login credentials. Once the credentials were compromised, they installed malware on Home Depot’s payment systems that allowed them to collect consumer credit and debit card data.


by Aidan Chang

Anthem 2015 Anthem, formerly known as WellPoint and the second-largest health insurer in the U.S., had their customer database breached. As many as 80 million people were thought to be affected. Stolen data included names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and employment histories.

TJ Maxx 2003 Stores such as Marshalls and TJ Maxx were infiltrated, and over 45.7 million customer credit card and debit card numbers were stolen. Although not responsible for the hack itself, a group of people in Florida were found using that data to purchase $1 million dollars worth of electronic goods and jewelry from Walmart.

Yahoo! 2014 This massive breach revealed is the biggest data breach on record. Yahoo said “a state-sponsored actor” was likely behind the theft. Compromised information included real names, email addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers. Fortunately the “vast majority” of the passwords were encrypted through a mathematical algorithm, the so-far-uncrackable Bcrypt method. 31

The largest problems for corporations in America today can be blamed on poor security. Organiztions around the world are teaching others about this subject.

As the CEO


Staying Secure In The Information Age

of a

million accounts. Yahoo! is one of many


companies that originally thought they had

dollar company anxiously waits over the

a foolproof security system, but in reality,

phone, Scott Augenbaum knows this story

just a small leak turned into a massive data

will end in disappointment. He has seen


this situation thousands of times. Hackers

breached his weak system. Terabytes of

special agent for the FBI for 21 years. He

personal and client information is gone.

says, “if you would have asked me in 1995:

Scott is here because of one last Hail Mary

what is the job of an FBI agent? I would

to the FBI. But Scott knows both of them

say it’s very very simple. There were bad

will never see the data again.

people doing bad things, to good people

in upstate New York, and my job was to

Data breaches are the silent killer

by Aidan Chang

Scott Augenbaum has worked as a

plaguing hundreds of companies around

work with state and local law enforcement

the world. Not tax fraud or insurance claims,

officers to put bad guys in jail.” We like to

but their own weak security systems are

glamorize the FBI and the CIA in movies

bringing them down. Just earlier this year,

and TV to be spy missions and shootouts.

Yahoo! confirmed they were the victims

But actually, the FBI does lots of the same

of one of the largest data breaches of all

work everyday people do when they sit

time during late 2014. They confirmed

down at their desk for 8 hours. Scott says

information such as names, addresses, and

“all we sit with all day is bad things in

security questions were stolen for over 500


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technology. But what we see is

all the way back in 1995. Once

and I are almost the MVP of the

really bad stuff… Today if you

hackers get into your system and

FBI in recovering stuff. If we were

asked me what is my job, I can

steal your information, there’s

a baseball team, we would have

define it in one sentence: I teach

nothing they can do to get it back.

4 wins, 9750 losses.” The easiest

people and organizations how not

“Here’s what it comes down to:

thing for people to do is to stop

to be the victim of cybercrime.”

the bad guys get your stuff, you

breaches from happening in the

Scott has studied cybercrime

call us, it’s too late. We do not

first place. That’s Scott’s job. He

trends since he started at the FBI

get your stuff back… [my partner]

teaches people how to create and

Photo by Suchith Palyam


implement tried and true security

protects everybody’s medical

While Julian is just a programmer,

strategies like full-on whitelisting.

and health information. It gives

he is tasked with keeping all of

“In a week, [my partner] and I

the same protections as anything

this data secure, while having to

could go out and we could do

like a social security number, or

perform his actual job using the

7 presentations.” But Scott says

any other type of confidential,

data. And he says “we don’t ever

many companies he goes to talk

personal information.” Medical

delete any of it. This is because a

to believe they already have solid

and Health information specifically

lot of people will pay Experian to

security systems. “When we go

can be very sensitive. “The

run reports and they’ll do things

over and talk to organizations

types information I see relates to

like data mining. It may not be

we go like this, and it’s a trick

people’s names, social security

personally identifiable information,

question. We go: ‘Hey! What’s

numbers, addresses, as well as the

but they want to run a lot of

your security strategy?’ I love that

doctor that they saw, and whatever

reports, and it could span years or

question because all of a sudden

procedure or whatever diagnosis

decades.” If this data was leaked,

we get: ‘Well we have a CISO,

that they had when they went to

it wouldn’t be just risking a job,

and we have a firewall, we have

go see the doctor.” For obvious

the government will also demand

an in intrusion detection system,

reasons, people generally wouldn’t

a fine depending on the amount

we have internal audit,’ and i’m

want this information getting out.

of data leaked. “That HIPAA law

like: ‘Those are great controls, but

“[Experian deals] with medical

that I talked about says that any

that’s not a strategy.’”. As Scott puts it, “The threat is growing.” As hacking becomes easier and easier, prospective hackers keep popping up in eastern countries. These hackers are almost impossible to put in jail. It’s much cheaper to just prevent any leak from happening in the first place. “90% of what Victor and I deal with on a daily basis could easily have been

90% of what Victor and I deal with on a daily basis could easily have been prevented.

time that you leak any sort of information, you have to report it to the government, and you have to report it to the people involved… there have been other companies like Athena, that have lost millions of records… and even some companies if they lose just a couple hundred medical records… you could be fined thousands or tens of thousands of

prevented. It doesn’t matter how

information, they deal with credit

dollars by the government.” The

large of an organization, how small

information, this is stuff like your

risks are very high for a regular

of an organization, 90% of the

credit cards, your bank accounts,

programming job when dealing

time, it could’ve been prevented…

your mortgage accounts. They

with healthcare information. “So

This is what Victor and I do for a

also deal with automobile financial

far, compared to other companies


information. This is things like auto

out there that deal with private

loans, how much money you make,

health information, [our security

programmer at Experian

what kinds of cars you buy, what

strategies] seem to be better.

Healthcare. When talking

kinds of loans you get. All of that is

There’s a lot of restrictions in

about sensitive information,

very very confidential, and we have

place, there’s a lot different

he explained, “I see a lot of

to take all sorts of security courses

policies, there’s those refresher

patient health information.

every 3 months, or 6 months, or a

courses that I talked about before,

And, there is this law passed by

year, in order to remind ourselves

there’s a lot of restrictions on

congress called HIPAA, which is

of all of the practices and policies

your laptop for example. Like you

the Health Insurance Portability

we have to follow to keep that all

can’t plug in a USB drive. And

and Accountability Act, and it

of that information confidential.”

you can’t write to a USB drive.


Julian Chang is

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That’s to prevent leakage of information onto a USB

difficult. Because anytime you have a new client, or

drive, whether accidental, or on purpose… right now

a new customer, or a set of new servers out there

they prevent us from going to Gmail, Yahoo Mail,

that you want to connect to, you have to go through

or Hotmail, any of those, we can’t go to those sites.

this process of adding to the whitelist. And it’s a very

We can’t go to Facebook, no Twitter, no Snapchat,

manual process, and it takes time.”

nothing like that. And all of that is because they don’t

want us to even accidentally lose any data. Cause

testing for Austin Independent School District

the government doesn’t care. If you accidentally

and the president of TSNAP, the Texas Statewide

lose data, they’re going to find you.” Now these

Network of Assessment Professionals. “All of our work

may seem like very harsh, restrictive policies. And to

centers around making sure the district is prepared

normal people, they are. But when dealing with such

for administering state and federally required

sensitive information such as medical data, companies

assessments, so we deal with the district’s Student

must take precautions to this extent. “Right now,

Information System (SIS), and other various district

[Experian restricts] the internal servers to specific

systems daily… Technology plays a vital role in our

computers, which is called a whitelist. Basically, most

work in Systemwide Testing – it is extremely helpful.”

consumers have what they call a blacklist, which

Chris utilizes slightly different security strategies than

means that you have a specific set of servers that you

Julian does at Experian. Standardized test scores can

prevent people from accessing. But the problem with

determine a child’s entire future. What school they

blacklists, and the reason that blacklists don’t work,

go to, what college, and eventually maybe even a

is because bad, malicious servers appear all the time.

job. Establishing an even playing field for all is what

And you don’t know about them. So if you don’t know

Chris does in AISD. As with all departments, our

about them, you can’t add it to your blacklist. So the

staff strictly adhere to the district’s acceptable use

solution to that, is to have a whitelist of servers. And

policies as well as the requirements set forth by the

whitelist means, that you only allow specific machines

Texas Education Agency, which includes keeping user

to connect to other specific machines…I had a

information secure. “All data submitted and received

coworker who had a daughter, who was working on

by our department are kept secure with limited

her science project, and there was a specific website

access to those who are in need of the data. User

for the science project, the problem is, somebody in

roles in the state assessment management system are

Eastern Europe hacked that website, and implanted

set and controlled by our department and are limited

a virus onto that website. Anytime somebody

to those who have received the required annual

visited that website, they got infected. So her work

security and test administration procedures training.”

computer got infected. And all she was doing was

Public school standardized test scores are kept

going to a school website for their science project.

secure on the same levels as private information from

So again, that’s another one of those blacklist things.

some of the most successful companies in the world.

Cause, who would ever think that you would want to

“Both the state assessment management system,

blacklist a school science fair project website? But

and the AISD data systems are extremely secure. To

they should’ve. Now if they had a whitelist, for that

my knowledge, we have never had any issues with

computer, she would’ve never been able to go to that

possible breaches in test security.” Whatever AISD

website, and she would’ve never had her computer

is doing to keep student information secure, it must

infected. Julian says whitelists are the ultimate

be working. Security procedures that are already in

solution that can prevent data breaches for them in

place might be annoying, but they are necessary.

the future. He thinks Experian should set all servers to

All possible measure that could be taken to prevent

whitelists, and only let computers access the servers

data breaches should be taken. Hackers come from

and websites they absolutely need to. “But I don’t

unlikely sources, and you never know until it’s too

think that will ever happen because that’s really, really


Chris Cordell is the director of systemwide


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