6 minute read
The bright future for sports By: Jose Alverez
from Austin Sports Weekly
by LASA Ezine
The Bright Future For Sports
What is going to happen to sports
By Jose aviles
This image shows what Esports is like. This photo is provided by Brawlhalla.
The future of sports is going to be a spectacular thing for future generations. Imagine you’re on the moon watching a Tron game. It would be amazing to see things that you only saw in movies and games come to life. Sports will no longer only be on earth, they could be in space or completely other planets. Sports will be able to do anything, if you can imagine it there will probably be a sport or game about it in the future. The future has so many possibilities for sports. Sports as it is now is already changing with the introduction of Electronic sports or better known as Esports. Esports is becoming a bigger thing each day and more and more people want to get into it. Playing esports allows you to play video games professionally solo or as a team for your job. Esports has been around for awhile already but just recently they announced that esports will be part of the summer 2021 olympics. This is really amazing for people who play games competitively and now they

The photo above shows what kind of sports can be in the future. This image is provided KPBS.
can make a pretty good living out of their favorite hobby. Esports is very promising for inspiring kids that want to play games for a job and soon it can be a reality for some of them. It should also be very interesting to watch and who knows, maybe somebody you know might play professionally in Esports. If you know somebody that wants to play at a professional level do not discourage them.Instead encourage them and help them make their dream come true. This does not mean they need the newest technology because pro players started where they are now. We should keep an eye out on esports because it might just be the next thing. On July 31, 2021, I interviewed Alonzo Cruz via email about his thoughts for the future of sports. I interviewed him because it would give me a different perspective of what I would think of the future of sports. Another reason is that Alonzo has been playing sports since he was little so he has experience of seeing sports change by different techniques being invented. He had to change with the sports has it grew in popularity and skill. The future of sports will change a lot of the things we are used to, games that we played and things we saw in movies will become a reality someday in the future. Examples of sports that may be in the future are Tron, Quidditch and Pod racing. Reason why they are good examples is because Tron is a futuristic game where you use a motorcycle to eliminate an opponent. The way you did this is that the motorcycle would leave a wall of light and if the opponents ran into it with their motorcycle they would lose. Quidditch is a spectacular example because maybe someday we will be able to fly and it might take way more skill than other sports.It could be very interesting seeing how different techniques will be implied into this sport. Pod racing is another amazing structure for the future because it shows that racing will be different and more dangerous as seen in Star Wars : The Phantom Menace. It can also show the amazing craftsmanship people will make in the future.If podracing does happen we will not be confined to one idea on how to build your machine. Who knows maybe you’ll make it look like a motorcycle or a futuristic F1 car. Who knows what the future for sports will entail for us. Some of these sports might even take place far from earth. Now imagine you’re on a gargantuan spaceship that took decades to craft

The picture above shows what podracing is and gives us an idea of sports in the future. .This image is provided by Star wars.fandom
and test. It would be insane just to be able to see it, go inside of it, and use it. It could have places where there is zero gravity laser tag, football and swimming. It would be amazing and insane to see and experience stuff like that. For laser tag you would have to have good area awareness to make sure nobody can sneak behind, under or above you. Who knows what strategies will be made. The places you could play on will no longer need to have a floor. Football you would be able to throw fast and straight passes because you would not have to worry about the ball getting pulled down by gravity. You would also have to watch out because you won’t be able to stop without touching something. Swimming would be so fascinating because the way we could shape pools can be things that would not be possible on earth. Think about how if you are swimming and you look straight up and see your best friend looking back at you. It would be a surreal and a once in a lifetime experience.
“Electronic advancements we are making and as the future has a lot in store for us with technology.” said Alonzo Cruz. “ I think that it is possible for those types of games (he is referring to things like Tron and Pod racing) to be made one day”. Sports will change in the future and there is no denying that. It might change for the better or for the worst. Who knows maybe sports will become too complicated in the future for the older generations. There is no certainty to what will happen to sports in the future. The only thing we can do is wait for it and see what sports will come. “Have fun at the same time like how it is with all sports,” said Alonzo. He said this when I asked him what do you think will happen to sports in the future.
If we could see into the future and see what will happen to sports and how they developed. I think we would be astonished and amazed at what happened to it.Who know maybe it will be too complicated and we won’t understand anything. All we can do is hope for a very bright future for sports. In conclusion, the future of sports will be crazy avnd awesome. We just have to give it time and we shall see. Remember, who knows what type of sports there will be, it might come down to what our imagination comes up with. Also keep in mind that maybe Tron,Quidditch and Pod racing might be the next thing. Also don’t forget that esports might be the future for sports and could be really popular soon. The one thing that we can be sure of is that the future of sports will change no matter what and we should accept it. Thank you so very much for reading my featured article about The Bright Future Of Sports.

The image above shows us what can we do in the future and how we can travel with comfort. This image is provided by Musings of a Middle-Aged Geek.