1 minute read
from The Austinite
by LASA Ezine
Thank you for reading our magazine! For our topic, we decided to focus on our favorite aspects of Austin’s culture. We have feature stories on film, food, the environment, technology and music, and we aim to appeal to a wide audience.
Henna Wittsche is writing a feature story about the Austin environment. She likes to spend her free time reading books and drawing. She plans to spend her future doing more design related projects. Henna has lived in Austin all her life. From all the years that Henna has been here she has learned that the people from Austin are very friendly.
Fritz Kokinda is writing a feature story about food trucks in Austin. He enjoys playing basketball and video games, since he can have fun with his friends. He isn’t quite sure yet what he wants to do after he graduates.


Moses Wilson is writing a feature story about the film industry in Austin. He enjoys playing basketball, tennis, and video games because he likes to play with friends. He wants to get rich after he graduates.
Tate Rhee is writing a feature story about technology in Austin. He is passionate about lots of different types of technology as well and likes playing video games with his friends. He does Taekwondo in his free time as well. He has lived in Austin for 12 years and likes how friendly all of the people are.

Sofia Neal is writing a feature story about Austin’s music industry. She likes to play soccer because it’s fun. Sofia lived in Boston for 11 years. She isn’t quite sure of what she wants to do after she graduates.