5 minute read
More Than Just Make-Up
from Sustainable Fashion
by LASA Ezine
A look at cosmetics
Cosmetics are powerful tools for some people and an art form for others. In fact, there are many opinions regarding cosmetics, some good, some bad. But the true webster dictionary definition of cosmetics is a product that is applied to the skin. So contrary to popular belief, things such as sunscreen count as cosmetics. There are a lot of people who think that it’s the use of cosmetics that twists it into the evil or heroic thing we know it as. And while that is important, it is not necessarily all there is to it. Cosmetics have a lot of their own pitfalls that people need to watch out for. Firstly, the cosmetics industry is severely under regulated because the FDA has no power over it. A lot of cosmetic bottles will say they are FDA approved. And technically the FDA is the only organization that is meant to regulate cosmetics. However, by US law, cosmetics do not need to have FDA approval before they go out onto the market. Many cosmetic companies exploit this loop hole by branding their things as FDA approved. And most people believe it. But it is not true and the FDA does not have any sort of test that cosmetics must undergo. All of this is well within the law, and it leaves shoppers largely to their own devices when it comes to making sure the products they use are not harmful. Other than cosmetics technically being under
FDA jurisdiction, there are no other specific laws for them. Companies are free to do as they please, which includes lying in marketing, calling their products all natural, when really it only has 2% real fruit juice and the rest is potentially harmful chemicals. A 2016 study showed that over 25% of beauty products marketed to black women contained known harmful chemicals. Most of the products were classified as “hazardous” in large amounts. Many people may have a disproportionate idea of what constitutes a large amount. It is not only a somewhat ambiguous threshold, but also an easy one to surpass, especially in an age where women may feel pressured to wear cosmetics daily. All of these chemicals used all the time inevitably end up back in the environment where they can easily cause a lot of damage. And people also buy a lot more than they need. A sephora sales agent said “People do tend to buy in bulk. They come in once a month to stock up.”
Which is another danger that comes with cosmetics. Pressure to blindly utilize it, because it is such a norm in our modern society. People are expected to buy makeup and assorted beauty products, without understanding them. Most people have a vague inkling of the fact that there is something wrong with the industry but willful ignorance largely prevails. Cosmetics are more similar to food than most would realize, and it is important to understand what you are doing to your body. Cosmetics can contain allergens, or health risks, the same way that food can.
But, society does not put any sort of emphasis on trying to educate people about the potentially harmful things they are doing to their bodies. Most people who use makeup on a daily basis could not begin to list any of the basic parts of a lipstick. Even a Sephora employee could not tell me what was in essential oils. The cosmetics industry is a powerful one, with over 100 billion dollars in annual revenue, worldwide. Even if cosmetics have
“I’ve never really looked into what’s in my products. I’ve heard the rumors about the rat shit and horse piss, but who knows. I think I’m happier not knowing.” - Eliza been on a slow decline over the years, they are still not going anywhere anytime fast. The Sephora agent spoke about people’s habits when it comes to cosmetics. As said before, people tend to buy in bulk, stocking for a month or two. Total prices can go up well into the hundreds, because of how overpriced typical cosmetics are. And none of these people truly grasp what goes into making cosmetics. None of them ask what’s in the product they are buying. It is silently encouraged that people buy without questioning any of it. But there is nothing that should be followed blindly. It is essential that people become educat- not fully know what they are buying, and it can cause severe - in some cases life threatening - consequences. At the very least it is always best to look over the ingredients listed on the container. This, along with patch testing, is the best way to stay safe.
The core of most problems surrounding the cosmetics industry comes from the lack of structure and regulation. This lack of regulation also means that there is no clear way to harmlessly dispose of cosmetics. Plastic fills the ocean and chemicals damage nature everyday. All of that acknowledged, the cosmetics industry is not all bad. Like most things, it is flawed, but there is still good that comes from it. So, let’s look at some of the silver lining.
Photo courtesy of Pintrest ed on what is in cosmetics, what those things do to them, and what those things do to ecosystems.
The cosmetics industry is a dangerous one, both in the amount of power it gives industries and the power it takes from the buyer. Cosmetic brands do not have to list any ingredient that has less than a 5% concentration in any given product which is because companies don’t want to be forced to give their secrets to competition. But, this can be very dangerous for people with allergies, because they do
“I may not know a lot about cosmetics, but I am certian that the legal aspect of the buisness is ineffective and outdated.”
- Sephora worker
Cosmetics can be an art form! People do intricate designs and impressive looks. People have fun expressing themselves, or feeling more professional at work. And, it has been proven that cosmetics can be changed, because after much pushback and protest, product testing on animals has severely decreased in recent years. Although it remains a small problem, it is nowhere near what it was before. It is now much more common to see the PETA mark of approval than not. And it is illegal for cosmetics to fake a PETA mark, so buyers do not have to be worried about that. Cosmetics are a good concept, and not one that should be discarded for it’s flaws. However, the flaws exist and it is important to acknowledge them.
One of the biggest problems with cosmetics is the amount of waste. Over 120 million pieces of plastic are manufactured annually for packaging of cosmetics. The majority of this plastic ends up in landfills, in ecosystems, or in the ocean. Chemicals in products can be extremely harmful to the environment. The rate at which our modern society produces and uses cosmetics is unsustainable. However, there are many brands that are privately owned who recognize this issue and are making an effort to be more environmentally friendly with biodegradable packaging and truly natural ingredients. The best way to remain happy and healthy while not harming the environment is to research the cosmetics bought and used. Even just reading the ingredients on the side of the bottle can help you spot immediate red flags if you know what to look for. The most common harmful substances found in cosmetics, according to health and beau- ty site radience are:
-Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
-Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
-Coal tar dyes
-Diethanolamine, or DEA
-Sodium laureth sulfate, or SLS
Some of the good cosmetic brands that advertise as eco-friendly are:
-RMS Beauty
-Juice Beauty
-100% Pure
-PHB Ethical Beauty
-River organics.
Cosmetics are not necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately some people abuse the power that comes with them, but that does not make them bad. If we can find a way to make cosmetics sustainable and non-toxic, then it could be a wonderful