1 minute read
The Art of Music
from Tuned In
by LASA Ezine
Music Composition
Music composition is the act of Music composition is the act of creating original music for vocals creating original music for vocal and instrumentals (orchestra, and instrumentals (orchestra, band, and such). These people band, and such). These people are called composers. After are called composers. After they finish their creation, the they finish their creation, the newly created music can be newly created music can be published or played by the published or played by the composer or a musician. composer or a musician.
If one of these conponents disappears, then music wouldn’t exist!
Instrument making is the art of creating making is the art of creating instruments. This includes string, instruments. This includes string, brass, percussion, and woodwind. brass, percussion, and woodwind. For now, we will focus on string For now, we will focus on string instruments. Makers of string instruments. Makers of string instruments are called Luthiers instruments are called Luthiers and they can either sell their cre-and they can either sell their creations to musicians or use it for ations to musicians or use it for themselves hemselves Instrument playing is the art of, well, playing instruments. It creates a series of sounds that makes music. For instruments, music is generally called a piece that is either created by musicians or composers.