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Dear La Salle Community,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! The return of our students, faculty, staff, and families to campus has been the most exciting time of my tenure since joining our Lancer community as school president in June 2020. I’ve had the opportunity to meet countless members of our community that make La Salle so special and it’s been a privilege learning and understanding all that make this school a home for our current families, alumni, and employees. Being reunited as one family has been an honor and I am thrilled to be a part of this awesome time of growth at La Salle.
The return of our students to campus has meant ushering in a new school year in ways that have never been done in all my years as an educator - wearing face coverings to ensure a healthy learning environment, frequent and regular COVID-19 testing, and the modifications to our daily operations to maintain in-person learning and instruction, just to name a few. While COVID-19 has undoubtedly shifted the way we teach and engage with our students, I am encouraged and inspired by the tenacity and grit exemplified by both our teachers and students in adapting to these ever-changing protocols and rules. Their collective perseverance gives me hope for our future and I am forever grateful for their sacrifices in the name of delivering and receiving the quality education La Salle is so widely known for.
Even with the changes and the pivoting we’ve had to undertake, the spirit of St. John Baptist de La Salle shines as bright as ever throughout our entire community. Our students continued to be instilled with his teachings, adapted to ensure their applicability in a modern, globally interconnected world. With the partnership
of our new principal, Mr. Jamal Adams, we continue to explore innovative means of ensuring our students graduate from La Salle College Preparatory ready to take on any challenges they may face. Our Five Core Principles continue to lead us into the future, with the development of a renewed Strategic Plan, designed to chart our path forward over the next five years.
As you browse through our latest issue of the Lancer Magazine, I encourage you to also engage with La Salle in ways that you may not have in the past: Learn about the new innovative programs and opportunities afforded to our students and how you can help share the good news happening at La Salle. Serve alongside fellow alumni, parents, students, and friends of La Salle. Lead by example in giving your time, talent, and treasure as we chart a new path forward that elevates La Salle even further.
I continue to pray for you and your families every day. You are forever in my heart just as Jesus and St. John Baptist de La Salle remain in our hearts now and always. We are one Lasallian family, reunited in person and in spirit, moving forward together. Thank you for your continued support of La Salle College Preparatory and your partnership in our school’s success.