1 minute read
All of this is a great forest. Inside the forest is the child. The forest is beautiful, fascinating, green, and full of hopes; there are no paths. Although it isn’t easy, we have to make our own paths, as teachers and children and families, in the forest.
— Loris Malaguzzi
Collegio San Giuseppe — Instituto de Merode, Rome, Italy
Instituto Marceline Tommaseo, Milan, Italy
Mercy High School Burlingame
Mission High School
Class of 2023, we send you forth to high school with confidence in the foundations you have built during your La Scuola experience: your love of learning, inquiry skills, personal maturity, and commitment to act in community and shape a better future. As a class you are small, but mighty. You can take pride in the friendships that you have formed and the values of
Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory
Saint Ignatius College Preparatory
San Francisco University High School respect and collaboration that you have modeled as school leaders this year.
Having completed both a year of rich inquiries in Humanities and the school’s first Italy learning experience together, I feel a special connection to the Class of 2023. I am excited to “graduate” with you, and share your sense of hope and curiosity about what the future holds.
Let’s go forth with gioia and gratitude for our time at La Scuola.
Best Wishes,
Douglas Lowney, Middle School Director