Laser Hair Removal Process Laser hair removal processes a safe, effective and long lasting method for getting rid of unwanted hair compared to other methods such as shaving, electrolysis, waxing, plucking and creams. Often referred to as a “lunch time procedure” in Belfast the actual procedure only lasts a few minutes to produce significant results. The ideal areas for laser hair removal are: •
Unsightly hair on the face
Hair on the legs and forearms
Hair in the armpits and bikini line
What used to be considered expensive is now viewed as worthwhile in the long run. The best candidates for this procedure are those with dark hair on light skin, but there are different types of lasers that address various shades of skin and hair. How laser hair removal works The area to be treated is exposed to a laser beam of specific wavelength. This focuses on the melanin in the hair and the hair follicle. The laser is absorbed by the melanin through the skin. Since there are dormant hairs as well as hair in the growing phase, lasers are effective only on hair in the growth phase. Because of this, more than one session is required for effective results. The density of hair is different in various parts of the body and consequently, some parts of the body are more responsive than others. This makes it necessary for periodic sessions so that satisfactory results can be achieved. For instance, treating the hair on the back will take longer as the surface area is larger while the bikini area shows faster results. What to expect during the laser hair removal treatment Most patients experience some mild, temporary discomfort at the time of treatment, but this goes away soon. Some clinics use topical creams to relive any pain while others have a cooling machine for patient comfort. Based on the skin area to be treated, the session may last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. On average, three to six sessions produce the expected results. After the treatment, the hair grows slower in these areas and appears much lighter in color and fine in texture.
Periodic maintenance sessions are scheduled to sustain results. The treatment is carried out in a medical setting by trained and licensed personnel who are experienced at administering the treatment. The doctor performing the laser hair removal in Belfast will conduct a thorough evaluation to find out whether this is a suitable method for you. You will be instructed to avoid tanning products, plucking electrolysis, bleaching and depilatory creams for at least a couple of weeks before the treatment. You will also get a fair estimate of what the procedure is likely to cost you. It is important to understand that there is no such thing as a permanent hair removal method and the laser hair removal process is the closest you can get to becoming free from unwanted hair. For the best Laser hair removal in Belfast, Please Visit- Laserase Medical Skincare Clinic
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525 Antrim rd Belfast Antrim Bt15 3bs N Ireland 02890777772