1 minute read
Laser Wishes You Knew
Shigley owner; The Spotless Forge
Once you have leveled your laser left to right, repeat the process front to back by turning your level 90 degrees and centering it on the closed lid again. This step should be pretty close already if the pieces of material you use for a lift are not warped finished moving your tabletop laser. This will allow you to make minor adjustments as needed.
Finally, most manufacturers recommend calibrating your machine anytime you are Shims! Perfect use for scraps!

Following these simple steps will help you get the most airflow to your intake and keep your tabletop laser working to the best of its ability Remember, your laser has a recommended air temperature for it to run efficiently, so make sure that you have your crafting companion in a well-ventilated, temperature-controlled room if possible
The summer is almost over let’s keep cool together!
Summer Shigley is the co-owner of Your Content Creations LLC with her husband Les Your Content Creations LLC is the parent company of The Spotless Forge and Time2Travel Vacations Find out more about her by going to her Linktree site