Lasersec India- Trusted Barcode label manufacturers Barcode labels are gaining importance by each passing day in product packaging; turn around any package and you will be able to see a series of parallel lines in black, this is known as the barcode, which contains data about the particular product. Barcode at supermarket checkouts are another common sight, these again employ the same principle of recording good amount of data, which the machine can read quickly thus saving time. A lot of companies claim to provide barcode labels and in a considerably short span of time, however how many of them actually live up to that claim? Barcode label manufacturer should be someone who has an in depth knowledge of the trade, has been in the business for long, uses upto-date techniques and technologies and can effectively produce barcode labels that are different from the ones used by other retail manufacturers and moreover ones which can’t be duplicated. Holographic labels further add security to the data of the product. These labels contain hologram pictures that could feature the company’s trademark or any other security identification along with the barcode that reads data. The data in the barcode generally comprises of numbers or the initials of words that are related to its identity. Further, if the labels are tamper proof, which means that even if they are tampered, they leave traces of the hologram behind even after being tampered is a better option. A step ahead would be to make these tamper proof labels better by adding the Void or honeycomb symbol at the back, that stays put after the label is tampered with. A lot of hologram picture manufacturers also offer the additional service of barcode label manufactures and are a much better option than those who claim to be just barcode label manufacturers. These experts have good knowledge of both barcode and hologram pictures and thus can be your best bet in case one wants to opt for hologram pictures along with getting barcode labels manufactured. Today, barcode labels are seldom printed in isolation, almost always they are purposely printed on holographic levels and not all barcode label manufacturers will be able to effectively cater to this technique as it is a relatively new concept. Experienced manufacturers would have an idea of how to make these codes as unique as possible so that the products cannot be duplicated even by the slyest of the traders. If you are seeking the service of any barcode manufacturer, take your time and look for someone who has a good amount of experience plus get samples of his work. Additionally, you can also ask for references of customers the manufacturer has belted out barcode labels for in the past, you can get in touch with the customers and get a first hand review of the manufacturer. Lasersec India has been in the barcode label and hologram picture manufacturing business since years. With a record number of good testimonials, the experts at Lasersec India use the current technology and software to create the most uncommon and unique barcode labels and hologram pictures. Do not be fooled by the number of false claims other companies make on the Internet,
Lasersec India is your one stop shop for hologram sticker and barcode labels manufacturers requirements and their list of clientele would gladly testify that claim.