the feel of LAG Goričko

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Local action group


the feel of

LAG Goricko

Projekt delno financira EU.

Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v podeželje


LEADER APPROACH The LEADER approach as such, has launched already in 1991. In the 2007-2013 programming period, it was also introduced in Slovenia, where it is now integral part of the rural development policy. The purpose of LEADER approach is to enhance the development potential of rural areas, taking advantage of local resources and the active role of the local population. The basic objective of the LEADER approach is to build local capacity, improve employment, diversification of activities in rural areas, promotion of endogenous development, to improve governance in rural areas and spread of innovation. The LEADER approach is open to all interested residents of rural areas who want to find and develop local initiatives for the development of their area and participate in their implementation. These are representatives of public and private institutions at national, regional or local level, as well as all other interested members of the rural community.

LEADER IN SLOVENIA • In Slovenia there are 33 LAGs; • LAGs in Slovenia are covering 19,349.6 km2 (97% of the Slovenian countryside); • Total population covered by the LAGs is 1,269,308 (94% of rural population); • The average surface of a LAG is 586.5 km2; • The average number of inhabitants in a LAG is 38,464; • The budget for LEADER approach in the programming period 2007-2013 was 33.7 million euros.


LOCAL ACTION GROUP “LAG GORICČKO” BASIC DATA OF THE LAG: Official name: LAG Goričko (Local action group Goričko) Region, State: Pomurje Region, Republic of Slovenia Population: 30.350 inhabitants Surface area: 565 km2 Number of Municipalities: 10 LAG Contacts:

LAG Goričko, Kranjčeva ul. 3, SI-9226 Moravske Toplice, Slovenia T: +386 (0)2 538 13 52 E: I:

Contact Persons: Darja Čerpnjak Horvat (, Stanislav Sraka ( LAG Manager:



G. Petrovci

G. Petrovci


Development Agency Sinergija Kranjčeva ul. 3, SI-9226 Moravske Toplice, Slovenia T: +386 (0)2 538 13 50 E: I:




Kuzma Moravske Toplice



Moravske Toplice









ESTABLISHMENT OF LAG GORICČKO LAG Goričko was established with the signing of Consortia agreement on the establishment of Local Action Group “LAG Goričko” on 23 October 2008 by 29 founding members. The partnership of LAG Goričko (now) consists of: • 14 representatives of the public sector (mainly municipalities of the area), • 6 representatives of the economic sector (entrepreneurs and craftsmen), • 9 representatives of civil society (associations of that area). Total: 29 members. LAG is not a legal entity. LAG is established as “Societas” by the law of obligations. LAG Goričko is a non-profit form of integration and cooperation, which represents the local development partnership in the area of municipalities in Goričko. For this reason LAG has an authorized legal entity that is holding the separate bank account and is the administrator of this account. LAG Goričko has gained the status of an operating LAG by completing the application to the public call by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. LAG operating status was confirmed on 15 April 2009. At the same time LAG has gained the right to benefit from the financial resources. LAG had, throughout the program period 2007-2013, at the disposal 915,407 euros financial resources. LAG Goričko consists of three working bodies, namely: • Assembly, which consists of all the partners of the LAG, • Development Council, which consists of appointed representatives of the Assembly (6 members with tripartite composition), • Supervisory Board, which consists of three appointed representatives of the Assembly. For the implementation of technical, organizational and administrative tasks LAG has a manager, which provides personnel, office and other requirements for the professional project work in the field of rural development and the implementation of LAG tasks. Manager of LAG Goričko is Development Agency Sinergija.


IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (LDS) Local Development Strategy is the main strategic document and operational basis for the development of individual LAG. Its purpose is to establish development guidelines for longer period of time. In the Local development strategy there are clearly defined development problems and potentials, which we came up with a detailed and effective analysis of the present situation. On the basis of good analysis and clearly defined development needs, we have created our development guidelines and objectives of the Strategy. Development priorities of LAG Goričko in the programming period 2007-2013: 1. Development of agricultural structures, 2. Organization of processing and marketing of agricultural products, 3. Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage, 4. Development of entrepreneurship, 5. Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure, 6. Increasing the level of education and vocational training, 7. Integrated Rural Development. THE ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (AIP) / PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (PIP) The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) or Project Implementation Plan (PIP) is a document by which the Local Action Group defines the planned activities which will be financed by the LEADER funds in a particular year. The AIP or PIP precisely defines all implementation projects which LAG intends to co-finance by LEADER funds. In addition to the description of the projects the financial structure and dynamics of feeding applications for each individual project must also be prepared. AIP or PIP of the LAG Goričko is approved by the Development Council and the Supervisory Board of LAG Goričko for each year.

Annual Implementation Plan AIP 2009 Implementation period: May 2009 – June 2011


DO YOU HEAR THE SONG, COME TO DANCE WITH ME Lead partner: Cultural and Tourism Society of Moščanci, Moščanci 36a Partners: Singing Society Puconci, Puconci 80, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Trubarjev drevored 4, M. Sobota, Public Institution Goričko Nature Park, Grad 191, Municipality of Puconci, Municipality of Moravske Toplice, Municipality of Gornji Petrovci, Municipality of Šalovci, Association of Cultural Societies of M. Sobota, Trubarjev drevored 4, M. Sobota, Association of Cultural and Tourist Societies of Puconci Municipality, Elementary School Puconci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Film record of dance steps from the period of the last century and song of Prekmurje from the period of transition from 20th to 21st century with identified clothing appearance of those who give this song is a concrete and lasting way to protect and preserve tradition in the local language of Goričko area. Project results: • 29 trained folklorists for the purpose of filming the dance steps of Goričko, • 500 copies of CD with 12 Prekmurje songs, • 500 copies of a brochure with the Prekmurje songs made by artists of Goričko, • 30 copies of DVD as a film record of dance steps of Goričko (33 variants), • identified the appearance of clothing for women vocal group, • 14 designed costumes for women vocal group, • designed folklore costume for 2 pairs of folklorists, • an event Do you hear the song, come to dance with me in Puconci. Financing: Total project value (€): 34,506.00 LEADER funding (€): 24,850.00 / 84.08% co-funding Contact: Marta Horvat t: +386 (0)41 747 396 e:


RENOVATION OF LAND – GORIČCKO CHEESE PRODUCT Lead partner: Gorički raj, Vančo Lazarovski s.p., Kukeč 43, Križevci Partners: Nina Vratarič, Polana 45, Puconci, Franc Vratarič, Kopitarjeva ul. 2, M. Sobota, Centre for Health and Development, Ul. Arh. Novaka 2b, M. Sobota

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By setting up a pilot system for managing the controlled grazing and creating a corporate design of the product Goričko cheese, we contributed to the prevention of overgrowth of grassland and preservation of natural heritage, thus consequently to the development of environmentally friendly farming and to the enrichment of domestic products’ offer. Project results: • reduced overgrowth of grassland (where systems of controlled grazing of sheep and goats are placed), • increase of market oriented grazing of sheep and goats for the production of milk by 2013, • 3 systems for managing the controlled grazing in the area of Goričko Nature Park by 2013, • corporate design of the product Goričko cheese and other milk products (fresh milk, curd, whey, yogurt, spreads), • 20 training workshops for potential producers (ecological and other) and final consumers, • established data base of producers and local products of Goričko and educational website, • issue and distribution of promotional flyer in 1000 copies. Financing: Total project value (€): 62,345.00 LEADER funding (€): 25,471.00 / 46.55% co-funding Contact: Valentina Šeruga Lazarovski t: +386 (0)31 777 436 e:


ACTIVATION OF ENERGY POTENTIAL OF COUNTRYSIDE Lead partner: Local Energy Agency of Pomurje, Martjanci 36 Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The project contributes to sustainable protection of natural and cultural heritage and to sustainable and economically efficient forest management. Through the project activities natural resources of the rural environment were maintained (wood biomass - forest). Project results: • active participation of experts and local actors in the implementation of project activities, • 100 copies of promotional presentational posters and 3000 copies of promotional flyer, • the data of utilization and availability of energy products and known workshops location, • 10 activation workshops based on the prepared curriculum, • an e-brochure with collected ideas of individuals. Financing: Total project value (€): 73,000.00 LEADER funding (€): 40,000.00 / 60% co-funding Contact: Bojan Vogrinčič t: +386 (0)2 538 15 54 e:


GORIČCKO TRADITIONAL HOUSE Lead partner: Society for Sustainable Rural Development Žitek, Andrejci 33a, Martjanci Partners: Tourist Association Cankova, Cankova 30, Society Goričko drüjštvo za lepše vütro, Grad 191

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the aims of the LDS: With the project activities we evaluated individual elements of the cultural heritage in the area of LAG Goričko, such as architectural heritage, craft related to architecture, traditional landscape and the impact of traditional food, custom and usage on the elements of cultural heritage. All of these elements have been designed as an integrated product under the common title Goričko traditional house. Project results: • a handbook Goričko traditional house in e-format on web (flash) and printed 200 copies, • 10 motivation workshops for preservation of traditional architectural plans, • an analysis of existing and potential buildings with traditional elements in the area of LAG Goričko and on-line publication of the analysis, • 1000 copies of promotional flyer, • web portal of the project with published project outcomes (analysis, notices, reports, photo gallery). Financing: Total project value (€): 43,240.00 LEADER funding (€): 35,900.00 / 94.72% co-funding Contact: Katja Karba t: +386 (0)2 538 13 56 e:

Annual Implementation Plan AIP 2010 Implementation period: January 2010 – June 2012


Lead partner: Civil engineering and business services NO LIMITS, Renata Mencigar s.p., Petanjci 27, Tišina Partner: Simon Ratnik, Petanjci 23, Tišina

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: IV. Priority – Development of entrepreneurship Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: We increased the competitiveness of the project partners with the purchase of new equipment and at the same time we reduced their consumption of energy. With an innovative integration development of entrepreneurship in rural area was improved. Project results: • increased competitiveness of project partners, • established innovative business partnership in rural area, • reduced consumption of time and energy to implement the project activities. Financing: Total project value (€): 20,000.00 LEADER funding (€): 6,784.00 / 40% co-funding Contact: Danijel Kolman t: +386 (0)31 612 672 e:


DISCOVER THE “GRAD” TREASURES Nosilec: Municipality of Grad Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By integrating all the attractions of the municipality Grad and by promoting the cultural, historical and natural attractions, we reminded local residents and visitors of the importance of cultural legacy and natural wealth as well as of protection of tradition, which is transmitted from generation to generation. With this project, we increased cultural and tourist offer of the municipality area and the preservation of historical and cultural heritage for future generations. Project results: • unified presentation of cultural and natural heritage of the municipality, • presentation of promotional material through publications and press conference, • increased interest and visits to the municipality, • increased number of tourists, cyclists, hikers and visitors, • increased attention to historical and cultural attractions, protection of environment and natural attractions in the municipality. Financing: Total project value (€): 27,301.63 LEADER funding (€): 9,100.54 / 40% co-funding Contact: Danijela Krpič t: +386 (0)2 551 88 90 e:


RENOVATION OF VILLAGE FIREHOUSE IN MATJAŠEVCI Lead partner: Volunteer Firemen Society, Matjaševci 6, Kuzma Partner: Sports and recreational Society, Matjaševci 6, Kuzma

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With a thorough renovation and extension of village firehouse in Matjaševci we have gained a place to socialize and spend some quality time. The facility is the main centre of activity in the village and its surroundings. After the renovation it serves to all further challenges of our time. Project results: • project partners obtained adequate facilities for their activities, • arranged space for villagers and youth, • arranged space for meetings, seminars and trainings for different target groups, • easier organization of a large number of events. Financing: Total project value (€): 23,040.00 LEADER funding (€): 9,600.00 / 50% co-funding Contact: Boštjan Klement t: +386 (0)41 935 039 e:


ESTABLISHMENT OF RURAL WORKSHOP Lead partner: AVTO IGI, Igor Benkič s.p., Nuskova 28, Rogašovci Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: IV. Priority – Development of entrepreneurship Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With construction and renovation, new electrical installations and promotion the project partner has improved his competitiveness, increased and expanded existing business and consequently increased economic development in the area of LAG Goričko. Project results: • increased service offer in rural area, • increased competitiveness and recognisability of the entrepreneur - project partner, • awareness of the population about service offer of workshop, • setting up a website to inform target groups, • designed and printed 100 posters and 1,000 business cards. Financing: Total project value (€): 19,820.00 LEADER funding (€): 5,460.00 / 30% co-funding Contact: Igor Benkič t: +386 (0)41 807 594 e: i:


CANKOVA MUNICIPALITY HERITAGE Lead partner: Cultural and Arts Society Avgust Pavel, Cankova 25 Partner: Municipality of Cankova

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Project contributes to the permanent protection of cultural heritage, as it explores the lives of nationally conscious persons, who are essential for cultural and economic development of the area of Cankova municipality. At the same time the project represents a novelty in the research process of key events that have contributed to the development of spiritual and cultural heritage and had impact on national identity or consciousness. Project results: • all the key information about the life and work of Jožef Borovnjak, Avgust Pavel and Ludvik Vrečič collected in one place (issued 3 DVDs), • implementation of 3 educational consultations, • 3 documentary films recorded, • pupils and students educated with the contents of documentary films, • increased number of young people with cultural and national consciousness, who will participate in future activities and research work, • project promotion to acquaint the general public with the project activities. Financing: Total project value (€): 23,868.00 LEADER funding (€): 19,890.00 / 100% co-funding Contact: Branko Pintarič t: +386 (0)2 540 10 76 e:


ANIMALS OUR FRIENDS Lead partner: Society for Pets protection Mala hiša, Tešanovci 20, Moravske Toplice Partners: Municipality of Moravske Toplice, Mala hiša, Animal Shelter Ltd, Tešanovci 20, Moravske Toplice

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: VI. Priority – Increasing the level of education and vocational training Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Through the project activities we contributed to raising awareness of a wider circle of people of the proper treatment of animals. With more informations and motivating various target groups about the attitude of people to animals we contributed to raising the quality of life of animals, their health and well-being. Project results: • website for information and counselling, • leaflet to acquaint people about proper and responsible attitude to animals, • implemented workshops for pupils and preschool children and workshops in various villages of the municipality, • a training range for education and socialization of dogs, • placed bins for animal excrements and warning boards in surrounding of tourist destination Moravske Toplice. Financing: Total project value (€): 26,820.00 LEADER funding (€): 22,874.67 / 89.62% co-funding Contact: Andrej Števanec t: +386 (0)41 803 793 e:


PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS OF PUCONCI MUNICIPALITY Lead partner: Development Institute of Puconci Municipality, Puconci 79 Partner: Municipality of Puconci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: We have permanently preserved natural and cultural heritage of the area with the creation of the material of the Municipality of Puconci as a geographical whole with a rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, rich folk tradition and wide range of Prekmurje food, Goričko wines and delicious fruits. With the proposed content we have established cultural and tourist network of all providers that will be promoted through the material in all parts of Slovenia and beyond its borders. Project results: • better recognisability of the municipality in the wider area through promotion materials, in which all information about natural, cultural, economic, tourist and other attractions, gastronomy, public buildings, cycle and hiking routes and other local features are gathered in one place (tourist map, leaflet, folder and writing block), • increased number of tourist in the municipality on account of promotion materials, • informing of general public in press conference and through public announcements. Financing: Total project value (€): 15,960.00 LEADER funding (€): 5,320.00 / 40% co-funding Contact: Milan Vrečič t: +386 (0)2 545 96 70 e:


PUCONCI MUNICIPALITY MONOGRAPH Lead partner: Municipality of Puconci Partner: Development Institute of Puconci Municipality, Puconci 79

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With produced monograph of the Municipality of Puconci we showed past and present in the collected material, which is available to all interested people. The word in the monograph goes in the footsteps of history, culture, society, landscape, religion. The monograph maintains the folk tradition in the municipality. Project results: • monograph of Puconci Municipality on 80 pages in Slovene, English and German language is an example of good practice for other municipalities, how to collect interesting information (about local people in the past and present, history of Municipality, spiritual image, tourism, economy, sport), • press conference and publications to acquaint the general public. Financing: Total project value (€): 34,140.00 LEADER funding (€): 20,000.00 / 70.30% co-funding Contact: Jasmina Maček t: +386 (0)2 545 91 00 e:


TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL CENTRE OF GRADIŠČCE Lead partner: Tourist Society, Gradišče 62b, Tišina Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The regulation of tourism infrastructure and internal arrangement of rooms of tourist-recreational centre Gradišče have improved the conditions of work of the society and increased realization of new events and activities to promote the integration of young and old, integration of women in activities in the village, knowledge transfer and general education. Project results: • general public was informed of the project through leaflet and promotion activities, which increased the number of participants of events and workshops, • through implemented workshops, parlour games and presentation of historical customs useful knowledge was passed to participants, • improvement of operational conditions of the Tourist Association Gradišče and its promotion. Financing: Total project value (€): 16,407.85 LEADER funding (€): 4,910.69 / 35.01% co-funding Contact: Vesna Rebrica t: +386 (0)41 866 028 e:


Lead partner: Development Agency Sinergija, Kranjčeva ul. 3, Moravske Toplice Partners: Rengeo farm, Šalovci 3, Stojan Habjanič s.p., Brezovci 72a, Puconci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: I. Priority – Development of agricultural structures Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By showing the potential of the production and use of industrial plants and secondary raw materials from agriculture in construction we contributed to raising additional value and quality in the production and processing of agricultural products. Project results: • electronic version of the analysis of the production and usage of industrial plants and secondary agriculture raw materials in the architecture of Goričko and audiovisual presentation of construction (accessible on the website, • good practices in the field of production and processing of industrial plants for the needs of construction in the local area and its surroundings were identified and recorded, • methods and instructions for the production and processing of industrial plants and secondary agriculture raw materials for the needs of construction were prepared as e-materials (, • 4 experimental models / patterns of constructional components and materials, made from industrial plants and secondary agriculture raw materials were set up and their quantitative and qualitative characteristics identified, • general public was informed of activities of the project through the brochure Production and processing of industrial plants and secondary agriculture raw materials for the needs of construction in the rural area, website www. and publications in the local media. Financing: Total project value (€): 34,371.20 LEADER funding (€): 29,329.67 / 100% co-funding Contact: Stanislav Sraka t: +386 (0)2 538 13 50 e: i:



Lead partner: Roma Society NARCISA, Cankova 91 Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: VI. Priority – Increasing the level of education and vocational training Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By identifying the needs and expectations of the Roma community in their lifestyle and with designed tools to increase the participation of Roma communities in solving their problems as a result of their lifestyle, we ensured the social inclusion of marginalized groups of the population, as Roma from area LAG Goričko certainly form part thereof. Project results: • 265 Roma individuals participated in project activities, • through the completed questionnaires we identified the needs and expectations of Roma community in their lifestyle, • effective tools that are useful in other Roma settlements were developed, • research about Roma’s health that can be transferred to other environments, • measurable risk factors have been improved and an evaluation of lifestyle change was prepared, • promotional project activities to acquaint the general and professional public. Financing: Total project value (€): 17,080.00 LEADER funding (€): 15,700.00 / 100% co-funding Contact: asist. mag. Erika Zelko, dr. med., spec. e:

Project Implementation Plan PIP 2011 Implementation period: January 2011 – December 2013


MORAVSKE TOPLICE “HERITAGE ROADS” Lead partner: Tourist and Information Center of Moravske Toplice, Kranjčeva ul. 3 Partners: Municipality of Moravske Toplice, Sports Association of Moravske Toplice, Kranjčeva ul. 3

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and culture heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Through the formation of uniform image into a place trademark, which emphasizes and expresses entire set of the place specifics, we preserved the existing heritage and by that deepened the awareness and perception of the place as a whole. Projects results: • increased recognisability of the municipality among potential visitors by using a new trademark, designed during the project, • increased knowledge and awareness of visitors and local people about the heritage of Moravske Toplice with using materials, promotional appearances and open days, • on the panel and pocket maps we labelled and linked 19 thematic routes, which included natural and cultural attractions, • with designed and located pocket and panel maps we reached higher orientation and knowledge of visitors about the natural and cultural resources. Financing: Total project value (€): 22,125.00 LEADER funding (€): 15,902.09 / 85% co-funding Contact: Matejka Pajalić t: +386 (0)2 538 16 61 e:


REVITALIZATION OF MEMORIAL GARDEN PETANJCI Lead partner: Dr. Šiftar foundation, Petanjci 19, Tišina Partner: Municipality of Tišina

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko II. Priority – Organization of processing and marketing of agricultural products Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With complex revitalization of the Garden the professional basis about status, maintenance and development of the protected and unique natural and cultural monument is provided, which contributes to the preservation of natural heritage, improves the landscape image and protects the resources, biodiversity as well as traditional and cultural landscape. Projects results: • digitalised presentation of the Garden, • publication of the Guide which collected all natural, cultural and historic attractions of the Garden and Municipality of Tišina, • tested and updated concept of using the Garden for various educational and learning content, • established long-term plan for the development and maintenance of the Garden. Financing: Total project value (€): 12,844.00 LEADER funding (€): 9,158.52 / 84% co-funding Contact: Marjan Šiftar t: +386 (0)41 677 782 e:


HERBS OF GORICČKO Lead partner: Society Goričko drüjštvo za lepše vütro, Grad 191 Partners: Cultural and Arts Society, Budinci 219, Šalovci, Lovro Vehovar, Vidonci 98, Grad

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: VI. Priority – Increasing the level of education and vocational training Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The research has revived almost forgotten knowledge of older generations. The team of experts has reviewed and adapted this knowledge for use at the present time. Knowledge was transmitted through workshops to all generations of Goričko population. The product of the workshop, which took place outside in the nature, is permanent plantation of autochthonous and traditional herbs. Projects results: • through the research old knowledge and habits of harvesting, handling and usage of herbs in Goričko region were collected and are published in the brochure Herbs of Goričko, • participants of 4 workshops have gained knowledge about harvesting, processing and storing of autochthonous and traditional medicinal herbs, • designed integral tourist product and prepared proposals of 3 tourist products, which were presented through two pilot implementations for 9 tourist guides and 10 representatives of tourist agencies. Financing: Total project value (€): 17,242.00 LEADER funding (€): 12,641.20 / 85% co-funding Contact: Saša Fras t: +386 (0)31 379 312 e: saš


MOŠČCONKA BETWEEN MOŠČCANCI AND BUDINCI Lead partner: Cultural and Tourism Society, Moščanci 36a, Mačkovci Partners: Cultural and Arts Society, Budinci 219, Šalovci, Municipality of Šalovci, Tourism on the Smodiš farm, Otovci 58a, Mačkovci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The research of clothing appearance of 20th century, learning of folklore dances (transfer of knowledge) and the collection of old recipes of apple-based dishes have helped to preserve the cultural wealth, which will continue to be transmitted from generation to generation and will thus keep the tradition alive. Project results: • a wider range of food and drinks on tourist farms with apple-based dishes from collected recipes (57 recipes published in a brochure in 250 copies), • researched festive clothing appearance of the border area around village Budinci in 1920, • trained 10 folklore pairs from Cultural and Arts Society of Budinci, • innovative dance and culinary event Dance with Moščanka in Moščanci and Budinci, • renovated space for the operation of Society and for organization of different events in Moščanci. Financing: Total project value (€): 43,410.00 LEADER funding (€): 31,934.50 / 85% co-funding Contact: Marta Horvat t: +386 (0)41 747 396 e:


Lead partner: Avto IGI, Igor Benkič s.p., Nuskova 28, Rogašovci Partners: Avtosedež Andrej, Andrej Benkič s.p., Nuskova 14b

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: IV. Priority – Development of entrepreneurship Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With the purchase of equipment the entrepreneur improved his competitiveness, increased and expanded existing activity and consequently increased economic development of the area LAG Goričko. Project results: • the purchase of equipment has increased supply in rural areas and competitive ability of the enterprise. Financing: Total project value (€): 11,943.65 LEADER funding (€): 8,583.00 / 85% co-funding Kontakt: Igor Benkič t: +386 (0)41 807 594 e:,


Lead partner: Society for Sustainable Rural Development Žitek, Andrejci 33a, Martjanci Partners: Municipality of Rogašovci, Municipality of Hodoš

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The project united wood producers and processors in one place and encouraged them to better common cooperation. In this way the project contributed to increased efficiency of wood production potential of forestry. Project results: • publication of the Catalogue of wood producers and processors in Goričko, where all main information about these entities are collected and which encourages their cooperation and joint participation in the market, • through the promotion increased recognisability of wood producers and processors in the area of LAG Goričko, • established website and issued promotional material about the importance of wood and wood products (a brochure Wood of Goričko region). Financing: Total project value (€): 16,642.58 LEADER funding (€): 12,642.75 / 85% co-funding Contact: Katja Karba t: +386 (0)2 538 13 56 e:


FROM THE TIŠINA PLAIN TO THE ŠALOVCI HILLS Lead partner: Municipality of Tišina Partner: Municipality of Šalovci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Continuous interest for the heritage and its protection was provided with the promotional material which shows natural and cultural treasures of both municipalities. Additionally, the tourist promotion of both municipalities and the region in general was increased. Project results: • in various ways and by the unified image presented natural and cultural attractions of both municipalities (the first such promotional material of both municipalities), • promotional material which was made during the project was presented to general public in a press conference, with public announcements in local media and on the internet, • increased cooperation between the residents of both municipalities (learning and sharing through implemented workshop), • plotted new and refurbished existing hiking and cycling trails through the participating municipalities. Financing: Total project value (€): 44,670.00 LEADER funding (€): 31,981.25 / 85% co-funding Contact: Občina Tišina t: +386 (0)2 539 17 10 e:


MONOGRAPH OF GRAD IN GORIČCKO Lead partner: Municipality of Grad Partner: Institute for the management of cultural heritage, Grad 191

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With the monograph we acquired professional document, that contains history of municipality of Grad, history of 800-years-old castle and its importance in place and time, and reminded how important is cultural heritage and protection of the tradition which is transmitted from generation to generation. Project results: • the publication presents a pulse of the local population in past and present - lifestyle of the local population, historical image of the municipality, geographic and demographic picture, landscape image, cultural and tourist offer, etc., • 18 panoramic maps of the municipality of Grad with all attractions and routes in the municipality area, • example of good practice for other municipalities within the area of LAG Goričko, • in the press conference project activities were presented to the general public, • increased number of tourists, cyclists, hikers and visitors based on the new project material. Financing: Total project value (€): 35,864.00 LEADER funding (€): 17,840.80 / 58% co-funding Contact: Danijela Krpič t: +386 (0)2 551 88 90 e:


CENTRE OF CULTURE AND SYMBIOSIS Lead partner: Cultural and Arts Society of Srebrni Breg, Martinje 25, Gornji Petrovci Partner: Parish of Kuzma, Kuzma 59

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Centre of Culture and Symbiosis with a museum collection provides enhanced preservation of cultural and historic heritage for future generations, increases cultural and tourist offer of the place and the presentation of historically important personalities from village Martinje. Project results: • restored traditional 100-year-old house of the Goričko region in Srebrni breg, • museum collection in the memorial room of Ivan Camplin: life and work, • through implementation of cultural events increased recognition of the place. Financing: Total project value (€): 48,238.72 LEADER funding (€): 24,546.20 / 60% co-funding Contact: Klavdija Dominko t: +386 (0)31 694 778 e:


DEMONSTRATION OUTDOOR ECO-CLASSROOM Lead partner: Elementary School of Puconci, Puconci 178 Partner: Local Energy Agency of Pomurje, Martjanci 36

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Outdoor eco-classroom has a view into environment, in which pupils can observe happenings from the inside. With the built eco-classroom opportunities and access to trainings throughout the whole lifespan have increased. This is to maintain and develop curricular and extra-curricular activities and to raise living standard in rural area. Project results: • pupils and other target groups have an opportunity to acquire a better knowledge of natural and cultural heritage in one place, • with the implementation of the activities pupils will be more environmentally aware and thus will increase the concern for clean and friendly environment from an early age onwards, • with the implementation of the promotional activities awareness about the built demonstration eco-classroom and the possibility of using it have increased. Financing: Total project value (€): 53,610.00 LEADER funding (€): 38,043.17 / 85% co-funding Contact: Ernest Nemec, ravnatelj t: +386 (0)2 545 96 00 e:


HOME OF COMBATANTS AND YOUTH IN VANEČCA Lead partner: Municipality of Puconci Partner: Development Institute of Puconci Municipality, Puconci 79

Prioriteta LRS LAS Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With renovated Home of combatants and youth in Vaneča, renovated memorial wall and exhibit of pictorial material we contributed to preservation of historic memory, cultural and historic heritage as well as enriched cultural and tourist offer of the area. Project results: • renovation of cultural and historical monument which is commemorating the events of World War II, • renovated conference room with new equipment, suitable for presentations and organizing various events, • with renovated facility the municipality acquired a new tourist object and increased number of cultural and tourist events. Financing: Total project value (€): 30,310.40 LEADER funding (€): 18,944.50 / 75% co-funding Contact: Ludvik Novak t: +386 (0)2 545 91 00 e:


CULINARY RURAL CORE OF RATKOVCI Lead partner: Local Community of Ratkovci, Ratkovci 20a, Prosenjakovci Partners: Municipality of Moravske Toplice, Honey-bread bakery and handicraft Jožica Celec s.p., Ratkovci 8, Prosenjakovci, Goričko Paradise, a company for tourism and civil engineering, Kukeč 43, Križevci, Public Institution Goričko Nature Park, Grad 191

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: I. Priority – Development of agricultural structures Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With space adaptation, installation of the farmhouse stove and with the arrangement of the tasting corner we have improved the conditions for creating new jobs. With implementation of workshops we have increased the level of education and qualification of project target groups. Project results: • new product based on modern processing of traditional food, • qualified target groups for the manufacture of new products and the possibility of an additional source of income, • through the promotion the general public have been informed about the implementation and results of the project. Financing: Total project value (€): 40,560.00 LEADER funding (€): 29,155.00 / 85% co-funding Contact: Dejan Kočiš t: +386 (0)41 579 820 e:


IN GORICČKO IT IS HAPPENING Lead partner: Local Development Foundation of Pomurje, Martjanci 36 Partners: Municipality of Grad, Municipality of Gornji Petrovci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The project has connected event organizers in order to exchange experience. By recording the needs we found out a start-up point of promotion of cultural events in Goričko area and integrated it into the tourist offer. We recorded the proposals for traditional events, created the concept, issued publications and carried promotion. Project results: • analysis of the existing situation and the preparation of strategic framework with start-up points, • the implementation of the campaign Activation of Goričko cultural potential, • establishment of communication networks and databases, • animated presentation of flyers and website. Financing: Total project value (€): 37,180.00 LEADER funding (€): 28,560.00 / 85% co-funding Contakt: Bojan Vogrinčič t: +386 (0)2 538 13 54 e:


FROM HAND TO HAND Lead partner: Cultural Society Jozsef Attila, Motvarjevci 47, Prosenjakovci Partners: Municipality of Moravske Toplice, Local Community, Motvarjevci 58, Prosenjakovci

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Calvinist tombstones in Slovenia are rare and maintaining them means the preservation of historic and cultural values. The tombstones are associated with Calvinist religious affiliation of the local people, telling us about the local culture and society of the 19th century, in which they are incurred. The project expanded collection of historical subjects and documents as well as awakened customs and traditions of our ancestors. Project results: • renovation of Village and Cultural Centre, • restored Calvinist tombstones at the cemetery in Motvarjevci, • an exhibition of old subjects in the Village and Cultural Centre in Motvarjevci, • social and cultural event entitled Revive the Past, which showed the old customs and traditions in the village and exhibited historical subjects. Financing: Total project value (€): 17,478.90 LEADER funding (€): 12,580.17 / 85% co-funding Contact: Geza Dora t: +386 (0)2 544 12 33 e:

Project Implementation Plan PIP 2012 Implementation period: October 2012 – February 2014


DEVELOPMENT OF HERBALISM AND INDUSTRIAL HEMP Lead partner: PREKOMEJ - Centre of knowledge, visions and effectiveness, Gornji Petrovci 1 Partners: Oliver Berden, Murski Petrovci 22, Tišina, Municipality of Gornji Petrovci Priority of LDS LAG Goričko II. Priority – Organization of processing and marketing of agricultural products Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The aim of the project is the creation of local supply chains in the production, processing and marketing of herbs and industrial hemp, which leads to an increase in planting areas with herbs and hemp and, consequently, to an increase in the income source. Project results: • the establishment of interest association-producers of selected varieties and herbs, • focus groups have gained knowledge on production, processing herbs through workshops, • increased area planted with hemp and herbs in terms of increasing alternative income source, • the general public was informed of the implementation of the project through various promotional activities. Financing: Total project value (€): 34,919.99 LEADER funding (€): 26,494.49 / 85% co-funding Contact: Davorin Rogina t: +386 (0)31 518 425 e:


FROM LEDAVSKO JEZERO TO SOTINSKI BREG Lead partner: Municipality of Rogašovci Partners: GOR turizem, Rogašovci 14b, Tourist Association, Rogašovci 14b

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: III. Priority – Permanent protection of natural and cultural heritage Contribution to the objectives of the LDS With produced publication we have acquired professional material, which represents extensively the history of the area, natural and cultural heritage, heritage preservation and protection of traditions passed down from generation to generation. Project results: • in one publication collected lifestyle of the local population in the past and present (edition of 1000 copies), • through a press conference and presentation of the film the contents of the project were presented to the general public. Financing: Total project value (€): 18,090.00 LEADER funding (€): 12,301.20 / 85% co-funding Contact: Simona Janič t: +386 (0)2 558 88 10 e:


WITH HEMP TO HEALTH Lead partner: Farm Pertoci, Robert Pertoci, Šalovci 166b Partner: Tourist Association Vrtanek, Gornji Petrovci 32

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: I. Priority – Development of agricultural structures Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With the processing of residues, resulting from compression of hemp seed oil, by means of purchased equipment a new product was created - natural homemade soap with added value. In this way the number of products and of products of higher quality increased. Project results: • updated production spaces for the oil production and equipped demonstration and sales space, • development of a new product of higher quality (natural hemp soap), • implementation of 4 workshops with the presentation of the work process in the processing of hemp products for elementary youth. Financing: Total project value (€): 11,248.89 LEADER funding (€): 4,219.57 / 45% co-funding Contact: Robert Pertoci t: +386 (0)31 571 753 e:


REST AREAS FOR CYCLIST Lead partner: Municipality of Puconci Partners: Municipality of Tišina, Municipality of Grad, Development Institute of Municipality of Puconci, Puconci 79

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By placing nine identical rest areas for cycling in three different municipalities and with the purchase of reflective strips the safety of cyclists consequently increased and cycling infrastructure in rural areas improved. Project results: • by setting up identical rest areas for cyclist on the frequency cycling points, we contribute to establishing secondary tourist offers, • through implemented cycling tour and press conference the general public was informed of the layout of rest areas and implementation of the project. Financing: Total project value (€): 41,978.13 LEADER funding (€): 29,734.50 / 85% co-funding Contact: Ludvik Novak t: +386 (0)2 545 91 00 e:


HOMEMADE GOODIES UNDER THE MILL WHEEL Lead partner: Municipality of Grad Partner: Institute for the management of cultural heritage, Grad 191

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: Within the project the extension of the mill was equipped and it serves as a representative room with tidy home shop and reception area for visitors to the mill. Workshops with slideshows and presentations of life and work in the mill are held here. The arranged space offers the possibility of selling domestic products. Project results: • equipped first home shop of local products and products of handicraft, where there is a possibility to market domestic and agricultural products, • through three implemented workshops about crafts participants gained knowledge and insight about the work in the mill, extraction of pumpkin seed oil and products from maize. Financing: Total project value (€): 18,399.77 LEADER funding (€): 13,038.85 / 85% co-funding Contact: Danijela Krpič t: +386 (0)2 551 88 90 e:


CLASSROOMS IN EMBRACE OF THE TREASURES OF GORICKO Lead partner: Hunting society Grad-Kuzma, Kuzma 4 Partners: Municipality of Grad, Municipality of Kuzma

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With two classrooms, which were equipped in the project, it is possible to implement different types of education and training of the target groups, thus opportunities and access to training throughout the lifespan in the area LAG Goričko have increased. Project results: • with new equipment in two classrooms have the target groups the opportunity, that they are educating throughout the lifespan in hometown, • with setting up a website and implemented press conference about the updated classrooms and the possibility of their use the general public is better informed. Financing: Total project value (€): 19,160.29 LEADER funding (€): 13,571.87 / 85% co-funding Contact: Ivan Marič t: +386 (0)41 327 397 e:


NEW EQUIPMENT AT THE CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND Lead partner: Municipality of Tišina Partners: Municipality of Šalovci, Municipality of Hodoš

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: V. Priority – Renovation and development of villages and rural infrastructure Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: By placing 11 identical playgrounds at 11 different locations we contributed to increased quality of sports and recreational infrastructure and consequently to improving the quality of life in rural areas. Project results: • arrangement of 11 identical playgrounds (gaming tower with a wooden roof, which includes the following parts: a wooden platform, a climbing wall with grips and rope, slide, two swings, a climbing net (rope ladder), ladder (a combination of metal and wood)) in the area of the three municipalities, • implementation of meeting day for children from three participating municipalities. Financing: Total project value (€): 50,599.28 LEADER funding (€): 35,841.15 / 85% co-funding Contact: Vanja Anželj t: +386 (0)2 539 17 10 e:


FROM SELF-SUFFICIENCY TO THE LOCAL SUPPLY Lead partner: Cooperative for agriculture and tourism Žitek, Čepinci 10, Gornji Petrovci Partners: Society for Sustainable Rural Development Žitek, Andrejci 33a, Martjanci, Municipality of Cankova

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: I. Priority – Development of agricultural structures Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: The project has developed complementary activity on small, economically weak farms, namely sale of surplus crops / processed crops that cannot be sold due to small quantities, poor accessibility and lack of sales network. Through training courses the project contributed to increased education and qualification of holders of supplementary activities. Project results: • an increase in the number of farms / residents of local communities, who sell surplus crops / processed crops and products through complementary activities, • established network of providers locally produced / processed foods, • with the implementation of education and motivation lectures and workshops (10x lectures, 10x workshops) people learned about healthy diet. Financing: Total project value (€): 50,308.36 LEADER funding (€): 39,271.56 / 85% co-funding Contact: Andreja Počič t: +386 (0)51 361 920 e:


THE FEEL OF LAG GORIČCKO Lead partner: Development Agency Sinergija, Kranjčeva ul. 3, Moravske Toplice Partners: /

Priority of LDS LAG Goričko: VII. Priority – Integrated Rural Development Contribution to the objectives of the LDS: With the implementation of the project we informed residents of the area LAG Goričko about the results, activities and projects that have been implemented in the period 2007-2013 under the programme LEADER - LAG Goričko. Project results: • in a designed promotional brochure all the projects, that have been implemented in the context of public calls of LAG Goričko, are collected and described, • through participation in 2 promotional events and through issued brochure the general public was informed of the implementation of the projects. Financing: Total project value (€): 10,272.00 LEADER funding (€): 7,372.62 / 85% co-funding Contact: Darja Čerpnjak Horvat t: +386 (0)2 538 13 52 e:,

This Publication has been issued under the project “The feel of LAG Goričko”. Edition: Development Agency Sinergija Photos: Archives of LAG Goričko and Development Agency Sinergija Print run: 1,000 copies Moravske Toplice, 2014

This document has been produced under the project “The feel of LAG Goričko” with the financial assistance of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The Managing Authority of Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2007-2013 is the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the Development Agency Sinergija.

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