1 minute read
Masterclass 2
Bryony Barclay

Styling and perfection Take your lash work to a whole new level! Style to suit your clients. Create precise, neat lash sets. Practice! Bring your tweezers!
Rachel Smith
Work less and profit more Generate £70+ years in your salon with my secret salon success strategy.
Jess Martin
How to prepare and win live and online lash competitions! Learn to plan and prepare for each comp with insider tips. Be the best you can be & earn maximum points.
Merlin Callaghan
Build Your Brand Loyalty - Learn how to create and built a loyal following of clients and customers due to her unique approach to customer service

Mila Rose
Audit & Attract your Lash Business - How to implement diversity and inclusivity into your client base. Discover your core business strengths and combat your current struggles. Transform, attract and widen your client base.



Wispy lashes - How to create the ultimate wispy lash effect that clients will crave with Mei's signature mapping!
Julie Knight
Layering and Mixing curls! How to lash in layers and blend multiples curls to create signature looks. Analsye the layers and lash them like a pro! Learn to test, mix and map 2+ curls in a set.
Manami Edwards & Chieko Miyamoto
Amazing Premade Volume - Get phenomenal results each time for every client!