World Jewish Congress: Global Review 2012-13

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2012−2013 Global Review

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wo r l d j ewis h c ong r ess Founded in 1936 in Geneva, the World Jewish Congress is the representative body of Jewish communities and organizations in more than 100 countries across six continents. Working as the permanent address on behalf of world Jewry with foreign governments and international agencies, the World Jewish Congress:

• safeguards Jewish security

• combats anti-Semitism, bigotry and extremism

• supports Israel and advances Middle East peace

• advocates on issues of human rights

• promotes and enhances interfaith relations

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Message From WJC President Ronald S. Lauder as the international jewish community faced enormous challenges in 2012 and 2013, the need for the World Jewish Congress (WJC) was greater than ever. Through robust collaboration and cooperation with our regional affiliates—EuroAsian Jewish Congress, European Jewish Congress, Latin American Jewish Congress, WJC Israel, WJC North America—and myriad other international partners and member organizations in more than 100 countries on six continents, we served the global Jewish community in effective and diverse ways that no other organization could undertake. Our Global Review offers select highlights of our achievements, influence and impact. As you’ll read in the following pages, world Jewry has witnessed a lethal resurgence and popularity of neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism, particularly in Europe, but elsewhere as well, putting Jewish communities in great peril. Additionally, political parties in several European countries have initiated legal actions to target Jewish laws, culture and traditions. WJC harnessed its unique global strength, prestige and unparalleled qualifications to protect and defend the Jewish people. We advocated and took action at the highest diplomatic levels with government and religious world leaders, working hand in hand on the ground with our regional and national Jewish communal leaders. Through WJC’s global efforts, we successfully opposed attempts by the lower house of the Dutch parliament to ban kosher slaughter and spoke out to ensure that circumcision remained legal in Germany; we continued to press for justice for Holocaust survivors and their heirs; and we succeeded in placing the long-ignored issue of Jewish refugees from Muslim countries on the political agenda at the United Nations. Further, WJC’s work around the world resulted in other milestone achievements, as well as historic interfaith meetings and important advances in the fight against Iran and its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria. As obstacles facing the Jewish community become increasingly complex, WJC’s vigilance and front-line defense of world Jewry are critically important. Together, through your partnership and loyalty, we will work tirelessly toward a brighter, safer and more tolerant future.

Ronald S. Lauder 1 2012-2013 global review

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Chairman of the Governing Board David de Rothschild I am honored to have the opportunity to serve this distinguished organization for which I have the utmost respect and admiration. The World Jewish Congress is unmatched on the global stage and unrivaled in its vast diplomatic and communal outreach. As a result, WJC has the capability to mobilize rapidly and take the lead whenever and wherever the Jewish people are in need.

Treasurer Chella Safra The Word Jewish Congress has earned a platinum reputation because it works as no other organization can to protect and defend Israel and the Jewish people everywhere. Through its diplomacy, programs and activities, it unites worldwide Jewry under one umbrella with a singular voice and common purpose. I am proud to be able to play a part in moving WJC forward from strength to strength in the coming years.


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Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President Robert Singer over the past 76 years, the world jewish congress has been heralded as the “diplomatic arm of the Jewish people” by virtue of our remarkable access in the corridors of power, expertise, on the ground experience and moral passion for representing the Jewish cause. The keys to our success are the respect and credibility we have earned from foreign governments, the trust we have merited from leaders of Jewish communities and the warm bonds of friendship we have forged with leading interfaith and interethnic groups. Today, the global Jewish community is facing troubling and dangerous times, and in the years ahead we will no doubt witness even more arduous challenges. On every front, WJC stands ready to use its reach in order to defend and strengthen the Jewish people and protect the State of Israel. Through a dedicated professional staff and lay leadership and the dynamic partnerships we enjoy worldwide, WJC is making real and lasting differences. We are deeply gratified that we have engaged a generation of young leaders who are helping to carry forward WJC’s indispensable work with renewed energy and commitment. We have much to do. Please be a part of our ongoing efforts.

Robert Singer

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Combatting Anti-Semitism and Terrorism

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder meets with French President Francois Hollande in Paris.

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin.

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Our communities in Europe have the right to expect their governments will provide for their safety, for the security of Jewish sites, and allow Jewish life to flourish.”

— Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress

From France to Ukraine, from Hungary to Greece, anti-Semitism fueled by intolerance, extremism and xenophobia is gaining new adherents and generating new threats, including a chilling resurgence of parties with neo-Nazi tendencies. Jews around the world are again facing well-founded fears for their personal safety, the denigration of their communal institutions and the erosion of their right to freely practice their religious customs and traditions. As the representative body of Jewish communities in more than 100 countries across six


continents, the World Jewish Congress stands united with global Jewry to monitor,


expose and vigorously fight anti-Semitism in all its insidious forms.

Working in close cooperation with the

In 2012 alone, France saw a 58 percent rise in anti-Semitic attacks, including the

Dutch Jewish community, WJC success-

cold-blooded murder of a rabbi and three Jewish children on March 19 by an Islamist

fully opposed attempts to ban kosher slaughter, a non-negotiable tenet of

radical at a Jewish school in Toulouse. Expressing solidarity with the French Jewish

Jewish law and ritual. Under a compro-

community, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, along with Jewish and Muslim leaders,

mise reached with the Dutch govern-

met with President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris.

ment, WJC efforts ensured that shechita will remain legal and permitted in the

In Burgas, Bulgaria, a murderous terrorist attack by Hezbollah left six Israeli tour-


ists dead. In response, WJC used its singular diplomatic relationships with European leaders and other heads of state to address this violence. Lauder joined with the heads of the WJC affiliates European Jewish Congress (EJC) and Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC), meeting and corresponding with European Union leaders to urge them to place Hezbollah on their list of terrorist organizations. This work gained real ground when German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for Hezbollah to be

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Combatting Anti-Semitism and Terrorism, continued

world saw 18 years ago in Buenos Aires “What the it can still see today, be it in Syria, Lebanon or elsewhere. The deadly attack in Bulgaria reminds the world yet again of Iran’s role in global terrorism.”

—Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress

Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner greets WJC President Ronald S. Lauder at Casa Rosada, the presidential palace, in Buenos Aires.

blacklisted—the first ever statement from a prominent European politician to outlaw Hezbollah across the European Union—which set the stage for others to follow. In order to help European authorities deal with the growing attacks against Jews and Israelis, leaders of the WJC affiliate European Jewish Congress (EJC) met with EuTHE SHIELD OF ABRAHAM As anti-Semitism takes on ever more in-

ropean leaders, including French President François Hollande; Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas; Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament; Jose Manuel Bar-

sidious and dangerous forms around

roso, President of the European Commission; Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minis-

the world, WJC works vigorously to

ter; Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe; and Jean-Claude

safeguard Jewish security and advance

Mignon, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to out-

israel’s interests by speaking out in the corridors of power and justice, taking swift and decisive global action and waging ongoing public opinion campaigns.

line common steps, including intelligence sharing, cooperation between enforcement authorities and stronger legislative and security measures. Evelyn Sommer, Chairperson of World Jewish Congress North America, along with WJC leaders and member organizations, participated in an important conference held in early 2013 at the United Nations. “The Conference on Incitement to Terror and Violence: New Challenges, New Responses” was hosted by the Permanent Mission of Israel to


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WJC President Ronald S. Lauder meets with Venezuelan Vice President and Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro in Caracas in 2012.

South American parliamentarians at a memorial event commemorating the bombing of the AMIA center.

the UN, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) and the UN Secretary General.


The goal was to place before the UN a comprehensive international convention for

Following the plenary assembly of the

the prevention of incitement to terror.

WJC affiliate Latin American Jewish Con-

latin american parliamentarians pledge to act against terrorism

gress (LAJC) held in Caracas, Venezuela, WJC President Ronald S.Lauder and LAJC

More than 40 lawmakers from across South America met in Buenos Aires in July 2012

leaders met privately with Venezuelan

at the invitation of the WJC affiliate Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC) in order

Vice President and Foreign Minister

to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the bombing of the Asociación Mutual Is-

Nicolas Maduro. They raised their concerns about rising anti-Semitism and

raelita Argentina (AMIA) Jewish community center, which killed 85 and wounded sev-

urged the re-establishment of relations

eral hundred. They joined with the Vice President of Argentina, the former President

with Israel. Lauder also raised the need

of Uruguay and the Argentine prosecutor who is in charge of the AMIA investigation.

for justice to be served in the 1994 terrorist attack against the AMIA Jewish

“We are concerned that justice has still not been done and that such an attack could

community center in Buenos Aires. Sev-

happen again at any moment on our continent,” said LAJC President Jack Terpins.

eral former and current Iranian gov-

Parliamentarians from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Para-

ernment officials have been implicated

guay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela signed a joint declaration against terrorism and

but no arrests have been made.

pledged to work together in the fight against anti-Semitism.

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Combatting Anti-Semitism and Terrorism, continued

CASE STUDY: GOLDEN DAWN IN GREECE Established in 1980, Golden Dawn

In response to the rise of Neo-Nazism,

formed itself into a political party

the World Jewish Congress has become the preeminent organization speaking out

in 1985 and gained the formal recog-

forcefully and taking aggressive steps to combat the resurgence of political parties

nition of Greek authorities in 1993. It

across Europe with neo-Nazi leanings, particularly in Greece and Hungary.

propelled itself into national and international prominence in the May

The toxic combination of extreme anti-Semitism, aggressive national chauvin-

2012 elections, in which it garnered

ism and anti-capitalist and anti-socialist rhetoric that infused the Nazi party have

7 percent of the vote. against a back-

proved enduring.

drop of economic depression, by April 2013 the party was polling at around

This has long been understood in terms of the existence of skinhead movements,

12 percent.

racist gangs, extra-paramilitary fringe parties and maverick individuals. What is new

The party espouses anti-Semitism, de-

and worrisome, most particularly in Europe, is the emergence of electorally success-

nounces Israel and endorses the

ful political parties espousing, or in some way aligning themselves with, ideological

notion of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Golden Dawn is a stark reminder that extremist parties can make considerable advances from the smallest of beginnings. It is now the third most popular party in Greece.

or historical trends reminiscent of Nazism. In March 2013, WJC leaders, led by President Ronald S. Lauder, travelled to Thessaloniki, Greece, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the first deportation to the death camps of the Jews of Salonica and to urge the Greek government to take swift and decisive action against the growing neo-Nazi movement, Golden Dawn, which Lauder called “the new Nazis.” During a commemoration at the Monastiriotes Synagogue, Greek Prime Minister An-

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in Thessaloniki.

tonis Samaras assured the assembled group that his government would be “completely intolerant to violence and racism” and pledged to rein in extremists. In a resolution, the WJC called on Greece “to consider banning extreme right political parties, such as the Golden Dawn movement, which pose a serious danger to liberal democracy.” Further, the resolution calls on the European Union to “ensure that political movements that actively espouse a platform of discrimination of ethnic or religious minorities, in contravention of the EU Charter of Fundamental Human Rights, are dealt with in a coordinated manner in all EU member states and that law enforcement authorities receive all necessary support for the protection of citizens against such crimes.”


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WJC President Ronald S. Lauder greets Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during a session of WJC’s Plenary Assembly in Budapest.

Both in words and actions these fanatics behave like the Nazis did 80 years ago. They need to be opposed vigorously by all democratic forces CASE STUDY: JOBBIK IN HUNGARY everywhere they operate.” Formed as a youth organization in

—Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress

2002, Jobbik registered as a party in 2003. It captured the attention of

In May 2013, in cooperation with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Hungary (MAZSIHISZ), WJC held its Plenary Assembly in Budapest. The decision to hold the

the world when it took 16.7 percent of the vote at the 2010 general elections. In less than a decade it has

gathering of more than 600 delegates and observers from WJC’s affiliated communi-

risen from nowhere to become a for-

ties and organizations in the Hungarian capital was made to express solidarity with

midable force in Hungarian politics.

Hungarian Jews, who have faced growing anti-Semitism, and to focus world atten-

Jobbik offers Roma (gypsies) and jews

tion on the alarming rise in neo-Nazism in political parties across Europe, including Hungary. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addressed the opening dinner and told the group that “anti-Semitism today in Hungary is unacceptable and we will show it zero tolerance.” WJC adopted a resolution calling on Hungary “to recognize that Jobbik

as scapegoats for the country’s problems. Jobbik’s blend of Anti-Zionism and traditional anti-Semitism, as well as the parallels it draws between the Holocaust and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, make for a dangerous anti-Jewish platform.

poses a fundamental threat to Hungary’s democracy” and that decisive action must be taken to protect all citizens, particularly the Roma and Jews, against threats of violence, racism and Holocaust denial.

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Champions For Israel

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder gets a rousing ovation at the 2013 Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, following his address to the worldwide gathering of Christian supporters of Israel.

Members of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians visit the Knesset to devise strategies for combatting the assault on Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

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The World Jewish Congress’ diplomacy,

this wjc initiative, begun in 2010, brings

advocacy, educational initiatives and strategic media efforts are critical for helping

and leading international jewish orga-

the Jewish community confront the global campaign to delegitimize Israel.

together israeli government ministries nizations to confront the multi-front political warfare being waged against

WJC worked indefatigably to counter the assault on Israel’s legitimacy as govern-

the jewish state. since its inception, the

ments, institutions and high-profile individuals such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu

gc4i has established 10 working task

delegitimized Israel by unjustly likening it to apartheid South Africa.

forces. in 2012, strategic consultations convened by wjc helped identify best

Aggressively lobbying international organizations, most notably through the United

practices to overcome the delegitimi-

Nations, WJC sought to ensure that governments apply the same standards to Israel

zation of israel and effective ways to

as they do to other countries. In recent years, nearly half of all condemnatory resolutions by the UN Human Rights Council targeted Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. WJC pressed the Council to adjust its priorities and expose the real hu-

protect jewish communities in europe, euro-asia and latin america from antisemitism in the event that the west uses force against iran.

man rights violators in the world. WJC also led efforts to combat the anti-Israel Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) movement. WJC voiced strong opposition to the push by Irish Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore for a European Union ban on products made in Israeli communities in the West Bank. WJC also spoke out effectively against plans by South Africa to create pejorative labels for Israeli products made in the West Bank, negotiating for less politically charged wording. In addition, WJC strongly condemned the decision by the United Church of Christ of Canada to support a boycott of Israeli communities. Internationally, WJC garnered support for the vendors of Israeli products through the “Buycott” program.

President Abbas, both your people and the “people of Israel will benefit from an agreement. Both will continue to suffer without one… It takes two sides to make peace.”

—Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress

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Champions For Israel, continued WJC leadership met regularly with Israeli government, religious and civic leaders for candid discussions on issues affecting the safety and security of Jewish communities worldwide. WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, along with Jack Terpins, President of the WJC affiliate Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC), met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in London in January 2012 and urged a resumption of peace talks. In official statements and in meetings with international leaders, WJC supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and opposed unilateral actions by either side, underscoring that such actions were dangerous for Israel, for a future Palestinian state and for peace in the Middle East. In June 2012, WJC published a full-page open letter in The Wall Street Journal and other major newspapers calling for President Abbas to return to the negotiating table without preconditions.

justice for jewish refugees from muslim countries Israel’s detractors have spent decades propagating a one-sided history of the Middle East refugee problem. To set the record straight, WJC North America and WJC Israel, together with Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, co-hosted two pioneering conferences—Justice for Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries—at United Nations headquarters in New York and in Jerusalem. These major events brought international attention to the long ignored plight of 850,000 Jewish refugees from Muslim countries, who were expelled or forced to flee upon the establishment of Israel, forfeiting their World Jewish Congress full-page open letter in The Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2012

homes, assets and institutions. This unprecedented diplomatic campaign commanded impressive media coverage and drove home the point that the heartbreaking testimonies of Jewish refugees— “the other side of the coin”—must be addressed equally with the claims of Palestinian refugees. Following the conferences, Israeli diplomats were instructed to raise the matter in all official government meetings and with parliamentarians. WJC proposed legislation that parliaments the world over could adopt. In addition, WJC spearheaded advocacy efforts in the U.S. Congress, working closely with Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) to reintroduce a bi-partisan bill to highlight this historical inequity and seek remedies to address the hardship endured by expelled Jews. Thanks to WJC efforts, Canada

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a private meeting in London.

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agreed to hold hearings with testimony from Canadian Jewish victims. 12

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partners for dialogue and debate In May 2012, The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP), operating in cooperation with the World Jewish Congress, the Knesset and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held a major two-day working session in Rome to define common goals and strategies to combat the rise in anti-Semitism and extremism throughout Europe. The participants also met with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata. The ICJP brings together Jewish legislators, parliamentarians and government ministers from around the world for ongoing dialogue on the core issues facing the global Jewish community. The Israel Council on Foreign Relations (ICFR) is a non-partisan forum for the study and debate of international affairs, particularly regarding Israel and the Middle East, and especially (but not exclusively) from a Jewish and Israeli perspective. Functioning under the auspices of the World Jewish Congress, it is an autonomous body led by its president, veteran Israeli diplomat Ambassador Avi Primor. The flagship publication of the Council, appearing three times a year, is The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. The Journal, which highlights current topics and priority WJC issues, enjoys


a worldwide readership including institutes/councils on foreign relations, scholars

WJC co-authored a highly acclaimed

and journalists. It is also circulated to Israeli embassies abroad and to all senior Min-

seminal policy and diplomacy an-

istry of Foreign Affairs officials in Israel.

thology entitled “Israel’s Rights as a

The ICFR “Israeli-European Young Diplomats Forum” offers Israeli diplomats and government officials under the age of 40 and their European counterparts posted in Israel opportunities to enhance their knowledge of, and exchange ideas on, issues of common interest.

Nation-state in International Diplomacy.” English and hebrew editions have been widely distributed to policy makers, opinion shapers, media, members of congress, and jewish and

euro-asian journalists “discover” israel

political leaders worldwide. Since its

The WJC affiliate Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) initiated a new program, “Dis-

reading for all incoming Israeli dip-

covering Israel,” for non-Jewish media professionals. Participants included state and

lomats and has been distributed by

national journalists from Azerbaijian, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia

Israel’s foreign ministry to its embas-

and Ukraine, who traveled to Israel for a first-hand exploration of the Jewish state.

sies around the world.

publication, it has become required

The goal of the program: to dispel propaganda and media stereotypes of Israel and replace them with honest, objective reporting.

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Mobilizing Against Iran

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder meets in New York with Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder expresses deep concern about Iran’s nuclear ambitions at a private meeting with Vice President Joseph Biden in Washington, DC.

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Despicable remarks against Israel and Jews made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani prove that he is not the moderate many in the West believe he is. The threat Iran poses to the world is as real under Rouhani as it was under Ahmadinejad.”

—Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress

SPEAKING OUT ON SYRIA In a widely published opinion piece in

As Iran’s new President Hassan Rouhani

March 2012, “Syria After Assad,” WJC

continues to rant against Israel and the Jewish people, and questions the need for

“it is critical that any new Syrian govern-

peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians, WJC has cautioned the West not to be

ment ends the country’s role as a gate-

fooled by claims that he is a “moderate.”

way for Iranian incursion into the Near

WJC focused global attention on Iran not only as a sponsor of terrorism but as a four-

President Ronald S. Lauder stressed that

East....Syria’s most important neighbor, Turkey, will have to make a choice: either

fold threat to international peace and stability. In diplomatic meetings and in the

it continues to mollify Iran, or it acts in

media, WJC spoke out forcefully about Iran’s nuclear threat to Israel and beyond, its

favor of peace and stability, both in Syria

campaign of international terrorism and genocidal incitement and its systematic vio-

and throughout the region.”

lation of the human and civil rights of its citizens. WJC President Ronald S. Lauder condemned the February 2012 attacks against Israeli diplomats in Georgia and India in remarks quoted widely in major newspapers around the world. “Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism worldwide,” he warned. The World Jewish Congress American Section intensified its efforts to expose Iran’s manipulation of Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria and aggressively lobbied for the United States to impose harsher sanctions on Iran, including the U.S. Nuclear Iran Prevention Act. This groundbreaking legislation, still awaiting Senate confirmation, would, for the first time, authorize a U.S. president to impose sanctions on any entity that maintains significant commercial ties to Iran.

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Mobilizing Against Iran, continued

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird.

WJC was deeply gratified when, following its diplomatic efforts, Canada named the Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force as a terrorist entity, closed its embassy in Tehran and expelled Iranian diplomats from Ottawa. WJC also ran several successful online campaigns denouncing the Iranian regime’s actions.

israeli embassy bombing in buenos aires: 20 years later On the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed 29 people, the WJC affiliate Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC) called for the international community to redouble its efforts to capture those responsible for the attack, which was perpetrated by Iran and its proxy Hezbollah. “The masterminds of this and subsequent terrorist attacks must be brought to justice. We owe that much to those who died,” declared WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, stressing the growing influence of Iranian and Hezbollah-backed groups in certain Latin American countries. “Not only are many of the perpetrators still at large, but there is also the question of if the world has learned the lesson of the attack. Twenty Parliamentarians from across Latin America sign a “Declaration Against Terrorism.”

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Tehran is behind attempts to quash “the protests in Syria; it was behind the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center and of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in the 1990s, and it continues to deploy the Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah in Lebanon to spread terror around the globe.”

—Vadim Shulman, President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress HIGHLIGHTING THE IRANIAN THREAT WJC North America regularly advo-

years on, many Jewish and Israeli sites around the world are still in need of aroundthe-clock protection because of the continuing threat emanating primarily from Iran

cates in political and diplomatic arenas on the Iranian nuclear threat, meeting with UN and high-ranking govern-

and its proxies.”

ment officials and academics. During a

ejc: parliament visit to iran sends a dangerous message

consultation with Professor David Menashri of Tel Aviv University, a noted

In October, the WJC affiliate European Jewish Congress (EJC) successfully called on

expert on Iran, WJC leaders explored

senior European Union leaders to cancel a visit to Iran by a delegation from the Eu-

broad-based techniques to inform the

ropean Parliament. Reaching out to European Parliament President Martin Schulz,

public debate about the pressing glob-

the leaders of each parliamentary group, and the chairpersons of the European Parliament’s Human Rights, Security and Defense and Women’s Rights and Gender

al danger posed by the Iranian regime. The group also discussed the condition of Iran’s Jewish community.

Equality Committees, EJC argued that the visit would be portrayed as the European Parliament granting legitimacy to the Islamic Republic. If this visit were to be allowed to go ahead, the EJC leaders stressed, it would send troubling messages to those groups who are risking so much in their fight for democracy, the rights of women and of ethnic and religious minorities in Iran.

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Promoting Interfaith Dialogue

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder presents a gift to Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican.

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder offers a Rosh Hashanah basket to Pope Francis I at the Vatican.


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that is more and more threatened “byIn atheworld loss of spiritual and moral values that guarantee human dignity and a durable peace, an honest and respectful dialogue between religions is crucial for the future of our human family.” —Pope Benedict XVI For more than seven decades, the World Jewish Congress has been at the forefront


of strengthening alliances and building human bridges between Judaism and other


world religions.

The World Jewish Congress North

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder and the WJC affiliate Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC) President Jack Terpins led a first-of-its-kind delegation of Jewish community

America co-hosted a major conference in San Antonio, Texas, at the end of 2012 to discuss ways to promote closer

leaders from 12 Latin American countries for a private audience with Pope Bene-

cooperation between Latinos and Jews.

dict XVI. The Pope reaffirmed the groundbreaking 1965 declaration Nostra Aetate as

Attended by Jewish and Latino lead-

“the basis and the guide for our efforts toward promoting greater understanding,

ers in politics, business and education,

respect and cooperation between our communities.” Nostra Aetate took a clear posi-

the conference tackled discrimination against minorities, the absorption of

tion against all forms of anti-Semitism and laid the foundation for a new theological

immigrants, advancement in education

evaluation of the Church’s relationship with Judaism.

for minority youth and foreign policy.

On September 2, 2013, a WJC delegation represented the global Jewish community

Israel’s achievements in these fields— especially in integrating millions of

before Pope Francis I at the Vatican. Pope Francis listened attentively to WJC’s con-

immigrants—were featured in the dis-

cerns and remarked “a Christian cannot be an anti-Semite.” WJC and Pope Francis


have enjoyed a longstanding and cordial relationship. The World Jewish Congress also launched an exciting interfaith effort with the participation of LAJC and the Center for Jewish and Christian Understanding of Israel. Young rabbis and young Catholic priests from Latin American countries travel together to Israel to learn about the Jewish state and the Jewish people and develop professional and personal relationships. WJC continued to provide unparalleled organizational support for the International Jewish Committee of Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) and participated in many liaison meetings to strengthen our interfaith alliances.

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Promoting Interfaith Dialogue, continued

This historic gathering in Russia is a clear indication that Israel has strong Christian allies in parliaments and governments around the world on which it can rely.”

—M.K. Shai Hermesh, Chairperson, WJC Israel

Pro-Israel gathering of Christian and Jewish leaders at an event organized by WJC and the Christian Allies Caucus in St. Petersburg, Russia.

WJC AND IJCIC World Jewish Congress North America plays a key role in the activities of

In April 2012, leaders from the World Jewish Congress and the Conference of Pres-

The International Jewish Committee on

idents of Major American Jewish Organizations hosted the Ukrainian Council of

Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC). In 2012 WJC helped to organize the Emerg-

Churches and Religious Organizations in New York. This high-level gathering included

ing Leadership Conference of IJCIC and

the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic

the Vatican, which brought together

Church to Ukraine, the Chief Rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine, and others. The group dis-

an international group of 50 young

cussed issues of mutual concern, including freedom of religion and increasing har-

Catholic and Jewish leaders, theologians, priests and rabbis under the age

mony among ethnic and religious groups.

of 40 for a three-day retreat in New

World Jewish Congress North America expanded its outreach to American Chris-

York City. The group met with Timothy

tian leaders. This was especially critical in light of the introduction by leaders in the

Cardinal Dolan and other major religious figures to discuss contemporary

Presbyterian Church USA of anti-Israel boycott resolutions. These resolutions were

social problems and ways to work co-

defeated, thanks to the concerted and unified efforts of WJC United States and its

operatively to address them.

member organizations. Relations were also strengthened with the national leadership of the Evangelical community.


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Jews and Christians across the United States and around the world, working together as faith communities, can be a powerful source of inspiration and education to help pave the way for constructive responses to racism, discrimination, terrorism and many other challenges.” —Evelyn Sommer, Chairperson, WJC North America in russia, wjc and knesset christian allies caucus mobilize support for israel among christians The World Jewish Congress is committed to strengthening ties with Christians

EMBRACING CHRISTIAN SUPPORT On September 22, 2013 WJC President Ronald S. Lauder addressed

around the world who share our commitment to Israel and who are willing to de-

3,000 evangelical Christians at the

fend it against unfair attacks in their home countries.

Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem to

In June 2012, a delegation of the World Jewish Congress and Knesset Christian Allies

express gratitude for their steadfast support of Israel and the Jew-

Caucus (KCAC), led by M.K. Shai Hermesh, Chairperson of WJC Israel and KCAC chair,

ish people. Hailed as a “watershed in

travelled to St. Petersburg, Russia, to meet with local Christian leaders at what may

Jewish-Christian relations,” Lauder

have been the largest pro-Israel event in the city’s history. The delegation promoted

lamented double standards in the

Judeo-Christian relations and aimed to shore up support for Israel among Christians in Russia. The event was hosted by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusa-

international community toward Israel and vowed to speak out on behalf of persecuted Christians.

lem’s St. Petersburg branch. The KCAC is one of more than 20 parliamentary sister caucuses around the world. Coordinated by an umbrella organization, The International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation (IIACF), and in association with the World Jewish Congress, these caucuses work to mobilize support for Israel and the Jewish people. At its annual Chairman’s Conference, the IIACF took part, for the first time, in Israel’s largest tourist event, The Feast of Tabernacles, which brings thousands of Christians from around the world to the Jewish state.

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Holocaust Remembrance and Restitution

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder participates in the April 2013 International March of the Living at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.

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Auschwitz symbolizes the depths to which humanity can sink, but every time young people make their way to these tear-soaked grounds, listen to the stories of the survivors and pledge to build a better world, I know EJC AT PRAGUE RESTITUTION one thing with certainty: CONFERENCE: EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS MUST MOVE ON RESTITUTION ISSUES Hitler did not win.”

—WJC President Ronald S. Lauder at the 2013 March of the Living

The WJC affiliate European Jewish Congress (EJC) pressed a number of European governments to resolve

Holocaust remembrance and restitution of European Jewish assets seized during the Holocaust are, first and foremost, issues of justice, morality and human dignity. Today, almost seven decades after the end of World War II, several countries, especially Poland, refuse to make just restitution to

claims on stolen property still outstanding despite two decades since the fall of post-war communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. During a restitution conference in Prague in November 2012, EJC Sec-

the victims, survivors and heirs of the Shoah. Holocaust denial is becoming more and

retary-General Serge Cwajgenbaum

more common around the world.

made it clear that progress has been

As a founding member of the World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO), now

especially slow in Poland, Latvia and Romania.

chaired by WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, WJC has led the battle to help those who survived the Nazi death camps and to honor those who did not. Under Lauder’s lead-

“It is unacceptable that after so much time, some governments are

ership, the WJRO intensively lobbied governments to implement laws providing for

deliberately foot-dragging on this

the return of looted Jewish communal properties. In past years, WJC has secured bil-

issue and hiding behind so-called in-

lions of dollars in payments from Germany, Swiss banks, insurance companies and

ternal political problems to evade

other parties. In July 2012, in close cooperation with the WJRO, Secretary General of the WJC af-

their responsibility to their Jewish communities, the heirs of this property,” Cwajgenbaum said.

filiate Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Mikhail Chlenov participated in a historic session of the Claims Conference concerning Jewish communities in that region. At the urging of WJC and partner organizations, an agreement was reached with the German government. As a result, many Jews who were prisoners of ghettoes and

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Holocaust Remembrance and Restitution, continued

WJC leaders at Yad Vashem.

We don’t have the privilege of not dealing with evil.”

—Moshe Kantor, President, European Jewish Congress

concentration camps and those who hid in German occupied territories will receive A WELCOME MEMORIAL During a trip to Macedonia in September 2012 to meet with the country’s

reparations. Further, the Hardship Fund, which provides a one-time payment to certain Jewish victims of Nazism, will now be extended to approximately 80,000 Jews who reside in the republics of the former Soviet Union.

president, prime minister and Jewish

The tireless efforts of WJRO on behalf of Holocaust survivors paid off in other coun-

community leaders, WJC President Ron-

tries, as well. Lithuania, which had been reluctant to address the issue of property

ald S. Lauder paid a visit to the impressive new Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia in the capital, Skopje. Ninety-eight percent of Macedonian Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

restitution, enacted legislation in early 2012 allowing for partial compensation payments to Jewish property owners. WJC also used the international political stage to confront Holocaust denial. In February 2012, the World Jewish Congress condemned the German Federal Constitutional Court for acquitting a Holocaust denier. WJC Vice-President Charlotte Knobloch criticized the highest German court for disposing of the German law that makes Holocaust denial a crime “through the backdoor.” WJC officials spoke out often in the


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Through memory and education, future generations “will know what happened and why. We hope that the lessons of the Holocaust will enable us to avoid new genocides and shape a world based on justice, HOLOCAUST-DENYING BISHOP EXPELLED FROM PIUS BROTHERHOOD solidarity and peace.” In September 2012, the ultra-tradition-

—Jack Terpins, President, Latin American Jewish Congress

alist Catholic splinter group Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) expelled one of its

media in an effort to combat the activities of neo-Nazi like parties in a number of European countries, including Hungary and Serbia. Referring to what he termed “the normalization of evil, of the unthinkable,” WJC affiliate European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor sounded the alarm, in a

four bishops. Richard Williamson had claimed on many occasions that no Jews were killed in gas chambers. WJC President Ronald S. Lauder, who raised the issue of Williamson with the Vatican, welcomed the long-overdue ex-

speech to the European Paliament on International Holocaust Remembrance Day,

pulsion, but added that this action

about the “hatred for Jews, Israel and the West that currently permeates the Iranian

“does nothing to restore the credibil-

media, the education system and public discourse.”

ity of this organization.” Several SSPX leaders have made anti-Semitic state-

WJC’s cutting-edge educational programs also made international headlines. In Sep-

ments and are opposed to the Vatican’s

tember 2012, a Cooperation Agreement was signed in Chisinau, Moldova between the

dialogue with Jews.

WJC affiliate Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, introducing the EAJC’s “Tolerance—Lessons of the Holocaust” program into Moldovan schools. This highly acclaimed program fosters interethnic and interfaith tolerance among the younger generation.

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WJC in the Media HERE’S JUST A SMALL SAMPLE OF THE NEWS OUTLETS WHERE WJC SPOKE OUT BOLDLY ON BEHALF OF WORLD JEWRY. Argentina: La Nación Australia: The Australian Austria: ORF television, Die Presse, Der Standard Brazil: Folha Canada: Canadian Press Colombia: El Tiempo France: Agence France-Presse, France24 television Germany: Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Frankfurter Rundschau, Der Spiegel, Tagesspiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt

Neo-Nazis sitting in national parliaments ... a worldwide surge in anti-Semitic violence toward Jews and attacks on synagogues, Jewish cemeteries and Holocaust memorials ... escalating global campaigns to challenge the legitimacy of Israel, challenging its very right to exist ...

Hungary: Népszabadság, IPOT NEWS

The World Jewish Congress effectively inserted itself into the epicenter of all these

Israel: Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, YNet

battles, leveraging our leadership, visibility and influence as the most respected and

Italy: ANSA, Gazzetta dello Sport

influential diplomatic voice of the Jewish people.

Lebanon: Daily Star

The World Jewish Congress was prominently featured in more than 1,500 articles in

Mexico: Reforma

top-tier national and international news outlets. WJC leaders offered interviews and

Nigeria: Business Day Peru: Expreso Poland: PAP

expert commentary on the pressing issues of the day and were cited in broadcasts and periodicals across the world, including the BBC News in the UK, Der Spiegel in

Spain: EFE, El Mundo

Germany and Der Standard in Austria.

South Korea: Korea Herald

WJC’s far-reaching contacts allowed for remarkable exposure and the ability to ad-

United Kingdom: BBC News, Financial Times, Focus, Jewish Chronicle, Reuters, Sky News

vocate for the Jewish people even in unexpected places. For example, WJC President

United States: CNN, Associated Press, Dow Jones News, JTA, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post

in the pages of The Daily Star in Lebanon. In an open letter in the pages of Hungary’s

Ronald S. Lauder spoke out against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s criminal regime


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leading daily newspaper, Népszabadság, Lauder called on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to distance himself from the extremists of the Jobbik party and to take decisive action against them. In response to a dramatic rise of online anti-Semitism and use of the Internet to demonize and delegitimize Israel, the World Jewish Congress has strengthened its online presence on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. More than a million visitors look to WJC’s interactive website for information about world events that affect the global Jewish community and for opportunities for personal advocacy through online petitions and international letters of protest. In 2013, WJC American Section revamped its flagship monthly newsletter, World Jewry Digest, an authoritative and comprehensive provider of global information affecting Jewish communities. More than 100,000 subscribers look to World Jewry Digest for its compelling compilation of international news stories of Jewish interest and importance, including stories often ignored by the mainstream media.

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WJC Theodor Herzl Award

IRAN MUST BE STOPPED, BARAK TELLS WJC AT PERES TRIBUTE Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak put Iran squarely in the crosshairs of his keynote address. “We are deter-

The World Jewish Congress honored Israeli President Shimon Peres with its inaugural Theodor Herzl Award at a major

mined to prevent Iran from becoming

dinner event held on December 17, 2012 in New York City. The event raised more

a military nuclear power,” he said.

than $3 million in support of WJC’s vital global work.

Minister Barak detailed how the Ira-

More than 300 business leaders, diplomats and other distinguished guests attended,

nians were hardening their nuclear

including Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who gave the keynote address. WJC

program in order to evade Western efforts to dismantle it. “Once they enter the ‘zone of immunity,’ fate will be out of our hands,” he emphasized, adding “The State of Israel was founded precisely so that our fate would remain in our own hands.”

President Ronald S. Lauder, Leonard A. Lauder and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel served as dinner chairs. Ronald Lauder hailed President Peres as “the last great founding father of the State of Israel,” calling him “a man of vision” and “a true champion for peace in our time.” Lauder spoke out about the dangers facing Jewish communities the world over and expressed grave concern about Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the resurgence of anti-Semitism across Europe and the ongoing attempts by Israel’s enemies to demonize and isolate the Jewish state. “The World Jewish Congress is on the ground taking effective action wherever and whenever Jewish life, property or culture is threatened,” Lauder said. “The WJC has always, and will always, stand with Israel as one Jewish family.” In a video prepared for the dinner, President Peres stressed that Hamas, despite its strong hold in Gaza, was not gaining strength. “They don’t have any future,” he said. “We must try to make peace with those Palestinians ready to make peace.”


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WJC’s inaugural Theodor Herzl Award Dinner paid tribute to Israeli President Shimon Peres. L. to r.: Leonard A. Lauder, Chairman Emeritus, Estee Lauder Companies; WJC President Ronald S. Lauder; Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Ambassador Ron Prosor, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

The Jewish people are a fighting people, more “with values than with swords.”

—Israeli President Shimon Peres

In his keynote address, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated: “We must be ready to stretch out our hand for peace, while keeping the other hand on the trigger, ready to defend ourselves.” The Defense Minister called the Palestinian bid for observer status at the United Nations “provocative” and said that it “cannot replace direct negotiations without preconditions, nor should it be used as an excuse not to negotiate. The objective of these negotiations is clear: two states for two peoples.” The WJC event also recognized and paid tribute to the developers and operators of Israel’s unique and highly successful missile-defense system, the Iron Dome. “This is revolutionary technology that has saved thousands of lives,” said the WJC President. “We are indebted to the IDF and to all the soldiers who operate this equipment and who put their own lives on the line to protect and secure the people and land of Israel.” A satellite hookup allowed the guests at the dinner to see a live interview with IDF

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

soldiers stationed at an Iron Dome battery in Southern Israel.

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African Jewish Congress

Anti-Defamation League

Jewish Agency for Israel

Limmund FSU

B’nai B’rith International

Maccabi World Union

Conference of European Rabbis

World ORT

WJC Member


WJC Affiliated


Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

Women’s International Zionist Organization


Internat Jewish

World Jewish Congress Institute for Research and Policy



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ongress ch and Policy

Regional Affiliates & Communities

Communities Affiliated with:

Organizations and Related Bodies

International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

International Council of Jewish Women

The Jewish Diplomatic Corps

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians

World Mizrachi Movement

International Jewish Committee on Inter-Religious Consultations

World Union of Jewish Students

World Union for Progressive Judaism

Israel Council on Foreign Relations

Jewish Professionals Network

World Zionist Organization

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Executive Committee* WJC PRESIDENT



David de Rothschild

Chella Safra


Moshe Kantor

Mervyn Smith




Vadim Shulman

Jack Terpins

President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress

President, Latin American Jewish Congress

Moshe Kantor

Shai Hermesh

President, European Jewish Congress

Chairperson, WJC Israel

Evelyn Sommer Chairperson, WJC North America

VICE PRESIDENTS (by country, regional affiliate and organization)




Julio Schlosser

Vladimir Kritsman

Renée Dayan Shabot

President, Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas

Chairman, Jewish Community of Kyrgyzstan




Mikhail Chlenov

Sara Winkowski

Danny Lamm President, Executive Council of Australian Jewry


Claudio Lottenberg

Yuri Kanner

Tova Ben-Dov

President, Russian Jewish Congress



Emil Kalo

Chairman, South African Jewish Board of Deputies


David Koschitzky



Mary Kluk

President, Confederação Israelita do Brasil

Chairperson, Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs

Chairman, Vaad of Russia


Boris Fuchsmann President, Jewish Confederation of Ukraine

Josef Zissels

Petr Papousek President, Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic

Chairperson, Vaad of Ukraine


Vivian Wineman


Roger Cukierman

President, Board of Deputies of British Jews

President, Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France

Rabbi Joel Meyers


Chairperson, WJC (American Section), Inc.

Guram Batiashvili



VICE PRESIDENTS Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich Eduardo Elsztain Guiora Esrubilsky Robert Goot Shai Hermesh Ariel Muzicant Marcos Peckel Moshe Ronen Rabbi Arthur Schneier Tamar Shchory

President, Jewish Community of Georgia

David Bittan



President, Jewish Community of Venezuela

Dieter Graumann


Sebastian Azerrad Catherine Gentilini Andi Gergely Lior Herman Rodrigo Slelatt

President, Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland


Benjamin Albalas President, Federation of Jewish Communities in Greece




Saul Gilvich

András Heisler


President, Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége


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* As of October 22, 2013


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Tree of Life Society – World Jewish Congress, American Section The World Jewish Congress (American Section), Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in New York State, solicits donations in support of the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. The WJC American Section, also the independent U.S. affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, facilitates American Jewish input into WJC’s global deliberations and advocates for Israel at the U.N. and in the public arena. The Tree of Life Society recognizes individuals who have left a legacy gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section. We are grateful for their vision and generosity. Erwin Abrams Lowell Adelson Kenneth Adin Alice R. Alderman Maurice Amzalak Bruce Apotheker Simon and Beatrice Apple Sonia G. Atkinson Sophie Axkel Kurt Baer Rena A. Baff Gerald Bagner Lila R. Bath Robert H. Bell George Bennett Curtis Frederick Bergen Emil Berger Louis Berger Charles Berman Benjamin Bernstein Martin Blaifeder Miriam Markowitz Blatt Sylvia Bleckner Jerome G. Block Leroy B. Block Peter Blumberg Roslyn Blumberg David Meyer Blumenthal Marvin Bogdanoff Clarice Borodkin Irvin Bregman David E. Brody Barbara F. Brown Evelyn B. Bruyere Harry Bugin Lillian Burgeman Max Canter Adrea Z. Carter Ruth Chapman Joseph T. Charney Jefferson Cohen Milton and Ruth Cohen Ben Colloff Ruth Crum Leslie A. Davis Ezra Delson Sheila Deutsch Thelma Dobrowolski Lawrence Doppelt Norma Duboff Ilse Earl Estherlea Eckmann Abraham Edelman Aaron Eden Sara and Max Efron Romaine Efros Thelma May Eidelman

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Levite Evelyn Victor Farkas Isidor and Dora Felber Ida Lee Feldman Roma Fineberg Kaufman Cecil Finegold Douglas A. Finkelstone Linda Fish Jean V. Fleischer Mark Forrest Frances W. Franck Judith B. Frankel Abraham Freedman Lillian C. Freudmann Edna Fried Harold B. Friedland Esther Galinsky Dorothy Y. Garber Shelley Gardiner Rebecca S. Gilbert Aaron B. Glicksberg Jack M. Goldberg Louis Jay Goldenberg Beatrice Goldfarb Morton Goldsmith Doris M. Goodman Peryl Gottesman Esther Gould Catalina Grady Anne Greenbaum Louise B. Greenberg Lenore Greiman Herbert E. Groskin Abraham J. Gross Charlotte A. Gunzburger Rudolph and Lucille Guttmann Gisela Herzl Louis P. Heyman D. H. Hirsberg David L. Ichelson John F. Ignatz Rose L. Jacobs Stanley N. Jacobs Bertha M. Jacobson Richard Jacobson Arnold Jacoby Bernard H. Jaffee Levin Joseph Mathilda Kamerman Edith Katz Henry and Sara Katz Florence Glass Kaufman Sarah Kaufman Bertram C. Kay Minna Kaye Louis and Gretchen Klaff Harold J. Klein

Harry H. Klein Grace Koenigsberg Samuel M. Koenigsberg Jacob Korn Clara Koropshinsky Sidney Krakower Sylvia E. Krone Elaine Lampert Paul Lappe Samuel J. Lashinsky David Leavitt Pauline W. Ledeen Frances Leventritt Avis Levin Esther Levin Diane Levine Herbert Levine Miriam Levy Herman Lipsitz Rebecca Lister Helen Galland Loewus Jack Luchs Florence G. Maio Isabel K. Maller Edith Mallon Harold Margolis Ida Mae Margolis Clara D. Markowitz Marion Marsh-Goldenfeld Susi T. Marx Esther Shady Masters Marcia Z. Mehr Thelma Mermelstein Max P. Milians Harold Miller Shirley Miller Sonia Ann Miller Ruth Moss Sylvie M. Nathanson Neiman Family Janet Nemerofsky O. Onwaeze Morton A. Packel Steven A. Perlberg Miriam Perry Joseph Polusky Reuben Porton Harold Putterman Lillian Robbins Sara Roberts Allen Rose Kay Rose Carol R. Rosen-Gray George Rosenfeld June Rosner and Family Emanuel N. Rotter Henry Sachsman

Regina Salomon Michael Samek Allan and Edith Schechter Signa Scher Hans L. Schlesinger Luise Schlesinger Charlotte Schloss Herbert Schneider Manuel Schneider Isidore Schnur Denise K. Schorr Morris Schultz H. Paul Schwadel Marsha Schwartz Rose Seltzer Meyer Shapiro Vincent Sherman Norman Silverman Sarah Silverman Ida Simon Betty Solodar Sandra Sosnick Dennis Stein Edna Steinberger Bernard Stern Hyman Stoller Gertrude Stone Rhoda Sturmak Marianne Sufrin Druria Sylvester Rose Tapp Ruth N. Taub Ethel Taylor Max and Sylvia Tennebaum Solodare Theodore Herman A. Tolz Arthur Vamos Clare Villanti Martin Virsotsky Louis J. Walinsky Leonard J. Warren Richard Waton Wendy Weinberg Milton P. Weinstein Irving and Rita Weinstock Alma Weisberg Arlene W. Weiss Frances Winkler Martin F. Witkin Julius Wittman Liese-Lotte Wolf Lenny Worth Dorothy Yashon Henrietta Zackin Martha Zeff Phyllis W. Zierler Max Zimmer Byron Zuckerman

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2012-2013 global r e v i e w written by: Janice Wolpo art direction : Laura Anne Shay-HupĂŠ, LASH Arts

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