Antapokritis Newsletter September 2021

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~ S O R O R L A S H A Y E H U T C H I N S O N

Meet the State of Georgia Social Media and Graphic Team

Greetings, Sorors and Friends of the Great State of Georgia First, let me start by saying "Thank you!" for entrusting me to serve Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. State of Georgia as Antapokritis. I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce you to the Social Media and Graphic Team. Our team is comprised of 7 talented women who are committed to serving the Sisterhood. Our vision is to develop and sustain connections with the communities we serve within the State of Georgia while increasing the awareness of activities performed by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Sorors, and Affiliates

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 | V O L . 1 Z E T A P H I B E T A S O R O R I T Y , I N C . S T A T E O F G E O R G I A
LaShaye HutchinsonAntapokritis~ State of Georgia Iota Eta Zeta Chapter

S t a t e o f G e o r g i a S o c i a l M e d i a a n d G r a p h i c T e a m M e m b e r s

Lena Scott Tau Omicron Zeta Chapter Kelli Saizon Sigma Omicron Zeta Chapter Dr. Nicole Wilson Delta Lambda Zeta Chapter La'Tricia Hughes Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter
S t a t e o f G e o r g i a S o c i a l M e d i a a n d G r a p h i c T e a m M e m b e r s Ayana Glaze Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter Kelly Clark Rho Xi Zeta Chapter Shakira Petgrave Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter Follow us: @zphibgeorgia zphibga Contact us: @ZPhiB_GA

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