The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students: • succeed in rigorous curriculum • complete a rigourous college preparatory path • participate in extracurricular and leadership activities of the school • enroll in four-year colleges • become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society
Lee Ann Spillane, Ed.S., NBCT Cypress Creek High School 1101 Bear Crossing Dr. Orlando, FL 32824 phone: cell: web page: email:
407.352.3400 ext. 2689 321.945.7984 http://www.laspillane.org lee.spillane-larke@ocps.net
Course Description
What is AVID research?
AVID Research is an elective course that prepares students for entrance into fouryear colleges. There is an emphasis on writing, inquiry, collaboration and reading. Students recieve two hours of instruction per week, two hours per week in tutor-led study groups and one hour per week of movtivational activities.
Course Objectives
What are students expected to do or learn in AVID research?
Students will . . . • take courses that meet four-year college requirements. • participate in tutorials for academic courses. • learn and apply AVID skills such as notetaking, organization, time management and goal setting. • improve oral communication skills through a variety of activieis including presentations and Socratic Seminar. • participate in writing activies, including note taking, learning logs, essay writing and reflections. • learn to evaluate their own and other’s writing, using rubrics and scoring guides modeled after FL Writes, Write Traits and the SAT. • prepare for college entrance examinations, including SAT I, SAT II and ACT. • complete and present a portfolio of their work in AVID.
Assessment and Grading Students will be judged not only on the AVID “basics” such as a well-organized notbeook, participation in tutorials and notetaking, but also according to their performacne on timed writings, practice tests, pratcipation in Socratic Seminars, service learning and other activities.
Final grades are based on an average of the
How will students be graded?
ding Gra le Sca -100 0 A 9 -89 0 B 8 -79 0 C 7 - 69 0 D 6 -50 9 F 5
total points in each grading category: 30% Classwork: Binder checks, team building, bellwork, vocabulary and other in class assignments. 30% Writings & Projects: Timed writings, essays, research paper, digital projects, note taking and other written work. 15% Homework Reading logs and other assignments. 25% Participation: Tutorials, Guest Speakers, Socratic Seminar, team building, service learning and more.
House Rules
What are the consequences for being tardy?
1. Come to class on time. You must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing to be considered on time. (DETENTION FOR 1ST TARDY, REFERRAL FOR 2nd) 2. Attend to personal needs before coming to class. 3. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.
How are students expected to behave in class?
4. Talk only when permitted. Be aware of the situation since quiet talking is allowed in some situations and speaking to the entire group without raising your hand may be allowed in others. I will remind you once and expect compliance. 5. Cheating will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his/her work for an independent assignment AND the person copying will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your OWN work and be sure no one can copy it.
How is cheating punished?
What items are prohibited on campus?
6. Follow the teacher’s directions immediately when entering classroom. Student Code of Conduct will be enforced in classroom. 7. ALL electronic devices in use for noninstructional purposes will be confiscated IMMEDIATELY. 8. NO HATS ALLOWED ON CAMPUS
What is the policy regarding late work?
9. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR A GRADE. Only excused absences will receive credit. 10. RESPECT will be given by teachers and students at all times in and out of classes.
Materials Needed: • 1 hard cover journal/composition book • 1 pack notebook paper • #2 pencils • blue or black pens • colored pencils • 3 highlighters: pink, yellow, green • 1 Package Post-It Notes • 2 packs of Notebook Dividers
Attendance for Academic Credit for Grades 9-12
When will a student lose academic credit?
How is an excused absence defined?
How long does a student have to make up work? With excessive absences, how can a student still earn credit for a course?
(1) No student shall be awarded a credit unless the student has been in attendance for instruction for a minimum of 135 hours. The 135 hours required for attendance for instruction corresponds to twenty (20) absences in a school year or ten (10) absences for each semester. The principal may provide a student who has been in attendance less than 135 hours an opportunity to receive credit by demonstrating mastery of the student performance standards in that course of study. (2) Excused absences shall be considered, on an hour per hour basis, as a part of the 135 minimum hours of classroom instruction. The principal is authorized to accept the following reasons for absence(s) of a student: a. Illness, injury or other insurmountable condition; b. Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family; c. Recognized (or established) religious holidays and religious instruction; d. Medical appointments; e. Participate in an approved activity or class of instruction held at another school site; f. Prearranged absences of educational value with the principal’s prior approval g. Head lice infestation (up to four (4) days during the school year); h. Catastrophic disasters that significantly impact the life of the student (loss of residence from natural disaster). (3) Academic instruction missed by the student shall be made up in an acceptable manner in accordance with the district pupil progression plan. (number of days absent + 1) It is the responsibility of the student to retrieve any work missed during an absence from the teacher. (4) Students may make up work missed during a suspension within a time limit established by the school principal. Attendance Laws: Florida Statutes 1001.41, 1003.21, 1003.24, 1003.436
When do attendance notes have to be turned in?
Who can students call if they have questions?
The Bottom line: No matter what your grade point average at the end of a semester or year per class, if you have more than 10 absences in a half credit course or 20 absences in a full credit course, you MUST pass the Mid-Term or Final Exam with a 70% or you will not receive credit for the course.
All absences will be marked as unexcused until a written note is received from the parent within 72 hours of returning to school. Any questions regarding the attendance policy should be directed to the attendance office (407) 852-2283.