Business days 2014 - presentation of projects

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Business Days Presentation of the 2014 platforms and projects

Laszlo Pacso FACEBOOK/BUSINESS DAYS | | 2014

Table of contents -

What is Business Days? Conferences | INSPIRATION Workshops | EXPERIENCE Round tables and debates | EXPERIENCE Special acts | EXPERIENCE Formal business networking sessions Matchmaking application and the special area for socialization and networking Facilities for start-ups Special moments of socializing and networking | Vip networking Exposition area | Launch of products and services | Vip lounge Speakers of the Business Days events Speaker support group | Awarding the best speakers Partners of the events and the Business Days platform Profile of the Business Days participants | statistical data Fields of activity of participants | statistical data Evolution of the number of participants between 2011 and 2013 Program of the events | structure and schedule of the events Pass types for the Business Days events Free and premium extra options Developing customer loyalty of the Business Days participants Corporate pass packages | Volume discount policy Student Facilities Promotion packages for start-ups What is the MULTIPASS access ticket Modalities to apply for Business Days events Live broadcast of the events | Conferences+Round tables/debates Products offered by the Business Days platform Analyzing the Business Days events | Infographics Comparative analysis and statistics of the earlier events | 2012-2013 Videoreports about the 2013 Business Days events Interviews and programs on the Business Days TV Testimonials | participants |speakers | partners Promotion Earlier editions of the Business Days events Business Days Team

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What is Business Days? It is a platform of opportunities created in order to facilitate the revitalizing of the Romanian business environment in a short- and mid-term, while in a long term the creation and formation of a healthy entrepreneurial culture in our country. The platform includes a series of business events, a platform of communication via online, mobile and social media and also an educational video platform. The series of events called Business Days is built around the idea of creating a dynamical interaction environment which enables to maximize the opportunities between speakers, partners and participants. The benefits are supplied in three ways:   

Inspiration and motivation - via conferences Cumulation of Experience - via workshops and round table debates Generating Opportunities - via formal sessions of business networking, socialization moments or by the matchmaking application

Business Days is a project of real social impact with an emphasis on associative spirit, encouraging cooperation and interaction between entrepreneurs, managers and experts of various fields and domains.


INSPIRATION Business Day Conferences - these events aim to create a positive ATTITUDE among the participants. Consisiting of 8-11 short presentations of 8-10 minutes, these will be held by entrepreneurs and top managers of successful companies, motivational speakers, specialists and experts of various fields and domains. These presentations are inpirational and motivational, focusing on values and principles considered to be essential for a successful businessman in a new economical paradigm. Some of the presentations are built up around trends and tendencies, others upon revealing a vision of the future with all its opportunities and challenges. Business Days Conferences will be held in the time interval between 9:00 and 13:30. Each day there will be two sessions. Business Days Conferences is expected to be the event with the highest number of participants and it is also broadcasted live via videostreaming. The topics to be discussed in 2014 at the Business Days conferences are the following: 1. Innovation - engine of the progress in a world dominated by incertitude 2. Leadership – a necessary ingredient to consolidate and stabilize the basis of the efficient management of human resources and business processes 3. Excellenece - in all that you perform as an essential factor of differentiation and consolidation of relations with customers and partners for a business that is profitable and easy to handle 4. Performance - the growth in a changing world is based on the innovation and entrepreneurship/interpreneurship at each level of the business


EXPERIENCE Business Days Workshops – these are real incubators of ideas, focused on the development of entrepreneurial or managerial skills by an increased rate of interactivity and change of experiences. Workshops are based on examples of good practices and case studies followed by interactive sessions of questions and answers, which aim to determine the participants to find possible solutions to their needs and problems. Some of these can be organized as moderated sessions of questions and answers, as business simulation sessions or workshops for practical exercises. On average 3-4 experts and 1 professional moderator participates at these workshops. Workshop topics are selected as a result of a complex process of identification of the specific needs and challenges regarding the business environment in the geografic region in which the Business Days events will be held. This selection process starts 1-2 months earlier than the official launch of the promotion campaign of the event and is done via interviews, discussions and market research of a representative sample consisting of managers, entrepreneurs and experts of that region. Workshops will be held in the afternoon between 14:30 and 18:10 in two series of 4 or 5 workshops, in parallel with the debate sessions and round tables.



 

Round table debates – are moderated debates, with invited experts and practitioners of a specific domain who will answer the questions asked by the moderator. Mesele rotunde sunt centrate pe subiecte de interes despre care, pe durata dezbaterilor, se doreste o radiografie de 360 de grade pe doua planuri: Round tables are focused on subjects of interest which are subject to a 360 degree complete radiography in two levels: - which are the current challenges - which are the trends and tendencies the future can provide us Debate sessions will be held in two stages: in the first stage the moderators will put specific questions to the invited guests in order to trace the topic in both dimensions, followed by the second stage, when the participants will formulate their own questions to the invited guests. The question and answer session will be moderated.

Among the topics of round table debates one can find: 

    

education - especially the way in which the business environment can imply itself in collaborations with the academical environment in order to reduce the existing gap between the actual output of high-schools and universities and what the business environment actually requires the strategy of the future - from the perspectives of a city with a regional influence, it is a debate about challenges and opportunities the future will bring and the way of cooperation between the local administration or regional authorities and the business environment in order to attract investments for the implementation of mid- and long-term strategical objectives in a way that allows to make full use of the opportunities while minimizing the risks management and entrepreneurship human resource management influence of technology over the business environment innovation and creativity as differentiating factors of development entrepreneurial culture


EXPERIENTA coaching evenings are organized in partnership with Mihai Stanescu, while their role is to promote the correct principles of business coaching. Within the frame of the Business Days, “Coaching Evening with Mihai Stanescu” is a high level informal meeting which intends to open a new special chapter in the development of the Romanian business leaders: to transform them and their companies into competitive top partners in the whole world. This metamorphosis starts with the business leaders, with an emphasis on the improvement of the behavioral and relational models in their own environment

attention training workshops are organized in partnership with the illusionst Augustin and aim to develop the communication and relationship skills with the other participants by using the techniques of illusionism. Illusionism is the art of manipulating people’s attention.

special evenings dedicated to the partner companies – are informal meetings organized by our main partners for their special customers. It is an excellent modality by which our partners can deliver extra values and collateral benefits for their guests.

meetings of communities or people acting in the same branch of the industry – are informal meetings of the members of a community, with debates about the necessity of the development of the associative spirit and their aim is to encourage the discussions between companies acting in the same branch of the industry in order to find common solutions for common problems.

workshops dedicated to the development of photographic skills - practical sessions dedicated to the development of photographic skills of the participants, aiming to show practical modalities of transforming your passion for photography into business. The sessions are coordinated in partnership with Castel Media led by photo artists and professional photographs, assisted and supported by well-known production companies. These workshops are dominated by the practical approach of the topic. The photographers will have the opportunity to test their new skills in numerous photo sessions at the location of the event.


OPORTUNITIES a FORMAL BUSINESS NETWORKING SESSIONS – have the role to facilitate meeting aiming the expoloration of the opportunities between two partners and are structured into two formats.


The first format requires a former qualification and matchmaking. This process is done together with a few active partners who are playing a role in the filtering and selection of the intention lists. 40-50 businessmen with a high degree of affinity of their activities are selected, who participate at 20-25 meeting sessions of 3 minutes each, aiming to create meetings with the other participants. After these sessions there is a possibility for free interactions in order to establish the later stages of the cooperation. This kind of business networking sessions are known as MICROMEETING SESSIONS.



The second format requires a maximum number of 75 people participating at an open type business networking meeting. These sessions begin with the self-introduction of each participant by an elevator pitch in maximum 45-60 seconds. When this is done, there is a free interaction between the participants, based on the identified common interests. This type of interaction is known as OPEN TYPE SESSION.


INFORMAL MOMENTS FOR SOCIALIZATION AND BUSINESS NETWORKING - have the role to create a proper atmosphere which facilitates the interaction between participants in a natural manner. These are concentrated in the coffee breaks, launch breaks, registration time and after workshops. Generally, the socialization area is centered in an exhibition area in order to facilitate the interaction between those around the stands.


MATCHMAKING APPLICATION AND THE SPECIAL AREA FOR BUSINESS NETWORKING – this application was created first of all to faciliatate even more the interaction among the participants, offering them the opportunity to search, sort and filter the database of the applicants, helping them to identify potential partners, customers or collaborators. The application can be used as an environment for contact data exchange between the participants, but also to organize meetings in the areas specially dedicated to business meetings where the participants are offered continuous support and assistence for the good evolution of the meetings. These facilities can be extended with premium options which offer extra value in the search of opportunities.



FACILITIES FOR START-UPS – are benefits for brand new companies or those in a very early stage of their development. These benefits are offered in three ways: o by testing the products and services by the participants of the event which provides direct and useful feedback related to the products or services from the local, regional or national business environment


by setting up meetings with potential investors, entrepreneurs, managers or experts interested in providing a feedback related to their ideas

9 o

by the possibility of presenting their products for an audience of about 100 businessmen (in the frame provided by the open type business networking sessions) and getting feedback from these businessmen


fashion-show and sessions to promote the fashion culture - dress-shows for women and men with the specific role of promoting the good taste of dressing culture and to educate businessmen about the business-etiquette. In the meantime it is also a great opportunity for Romanian fashion designers to promote their work to the Romanian business environment


wine tasting events and sessions to promote the business etiquette and the good manners in business and also a great opportunity for socialization by tasting some well-known and appreciated Romanian wines of wine collections, but also to promote the wine culture in the business environment.


VIP networking dinner sessions - exclusive network business sessions for special guests selected from the local business environment in order to meet the key-note speakers and the managers of the main partners of the event



special exhibition area for the partners - is a great modality for the partners to promote their products and services or to put an emphasis on some of their novelties. It is also a great opportunity for the participants to meet and to generate leads.


launching new products and services - the partners who would like to benefit from the great number of participants and their high professional quality (managers, entrepreneurs, experts) can launch their products and services which permit them to obtain a feedback in an interactive way

11 -

vip lounge – an exclusive space dedicated to the speakers, top managers, partners and VIP guests offering them all the facilities which permit them to work or to have private discussions with their guests. It is an area where they can benefit of office related services and support, if necessary.


specialists, experts, consultants top managers with relevant experience successful entrepreneurs successful trainers motivational speakers international speakers



Speaker Support Group - a program focusing on the development of quality and impact of the speakers of the Business Day events. This program offers support and quality evaluation services for the speakers of each event of the Business Days, mainly focusing on the improvement of the quality of conferences and workshops. In the same time it is also responsible for training the moderators of the Business Days. Each conference speaker is evaluated at least by 10 experts in public speaking with an experience of at least two years in the art of speech in public, providing them a constructive feedback in what regards the parts to improve. Speaker Support Group includes also some experts who can offer consultancy and coaching not just before, but also after each event to the spekers eager to improve their communication abilities in public speaking.


speaker of the year program– each year we award the best speakers of the Business Days events, based on the following criteria: o 40% based on the appreciation of the participants from the feedback forms o 30% based on the evaluation provided by the evaluators of the Speaker Suport Group o 20% of the total is offered by the organizers and it is awarded to the speaker based on her/his implication as a volunteer in certain programs with social impact o 10% based on a popularity contest on Facebook starting in November until the last event of the year, the Bucharest Business Days event.



sponsors and financial support logistics partners media partners supporting organizations partners

Our partners benefit of significant possibilities to promote, communicate and interact with the audience of Business Days, not just at the event's location, but also on the online communication, social media and direct interaction platforms. Meanwhile the partners can also exploit the numerous opportunities of business networking, by the use of standard or premium services for generating the opportunities, but also by their direct implication as partners in the qualification and selection processes of participants during the formal sessions of business networking. Benefits offered for our partners consist of:         

promotion in the local/regional mass media (TV, radio, written and online media, outdoor) promotion by special partners (Forbes, Business Collection Universul Juridic Publishing Company etc.) promotion via Business Days Magazine newspaper promotion in online media (blog, newsletter) online video promotion (Business Days TV, EVO TV, live broadcasting) promotion on social media platforms (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn) promotion at the event's location direct promotion (telesales, direct marketing, sms marketing, e-mail marketing) indirect promotion (Business Days product series: DVD, DVD collections, CD, audio book)



entrepreneurs (40%) managers (30%) specialists, experts, consultants (20%) university and high-school students (10%) source: database cumulated at the events of the years 2011-2013

At each event there are 3 categories of participants: - speakers (70-150/ at each event) - partners (100-150/ at each event) - participants (800-1000/at each event)


Entrepreneurs (business owners) 40%

Youth (University and High-School students) 10%

Consultants (Specialist, Experts, Freelancers) 20%

Managers (Employees) 30%

Profile of the participants at the events of Business Days in function of participants' age. *source – cumulated data taken from the list of queries and feedback forms processed after the events of the years 2012-2013


up to 25 years 15%

between 41 and 50 years 12%

between 31 and 40 years 32%

15 between 25 and 30 years 36%

Profile of the participants at the events of Business Days in function of the size of participants' companies. *source – cumulated data taken from the list of queries and feedback forms processed after the events of the years 2012-2013


between 101 and 500 employees 30%

up to 10 employees 35%

between 11 and 100 employees 20%

Weight of certain branches of industry reflected by the number of participants at the Business Days events in the years 2011-2013

Share of the participants from the branches of the industry Other Energy Utilities Technology Real Estate Commerce and Distribution Production Tourism Medical and Pharmacy NGOs Publicity Banks and non-bank type‌


Retail Online IT&C Professional services 0%






Evolution of the number of participants at the Business Days events between 2011 si 2013, number of participants from the region hosting the event, the genders of participants, and those who intend to return to a future Business Days event organized in the same city. Information obtained from the list of queries and feedback forms processed after the events of the years 2012-2013. EVOLUTION OF THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AT THE EVENTS OF BUSINESS DAYS OF 2011 -2013


1063 818 498




837 703



TMBD2011BVBD2011 BBD2011 TMBD2012 CJBD2012 ISBD2012 BBD2012 ORBD2012CRBD2012 CJBD2013 BBD2013


structure timetable/list of events hour by hour

The event is structured on 3 levels: 1. INSPIRATION - Conferences 2. EXPERIENCE – Workshops / Round tables / Debates / Microtrainings / Business Simulations/ key-note sessions / questions and answers sessions / case studies / examples of good practice/ 3. OPORTUNITIES – micromeeting sessions / open type business networking sessions/ meeting of the communities / special workshop sessions / special socialization evenings / vip lounge / exhibition / special socialization area /business networking special area / matchmaking application / opportunity generator / tasting wines and local famous specialties / launching products and services / fashion show and educative sessions regarding social behavior and clothing / contests / lottery 8:00-9:00

inregistrarea participantilor




pauza de cafea


11:30-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30





pauza de masa



B II 4




B I 4



Masa rotunda dezbatere 1

A II 4


A II 5


B II 4



Masa rotunda dezbatere 2


seara de socializare si degustare de vinuri


prezentare de moda


business networking de tipul matchmaking (meet-me)



business networking

business networking

seara speciala

workshop special

de tipul open

Raiffeisen Leasing

antrenarea atentiei

21:00-23:00 50




100 des



inregistrarea participantilor




pauza de cafea






B II 4







Photo SD 3

atelier special 2


Photo SD 4

atelier special 3

A II 3


B II 4



A II 6

Masa rotunda dezbatere 3

A II 5




A II 3

Masa rotunda dezbatere 4



business networking de tipul matchmaking (meet-me)



Photo SD 5

Photo SD 6

atelier special 4

business networking de tipul micro-intalniri 50


21:00-23:00 50




business networking de tipul open 100 des



seara speciala de VIP Networking (Nobori)

seara speciala comunitate IT

Photo SD 7

atelier special 5

Photo SD 8

atelier special 6



workshop special creativitate des

EXPO+ start-up

extragere castigatori tombola si premiere castigatori concursuri



Magic. Augustin

business networking de tipul matchmaking (meet-me)

seara de cocktail si socializare



Mihai Stanescu

pauza de cafea




pauza de masa


15:50-16:10 16:10


seara speciala de VIP Networking (showroom Toyota)



atelier special 1

sesiune photo

de tipul micro-intalniri inv

Photo SD 2




Photo SD 1




ziua 2



pauza de cafea


ziua 1

business networking de tipul matchmaking


Locations and calendar of the 2014 events -

2-3 April, 2014 Timisoara – Complex Senator - Expovest 9-10 July, 2014 Cluj-Napoca – Grand Hotel Italia 1-2 October, 2014 Iasi – Palas Mall Iasi 10-11 December, 2014 Bucuresti – location not chosen yet (an option is JW Marriott)



types of passes and their benefits - there are 4 different types of passes (each of them in two versions: valid for 1 day or 2 days):  BASIC pass package –dedicated to those who are looking for inspiration, would like to understand the trends in the business environment and are searching for more points of view of businessmen and experts regarding certain topics of interest or the challenges and opportunities of the future  PLUS pass package – for those who are looking for personal and professional development, interested in inspiration, motivation and change of experience with the speakers and other participants.  PREMIUM pass package – dedicated to participants attempting to exploit at maximum level the opportunities offered by this event, therefore they get access to the dedicated only to those with PREMIUM access, to test and evaluation facilities, but also to the individual coaching sessions offered by the partners of the event  VIP* pass package - to all who would like to benefit of the advantages of the highest class networking in the presence of the most important guests of the event, in a dedicated space and accessible only for this type of guests. This type of pass includes the opportunity to have the lunch in the VIP area, to benefit of the extra facilities offered by the VIP lounge and to participate at one of the VIP dinners (to get this type of access one can make an upgrade of the access ticket PREMIUM2) Acces 1 zi -BASICBASIC 1


30,00 € INSCRIE-TE a cces l a conferi ntel e di ntr-o zi

Acces 2 zi l e -BASICBASIC 2 45,00 € INSCRIE-TE


a cces l a conferi ntel e di n a mbel e zi l e a l e eveni mentul ui

Acces 1 zi -PLUSPLUS1 60,00 € INSCRIE-TE

90,00 € INSCRIE-TE

x x

a cces l a 2 mes e rotunde/dezba teri /a tel i ere tema tice di ntr-o zi

Acces 2 zi l e -PLUSPLUS2

80,00 € INSCRIE-TE

Acces 2 zi l e -PREMIUMPREMIUM 2 120,00 € INSCRIE-TE

x x


a cces l a 4 mes e rotunde/dezba teri /a tel i ere tema tice di n a mbel e zi l e (2 pe zi )


x x


a cces l a 2 works hopuri di ntr-o zi

x x

a cces l a 4 works hopuri di n a mbel e zi l e (2 works hopuri pe zi )

x x


nou a cces l a ma ni fes tari l e s peci a l e (works hopuri /s eri s peci a l e de coa chi ng) 19:00-21:00



nou a bona ment gra tui t l a tv.bus i nes s da ys .ro 1 l una



nou voucher de eva l ua re (Thoma s /Pers ol og)(tes tul s e fa ce i na i nte de eveni ment)


nou voucher 1 ora de coa chi ng (neces i ta progra ma re s i s e des fa s oa ra l a l ocul eveni mentul ui )


nou a bona ment gra tui t l a revi s ta Forbes pentru 3 l uni


nou a bona ment gra tui t l a revi s ta Forbes pentru 6 l uni


Facilitati incluse in toate tipurile de acces a s cces l a coffee brea k (pa uza di ntre conferi nte) apa, cafea, ceai, patiserie sarata a cces l a coffee brea k (pa uza di ntre works hopuri , key-note s i mes e rotunde) apa, cafea, ceai, patiserie dulce













a cces l a degus ta rea de vi n (i n pri ma s ea ra ) s i prezenta rea de moda







ma pa pa rti ci pa ntul ui a cces l a TOMBOLA de l a fi na l ul eveni mentul ui pe ba za compl eta ri i ches ti ona rel or de feedba ck













a cces l a CONCURSURILE cu premi i orga ni za te pentru pa rti ci pa nti










supplementary free options – all passes offer the opportunity to access the business networking facilities of the event for free (though some might involve a preselection process): o participation at the micro-meeting sessions (by choosing a day of the event one applies for certain meetings) o participation at one or both open business networking sessions o access to the matchmaking applications (select, sort, filter from the database including all the participants) o access to the facility to generate automatically a list of opportunities based on certain criteria of matchmaking supplementarry premium options (extra costs) - by use of these options one can optimize the business networking experience during the two days of the event by: o having lunch in the socialization and interaction area o table reservation for 1 on 1 meetings in the business networking area o assistance services in arranging meetings directly at the event's location o extending database searching of the business opportunities o VIP assistance services in organizing the meetings ACCES OPTIONAL LA FACILITATILE DE BUSINESS NETWORKING FORMAL (necesita selectie)

+ +

+ +

optiunea de generare automata lista de oportunitati pe ba za unor cri teri i de s el ectie (necesita definirea criterilor de selectie) acces la aplicatia de matchmaking (sortare, filtrare si cautare in baza de date dupa domeniu de activitate, functie in companie, numele companiei si numele participantului ) a cces l a facilitatea de schimb de date de contact cu oricare participant inscris la eveniment (pe ba za de a ccept di n pa rtea cel ui ca rui a i s e s ol i ci ta da tel e de contact) - utilizabil in perioada (1 saptamana inainte de eveniment si 1 an dupa eveniment) a cces l a facilitatea de setare intalniri in zonele speciale de business networking amenajate la locul evenimentului (pe ba za de a ccept di n pa rtea cel ui ca rui a I s e s ol i ci ta i ntal ni rea ) - utilizabil pe durata desfasurarii evenimentului Ins cri ere pe l i s ta de i ntentie pentru sesiunile formale de Business Networking de tip MICROINTALNIRI dedicate factorilor de decizie din companii (cu posbilitatea de participare la 1 sesiune) a cces l a sesiunile formale de Business Networking de tip OPEN si la microtrainingurile legate de dezvoltarea abilitatilor de business networking (cu posibilitatea de a participa la ambele sesiuni)

+ Optiuni suplimentare platite de business networking: + rezerva re ma s a pentru i ntal ni ri i n zona de networki ng (include acces la cafea, apa, ceai, materiale de scris, servicii de secretariat)












































pret disponibil pentru toate pachetele

4,00 € 7,00 € 25,00 € 40,00 € 60,00 € 25,00 € 25,00 € 40,00 €

30 mi n 1 ora 4 ore 1 zi / 8 ore 2 zi l e / 16 ore

+ s ervi ci i de a s i s tenta i n s etarea i ntal ni ri l or + extindere a ri a de ca utare contacte pentru s tabi l i re i ntal ni ri + s ervi ci i de a s i s tenta VIP i n s etarea i ntal ni ri l or Upgrade tichet de acces de tip VIP






130,00 € x

i ncl ude s upl i mentar masa de pranz VIP (cu s pea keri i s i pa rteneri i pri nci pa l i ) i n a mbel e zi l e acces gratuit la VIP Lounge s i l a progra mul ca re s e des fa s oa ra i n a cea s ta l oca tie i ncl ude s upl i mentar s i accesul la o cina speaciala de VIP networking (doa r 10 l ocuri ) i n una di n s eri Optiunea de servire masa de pranz la locul evenimentului (de tip bufet suedez)


x x

15,00 €

25,00 €

15,00 €

25,00 €

15,00 €

25,00 €


DEVELOPING CONSUMER LOYALTY PROGRAM –starting from 2013 we are undertaking a series of programs related to consumers' loyalty at the Business Days events. A loyal participant can choose one from the following two options o PACKAGE 1 - a discount of 25% for any type of pass (by using the code LOIAL25 ) o PACKAGE 2 - in case the loyal participant brings another participant, both of them benefit of a 50% discount for any type of pass (by using the code LOIAL50) o Neither of the discounts can be cumulated with other discounts and they apply solely to the price of the access passes, without any effect upon the supplementary options.


CORPORATE ACCESS PROGRAM, discount policy - due to the fact that the Business Days events are concentrated around inspiration, motivation, development of management and entrepreneurial abilities, it is a great opportunity to include this event into the list of events dedicated to professional development of management and sales teams, especially due to the special emphasis on the exchange of experience and interactivity based on the know-how transfer at these events. If we add the numerous occasions for generating opportunities then we can state that Business Days is a must-have on the list of platforms aimng personal and professional development of management teams in companies. During these four years many companies and corporations took the opportunity to offer corporate access to their people, allowing the managerial and sales teams to combine the personal development with generating valuable and useful leads for the future of their business, all in a pleasant way. So for the companies which intend to delegate a higher number of participants to the Business Days events, the following discounts are applicable:   

5% for groups of 2-5 participants 10% for groups of 6-10 participants 15% for groups of 11 or more people.


These discounts are calculated automatically by the registration system if the application of the new participants is registered into a single account by adding them. The Business Days customer service stays at the disposal of those interested in support and guidance during the application process.


These discounts are applicable cumulatively with the early-bird discount and the discounts offred by the cost reduction code, using the following algorithm:  The first discount to apply is the early-bird discount (15%)  The next discount applicable is the group discount (5/10/15%)  The last discount which applies here is the one offered by the cost reduction code.




STUDENT FACILITIES - Business Days events have a special focus on the younger generations, especially on university and high-school students interested in becoming entrepreneurs or those who are at the start of their carreers as managers. In this direction we are developing a series of partnerships with state and private universities and active students’ organizations in order to identify together the relevant people and to support them with an easier way of access to certain events of the Business Days series. We are confident that Business Days can play an essential role in building bridges between the actual and the futere business leaders. Starting from 2013 one of our major preoccupations that became more and more accentuate is to find active and viable solutions together with the business environment to provide a support to the academic environment in order to reduce the existing gap between the output of the education system and the requirements of the labour market and business environment. In this respect we have elaborated two programs dedicated to university and high-school students: o STUDENT50 – is a universal discount of 50% applicable to all types of passes (excepting VIP tickets which are not accessible to students). This discount is applicable for any university student, high-school student and high-school teacher within the limits of available seats (10% of the total number of seats for each event). o STUDENT100 – is a 100% discount of the BASIC pass, applicable for the students affiliated to the partnering students’ organizations implied in different promotion activities and organization of the Business Days event, on the basis of a collaboration protocol agreement.

START-UP PACKAGES - from the very beginning we have positioned ourselves as an organization and platform for promoting the entrepreneurship in Romania and one of those organizations which assumed to contribute to lay down the foundations of a healty business culture in Romania. Remaining loyal to our mission we wish to provide a strong support to young entreprises at their start. Along the specific promotion packages offered at the location of the event dedicated to new companies we also start some new projects this year: o GROW Project - with the partnership of GROW Association, it has a specific role of building a bridge between top entrepreneurs, managers and experts of different areas with significant experience cumulated on both national and international level, eager to give advices, to become mentors, to form advisory boards, support to facilitate the access to new markets, access to high quality networking inside or beyond the borders, supporting promotion and sales, preparing companies to attract investors or to access some financial funds, including loans from banks, in order to increase their business. o ANGEL project – is developed together with a series of private investors (business angels and private equity) consisting of the identification of proper insvestors and facilitating the meetings with these by using the Business Days networking platform, not just during the events but also before and after.




Promotion Packages for START-UPS at the Business Days events  Promotion at the event's location (desks to test the services or the products by the Business Days audience in the socialization area ) + facilitating meetings for business feedback with entrepreneurs/managers/experts/ investors (in the specific area for business networking during the events, based on a matching agreement and depending on the availability of the mentors involved) - 175 Euro (including also two free passes of PLUS2 type)  Facilitating meetings for business feedback with entrepreneurs/ managers/experts/investors (in the specific area for business networking during the events, based on a matching of interest agreement and depending on the availability of the mentors involved)+ short pitch of 3 minutes dedicated to the presentation of the business idea within the frame of an open business networking session in order to find ideas, solutions and potential partners – 75 Euro (including a pass of PLUS2 type or two PLUS2 Type tickets with a 50% discount)  Presentation stand for products/services in the networking area - 150 Euro (including also two free passes of PLUS2 type)  Online + newsletter + social media promotion package is a supplementary facility for start-ups, reaching approximately 100.000 persons (interviews, blogs, newsletter (about 35000 subscribers across the country), promotions posted via Facebook/businessdays with approximately 60.000 fans) is offered for 3-4 start-up companies/event with innovative ideas or businesses with high growth potential, but it is conditioned to the aquisition of one of the above packages. Start-ups interested in this way of promotion can buy this package with a cost subvention support. There is only a limited number of such packages for each event. For details please contact our team in charge for START-UP project coordination.

MULTIPASS ACCESS TICKET – all kind of passes to the events of Business Days are multipass type tickets, excepting VIP tickets which are nominal and permit the access of the entitled persons only to the VIP facilities (VIP lounge, VIP lunch, VIP evaluation services, VIP coaching services, special sessions dedicated to VIP guests and VIP special dinner). Multipass tickets offer the possibility of the participation of more people at the events of Business Days, but not simultaneously. By these means a single investment more employees of a company get the opportunity to attend the Business Days events with the aquisition of a single ticket. This allows an increased time-efficiency in case of a single delegated employee and allows the companies to maximize the impact of their presence over the events by delegating the most competent persons for each specific event, and by these means exploiting at maximum level the opportunities offered by the events. At the time being this type of pass is unique among the Romanian business events.



HOW TO APPLY – Application for the Business Days events is done by using the website of the selected event by selecting and accessing the INSCRIERE (APPLICATION) page, where one selects the type of passes and fills in the application form. The application process has 3 stages: o

o o

selection of the pass type and filling in the application form in a few steps:  filling in the contact data, selecting the type of payment and introducing the cost reduction code:  contact person's data  company data when requesting an invoice for legal person  entering the cost reduction code, if the participant is entitled for this  selecting the payment mode (cash/payment order/card)  selecting supplementary options of business networking and premium services (services available for extra costs)  access to automatic generation of list of opportunities facility (when the application process is done the applicant receives an e-mail containing a link to select and set matchmaking criteria based on which a list of maximum 10 opportunities corresponding to the selected criteria is generated)  checking the box for participation on a micromeeting type business networking session (by checking one of the two days and the intention to adhere to a list of participants)  selecting one or both days to participate on an open business networking session (within the limit of available seats)  check the option which allows you to have your lunch in the socialization area, in order to maximize the business networking possibilities (service available for extra cost)  an upgrade to the VIP type pass (only for PREMIUM2 type pass)  table reservation in the business networking special area to set up 1 on 1 meetings by the matchmaking application  aquisition of assistance services for arranging of meetings  aquisition of services regarding the extended search for arranging meetings ( available at least 4 days before the event's beginning)  aquisition of VIP assistance services for arranging meetings (reserving the meeting's location outside the place of the event, services regarding the transfer to the meeting's place and returning to the event) (it is available only together with the services regarding the extended search for arranging meetings option)  adding other participants from the same company to the same corporate account and repeating the steps 1 and 2 for each of them  closing the application procedure after verifying the sysnthesis of the selected services, the discounts offered and the amount to be paid confirmation of payment (applicable to the passes payable via cash or payment order), for payment by visa it is done automatically validation of the application by the support team (for payments via cash or payment order) or automatically by the application system for payments by visa





selecting the workshops by clicking on the link received via e-mail after the conformation of the payment (excepting the BASIC type passes which allow the participation at conferences, round tables and business networking facilities only) reception via e-mail (at the e-mail adress given in the application form) of the invitation in pdf format (this includes the username and password for the matchmaking application, the facilities included in the pass, selected supplementary options, details regarding the program with reference to the selected workshops, details referring to the location and how to get there, data of contact persons from the support team who can assist you in the reconfiguration of the pass package, which is possible only within the limits of existing possibilities, logistic details) Receiving the invitation by e-mail implies the finish of the application process, the reservations made for the selected events and access to the selected business networking facilities.

live broadcast of certain events - business days events are broadcasted live:  on the website live.  also on facebook/businessdays  or on the websites of our partners interested in taking over a valuable content for their audience. Until the end of 2013 these broadcasts were free, supported 100% by the organizers to make the broadcast with valuable information accessible for as many Romanians as possible, in the country or abroad. Starting from 2014 these broadcasts will be available only upon payment - a reasonable but moderate cost. The money obtained this way is dedicated to prepare an online bilingual video platform (also in English, at a first stage) to start the preparations regarding the internationalized version of Business Days events, the first chapter of this phase will take place in 2015 with the first Eastern European event which will be held in October 2015, at Cluj-Napoca. The following events will be broadcasted live: - conferences (between 9:00 si 13:30) - round tables ( between 14:30 si 18:10) - key-note sessions ( only for Bucuresti and Cluj Napoca events, between 14:30 si 18:10) The types of passes available at the website are the following:


Ce se poate vizualiza in fiecare tip de acces? a cces l a conferi ntel e di n pri ma zi (9:00-13:30)

10,00 € INSCRIE-TE





20,00 €

20,00 €



a cces l a conferi ntel e di n a doua zi (9:00-13:00)



a cces l a mes el e rotunde di n a doua zi (14:30-18:30) INSCRIE-TE



30,00 € INSCRIE-TE x


a cces l a mes el e rotunde di n pri ma zi (14:30-18:30)


x x






Business Days PRODUCTS -

DVD collection containing the workshops of the former editions - all the workshops of the former events have been recorded and are accessible in our online webshop, they can be ordered from the website. The address is:


thematic DVD collections - it is a project planned to be started this year by creating thematic DVD collections on specific topics like : leadership, management of human resources in turbulent times, financial management, public speaking techniques for businessmen, organizational management, project management for enterprises and other topics of interest. In the mean time we plan to launch each year a DVD collection containing the most appreciated presentations of the best speakers of the year's Business Days events, a kind of “Best of Business Days 2013”.


audiobooks *- this is a project in preparation, planned to be launched next year, we will be creating a series of audio materials compiling the best moments of the Business Days events, concentrated around selected topics and which will be designed to become materials dedicated to personal and professional development


Business Days TV – a project launched last year as an educational video platform containig multiple sources: materials recorded at the Business Days events, programs created by the Business Days team, materials from partner TV stations where the Business Days team members or the speakers of the events are invited, videoreports, interviews and videotestimonials. Business Days video platform offers accessibilty to two types of contents: one for free and another one for extra charges based on monthly or annual subscription. The paid version allows the access to a diversity of educational materials (workshops, courses, practical workshops, training sessions) and can be used as an excellent training material for education and professional development in the field of entrepreneurship and management. These resources gain an extra value as all the materials are presented by experts, entrepreneurs, managers with a vast experience on the Romanian business market, who experimented the advice and suggestions themselves.


Business Days Magazine* – it is a project we wish to start next year which consists of a multilingual journal with maximum 82 pages, having the role to promote the Romanian business environment, focusing on the area which will host the next Business Days event.Each year there will be four events and each issue will be edited in at least two languages: Romanian and English. Each issue will be printed in about 2000 items, offered for free in two ways: o 1000 items will be shared between the participants of the local Business Days events and o 1000 items will be offered to partners, sponsors (corporations), councils, embassies, business associations, chambers of bilateral commerce with whom we will cooperate and businessmen from abroad. The main role and the objective of these journals is to support the formation of a healthy entrepreneurial culture in Romania and to promote Romania as a destination for investments, but also to encourage the economical exchganges with Romania in both directions.


Analysis of the Business Days events -

Infographics of the earlier editions (2012 and 2013): Analized information -


- utility and relevance of the events - the motivational and inspirational level provided by the event - interactivity and information exchange - speakers' quality - networking opportunities - quality of the event`s organization - location of the event - how did the participants find out about these events - tipology of participants proveniency of the participants - age of the participants - distribution by gender - how many of the participants intend to return to a future Business Days event - fields of activity of the participants - number of employees of the delegating companies - average salary of the participants - the way of using the matchmaking application for exchange of contact information and for arranging meetings - estimated value of the business affairs resulting from the opportunities offered by business networking of former editions - evaluate each event of BD with a value ranging from -3 (fully unsatisfied) to +3 (fully satisfied) Please click on one of the infographics of 2013 for more details



Comparative analyses and statistics of the earlier events (2012-2013, TM, CJ*, IS, B*, Oradea, Craiova)





Video reports – recorded at the events of Business Days 2013 Bucuresti Business Days 2013 - short video report about the images, atmosphere and impressions of the Bucharest Business Days events in 2013, by Sergiu Mihalcea from EVO TV

Oradea Business Days 2013 - Short video report about the first day of Oradea Business Days in 2013, by Sergiu Mihalcea from EVO TV -

31 Cluj Business Days 2013 -

- a short video report by the AV Media Production team after the first day of Cluj Business Days 2013



two short films in HD from the Bucuresti Business Days in 2013 by Andrei Paulet, considered extremly efficient for bringing back the atmosphere of such an event




TESTIMONIALS from speakers, partners and participants A block of testimonials and impressions of a few speakers of Business Days

A second block of testimonials and impressions of some speakers of the Business Days

33 Let's have a short summary about what Business Days mean for those who give the soul and voice on the stage of this chain of events

A collection of testimonials, interviews and impressions from the participants, partners and speakers of Business Days in 2012 and 2013


Online (special website for each event, google adwords) Blogs (articles, interviews, analyses, infographics, video materials, online shop, catalogue of the events) Newsletters (twice per week, 1 newsletter dedicated to Business Days platform, one for news, analyses, articles, novelties, recommended events and ocasions) Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, slideshare, issuu, youtube, pinterest, google+) Ambassadors of events (speakers, partners, loyal participants, fans) Direct promotion team (entrepreneurs, corporations, specialists) Mobile applications (promotion, networking) SMS marketing Local, regional and national media partenerships (printed, online, radio and TV) Outdoor Promotion (mesh, promotion panels, animations)

Earlier Business Days events Timisoara 2011

Brasov 2011

Bucuresti 2011

34 Timisoara 2012

Cluj Napoca 2012

Iasi 2012

Bucuresti 2012

Oradea 2013

Craiova 2013

Cluj Napoca 2013

Bucuresti 2013

Business Days Team Laszlo Pacso President Coordinator of the Projects +40-745-08.08.02

Codruta Nicolescu Executive Director Online|Start-Up|Media|International


Krisztina Talmacs Administrative-Logistical Coordinator

Adelaida Piroi Assistent Manager



+40-751-060398 Ciprian Sabau Financial-Account Coordinator


Liviu Achim Sales Coordinator





Maria Nica Public Relations Responsible

Adrian Iacob Public Relations Responsible

online|customer care|networking

Online|customer care|partners



Calin Iepure

Valentin Dilta Photo-Video Team Coordinator

Speaker Support Group Coordinator moderator|SSG|evaluation|BDTV




Dana Tudor Public Relations Coordinator

Anca Doicin Coordinator of BD Magazine

PR|interviews| press comunication

Editor|reporter| press specialist



Diana Lenard Responsable for Special Partners

Mihai Russu Lawyer

Igovernamental institutions| corporate

contracts|legal aspect

+40-741-411731 Lia Bolte Coordonator at the Location of the Event Support Team Coordinator


+40-740-368324 Mia Ciconi Reception Area Coordinator volunteer team coordinator




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