The concept of Business Days national events series dedicated to the managers and entrepreneurs

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The concept of national events series dedicated to the managers and entrepreneurs. Presentation. Statistics from the previous editions. The participants’ profile. Assessment of previous editions by the participants. The program of the 2012 events.

Timisoara, March

Cluj Napoca, June

Iasi, October

Bucharest, December



“As compared to 2011 that was the year when we extended Business Days project to the national level, in 2012 we will keep on carrying the event to other regional centres, in order to cover the event at national level as better as possible and to help the entrepreneurial environment for all over the country. Furthermore, in 2012, we will extend the influence area towards our neighbouring countries, mostly so as to facilitate the interaction between companies and to encourage the association spirit as an efficient way of facing the challenges that we live nowadays. Creating a platform of business networking opportunities for the business environment is the main goal of Business Days event in 2012 as well. “ – Laszlo Pacso, main organizer, project manager „It was a conference organized at a level that I have never found in Timisoara up to now. I was honoured to be one of the speakers.”

„I think it was the event having the best impact in Timisoara these last years. Good job! Therefore, we will definitely see again at the future events organized by you, Laszlo! Congratulations! Congratulations also to all speakers; some of them inspired me in the most authentic way!” Razvan Ogircin – AIMS Timisoara

Ovidiu Palici – Dale Carnegie Romania

“Congratulation, again, for the excellent organisation, which was much beyond the level of most of the business events in Romania, where I took part as a speaker.” Marius Ghenea – Successive entrepreneur, Business Angels, author of the book “Entrepreneur”, Entrepreneurship teacher

“ Business Days event is the best Romanian public business event that I took part these last years. “

“Congratulations to Laszlo and to his entire team. I value a lot what happened at Timisoara Business Days and I am thankful that I could be part of this event.” Florentin Banu – Successive entrepreneur, Investor

Mihai Stanescu – Business Coach

“My team and I sincerely congratulate Laszlo for his energy, commitment and dedication. It is outstanding that there is a person with such energy and oriented to the social welfare.”

Eusebiu Burcas – Trainer, Motivational speaker

Table of contents

THE GOAL of Business Days events ............................................................................................................................. 3 The Business Days events way of organsation.............................................................................................................. 3 General program of Business Days events in 2012 ....................................................................................................... 4 The topics approached within Business Days events..................................................................................................... 5 The speakers of Business Days events .......................................................................................................................... 7 Related events within Business Days editions .............................................................................................................. 9 Satellite events (only to one of Business Days editions) ............................................................................................. 10 Business Days events advertising ............................................................................................................................... 11 Media partners ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Advertising and partnership packages ....................................................................................................................... 14 Parteners .................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Statistics from the previous Business Days editions.................................................................................................... 16 The participants’ profile at Business Days events ...................................................................................................... 18 Business Days editions in 2011 in numbers ................................................................................................................ 22 2012 Editions ............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Business Days Team .................................................................................................................................................. 31


THE GOAL of the Business Days events


The events are organized in view of rendering the business environment more dynamic and they focus on topics of


related to entrepreneurship and management , providing the entrepreneurs and managers in Romanian companies with:      

inspirational ideas, motivational examples, relevant analyses, estimates of future trends in various fields, quality business networking, the chance to learn from the best specialists, the chance to identify new opportunities, to find potential business partners and collaborators.

Business Days events way of organisation EACH EVENT IS DESIGNED to take place during two days and is meant to have three major parts: 

Every day before lunch there are two conference

sessions, interrupted by a

short 20 minutes coffee break. There will be 6-7 speakers and 1-2 moderators at each conference session. 

After the conference sessions, there will be a 40-60 minutes lunch break.

After the lunch break, there will be two series of

4 workshops organized in coffee break. Generally, the

parallel, interrupted by a short 20 minutes workshops have two, three or four speakers, but there might be workshops with one speaker. 

In the evening, at the end of presentations, there will be two types of

networking sessions,


organized either in a formal environment, or in an

tasting session of famous wine and traditional products, that are specific to the region where the informal one – within a event takes place. Thus, during the 2 days event, there are a total of 4 main conferences and 16 workshops. The goal of the Conferences is to provide the companies’ decision makers and entrepreneurs with a vision on: business trends and tendencies, business ideas and examples of successful businesses and projects, motivational stories and inspirational ideas from highly rated speakers, business people and successful companies’ managers. The goal of the Workshops is to develop managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are necessary during this tough period faced by the world’s economy and considering the new paradigm in the business world, providing examples and case studies, as well as interactive workshops with the best trainers and specialists of the moment. The goal of Networking sessions is to develop the spirit and culture of business networking among business people, being organized either in a pleasant and informal or formal environment and providing many interaction opportunities between attendees.

General program of Business Days events in 2012


Day 1 (Wednesday) 8:30-9:00

Registration of participants Conference 1 (7 speakers + 2 moderators)


Coffee break


Conference 2 (7 speakers + 2 moderators)


Business lunch

13:00-14:00 Workshop 1 Communication

Workshop 2 Financial Planning

Workshop 5 Online business

Workshop 6 Customer care

Workshop 3 Social Media

Workshop 4 Project Management


Broadcasted Round Table * on a topic p1 (20 guests and 2 moderators)

Coffee break


Workshop 7 Workshop 8 Modern Marketing SCM and Branding Wine and traditional products tasting (informal networking)

16:10-18:00 18:00-18:30 Business networking - 5 minutes short meetings -

18:30-20:00 21:00-23:00

Networking session organized by BNI

Broadcasted Round Table * on a topic p2 (20 guests and 2 moderators)

International B2B Matchmaking **

VIP networking session (based on invitation only) *** Day 2 (Thursday)


Registration of participants Conference 3 (7 speakers + 2 moderators)


Coffee break


Conference 4 (7 speakers + 2 moderators)


Business lunch

13:00-14:00 Workshop 9 Entrepreneurship

Workshop 10 Sales and Negotiation

Workshop 11 Risk Management

Workshop 13 The Art of Smart Decisions

Workshop 14 Financing, Taxation and Investments

Workshop 15 e-commerce

Workshop 12 Leadership

Thematic Conference CEO vs. HRM

Workshop 16 TQM

Thematic Conference HRM vs. PSP

14:00-15:50 Coffee break



Raffle winners drawing and contest winners prices

18:00-18:30 Business networking - 5 minutes short meetings -

18:30-20:00 21:00-23:00

Networking session organized by BNI VIP networking session (based on invitation only) ***


* ** *** ****

International B2B Matchmaking **

Workshops of general interest

Short meetings sessions (pre-registration required) Networking sessions free access, within the limit of available seats)

More technical or specialized workshops ****

B2B matchmaking networking sessions (based on invitation)

Special conferences (satellite BD events)

VIP networking sessions (based on invitation)

Broadcasted satellite events (limited access, invitation only) Special moments within the event


At this session the general public does not take part; it is only for the special guests selected in advance and it’s TV broadcasted. The companies participating in this networking session are selected based on criteria required by the partner companies. The persons participating in VIP networking session are selected by the organizers. There is the possibility to buy the access only for the technical workshops.

The Topics Approached Within Business Days events Within the conferences, the presentations will focus mostly on valuable information exchange, novelties, trends, analyses, inspirational ideas and motivational examples, while within workshops the practical character and the practical applicability of information will prevail. Both at the conference and especially at the workshops the interactivity of the participants with the speakers is encouraged. THE TOPICS that will be approached within these events are focused around the following themes:  Entrepreneurship and successful management  Human Resources and career management  Communication, Public Relations, Business networking, Business lobby  Business financing, Investments, Financial Education  Fiscality, Taxation, Legislative aspects and the way they affect the business environment  Project Management, Risk Management, Change Management, Time Management  Leadership  Coaching, Training, Personal Development  Marketing, Branding  Sales, Customer Relationship, Distribution, Retail, Logistics  Technology, Innovation, Creativity, IT&C

 For the first time in the history of

Online, Social Media

Business Days events, at the fifth edition (Bucharest, November

2011), satellite conferences were introduced, taking place in parallel with the main conferences dedicated to the entrepreneurship and successful management. The satellite conferences were

conferences dedicated to the specialists in two key fields: sales and human resources. As this idea was warmly received by the participants, we have decided its continuation at each edition in 2012, yet with a new organisational set-up. These satellite conferences will not take place simultaneously with the main conferences, but they will take place simultaneously with the two series of 4 after lunch workshops: also, there will be the possibility to buy access tickets for the thematic conferences only. These conferences will take place in an interactive way as debates on topics of interest or specialists from different fields will face top managers and entrepreneurs or division managers, the purpose being that of raising the communication degree and of enhancing the efficiency of the interaction between these categories of business people. Again, starting with 2012, 4

special workshops will be introduced, workshops that will focus on the development and improvement of certain special abilities , such as:       

Project Management (modern methods) Risk Management Quality Management Supply Chain Management Team Management Business Intelligence Modern methods in human resources management

As in the special conferences case, there will be the access possibility only for the 4 special workshops within a Business Days event, at a special price. The conferences and special workshops topics will be determined according to the field particularity, the challenges and necessities identified in the region where the event will take place.





Speakers of Business Days events

Radu Georgescu, Marius Ghenea, Andy Szekely, George Butunoiu, Adrian Florea, Madalina Uceanu, Mihaela Forgaciu, Mihaela Stroe, Valentin Deac, Cristian Secosan, Florin Radulescu, Lorand SoaresSzasz, Sas Ferenc, Gabriel Biris, Ovidiu Chiorean, Razvan Ogircin, Ciprian Stavar, George Rusu, Mircea Munteanu, Codrut Precup, Claudiu Gamulescu, Peter Barta, Raed Arafat, Calin Stefanescu, Calin Fusu, Varga Robert, Nandor Balogh, Mihai Stanescu, Hedi Hoka, Eusebiu Burcas, Bogdan Comanescu, Simona Bonghez, Harald Lepisk, Filipe Carrera, Anthony Silard, Ovidiu Palici, Valentina Ion, Paul Roman, Marius Turlea, Zsolt Feher, Rodica Lupu, Cristian Dinu, Ilie Dragan, Emil Nutiu, Tugrul Akay, Marius Alexa, Constantin Chirculescu, Virgil Zahan, Cristina Nutiu, Darius Cipariu, Florentin Banu, Ovidiu Sandor, Dan Bedros, Raluca Partenie Vasiu, Calin Biris, Andrei Ionescu, Alex Massaci, Ivan Patzaichin, Simona Amanar, Catalin Cazacu, Vlad Stan, Cristian Onetiu, Radu Ticiu, Codruta Nicolescu, Florin Munteanu, Paul Martinelli, Cristian Onetiu,Crina COCO

Speakers of (continuation)




Popescu, Gabi Stan, Simina Costan, Mihaela Perianu, Calin Costan, Radu Crahmaliuc, Andrei Rosca, Voicu Stoiciu, Andreea Rosca


Razvant Tudor, Dragos Popescu, George Mucibabici, Florin Adorean, Madalina Balan, Alexandru Blemovici, Silviu Rotariu, Ciprian Visan, Oana Petcu, Teodor Frolu, Marius Stefan, Alexandru Bleau, Adrian Monoranu , Dumitru Popescu, Mihai Marcu, Ovidiu Atanasiu, Laurentiu Ispir, Gabriel Muresanu, Robert Maxim, Radu Enescu, Florian Libocor, Felix Daniliuc, Adela Marin, Bogdan Balaci, Victor Atanasiu, Violeta Ciurel, Oana Petcu, Adela Jansen, Mukul Pal, Alexandra Urseanu, Dragos Dinu, Florin Campeanu, Valeriu Nistor, Paul Costin, Cristian Gheran, Ana Glavce, Daniel Visoiu, Mihai Iordache, Daniel Cosnita, Simona Hulber, Adrian Cernat, Ionut Breb, Sebastian Vaduva, Doina Costache, Dan Bucsa, Adrian Ghisa, Ciprian Paltineanu, Adelina Cristea, Adrian Gheorghe, Sam Schwartz, Stefan Iarca, Amada Baltateanu, Dragos Stanca, Octavian Grozea, Calin Rangu, Ovidiu Chiorean, Ilie Dragan, Daniel Enescu, Elena Istrate, and others ‌

Related events within Business Days editions At each event, besides conference sessions and workshops, an local business community or national partners are exhibiting.

EXHIBITION is organized, exhibition where around 20-25 companies in the

At each Business Days edition, numerous contests and raffles with many valuable prices are organized.

Every evening, after the program finishes, Business

Networking, tasting of wine and traditional products, specific for

the region are organized.

SPECIAL VIP NETWORKING DINNER (in an informal environment), where key-note speaker, partners’ representatives and business people or top managers of the local business community take part in. Every evening of the vent, there is a

These related events represent an excellent opportunity of networking and exchange of ide as on topics of interest.


Satellite events (in some Business Days editions only) Within Business Days events, different satellite events are organized with the purpose of raising the entertainment degree and of varying the networking possibility and the interaction between participants, speakers and partners.

Gala evenings are special events, which generally close the series of conferences, workshops and business networking sessions and are dedicated to the partners and speakers as a way of gratitude from the organizers. Many times yet, they have a strong social character, as the gala evening on September, 30, 2011 was, dedicated to the fund raising for the exceptional sportswoman Crina Coco Popescu , in the organizers’ attempt of supporting her efforts of conquering the highest mountain peak in the world and of setting a new world record, in spite of her young age of 16.

For the first time in the history of Business

Days events, at Brasov edition, we replaced the traditional Business Lunch with an innovative Culinary Art Contest, highly appreciated by participants. Thus, a tasting contest, supported by the 7 most renowned catering companies/restaurants in Brasov , took place, the participants in the event becoming practically the jury of this contest. The event was organized in partnership and with the support of the


Association of Cooks and Bakers in Tourism , represented the vice-president or – the well-known chef Cornelia Ghisoi .



Business Days events advertising


BUSINESS DAYS events are intensively advertised intelligent MEDIA CAMPAIGN starting from:   

through an

Advertisements in the written press, Local and regional TV channels and radios , Until the advertisements in the written press, the radios and national TV channels , particularly those having entrepreneurship dedicated shows.

Business Days events benefit from a significant online presence: Besides the classical advertising means,

 


Both on different news websites or entrepreneurship dedicated websites, And in social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Youtube, Slideshare and others) – around 10.000 connected persons cumulated on all media.

In parallel there are also sms professional experienced teams.

marketing campaigns, email marketing, telesales or direct marketing,

operated by

Business Days Facebook page has reached 12th place in Facebrands top in Romania in business news category pages.

Outdoor advertising


outdoor advertising campaigns, either through the LCD billboards placed in intense traffic areas, as well as through the large-size meshes or flyers distribution campaigns in residential areas The organisation team pays also attention to the events

and business centres.

Business Ways TV show Business Days events have benefited from numerous TV and radio shows partially or totally Previous

dedicated to the event. Following the first edition success, a partnership between JCI Targu Mures and Targu Mures Television was born, a partnership materialized through an entrepreneurship dedicated show: Business Ways that started in April and was broadcasted every Monday, in 2010. The show had a great success, having as co-producer and permanent guest the project manager of the Business Days events, Pacso Laszlo.

The new tv-show Entrepreneur Starting with September, 19 2012, Business Days in partnership with The Money Channel will launch the series of shows ENTREPRENEUR. The show has a new format and approach. Each show will have two parts: an educational and informative part and a part where there will be debates around topic of large interest. Unlike any other TV show, this show will have a magazine format and will benefit from 4 permanent guests who will also be co-moderators at each edition they participate. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Marius Ghenea – entrepreneurship trainer, successive entrepreneur and successful business angel Mihai Stanescu – successful business coach Andy Szekely – infopreneur and successful trainer Adrian Florea – business consultant, trainer and successful public speaker

In the first part of the show, trends and tendencies will be analysed, business ideas and successful entrepreneurs will be presented, there will be different educational tips whereby we will try to help the entrepreneurs and managers develop certain abilities necessary in order to successfully face the troubled times we experience. In the second part, there will be 1-2 guests in the studio, together with some of the co-moderators and a representative of The Money Channel who will debate a topic of interest. Each of the 4 moderators will have prepared 5 topics of which the debate theme will be selected.



without whom we could not obtain this success: Ziarul Financiar, Business Magazin,, The Money Channel, Money Express, TVR, TTM, Radio Targu Mures, Erdely TV, Stii TV, Cariere, HR manager, Ziarul de Mures, Transilvania Business, PC World, Computerworld ,,,,,, Time4News, 24FUN, Sapte Seri, Free Map, Zi de zi, Biz, Analog TV, Europa Nova, TVR Timisoara, Zile si Nopti, Ziarul Financiar, Business Magazin,, Antena 1, TV Fagaras, Rem-Brandt,, Brasovul tau, Buna Ziua Brasov, Buna Ziua Fagaras, Career Advisor,, HRB Expert, Inside Brasov, Magazinul Progresiv, Magic FM, Metropola Brasov, Mix TV, MIX2 TV, Nova TV Brasov, Portal HR, Pretul Zilei,, Romania Libera,, Witmo,,,, ARBO Interactive,,, Business Age, Radio Bucuresti, Bukaresti Radio Romania,,, DunaTv, Erdely Tv,, HR Manager,, IdeideAfacer.roi,,,, Zoom Advertising,,,, Revista Aida, Romania Libera,,, Transilvania Business,,, Uj Magyar Szo,,, Elevate and many others ...

Advertising and partnership packages


We are a flexible organisation open for any type of partnership, as far as there are mutual cooperation interests and each party is satisfied by the established cooperation conditions. Nevertheless, in order to help our potential partners and offer a general view related to the advertising opportunity and the benefits that may arise cooperating with us, we are offering you a short

description of the facilities offered by our partners.

The advertising campaigns of the event take place in principle on a three period basis:

Pre-event advertising period 2. Advertising period during the event 3. Post-event communication period 1.

week n-5




week n-4

week n-3

week n-2

BD2012 week n-1

pre-event advertising website

week n event

week n+1 post-event advertising

Adverting during the entire campaign

According to the actions type, the advertising campaigns are divided into: 1.

Classical advertising campaign (local, regional and national mass-media, outdoor advertising, press conference, press releases, press, radio and TV contests)


3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Online advertising campaign (website dedicated to the entire concept, website dedicated to each event, banners on partner websites, advertisements in newsletters and information flows, some well-known bloggers’ articles, email marketing, e-newsletters (4 pre-event and one post-event), social media campaigns, social media contests, RSS) Special advertising campaign on The Money Channel – dedicated to the business environment, as a benefit of the partnership between our organisation an media trust Realitatea-Catavencu Direct advertising campaign (sms marketing, telesales, direct marketing, email marketing) Advertising at the event premises (badge, bags, header sheets of paper, printed newsletter, roll-ups, banner-ups, video advertising spots at the event premises, presentation at the conference, presentations at the workshops, products launching within the event, 12-15 stands exhibition area) Diverse business actions and VIP networking (business networking sessions, informal roundtables, radio and TV broadcasted shows, interviews and discussion sessions media area) Post-event campaign (DVD and audio book launching)

Depending on the interest, goal and complexity degree of the partner’s campaign, there is the possibility of choosing

the means of

advertising oneself in a more accentuated way, a more moderated way or discreet. Thus, one can choose special sponsoring packages: Advertising packages including a maximum partner’s publicity Advertising packages including a plus partner’s publicity Advertising packages including normal partner’s publicity Special advertising packages that are customized together with the partner

Publicity Plus Normal Special

In the media kit, in the right side of the table, one can find an illustrative table whereby one can identify several alternatives and partnership typologies, including the estimated average amount of the financial support (expressed in Euro), as well as the advertising options which the partner has access to, depending on the category. In the media kit, one can also find short description of each advertising type that the partner supporting our effort in creating quality business events, can have access to. In the same table, one can also find estimated prices for each advertising type (mentioning the fact that everything can be approached and analysed in a flexible way), namely the maximum numbers of partners that can benefit from that advertising type. In the term column, there are presented the weeks when one has to submit the materials necessary in order for the design to be finalized and for the respective actions to start.

PARTENERS who have been beside us and supported us at the first five editions:


IBM, BCR, Nokia, Microsoft, Orange, Cosmote, Nikon, Real Hypermarket, PIM, Fundatia Post Privatizare, Siemens, Roland Gareis Consulting, PMI, Gecad ePayment, Grafx, Goldring, Ortoprofil, Caro Comp, Pras Consulting, Crescendo, Totalsoft, Pro Tours International, Beam SMS, Sands, Generali Asigurari, ING Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, BRD, Newfield Consulting, Reea, Autonom Rent-a-car, Ernst&Young, Deloitte, Adwise, Oracle, Mirage Consulting, Winero, Dallmayr Kaffee, Rentrop&Straton, Curtea Veche, Smart Bill, Lista Firme, Arhipelago, VFS, Business Evaluator, Jidvei, Recas Wine, Domeniile Sahateni, Slow Food Brasov, ANBCT, Unicredit Bank, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Anuarul Sanatatii, Apa Kangen, BD Group, BOSCH, CarpaTour, Casino Vesuvius, Cumpara Responsabil, Pelrom, Delcar, Club Rotary Brasov, Diolastilis, Universul Juridic, Executive Host, Nobillis, Lord of Lands, LifeCare, LifeCare Academy, Lugera&Makler, Photolife, SMSLink, Suites&Spa, UPC Business, WH Productions, XTours, Softline, Porsche Timisoara, Radacini Motors, Dip Motors, Rem-Brandt, Hilton Diamond Club, Lux Garden Azuga, Biborteni, Perena, AIMS, YUUB, Accelera, BNI, Complete Training, ANIS, ARIES, Share Experience, HR Club, Expert Line, Ramada, Willbrook, AIESEC, ARCA, Ascentsoft, Aser, ABI, Audiosfera, Autonom, Babylon Consult, Breb Consulting, Carnation Group, CSURA, Codecs, Corporate Baskets, Daedalus, Dale Carnegie, Dolphin Management, E-Sourcing, Four Seasons, Diamond Club, VS Business Design Academy,, Alpari,, Medlife, Prior, Raiffeisen Leasing, Retograf, RBLS, Rowent, Tandem Call Center, Tiffin University, Solutii Avansate, Tweencall, Visionwise, Zennoni si altii‌


Statistics from the previous Business Days editions The first 5 Business Days editions have gathered an average of 500 unique participants at every edition.

The PARTICIPANTS were mostly entrepreneurs,

top managers, department managers, specialists, professionals,

consultants and freelancers in different fields. 

  

The weight of the entrepreneurs is 42% of the participants. From the age point of view, 85% of the participants are between 25 and 40 years old. 55% of the participants are females. 76% of the participants have net income over 2.500 lei. From the origin area point of view, 52% of the participants come from the county where the event takes place, 27% from the surrounding counties and 21% from other counties. The event participants came from a total of 32 counties, which entitles us to say that the event was one of national calibre.


The participants’ profile at Business Days events


based on the data analysis at the first four editions:

The participants' fields of activity

Participants' typology

Online Energie Utilitati


Productie diversa

4% 4% 4%



Medicina si farmacie Turism


8% 10%


Institutii bugetare



4% 7%




Servicii profesionale





banci si institutii financiare


top manageri midle manageri

24% 12%


imobiliare publicitate


comert ONG alte domenii

The participants' monthly income

Participants' age 11%

7% 21%

4% 10% <25 ani


<1000 lei 1000-2500 lei


30-40 de ani


2500-5000 lei

40-50 de ani

peste 5000 lei

>50 de ani

Participants' distribution according to gender

Particpants' origin area


45% 55%

25-30 de ani






judetul de organizare judete limitrofe alte judete

Starting with Bucharest edition (number 5 edition), we are collaborating in realizing and analysing the questioners with the well-known company

Daedalus Millard Brown. The conclusions after the number 5 Bucharest Business Days edition between November, 29-30 2012:

General assessment of Bucharest

Business Days conference. How do you appreciate:


The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

89.5%* 78.2% 91.9% 83.8%

Most part of the respondents declared themselves generally Satisfied or Very satisfied by Bucharest Business Days event. The most appreciated aspect was The quality of speakers: 96.5% of those who filled in the assessment questionnaire declaring


themselves Satisfied or Very satisfied therewith. Very good


the workshops and for the event location.

percentages were also recorded for the Utility and relevance of The weakest rated aspect was the Event organisation, for which


73.3% of the respondents gave 2 and 3 grades, but 20.7% of them gave 1 grade – Fairly satisfied– and 6% gave negative grades.

90.3% How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the first day of the event: The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

79.1% 89.3% The most appreciated workshop in the first day of the event was

60.9% 75.0% 95.7%

The 3 radical decisions for a career success that received an average grade of 2.7, followed by The success and art of business connections. The workshop Business intelligence was the worst rated, receiving a grade of 1.55: only 58.6% of the respondents gave grades of 2


and 3, and 27.6% gave a grade of 1. A percentage of 10.3% gave -1 grade (Relatively unsatisfied) and 3.4% gave -2 grade (Unsatisfied).


Grades under 2 also received the National conference of HR


managers, Financial planning of success and Entrepreneurship

68.4% 58.6% 90.3%

projects. Also, it’s worth mentioning that in the first day of conference the highest percentage of -2 grades (Unsatisfied) was 8.3%, recorded for the workshop Communication and marketing strategies online era, and the only conference that received grades of -3 (Very unsatisfied ) was the National conference of HR managers.

How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the second day of the event : The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).


86.7%* 98.4% 89.2%

In the second day of the event, the conference Entrepreneurs received the highest grade (2.79), 98.4% of the participants giving


2 and 3 grades. In the case of the workshop Leadership in troubled times, although the final grade was slightly lower (2.63), all the

100.0% participants declared themselves Satisfied or Very satisfied by the 91.5%

quality thereof. The workshop The business and project assessment received the


lowest grade and recorded the smallest percentage of participants


participants to this workshop gave -3 grades (Very unsatisfied) –

75.0% 90.9% 88.6%

Advertising related aspects How did you find out about Bucharest Business Days event?

giving rates of Satisfied and Very satisfied. Also, 5.9% of the the latter being the only workshop in the second day of the conference that received -3 grades. The workshop Change Management also received grades under 2, 25% of the respondents giving -1 and +1 grades.

Would you like to participate in the future Bucharest Business Days events?

Data taken over and analysed by:

Demographic data Most part of the participants in Bucharest Business Days is working in online and IT&C professional services. More than half of them are in top management positions and they are up to 30 years old. Also, a third of the participants came from outside Bucharest and from the surrounding count ies.



Employment form




Data taken over and analysed by:

Basis: 126 respondents

General assessment of Timisoara

Business Days conference. How do you appreciate:

The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

78.9%* 75.4% 81.5% 75.4% 87.1% 68.1%

Most part of the respondents declared themselves generally Satisfied or Very satisfied by Timisoara Business Days Conference. The highest appreciated aspect was The quality of speakers, 87.1% of those who filled in the assessment questionnaire declaring themselves Satisfied or Very satisfied thereby. Very good percentages recorded also for the Utility and relevance of the workshops and conferences.


The weakest rated aspect was the Event organisation, for which 64.2% of the respondents gave 2 and 3 grades, but


6.9% of them declared themselves Very unsatisfied and Unsatisfied by this aspect.

How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the first day of the event: The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

56.6% 88.2% 82.1%

The most appreciated workshop in the first day was Tactics in making someone responsible that received an average grade of 2.85, followed by the conference Success within the

89.6% 87.7% 74.2%

new economical paradigm. The conference The city of the future. Challenges and opportunities was the lowest rated, receiving a 1.59 grade: only 56.6% of the respondents gave grades of 2 and 3, and 32.9% gave grade 1.A percentage of 4.6% gave grades of -2 and -3 for this conference.

89.2% 98.2% 66.0% 60.5% 95.8%

There were others rated with average grades under 2, namely the workshops How does technology help us in the processes optimization and in making business efficient? Online & Mobile business and Risk Management in projects and businesses. The workshop Online & Mobile business received -1 (Relatively unsatisfied) from 8.5% of the participants who filled in the assessment questionnaire and grade -2 from 2.1% of the respondents. Also, from the workshops and conferences in the first day, only the conference The city of the future. Challenges and opportunities did receive -3 (Very unsatisfied).


How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the second day of the event: The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

94.2%* 82.1% 94.5% 95.9%

In the second day of the event, the workshop Major Account Strategies gathered the highest percentage of positive rating, only 4% of the respondents giving grades of 1 and -1. The workshop Marketing in social media era was one of the

93.9% 84.0% 84.6% 93.6%

lowest rated, only 74.2% of the respondents giving grades of 2 and 3, and 16.1% rating the workshop with grades of 2 and -3 (this is the lowest percentage of negative evaluations recorded by a workshop / conference in the 2 days of the event). The rest of the workshops in the second day of the event recorded average grades above 2.

74.2% 78.6% 75.0% 100.0%

Advertising related aspects How did you find out about Timisoara Business Days event?

Would you like to participate in the future Business Days events?



Demographic data Most part of the participants in Bucharest Business Days is working in online and IT&C professional services. 51.6% are in top management positions and 57% are up to 30 years old. Also, 31.4% of the participants came from outside Timis county.


Employment form



Basis: 232 respondents


General assessment of Cluj-Napoca

Business Days conference. How do you appreciate:

The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades fr om 2 to 3).

79.1%* 65.5% Most of the respondents declared themselves generally


Satisfied and Very satisfied with the Cluj-Napoca Business Days conference.


The respondents appreciated the most the aspects related to the event organisation and location chosen. 94.8% of

86.0% 82.2% 89.6% 94.8%

the participants who filled in the assessment questionnaire declared themselves Satisfied and Very satisfied with the location. The lowest rates were given for the conference information novelty and workshops, the latter being the only aspects receiving grades under 2.

How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the first day of the event:

The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

60.0% 91.3% 69.2% 85.0% 70.8% 45.8% 93.0% 90.3% 72.5% 52.9% 100% 61.1%

In the first day of the event, the TV broadcasted Round Table with the topic Entrepreneurial Strategy received solely positive rates, but there needs to be mentioned that these rates were given only by 23 of the participants. Very good rates were also given to the workshops Leadership and team motivation and Leadership in troubled times that were rated with grades of 2 and 3 by 93.0%, namely 91.3% of the respondents. The workshops Smart business decisions. How does technology help us in this respect? and Business Agility were the lowest rated, with average grades of 0.88, respectively 1, but they came only from a fairly reduced audience (less than 30 participants). The conference Future. Challenges and opportunities for the business environment received a rather low average grade as compared to the rest of the events in the first day (only 1.45), even though it benefited from a pretty consistent participation (100 participants filled in the assessment questionnaire).


How do you appreciate the conferences and workshops in the second day of the event:


The score represents the average given by the respondents from a -3 scale (Very unsatisfied) to +3 (Very satisfied). *The percentages represent the respondents who declared „Satisfied” or„ Very satisfied” by the assessment aspects (those who gave grades from 2 to 3).

98.2%* 63.1% 85.7% 89.5% 93.5%

In the second day of the event, the conference Success in the new economical paradigm received the highest percentage of positive rates, 98.2% of the respondents giving grades of 2 and 3. The workshop Negotiating with difficult customers also gathered positive rates from


more than 90% of the participants who filled in the


assessment questionnaire.

81.8% 61.0% 53.6%

Beside the workshop Risk management in projects and businesses that has the lowest rates but had a small participation rate, other 3 workshops received average grades under 2: Competition analysis and market





strategies, management

Entrepreneurship and





Advertising related aspects How did you find out about Cluj-Napoca Business Days event?

Would you like to participate in future Business Days events?


Demographic data Most part of the participants in Bucharest Business Days are working in online and IT&C professional services. 51.6% are in top management positions and 57% are up to 30 years old. Also, 31.4% of the participants came from outside Timis county.


Employment form



Basis: 175 respondents


Business Days editions in 2011 and 2012 in figures BD events in 2011 and 2012 Number of registered participants Number of speakers Number of partners Number of conferences Number of workshops Number of networking sessions Number of VIP round tables Thematic exhibition Wine tasting Traditional products tasting Fashion show Gala night Contests Raffle Book launching TV broadcasted round table Romanian Business Leaders session

tmBD2011 498 39 86 4 14 2 2 yes Yes yes

yes yes

bvBD2011 529 55 161 4 12 2 2 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

bBD2011 657 90 155 6 16 4 2 yes yes yes

tmBD2012 818 108 142 6 16 4 2 yes yes


cjBD2012 837 79 160 4 16 4 2 yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes 2 yes yes

yes yes 2 4 yes

number of registered participants 900 800 700 600 500 400 300

200 100

0 tmBD2011

number of speakers



number of tmBD2012 parteners



120 100 80 60 40 20 0

150 100 50 0 tmBD2011 bvBD2011 bBD2011 tmBD2012 cjBD2012

tmBD2011 bvBD2011 bBD2011 tmBD2012 cjBD2012


2012 Editions This year, we will organize 4 Business Days editions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Number 6 edition took place in Timisoara between March,

28-29, 2012 ( Number 7 edition took place in Cluj Napoca between June, 27-28, 2012 ( Number 8 edition will take place in Iasi between October, 3-4, 2012 Number 9 edition will take place in Bucharest between December, 12-13, 2012

In addition to the Business

Days events, the organisation team will involve in several new projects:

We took over the organisation of the events tour called „AS interesting new format. There will be two tours

Evenings” and together with Andy Szekely we turned them into a more

in 4 cities, the same where we are organising Business Days events this year:

1. Tour 1 ( took place between May, 8-11, 2012), focussed on the topic „Prosperity”     

Timisoara (08.05) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment (guest Cristian Onetiu) Cluj Napoca (09.05) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment (guest Eusebiu Burcas) Bucharest (10.05) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment (guest Marius Ghenea) Iasi (11.05) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment (guest Marian Bredan)

2. Tour 2 (November, 6-9, 2012), focussed on the topic „Relations”    

Timisoara (6.11) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment Cluj Napoca (7.11) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment Bucharest (8.11) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment Iasi (9.11) Andy Szekely and a guest from the regional business environment

The permanent guest in the second tour AS Evenings in November will be: ANDREI POSTOACA Andrei is the founder and CEO of the company Clintelica – the first company that developed a CRM application offering companies the opportunity of fully benefiting from all employees’ contact network. The companies have presently an unexplored data base of thousands of potential customers coming through the employees’ social networks. Clintelica successes in drawing out all this yet unexplored universe of the social networks.


Leadership Summit – a large event dedicated to leadership with one of the most known speakers in the county and abroad, took place on May, 16, 2012 in Bucharest at Auditorium Pallady and there were

more than 500 participants from all over the country. Lorand Soares Szasz, Andy Szekely, Bogdan Comanescu, Eusebiu Burcas, Adrian Florea and Paul Martineli were those who led the conference speaking about leadership in John Maxwell’s style, in an event organized in partnership with John

Maxwell Romania.

ENTREPRENEURS vs INVESTORS Robert Hisrich, following the partnership organize a tour in 2 cities: Cluj Napoca and

We will try to bring the well-known entrepreneurship professor in USA between ADESCO and Tiffin University, with whom we’ll

Bucharest. The events

in the 2 cities will have successful entrepreneurs and investors as guests and will focus especially on entrepreneurial challenges of the moment and on finding the best solutions thereto. For the first time in the history of Romanian business events, the event will have a part dedicated to the senior entrepreneurs who have reached a phase where they are interested in becoming „business angels” or in being part in an investment group. Practically, these entrepreneurs will be able to find out from one of the most experienced entrepreneurial professor in the world what becoming an investor means. He himself is one of the most known business angel investor in the world.

BUSINESS DRIVE This year, Business Days in partnership with Diagma and Marius Ghenea, will launch a large management competencies development project as a simulation game suggestively called BUSINESS DRIVE. Business Drive is a Diagma „Business Game” type educational product designed to help the participants in developing and exercising management knowledge and abilities. Structured as an interactive workshop during a 5 day period, the program includes theoretical modules that approach, from the management perspective, the main “critical areas” of a business: Marketing, Sales, Production, Logistics, Human Resources, doubled by practical modules where the participants are directly involved in the decision making process and in the management of a business realistically simulated through a customized software application, during 4 annual business cycles. The business simulation truthfully reproduces the actual economical context, including known elements like market, competition, law, but also random elements (price fluctuations, political or social events). Our plans don’t stop here, but they also include other surprise-projects, about which we will inform you on the way …

Business Days Team Laszlo Pacso President ADESCO Project Manager +40-745-080802

Codruta Nicolescu Executive Director ADESCO International Projects Coordinator +40-741-163700 Alin Grigoras Assistant Project Manager +40-751-485967

Krisztina Talmacs Logistic-Administrative Coordinator +40-722-527377

Evelina Sturzu Responsible for Support and Marketing Activities +40-720-251642

Ciprian Sabau Financial-Accounting Responsible +40-743-030682


Liviu Achim Partnership Responsible +40-721-222666

Robert Romanu Support Activities Assistant +40-744-760661

Adela Anca Ivan Support Activities Assistant +40-356-434428

Adela Marin Responsible with Partnership promoting projects +40-765-345888

Lia Bolte Event Support and Partnerships Responsible

+40-744- 317480


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