Cee entrepreneurship summit 2015 presentation of the project v1 (eng)

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CEE Entrepreneurship Summit Cluj-Napoca Business Days 2015

Business Days WWW.BUSINESSDAYS.RO | Facebook/BusinessDays

CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 It is an event dedicated to entrepreneurship culture in Central and Eastern Europe and which takes place annually, in October, in one of the following cities: Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Timisoara and Iasi. The calendar proposed for the first four editions:    

14-15-16 October CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 Cluj-Napoca 12-13-14 October CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2016 Bucharest 11-12-13 October CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2017 Timisoara 10-11-12 October CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2018 Iasi


The purpose of these events is to promote the development of the business environment and to bring together the representatives of the business environment in our country and the businessmen from other countries interested in Romania either as a potential investor, or in terms of identifying new opportunities for business exchanges. The series of events aim at helping international businessmen better understand the business environment in Romania and the regional particularities of our country. This event gives rise to a number of opportunities and contexts for foreign delegations to meet with experts, specialists, consultants and better understand certain industries, the opportunity of meeting with representatives of the political scene and of local administrations to understand the measures which encourage business exchanges and investments in each region and, last, but not least, the opportunity of meeting local businessmen and of visiting industrial parks, business centers and even business facilities in that area. www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

It is a good opportunity for the businessmen in our country to meet entrepreneurs and managers from other countries, to understand the economic and entrepreneurial context of that country, to share ideas, to learn from examples of good practice from other countries and, last, but not least, to find new business opportunities and to evaluate the possibility of expanding their business at global scale.

Table of contents:


Why Business Days?


The Business Days Event


CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 event structure


Caption and explanations


Leading worldwide keynote speakers


Attendance packages for foreign delegations


Acces tickets


Advertising packages


Overview of the event venue and Cluj accessibility


Why Romania?


Overview of Romania’s economy


Why Cluj?


The Business Days Team


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Why Business Days? Because, during our 5 years of activity, we successfully organized 38 events in major cities in Romania, in each region, interacting with thousands of entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, consultants and young people from each corner of the country, and succeeding in creating a true and accurate representation of the business environment in Romania. By the market surveys we conduct at least 4 times in the 4 regions in which we divided Romania, around the 4 regional influence centers, within which we organize the Business Days events, we have managed to map out the needs, issues and challenges encountered by the business environment in our country. By discussing with the event speakers and partners, we tried to dynamically adapt the Business Days platform in order to meet as many needs as possible and to bring to the platform highly experienced specialists, professionals and practitioners to offer solutions to problems and ideas for safely overcoming challenges.


By our conferences and workshops, our debates, interviews, shows, reports, articles, we permanently brought added value to our audience both at events, during live broadcasts of events, on the Business Days TV platform, by the Business Days Magazine or on the online communication The current Business Days platform in numbers: and social media platform. Thus, we succeeded in making  Over 21,730 participants in the Business Days events Business Days one of the largest active business community in  Over 1,000 speakers in the Business Days community Romania, where we,  Over 1,000 partners and supporters of the Business Days participants, partners, speakers, community fans, subscribers, viewers,  Over 123,500 subscribers to the Business Days newsletters readers, communicate and  Over 240,000 unique on-line visitors on www.businessdays.ro closely collaborate to make the business environment in our  Over 92,000 fans on the Facebook page/BusinessDays country more dynamic and open (4th place in the national business news websites top) to sustainable development of  Over 90,000 readers of Business Days Magazine (distributed business in Romania. We free of charge, on a quarterly basis, with a number of 2,500 contribute on a daily basis to copies printed) the shaping of a healthy  Over 1,700,000 minutes of video footage watched on the entrepreneurial culture so as to Business Days TV platform help increase the trust of  Over 9,900 unique visitors follow us live during each live investors in the business climate in our country and intensify broadcast from the Business Days events business exchanges with Romania. In addition to these performances remarkable for an NGO dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship in Romania, in only 5 years, Business Days has come to be known as the most efficient and influential business networking platform in Romania, which managed, by its recommendations and established business connections, to help hundreds of companies in Romania and in other countries to develop their business. Based on a feedback questionnaire filled in by these companies, they succeeded in capitalizing the networking opportunities offered by Business Days, as follows:   

68% of them carried out business operations in amount of up to 25,000 Euro 23% of them carried out business operations in an amount between 25,000 Euro and 250,000 Euro 9% of them carried out business operations in amount of more than 250,000 Euro www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

In short, the answer to the question why Business Days? Because we have a good understanding of the business environment in Romania, because we thoroughly research the needs and issues of businessmen, because we help them be more efficient, because we have the required connections both in the business environment and the local and regional administrations, because we know how to make professional recommendations and offer references with results certified by the history of our successes in the past 5 years of activity serving the community and for the development of entrepreneurship in Romania.

The Business Days Events The event is part of the Business Days series of events dedicated to the business environment. The Business Days Events are considered by our partners, speakers and participants as being amongst the largest, most influential and relevant events dedicated to the business environment in Romania. Each edition is attended by over 1,000 entrepreneurs, managers and professionals from all over the country. The Business Days Events take place 4 times per year, the first edition being hosted during March 24 - 25, 2010.


The Business Days Events are the only events in Romania which carry out a comprehensive market study before each edition in order to identify the needs, issues and challenges encountered by the business environment in the region in which each edition of Business Days is to take place. The themes of the actions are chosen based on the results revealed by each market study. Each event is attended by over 100 speakers: successful entrepreneurs from Romania and abroad, managers from large Romanian corporations and companies, experts, specialists and professionals from different fields, carefully selected so as to meet as well as possible the expectations of the Business Days events audience.

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

Each edition is supported by over 100 partners, Romanian organizations or multinational companies, which believe in the action and mission undertaken by the Business Days platform, i.e. to render the business environment in Romania more dynamic, to support the development of a healthy entrepreneurial culture in Romania, to reposition Romania on the map of trustworthy destinations for investors and businessmen interested in business exchanges with our country. 5

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

The Business Days event series help accomplish these tasks especially on three levels:   

By inspiring and inducing a positive and active attitude among attending businessmen By supporting the development of certain skills, the generation of ideas and solutions, by sharing experience, case studies, examples of good practices, by interactive and pragmatic actions. By generating numerous business opportunities and the opportunity of gaining valuable business connections during and after the event, both by building on the numerous business networking opportunities, formally and informally, and by making use of the smart matchmaking application made available to the participants


I’ve been attending Business Days for many years with great pleasure and I believe that it has grown to become the most important business event in Romania. Marius Ghenea, business angel, serial entrepreneur

I was very pleased to participate as a speaker in the event. I believe it was well organized and I’ve heard and experienced great speeches from exceptional speakers. Dragos Anastasiu, business angel, president of the EUROLINES company group

As a speaker in a series of business events in Romania and Europe, I was pleasantly surprised by the Business Days team’s capacity to provide the logistics for such a large number of people, to ensure the variety of topics and most of all to provide the audience with access to one of the major sources of knowledge in current Romania: a plethora of top speakers. Amalia Sterescu, independent outsourcing consultant www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

Different information and statistics from previous editions from Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi and Bucharest, the cities in which, in these 4 years, the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit editions are to take place.


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Event structure Cluj Business Days 2015 (20th Business Days edition) and CEE Entrepreneurship Summit basically take place at the same time. Cluj Business Days 2015 will last two days, while CEE Entrepreneurship Summit will last for three days, two of which overlap with Cluj Business Days 2015. 13.10.2015


Receiving foreign delegations


Registration of participants


9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00

Conference 1

10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30

Coffee break 1


11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30


12:30-13:00 13:00-13:30

Conference 2

13:30-14:30 14:30-16:10

Lunch break





16:10-16:30 16:30-18:10





Coffee break 2





18:10-18:30 18:30-20:10


Coffee break 3



20:10-21:00 21:00-23:00

WSP2 WSP3 BN1 Wine tasting and fashion presentation VIP1



Welcoming the participants


9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00

Conference 3



10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30

Coffee break 1


11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30


12:30-13:00 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:30-16:10



20:10-21:00 21:00-23:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:30



visit industrial park



visit industrial park

Coffee break 2



18:10-18:30 18:30-20:10


Lunch break


16:10-16:30 16:30-18:10

Conference 4



WS16 Coffee break 3



WSP5 WSP6 BN2 Traditional food tasting, wine tasting and a raffle prize drawing VIP2


Meetings with officials from Cluj-Napoca

9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00

Visit industrial parks, business centers, facilities in the region: Cluj-Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Dej, Bistrita-Nasaud, Targu-Mures, Sibiu, Oradea, Turda*



12:30-13:00 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:30

Lunch break

14:30-16:10 16:10-16:30 16:30-18:10 18:10-18:30

Visit industrial parks, business centers, facilities in the region: Cluj-Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Dej, Bistrita-Nasaud, Targu-Mures, Sibiu, Oradea, Turda*

18:30-20:10 20:10-21:00



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Caption and explanations CONFERENCES – are presentations aiming at creating a positive ATTITUDE among attendants. There are 8-11 short presentations of 8-10 minutes made by entrepreneurs and top managers from successful companies, motivational speakers, specialists and experts from different fields. These presentations are inspirational and motivational and focus on certain values and principles, which we believe that a successful businessman should hold or acquire in the new economic paradigm. A part of the presentations focus on trends, other on visions of the future and on opportunities brought or challenges raised by such visions. The Business Days conferences take place during 9.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Two sessions are held each day. The Business Days conferences are attended by the largest number of participants and are also broadcasted live by video streaming. The number of participants in a Business Days conference varies from 750 to 1,250 participants, and the number of viewers is of over 10,000 persons during each day of the event.


WS1-WS16 – WORKSHOPS – are true idea incubators and focus on the development of entrepreneurial or managerial skills by increased interactivity and exchange of experience. The workshops are centered on examples of good practices and case studies, followed by interactive Q&A sessions, whereby the participants are encouraged to find as many solutions as possible to the needs or issues encountered by them. Some workshops may be organized from the start as Q&A sessions or as business simulation sessions or hands-on workshops. On an average, 3-5 specialists and 1 professional moderator participated in the Business Days workshops. The topics of the workshops are chosen through a comprehensive process of identification of the specific needs and challenges encountered by the business environment in the region in which the Business Days event is to be held. This process is carried out 1-2 months prior to the launch of the event advertising campaign, by interviews, discussions and market surveys on a representative sample of managers, entrepreneurs and professionals from the targeted region. The workshops take place in the afternoon between 2:30 p.m. and 6:10 p.m. in two series of 4 workshops each, which are held at the same time as the special sessions and masterclass sessions. The duration of a workshop is of 100 minutes. Workshops are recorded and may be ordered within 45 days as of the event on DVD or may be viewed online on the Business Days TV platform. WSP1-WSP6 – SPECIAL WORKSHOPS – introduced as of last year in the Business Days event program, are special interactive sessions focused more on personal development, with exciting topics, aiming at helping increase productivity, performance or balanced and healthy life development. The special workshops are recorded and may be ordered within 45 days as of the event on DVD or may be viewed online on the Business Days TV platform.

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SSP1-SSP2 – Special sessions dedicated to foreign delegations – these special sessions are created together with consultancy companies and intended to present the economic, political, social and business environment to foreign delegations and to help them better understand the potential, risks and particularities of the business environment in Romania. The second part of the special sessions is also dedicated to different sectoral or industrial branch analyses and statistics, based on the interests of the foreign delegations attending the event. These special sessions are broadcasted live and recorded.

SSP3-SSP4 – Special sessions – are actions in the form of stage interviews led by two moderators, a moderator with journalistic experience and a specialist or expert in the targeted field. There are 5-6 guests, generally successful entrepreneurs or top managers, with relevant experience in the analyzed field. The special sessions last for 100 de minutes, are broadcasted live and recorded.


SSR – special night for Raiffeisen clients – are formal gatherings organized by our main partners for their clients. It is a good way for our partners to deliver added value and collateral benefits for their guests at the event.

SSC – special coaching night – are organized in partnership with Mihai Stanescu and designed to promote the true principles of business coaching. Within Business Days, “Coaching Night with Mihai Stanescu” is an informal gathering of the highest level which aims at opening a special chapter in the development of business leaders in Romania: their transformation and the transformation of their organizations into worldwide top competitive partners. This transformation begins with those who lead the business, by the increased enhancement of behavioral and interaction patterns, right in their specific environment

MC1-MC4 – MASTERCLASS sessions – are special sessions held by experts in a particular field, within which information and ideas are exchanged at an advanced level. These are sessions which may be attended only by VIP and PREMIUM participants. They are recommended for decision-makers within organizations due to their high content of strategic utility. The MASTERCLASS sessions are recorded and may be ordered within 45 days as of the event on DVD or may be viewed on the Business Days TV platform.

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BNE1-BNE2 – workshop and business networking sessions – are special business networking sessions, which included in the program different educational workshops related to the art of relationship development and transformation of relationships into opportunity generating sources, held by experts and book authors in the field, followed by a series of formal business networking sessions or by elevator pitch sessions and by free interactions between the participants.

These sessions are held in partnership with a number of national and international organizations specialized in business networking and are firstly intended to promote this method of generating opportunities and, secondly, this is a real source of recommendations and references generating business. These sessions last for 100 minutes and have limited seats, reason for which we recommend you to make a reservation in advance.


INTBNE1-INTBNE2 – special business networking night – they are special business networking sessions organized in partnership with a number of bilateral chambers of commerce, embassies, consulates, clubs and business associations and are mainly designed to facilitate interconnection between foreign business delegations attending the Business Days events and the business environment of the region hosting the event in view of encouraging the exchange of ideas and the creation of business opportunities. The purpose of these actions is firstly to encourage business exchanges with our country, secondly to increase the level of trust of investors in our country and, thirdly, to encourage Romanian entrepreneurs and manufacturers to enter international markets.

S1MM-S16MM – special matchmaking sessions – they are business networking sessions dedicated to foreign delegations at the CEE Entrepereurship Summit 2015 edition, which take place in a special area with 25-30 spaces intended for one-toone meetings. During the event, there will be 16 of these 30-minute formal meeting sessions between the businessmen from foreign delegations and the businessmen in Romania in view of encouraging business exchanges and developing partnerships. During the event, we expect over 500 of such formal meetings to take place. These formal meetings focus on a comprehensive process of business matchmaking which begins from the moment at which the foreign delegate starts the registering process by filling in a matchmaking form containing useful information about his/her company, industry and areas of interest. Based on this information, a dedicated team of business networking specialists will conduct a detailed analysis in order to identify the most appropriate companies and their representatives for setting up meetings with the foreign delegate during the event at the event’s venue, the company’s seat or another place mutually agreed upon.

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VIP1-VIP3 – special VIP networking nights – they are informal business networking nights organized in a special setting which are accessible by invitation and where the guests are a part of the partners, a part of the speakers and representatives of the local and regional business elite, for the purposes of meeting each other, exchanging ideas and creating collaboration and cooperation opportunities. These actions take place in the evening from 9.00 p.m. and are attended by approximately 80 persons.

Business Days is for me an example of a signature project – the kind of business project with which any top professional can associate his/her image. In fact, this is clear not only in the light of the addressed topics, but also from the presence of key professionals and entrepreneurs attending each edition. Andy Szekely, entrepreneur, speaker, book author, Bootcamp University


I find it to be a necessary step which, by the revealing of certain courageous role models, bold ideas, resounding successes, and also of key errors, will enable businessmen from around the country to see, get inspired and motivated… and after a while change their perspective. Adrian Florea, business angel, entrepreneur, Trend Consult Group

Business Days is undoubtedly the largest business event in Romania! This is where hundreds of specialists and leaders from different business areas meet with thousands of wonderful people interested in finding out about new trends, services and products. This is where you can develop many business connections and freely address your clients. Bogdan Comanescu, entrepreneur, speaker, book author, Accelera

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

At these events, between 2015 and 2018 we want to invite some of the leading worldwide keynote speaker. Here are some of those whom we address:


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Attendance packages for foreign delegations For the foreign business delegations that wish to attend the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015, we designed a special attendance package, focusing on the maximization of business networking opportunities during the three days of the event and on the creation of backgrounds for finding out more valuable and useful information about:    

the significance of the business environment in Romania, the opportunities offered by the region and by Romania in general, the legal system and taxation and their impact on the business environment, and the facilities offered to investors or businessmen interested in carrying out business exchanges with our country.

The package also includes a series of visits to industrial parks, business centers, meetings with officials and successful businessmen in the region and at national level. The package may be purchased without accommodation or with accommodation for 4 nights at Grand Hotel Napoca (4*) and transfer from the airport to the hotel at arrival (13.10) and from the hotel to the airport at departure (17.10).


Facility included in the participation subscription 1 access to actions of the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 event (2000 participants) 2 attendance to special sessions for the presentation of the Romanian business environment 3 visiting facilities, industrial parks, business centres in the Region 4 meetings with authorities, visiting industrial parks, business centres in the Region 5 access to the international business networking evening (100) + wine tasting (350 participants) 6 access to special VIP networking dinner (100 participants from the business environment elite) 7 access to the international business networking evening (100) + wine tasting (350 participants) 8 access to special VIP networking dinner (100 participants from the business environment elite) 9 access to special VIP networking dinner (100 participants from the business environment elite) 10 VIP access to lunches during the event (250 VIP participants) 11 lunch 12 minimum 4 and maximum 8 meetings for business matching with businessmen from Romania 13 secretariat, agenda update, transfer from event venue to place of meetings 14 access to VIP Lounge Participation of foreign delegate at the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 event (without accommodation)

period/description 14-15.10.2015 14.10.2015 (from 14:30) 15.10.2015 (from 14:30 to 18:10) 16.10.2015 (from 8:00 to 21:00) 14.10.2015 (from 18:30) 14.10.2015 (from 21:00) 15.10.2015 (from 18:30) 15.10.2015 (from 21:00) 16.10.2015 (from 21:00) 14-15.10.2015 16.10.2015 (from 13:30-14:30) 14-15.10.2015 (from 9:00 to 13:30) 14-15.10.2015 (from 8:00 to 23:00) 14-15.10.2015

15 accommodation with breakfast included at Grand Hotel Napoca 4* 16 transfer from airport to hotel and from hotel to airport Participation of foreign delegate at the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 event (with accommodation)

check-in 13.10.2015 and check-out 17.10.2015

650,00 €

250,00 € 900,00 €

The list of industrial and logistics parks we intend to present to the foreign delegations attending the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015. The list and program will be finalized a few days before the event based on the questionnaires filled in by the foreign delegations. We will try to visit industrial and logistics parks from: Cluj-Napoca, Dej, Jibou, Targu Mures, Sibiu, Oradea, Medias.

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

The industrial and logistics parks will be visited on October 15th, in the afternoon, and during the entire day of October 16th, 2015. On October 16th, we will try to organize the special VIP dinner at Balta Alba Castle, located on the Jidvei domain, where a special wine tasting event will take place.


For the foreign delegations that wish to spend the weekend (October 17th – 18th) in Romania, we can organize a series of trips for visiting some of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the area: Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Sibiu, Sighisoara, Sovata, the Turda Salt Mine, Cheile Turzii, the Alba-Iulia Citadel, the fortified Church in Biertan.

These trips require a separate discussion and based on the number of chosen tourist attractions and on the distance to be travelled, a cost will be calculated. All trips will be made with qualified guides and speakers of English. www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

Access tickets The persons participating only in the Cluj Business Days 2015 event may purchase one of the 4 types of access tickets:    

BASIC (30 Euro per day, 45 Euro two days) PLUS (60 Euro per day, 90 Euro two days) PREMIUM (80 Euro per day, 120 Euro two days) VIP (250 Euro)

All tickets offer access to:


         

Coffee, Tea, Water during the entire event Sweet and salty pastry during coffee breaks The wine tasting during the evening of October 14th The fashion show during the evening of October 14th The book launches taking place during the event The formal business networking sessions during the evening of October 14th and October 15th The contests and raffle at the end of the event The participant’s folder The Business Days Magazine Access to the business matchmaking application MEET-ME based on the username and password received during registration

The BASIC package provides access to:   

Conferences (C1-C4) Special sessions (SSP1-SSP4) Special workshops (WSP1-WSP6)

The PLUS package provides additional access (by reference to the BASIC package) to: 

Workshops (WS1-WS16)

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The PREMIUM package provides additional access (by reference to the PLUS package) to:

 

 MASTERCLASSes (MC1-MC4)  International nights (INTBNE1-INTBNE2)  A one-year subscription to Business Days Magazine  A one-month subscription to premium content on Business Days TV  Tasting of famous wines and traditional products during the evening of October 15th Can benefit from a voucher for a personality assessment and the interpretation of its results Can benefit from an hour of coaching with a professional coach

The VIP package provides additional access (by reference to the PREMIUM package) to:      

The VIP lunch during both days The VIP Lounge during the entire event Support from the specialized Business Days team in setting meetings Access to one of the special VIP Networking dinners Priority access to events Separate registration points

The lunch for the BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM access tickets is optional and not included in the package. Participants may choose to have lunch at the event’s venue by ticking the lunch option during the registration process or by ordering lunch at the event’s venue (offer limited by service availability). 17

 

Lunch for 1-day participants – 15 Euro Lunch for 2-day participants – 25 Euro

There are special access and advertising packages subsidized for START-UPs. There are special access packages for corporations with corporate discounts. There are special access packages for loyal clients. There are access facilities for pupils, students and teachers/professors. For more details access the webpage: www.businessdays.ro or contact one of the members of the customer service team.

I have stood by Business Days since the beginning of this wonderful “revolution”. I admire you for your tenacity and for your desire to keep flame of entrepreneurship alive in Romania. I’m with you all the way. Dr. Mihaela Stroe, non-verbal communication expert, ACTA NONVERBAL

Business Days is already a community of persons oriented towards professional development and success, and this event demonstrated the power of the community beyond any shred of doubt. I believe that Business Days puts entrepreneurial Romania on the European map. And I once more pledge my commitment for the further building of the road to success. Mihai Stanescu, executive coach, entrepreneur, RoCoach

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

Advertising packages Business Days provides numerous advertising opportunities, both at the event’s venue in front of over 2,000 persons (number of participants expected at Business Days’ 20th edition), in front of over 9,000 online viewers watching on a daily basis the live broadcasts on the two video-streams at the event’s venue, of over 90,000 readers of the Business Days Magazine, of over 200,000 readers of the blog www.businessdays.ro, of over 90,000 Facebook followers or of over 300,000 viewers of the educational video channel Business Days TV. The foreign delegations interested in advertising are offered a number of advertising opportunities:      

   18

The opportunity of having a presentation stand and product and service demos The opportunity of having an insert in the participants’ folder The opportunity of having a brief company presentation moment within one of the business networking sessions or international nights The opportunity of having a brief intervention within one of the Business Days conferences (very limited seats) The opportunity of being a member of the specialist panel within a workshop or special actions The opportunity to make a video-interview broadcasted live, plus the broadcasting of such interview on the Business Days TV platform and advertising on social media + appearance in the Business Days newsletter(over 120,000 subscribers) The opportunity of having an interview in Business Days Magazine + appearance on the Business Days blog + appearance on social media + appearance in the Business Days newsletter The opportunity of having an advertising mockup in Business Days Magazine The opportunity of having one or more roll-ups at the event’s venue

These are only a few of the advertising opportunities offered during the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit 2015 on the Business Days platform. The advertising offer is much broader and more diversified. For a customized offer in line with your needs and budget, please contact one of our colleagues below.

Laszlo Pacso Business Days President and Project Coordinator +40-745-080802 laszlo.pacso@businessdays.ro

Codruta Nicolescu Business Days Executive Manager +40-741-163700 codruta.nicolescu@businessdays.ro

George Acsente Administrative and Logistics Coordinator +40-751-060398 george.acsente@businessdays.ro

www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

Overview of the event venue and Cluj The events within Cluj Business Days 2015 and CEE Entrepreneurship Summit will take place in the event halls, lobbies and restaurants of Grand Hotel Napoca.

The hotel is located in the center of Cluj-Napoca and can be easily accessed from any part of the city. It has a capacity of 156 rooms and 4 apartments and a large parking area in front it.


Hotel location: 1 Octavian Goga Street, Cluj-Napoca.

The municipality has direct access to the railway lines and roads passing across it, thus ensuring a connection with the main cities of the country and with the regional centers, both for travelers and for freight. Cluj-Napoca is crossed by European route E 60 (Bucharest - Oradea - Budapest - Vienna). However, the lack of road connections with the European Corridor 4 (Arad - Deva - Alba Iulia - Târgu-Mureș - Brașov – Bucharest Constanța) prevents the city from entering the European circuit. Nonetheless, the building of the Sebes – Turda expressway is expected to be completed by 2016 and make a swift connection with the European Corridor 4. In www.businessdays.ro facebook/businessdays

addition, the lack of an easy interconnection with the Easter part (in particular the North-eastern part) of the country (the European Corridor 9) deprives Cluj of the necessary connections with its area of economic influence. As concerns the railway system, the municipality holds direct railway connections with all the main cities of Romania, maintained by the national society of railway passenger transport (CFR). There are also two international trains on the route Cluj - Budapesta (Corona and Ady Endre). The Main Railway Station ensures transport to Bucharest and many other Romanian cities by means of the Intercity and Blue Arrow (Săgeata Albastră) lines. In 2007, 8 million passengers passed through the city’s railway station. The Avram Iancu International Airport in Cluj (CLJ) is located in the Eastern part of the city, between Traian Vuia Street and the Someșul Mic river bed (6 km away from the city center). In 2009, a modern terminal was opened, with a capacity of 750 passengers/hour, and, in 2013, a new runway with a length of 2,100 meters and a width of 45 meters, and a CAT II direction lighting system was commissioned. The modernization process continues, with a series of new projects: the extension of the new runway by up to 3,500 meters, the building of a cargo terminal, the building of an overground parking area and a hotel. In the past years, the airport recorded a significant ascending trending in passenger traffic, reaching in 2009 a traffic of 1.05 million passengers, of which 80% accounted for international flights, while in 2006 it recorded a traffic of only 244,366 passengers. After a long period of time during which it was classified as the fourth airport of the country in terms of passenger traffic, the Cluj International Airport became in 2013 the second airport in terms of passenger traffic, following Otopeni airport. List of destinations for which there are scheduled flights (some low-cost flights being directed towards secondary airports in proximity to large cities): Munich, London (Luton), Paris (Beauvais), Rome (Ciampino), Madrid, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona, Milan (Bergamo), Valencia, Venice (Treviso), Bologna, Zaragoza, Dortmund, Brussels (Charleroi), Eindhoven, Tel Aviv, Palma de Mallorca (seasonal), BucharestOtopeni. In the summer, there are scheduled charters to destinations in Greece, Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt. 20

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Why Romania? Romania is currently one of the most attractive destinations for foreign direct investments (FDI) in Central and Eastern Europe. After joining the European Union in 2007, it experienced numerous reforms and changes for increasing transparency and facilitating the conduct of business in our country. The structural reforms introduced in Romania, such as the liberalization of the energy market and the new labor code, are beginning to pay off. The increase of domestic consumption and the increase of net exports are the main mechanisms of economic growth in our country. In 2013, Romania recorded one of the highest economic growths in the European Union, i.e. approximately 3.5%, and, this year, the The Global Best to Invest report placed Romania on the 4th place in the top recommended destinations for investments in Central and Eastern Europe. According to The Economist Intelligence Unit, the reduction of the current account deficit and the reduction of taxation will lead to the decrease of Romania’s dependence on external financing. Romania climbed to the 50th place in the global top made by The Economist and to the 10th place, from the 16th place, in the regional top made by The Economist for 2014-2018. The stable economic growth is also supported by the efforts made to improve our country’s infrastructure, which remains one of the main issues raised by investors in addition to the ever-changing laws. The improvement of the business environment may also be seen in the last report related to the Global Competitiveness Index published by the World Economic Forum in October 2014, where Romania climbed to the 59th place (1 being the highest rank) within the 2014-2015 timeframe, compared to the 76th place occupied during 2013-2014. 21

Romania is one of the largest countries in the European Union, with a population of approximately 19 million. Romania’s accession to the European Union in January 2007 was a stimulus for attracting investors and for boosting economic growth until the financial crisis occurred. Today, Romania is one of the most dynamic countries in the region, next to Poland, with a constant increase of the GDP starting from 2012 (+0.6%), then 3.5% in 2013, 2.2% in 2014 and with a projected increase of 2.5% in 2015. The unemployment rate is rather low, even compared to that recorded prior to the onset of the financial crisis which reached 6.7% in 2014. Currently, Romania has one of the smallest public debts in terms of share of the GDP, i.e. approximately 39% in 2014. The inflation rate recorded a significant drop, being currently of approximately 1.5% (at the level of 2014), from 3.2% in 2013. Main indicators GDP (billions USD) GDP (constant prices, annual % change) GDP per capita (USD) General Government Balance (in % of GDP) General Government Gross Debt (in % of GDP) Inflation rate (%) Uneployment Rate (% of the Labor Force) Current Account (billions USD) Current Account (in % GDP)

2011 183,56 2,3 8,584 -3,6 34,3 5,8 7,4 -8,24 -4,5

2012 169,18 0,6 7,929 -1,8 38,2 3,3 7 -7,51 -4,4

2013 188,89 3,5 8 -1,8 39,4 4 7,3 -2,02 -1,1

2014 202,47 2,4 10,161 -1,4 39,9 1,5 7,2 -2,38 -1,2

2015 215,3 2,5 10,859 -1 39,6 2,9 7,1 -3,77 -1,8

Source: IMF - World Economic Outlook Database - Last Available Data

Romania has great agricultural potential, which makes it highly attractive for investors. At the same time, the workforce is highly educated and skilled, with a salary level far below most EU countries.

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Romania has a high consumption rate, recording an increase in the recent period of time due to the growth of the middle class and the increase of the consumption appetite among the people, after the decrease of the negative influence of the financial crisis and the rebuilding of the trust of the people.

Main sectors of activity in Romania Agriculture accounts for 6.4% of Romania’s GDP in 2014 and around 28% of the active population works within this industry branch. The main agricultural resources in Romanian are cereals, sugar beet and potatoes. Production is still at a low level compared to Romania’s agricultural potential. Agriculture is considered to be one of the industrial branches with a high development potential and more and more investors direct their attention towards this branch of the economy. The industrial sector accounts for 43.2% of Romania’s GDP and offers jobs to a third of the country’s active population, around 32% working in this sector. The industry is the backbone of the Romanian economy. As a result we find many investors involved in the heavy industry (metallurgy, steel foundries), manufacturing of motor vehicles and automotive components, buildings and constructions, oil refineries and the textile industry. Romania’s assets are mainly the highly skilled workforce and the salary related costs which are far below the EU average. The Romanian economy focuses in particular on the services sector, which generates 50.4% of the GDP and employs around 40% of the workforce at national level. Tourism, in particular, is a developing industry with high investment potential. Breakdown of Economic Activity By Sector Employment By Sector (in % of Total Employment) Value Added (in % of GDP) Value Added (Annual % Change)


Agriculture 29 6,4 -22,4

Industry 28,6 43,2 -0,9

Services 42,4 50,4 5,4

Source: World Bank - Last Available Data

Monetary indicators Average F/X rate (RON/EURO)


2011 4,21

2012 4,24

2013 4,46

2014 4,42


Source: National Bank of Romanaia, National Commission for Prognosis, World Bank

FDI and Key Investors in Romania FDI Value (billion EURO)


2009 9496

Source: National Bank of Romanaia, The Economis Intelligence Unit

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2010 3488

2011 2596

2012 1815

2013 2138


Romania is a country dependent on imports. The 2008 global financial crisis intensified the balance of payments deficit starting with 2009. Moreover, due to the fact that Romania’s main export partners were struggling with the global financial crisis, exports dropped significantly in 2012. However, in 2014, they increased by 57%, marking the recovery of the Eurozone from the financial crisis. 23

Below you will find the main indicators characterizing Romania’s external trade: Foreign Trade Indicators Import of Goods (million USD) Export of Goods (milllion USD) Import of Services (million USD) Export of Services (million USD) Import of Goods and Services (Annual Change %) Export of Goods and Services (Annual Change %) Import of Goods and Services (in % of GDP) Export of Goods and Services (in % of GDP) Trade Balance (million USD) Foreign Trade (in % of GDP)

2009 54.324 40.567 10.097 9.768 -21,40 -6,30 36,60 30,60 -12.038 67,20

2010 62.128 49.499 8.104 8.753 12,50 14,20 41,20 35,40 11.885 76,60

2011 76.476 63.012 9.473 10.048 10,30 10,90 45,40 40,00 12.525 85,40

2012 70.208 57.824 9.223 10.728 -0,80 -3,10 45,20 40,00 11.471 85,10

2013 73.398 65.835 10.142 13.632

42,50 42,00 7.286 84,50

Source: IMF - World Trade Organizations, World Bank - Last Available Data

Romania’s main external trade partners, in terms of exports, are: Germany, Italy and France, and the main import partners are: Germany, Italy and Hungary. Main customers (% of export) Germany Italy France Hungary Turkey Other countries

2014 Main suppliers (% of imports) 19,20% Germany 11,90% Italy 6,80% Hungary 5,10% France 4,50% Poland 52,50% Other countries

Source: Comtrade - Last Available Data

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2014 19,10% 10,80% 7,80% 5,70% 4,60% 52,00%

Top imported and exported products: Exported product from Romania Electrical, electronic equipment

Imported product to Romania 10.849.964.000 Electrical, electronic equipment


Vehicles other than railway, tramway

9.902.895.000 Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers, etc


Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers, etc

7.316.052.000 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc

Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc

4.202.710.000 Vehicles other than railway, tramway


Furniture, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings

2.705.155.000 Plastics and articles thereof


Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet

2.688.964.000 Pharmaceutical products



2.638.730.000 Iron and steel


Rubber and articles thereof

2.509.955.000 Articles of iron or steel


Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal

2.486.898.000 Rubber and articles thereof


Articles of iron or steel

2.132.524.000 Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc apparatus 2.132.524.000 TOTAL product imported

TOTAL products exported

1.459.237.000 77.889.071.000

Source: Comtrade - Last Available Data

Top exported and imported services: Exported services from Romania (2014) Transport Other business services

Imported services to Romania (2014) 5.779.546.000 Other business services 4.411.700.000 Travel

Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 3.327.958.000 Transport Telecommunications, computer, and information services 2.981.481.000 Telecommunications, computer, and information services for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. Travel 1.797.366.000 Charges Construction Financial services Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. Government goods and services n.i.e.


TOTAL services exported

3.844.195.000 2.391.859.000 2.076.650.000 1.272.328.000 872.491.000

540.889.000 Financial services 325.124.000 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.


311.994.000 Insurance and pension services 137.331.000 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned others Constructions 105.967.000 by


19.853.088.000 TOTAL services imported

Source: Comtrade - Last Available Data

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325.518.000 215.275.000 175.792.000 12.143.475.000

Overview of Romania’s economy We prepared a number of informative charts to better understand the economic context in Romania and to be up to date with the particularities and performance of each region. The first informative chart focuses on Romania’s economy divided on counties. The statistical data were collected from the Trade Register and Romania’s Statistical Yearbook edited by the National Institute of Statistics. This chart was prepared by ZF. From this chart you can learn about the total turnover of companies by counties, top 3 sectors in the county and the type of capital (foreign, Romanian private, state owned) held by the leading company of each county (the data were collected at the end of 2013).


I had the pleasure to participate in several Business Days editions and I was pleasantly surprised to see that each edition gets better and better and more crowded. During each edition, the speakers try to be more and more creative and make spectacular presentations, which I believe is one of the reasons for this resounding success. Another reason, probably one of the most important, is the ability to engage the audience, which is absolutely fantastic. Cristian Nacu, Entreprise Investors

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The second chart shows the most important companies in each county in Romania in terms of turnover recorded in 2013 and weight in the total turnover of the county in 2013.


The diversity, energy and enthusiasm, the “snowball� effect, the identified opportunities, the high level of interaction, the established partnerships, are only a few of the remarkable qualities of this action, to the development of which I would also like to contribute. Silviu Hotaran, GKTI Semper Human It is a pleasure to share my experience within these events, because every time I feel the energy and enthusiasm of these young people, who I believe to be the alternative for a different future in Romania, having the power to improve the dynamics of the economy. Mihai Marcu, President of MEDLIFE

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The third chart reveals Romania’s business map and paints a clear picture of the economic performance of each county, based on the following aspects:     

 

 

Turnover per capita (Euro) Net profit per capita (Euro) Foreign capital investments (billion Lei) Average nominal net salary (Lei) It reveals the number of hypermarkets, the number of DIY stores and construction material warehouses on counties (indicator which shows the power of purchase of the people and the appetite for consumption of each county) It reveals the main shipyards, refineries, automotive works and integrated metal and steel works It suggestively reveals (in 3 categories) the cereals production on each county o High production between 600,000 and 1,000.000 tones o Medium production between 320,000 and 540,000 tones o Low production between 0 and 275,000 tones It reveals the cities with over 2,000 employees in IT&C service and support centers, software development and research and development centers It also reveals the operational parts of expressways


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The fourth chart targets the labor market by reference to the most important indicators at county level: salaries, unemployment, employees, pensioners, faculty graduates, stable population and the weight of employees in the total population (2013 and 2014 data, data source: National Institute of Statistics). Indicators:

     

Population: Number of employees: Number of pensioners: Unemployment rate: Number of university graduates (2012): Weight of employees in the total stable population (2013):



20,121,641 4,801,104 5,229,648 5.7% 111,028 23.8%

1,883,425 903,798 487,177 2.0% 33,833 over 25%

There are only 10 counties at national level with the weight of employees in the total stable population of over 25%: Bucharest, Ilfov, Timis, Cluj, Arad, Bihor, Hunedoara, Sibiu, Brasov, Constanta.


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Chart no. 5 provides an insight into the average salary of a Romanian compared to that from other countries in Europe, according to a study conducted by executive search company Pedersen&Partners.


For me, Business Days is a family, of those who want to bring positive changes in Romania, and I am glad that this family is growing day by day, with each edition. We created bonds and we are developing projects with wonderful people, we gladly meet every three months and we are more and more passionate about doing greater and more important things for our communities. Eusebiu Burcas, founder of the financial education program BURCASH

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Chart no. 6 reveals the position of foreign investors in Romania, the counties which attracted the highest number of investors and the counties avoided by investors. The data are from 2013, and their source is the Trade Registry. The chart shows:    

The number of companies with foreign investments; Weight in total foreign capital (at national level); Total number of companies Weight of companies in total companies in the county;


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The following chart maps out Romania’s exports on each county. In Romania, only 15 counties managed to exceed the 1 billion Euro limit: Bucharest, Ilfov, Constanta, Arges, Prahova, Brasov, Sibiu, Olt, Dolj, Alba, Cluj, Bihor, Maramures, Arad and Timis.


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The following chart refers to Romania’s capacity to attract foreign tourists. It reveals the number of tourists attracted during one year (2014) by each county in Romania. Tourism is an area full of potential, however, insufficiently used by Romania. The transport infrastructure is still a serious obstacle in the development of this area.


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The following chart refers to the evolution of production in the past 22 years in the main agricultural crops in Romania:

The exports of agri-food products have reached an all-time record in 2014, however, this performance is overshadowed by the fact that they are mainly based on wheat, cigarettes, corn and sunflower seeds.


The figures are encouraging, however, the reality in the agri-food industry is entirely different. The exports of food, such as meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, have dropped due to the restrictions in Russia. “The Russian embargo had double impact. On the one hand, it decreased the quantity of Romanian exports in the food sector and, on the other hand, it increased the quantity of imports. Imported products are cheaper because the subsidies received by foreigners are higher, and the taxes are lower than those in Romania.

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Cluj-Napoca is considered to be the “heart of Transylvania”. It is a cosmopolitan European city, a key business destination for the Southeastern area of Europe, with a remarkable investment potential. It is a multicultural city and a candidate for the European Cultural Capital in 2021, with real chances of success. In Cluj-Napoca, the urban infrastructure is constantly developing, and sustained efforts are made to preserve its cultural and historical heritage. One of the city’s concerns also addressed by the Business Days platforms within the two round table debates organized in 2013 and 2014 in partnership with Cluj-Napoca City Hall, is the development of sustainable ecological strategies. Cluj-Napoca is the 3rd city in Romania in terms of inhabitants, having a population of 304,527, according to the data issued by the National Institute of Statistics (stable population as at January 1, 2014 consisting of people living within the city, with the domicile or residence in the city at that time). Another 150,000 people, of which around 100,000 students, supplement the city’s population, i.e. those who come to study in Cluj-Napoca and work in the city – without residing in Cluj-Napoca.


Due to the 11 universities based here, the city is considered to be one of the best places to study, in this part of Europe, and the career opportunities offered by Cluj-Napoca convince more and more university graduates to call Cluj their “home”. In terms of graduates, Cluj-Napoca is ranked second in a national top with 10,656 graduates per year, of a national total of 111,028 graduates. The 1st place is held by Bucharest with 33,833 graduates. The 3rd place is held by Iasi with 9,594 graduates, followed by Timisoara with 7,253 and Brasov with 5,916. The strategy of Cluj-Napoca is to become one of the most welcoming cities in Eastern Europe, where both inhabitants and tourists feel great. According to a report of the European Commission, Cluj-Napoca is considered to be the most welcoming city in Europe, 91% of its residents agree that foreign presence is a positive thing. At European level, only 6 cities have managed to pass the 70% threshold. In terms of quality of life, Cluj-Napoca is ranked 53 in the global top published by the website Numbeo.com, outranking cities as Ankara (61), Paris (63), London (72), Buenos Aires (73), Bucharest (74), Athens (75), New-York (76), Rome (83). Numbeo.com took into account factors such as level of pollution, people safety, purchase power, crime rate and health system.

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   

   

     

The total turnover of companies in the county: 9.1 billion Euro TOP 3 industries with the largest share in the county’s turnover:  Trade 39%  Manufacturing industry 20%  Constructions 11% Turnover per capita– 13,144 Euro Net profit per capita – 977 Euro Foreign capital investments – 2,0 billion Lei Production of cereals (average) between 320,000540,000 tones Number of hypermarkets - 9 Number of DIY stores – 6 Gilau – Campia Turzii Expressway Over 2,000 employees in IT&C and support centers, software development and research and development centers Average nominal net salary – 1,672 Lei Population: 691,106 65% of the county’s population lives in towns Number of employees: 205,694 Number of pensioners: 177,817 Unemployment rate: 3.5% (under the national average of 5.7%)

Cluj-Napoca was ranked third by Forbes magazine in the top Best Cities for Business in Romania. The top was developed based on ten criteria, each of which having a weight of 10% in its final determination: regional GDP, GDP per capita, average net salary, unemployment, foreign investments during 1991-2014, road infrastructure, railway infrastructure, number of active enterprises, number of homes and educational facilities impacting the labor market (vocational schools, universities). The development of the city’s IT activity is likely to consolidate its position as the “Economic capital of Transylvania”. Romania is in the top 50 countries in terms of attractiveness of an investment in the field of business services outsourcing, according to the ATKearney 2011 study “Global Services Location Index”. The criteria taken into account are: financial attractiveness, workforce qualification and availability and business environment. Cluj-Napoca is a major BPO hub, due to the available skilled human resources. The advantages frequently mentioned in international studies and reports include: affordable costs, highly skilled workforce, spoken foreign languages, geographical positioning and time area GMT+2. 36

The last three advantages are decisive for easy and real-time communication with the rest of the continent. The main services offered by the BPO centers in Cluj-Napoca are: finance & accounting outsourcing (FAO), human resources operations outsourcing (HRO), process outsourcing (PO), knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), contact center operations (CC) and industry-specific business processes (IS-BPO). KPMG Advisory recently published the study “Exploring Global Frontiers”, which places Cluj-Napoca amongst the top 31 destinations for investments in information technology (IT), outlining the key aspects which make it attractive: specialists, costs and geographical positioning. Cluj-Napoca has a significant IT potential, mainly due to the 1,500 specialists, graduates of one of the two top universities: the Cluj-Napoca Technical University and the Babeş-Bolyai University. Over 5,000 software engineers work in 100 companies based in Cluj-Napoca, which develop customized software and provide IT services. Cluj-Napoca found a winning strategy for developing its capacity to offer IT outsourcing solutions. The companies based in this city have recorded a steady increase even

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Most important cities from an economic standpoint in Cluj county and the dominating industrial branches in each city: Cluj-Napoca                 

Engineering Constructions and metal products Energy machinery Electrical engineering and electronics Medicinal products and pharmaceuticals Electrothermic and abrasive products Porcelain and earthenware Textile industry Leather industry, footwear industry Milling and bread making industry Milk and dairy products industry Sugar products industry Vegetable oil industry Canned vegetables and fruit industry Thermal power plants Mineral springs Clay

Dej         

Canned vegetable and fruit industry Milling and bread making industry Milk and dairy products industry Furniture Cellulose, paper Salt Thermal power plants Mineral springs Refractory products

Turda        

Milling and bread making industry Milk and dairy products industry Porcelain and earthenware Plastics and artificial leather Precast concrete products, Binding agents (cement, lime, gypsum), Refractory products Thermal power plants Mineral springs Salt

Campia Turzii   

Milling and bread making industry Crude ceramic (brick, tile) Steel, Rolled products

Gherla    

Crude ceramic (brick, tile) Plywood, veneers, panels, wood particle boards, timber and furniture Thermal power plants Clay

Huedin    

Milling and bread making industry Milk and dairy products industry Timber Constructions and metal products

during the recent financial crisis. Software engineers are appreciated for their technical skills and their knowledge of foreign languages: English, German and French. Both local and foreign investors finance the IT sector in Cluj-Napoca. The invested foreign capital originates from the following countries: Germany (30%), U.K. (22%), the United States of America (15%) and the Netherlands (15%) are major investors, followed by: Austria (5%), Finland (4%), France and Sweden (3% each), Denmark and Switzerland (2% each) and Italy (0.5%). The manufacturing industry accounts for 97.65% of the total industrial production of Cluj-Napoca. The engineering field has the largest share. Value of exports: 1 billion Euro o

Main exported products: paper and cardboard; wood pulp, paper or cardboard products; garments and clothing accessories; footwear and other similar products; cast iron, iron and steel products; cauldrons, machinery and mechanical devices; electric machinery, devices and equipment and parts thereof; optical, photographic or cinematographic, measurement and control instruments and devices, pharmaceutical products, glass and glass products, furniture.

Value of imports: 600 million Euro o


Main imported products: coffee and tea; fuel, mineral oils and products resulting from distillation; organic chemical products; fertilizers; raw hides; paper and cardboard; cast iron, iron and steel products; cauldrons, machinery and mechanical devices; electric machinery, devices and equipment and parts thereof; ground vehicles other than railway; silk; cotton; synthetic or artificial fibers; furniture.

The largest company in Cluj county has foreign capital: MOL, and has an annual turnover of 10.8% of the cumulated turnover of the companies in the county (information from 2013)

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The economic and social development, starting with the `90s, also reflected in the modernization of transport capacities. The favorable geographical positioning of the county is a decisive factor in the efforts made by authorities to develop the local infrastructure. Cluj county has a broad network of public roads totaling 2,454 km, of which 342 km are national roads. The network of modernized roads has 645 km, many being parts of roads of national and international roads. The length of the railways passing over the county is of 232 km.

The Cluj-Napoca International Airport, administered by the Cluj County Council, recorded a significant increase in passenger traffic following the development and modernization process, currently being the third international airport in the country. On this airport, scheduled flights are operated by four airlines, connecting Cluj to Spain, Italy, Austria, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Dubai, Switzerland, Israel, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Hungary and Germany by direct flights. At this time, the airport’s priority is to find partners for building a modern cargo terminal, project which is also supported by the government.

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