Detailed presentation of the business days platforms v1 (eng)

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Business Days Platform Detailed presentation of projects BUSINESS DAYS | facebook/BusinessDays

Business Days Platform It is a platform for opportunities, created to enable the stimulation of the business environment in Romania in the short and medium term, and to contribute significantly to creating a healthy entrepreneurial culture in our country, in the long term. The platform includes a series of business events, a business magazine, a DVD collection, a communication and interaction platform online, on mobile and on social media and a video educational platform. The series of Business Days events focuses on the idea of creating a dynamic environment of interaction that helps maximize opportunities among speakers, partners and participants. Business Days is a project with a real social impact that emphasizes the development of the associative spirit, the encouragement of cooperation and the interaction among entrepreneurs, managers and professionals of various fields.

The Business Days projects on the Romanian market have been carried out by a non-governmental organization since 2010.

CONTENTS: 1. The Business Days series of events 1

2. The Business Days online communication platform 3. The website 4. The Business Days communication platform in social media 5. The Business Days Magazine 6. Business Days TV 7. The Business Days DVD collection 8. The Business Days mobile apps 9. Business Days special projects facebook/businessdays

1 THE BUSINESS DAYS SERIES OF EVENTS At the moment, the Business Days series of events are considered by participants, partners and speakers as the biggest, most relevant and most influential events for the business environment in Romania and Eastern Europe (according to feedback questionnaires, testimonials and polls). Today, AFTER 5 YEARS OF EXISTENCE (the first Business Days edition was organized in Targu Mures on March 24-25, 2010), the Business Days community:      

a total of 21,730 participants, in 38 organized events of which 19 Business Days editions over 1,000 speakers in the Business Days community over 1,000 partners and supporters of the Business Days projects over 150,000 subscribers who constantly follow the news, articles, shows, reports and video materials on the Business Days platform every month

The Business Days events have been organized in 9 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CITIES IN ROMANIA, and since 2014 the Business Days events have been organized in the cities with a regional influence in Romania: Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi and Bucharest.

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The Business Days events reunite at each edition OVER 1,000 PARTICIPANTS and OVER 100 SPEAKERS, who give presentations and interact with the audience in OVER 40 ACTIONS during these two days.

Evolution of number of participants during the 19 editions: 3 facebook/businessdays

96.83% of the participants at the last four Business Days editions would come back to a future edition, a satisfaction indicator that makes the Business Days events part of the list of business events in Romania with the highest quality

4 The fields of activity and the size of the companies that attend the Business Days are varied: facebook/businessdays

The program of the Business Days events in 2015-2018 is the one below:

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2 THE ONLINE COMMUNICATION PLATFORM At the moment, in the Business Days aggregate database there are over 120,000 subscribers, managers (23%), entrepreneurs (27%), specialists (19%), consultants (19%) and young people concerned with personal development (12%), who subscribed on one of the subscription channels to Business Days newsletters. Every week, 2 newsletters are sent:  

one dedicated to Business Days projects one for information about various projects of our partners, projects in which Business Days is associated as a partner.

Occasionally, in particular close to Business Days events, we also organize a series of e-mail marketing campaigns with a view to increasing the number of people who learn about the Business Days projects and the number of subscribers. Opening ratio (on average) for Business Days newsletters and e-mails:   

42.47% for the Business Days newsletters 28.77% for the Business Days recommendations newsletters 23.29% for the e-mails in our promotion campaigns

Click ratio (on average):    7

24.50% for the Business Days newsletters 15.00% for the Business Days recommendations newsletters 11.30% for the e-mails in our promotion campaigns

Net monthly increase ratio (on average) of our database is 667 subscribers (0.54%). facebook/businessdays

3 THE WWW.BUSINESSDAYS.RO WEBSITE The website is the main information portal used by the Business Days projects and it has the following sections:         

events page page for the Business Days magazines page for the Business Days TV project, access portal for the video platform page for articles, news, analyses, entitled BLOG page for the Business Days partners online store, where you can order and purchase, in particular, the range of Business Days educational DVDs page for LIVE broadcasts page for RECOMMENDED events of which Business Days is a partner contact page where you can find contact information for each member of the Business Days team

At the moment, the Business Days web page has a dynamic number of unique visitors, which increases significantly in the campaign months for Business Days events.


Traffic average on the website:   

for the last 3 months (May, June, July 2015) – 244,791 unique visitors per month (149% compared to the annual average) for the last 6 months (February, March, April, May, June, July 2015) – 199,640 unique visitors per month (122% compared to the annual average) for the last 12 months – 163,495 unique visitors per month

The highest traffic was obtained in June 2015 – 434,888 unique visitors – for the promotion campaign of the event Iasi Business Days 2015. Most visitors of the Business Days website visit this portal in the interval 9:0018:00 (59.7%), the highest traffic being recorded at 10:00. The days that the website has most visits are: Tuesday (19%), Wednesday (18%), Thursday (17%). facebook/businessdays

4 THE COMMUNICATION PLATFORM IN SOCIAL MEDIA Business Days is present on most social platforms, with the most active presence on Facebook, where the Business Days page has over 92,000 followers. On Facebook, the Business Days platform also has the following pages:      

Antreprenori vs Investitori cu Robert Hisrich – over 2,200 likes Business Ways – over 300 likes Business Days TV – over 19,000 likes Leadership Summit – over 5.780 likes Targu Mures Business Days – over 796 likes And a few other smaller pages

The Business Days Facebook page is ranked 18th in the national list of business news websites in Romania, according to FaceBrands.


Below are some numbers about the Business Days page:           

Average likes per post (2015) – 290, 158% compared to the average for 2014 Average number of comments per post (2015) – 11, 138% compared to the average for 2014 Average number of shares for per post (2015) – 39, 205% compared to the average for 2014 Average organic impact per post (2015) – 11,759, 143% compared to the average for 2014 Average paid impact per post (2015) – 22,212, 72% compared to the average for 2014 57% of the followers are women, 43% are men Most fans are aged between 25 and 34 years old (over 31%), followed by those aged between 18 and 24 years old (26%) and those aged between 35 and 44 years old (17%) The Business Days page followers are most active on Saturday, Friday and Thursday The hours when the Business Days page followers are most active are: 20:00-23:00 Most followers are from Romania (82,012), followed by Italy, Great Britain, Moldova and Germany (weight of followers in the top 10 countries is 95.38%) Most followers are from Bucharest (18,866), followed by Timisoara, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Craiova (weight of followers in the top 10 countries is 48.06%) facebook/businessdays

Business Days is also present on the following social platforms


     

Linkedin Twitter Issuu Pinterest Slideshare Google plus facebook/businessdays

5 THE BUSINESS DAYS MAGAZINE The Business Days Magazine is the only business magazine aiming to promote the entrepreneurial culture in Romania, and it is published each trimester, with a run of 2,500 copies, distributed free of charge. The magazine aims to help promote entrepreneurship, understand regional specificities, different business cultures in our countries, and it presents statistics and regional and sectorial analyses and it helps develop entrepreneurial skills and spirit with specific articles. This is Business Days Magazine in numbers:      

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the first issue was published in March 2014 6 numbers have been published so far run per edition: 2,500 total run for the 6 issues: 15,000 copies approximate number of readers: 93,182 the magazine is distributed free of charge to: o participants (4.12%) o subscribers (1149%) o partners (13.49%) o potential partners (15.77%) o universities and schools (2.60%) o bilateral chambers of commerce and professional organisations (1.80%) one Business Days Magazine is read by approximately 6 people on average, according to our polls and estimates facebook/businessdays

6 BUSINESS DAYS TV The Business Days TV platform is an educational video platform dedicated in particular to young people and to those concerned with professional and personal development, which allows access to two types of content, free and paid by subscription. The content on the Business Days TV platform ( consists in:        

video footage from the Business Days conferences (free) video footage from other Business Days events (Leadership Summit, Antreprenor vs Investitor, Excellence in Quality and Process Improvement etc.) (free and premium) video footage from round tables (free) video footage from workshops and special sessions (premium) video footage from interviews on stage (free and premium) interviews (free) reports (free) shows (free and premium)

The premium content can be accessed by subscription, for a monthly fee of 9 euro. Payment can be done by SMS or bank card. The Business Days TV platform in numbers:


       

over 357,510 views over 1,708,195 minutes of aggregate views there are 2,740 subscribers there are 2,135 videos in the portfolio approximately 42,700 minutes of footage average duration for viewing is 10:27 minutes (average last year) average viewing percentage is 67% approximately 70% of those who follow BDTV are male and 30% are female facebook/businessdays

Over 87% of those who follow BDTV are from Romania, but we have subscribers and followers from all over the world. Most BDTV followers are aged between 25 and 34 years old and they watch the video materials on their computer (81%), smartphone (11%) and tablets (5%). One of the projects related to Business Days TV is the LIVE broadcast of the Business Days events, which is done via two streaming feeds: 1. one that broadcasts live the conferences and special sessions from each event, generally between 9:00 and 18:10 2. one that broadcasts live the shows made with special guests in our studio at the event venue. The shows last 20-25 minutes and they take place between 10:00 and 18:30

The live broadcasts are followed on average by over 9,900 unique visitors each day, with a maximum number of unique visitors between 11:30 and 13:30. Most visitors are from Romania (75.85%), but the live broadcasts are also watched from the USA, Germany, Norway, Brazil, Italy and other countries. The weight of the first 10 global destinations is 91.92% of the total number of unique visitors. In Romania, 31.20% of those who watch the live broadcasts are from Bucharest, followed by those from Timis (31.12%), Cluj (11.23%) and Iasi (9.34%). The weight of the first 10 counties is 87.94% of the total number of viewers.

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7 THE BUSINESS DAYS DVD COLLECTION The DVD collection is currently the set of video footage of the workshops and special actions at the Business Days events. The collection was created in response to requests from participants to see footage of the actions that they would have attended, but which overlapped with the actions they actually participated at. The DVDs cover several categories:     

(C) Communication, Marketing, Online, Mobile, Social Media (20%) (V) Sales, Bargaining, Networking, Customer Service (25%) (M) Management, Human Resources, Processes, Operational, Risk, Time management, Organization (20%) (A) Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Decision-making, Attracting funding, Taxation, Partnerships (25%) (D) Personal development (10%)

The DVD collections were launched in 2011 and they have 4 price categories:    

2015 – 45 lei each 2014 – 40 lei each 2013 – 30 lei each 2012 and 2013 – 15 lei each


You can buy the DVDs at the following:  

Specialized stalls at the Business Days event venues (62%) On the Online Store on the Business Days web page ( (38%) facebook/businessdays

The highest selling collections are: 


By the event where the footage was made: 1. Bucuresti Business Days 2014 (16.73%) 2. Timisoara Business Days 2014 (15.32%) 3. Cluj Business Days 2014 (14.29%) By their category: 1. Those on sales, bargaining, networking and customer service (34%) 2. Those on communication, marketing, branding, online, mobile and social media (29%) 3. Those on entrepreneurship, funding, strategy, decision-making, taxation (25%)

This project will be carried out by developing a series of special compilations and selections on different topics, best-ofs and we also want to develop a range of audiobooks in the future, and including the possibility that interested persons should customize the DVDs they will order with the option DVD on demand.

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8 THE BUSINESS DAYS MOBILE APPS Currently, the Business Days platform has two mobile apps: 

The Business Days app – an app that can be downloaded both from the Android and the iOS platforms and which helps smartphone owners to keep in touch and be informed about the Business Days projects and, in particular, about the events to follow. One of the developed facilities of the app is the possibility of voting by two criteria the performance of the speakers throughout the Business Days events, thus helping increase the quality of the events. The app has the following pages: o Call Us (quick call of a colleague in our client service team) o Directions (allows setting the quickest route to the venue of the next event) o Tell Friend (the possibility of sharing information by email, Facebook, Twitter or SMS) o Events – the list of the following events that will take place o Program – program of the following (active) event that will take place o Speakers – alphabetical list of speakers who will talk at the event o Location – map of the location, possibility of contacting us via e-mail or phone, access to the event website o Business Days Magazine – presentation of the latest issue of the Business Days Magazine o Business Days TV – shortcut to the latest video materials uploaded on the Business Days TV video platform o Blog – shortcut to the latest articles on the Business Days blog o Share – possibility of sharing the event or app on a Facebook page

The MeetMe app - an app that can be accessed on every platform and that is basically a database of the participants to the event. o Free access to this app is granted to all the participants at the event who have completed their registration process. The access codes are mentioned on the invitation generated at the end of the registration process. o The app allows searching the database by 4 criteria: name, company, field of activity and position, and thus you can identify, in the database with participants, speakers and partners, the people whom you would like to meet at the event or after the event.  For the first case, the app lets you set a meeting in the special area for socializing and business networking at the event venue.  In the second case, you can ask for an exchange of contact information.  In both cases the request needs to receive an answer from the envisaged person, which may be yes, no, ignore or reschedule (for requested meetings). o The app allows setting the time intervals when the participant is free for meetings, to help the interested persons send their invites for the right interval. o The app allows uploading additional data such as: link to LinkedIn page, link to Facebook page, which can complete the list of data to be sent to applicants accepted by participants for contact information exchange

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International editions of the CEE Entrepreneurship Summit Starting this year, we will pay special attention to international aspects at the Business Days events, and one of these events will be an international edition, every year, where we wish to invite at least 50 delegates from various countries, for which we work with embassies, consulates and bilateral chambers of commerce to organise economic missions throughout the October editions. As of this year, the October editions (Cluj 2015, Bucharest 2016, Timisoara 2017 and Iasi 2018) will turn into CEE Entrepreneurship Summit and they will take place during 3 days, two of which will be Business Days, and the third days is dedicated to foreign delegations and has the role of enabling meetings with local officials from the respective region, visiting industrial parks, visiting business centres and meetings with business men interested in economic exchanges and developing partnerships.



Support in development of the entrepreneurial spirit in high schools and universities Starting this year, we will develop a series of partnerships with high schools and universities, first of all in the 4 cities where Business Days projects are organized, to give them access to quality information, quality educational materials and, last but not least, the chance to interact directly with successful entrepreneurs and managers at the Business Days events. To this end, we are attracting sponsors and we allocate some (25%) of the DVD sales, premium access to Business Days TV sales, premium access to live broadcasts sales and PREMIUM and VIP tickets sales at Business Days events to be able to make packages of: o Free access to Business Days events for up to 50 young talented students o DVD sets from the most successful Business Days DVD collections facebook/businessdays

o Business Days Magazine collections o Premium access to Business Days TV Our goal is that, until the end of year, at least 10 schools and high schools from every city (Timisoara, Cluj, Bucharest and Iasi) should benefit from such facilities provided by us, expanding this number to as many high schools and universities in Romania, as soon as our funds allow it.

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Market research * E-mail marketing, telemarketing and telesales campaigns * Re-release of series of shows on Business Days TV * Launching the Business Days Elite Club and the projects Outdoor Adventure Days and Indoor Special Day*

* we will give more details at the next update of the Business Days platform presentation

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