Presentation of Iasi Business Days, 3 to 4 October 2012

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Iasi Business Days 3 to 4 October 2012 English version

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

About Business Days events Business Days Conferences Business Days Workshops Business networking sessions at Iasi Business Days event The round-tables and debates on topics of interest within Business Days Book launches at Iasi Business Days Iasi Business Days program Speakers at Iasi Business Days event Iasi Business Days location Types of access to Iasi Business Days event All-inclusive services for the participants from other areas Business Days Team

Business Days Events The events are organized in view of rendering the business environment more dynamic and they focus on topics of interests related to entrepreneurship and management, providing the entrepreneurs and managers in Romanian companies with:  inspirational ideas, motivational examples,  relevant analyses,  estimates of future trends in various fields,  quality business networking,  the chance to learn from the best specialists,  the chance to identify new opportunities, to find potential business partners and collaborators. The goal of our organization is to help create a successful entrepreneurial culture in Romania and in order to achieve this step we are working intensively on several levels, among which the series of Business Days events is currently the most visible.

The Business Days events are conceived around the idea of business networking and are designed to offer, during the two days, the maximum benefit for the 3 categories of stakeholders: participants, partners and speakers.


Business Days Conferences The goal of the Conferences is to provide the companies’ decision makers and entrepreneurs with a vision, coming from renowned business people in Romania, on: business trends and tendencies, business ideas and examples of successful businesses and projects, exposure to motivational stories and inspirational ideas from highly rated speakers. The conferences' focus is on ATTITUDE, developing an attitude of

success and creating a moment of inspiration in order to create a positive vision on the business environment in Romania.

Business Days Workshops The goal of the Workshops is to develop managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are necessary for a successful approach during this tough period faced by the world’s economy and considering the new paradigm in the business world, providing examples and case studies, as well as interactive workshops with the best trainers and specialists of the moment in our country. The workshops' focus is on INTERACTIVITY and

development of successful SKILLS.


Professional Business Networking Sessions The goal of networking sessions is to develop the spirit and culture of business networking among business people, being organized either in a pleasant and informal or formal environment and providing many interaction opportunities between attendees. The business networking sessions' focus is on developing the ASSOCIATIVE spirit as an essential component in the mix of skills necessary to successfully meet the new economic paradigm and the current economic challenges. Professional Business Networking sessions at Iasi Business Days event 1. Micro-meeting type Business Networking (it requires pre-enrolment on a list of intent, there is a period of enrolment) - Every day from 19:30 to 21:00 (50 participants carefully selected by our active partners)

2. OPEN type Business Networking, (any person who has purchased an access ticket, according to their availability, can attend, to secure a seat, there is an enrolment period) - Every day from 19:30 to 21:00 (maximum 100 participants)

3. he special VIP Networking Dinner (by invitation only, it is a session dedicated to the business environment elite) - Every night from 21:00 to 24:00 (maximum 50 participants, in a special location)


Round-tables and debates Iasi Business Days event First introduced in the program of Business Days events at the 6 th edition in Timisoara, due to the success and mainly to the impact on business environment, we have decided to make permanent these debate sessions around topics of interest for the particular business environment within which the event takes place. At the edition in Iasi, the focus shall be on four major topics: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Outsourcing. When, to whom, how and why should we outsource the services? HR. Talent Management vs Passion Management? Entrepreneurial strategy. How can you get money for your business financing? Communication and PR. How can you efficiently communicate inside and outside the company? The round-tables have on average 12-16 special guests and 1-2 moderators who debate around the topic. Each session has two parts: 1. In the first part, there is a session of questions asked by the moderator and the guests are asked to answer each of them in maximum 1 minute 2. In the second part, there is a session of questions asked by the audience (from the participants) moderated by the facilitator

The speakers at the round-tables are carefully chosen by the organizers to cover as many areas and a relevant variety in the business environment. The guests are both representatives of local businesses and important representatives of businesses on national level.


Book launches and presentations at Iasi Business Days 1. Gabriel Biris - "About taxation and competitiveness" and "About taxation and common sense"  

The book signing and autographs session before and after the workshop 16 – About taxation and fiscality on October, 4 at Carturesti bookstore in Palas Iasi The book shall be available throughout the event at the book stand of Universul Juridic Publishing House and Carturesti bookstore

About the Author: The founding partner of the company Biris Goran, Gabriel Biris is considered one of the best tax leaders in the country, focusing on all aspects of taxation. Editions "Chambers Europe" and "PLC Which Lawyer" in 2009, recognize his reputation, declaring him "the only Romanian tax leader". The young lawyer Gabriel Biris is one of the most famous tax advisers in Romania. He has been working in this field for 12 years, during which he was the employee of important consulting companies operating in the domestic market and since last year, he has decided, along with 3 other partners, to open his own law firm. He graduated the Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Faculty and Law School and in 2000 he became a member of the Bucharest Bar Association.


Costea Dumitrescu

Adela Jansen

Dan Santimbreanu

Felix Daniliuc

Virgil Tornoreanu

Elisabeta Moraru

Raluca Partenie

Adrian Florea




Raiffeisen Leasing

Vox Filemaker

Google Romania


Trend Consult Group

Andy Szekely

Bogdan Comanescu

Silviu Hotaran

Bogdan Spuza

Andreea Suciu

Valentin Tuca

Ciprian Stavar

Daniel Cosnita

AS Training


GKTI Semper Human

Unicredit Tiriac Banc



Guerilla Marketing


Eusebiu Burcas

Florentin Banu

Florian Libocor

Marius Ghenea

Andrei Postoaca

Mihai Stanescu

Ivan Patzaichin

Banu Investment


Gabriel Biris


Biris Goran

Business Angel




Lorand SoaresSzasz Coaching4you

Teodor Frolu

Madalina Uceanu

Thomas Emmerling

Bogdan Grosu

Ioana Hategan

Radu Georgescu

Cristian Nacu

DC Communications

Career Advisor



Hategan Law Office



Marius Stefan

Dan Zaharia

Constantin Stan

Frederic Lasnier

Florin Barhalescu

Gregory Rodin

Ovidiu Sandu

George Teiosanu


Palas Iasi



Icar Tours



Web marketing

Felicia Stoica

Dragos Panaite

Mariana Turcu

Marian Berdan

Indra Communications

UPC Business


Calin Iepure

Emanuel Martonca

Florin Mindirigiu

Marius Radu

Training Masters



Unicredit Tiriac Bank

Humans People Academy

Marius Danga

Alexandru Dragan

Angela Achitei

Dragos Paval

Petrus Stuparu

Ruxandra Bandila

Elena Manolache

Marius Ursache

Primaria Iasi


Alaturi de Voi


Trend Consult


Toyota Iasi


Marius Lupu

Diana Vitan

Marius Dontu

Popescu Dumitru

Florin Campeanu

Ionut Breb

Vlad Bodi

Simona Haivas


DV Consulting&Training

Schultz Consulting


Rentrop & Straton

Breb Consulting



Gabriel Manolache

Adriana Ursache

Dragos Popescu

Alexandru Medelean

Adrian Mironescu

Radu Moldovan

Moise Jurca

Razvan Tudor








Toyota Iasi



Gabriel Mardarasevici


Radix Communications

Simona Bonghez PMI Romania

Laszlo Pacso Business Days

Iasi Business Days

Program of Iasi Business Days event rd

Day 1 – 3 of October 2012 (Wednesday) Registration of participants Conference 1 – The Future. Vision and Progress (7 speakers + 2 moderators)

8:30-9:00 9:00-10:50

Coffee break Conference 2 - Leadership vs Management (7 speakers + 2 moderators)

10:50-11:10 11:10-13:00 13:00-14:30

Work Shop 1

Work Shop 2

Efficient Communication

Leadership and Team Motivation

Lunch break Work Shop 3 Customers Relationship

Work Shop 4

When, to whom, how and why should we outsource the services?

14:30-16:20 16:20-16:40

Work Shop 5

Work Shop 6

Business Drive Business game type simulation

Smart tools for businesses and their smart use

Coffee break Work Shop 7 Strategies for profit maximization

Work Shop 8


Business networking 3 minutes short meetings (50 participants)

Round table – moderated debate HR

About branding and positioning

Talent vs passion management



Round table – moderated debate OUTSOURCING

Project and Program Management

Wine tasting and fashion show Open networking session (100 de participants)

Coaching evening with Mihai Stanescu

VIP networking special dinner (on invitation only) *** 21:00-23:00 th

Day 2 – 4 of October 2012 (Thursday) Registration of participants Conference 3 – Art of success, a bridge between attitude and motivation (7 speakers + 2 moderators)

8:30-9:00 9:00-10:50

Coffee break Conference 4 – From a simple idea to long-term success (7 speakers + 2 moderators)

10:50-11:10 11:10-13:00 13:00-14:30

Work Shop 9

Work Shop 10

How can you sell an idea to anyone?

Using social media in business?

Work Shop 13

Work Shop 14

Business assessment. Indicators. Budget management

e-commerce and online marketing

Lunch break Work Shop 11 The 7 P of professionalism

Work Shop 12 Conflict Management

ENTREPRENEURSHIP. How can you finance your business and projects?

14:30-16:20 16:20-16:40

16:40-18:30 18:30-19:30

Coffee break Work Shop 15 Target audience identification. Pricing strategies

Round table – moderated debate

Work Shop 16 About taxation and fiscality *

Selection of the raffle winners and awarding the contests winners Networking session organized by BNI Business networking 5 minutes short meetings


Round table – moderated debate Communication inside and outside the company?

Workshop for attention stimulation with Augustin Magician

VIP networking special dinner (on invitation only) *** 21:00-23:00


Location of Iasi Business Days event

Situated in the heart of the city, PALAS is only few minutes distance from the most important administrative institutions and historical buildings in Iasi:    

The Culture Palace (Palatul Culturii) House of Dosoftei Trei Ierarhi Church The Mitropoly of Moldavia and Bucovina  Roznovanu Palace (City Hall)  The Square House (Prefecture)  The Palace of Justice

Contact person: Cezara Mihalache Email: | Telefon: +40-232-209966


The halls where Iasi Business Days event will take place are: 1. Between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm every day:  Vivaldi and Chopin halls, united (conferences) 2. Between 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm every day:  The Showroom in Business Center (round tables)  Vivaldi hall (workshops)  Chopin hall (workshops)  Mozart hall (workshops)  Carturesti bookstore (workshops) 3. Between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm every day:  Chopin hall 4. Between 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm every day:  Carturesti bookstore (special events)  Vivaldi hall(open type business networking)  Mozart hall (SMALL MEETING type business networking)


Access type to Iasi Business Days event: Description

1 workshop


EURO 50 Register

2 round tables and debates EURO 65 Register

2 conferences

Full access for 1 day

Full access for 2 days

EURO 40 Register

EURO 75 Register

EURO 100 Register

Access to conferences in one day Access to conferences in both days of event Access to one Workshop Access to 2 Workshops in one day Access to 4 Workshops in both days (2 workshops per day) Access to coffee break (conferences) Access to coffee break (workshops) Access to wine tasting Access to BNI Business Networking Join the list of intent for micromeetings type Business Networking Participant’s bag Online access to the platform of interaction and questions with the speakers, as of the registration moment Access to the RAFFLE at the end of event Access to the COMPETITIONS with awards for participants

Access tickets DO NOT include lunch. This is an optional service and it can be chosen during the registration process. For those who want to have lunch on the event premises, it is possible for an amount of:  

15 euro for one day 25 euro for both days

Also, for those who want to have lunch in the hotel restaurant or at the restaurants in the area, that are partners of the event, you can purchase a voucher which offers a 25% discount, both as an option during the registration process and on the event place. This voucher costs:

 

3 euro valid for 1 day 5 euro valid for 2 days (you will receive 2 vouchers)

access tickets of type: “2 round table and debates”, “1 day full access” and “2 days full access” are MULTIPASS access types, which allow, during the validity of the access ticket, the access of more people, based on access badge. The access cannot be in the same time. For example, the holder of an access ticket of “1 day full access” type can offer in the morning the access badge to his/her colleague from Marketing, at the workshops can offer the badge to the colleague from Sales, and he/she can come to the business networking sessions in the evening.


Online access type at Iasi Business Days event: Description Price

One day access EURO 10 Register

Two days access EURO 15 Register

One month access EURO 25 Register

An year access EURO 50 Register

Home Page without Opportunity to See Live Streaming Access to Contact Page Access to Video Spots and Demonstration Materials Access to Conferences and Opportunity to choose according to the Speaker, City, Period, Topics, Event Access to Interviews Access to Morning Conferences Live Streaming (9:00 am – 1:00 pm) Access to Special Conferences Live Streaming (2:00 pm – 6:00 pm) Online access can be made on: The access is based on user and password after the payment confirmation is received.


ALL INCLUSIVE services Starting with Timisoara edition, this year we have introduced, for those interested, the opportunity to access ALL INCLUSIVE type services offered by our co-organizing partners PRO TOURS INTERNATIONAL. If you want to participate in the Business Days events, without any trouble, we can offer you now the possibility to purchase ALL INCLUSIVE type access tickets. To these access tickets, comprising at least one accommodation, you can get a 25% discount from standard valid price, displayed on the site for full access types.

Flights booking and accommodation for partners and speakers Thanks to PRO TOURS INTERNATIONAL, we can offer to PARTNERS and SPEAKERS the possibility to benefit from the best prices on flights and accommodation during the Iasi event. You can get discounts up to 15%-20% from standard rates. Reservations can be made directly to the partner hotels using a discount code or through PRO TOURS INTERNATIONAL. To get your discount code, please contact the organizing team. For details, reservation and other options, please contact Teodora Constantinescu tat the following: Mobile: +4-0751.196.208 or +4-0723.348.893 Phone/Fax: +4-021-310.28.90


Business Days Team Laszlo Pacso President ADESCO Project Manager +40-745-080802 Codruta Nicolescu Executive Director ADESCO International Projects Coordinator +40-741-163700 Alin Grigoras Project Manager Assistant +40-751-485967 Krisztina Talmacs Logistic-Administrative Coordinator +40-722-527377

Evelina Sturzu Responsible for Support Activities +40-720-251642 Robert Romanu Support Activities Assistant +40-744-760661 Adela Anca Ivan Support Activities Assistant +40-356-434428


Florin Rosoga Official Blogger

Liviu Achim Partnerships Responsible +40-721-222666 Lia Bolte Event Support and Partnerships Responsible +40-744- 317480 Adela Marin Responsible for Implementing Promoting Projects for Partners +40-765-345888 Carmen Ungureanu Event Support and Partnerships Responsible +40-741-399884 Adrian Iacob Partnerships Responsible +40-745-652220


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