Entrepreneurs vs Investors with Robert Hisrich

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Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Concept presentation Who is Robert Hisrich? Successful entrepreneurs and investors at this event Topics approached Program The structure of the sessions Whom does the event address to? The benefits of participating in such event Access types at the event The event locations Contact information of the project team

Concept presentation The events are designed so as to help creating a sound entrepreneurial culture in Romania and especially to offer the entrepreneurs at the beginning of their road, those in full growing process as well as those who “are thinking of starting an entrepreneur’s life” the chance of actively interacting with the most important entrepreneurs and investors in Romania together with the most renowned entrepreneurship professor in the world: Robert Hisrich. The events are structured in such a way that during all 4 sessions all entrepreneur’s growing phases are experienced, from starting a business, to the moment when the entrepreneurs become he himself an investor in other entrepreneurial projects. Each session is thus designed so as the main challenger and opportunities in each entrepreneurial growing phase are analyzed, with the participants’ possibility of addressing questions on different topics that, ask for a more deep debate. At the end of each session there will be a moment when, based on those discussed, Robert Hisrich will summarize concrete advice related to the participants’ preoccupations, inspired form his vast professor, entrepreneur and business angel experience.

Who is Robert Hisrich? Robert D. Hisrich is a worldwide entrepreneurship professor and director of the Walker Centre for worldwide entrepreneurship within Thunderbird. He is the chairman of the H&B Association, a marketing and management consulting company, founded by him. Professor Hisrich has graduated DePauw University, holding a the master degree and a doctor’s degree within Cincinnati University, he also holds a honorary doctor’s degree form Chuvash State University (Russia) and University of Miskolc (Hungary). Before joining Thunderbird, Dr. Hisrich has held the title of A. Malachi Mixon, he was also an entrepreneurial studies professor with Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Hisrich was a Fullbright professor with International Management Centre in Budapest, Hungary in 1989. In 1990-91 he was called again Fullbright professor in Budapest with Foundation for Small Enterprises Economic Development, where he was holding the title Alexander Hamilton in entrepreneurship. Dr. Hisrich was guest professor at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Technical University of Vienna (Austria), University of Limerick (Ireland), Queensland Technical University (Australia), University of Puerto Rico and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2

hisrich.businessdays.ro He is author and co-author in 25 books, among which we should mention Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a New Enterprise (translate into nine languages and reaching the seventh edition), The 13 Biggest Mistakes that Derail Small Business and How to Avoid Them and Marketing. Dr. Hisrich has written over 300 articles in entrepreneurship, international business management, and risk capital that appeared in journal such as The Academy of Management Review, California Management Review, Columbia Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Venturing, Sloan Management Review and Small Business Economics. He was part of the editorial team of The Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Small Business Management and Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. Besides designing and delivering management and entrepreneurship programs in USA, within foreign businesses, as well as the governments, particularly in the transition economies, Dr. Hisrich has instituted the academic and formation programs, such as that in Hungary combining the university environment and the industrial one, an entrepreneurship program destined for high school teachers in Russia, an International Institute for Entrepreneurship and Management in Russia and an Entrepreneurship Centre in Russia.



Successful entrepreneurs and investors (guests)

Robert Hisrich

Marius Ghenea

Razvan Tudor

Gabriel Biris

Entrepreneur and Investor

Entrepreneur and Investor



Peter Barta

Silviu Hotaran

Ovidiu Sandor

Adrian Florea



Entrepreneur and Investor


Teodor Frolu

Florentin Banu

Dragos Roua

Cornel Marian

Entrepreneur and Investor

Serial Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur and Investor


Adrian Erimescu

Marcel Borodi

Rucsandra Hurezeanu

Florin Talpes




Entrepreneur and Investor

Mihaela Perianu

Radu Tudorache


Entrepreneur and Investor

Voicu Oprean

Daniel Visoiu

Cristian Nacu

Laszlo Pacso





Orlando Nicoara Investor

Vlad Stan Entrepreneur and Investor



Topics approached In “Entrepreneurs vs Investors” events there are 4 main topics approached: 1. How to start a successful business nowadays? It approaches the main challenges that any business faces at the beginning, starting from testing the new ideas, attracting the start-up capital, finding the partners and the suitable employees, analyzing the dangers that come up at this stage of entrepreneurial growing. 2. How to grow your business on long-term in a manageable way ? It considers the challenges that an entrepreneur may encounter when the business grows and surpasses the start-up phase, as the volume of activities grows and more complex management structures are required, including the mental switch that an entrepreneur must experience in different growing phases of the business, from the „ one man show” phase to the board chairman phase or that of simple partner with no executive position in the company’s coordination and management. 3. How to finance your business growing? It is most certainly a topic of interest. The approach will be from the perspective of an analysis of the best financing solutions for each stage in the life time cycle of a company, from attracting funds from friends, relatives, parents in the beginning phase, to bootstrapping, bank loans, leasing, stock exchange capitalization solutions, attracting investors, using financing through provider credit and many more. 4. How to become a business angel? Here it is an inedited subject. It may be presented for the first time from this perspective: how to become a successful investor after you have been a successful entrepreneur. The approach will be adapted to the conditions and perspective in Romania, yet considering the international experience and particularly the examples of good practice at global level.

The event program 8:00-9:00

Participants’ registration


Session 1 – How to start a business nowadays?


Coffee break (CB1)


Session 2 – How to grow your business?


Lunch (MP)


Session 3 – How to finance your business growing?


Coffee break (CB2)


Session 4 – How to become a business angel?


Business networking session during a wine tasting (DV+BN)

*the program is identical for both events

Cluj Napoca


25th of October

26th of October



The structure of the sessions Each session will have a symmetrical approach:

moderator's introduction into the topic; 5

moderator's conclusions; 5

advice related to Robert Hisrich's topic; 30

guests' presentation; 10 Q&A sessions with questions form the moderators; 30

Q&A sessions with questions fromt he audience; 30

 We will start with the moderator’s introduction into the topic (5 min)  There will be a short guests’ presentation (10 min)  First there will be a Q&A session with questions asked by the moderator to the guests (30 min)  That will continue with a Q&A session with questions addressed from the audience and moderated in order to keep the discussion around the topic and to observe the time frame for the session (30 min)  Further on there will be a series of advice offered by Robert Hisrich around the topic and based on the questions arising from the previous two sessions (30 min)  The session will close with a series

of the moderator’s conclusions. Each session will have minimum 6 guests. Some sessions might have a change in the guests presented herein.

The event moderators are:

Laszlo Pacso

Marius Ghenea

Adrian Florea


Business Angel




Whom does this event address to? The event addresses to:  Those who are not yet entrepreneurs, but who are flirting with the idea, and don’t know where to start from and need advice, ideas, encouragement;  The entrepreneurs at the beginning of their path, who need advice, idea, experience sharing, new ways of approaching the entrepreneurial challenges  The experienced entrepreneurs, because, through its interactive character and debate format, the event offers the chance of interacting with different entrepreneurs and getting valuable experience sharing from some of the most important Romanian entrepreneurs and the most titled professor in the world on entrepreneurial topics.  Those who are flirting with the idea of becoming business angels or wish to understand the role of business angels and how they could become one of them

The benefits of participating in such event The benefits are obvious and numerous, among which:          

The possibility to learn what entrepreneurship means from the best Romanian entrepreneurs and from Robert Hisrich You will get free advice and ideas from the most experienced entrepreneurs and investors and from the most titled professor in the world, who is also a long experienced entrepreneur and business angel The chance to interact with the guests, with some of the most important entrepreneurs and investors in Romania The possibility to find solutions to the challenges which you’re facing The possibility to understand what challenges you might run into in different stages of an entrepreneur’s experience and how you can face them The opportunity to understand how you can raise the necessary capital so that you can grow your business within different stages in the life time cycle of your business The possibility to understand what an investor is looking for and the way he assesses your business The possibility to understand how your way of referring to your business changes when you attract an investor into your company You can learn what being an investor means Numerous networking opportunities



Access types for such an event Access types (AT) "start-up" type access ticket "entrepreneur" type access ticket "business excellence" type access ticket "business angels" type access ticket

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3









Session 4










40,00 €


65,00 €


15,00 €

80,00 €


100,00 €


15,00 €

115,00 €


55,00 €




Legend: 1. CB1 – coffee break from 10:50 to 11:10 2. CB2 – coffee break from 15:50 to 16:10 3. DV+BN – wine tasting and business networking from 18:00 to 19:00 4. MP – lunch break 5. AT –access type There are 4 access types: 1. “start-up” – recommended to those who have just started or those who are flirting with the idea of becoming entrepreneurs, but, out of various reasons, didn’t have the courage to take on this road (it gives access to the first two sessions and one coffee break) 2. “entrepreneur” – recommended to those who are already entrepreneurs, but wish to actively interact with those who had already success in this and hear more ideas on how they could grow their business (it gives access to the first three sessions, one coffee break and, optional, to lunch) 3. “business excellence” – recommended to those entrepreneurs who share a clear vision on what they would like to do and are planning on long-term. For them, it’s a chance to share ideas and hear other successful entrepreneurs’ and investors’ ideas on certain challenges interesting to them. (the full package gives access to all four sessions, two coffee breaks, wine tasting, business networking and, optional, lunch) 4. “business angels” – it’s the module which is recommended for experienced entrepreneurs, who have reached a certain level, where they feel it’s high time for something new, they have the capital and would like to start trying the investor’s perspective as well (it gives access to the session 4 and the wine tasting and to the business networking session)

Lunch at “Entrepreneurs vs Investors” events is optional. For those who wish to have lunch at the event premises and take

advantage of the networking opportunities can opt for the lunch package which costs Euro 15 and will be added to the access ticket cost (AT).

The event locations The event in Cluj Napoca takes place on 25th of October, and the event in Bucharest on 26th of October.

Hotel Opera Plaza – Cluj Napoca www.operaplaza.ro

Hotel Marshal Garden - Bucharest www.hotelmarshalgarden.ro



Project team contact information Krisztina Talmacs Cluj Napoca Project and Event Coordinator krisztina.talmacs@businessdays.ro +40-751 060398

Alin Grigoras Cluj Napoca Event Assistant Project Manager alin.grigoras@businessdays.ro +40-751-060310

Adela Marin Bucharest Event Coordinator adela.marin@businessdays.ro +40-765-345888

Evelina Sturzu Bucharest Event Assistant Project Manager evelina.sturzu@businessdays.ro +40-751-061374 / +40-720-251642

Main ORGANIZER Laszlo Pacso President ADESCO laszlo.pacso@businessdays.ro +40-745-080802

Codruta Nicolescu Executive Director ADESCO codruta.nicolescu@businessdays.ro +40-741-163700


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