Install Your Own Scripts Save Time! Save Money! Tell Your Script Installer To Take A Hike - *w/* DOWNLOAD HERE
How To Install Virtually ANY Script On Your WebSite Yourself and Save Tons of Cash - Today! Youll discover what script installers hoped youd NEVER learn. Just how SIMPLE it is to install virtually ANY Perl or PHP script on your website. Once you get this Incredible ebook you will have all the confidence to install your scripts yourself from that moment forward! Once you read this step-by-step guide to installing scripts, youll wonder why youve been paying others to do it for you. In fact, youll be astonished at how easy it really is! Stop Paying Others to Install Your Scripts! Mike. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find someone to install a script error free. Trying to get them to fix the errors was like pulling teeth out of a chicken. It just couldnt be done. The situation quite often puts you into unnessary and stressful possition when you have deadlines to meet. My doctor didnt recommend you but, He Should Have! My blood pressure has lowered and my confidence level is now at an all time high instead. No more skip tracing programmers to fix the errors in my scripts. Oh, btw, I have a 13 year old that used your book to finish his project in Computer Lab. Just to let you know, you got an A on his project! Many Thanks, Debra Gravelle Dear Friend, Doesnt it just annoy the heck out of you when you purchase a nice new script - say an autoresponder, or a membership manager or something like that, and you find they want even MORE money to install it for you? And doesnt it annoy you even more when their web page says something like, Let our certified installer install this for only $100.00, as if theres some deep, dark mystery to installing it? Certified??? Puhlease!!! Great! So NOW here you are, trying to make heads or tails out of the installation instructions to see if you can do it yourself. Only you run into these strange words . . . such as cronjob; chmod; MySQL; Unix, cgi-bin - What the!?!? its enough to make you crazy! So now your nice new script sits on your computer, just waiting for you to scrape together a little extra cash to have a professional script installer put it in for you. This is EXACTLY how it works. I know because Im a script installer. I have installed HUNDREDS of scripts for many people. I remember before my first installation how it all seemed so mysterious to me. It was one of those things that you see every day but pay no attention to. Sort of like telephone wires. You can compare a website with no scripts installed with a house with no telephone
lines. Nothing wrong with it. You can get by. But you cant communicate with people unless its in person. If you intend to run a business of your own, would you try to do it without telephones? Or even a computer? I would think not. If you plan on trying to make money on the internet you will eventually need scripts installed at least if you want to run your internet business correctly and more efficiently. What kind of scripts will you need? Well, that will depend upon what your internet business or service is. Lets look at a few examples of the types of scripts businesses use: - Newsletter/Ezine Autoresponders or list manager, - Article manager Private Membership Site Membership management script, - Content manager, Download manager, - Forum Direct Sales Site Email capture, - Email follow up system, - Download manager, - Affiliate program, - Specialty scripts (such as a Re-Pricer, Special Offer Manager, - Auction Site Auction software, - Forum or bulletin board, - Membership management. You get the idea. You could manage certain aspects of your web business, but youd really be missing the boat in many ways. By the way - did you notice the telephone poles in the background? ;) I was just like you once. I did not know how to install a script. I didnt have the extra cash to have it done. It sat on my computer for weeks. Until one day when I NEEDED my autoresponder installed. So I researched, read, emailed people, made a complete PEST of myself until I learned how to install that script! And I DID! But I FRIED my BRAIN in the process. What a learning curve. Know what I learned? Theres no mystery. No deep dark secret. Just having the right information. Hi Michael, Thanks for the ebook. I am definately not a technical person and when I started reading your ebook, I could not stop. You have done a great job. It is simple to understand and comprehend. It is great that you set up 3 projects that we could follow. The illustrations are good and I could follow what was explained. I thought that installing the Super Secret Bonus Script was complicated and if you remember, I paid you to install it for me. Let me say that if I had your ebook, I could have installed it myself. I think that you have done a great job. The ebook jam packed with information. I believe that it will save a non techie person like me plenty of headache and money. Richard Quek Introducing Install Your Own Scripts This comprehensive and detailed ebook was written so you can tell your script installer: Take A Hike! Dont Need Ya! This clearly written, step-by-step script install ebook will have you installing your own scripts in no time at all. Heres what youll discover: - Take the Techno out of Techno-Speak: Easy to understand definitions. - Take you by the hand tutorials using screen captures and actual scripts. - Surprise Super Secret bonus script - that you get to keep! - Handy server tools to gather needed information about your server quickly. - Little known resources where you can find TONS
of free scripts that you can download and keep. - Guide to selecting free and inexpensive tools. - Unravel the mystery of setting up a database. - Learn how to automate your scripts. - Keep unwanted intruders out - password protection made simple. - How using one simple script can actually save your business and you get it free! Michael, I printed out your ebook and started reading it. You really have included a wealth of information in this book. Your price is honestly to low. This is great, great material for anyone looking to learn script installation. Thanks for all your help with everything. - Michael Shaw Can I Install . . . ? Youre thinking, I wonder if Ill be able to install (fill in the blank here)? Well, the answer is, Why Not? How about an autoresponder? YES! - How about a Link Management script? YES! - How about a Membership Management script? YES! - How about a Blog? YES! - How about a forum? YES! - Survey Package? YES! - Content Manager? YES! - Auction Site? YES! - Classified Ad Site? YES! - Bookmark Managers? YES! - Web Chat Scripts? YES! - Ad Trackers? YES! - Calendars? YES! Just look at all of the functionality you can add to your websites. And youll be able to do it yourself - FOR FREE! How much of a savings is that for you? Well, it varies from script to script, but as an installer I can tell you that each of the scripts listed above can run between $25.00 and up to $125.00 EACH to install! Do you want to save even MORE money? In the resources section, there are links that can get you every one of those scripts above, or very similar scripts, absolutely free! Yup! FREE! NOW how much did you save? Michael, Just wanted to say I thought your book on script installing was super. As a complete technophobe where anything like scripting is concerned, I found it really easy to understand and follow. Super stuff. Cheers Kim Let me ask you a question. When you see a successful on line business, or marketer, what do you think helps them become so successful? Can you imagine trying to maintain a mailing list without an autoresponder or list manager? Or what about those successful marketers that run very popular forums (Can you can think of a couple)? Then there are those special little scripts that automatically change a date, or will change the price of a product for you. Theres even one that will add a potential customers name to the web page. You know the kind I mean? These are just a few of the tools used. And theyre all scripts. Can you imagine paying somebody to install every one of them for you? A person could go broke! Now dont get me wrong. If you LIKE paying someone to install your scripts, I would be happy to charge you. Just click the Email Me link at the end of this page and let me know. But if you are tired of constantly paying to have the tools you need on your website, then you dont want to miss this ebook. OK Mike, Im Convinced! Where do I purchase! Before I set out to write this super script install manual, I conducted a
survey. I was delighted to learn that the average price people are willing to pay for an ebook like this is $67.00. Believe me, thats WELL worth this price. Thats the average cost of just one script installation. That means after doing your first script installation, youve paid for this ebook. Incredible! But . . . I m not going to charge you $67.00. As a special offering, which can change at any time without notice, you can grab yourself a copy for just $49.97 $39.97 Now Only $10.00! I would hurry though. I fully expect this ebook to sell like hotcakes. That means I will be losing installation business. So Ill HAVE to make up the difference by raising the price. Mike, I am sure that there are many in my position, having just started to build sites, and getting to grips with the basics. Ill bet that the task of installing scripts are as daunting to them as they WERE to me. ;-) Now not only have I tried to install a script, but I successfully installed it too. Much to my own suprise.. but as I had your great ebook, written with people like us in mind, it made the job a whole lot easier. Now I know that when it comes to installing more script as and when I need them, I will have your ebook to help and guide me. A great book, and a much needed resource of help. Thanks again. Rob Sellen A Guarantee! What about a Guarantee! If you are not installing your own scripts by the time you finish this ebook - or you just dont like it - I will refund your money. With a smile. You can even keep the ebook and all of the bonuses just for trying it out. And you have a full 90 days to do it! Order Today and get these Super Bonuses: You didnt think I forgot, did you :) ? Super Bonus #1: Now, what good is learning how to install scripts if you dont have any scripts? So, I gathered a few free but very good scripts for you to practice installing - AND that you can use! Super Bonus #2: You know that Form Building tutorial I give away from this site? Well, its included as a PDF ebook/report. Its all inclusive, so you dont have to wait for days to get through the entire thing! ________________________________________ Before You Purchase: This ebook was written as an instructional guide for installing scripts on Unix servers. It also focuses heavily on hosting accounts utilizing CPanel software and MySQL databses. It does NOT cover Microsoft servers. ________________________________________ The time to purchase this incredibly easy to follow ebook is BEFORE you pay for another script installation. Remember, I DO plan to raise the price. At any time and without notice. So get it for Only $39.97 $10.00! while you can. P.S. Do you remember the first time you learned something that enabled you to become just that much more independent? For example driving a car. Or maybe when you built your first web site. Isnt that feeling of accomplishment and independence wonderful? Knowing that you no longer need to depend on someone else for help? Thats
how youll feel once you realize that theres no magic to installing scripts. Its a process that can be learned. And you will know how by the end of this super easy to follow How To manual. P.P.S. Remember - the price WILL be going up without notice. I was told I was nuts for selling it for such a low price, but I want everyone to be able to not only afford this ebook, but to save HUNDREDS in installation fees. P.P.P.S. If the report isnt enough, remember, after buying you can turn around and resell the report to your list (or with a link on your website). In 20 minutes you can make your small investment back times 10, 100, or even 1000! You get $7 for every sale!
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