The Tech Talk 1.15.15

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Seth Rogen and James Franco’s controversial movie finds new life online


Former Flordia quarterback Jeff Driskel joins the Bulldogs



Tech Talk





JANUARY 15, 2015



Miss Tech crowned CATHERINE BURKE Staff Reporter

Miss Tech 2015, Eva Edinger, has a special tie to her new title. “My mother was crowned Miss Tech om 1975,” said Edinger, a junior biology and pre-med major. Edinger said she is eager to carry on the legacy of her mother, Joan Burt Edinger, the current director of admissions, who provided constant encouragement that made her more determined and inspired. Fourteen women competed for the title held Jan. 8 in Howard Auditorium before an audience that included other pageant queens, including Miss Louisiana. In addition to Edinger, the judging panel selected the following finalists: Jordan Ward, fourth runner-up; Anna Blake, third runner-up; Molly Humphries, second runner-up; and Rachel Vizza, first runner up. Vizza said it was “absolutely wonderful” being in the top two. “I wouldn’t have wanted to share that moment with anyone else,” said Vizza, a junior studio art major. “Eva absolutely deserved that, hands down. I’m so proud of her.” Vizza said this pageant was all about the journey and she walked away from the it completely satisfied with herself. “I have accomplished goals that seemed impossible in the beginning,” she said. “With the encouragement of family and friends, I have accomplished more than I thought I would.” Miranda McDonald, Miss Tech contestant and senior biology major, said she would encourage anyone to be in the pageant. “I had an absolute blast throughout the entire process,” she said. “I made so many wonderful new friendships and for that, I wish I could do it over and over again. Edinger said she is honored and humbled to have been crowned. “Jan. 8 will forever be engrained in my mind,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it when they announced I had won the title of Miss Tech. It was a riveting moment.” Edinger said it still does not seem real. “I’m still letting it sink in,” she said. “I’m so excited that I’ve been given this opportunity to represent my university.” Edinger said she looks forward to what the future holds for her as Miss Tech. “This upcoming year is going to be incredible,” she said. “I’m going to definitely make the most of every day as Miss Tech.”

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Photo by Brian Blakely

Photo by Colin Fontenot

TOP Eva Edinger is crowned Miss Tech by James King, the vice president for student advancement, and Meagan Lee, Miss Tech 2014.

BOTTOM: The winners of the pagent pose together while Lacey Sanchez, the current Miss Louisiana, looks on. RIGHT: Miranda McDonald, a senior biology major, does a clogging routine as part of the talent competition.

Photo by Brian Blakely


2 • The Tech Talk • January 15, 2015

Tech alum pens first sci-fi thriller MICHAEL HOGE Staff Reporter

tion orbiting a yellow star, the other being Earth. Travel is a big part of the series, and Mitchell enjoys travel himself. A Tech alumnus has recently published a sci“I’ve been there,” Mitchell said, “I love England.” ence fiction novel as the first book in a series. His love for England is one of the reasons it appears Jason Mitchell, a 2001 graduate who majored in Computer in his novel, though he has not been to the exact locaInformation Systems, wrote “From Here to tions in it. Nearly There.” Even though he graduated 14 years “I always wanted to write a book since ago and moved out of state to Georgia, the eighth grade,” Mitchell said. Mitchell is still fond of his alma mater. Mitchell’s novel, written under the pen “I love the school, I love the area, said name Alec Merta, is a sci-fi thriller about an Mitchell. “Some of my happiest memoEnglish mapmaker and surveyor who must ries were at Tech.” race across England and escape the police The next step for Mitchell is releasing and aliens who are after him. an audiobook edition of his novel. “I attempted a couple novels over the “I decided to reach out to some proyears,” Mitchell said. ducers,” Mitchell said, “It took two secHe decided to change his style when onds to decide on the guy.” writing “From Here to Nearly There” a few He decided on Alex Hyde-White, an months ago, which is the first book in his seactor who has appeared in movies and ries called “A Voyage in the Near Distance.” on television shows such as “Indiana “Science fiction allows the most creativJones and the Last Crusade” and “Dexity,” Mitchell said. ter.” Mitchell thinks that with other genres “He is a very talented guy and I’m you are bound to writing to the rules of the thrilled,” Mitchell said. universe. Mitchell said that it has never been CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform “You get to ask ‘what if ’ questions,” easier to get a book out to an audience. Mitchell said, “So it offers a great degree of creativity to “There is no excuse but to take a stab at it,” Mitchell the writers.” said, “You may not write the great American novel, but An example of this is that his novel is a tale of two you’ll have written your novel.” worlds, very similar, that are connected by an ancient mystery. One is a world full of human civiliza- Email comments to

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Jason Mitchell, a 2001 Tech graduate, is working to release an audiobook edition of his novel.



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•The Career Center will hold resume walk-ins from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• The Bulldogs will host Middle Tennessee in a basketball game at 3 p.m.

• No calendar events

• University closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday observance

•Classes resume at 8 a.m.

•No calendar events

• The Lady Techsters will host North Texas in a game at 6:30 p.m.


January 15, 2015 • The Tech Talk • 3

Tech begins construction on sidewalk FREDEDREIA WILLIS Staff Reporter Along with finishing up construction of the South End Zone Project for the football stadium, Louisiana Tech has broken more ground close by for another project, a sidewalk near Thomas Assembly Center. Triad Builders Construction Company has applied work zone lane closure on West Alabama Avenue due to installation of a new sidewalk. “The sidewalk is going to provide good access to Hideaway Park,” said Samuel Wallace, assistant vice president of administration and facilities. The project is expected to be complete by the end of the month. Wallace said there have been some efforts through Tech’s department of recreation to make improvements in Hideaway Park for recreation and tailgating events in the athletic complex. “Once this sidewalk is completed, there will be a sidewalk from Hideaway Park all the way to downtown,” Wallace said. The lack of sidewalk on West Alabama Avenue meant students and the community had to walk on the grass, the uneven hill or around “Athletes often the Thomas Assembly Cenuse the road to ter and onto the road. “Until the sidewalk is get from campus finished, you do not have a to practice, so complete path to get to the corner of the football stait is going to be dium and the new sidewalk nice to have a will change that,” Wallace said. safer route.” The sidewalk will be the safest path connecting the VICTORIA campus apartments to main CHARTERS campus and to downtown Sophomore secondary all the way from Hideaway education major Park. Students who walk to main campus from West Alabama Avenue are happy about the new sidewalk being installed. Victoria Charters, a sophomore secondary education major, said the new sidewalk would definitely benefit the students. “Athletes often use the road to get from campus to practice, so it is going to be nice to have safer route,” she said.

Photos by Brian Blakely

Construction of the new sidewalk near the TAC. The sidewalk will begin at Hideaway Park and extend to the downtown area on West Alabama Avenue. Charters said she can’t wait until the sidewalk is officially done and she is glad the project is not going to take longer than a month. John Knoh, an electrical worker, with Triad, was busy doing electrical work for the sidewalk this week and said workers will come out and begin to pour concrete when the weather permits. “The electrical part of the job should be done before the week is out,” he said. “The new sidewalk will stretch about 1,600 feet.” Knoh said they have a lot of work built up and the proj-

ect does not look like much to a bystander, but it is coming along well and they have not faced any problems so far. “The total cost of the construction is $109,950,” Wallace said. “This new sidewalk would have been complete faster, but the rain and cold weather has been a prevention,” He said as Tech moves into the home schedule of conference play for basketball, the construction work will pass around the assembly center and the team is not very far away from having the lane closure opened.

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Community of Ruston prepares for flu season MICHAEL HOGE Staff Reporter The flu epidemic which has been hitting the nation, has not resulted in an increase of flu cases around Ruston, said local health professionals. “Truthfully, I haven’t seen much of the flu around here,” said Dr. Allen Herbert, family physician at the Northern Louisiana Medical Center. There was not a large increase of vaccinations compared to other years, said Paige Pickett, head nurse at Louisiana Tech student health center. “We have given approximately 130 flu shots this school year,” Pickett said, “This is about average for what we give per year.” Tiffany Rutland, a pharmacist with Walgreens, said compared to other years, locally it has been about the same. “I think it’s pretty high, but it’s about the same prescription-wise,” Rutland said. Nationwide the flu has been hitting just as hard and early like the previous two years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention According to a CDC definition, the flu is an epidemic when a certain percentage of deaths in a given week are due to flu and pneumonia. Flu epidemics occurred in nine of the last

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A Tech Talk student receives a flu shot from a Tech nurse

dozen winters, including this one. Pickett said to prevent getting the flu, people should get the flu shot, wash hands and avoid close contact with sick people. Herbert said if people catch the flu, treatment is systematic, according to the symptoms of flu. “The most important thing is to isolate yourself from other people,” Herbert said. Pickett said students who catch the flu should go home, and not risk spreading it to their classmates. Students should see a doctor, get anti-viral medications, avoid close contact, stay home at least 24 hours after the fever is gone and clean any contaminated surfaces. Pickett said there have

been no reported cases of students being hospitalized in Ruston. Flu hospitalization rates nationwide are similar to the harsh season two years ago, which was dominated by a similar flu virus. Health officials this year are urging doctors to treat flu patients promptly with antiviral medications. “The government decided that all of us should take a flu shot,” Herbert said. “They’re trying to promote herd immunity.” He said they promote a new strain of the vaccine every year. “You can cut down the chance of a big epidemic,” Herbert said. The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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4 • The Tech Talk • January 15, 2015

Insight The


Islam is not a race




Ray Patterson



Kelsy Kershaw


Wynnifred Sanders



Deepanjan Mukhopadhyay


Jaclyn Perry Colin Fontenot Devin Dronett Carter Carroll Brian Blakely



Dr. Judith Roberts T. Scott Boatright


Dr. Reginald Owens




Dr. Reginald Owens

JOHN SADLER Editor-In-Chief


y now, you have all heard of the vicious and bloody attacks on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. The attack, which left 12 dead and 11 wounded, was a disgusting assault on freedom of speech and civilization as a whole by cowardly swine who distort the teachings of a religion to further their violent goals. Publications around the world published cartoons and articles condemning the horrid attacks. However, another section of the population spoke up, their main argument being that while we might support Charlie Hebdo’s use of free speech, we do not have to agree with its message. The cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo were frequently and unabashedly disrespectful of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other religions. Some of the cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Mohammed in various states of undress (and one showing him kissing a man) were claimed by a few to be racist. The claim of racism ignores one thing, however: Islam is not a race. Race is something you are born




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The Tech Talk welcomes letters to the editor. However, we reserve the right not to print anonymous letters. We also ask that each letter be accompanied by a telephone number, address, clas­ sification or title. We will not print the telephone number. Viewpoints should be mailed or brought to The Tech Talk office, 146 Keeny Hall, by 4 p.m. the Friday prior to a Thursday publication. Letters should be mailed to The Tech Talk, P.O. Box 10258, Ruston, LA 71272. Emails should be sent to You can also submit letters online at lettertotheeditor/. Louisiana Tech University is committed to the principle of providing the opportunity for learning and development of all qualified citizens without regard to race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or veteran status for admission to, participation in, or employment in the programs and activities which the University sponsors or operates. For Title IX information, see University Policy #1445 at http:// policies-and-procedures/1445. shtml.

with. It is something you cannot shed. It is also something that differentiates you in no way from your fellow man (or, at least, in an ideal world it wouldn’t). Islam is something else entirely. It is a belief system. If they wished, they could wake up one day and say, “I am not a Muslim.” Coming on the heels of European continent-wide anti-Islamic protests, a few commentators argued Charlie Hebdo’s satirical attacks on Islam was doing nothing but kicking European Muslims while they were down. One more insult added to the growing consensus that they do not belong. My opinion on the anti-Islamic protests can best be summed up by the famous Cologne Cathedral’s decision to extinguish their lights during the rally. “Not in our light,” they told the gathered. The protests against Islam, especially the ones demanding Muslims leave, are a cruel and xenophobic action that helps nobody and hurts many. They show many people are still stuck in the mindset that all Muslims must be radical fundamentalists, a fact that is wrong both morally and factually. But I do not think we can put Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons in the

same boat. Do I think they had any respect for Islam? Hell, no. But staging protests against a religious group and poking fun at its prophet are two entirely different things. Respect for a religion belongs in many places. If I go into a mosque, a church or a synagogue, I am not going to do anything that would be disrespectful to the beliefs of whatever house of worship I am in. In the public dialogue, however, and especially in comedy, putting religion off limits opens up dangers of censorship. Do I think Charlie Hebdo was a noble publication? No. Its comedic writers very much intended to piss people off, possibly more than they intended to make people laugh. But the very fact that these comedians died for doing what they did shows what they did was important. If someone threatens you with violence for saying something, you should say it louder. Je Suis Charlie. Vie de la liberté d’expression. John Sadler is a junior journalism major from Extension who serves as editor for The Tech Talk. Email comments to


Tech Talk subscriptions are $25 a year. Mail to: Tech Talk Subscrip­ tions, P.O. Box 10258, Ruston, LA 71272. The Tech Talk (USPS 535­540) is published Thursdays of the regular school year, except in vacation and examination periods, by the Jour­ nalism Department of Louisiana Tech University. Publication office is in Keeny Hall, Room 139.

The Bottom Line


My New Years resolution is…next year ELLIE MOSLANDER Associate Multimedia Editor


t is already the third week of the new year and I’m sure we are all keeping up with our New Year’s resolutions. Or are we? The resolutions range from eating better, getting better grades, exercising more to quitting bad habits among others. Just a few weeks go a hot topic of discussion was what New Year’s resolution were we making and now most have already forgotten. Some resolutions are more difficult to keep then others, but by the time spring comes, most are out the window. By now most likely half of us are already at the point where we are slowly letting it slide or maybe have already given up on them completely. More than 22 percent of adults already fail their resolutions after the first week, according to People tend to go into the new year with an enthusiastic spirit for progress, but in the back of their minds know the resolution will not last very long. By now, some of us

may be already thinking of resolutions for next year. As each year approaches, it seems as if everyone gets into a last minute productive mindset where they want to change something about him or herself or a habit of theirs. The world seems to have this mindset of “New Year, new you!” but this never seems to last very long. Numerous websites, online blogs and other sources post helpful tips on how to stick to New Years resolutions. While this is great, it seems as if this only helps to an extent. After a while, we all get pretty tired of it and move on to something else. This is not always the case, and I applaud those who have stuck to them for longer than two months. Presonally, I do not really know why society as a whole seems to give up on them, but the statistics are almost humorous. It is most likely people will not even fulfill them and we all know it. A resolution to change or improve for the better is not a bad thing at all. I don’t agree with the concept

or tradition of doing it because of the New Year’s fad though. Make a resolution when it is really necessary and then there may be more motivation to fulfill it. Of course, resolutions are not restricted for a new year; they can definitely be effective at anytime of the year. At this point, we have gotten over the spirit a new year and are slowly adjusting to being in 2015. The resolutions are pretty much forgotten. They are not just a recent American tradition, but have actually been going on for a very long time. Traditionally, New Years is a way to “purify” from the bad things of the past year and begin again. I guess we have taken the first few weeks to change a bit and then we have moved on. So here’s to the New Year and unfulfilled resolutions. Ellie Moslander is a junior journalism major from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and serves as associate multimedia editor for the Tech Talk. Email comments to


The BCS busted again JARED KING Sports Editor


lright, so I know there is no longer a Bowl Championship Series – commonly referred to as the BCS throughout its existence from 1998 until 2013 – but, even after its demise, the BCS was busted this week. No, the BCS was not busted when the Ohio State Buckeyes soundly defeated the No. 2 ranked Oregon Ducks in the inaugural College Football Playoff National Championship game Monday night. And no, the BCS was not busted 11 days prior to the Buckeyes’ National Championship Game victory when Ohio State, led by the backup quarterback to the backup quarterback Cardale Jones, defeated the Alabama Crimson Tide 42-35. The BCS was busted when the CFP selection committee, chaired by the director of athletics at the Univer-

sity of Arkansas Jeff Long, decided to allow Ohio State to leapfrog the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs into the fourth and final playoff spot. The committee got it right. Under the old BCS system, the final rankings would have paired No. 1 Alabama against No. 2 Florida State in the National Championship game. Both of those teams lost in the semifinal round of the CFP. And that is where the BCS was busted. The BCS always had its share of naysayers and critics but the CFP selection committee was criticized all season for its – sometimes inexplicable – ranking and re-ranking of the top four teams. Had the CFP simply resulted in Alabama playing Florida State for the National Championship, the NCAA and the selection committee would have had to deal with tremendous backlash from analysts and fans because of the lack of parity.

Thankfully, for Long and the committee, they got it right and presented college football fans with something they have been pining for since the inception of the BCS – a true playoff, winner-take-all format. Next fans will be asking for the playoff to be expanded from four teams to eight teams to provide even more parity, but for now the four-team playoff is exactly what the sport needed. America loves a Cinderella story, and previously only the NCAA Basketball Tournament in March could provide that, but with the playoff, college football provided the country a true underdog story that will be difficult to top. Farewell, BCS. No one will miss you. Jared King is a senior journalism major from Jena who serves as sports editor for The Tech Talk. Email comments to


It’s a college free-for-all


ven a sixth grader knows there is no such thing as a free lunch — right? Most of us were undoubtedly taught as much in elementary school. This is where we learned (maybe) that nothing is free; that someone somewhere is footing the bill. So, armed with nothing more than a sixth grader’s education, one could immediately see the inherent financial hurdle the nation would face in President Obama’s proposal to offer free community college to everyone. How do you plan to pay for it Mr. President? Let me first remind you we, as a country, are currently more than $18 trillion in debt. If the principle of the proposal is to invest in our nation’s youth (which we absolutely should), then this is a most noble and prudent intention. And, it’s not as if college is cheap, either. As it stands, some institutions of higher education (University of Phoenix-type schools) seem to increasingly consider students as for-profit centers in America. I certainly stand ready to combat that kind of thinking. I am not arguing the idea of a free education; I accept this premise. But, I will question the true intention of this seemingly commendable idea of free higher education. Our nation’s debt cannot be overstated, as it will most likely become an insurmountable burden that will fall on our future generations’ shoulders. If the president’s goal is to arm this generation with the know-how to overcome our ever-increasing national debt, great. But here is the thing — it isn’t logical. History will show you the last time the national debt was at $0 was in 1835. The seventh president of the United States — Andrew Jackson — cleared the country of its $75 million debt. To think we might reduce the debt by more than 20 percent in the next 40 to 50 years is laughable considering the rate at which our country spends money (it does not have). So let’s scratch that option — it isn’t happening. Does the idea of free higher education encourage those who might not otherwise consider it? Sure, it very well may, but it doesn’t guarantee a future college graduate any career he or she might be qualified for without a two-year certification. In fact, for every 10 students who enter community college, only three graduate within three years, according to Forbes. There is no evidence to suggest the increased interest and subsequent attendance in a two-year program will lead to a bettereducated society. So, if we are not gaining intelligence as a country and we aren’t decreasing the national debt, what are we accomplishing by supplying higher education at no cost to our citizens? We don’t know. Would we like for the burden of expense to fall elsewhere? Absolutely, but it just doesn’t work that way. Unless you’re a sixth grader, am I right? Ray Patterson is a senior journalism major from New Orleans who serves as editor for the Tech Talk. Email comments to

Arts Entertainment

January 15, 2015 • The Tech Talk • 5

What to look forward to in


Information provided by Kailee Courts

Photo courtesy of

Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Red Hot Chili Peppers plan on releasing their 11th studio album, which has yet to be named. Their last studio album was released in 2011. Flea, the bassist for the band, told Rolling Stone the new album is super danceable and introspective. There is no set release date for the album, but drummer Chad Smith said they are looking to release it early this year. Photo courtesy of Summit Entertainment

Photo courtesy of Universal Studios


Fifty Shades of Grey One of the movies hitting the big screen is the highly anticipated “Fifty Shades of Grey.” “Fifty Shades” is the first book in a trilogy by E.L. James. The series topped best-seller lists around the world, including the United Stated and United Kingdom. It has sold over 100 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 52 languages. The role of Anastasia Steele is played by Dakota Johnson and the role of Christian Grey is played by Jamie Dornan. The movie traces the deepening relationship between a college graduate and a young business magnate. Anastasia and Christian have a very sexual BDSM (bondage, domination, and sado-masoschism) relationship until problems emerge in their relationship when Anastasia starts to question if her relationship with Christian and his controlling behavior is worth it. Anastasia has to choose between what is best for her and her longing to be with Christian. “Fifty Shades of Grey” is set to open in theaters on Feb13.

Photo courtesy of The Independent

One Direction

British pop group One Direction is also planning to release a new album this year. It has not even been a year since they released their fourth album, “FOUR,” and already the popular boy band has their fifth album in the works. The group announced they are working on a new album at the BBC Music Awards. There is no set release date for the album, but fans still have their On the Road Again world tour to hold themover until then.

The second installment in Veronica Roth’s dystopian society young adult Divergent series will be premiering this year. Shailene Woodly and Theo James return as the story’s main protagonists, Beatrice Prior and Four, and tell how their society came to be divided into the five factions that separate them as teenagers. Picking up right after the events of the previous film, “Divergent,” Tris and Four face new problems while also continuing the fight against the alliance threatening their society. As she attempts to gain more support and struggles with the consequences of the choices she has made Tris will also learn more about what it means to be Divergent and why her society is so threatened by her and others like her. The two will face new problems in their society and in their relationship with each other as they try to find a way to stay together when everything seems to be pulling them apart. “Insurgent” is set to premiere in theaters on March 20.

Americans do what it takes to watch ‘The Interview’ KAILEE COURTS Staff Reporter

Goldberg. It stars James Franco as Dave Skylark, a nighttime talk show host, and Seth Rogen as Aaron Rapoport, Skylark’s friend and the Despite much controversy over the reshow’s producer. lease of the movie, “The Interview,” Sony The two land an interview with North announced that it is their most successful Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un and are reonline movie. cruited by the CIA to make their trip an asIn November, Sony was sassination mission. hacked by an anonymous The movie essentially makes the probgroup who identified themlems in North Korea a joke, but also has a selves as the “Guardians of way of showing viewers a glimpse of what Peace.” is happening. After threats of war Rotten Tomatoes, a popular movie reSony Pictures from North Korea and maview website, gave The Interview two and The Interview jor cinema chains refusing to show it, Sony a half stars. HHHHI pulled “The Interview” from theaters. They said the movie was overshadowed However, by mid-December after widewith controversy and it offered muddling spread criticism from the public for bowing laugh bolstered by its two likeable leads. to the hackers, Sony decided to make the Other movie review sites such as Metacritic and Commovie available online and at theaters who were willing to mon Sense gave The Interview low ratings. show the controversial movie. Stephen Boone of the movie review It was shown in select theaters on Christmas Day and website gave the film a two-star rating. Ebert was a internamade $5 million at the box office. “The Interview” was rented or purchased online more tionally-renowned film critic who died in 2013. Boone said he did not laugh once, but there were a few than 4.3 million times and made over $31 million. The movie was illegally downloaded more than 750,000 lines in the movie that made him grin. Franco and Rogen took a very serious topic and made times on Christmas Day alone. The Interview was directed by Seth Rogen and Evan it into a comedy because that is what people want to see. There was a lot of controversy on popular social media

Photo courtesy of Sony Entertainment.

James Franco and Seth Rogan play a talk show host and producer in the controversial comedy, “The Interview.“ sites such as Twitter and Tumblr. Many people did not think the movie should be released because it did nothing but harm America’s view of the conditions in North Korea. The movie did make jokes about the country, but at points it showed how things really are. The Interview is available to rent or purchase on Google Play, VUDU, Amazon, Youtube, Movies, Xbox video and iTunes.

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6 • The Tech Talk • January 15, 2015


Aries March 21 – April 19 You may have a hard time getting started today, Aries. This might be a better time to plan. Be realistic and thoughtful in your actions. Be conscious of the steps you need to take to reach a certain goal. When in doubt, take the more conservative route. You will find that there is a great deal of support for that path. Don’t get distracted along the way. Stay on target. Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Unexpected economic developments might make a sudden and positive difference in your situation, Taurus. Perhaps your field becomes more competitive, and people with your skills are more in demand. Whatever it is, you can expect more money to come your way in the future. Legal papers could be involved, as could some interesting people you haven’t met before. Your mind is likely to be buzzing. Gemini May 21 - Jun 20 Your social life might suddenly be busier than you expected, Gemini, perhaps because of the appearance of some interesting new people. This could involve a group with which you’re affiliated, perhaps one with a humanitarian focus. Expect to be busy over the next few weeks, as this trend isn’t likely to slow down soon. Stimulating conversations could set your mind going a mile a minute. Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22 Books and conversations with friends could take up most of your day, Cancer. The intellectual stimulation could have positive and negative effects on your health. Positive because it raises your enthusiasm and puts you in an enthusiastic state of mind, and negative because it might get you so excited that you forget to eat or rest. Enjoy all the excitement but don’t forget to take a break. Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22 If you’re currently romantically involved, expect your relationship to reach a new understanding and sense of unity, Leo. If you aren’t involved, you could meet someone special today, and it might be like love at first sight. An instant bond could form between you because of mutual intellectual interests. You might have a lot to talk about, as your own projects are going better than you’d hoped. Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22 An old friend you haven’t seen in a long time could turn up. This should be a pleasant surprise, Virgo, as you will have a lot of catching up to do. You might have good news, as you’ve been busy and could have come across some very exciting information. Take a walk at

the end of the day or you might not be able to sleep. Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22 Some great news could come today that turns your life upside down momentarily. Libra, you will find it very exciting. New neighbors could move in and you might spend some time getting acquainted. Much of your day could be spent seeking information in a field that interests you. Expect a busy day, but remember to rest now and then. A walk in the evening might be a good idea. Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 News might bring exciting opportunities for increasing your income, Scorpio. Perhaps you will learn of ways to start your own business. Maybe the demand for people with your skills has increased. You might discover the efficiency some new technology for managing your finances. Discussions with others should bring many new ideas your way. Make the most of them. Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 Discussions could bring some exciting information your way that alters your thinking slightly. You tend to be oriented toward social, political, or humanitarian issues, Sagittarius. Today you might have the chance to put your talents to work. Someone could ask you for assistance. You have the mental and physical energy to go for it, so it’s likely that you will, though perhaps not right away. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Today you may take up the study of astrology, numerology, alchemy, or other occult discipline. Your intellectual abilities are particularly sharp, Capricorn, so you may want to combine them with your tendency toward mysticism. This should keep you busy for much of the day, but you need to watch out for intellectual overload. You don’t want to forget what you’ve learned. Take notes. Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 New friends, new goals, and new attitudes could all appear on the scene, Aquarius. Unexpected developments within a group are likely to require reevaluating a course of action. This is probably a positive development, and it could be exciting, but it’s going to mean some immediate adjustments. As your mental energy is still sharp, this shouldn’t be too difficult.

CROSSWORDPUZZLE Across 1. Jeopardy 6. Away from port 10. Nicholas II was the last Russian one 14. Eat away 15. Traditional passeddown knowledge 16. Tear apart 17. Whoopi’s role in “The Color Purple” 18. Big do 19. ___ Three Lives 20. Unit of power 22. ___ public 24. Boy or man 25. Skill 26. Spreads out 29. I smell ___! 30. Artist Mondrian 31. Arrangement 37. Diarist Nin 39. Lyric work 40. Pet ___ 41. House of the owner of a ranch 44. Manitoba native 45. Freeway access 46. Be present 48. Bow and arrow skill 52. Switch ending 53. Protects 54. Specialist in religious law 58. Sacramento’s ___ Arena 59. Sentry’s shout 61. Fungal infection 62. Makes lace 63. Fencing sword 64. In base 8 65. New Haven students 66. Midday 67. ___ Mio Down 1. Quarter bushel 2. ...___ saw Elba 3. Drum sound 4. Like phrase book entries 5. Extra time 6. Having wings 7. Like a pillow 8. Drift, make a mistake 9. Eternal 10. Hackneyed 11. Eliot’s Marner 12. States 13. Color anew 21. Furthermore 23. Available 25. Cooks in fat 26. Box 27. ___ colada 28. The Tower of Pisa does this 29. Make sense 32. Spacious 33. Constructive arts 34. Able was ___... 35. Cooking appliance 36. Can’t do without 38. Cut into small pieces 42. Increase in unpleasantness 43. Deserve 47. Tastelessly affected 48. Playing marble 49. Countrified 50. Desert bloomers 51. ___ Perot 52. Consumed


54. 1963 role for Liz 55. A big fan of 56. Marine mammal, secure something 57. Account 60. Mil. address


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Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 Feel free to move forward with your plans, Pisces. This is a great day to take action. You’ve done a great deal of data collecting and analyzing lately. Now is the time to put that information to good use. You’re helped by an extra boost of inner confidence and emotional strength. Your grounded, conservative approach will be richly rewarded. You couldn’t ask for a more productive day!









HIGH 51 LOW 29

HIGH 56 LOW 34

HIGH 61 LOW 40

HIGH 60 LOW 34

HIGH 61 LOW 39

HIGH 62 LOW 41

HIGH 60 LOW 25

SUDOKUPUZZLE Difficulty HARD Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9.

‘Ballyhoo’ cast lineup announced NEWS SERVICES

The Stone Theatre at Louisiana Tech has announced the seven-member cast for its upcoming production of “The Last Night of Ballyhoo.” The play will be directed by associate professor of Theatre Paul B. Crook. Performance dates for “The Last Night of Ballyhoo” are scheduled for Jan. 28-31 and Feb. 4-7, 2015. Curtain times will be announced at a later date. The cast includes Trey Clark, a graduate student, as Adolph Freitag; Kaitlin Fouquet, a freshman, as Beulah Levy; Maggie McAdams, freshman, as Reba Freitag; Ashley Davis, a sophomore, as Lala Levy; Courtney VanEaton, a junior, as Sunny Freitag; Johnny Marley, a senior, as Joe Farkas; and Kevin Keeler, a senior, as Sylvan Weil. Winner of the 1997 Tony Award for Best Play, Alfred Uhry’s “The Last Night of Ballyhoo” takes place in Atlanta in December of 1939. During the play’s setting, “Gone with the Wind” just had its world premiere and Hitler had invaded Poland. However, Atlanta’s elitist German Jews are much more concerned with who is going to Ballyhoo, the social event

of the season. Especially concerned is the Freitag family – bachelor Adolph, his widowed sister, Beulah (Boo) Levy, and their also widowed sister-in-law, Reba. Boo is determined to have her dreamy, unpopular daughter, Lala, attend Ballyhoo, believing it will be Lala’s last chance to find a socially acceptable husband. The family gets pulled apart and then mended together with plenty of comedy, romance and revelations along the way. Events take several unexpected turns as the characters face where they come from and are forced to deal with who they really are. For more information, contact the Louisiana Tech department of theatre at 318- 257-2930, or visit Follow the department on social media on Facebook at Follow them on Twitter and Instagram at @LaTechTheatre. To learn more about upcoming events from the School of Performing Arts, visit


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band. RUN GAME they


January 15 , 2015 • The Tech Talk • 7

Rain or shine, basketball or football, win or lose, the Band of Pride inspires school spirit.

LACY CAMP Staff Reporter

TOP: The Band of Pride performed during the parade before the Tech vs. UTSA game. LEFT: Aaron Begay, a sophomore nanosystems engineering major, provided musical entertainment on the tenor drums during halftime. Photos by Brian Blakely


Louisiana Tech’s marching band, the Band of Pride, creates an unforgettable atmosphere that spectators at sporting events enjoy, particularly at basketball games. That’ why Corey Green, a senior sociology major and former band member, goes to Tech games. “I dislike sports, but hearing the band play and their hilarious chants during basketball games makes sporting events enjoyable,” he said. The Band of Pride, also referred to the “Hoop Troop” during basketball season, is under the direction of Jim Robken and has a reputation of being energetic. “The band always creates a lively, pumped up atmosphere for football and basketball games,” said Kewaynethian Riser, a 2014 Tech alumnus who graduated with a master’s degree. “Their energy is always electric, especially with basketball games. I could always see the band getting the fans to come alive after almost every play.” During basketball season, the Hoop Troop can be heard playing music, entertaining fans and screaming at the game officials. “They always keep the crowd in the games,” said Taylor Tuggle, a junior civil engineering major. “Even when the crowd is getting lazy, they’re not

ashamed to start dancing like maniacs.” With the atmosphere the Hoop Troop creates, the band makes its presence known at basketball games. “It’s an obvious difference in the game atmosphere,” Tuggle said. “I don’t really notice how much I appreciate them (Hoop Troop) until they’re not there.” Fan agree that What makes the Hoop Troop so special lies with the band’s characteristics. “I love the fact that they don’t just stand there and elegantly play each instrument like a robot,” Tuggle said. “They get down and boogie with it. You don’t really see that too often in other bands.” “One of the main things I enjoy about the band is that they have a very wacky, crazy and fun personality,” Riser said. “You definitely notice them and it looks like they’re having fun doing what they do. They truly add to the experience of going to Tech’s games.” However, the characteristics are not the only thing that makes this group special. “Just like the Tech family, the band is one huge family with traditions, rules, wise veterans and most importantly - love,” Green said. “To sum it up, the band creates an atmosphere of excitement, anxiousness, love and pride.”

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Camella Card, a senior chemistry major and the drum major, celebratedDESIGN Tech during the alma mater. BY KELSY KERSHAW

8 • The Tech Talk • January 15, 2015

Sports Talk Former UF quarterback set to join Tech WILL TRAHAN Sports Reporter Former University of Florida quarterback Jeff Driskel has decided to come to Louisiana Tech to play out his final year of eligibility. “There were a lot of schools contacting me, and people trying to pull me in every direction,” Driskel said. “I just felt like Louisiana Tech was the right choice for me.” The former Gatorade High School Player of the Year said he left Florida on good terms but felt things did not go right for him there. There were several factors that went into Driskel choosing Louisiana Tech over other schools. “I have known Coach (Skip) Holtz all the way back since recruiting,” Driskel said. “A lot of people spoke very highly of him, those that know him very well. I really wanted to go somewhere with a quality head coach, not just as a coach but as a person as well.” Driskel said he believes Holtz is moving the program in the right direction. “He really sold me on the fact that they will have good players around me,” Driskel said. “I am going into an opportunity where there will be people who can help me make plays, as well as me helping the team.” Driskel’s decision seems eerily similar to Cody Sokol’s last year when Sokol decided to transfer from the University of Iowa. Driskel had an opportunity to speak with the quarterback who led the Bulldogs to a win in the

Heart of Dallas Bowl prior to his choosing to transfer to Tech. “He spoke highly of the program and highly of the people around him,” Driskel said. “He said he really enjoyed it, and that was a big factor for me.” Driskel said what he got out of the conversation was that his new teammates would welcome him into the locker room, provided he works hard. Driskel was highly recruited out of Paul J. Hagerty High School in Oviedo, Florida, and had to go through a similar process when looking for a school to transfer to. “It was not as crazy as it was in high school, I know how things are now,” Driskel said. “I have been at a big time college football program for four years, so I can kind of understand where people are coming from. I know what questions to ask, rather than be blown away by someone’s locker room or weight room. It is a little bit different this time around.” The former Florida Gator is not focused on expectations from people outside of the program, only those in it. “Right now what I am worried about is going in and earning the coaches’ respect, as well as the players’ respect,” Driskel said. “I am not going to let expectations alter what I am doing. I am just going to go in and work hard. It will pay off.”

MATT VALCHO Staff Reporter

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Photo by Jeff Brissett

Driskel played three seasons at Florida before transferring to Louisiana Tech.

Lady Techsters start hot in C-USA play CATHERINE BURKE Staff Reporter Head coach Tyler Summit and his Lady Techsters have begun their first conference season together with a lot of home action. The Lady Techsters had three consecutive home games to start Conference USA play, falling to Southern Mississippi University in overtime before speeding past the University of Texas at El Paso and the University of Texas at San Antonio. “We’re excited to be in conference play,”

Tennis prepping for action

Summit said. “With conference there’s an extra motivation and extra expectation.” Summit said the team is still working on a few things. “It’s just consistency,” he said. “We’re really trying to figure out what we can be consistent at.” Senior forward Whitney Frazier said she thinks the team is on its way to its peak. “We are very close to getting over the hump,” she said. “We’re working on little things and will get better.” Frazier said it’s the little things that are key.

Photo by Donny J. Crowe

Senior guard Kelia Shelton was named Conference USA player of the week for the second time this season.

“It’s little things like knowing the scout report, boxing out, and for me personally it’s free throws,” she said. “We’re learning how to finish games off as a team and will get better in conference.” Frazier said she has high expectations for the rest of the season. “My expectations for this season are winning conference, taking it all home and going to the NCAA tournament for my first time.” Sophomore guard Ruby Richie said the Lady Techsters will have to work hard this conference season. “Conference is always tough,” she said. “There will never be an easy game, home or away. We will have to fight to earn what we are chasing.” Richie said the team is more than ready for conference play. “Every game we have to come out with a championship mentality, no matter who we play,” she said. “We were picked toward the middle of our conference in pre-season polls and we know that is not where we belong.” Richie said she feels the team is ready for what is ahead. “We are hungry for revenge from last year,” she said. “We’re ready to show everyone in our conference what we are really made of.” Senior guard Kelia Shelton was named CUSA Women’s Basketball Player of the Week for the second time this season after averaging 25.5 points and 7 rebounds in the Lady Techsters’ wins over UTEP and UTSA. The Lady Techsters will play at home next Jan. 22 against North Texas. For more on Tech athletics, follow the Tech Talk Sports Desk’s Twitter page at

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The Louisiana Tech women’s tennis team will kick off its spring season Friday, against nationallyranked opponents. The Lady Techsters will start at No. 55 Wichita State in Wichita, Kansas, before heading to Stillwater, Oklahoma, to face No. 19 Oklahoma State. Chad Camper, head coach since spring of 2014, is excited to see how his Lady Techsters will handle their tough upcoming schedule. “I think we’re ready,” Camper said. “We had a good fall. We played in some tournaments and did well. Now we’re going to pick up where we left off.” The Lady Techsters competed in a number of tournaments in the fall, including the Ragin’ Cajuns Fall Classic in Lafayette and went undefeated in the Jason’s Deli Collegiate Invitational in Houston. Marta Sramkova, a sophomore business major from Bratislava, Slovakia, was 7-0 in the Jason’s Deli Collegiate Invitational. Sramkova won four singles matches and three doubles matches. “We’re prepared for the spring,” Sramkova said. “During the fall we were able to work on the little things with Coach (Camper). That was good because he wasn’t here last year. Now we’re ready for our tough schedule.” Camper was introduced as the head tennis coach a few weeks before the team was set to begin the 2014 spring season. A full fall of preparation with Camper this season has hopefully led to some improvements over last season. “Our doubles is unbelievably better than last year.” Camper said. “Historically in my coaching career, my teams have had good doubles. Last year we struggled, but we played great in the fall and I’m ready to see what we can do.” Heading into a tough schedule this spring, Camper is happy to have a core group of players returning to take on strong opposition. “We have three juniors and no seniors this year, but I think everyone is a leader,” he said. “We’re a young team on paper but we have a lot of wisdom and a lot of experience.” “We have to come together,” Sramkova said. “We need to be focused on our goal if we want to succeed.” The Lady Techsters have 12 home matches scheduled for the spring, the most ever that will be played in Ruston. The Lady Techsters home opener is Jan. 25 at the Louisiana Tech Tennis Complex.

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