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Revista laTempestad
La Tempestad is a bimonthly magazine based in Mexico City. Our main interests cover contemporary visual arts, literature, performative arts, film, architecture and design. In Every issue La Tempestad aims to explore coyuntural contemporary topics trough the exploration of a wide range of ideas form artists, philosophers, historians, writers and critics using essays, interviews, reviews and artist projects. La Tempestad is honestly compromised with the magazine making spirit and traditiont, his contributors and readers, and of course his own idea of the international currrent creation.
Tavo Prado
norma hernandez
Paso de Gato
Gadiel Mario
Pablo Grey
mid jungle
Xavier Castañón
Iván González
Juan Jaramillo
La obra Comunicativa
Wellington R Costa
Cprn Nav
Omar Freude
juanjo ca
Luis Baeza
María José Furió Liu
jorge flores Díaz
Otoniel Guajardo
Mike Castaka
Ricardo Payan
Roberto Juárez-Garza
Roman Lujan
Andrea Ortega
Annalisa Grisi
Olga R.
Adair lopez
Isay Galicia Castillo
Natalio Ruiz
alex montiel
Soel Romero
Carles Romany
mireia cardus
ernesto aroche
Jose Pablo Rocha Tapia
Vic German
El Chahuistle zacatecas
Alejandro J. Peimbert
Vk Entintado
Fernando Torres Rojo
Christian Albarran
Clemente Castor
Anders Behring Breivik
Juan Hernandez
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Bonilla
Felipe WEO
xiomara velarde
Shelley De Soto