Our story We began our adventure through the association of three bee-keepers who wanted to create a range of products using all-natural, f resh, non-genetically modified ingredients (GMO) ingredients. From this vision, we developed the L aterra Artisan Har vest® product line. Using traditional recipes from old México, we created a line of fine artisan sauces, marmalades and gourmet honey. L aterra® has grown into a favourite among food lovers in Europe, Japan and the United States. Using only fresh ingredients grown in traditional ways, we bring authentic Mexican cuisine to tables worldwide. Our headquarters are located in Tequisquiapan, central México. This beautiful town, famed for its curative hot springs, is situated in the hear t of a rich agricultural district, ensuring a convenient supply of f resh products. Hacienda San Jose Buenavista, our main facility, was once the finest hacienda, or agricultural estate, in the region. French wine producer Martell® built the industrial plant in the 1960s. Now it proudly houses L aterra’s facilities. We have managed to build a network of small traditional growers and a great team of dedicated workers to create a line of extraordinar y products that ref lect our love for the Mexican countr yside and our passion for Mexican cuisine. This booklet is a collection of our favourite dishes. We hope you enjoy tr ying them at home with friends and family.
m e x i c a n s p i c y c h i p o t l e , t o m at o a n d p e a n u t s a u c e
Peanuts originated in S outh America as early as 1500 B C, where the Inca of Per u used them as sacrificial offerings. This member of the legume family reached the Aztecs as cacahuatl during the Spanish Exploration in México. The dried chipotle [chee-POHT-lay] chilli pepper, when fresh, is the jalapeño chilli. The term “chipotle”, of Aztec descent (chilli poctli), means smoked chilli and was the pre-Hispanic process of dr ying this pepper.
M e x i c a n h a s h p otato s k i l l e t
½ c up ve ge t able oi l 4 l arge p ot ato e s ½ on ion , dic e d 1 g re e n p e pp e r, dic e d ½ t sp. s a lt ½ t sp. g round bl ack p e pp e r 1 c up of L ate r ra® C h i hu a hu a S au c e ½ c up f resh c or i ande r ½ fe t a che es e, c r u mble d 1 e g g ( opt iona l)
Peel and dice the potatoes. Then, heat the oil in a large skillet. Once heated, add the potatoes and cook for ten minutes, stirring from time to time. Add the onion and green pepper. C ontinue fr ying for 10 more minutes or until they are cooked through. Add the salt, pepper and L aterra® Chihuahua Sauce and stir. S catter some fresh coriander and feta cheese. Alternatively, ser ve with fried eggs.
M I L D M E X I C A N T O M AT I L L O S A U C E [ S A L S A V E R D E ]
Tomatillo Sauce is the most common culinar y sauce in MĂŠxico. The tomatillo, or green tomato, originated in MĂŠxico and is derived f rom the Aztec name tomatl. Tomatillo Sauce also contains the serrano chilli pepper, the most common fresh chilli pepper in MĂŠxico.
S t e a k Ta co s w i t h To m at i l lo S a u c e
2 ste a k s ½ onion, shre dde d 1 orange juic e and sl ic es 1 c up of b e er (l ager ) ½ t sp. garl ic s a lt pi nch of g rou nd bl ack p epp er
Tenderise the meat by putting the steaks between two pieces of cling film and hitting them hard, with a rolling pin. Once tenderised, put the steaks in a plastic bag or bowl and add the onion, orange, beer, garlic salt, black pepper and salt.
½ t sp. s a lt 2 r ip e avo c ado s l ime juice s a lt 20 sma l l cor n tor t i l l as
Marinate in the refrigerator for at least two hours before cooking. Remove the pit from the avocados and mash the pulp, adding the lime juice and salt to taste. To prevent the avocados from turning brown, place the pit in the mash.
1 onion, chopp e d 2 chopp e d r adishes ½ c up f resh c or i ander L ate r ra® Mi cho ac án Sauc e 2 l ime we dges
Fr y the meat for four minutes on each side and leave it to rest for two minutes. Dice the meat and leave aside. Heat the tortillas in the skillet where you fried the steaks. Once ever ything is ready, make the tacos by putting the meat, the avocado, chopped onions, radishes and the coriander on the tortilla. Top it with L aterra® Michoacán Tomatillo Sauce and lime juice.
Z a c at e c a s
Spicy & Sweet Mexican Chipotle Sauce
The dried chipotle [chee-POHT-lay] chilli pepper, when fresh, is the jalapeño chilli. Jalapa, the capital of the Veracruz Province, is the origin of this delicious pepper. The term “chipotle”, of Aztec descent (chilli poctli), means smoked chilli and was the pre-Hispanic process of dr ying this pepper. The chipotle chilli is usually identified by a smoky, light-brown sugar y after-taste.
Chipotle Pork Ribs
8 p ork r ibs 1 c up of L ate r ra®
Preheat the oven to 190 ˚C (375 ˚F). Place the pork ribs on a baking tray.
Z ac ate c as C h ip ot le S auc e pinch of s a lt pi nch of g round bl ack p e pp e r
Using a kitchen brush, spread the Z acatecas Chipotle Sauce over the ribs and put them in the oven.
1 t b sp. f re sh chopp e d
After 20 minutes, take the tray out and give
c or i ande r
the ribs another brush with more Z acatecas Chipotle Sauce. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. After approximately one hour, or when the ribs are cooked, take them out of the oven and scatter with some coriander. S er ve with more L aterra® Z acatecas Chipotle Sauce on the side.
De La Costa
S p i c y, S w e e t & S av o u r y M e x i c a n S a u c e w i t h Ta m a r i n d
Tamarind was brought to MĂŠxico from India over 300 years ago. Also known as the Indian date, tamarind is hugely popular as a f lavouring in E ast Indian and Middle E astern cuisines, rather like lemon juice is in Western culture. Tamarind is also used to make a sweet syrup for f lavouring soft drinks and is an integral ingredient in Worcestershire sauce.
sweet and sour
Tamarind Chilli Prawns
1 lb praw ns p e el e d and d e -ve ine d L ater ra ÂŽ Gu e r re ro S au c e C or i and er, chopp e d R ic e
Wash and cover the prawns with Guerrero sauce. Marinate them for three hours in the refrigerator. Skewer the prawns on wooden sticks. Place on the barbecue or grill and cook for five minutes on each side, or until cooked through. S er ve with rice.
M e x i c a n T o m at o S a u c e w i t h S e r r a n o C h i l l i P e p p e r s
Tomato sauce is a common culinar y sauce in MĂŠxico. The tomato originated in MĂŠxico and is derived from the Aztec name xitomatl. High in Vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant rich in beta-carotenes, tomatoes are also low in sodium, fat, and calories. This delicious sauce also contains the serrano chilli pepper, the most common fresh chilli pepper in MĂŠxico.
S p i c y M e at b a l l S o u p
2 t bsp. ve ge t able oi l ½ w h ite on i on , chopp e d 1 cl ove of g arlic , p e ele d A b ott l e of L ate r raŽ Si na lo a S au c e 1 t sp. s a lt
Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and fr y for three minutes on a medium heat, stirring constantly. Add the L aterraÂŽ Sinaloa Sauce and cook for three minutes. Once hot, add the water, salt and pepper. Reduce the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.
A pi nch of g rou nd bl ack p e pp e r 250g minc e d b e e f 3 t bsp. f re sh c or i ande r 5 t bsp. b as mat i r ic e 1 l arge e g g 1 t sp. s a lt 4 c ar rot s, p e ele d 3 p ot ato e s , p e ele d 1 avo c ado l ime we dge s
In a large bowl, place the minced meat with the coriander, rice, egg and salt. Mix well. Shape the meatballs a bit smaller than a golf ball and set aside. Add the meatballs, carrots and potatoes to the broth that has been simmering. C ook for 20 minutes or until the meatballs and vegetables are cooked through. S er ve accompanied with avocado cubes and lime wedges.
Guerrero Mexican Spicy Peanut Sauce
The cacahuate [kahkah-WAH-tay] is an Aztec term meaning peanut. It is principally produced in the Tierra Caliente [hot land], a region located between Guerrero State and Michoacรกn Province. This sauce has a spic y blended f lavour, due to the Arbol Chilli. It is one of the most f lavourful and spic y chillies in existence.
very spicy
Spicy Peanut Chicken Thighs
10 ch icke n t h ig hs L ate r r a Gue r re ro Pe anut S au c e hone y
In a bowl, mix two tablespoons of L aterra Guerrero Peanut Sauce with two tablespoons of honey. C oat the chicken thighs and marinate for three hours. Place in a deep tray and bake at 190°C for 30 minutes or until cooked through. S er ve with potatoes or your favourite salad.
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Recipe Preparation and Photography Karla Zazueta Cover Design Design Happy Design Eden Sinclair