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LMS Year Planner – Notable Events

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Campbell of Canna

Campbell of Canna

At the time of going to press the following events are planned. For fuller details and other events see lms.org.uk.

Sung Mass in thanksgiving for the Coronation Monday 8 May, Corpus Christi Maiden Lane, London, 6.30 pm. Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost in thanksgiving for the Coronation of HM King Charles III. Music: Tye Missa Euge Bone, Taverner Christe Jesu, Sheppard Spiritus Sanctus Procedens.

Iota Unum Talk – Dr Joseph Shaw Friday 19 May, Our Lady of the Assumption Warwick Steet, London (enter via 24 Golden Square W1F 9JR), 6:30 pm for 7.00 pm. Dr Joseph Shaw 'Clericalism and Clerical Abuse'. Refreshments provided. £5 on the door.

Guild of St Tarcisius Server Training Day Saturday 17 June, St Mary Moorfields 10:00am for 10.30am until 3.30pm. See LMS website for details.

Iota Unum Talk – Prof Thomas Pink Friday 30 June, Our Lady of the Assumption Warwick Steet, London (enter via 24 Golden Square W1F 9JR), 6:30 pm for 7.00 pm. Prof Thomas Pink 'Authority and the image of God’. Refreshments provided. £5 on the door.

LMS AGM and Sung Mass at Westminster Cathedral Saturday 15 July, Annual General Meeting at Westminster Cathedral Hall, 11.00 am and Sung Mass at Westminster Cathedral, 2.00 pm. Members will receive formal notification of the meeting with this edition of Mass of Ages. The guest speaker is John Smeaton. The Mass is open to everyone.

St Catherine’s Trust Summer School Sunday 30 July to Saturday 5 August at St Cassian’s Kintbury RG17 9SR. See stcatherinestrust. org for details.

Residential Latin and Greek Course Monday 14 to Saturday 19 August at Park Place Pastoral Centre, Fareham PO17 5HA. The course is designed to assist clergy who wish to learn or improve their Latin in order to celebrate Mass in Latin, and for all who may be interested in Latin from devotional, cultural, or scholarly motives. The LMS now also offers a New Testament Greek Course alongside the Latin Course. Book via the LMS website.

Annual Walsingham Pilgrimage Thursday 24 to Saturday 27 August. Pilgrims gather in Ely on Thursday in preparation for the start of the walk on Friday morning. They arrive in Walsingham Sunday lunchtime, to be met by day pilgrims from London. There is an early bird offer for those wishing to take part in the walking pilgrimage. Full details on the LMS website. Guild of St Clare Sewing Retreat Friday 3 to Sunday 5 November, St Joseph's Centre, Southampton SO40 7DU. Further details on the LMS website.

Sung Requiem at Westminster Cathedral Saturday 4 November, Westminster Cathedral, 2.30 pm. Annual Sung Requiem Mass with Absolutions. Offered for the deceased members of the LMS.

FACTFILE Details of all our events can be found on our website, together with booking and payment facilities where applicable. Go to lms.org.uk

Please pray for the souls of all members who have died recently Requiescant in Pace

Michelle Altmann

Marilyn Barker

Peter Cullinane

Tom Cunningham

Edward Down

Joseph Dixon

Peter Ford

Joan Hall

James Holland

Heather Iandolo

Jeffrey Minks

George Murrell

Moray Ness

Margaret Parffrey

Arthur Pidcock

Michael Quinlan

Kathleen Quinn

Francis Radcliffe

Winifred Swift

Bernard Swinburn

Adeline Thirtle

Graham Wilding

Every effort is made to ensure that this list is accurate and up-to-date. However, if you know of a recently deceased member whose name has not, so far, appeared on our prayer memorial, then please contact the LMS.

The LMS relies heavily on legacies to support its income. Please do consider leaving us a legacy in your will.

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