Where St Augustine first preached John Coverdale reports on a magnificent work of restoration in Ramsgate “I see the Church I am erecting at Ramsgate is described as an oasis in the desert… it is literally true. Kent, the land which first received the tidings of Salvation from Blessed Austin.” (Augustus Pugin, 14 April 1850)
he Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate, built by Augustus Pugin and a notable home for the Extraordinary Form, has recently reopened following a great restoration programme. Ramsgate is a leading light of Tradition and restoration for the Church in England. On the Isle of Thanet – the beautiful part of Kent that juts out into the sea – the Shrine of St Augustine stands proudly on the cliff top, honouring the great Apostle of the English who arrived near this spot in AD 597. It should be etched in all our memories, that momentous day when St Augustine landed on our shores bringing the Gospel and salvation to the English peoples for the first time. It is here, in Ramsgate, that St Augustine is still venerated today. “Ramsgate” is a name that, I hope, will become synonymous with the re-evangelisation of England. Just as “Walsingham” summons up England’s ancient devotion to Our Lady, so “Ramsgate” evokes the faith of our fathers which St Augustine first preached here and spread throughout the land. The Traditional Latin Mass and other Extraordinary Form liturgies are alive and kicking here at this shrine. There is at least one Missa Cantata every week (on Sundays at 12 noon), and sung Vespers every month – more EF Masses are celebrated too throughout the year. We have been particularly pleased in recent years to have the entire Easter Triduum sung by The Victoria Consort, with generous assistance from the LMS. Adding to the liturgical diversity, the Ordinariate Use is celebrated every Friday at 12 noon. The Shrine is within the Parish of Ramsgate and Minster, and Traditional Masses are also celebrated
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