27 minute read


Mass of Ages quarterly round-up

Birmingham & Black Country - Louis Maciel 0739 223 2225 birmingham@lms.org.uk birmingham-lms-rep.blogspot.co.uk/

The quarter started quite normally, with several ad-hoc Masses being celebrated at St Mary-on-the-Hill in Wednesbury for Our Lady of Lourdes, the Chair of St Peter and a Votive Mass of Our Lady on Saturday, 15 February, preceding Ash Wednesday and St Joseph when Mass was celebrated in the Low form in Wednesbury and the High form at the Oratory. The latter ended up being the last public High Mass in the area after the announcement the previous day by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales of the cessation of the public celebration of Mass from Friday evening.

One of the last Masses to be celebrated in Birmingham was the 7pm Mass at St Dunstan's in Kings Heath, the church at which I was baptised, confirmed, made my first Confession and received my first Holy Communion and where my parents were married. As it happened, it coincided with the third Friday of the month, which is the only day Mass is regularly celebrated publicly in the Extraordinary Form at the church. For the first time ever, it was celebrated on the main altar of the church, rather than the Lady Altar: the church was built after the reforms and had its sanctuary reordered earlier this year.

The Oratory live streams Mass every day at 9am, and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour live streams Mass on Fridays at 6.30pm after adoration starting at 5.30pm: details for these are available in the Mass Listings. Both are available to view as recordings later, as are the Masses Fr Paul Lester records and uploads to his YouTube channel ‘In Montem Sanctum’, along with several talks he has produced.

Birmingham (North Staffordshire) - Alan Frost

On 24 March, Fr Chevasse informed regulars and others that Our Lady’s, Swynnerton, along with the churches of the Archdiocese, would be closed. Describing this as ‘distressing news’, he summed up what we all probably felt. The Government’s instructions on self-isolating and social distancing had further implications, such as one of our priests being unable to attend the LMS Priest Training Conference at Stonyhurst through its understandable cancellation.

For those with access to the Internet it has meant an unusual and perhaps busy time ‘attending’ the Traditional Mass and other services, such as Exposition, live. At least one member was able to see live the full two-and-a half-hour Palm Sunday Mass in Mexico, courtesy of the FSSP in Guadalajara. Others found different locations in England.

One family who has contributed greatly over the years to N. Staffs Masses, the Scoreys, responded to ‘the closure of our churches’, by converting a spare barn on their property into a private chapel, and most impressive it looks. Another couple, long-standing attenders and schola members over the years, were able to travel and were in Rome for the Pope’s Urbi et Orbi (Phil and Jenny) and at Spanish Place for the Re-dedication of England as Our Lady’s Dowry, and Latin Mass before the church closures. Finding the Mass at different venues reminded Phil of when he was a young merchant seaman and could go to Mass (including at Guadalajara!) ‘wherever I was in the world and it was exactly the same as at home, except for the sermon of course!’

Scorey Chapel, barn conversion during Covid-19 crisis

Birmingham (Oxford) - Joseph Shaw oxford@lms.org.uk

In Oxford, plans for last quarter was rather concentrated in the second half, with the feasts of St Joseph and the Annunciation, a quarterly Mass at Holy Trinity, Hethe, and our annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Caversham, all due to take place just after restrictions were imposed.

I should like to thank all those, clergy and laity, who had planned to assist us on these occasions, and in some cases had begun preparations to do so.

I should also like to thank our priests in Oxford who have been at the forefront of making live-streamed Masses available.

Brentwood (East) - Sister Susan Asher

We at the Immaculate Conception, Epping, are very grateful for those who have supported our monthly Tridentine Mass from April 2018. First, Canon John McGrath, our parish priest, who generously allows the use of our Church and Hall; for our faithful priests: Fr Mark Higgins, who travelled from South London, and looked after our Mass for 10 months, five Low Masses followed by five Sung, until new duties meant he could not continue; Mgr Gordon Read and Rev. Dr Michael Cullinan who travel from Kelvedon and Pinner respectively, alternating in looking after our Missa Cantata; they are all greatly appreciated. We have also had a visiting priest from Germany, Fr Brendan Gerard, who has offered our Mass on occasion - a warm welcome to him.

We remember our valiant organist and choristers who travel from Sittingbourne, Canning Town, St Albans, Chelmsford, and other areas, as well as our more local churches, and lend their talents and gifts for the glory of God in Epping. We could not have had a Missa Cantata without them. Thanks also to Cantus Magnus, who looked after us at the beginning of our Sung Masses.

We don’t forget Mark Johnson, who helped us for many months with his experience as MC in a variety of ways; Alan from South Woodford, and now James Murphy, who has taken over this important office; also, our own parish Mass servers, Paul and Philip, and James’ 10-year-old son, Paul.

Thanks are due to all who have served teas and coffees after Mass, and provided other vital services.

The Latin Mass Society has been very helpful, answering many of our queries along the way.

When the current crisis has passed, we welcome all who can, to come to our 3pm Mass on the 4th Sunday of every month.

Hallam Nicholas Ross hallam@lms.org.uk

I am pleased to say that progress has been made and there are plans afoot for Masses in Hallam sometime in June-July and, we hope, for the Assumption.

The Summer dates are to be confirmed - they are pencilled in and booked, but an announcement to members will be made, Deo volente, in May. Hopefully by the time you read this, things are clearer with our present, unprecedented situation.

The plan is to have these one-off Masses initially, which will allow people to come together again, and give us opportunities to recruit servers (possibly singers) with a view to something regular.

If you are interested in serving, learning to serve, or singing, then please let me know.

Hexham & Newcastle - Keith McAllister 01325 308968 07966 235329 k_mcallister@ymail.com

The year 2019 finished in fine form, with a sung Christmas Midnight Mass at St Joseph’s Gateshead celebrated by Fr Michael Brown, and featuring a music setting in F (by Concone). The seasonal spirit continued there as Fr Brown had a Sung Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany, including music and chorals, again directed by Paul Dewhurst.

Our Sunday and weekday Mass programme was on track until early January, when Fr Shaun Swales underwent eye surgery at short notice, placing him out of action for several weeks. He made a good recovery, Deo gratias! which enabled reinstatement of weekday Masses at Coxhoe and Barnard Castle from late February.

Preparation for traditional Vespers at Gateshead was completed ahead of the Patronal Feast of St Joseph on 19 March. This was to include music by Elgar, Peroni and De Lassus, with Paul Dewhurst directing the Church Schola plus the Westland Singers.

This liturgy was cancelled because of the virus-led church closures, but we are grateful to Fr Paul Zielinski, who was to be Officiant, Fr David Phillips, Fr Michael Brown and the music /choral team for their dedicated efforts in making the event possible; now only postponed a short while, we pray.

On 7 April Bishop Robert Byrne CO appointed new Canons to the Cathedral Chapter; including Canon Michael Brown to whom we offer sincere, joyful congratulations!

Lancaster Bob & Jane Latin 01524 412987 lancaster@lms.org.uk latinmasslancaster.blogspot.com John Rogan 01524 858832 lancasterassistant@lms.org.uk

The children of St Benedict's Academy in Preston have perhaps had a head start on many other children in recent weeks, after the closure of schools due to the Coronavirus, as they are already used to the discipline of home-schooling.

Before the closure, we asked the principal, Canon Post, if he could obtain a testimony from a parent of what they think about the Academy and Mr and Mrs John Thompson of Wetherby kindly supplied the following:

“Four of our children started at St Benedict's in September last year. It's been a real adventure! What we have discovered is a place of dedicated volunteers, Canons and Sisters, whose purpose there is to educate the children in truth and beauty, and to both teach about and model what it means to be a follower of Christ in today's chaotic world. There is a richness and a simplicity to the days which comes across through the prayer, the lessons taught, the kindness and patience of the adults, and the fun the children themselves make during their break times. The day starts beautifully in the chapel and flows easily from lessons through breaks and lunch, which really are just like being part of a large family. It's heartening to see the Canons out playing football with the students, or pushing the little ones on the swing, and the way each person is treated with respect and dignity. There are two full teaching days (Monday and Thursday) and a half day on Friday which ends with a Sung Mass, which brings a peaceful end to the week. Our children have grown in so many ways since beginning their time at St Benedict's. I asked our 12-year-old, who loves the classical curriculum, what he would say about it. 'It's good! Good people, good teachers.' And that just about sums it up! The goodness of the Gospel shines through. The academics are important and the children are encouraged to reach their potential, but more than that it's been an experience for all of us of having been met with love in all the ups and downs (and there have been many) of having committed to travel to an academy which is a long way from where we live, and to embrace the home-schooling aspect of the work. We have all been changed by the families and staff of Saint Benedict's, and we thank God for the blessing it is and the dedication of those who make it possible.”

The Canons in Preston have been trying to find ways of maintaining the spiritual life of the parish and Canon Cristofoli reported that they are busier than ever! Fr Daniel Etienne continues to offer the EF Mass at St John Vianney, Blackpool, privately of course, one of which was on Easter Sunday. We hope that this current situation might, by the grace of God, give other priests the time and incentive to learn the EF Mass.

Liverpool (Warrington) - Alan Frost 01270 768144

The crisis brought about by the Covid-19 virus caused a number of important events at St Mary’s in April to be put in doubt. One very important event being an Education Meeting about providing reliable education for the children of families linked to the Shrine, with the Regina Caeli Academy (RCA) in Bedfordshire [https://www.rcahybrid.org.uk/] being invited to present their educational model.

A few days before St Mary’s was closed to the public, a Mass of Thanksgiving for Converts, especially those in the last four years in Warrington, was celebrated. On the last two days of public Masses, attenders at risk or over 70 were able to receive Extreme Unction at the altar rails in the anticipation of the virus getting worse for a while. Those able to watch on-line will have found an unusual but engaging and devout means of attending Mass every day at 12.10 pm and 11 am on Sunday through http://livemass.net/ Also, the Men’s Weekly Group has been able to meet via Livemass with Fr de Malleray leading meditations, and choral singing. There are four priests and a deacon seminarian in residence, giving excellent homilies at the Masses, sometimes assisted by servers as at the whole of the Triduum services, which were watched across the globe with many messages of thanks. They were also advertised nationally at the request of the Bishops of England and Wales.

Indeed, Archbishop McMahon commented in The Catholic Herald , “I would like to commend the live streaming of the Holy Week services from St Mary’s in Warrington to all those devoted to the extraordinary form. This will enable viewers to draw close to the sacred liturgy at the most important time in the Church’s calendar and to share in the deep spirituality of the FSSP. I would like to thank Fr de Malleray and his community for making this available so generously.”

One of the priests, from nearby Wirral, is Fr Alex Stewart FSSP, who was ordained by Abp McMahon in St Mary’s three years ago (17 June). A happy reminder is the accompanying photo of his First Blessings. The Archbishop will be conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation at a service followed by Benediction at St Mary’s on 18 July at 3 p.m. (Candidates from within and from without the Liverpool Archdiocese are invited to contact Fr Whisenant henrywhiz@hotmail.com). The Deacon in residence, Roger Kilbride FSSP, from New Zealand, was scheduled to be ordained in Sydney, Australia on 20 June, but this has been put back through the extended lockdown there.

To contact the Shrine, please email www.fssp.co.uk/ warrington or telephone 01925 635664. The Shrine and its mission were explained in the last issue (Spring) of Mass of Ages by the Rector, Fr Armand de Malleray who edits the Shrine’s own quarterly Dowry. Because of the scale of its activities, the Shrine has heavy costs to meet, and in the absence of Mass collections it really does need financial help. Donations can be made via https://fssp.co.uk/bank-details-for-fssp-warrington/ or through: Lloyds Bank,

Sort Code: 30-80-27: Account number: 30993368: Account name: FSSP Warrington.

Third Anniversary of Fr Stewart’s Ordination: First Blessings

Northampton North (Northamptonshire) - Paul Beardsmore northampton@lms.org.uk

In addition to the regular Saturday Masses at St Brendan's, Corby, Fr Byrne offered Mass at lunchtime on Ash Wednesday.

Northampton (South) - Barbara Kay 01234 340759 mbky3@outlook.com

I had been hoping, of course, to write an account of excellent numbers at our Easter Sunday Mass, but it was not to be this year. Many of us will have been grateful to St Mary’s, Warrington for their livestreaming of the Traditional Triduum, and it was lovely to see Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP, who serves Bedford from Reading, taking a full part in these liturgies.

We had good attendance on Ash Wednesday and the usual 100 people or so for the Sunday Masses in March. The schola sang on the first Sunday in March and it was good to welcome back Matthew Schellhorn to play and sing the Mass for the second time this year on 15 March, the last Mass to be celebrated before the lockdown.

Our Children’s Choir was flourishing when Masses ceased and we look forward to hearing them again when things return to normal.

In happier times our Family Catechism Days were continuing on the last Sunday of each month and our Patricians group, run by the Legion of Mary, was continuing on the second Saturday of the month. I was in the hot seat in February, giving a talk on the topic of why the Catholic priesthood is exclusively male. Both Catechism and Patricians will resume as soon as we are able.

Regina Caeli, the hybrid homeschooling organisation in the Bedford area, closed early for Easter, and the families worked hard to keep their children occupied in the longer holidays. The Barrett family delighted us with their recordings of sacred music which, thanks to modern technology, they were able to share with us.

Subject to prevailing conditions, there will be Low Masses for St Peter and St Paul on 29 June and for the Assumption on 15 August both at Bedford and at Chesham Bois. Details of the Bedford Masses and our other activities can be found on www. facebook.com/bedfordlatinmass/

Nottingham - Jeremy Boot 07462 018386 nottingham@lms.org.uk

Like everyone else, unfortunately, as I write, all our Masses are on hold until the churches open again. The absence of Holy Mass will have been a great hardship to many, although there are many streamed and recorded EF Masses online.

The Birmingham Oratory, Fr Lawrence Lew’s Dominican Rite Masses from the Rosary Shrine in London, and Masses from Holy Cross, Leicester (more local to this diocese), to name but a few, stream or record their Masses and services and are easily accessed via YouTube or Facebook on smartphones to smart TVs and anything in between. As I write this, many of these providers will stream and/or record all the Easter ceremonies too. Indeed, there is currently no excuse for many not to ‘attend’ daily Mass in this way.

Our Masses in the Nottingham area continued until March: Saturday (for Sunday) Mass at the Good Shepherd, Nottingham at 4.45pm on the Saturday before the 2nd Sunday of the month; Our Lady and St Patrick’s at 2pm on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month; also Mass at Nottingham Cathedral, 3rd Wednesdays, at 6.15pm. Add to these, Masses on most Wednesdays at 7pm at St Mary of the Annunciation, Ashby Rd, Loughborough LE11 3AB.

All these, one hopes, will resume, perhaps in a couple of months. We should look forward to that and pray urgently for God’s mercy to save us from this unprecedented scourge the world is facing.

Nottingham South (Leicestershire and Rutland) - Paul Beardsmore

At the time of writing no public celebrations of Mass are possible. We are grateful to the community of Holy Cross Priory, Leicester for providing a live stream of their daily EF Masses, celebrated at the usual times. This is available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/holycrossleicester.

Prior to the onset of the Coronavirus, Sung Masses were celebrated at Holy Cross for the Feast of the Purification of the BVM and on the first Sunday of Lent. There was also a Sung Mass for Ash Wednesday at St Peter's in Leicester, and an additional Low Mass at the same church for the Feast of St Joseph. Otherwise the normal cycle of Masses was maintained until public acts of worship were suspended.

Plymouth (Devon) - Maurice Quinn 07555 536579

Once again it is encouraging to report more signs of growth on the Devon Latin Mass scene these last few months. At St Edward the Confessor at Peverell in Plymouth, Fr Xavier Champagne-Deuve (Institute of the Good Shepherd) took over from Fr Anthony Pillari in January with full pastoral responsibility for the usus antiquior congregation (see previous issue of Mass of Ages). In addition to celebrating the popular regular weekly 11.30am Sunday morning Missa Cantata at St Edward’s, Fr Xavier has introduced an 11.30am Low Mass every 1st Saturday of the month preceded by Confessions, thereby giving people the opportunity to comply with Our Lady of Fatima’s wishes.

This is wonderful news indeed, more so because it attracts a sizable congregation, and, on the occasion that I was able to attend, was beautifully served by Andrew Proctor, the musical director and organist for Sunday’s Sung Mass. Incidentally, Andrew is still looking for volunteer voices to beef up the choir for the St Edward’s Sunday Sung Mass – so, if you feel that you could help out do please make yourself known to him. Another addition to the normal routine at St Edward’s took place on Ash Wednesday, when Fr Xavier travelled up from Lanherne in Cornwall (where he is based) to celebrate Mass with imposition of Ashes.

Elsewhere in Devon Fr Peter Coxe has been busy as the main celebrant at both Blessed Sacrament, Heavitree, Exeter, and at St Cyprian’s, Ugbrooke House, Chudleigh. At the former venue, it was pleasing to see that an extra couple of voices joined Tegwyn Harris the organist in the organ loft for the 2nd Sunday of the month 3pm Sung Mass. This Mass is always preceded by Asperges, and Fr Peter is happy to hear confessions before Mass for those who require it. We are looking for more altar servers at this Mass to join our MC Charles Bradshaw, John Tristram and myself on the sanctuary, so if any reader is interested please see me after Mass or contact me by phone or email as above.

At St Cyprian’s, Chudleigh, the 3pm 4th Sunday of the month Mass has suffered from a lack of singers this last while, the consequence being that, instead of the advertised Sung Mass, it was changed to Low at the last moment. However, the congregation present on all occasions made up for it with a hearty rendering of Salve Regina to cap off what is always a reverent and dignified celebration. Hopefully, things will improve in the near future so that once again, Latin chants will be heard emanating from this beautiful Adams designed chapel.

It was with sadness that we heard of the decease of Latin Mass Society member Major Timothy Charles O’Neil McCoy ( see obituary on page 27), whose Traditional Rite Latin Requiem was celebrated by Fr Peter Coxe at St Mary & St George, Totnes. We have to thank the PP of Totnes, Fr Louis Reunier, for allowing us to ‘take over’ the church and re-order the sanctuary, and also Gary the Sacristan who helped us to find things that were required. We also thank Canon Mark O’Keefe (Plymouth Cathedral Administrator) for the loan of the black Pall and vestments used for the occasion, and also the Latin Mass Society for the loan of the Requiem Missal and Altar Cards. Also deserving of thanks is fellow Oblate Adrian Worsley Obl.SB (Buckfast) for giving up his time in agreeing to help with the serving. Adrian had not served a usus antiquior since his schooldays, but required only one refresher lesson to get back up to a good standard. A great find, Adrian has kindly agreed to help out again when required to do so, and as he is a parishioner of Sacred Heart & St Theresa of the Child Jesus, Paignton, will be more than happy to serve there when we eventually get the usus antiquior at that venue – hopefully later this year.

Do feel free to contact me (as above) by phone/email for any matter regarding usus antiquior celebrations in Devon, and for St Edward the Confessor in Plymouth only, access their excellent website – including Sunday sermons – on www. tlmplymouth.co.uk

Plymouth (Dorset) - Maurice Quinn 07555 536579 devon@lms.org.uk

Writing this report during the early stages of the virus lockdown allowed me to reflect - with joy and thanks - on the Dorset Latin Mass celebrations that I was fortunate to attend in past months. Fr Martin Budge, PP at the delightful church of Our Lady in Marnhull village (and at St Benedict’s in the nearby town of Gillingham), hears confessions before Mass, which starts at 12 noon with the Angelus. For me personally, the Latin Mass at Our Lady’s - itself a gem hidden in the Dorset countryside, a gem best experienced during a Traditional Mass - is always worth the 120 miles round trip that I have to make in order to attend. ( For more on this church, see pages 12-13. ) Once again, it was a pleasure to meet people new to the area who have discovered the Old Rite and have now become regulars.

As mentioned in the previous issue of this magazine, Mgr Francis Jamieson at Our Lady of Lourdes & St Cecilia, Blandford Forum (see photograph showing the recently finished reordered sanctuary with moveable altar rails), introduced an extra weekly 8am Saturday morning Latin Low Mass for those who would like to attend, which nicely complements the regular two-monthly weekday Mass that always takes place at 12 noon. It was unfortunate that I was unable to attend the Mass in honour of St Joseph on 19 March, especially as it was the very last usus antiquior before the lockdown. However, we have to be thankful that between Fr Martin at Marnhull, and Mgr Francis at Blandford Forum, those faithful to the Old Rite are catered for each Saturday morning at the latter and once a month at one of the two venues, usually on a Thursday. At both venues after the monthly Mass, it is a pleasure for congregants to attend a free social lunch in a convivial atmosphere before returning home.

Although all Mass celebrations for the immediate future have been cancelled due to the current lockdown, do contact me for news about any changes to the situation regarding our usus antiquior celebrations or for any other questions regarding future Latin Mass events.

Our Lady of Lourdes & St Cecilia, Blandford Forum

© Maurice Quinn

Portsmouth (Bournemouth) - Tim Fawkes 01202 730200

First Friday Masses at the Bournemouth Oratory have continued at 6 pm. Additionally, a High Mass was offered on Monday, 6 January the Feast of the Epiphany where Fr Tim Finigan was celebrant. A Missa Cantata was offered on 19 March at 6 pm on the Feast of St Joseph by Fr Andrew Wagstaff. This was the last public Mass before the Covid-19 restrictions came into force and the church had to be closed the following day for public worship. The clergy continue to offer Mass in the Novus Ordo streamed daily as well as the first Friday Extraordinary Form Mass and traditional Benediction at 6 pm on Sundays. (www.bournemouthoratory.org.uk) The EF Mass is usually said in the Lady Chapel so please select “chapel “ on the options if you are able to participate.

The church of St Thomas More, Iford, Bournemouth was the venue for a new regular Low Mass each Sunday and Holyday of Obligation from 9 February, offered by Fr Philomeno James who is now based at St Joseph’s church, Portsmouth, but kindly undertakes the journey there to offer Mass. Mass times are 5.30pm on Sundays and 5pm on Holidays of Obligation. The Mass on 23 February was a Missa Cantata and the Masses are attracting a congregation of 20 to 30. Unfortunately, these Masses have had to be suspended until the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

Shrewsbury (Chester) - Andrew Nielsen chester@lms.org.uk

Our last Traditional Mass at Chester was the third Sunday of February, Sexagesima, which was celebrated by Canon Poucin de Woult of the Institute of Christ the King. Sadly, there has been no Latin Mass at St Clare's Chester since then. Hopefully, by the time this report is published the situation will be better.

Shrewsbury (The Wirral) - Stefano Mazzeo

With the Coronavirus running rampant and all Mass being shut to the public, I was concerned that I would have very little to write about. However, I should have known better for at the Dome of Home this is not the case and it’s very pleasant to report some good news, from our website: Our beloved landmark church has been awarded £362,900 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to complete the restoration of the majestic dome and main sanctuary. So well done to Canon Montjean and his team.

Our priests have been as busy as ever even though their Masses can only be viewed on a screen and we cannot attend physically. I have been sharing the Masses on my Facebook page and it is good to see how the numbers watching have been growing, with reports that people are viewing from abroad as well as local parishioners.

Watching the Tenebrae and other devotions, the sheer beauty of the chant struck me when delivered by Canon Montjean and Canon Poucin de Wouilt. They certainly put on many devotions and Masses. Sung Masses, Low Masses, Tenebrae, daily Rosary, adoration, Vespers - no wonder our church is growing so well. Let's hope that when we get back to normal, attendance will continue to grow as more and more people discover the beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

I would like to thank the Rector of the shrine, Canon Montjean, for allowing us to use the sanctuary to film the Council of Nicaea sequence for EWTN's upcoming "Reformation" series. I would also like to thank all those who took part in the filming as extras, costume, and prop makers. The first episode will be shown on EWTN on 6 May and will continue once a month until the end of October, when all eleven episodes will be screened. It's good to be able to get the truth of the so called "Reformation" out there to counter all the nonsense.

To contact the Shrine Church of SS Peter & Paul and St Philomena call 0151 638 6822 or email newbrighton@icrsp.org

Arius before the Council of Nicaea: filming for the Reformation series

Southwark (Kent) - Marygold Turner

Like all churches, we have been unable to have Masses during the lockdown. As soon as churches reopen it is hoped that we shall be able to resume our regular pattern. Please continue to pray for all our priests.

Thanks to The Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust, we propose to have our annual Mass in St Augustine’s, Snave, on Saturday, 26 September at 12 noon. We shall keep you updated on this.

Southwark (St Bede’s Clapham Park) - Thomas Windsor

The big event this quarter was Candlemas. This fell on a Sunday this year, and so gave us a chance to have a bigger celebration than usual. The Blessing of candles and procession added 45 minutes to our Mass, but priests, servers, and people were delighted. As we did in previous years, we not only blessed candles for the people but also blessed the candles for use on the Sanctuary.

Our Choir sang Polyphonic Propers on both the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Quinquagesima, and the 3rd Sunday of Lent.

We have been singing Mass on Fridays nights and Saturday mornings, and the final Mass before the shutdown was on Friday 20th when we sang a Votive Mass of the Five Holy Wounds. This day was formerly in this country the Feast of the Five Holy Wounds.

Our newsletter is now being published online stbedesclaphampark.blogspot.com, and has details of Low Masses being streamed online.

Southwark (St Mary's Chislehurst) - Christopher Richardson

We continue to have our regular schedule of Masses in the Traditional Rite. We have a Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form each Sunday at 11am, a Low Mass on Friday evenings at 7.30pm and a Missa Cantata on holy days at 8pm. For some feasts or other special occasions, we have an evening Mass at 7.30pm - an example being Ash Wednesday in February.

Report from the Society of St Tarcisius - Joseph Shaw National Coordinator tarcisius@lms.org.uk www.tarcisius.org

Our March Server Training Day in St James', Spanish Place, was able to take place, before restrictions were imposed, and was very successful. It was particularly pleasing to have one of the Society's Patrons, Lord Gill, among our trainees.

I should like to thank Fr Michael Cullinan for enrolling two more members.

Plans had been advancing for training days outside London. For those concerned with these, please don't lose hope! On the contrary, we must make up for lost time when we can, and in the meantime, all those interested in serving the Traditional Mass should devote themselves to studying the Mass and its rubrics.

St Tarcisius and Guild of St Clare day March

Wrexham - Kevin Jones 01244 674011 wrexham@lms.org.uk lmswrexham.weebly.com

Until the restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 virus, all Masses had taken place as planned at all three Mass venues, that is Our Lady of the Rosary at Buckley, St Winefride’s at Holywell and St Francis of Assisi in Llay.

Had the pandemic not struck, and to respect Canon Lordan’s current limitations due to illness, we were to forego the Mass in April in any event. I would ask that you pray for him at this time as he continues treatment. Indeed, I’m sure I don’t have to ask too loudly for prayers for all our priests!

Now we look forward in hope that all will be back to normal in time for the Holywell Pilgrimage on Sunday, 5 July 2020 [see advert elsewhere in this edition].

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