The final mile! How you can help the Traditional Catholic community at Priory Court
t Mary’s Shrine Catholic Church in Warrington is a shining example of how the Old Rite Latin Mass is the Mass of all Ages, especially in these very trying times. The FSSP has achieved an almost impossible mission in rebuilding a strong Catholic community in Warrington, and their church has now become one of the leading advocates and examples following the Traditional Rite. Indeed, the Bishops' Conference endorsed the FSSP's live-streaming of the Sacred Triduum this past Easter during the lockdown, and this was followed by many people in the UK and overseas.
There are presently three priests at St Mary’s, with ongoing interest from young men for Vocation Discernment. The church (with its boundary marked in red on the photo) has acquired two of the three units in Priory Court (bounded in yellow in the photo) at a cost of £480,000, achieved entirely through fund-raising. However, the Presbytery has no space to cater for the growing needs of this community – there is barely enough to accommodate the clergy, leaving no rooms for offices, meeting rooms and so on. Many functions have been, or will be, transferred to units two and three –
admin, offices, music room, archives and meeting rooms. Meanwhile, activities such as our men’s group, family education and catechesis, are flourishing, creating an urgent need for more space. This makes a very strong case to buy the missing unit one, and so to own and control the whole of Priory Court. This will cost £240,000, of which £125,000 is still needed. Fundraising was completely stopped due to Covid-19 so precious months have been lost. The deadline is 16 October 2020. We need one last great effort from all those who can help in any manner, so that the dream of a Nazareth in Lancashire can be realised. We pray for our benefactors and for those who would wish to help us. More information Website: Contact: Fr Armand de Malleray: FSSP account at Lloyds Bank: Sort Code: 30-93-04 Account number: 02027225 FSSP ENGLAND is a registered charity: Number 1129964.