Latino Leaders May - June

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2 CONTENTS MAY / JUNE 2022 •18 Learn about the Home Advantage Program: Interview with Raúl Arriaga & Robert Nuñez •27 Latino Corporate Directors Associaton: all about their mission and the BoardReady Institute •40 Our star piece! The 2022 Latinos on Corporate Boards list •164 Interview with Joe Griesedieck: the perspective of search firms on diversity •169 Latino Candidates for Corporate Boards: rising stars LatinoLeadersMagazine FOLLOW US LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2022 LATINOS CORPORATEON BOARDS: 15TH EDITION



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Publications of America Corp. Latinos on Boards 2022




To our surprise, this is the second year we have seen a growth in the number of seats in F1000 corporate boards occupied by a Latino/a. In this edition, we're happy and proud to feature over 350 individuals serving on a corporate board. This is amazing! Congratulations to all of them and to all those corporations benefiting from having a Latino on their board. There's still more room to grow since we're still behind of what it should be, at least mirroring the percentage of clients/consumers those corporations have. It is a wonderful experience to read all those bios, for you will discover the rich backgrounds and experiences of all these leaders. We hope this list helps Corporate America fully recognize and benefit from the tremendous pull of talent represented by all these fantastic board directors.Second, is the impressive list of Candidates to be Board Directors. This is a carefully curated list of CEOs, Entrepreneurs, high-ranking executives, and experienced individuals. This list is the very core of this edition. It is an impressive pull of talent and expertise that makes evident that there are plenty of good, qualified individuals to be corporate directors—a huge call to search firms, Chairs of Nominating and Governance Committees and Chief Executive Officers. We hope you enjoy this great work that our editorial team has done with passion and professionalism. They have dedicated hours researching each name and its information to ensure accuracy and fit. We also want to thank all the board directors who participated in sending us their current whereabouts and information. As well as all the corporations that showed their support to this edition by congratulating and recognizing publicly the value that these leaders bring them. Ferraez Jorge Ferraez The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino (ISSN 1529-3998) Ferraez America Corp., 11300 Central Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243, In U.S. one to Ferraez of America, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA. Send address to Latino Leaders, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA.© Ferraez of America Corporation. No this the Latino The the Successful American Latino. Ferraez

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4 LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2022 Member of The National Association of Hispanic Publications Member of MEMBER OF SRDS Reg. # 283/01 Latino Leaders The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243 Phone: 214-206-9587 / Fax: (214) 206-4970 JorgePublisherFerraez President and CEO Raul Ferraez Administrative Director Lawrence Teodoro Editor Andrea Pina Andrea@latinoleaders.comWritters Bill Sarno Daniel Sanchez Torres Elsa JoanneCavazosRodriguesLuanaFerreira Business Development Manager Cristina Gonzalez cristina@latinoleaders.comArtDirector Fernando Izquierdo Editorial Art & Design Carlos Cuevas Luis Enrique González Moisés Cervantes Human Resources Manager Susana Sanchez Administration and Bookkeeping Claudia García Bejarano Executive Assistant to the Publishers Liliana Morales Digital Media & Design Manager Wendy Zacarias Events Coordinator Isabela Herrera For advertising inquiries, please call 214-206-9587 Latino Leaders:

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TIMES GO BY REALLY FAST. This is the 15th edition of our report on the Latinos serving on corporate boards and the best candidates serving on a F1000 corporate board.


This edition comes with great satisfaction, as it has countless work put into it. Putting together the lists of this issue was a mammoth task, and it could have been possible without the support of many members of the Latino Leaders team.


On the bright side, all those hours working on the list have a deeper meaning and value: it means more Latinos are getting on to corporate boards! This is a reason why we should celebrate this edition even more. We must congratulate all who have maintained their positions or added new companies to their expertise.


As a Latina newcomer to the United States, it is of great inspiration to hear and transmit the fantastic stories behind the success of our fellow Hispanics. It is particularly humbling to hear how top executives started with nothing but good values and education; now, they are running notable worldwide companies. Enjoy the edition! Editor

PS. A special shoutout to Sophia & Isabella Herrera. Without their help, we wouldn't have the 2022 Latinos on Corporate Boards edition.

Godoy’s process starts with his sketch pad, where he completes daily charcoal drawings. Once he knows his theme, Godoy will work on several canvases simul taneously (usually up to 3-4). His charac ters perform everyday rituals or fill roles as workers familiar to us— a professor, a law yer, a comical Don Quixote, figures in vari ous states of relaxation like playing dominos or sitting at the beach. Viewers of the paint ings can place themselves in these mundane situations. Regardless of the circumstances, these characters exhibit a sense of dignity.


LATINO ART LEADERSHIP WHAT WE NEED TO LEARN FROM IT book this year. The monograph is a complete retrospective of Godoy’s work published by ArtPub, a division of ArtHouston. Where the designer John Bernhard alleged, “I did not want to approach the layout chronolog ically, but rather create a well-thought flow of art in response to his work and life. As you peruse the pages, you will get the mood and scope of Godoy’s vision.” Godoy’s visions and life are part lesson and part education. A cultural mix filled with fortitude and relentless strength to find his unique human dimension and very personal style.

01 Godoy with one of the sculptures coming later in 2022.

02 His Hispanic heritage is proudly represented in his work


Godoy is currently working on a series of new bronze sculptures of his figures and will be releasing his long-awaited coffee table

By William Hanhausen, with Data contribution of Celan Bouillet Courtesy of Alberto Godoy Carlos Cuevas

Art is the integrated communi cation channel of all cultures. It is the people’s reflection of their lives and times. Every thing that surrounds us makes us and, in effect, produces the art we create. Those messages that emanate from the depth of our souls touch the audience’s intellect, as it is from the heart that communication trulyAlbertobegins.Godoy, undoubtedly, is not only a survivor but an extraordinary artist by heart. His search for technical perfection char acterizes him in all preceding periods of his work. He is confident that the technique is the foundation for every piece of art, and this technical skill leads to the process of creativity. This is why he believes that a classical technique is key to developing a unique personal style. On April 1, 1980, eight men launched a city bus against the Peruvian embassy in Havana, Cuba, to gain political asylum. In the process, a ricocheting bullet killed a guard, which initiated a disagreement between the two countries and resulted in the removal of the Cuban security forces from the embas sy. Within a few days, over 10,000 Cubans gained asylum by entering the grounds of the Peruvian embassy. This event would trigger a mass emigration of Cubans to the United States known as the Mariel boatlift. Alberto Godoy was among those 10,000. Godoy is a self-taught artist known for his paintings of large rotund figures in vary ing states of daily life with a marked Carib bean flare; all mundane characters present in Godoy’s works and reflect his good-na turedWhenhumor.Godoy first arrived in Houston, he had to work hard to make ends meet and assimilate into the United States. He did not speak English and could not bring anything with him from Cuba. It wasn’t until five years into his Houston life that he started his first painting, and just like that, he got hooked. Godoy began working in his signature style, featuring his large rotund figures in 1993. Godoy says, “At first, I was painting anything that came to mind. Then my style came to me. It felt good, and I knew it was mine. I was creating myself.” Central to his work, Godoy believes that “perfection is found in the spherical na ture of the universe.” Thus, his figures have an exaggerated volume and roundness that reflect his admiration of the sphere.


The Sales Director, Emily, has just read the latest sales figures. Sales in Rick's territory are down again. He needs to be fired!

ABOUT JOE Joe Bacigalupo, MBA, MPEC, ACPEC is a Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor at AlliancesHub International, LLC. AlliancesHub offers Change Management and Strategy Consulting, Talent Optimization and Analytics, Leadership Development, and Executive/ Leadership Coaching services. FOLLOW US US FOLLOW US FOLLOW US



ONE OF THE CRITICAL skills separating good leaders from great leaders is avoiding jumping to conclusions when making fast decisions. It’s when leaders are faced with more difficult challenges that their thinking be comes vulnerable to brain patterns that can lead them astray. For instance, once Leaders think they understand a problem, it can be difficult to break out of that way of understanding the problem, even if their initial under standing is Accordinginaccurate.toReldan Nadler, Psy.D’s, in his book ‘Leaders’ Playbook,” we have as many as 60,000 thoughts a day. Ninety-five percent of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday. The same thoughts keep recycling, and that is one reason why we use 5-10 percent of our brainpower. These same or similar thoughts form patterns or clusters of our beliefs. These become “mental models” or deeply in grained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. In a fast business environment, leaders need to make sure that when making fast decisions, as well as accepting or challenging other people's conclusions, they need to be confident that their reasoning is firmly based on the true facts. The "Ladder of Inference" model, created by organizational psychologist Chris Argyris helps leaders to achieve this. The Ladder of Inference is a mental model popu larized by Peter Senge in his book, The Fifth Discipline. The ladder is made up of seven rungs or stages that out line the rapid process our minds go through to make con clusions and take action in a given situation. AVOID


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Let's look at her thought process using the Ladder of Inference: Since Rick is new to sales, Emily be lieves that he can't possibly be as good as the "old-timers" who she has trained for years. So, when she reads the latest sales figures ( available data ), she immediately focus es on the data from Rick's territory ( selected data ). Sales are down on the previous months again ( in terpretation ), and Emily assumes that the drop is entirely to do with Rick's performance ( assumption ). She decides that Rick hasn't been performing well ( conclusion ), so forms the opinion that he isn't up to the job ( belief ). She feels that firing Rick is her best option ( action ).

Now let's challenge the Sales Direc tor's thinking using the Ladder of Infer ence:To get back to facts and reality, we must challenge Emily's selection of data and her assumptions about Rick's per formance.Although the figures are down in Rick's territory, they have dropped less than in other areas. Rick is ac tually a great salesperson, but he and his colleagues have in fact been affected by new products being de layed, and by old products running out of Oncestock.theSales Director changes her assumptions, she will see the need to focus on solving the production issues –the real problem at hand. The ladder of inference is also good for unraveling conflicts and is an excellent team tool to enhance decision-making and communica tion. It is a universal emotional in telligence tool. If you are a leader who wants to im prove decision-making, communica tions, and conflict management, contact us to learn more about “The Emotionally Effective Leader” Workshop.


Ralph de laVega is the former vice-chairman ofAT&T Inc. He is the author of the best-selling book“ObstaclesWelcome:TurnAdversity toAdvantage in Business and Life.”He is also a LinkedIn Influencer,posting regularly on leadership and innovation.

In my experience, while this type of environment creates many challenges, it also generates many opportunities for those who seize the occasion and adapt as needed to help an organization thrive despite the uncertainties it faces.

WE ARE LIVING in a challenging time for executives and corporate directors. Inflation, the rising cost of capital, supply chain constraints, labor shortages, uncertainty about demand, war, and sanctions, are some of the factors impacting organizations around the globe. These factors have a massive impact on funding and the valuation of corporations, whether public or private. In this environment, businesses must assess various planning scenarios, prioritize, and be ready to pivot depending on the situation.

Ralph de la Vega


Agility and adaptability are the keys to success in a fast-changing environment with uncertain outcomes.

1 Leon C. Megginson paraphrased Charles Darwin's evolutionary research: it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives;it is not the strongest that survives;but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself



This “board” issue of Latino Leaders Magazine recognizes corporate directors of diverse backgrounds who have distinguished themselves in various industries. They are individuals who have demonstrated the agility and adaptability to succeed not only in business but in life.

Corporate agility in the board room is as critical as agility by the executive team. The two must operate in concert to successfully execute necessary changes at scale. During turbulent times communications are critically important. Communications to customers, employees, and investors must be clear, concise, and consistent to align the interests of all stakeholders.


JR: We were always told to tell the truth, always help a neighbor in need, always respect your elders, and always work hard.

JR: I worked in banking for 5 years right after college, but when I got married I realized the money I was making at the bank was not going to be enough. I now had to support two people, and I wanted to provide a better life for my wife and future kids. Therefore, I decided to start a business, and settled on a construction company.

What has been your biggest challenge and how did you face it?

How was it growing up for you? What are some of your most fond memories?

JR: There have been many challenges. My company has survived a recession, the mortgage meltdown, 911 and last year, the pandemic. Every time we have been through a challenge, we learn something, and we make changes. We started catering to the multi-family industry, and when that started slowing down, we started remodeling homes. We had to adapt to changing times, and being able to adapt and make changes has helped us not only survive, but thrive all these years.


JR: We want to continue to expand our operations in central Texas, and open satellite offices in other cities, but we do not want to grow too much or too fast so we can maintain the level of quality that we have been able to offer our customers since 1995.

JR: I grew up in a very close family. We had dinner together every night, always talked about what was happening in everyone’s life, and always helped each other out when in need.


What advice would you give to young professionals considering construction?


What are your future plans for Rodriguez Remodeling & Contracting?

JR: Quality, quality, quality. You have to maintain the highest level of quality. There will be times when you will lose money in an effort to make things right, but going the extra mile always pays off. The only way to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other guys doing the same thing you are doing is by doing things better than all of them.  THE ONLY WAY TO SET YOURSELF APART FROM THE HUNDREDS OF OTHER GUYS DOING THE SAME THING YOU ARE DOING IS BY DOING THINGS BETTER THAN ALL OF THEM.  Ayush Swamy/ Yush Films F. Izquierdo

What led you into construction and creating Rodriguez Remodeling & Contracting?

What were your core family values?

Robert Nuñez bought his first home at 22 years of age. He was tired of renting, so decided it was time to buy a starter home for $90,000. When he first purchased a house while being a university student and working fulltime, he realized that he was not well-informed about the process. The process was confusing, and no one educated him about it. After seeing gaps, he wanted to change the home buying experience for others.

Johanna Hoyos Matt Redden with Vitae Photography F. Izquierdo

ROBERT NUÑEZ was born in California, and grew up in Rio Bravo in Tamaulipas, Mexico until his family moved to South Texas. He moved to San Antonio to pursue banking while attending college. An opportunity arose at USAA, where his career journey began. He relocated to Dallas, graduating from University of Texas at Dallas, and now has nearly two decades of experience in the financing industry. Today, Robert is a residential mortgage loan originator and Guild Mortgage branch manager recognized for his effectiveness and dedication to securing highly competitive home mortgages for residential clients and investors.  Raúl Arriaga was also born in California, grew up in Mexico, and is the eighth child of nine siblings. Raúl originally planned to major in film and television. However, his sister (who was at the time in real estate) convinced him to pursue the profession. He attended Dallas College to pursue his Texas real estate license and has never looked back. Raúl loves to help people with fulfilling their dream of home ownership. Today, Raúl is a successful realtor in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, consistently ranked in the top 1%. With an international and local client base, Raúl is committed to helping people—from diplomats to immigrants— achieve the American dream of property ownership.


Raúl and Robert provide guidance and advice to give home buyers and sellers confidence, ensuring they make good decisions based on their unique circumstances.


The American Dream Home Advantage Program: Raúl and Robert spearhead the program aimed at providing companies a benefit for their employees. The American Dream Home Advantage Program is designed for buyers and sellers, so whatever the need of the employee, the program is there to support them and achieve the best outcome possible.

The Team Behind the American Dream Home Advantage Program for Employers

Now more than ever, home buyers need guidance to navigate rising interest rates and appreciated markets.


Raúl and Robert are helping employees achieve their American dream of owning a home while building wealth; increasing the companies’ employee retention, gaining loyalty, and improving productivity.

“Latinos are a growing force in the housing market. Latino homeownership is expanding at a record pace, fueled by younger buyers,” says Raúl Arriaga. “The American Dream Home Advantage Program can give them expert guidance, resources and direction to achieve success in real estate.”

To learn more about The American Dream Home Advantage Program and provide this resource as a benefit to your employees, visit the-american-dream-home-program/https://Raú RAÚL

The mission of the American Dream Home Advantage Program is to give employees expert resources and educate them on how to create wealth by investing and/or how to buy a home. In return, employees boost performance and increase loyalty to their employer.


How The American Dream Home Advantage Helps Employees: The American Dream Home Advantage Program a onestop shop for all the employees’ needs, tailored to their life. The program can also refer employees to other services such as tax, financial and legal advice connecting them to CPAs, financial advisors and attorneys. “A company's success is often determined by the satisfaction and success of its employees. In this competitive market, the American Dream Home Advantage Program is another tool employers can use to attract and retain quality employees,” said Robert Nuñez. “This program provides valuable resources to employees, demonstrating the company cares about their personal success.”


At GEO, we believe that diversity in our workforce and the in clusion of a variety of views, perspectives, and backgrounds are integral parts of our company's success. This unique mixture in the workforce provides unlimited ideas, increases productivity and innovative solutions for our clients and those we serve. Today, women comprise an equal portion of GEO’s U.S. workforce and play a significant role in our leader ship and management. Of GEO’s approximately 14,000 U.S. employees, 51% are female. Women account for 55% of our corporate employees, 41% of our facility security staff, and 28% of those serving in management positions as directors and above. We also continue to recruit wom en to our workforce, with women comprising 56% of GEO’s new hires in 2021. Our employees around the globe live and work in the com munities we call home. In this geographically diverse environ ment, we learn from each other and share those lessons within and outside our communities.

Rehabilitator of Lives

The award-winning GEO Continuum of Care® – an innovative and award-winning initiative we began in 2015 – provides enhanced in-custody rehabilitation programming, including cognitive behavioral treat ment, integrated with post-release support services. This evidence-based treatment model begins with individual ized risks and needs assessments and offers programs de signed to address the specific needs of each participant based on their assessments.

The GEO Group F. Izquierdo


THE GEO GROUP: A Diversified Employer Providing Leading Rehabilitation and Community Reentry Services with a Focus on Human Rights

Diversified Employer

• to Religious


As a good corporate citizen, we are com mitted to respecting the human rights and improving the lives of those entrusted to our care, including our enhanced rehabil itation programs and post-release support services through our award-winning GEO Continuum of Care® program. Despite the continued challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, our GEO Contin uum of Care® programs completed approxi mately 2.8 million hours of enhanced reha bilitation programming in 2021. Our academic programs also awarded more than 2,100 high school equivalency degrees, and our vocational courses awarded over 6,800 vocational training certifications. Our substance abuse treatment programs awarded more than 5,500 program comple tions, and we achieved over 38,000 behavioral program completions and more than 33,000 individual cognitive behavioral sessions. We also provided post-release support services to more than 4,500 individuals returning to theirTocommunities.ourknowledge, the scope and sub stance of our award-winning GEO Con tinuum of Care program is unparalleled, and we believe it provides a proven successful model on how the 2.2 million peo ple in the U.S. criminal justice system can be better served in changing their lives. Human Rights Focused As a company, GEO acknowledges the unique status of its operations as a service provider to governmental agencies, encompassing the management and operation of secure correctional and rehabilitation facilities, immigration processing centers, community reentry centers and programs, and electronic and location monitoring services. Over the years, GEO has been committed to respecting the human rights of all individuals in our care, including ongoing efforts to drive continuous improvement in the following areas: Safe and Humane Environment to Healthcare to Legal


• Access to Rehabilitation Programs for State Inmates As we continue to be committed to advancing our ESG goals through out our organization, our Board of Directors committee structure has also been expanded to include a committee on Criminal Justice Rehabil itation and Human Rights.



• Access

• to Recreational Amenities

Sources: GEO Group 2020 Human Rights and ESG Report; Continuum of Care Annual 2021 Report; The GEO Group Annual Report 2021




• to Safe and Nutritious

• Access


• to Family/Friends


“DEI informs our priorities, our workplace cul ture, our philanthropic giving and our diverse sup plier partnerships,” Pizarro added.

Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison, a utility that delivers electricity to 15 million people in Central, Coast al and Southern California, and Edison Energy, a global energy advisory firm. Latinos make up about 33% of SCE’s customers.





THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a model for the rest of the country in addressing the climate crisis, has set a goal of net-zero emissions by 2045. Head quartered in the Golden State, Edison Internation al and its subsidiaries are key enablers of the state’s goals, which have profound consequences for di verse communities, including the state’s more than 15 million Latinos. “We are working to move the electric power industry - and ultimately the whole economy - to ward a clean energy future,” says Edison Interna tional President and CEO Pedro J. Pizarro. “This includes making sure the transition remains reli able, affordable and equitable for Latino families and all diverse stakeholders.”

SCE also spent $2.4 billion (38% of total spending) with more than 620 diverse suppliers, and 80% of Edi son International’s $20 million in philanthropic giving in 2021 supported diverse organizations.

At the board level, eight of Edison International’s 11 board members are diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity and/or LGBTQ+ identification. The board has gender parity among the 10 independent directors.

Underscoring this point, a number of the clean energy programs offered by SCE are designed in partnership with representatives from diverse com munities and weighted toward helping those who need them most. Half of the electric vehicle chargers supported by the utility’s Charge Ready program will be in underserved communities and $4,000 rebates for pre-owned electric vehicles will be pro vided for income-qualified customers instead of the standard $1,000 rebate. Proposals for heat pump installations, electrical panel upgrades and energy efficiency programs also target these customers.

The board’s oversight of the company’s people and culture includes review of DEI data including repre sentation, pay equity and employee sentiment. By sharing data and being transparent, the company is in a position to make more meaningful change. “While we have a good representation of Latinos among our lineworkers, I would like to see us contin ue to increase Latino representation in our leadership ranks,” Pizarro says. “We utilize diverse candidate pools and diverse interview panels to make sure that we’re giving every opportunity to move as quickly as possible in that direction. We are fully committed to advancing more diverse candidates, including Latinos, into our leadership ranks.”

“DEI is a top priority for our board and is embed ded in our overall corporate strategy,” says Edison In ternational board member Michael Camuñez, presi dent and CEO of Monarch Global Strategies.


Moreover, Edison Energy provides global energy and sustainability advisory, management and data reporting services for clients worldwide, including in Central and South America.

Edison International publicly shares its findings and released its first major DEI report in August 2020, with annual updates since then. “A commitment to diversity starts at the top, and I’m proud that we are one of the few Fortune 250 companies with a Latino CEO, two Latino board members, an African American board chair and a leadership team that looks like the communities we serve,” Camuñez concludes. “Our commitment is re flected in the policies and the numbers that Edison has achieved. There's more to be done, for sure, yet I feel really good about the trajectory that we're on.”



The Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF), in partnership with its parent association, the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), is increasing the number of US Latinos serving on corporate boards by accelerating the development and placement of highly credentialed Latinos who are aspiring, new, and board-experienced directors from a variety of sectors and professions onto the highest levels of corporate governance.

• The core BRI program is designed to prepare highly credentialed executives and national leaders to begin their journey to the boardroom and be best positioned to serve as a vetted talent pool for corporate board service. The program is targeted at new LCDA aspiring director members who have not completed board-ready programming or new directors who are serving on their first private board (less than 2 years).

There is ample Latino talent for the boardroom, as demonstrated by our growing membership which doubled over the last three years - and the candidate applicant pool is just the tip of the iceberg. LCDEF welcomed its largest cohort of 70+ LCDA members at its recently held Spring BoardReady Institute (BRI) hosted by Goldman Sachs in New York City. The BRI is a comprehensive set of programs designed to prepare and position highly qualified Latino senior executives and national leaders for corporate board service. Our quickly growing membership created the demand for the expansion of BRI, which now offers all LCDA members two concurrent program tracks: the core BRI and the next-level BRINext:

• BRINext is the next level in programming for members interested in taking a deeper dive in corporate governance education and seeking a strategic understanding of the inner workings of corporate boards. This program is targeted at firsttime directors (less than 5 years) and aspiring director members who completed core BRI programming in previous year(s) or a board-readiness program through other sources.

Carmen Joge, LCDA Vice President, Programs and Operations


The program’s tailored curriculum is delivered in collaboration with the KPMG Board Leadership Center, the University of California Hastings’ Center for Business Law, LCDA’s seasoned directors, and LCDA’s search firm partners - like Egon Zehnder, Heidrick & Struggles, and Diversified Search — who instruct and coach candidates on their journey to the boardroom. Since then, our list of curriculum partners has grown to include Equilar, Diligent, Spencer Stewart, Goldman Sachs, Carlyle, Above Board, and many others.


LCDA Member, JC Gonzalez-Mendez, said of our recent Spring BRI programming, “THANK YOU for an outstanding event in New York. The presentations, dialogue, and networking were probably the best I have participated in. Every single topic that was discussed was relevant and well covered. I am proud to be a part of such a professional organization.”

Invaluable to an LCDA board-aspiring members’ success is the support they receive from BRI’s Partners and LCDA’s experienced Director Members who “pay it forward” by mentoring and coaching first-time and aspiring directors during their journey to and in the boardroom. Programming, preparation, networking, coaching, and peer support all play a role in ensuring that talented, board-ready executives who complete BRI are successful when searching for board opportunities they are passionate about. Last year, 22 former LCDA board aspiring executives landed board seats. Now mid-way through 2022, there have been over 70+ Latino board appointments — LCDA is truly moving the needle for Latino board representation. While there is no board placement guarantee — when you put talent, preparation and networks together with timing, hard work, and opportunity, you have a winning combination. Learn more at




REFLECTION BY ESTHER AGUILERA AS PART OF the continuing partnership between the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA) and Latino Leaders magazine, I am proud to share updates regarding the state of LCDA, its members, and Latinos in America’s boardrooms. LCDA is a community of US Latinos at the highest levels of corporate leadership that are committed to paying it forward and which welcomes highly-accomplished leaders who have demonstrated a personal or professional commitment to the advancement of the Latino community. Paying it forward is a key tenet of LCDA membership; being the first Latino with a seat at the table is a considerable responsibility— with the potential to pay it forward by opening doors for other board aspiring Latinos. LCDA members understand that as thought leaders and accomplished executives, they can propel the advancement of US Latino board placements. Due to this commitment, LCDA is at the forefront of promoting qualified Latino board talent and preparing Latinos for board service with LCDA members occupying more than Search and Latino Corporate Directors Association Impact


Source: Diversified

Significant Membership F500LetterGrowthCampaigntoCaliforniaandCompanies ExpandedResearchCapacity #1 Resource for LatinoTalentBoard 430+ Fortune Latino Representation Key Influencers 5.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 2011 2012201920202021 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 F100 F500 F1000 5.5 4.0 4.5 4.7 2.2 3.7 3.2 1.6

MAY / JUNE 2022 LATINO LEADERS 31 30 percent of the board seats held by Latinos on Fortune 1000 companies. LCDA currently boasts more than 430 members, and through its continued rapid growth, is driving forward US Latino corporate board appointments and connecting companies with Latino talent. Just recently, two LCDA board aspiring members were appointed simultaneously to a public company board. The search for two board placements was led by an LCDA Member. Through LCDA’s network of members and search firm partners, doors have been opened to successful board appointments at companies such as — PayPal, Ulta Beauty, PG&E, American Outdoor Brands, Delta Apparel, Zion Bancorporation, and Meritage Homes, to name a few. Out of many, these are some notable instances for LCDA, where our network has lived up to the commitment of expanding opportunities and uplifting the next wave of Latino directors. Plus, the organization is committed to providing members with high-caliber programming. This fall, LCDA members will participate in LCDA’s 7th Annual Convening—where board aspiring members are given the opportunity to network with and learn from Director Members, alongside LCDA’s Partners, Sponsors, and Search Firm Partners. As an exclusive benefit, our members are also invited to participate in LCDA’s Fall BoardReady Institute (BRI) Program, hosted by Morgan Stanley, focused on accelerating the development and placement of highly credentialed Latinos who are aspiring, new, and board-experienced directors from a variety of sectors and professions onto the highest levels of corporate governance. As the preeminent association of US Latina and Latino corporate directors and a trusted source for US corporations and search firms seeking board talent, LCDA believes a diverse board isn’t just about fulfilling social quotas, but about creating a diverse think engine for companies. Having Latinos on corporate boards means representing the vast majority of market growth as Latino consumers contribute $2.7 trillion to the US GDP and make up nearly 20 percent of the US population. LCDA stays committed to partnering with key organizations, like Latino Leaders, to bring awareness to the ample supply of Latino corporate board talent and the value of boardroom diversity. For more information on our work or to partner and be a part of growing this association, visit: Together, we can ensure we are all paying it forward! ESTHER AGUILERA


"There are challenges posed for more Latino/as communities to get onto corporate boards faster, has to do with the current corporate structure in Corporate America. That is what we need to change," stated Wilson. "The misconception you hear from Corporate America that they cannot find 'qualified' Latino/as or a 'good fit' is a fallacy!" "This means they are looking for someone open to assimilating a whitecentric board of directors rather than what Corporate America should do, acculturate to Hispanics and Latinos. The issue of 'qualification' and 'fit' completely goes away because now Corporate America is looking at this through the acculturation lens rather than the old-school assimilation lens. When Corporate America adapts acculturation in their corporate boards, you will see the numbers of Hispanics and Latinos getting on boards go up dramatically," emphasized Cid.  For Latinos and Hispanics interested in being part of a board, Cid's advice is to recognize it's all about visibility. "If you add visibility, time, and qualifications, it equates to external credibility and the notice needed for the boards. Remember that 2/3 of board seats are chosen by word of mouth and 1/3 by search firms. 60% of board seats go to current/former CEOs or other c-suite roles. The last 20% goes to everyone else. Rather than fighting the last 20%, ask yourself, how do you start thinking about your career strategy to qualify for more of the other percentages."

HACR IS ELEVATING MORE HISPANIC INCLUSION IN CORPORATE AMERICA AND IN CORPORATE BOARDS DID YOU KNOW Hispanics hold 5% of the approximate Fortune 100 board seats? Latinas have 1% of Fortune 500 board seats. Latinos hold 4% of Fortune 500 board seats. Minority women hold 6.6% of Fortune 500 board seats. ¹  The voice of more than 46.6 million Hispanics in the United States needs to feel heard, not neglected!  The Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR), founded in 1986, has been listening and taking action by advancing the inclusion of Hispanics in Corporate America. The non-profit focuses on four areas of corporate social responsibility and community reciprocity: Employment, Procurement, Philanthropy, and Governance. To better fill this gap, the HACR organization is prioritizing working with corporations nationally and globally to create positive change for our Latino/as and Hispanic communities.    Cid Wilson, a Dominican American living in New Jersey, serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of HACR. He is proud to be promoting Hispanic inclusivity through direct corporate advocacy by speaking with chief executive officers, board of directors, and chief diversity officers to increase the representation of Hispanics at all levels in Corporate America. Having Cid speak with the leaders that influence the appointment of board members allows for elevating more Latino/as and Hispanics to get onto more corporate boards.



Cid is a propeller of Hispanic talent in the United States. During his time at HACR, he has contributed to having more than doubled the organization's size and tripled net assets. He wants people to remember his time at HACR as a catalyst of change, where Hispanics and Latino/as are visible in corporate gatherings, where they have never been before. "I want people to remember me as the leader who changed corporate culture, who created a Corporate America that is not only inclusive but also a place of belonging."

Johanna Hoyos Courtesy of HACR F. Izquierdo

In daily conversations, the most common question that comes up is,  what is Corporate America doing to change the culture of the corporate board? It's not just naming a Latino/a on the board. But how can every board director be a catalyst for change in the current culture of the corporate board?

¹Deloitte and ABD published a Missing Pieces Report, titled, “The Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards, 6th Edition”



This year we have included new names on the list; this is a clear example that Latino talent keeps winning traction and will continue to persevere in the Corporate environment. We want to thank the continued support of the alliances that helped us build the list: Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), Korn Ferry, Diversified Search and of course, our research team.

TheONLATINOSBOARDS2022list CervantesMoisés

The 2022 Latinos on Boards brings great joy to our team as it marks the 15th anniversary of the annual list publication. The essence of this list is closely linked to Latino leaders' mission of spotlighting the Latino community's growing talent in America. As we conducted the interviews, one of the most recurring themes was the sense of sorority within the community and everyone involved in the advancement of Latinos. As a publication that witnessed the different stages of the evolution of Latinos in Corporate America, we feel humbled to be part of the story.


LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 41 THE GOOD, THE BAD AND WHAT’S NEXT: LATINO REPRESENTATION ON CORPORATE BOARDS The outlook for Latino diversity and representation in corporate America depends on looking at past performance and the trends that are guiding the future. Are we poised for more representative participation in the boardroom, or do we still have work to be done? Is there cause for concern or celebration? Is the glass half empty or half full? Victor Arias Courtesy

Every day, the specter of a possible recession early next year looms larger. This sounds an alarm for the business community to prepare for the challenges that come with dim prospects for a robust economy. In the prior recession (2008-2011), board sizes shrunk as retiring members were not replaced, unemployment was high, the economy was sluggish and many DEI/ESG initia tives were However,cut.this potential recession shows different signs. The unemployment rate is lower this time and we are experiencing high levels of business in the face of increasing interest rates.


First timers: The rise of first-time directors is being fueled by a demand and sincere desire to bring new and fresh perspective into boardroom conversations and flexibility by boards to look beyond just C level executives whether active or retired. As this trend continues, the opportunities for diversification will present themselves. This will create openings for Latinos that can lead to real representation in the future.

Succession planning


While this trajectory is a positive indicator, we must consider that the bar was low to begin with. This makes the changes look more promising that they really are. The actual numbers do not mir ror the percentage of Latinos in America. Latinos are the fastest growing demographic in the country (18%) and represent the 7th largest economy in the world (GDP) if they were a separate nation – these numbers will continue to grow. A closer, more critical, look at the data gives us an ever more sobering look inside boardrooms. Of the Fortune 1000 listings, 69% of the member companies have no representation of Latinos on their boards despite the business imperative of what Latinos represent as consumers. Though all progress should be applauded, is it enough? The answer is clear. There is much work to be done. With current trends and pressure to diversify gaining momen tum, the headwinds are strong in achieving gains at a quicker pace. With that in mind, we can look to the factors that affected past changes. Knowing what has worked in our favor can be our guiding principles. We can lean into the trends that have helped propel us forward in the past.

A view of Latino representation of boards since 2011 suggests that times are changing and there is good news to report. The table below shows tangible improvements and an upward trend. But that’s not the whole story.

Diverse Representation on Boards

One trend that continue to be critical to boards is succession planning. The responsibility of boards to plan for CEO succession and an increasingly close eye on board effectiveness continues to be of utmost importance. Board refreshment will continue and will create more board seat openings.

THE LAST DECADE has seen a meaningful shift in the conver sation around corporate governance. The George Floyd effect and the #metoo movement have put real pressure on decision makers to focus on diverse candidates. Additionally, there is in tensified scrutiny on boards by institutional investors, ESG funds, DEI advocates.


We are seeing an intensified and relentless focus to diversify boards. This pressure is coming from institutional investors like pension funds, ESG funds and states like California. This trend will continue and will open up more opportunities for Latinos.

Additionally, while budgets for DEI/ESG may also suffer a similar fate of being cut, many corporations may still view their board refreshment efforts as important and may use this as an opportu nity to cull current directors and add more diverse faces. As we collectively step into an uncertain future, we must stay positive and look to the silver lining of future trends. They will help expand and deepen diverse representation and influence.


The growth of Latinos continues to be a driver of this economy and the image of Latinos as “makers” is part of the solution rather than mistakenly viewing Latinos as “takers” in America. Focus ing on the facts of the economic contributions of Latinos and the key growth segment of this country will be a key catalyst for compelling corporate America to view having more Latinos on corporate boards as a clear business imperative. And all of this, is very good news. Victor Arias, Jr. is a Managing Director with Diversified Search and runs the DFW office. He is the practice leader for the Con sumer Practice (CPG, Hospitality, Restaurants, Sports, Media, Entertainment) and the Real Estate practice. He is a core mem ber of the Board of Director practice and served on the Popeyes board (NASDAQ:PLKI) for 15 years before the business was sold.

Cyber specialists: A trend toward prioritizing this specialty function will create new opportunities. In the past, specialty area has been centered on digital marketing and pure technology. With today’s data security concerns, cybersecurity expertise is top priority. Latinos have significant leadership in this function and continues to represent great opportunity.



OWNER & CEO of the Erie SeaWolves, a professional baseball team, the Double A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. Former Chairman & CEO Chiquita Brands International, from January 2004 to October 2012. Prior to that, he was an Executive at Procter & Gamble for 24 years working in Mexico, Brazil, and the USA in global roles. He was Honored with the Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award by the NFL. Aguirre earned a business degree at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 1980. He was elected to SIUE’s Ath letic Hall of Fame in 2007 and its alumni Hall of Fame in 2009. In 2012, Aguirre received an honorary doctoral degree from SIUE.

ENTREPRENEUR, investor, business leader, rocket-scientist. Passionate about building, scaling and leading market transitions. Acevedo served as Chief Executive Officer of the Girl Scouts of the USA from May 2017 to August 2020, and as interim Chief Ex ecutive Officer from June 2016 to May 2017. She was a board member from 2008 until 2016. Chair of President Obama’s White House initiative for Educational Excellence for Hispanics in early childhood leadership. Driver of the Administration’s Early Child hood Dual Language Education Policy. National speaker on Education, STEM, cybersecurity, demographic trends and leadership.

FERNANDO AGUIRRE Owner & CEO, Erie SeaWolves Age:South64 Florida Nationality: CVS Health (4), Synchrony Financial (187), Barry CallebautBoards

GONZALO A. DE LA MELENA Founder & CEO, Emerging Airport Ventures Age:Phoenix,52 AZ Nationality: Pinnacle West CapitalBoards


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

BEFORE joining Kraft Heinz, he was the EVP and President, Campbell Snacks, a division of Campbell Soup Company that rep resents nearly 50 percent of Campbell’s annual sales. He has more than two decades of extensive U.S. and global food experience at Campbell, Mondelēz International, and Kraft Foods. He has successfully implemented a strategic approach to reinvigorating brands, improving costs, and sharpening operational execution to drive strong business results. A native of Puerto Rico, Carlos has held several council and board positions dedicated to diversity. He served as a co-leader of the Kraft Foods National Latino Council, and as a member of the Corporate Board of Advisors of the National Council of La Raza (now UnidosUS)– the United States' largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization. Carlos earned his bachelor’s degree in Managerial Economics from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business.

Executive Vice President and President, North America Zone, The Kraft Heinz Company Age:Chicago,55 IL Nationality: Energizer Holdings (775)Boards

SYLVIA ACEVEDO Independent Director Age:Santa65 Barbara, CA Nationality: Qualcomm (124), CredoBoards ACOSTA is an entrepreneur, nationally recognized speaker, philanthropist, and mother. Acosta and her companies have won more than 45 national, regional, and local awards. She is a graduate of Texas Tech University and Harvard University Business School – Corporate Governance Program. With over 20 years of experience, Acosta excels as a highperforming leader with the business acumen and analytical skills needed to drive transformation. Acosta was recently elected to be the Chairwoman-Elect of the Dallas Citizens Council Board of Directors making her the 2nd woman to be Chair in the 84-year history of the organization. Her term will begin in 2023 through 2026.

ARCILIA ACOSTA President & CEO, CARCON Industries/Southwestern Testing Laboratories (STL Engineers) Age:Dallas,55 TX Nationality: Magnolia Oil & Gas, Vistra Corpora tion (274), Veritex Holdings, Inc.Boards

GONZALO A. de la Melena is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Phoenix-based Emerging Airport Ventures. For nearly a decade, he served Arizona communities as President and CEO of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, where he helped Latino-owned businesses find access to capital and resources to help them grow and prosper. He also was Operator of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), the region’s leading advocate representing more than 200,000-plus minority business enterprises.

Founder and President of Aguila International Age:Florida72 Nationality: CSX (292), CoreCivic (982), Park National Corp.Boards

Also President of Google’s Asia-Pacific and Japan businesses and as VP of the Latin America business. Daniel holds a BA degree with Honors from Princeton University from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, as well as dual MBA and JD degrees from Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School.

JOSÉ E ALMEIDA Chairman, President and CEO, Baxter International Inc Age:Chicago,60 IL Nationality: Baxter International (264)Boards

HUMBERTO served as CEO from 2016, and a director from 2017, until 2018 of Yowie, a global brand licensing company spe cializing in the development of Yowie character children's consumer products. He was President, International, of The Hershey Company. He was EVP, CFO and Chief Administrative Officer from 2011 to 2013, and SVP and CFO from 2007 to 2011. He joined Hershey in 2006, initially serving as Vice President, Finance and Planning, U.S. Commercial Group in 2006, and then serv ing as VP, Finance and Planning, North American Commercial Group from 2006 to 2007. Before joining Hershey, Alfonso held a variety of finance positions at Cadbury Schweppes. Prior to that, he held a number of senior financial positions at Pfizer, Inc.

DANIEL joined Activision from Google, where he worked for more than 16 years leading growth and expansion. He was Presi dent of Global Retail and Shopping, where he led the initiatives to embed ecommerce across all Google product areas diversifying beyond advertising into the retail transactions business. Prior to that, he was President of Google's Global and Strategic Partner ships organization, working across all of core business to create strategic relationships with some of the world’s largest partners.

DANIEL J ALEGRE President & Chief Operating Officer, Activision Age:Dallas,52 TX Nationality: Sleep Number (998)Boards

HUMBERTO P ALFONSO Retired CEO, Global, of Yowie Group Ltd Age:New63York, NY Nationality: Eastman Chemical (355)Boards

Former Chairman and CEO Commercial Metals Co. Age:Boston,70 MA Nationality: PNC Financial Sevices (120), Arcosa (975), Kennametal (988), TrinseoBoards

PREVIOUSLY, Alvarado served as President and Chief Executive Officer of a global educational publishing company from 19891993. She has served on corporate boards in the manufacturing, banking, transportation, and services industries. She has also led state and national workforce policy boards. Alvarado previously served as Chairwoman of the Ohio Board of Regents. Following executive and legislative staff appointments at the U.S. Department of Defense and in the U.S. Congress, Alvarado was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to lead the federal agency ACTION, the nation's premier agency for civic engagement and volunteer ism, a position which she held from 1985-1989.

JOE leads Baxter through a period of dynamic transformation powered by accelerated innovation, operational excellence and strategic execution. Prior to Baxter, Almeida served as chairman, president and CEO of Covidien plc from 2012 through 2015 and was named a director of the company in 2011. Almeida previously served as president of Covidien's Medical Devices organiza tion. He also served in several leadership roles at Covidien’s predecessor, Tyco Healthcare, including president of its worldwide medical device business and V P of worldwide manufacturing. In addition to Covidien and Tyco, Almeida held leadership positions at Wilson Greatbatch Technologies, Inc., American Home Products' Acufex Microsurgical division, and Johnson & Johnson's Pro fessional Products division. He began his career as a management consultant at Andersen Consulting (Accenture).

LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 44 New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ALVARADO is the former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Metals Company, a Fortune 500 global metals firm, which under his leadership was active in recycling, manufacturing, fabricating and trading. Alvardo received his master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance from the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Notre Dame.




RAUL "RALPH" ALVAREZ Operating Partner, Advent International Corporation Age:Boston,66 MA Nationality: Lowe’s (31), Eli Lilly (118), First Watch Restaurant Group, Traeger GrillsBoards AIDA has had a successful career as a journalist, investment banker and public servant. She was the first Latino woman to hold a U.S. cabinet-level position as the administrator of the Small Business Administration during Bill Clinton's presidency. She entered the Clinton administration as the first director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. She also has more than a decade of experience in corporate finance, working as a vice president of Public Finance for both Bear Stearns and First Boston. Before, she served as VP Public Affairs of the New York City Health and Hospitals. She began her career as a reporter for the New York Post. She previously served on boards including Walmart, PacifiCare (United Health), MUFG Union Bank and the Diversity Advisory Board for Deloitte & Touche. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College, and honorary doctorates from Bethany College, Iona College, Mercy College and the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List


MARIA MONTSERRAT ALVARADO VP & COO, Becket Age:Washington,35 DC Nationality: Knights of ColumbusBoards ALVAREZ is the former CEO of Beanitos, Inc., a privately held leader in bean-based snacking, headquarted in Austin, TX. She served until 2018 as CEO of Harmless Harvest, Inc. She held the position of Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Pet Business unit at Del Monte Corporation. From 2011 to 2013, she served as Group President and Chief Executive Officer for Barilla Americas, where she was responsible for North, Central and South America’s operations of Barilla S.p.A., a global food and beverages company headquartered in Parma, Italy. From 2006 to 2010, she held senior global management positions with The Coca-Cola Company. Prior to that, she held a number of increasingly senior positions in marketing and general management with Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Procter & Gamble in the United States and Latin America.


ALVARADO joined the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in 2009 and was named VP & Executive Director in 2017. With a back ground in public policy and campaigns, she has led initiatives at Becket in development, communications, strategy and operations that have helped secure religious liberty victories against the contraceptive mandate, protect the rights of churches to choose their leaders, and safeguard the free speech of crisis pregnancy centers and religious groups on campus. Alvarado has a Masters from the George Washington University and a B.A. from Florida International University. She served on the Montgomery County Commission for Women in Maryland and is currently on the board of the Patients’ Rights Action Fund.

Former Global CEO and Senior Executive at Fortune 50 & Start-Up Companies Age:Austin,61 TX Nationality: Domtar (533), Ruth's Hospitality Group Inc., Trulieve, Driscoll'sBoards ALVAREZ has been on the faculty of the Harvard Business School since 2009. Until 2008, he was the EVP—global business development for Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers. He joined Royal Ahold in 2001 and subsequently held several key senior management positions, including president and CEO of the company’s Stop & Shop and Giant-Landover brands. Previously, he served in executive positions at Shaw’s Supermarket, Inc. and American Stores Company. Alvarez held several key management positions with Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers, providing him with business leadership experience in, and valuable knowledge of, the global retail industry. Alvarez holds an MBA degree from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and an AB degree from Princeton. He served previously as a director of The TJX Compa nies, Inc. and Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

Former CEO Stop & Shop Companies, Senior Lecturer Harvard Business School Age:Boston,58 MA Nationality: TJX (97), United Rentals (352)Boards BORN in Cuba, he received his bachelor’s degree in BA from the University of Miami. Alvarez retired as president and CEO of McDonald’s Corporation in 2009. Prior to joining McDonald’s in 1994, he held leadership positions at Burger King Corporation and Wendy’s International, Inc. He held a variety of leadership roles throughout his career, including chief operations officer and president of the central division, both with McDonald’s USA. Before joining the U.S. business, Alvarez was president of McDonald’s Mexico. From 2004 until 2005, he was president of McDonald’s USA, where he led a team that aligned employees, owner/operators and suppliers behind the company’s “Plan to Win” strategy – the catalyst for the turnaround of its U.S. business. He served as president of McDonald’s North America from 2005 until 2006. In this role, he was responsible for all McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. and Canada. Alvarez became president and CEO in 2006.

AIDA M ALVAREZ Independent Director Age:California73 Nationality: Hewlett Packard, Inc. (56), Stride Inc., Oportun Financial Corporation, Fastly Inc., Bill.comBoards


CRISTIANO R AMON President and Chief Executive Officer, Qualcomm Incorporated Age:San50Diego, CA Nationality: Qualcomm (124)Boards

HE has almost 30 years of experience in the insurance industry, successfully leading large and complex domestic and interna tional businesses. He has served in executive leadership roles in underwriting, product development and innovation, claims, sales and distribution, strategy development, and general management. Before commencing his insurance career, Andrade worked in national security and international affairs within the U.S. Federal Government’s Executive Branch and The Executive Office of the President.He received a B of S degree in Journalism with a minor in Political Science from the University of Florida and was honored as a Distinguished Alumni in 2018. He was inducted into the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communi cations Hall of Fame in 2021, and holds a Master of Arts degree in International Economics and Latin American Studies from the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University.



ALVAREZ is a Senior Chairman of the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig. He previously served as the firm’s Executive Chairman for more than three years and as its Chief Executive Officer for 13 years. Alvarez served on the Board of Directors of Sears Holdings Corporation from January 2013 until May 2017.

Senior Chairman, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Age:Miami,64 FL Nationality: Watsco (524), Precigen Inc., The St. Joe CompanyBoards

President and Chief Executive Officer of Popular, Inc. Age:San63Juan, PR Nationality: Popular (815)Boards

ALVAREZ has been President and CEO of Popular, Inc. since July 1st, 2017. Prior to this, he served as President and Chief Op erating Officer. Previously, served as EVP and Chief Legal Officer. Before this, he was one of the six founding partners of the law firm Pietrantoni Mendez & Alvarez LLP. Recognized by Chambers Global as “one of the best lawyers in Puerto Rico,” Alvarez was an integral part of the firm’s success for 18 years. Among his main practice areas are: banking, corporate and commercial law; corporate and public finance law; securities and capital markets. Alvarez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958; graduated from Georgetown University, Magna Cum Laude, 1980; Harvard Law School J.D., Cum Laude, 1983; and admitted to the Bar in Florida and Puerto Rico in 1983. He was an Adjunct Professor and Lecturer, University of Puerto Rico Law School, from 1988 to 1992. He has been a member of the Board of Regents of Georgetown University since October 2008.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

AMON began his Qualcomm career in 1995 as an engineer, and during his tenure, has helped shape the strategic direction for the Company in several leadership roles. Before becoming CEO, he served as president of Qualcomm. He has overseen the successful execution of M&A to augment Qualcomm’s capabilities and accelerate growth in key areas. Previously, he led Qualcomm’s semi conductor business as president of QCT. He also held several technical and business leadership positions, which included having overall responsibility for Snapdragon® platforms.Prior to Qualcomm, Amon served as chief technical officer for Vésper, a wireless operator in Brazil, and held leadership positions at NEC, Ericsson and Velocom.Amon holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and an honorary doctorate from UNICAMP – Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

JUAN C. ANDRADE President and Chief Executive Officer, Everest Re Group, Ltd Age:Miami,55 FL Nationality: USAA (87)Boards HE is responsible for the supply of product required for Moderna’s preclinical and clinical development programs, as well as scal ing the chemistry, manufacturing and controls processes across Moderna’s portfolio. He was previously the Global Head of Techni cal Operations (Manufacturing and Supply Chain) for over 25K Novartis employees. He had responsibility for all of manufacturing sites, and related support functions and technologies worldwide, overseeing small molecules drug substance and drug product, as well as biologics drug substance, drug product and technical development. Previous roles include Group Novartis Quality Head, Global Head of Technical Research and Development, and Global Pharmaceutical Operations Head. Before Novartis, he worked at Eli Lilly for 18 years. Andres holds a Master degree in Pharmacy from Alcala de Henares University in Madrid and completed an advanced development program at the London Business School.

JUAN ANDRES Chief Technical Operations and Quality Officer, Moderna, Inc. Age:Cambridge,56 MA Nationality: Avantor (438)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List ARAMBURUZABALA is one of Latin America's most prominent business leaders and her achievements have been recognized by multiple institutions. Tresalia has a particular expertise in consumer goods companies, with an investment portfolio including Anheauser-Busch InBev, Tory. Burch, kIo Networks, Casper, Multiplan, Kraftz-Heinz, Aliat, and Medistik. She also serves as Board Director for several global corporations. and institutions.

ARANGUREN-TRELLEZ has been executive president and a director of Arancia, S.A. de C.V., since 2011 and served as executive president and a director of Arancia Industrial, S.A. de C.V. since 2000. Both are holding companies with interests in the food and enzyme industries, rental of special textiles to the hospital sector and food service and logistics, as well as energy efficiency and smart meters businesses. Previously, Aranguren-Trellez served as Operations Director of CPIngredientes, S.A. de C.V., Ingredion’s Mexican subsidiary, from 1996 until 2000, and served in various management positions with that company and its predecessors since 1989. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame.

President & Chief Executive Officer, Tresalia Capital Age:Mexico59 City, MX Nationality: Coty (426)Boards

LUIS ARANGUREN-TRELLEZ Executive President, Arancia, S.A. de C.V.

ENTREPRENEUR and co-founder of ASG Renaissance, a technical and communications firms in addition to her role at ASG, Ardisana is an active business and civic leader in the Michigan and Hispanic Communities. She serves on numerous corporate and educational boards, and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the community. Ardisana holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Detroit, a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Texas.


LUIS ARMONA Executive Vice President of Meruelo Group, LLC Age:Downey,56 CA Nationality: Commercial Bank of CaliforniaBoards

LIZABETH ARDISANA Owner & CEO,ASG Renaissance LLC Age:Detroit,69 MI Nationality: Huntington Bancshares (510), Clean Energy FuelsBoards ARMONA oversees the Meruelo Group managed family of companies, having equity interests in and sitting on the board of many of those companies, most notably, Meruelo Group, LLC, a holding company owning utility construction contractors Herman Weissker, Inc., Doty Bros. Equipment Company, and Tidwell Excavation, Inc., and electrical contractors Neal Electric Corp., and Se lect Electric, Inc. Since 1987, Armona has participated in the successful development of over 25 apartment communities and 20 shopping centers in Southern California and Southern Florida, primarily in Hispanic neighborhoods. In 2011, Armona entered the gaming and hospitality industry acquiring an ownership interest in the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino located in Reno, Nevada. In that same year, Armona also diversified into broadcast media through acquisition of an ownership interest in KWHY-TV (22), a Spanish-language television station in Los Angeles, CA

FABIOLA ARREDONDO Managing Partner, Siempre Holdings Age:Connecticut54 Nationality: Campbell Soup Company (335), Burberry plc, Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO),Boards


Age:Mexico59 City, MX Nationality: Ingredion (463)Boards

SHE is the Managing Partner of Siempre Holdings, a private, single family investment office based in Connecticut. She is a mem ber (prior Co-Chair) of the U.S. National Council of the World Wildlife Fund and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Fabiola has also previously served as a non-executive Board Director of NPR (National PublicRadio), Rodale Inc., Experian Group plc, Saks Incorporated, the Intelsat Corporation, Bankinter S.A., the BOC Group plc, the World Wildlife Fund in the U.S. and the U.K., and as a Board Trustee of Sesame Workshop. She previously held senior operating roles at Yahoo!, the BBC and Bertelsmann. Fabiola is a graduate of Stanford University and the Harvard Business School.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

GLOBAL media executive, advisor and corporate board director. Most recently she was President, Global Distribution, for Home Box Office, Inc., overseeing $7 billion in annual revenue and all distribution operations of the company’s services and platforms worldwide. She spearheaded HBO’s transformation from a traditional media company (appointment TV) into an agile, on-demand powerhouse with streaming, digital services worldwide. Aulestia joined HBO in 1997. Prior to joining HBO, Aulestia worked at Univision Communications, Inc., Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc., and Kidder, Peabody Inc.

ARRIOLA was appointed to the position of CEO of AVANGRID in July 2020 from Sempra Energy where he was Executive Vice President and Group President and Chief Sustainability Officer. Throughout his more than 25-year career in the energy sector, he has held a variety of leadership positions in gas and electric utilities as well as renewables, including Chairman and CEO of Southern California Gas Co., and Chief Financial Officer of SunPower Corp., San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas Co. Arriola holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Stanford University and a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard University. He serves as a board Member of the Edison Electric Institute, Auto Club Enterprises and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

DENNIS ARRIOLA Chief Executive Officer, Avangrid Age:Connecticut60 Nationality: AvangridBoards

THADDEUS Arroyo has a long career in telecom companies and many years at AT&T. He has overall responsibility for the compa ny’s integrated consumer internet, video entertainment, and mobility organization. His organization serves more than 159 million wireless subscribers, reaches 14 million customer locations with fiber internet, and is one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. His organization also oversees both of AT&T’s prepaid wireless brands – AT&T Prepaid and Cricket Wireless – with a combined base of more than 16.5 million customers. His responsibilities include AT&T’s retail distribution network, which includes AT&T and Cricket retail locations and He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, responsible for the compa ny's integrated global Business Solutions organization, which serves nearly 3 million business customers in nearly 200 countries.

PATRICIA ARVIELO President & Co-Founder, New American Funding Age:Tustin,57 CA Nationality: Western Alliance Bank, Century Communities (717)Boards

BERNADETTE AULESTIA Chief Revenue & Growth Officer, Callisto Media Age:New48York, NY Nationality: Nexstar Media Group (576), Denny'sBoards

ARVIZU became Chancellor and the 28th Chief Executive of the New Mexico State University System in 2018. Previously, Dan Arvizu was director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). NREL is operated for the DOE by Alliance for Sustain able Energy LLC. Arvizu is on the board of MRIGlobal. Prior to joining NREL, he was the chief technology officer at CH2M HILL Companies, Ltd., and an executive at Sandia National Laboratories. He started his career at AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories. He was appointed by two successive U.S. presidents to serve six-year terms on the National Science Board, which governs the National Science Foundation and advises the President and Congress on science policy.

DANIEL E ARVIZU Chancellor, New Mexico State University Age:Dallas,69 TX Nationality: State Farm Insurance. (38)Boards


ARVIELO has more than 39 years of mortgage and real estate industry experience to the Century Communities Board. She is the President and Co-Founder of New American Funding, one of the largest independent mortgage companies in the U.S., where she leads the company’s sales and operations efforts. At New American Funding, she founded the Latino Focus and New American Dream initiatives to identify and address challenges Hispanic and Black consumers face in their pursuit of homeownership and to enhance the quality of their lending experience. Arvielo frequently visits Washington, D.C. to lobby for the industry and home owners, is a popular keynote speaker for mortgage events across the nation and was recognized by Ernst & Young as the 2016 EY Entrepreneur of The Year® Orange County.

THADDEUS ARROYO Chief Strategy & Development Officer, AT&T Age:Dallas,58 TX Nationality: Global Payments (394)Boards

JOSÉ María Aznar has served as the President of the Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis, a political research and edu cational organization focused on Spain, since 1989. He served as the Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004. He was the Executive President of the Partido Popular of Spain from 1990 to 2004 and its Honorific President from 2004 to 2016. Aznar has been a Director of Afiniti, a developer of artificial intelligence systems, since 2016, President of the Honorary Board of the Bussola Institute since 2017, a special advisor to Latham & Watkins LLP since 2018 and a member of the International Advisory Board of Barrick Gold Corporation since 2011.


BACARDÍ has extensive experience in the development and implementation of international marketing, sales and distribution strategies acquired throughout more than 24 years at various Bacardi companies and 3 years as Product Manager of Nestlé of Puerto Rico. As President and CEO of Bacardi Corporation, he directed and managed all business operations with full profit and loss responsibilities and government relations for Bacardi in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. Prior to becoming President and CEO of Bacardi, he held positions in various Bacardi enterprises where, among other things, he was responsible for the development of all global communication strategies for Bacardi Limited’s whisky portfolio, with total sales of approximately $400 million, and supervision of marketing for all Bacardi brands globally.

Executive Chairman of the Board & Chairman of the Executive Committee, Groupo Televisa Age:Mexico53 City, MX Nationality: Univision Communications (830)Boards

ALEJANDRO M BALLESTER President, Ballester Hermanos, Inc. Age:Puerto55 Rico Nationality: Popular (815)Boards

DESCENDANT of a Mexican dinasty of businessmen and former chief executive officer (CEO) of Televisa, a Mexican mass media company and the world's largest media conglomarate in spanish language. Azcárraga Jean is widely credited for turning around Televisa into the prosperous company after the death of his father "El Tigre". He is also a global board member of Endeavor, an international non-profit development organization that finds and supports high-impact entrepreneurs in emerging markets.


Former Prime Minister of Spain, President Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis Age:Spain69 Nationality: News Corp. (337)Boards

JOAQUIN E BACARDI III Independent Director Age:Puerto56 Rico Nationality: Popular (815)Boards BALLESTER has a comprehensive understanding of Puerto Rico’s consumer products and distribution industries acquired through over 29 years of experience at Ballester Hermanos, Inc., a privately-owned business dedicated to the importation and distribution of grocery products, as well as beer, liquors and wine for the retail and food service trade in Puerto Rico. In 2019, Ballester Hermanos had approximately $125 million in assets and annual revenues of approximately $350 million. He has proven to be a successful entrepreneur establishing the food service division of Ballester Hermanos in 1999, which today accounts for 38% of the firm’s revenues. During 2009, he was a director of the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and member of its audit and investment committees where he obtained experience in overseeing a variety of fiscal issues related to various government agencies, instrumentalities and municipalities.

Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Systems Administration and a Bachelors in Information Systems focused in Computers and Software from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Colombia.


ORLANDO AYALA Independent Director Age:Medina,64 WA Nationality: Centene (24)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List AYALA has 35+ years history experience working in the Information Technology industry - Senior Executive for 25 years with Microsoft. Member of Bill Gates's senior leadership team when Ayala was Executive VP of the WW field operating teams in 115 countries. Skilled in Sales, Enterprise Software, Social Impact, Partner Management, and Enterprise Organizational Architecture.

CARMEN BAUZA Independent Director Age:Sarasota,55 FL Nationality: Zumiez, Claire's, DXL GroupBoards BAYARDO is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of National Oilwell Varco (NOV). Prior to joining NOV in 2015, Jose served as Senior Vice President, Resource and Business Development at Continental Resources, Inc. and spent nine years serving in various roles at Complete Production Services, Inc. including Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Prior to joining Complete Production Services, Jose was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan. Jose brings a wealth of financial experience to NOV having worked both in the oil and gas industry and in investment banking during his career. He holds a Bach elor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master of Engineering Management from the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University and a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.


Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of NOV Inc. Age:Houston,50 TX Nationality: Louisiana-PacificBoards FOUNDING Partner and Managing Partner and a board member of 3G Capital, a global investment firm, since 2004. He also has served as the Chairman of the board of Restaurant Brands International Inc., (Burger King, Popeyes, and Tim Hortons), since 2014. Previously, he served on the Board of Directors of Burger King Worldwide, Inc. and its predecessor as Chairman from 2010 until 2014. Behring also served as a director of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a multinational drink and brewing holdings company, from 2014 to 2019. Previously, Behring spent 10 years at GP Investments, including eight years as a partner and member of the firm’s Investment Committee. He served for seven years, from 1998, as Chief Executive Officer of America Latina Logistica (“ALL”), one of Latin America’s largest railroad and logistics companies. He served as a director of ALL and CSX Corporation until 2011.


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ERNESTO BAUTISTA III Chief Financial Officer, BJ Energy Solutions Age:Houston,49 TX Nationality: TopBuild Corp (795)Boards FROM 2019 to 2021, Carmen served as Chief Merchandising Officer at Fanatics. Prior to this, she was Chief Merchandising Officer at HSN from 2016 to 2017 and SVP, General Merchandise Manager Consumables, Health and Wellness at Walmart from 2007 to 2016. She has previously held roles at Bath & Body Works, Five Below and The Walt Disney Company. Carmen is currently a member of the board of trustees at Seton Hill University and the advisory board of RoundTable Healthcare Partners Council. She previously served as a Director of Walmart of Mexico, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Network of Executive Women and the Literacy Council of Benton County. Carmen holds a BS in Fashion Merchandising and Business from Seton Hill University.

MARTHA HELENA BEJAR Independent Director Age:Seattle,60 WA Nationality: Lumen Technologies (139), Com mvault Systems Inc., Quadient SA, Sportsman's WarehouseBoards

HE has served as BJ’s CFO since 2021. With more than 28 years of Financial Executive experience, Ernesto has an extensive corporate strategy, financial management, and analysis background culminating into a proven track record in identifying and exploiting opportunities to maximize economic returns. Prior to BJ, served as VP, CFO and Treasurer of CARBO Ceramics Inc. Prior to CARBO, Ernesto served in several senior management roles at W-H Energy Services, Inc., ultimately serving as VP and CFO prior to the Company’s sale to Smith International Inc. Ernesto is a Certified Public Accountant in Texas and holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Rice University.

ALEXANDRE BEHRING DA COSTA Managing Partner, 3G Capital Age:N/A55 Nationality: Kraft Heinz (110)Boards SHE'S the co -founder of Red Bison Advisory Group, LLC . A firm focused on being a trusted advisor, providing objective and result - oriented analysis and solutions in the areas of Real Estate, Natural Resources and ICT. Martha has been CEO and Director of companies inlcuding Unium Inc., Flow Mobile, a broadband wireless access solution, Wipro Infocrossing Cloud Computing Services and Microsoft Corp., where she was the Corporate Vice President for the Communi cations Sector. Martha started her ICT career with AT&T and BellSouth where she held numerous positions. She received an Advanced Management Program degree from Harvard University Business School. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami and holds an MBA from Nova Southeastern University.

BENITEZ retired from Accenture in September 2014 after more than 33 years of service, the last three years of which he served as Chief Executive Officer of North America, where he had primary responsibility for Accenture’s business and operations in North America. From September 2006 to August 2011, he served as Chief Operating Officer, Products Operating Group, the largest of Accenture’s five operating groups, where he was responsible for executing the business strategy and ensuring operational excel lence across a wide set of consumer industry groups, including: automotive; air, freight and travel services; industrial equipment; and infrastructure and transportation services. Prior to that, Benitez held various senior leadership roles and other positions since joining Accenture in 1981.


BERMUDEZ is the retired chief risk officer of Citibank/Citigroup. He began his career with Citibank in 1975 and held various positions, including CEO e-Business, developing Citibank’s Corporate Banking Internet strategy and platform; CEO Citigroup Latin America; Senior Advisor International; CEO Citigroup’s Commercial Business Group North America and Citibank Texas, a position he held until becoming the chief risk officer in 2007. Bermudez currently serves also as a director/trustee on The Federal Reserve Bank 11th District (Dallas). He has also served on the boards of Electric Reliability Council of Texas; American Institute of Architects; The Federal Reserve Bank Houston; Citibank, NA, and Citicorp USA; Council of the Americas; Mastercard International LAC; Siembra Group; Asociacion de Bancos Argentinos; FEMSA Group. He was chairman of the New York Clearing House Steering Committee.

JORGE L BENITEZ Retired Chief Executive, North America Accenture Age:Miami,62 FL Nationality: World Fuel Services (147), Fifth Third Bancorp (358) , Simplex Transporta tion ServicesBoards

ANDREA Bertone is the former President of Duke Energy International. She spent 15 years at Duke Energy, including seven years as President of Duke Energy International with executive responsibility for coal, gas and hydro assets across a number of countries. Prior to her time at Duke Energy, she was Latin America counsel with Baker & McKenzie. She began her career as an attorney in Sao Paulo, Brazil, including an in-house corporate attorney for TAM Airlines. Other directorships include Yamana Gold, a Canadian listed gold producer, DMC Global Inc. and Amcor plc. Bertone earned a Bachelor of Law from the University of Sao Paulo Law School in Brazil and a Master of Law in International and Comparative Law from Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

BERZIN served as Chairman and CEO of Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC), an insurer of municipal bonds, as set-backed securities and structured finance obligations, from 1992 to 2001. Berzin joined FGIC in 1985 as its General Counsel following seven years of securities law practice in New York City. She currently serves as a director of Trane Technologies plc (in dustrial manufacturing).She previously served as a director of Constellation Energy Group from 2008 to 2012 when Constellation merged with Exelon.

ANDREA BERTONE Independent Director,Former President, Duke Energy International Age:Houston,60 TX Nationality: Peabody Energy (772), DMC Global Inc., AmcorBoards


ANN C. BERZIN Independent Director Age:New69York, NY Nationality: Exelon (92), Trane Technologies PLCBoards

FORMER Chief Supply Chain Officer, Baxter International, Blanco was previously executive vice president and chief supply chain officer for Ecolab Inc. In this position where he oversaw the company’s global supply chain operations, including Ecolab’s 98 manufacturing plants and more than 200 distribution and other supply chain facilities around the world. Previously, Alex worked for Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) for thirty years. Blanco led Supply Chain operations for key P&G divisions and held several inter national assignments. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University.

JORGE A BERMUDEZ President & CEO, Byebrook Group Age:New69York, NY Nationality: Moody’s (500)Boards

ALEX N. BLANCO Independent Director Age: 60 St. Paul, MN Nationality: Patterson Companies (491)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' List


FORMER Chief Financial Officer at Athena Health, until 2022. After serving in the United States Air Force, Borgen has become an expert in corporate finance over the past 25 years, adding more than a decade as CFO in various industries.Prior to his arrival as CFO at Athenahealth, Inc., a leading provider of web-enabled healthcare products and services, he served as CFO at Vistaprint, DAVIDsTEA, Inc. and DaVita. Borgen, who has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a master's degree in Finance from Boston College, and a bachelor's degree in Management from the U.S. Air Force Academy, currently serves on the boards of Carters, Inc. and Eastern Bankshares, Inc.

MARIA CLAUDIA BORRAS Executive Vice President, Oilfield Services at Baker Hughes Age:Houston,52 TX Nationality: Tyson Foods (73)Boards BOTÍN has served as a director of Banco Santander, S.A. since 1989 and currently chairs the Executive and Innovation and Technology Committees and is a member of the Responsible Banking, Sustainability and Culture Committee. She is an executive director of both Santander US and Santander UK boards. She joined Santander after working at JP Morgan. In 1992 she was appointed Senior EVP. Between 1992 and 1998 she led the expansion of Santander in Latin America. From 2002 to 2010 she was Executive Chairman of Banco Español de Credito, S.A. (Banesto). From 2010-2014 she was CEO of Santander UK and currently serves as a Non-Executive Director. During her role as CEO of Santander UK, she led the transformation to one of Britain’s most innovative banks.

BECTON, Dickinson and Company is a global medical technology company. She has been a member of the board since 2021. She is the EVPand head of University of California Health (UCH), where she leads the nation's largest academic health system. Prior to UCH, she held leadership roles at Texas A&M University System, including serving concurrently as dean of the College of Medicine and senior vice president of Health Sciences for Texas A&M University and vice chancellor for health services for the Texas A&M 11-campus system. She is the first Hispanic woman to serve in these health leadership roles in the United States. Prior to Texas A&M University System, she spent more than 20 years in teaching and leadership positions with the University of Utah.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ANNA started out working at Piedmont Hospital, after two years, she had an opportunity to change jobs and in 1976 she started working with a construction materials company. She stayed there for seven years, progressing from clerk to Vice President of the Company. In 1982 she left her position to start her first company: ANATEK, INC., a contracting company that specializes in highway bridges. After leading ANATEK, INC. to become one of the largest Hispanic owned firms in Georgia, Cablik started ANASTEEL & Supply Company, LLC in 1994. ANASTEEL is the only Hispanic/female owned reinforcing steel fabricator in the Southeast. Cablik was a partner in PanAmerican Logistics, LLC, a logistics company that operated the Perishables Center at the Atlanta Airport; and CAMANA Holdings, LLC, a real estate holding company sold in 2017.

ANA PATRICIA BOTIN Executive Chairman, Banco Santander Age:Madrid,61 Spain Nationality: Coca-Cola Co. (93)Boards

SHE is responsible for setting the business and value-creation strategies of the Oilfield Services business. Borras leads approxi mately 26K employees. She has more than 25 years of experience in the oil & gas sector, serving as Chief Commercial Officer at GE Oil & Gas before. There she managed a global team of more than 4000 sales, commercial, and marketing professionals. She also served as President, Europe/Africa/Russia Caspian Region; VP, Global Marketing; VP, Centrilift Marketing; and Area Manager for a number of countries in Latin America. She began her career in the oil & gas industry in 1991 as a production engineer for Esso in Colombia. She then moved into operations, marketing, and management roles at Esso before joining Baker Hughes. She has broad experience in organizational transformation, process improvement and growth strategies.

CARRIE L. BYINGTON Executive Vice President and head of University of California Health (UCH) Age:Houston,57 TX Nationality: Becton DickinsonBoards

LUIS BORGEN Independent Director Age:Boston,65 MA Nationality: Synopys Inc., Carter's, Eastern BankBoards

ANNA R CABLIK President, Anatek, Inc. & Anasteel & Supply Company, LLC Age:Marietta,68 GA Nationality: Truist Financial (119)Boards

FROM 2016 to 2021, Campos was the CEO of Woven—an enterprise software company applying machine learning and natural language processing to workforce productivity. Before founding Woven and from August 2010 until November 2016, she served as Vice President and CIO for Facebook. Prior to Facebook, Campos was CIO for KLA-Tencor. He has deep expertise in enterprise software development, large scale distributed systems and data services and analytics. He has an MBA from both Columbia University and the University of California at Berkeley and a degree in electrical engineering and computer science also from the University of California at Berkeley.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

TIMOTHY CAMPOS Independent Director Age: 48 Los Altos, CA Nationality: Rackspace Technology (799), Viavi Solutions, Inc., UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)Boards

CAMPOS is a partner and Senior Counsel with the law firm of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP since 2016, where he practices in the areas of securities regulation, corporate governance, and securities enforcement and serves as Chair of the firm’s Securities Enforcement Practice. Prior to that, he received a presidential appointment and served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission from 2002 to 2007. Before the SEC, Campos was a founding partner of a Houston-based radio broad caster. He is also a director of a private registered broker-dealer, Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. From 2008 to 2013, Campos served by selection of President Barack Obama on the President’s citizen Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board. He earned a B.S. degree from the United States Air Force Academy, an M.B.A. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.

LOUIS CALDERA Independent Director Age:Washington,67 DC Nationality: Granite Construction (663), Dallas News Corp., Meritage HomesBoards

MIGUEL CALADO Chairman& President,WY Group Age:Bethesda,67 MD Nationality: HNI Corporation (971)Boards

ROEL C. CAMPOS Senior Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Age:New72York, NY Nationality: Regional Management CorporationBoards

DUAL citizen of Portugal and the US. Chairman of the Board since 2020, member of the Board of Directors since 2019. Indepen dent of the company and significant shareholders. Calado has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from the Catholic University of Brazil and he’s Owner/President Management program in General Management at Harvard Business School. Calado has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Aveleda S.A. and OutSystems S.A. He has been President of iMAX Diagnostic Imaging Business Unit, Vice President of Hovione S.A., Vice President and CFO of Hovione S.A. Additionally, he has held various positions at PepsiCo, Inc. including Vice President and CFO of PepsiCo Foods International. Calado is also the President of Gamcal LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wygroup, S.A, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OutSystems S.A. and a member of the Board of Directors of HNI Corporation.

CALDERA currently leads his own consulting business and served as the Director of the White House Military Office in 2009, as the United States Secretary of the Army from 1998 to 2001, as a member of the California State Assembly from 1992 to 1997 and practiced law in California from 1987 to 1992. Caldera earned a joint juris doctor and master of business administration from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School respectively. He earned a bachelor of science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, and served on active duty from 1978 to 1983.

SANDRA is an internationally recognized retail technology CEO, entrepreneur, and retail executive. Throughout her career, she has built global lifestyle brands and has been instrumental in turnarounds, digital innovation, cultural marketing, and international expansion. She was appointed CEO of Project Verte, a retail and supply chain technology company. Her leadership prioritizes product-market fit and solving retailer’s supply chain needs. As the former CEO of Diane Von Furstenberg, Sandra is known to be an innovator whose focus on the implementation of Omni-channel, unified commerce strategies enhance the consumer experience and make a significant impact. Campos is a frequent keynote speaker, panelist, and invited guest across the globe, MSNBC, Telemundo and Bloomberg on topics ranging from female empowerment, retail innovation, leadership, and diversity in the workplace.

SANDRA CAMPOS Chief Executive Officer, Cynosure Holdings Age:New55York, NY Nationality: Big Lots (449), Daniel's JeweleryBoards


RICK served as Darden’s Chief Financial Officer since 2016. Before, he served as SVP and Chief Strategy Officer. He began his career with Darden as an hourly employee in 1984, before joining the restaurant support center team in 1992 as an Auditor. From there he held increasingly more responsible positions including Director of Corporate Development, Director of Finance and Tech nology for Seasons 52, Vice President of Finance and Assistant Controller for Olive Garden, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for LongHorn Steakhouse, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for Red Lobster, and Executive Vice President of Operations for LongHorn Steakhouse. Rick briefly left the company in 1998 to work for management consulting firms Bain & Company and the Parthenon Group. Rick graduated summa cum laude from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Finance & Accounting. He earned an MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College and is a Certified Public Accountant.

CAMUÑEZ has significant experience as a senior executive, counselor, and advocate advising U.S. companies in domestic and global markets, and he possesses a unique combination of bi-partisan political, legal, economic, and international expertise. He is a frequent commentator on international trade, international economics, NAFTA, and the US-Mexico relationship in the press, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNBC’s Squawk Box, and other media outlets. Camuñez previously served for two years as Special Counsel to the President in the Office of the White House Counsel, as well as Special Assistant to the President. He is a former equity partner of the global law firm O’Melveny & Myers LLP and of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP. A graduate of Harvard College and Stanford Law School.

PRIOR to joining Providence, Canales served CHE Trinity Health for over 10 years, most recently as executive vice president and chief administrative officer. During her tenure, she guided the organization through significant change, creating synergy across a geographically and operationally diverse system in 21 states. Throughout her 25-year human resources career, Canales has worked in a range of global Fortune 500 organizations, including Hewlett Packard/Compaq Computer Corporation, Yum Brands/ PepsiCo, R.H. Macy’s Inc. and Centura Health.


RICK CARDENAS President & Chief Operating Officer, Darden Restaurants Age:Orlando,58 FL Nationality: Tractor Supply (291)Boards


MICHAEL C CAMUÑEZ President & CEO, Monarch Global Strategies LLC Age: 52 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Edison International (226)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' List

DEBRA A. CANALES Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, Providence Age:Seattle,58 WA Nationality: Amica Mutual Insurance (793)Boards

TERE currently serves as Principal and Portfolio Manager of Cito Capital Group, LLC, a multi-family office registered as an invest ment advisor with the SEC. Prior to her role at Cito, She served as President and Portfolio Manager (1985-2016) of Taplin, Canida & Habacht, LLC (TCH), an investment management firm specializing in Institutional fixed income account management with assets under management of approximately $12 billion at the time of its sale in 2008 to what is now Bank of Montreal (BMO).

TCH managed client assets for public and corporate pension funds, endowments, foundations and hospitals. Tere was responsible for the firm’s strategy, investment policy and managing client portfolios along with the firm’s other portfolio managers. Prior to founding TCH in 1985, she was Vice President and Senior Investment Officer for Southeast Bank Trust Company. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and an MBA from George Washington University.

TERE A CANIDA Principal & Portfolio Manager, Cito Capital Age: FloridaCoral70Gables, Nationality: Kemper (514)Boards FROM 1982 to 2008, Cárdenas was a partner in the Phoenix-based law firm of Lewis and Roca. He became the firm’s managing partner in 1999 and chairman in 2003. He was a founding board member of the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), which he chaired from 2002 to 2011. Cárdenas has been admitted to practice law in Arizona, California, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court and is a member of various bar associations, including the Hispanic National Bar Association. He serves on the boards of directors of ASU affiliated and related entities, such as the ASU Foundation, and was a director of Swift Transportation Company until 2017. He is a past chairman of the boards of Greater Phoenix Lead ership, Valley of the Sun United Way, the Translational Genomics Research Institute, and O’Connor House, and is a trustee of the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.

JOSÉ A CARDENAS Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Arizona State University Age:Arizona68 Nationality: Southwest Gas Holdings (698)Boards

RICHARD H CARMONA Chief of Health Innovations, Canyon Ranch, Former Surgeon General of the United States Age:Maryland71 Nationality: Clorox (427), Herbalife Nutrition, Axon, McKessonBoards FROM 2018 until 2018, Carrillo served as the Senior Vice President and Group President of Construction, Energy, Marine and Components of Trinity Industries, Inc. From 2012 to 2018, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Orbia Advance Corporation (formerly known as Mexichem S.A.B. de C.V.) (“Orbia”). Prior to joining Orbia, he spent 16 years at Trinity Industries where he served as Senior Vice President and Group President of Trinity Industries’ Energy Equipment Group and was responsible for Trinity Industries’ Mexico operations. Carrillo previously served as a director of Trinity Industries from 2014 to 2018 and as a director of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. from 2015 to 2018. He has served as Professor of Finance at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. Carrillo holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a major in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico City.

WALDEMAR A CARLO Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Division of Neonatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine Age:Birmingham,69 AL Nationality: Mednax (825)Boards

CARLO has served as Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Neonatology at the University of Alabama at Bir mingham School of Medicine since 1991. Carlo participates as a member of several medical and professional organizations. He has received numerous research awards and grants and has lectured extensively, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he is a recipient of the Apgar Award, the highest recognition given to neonatologists by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

CARMONA has been chief of health innovations of Canyon Ranch Inc., a life-enhancement company, since 2017. He previously served as vice chairman of Canyon Ranch, CEO of the Canyon Ranch health division and president of the nonprofit Canyon Ranch Institute from 2006 to 2017. He is the first distinguished professor of public health at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. Prior to Canyon Ranch, Carmona served as the 17th surgeon general of the United States from 2002 through 2006, achieving the rank of vice admiral. Previously, he was chairman of the state of Arizona Southern Regional Emergency Medical System, a professor of surgery, public health, and family and community medicine at the University of Arizona, and surgeon and deputy sheriff of the Pima County, Arizona, Sheriff’s Department. He served in the United States Army and the Army’s Special Forces.

CARDOSO joined CMPC Advisors LLC in January 2015. Prior to that, he served as Chairman of Kennametal, Inc. from 2008 until 2014 and as President and CEO of Kennametal from 2006 until 2014. He joined Kennametal in 2003 and served as Vice President, Metalworking Solutions and Services Group and then as Executive Vice President and COO before he became President and CEO Prior to his tenure with Kennametal, Cardoso was President of the Pump Division of Flowserve Corporation from 2001 to 2003. Cardoso faced the challenge of managing a complex company on a daily basis. This experience, combined with the skills he acquired in his leadership roles at Kennametal, Inc. and Flowserve Corporation, make him a valuable resource for Boards and management.

CARLOS M CARDOSO Principal,CMPC Advisors LLC Age:Incline63 Village, Nevada Nationality: Stanley Black & Decker (209), Hubbell (602)Boards

ANTONIO CARRILLO President & CEO, Arcosa Inc. Age:Dallas,56 TX Nationality: NRG Energy (333), Arcosa (975)Boards CARRIÓN’S 44 years of banking experience and over 33 years heading Popular, give him a unique level of knowledge of the Puerto Rico financial system. A well-recognized leader with a vast knowledge of the Puerto Rico economy, is actively involved in major efforts impacting the local economy. His knowledge of the financial industry led him to become a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for eight years. Chairman of Popular since 1993 and Executive Chairman from 2017 to 2019. CEO of Popular from 1994 to 2017 and President from 1991 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2014. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Banco Popular, Inc. since 1991. Chairman and Director of Popular Foundation, Inc. since 2005. Member of the Board of Directors of Verizon Communications, Inc. from 1995 to 2019. Member of the International Olympic Committee since 1990 and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Finance Commission from 2002 to 2013. Managing Member of RCA3 Investments, LLC.


RICHARD CARRION Chairman of the Board of Directors, Popular, Inc. Age:San69Juan, P.R./ New York NY Nationality: Popular (815)Boards

KIMBERLY ANN CASIANO Independant Director Age:Puerto64 Rico & Florida Nationality: Ford Motor (21), Mutual of America Life InsuranceBoards

LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 58 New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

GILBERT CASELLAS Independent Director, Private Investor Age:Washington,70 DC Nationality: Prudential Financial (55)Boards

KIMBERLY Casiano is the first Latina woman to serve on a top five "Fortune 100" corporate board. Kim is a former director of Mead Johnson Nutrition Company. Outside of the corporate world, Kim is a member of the founding Board of Directors of the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA); the Board of Advisors of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida; the global Alumni Board of Harvard Business School; and is former Chapter Chair of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), Puerto Rico.

She has been recognized by many prominent organizations as one of the most powerful Latinos in America. Previously, she was President of one of the largest U.S. Hispanic-owned media, advertising, customer relationship management (CRM), and direct marketing companies.

HE served Boeing for 31 years, most recently as president of Boeing Capital Corp., a wholly owned Boeing subsidiary responsible for arranging, structuring and providing financing for Boeing's commercial airplane and space and defense products. Prior to that, he served as senior vice president of business development and strategy for the corporation; senior vice president and general manager for Boeing’s commercial airplane programs; chief financial officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, and vice president of finance for Boeing Information, Space & Defense Systems.

MICHAEL J CAVE Retired Vice President, The Boeing Co. Age:N/A61 Nationality: Ball Corp. (260), Harley-Davidson (614)Boards

JUAN Cento served as Regional President of the Latin America and Caribbean Division of FedEx Express, headquartered in Miami, Florida, until his retirement in 2021. Cento began his career with FedEx in 1989 when the company merged with Flying Tigers. Immediately following the merger, he was promoted to managing director for South and Central America, based in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. In his 32+ years with FedEx, Cento has expanded the company’s presence in Latin America and helped FedEx Express become a pillar for growth in the region. A Cuba native, Cento moved to Miami in 1960, where he attended Miami-Dade College and proceeded to graduate from Florida International University College of Business Administration.

CESAN is the Founder and Managing Partner of Commercial Worldwide LLC, an investment firm. Prior thereto, he spent 25 years at Schering Plough Corporation, serving in various capacities of substantial responsibility the President and Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President of ScheringPlough Corporation and President of ScheringPlough Pharmaceuticals President of Schering Laboratories, U.S. Pharmaceutical Operations and President of Schering Plough International . Cesan was until April 2019 also a director of The New York Times Company.

INDEPENDENT director, consultant and private investor. Member of the board of Prudential Financial, Inc. since 2001, he serves on advisory boards for Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Comcast, and the Millstein Center at Columbia Law School. In 2018, the National Association of Corporate Directors named him one of the 100 most influential boardroom leaders. He is a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, of the Pan American Development Foundation and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Law Institute. Under President Clinton, he was Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, General Counsel of the Air Force and Co-Chairman of the Census Monitoring Board. A Fellow of the College of Labor and Em ployment Lawyers, he is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg Law’s 1700-page treatise, Workplace Harassment, Second Edition (2018) and of its 2020 online edition.

JUAN N CENTO Former President, Latin America and Caribbean, FedEx Express Age:Miami,68 FL Nationality: Assurant (302)Boards

RAUL E CESAN Founder & Managing Partner, Commercial Worldwide LLC Age:Orlando,73 FL Nationality: Gartner (612)Boards

ADRIANA CISNEROS Chief Executive Officer, Cisneros Age:New41York, NY Nationality: Mattel (563)Boards

FRANKLIN R CHANG-DIAZ Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ad Astra Rocket Company Age:Webster,59 TX Nationality: Cummins (150)Boards

HE is currently the Chairman & CEO of Claure Capital, a multi-billion-dollar global investment firm focused on public and private companies in technology, media, telecommunications, crypto, sports, real estate and other high growth sectors. From 2018 until 2022, Claure was the CEO of SoftBank Group International and COO of SoftBank Group, the world’s largest technology invest ment company. Previously, Claure served as President and CEO and then as Executive Chairman of Sprint, where he is widely recognized for delivering the best financial results in Sprint’s 120-year history and architecting its merger with T-Mobile U.S. Prior to Sprint, he founded Brightstar, which he built into the world’s largest global wireless distribution and services company and the largest Hispanic-owned business in U.S. history, with operations in more than 50 countries and revenues exceeding $10 billion.


CHIRICO is Former Chairman of PVH Corp., owner of an iconic family of brands including Calvin Klein TOMMY HILFIGER, Van Heusen, ARROW, Warner's and IZOD. Manny was with PVH for over 26 years, serving as CEO from 2006 to 2021 and Chairman from 2007 to 2021. Under his leadership, PVH become one of the largest and most admired fashion and lifestyle companies in the world, reaching $9.9 billion in annual revenues in 2019 and 40,000 associates operating in over 40 countries. He played a key role in acquiring Calvin Klein in 2003 and engineered the transformative acquisitions of Tommy Hilfiger in 2010 and Warnaco in 2013. Born and raised in the Bronx, Manny graduated from Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business in 1979.

EMANUEL CHIRICO Former Chairman, PVH Corp Age:New64York, NY Nationality: Dick's Sporting GoodsBoards CEO of Cisneros, a privately held company with over 90 years’ experience operating businesses globally. The company today has three divisions: Cisneros Media, Cisneros Interactive and Cisneros Real Estate. She is President of the Fundación Cisneros, a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to improving access to education in Latin America. She is on the board of MoMA’s Latin American Acquisitions Committee (LACF) and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Cisneros Institute. Board member of Endeavor Miami, and a Director and Trustee of the Paley Center for Media. She is also a Board Member of Mattel, Inc., Parrot Analytics, the Knight Foundation and University of Miami. Adriana is a member of the Citibank Private Bank Latin American Advisory Board as well as an Advisory Board Member of Wyncode and TheVentureCity and was recently appointed as Head of Strategy for AST & Science. She holds a BA from Columbia University (2002) and a Master’s Degree in journalism from New York University (2005).

MARCELO CLAURE Chairman & CEO, Claure Capital Age:New50York, NY Nationality: Univision Communications (830), T-MobileBoards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List DÍAZ spent 25 years working at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), manning their shuttles and working to build the International Space Station. He also served as the director of the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center, part of NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center, for 12 years. Díaz is currently the chairman and CEO of Ad Astra Rocket Company, a U.S. spaceflight engineering company based in Houston, Texas.

SHE is founder and chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a position she has held since 2006. Prior to her appointment as chairman, Chavez served as president of the Center for Equal Opportunity from 1995 through 2005. She was a director of Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation from 2004 to 2008, where she served on the audit committee. Previously, she was a director of Grey hound Lines, Inc. from 1995 to 1999, when it was acquired by another company. Chavez has held numerous appointed positions, including CEO of the National Commission on Migrant Education, CEO of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and White House director of public liaison. In 1992, she was elected by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to serve a four-year term as U.S. Expert to the U.N. Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

LINDA L CHAVEZ Independent Director Age:Washington,73 DC Nationality: ABM Industries (462)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List HE is the principal investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group and the Dana Farber Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Consor tium at said institution. He was a professor of pediatrics and pathology from 1980 to 1994, and director of pediatric hematology oncology from 1984 to 1994, at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. He has particular expertise in clinical investiga tion. He is the chairman of the Board’s Executive Committee and member of the Investment and Finance Committee.

Principal Investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group and the Puerto Rico National Cancer Institute Oncology Community Research Program Age:Puerto69 Rico Nationality: Triple-S Management (648)Boards

CONDE has oversight of NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC, including editorial and business operations for the television and digital properties. Under his leadership, the NBCU News Group has made substantial investments in digital and streaming, accelerating its leading position across all platforms. It is the most-watched news organization in the country and the number one digital news organization in the U.S. for the first time in its history. Previously, Conde was Chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. He was responsible for the operations and international expansion of NBCUniversal businesses outside of North America. He also oversaw the leading media properties that serve Hispanics worldwide. He was in strumental in building NBCU Telemundo Enterprises into a world-class media company that produces and distributes high-quality Spanish-language content across a range of broadcast, cable, and digital properties. He holds a B.A. with honors from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

ANDRÉS CONESA LABASTIDA Chief Executive Officer, Aeromexico Age:Mexico51 City, Mexico Nationality: Sempra Energy (255)Boards

COLORADO has been a Director with Hudson Advisors L.P., or Hudson Advisors, an affiliate, since 2016. In such capacity, Colo rado advises on legal issues impacting operating companies that are affiliates of Lone Star within North America, as well as other corporate investments. This is Colorado’s second stint with Hudson Advisors having previously been a Vice President at the firm from 2008 to 2012. In between his times at Hudson Advisors, he was a Partner at the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP, from 2012 to 2016, where he supported clients in various types of mortgage banking transactions, private and public securities offerings, debt financing transactions and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to his time at Hudson, Colorado was an attorney with Bank of America and a CPA with Ernst & Young LLP.



CESAR CONDE Chairman, NBCUniversal News Group Age:Miami,48 FL Nationality: Walmart (1), PepsiCo (44)Boards

CONESA has been member of the IATA Board of Governors and an acting Board Member of Skyteam and the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA). Prior to Aeromexico, he held various positions in the Mexican Public Administration. He holds an Economics Bachelor degree from the Instituto Tecnológico de Mexico (ITAM) and a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

ANTHONY COELHO Former Representative US Congress (CA) Age:California80 Nationality: Service Corp. International (670)Boards

RAFAEL COLORADO Managing Director, Senior Counsel, Hudson Advisors LP Age:Dallas,43 TX Nationality: Foundation Building MaterialsBoards

ANTHONY Lee Coelho is an American politician from California who served in the United States House of Representatives.A member of the Democratic Party, he was the primary sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is a former chairman and current member of the board of directors of the Epilepsy Foundation.

CORDEIRO served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer at Cabot Corporation, a global specialty chemicals and performance materials company, from 2009 to 2018. He also served as President of the Americas region from 2014 to 2018. During his 20-year tenure at Cabot Corporation, he held several corporate, business and executive management positions, in cluding Vice President of Corporate Strategy and General Manager of its Fumed Metal Oxides and Supermetals businesses. Prior to his career at Cabot, Cordeiro was a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group and a founding partner of The Economics Resource Group.

CÓRDOVA has extensive business leadership and entrepreneurial experience. She has strong management skills from leading business development for companies from start-up phase through high growth into the public market. Her former international executive roles with McGraw-Hill Standard & Poor’s and Excite@Home, along with Chief Executive roles in private corporations, have given her extensive expertise in corporate finance and strategic planning. In addition, she is a citizen of both the United States and Mexico and has significant cross-border operations experience. Córdova also has experience in the development of government financial and economic policies from her formal economics education, from ten years with the 10th District Federal Reserve Bank, ultimately as chairman, and from serving on compensation and audit committees.

PRIOR to her tenure at GSK from 2009 to 2015, Connelly was with Eli Lilly and Co., where she had been president of Lilly USA. During her 26-year career, she held a variety of executive positions, including senior vice president of human resources for the corporation, as well as vice president of human resources for pharmaceutical operations. Connelly was named national sales manager for the Puerto Rico affiliate and later became director of sales and marketing for the Caribbean Basin Region. She also served as general manager for Eli Lilly Puerto Rico. Later, she was named executive director of global marketing for Evista, and leader of the woman’s health business unit in the U.S. In 2008, she was appointed to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and helped select the White House Fellows. Born in San Juan, Connelly earned a bachelor's degree in Economics and Marketing from Lycoming College. She also graduated from Harvard University's Advanced Management Program.

DEIRDRE P CONNELLY Retired President, North America Pharmaceuticals for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Age:Atlanta,60 GA Nationality: Macy’s (164), Lincoln National (172), Genmab A/SBoards

EDUARDO F CONRADO Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Ascension Age:Park55City, Utah Nationality: ArcBest (755)Boards


EDUARDO CORDEIRO Independent Director Age:Winchester,55 MA Nationality: Owens Corning (413), FMC Corpora tion (555)Boards

MARIA CONTRERAS-SWEET Managing Partner, Rockway Equity Partners Age: 65 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Sempra Energy (255), TriNet Group (618), Zions Bancorporation (754), Regional Management CorporationBoards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

CONRADO is accountable for the development of Ascension’s digital and data strategy and platform for consumer engagement as well as care delivery operations and product innovation. Prior to Ascension, he was EVP and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Motorola Solutions, Inc., Chicago. While there, he was responsible for managing the company’s growth-focused strat egy, accelerating innovation across the company’s products, services and software. Previously, he led the company’s marketing and IT organizations. He joined Motorola in 1992 and served in a variety of leadership roles in multiple international businesses in a range of consumer and commercial segments across Motorola. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University, a MBA from ESADE, Barcelona, Spain; and a master’s degree in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

LU M CÓRDOVA State of Colorado, Governor's Advisor on Efficiencies & Digital Transformation Age:Denver,66 CO Nationality: Kansas City Southern Railroad (812)Boards

MANAGING Partner of Rockway Equity Partners, she previously served as a member of President Obama’s cabinet as the 24th Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration from 2014 to 2017. Since 2017, Contreras-Sweet has served as a director and member of the audit committee of Sempra Energy. She was a founder of ProAmerica Bank, where she served as Executive Chairwoman from 2006 to 2014, and Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Fortius Holdings from 2003 to 2006. Prior to that, she served as the California cabinet Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency from 1999 to 2003. Earlier in her career, she was a senior executive with Westinghouse Electric Company’s 7-Up/RC Bottling Company. She has been bestowed with honorary doctorates from Tufts University, Whittier College, California State University, Los Angeles, and La Verne University.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

PILAR CRUZ Corporate Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Cargill Age:Minneapolis,49 MN Nationality: Donaldson Company, Inc. (821)Boards PEREIRA has served as Regional VP, Brazil since 2013. From 1999 to 2005, he served as a legal representative of United Auto do Brasil Ltda, a public auto group operating in São Paulo and controlled by United Auto Group. From 1995 through 2005, Pereira practiced law with Cunha Pereira Advogados, representing professional athletes and international racecar drivers. He founded Atrium Telecomunicações Ltda, a provider of local exchange telecommunication services. Atrium was sold to Telefonica of Spain in 2004, and he founded E-Vertical Tecnologia, a leading provider of high tech facilities management services to commercial properties. From 1978 through 1995, he held numerous positions with various banks, both in Brazil and abroad. He is a Vice President of the São Paulo Chamber of Commerce (ACSP), serves as a Director of the Associação Brasileira dos Concessionários BMW and Associação Brasileira do Distribuidores Toyota. Pereira received his LL.B. from Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco, and is an alumnus of London Business School.

PILAR Cruz leads the company’s efforts to deliver sustainable supply chains for customers around the globe, while making agriculture part of how we deliver on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This aim is core to Cargill’s purpose to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. Pilar also leads Cargill’s global Communications and Corporate Responsibility functions, which includes advancing partnerships to accelerate progress on climate, food security and human rights. Pilar has a global and diverse perspective to the Executive Team. Her career with Cargill has brought her from the U.S. to Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, several European countries and the U.K. Originally from Colombia, Pilar is the first Latina promoted to Cargill’s executive team.

GILBERT DÁVILA President & CEO, Dávila Multicultural Consulting Age: 59 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (833), Banner HealthBoards

LINCOLN DA CUNHA PEREIRA FILHO Regional Vice President, BrazilChairman, UAB Motors Participacoes S.A. Age:São57Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Nationality: Group 1 Automotive (286)Boards DABOUB, a Ph.D., has been serving as the Chairman, President and CEO of The Daboub Partnership, a business consulting company, since 2010. He has been the Vice Chairman of The Dorado Group LLC, a private investment company, since 2014, and the Adviser and Founding CEO of the Global Adaptation Institute, a foundation dedicated to the understanding of climate change, since 2010. Since 1989, he has co-owned several companies in Latin America, including companies involving food production, biodegradable packaging materials manufacturing, and the distribution of internationally known brands. From 2012 to 2014, he was Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change and Managing Director of the World Bank Group from 2006 to 2010. From 1992 to 2004, he held several senior positions within the government of El Salvador, including as Minister of Finance and Chief-of-Staff to the President.

JUAN JOSE DABOUB President, Chairman & CEO, The Daboub Partnership Age:Washington,59 DC Nationality: Philip Morris (101)Boards

GILBERT has spent 25 years working as a senior corporate marketing executive and multicultural market expert at Procter & Gamble; Coca Cola USA; Sears, Roebuck and Company; and The Walt Disney Company where he served as the head of MC Marketing and Global Diversity. He co-founded DMI Consulting in 2010 to provide multicultural and inclusive marketing and strategic services. He co-founded the ANA’s AIMM (Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing) comprised of 200 of the top corporations, media and research companies, advertising agencies and trade associations in the U.S. interested in targeting Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, LGBTQ members and People with Disabilities.

ALFONSO DE ANGOITIA NORIEGA Co-Chief Executive Officer, Grupo Televisa Age:Mexico59 City, Mexico Nationality: Univision Communications (830)Boards


ALFONSO is an experienced business executive with over 15 years in the telecommunications industry.From 1999 to 2003, he served as the Chief Financial Officer of Televisa. Prior to joining Televisa, he was a founding partner of the law firm Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C. Other public company directorships include Grupo Televisa S.A.B. (since April 1997); Empresas Cablevision, S.A.B. de C.V. (since August 1999); and Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V (since 2015).

HENRIQUE DE CASTRO Independent Director Age:San56Francisco, CA Nationality: Fiserv (205), SantanderBoards FOUNDER and chairman of the De La Vega Group which invests in and advices startup companies that have a noble purpose and solve difficult problems using innovative technologies. De la Vega is the former Vice Chairman of AT&T Inc. and CEO of Business Solutions & International. Previously, he was President and CEO of AT&T Mobility. Under his leadership, AT&T Mobility became one of the world’s leading smartphone and mobile Internet providers. He is the author of the best-selling book Obstacles

PEDRO PABLO MANUEL DEL CORRO GARCIA LOMAS Managing Director, Torreal, S.A. Age:Spain64 Nationality: Laureate Education (803)Boards SENIOR fellow with the National Security and International Policy team at American Progress. He has worked at the organization since 2007 and focuses on U.S. national security issues and U.S.-China relations. DeLeon’s 25-year government career concluded in 2001 after his tenure as deputy secretary of defense, during which time he served as the chief operating officer at the Pentagon, a member of the Deputies Committee of the National Security Council, and a member of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Partnership Council on labor-management issues. For five years, in 2001, he served as a senior vice president for the Boeing Company, focusing on global trade issues and Washington, D.C., operations. DeLeon earned a bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University in 1974. In 1984, he completed the executive program in national and international security at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

HENRIQUE De Castro joined the Board of Fiserv, Inc. as a Director in 2019 after serving as a Director of First Data since 2017. He led Cantor Fitzgerald’s venture capital arm, Cantor Ventures, from 2015 to 2019 and served as Chief Operating Officer at Yahoo! Inc. between 2012 and 2014. Prior to that, he held senior executive positions at Google including President of Partner Business, responsible for approximately a third of Google's revenues and President of Media, Mobile & Platforms where he built and scaled the business globally to over 50 countries. Prior to Google, De Castro had senior executive roles at Dell Technologies and McKinsey & Company. De Castro has extensive experience across the globe in the Technology, Internet, Media and Retail industries. He has an MBA from IMD in Switzerland and a Bachelor in Business and Economics from ISEG in Lisbon.

OSCAR DE PAULA BERNARDES NETO Director Age:Såo73Paulo, Brazil Nationality: Mosaic (346)Boards

PEDRO del Corro is a member of Torreal, S.A., one of the largest private investment firms in Spain. He joined Torreal in 1990 and is currently a managing director and a member of its board. Prior to joining Torreal, he held various positions with Procter & Gamble in Spain, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Portugal. He currently is a director of each of Arbarin Sicav, S.A. and Inver siones Naira Sicav, S.A. In the past five years, he has served as a member of the boards of directors of Universidad Europea de Madrid, S.L.U., Imagina and Saba Infraestructuras. Del Corro earned a law degree from the Universidad de Deusto and a business administration degree from ICADE Business School—Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

RUDY F DELEON Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Age:Arlington,68 VA Nationality: General Dynamics (84)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List


Welcome: Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life (Thomas Nelson, 2009). De la Vega has a bachelor’s degree in me chanical engineering from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and a master’s degree in business administration from Northern Illinois University. He completed the Executive Program at the University of Virginia and received a Doctor Honoris Causa from FAU.

RALPH DE LA VEGA Founder & Chairman, De La Vega Group Age:Boca69Raton, FL Nationality: New York Life Insurance (67), Ameri can Express (83), Amdocs, UbicquiaBoards

FROM 2003 to 2010, Oscar was a managing partner at Integra Assessoria em Negocios Ltda. in São Paulo, Brazil, a consulting firm specializing in financial restructuring, governance and interim management in turnaround situations.From 1997 to 1999, he was CEO of Bunge International, a leading global agribusiness and food company. Prior to joining Bunge, he was Senior Vice President and Managing Partner for Latin America with Booz Allen and Hamilton, Inc. and prior to that, operations director in Brazil for Ferro Corporation.

FRED M DIAZ Former President & CEO and Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Motors North America Age:Nashville,56 TN Nationality: Valero Energy Corp., SiteOne Land scape Supply (802), Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., ArcherBoards PARTNER at Cressey & Company (2016-2020), a private investment firm headquartered in Chicago. Paul is the former president and CEO and vice chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. At the time, Kindred had revenues of $7.2 billion, rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, home health and hospice agencies and contract rehabilitation locations. For six years in a row, during his tenure as CEO, Kindred was ranked one of the Most Admired healthcare companies in the U.S. by Fortune magazine. Modern Healthcare magazine named Paul one of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare and named him one of the top 25 Minority Executives in Healthcare for numerous years. Paul earned a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting from American University’s Kogod School of Business and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

BEARING-NORTH LLC,is an independent advisory focused on business expansion and senior executive counseling in strategy and operations. Di Leo sits on the Board of Directors of Ferrovial S.A. in Spain (FER.MC). He is a member of the International Advisory Board of Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE) in Spain, and also serves in the Deming Center Advisory Board of Columbia Business School. He retired from IBM in June 2018 as IBM Senior Vice President. He has business leadership experience in multinational environments, having lived and held executive positions on four continents. During his career, he has built a reputation for operational excellence, innovative strategic thinking, working with the highest level of integrity, and a deep commitment to IBM clients.

JOAQUIN DELGADO Independent Director Age: 62 St. Paul, MN Nationality: Stepan Company (992), Goldman Sachs TrustBoards ANA Demel teaches at NYU School of Law; she is a member of the board of Pro Mujer. Prior to 2009, Ana was a partner at the international law firm of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP where her practice focused on international financing and business transactions, particularly in Latin America. At Cleary Gottlieb she advised private and public sector clients on a variety of transactions. In addition, she was involved in pro bono matters involving microfinance. Ana was distinguished by Chambers USA America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for Latin American investment and Chambers Latin America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for corporate/M&A. She received a J.D. degree from New York University in 1986, where she was a note editor of the New York University Law Review, and an undergraduate degree, magna cum laude, from Brandeis University.

ANA DEMEL Adjunct Professor at NYU School of Law Age:New60York, NY Nationality: Monster Beverage (562)Boards

JOAQUIN Delgado worked at 3M Company from 1987 until his retirement in July 2019. He most recently served as Executive Vice President since July 2009, having operating responsibility for three Business Groups consecutively: Electro-Communications Business Group, Health Care Business Group and Consumer Business Group. Delgado has a PhD in polymer science and engi neering from Lehigh University.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

BRUNO V DI LEO Managing Director, Bearing North, LLC Age:New64York, NY Nationality: Cummins (150), FerrovialBoards FROM 2018 to 2020, Diaz served as President and CEO of Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. He previously served in executive management roles at Nissan, most recently as Division Vice President and General Manager, North America, Trucks and Commercial Vehicles, of Nissan North America, Inc. Prior to that, Diaz served as Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Operations, of Nissan USA. Before joining Nissan in 2013, Diaz spent 24 years at Chrysler Corporation, where he held a number of executive management roles, including President and Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler’s Ram Truck brand and President and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler de Mexico and Latin America. Diaz is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University and holds an M.B.A. from Central Michigan University.

PAUL J DIAZ President & Chief Executive Officer, Myriad Genetics, Inc. Age:Salt59Lake City, UT Nationality: DaVita (271), Myriad Genetics, Inc.Boards


DORENE C DOMINGUEZ CEO and Chairwoman of Vanir Age: 58 Los Angeles & Sacramento, CA Nationality: KB Home (603), CIT Group (719)Boards CARLOS has more than 30 years of enterprise technology experience and an unparalleled passion for innovation. Previously an active member of Sprinklr’s board of directors, today Carlos guides strategic direction for Sprinklr and leads the marketing, sales, services, and partnerships teams for the most complete enterprise social technology company in the world. Prior to joining Sprin klr, Carlos spent 22 years at Cisco Systems. Over the last seven years, he served as a technology evangelist and representative for the chairman and CEO of Cisco, delivering keynotes to audiences worldwide. During his tenure at Cisco, he cemented the company in the strategic markets of financial services, media, and pharmaceuticals. He also helped establish and lead Cisco’s Service Provider organization to generate more than $14 billion in annual revenue.

MARTHA ELENA DIAZ Independent Director Age:Santa59 Fe, NM Nationality: Entravision Communications Corp.Boards


PATRICIA Diaz Dennis retired from AT&T in 2008 as SVP & Assistant General Counsel. Her past board service includes Telemun do, Carr America, UST and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. She was the first Latina Board Chair of the Girl Scouts of the USA (2005-2008). She also served on the NPR Board. Diaz Dennis received three Presidential appointments confirmed by the U.S. Senate: Member of the National Labor Relations Board (1983), Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (1986) and Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (1992), all firsts for a Latina.

JOHN J DIEZ Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Ryder System, Inc. Age:Miami,51 FL Nationality: Trinity Industries (955)Boards DORENE has served as Chairwoman and CEO of the Vanir Group of Companies and its subsidiaries, Vanir Construction Man agement and Vanir Development Company , since 2004. She is member of the governing group that aggressively pursued and ultimately purchased the Sacramento Kings professional basketball team in 2013. With the purchase, Dominguez became the first Latina to hold the distinction of National Basketball Association (NBA ) governor status. She is also a member of the gov erning group for the Sacramento Republic Football Club, which is scheduled to begin Major League Soccer(MLS) play in 2022. Dominguez formed The Dominguez Dream in Memory of H. Frank Dominguez nonprofit, formerly known as The Vanir Foundation in Memory of her father, in 2004. Dominguez graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and holds a Certificate in Corporate Governance from Harvard University.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List DIAZ served as President of the Editorial Televisa subsidiary of Televisa for the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and also served as President of Distribuidora Intermex, S.A. de C.V., a subsidiary of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B., from 2012 until 2015. She served as president of Sistema Radiópolis, S.A. de C.V., from 2010 until 2012. She holds a degree in chemical engineering from the Uni versidad Pontificia Bolivariana and a postgraduate certificate as a marketing specialist from the Universidad EAFIT in Colombia.

PATRICIA DIAZ DENNIS Retired Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, AT&T Age:San74Antonio, TX Nationality: Entravision Communications Corp., Amalgamated Financial CorpBoards CEO for Ryder System, Inc., a leading commercial fleet management, dedicated transportation, and supply chain solutions com pany. He is responsible for Ryder’s financial management functions including finance and accounting, treasury, tax, audit, corpo rate strategy, and investor relations. He is a member of Ryder’s executive leadership team. Over the course of 20 years at Ryder, Diez has held many senior leadership positions including president of Ryder’s largest business segment of Fleet Management Solutions, president of the company’s Dedicated Transportation Solutions business unit, senior vice president of asset manage ment, senior vice president of global field finance, and vice president and CFO for the Fleet Management business segment. A licensed CPA and a member of the American Institute of CPAs, Diez earned both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Accounting from Florida International University.

CARLOS DOMINGUEZ Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Evangelist at Sprinklr Age:New63Jersey Nationality: Hartford Financial Services Group (142), Medidata SolutionsBoards

DIANA served as EVP and CFO at JPMorgan Chase & Co, from 1998 until her retirement in 2004. In this role, she was responsible for financial management, corporate treasury and investor relations. Dublon previously held numerous positions at JPMorgan Chase and its predecessor companies, including corporate treasurer, managing director of the financial institutions division and head of asset liability management. Dublon also previously served on the faculty of Harvard Business School and on the boards of several non-profit organizations. She also currently serves on the independent audit quality committee of Ernst & Young LLP, the board of advisors of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the board of directors of the Westchester Land Trust.

DINA DUBLON Independent Director Age:Bedford57 Hills, NY Nationality: PepsiCo (44), T. Rowe Price GroupBoards

CARI M DOMINGUEZ Independent Director Age:Washington,72 DC Nationality: Triple-S Management CorporationBoards

JOAQUIN’S 30-plus year career at J&J has spanned multiple business sectors, geographies and functions. In his current role, he provides strategic direction for the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Health sectors (a $60 billion portfolio) and oversees the Global Supply Chain, Technology and Health & Wellness teams. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Joaquin oversaw the Company’s rapid response to the crisis and drove coordination of global initiatives to safeguard the health of employees, ensure business and supply chain continuity, and accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. He is a past chair of PhRMA. As the current executive sponsor of Johnson & Johnson’s African Ancestry Leadership Council, Joaquin is committed to nurturing a diverse, equi table and inclusive workplace—work recognized by the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association in 2017 when he received the Honorable Mentor award. Joaquin earned an MBA from ESADE in Barcelona, Spain, and a Master of International Management from Thunderbird in Phoenix, Arizona.

DONADIO retired as a partner of Ernst & Young LLP in 2014. Prior to her retirement, she was Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader for Ernst & Young LLP from 2007, with responsibility for one of EY’s significant industry groups helping set firm strategy for oil and gas industry clients in the U.S. and throughout the Americas. Donadio joined EY LLP in 1976, and from 1989 served as an audit partner for multiple companies in the oil and gas industry. During her tenure as a partner with EY LLP, she held various energy industry leadership positions. She has audit and public accounting experience with a specialization in domestic and international operations in all segments of the energy industry. Donadio holds a B.S. in accounting from Louisiana State University and is a licensed certified public accountant in the State of Texas.


Independent Director & Advisor Age:Miami,60 FL Nationality: Huntsman (460), Hemisphere Media GroupBoards

CARI was the chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from 2001 to 2006. She is president of Dominguez & Associates, a management consulting firm, which she founded in 1999. From 1995 to 1998, she was a partner at Heidrick & Struggles, an international executive search firm. From 1993 to 1995, she was a director at Spencer Stuart. From 1989 to 1993 she was Assistant Secretary for the Employment Standards Administration and Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. Before then, Dominguez held senior management positions with Bank of America.

MARCELA E DONADIO Former Partner and Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader, Ernst & Young LLP Age:Houston,68 TX Nationality: Norfolk Southern (307), National Oilwell Varco (457), Marathon Oil (733), Freeport-McMoRan IncBoards


DULÁ is a business executive and entrepreneur and, until of 2018, she was Vice Chairman at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Prior to this position, she was head of the Latin America Wealth Management Division at Merrill Lynch and head of Corporate and Investment Banking for Latin America. Following her MBA, she worked for nine years at Goldman Sachs, where she led landmark privatizations out of Spain, Italy and Mexico, as well as global debt and equity offerings for Latin American issuers. After Goldman Sachs, Sonia became CEO of Telemundo Studios México, the production center for Telemundo Network (USA). She co-founded two internet companies – Internet Group of Brazil and Obsidiana – and she was CEO of Grupo Latino de Radio, a Prisa company with more than 500 owned and operated radio stations in Latin America and the US Hispanic market.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

JOAQUIN DUATO Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson Age:New58York, NY Nationality: Johnson & Johnson (36)Boards

HAS over 15 years of experience in the energy industry. Since 2020 he has served as the President of AES Clean Energy, a division of The AES Corporation, a global power company leader in renewables and new technologies. Moreno has worked for The AES Corporation since 2006 in a variety of positions, including SVP Corporate Strategy & Investments and Chief Commercial Officer from 2017 to 2020, CFO, Europe from 2015 to 2016, and other leadership roles related to strategy, finance, commercial, invest ments, mergers and acquisitions, and sustainability. He served as a director of AES Brasil Energia SA until 2022 and has served as an alternate director of AES Andes S.A. since 2018. He was as a Senior Auditor for Ernst & Young in Brazil from 2003 to 2005.

GARCIA is the Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Domino’s Pizza, where he is responsible for providing the company’s technology vision and leadership as well as developing and implementing strategic technology initiatives to support and improve the business globally, since July 2012. His broad technology experience includes global e-commerce, loyalty, innova tion, and global software product development. Prior to joining Domino’s, Garcia was Vice President of Business Intelligence and North American Operations for R. L. Polk & Company.

JOSEPH J ECHEVARRIA Independent Director Age:New65York, NY Nationality: Pfizer( 77), Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (180), Unum Group (230), Xerox Holdings (415) Boards

HE is a leading authority on the economic impact of life sciences on business and society and is a respected business leader and entrepreneur. Prior to Excel, Juan was the founding Director of the Harvard Business School's Life Sciences Project, with many of his innovative thoughts captured in his bestselling book, As The Future Catches You, which provided an accurate blueprint of how a bio-based economy changes industries and corporations. Juan became an angel investor and founder of Biotechonomy Ven tures investing in BioTrove, Xcellerex, and Synthetic Genomics, (co founded with Drs. J. Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith) to apply synthetic biology solutions to address global energy, medicine, clean water, and food challenges. As a business leader, advisor, and renowned speaker, Juan works directly with the CEOs of a number of Fortune 50 companies, as well as various heads of state, on how to adapt to a world where the dominant language is shifting from the digital towards the language of life.

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JUAN ENRIQUEZ Managing Director, Excel Venture Management Age:Boston,62 MA Nationality: Cabot Corp. (813), Excel Venture Management, Viridos, Zipongo/ Foodsmart Boards

EXPERIENCED CEO, Business Advisor and Corporate Board Director of publicly traded, family-owned and private corporations. She has 30+ years of experience in P&L management, deals structuring, technology, business growth and C-Level business advisory in over 25 countries. In her own tenure as CEO, proxy Officer and P&L leader with companies such as IBM, CSC, Marsh & McLennan and Accenture, Ana created several $500+ MM global business through the combination of organic growth, global acquisitions and joint-ventures, innovative go-to-market approaches and incorporation of technology and digitalization of ser vices and products. Ana holds an MBA from Kellogg, a Masters in Economics from Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Juris Doctor from Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, all summa cum laude.

ECHEVARRIA served as CEO of Deloitte LLP. He previously served in increasingly senior leadership positions during his 36-year career at the firm, including U.S. Managing Partner for Operations, prior to being named CEO. In addition to the public company board services noted above, Echevarria currently serves as a Trustee and senior advisor to the President of the University of Miami. Echevarria previously served as Chairman of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and as a Member of the Private Export Council, the principal national advisory committee on international trade. He has served as a director since 2015, as Lead Director from 2016 through 2019 and as Chair since 2019. Echevarria earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Miami.

LEONARDO ELEUTERIO MORENO President AES Clean Energy Age:Washington,55 DC Nationality: Delek US HoldingsBoards

ANA DUTRA Global Corporate Director Age:River57Shores, FL Nationality: CME Group, First Internet Bank, Carparts, Amyris, Pipeline, Elkay Manufacturing, M. Hollandm Lifespace Communities, ELJ, Greeley and HensenBoards

KELLY E. GARCIA Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Domino’s Pizza, Age:Novi,55MI Nationality: Ulta Beauty Inc.Boards

IRENE M ESTEVES Independent Director Age:New62Jersey Nationality: Spirit AeroSystems Holdings (684), KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc., Roper TechnologiesBoards

MANUEL A FERNANDEZ Managing Director, SI Ventures Age:Miami,74 FL Nationality: Performance Food Group (114), Leggett & Platt (598)Boards SHE is a partner in The Cabral Group, a firm dedicated to serving clients in need of government and public relations support. From 2009 through May of 2018, she served as a Senior Principal Advisor within the External Relations department of the Inter-Amer ican Development Bank, the largest source of development financing for the Caribbean and Latin America. She was the Bank’s principal liaison between senior management and parliamentary bodies, including the U.S. Congress. She served as Treasurer of the United States, U.S. Department of the Treasury, helping the Secretary of the Treasury fulfill the President’s economic agenda.

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ÓSCAR FANJUL MARTÍN Vice Chairman, Omega Capital Age:Spain71 Nationality: Marsh & McLennan (175)Boards

FERNANDEZ co-founded SI Ventures, a venture capital firm focusing on IT and communications infrastructure, and served as the managing director from 1998 until his retirement in 2014. His previous positions include Chairman and CEO of Gartner, Inc. and CEO of Dataquest, Inc. Fernandez holds a degree in electrical engineering and completed post-graduate work in solid-state engineering at the University of Florida, and also completed post-graduate work in business administration at the Florida Institute of Technology. He was first elected as a Director of the Company in 2014.

ANNA ESCOBEDO-CABRAL Senior Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank Age:San61Bernardino, CA Nationality: Navient (644)Boards

FANJUL is Vice Chairman of Omega Capital, a private investment firm based in Spain. He is the Founding Chairman and former CEO of Repsol. Fanjul is Vice Chairman of the Board of LafargeHolcim and a director of Ferrovial. He is a former director of Unilever, the London Stock Exchange, Areva, Acerinox and Deoleo. He is a dual Spanish and Chilean national and has a PhD in Economics.

ESTEVES was Chief Financial Officer of Time Warner Cable Inc., a post she held from 2011 to 2013. She previously served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of XL Group plc from 2010 to 2011. Prior to that position, Esteves was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Regions Financial Corporation from 2008 to 2010. She previously served on the board of directors of TW Telecom Inc. from 2014 to 2014 and the board of directors of Timberland Co. from 2003 to 2009.

MANNY has held a number of business leadership roles, most recently Managing Partner at KPMG, leading a clients and markets team of over 3,000 members covering 9 offices in the Southwest Region, across Audit, Tax and Consulting. A total of twenty-three years as an Audit Partner or Senior Account Executive for some of KPMG’s most prominent clients in a variety of industry sectors, including Consumer, Industrial Manufacturing, Retail, and Media. International experience includes working with large SEC, multi-national companies, including IPO’s, and have worked and lived outside the U.S. (Mexico City) during his career. Fernandez also served on PMG’s National Inclusion and Diversity Board and Co-Chair of the National Hispanic / Latino ERG group with over 2,000 members. Led the strategy to attract, retain, develop and promote more, at the firm.

MANNY FERNANDEZ Independent Director Age:Dallas,60 TX Nationality: Jacobs Engineering Group (225), HF SinclairBoards

From 1991-1999, she was executive staff director for the U.S. Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs and deputy staff director for the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Cabral earned her Juris Doctorate from George Mason University School of Law.

DURING his25+ year career, he has established himself as a notable leader in the direct selling industry with a strong record of implementing and executing positive global transformations. He joined Tupperware as President and CEOi n 2020. He spent more than two years as Global President at Avon Products Inc. During his time at Avon, he led the company’s transformation strategy, helping to modernize and optimize Avon’s digital functions and developing a new omni-channel approach in order to drive growth and enhance revenue. Prior to Avon, Fernandez spent a decade in senior roles at Herbalife Nutrition, where he served as Executive Vice President and Managing Director for the Americas and Worldwide Member Operations. During his time at Herbalife, Miguel was instrumental in transforming the Herbalife Mexico business to be one of the largest direct-selling companies in Mexico.

FERNANDEZ previously served as EVP and Chief Supply Chain Officer of Pinnacle Foods, Inc. from 2011 to 2016, where he was responsible for management of the company’s end-to-end supply, while also overseeing Pinnacle’s food quality, safety and pro ductivity programs. He was SVP Operational Excellence at Kraft Foods, Inc., following Kraft’s acquisition of Cadbury, plc in 2010, until he joined Pinnacle in 2011. Fernandez was at Cadbury from 1998 until 2010, serving in a series of senior management positions, including Chief Supply Chain Officer. His early career included roles in manufacturing, procurement, engineering and consulting with Proctor & Gamble Co. , PepsiCo, Inc. and The Canaan Group. He received his bachelor’s degree from Lafayette College.

SINCE 2020, Steve has served as the Global Chief Technology Officer of AIG, a leading global insurance organization, where he is responsible for developing the technology vision and operations of the enterprise. Prior to this role, he was the CTO of L’Oréal in Paris, France and led the global transformation of the company, creating a modern digital workplace for employees and suc cessfully developing a technical culture focused on agility, speed and professional results. Steve has also held several C-suite level positions at prior companies, including Conisus, LLC and The Coca-Cola Company, Bottling Investments Group.



FERNANDEZ is the CEO of Servicios Administrativos Contry S.A. de C.V., a privately held company that provides central adminis trative and investment management services, since June 2005. Prior to this responsibility, he had an extensive professional career in financial services. From July 2000 to January 2002, he was CEO of the Corporate Development Division of Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer, S.A., a Mexico-based banking and financial services company that owns BBVA Bancomer, Mexico’s largest bank. Prior to this role, he held other senior executive positions at Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer since joining in 1991, serving as president from 1999 to 2000, and as CFO from 1995 to 1999. He holds a degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

President & Chief Executive Officer, Tupperware Brands Age:Orlando,51 Fl Nationality: Tupperware Brands CorporationBoards

VICE Chairman and Owner of Monumental Sports & Entertainment, a private partnership that co-owns the NBA’s Washington Wizards, the NHL’s 2018 Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals, the WNBA’s Washington Mystics, Team Liquid eSports and Wizards District Gaming NBA 2K, as well as co-owns and operates Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. He also serves as Spe cial Advisor and Limited Partner to General Atlantic Partners, a growth equity firm with more than $31 billion under management. He previously served in several leadership roles at various technology companies, including as Chairman and CEO for ObjectVideo. Fernandez has more than three decades of executive experience scaling innovative and rapidly growing technology companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Maryland.

FRANCISCO JAVIER FERNÁNDEZ CARBAJAL Chief Executive Officer, Servicios Administrativos Contry S.A. de C.V. Age:Monterrey,68 NL, Mexico Nationality: Visa (133)Boards

ANTONIO FERNANDEZ President, AFF Advisors, LLC Age:Ridgefield,63 CT Nationality: Americold Realty Trust (957), Utz Brands, Inc., Green Rabbit Holdings, Inc., Bowery FarmingBoards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

STEVE FERNANDEZ Global Chief Technology Officer, AIG Age:New47York, NY Nationality: Juniper Networks Inc.Boards

RAUL FERNANDEZ Vice Chairman & Owner, Monumental Sports & Entertainment Age:Washington,54 DC Nationality: Broadcom (121) , DXC Technology (152), General Atlantic, Carrick Capital Partners, SyncThinkBoards

PABLO ALEJANDRO FERRERO Independent Energy Consultant Age:Buenos47 Aires, Argentina Nationality: Sempra Energy (255)Boards

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FORMER EVP and CFO of Revlon. Prior to joining Revlon, Juan served as EVP & CFO of NII Holdings a NASDAQ listed provider of wireless communication services under the Nextel brand. Juan also served as EVP & CFO at Newell Brands a global marketer of consumer and commercial products, listed on the NYSE. Before serving at Newell Brands, he was EVP & CFO of Cott Corporation.

FIGUEROA-COLLAZO is the president of Smart Networks, LLC, a telecommunication, hosting and data processing company in Puerto Rico. From 1999 to 2019, he was president of VERNET, Inc., an educational software development company. He has fifteen years of experience in senior management positions and over twenty-five years of exposure at all management levels in the information and telecommunications industries. He was previously CEO of AT&T de Mexico and currently chairs the State Committee for NSF’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCor) in Puerto Rico.

JUAN FIGUEREO Venture Partner, Ocean Azul Partners Age:New65York, NY Nationality: Deckers Brands, Western Alliance Bancorporation, DiverseyBoards

FERRERO has been a director since 2013. He is an independent energy consultant and the former chief executive officer of Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. His experience includes more than 20 years in the energy industry, including director and senior management positions with major South American energy companies. Ferrero has served as director and chairman of the board of several energy companies and industry-related boards.

HE was appointed a director of Reliance in 2010. He serves as Chair of our Compensation Committee and as a member of our Nominating and Governance Committee. Over the course of his career, he has served in executive and board positions with Genoa Healthcare, Apria Healthcare Group Inc., Omnicare, Inc., and McKesson Corporation. Figueroa has also served the country as an officer in the United States Army. He holds Bachelor’s degrees in English Literature and Political Science from the University of California at Los Angeles, where he was a distinguished military graduate. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Admin istration from Pepperdine University, where he was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus.

JOHN G FIGUEROA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Carepathrx Age: 58 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Reliance Steel & Aluminum (343)Boards

Juan also served as VP in charge of M&A at Walmart. Prior to Walmart he served in a number of key international positions at PepsiCo, including VP and managing director for Frito-Lay Dominican Republic, VP of Business Integration for Frito-Lay Europe in London, VP and CFO of Frito-Lay South Europe in Barcelona, VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Bottling in Sao Paulo and VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Latin America. He holds a bachelor of business administration from Florida International University.

MANUEL FIGUEROA-COLLAZO President, Smart Networks, LLC Age:San69Juan, PR Nationality: Triple-S Management (648)Boards

AS president and CEO, Maria Luisa leads the company’s development and diversification strategies with relentless visionary force, unafraid of new ventures and challenges, and focused on growth and sustainable entrepreneurship. She oversees a family holding company with leading operations in media, real estate, and customer engagement in Puerto Rico, the United States and Latin America. She also serves as Publisher of GFR Media, Grupo Ferré Rangel’s media arm and the leading media business in Puerto Rico.

MARÍA LUISA FERRÉ RANGEL President & CEO, Grupo Ferré Rangel (GFR) Age:San58Juan, PR Nationality: W.R. Berkley (372), Popular (815)Boards

LIDIA L FONSECA Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Executive Vice President, Pfizer Age:N/A52 Nationality: TEGNA (756)Boards FREIRE is Principal of The Freire Group, a consulting firm focused on strategic alliances in life sciences. Until September 2021, Dr. Freire was the President, Executive Director and board member for the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health. Before then, she was the President of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation; and President and CEO of the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development. She chaired the Science Board of the Food & Drug Administration. Freire is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine and the Council on Foreign Relations. She was appointed to the U.S. Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Freire obtained a B.S. degree from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, and a Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Virginia. She has been awarded the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service and many others.


RAFAEL FLORES Former Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Luminant Age:Grandbury,61 TX Nationality: Ameren (469)Boards

PAUL R GARCIA Independent Director Age:Atlanta,68 GA Nationality: Deluxe Corporation, Repay Holdings, UnitedHealth Group Inc.Boards

FLORES joined Luminant, a private Texas-based electric utility, in 1983 and served as Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer from 2009 to 2015. In this position, he oversaw operations at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in Texas, reported nuclear matters directly to Luminant’s nuclear oversight advisory board and represented Luminant with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, the Nuclear Energy Institute and on various committees and working groups in the nuclear industry.

FLORES has served as a leader in the technology sector for more than 25 years. She joined McKesson in 2020 where she directs the company's technology initiatives, including software, infrastructure, application development tools and processes, operations, and cybersecurity. She also guides the overall direction for the company's healthcare technology products and data and analytics. Prior to McKesson, Flores served as CIO at Johnson Controls, where she was responsible for information technology, cybersecurity and analytics. She spent 22 years at Abbott Laboratories in several leadership roles, including CIO.

NANCY FLORES Chief Information and Technology Officer, McKesson Corporatio Age:Dallas,54 TX Nationality: ComericaBoards

RESPONSIBLE for enterprise-widedigital, data and technology strategy and solutions to support the purpose of deliveringBreak throughs that Change Patients’ Lives. She also leads Learning and Development andBusiness Process Excellence. In her prior role, Lidia was CIO at Quest Diagnostics, the world’sleading provider of diagnostic information services. In 2020, Lidia joined Fast Company’s Impact Council and Pfizer was named one of Fast Company magazine’s 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators. She was named 2020 Healthcare Influencer and 2019 Healthcare Transformer by Medical, Marketing &Media. She received Forbes’ 2017 CIO Innovation Award. She earned a BA from the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley and an MBA and Master Business Informatics from Rotterdam School ofManagement, Erasmus Graduate School of Business.

PAUL is a pioneer in the financial services industry, became Chief Executive Officer of NDC’s Atlanta-based eCommerce line of business in June 1999. NDC e-Commerce began operating as Global Payments Inc. on December 11, 2000, and the new company spun off from NDC on February 1, 2001. During his 14-year tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Global Payments grew annual revenues from $350 million to $2.4 billion. Garcia has served on the Global, U.S. and Latin American Boards of Master Card International, West Corporation. Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, and the Electronic Transaction Association. Garcia holds a B.A. from Ithaca College.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

MARIA FREIRE President & Executive Director, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Age:Rockville,66 MD Nationality: Biogen (228), Alexandria Real Estate Equities (890)Boards

GARCIA retired in 2019 as the EVP and CFO of Ryder System, Inc., a $8.4 billion commercial fleet and supply chain management solutions company, a position held since 2010 and was a member of Ryder’s executive leadership team. Previously, he served as senior vice president, controller and chief accounting officer of Ryder from 2005 to 2010. Garcia joined Ryder in 1997 as senior manager of corporate accounting. He later served as director of corporate accounting and, subsequently, as group director of accounting services. Prior to joining Ryder, Garcia spent 14 years with the Miami office of the accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand LLP as senior manager of business assurance.

FABIAN TITO GARCIA President, North America, Unilever Age:New47York, NY Nationality: Arrow Electronics (102)Boards

AS a marketing strategist, Luis develops behavior-changing communications and marketing campaigns centered around the impact of culture on beliefs and behavior. A native of Mexico City and graduate of The University of Texas at Austin advertising program, he founded integrated-marketing firm Garcia 360° in 1998 and joined MarketVision as president in 2008. He ana lyzes, strategizes and guides clients, helping them create culture-inspired marketing initiatives that enable brands to connect in meaningful ways.

LUIS GARCIA President, MarketVision Age:San45Antonio, TX Nationality: Gray Television (867)Boards

FABIAN helps drive Unilever’s mission of making sustainable living commonplace through a number of strategic initiatives includ ing overseeing Unilever’s purpose-driven brands, industry-leading sustainable packaging development, and an inclusive company culture. Formerly, Fabian served as the President and CEO of Revlon serving between 2016 and 2018. In this capacity, Fabian initiated the transformation of Revlon into a digitally competitive enterprise, while restoring health to the company's iconic brands and creating shareholder value through the successful integration of the 2016 Elizabeth Arden acquisition. Prior to his appointment in Revlon, Fabian was Chief Operating Officer for Colgate Palmolive. He graduated from Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, with a B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering.

ZULEMA Garcia is the Senior Vice President of Internal Audit at Herbalife Nutrition. Prior to Herbalife in 2019, she was an audit partner in the Los Angeles office of KPMG LLP for 24 years, most recently serving as the Deputy Professional Practice Partner of the South Region. Ms. Garcia currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Mount St. Mary’s University and on the Board of Directors of The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Los Angeles.

ART A GARCIA Former Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Ryder System, Inc. Age:Miami,60 FL Nationality: American Electric Power (204), ABM Industries (462), Elanco Animal Health (699)Boards

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ZULEMA GARCIA Senior Vice President of Internal Audit, Herbalife Nutrition Age: 47 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Skechers U.S.A.Boards

MICHAEL Garcia has served on Alliant Energy’s Board of Directors since 2020. He was President of the Pulp and Paper Division of Domtar Corporation from 2014 to 2021. Prior to joining Domtar, Garcia was the Chief Executive Officer at EVRAZ Highveld Steel & Vanadium Co. in South Africa. He has more than 25 years of international management experience in paper, steel, and aluminum manufacturing and marketing. Garcia holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the United States Military Academy and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard University.

MICHAEL GARCIA Chief Executive Officer, Algoma Steel Group Inc. Age:Ontario,57 CA Nationality: Alliant Energy (680), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Charlotte Branch)Boards

PRESIDENT & Chief Executive Officer; Secretary since 2010; VP and General Counsel since 2008. Previously, VP and General Counsel at Puerto Rico Telephone. He holds a BA from Harvard University, an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and a JD from Stanford Law School. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard.

ÁLVARO R GARCÍA-TUÑÓN Independent Director Age:Pittsburgh,70 PA Nationality: Allison Transmission Holdings (943), Matthews InternationalBoards

MARIA Garcia Nielsen is an independent director for private European multinationals in the industrials sector, and a financial entity in Latin America. Maria was CEO of Office Depot in Spain and Portugal and had an executive career focused on leveraging technology to drive profits. She has led multiple digital transformations in retail and distribution. She is a member of The Latino Corporate Director Association and Co-Chair of the Board of Women Execs on Boards.


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GARCIA co-founded Carvana and has served as President and CEO since 2012. Prior to Carvana, he held various roles at the DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc. from 2007 to 2013. From 2007 to 2008, he served as a financial strategist. He was a managing director of corporate finance from 2008 to 2009. From 2009 until 2013, he served as a Vice President and Treasurer and Director of Quantitative Analytics where he was responsible for the firm’s ongoing development of consumer credit scoring models, and its utilization of those tools in retail vehicle sales deal structuring and vehicle price optimization. Prior to DriveTime, Garcia was an associate in the Principal Transactions Group at RBS Greenwich Capital from 2005 to 2006, where he focused on consumer credit based investments.

ERNIE GARCIA III Founder & CEO, Carvana Age:Phoenix,39 AZ Nationality: Carvana (483)Boards

CRISTY is responsible for the overall patient, team member and community partner experience for one of the largest health systems in the US. She oversees DE&I, interpreter services, community clinical relations, charitable giving and community health programs & services. She launched the first DE&I Committee of the AAH Board in 2021.She has more than 25 years of industry experience receiving numerous awards and recognitions. With strong executive and board experience at private and public com panies, she inspires people and organizations to be the best versions of themselves. Cristy holds a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University and completed executive programs at Northwestern University and Harvard Business School.

MARIA DEL CARMEN GARCIA NIELSEN Independent Director Age:New55York, NY Nationality: MiBancoBoards

CRISTY GARCIA-THOMAS Chief External Affairs Officer, Advocate Aurora Health Age:Mequon,53 WI Nationality: WEC Energy Group (400), Delta Dental of WisconsinBoards

President & Chief Executive Officer,Triple-S Management Corp. Age:San57Juan, PR Nationality: Triple-S Management (648)Boards

ÀLVARO retired as the CFO of Wabtec Corporation, or Wabtec, a provider of products and services for the global rail industry, effective, 2014. He remained with Wabtec as a strategic advisor until 2017. Garcia-Tunon was named EVP and CFO for Wabtec in 2012. Prior to that, he was EVP, CEO and Secretary of Wabtec since 2010. Prior thereto, he served as SVP, CFO and Secretary of Wabtec since 2003. He graduated from the College of William and Mary with a Juris Doctor degree and is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce and Accounting. He is a CPA and a member of the Virginia State Bar.

DAVID F GARZA-SANTOS Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, MADISA Age:Monterrey,59 MX Nationality: Kansas City Southern (812)Boards

ANTONIO Garza is currently Counsel to White & Case in Mexico City, one of the world’s leading global law firms with 42 offices in 28 countries. Garza served as US Ambassador to Mexico from 2002 through 2009 and formerly held statewide and local office in his native Texas. Drawing on decades of high profile, political, legal, and business experience, Ambassador Garza serves as a strategic counselor to CEOs, investors, and entrepreneurs. He is acknowledged as one of the top experts on U.S.-Mexico relations and on the business and political environments of both nations and currently advises a number of companies and investors active in Mexico, Texas and the United States.

JOÃO MAURÍCIO GIFFONI DE CASTRO NEVES Partner, 3G Capital Age:New53York, NY Nationality: Kraft Heinz (110), Restaurant Brands InternationalBoards

SINCE 2000, Garza has been managing director of Bravo Equity Partners, which provides capital to middle-market companies in the U.S. and Mexico, primarily in the financial services, retail, food, and educational service sectors. He is also actively involved in various private companies, including Bravo Pizzas Houston and Career Educational Services. He has gained a strong under standing of global and domestic macroeconomics and capital market concepts through his more than 25 years of experience in managing and advising companies in a wide range of industries on corporate finance, investment, development and strategic matters. He has also demonstrated leadership through his service on the boards of Vantage Bancorp, Inc. and First Texas BHC, Inc.


ANTONIO GARZA Counsel to White & Case; Former United States Ambassador to Mexico, U.S. Department of State Age:Mexico63 City, MX/ Houston TX Nationality: MoneyGram International, Inc.; The Greenbrier Companies, Inc. ; Americas Technology Acquisition Corp.; Kansas City Southern; Kansas City Southern de Mexico; Offshore Drilling Holding, S.A.; Tricolor Auto Group LLC. Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

RAFAEL G GARZA President & Founder of RGG Capital Partners, LLC and Co-Founder & managing director, Bravo Equity Partners Age:Fort60Worth, TX Nationality: Atmos Energy (778)Boards

LILI is an award-winning entrepreneur, recognized cultural intelligence® expert, A.I. tech innovator and World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. After a successful corporate career, including a 10-year tenure at Johnson & Johnson, where she served as Global Director of Marketing Services in the Pharma sector, pioneered enterprise wide multicultural marketing strategies, and co-founded the Hispanic group “HOLA”, and CIEN+ and CulturIntel. She is an active voice elevating promoting cultural intelligence® as a lever for business and economic growth, equity and business inclusion, collaborating in various initiatives at The United Nations, The World Economic Forum, The White House and as a mentor to the Stanford Latino Entrepreneur Leaders Program.

GARZA-SANTOS is a business and community leader in Monterrey, N.L. Mexico. As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MA DISA, a national distributor of heavy-duty equipment, Garza-Santos has experience in all phases of leading a company. He also sits on the board of directors of Promotora Ambiental, S.A.B. de C.V., a publicly-traded services company based out of Monterrey, Mexico. Garza-Santos is also a recognized leader in Monterrey, which provides his Company with additional insight and leader ship on the business and political environment both regionally in Monterrey as well as nationally across Mexico.

PRIOR to 3G Capital, João spent more than 20 years at AB InBev, where he served in numerous leadership positions, mostly recently as North America Zone President and CEO of Anheuser-Busch. In that role, he was responsible for running its North America operations and led a team of more than 19,000 employees. During his tenure at AB InBev, he helped grow publicly listed subsidiary Ambev into the most valuable company in Latin America in terms of market capitalization.

LILI GIL-VALLETTA CEO, CIEN+ and CULTURINTEL Age:Dallas,45 TX / New York, NY Nationality: Zumiez, RCN TelevisionBoards

Co-Chief Executive Officer & Member of the Executive Committee, Groupo Televisa Age:Mexico53 City, Mexico Nationality: TelevisaUnivisionBoards

GONZALEZ is responsible for treasury, investor relations and real estate matters, and through her prior finan cial roles in several of its businesses, has considerable experience providing financial leadership to a multina tional public company with multiple businesses, contributing significant financial expertise and knowledge of financial statements, corporate finance and accounting matters. Before, she was the Division CFO for the Household and Lifestyle Segments representing half of the company’s revenues and consisting of seven business units, pro viding financial leadership in business strategy, performance management, value creation and organizational building.

BERNARDO served as a Deputy to the President of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. He also served as President of the Mexican Chamber of Television and Radio Broadcasters from 2001 to 2002. He served as Assistant Manager of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. He has been a Director of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. since April 1999 and Empresas Cablevisión, S.A.B. de C.V. since April 2003. He is a Director of Grupo Axo, S.A.P.I. de C.V. He has been a Director of Univision Communications Inc. since March 2017.

ANDRÉS previously served as CEO of both AES Gener in Chile and La Electricidad de Caracas in Venezuela. He held senior positions in banking, telecom, the IMF and the public sector before joining AES in 2000. During his tenure as President and CEO, he has led AES through a dramatic transformation by focusing on simplification, risk improvement and innovation. He has led the company through a $5 billion divestiture program, increased the credit rating by multiple notches and initiated a quarterly dividend, which has grown at an 8% annual rate. Andrés has also overseen the largest construction program in AES’ history, with more than 5,000 MW of new power generation completed. He has been invited to serve as an expert witness at US Congressio nal hearings on the subject of energy policy and Latin America.

HAND Tools, Accessories & Storage Group, is a $4 billion business unit within Stanley Black & Decker Inc.’s Tools & Storage division. She joined the company in 2017, earning progressively more senior roles during her tenure. She has extensive experi ence in global marketing, brand building, general management, product innovation, operational leadership, and organizational development. She also brings expertise in digital marketing and licensed product management. Prior to Stanley Black & Decker, she worked for Coty Inc USA, and for Procter & Gamble in the United States, Europe, and Latin America in Beauty, Appliances, and other consumer categories.

TABATA GOMEZ President, Hand Tools, Accessories & Storage Group, Stanley Black & Decker Inc.’s Age:Baltimore,40 MD Nationality: Helen of Troy Ltd.Boards



ANDRÉS GLUSKI President & Chief Executive Officer, AES Corporation Age:Arlington,63 VA Nationality: Waste Management (202), The AES CorporationBoards

RICHARD GONZALEZ Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, AbbVie Age:Chicago,66 IL Nationality: AbbVie (68)Boards

PRIOR to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott in 2013, Gonzalez was a 30-year Abbott veteran. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Abbott before briefly retiring in 2007. He also held various senior leadership positions in Abbott’s medical products businesses, including President and CEO of the Medical Products Group; Senior Vice President and President of the former Hospital Products Division; Vice President and President of the Health Systems Division; and Divisional Vice President and General Manager for Diagnostics Operations in the United States and Canada. Gonzalez has been a long-standing leader in the greater Chicago community where he is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago and represents AbbVie on their Civic Committee.

Vice President – Treasurer, Investor Relations and Real Estate, The Clorox Company Age:Danville,51 CA Nationality: Abbott LaboratoriesBoards

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JOSE has over 20 years of experience in business management, private equity, corporate finance and business law. Prior to GEO, Gordo had been serving as the CEO of a general partnership that invests in and actively oversees small and medium-sized privately held companies. From 2013 to early 2017, Gordo served as the CFO of magicJack Vocaltec Ltd., a publicly-traded company in the telecommunications industry. Prior to that position, Jose served as a Managing Director at The Comvest Group, a Florida-based private equity firm. Gordo was also previously a partner at the national law firm of Akerman LLP, where he spe cialized in corporate law matters. He has extensive experience in business management, finance, corporate strategy, operations and business law.


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ENDERSON GUIMARAES Independent Director Age:Irving,63 TX Nationality: AutoZone (238), Darling Ingredients (660)Boards SHE was the 43rd Treasurer of the United States from 2009 to 2016. In that capacity she had direct oversight over the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and served as a key liaison with the Federal Reserve. In addition, she was a senior ad viser to the Secretary of the Treasury in the areas of community development and public engagement. She recently completed her term as a visiting scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, where she also earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Romance Languages. Prior to the Treasury, she was managing director of investments for MacFarlane Partners. Before that, Rios served in several California private and public sector positions focused on economic development and urban redevelopment.

SHE is the founder of the MLK Community Health Foundation and its chair until 2015. In 2015, She has held several public sector positions including deputy mayor of Los Angeles (under then Mayor Tom Bradley), president and chief executive officer of the LA Community Development Bank, and Rebuild LA, an entity created to spearhead economic recovery following the 1992 LA Civil Unrest. Linda worked as a congressional aide to US Senator Alan Cranston in Washington. For more than two decades, she has served on corporate boards of directors. Linda graduated from UCLA with a BA and was a senior fellow of the UCLA School of Public Policy. In 2008, she was awarded the UCLA Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the university.

IN 2017, he retired as the President and CEO for Laureate Education, Inc., positions he held since 2015. Prior to that, from 2012 to 2015, he served in various executive roles at PepsiCo, Inc., including EVP, Global Categories and Operations from 2014 through 2015, CEO of PepsiCo Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa from 2012 to 2014, and President of PepsiCo Global Operations from 2011 to 2012. In addition, Guimaraes previously had served as EVP of Electrolux and Chief Executive Officer of its major appliances business in Europe, Africa and the Middle East from 2008 to 2011, and held various leadership positions during his 10 years at Philips Electronics and also worked in various marketing positions at Danone and Johnson & Johnson.

GONZÁLEZ Noguera serves as Senior Vice President of Global Public Affairs at The Estée Lauder Companies. Previously, she served as Special Assistant to the President and the Director of Communications to First Lady Michelle Obama, where she was responsible for shaping long- term strategic planning and message development for the First Lady. Prior to her time at the White House, González Noguera was a Vice President of Corporate Communications for The Estée Lauder Companies and a Managing Director at the Washington, D.C. firm Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates where she managed communications and is sue-oriented campaigns for variety of clients. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of UnidosUS

MARIA CRISTINA GONZALEZ NOGUERA Executive Vice President, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Office, Popular Age:New55York, NY Nationality: TelevisaUnivisionBoards

ROSA GUMATAOTAO RIOS Chief Executive Officer, Red River Associates Age:San57Francisco, CA Nationality: American Family Insurance (232), Ripple Labs, Inc.Boards

LINDA M GRIEGO President & Chief Executive Officer, Griego Enterprises, Inc. Age:Santa74 Fe, NM Nationality: Paramount, American Fund/Capital GroupBoards

JOSE GORDO Chief Executive Officer, GEO Group Age:Boca49Raton, FL Nationality: GEO Group (883)Boards


XAVIER GUTIERREZ President & CEO, Arizona Coyotes Hockey Team

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

MAURICIO GUTIERREZ President & CEO, NRG Energy Age:Houston,51 TX Nationality: NRG Energy (333), Chipotle Mexican Grill (464)Boards CO-FOUNDER, Executive Chairman and CEO of EmPath, Inc., a skills intelligence software technology company. Previously was Co-Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a commercial diplomacy and strategic advisory firm, from 2013 to 2020. He joined Albright Stonebridge from Citigroup Inc. where he was Vice Chairman of the Institutional Clients Group and a member of the Senior Strategic Advisory Group from 2011 to 2013. Prior to Citigroup, Gutierrez was with communications and public affairs consulting firm APCO Worldwide Inc., where he was Chairman of the Global Political Strategies division in 2010. He served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from 2005 to 2009, where he worked with foreign government and business leaders to advance economic relationships and enhance trade. Prior to his government service, Gutierrez was with Kellogg Company.

Age:Paradise49 Valley, AZ Nationality: Commercial Bank of California, Janus International Group Inc., Arctos NorthStar AcquisitionBoards

ARTURO has served as the CEO of Arca Continental, one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world, since 2019. He held several executive positions in the company from 2001 to 2018, including Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Head of the Mexico Beverages Division, EVP of Human Resources, Director of Corporate Planning and General Counsel. He serves on several boards of industry-related companies, including Jugos del Valle and Piasa, and he holds positions on several international and national industry councils, such as the System Leadership Governance Board of Coca-Cola North America. He earned a law degree from Escuela Libre de Derecho, in Mexico City, and an L.L.M. from Harvard University, as a Fulbright Scholar.

NAMED as the President, CEO and Alternate Governor of the Arizona Coyotes Hockey Club in 2020. He is the first Latino Presi dent & CEO in the history of the NationalHockey League. Before he was Managing Director at Clearlake Capital Group. Gutierrez has a 25+ year career as a business executive, investor and dealmaker focused on investment management corporate strategy & operations, finance and business development. At Clearlake Capital Group, he focused on investments, operations, strategic development, and investor client servicing & outreach. Gutierrez is a member of Clearlake’s Executive Council. Previously, he served as Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Group, the family office of US Latino business executive and Coyotes Chairman and Governor Alex Meruelo, and President & Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Investment Partners, the firm’s investment affiliate.

JOSÉ M. GUTIERREZ Retired President and CEO, AT&T Southwestern Bell Age:Dallas,60 TX Nationality: Denny's, AdientBoards NRG Energy is a leading, integrated power company. He joined NRG in 2004 and helped to build the company from a regional power generation business into a Fortune 200, diversified energy company. Prior to being named CEO in 2015, Gutierrez served as Chief Operating Officer, leading all commercial operations and engineering and construction activities. Gutierrez is a Member of the Business Roundtable and serves on the Boards of NRG Energy, Chipotle, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, Retail En ergy Advancement League, and Drexel University. He holds a bachelor's degree from the Universidad Panamericana and master's degrees from the Colorado School of Mines and the French Institute of Petroleum.

CARLOS M GUTIERREZ Chairman and CEO, Empath, Inc. Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Age:New69York, NY Nationality: MetLife (46), Occidental Petroleum (183), Exelon Corp.Boards

GUTIÉRREZ has more than 30 years of experience leading business transformations and creating shareholder value. He served as senior EVP and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO of AT&T from 2015 until his retirement at the end of 2016. Prior to this position and over his 25-year career at AT&T, Gutiérrez held numerous senior executive positions, including president of AT&T Wholesale and Access Solutions, president and CEO of AT&T Advertising Solutions, president of AT&T Global Enterprise Solutions, and president and CEO of Southwestern Bell. Gutiérrez serves as a director, chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, and member of the Compensation and Incentives Committee of Denny’s Corp.; he previously served as a director of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group until 2018.

ARTURO GUTIÉRREZ HERNANDEZ CEO, Arca Continental Age:Monterrey,55 NL, Mexico Nationality: KKR (316)Boards

HEALEY is an accomplished C-suite executive officer with over 30 years of global and operational experience in companies like Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and S.C. Johnson and in countries like Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and the US. She left P&G in 2015 after 25 years of service. Melanie was also a pivotal leader of P&G’s Feminine Care business globally, responsible for the successful launch of Tampax Pearl, Always Infinity, and the first and largest teen website - She is a graduate of the University of Richmond where she earned a bachelor of science in Business Administration in 1983.

Chairman of the Board, Avis Budget Group Age:Chicago,63 IL Nationality: Avis Budget Group (498), BungeBoards STEWART joined Egon Zehnder in 2022. She was SVP and Head of Investor Relations at Endeavor from 2019 to 2021. From 2013 to 2018, she was Head of Investor Relations for Manchester United, an English Premier League football team; Director of Investor Relations at Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP), leading the investor relations efforts behind its initial public offering; and Chief Investment Officer of Soho House, a global private membership club and lifestyle brand that features hotels, food and beverage venues, gyms and retail outlets. Prior to such time, Stewart was Vice President of Investor Relations for Wynn Resorts, Ltd. (NAS DAQ: WYNN), a developer, owner and operator of destination casino resorts, for ten years. Stewart began her career in investment banking at Morgan Stanley.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

SAMANTA HEGEDUS STEWART Leadership and Executive Adivsor, Egon Zehnder Age: 45 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Griffon (858)Boards

FROM 2008 until 2010, he was Vice Chairman of The Related Group, a privately-held, leading builder of luxury condominiums and multi-family real estate developments (founded by legendary tycoon Jorge Perez). From 2005 until its sale in 2007, he was Chairman, President and CEO of NYSE-listed Florida East Coast Industries, having served on its Board since 1998 and having been Chairman of its Audit Committee, as well as a member of its Governance Committee. From 1998 until 2005, he served as CEO of the South Region for Regions Bank (and its predecessor Union Planters Bank). Prior to joining Regions Bank, Henriques served in executive capacities at Bank of America’s predecessor banks since 1986, including Chairman of NationsBank in South Florida and Executive Vice President of Barnett Bank.


HEES has been a director since February 2020. Previously, he served as Chief Executive Officer of The Kraft Heinz Company from 2015 to June 2019. He served as Chief Executive Officer of H.J. Heinz Holding Corporation since 2013. From 2010 to 2013 Hees served as Chief Executive Officer of Burger King Worldwide Holdings, Inc., a global fast food restaurant chain. From 2005 to 2010 he was Chief Executive Officer of América Latina Logística, a Brazilian logistics company. Mr. Hees was also a partner at 3G Capital from 2010 to 2019.

MELANIE L HEALEY Board Member, Investor & Strategic Advisor Age:Cincinnati,60 OH Nationality: Target (30), PPG Industries (220), Hilton Worldwide Holdings (596), Verizon Communications (20) Boards

Hawthorne earned her bachelor of arts degree in international relations from Pomona College.

ADOLFO HENRIQUES Independent Diretor Age:Miami,67 FL Nationality: HEICOBoards

MARIA HAWTHORNE Independent Director Age:Great61Falls, VA Nationality: ASGN (622), Essex Property TrustBoards


SHE was President and CEO of PS Business Parks, Inc, a member of the S&P MidCap 400 and publicly-traded real estate invest ment trust (REIT) where she served in multiple roles, including CFO, chief administrative officer and executive vice president from 1988 through 2020. When she was an executive vice president with the company, Hawthorne supported the rollout of advanced technologies that resulted in PSB becoming the first commercial real estate organization in the country to fully automate its leasing process. She also put in place long-term strategic initiatives, compensation programs and talent development efforts.


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

Vice Chairman & President Global Operations, Zumba Fitness Age:Miami,62 FL Nationality: Molson Coors Beverage (314), Gildan, Quirch Foods, HyCite Enterprises, LLC; Accupac, LLC and Klox Technologies Inc.Boards

HERNANDEZ was PPG’s corporate controller from 1990 to 1994. He previously held a number of positions with Borg-Warner Corporation and Ford Motor Company. Hernandez is a certified management accountant and has taught finance and manage ment courses at Marietta College. He was named Best Chief Financial Officer for the Chemical Industry four times by Institutional Investor magazine. He was a member of the board of directors of Albemarle Corporation and USG Corporation. Hernandez earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and a master’s degree in business administration from the Harvard Business School.

PREVIOUSLY served as a director of NII Holding (Nextel International) where he also served as Chairman of the compensation committee between 2003 and 2013. From 2006 to 2012, he held positions of increasing responsibility leading up to office of the Chairman/EVP of Emerging and Developing Market Group at Avon Products Inc. From 1999 to 2006, he was President and CEO of AOL Latin America. Prior to that, he was President at Revlon Latin America from 1997 to 1999. From 1990 to 1997, he held a variety of executive positions in several different geographies leading to division president with Pepsico Restaurant International.

SANDRA R HERNÁNDEZ President and CEO of the California Health Care Foundation Age:Oakland,63 CA Nationality: First Republic Bank (574)Boards

Nationality: Hubbell (602)Boards

ROLAND A HERNANDEZ Chief Executive Officer, Hernandez Media Ventures Age:Pasadena,63 CA & New York, NY.

From 1981 to 1990, he held various marketing and executive positions in different countries at Procter & Gamble.


RHETT HERNANDEZ President, CyberLens, LLC Age:New69Alexandria, VA

THE California Health Care Foundation, is an independent foundation dedicated to improving the health of the people of Califor nia. Sandra is a gubernatorial appointee to the Board of Covered California, the California health insurance marketplace. Prior to joining CHCF, she was CEO of The San Francisco Foundation, which she led for 16 years. Hernández previously served as Director of Public Health for the City and County of San Francisco and co-chaired San Francisco’s Universal Healthcare Council. B.A., 1979, Yale University; M.D., 1984, Tufts School of Medicine; Senior Executives in State and Local Government certificate program, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Former Finance & Chief Financial Officer, PPG Industries, Inc. Age:Illinois74 Nationality: Northrop Grumman (86)Boards

FOUNDING Principal and CEO of Hernandez Media Ventures, a family office primarily engaged in the acquisition and manage ment of media and digital assets. Through 2019, Hernandez served as the Chairman of the Board of Belmond Ltd., an NYSE listed company based in London. Belmond Ltd., formerly known as Orient-Express Hotels Ltd. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Telemundo Group, Inc. from 1995 to 2000, and also as Chairman from 1998 to 2000. Prior to Telemundo, Hernandez founded Interspan Communications and served as President from 1986 to 1994. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree, cum laude, from Harvard College, and a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.

Nationality: U.S. Bancorp (113), Take-Two Interactive Software (730)Boards


RHETT served as the Chief and Commander of Army Cyber Command. Lieutenant General. Also served as the Deputy Chief of Staff of Army Operations, Chief, U.S. Military Training Mission, Saudi Arabia and Commanding General and Human Resources Command. Hernandez was an Ambassador and Director of the Center for Special Operations at Dell Dailey. He served as Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and was a Commanding General of the Communications-Elec tronics Command (CECOM). He served at United States Army for 39 years. He was part in MacB strengthen and its considerable offensive and defensive Cybersecurity capabilities to meet current and future needs of ARCYBER, as well as the broader Cyber community. He has been a Member of Board of Advisor at Macaulay-Brown, Inc.

CEO of Fluor Corporation from 2019 to 2020. Before he was the EVP & chief legal officer for Fluor Corporation and corporate secretary. He had responsibility for all legal affairs and compliance. Joined Fluor in 2007. Before, he served as general counsel for ArcelorMittal Americas, a major steel producer and as general counsel and secretary of International Steel Group (ISG), Inc. prior to its acquisition by Mittal Steel Company. In addition to law and compliance, he had responsibility for government affairs and en vironmental matters.Before joining ISG, he served as EVP, general counsel and secretary for Fleming Companies, Inc. Hernandez served in a number of different legal capacities including assistant general counsel for Armco Inc. a steel company, in Pittsburgh.

Former President & Managing Director, General Motors de Mexico (Retired) Age:Mexico64 City, Mexico Nationality: Constellation Brands (359), BRP, Dana IncorporatedBoards

Chairman & Chief Ezecutive Officer, Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc.


HERNÁNDEZ retired from General Motors de Mexico, a subsidiary of General Motors Company, a global automobile man ufacturing company which through a subsidiary also provides automotive financing services, in 2020. From 2011 until 2019, he served as President and Managing Director of GM de Mexico. Prior to that time, he served as Vice President and Executive Director of Sales, Service and Marketing of GM de Mexico, having served in that role from 2003 through 2011. Hernández began his career with GM in Mexico in 1980 and has held numerous positions of growing responsibility within that company. He also serves on the Board of Directors of BRP Inc., with headquarters in Quebec, Canada, and on the Board of Directors of DINE and Grupo KUO, headquartered in Mexico City.

RICK is Chairman of Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc., a Pasadena, California firm that provides a full range of high-level physical security services to government and private industry worldwide. Additionally, he serves as Chairman of McDonald’s Corporation and as a Board member of Chevron Corporation. He earned both his Bachelors and Juris Doctoris degrees from Harvard Uni versity. Hernandez previously served as the Chairman of the Board of Nordstrom, Inc. from 2005 to 2016, and on the Board of Directors of Wells Fargo & Company.

HERNANDEZ-KAKOL retired from the position of Senior Partner and Global Head of Management Consulting Practice of KPMG LLP, which she held from 2019 to 2021. Previously, she led the Global Customer and Operations practice at KPMG from 2015 to 2019. Prior to KPMG, she was at BearingPoint from 2003 to 2008 as Managing Director and Senior Vice President. She also held various positions at Telcordia Technologies from 1988 to 1999. Hernandez-Kakol has served on the board of Junior Achievement of NJ, the Hispanic Information Technology Executive Council (HITEC), KPMG's Women's Advisory Board and the STEM Commit tee of the National Academy Foundation.

HERRERA was employed as Marketing Vice President/Retails Sales Manager for U-Haul from 1988 to 2001 and served on the Company’s Board from 1993 to 2001 and the U-Haul Board of Directors from 1990 to 2001. Herrera has a long history in the retail industry, including serving as Executive Vice President of Eastern Seaboard Packaging and Executive Vice President of ABUS Lock USA.

MIRIAM HERNANDEZ-KAKOL Independent Director Age:New60York, NY Nationality: Hovnanian EnterprisesBoards


RICHARD J HERRERA Director & Advisor Age:Denver,68 CO Nationality: Amerco (620)Boards

LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 84 New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

CARLOS HERNANDEZ Retired Chief Executive Officer of Fluor Corporation Age:Miami,60 FL Nationality: PG&E (160), Stewart Health CareBoards

Age:Pasadena,CA66 Nationality: Chevron (27), McDonald’s (157)Boards

HERZ has been a director since July 2012. He served as Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board from 2002 to 2010 and was previously a member of the International Accounting Standards Board . He is currently President of Robert H. Herz LLC, providing consulting services on financial reporting matters. Herz is a member of the Independent Investment Committee of United Nations Office for Project Services. Herz served as a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1985 until 2002. He also is an executive-in-residence at the Columbia University Business School, and trustee emeritus of the Kessler Foundation. Herz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Manchester, England, and is both a U.S. CPA and an English Chartered Accountant.

SHE is a seasoned executive with more than three decades of experience in the financial services industry, including a deep understanding of marketing, finance and general management. Previously, Hondal lead Global Credit and was Head of Products and Solutions for Mastercard Latin America and Caribbean. Before joining Mastercard in 2011, Hondal was the Founder of Increventi, an international business development and marketing consultancy. Prior to this venture, she had an 18-year career at American Express where she held various senior level regional and global general management roles within the Consumer products, Insurance and Finance. She began her professional career at Barnett Bank of Florida, as a Corporate Banking Officer, specializing in business development across various industries.

MANUEL HIDALGO MEDINA Professor of Medicine and Chief of Hem Onc at Weill Cornell Medicine.

FRANCIS HONDAL President, Loyalty & Engagement at Mastercard Age:Miami,56 FL Nationality: Equitable Holdings (244), L Brands Inc. (257)Boards TRAVEL & Leisure, Co., is the world’s largest leisure vacation company. From 2006-2021, he served on the Board of Directors of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, and Wyndham Destinations.From 1998 thru 2004, Herrera served as President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. During his tenure, he created a $100 million private equity fund, named Hispania Capital Partners. The Fund was initially capitalized by a $5 million investment, by Bank One and a $10 million investment from the Verizon Corporation. From 1978 to 1998, Herrera served as President of Burgos and Associates, Inc., Herrera was the Creator of the nationally syndicated television show “Hispanics Today,” which was viewed by more than 30 million viewers on networks throughout the US. In 2015, Herrera received the Lifetime Business Achievement Award, from the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Later Herrera was named a “FELLOW”, The Wharton Society of Fellows, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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HERRERO has extensive experience in corporate management and business operations in the consumables industry. From 2015 to 2019, he served as the CEO and director of Guess Inc, which is principally engaged in designing, marketing, distributing and licensing a lifestyle collection of contemporary apparel products around the world. Prior to Guess Inc, served as the head of Asia Pacific and managing director of Greater China of Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (Inditex Group), an international fashion retailer with brands including Zara, Massimo Dutti, Pull & Bear, Bershka and Stradivarius.. Herrero graduated with an MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2003. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from ESCP Europe in Paris, 1992 and a Bachelor’s of Law Degree from the University of Zaragoza in Spain in 1993.

Age:New67York Nationality: Morgan Stanley (61), Fannie Mae (25)Boards HE is also the E. Hugh Luckey distinguished professor of medicine and associate director for clinical services at the Sandra & Ed ward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine. Has more than 20 years of experience in translational and clinical research in anticancer drug development, with an emphasis in gastrointestinal cancers. He has also led the early clinical development of new anticancer agents for pancreatic cancer among other solid tumor cancers. Before Hidalgo served as chief of the division of hematology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and clinical director of the Rosenberg Clinical Cancer Center until 2019. During this time, he was the Theodore W. and Evelyn G. Berenson Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He also held leadership positions at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) in Madrid and at the Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, where he was director of gastrointestinal oncology program.

Age:New54York, NY Nationality: Bristol-Myers Squibb (75)Boards

ROBERT H HERZ President, Robert H. Herz LLC

VICTOR HERRERO Chief Executive Officer and Director of Lovisa Age:Massachussetts47 Nationality: G-III Apparel Group (949), Lovisa, Bossini, CoppelBoards

GEORGE HERRERA Independent Director Age:Tampa,65 FL Nationality: Travel & Leisure, Co.Boards

JOSEPH JIMENEZ Co-Founder and Managing Director at Aditum Bio Age:Oakland,61 CA Nationality: General Motors (22), Procter & Gamble (43)Boards

TONY A IBARGÜEN CEO & President of Quench USA, Inc., and President of Culligan Latin Americ Age:Devon,63 PA Nationality: Insight Enterprises (360), NewSpring Holdings, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, InsightBoards

FOUNDER and President of MPH Consulting. He served as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from 2013 to 2018. He joined the agency in 2010 as Deputy Administrator. During his tenure at the FAA, Michael redefined the FAA's regulatory relationship with the aviation industry to achieve greater levels of safety through increased collaboration and widespread sharing of data. Prior to the FAA, Michael served as Group President of the Transportation Solutions Group of Affili ated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS). He also served in executive positions at the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Port of San Francisco and the New York City Department of Ports, International Trade and Commerce.

AWARD-WINNING public and private company Board Director and former 4X CEO with a multi-faceted career in companies that disrupted markets and value chains, leading both early stage and F100 organizations through $2B in revenues across a variety of technology sectors. She has been named an NACD Directorship 100 honoree, Financial Times Top 50 Digital Directors, and is an NACD Board Leadership Fellow. She is the author of The Mandate for Corporate Renewal: A Leader’s Guide. BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University and an MS in Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology.

MICHAEL PETER HUERTA Founder and President, MPH Consulting, LLC Age:Washington,65 DC Nationality: Delta Air Lines (178), Verra Mobility Corporation, PangiamBoards APPOINTED in January of 2019 and has served on its Board since 2014. He previously served as President of AquaVenture since 2014. AquaVenture is a New York Stock Exchange listed multinational provider of water purification and treatment services and technologies. Ibargüen has also served as the CEO of Quench USA, Inc., an AquaVenture subsidiary, since 2010. In 2018, he was elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, where he is a member of the executive and management and budget committees. From 2004 to 2008, he was President and CEO of Alliance Consulting Group, a pri vately-held IT consulting firm, and prior to that, he was in leadership roles at several IT industry companies, including as President and member of the Board of Directors of Tech Data Corporation, a global technology distribution company.

PRIOR to Ardinall, Maria spent 15 years at Goldman Sachs, most recently as a managing director and portfolio manager for Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, focusing on energy, industrials, transportation and infrastructure investments across the capital structure, in both public and private markets. She currently serves as a director on the board of Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation, a NYSE listed infrastructure company. Currently, Maria is a member of the Advisory Board of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Maria earned a dual degree in economics and management science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

FROM 2010 to 2018, Joseph Jimenez held the position of CEO of Novartis, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical compa nies. Under his leadership, Novartis developed one of the largest pipelines of self-originated drugs in the industry, driven by a strong commitment to R&D. Jimenez also transformed the company’s portfolio to focus on innovative patented medicines under Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Oncology, generics under Sandoz, and eye care devices under Alcon. Prior to serving as CEO of Novartis, He held the position of Division Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. He joined Novartis in 2007 as Division Head, Novartis Consumer Health. He graduated in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and in 1984 with a Master of Business Administration from the U. C. Berkeley.

BEATRIZ V INFANTE Board Director, 4X CEO, Strategic Advisor, CEO Mentor Age: 67 Los Altos, CA Nationality: PriceSmart (694), Ribbon Communi cations, Liquidity Services, Rulai Inc. , Athena AllianceBoards

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MARIA SIMONA JELESCU-DREYFUS CEO, Ardinall Investment Management Age:New41York, NY Nationality: Pioneer Natural ResourcesBoards



YVETTE KANOUFF Partner & Chief Technology Officer, JC2 Ventures Age:San55Jose, CA Nationality: Entegris (997), Amdocs, Sprinklr, SAICBoards

AN attorney who is the VP and general counsel of GE Heathcare and who served as the 21st General Counsel of the U.S. De partment of the Navy. Jimenez most recently served as EVP and general counsel at Raytheon Technologies Corp. In prior roles, he served as general counsel at Raytheon Company prior to its 2020 merger with United Technologies Corporation, as well as at Bunge Limited, Xylem Inc. and ITT Corp. In government service, Jimenez also served as deputy general counsel for the U.S. Department of Defense, principal deputy general counsel of the Navy, chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Secretary Mel Martinez, and deputy chief of staff and acting general counsel for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

DANIELA JORGE VP, Chief Design Officer, PayPal Age:Mountain42 View, CA Nationality: Mr. Cooper (792)Boards KADRE is Chief Executive Officer of MBB Auto, LLC, a premium luxury retail automotive group, and previously was Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast Caribbean Importers. He also sits on the boards of directors of The Home Depot, Inc., and Mednax, Inc., where he is the lead independent director. Kadre serves on the board of trustees for the University of Miami and on the board of directors for University of Miami Health System. Kadre is a graduate of Iona College and earned his law degree from Fordham University.

FRANK JIMENEZ Group Vice President and General Counsel, GE Healthcare Age:Chicago,51 IL Nationality: Huntington Ingalls IndustriesBoards

New addition the 2022 Latino

MANUEL KADRE Chief Executive Officer, MBB Auto, LLC, Age:Miami,55 FL Nationality: Home Depot (18), Mednax (825), Republic Services Inc. (297)Boards YVETTE is responsible for technology strategy and engineering relationships within JC2 Ventures investment companies, part ners, and customers. She headed the $7B service provider business at Cisco Systems, and she has held CTO and President roles at various companies in the communications and media industry. She has received a 2020 Lifetime Achievement Emmy for Engineering and Technology, the National Cable and Television Association's Vanguard Award for Leadership in Science and Technology, was named an Industry Pioneer, won an Emmy for her work in Video on Demand with SeaChange, named an Industry Wonder Woman, Top Techie, and Woman in Technology; she has been named one of the 11 most influential women in the Television industry, and has consistently been ranked as one of the top 100 industry executives. Yvette holds several patents, is on various company and industry boards, and is an active participant in industry organizations, standards bodies, and leading industry technology efforts.

SHE has been the Chief Design Officer at PayPal, since 2020, and previously served as its VP of Design and Research Until 2020. Before, Daniela served as VP of Digital Design and User Experience at AT&T Inc. from 2014 to 2016. Additionally, Daniela has held various senior leadership roles at eBay Inc., Intuit Inc., Yahoo!, Kaiser Permanente and Kodak. Daniela also serves on the board of directors of BayBrazil, a non-profit technology company, and as a board advisor at Loft Brasil, Tecnologia LTDA, a privately-held Brazilian real estate digital platform company. Daniela holds an MFA in Computer Graphics and a BFA in Industrial Design from Rochester Institute of Technology.

MERCEDES JOHNSON Former Interim Chief Financial Officer, Intersil Corp. Age:California67 Nationality: Synopsys (651), Teradyne (726), Analog Devices (482)Boards

JOHNSON previously served as Interim Chief Financial Officer of Intersil Corporation from April 2013 to September 2013, Chief Financial Officer of Avago Technologies, Inc. from 2005 to 2008, and Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Lam Research Corporation from 1997 to 2004. She has previously served as a board member for a number of public companies, including Intersil Corporation, Juniper Networks, Inc., Micron Technology, Inc. and Storage Technology Corporation.

Leaders' Board List


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

GEORGE LLADO Senior Vice President &. Chief Information Officer, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Age:New61Heaven, CT Nationality: Charles River Laboratories Interna tional (760)Boards

GRACE is a retired Global Operating and Management Executive. She serves as a board member of industry-leading NYSE com panies. Grace is known for her wide-ranging leadership and operating experience gained through broad GM executive positions. Her global operations and finance expereince was gained through leadership positions in both Brazil and Mexico. Grace holds a record of credible and exceptional leadership in developing and implementing strategy.

ELIZABETH LEVY-NAVARRO CEO, Public Company Board Member, Digital Commerce Advisor with Value Creation and Financial Expertise. Age:Chicago,55 IL Nationality: Wilshire Mutual Funds, Inc., Eastside Distilling, Munich Re, Summit Strategy AdvisrosBoards

GRACE LIEBLEIN Retired Senior Executive and Board Member Honeywell, and American Tower Age:Michigan62 and California Nationality: Honeywell International (94), American Tower (375)Boards LLADO has more than 30 years of IT and cybersecurity experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. In his position on Alexion Pharmaceuticals, he is responsible for leading the company’s Global Information Technology organization by developing and implementing innovative technology and enabling data-driven insights across Alexion’s Research & Development, Commercial, Manufacturing Operations, and Supply Chain functions. Prior to Alexion in 2015, Llado was employed by Merck & Co., Inc. for 25 years in IT positions of increasing responsibility. He served as VP, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Information Technology and business-line CIO, for which he led the planning and development of IT solutions for Merck’s Manufacturing division. While at Merck, Llado led the merger integration of Merck and Schering-Plough across the IT and Shared Business Services organizations.

MEL Lagomasino has worked with financially successful families for more than three decades. As CEO and Managing Partner of WE Family Offices, a global family office serving ultra high net worth families, she engages client families to build their wealth enterprises and provide the support and control they need to manage their wealth as a successful business enterprise. Before founding WE, Mel served as CEO of GenSpring Family Offices. Prior to that, she served as chairman and chief executive officer of JP Morgan Private Bank. Her career in banking began in 1977 at Citibank. She joined the Chase Manhattan Private Bank in 1983 and was named head of Chase’s worldwide private banking business in 1997. A graduate of Manhattanville College (B. A.), Mel also earned graduate degrees at Columbia University (M.S.) and Fordham University (M.B.A).

MARIA ELENA LAGOMASINO CEO & Managing Partner, WE Family Offices Age:Miami,73 FL Nationality: Avon Products, Coca-Cola Co. (93)Boards A 25-year PepsiCo veteran, has served as CEO since 2018, and Chairman of the Board since 2019. As Chairman and CEO, he has begun pivoting the company toward accelerated growth, embracing a new corporate mission—to Create More Smiles with Every Sip and Every Bite—and adopting a new vision that captures PepsiCo’s competitive spirit, intense focus, and shared values: to Be the Global Leader in Convenient Foods and Beverages by Winning with Purpose. Until 2017, he served as CEO of Europe Sub-Saharan Africa, with responsibility for leading the company’s beverage, food and snacks business in Europe and Sub- Saha ran Africa. Prior to that, he held a variety of positions of increasing responsibility in Europe, including leading the acquisition and integration of the company’s dairy business in Russia. Before joining PepsiCo in 1996, he worked for Chupa Chups, S.A., a Spanish confectionery company, with international roles in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.

RAMON LAGUARTA Chief Executive Officer & Chairman, PepsiCo Age:Purchase,59 NY Nationality: PepsiCo (44), Visa (133)Boards CO-FOUNDER and CEO of Orrington Strategies, a management consulting firm dedicated to helping Fortune 500 insurance, in vestment management, and consumer products companies. She takes an analytical, data-driven approach to value creation, with a focus on distribution and sales, new business development, digital transformation, new market entry, strategic marketing, and brand-building. While leading two thriving businesses over the past 20 years, she was responsible for their P&L and operations management, and provided organizational leadership, financial oversight, and business strategy. She currently serves on several public and private boards, and was former Investment Fiduciary for her firm.

RODRIGO LOPEZ Chairman AmeriSphere Companies Age:Omaha,63 NE Nationality: Mutual of Omaha Insurance (282)Boards

Executive-In-Residence, SoftBank Investment Advisers, Inc. Age:Miami,62 FL Nationality: CBRE Group (122), Newell Brands (325), Realty Income CorpBoards SITS on Domino’s Board of Directors since July 2018 and is member of the Inclusion & Diversity Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors. Lopez most recently served as CEO and as a member of the Board of Directors of High Ridge Brands Co., from 2017 to 2020. She served as a Senior Vice President at Estée Lauder Com panies Inc. from 2015 to 2016, a Senior Vice President at Avon Products, Inc. from 2012 to 2014 and previously held various positions at The Procter & Gamble Co. for 25 years, most recently serving as a Vice President and General Manager overseeing its Eastern Europe business.

PATRICIA LOPEZ CEO, Board Member, Business Advisor Age:New55York, NY Nationality: Dominos Pizza (610), AramarkBoards

LONGHI retired in 2017 as the CEO of United States Steel Corporation. He was formerly President and CEO until 2017, President and COO until 2013, and EVP and COO until 2013 of United States Steel Corporation. Prior to joining USSC, he served as CEO and President (2006 to 2011) and President (2005 to 2006) of Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation. Longhi spent 23 years at Alcoa, Inc. prior to that, where he served in various roles of increasing responsibility since 1982, including as President – Alcoa Wheels International, President – Alcoa Forgings Division, President and CEO– Howmet Castings, and Alcoa Vice President and Group President – Global Extrusions.

DENNIS LOPEZ Chief Executive Officer, QuadReal Property Group Age:Vancouver63 BC, Canada Nationality: Welltower (561)Boards

LÓPEZ has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, and until 2017, as Executive Chairman of NorthMarq Capital Finance, LLC, a mortgage banking company for the multifamily industry. López was President and CEO of AmeriSphere, a company he founded in 1997, and which was acquired in 2015 by NorthMarq Capital, LLC. Prior to founding AmeriSphere, he was Chief Lending Officer for a life insurance company. López has several years serving as a director of several financial industry boards, as well as extensive leadership experience in investments and in the real estate and mortgage banking industries. He is Chair of the Investment Committee and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the board.

MARIO LONGHI former President and Chief Executive Officer, United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) Age:Florida67 Nationality: UGI (436), HarscoBoards DENNIS has been actively involved in the real estate industry for over 30 years and has worked in the Americas, Asia and Europe. His experience includes real estate acquisitions, developments, M&A and equity and debt fundraising in both the public and pri vate markets. Prior to QuadReal, Dennis served as the CIO of AXA IM – Real Assets, the fifth largest global real estate investment manager. Based in London, Paris and New York, he worked with his team to approve over $60 billion in acquisitions, sales and loans during his tenure. Previously, he served as the CEO of SUN Group and was the Managing Director and European Head of Real Estate Investment Banking at JP Morgan. Dennis holds a BA in Business Administration from California State University Long Beach and an MBA in Finance from UCLA.

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A global business executive with over 35 years of experience leading transformations and creating shareholder value across diverse businesses and industries, including Hospitality (Extended Stay America), Entertainment (AMC Theatres), Multi - Unit Retail (Starbucks), Food & Beverage (PepsiCo), Consumer Packaged Goods ( Procter & Gamble) and Supply Chain (Handleman Company). Since 2018, he has been Head of the Operating Group for SoftBank Investment Advisers, with a $100B SoftBank Vision Fund. He also has fourteen years of service as an independent Board member in public and private companies. He was also a Founder and Board co- Chair at Open Road Films, winner of the 2015 Best Picture Oscar for “ Spotlight”.


ANDRES LOPEZ CEO, O-I Glass Age:Perrysburg,55 OH Nationality: Avery Dennison (417), O-I Glass (455)Boards

Lopez joined Ryder in 2002 as Associate General Counsel – Global Labor and Employment Law, with responsibility for global employment law and labor relations. Prior to Ryder, he spent several years in private practice at a national law firm. He has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University and a law degree from Emory University School of Law.


HE is EVP and Chief Human Resources Officer of Ryder System, Inc. From 2013 to 2016, Lopez was SVP, Global Human Resources Operations, responsible for business segments throughout U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia, as well as for corporate human resources, talent management, recruiting, diversity and inclusion, labor relations and human resource service center operations.

MONICA C LOZANO President & CEO, College Futures Foundation Age:California65 Nationality: Target (30), Apple (3), Bank of America Corp. (29)Boards JOINED ADM in 2011 as EVP and COO. He was named president in 2014, and in 2015 became the ninth CEO in ADM’s 112year history. He became chairman of the board in 2016. Under his leadership, ADM has undergone an evolution, building on more than a century of heritage to create a global nutrition business, with an industry-leading array of ingredients and solutions that are opening the door to growth opportunities in key global macro trend areas. He has promoted use of innovative technologies to meet customer needs, and led a strategic growth campaign that has expanded ADM’s global footprint, building capabilities and adding talent and expertise that allow it to create value to every part of the global value chain. Before ADM, Luciano had a 25-year tenure at The Dow Chemical Company.

FRANK LOPEZ Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of Ryder System, Inc. Age:Miami,46 FL Nationality: BrightView HoldingsBoards

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President & Chief Executive Officer, HP Inc. Age:Palo55Alto, CA Nationality: HP (56), PayPal Holdings (134)Boards PRESIDENT and Chief Executive Officer of College Futures Foundation, a California-based private foundation. Before joining Col lege Futures Foundation, Lozano spent thirty years in media, twenty of these as editor and publisher of La Opinión, the country’s leading Spanish language daily newspaper. She went on to become CEO of the parent company, ImpreMedia, until she retired from the business in 2017. Known for its award-winning editorial content, Lozano guided the company through its evolution from a newspaper company into a multi-media content company while maintaining its core mission to inform, educate and empower the Latino community. Lozano was named one of Fortune Magazine’s 50 Most Influential Latinas. She was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016.

JUAN RICARDO LUCIANO Chairman, President and CEO, ADM Age:Chicago,61 IL Nationality: Archer Daniels Midland (51), Eli Lilly (118), Wilmar InternationalBoards

DURING his 30-year HP career, Lores has held senior leadership positions spanning HP’s Personal Systems, Print, Industrial and Services businesses across country, region and worldwide roles. He was a key architect of the separation of Hewlett-Packard Company in 2015, of one of the largest and most complex corporate separations in business history, and he successfully led the Separation Management Office. Other previous leadership roles include GM of HP’s commercial PC business, SVP of worldwide customer support and services, and SVP of worldwide sales and solutions. Lores began his career as an HP intern, earning his degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and his MBA from ESADE Business School.

HE has established himself as a strong and successful leader, serving as CEO during 2015 and playing a leading role on the acquisition of Vitro’s Food and Beverage business in Mexico, the U.S. and Bolivia. He has also served as president of O-I Americas, with a focus on strengthening O-I’s North America operations. Prior to that role, he served as president of O-I’s South America operations, where he led the region through significant organic and acquisition-based growth, adding new capabilities in Brazil and Argentina. Lopez has held various other leadership positions at O-I, including global vice president of manufacturing and engineering; vice president of manufacturing, North America; and country general manager for O-I Peru.

JESUS B MANTAS Global Managing Partner, IBM Age:Austin,52 Texas Nationality: Biogen (228)Boards

YOLANDA MACIAS Chief Content Officer, Cinedigm Entertainment Group Age: 45 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Skechers U.S.A.Boards

MANTAS is the Global Managing Partner leading Business Transformation Services, which is a $9B unit of IBM Consulting. His global team helps clients design, transform, and operate mission-critical processes as they accelerate digital transformations. He also leads IBM Consulting acquisition portfolio and serves in the IBM Executive Performance Team, IBM Executive Technology Team, IBM Chairman Acceleration Team and is the emeritus chairman of the IBM Hispanic Diversity Council. Previously, he led IBM Business Consulting Services, IBM BPO, IBM Consulting in Latin America and IBM Global Wireless Solutions. Before IBM, he was a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, an adjunct professor at University of California Irvine Graduate School of Management and an officer in the Air Force of Spain. He is a member of the World Economic Forum AI Global Council.

JOSE MANUEL MADERO GARZA Founder & Managing Partner, Bizwp SC. Age:Mexico53 City, Mexico Nationality: Newmont Corp (273), Constellation Brands (359), Vector Casa de Bolsa, Diltex BrandsBoards

Luis joined Coach, Inc. in 2006 as president and CEO of Coach Japan. He rapidly assumed additional leadership responsibilities across Asia and Europe, becoming chief commercial officer of Coach, Inc. in 2013 and CEO in 2014. Prior to Coach, Inc., from 2002 to 2006, Luis was president and CEO of Baccarat, Inc., where he ran the North American operation of the French luxury brand. Luis joined the Moët-Hennessy Louis Vuitton Group in 1995, ultimately advancing to president and CEO of its subsidiary, Givenchy, Japan Incorporated, before leaving in 2002.

PPG Industries Inc., is a manufacturer and distributer of a broad range of paints, coatings and specialty materials, prior to which she served as its general manager, Latin America North and general manager, Automotive OEM Coatings from 2012 to 2017. She held several other positions of increasing responsibility at PPG Industries since she started with the company in 1989. Adriana has over 25 years of leadership experience in multinational settings. She earned an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from Universidad La Salle, Mexico City; and has completed executive training courses in Finance Management at University of Michigan Ross School of Business; Corporate Strategy at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; and Women on Boards at Harvard Business School.

VICTOR LUIS Former Chief Executive, Tapestry Officer, Inc. Age:New54York Nationality: Deckers Outdoor (929)Boards

ADRIANA E. MACOUZET Vice President, PPG LatinAmerica and GeneralManager, Protective andMarine Coatings,Latin America Age:Mexico55 City, Mexico Nationality: Cooper-Standard Holdings (870)Boards MADERO is currently an independent business consultant based in Mexico City. He served as honorary advisor of the COFINECE (national council for the promotion of investment, employment and economic growth) at the Office of the Chief of Staff of the President of Mexico until his term ended in 2019. Prior to that, he served as CEO of Grupo Bepensa until 2019. From 2005 to 2015, he held various roles of growing responsibility with Monsanto Company, including VP of International Business Develop ment from 2014 to 2015, President and Regional Lead EMEA from 2013 to 2014, President and Regional Lead Latin America North from 2009 to 2013, VP of Commercial Operations for Latin America South from 2007 to 2009, and President and Regional Lead of Australia and New Zealand, from 2006 to 2007. Newmont Corporation,is the world’s leading gold company and a producer of copper, silver, zinc and lead.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List


YOLANDA Macias has been at Cinedigm Entertainment Group since 2013, currently serving as the Chief Content Officer, respon sible for acquiring global content rights for all distribution and streaming platforms and for overseeing all digital and physical sales and marketing. Prior to 2013, Macias held various positions at Gaiam Inc., Vivendi Entertainment, which was a division of Universal Music Group, DirecTV, Inc., Technicolor and The Walt Disney Company. She currently serves on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of C5LA, which is a non-profit organization that helps under-resourced, high potential youth to enroll and to succeed in college.

LUIS served as the CEO and on the board of directors of Tapestry, Inc. from 2014 to 2019, where he led the company’s transfor mation into Tapestry Inc., a New York-based house of modern luxury brands including Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman.

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PATRICIA MARQUEZ Associate Provost of Academic Planning & Innovation and Dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego Age:Sand55Diego, CA Nationality: PriceSmart (694)Boards

MARENCO served as the chief external affairs officer and senior advisor at the Federal Communications Commission where she directed outreach, education and external affairs in the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. She was responsible for establishing strategic partnerships and developing outreach efforts to consumers, stakeholders, and public and private partners. Before, she was the president of ZGS Communications Station Group where she oversaw the management and direction of 13 Telemundo television stations, three radio stations, multiple digital properties and more than 200 employees. Marenco earned her B.A. in communications from Rowan University and her master’s degree from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In 2007, she was selected to serve as a White House Fellow.

LUTZ was CEO of Cosan Limited, a Brazil-based holding company that operates in strategic sectors including agribusiness, fuel and natural gas distribution, lubricants and logistics, from 2015 to 2020 and served as a director of Cosan from 2009 to 2020. Before Cosan, he held senior leadership roles at Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) SA, most recently serving as vice president of infrastructure and energy with responsibility for the company’s hydroelectric plants, logistics, railways and port terminals. Before, he was the COO for Ultracargo S.A., Ultra Group’s logistics subsidiary. Lutz has served as a director of Ultrapar Participações S.A., since 2021 and of Votorantim SA, a Brazil-based conglomerate mainly operating in the mining and metals, energy and banking sectors, also since 2021.

GUILLERMO "GIL" MARMOL Chief Executive Officer, Viron Therapeutics Age:Dallas,69 TX Nationality: Foot Locker (385)Boards

SINCE 2014, Dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego, and in 2020 she started her dual role as Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Innovation and Dean of the the same school. She joined the USD School of Business in 2007 teaching courses in “Business and Society,” “Global Social Entrepreneurship,” and “Business and Social Innovation.” Her research has focused on the intersection of business and social value creation, with an emphasis on poverty alleviation through market mechanisms. Before USD, Márquez was a professor and dean at IESA, a School of Business in Caracas, Venezuela from 2003 to 2005. She has a bachelor of arts from Bowdoin College, and received her master of arts and doctor of philosophy in socio-cultural anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley.

PEDRO HENRIQUE MARIANI BITTENCOURT Private Equity Associate, Acon Investments Age: 67 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Nationality: Ball Corp. (260)Boards

PEDRO joined Ball Corporation’s board of directors as advisory director in 2010 and moved into director in 2018. He is CEO and member of the board, Banco BocomBBM, a Brazilian financial institution. He joined BBM Group in 1981; was elected to the executive committee of Banco BBM in 1983; and appointed its chief executive officer in 1991. In addition to his director role with Ball, Mariani is a member of the board of directors at FEBRABAN (Brazilian Federation of Banks). He is a council member for Pró-Criança Cardíaca Project, a children´s hospital in Rio de Janeiro. He is past-president of ANBID (Brazilian Association of Investment Banks) and past member of the Brazilian Financial System Council. His areas of specialty include econometrics and operational research.

JULISSA MARENCO Assistant Secretary for Communications and External Affairs,Smithsonian Institution Age:Washington,55 DC Nationality: Care First, Inc.Boards

MARCOS MARINHO LUTZ Chief Executive Officer, Ultrapar Age:São51Paulo, Brazil Nationality: Corteva Inc. (214)Boards IN conjunction with private equity firms, Marmol invest and advises early-stage technology companies through his own firm Marmol & Associates. Served on the boards of The Vitamin Shoppe and KERA, the North Texas public broadcasting affiliate. He served as a member of the executive committee that led the successful turnaround of EDS. While at EDS, he was responsible for planning, operations improvement and corporate development, he also led the acquisition of MphasiS a major Indian technology services provider. Prior to EDS, he served as CEO of Luminant, an Internet professional services company that he took public in 1998. He also was Chair of the Operating Committee of Perot Systems Corporation through a period of three-fold growth. Marmol was senior partner of McKinsey & Company for 18 years.

President and Chief Executive Officer, Diebold Nixdorf Age: NetherlandsUtrecht,51 Nationality: Diebold NixdorfBoards

MEL joined JPMorgan Chase in 2010. Based in Florida, he represents the firm to clients throughout the Southeast—from individ uals and businesses to large corporations, governments and nonprofit organizations. Mel was elected to the United States Senate in 2004 representing Florida and served on several committees including Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Armed Services and Foreign Affairs. While serving in the Senate, Mel led efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and was a trusted voice on foreign policy issues throughout the Western Hemisphere. Before he served as the 12th Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He's the first Cuban American to serve in a President’s cabinet, Mel also served as Mayor of Orange County (Orlando, Florida) and prior to his public service, he practiced law for 25 years.

MARIA MARTINEZ EVP and Chief Operating Officer, Cisco Age:San64Jose, CA Nationality: McKesson (7), Cue HealthBoards

MELQUIADES R MARTINEZ Chairman of the Southeast and Latin America, JPMorgan Chase & Co Age:Miami,74 FL Nationality: NVR (383), Marriott Vacations Worldwide (769)Boards RESPONSIBLE for the company's operations and transformation, as well as building high-value experiences for its customers, partners, and employees. She oversees Cisco’s Strategy Execution, Customer Success, Renewals, Customer & Partner Experience, Security & Trust, Supply Chain, IT, Services, and Transformation functions. A transformational leader and engineer at heart, she has more than 35 years of leadership experience from a variety of technology sectors including software, services, hardware and networking technology. Prior to Cisco, Maria served as President, Customer Success at Salesforce, where she was responsible for the onboarding, adoption, and growth of the global customer base. She has held executive positions at Microsoft, Motorola, and AT&T and served as the CEO of IoT startup, Embrace Networks. Maria serves on the Board of Directors the Silicon Valley Education Foundation.

MARIO MARTE Chief Financial Officer, Chewy Age:Fort45Lauderdale, FL Nationality: Best Buy Co (66)Boards

CUNA, is a leading provider of insurance and financial services to credit unions, their members, and valued customers worldwide. He joined the board in 2021. He has been with Redwood Credit Union since 2002. As the President & CEO, Martinez oversees all aspects of the credit union, including its credit union service organization (CUSO), which operates an auto dealership and an insurance agency. Past Chairman of the Board for the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) and the Board of the California Credit Union League. Martinez holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from California State University San Bernardino. He is also a graduate of Western CUNA Management School class of 1994.

BRETT MARTINEZ President & CEO, Redwood Credit Union Age:Santa56 Rosa, CA Nationality: CUNA Mutual Group (615)Boards

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MARQUEZ joined Diebold in 2014 and has held multiple leadership roles during his time at the company. With responsibility for delivering 70% of the company's revenues leading the company's Global Banking teams, he works directly with customers to automate, digitize and transform the way people bank. Driving the company's banking strategy globally, his leadership spans sales and solutions distribution, including Professional and Managed Services. Before joining the company, Marquez served as managing director for the Mexico operations for EMC, a global leader in IT management and cloud computing, and held several leadership roles at Hewlett Packard, including president of HP Mexico.


MARTE led the successful IPO of Chewy in 2019 and leads all finance, accounting and investor relations functions for the com pany. Prior to becoming CFO, he led financial planning and analysis and treasury in three successful private fundraisings and the sale of Chewy to BC Partners in 2017. He has almost two decades of experience in finance at American Airlines, Hilton Worldwide and Chewy. He has experience in growth and transformation, having established the financial planning, operations finance and treasury functions at Chewy Inc. He also worked closely with the leadership team to reengineer the company’s financial strategy and long-term growth plan in the first six months after joining. He has worked in Spain and the UK, while leading teams across Asia Pacific, Latin America, North America and Europe.

LUCINDA MARTINEZ VP, Global Brand & Multicultural Marketing, Netflix Age:New50York, NY Nationality: Travel + Leisure Co.Boards

FORMER chairman of The University of Texas System Board of Regents. She was CEO of the National Math + Science Initiative. Prior to that, she served as the under secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. As under secretary, she oversaw all policies, programs and activities related to postsecondary education, vocational and adult education, and federal student aid. Before, Tucker worked for nine years as the CEO and president of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF). Where she raised $280 million for scholarships, growing annual scholarships from $3 million to over $25 million, and to launch community outreach programs to raise college expectations in Latino families and communities. Tucker spent 16 years at AT&T. A native of Laredo, Texas, she earned her bachelor's degree with honors in journalism at the UT Austin.

RANDY MARTINEZ Former President and CEO, MTS Systems Corp. Age:Eden55Prairie, MN Nationality: Plexus, MTS Systems Corp., Acorn Growth CompaniesBoards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List MARTINEZ previously served as the President and CEO of Deckers Outdoor Corp. from 2005 until his retirement in 2016. During his time at the company, he oversaw many global footwear brands including Teva®, UGG® Australia, and HOKA One One®. In 2008, he was honored as the 'Person of the Year' by Footwear News. Prior to Deckers, Martinez also held executive positions at Keen, LLC, a performance outdoor footwear company and Reebok International Ltd.

PRIOR to assuming the role of President and CEO at MTS in 2020 from his position as a Director of the company, Martinez held various leadership positions within the aviation, aerospace & defense industries. Hel continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the National Defense Transportation Association, First Class Air Holdings and ACORN Growth Companies. Martinez holds a BS degree from the US Air Force Academy. He served with distinction in the U.S. Air Force for 21 years, retiring as a Colonel and Command Pilot and having held a wide variety of leadership roles, including command and senior staff positions. He has an exceptional track record of leadership in billion-dollar public corporations in aviation, aerospace and defense.

Former Chairman, Deckers Outdoor Corporation Age:Santa66 Barbara, CA Nationality: Korn Ferry (961)Boards MARTINEZ recently joined Netflix as Vice-President, Global Brand & Multicultural Marketing. As the former Executive Vice Presi dent, Brand Marketing, Multicultural and International Marketing at WarnerMedia, she was responsible for developing a distinct, resonant, and inclusive brand narrative for media and digital powerhouses HBO and HBO Max. During her 20-year tenure at the company, she built a best-in-class multicultural marketing team that created meaningful, long-term connections with the brand's fans across the rapidly changing global marketplace. Martinez serves on the Board of Trustees of The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. She also serves on the Advisory Board of The Hispanic Scholarship Fund. Martinez previously served on the New York Board of the American Heart Association. For her work with AHA, Ms. Martinez received a 2011 Time Warner Andrew Heiskell Community Service Award.

RAY MARTINEZ President and Co-Founder, EverFi Age:New48Alexandria, VA Nationality: PROG HoldingsBoards



SARA MARTINEZ TUCKER Former Chair of the Board of the University of Texas System Age:Dallas,66 TX Nationality: American Electric Power, Corner stone on Demand, Nationwide Mutual Insurance CompanyBoards

EVERFI, is an international technology company driving social change on the most challenging issues affecting society through education. As a leader in digital learning, Martinez oversees the development of a variety of educational programs related to financial wellness, healthcare literacy, data science, mental health, and other critical skills. Martinez has also led large-scale stra tegic partnerships with global financial services companies to reach learners where they live, work, and engage. He has consider able regulatory experience and has worked closely with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and multiple states’ Attorneys General on financial literacy matters. A thought leader and frequent speaker and author on topics related to systemic inequality.

JESUS MEDRAZO Founder and chairman, Kompali Farms Age:San50Diego, CA Nationality: CF Industries HoldingsBoards

FROM 2011 to 2020, Mejía served as a Senior Vice President at the Kellogg Company and President of Kellogg Latin America during the same period. She previously held a number of positions at Colgate-Palmolive in the U.S., Latin America, Asia and Europe between 1989 and 2011. These included Vice President and General Manager Global Personal Care and Fragrance Development and, prior to that, Vice President Marketing and Innovation, Europe and South Pacific. Mejía previously served as a non-executive director at IAG, a leading global Airline Group, from 2014 to 2020 where she was a member of the Audit and Compliance and Remuneration Committees.

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JOSE RAMON MAS CEO, MasTec, Inc. Age:Miami,49 FL Nationality: MasTec (441)Boards

PRIOR to his appointment as Chancellor in 2019, Rodríguez was president of CUNY’s Queens College and of CUNY’s Eugenio María de Hostos Community College in the Bronx. He has served as a teacher, administrator, and former Cabinet secretary for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He sits on the governing board of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and additionally serves on the boards of Phipps Houses, the United Way of New York City, the American Council on Education, the TIAA Hispanic Advisory Council, and the Research Alliance for New York City Schools. Matos Rodríguez holds a B.A. from Yale University and received a doctorate in history from Columbia University.

MADRAZO is the founder and chairman of Kompali Farms, a large wine venture in Mexico renowned for its innovation by uniting technology and sustainability to deliver value to consumers while minimizing environmental impact. Prior to Kompali Farms, he served as a member of the executive leadership team and as executive vice president, public affairs and sustainability, for the Crop Science division of Bayer. Prior to joining Bayer, Madrazo held the role of Vice President, Commercial and Global Supply Chain, at Monsanto, which he first joined in 1999. Madrazo holds a legal degree from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico and received post-legal degrees from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and University of Arizona. He also holds an MBA from Cardiff Business School in the United Kingdom.

FÉLIX V MATOS RODRIGUEZ Chancellor at City University of New York Age:Pelham,60 NY Nationality: Affiliated Managers Group (951)Boards

MAS is Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of MasTec, Inc. and has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its creation in 1994. He began his career at Church and Tower, MasTec’s predecessor in 1984. Mas is also the managing partner of a Private Equity Group which manages a diverse portfolio of operating companies and investments. He has served on over a dozen corporate boards assisting in strategic growth strategies and corporate governance. Mas founded Neff Corporation and is Managing Owner of the recently awarded Miami Major League Soccer franchise. Mas graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1984 and a Master in Business Administration in 1985.

MARIA FERNANDA MEJIA CEO International, Newell Brands Age:Miami,56 FL Nationality: Pepco GroupBoards

JORGE MAS Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder, MasTec, Inc. Age:Miami,59 FL Nationality: MasTec (441)Boards

MAS was appointed CEO of MasTec in 2007 and during his tenure MasTec’s revenues have more than quadrupled and earnings have grown six fold. Since assuming the top executive position at MasTec, Jose has diversified the company into the growing fields of oil and gas pipeline construction, electric transmission line construction, renewable energy, and wireless infrastructure construction while expanding its traditional communications business, which includes both broad-band infrastructure and instal lation to the home satellite services. Mas has grown up in the business and over 20 years worked his way from the field to the boardroom. Mas is a graduate of the University of Miami where he obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration.

YVETTE MELÉNDEZ President, YMR Consulting Age:Hartford,55 CT Nationality: The MITRE CorporationBoards LEVADATA Inc.,is a privately held, artificial intelligence company focused on supply chain management. He previously served as executive vice president and chief operating officer of HERE Technologies from 2016 to 2020. From 2005 to 2015, he was a senior executive at Cisco Systems, where he led the company's corporate transformation program as well as its global supply chain. Earlier in his career he served in senior roles at Palm Inc., Gateway Inc., Citigroup, and in various executive positions at Allied Signal Aerospace and GE. Mendez earned a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Lafayette College and an MBA from the Crummer School at Rollins College.

RUBEN MENDOZA President & Chief Executive Officer, Foundation Building Materials Age:Dallas,55 TX Nationality: Foundation Building MaterialsBoards


PRIOR to founding the company in 2011, Mendoza served as the CEO of AMS, a leading distributor of wallboard, suspended ceil ing systems, lath and plaster products, doors and other building products. Mendoza originally joined AMS in 1991 and assumed the CEO role in 2003 after several years as AMS’ Vice President and Sales Manager. AMS grew significantly under Mendoza’s leadership, particularly across the West Coast and Northern Mexico through Greenfields and strategic acquisitions. Mendoza attended California State University and has completed executive education at Harvard Business School (Strategy), Wharton School of Business (Management) and Northwestern (Marketing).

YVETTE is a former healthcare policy executive, with more than 30 years of experience leading large government agencies, ed ucational institutions and non-profit organizations. She retired in 2017 as interim president of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. She is the former vice president, for government and community alliance for Hartford HealthCare, a regional, integrated healthcare network. Prior to that, she was chief of staff and chief administrative officer for the Connecticut State University System. Her experience also includes leadership roles at the State Department of Education, where she was the architect of Connecticut's entry into the charter school movement; as deputy commissioner of the Department of Public Health; and as chief of staff for the Department of Social Services.

JUAN MIGUEL MENDOZA Independent Herbalife Distributor Age: 47 Ft. Laureldale, FL Nationality: Herbalife NutritionBoards

ANGEL MENDEZ Executive Chairman of the Board of LevaData Inc. Age:Rancho61 Santa Fe, CA Nationality: Sleep Number (998), Kinaxis, Peloton Interactive, LevaDataBoards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

MENDOZA is an independent Herbalife Nutrition distributor with more than 25 years of experience helping people live healthy active lifestyles through personalized nutrition and coaching. Mendoza regularly tours the world, training independent Herbalife Nutrition distributors about the business, the products, and the importance of our distributor difference. He is an integral member of various strategy and planning groups for the Company. As a member of the Board of Directors, Mendoza has a first-hand understanding of the function and specific needs of the Company’s independent distributors, the ultimate drivers of Herbalife Nutrition’s business, to the Board.

CMI is a leading informatics company that specializes in providing health-related software, bioinformatics, biotechnology, sci entific, and technical solutions to the public and private sectors, which she founded in 1990. Mendoza serves on the boards of several entities, including non-profits, and has been an active member of her community for more than 30 years. She currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System and as a member of the board of directors of HCSC, where she serves as the chair of the Audit and Compliance committee. Mendoza holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University. ELAINE MENDOZA President & CEO, Conceptual MindWorks, Inc. Age:San55Antonio, TX Nationality: Rush Enterprises (545)Boards

PABLO MERCADO Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, EnLink Midstream Age:Dallas,44 TX Nationality: Comfort Systems USA, Inc. (776)Boards

MMESQUITA served as Chief Executive Officer of BlueTriton Brands, a beverage company that offers regional spring water and national purified water brands, from July 2021 to March 2022. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President and Worldwide Chairman, Consumer of Johnson & Johnson, a global healthcare products company, from December 2014 until February 2019.

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Age:New59York, NY Nationality: Humana (41), Mondelez Interna tional (108)Boards

ALEX MERUELO President & CEO, Meruelo Group, LLC Age:Paradise58 Valley, AZ Nationality: Commercial Bank of California, Arizona VoyotesBoards

CARLOS MICKAN Independent Director Age:New64Orleans, LA Nationality: Pan-American Life Insurance GroupBoards

JORGE MESQUITA Former Chief Executive Officer, BlueTriton Brands, Inc.

PATRICIA has saerved as Deputy General Counsel of SoftBank Group International and General Counsel of the SoftBank Latin America Fund since May 2019 and General Counsel of the SoftBank Opportunity Fund since July 2020. Prior to joining SoftBank, she served in various leadership roles at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, including as Vice Chair and as a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Patricia holds a J.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and a B.B.A degree from the University of Miami.

PATRICIA MENENDEZ-CAMBO General Counsel, SoftBank Latin America Fund & Opportunity Fund Age:Miami,55 FL Nationality: Expedia Group Inc. (515)Boards

HE has served as SVP and CFO of Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. since 2018. From 2011, Mercado served in various roles at Forum Energy Technologies, Inc., including as SVP, Finance from until 2018; VP, Operations Finance from until 2017; VP, Corporate Strategy and Treasurer until 2015; VP, Corporate Development & Strategy until 2014; and VP, Corporate Development until 2013.

CARLOS joined Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) in 2005 and retired in 2022 as Head of Finance and Administration and Vice-Chairman of the Board. Carlos has extensive history as a senior financial executive leading company turnarounds, strate gic transformations, mergers and acquisitions and integrations, internal restructuring and risk management. Strong international experience in Latin America, Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Diverse experience in human resources and compensation, business continuity planning, information technology and real estate. Prior to joining PALIG, Carlos was Senior Vice President and CFO of Principal International, Inc., Chief Planning Officer for Aetna International, CFO for CIGNA Latin America and, Assistant Treasurer for CIGNA Worldwide.

From 2005 to 2011, Mercado was an investment banker in the Oil and Gas Group of Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC where he worked with oilfield services companies. Mercado was also an investment banker at other firms, primarily working with compa nies in the oil and gas industry. He holds a B.B.A. from the Cox School of Business, a B.A. in Economics from the Dedman College at Southern Methodist University, and an M.B.A. from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

He has a strong track record of building and marketing global brands, developing consumer insight-driven innovation capabilities and leading strategic business turnarounds. His diverse experience included leading major global business units in the Home Care and Fabric Care categories and was recognized for the reinvention of major brands such as Tide, Swiffer, Febreze, Downy and oth ers. He spent his first 15 years at P&G working in various capacities across Latin America including roles in Oral Care and Beauty.

ALEX founded and oversees Meruelo Group LLC, which supports his still-growing family of companies across a variety of business sectors, including entertainment, gaming and hospitality, construction, real estate, banking, and food services. He became the Majority Owner, Chairman, and Governor of the Arizona Coyotes on July 29, 2019. Alex assembled and developed a residential and commercial real estate portfolio with holdings throughout Southern California. Those investments led Alex to expand into construction through Meruelo Enterprises, Inc., owner of six utility construction companies with deep roots in building major private and public construction projects throughout Southern California.

MONTEMAYOR’S global and multicultural career has delivered significant business value, developed talent and built strong teams across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. He leads General Mills digital transformation efforts, including new digital capabilities, data and analytics, technology solutions and cybersecurity. His 20+ years of experience in the technology space includes leadership positions at Oracle, Booz Allen, and PepsiCo, where he has led multiple IT-enabled business trans formations. He holds a B.S from ITESM (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico) and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.

EXPERIENCED Independent Board Member at Fortune 1000 Public and Private Equity backed companies with experience in Nominating & Governance (Chair), Audit/Finance and Compensation Committees. Strong background as an accomplished former CEO, General Manager and Global Marketer with 30 years of experience mainly focused on fast-turning Consumer Goods, Food, Healthcare and Retail multinational. Proven track record of successfully directing large, complex businesses in North and Latin America to accelerated sales growth and P&L success. Monteagudo has a diverse perspective regarding Domestic and Interna tional Markets, Innovation, Global/Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Hispanic consumers, as well as a demonstrated capability in strategic planning, M&A, Diversity/Inclusion and cultural transformation.

LOU MIRAMONTES Independent Director Age:San68Francisco, CA Nationality: Lithia Motors (231), Rite Aid (132), Oportun Financial Corp.Boards

MICHAEL MONTELONGO GRC Advisory Services, LLC Age:Scottsdale,64 AZ Nationality: Conduent (604), CiveoBoards

MICHAEL is a former presidential appointee and Senate-confirmed official. He is also a senior advisor at LeadershipForward, a premier leadership performance firm serving Fortune 500 and small business clients. He served as chief administrative officer and senior vice president, public policy and corporate affairs for Sodexo, Inc. Previously, he was a Bush White House appointee serving as the 19th assistant secretary for financial management and chief financial officer of the U.S. Air Force and concluded his tenure at the Pentagon as acting secretary of the Air Force.

CHERYL previously served as CEO and president of AutoNation, Inc., a Fortune 150 company, as well as on its Board of Directors. She joined AutoNation in 2009 as treasurer and vice president of Investor Relations and was promoted to CFO in 2014. She previously served as vice president and treasurer for JM Family Enterprises, a diversified automotive company, and ION Media Networks. She also previously held financial management jobs at Republic Industries, and its successor companies of AutoNation and Alamo/National car rental, as well as Circuit City Stores. A native of Puerto Rico, Cheryl holds a bachelor's degree in finance and business administration from James Madison University.

MIRAMONTES is an experienced board member and accomplished business executive. A strong leader and provides frequent counsel and input to CEOs on operating and strategic matters. As a Qualified Financial Executive, he provides oversight of finan cial disclosures, internal controls and compliance. He is proactive with financial teams to help build strong and effective financial systems. Lou had a 38-year career at KPMG, where he served in many leadership roles, including managing partner of the San Francisco office and Senior Partner for KPMG’s Latin America region. As an audit partner, he provided audit services to public and private clients in the retail, financial services and real estate sectors. Lou received his B.S. degree in Business Administration from California State University, East Bay.

CHERYL MILLER Chief Financial Officer, West Marine Age:Fort55Lauderdale, FL Nationality: Tyson Foods (73) , Celsius HoldingsBoards

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GRACIELA IVONNE MONTEAGUDO Independent Director Age:Miami,56 FL Nationality: IHeart Media, WD-40 Company, ACCO Brands,Boards

JAIME MONTEMAYOR Chief Digital and Technology Officer, General Mills Age:Minneapolis,58 MN Nationality: Northwestern Mutual (97)Boards

THE Law Office of Wendy Montoya Cloonan specializes in the areas of public finance and public law. Before founding her firm, she worked at the Houston Endowment, Inc. until 2019 where she served as Senior Program Officer in Education, Assistant Gen eral Counsel and Director of Legal. Before she served as an attorney at Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. and Vinson & Elkins LLP. She has served as a commissioner of the Port of Houston Authority since 2019 and on the board of directors of the Houston Downtown Management District since 2015.. She earned a B.A. from Yale University, a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence with Honors from The University of Texas School of Law.

MONTOYA serves as Chief Information Security Officer at Equinix, a role he has held since 2019. Previously, he served as SVP & Chief Information Security Officer at Digital Realty and in numerous leadership roles at Microsoft, including as Chief Cybersecurity Officer, Asia, where he led security initiatives and operations for the development and delivery of Microsoft cloud security products and services. Montoya also held leadership positions at FireEye, EMC Corporation, and Avanade Inc. He currently serves as an advisor for several early-stage security companies. He earned a B.A. degree in Economics from the University of New Mexico and holds advisor roles for several early-stage security companies.

MORALES joined PPG in 1985, ultimately serving as its CFO since 2017. During his time at PPG, Morales progressed through a variety of accounting and finance roles, encompassing controllership, investor relations, treasury, and company-wide business finance. In his current role, he is part of PPG's five-person Executive Committee that is responsible for establishing and executing the company's overall strategy. Morales contributes extensive experience in the management of a multinational public company, including significant finance, accounting, operations, strategic planning and mergers and acquisitions experience. Morales serves on the Audit Committee and the Personnel and Compensation Committee.

MICHAEL MONTOYA SVP & Chief Information Security Officer, Equinix Age:San51Francisco, CA Nationality: F5 Networks (882)Boards

ROBERT F MORAN Independent Director Age:N/A70 Nationality: Hanesbrands (432), GNC Holdings, Inc.Boards

MARITZA G MONTIEL Independent Director Age:Coral70Gables, FL Nationality: Royal Caribbean, McCormick & Co. (523), APTAR Group (812), Comcast (28)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

WENDY MONTOYA CLOONAN Shareholder, The Law Office of Wendy Montoya Cloonan, PLLC Age:Houston,48 TX Nationality: CenterPoint Energy (342)Boards

FROM 2016 to 2017, Moran served as Interim Chief Executive Officer of GNC. He served as Chairman of the Board of PetSmart, Inc. (“PetSmart”), from 2012 to 2013 and as CEO of PetSmart from 2009 to 2013. He joined PetSmart as President of North American Stores in 1999, and in 2001 he was appointed President and COO. From 1998 to 1999, he was President of Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltd. Prior to 1991 and from 1993 to 1998, for a total of 20 years, Moran was employed by retailer Sears, Roebuck and Company in a variety of financial and merchandising positions, including as President and CEO of Sears de Mexico. He was also CFO and Executive Vice President of Galerias Preciados of Madrid, Spain, a leading department store, from 1991 to 1993.

VINCENT MORALES Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PPG Industries, Inc. Age:Pittsburgh,PA53 Nationality: Teledyne TechnologiesBoards

MONTIEL served as Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman of Deloitte LLP from 2011 through her retirement in May 2014. Prior to these positions, she held numerous senior management roles at Deloitte, including Managing Partner (Leadership Development and Succession, Deloitte University) from 2009 to 2011, and Regional Managing Partner from 2001 to 2009. During Montiel’s tenure at Deloitte, she was the Advisory Partner for many engagements in which Deloitte was the principal auditor.


JOSE MUNOZ Global COO Hyundai Motor CVompany Age:Franklin,65 TN Nationality: HuntsmanBoards MUÑOZ has over 17 years of experience in public company corporate governance serving on the Board and as chair of Board Audit Committees, Compensation Committees and Corporate ESG & Nom and Gov Committees. Extensive experience in working with different levels of government and regulatory bodies. Muñoz was appointed and served as an Assistant Secretary and CFO of the U.S. Treasury Department during the first term of the Clinton Administration. In that capacity, he oversaw management and financial matters for the Treasury Department and its Bureaus. He was appointed and served as the President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, an independent federal agency during the second term of the Clinton Administration.

MORENO is the former President and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB), a position he held for 15 years. He transformed the IDB by increasing the its financial strength by optimizing the use of its capital, revamping private sector affiliations and innovation laboratory, standardizing gender and diversity objectives, adopting new technologies and innovation to increase the impact and efficiency of the Bank’s operations and, leading the organization through a an operational response in support of member countries during COVID-19 pandemic. Before IDB, he served as Colom bia’s Ambassador to the U.S. from 1998 until 2005. He previously served as Colombia’s Minister of Economic Development and as strategic advisor to leading private sector organizations.

OSCAR MUNOZ Retired Executive Chairman & CEO, United Airlines Age:Jacksonville,62 FL Nationality: CBRE Group (122) , Univision Communi cations (830), Archer, SalesforceBoards

MUNOZ is recognized as one of the world's foremost leaders in corporate turnaround strategy, successful operations manage ment, employee engagement and a strong customer advocate. He was credited for leading United Airlines out of a period of acute crisis for the corporation, rapidly achieving industry-leading reliability, as well as sustained financial success, with stock value increasing 54% during his tenure. He previously served as CFO at AT&T Consumer Services. He’s also served as SVP of Finance and Administration for U.S. West, Regional Vice President of Finance and Administration for Coca-Cola Enterprises, and has held various finance positions at PepsiCo. As a first-generation college graduate from an immigrant family, he has dedicated himself to advancing the futures of others with similar backgrounds.

GEORGE MUÑOZ President, Muñoz Group Age:Washington,69 DC Nationality: Altria Group (138), Marriott International (293), Laureate Education (803)Boards

ELSA A MURANO Director, Norman E. Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture Professor & President Emerita, Texas A&M University. Age:Bryan,63 TX Nationality: Hormel Foods (317)Boards

ELSA began her career as an Asst. Professor in food microbiology at Iowa State University in 1990, where she did research in food safety and was appointed Researcher-in-Charge of the Electron Beam Food Irradiation Program. In 1995, she joined the faculty at Texas A&M University as Asst. Professor, leading the university’s Center for Food Safety as Director, and was awarded the Sadie Hatfield Professorship in Agriculture. In 2001, was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as Undersecretary for Food Safety at the United States Department of Agriculture. In 2005, she returned to Texas A&M, where she was appointed Dean and Vice Chancellor of Agriculture and Life Sciences In 2008. Murano became the first woman and first Hispanic president of Texas A&M University.

LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 104 New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List HE is the COO of Hyundai Motor Company, a global manufacturer of automobiles based in Seoul, South Korea, where he oversees more than 120K employees and operations worldwide. In addition to the company’s overall results, including the nearly $88 billion in total 2020 revenues, José leads the company’s global operational strategies and their implementation, oversees the development and implementation of the company’s fuel cell vehicle and mobility services strategy, and serves as President and CEO of Hyundai Motor America, the company’s largest operating subsidiary. Prior to Hyundai, José served in leadership roles at Nissan (most recently as global Chief Performance Officer and head of the company’s China region), Toyota and Daewoo.

LUIS MORENO Managing Director, Allen & Co LLC Age:Washington59 DC Nationality: Dow (82)Boards


ALBERTO G MUSALEM Chief Executive Officer, Co-Chief Investment Officer & Founder,Evince Asset Management LP Age:Washington,60 DC Nationality: Freddie Mac (47)Boards

DURING his more than 25 years at the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Antonio has held numerous leadership positions. Most recently, he served as EVP and General Manager of HPE’s Enterprise Group, which included the company’s Server, Networking, Storage and Technology Services business units. Prior to HPE’s separation from HP, he ran HP’s Server and Networking business, where he was responsible for bringing new innovations to market and the execution of the goto-market strategy. Before that, Antonio led HP’s Technology Services business, which provided technology support and consulting services for HP’s products and solutions. Antonio spent the earlier part of his career in various engineering and leadership roles in HP’s Printing and Personal Systems business units.

CLAUDIO MURUZÁBAL President, Cloud Success Services, SAP Age:Miami,61 FL Nationality: Principal Financial Group (206)Boards

WITH nearly 23,000 talented people in this global organization, he ensures the success of every customer’s cloud journey by developing SAP’s best capabilities and services. Before leading Cloud Success Services, Claudio was head of SAP EMEA South, a region comprising Southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In his former role he was responsible for SAP's Go-to-Market strategy and overseeing the execution for all SAP’s Lines of Business across the company’s most diverse region. Prior to that he was head of SAP Latin America Caribbean region and maintained his connection with Latin America as he held an advisory role for many years as Chairman for SAP Latin America and Caribbean, providing support to customers in the region even after taking on a broader global role.

PRIOR to founding Evince, Alberto served as EVP at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2014 to 2016, as Head of the Integrated Policy Analysis Group and of the Emerging Markets and International Affairs Group, as well as a Member of the Bank’s Management Committee. From 2000 to 2013, he held various positions at Tudor Investment Corporation, including Managing Director, Partner, and Global Head of Research and was a Member of the firm's Management, Capital Allocation and Strategy Committees. From 1996 to 2000, he was an economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC. In addition, he was an Adjunct Professor of International Financial Markets at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University and worked at both Bankers Trust and McKinsey & Co.

LUIS P NIETO President, Nieto Advisory LLC Age:Chicago,67 IL Nationality: Ryder System (357)Boards

HE became CEO of Ashland in 2019. Before was the President & CEO of Versum Materials and a member of its Board. He also served as EVP, Materials Technologies of Air Products. He joined Air Products in 2012 as SVP Electronics, Performance Materials, Strategy and Technology. Prior to Air Products, he was employed by Dow Chemical Company where he most recently served as group vice president, Dow Coating Materials. He began his career in 1986 with Rohm and Haas Company (which merged with Dow in 2009) and over the next 24 years progressed through a variety of commercial, marketing, and general management positions, living in South America, the U.S. and Asia. In 1998, was named a VP at Rohm and Haas, and in 2006 became one of five group executives on the corporate leadership team.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ANTONIO FABIO NERI President & CEO, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Age:San55Francisco, CA Nationality: Anthem, Hewlett Packard EnterpriseBoards

GUILLERMO NOVO Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ashland Age:Cincinnati,58 OH Nationality: PPG Industries (220), Ashland Global Holdings (869)Boards

NIETO served as President of the Consumer Foods Group for ConAgra Foods Inc. from 2007 until he retired in 2009. He joined ConAgra in 2005 and held various leadership positions, including President of the Meats Group and Refrigerated Foods Group. Prior to joining ConAgra, he was President and CEO of the Federated Group, a leading private label supplier to the retail grocery and foodservice industries, from 2002 to 2005. From 2000 to 2002, he served as President of the National Refrigerated Products Group of Dean Foods Company. Prior to joining Dean Foods, Nieto held positions in brand management and strategic planning with Mission Foods, Kraft Foods and the Quaker Oats Company. Nieto Advisory LLC, a consulting firm and is affiliated with Akoya Capital Partners.

ELLEN OCHOA Outside Director & Speaker; Chair, National Science Board & retired Astronaut and Director, NASA Johnson Space Center Age:Boise,64 ID Nationality: Service Corp. International (670), Mutual of America Financial GroupBoards

MARIA OTERO Former Undersecretary of State, U.S Department of State Age:Washington,72 DC Nationality: Herbalife NutritionBoards NUÑEZ, 55, has been the Chief Marketing Officer of Nubank since June 2021. Prior to joining Nubank, he founded AIE Creative, a branding and marketing firm, and from 2014 to 2018, he was the Head of Marketing, Latin America, for Apple Inc. From 2007 to 2014, Nunez held various marketing positions at NIKE, Inc., including Global Vice President, Basketball Marketing, and from 1999 to 2007, he held various positions at the National Basketball Association (“NBA”) including Vice President, Managing Director, NBA Latin America and U.S. Hispanic. Nuñez graduated from Florida A&M University.

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OLIVERA is the retired president and CEO of Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. and one of the largest investor-owned electric utilities in the US. Olivera managed a multibillion dollar capital investment program that included expanded nuclear capacity, a new highly efficient natural gas, combined cycle plant and three new solar energy centers.

SHE has made pioneering advancements in the areas of biotechnology, biomaterials, and nanotechnology. The author of more than 200 scholarly publications, has supervised research projects across multiple academic disciplines, received 30 national and international honors, including the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering awarded to her by President George Bush, and served as the Dean for Graduate Education at MIT until 2016. Founder of an innovative, nonprofit, post-sec ondary educational institution, Station1. She also serves as a director of Mueller Water Products.

CHRISTINE ORTIZ Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Age:Cambridge,43 MA Nationality: Enovis Corp (737), Mueller Water ProductsBoards

After retiring from FPL, Olivera served for three years a senior advisor and general partner at Britton Hill Partners, a privately-held investment and advisory firm. He has also served on the boards of AGL Resources and Nicor Corporation.



Retired President and Chief Executive Officer of Florida Power & Light Company Age:Miami,72 FL Nationality: Lennar (129), Fluor (196), Consoli dated Edison Inc. (249)Boards

IN 2009, Otero was appointed by President Obama as Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs. In 2012, Secretary Clinton named Maria Otero as Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. She became the highest-ranking Hispanic official at the State Department and the first Latina undersecretary in its history. She was appointed by President Clinton to chair the board of the Inter-American Foundation and by President Bush to serve as vice-chair on the board of the US Institute of Peace. In 2006, she was appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan to the U.N. Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors. From 2000 to 2009 Otero served as President and CEO of Accion International representing Accion on the board of several microfinance banks.

Chief Marketing Officer, Nubank Age:Miami,45 FL Nationality: Estee Lauder (213)Boards

SHE has a 30-year career at NASA as a senior government executive, astronaut and engineer. During the time Ochoa served as Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, the International Space Station transitioned to an R&D focus, and the Orion exploration spacecraft completed a successful first test flight. As the first Latina astronaut, she applied her technology and operations expe rience during four space shuttle missions, logging nearly 1000 hours in space. Prior to her astronaut career, she was a research engineer and holds three patents for optical systems. She earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, and a B.S. in Physics from San Diego State University. Ochoa is honored to have six schools named after her and six honorary doctorates.

CARLOS PALOMARES President & CEO, SMC Resources Age:Miami,76 FL Nationality: Regional Management Corporation, Pan America Life Insurance, Banesco USABoards

MARGARITA PALAU-HERNANDEZ United States Representative to the United Nations General Assembly 73rd Session Age: 65 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Xerox Holdings (415), Conduent (604), AIR CommuniitiesBoards

SMC Resources is a consulting practice that advises senior executives on business and marketing strategy. From 2001 to 2007, Palomares was Senior Vice President at Capital One Financial Corp., and he was Chief Operating Officer of Capital One Federal Savings Bank banking unit from 2004 to 2007. Prior to joining Capital One, he held a number of senior positions with Citigroup Inc. and its affiliates, including Chief Operating Officer of Citibank Latin America Consumer Bank from 1998 to 2001, CFO of Citibank North America Consumer Bank from 1997 to 1998, Chairman and CEO of Citibank Italia from 1990 to 1992, and President and CEO of Citibank FSB Florida from 1992 to 1997. Palomares earned a B.S. degree in Quantitative Analysis from New York University.

GEORGE PAZ Former Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Express Scripts Holding Company Age: 66 St. Louis, MO Nationality: Prudential Financial (55), Honeywell International (94)Boards

ELENA OTERO Senior Marketing Advisor, Thrive Age:Lafayette,55 CA Nationality: Helen of Troy Ltd.Boards PALÁU-HERNÁNDEZ is CEO of Hernández Ventures and serves on the Boards of Xerox Holdings Corporation, Conduent Incor porated and AIR Communities. She previously served on the Boards of Occidental Petroleum, Herbalife Nutrition, Ltd., and ALJ Regional Holdings, Inc. She served as a Representative of the United States of America to the Seventy-third Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations with the personal rank of Ambassador. Paláu-Hernández serves as Vice Chair of the National Museum of the American Latino at the Smithsonian, Chair of the Smithsonian National Latino Board, Chair of the Yale School of Management Council of Global Advisors, and Board member of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Board of Advisors and UCLA Law Women L.E.A.D. She is currently a Trustee Emeritus of UCLA School of Law Board of Advisors and the University of San Diego Board of Trustees.

GEORGE Paz was Non-Executive Chairman of Express Scripts Holding Company (Express Scripts), a prescription benefit man agement company, from May 2016 to December 2018 and served as Chairman and CEO of Express Scripts from 2006 to 2016 after being appointed CEO in 2005. He also served as President of Express Scripts from 2003 to 2014 and as a director from 2004 to 2018. He joined Express Scripts in 1998 as SVP and CFO. Prior to joining Express Scripts, Paz was a partner at Coopers and Lybrand from 1988 to 1993 and 1996 to 1998 and served as EVP and CFO for Life Partners Group from 1993 to 1995.

Recently retired from The Clorox Company following a twenty-year career. Prior to Clorox, she worked for twelve years at Procter & Gamble in Latin America.

FORMER President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He helped raise the profile of the USHCC through frequent media appearances, the establishment of strong partnerships with the country’s largest corporations, sponsors, Hispanic entrepreneurs and the promotion of the organization as a leading advocacy group for American small business and the Hispanic community in general. He has held senior leadership positions in marketing, business development, brand strategy and public relations and is credited with the creation of specialized insurance, telecommunications and financial services products, for leading corporations such as Allstate, Sprint and Bank of America.

JAVIER PALOMAREZ President & CEO, United States Hispanic Business Council Age:Dallas,60 TX Nationality: MasTec. (441), DTEBoards


New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

30 years of global consumer products industry experience, mainly in marketing, growth and strategy, ecommerce, and general management. She has led complex, multicultural and multifunctional organizations spanning more than 25 countries. Her experi ence covers a wide range of categories including Home Care, Pets, Beauty, and Personal Care. She has extensive senior experience in marketing disciplines such as brand building, consumer insights, innovation, analytics, digital, and consumer engagement.

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JUAN R PEREZ Chief Information Officer, Salesforce Age:Atlanta,54 GA Nationality: Hershey Co. (370)Boards

Age:Miami,57 FL Nationality: Itron, Inc. (919)Boards

PRIOR to Arsenal, Perez served as Chief Commercial Digital Officer & SVP U.S. Services & Solutions at Schneider Electric until 2020. He held several leadership roles at Johnson Controls between 1999 and 2016. These included VP & GM Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, where he led the company’s sales, distribution, contracting and service operations, as well as VP Global Business Lines & Operations. Prior to this he held various of positions in Thermo Fisher Scientific from until 1999, in United Technologies between 1991 and 1997, and with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company from 1985 to 1989. He has nearly 35 years of sales, product management and service operations experience in high-tech industries, including the energy, building automation and industrial automation sectors.

BEATRIZ "BEA" PEREZ SVP and Chief Communications, Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships Officer, The Coca-Cola Company Age:Atlanta,51 GA Nationality: W.W. Grainger (258), Primerica (909)Boards

SONIA PEREZ President-Southeast States, AT&T Age:Baton66 Rouge, LA Nationality: Sanderson Farms (662), Hancock Whitney CorporationBoards

SONIA Pérez leads and executes the strategic direction of AT&T’s corporate initiatives in Louisiana & Kentucky. Named state president of AT&T Louisiana in 2010, Sonia has led on strategy, governance & social responsibility issues for the company. Her teams focus on how technology & infrastructure solves economic challenges faced by urban & rural communities. Sonia is an Independent Director for Hancock Whitney Corporation & Sanderson Farms, Inc. She serves on the executive committees of The University of Texas Foundation, the Louisiana Board of Regents, and The National WWII Museum. She has also chaired various boards – the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry; the state’s business roundtable, the Committee of 100; & the Board of Trustees of Xavier University of Louisiana. She currently serves on Gov, John Bel Edwards’ Resilient Louisiana Commission.

PEREZ is an investment consultant with DeRoy & Devereaux, an independent investment adviser, where she has provided client consulting services since 2015. She was previously Owner and Managing Partner of The Medallion Company, a consulting firm, from 2003 to 2015. From 1996 until 2002, she was VP of Loomis, Sayles & Company. Perez was co-founder of Medallion Investment Company, Inc. and served as President and CEO from 1991 until it was acquired by Loomis Sayles in 1996. Perez was previously a Director of GenOn Energy, Inc., a large power producer in the United States, where she was Chair of its Audit Committee and a member of its Risk and Finance Oversight Committee. Perez earned a Bachelor's degree from Baylor University in Finance and Economics.

LAREE PEREZ Investment Consultant, DeRoy & Devereaux Age:Southfield,66 MI Nationality: Martin Marietta Materials (546)Boards

PEREZ aligns a diverse portfolio of work against critical business objectives to support brands, communities, consumers and partners worldwide. During her tenure of more than two decades at that company, she has held several leadership roles while garnering significant experience in marketing and sustainability programs. Perez also has experience in corporate governance matters and serves as a director of another publicly traded company, with additional responsibilities including a compensation committee assignment. Perez is a strong advocate for community service, serving on various nonprofit boards, including The Coca Cola Foundation.

PEREZ is responsible for all technology and engineering functions. He was appointed to his current role in 2017 after having served as CIO since 2016. Previously, Perez was VP of Technology. Through different rotations in that role. His career has included assignments in Operations, Industrial Engineering, Process Management, and Technology in Corporate, U.S., and International business units. He currently manages a budget of over $6 billion between Engineering and IT. His Engineering responsibilities include Industrial, Buildings and Systems, and Automotive Engineering. Juan holds a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering and an MS in Computer and Manufacturing Engineering, from the University of Southern California.

SANTIAGO PEREZ Board Member, Itron Inc.


Investor & Board Director Age:Hollywood,65 FL Nationality: Pool (624), Advanced Drainage SystemsBoards

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PEDRO is president and CEO as well as a directorof Edison International, the parent company of electric utility Southern Cali fornia Edison and global energy advisor Edison Energy. Previously, he was president of Edison Mission Energy, an independent power producer subsidiary, became president of SCE in October 2014. Pizarro was formerly a senior engagement manager with McKinsey & Company. He earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Harvard. Pizarro is a vice chair for the Edison Electric Institute, the immediate past chair of Electric Power Research Institute and a board member of Argonne National Laboratory, Caltech and the Analysis and Resilience Center for Systemic Risk.

ANA PAULA PESSOA Director & Partner, Kunumi AI Age:Brazil54 Nationality: News Corp. (337)Boards WITH over 40 years of financial management experience across multiple industries at both public and private entities, Pita’s significant business acumen and diverse background has a unique perspective. Appointed in 2021, he currently serves as the executive vice president and chief financial officer (CFO) of MasTec Inc., a North American infrastructure construction company with service offerings including telecommunications, energy pipelines, electrical transmission and clean energy infrastructure. Before MasTec Pita served in various leadership positions in the consumer products industry, including CFO and executive vice president for Stuart Weitzman Holdings LLC, as well as CFO for Perry Ellis International and Sunglass Hut International. He began his career at Arthur Andersen.

PERU’S positions included technology experience as SVP at Phelps Dodge with responsibility for managing both information systems and technology and human resources. He served on the former WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. board of directors until its merger in 2004. During 2007, he was EVP and CFO of Swift Corporation (transportation) and prior to that was EVP and CFO of Phelps Dodge Corporation (mining and manufacturing)until 2007. He joined Phelps Dodge in 1979 and held various finance and accounting positions. Peru has served as a director of SM Energy Company (oil and gas exploration and production company) since 2014, UNS Energy Corporation (electric and gas utility holding company), a subsidiary of Fortis Inc. (utility holding company), since 2007 and Bluemedia, Inc. (large format printer) since 2018.

RAMIRO PERU Retired Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation Age:Indianapolis,66 IN Nationality: Anthem (23), SM Energy CompanyBoards

PEDRO J PIZARRO President & Chief Executive Officer, Edison International Age:Pasadena,58 CA Nationality: Edison International (226)Boards

Age:Miami,69 FL Nationality: OvintivBoards

KUNUMI AI is a leading artificial intelligence start-up in Brazil. She has been an independent board member and member of the audit committee of News Corporation, NY, since 2013. Pessoa was CFO of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games from 2015 to 2017. She served as Founder and Managing Director of Brunswick São Paulo from 2012 to 2015. She founded and was Chair of Neemu Internet, which was sold in 2015 to Linx SA.. She was CFO of infoglobo Comunicações from 2001-2011, and before that held several executive positions in the Globo Organizations since 1993. Ana Paula worked for the World Bank in DC and The United Nations Devenlopment Programme in New York and Benin, West Africa.

GEORGE PITA EVP & Chief Financial Officer, MasTec, Inc.

PEREZ de la Mesa was President and CEO of Pool Corporation, from 2001 until his retirement in 2018; from 1999 to 2001 he served as the President and COO. He now serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. Manny is also Lead Director of BCPE Empire Topco, Inc., the parent company of Imperial Dade; Lead Director of BCPE Ulysses Investor, LP, the parent company of USLBM; Chairman of Bution Holdings 1, Llc., the parent company of ORS Medco; a board member of Advanced Drainage Systems, Hamilton HoldCo, LLC, the U.S. subsidiary of the Reece Ltd.

PORTALATIN served as President and CEO of Mercer, a business of Marsh & McLennan that delivers advice and technology-driv en solutions to help organizations meet the health, wealth and career needs of their workforces in more than 140 countries. Before joining Mercer in 2012, he spent 20 years at AIG, where he held many senior positions. He actively supports several nonprofit organizations and currently sits on the Board of Covenant House International, which works with homeless youth.

NORMA ANN PROVENCIO President, Provencio Advisory Services, Inc. Age:Corvina,64 CA Nationality: Beazer Homes USA. (931)Boards

PUJADAS served as vice chairman, Global Advisory Services, of PwC International until 2016 and leader of PwC’s U.S. firm Adviso ry Practice until 2009. He held several other senior management positions at PwC, including as a Managing Partner for Strategy and leader of the Global Risk Management Solutions practice for the Americas. Before joining PwC, Pujadas was the chief risk officer of Santander Investment from 1995 to 1998. Before joining Santander, Pujadas was a principal in the Capital Markets and Treasury Group of PwC’s U.S. firm financial services industry practice. He received a Bachelor of Science in Economics (BSE) in Finance and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Applied Science/Technology, with a concentration in Computer Science, from the University of Pennsylvania.

JULIO PORTALATIN Former president and chief executive officer, Mercer Age:New61York, NY Nationality: State Street (252)Boards

PROVENCIO has 30 years of financial consulting experience. She was with Arthur Andersen for 23 years and was the Partner-inCharge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice from 1996 to 2002. She joined KPMG in May 2002 and was the Partner-inCharge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice until she resigned her partnership in September 2003 and formed Provencio Advisory Services. She was responsible for the audit, business consulting, and tax practices at Andersen and KPMG. Since 1983 Norma has worked exclusively with healthcare organizations including serving the business advisory needs of hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, physician groups, and managed care organizations. Norma received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University.

JULIO M QUINTANA Director, Basic Energy Services Age:Houston,62 TX Nationality: Newmont Corp (273), SM EnergyBoards

Portalatin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and honorary doctorate from Hofstra University and is a member of its Board of Trustees.

JUAN PUJADAS Retired Principal, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Age:San61Francisco, CA Nationality: Wells Fargo (37)Boards

QUINTANA served as the President and CEO of Tesco Corporation, from 2005 until his retirement in 2015, and served on Tesco’s Board of Directors from 2004 to 2015. Prior to his appointment as President and Chief Executive Officer, Quintana served as Executive Vice President and CEO at Tesco beginning in 2004. Prior to his tenure at Tesco, he worked for five years in various executive roles for Schlumberger Corporation. Prior to Schlumberger, he worked for nearly 20 years for Unocal Corporation, an integrated E&P company, in various operational and managerial roles.

JOSE LUIS PRADO Executive Advisor Partner, Wind Point Partners Age:Chicago,67 IL Nationality: Hormel Foods (317), Northern Trust (443), Tropicale Foods, Evans AlimentosBoards


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JOSE Luis is with Wind Point Partners and since 2016 he has been acquiring and developing Hispanic food companies. Until 2019 he was Chairman and CEO of Evans Foods Group. Prado is also Former President of Quaker Oats North America, a $2.7 Billion division of PepsiCo. Before Quaker he was President from 2002 to 2010 of Gamesa Quaker, HQ in Mexico with more than 15K associates and revenues of +1.5 Billion. The first Mexican to lead a major PepsiCo business in NA, Prado retired from PepsiCo in 2014 after a distinguished career of 30 years, 6 countries and two continents including Leadership and General Management responsibilities in Mexico, Spain, Caribbean, Andean and South Cone in Latin America.

ENRIQUE RAMIREZ MENA Chief Financial Officer and President of International Age:Dallas,49 TX Nationality: Six FlagsBoards HE has more than 30 years of broad management, operations, and investment experience with both established and emerging companies. Until 2018, Ramon served as Chairman and CEO of Diversified Maintenance, a specialized cleaning and maintenance services corporation. He co-founded Vaduz Partners in 1998, a private investment firm for which he continues to serve as a Managing Partner. From 2000 through 2007, he was also President, CEO, and director of USA.NET, Inc. Until 1998, he was Pres ident of the Coleman Outdoor Recreation Group. From 1994 to 1997, he held various senior management positions including President and CEO of New World Television, Inc. and director of New World Communications Group, Inc. Ramon served as the Executive Vice President and CFO of Gillett Holdings, Inc.

JAIME RAMIREZ Executive Vice President and President, Global Tools and Storage for Stanley Black & Decker Age:Key55Biscayne, FL Nationality: Kimberly-ClarkBoards

RAMONEDA previously served as CIO and Vice President of Information Technology and Telecommunications at Progress Energy. With more than 35 years of technology experience, Ramoneda has led the continued development of innovative, robust, and secure information technology environments, giving her an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities within ScanSource's technologies, as well as the perspective for many of the Company’s customers and supplier partners.

JUAN RAJLIN Treasurer Alphabet Inc. Age:Palo55Alto, CA Nationality: Bath & Body WorksBoards

DOROTHY F RAMONEDA CIO Governing Body Member, Evanta. Executive VP & Chief Information Officer, First Citizens Bank Age: NCRaleigh-Durham,55 Nationality: ScanSource (655),Boards BORN in Argentina, has served as the Treasurer of Alphabet Inc. a multinational technology company, and its subsidiary Google since 2018. In his role he oversees over $100 billion of investments, corporate finance policy and financial risk management. He is also a key executive overseeing Google's sustainability strategy and diversity, equity and inclusion work. Prior to Alphabet, Rajlin served as Corporate Treasurer and Chief Risk Officer from until 2017 and as CFO, Products and Services from until 2018, in each case at Mastercard, and held various roles with increasing levels of responsibility with General Motors Company before joining Mastercard. Rajlin holds a BS, Economics from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Argentina and an MBA from Columbia University.

ENRIQUE joined Pizza Hut in 2010 as VP of Finance and was promoted to CFO of Pizza Hut U.S. in 2011. In 2014, he was pro moted to Global CFO of Pizza Hut, focusing on leading and driving the development of strategic initiatives and financial decisions for the Pizza Hut brand. In 2016, he took on additional responsibility for the Development function for Pizza Hut globally, and led a significant acceleration of international unit development through both organic growth and M&A. In 2019 he took on the additional role of General Manager of Pizza Hut LatAm & Iberia business unit. Ramirez is an 18-year veteran of the retail industry with various roles of the areas of Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Product Development, Operations and Real Estate. His career includes positions with FedEx Kinko’s, The Boston Consulting Group and Santander Investment Securities.

RAMIREZ currently serves as Executive Vice President and President, Global Tools and Storage for Stanley Black & Decker. Over his 30-year career with the company, he has held various roles of global responsibility, including Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the company's Tools & Storage business, President for the Exponential Learning Unit (STANLEY X), and Senior Vice President and President of Global Emerging Markets. He earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and an MBA from Loyola Universityin Maryland.

DAVID A. RAMON Manging Partner, Vaduz Partners LLC. Age:Alpharetta,65 GA Nationality: Generac HoldingsBoards

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President and Chief Executive Officer, Casey’s Age:Des56Moines, Iowa Nationality: Casey's General Stores (371), Globe Life (544)Boards

REYES held several executive positions at The Coca-Cola Company ( 1980- 2014) including President, Latin America Group; President, Coca-Cola de México; manager of strategic planning, Coca-Cola de México; manager, Sprite and Diet Coke brands. He has a global perspective and regulatory experiences to the Board. His experience as a beverage industry brand manager in North America and Latin America and as a director of public ocmpanies in the beverage industry provides teh Boards with strong consumer insight and an extensive background in sustainability.

DENISE RAMOS Retired Chief Executive Officer & President, ITT Inc. Age:New66York, NY Nationality: Bank of America, Phillpis 66, RaytheonBoards


MAURICIO RAMOS Chief Executive Officer, Millicom Age:Miami,53 FL Nationality: Charter Communications (64)Boards

SHE has expertise in public company executive leadership, the aerospace industry, and technology and innovation. Ramos has been a member of the Raytheon Technologies board and the predecessor United Technologies Corporation board since 2018. She is a former CEO president and director of ITT Inc., formerly ITT Corporation, a manufacturer of components for the transportation, industrial and energy markets. She also served as its CFO. Prior to ITT, she was the CFO for Furniture Brands International, the CFO for the U.S. division of KFC Corporation and the corporate treasurer at Yum! Brands, Inc. Ramos also serves on the boards of directors for Phillips 66 and Bank of America Corp.

EDWARD John Reyes was the CFO and Senior Vice President of Public Storage, Public Storage since 1996. He also served as a Vice President of Public Storage Canadian Properties. He joined Public Storage Inc. in 1990. John served as Controller of Public Storage Inc., from 1992 to 1996. From 1983 to 1990, he was employed by Ernst & Young. Reyes is a Certified Public Accountant.

Former Vice Chairman, The Coca-Cola Export Corporation, The Coca-Cola Company Age:Monterrey,70 Mexico Nationality: Mastercard (201)Boards

RAMOS joined Millicom in 2015 as CEO and was elected as an Executive Director of the Millicom Board in 2020. Since then he has pioneered a variety of initiatives, most notably transforming the company into a fixed internet and mobile business with a strong focus on Latin America. In 2018 he led the acquisition of Cable Onda, the Group’s first asset in Panama, and followed in 2019 with the acquisition of Telefonica’s mobile subsidiaries in Panama and Nicaragua. Before joining Millicom, he was President of Liberty Global’s Latin American division, a position he held from 2006 until 2015. During his career at Liberty Global, Mauricio held several leadership roles, including positions as Chairman and CEO of VTR in Chile, CFO of Liberty’s Latin American division, and President of Liberty Puerto Rico.

JOHN REYES Retired Chief Financial Officer, Public Storage Age:Glendale,65 CA Nationality: Public Storage (762)Boards


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CASEY’S, is a F500 company operating over 2,300 convenience stores throughout the Midwest and South. He's the CEO of the third largest convenience retailer and fifth largest pizza chain. Prior to Casey’s, Rebelez served as the President of IHOP Restaurants, a unit of Dine Brands Global, Inc., (Applebee’s Grill & Bar and IHOP brands). He worked at 7-Eleven as Executive Vice President and COO. Before 7-Eleven, he held numerous leadership roles within ExxonMobil, and before at Thornton Oil Corporation. Preceding his civilian career, Darren was an Army Ranger and Gulf War veteran. He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Foreign Area Studies. He went on to also earn an MBA from the University of Houston.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

PRIOR to Ingersoll Rand, he served as CEO of Gardner Denver since 2016. He joined Gardner Denver in 2015 as the CEO of its Industrials Segment. Before joining Gardner Denver, Reynal spent 11 years at Danaher Corporation, a designer and manufacturer of professional, medical, industrial and commercial product and services. He also held various other executive positions at Dana her Corp, including president of the Ormco business, president of the Pelton & Crane, KaVo business and VP Global Operations for the Danaher Motion Platform. He holds a B of S in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and Master of Science in both mechanical engineering and technology and policy from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MARIA RIVAS Chief Medical Officer, EMD Serono (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) Age:Billerica,59 MA Nationality: Cooper Companies (853)Boards

FORMER CEO of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. He previously served as CEO and President of the Vacation Ownership segment of ILG, Inc. from 2016 to 2018. He is also the former President of The Americas for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2012 to 2016, and CEO and President of Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2007 to 2016. Rivera served in a variety of capacities with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. since 1998.

SERGIO D RIVERA Independent Director Age:Miami,58 FL Nationality: Welltower (561)Boards

SHE leads Intel’s development of leadership data center products for a cloud-based world, including Intel® Xeon® and field pro grammable gate array products. She also drives the company’s overall artificial intelligence strategy and product roadmap. Before, she led Intel’s Human Resources organization and was responsible for driving greater business results through a culture which embraces diversity and inclusion. Previously, Rivera led Intel’s fast-growing networking business and was the executive sponsor for the company’s 5G strategy and product roadmap. Rivera joined Intel in 2000 as a marketing director after the acquisition of Dialogic Corporation. Before joining Intel, Rivera co-founded and served as president of The CTI Authority, and served as president of the computer telephony division at Catalyst Telecom.

VICENTE REYNAL Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Ingersoll Rand Age:Milwaukee,57 WI Nationality: Ingersoll Rand (533)Boards CEO of Santander Brasil since January 2016. He served as Chairman of Banco Santander Brasil from 2015 until 2016. From 2012 to 2015, He was CEO of Marfrig Global Foods, one of the world’s largest meat companies with operations in Brazil and 15 other countries. Prior to Marfrig in 2012, Rial served in various leadership capacities with Cargill, Inc., a Minneapolis-based global provider of food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services. At Cargill, Rial served as CFO from 2009 to 2011 and EVP from 2011 to 2012. He was also a member of Cargill’s board of directors from 2010 to 2012. From 2002 to 2004, was a senior managing director and co-head of the Investment Banking Division at Bear Stearns & Co. in New York after serving at ABN AMRO Bank for 18 years.

SERGIO RIAL Chief Executive Officer, Banco Santander Brasil Age:Sao62Paulo, Brazil Nationality: Delta Air Lines (178), SantanderBoards RIVAS is a LatinX, senior biotechnology executive, experienced public corporate board director, and Columbia Uni versity trained physician. At S&P 100 and international companies like Lilly, Abbvie and Merck & Co, she has en hanced the value proposition and market success of multiple products throughout their lifecycles. Rivas has exten sive experience in global operations, digital transformation, and crisis and risk management in highly regulated industries. Rivas has started-up and transformed high-performing global teams of up to 2000 professionals in over 90 countries. Rivas serves on the board of Cooper Companies, a public large cap medical device company. She served as a board director at Medidata, a public mid-cap health technology company until its successful M&A to Dassault Systemes.


SANDRA RIVERA Executive Vice President, GM Datacenter and AI Age:Santa58 Clara, CA Nationality: Equinix (461)Boards

President of the North America Operating Unit, The Coca-Cola Company Age:Atlanta,60 GA Nationality: Principal Financial Group (206)Boards

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RODRIGUEZ is an experienced leader committed to transforming care delivery for patients with kidney disease—from the ear liest stages of the disease through transplantation. He is passionate about accelerating the digital transformation and delivering customized care to each patient while lowering costs for the health care system. In more than 20 years with DaVita, he has continued fostering a powerful sense of inclusivity and community among teammates and patients. Since joining the company in 1998, Rodriguez has served in a number of capacities, including leading kidney care operations and payor contracting. Prior to joining DaVita, he worked in finance for Baxter Healthcare Corporation and in operations for CBS Marketing Inc. in Mexico City.

JAVIER RODRIGUEZ Chief Executive Officer, DaVita Inc. Age:Denver,52 CO Nationality: Gilead Sciences Inc. (140), DaVita’sBoards


HIS role helps lead the company's transformation to emerge stronger as a total beverage company, enabled by a globally-net worked organization. He has been a veteran of the global Coca-Cola system for 35 years and joined The Coca-Cola Co. in 1997. Prior to his current role he was President, Latin America from 2016-2020, President, Latin Center Business Unit from 2013-2016, VP of Operations Mexico from 2006-2012 and prior to 2006 held other global positions with Coca-Cola. Rivera has executive level experience in accounting and finance, consumer (retail), international, marketing, strategic planning, sustainability/ESG, and technology. Bachelor's degree and MBA from the University of Southern Mississippi; and the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

WHILE at Boys & Girls Clubs, Don has grown the Clubs quite extensively, from three to 12 sites. He has also expand ed the reach within the community and stakeholders, and was awarded “Executive of the Year” by B&GCA. He has prov en his ability to build new partnerships locally and nationally, while enhancing current ones, and has a strong abili ty to align organizational strategy to the vision of the Board of Directors, while maintaining the ability to respond to changes from the peripheral environment. He has been on the Farmers Insurance Group Board of Governors for over 20 years, is past Chair of Farmers Board of Governors, past Chair of Farmers Truck Insurance Exchange, current Vice Chair of Farmers Fire Board, and is a member of the Claims Committee of Farmers Insurance and is on the board of APGA.

EDUARDO previously served as executive vice president and as a member of the board of directorsof Hunt Building Corporation, a privately held company engaged in construction and realestate development headquartered in El Paso, Texas. Prior to his three years with Hunt BuildingCorporation, Eduardo spent 20 years in the electric utility industry at El Paso Electric Company,a publicly traded, investor-owned utility, where he served in various senior-level executivepositions, including general counsel, senior vice president for customer and corporate services,executive vice president, and as chief operating officer.


RIVERA has extensive global experience in finance and operations. He is the SVP, CFO and Treasurer of Paychex, Inc., a leading provider of integrated human capital management solutions. He previously held senior management positions, including Corpo rate VP and CFO at Bausch & Lomb, and in higher education administration. He serves on the boards of ESL Federal Credit Union and Rochester Regional Health. He holds a Doctor of Management degree from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, an MBA from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester and a JD degree from New York University. Rivera earned his B.S. degree from Houghton College.


EDUARDO A RODRIGUEZ President, Strategic Communication Consulting Group Age: 65 El Paso, TX Nationality: Oneok (351)Boards

Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach Age:Long61Beach, CA Nationality: Farmers Insurance Exchange (256)Boards

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Paychex,TreasurerInc. Age:Rochester,60 NY Nationality: Jones Lang Lasalle (186)Boards

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RODRÍGUEZ, a CPA, was an audit partner at KPMG LLP from 1995 until his retirement on 2021. During his time with KPMG, he held various leadership positions, including Partner in Charge and Executive Director of KPMG’s Audit Committee Institute from 2016 to 2021, member of KPMG US’s board of directors from 2006 to 2011, including the role as Lead Director and Ombudsman responsible for leading the firm’s internal regulatory investigations. He also served as COO for KPMG’s Global Audit Practice from 2012 to 2015 and Office Managing Partner for the firm’s Global Service Center from 2013 to 2015.

JOSE R RODRIGUEZ Independent Director Age:Winston-Salem,63 NC Nationality: Primoris Services (673), Popular (815), CareMax, IncBoards BACUS previously served as EVP and Global Chief Marketing & Customer Officer of CIGNA Corporation and President of the Cigna Foundation until 2019. She was responsible for Cigna’s global marketing activities and communications capabilities. .

AS president and CEO of Booz Allen Hamilton, he guides Booz Allen’s overall business strategy and investments in innovation, advanced and emerging technology solutions, and highly skilled talent. With a focus on velocity, leadership, and technology, he has positioned the business to drive transformation and advance critical missions for government clients and Fortune 500 corporations while delivering continued revenue growth and increased shareholder value. Rozanski is a respected authority and leader in the consulting industry with expertise in business strategy, technology and operations, talent and diversity, and the future of technology and consulting. Born and raised in Argentina, Rozanski moved to the US and got a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago.

LISA ROJAS BACUS President & CEO, Oro Vista Ventures LLC Age:Phoenix,57 AZ Nationality: Selective Insurance Group (761), Teredata, Culver's Restaurants, Douglas DynamicsBoards

DURING his tenure, ADP has nearly doubled the number of clients using its cloud-based services. Additionally, its Professional Employer Organization, ADP TotalSource®, business has nearly doubled the number of client employees served, putting it on par with the nation’s largest private sector employers. After joining ADP in 1999 through its acquisition of Vincam, he held a series of positions with increasing responsibilities before becoming CEO. He served as President of TotalSource, which became the fastest-growing and largest PEO in the industry under his leadership. He also served as President of the National Account Services and Employer Services International divisions, which serve large companies, and spent several years as President of the Small Business Services (SBS) division.

CARLOS A RODRIGUEZ President & Chief Executive Officer, ADP Inc. Age:New57Jersey Nationality: Automatic Data Processing (208), Microsoft (15)Boards

NAMED COO of UCI Networks in 2018, overseeing all programming, acquisitions, production and marketing operations for the Spanish-language media giant. She has spearheaded some of the Company’s most high-profile, award-winning campaigns as well as strategic partnerships with programmers and media partners, including an unprecedented deal with Netflix. As CMO, she leads an award-winning team driving audience engagement and culture across all linear and digital platforms. Jessica has risen the corporate ladder since joining Univision in 2000 as an intern while at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

JESSICA RODRIGUEZ President & Chief Operating Officer, UCI Networks & Chief Marketing Officer, Univision Communicaions Inc. Age:New55York, NY Nationality: Burlington Stores (471)Boards

HORACIO ROZANSKI President and Chief Executive Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton Age:McLean,54 VA Nationality: Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp., Children’s National Medical Center, CARE USA, Marriott International, Economic Club of Washington DCBoards

Bacus earned BA and BS Degrees from Northern Arizona University and an MBA from Duke University. She joined the company in of 2013 after five years with the American Family Insurance where she served as Executive Vice President and CMO, overseeing all marketing, public relations, communications and actuarial functions. Bacus began a successful 22-year career with the Ford Motor Company, where she served in many key roles, including as Head of Global Marketing Strategy and Director of Global Market Research.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

FRANCESA served as Director of OfficeMax Incorporated from 1998 to 2013. From 1999 to 2000,she served as the COO of Mattel Interactive, a business unit of Mattel, Inc. Previously, she served Mattel as its EVP, Worldwide Business Planning andRe sources, (1997-1999), and as CFO (1995-1997). Since leaving Mattel in 2000, she has been working as an independent business development consultant. From 2002 until 2005, she was also a director of Providian Financial Corporation. Since 2012, she has been a director of SCAN Health Plan, a not-for-profit Medicare Advantage health plan, and in 2017, she became Chairman of its Board. Also in 2017, she joined the board of the SCAN Foundation and also served since 2015 as a director of SuperValu, Inc., a retail grocery store chain.

GISEL RUIZ Independent Director Age:Rogers,51 AR Nationality: Univision Communications (830), Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (833), Vital Farms, Inc, Ulta BeautyBoards

ISRAEL RUIZ Independent Director Age:Boston,53 MA Nationality: FM Global (423)Boards

ANGEL A RUIZ Chairman, MediaKind Age:Plano,65 TX Nationality: Liberty Mutual Insurance Group (71), MediaKindBoards

FRANCESCA RUIZ DE LUZURIAGA Independent Director Age:California67 Nationality: ODP Corp. (312)Boards


RUIZ arrived at MIT as a master’s student in the MIT Sloan School of Management. After completing his degree in 2001, he be came a consultant to MIT, serving former president Charles Vest and former provost Robert Brown. In 2002, Ruiz formally joined MIT as manager of financial planning and analysis, becoming associate director of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning in 2003. He was named director of finance in 2005, leading an Institute-wide rebalancing that several years later yielded the first balanced general unrestricted budget in 15 years. He was named vice president for finance in 2007. Ruiz became MIT’s executive vice president and treasurer in 2011. Ruiz led the development of The Engine, an accelerator for “tough tech” entrepreneurs from MIT and across the Boston area.

IN 2018, Ruiz was named a Mexicanos Distinguidos, by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in Mexico and honored with Geological Society of America's Public Service Award. Ruiz was honored in 2010 by Mexico’s president as an outstanding Mexican research er, one of the first Mexican scholars living abroad to be so recognized. He is also a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He was president of the Geological Society of America for 2010-11. He joined the geosciences department in 1983, was named department head in 1995, dean of the College of Science in 2000, executive dean in 2008 and vice president of innovation and strategy in 2013. Ruiz’s lab discovered in 2002 that more than 40 percent of the world’s gold is 3 billion years old.

GISEL, most recently served as EVP & COO of Sam’s West, Inc. She is currently on the board of advisors at Santa Clara University serving the Retail Management Institute. Ruiz served on the board of directors of Walmart de Mexico from October 2016 to May 2019. She also held multiple positions at Walmart, Inc., both in the U.S. and international business segments, from 1992 through February 2017, including executive roles from 2010 to February 2017. Ruiz received her B.S. in Marketing, Retail Management from Santa Clara University

PAST President & CEO for Ericsson, Inc. and MediaKind. He previously was Head-North American Region at Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Ruiz has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Central Florida and a Master’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems from John Hopkins University.

JOAQUIN RUIZ VP of Global Environmental Futures Age:Tucson,69 AZ Nationality: UNS Energy CorporationBoards

CARLOS SABATER Independent Director Age:Miami,61 FL Nationality: KBR (470), PDC Energy, Inc.Boards

PINEDA has, 30 years of experience as a senior executive at Toyota, first at the start-up joint venture between General Motors and Toyota, New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. and then at Toyota Motor North America, Inc. from which she retired at the end of 2016. During her career, Pineda served as General Counsel and Group Vice President, overseeing legal, board governance, corporate communications, human resources, government and environmental affairs, philanthropy, corporate advertising, diversi ty and inclusion, and Hispanic business strategies. Pineda received her B.A. in Government at Mills College and her J.D. at Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. She also completed the Toyota Executive Program at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.

CARLOS is a finance and entertainment executive with more than 25 years of experience. He served as the president and CFO and a director of Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. an owner and operator of gaming, hospitality and entertainment businesses, from 2016 through its 2018 acquisition by Penn National Gaming, Inc. Prior to becoming president in 2013, he served as executive vice president since 2008 and executive vice president of strategic planning and development from 2008 to 2011. Before joining Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc., Ruisanchez was senior managing director at Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. As senior managing director of Bear, Stearns & Co., he was responsible for corporate clients in the gaming, lodging and leisure industries, as well as financial sponsor banking relationships.

HE is in this position since November 2020. He has also served on Entravision’s Board of Directors since 2014. He is the founder of JSW Servicios de Estrategia SC and has held several positions at Televisa Corporación, S.A. de C.V. (“Televisa”), serving as president of Televisa Interactive Media and as Director of Planning and Strategy of Televisa Multimedia. Before joining Televisa, Saldívar was the founder and Country Manager of in Mexico. He is a Partner at Rise Capital and currently serves on the boards of directors of Grupo Diniz SA de CV and Travesías Editores SA de CV. He holds a degree in economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and an MBA from the IESE Business School in Spain.

CARLOS RUIZSANCHEZ Founding Partner, Sorelle Capital Age: 50 Las Vegas, NV Nationality: Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, Southwest Gas HoldingsBoards

PATRICIA SALAS PINEDA Former Toyota Motor North America, Inc. General Counsel & Group Vice President Age:New70York, NY Nationality: Levi Strauss (580), Frontier Airlines, Omnicom GroupBoards

JUAN SALDIVAR Chief Digital, Strategy and Accountability Officer, Entravision Age:Santa55 Monica, CA Nationality: EntravisionBoards

CARMEN is a CPA and currently serves as the CFO of Quirch Foods Parent, LLC, a national food distribution company with a portfolio of owned brands. She has served in that role since 2002 and has led Quirch's integration strategy and also has experi ence with both human capital and technology functions. Before she was the Controller of MasTec, Inc. until 1999 and was then appointed as its CFO, serving in that role until 2002. Carmen was previously at Deloitte & Touche, LLP, as an auditor and then as a Senior Manager until 1994.

RETIRED from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in 2020 as a senior global partner. For nearly 40-years career he served in various senior leadership and operational roles, including CEO for both the U.S. and global audit practices. He also served as the managing part ner for all of Deloitte’s businesses across the 28 countries of North and South America. An accomplished global business executive with a comprehensive multi-cultural business background, He is a licensed CPA and qualified board of director financial expert. As a result of his deep passion for talent development and mentoring, and in recognition of his legacy at the firm, Sabater’s Deloitte partners, clients, and friends endowed a scholarship and mentoring program in his name at the Florida International University. He holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Florida International University.


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Chief Financial Officer of Quirch Foods Parent Age:Miami,58 FL Nationality: Dycom Industry (710)Boards

PERFECTO is the founder and CEO of Keep The Change, a for-purpose marketing consultancy he launched in 2014 to help companies and organizations drive growth and catalyze change. He is also the co-founder of CHPTR, a tech memorialization company and mobile-first community started in 2020 that gathers, shares, and holds memories for loved ones lost. Prior to that, from 2010 to 2015, he served in senior brand and portfolio strategy roles at The Dannon Company (Danone) and Kraft Foods. Perfecto left the Army in 2010 as a decorated Captain, earning the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal for Valor.

PERFECTO SANCHEZ CEO, Keep The Change Age:Newton,38 MA Nationality: TechTargetBoards

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SHE sets the strategic direction for SONIC and is responsible for overseeing the brand’s marketing, operations, and supply chain teams. She is also responsible for the growth and success of SONIC’s company-owned restaurants as well as the brand’s relationship with its franchise community. San Pedro joined SONIC in 2006 as vice president of investor relations and treasurer. She was promoted to EVP and CFO in 2015, and was responsible for SONIC’s financial planning practices, as well as the brand’s relationship with lending institutions, shareholders, and the financial community. Prior to SONIC, she served as the director for the Oklahoma Office of State Finance. Appointed by Governor Brad Henry in 2005, San Pedro was the first female and first Hispanic to serve as director of state finance for Oklahoma.

CLAUDIA SAN PEDRO President, Sonic Corp. Age:Oklahoma53 City, OK Nationality: BOK Financial (936)Boards


MONIQUE SANCHEZ Director, US Agency Business Development, Google Age:New55York, NY Nationality: A-Mark Precious Metals (495)Boards

ADALIO Sanchez is a tech industry veteran with a strong track record in transforming and growing large complex global busi nesses. He spent 32 years with IBM Corporation where he held various senior executive officer and general management roles. During his tenure, Sanchez was instrumental in developing IBM’s early personal computers, spearheaded the formation of the Bluetooth industry consortium that made today’s popular wireless technology ubiquitous, and oversaw the creation of several of the world’s most powerful servers and supercomputing systems. Following IBM, he was Senior Vice President of Lenovo Group and CEO of Quantum Corporation.

FOR over 30 years at Ryder, Sanchez has held many senior executive leadership positions: president and COO, CFO, president of Fleet Management Solutions, CIO, SVP of Transportation Management within Supply Chain Solutions, and VP of Asset Man agement. He has been a member of the Executive Leadership Team since 2003. In earlier roles, Sanchez played a key part in implementing the strategies which drove an improvement in the return of capital and earnings of the company. Since 2012, he has led the development and execution of Ryder’s growth strategy. Before he held positions at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Florida Power & Light. Sanchez earned his MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Miami.

MONIQUE Sanchez has nearly 30 years corporate experience, with over with over 21 years in the digital advertising industry with a deep expertise in selling advertising technologies and media solutions to global agencies, marketers, and publishers. Since 2008, she has held senior sales and business development roles at Google, including most recently as Director Agency Sales De velopment, where she is responsible for leading an agency development team focused on driving revenue growth across Google’s largest market and U.S. clients and agency holding companies. Previously, she held business development roles at DoubleClick, which was acquired by Google in 2008. She received her B.A. degree from Syracuse University.

ADALIO SANCHEZ President, S Group Advisory, LLC Age:Naples,63 FL Nationality: ACI Worldwide, Inc., Avnet, Inc. (168),Snap One Holdings Corp., ASM International NV,Boards

ROBERT SANCHEZ Chariman & CEO, Ryder System Age:Miami,56 FL Nationality: Ryder System (354), Texas Instru ments (222)Boards

DEBRA SANDLER Independent Board Director Age:New62Jersey Nationality: Archer Daniels Midland (51), Dollar General (91), Keuring Dr Pepper (267), Gannett (683)Boards

A native of Brazil, Santana has roughly 25 years of commercial, product management andexecutive leadership. Most recently, he served as President and CEO of GE Transportation, a unit of General Electric company. Prior to that role, he was president & CEO of GE in LatinAmerica; Santana also served as president and CEO of the Turbomachinery Solutions Businessof GE Oil & Gas, Prior to joining GE in 2000, Santana worked for six years at ExxonMobil andBritish American Tobacco. Santana has a degree in engineering from the Universidade Federalde Minas Gerais in Brazil.

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FOUNDER of Adelante Ventures LLC, and Founder Advisor to Spring Labs Inc. He was the President and CEO of Compass Bank, Inc. a U.S. subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), from 2008 to 2017. He also served as a member of BB VA’s worldwide Executive Committee and was BBVA’s Country Manager for U.S. operations from 2010 to 2017. Sánchez joined BBVA in 1990 and served in a number of other roles prior to becoming President and CEO of Compass Bank in 2008, including as Senior Executive Vice President of Community Banking in 2008, President and CEO of Laredo National Bank from 2005 to 2008, and Chief Risk Officer for BBVA Bancomer in Mexico City from 2002 to 2005.

MANUEL (MANOLO) SÁNCHEZ RODRIGUEZ Founder, Adelante Ventures LLC Age:Houston,59 TX Nationality: Fannie Mae (25), Stewart Infor mation Services (898), Pronto Pay, Chipper, SecuritizeBoards

SANTA María, was Managing Partner of the San Juan Office of Pwc, until his retirement in 2012. He was appointed Managing Partner of the San Juan office in July 2004, giving him responsibility for all lines of service of the Firm. Also at the same time he had responsibility for several audit clients. Under his leadership, PricewaterhouseCoopers became the largest firm in Puerto Rico with the largest market share of public clients. His professional experience included clients in the manufacturing, food distribution, pharmaceuticals and technology. It also included several clients in the banking and insurance industries, although to a lesser extent.

HE has a long and distinguished career in the public and private sectors. He served as the U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Trade until 2013, appointed by President Obama . As Under Secretary, he led the International Trade Administration in its efforts to improve the global business environment by helping U.S. businesses compete abroad. As one of the architects of Obama's National Export Initiative. He directed programs and policies that promote and protect the competitiveness of American business es. During the Clinton Administration, Sánchez served as the assistant secretary for aviation and international affairs at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Before, he served in the White House as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton, and chief of staff to the Special Envoy to the Americas.

RAFAEL SANTANA President & CEO, Wabtec Corporation Age:Wilmerding,50 PA Nationality: Wabtec, Corp.Boards

FRANCISCO J SANCHEZ Chairman & CEO, CNS Global Advisors Age:Tampa,63 FL & Washington, DC Nationality: Archer Daniels Midland (51)Boards

A visionary global C-level executive with strong marketing and operating management experience. She has built and led multi-million dollar new business platforms in non-traditional channels; led start-ups and brand innovations; launched mega brands, developed award-winning big idea campaigns and led multi-billion dollar businesses. Her experience in the boardroom gives her a unique perspective on the recruiting process. In 2017 Sandler founded Mavis Foods, LLC, which successfully launched Bazodee®- a line of Caribbean gourmet sauces and marinades. At Johnson & Johnson she was the Worldwide President of McNeil Nutritionals and led the launch of Splenda®.

ROBERTO SANTA MARIA ROS President, Fundacion Angel Ramos Age:San69Juan, PR Nationality: Triple-S Management (648)Boards

EVP Strategy and Business Transformation Age: 50 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Nationality: Mosaic (346)Boards

SIGNATURE Flight Support is the world’s largest and market leading fixed base operator network, for business, government, and private aviation. Prior to that, she was a Senior Executive with Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises between 2000-2008, where she held the positions of SVP, International for Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, responsible for the strategic market expansion and business development of the cruise line for Asia and Latin America. At Royal Caribbean International she was also VP of Hotel Operations and her responsibilities included managing all aspects of hotel operations, private destinations, retail, port operations, and the guest experience onboard Royal Caribbean’s worldwide fleet. Sastre joined Royal Caribbean after serving as VP of Worldwide Customer Satisfaction at United Airlines.

MARIA SASTRE Former President & Chief Operating Officer, Signature Flight Support Age:Miami,65 FL Nationality: General Mills (169), O'Reilly Auto motive (314), Guidewell Holdings, Miramar Service Corp., Kalera SABoards

HE has served on the Board of Directors for Cinemark Holding, Inc. since 2007, and was appointed Lead Director in 2016. In 2014, he became a Director on the Board of Directors for Savoya, one of the world’s finest chauffeured ground transportation service providers. He served on the Board of Matador Resources Company from 2013 to 2017. Prior to Triumph, he was at Interstate Battery System International for 23 years, the last nine years as President & CEO. Before Interstate Batteries, he gained more than 10 years of experience in various roles with KPMG Peat Marwick Accounting Firm where he was an audit partner and designated associate SEC reviewing partner. Carlos received his Bachelor of Business Administration with highest honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1979.

CARLOS SEPULVEDA Chairman of the Board, Triumph Bancorp, Inc. Age:Dallas,65 TX Nationality: Cinemark Holdings, Triumph Ban corp, Savoya, Camp Gladiator,Boards

ENRIQUE F. SENIOR HERNANDEZ Managing Director of Allen & Company LLC Age:New77York, NY Nationality: Cinemark HoldingsBoards

RALPH E SANTANA EVP & Global CMO, HARMAN International Age:N/A54 Nationality: Dollar General (91)Boards

ENRIQUE has served as a financial advisor to several corporations including Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, CapCities/ ABC, Columbia Pictures and QVC Networks. He also is serving on the following public company boards: Grupo Televisa S.A.B.; Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A. and Cinemark Holdings, Inc. He holds a B.A. in Architecture, a B.E. in Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in Industrial Administration from Yale University, an M.B.A. from the Harvard University, and an honorary J.D. from Emerson College.

FROM 2008, Luciano held the positions of global director of Strategic Planning and global director o f Human Resources and Governance. In. 2007 and 2008, he was chiefe of Staff and executive secretary to the president at Brazil's National Development Bank. Also, at BNDES between 1992 and 1999, he held positions in financial planning, investor relations and capital markets. From 2003 to 2005, he was a consultant fro McKinsey & Company, focusing on the basic materials sector.


RALPH has served as CMO of Harman International Industries since 2013, with responsibility for all aspects of Harman’s world wide marketing strategy. He is also responsible for Harman’s e-commerce business and runs its global design group which entails 6 design studios around the world and full P&L accountability. Before joining Harman, he served as SVP & CMO, North America, for Samsung. He also served 16 years at PepsiCo Inc. from 1994 to 2010, holding positions spanning multiple international and domestic leadership roles in marketing. While at PepsiCo, Inc. he also held positions with its Frito-Lay’s international and North America operations.

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MARCO ANTONIO (TONY) SLIM DOMIT Chairman of the Board & CEO , Grupo Financiero Inbursa Age:Mexico53 City, MX Nationality: BlackRock (192)Boards

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SUE SIEGEL Independent Director, CEO & Venture Capitalist Age:Menlo60 Park, CA Nationality: Illumina (706), Align Technology (850), NevroBoards

SILVA served as the CEO and President of Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. from February 2007 to February 2020. For 13 years prior thereto, he served in various leadership positions at Burger King Corporation, including Senior Vice President, Franchise Operations East Zone and Canada; Senior Vice President, U.S. Company Operations, President, Latin America Region; and Vice President and General Counsel, Latin America. Silva carries a deep knowledge of operational and legal matters, including with respect to risk management.

DANIEL SICILIANO Chairman Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Age: 55 Los Altos, CA Nationality: Federal Home Loan Bank of San FranciscoBoards MOST recently, Sue served as GE’s Chief Innovation Officer and CEO of GE Ventures, she oversaw investment in startups, created and scaled new companies, and commercialized GE’s intellectual property. She also led strategy planning and oversaw the global marketing function. Before joining GE, Siegel was a Silicon Valley-based healthcare and life sciences VC. Prior to becoming a venture capitalist, she led Affymetrix as President and a board member, where she drove the company’s transformation from a pre-revenue startup to a global, multi-billion-dollar market cap genomics leader. She has held executive leadership roles at Bio-Rad, DuPont and Amersham after transitioning to a corporate career from early work in molecular biology and biochemistry.

SON of one of Mexico's most succesful businesman; Carlos Slim, Tony has been Chairman of the board of directors of Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V. since 1997 and previously served as its Chief Executive Officer from 1997 until April 2012. He is also a member of the board of directors of Grupo Carso, S.A.B. de C.V. and Chairman of The Carlos Slim Health Institute and of Impulsora del Desarrollo y el Empleo en América Latina, S.A.B. de C.V. (IDEAL), an infrastructure company. Slim was a member of the board of directors of Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. from 1995 until April 2014.

SIERRA joined NOVA Chemicals in 2020. Prior to joining NOVA Chemicals, Sierra was CEO of global aromatics at BP. Before, Sierra held various positions throughout his career, including CFO of BP Whiting Refinery and President of BP Aromatics for the Americas, Europe and Middle East. Sierra earned a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida, a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Strategy from the University of Chicago.He has been listed in the 2022 ICIS Top 40 Power Players by ICIS, a global ranking of the leading CEOs and senior executives making the greatest positive impact on their companies and the chemicals industry.


A CodeX Fellow at Stanford, Past Co-Chair of the We Robot Conference on AI/Robotics & Law, and the immediate past faculty director of the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford. He co-founded the Rock Center in 2006 and, as a Professor of the Practice and Associate Dean at Stanford Law School, led the Center until 2017. His teaching includes Finance, Governance, and Venture Capital. In 2009, 2010, and 2011, alongside Bernanke, Krugman, and Icahn, Professor Siciliano was named to the “Directorship 100” – a list of the most influential people in corporate governance. Co-founder, CEO and Executive Chairman of LawLogix Group. He sold a majority stake of the company to PNC Riverarch Capital and led the sale of the company to Hyland Software/Thoma Bravo in 2015.

ENRIQUE SILVA President & CEO, Culver Franchising System, LLC Age:Tampa,55 FL Nationality: Anywhere Real Estate Inc (445)Boards

LUIS SIERRA President and Chief Executive Officer, NOVA Chemical Age:Alberta,51 CA Nationality: Steel DynamicsBoards

IN more than 15 years leading the PALIG organization, Suquet and his management team have more than doubled the size of the company through consistent organic growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions with a renewed focus on life, health and personal accident insurance, while expanding its historical footprint throughout the Americas. In 2005, he led New Orleans-based Pan-American Life through the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina swiftly establishing an emergency plan. In 2015, Suquet led the merger between Pan-American Life Mutual Holding Company and Mutual Trust Holding Company. He graduated from Fordham University with a Bachelor of Science and holds an M.B.A. from the University of Miami.

MARTA R STEWART Former EVP & CFO, Norfolk Southern Corp. Age:Norfolk,63 VA Nationality: Simon Property Group (560), Sherwin-WilliamsBoards

PRIOR to joining PagerDuty in July 2016, Tejada was President and CEO of Keynote Systems, a software company specializing in digital performance analytics and web and mobile testing, from 2013 to 2015. She was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Mincom, an enterprise software company, from 2008 to 2011. She has also previously held senior positions at Merivale Group, Procter & Gamble, and i2 Technologies.

Director, First Horizon Bank Age:Miami,63 FL Nationality: First Horizon National Corp (686)Boards


ROSA was the founder and served as the CEO of Iberia Tiles, in Miami, Florida from 1980 until 2012 when the company was sold. She was a director of Sabadell United Bank in Miami from 2006 to 2017, and a former Board member and past Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Miami Branch. Sugrañes became a director of First Horizon in July 2020 upon the closing of the merger of IBERIABANK Corporation with First Horizon. She had previously served as a director of IBERIABANK Corporation since 2018.


Founder & CEO, Apogee Executive Adivosrs, LLC Age:Hollywood,53 FL Nationality: CMS Energy (430), TriNet (618), Popular 815), Spirit Airlines, Delinea, Headpace HealthBoards

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FOUNDER and CEO of Apogee Executive Advisors, an advisory firm focused on providing strategic consulting in the areas of Technology Risk, CyberSecurity, Technology integrations and Enterprise Risk Management. The firm’s work is specific to Executive Leaders and Boards (Private and Public). She also served as the Chief Strategy and Trust Officer for Forcepoint. She was part of the executive team who led the transaction deal team that spun out the company to a growth private equity firm. Myrna served as COO of Digital Hands via an investment interest. She has over 28 years of focused Information Technology/ Cybersecurity experience and accolades within a variety of industries.

JENNIFER TEJADA Chief Executive Officer, PagerDuty, Inc. Age:San50Francisco, CA Nationality: Estée Lauder (213), UiPathBoards

JOSE S SUQUET Chairman, President & CEO, Pan-American Life Insurance Group Age:New66Orleans, LA Nationality: Regions Financial (434), Pan-American Life Insurance, Ochsner Health SystemBoards

STEWART retired from Norfolk Southern Corporation in 2017 after a distinguished 33-year careerwith the company. She served as EVP and CFO from 2013 to 2017. Her tenure at NorfolkSouthern included roles of increasing responsibility, including vice president of accounting andcontroller, and vice president finance and treasurer. Prior to her tenure at Norfolk Southern, shespent four years at Peat Marwick (a predecessor to KPMG). Stewart is a Certified Public Accountantand currently also serves on the board of directors of Simon Property Group.

JAVIER G TERUEL Founding Partner, Spectron Desarrollo SC Age:Mexico70 City, MX Nationality: Starbucks (125)Boards

FELICIA THORNTON Independent Director Age: 58 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Floor & Decor Holdings (856), Cov ergint Technologies, CoolSys, Pactiv Evergreen, Ares Acquisition CorpBoards

MARTA TIENDA Professor Emerita, Princeton University Age:New55Jersey Nationality: TIAA (79)Boards

DENICE has 25 years of management experience in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer healthcare. She served in senior leadership roles at Johnson & Johnson, including Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer for the global medical device business. She is credited for leading one of the most significant transformations in J&J history. She was of President, McNeil Consumer Healthcare. She also led the recovery of OTC brands, including the iconic Tylenol portfolio. At J&J, she also served as President of Janssen Pharmaceuticals where she drove turnaround growth. Before joining J&J, she had a 14-year career at Lilly where she was the executive director of global neuroscience and director of U.S. women’s health.

SHE'S is co-author of The Hispanic Population of the United States (1987), the first national comparison of the major nationality groups, and co-editor of two volumes about Hispanics and the future of America published by the National Academies of Science (2006). She is past president of the Population Association of America, current President of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Academy of Education. She also serves on the boards of the Urban Institute, Teachers Insurance Annuity Association (TIAA), the Robin Hood Foundation (NYC) and the Holdsworth Center for Excellence in Education (Texas).

MARIA Teresa Tejada is an expert in the global financial services practice. She advises clients on corporate strategy, risk man agement and governance topics. Prior to Bain & Co., Inc., Tejada was the chief strategic enterprise risk officer at Wells Fargo & Company with a focus on leveraging enterprise risk programs for regulatory remediation, as well as deputy chief risk officer and chief credit officer at KeyCorp where she was responsible for group-level risk oversight. She spent 16 years at Goldman Sachs between New York and London, in emerging markets fixed income and Latin America investment banking then ultimately served as managing director of credit risk management & advisory for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region.

DENICE TORRES Founder and CEO, The Ignited Company Age:New55Hope, PA Nationality: Karuna Therapeutics, Glaukos Corpo ration, Resilience, Surface Oncology Inc., 2seventy bio Boards

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MARIA TERESA TEJADA Partner, Bain & Co Age:San48Francisco, CA Nationality: Pacific Life, FactSetBoards ALSO Chairman of Alta Growth Capital. Up to 2007 he was Vice Chairman of Colgate Palmolive with responsibility for reviewing and sharpening the company’s worldwide strategy and responsible for the global operations of Hill’s Pet Nutrition and for all the company’s technology organizations. Teruel joined Colgate Mexico in 1971 and advanced through several marketing positions and in 1981 he was promoted to Marketing Director for its Mexican operations. In 1983 was promoted to General Manager of Colgate Dominican Republic. He returned to Mexico in 1991 as VP of Colgate’s Caribbean and Central America operations, and in 1993 he was promoted to President and GM of Colgate Mexico. In 1997 he was appointed President of Colgate Europe. In 2000 he returned to New York as Chief Growth Officer. In 2002 Teruel became EVP with responsibility for the company’s Asia and South Pacific, Central Europe/Russia and Africa/Middle East Divisions, Lastly he was appointed Vice Chairman of Colgate Palmolive in 2004.

FELICIA was the Interim CEO at 99 Cents Only Stores LLC in 2019-2020, CFO and Treasurer from 2015-2018 supporting its operational transformation and refinancing. Thornton also served as Co-CEO, President and COO of DeMoulas Super Market, Inc., with a successful sale to minority shareholders and as the CEO of Knowledge Universe U.S., She served as CFO and led overall strategy for Albertsons, until to 2006. She served in a variety of executive strategic and financial roles from 1992 to 2000 for Ralphs Grocery Company, Inc., and for Fred Meyer, both of which eventually became part of The Kroger Company. She received a B.S. in Economics from Santa Clara University and an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California.

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CHAIR of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation. Was President of the Board of Trustees of the Pan American Development Foundation. Ubiñas has had a career spanning business, government and the nonprofit sector. He served as President of the Ford Foundation, a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company and an appointee in the Obama administration to both the Export-Import Bank and the International Trade Commission. Over the last several years, he has been an investor, advisor and member of several corporate and non-profit boards. In those roles, he has taken companies public, sold companies to private equity, and overseen mergers and acquisitions. He has held high level national security clearance for his work on the Trade Commission.

LUIS ANTONIO UBIÑAS Chairman of the Board, Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation Age:Weston,59 VT Nationality: AT&T (11), Electronic Arts (485), Tanger Factory Outlet Centers,Boards

JORGE served as Global Productivity and Organization Transformation Officer at the Procter & Gamble Company from 2012 until his retirement in 2015. Prior to 2012, he served as Group President of Latin America at Procter & Gamble from 2004 to 2012, as Vice President, Marketing and Customer Business Development, Latin America from 2001 to 2004 and as Vice President, Venezuela and Andean Region from 1999 to 2001. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Xavier University and a bachelor degree in management engineering from Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Sede Medellin.

SOLOMON D "SOL" TRUJILLO Co-Founder of the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) Age:San69Diego, CA Nationality: Western Union (541), WPP plc, China Silk Road Technologies , Bain & Co. Managemente ConsultingBoards

JORGE URIBE Independent Board Director Age:Panama66 Nationality: General Mills (169), Ingredion (463)Boards

PRESIDENT of Goya de Puerto Rico, Inc. since 2003 and of Goya Santo Domingo, S.A. since 1994, food processors and distribu tors. Unanue has 34 years of experience at Goya Foods, Inc., a privately held family business with operations in the United States, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the Dominican Republic that is dedicated to the sale, marketing and distribution of Hispanic food, as well as to the food processing and canned food manufacturing business.

BASED in San Francisco, he leads TPG's Internet, digital media, and communications investing efforts across the firm’s Growth and Capital platforms. He led TPG Growth's investments in Airbnb and Uber. He previously served on the Boards of, Fenwal Therapeutics, HSM Electronic Protection Services, Sorenson Communications and, Triad Financial. Prior to joining TPG in 2006, he was a VP at GTCR Golder Rauner. Trujillo received an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and BA in economics from Yale University.

DAVID TRUJILLO Partner, TPG Age:San44Francisco, CA Nationality: Uber Technologies (281), TPG, Cirque du Soleil, Creative Artists Agency, Ipsy, Layer 3 TV Boards

SOLOMON Trujillo has served as the CEO and director of Telstra Corporation Limited, Australia’s largest media-communications enterprise, from July 2005 to June 2009. From February 2003 to March 2004, Trujillo was Orange SA’s CEO. Prior, Trujillo was chairman, president and CEO of Graviton, Inc. from January 2001 until January 2003. Trujillo previously served as a director of Target Corporation from 1994 to 2014. He also founded L'Attitude, a powerful event gathering leaders for the advancement of the Latino Community.

CARLOS A UNANUE President, Goya de Puerto Rico, Inc. Age:New58York, NY Nationality: Popular (815)Boards

VALLEJO is a former executive officer of ConocoPhillips where she began her career in 1987. She served as Vice President Corpo rate Planning and Development from 2015 until 2016 and as Vice President and Treasurer from 2008 until 2015. Prior to 2008, she served as General Manager Corporate Planning and Budgets, Vice President Upstream Planning & Portfolio Management, Assistant Treasurer, Manager Strategic Transactions, and in other geophysical, commercial, and finance roles. Vallejo served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Colorado School of Mines from 2010 until 2016 and is a member of Colorado School of Mines Foundation Board of Governors.

VALDEZ has spent his career building supply chain and fulfillment networks across Asia, Europe and North and South America. Prior to his time at Target Corporation, he spent 17 years in a variety of leadership roles with Inc., including Vice President, Operations, International Expansion, Vice President, Worldwide Transportation, and Vice President, Operations, Ama Ltd.


FIDEL VARGAS Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Scholarship Fund Age:Boston,50 MA Nationality: Snap (839)Boards

UNTIL 2019, Vasquez served as SVP of Government Affairs for Southern California Edison. He was responsible for government relations activities at the Federal and State level. He began his 27 year career as a police officer in the City of Orange, CA and has served at city, county, state, and federal levels of government. He has spent most of his life in Orange County and has been a leader in promoting health, safety, and educational opportunities for children and youth in underserved communities. Before Edison International, he served as U.S. Ambassador and permanent representative to United Nations Agencies based in Rome, Italy. He also served as Director of the United States Peace Corps.


GADDI H VASQUEZ Independent Director Age:Orange,67 CA Nationality: Granite Construction (663)Boards

ARTHUR VALDEZ JR. EVP, Chief Supply Chain & Logistics Officer, Target Age:Minneapolis,51 MN Nationality: Advance Auto Parts (301)Boards

A celebrated entrepreneur, board member, and advocate for diversity and inclusion. During her 25+ years as CEO,Pinnacle Group has expanded globally andwon countless customer and industry awards for growth and excellence, establishing itself as the leading Hispanic-owned company in its industry. Ms. Vaca is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, a Henry Crown Fellow with the Aspen Institute, a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and holds three honorary doctorate degrees.She served as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship through the White House and is deeply committed to improving lives globally through business.

Founder, Chairman & CEO, Pinnacle Group Age:Dallas,51 TX Nationality: Comerica, Cinemark, and Austin Industries, Inc.Boards

VARGAS has served as Chief Executive Officer of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund since January 2013. Prior to joining the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, he worked as a Partner at Centinela Capital Partners from 2006 to 2012, and from 1992 to 1997, Vargas served as Mayor for the City of Baldwin Park, California. Vargas serves on the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and holds an M.B.A. and an A.B. in Social Studies from Harvard University.

FRANCES M VALLEJO Independent Director Age:Denver,55 CO Nationality: Crestwood Equity Partners (904), Cimarex Energy (Coterra)Boards

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

JOSÉ is on the board of Union Pacific Corp., Center for American Progress, KIPP Foundation and U.S.-Mexico Foundation. In his past career he was Partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP and Chairman of UnidosUS.He received an undergraduate degree from Purdue University and a graduate degree from Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

UNITY Software Inc.,is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content, a role he has held since 2021. Prior to Unity, he was CFO of Palo Alto Networks, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Amazon’s Worldwide Con sumer division. Before that, he served in a senior finance role at Cisco and spent 23 years in various finance leadership positions at Procter & Gamble. From 2020 to 2021, Visoso served on the Unity Board of Directors, including as a member of the Audit Committee. Visoso holds a bachelor’s degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

LUIS FELIPE VISOSO Senior Vice President and CFO of Unity Software Inc. Age:San49Francisco, CA Nationality: SplunkBoards

GILBERT VASQUEZ Managing Partner, Vasquez & Company Age: 81 Los Angeles, CA Nationality: EntravisionBoards

OPORTUN,IS a financial technology company and digital banking platform that aims to make financial health effortless for everyone. He has set a bold vision for the company to deliver a complete set of financial solutions that meet the everyday needs of hardworking people, from borrowing and savings to banking, investing, and more. Under his leadership, Oportun has become a profitable and publicly traded fintech and neo-bank with an unparalleled suite of digital banking products. He joined Oportun in 2012 after having held senior leadership roles at Walmart, including President and CEO of, and EVP and President of Walmart West. Raul is a graduate of Stanford University with an MBA at the Wharton School of Business.

IN George H.W. Bush’s administration, Jose Antonio served as U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs. He is a former Dean of the Scholl of Business at St. Thomas University in Miami, as well as the former Chairman of Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors of Florida. Villamil founded The Washington Economics Group, Inc. and serves as its Senior Advisor. He recently completed a 18-year tenure at Amerant Bank, N.A. and Amerant Holding Corp., serving as Chair of the Risk Committee and most recently as Chair of the AML/BSA Committee. Amerant Bank, N.A. is the former Mercantil Bank, N.A. and become a public company in 2020 during his active service on the Board.

GILBERT has been the managing partner of the certified public accounting firm of Vasquez & Company LLP since 1969. Gil guided the firm's growth from a one-person consultancy into the largest Latino-owned CPA firm in California. He was the first minority board member of the California Board of Accountancy. Gil was founder and president of ALPFA, the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting. Vasquez continues to serve as a board member of Manufacturers Bank, and is also Chairman of the Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce.

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J. ANTONIO VILLAMIL Founder and Senior Advisor, The Washington Economics Group Inc. Age: FloridaCoral76Gables, Nationality: Pan American Life Insurance, Spanish Broadcasting SystemBoards

JOSÉ H VILLARREAL Independent Director Age:San67Antonio, TX Nationality: Union Pacific (153)Boards

RAUL VAZQUEZ Chief Executive Officer, Oportun Age:San50Carlos, CA Nationality: Intuit (380), OportunBoards

TONY is former Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of Applied Biosystems, Inc. (formerly Applera Corporation), a develop er, manufacturer and marketer of life science systems and genomic information products, having served in those positions from 1995 until his retirement in 2008. Formerly a director at C.R. Bard, Inc. White carries wealth of management experience in the life sciences and health care industries, including over 13 years as Chairman and CEO of an advanced-technology life sciences company and 26 years in various management positions at Baxter International, Inc.

SANDRA has been on Republic’s board of directors since December 2016. She is Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning, Com munications and Business Development Solutions for FedEx Ground, where she has worked since 2000. Volpe graduated from Kent State University and earned her MBA from the University of Pittsburgh.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List


TONY L WHITE Former Chairman, President and CEO of Applied Biosystems Inc Age:California74 Nationality: Ingersoll Rand (533), Trane TechnologiesBoards

ALEJANDRO Daniel served as U.S. Ambassador to Chile from September 2010 until retirement in August 2013 and as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-2010). He has more than 33 years of service in the U.S. Department of State, including service in Algeria, Morocco, Chile, Cyprus, the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels, and as Deputy Chief of Mission and Charge d’Affaires in France. From 2014 – 2016, he was Managing Director of Gryphon Partners LLC (a global advisory firm focused on frontier markets).

NATICA VON ALTHANN Independent Director and Consultant Age:New70York, NY Nationality: PPL Corp. (382), TD Bank, Fuel Cell Energy Inc.Boards


Senior Vice President, FedEx Ground Age:Sewickley,53 PA Nationality: Republic ServicesBoards

FOUNDING partner of C&A Advisors, a consulting firm in financial services and risk management. She retired in 2008 as the senior credit risk management executive for Bank of America, and chief credit officer of U.S. Trust, an investment management company. Prior to the B of A position in 2007 after U.S. Trust was acquired by B of A, von Althann served as chief credit officer of U.S. Trust. Prior to joining U.S. Trust in 2003, she served as managing director at IQ Venture Partners. Previously, she spent 26 years at Citigroup. During her time at Citigroup, she held numerous positions in the Citicorp’s U.S. Telecommunications-Technology group, the Retail and Apparel group and market region head for LatAm in the Citigroup private banking group.

ALEJANDRO DANIEL WOLFF Independent Director, Retired Diplomat. Age:Bethesda,64 MD Nationality: Albemarle (723)Boards YZAGUIRRE has experience serving on the Boards of Directors of for-profit and non-profit organizations, including publicly-listed and privately-held companies, and has served as Chairman of Audit & Compliance, Risk and Compensation Committees. Max has over 35 years of leadership experience in domestic and international business, government and law, and expertise in a wide variety of industries and sectors, including electricity, oil and gas, banking, real estate, telecommunications and private equity in vesting. Max has specific executive expertise in starting new businesses in evolving market conditions. He served first as Chairman and CEO of the Forbes Bros. U.S. operation and ultimately as the Executive Chairman of Forbes Bros. Holdings. He also served as the Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas from 2001 to 2002 and was a member of the board of directors of Texas Regional Bancshares, Inc.

M. MAX YZAGUIRRE Independent Director Age:Austin,62 TX Nationality: Altria Group Inc., Aris Water Solu tions, Luther Bubank CorporationBoards

ALFONSO ZULUETA Independent Director Age:North55 Miami Beach, FL Nationality: Syneos Health (586), Amarin Corp., Glooko, CTS CorporationBoards

HE is Special Advisor at Riverside Management Group, a boutique merchant bank. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Principal Investments Group at Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, focusing on media, entertainment and technology companies. Zervi gon was also a Certified Public Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP). He previously served as a director of DigitalGlobe, Inc., a builder and operator of satellites for digital imaging, where he served as a member of the audit and compensation committees. In addition, he has previously served as a board member of MMCinemas, Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc., TVN Entertainment Corporation and Stadium Capital.

ARMANDO retired in 2015 as an EVP of Xerox Corporation, a position he held since 2010. Until 2014, Zagalo de Lima also served as president of Xerox Technology and was responsible for engineering, product development, manufacturing, distribution, managed print services, sales channels and technical services. Until 2012, he served as president of Global Customer Operations, responsible for worldwide sales, service and customer administration activities for Xerox’s document technology, services and solutions. Before, he led Xerox Europe until 2010, serving as COO until to 2004, and then as president to 2010. He first joined Xerox in Portugal in 1983 and held sales, marketing and management positions across Europe.

EDDY ZERVIGON CEO Quantum Exchange Age:Mendham,52 New Jersey Nationality: Maxar Technologies, Bloom EnergyBoards

ARMANDO ZAGALO DE LIMA Independent Director. President Xerox Technology Age:Norwalk,63 CT Nationality: PPL Corp. (382)Boards

HE has been at Yale University since 2002. Zedillo was President of Mexico from 1994 to 2000. He served in the Federal Gov ernment of Mexico as Undersecretary of the Budget; as Secretary of Economic Programming and the Budget and board member of various state-owned enterprises, including PEMEX, Mexico’s national oil company and as Secretary of Education. Earlier, he was with the central bank of Mexico where he served as deputy manager of economic research and deputy director and was the founding General Director of the Trust Fund for the Coverage of Exchange Risks. His administration is regarded as a good one for economic recovery for the mexican economy and opening an age for oposition party presidents of Mexico

HE is the chairman of the Center on Economic and Financial Power, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a senior fellow at West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center. He is the senior national security analyst for NBC News/ MSNBC. Published author of “Treasury’s War” (2013) and “Forging Democracy” (1994). Zarate has served as an independent advisor to Coinbase. For over five years, Zarate sat on the board of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority, and for seven years, he was the U.S. advisor on HSBC’s Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee. He served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for combating terrorism from 2005 to 2009.

JUAN CARLOS ZARATE Global Co-Managing Partner & Chief Strategy Officer, K2 Integrity and Co-Founder & Chair, Consilient Age:Washington,51 DC Nationality: Northwestern Mutual (97), Consili tent, Guardian Space TechnologyBoards

HE retired in 2021, and spent over 30 years at Eli Lilly and Company in various roles of increasing responsibility, including most recently as President, International from 2017 until his retirement. He was a corporate officer and member of Eli Lilly and Company’s executive committee. He previously served as a member of the board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), and US-Japan Business Council. He received his Bachelor of Arts from De La Salle University in the Philippines, and his MBA from Colgate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia.

New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List

ERNESTO ZEDILLO PONCE DE LEÓN President of Mexico from 1994-2000. Director, Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor in the Field of International Economics and Politics, Yale University Age: MexicoConnecticut/69City Nationality: Alcoa (330)Boards


LIST2022THE BOARDSONLATINOS LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 134 NationalitiesTotalSTATSBoardDirectors Average ageWhereAge did they got their education? Universities: Where are they? # of foreing nationals women 28.6%) (109) men 71.4% (271) different nationalities Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Portugal, Spain & USA differentyearsstates countryby OLDEST: 81, Gilbert Vasquez, board: Entravision YOUNGEST: 35, Maria Montserrat Alvarado, board: Knights of Columbus UNIVERISTIES: 115 different universities New names from last year 8380 3959.34548Mexico21 Brazil10 Spain7 Portugal3 Other4 1. Harvard University 2. Stanford University 3. Wharton School of Business 4. Columbia University 5. University of Miami 6. UCLA 7. Georgetown 8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9. University of Texas Austin 10. ITESM States with the most mentions: PennsylvaniaIllinoisTexasFloridaNewCaliforniaYork WRITE AND SHARE #ConnectLL

Words are a window into one’s wit and wisdom, but values and character are underpinned only with action.

Javier Saade, Venture Partner, Fenway Summer

“You get what you celebrate. Our community often ignores m tech leaders and inventors, like those who gave us birth control, stents, and color TV.”

Kim Casiano, Independent Director

Jorge L. Benitez, Retired Chief Executive, North America Accenture

"An employer can pay you for your smarts, time, energy & effort. those are for rent everyday you go to work.  but your values and principles, they are not.  know the difference."

Manuel Perez de la Mesa, Investor & Board Director “Inspirational leaders are genuine, engaging and helpful; they are also great listeners and leverage their talents to have a positive influence on others.”

Gerry Lopez, Executive-In-Residence, SoftBank Investment Advisers, Inc.

Francis Hondal, President Loyalty & Engagement, Mastercard “Teams reach peak performance when the leader demonstrates a commitment to do what’s right and helps bring out the best in each participant. This is what inspired leadership is all about.”

"At your funeral, no one will talk about your resume.” They will talk about your eulogy virtues -- your inner light and Plantcharacter.  theseeds of what will be your eulogy."

Juan Enriquez, Managing Director, Excel Venture Management Just be You! Embrace your unique skills, experience, and style.  Pursue opportunities that harness your strengths and connect with your values and passions!


“Leadership is a quality that is acquired by observing a great leader in action, only then can we be inspired to do likewise and change lives for the better.”

Dr. Elsa A. Murano, Director, Norman E. Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture Professor & President Emerita, Texas A&M University. “No matter the challenge or barriers in life, believe in yourself, never give up… ‘Dare To Be Extraordinary and Dare to Dream’.”  Maritza Montiel, Independent Director “The hardest part of leadership is authenticity.  Bringing your complete, authentic self, with all of your lived experience, to the board room is not always easy, but it is absolutely necessary.”

Michael C. Carmuñez, President & CEO, Monarch Global Strategies LLC “Tone at the top starts with the Board and their behavior, actions, and words an example for all to follow.”

Carlos Palomares, President & CEO, SMC Resources


A diverse Board of Directors brings diversity of thought, approach and understanding, which can help unlock new possibilities and higher degrees of innovation. Different perspectives help define new possibilities.

Cristy Garcia-Thomas, Chief External Affairs Officer, Advocate Aurora Health

José  S. Suquet, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Pan-American Life Insurance Group.

Carlos Mickan, Independent Director “Be authentic. Help others to find greatness within and energize them in the constant pursuit of excellence.”

Michael Garcia, President and Chief Executive Officer, Algoma Steel Inc.

Patty Arvielo, President & Co-Founder, New American Funding

Pilar Cruz, Corporate Senior Vice President and ChiefOfficer,SustainabilityCargill

Leadership is encouraging people to showcase the best version of themselves. A leader is only as successful as those around them.

Nina Vaca, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Pinnacle Group “Leadership is about more than words. Being a leader is about lifting up the next generation and helping them thrive, which is why I believe in the power of mentorship.”

“The most inspirational leaders are focused on you and unlock your unique motivational keys to link individual and team goals.”

David R. Guzman, Chief Executive Officer, DRG, LLC


Tere Canida, Principal & Portfolio Manager, Cito Capital “Always lead by example and create a positive CAN DO culture and platform that is inspirational for your team members.”

Miriam IndependentHernandez-Kakol,Director

“Be passionate about what you do. Be “your best” do “your best”. Do not let your fear of failure hold you back. Remember the people that helped you and help someone to move forward in return.”


Thaddeus Arroyo, AT&T Chief Strategy and Development Officer

“Commitment, integrity and passion are key ingredients for ongoing development and innovation”

“Leadership is about connecting with people at the most human level and inspiring them to act on a vision bigger than themselves.”


How did the opportunity to work for Toyota arise?


RMH: Everyone needs to be more approachable; we all need to get to know each other better. A great place to start would be universities where Latinos are in the majority. They should be encouraged to attend engineering conferences, Week of Engineering, career fairs etc., to offer them insight into the types of jobs within companies like Toyota.


What made you pick your college studies and majors?

Courtesy of Toyota Motor North America

RMH: I was born and raised in Mexico. I was the fourth of six children. My father, a remarkable man, encouraged all my siblings to go to college, which we did. I received a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico, and a Technical Certification in Environmental Engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico. My husband Brad and I have one son, Bradley Jr.

TOYOTA MOTOR NORTH AMERICA | R&D Share some important facts about your background, family origin and education.




What have been constant values and skills you have worked with during your professional career?

What do you think we can do to promote more Latino(a) professionals in corporations like Toyota?

RMH: Responsibility, honesty and professionalism are the primary values I practice every day, along with teamwork, problem-solving, and respect for all.

RMH: My older brother was a big influence on me. He graduated as an Electrical Engineer when I was in high school. I love math and science, and when I told him about my interest in chemical engineering, he supported me, despite the views of his friends who would tell me that the engineering field is for men, not girls. Once I was at the university, my research and co-op assignments helped me recognize the world of opportunities in waste management, so I continued my path to Environmental Engineering.

RMH: Prior to Toyota, I worked for a Tier I Supplier in the auto industry, but I really wanted to pursue a career in an assembly plant. The company was in a difficult transition (bankruptcy), so I decided to look for another job. Toyota was looking for an Environmental Engineer for the start of production at the Mississippi Plant, and I got the job. Can you share facts about your role and position at Toyota? RMH: I am the Environmental Manager, responsible for the compliance of all environmental regulations applicable to our operations at Toyota R&D Sites in North America, including KPI tracking and risk minimization. Another function is team member development. I currently have three team members under my umbrella.


What have been constant values and skills you have worked with during your professional career?

RP: I chose my college studies and majors based on my overall interest in mechanical systems, math, disassembling and reassembling (sometimes) lots of toys, clocks, radios, etc., while growing up. I also enjoyed riding motorcycles and working on cars as a teenager, so I wanted to learn more about how these vehicles were designed and built.

RP: I am the General Manager of Service Parts and Accessory Engineering. I am responsible for design and development of Toyota and Lexus service parts and accessories.


Share some important facts about your background, family origin and education

RP: Toyota did a recruiting event at the college my sister was attending, and she eventually got a job at Toyota. She thought it was a great company, and after a few months, she sent my resume to the HR department so I could apply for a summer internship program. I transitioned to a full-time employee a short time after that.

Can you share facts about your role and position at Toyota?



As for my business degree, after working at Toyota for 15 years in the technical area, I decided to pursue our business operations side, so I obtained an MBA.

RP: I was born in Los Angeles to Mexican parents who migrated to California one year before my birth. I have three older siblings who were born in Mexico, so I am the first of my family to be born in the USA; my two younger siblings were also born in the USA. My family and I lived in Los Angeles for about 30 years until college and marriage situations required us to move to different cities. I now live in Plano, Texas, but the rest of my family still lives in the Los Angeles area within 10 miles of each other. My father was born in Mexico City, where he worked as a baker while growing up. At 21, he came to the USA and joined the U.S. Army during the Korean War (he was never deployed to war). He returned to Mexico City after two years in the army and returned to working as a baker. My mother was born in Monterrey, Mexico where she grew up on a cattle ranch. She attended a local university and graduated with a degree in biology. She was the first female from her town to attend college, so it was a very big accomplishment during the 1950s. She met my father while vacationing in Puerto Vallarta, and they were married shortly after. Five years later, they moved to the USA. I attended grammar school and college in the Los Angeles area. I have a Mechanical Engineering degree from California State University and an MBA from Loyola Marymount University. What made you pick your college studies and majors?

What do you think we can do to promote more Latino(a) professionals in corporations like Toyota?

RP: Working with integrity, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction are the constants I always aspire to. The skills I leverage the most are communication and relationship building. How did the opportunity to work for Toyota arise?

Courtesy of Toyota Motor North America

RP: To promote more Latino professionals within corporations like Toyota, we must be deliberate about our intention to make this a priority. We must have very specific goals and targets, but we must also ensure we are providing appropriate mentoring and guidance to those Latinos that wish to be promoted. It needs to be a partnership between the company and the individual where both sides are equally investing in achieving the goal.

Caldera stresses that for companies to remain relevant in a vexing economic and political climate, directors with a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines are essential to recognize the opportunities and risks around the corner. He stresses, "For richness in solutions, we really need a team with many different types of backgrounds and disciplines."


LOUIS CALDERA has served nearly 20 years on public company boards, contributing to several companies' guidance during challenging times in diverse industries. This experience, complemented by decades of CEOequivalent roles in the profit and nonprofit sectors, is his key to success. Caldera has served in the military, politics, academia, and the Clinton and Obama presidential administrationsthis experience has given the former U.S. secretary of the Army a frontline view of how board focus is evolving. He advises that representing shareholders still counts, but boards also face many other challenges.

Caldera has chaired public company audit and nominating and governance committees in the boardroom and has served on special board committees dealing with sensitive legal, regulatory, and personnel matters.

Bill Sarno Tom Fox, DallasNews Corp. F. Izquierdo Currently serving on the Board of Directors

Caldera advises Latinos who want to serve on a board to be good in their current jobs. This will produce the credentials that boards seek and lead to opportunities. Networking is also an essential factor in advancing onto corporate Boards. Caldera says successful Latinos should "pay it forward" by helping identify and support the executive talent in their rising population, but it remains highly underrepresented. "We need to do a better job of giving Latinos visibility," he emphasizes.

Moreover, directors need to recognize the concerns of younger generations. He expects this crowd to push companies to be on the right side of issues important to them, such as racial equity and climate change. "You need to make sure to have the right skill set," he said, "and this includes having younger people on the board."


"If you are going to do a good job creating diverse communities, you have to have managers who understand those communities," he said. "The more diverse the team is, it is less likely to be blindsided by issues you missed because you don't think that way."

The role of a future-oriented nom/gov committee is especially relevant in developing strategies and management which can address issues such as cybersecurity, international operations, and the pandemic.

According to Caldera, boards need to address the most significant questions: how do rising inflation and the possibility of a recession impact their business, how does COVID impact supply chains, human capital management, and how to find and retain talented employees.

Caldera observed that many boards are shifting toward stakeholder capitalism, which causes sensitivity and attention to Environmental Social and Governance issues, the needs of employees and business partners, and their communities. "Our obligation is to be smart, thoughtful, humanistic, and to hold a high ethical standard," Caldera said. Not long after his tenure as Army secretary in 2001, Caldera, a Texas-born son of Mexican immigrants, made his boardroom debut with the governance team at DallasNews Corporation. He now chairs the board's compensation committee. Caldera also is a board member for Meritage Homes and Granite Construction. He previously was a director for Southwest Airlines Co. and Career Education Corp. Caldera, who holds degrees from West Point and Harvard University, said he has learned a lot serving on public company boards. This includes a keen awareness that personal relationships are essential. "A third of board searches are through search firms, but two-thirds come through networking, relationships with people on a board," he advised.


Networking has been an important factor in Caldera's career trajectory. He also proactively uses his connections to open doors for Latinos, which he sees as beneficial to public companies eager to serve different populations.


Throughout his professional development, he was the first in many cases, including the first Latino to serve as the head of the United States Peace Corps. "It was a great privilege for me to serve and trailblaze at a time when the Peace Corps was working to be more inclusive and diverse as well as expand program opportunities for Peace Corps volunteers.”


The combination of two decisive factors allowed him to build such opportunities; "First, neither of my parents graduated from high school, but they firmly believed that achieving a higher education could break the cycle of pov erty that my family had endured for generations.” Second, I have always believed in the importance of overcoming the fear of the unknown and having the courage to face daunting tasks. I was 32 when I began my service on the board of supervisors, and I was the first person of color elected to the board in the county’s history. It was not without challenges, but I was willing to take that leap of faith and was elected by a trusting constituency." It is no secret that times are changing compared to when Vasquez started serving on boards. The current strategies for board compositions are changing due to the rise of diversi ty as a crucial factor. Gaddi is a firm believer in the richness that different perspectives bring to the conversation. "It's a competitive advantage because you're gaining the insight of GADDI

GADDI VASQUEZ is a seasoned Board Director who hails from a migrant farm working family, which he is proud of. His parents moved to Southern California to pursue other economic opportunities after he was born in Carrizo Springs, Texas. "I spent most of my life in Orange County, where I grew up and graduated from college."

Some of his spearheading experiences are he was the first POC elected to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the first Hispanic-American to serve as the head of the US Peace Corps, and the 8th U.S. Ambassador to the United Na tions Agencies in Rome Italy, and the former Director of The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands. When reminiscing about his board services, he's had the opportunity to work in the public and private sec tor with vast experience. The blend of serving in senior leadership positions in the public and private sector has provided invaluable insight into the important balance between the two sectors and the corresponding challeng es associated with each.”


Luisana Rodríguez Courtesy of Gaddi Vasquez Carlos Cuevas individuals that the company probably didn't have before and is increasingly more import ant as the nation and markets become more diverse." he adds. Change in life is inevitable, and there are always unexpected situations that will shift things around. Following this train of thought, Gaddi reflects on how the pan demic has changed the expectations between employees and companies, In an era of eco nomic instability and periods of uncertainty, boards will have to step back and consider the challenges that will be upon us in the future. There was a time when people worked for a company and stayed for 10 or 20 years. To day, there's considerably more movement in the workplace and employees have different expectations. Change and transformation are inevitable," Gaddi says. Hence, his advice for the new generation of Latinos moving forward into the corpo rate world is to exhibit strong leadership skills, with a high ability to be decisive and ar ticulate their perspective on issues. "Don't be afraid or shy. As you go through life and ca reer, you want to leave a legacy. Even if you're young, use your voice to influence outcomes" He's excited to be living in this time where there's greater diversity in the boardroom, but the duties of corporate board members are pertinent to work with consequences. He affirms, "Our responsibilities continue to evolve." Even today, Gaddi Vasquez strives to maintain a high level of curiosity, where his illustrious expertise shines through. He represents a story of success to look up to, having come from a small town in Texas to establish a distinguished career.

Escritor Trish Minell Luis E. González




“We’re a not-for-profit with 2500 members from different countries, six continents, and 65 chapters. We differ from other organizations since most of our team members are already on a corporate board and likely open for more opportunities.”

WCD focuses on developing vision through the advancement of female corporate directors. Reynolds holds a 25-year career with former senior positions at Toronto Finance International (TFI), Women in Capital Markets (WCM), and Citibank Canada.

versation forward.” Moreover, social issues also affect boards, “we should think in a broader perspective about what’s happening outEducationthere.” is a crucial mission for WCD; they want to push the boundaries of best practices on Corporate Boards. “We have an advocate role; we want to see more diverse and visionary roles faster,” says Reynolds. Even though there have been changes in the diversity of board composition, “it is never quick enough. Discussions on diversity need to be less of a ‘tick the category box mentality’ and move towards a real culture of inclusiv ity.”New generations will have more opportu nities available but building solid and mean ingful careers is essential. Companies will look for talent with a positive impact. “Start with non-for-profit boards. Learn and create an impact on your communities. Let your experience have a voice of its own,” advises Reynolds.Someof the goals of WCD for the future include advancing with impact, continuing to advise on best practices, growing their network, and strengthening board education pillars. Personally, Reynolds will continue to move forward in advancing talent on corpo rate boards, “we need to do more than just hope for changes.”

“WE MUST ENSURE we’re attracting diverse female corporate members, hence why we are actively recruiting WOC and underrep resented professionals looking for board op portunities.”Butbesides gender, what are women’s big gest struggles today when they’re already in the board practice? Reynolds believes that parity is one of them, especially if it boards such few women in their groups. “If women represent half of the population, that’s the number we should be looking forward to in companies.” Nordic countries are far more advanced than the U.S. regarding equality and parental policies. “Whenever you see better la bor policies, that’s where they’re doing better.” For her, inclusivity is crucial. Latino mem bers at WCD are key. They have large chap ters in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and other countries in Latin America. “If you change what’s around the table in terms of backgrounds and experiences in life, you change questions. That allows you to explore things from a broader perspective and benefit from innovative ideas.” When asked about best practices to im prove businesses, she states that cohesion, inclusion, and a culture of solid self-evalua tion in boardrooms are essential, besides the simple good management. “I think asking hard questions is necessary to move the con “IF WE ALL COME FROM THE SAME BACKGROUND, QUESTIONS WON’T BE DIVERSE.”


Another challenge for the boards is understanding that they live in a multi-stakeholder world. They must consider employees, customers, and suppliers as partners in the company's longtermCompanieswell-being.must also consider environmental issues before making decisions, which wasn't common years ago. For example, Corporations now have to analyze environmental rules before building a chemical plant or making other long-term decisions. "We must stop thinking of environmental issues as political matters, as they are business issues. Anyone involved in business knows that climate is changing and managing that climate risk requires action," Luis says. Personally, Luis Ubiñas will continue to passionately work aiding companies. “As time goes, I want to continue to support CEOs leading change. It is of great satisfaction when companies change for the better, deliver shareholder value, create a better community.”


The executive was a senior partner at McKinsey and Company. Later, he was the president of the Ford Foundation, which he led through the 2007 recession. Since then, Luis has been part of multiple boards, including AT&T, Electronic, and Tanger Outlets. He is also an investor and spends his time on nonprofit activities.

Luana Ferreira Courtesy of Luis Ubiñas F. Izquierdo

CURRENTLY, LATINOS represent 17.3% of the workforce in the United States, and the number will rise to 30% by 2060, according to research released by McKinsey & Company. However, the presence of Latinos in the leading positions is still scarce. They represent 4% of board seats, and only 20 Latino CEOs are among the Fortune 500 companies.  Luis Ubiñas, chairman of Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation and board member of several organizations, believes the world is undergoing an intense transformation. According to the executive and investor, companies looking for a workforce in the coming years will end up hiring Latinos even if they are not focusing on diversity. "It's hard to imagine an economy driven by Latino and Latina growth, but leadership at the board level and in the C-suite remaining far less than 5% Latino and Latina. That gap - between the face of leadership and the face of the economy to come - is a vast strategic issue for corporations," says Luis. According to the executive, having more Latinos in the business isn't a "cultural imperative, it is a business imperative." Luis highlights that corporations need to understand that it's in their best interest to have more representation of Latinos on their boards and in their C-suite positions. Ubiñas reflects, "how will companies address the large percentage of the economy that Latinos will drive if they are absent in decision-making processes?"

In the last decades, Luis has been closely following the corporate world changes and analyzing the new issues they face. He explains that supply chain decisions can no longer be made based on cost, there has to be a return to a layered analysis of the risk associated with lowest cost suppliers. "We need to make supply chain decisions based on the likelihood of those economics being available on a sustained basis -over decades. The lost art of country risk analysis is now back as an everyday discussion for companies," adds Luis.

Corporations aiming to have more Latinos on leading positions and boards won't struggle to find capable people. "There is no shortage of Latino and Latina board candidates across this country. I've seen the lists myself. These are people who have led organizations and driven change," adds Luis. Luis Ubiñas was the first member of a Puerto Rican family born in the United States. As part of an immigrant group, he knows that those groups face many challenges. “The question isn't whether we face challenges. The question is how do we work to overcome them, as have those many immigrants who've come before us."

"I spend my time doing the range of things I did across my career, but now I get to do them all at once," he says.



One of the main challenges faced by the Private Directors Association is the lack of information among business owners on how a corporate board can add value to the company. According to Larry, there have been large organizations addressing the needs of big or public corporate boards, but the Private Directors Association is focused on middle and lower market companies, which are often overlooked. "So, we're filling a space that hasn't been provided for in the Diversitypast."isalso crucial on a board as it benefits the company in different areas. "Part of our mission is to educate the owners, and having a diversified board adds value to what they're doing. It is important to have people with different backgrounds and ways of thinking about things. Those were not high priorities maybe five or ten years ago." The changes don't happen overnight, as the board terms can take up to three years. Still, it is undeniable that companies are investing more in diversity, and the topic is widely discussed. "It's definitely changing the appearance and the dynamics in the boardroom," says Larry.


In the United States, middle-market companies are responsible for employing 48 million people and also represent 33% of the country's GDP, according to Investopedia. Yet, many companies are still struggling to create efficient and diverse boards that help them grow; Private Directors Association is aiming at that market.

According to Larry, low and middle-market companies that aim to professionalize their boards should start with a well-defined board matrix and try to fill the gaps. He explains that knowing where the gaps are can help strengthen the board, positively impacting the company's management.

Another change highlighted by Larry is that it is becoming more common to see C-level executives sitting on outside boards other than their own company. The experience can benefit everyone involved, and Larry believes it might become a more standard practice in the future. Seeing how other companies deal with things can be a valuable experience and represents a constant educational process.

A board with the right people can help companies increase their value and face the challenges in a world where things change in a heartbeat. Companies seem to be more aware of it after the pandemic. "I think this is a great time for companies to sort that out. Companies are focusing on finding diverse talent to help with the evolution and needs of the different stakeholders."

As for King himself, he will continue to pursue his passion for helping companies thrive. "I am a learner, always looking for diverse challenges. I want to continue adding value to companies and seeing more generations succeed."

FOR MANY YEARS, King worked as a public accountant focused on clients in the middle market. After taking early retirement from public accounting in 2015, he decided to pursue his passion for helping these companies grow. He was determined to help "middle market and lower middle market companies grow, but from a different angle, basically serving as a board or advisory board role. I love working with entrepreneurs. It's just a vibrant space to be in," he says. A board of directors or advisory board can be a game changer for a company aiming to grow in a world that becomes more complex daily. They are responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction, and also mitigating risks. Larry has served as a board director or advisory board member for public and private l companies, and currently serves on several advisory boards including Amegy Bank Dallas and Kwivik Therapeutics. In 2019, Larry became a part of the Private Directors Association. This non-for-profit aims to improve private companies' growth and sustainability through governance that adds value. "It started as a local organization in Chicago, and now they've grown to 23 chapters and about 3,000 members nationally. It's grown very rapidly because there's a huge gap in the market," he explains. He currently serves as Programs Committee Chair and Sponsorship Committee Co-Chair for the Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter of PDA.


Luana Ferreira Kloo Headshots F. Izquierdo

As a director, Garza adds value by hav ing a perceptive understanding on many issues, some of which naturally will be outside his expertise. "And the only way to do that is to have the ability to ask the questions that need to be asked, listen to the responses and thoughts of your fel low directors," he said. "You've also got to understand your environment, ana lyze risk, mitigate those risks, and then respond."

The story of Tony Garza Bill Sarno Courtesy of MoneyGram Luis E. González

After serving over six years as U.S. ambassador to Mexico under President George W. Bush, Antonio Garza faced a career change in 2009. He hoped it might allow him to stay in the country of his grandparents.

T he Ambassador grew up in Brownsville, Texas, where his grandparents had im migrated from Mexico. His father pumped gas a block from the international bridge. Humble beginnings but solid values are the foundation of his upbringing. In the Garza household, education was paramount and driven home by his mother, who died when he was young. "I heard so many times as a child, 'porque la educación nadie te la quita’ (transla tion, no one can take education away from you)," he recalled. The Texas native achieved this objective and developed a significant profile in the corporate world.

The former political trailblazer is now counsel in the Mexico City office of White & Case LLP, a leading global law firm, and is a member of several corpo rate boards. Garza has found that being a good director in a time of increased economic, social, and political challeng es means being able to offer sound judg ment on a wide range of issues.



The essence of effective board service, Garza suggests, is found in the writing of Israeli intellectual Yuval Noah Hara ri. In "21 Lessons for the 21st Century," the historian states that what is essential for success in the 21st Century is the ability to think critically, communicate effectively, collaborate constructively, and be resilient and creative. As his ambassadorial term conclud ed, the Texan discussed his preference to remain in Mexico with friends and valued mentors. "One of them said I should consider a law firm. So instead of having one client, the U.S., I'd have the opportunity to represent multiple U.S. companies in Mexico," Garza said. "And that kind of made sense to me." At White & Case LLP, the South Texas native focuses on his clients and the various boardrooms where he now sits. "I take my duty to clients and share holders seriously," Garza said. Garza is a director of Kansas City Southern (a rail-based transportation company), chairman of its subsidiary Kansas City Southern de Mexico; MoneyGram; The Greenbrier Companies, and Americas Technology Acquisition Corp. Tony said board members face issues such as the pandemic, civil rights, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These situations have created challenges that encompass everything from trade and regulatory policy to supply chains, in flation and on economic downturn. For future generations to have more opportunity to serve on corporate boards, Garza said the focus should be on a combination of what he calls the GARZA EXPRESSED THE CRUCIAL NEED FOR A MORE SIGNIFICANT COMMITMENT FROM CORPORATE BOARDS TO DIVERSITY AND TO EXPANDING THEIR PERCEPTION OF WHAT MAKES A GOOD CANDIDATE.

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'Big Three': awareness, advocacy, and accountability.Anotherchallenge Garza addressed is the disproportionately low representation of Latinos in their ranks. "Now, I'm not saying there is no progress, but it's been slow," he said. Garza expressed the crucial need for a more significant commitment from corporate boards to diversity and to expanding their percep tion of what makes a good candidate. Tony will continue to advocate for diversity in the board room and hopes to see real and rapid changes in Board composition for the next generations.


3. What have been some of the challenges you have faced as a female Latina advancing in corporate America?

1. How did your journey as a Board Trustee/ Director begin?

For most company boards, the role of the director is to represent the share holders/owners. The growth agenda is a key priority. Board directors provide input and guidance on business strate gy and ensure effective execution. They must ensure that the right leaders are in place to execute it. The board is also increasingly focused on evolving priorities, such as ESG and cy bersecurity efforts, providing input and oversight as appropriate.

01 Each board has a diverse slate of experienced, talented, and knowledgeable directors. AND

LRB: I am grateful to have been a part of great companies that valued diverse I’mthinking.alsoproud of the boards on which I serve. They are committed to diversity and recruit diverse directors to their boards.

I joined my first private company board 12 years ago. A board member from my former company invited me to join the board of his family-owned company, Culver’s Franchising Systems. A few years later, an executive search firm contacted me when I was CMO and CCO of Cigna. I joined my first public company board, Teradata (TDC). As you might expect, it was a very different board experience from a private compa ny Whenboard.I retired as an executive three years ago, a former colleague contact ed me for a seat at Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (SIGI). I joined the board in 2020. Through my Women Corporate Directors (WCD) network, I was intro duced to and joined Douglas Dynamics (PLOW) board in 2020. It has been rewarding and an honor to serve on the boards of these great com panies, acting in the best interests of shareholders and other key stakeholders.


5. What would be your advice for the next generations of Latinos wanting to advance onto corporate seats? LRB: Get board ready. Reach out to your network, share your board aspirations, and ask for guidance and support. Be clear about the type of board you are interested in and ask for consideration in an opportunity they think would be a good fit for you. It may also be helpful to participate in or ganizations and programs where you can learn more about the role of a board direc tor programs. Some of these are the Na tional Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), and 50/50 Women on Boards. Each provides excellent learn ing and networking opportunities. They also have local chapters that might allow you to engage more actively. **


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2. How different/challenging is the role of a Corporate Director, as opposed to a C-suite executive? LRB: The roles are quite different, but you draw upon the experiences of both to support the other position. Board ser vice has allowed me the privilege of con tributing based on my experiences as an executive and learning from my fellow board directors. Each board has a diverse slate of expe rienced, talented, and knowledgeable directors. I feel privileged to be in their company.Asac-level executive, serving on boards helped me when I interacted with our board. I became more aware of what the board needed from my interactions as an executive with them. It helped me fo cus on being effective and efficient with those interactions. The role of a board director carries a huge responsibility, as you represent the com pany’s shareholders/owners. So, I don’t take lightly the need to come prepared and actively engage in the meetings.


4. In your opinion, which should be the top priorities for a corporate Trustee/Direc tor to maximize efficiency and support the LRB:Board/Company?

LRB: I started my board journey on a non-profit board. I learned much about the governance process and the role of a director. I also learned from engaging with other board members who were ex ecutives from different industries.

At Selective Insurance, for example, the most recent board director placements in cluded two African American leaders and a Hispanic female. The board is 35% diverse, and both the board and the CEO, who is the chairperson of the board, are com mitted to advancing our diversity efforts. Clearly, the board and the senior leaders understand —and value— diverse per spectives on the board and in the company. And it’s a testament to diversity to hear the words, “hmm, I hadn’t thought about it that way,” during board discussions.

Cristy began her career as a Journalism major but has moved in a different direction, achieving well-rounded professional expertise and perspective. Currently, she serves as Chief External Affairs Officer for Advocate Aurora Health. Cristy is responsible for the overall patient, team member and community partner experience. She oversees DE&I, interpreter services, community clinical relations, charitable giving and community health programs & services. Her journey as Board Director began in 2018 when Delta Dental of Wisconsin recruited her for a board seat. Then two years ago, she joined the Board of Directors of WEC Energy Group. As a board member and C-suite executive, Cristy knows the importance of balancing work and board responsibilities. She works hard to prioritize her day job while simultaneously remaining committed to her board work. “It’s all about accountability, balance and planning. You need to make sure you carve out time on your calendar to prepare. This creates the space and place to hone in on strategy and truly understand how your decisions impact those you are accountable to like shareholders,” Cristy highlights. Being a Latina advancing in the corporate environment has not always been easy. As she rose through ranks, oftentimes she was the youngest or only woman of color in the room. Instead of letting this deter her, Cristy used her life experience as her strength and remained confident in her leadership abilities. “I was sure of how far I could go. It would have been easy to doubt myself. Ultimately, I knew that my perspective was something that needed to be heard and could create a new company landscape,” says Garcia-Thomas. She says this was also fueled by surrounding herself with the right people. “I am grateful for good leaders who empowered me, allowing me to grow professionally.”

CRISTY is a second-generation born American of Mexican descent. She highly praises the value of education, as it has deeply influenced her actions and decisions throughout life. She is a first-generation college graduate who has seen how having adequate education will undoubtedly open more and better professional opportunities.

Cristy wants to change that. “I want to open doors and give back some of the support I’ve had in my life that others do not have. There are not enough Hispanics advancing on the corporate pipeline.”


Andrea Pina Powell Photography & Creative Services F. Izquierdo






Cristy has continued her path into her current position at Advocate Aurora Health and positions on corporates board. She earned these roles from her proven leadership abilities, emotional intelligence and resilience. Additionally, she brings a solid foundation in understanding talent management, ESG and strong financial acumen through innovation, market growth and consumer loyalty while ensuring the financial success of the company. Beyond all of this though, Cristy says everything is rooted in being herself. “No matter the role, it’s truly about being genuine and creating an environment where others can be themselves. This creates a space where all the voices at the table are heard leading to a strong corporate culture. In the end, this is critical for a company’s success,” she highlights. Another key commitment for Cristy is to give back to the Hispanic community. Most Hispanic communities are underseen and underserved.

The future will still bring many accomplishments for Garcia-Thomas. She wants to continue working on closing the equity gap, helping communities to eliminate the barriers – empowering them to live better lives and have better opportunities. “There are places where your well-being depends on your birth zip code. This defines the quality of education, healthcare and the probabilities of success you will have, and it is not right,” she emphasizes. She also wants to expand her influence in the corporate environment, serving on different boards. “I want to positively impact strategies, allowing companies to flourish and grow with responsibility.”

Connelly also finds the director role has evolved for the better; now, being one is di rectly translated to being engaged, prepared, and knowledgeable with a balance of over seeing and supporting. Board Committees also play a significant role in the company's advancement, ensuring that its strategy is log ical, reliable, and correct. According to her, corporate boards in crease accountability and bring fresh ideas that push companies to think about struggles they might not be facing today but that they'll be meeting in the future. "Boards will have distinctive types of talent and capabilities such as cybersecurity, AI, and financial abil ities. They'll become stronger in the future with new voices in hand." This leads us into one of the great conver sations surrounding corporate boards today, diversity. "Today, we have different voices in the room, which we really need. Most of us are bet ter than just one of us. When you have a team from various backgrounds attacking a problem, the final product will be much more effective."

However, not all diverse groups are ad vancing at the same pace. "I don't see as many Latinos yet, but I know it's just a matter of time. There's a significant number of great executives out there," says Connelly. She feels satisfied with her work as she reflects on it today. Deirdre Connelly has an admirable vocation for what she does. After all her adventures, she still has a long way to go and new things to continue learning.



AND AS A LATINA growing in corporate America, chal lenges were inevitable. "When I was raised, they would tell us that the polite thing to do was to let others speak and listen. I had to change that when I came into corporate America. I learned how to speak up and make my point." With time she overcame obstacles and now stands among leaders. A robust background stands with 30 years of experience; Deirdre is the Chairman of the Board of GENMAB, an interna tional biotech company, and is a Director of both Macy's Corpo ration, one of the nation's largest retailers, and Lincoln Financial Group, an insurance company with over 9,000 employees. "I've been lucky to have boards in different industries, al lowing me to continue learning." Connelly reminisces about her beginnings on corporate boards in 2007, the year she was among the Fifty Most Powerful Women Deirdre Conelly is a one-of-a-kind businesswoman. Due to her extensive experience, her expertiseranges from business management and strategicplanning to talent development, marketing, andcorporate culture transformation. She was bornand raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and has worked her way through the corporate world.

Luisana Rodríguez Courtesy of Deirdre Connelly Carlos Cuevas in Business according to Fortune Magazine, the title she replicated eight times. "Several compa nies recruited me towards the end of 2007. But I chose Macy's because it was an iconic brand, something that's part of all our lives. My mother had told me stories about her visiting the store in NYC, so I thought, 'Why not?'" Other significant awards she received were the Key to the City of San Juan, Puerto Rico, back in 2006, the title of Woman of The Year by the Pharma Business Association in 20082009, and a feature in The New York Times' column "The Boss" in 2013. But corporate boards were not always Deirdre's obvious choice, "when I was young, and people spoke about boards, the image was one that I wasn't attracted to at the be ginning. Then I started having different posi tions and working more closely with Boards, so I changed my perspective and understood their value -especially the richness of having other opinions to guide a business better."

In your opinion, which should be the top priorities for a corporate Trustee/Director to maximize efficiency and support the GD:Board/Company?




GD: Over 25 years, I had the great fortune and pleasure of working as an executive with some of America’s biggest and finest companies: P&G, Coca-Cola, and The Walt Disney Company, among others. I was lucky to work with exceptional executives who believed in me and mentored me along the way. I do know of many people who were not as lucky. While I was able to ascend to the senior executive ranks, it did not come easy. I always felt that I needed to work twice as hard and deliver outsized results to prove my worth.

Board diversity goes well beyond race, gender, and identity. Boards today are looking to add “subject matter experts” who extend well beyond traditional Board roles. I believe, in my case, I have been able to contribute to areas of broad marketing, including how to better connect authentically with Multicultural and diverse segments as well as help define brand purpose. Prioritizing culture in our communications is key to helping drive sales lifts. Issues of human capital, workforce and systems transformation as well as keeping pace with an ever-changing landscape are also being prioritized in corporate Boards. We’re inching forward, but there is a lot of work ahead.


there” both internally and externally by

In your opinion, how are companies benefited from having a diverse board?

How different/challenging is the role of a Corporate Director, as opposed to a C-suite executive?

GD: I would first start by indicating the similarity. Both groups (Directors and C-suite) drive toward a common goal – to work hard as a team to grow the business and increase shareholder value. Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders by ensuring it institutes and executes proper governance of the company. It is the management’s responsibility to “manage the business.” It is both an exciting and challenging time to serve on the Board of publicly traded companies. The pandemic, fast-paced technological changes and unstable economic times have forced Boards to rethink their go-to-market strategies and seek out different kinds of expertise.



GD: It does not take long for a Board to reap the benefits of becoming more diverse. Boards are being refreshed with new and often diverse Directors who are adding new skills and perspectives like never before. Diversity often elevates thinking, creativity, problem solution and business results. Diversity also shows you care for all your constituencies, which is another dimension I admire about Cracker Barrel. Cracker Barrel’s focus on care is infused in everything it does, as we work to represent the communities in which we do business, including through our talent partnerships, employee development, recruiting and training, internal communications and how we treat each other daily.


GD: Becoming a Board member for a publicly traded company became part of my 25-year plan when I started my professional career with P&G back in the mid-80s. Back then, I used to sift through countless annual reports and developed a great admiration for Board members largely because of their professional accomplishments as well as their significant responsibility and accountability to work with management to help drive shareholder value. Not seeing anyone who looked like me back then doubled my resolve to attain that goal and hopefully serve as an inspiration for other Latinos to believe they could also be elected to serve. To gain experience, I served on profit and non-profit Boards, but I am particularly proud of having been elected to serve on the Cracker Barrel Board. Cracker Barrel is a favorite brand that has been “pleasing people” for over 50 years and employs over 70,000. I am honored to serve for such a company.

What would be your advice for the next generations of Latinos wanting to advance onto corporate seats? GD: I take pride in coaching and mentoring a new generation of Latinos in their efforts to rise in corporate ranks. While I am optimistic to see a growing number of Latinos getting ready to earn well-deserved promotions to the most senior levels and be considered to join Boards, we are still a long road away from reaching a more equitable marketplace. Work hard throughout your career develop track record yourself a out building a strong network of allies Unabashedly, seek out coaching and mentoring Write a long-term plan of how you intend to achieve goals and monitor over time smaller Boards (both non-profits and for-profits) and move your way up. Consulting F. Izquierdo


a consistent

DIRECTOR CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STORE, INC. How did your journey as a Board Trustee/ Director begin?

of superior results • Consider



What have been some of the challenges you have faced while advancing in corporate America?

WITH 26 YEARS of experience in distinguished companies like Walmart and Sam's Club, Gisel Ruiz is a global chief executive, board director, strategic advisor, and speaker. She is an Independent Board Director for brands including Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., serving her passion of contributing significantly to a company while enjoying the success she and her husband have realized over the past two decades. As the first in her family to go to college, her parents taught her that the only challenges they would face were those she allowed to affect her. She was taught to believe that there is nothing she cannot do as long as she works hard. “I realized and appreciated that I was the first woman and Latina in many of my roles. I never viewed it as a disadvantage. I was confident I would provide a unique and fresh perspective in the roles I held because I’m Latina. In my mind, that would always be an advantage." Her parents' values of integrity, tenacity, and perseverance are why she can follow her dreams. According to her, "my father never went to school, and my mother has no further education than middle school. Nonetheless, they both were brilliant, ambitious, hard-working people who each opened up a small business in California.”  As time passed and her exposure grew, Gisel began her journey as a board director. She reminisced about her first exposure when she was an executive at Walmart: “In my roles occasionally I presented in front of the Board. Each presentation was like a coaching session from a group of world class executives and directors who guided me through their engagement in and outside of the board room." As part of her development, Walmart offered her the opportunity to serve on three different boards inside the company, "I was fine-tuning my own strategic thought process while I was providing value." Her best advice to a future board director is to provide questions and insights that help management's think through key strategic decisions. The interactions with management and board colleagues continually builds your base of knowledge beyond your previous experience, Ruiz adds. “Besides your fiduciary duties and board responsibilities, you are contributing to the team's development." When reflecting on what should be the top priority for a corporate director to maximize their efficiency, Gisel states that it’s been challenging after the pandemic's impact on the economy. “Priorities have intensified - global challenges, investor pressures, the uncertainty of uncertain times, plus a stakeholders set that is continually expanding have all added a level of complexity to how boards balance time and resources." Consequently, discussing the benefits of having a diverse board is essential. Ruiz points out the many reports and studies on the performance level of companies with diverse boards, such as Cracker Barrel Old Country Store where she became a director in 2020, versus those who don't have diversity in their team. Ruiz says, "Whether at board-level or management level, diversity is not something corporations should ignore." Gisel likes to emphasize that the richness of diversity does not only come from ethnicity, but it is a mix of all human experiences throughout their life. Gisel is proud to be part of a generation of trailblazers breaking down barriers for gender and ethnicity and paying it forward is part of her mission. Ruiz advises taking risks in one's profession and doing jobs that push outside the comfort zone. "Risks and new experiences are going to broaden your skill set and perspective. No matter the outcome, it’s one step closer to success because you’ve learned something new. Be resilient, persevere," urges Gisel. Gisel Ruiz has been on this unique career path. She represents Hispanic grit and determination in the U.S. and can now reap the rewards of the seed her parents planted years ago.

Luisana Rodríguez Courtesy of Gisel Ruiz F. Izquierdo







During his career, Carrillo never felt being a Latino was a disadvantage and claims there are many opportunities for those willing to work hard. "I did not even think about it. People often ask, 'How do you feel in a room full of white people?' I feel anything. I'm just another person." "I have a lot of respect for Trinity. They really pulled me out an operations job in Mexico, brought me here, and allowed me to run businesses in the US and eventually put me on the board," says Carrillo. He is also thrilled with the future of Arcosa, as they recently have made 16 acquisitions. "We're transforming it dramatically from a fabricator to a mining company, so the years ahead of us will be of transformation and growth. I'm very excited about our team and prospects," he Corporationsexplains. are rapidly changing, but Carrillo believes that the formula for success remains the same. "You have to work harder than anyone else and be willing to sacrifice some things. People have to know that life is not perfect. There's a series of sacrifices you have to do in your life to be able to continue to succeed."

Luana Ferreira Courtesy of Antonio Carrillo F. Izquierdo

Carrillo highlights that people can miss opportunities working remotely fulltime, as the in-person work helps build trust and relationships. The Mexicanborn executive started his career 25 years ago, and creating those connections at work allowed him to stand out.

He worked 17 years at Trinity Industries in Dallas, Texas, and later became the CEO of one of the largest companies in Mexico. As Trinity needed to strengthen their presence in Mexico, they'd invited Carrillo to be part of its board of directors, and later, he also joined the board of Dr. Pepper. "What they needed at that time was someone with deep knowledge of the Mexican market, as they have a lot of operations there. And I think that also led me to that board." Carillo is currently part of the board of directors at NRG Energy, and he highlights the roles of a CEO and a board member are very different. "You're not there to operate, as it's an oversight function. You have to give your opinion and be as forthcoming as possible, but always know your position is not as a management team," he adds.

THE WORLD IS CHANGING, but the key to success is still the same Antonio Carrillo, CEO of Arcosa, shares his thoughts on being a Board Director. IN THE LAST YEARS, ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) have been at the front and center of discussions in different industries. Antonio Carrillo, CEO at Arcosa and Independent Director at NRG Energy, has been following the topics closely and affirms they aren't only corporate trends. According to Carrillo, there is a high demand for diversity on boards, and companies can benefit from that. The focus is on hiring highly qualified people who bring variety to the boards. "If you don't have diversity, you only get one side of the coin. You only get one view of the world, and the world is not black and white. The more diversity you have, the more shades of gray you will see, and the management team can make better decisions with a broader perspective," he says. ESG is another challenge for companies. It used to be that companies were only focused on meeting regulations. Today, companies need to strive to meet the expectations of many stakeholders, employees, shareholders, customers, communities, etc. So, it is extremely important that companies develop cultures that support social and environmental issues. The post-pandemic world introduced new changes, as workers are demanding more flexibility. Although remote work became a reality for many people, Carrillo believes each industry is different. "You have to balance the realities of the companies. If you work in a company where everything is remote, I think you're fine. But if you work at a company like ours where most of the work is done daily in a plant, you must be present and respect the people who show up every day at the plants,” claims Carrillo.

Interview with SANDRA CAMPOS



To Sandra, it all relies on her inner strength and sense of accomplishment. "Of course, I have experienced bias in the workplace, but I’ve been committed to my own potential and have stayed focused on my goals. If I weren't as driven and unable to let things roll off my shoulders, I probably would have been much more impacted throughout my career," she said.

Sandra also has entrepreneurial plans and will continue to build on her already robust skillset. "Half of me feels like I am just beginning," she added.

Bill Sarno Courtesy of Sandra Campos F. Izquierdo

For the future, Campos said, "I know my strengths in building global businesses and am continuing to look at board opportunities, and if an operator role becomes available that is innovative and exciting to me then I will certainly consider that” she said.

When asked about the challenges she faced, Campos is nonchalant about any hurdles she encountered due to her gender and race. "I look at things as a glass half full. The opportunities I have had -experiences, good or bad, have always given me more skills and knowledge that I have used to improve myself and truly understand my value to any organization.”

ACCORDING TO Sandra Campos, those aspiring to join a corporate board of directors must be keenly aware of their value to the board room. This tenet, along with a solid entrepreneurial sense and passion for continuous learning, has been a hallmark of Campos's career in the fashion and retail industry. She has served as a top-level operator and brand builder for fashion and retail industry icons such as Ralph Lauren and Donna Karan. She also created entertainer Selena Gomez's first lifestyle brand and was chief executive officer for fashion company DVF: Diane von Furstenberg. In May 2021, Campos, -a Californian-born, daughter of Mexican immigrants-joined the board of directors of Big Lots Stores. "I am passionate about the store and the customers they serve. Even before joining the board, I would shop at their store on weekends, so it is an honor to serve the company," she said. Sandra's work ethic is remarkable and rooted in her personal history. As a teenager, Campos would work with her siblings at their father's tortilla factory in Grand Prairie, Texas. "We all hated it at the time," she said, "but I realized later that this work impacted my view from an entrepreneurial standpoint, work ethic, and logistics." Strength and self-worth were also values she learned and later displayed.


Wanting to help the next generation of Latina business leaders, Campos is active with the Latino Corporate Directors Association and advises startup founders in tech and consumer. She also recently launched Fashion Launchpad, a digital education platform to help women and people of color advance professionally by learning digital and next generation skills. Her advice to potential board candidates is to focus on building a network of mentors who believe in your potential, continuing to learn while staying on top of the latest business trends, and confidently knowing your value card. Moreover, she stresses building a personal brand, which starts "with how you present yourself and position yourself where people can find you, especially on social media.”



GL: I have served on the Nom/Gov committee at Honeywell for almost 10 years. It is an extremely important commit tee for the Board. In addition to overseeing numerous Governance items, the Nom/Gov committee is also re sponsible for seeking out new Board members, and doing the initial vetting. We were fortunate to have a Nom/Gov committee chair at Honeywell that was progressive, strate gic and proactive.


1. How did your journey as a Board Trustee/ Director begin?

GL: An inclusive and diverse board is essential. First, employ ees will look at a company’s board and compare that to what the company is saying about diversity to see if there is a conflict. Second, having diverse perspectives on a board is an important part of maintaining our duties to sharehold ers and other stakeholders. Lastly, with the rise of the focus on ESG, investors are increasingly demanding that a com pany’s Board be diverse.

5. What trends do you see for the future of board practice?

4. What do you think is the relevance of having an Inclusive/Di verse Board?

3. What have been some of the challenges you have faced as a female Latina advancing in corporate America?

Courtesy of Grace Lieblein Carlos Cuevas


Grace is a retired Global Operating and ManagementExecutive. She serves as a board member of industry-leadingNYSE companies and is knownfor her wide-ranging leadershipand operational experience gainedthrough broad executive positions. WITH GRACE

GL: Because of who I am, and how I was raised, I sometimes see things differently from my colleagues. There is always a balance between fitting into a culture and maintaining your uniqueness. This isn’t always easy. Sometimes you need to stand firm on a position that is different from oth ers. In the end, I believe that my qualities as a Latina have helped me to be successful.

2. Please share your thoughts on the role and relevance of the Nomi nating-Governance Committees at the Board of Directors?


GL: There are several trends on the horizon. First, under standing ESG is increasingly becoming an area that is es sential, and not discretionary. Second, the whole discus sion of risk and how boards and companies plan for risk is also critical. Lastly, the practice of outreach with investors is becoming more important and expected.

GL: We were living in Mexico City at the time, and became friends with our neighbors. They suggested that I look into joining a Board, because of my background and experienc es. I enrolled in the Women in Governance course at the Kellogg School at Northwestern University to learn more about Board Governance. Shortly after, I was contacted by a recruiter about a Board opportunity at Honeywell, where I was later selected.

ER: One must remember, though, that these are limited op portunities because of the finite number of public compa nies. And because they are limited, they are competitive, so you need to bear in mind that what you bring to the board table engenders the chance to be recruited to serve. To accomplish this, you need to blaze your trail of success in particular industries and disciplines within the sectors. There is no substitute for hard work and accomplishment. To get to the top, you must be willing to work to climb to get there. Being a Latino is an added plus for cultural rich ness. Still, in the end, your intellectual and business acumen determines the value base of what you offer.

5. How are D&I strategies changing board composition? What are the benefits?

2. What are the main characteristics of a successful leader, and which leader ship values are essential in shaping a company's future growth?

ER: D&I presents an opportunity to attract and develop non-majority individuals with the talent base required to be effective directors. However, this process should reflect the Board's talent needs and qualities. Not imposed on a di rected basis as has been done in Europe by regulatory fiat or in California through legislation. The directed model runs the real risk of demeaning the talent and qualifications of the “diverse” individual and fails to recognize the basis by which a corporation seeks and engages Director talent.


ER: The c-suite Executive's responsibility is the company's management under the Board's strategic direction. They must ensure the business's objectives are met and challenges are addressed. They should work with the Board to maneuver through the risks and develop opportunities for creating more significant value for the business. The Board focuses on the long-term value of the business and the preserva tion and growth of the different stakeholders. As a Board member, you usually utilize your experience to render wisdom, knowledge, judgment, and direction to the C-suite management. As well as create the strategy that will enhance the business and its profitable operation.

ER: An effective leader is a strong listener and presenter of concepts and ideas, tethered in the reality and financial basis of the business to lead the employees and talent to the best outcome for the company, investors, and stakeholders. Developing a strategy based on market conditions and op portunities, which are ethical and practical, is critical to a business's longterm success. An effective leader seeks to work through the team they have assembled, providing the opportunity for individual talent use and growth that benefits both the individual and the organization. Must also be suffi ciently introspective yet confident to convey assurance and steadfastness in the face of crisis and during periods of success -enhancing both confi dence and support in the leader's direction and efforts. An effective leader sets the example and lives the standard, "walks the Talk."

1. What are the main differences between serving as a c-suite executive and serving as a Board Director of a Corporation?

ER: The top priorities pertain to assuring that the business is managed to pro EDUARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, STRATEGIC CONSULTINGCOMMUNICATIONGROUP

Strategic Communication Consulting Group Carlos Cuevas

4. In your opinion, which should be the top priorities for a corporate Trustee/ Director to maximize efficiency and support the Board/Company?

3. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced while advancing in corporate ER:America? At times, it was overcoming the idea that my success was achieved by a 'short-cut'. Or, Focusing on my ethnicity instead of my skill, knowledge, and abilities as a person independent of my race. Another challenge was the per ception that my advancement occurred due to affirmative action policies or preferences instead of the reality -that I was the best for the position because of what I brought, including professional skills and leadership capabilities.

6. What would be your advice for the next generation of Lati nos wanting to advance onto corporate seats?

mote a profitable return to the investor through an effective business strategy couched in market opportunity and man agement of the risks. Also, support and respect the human talent required to succeed and balance that recognition with the requirement that everyone is rowing in the same direction. The most effective way to ensure a successful op eration is to combine the talent, wisdom, and capabilities of board members who work collegially and collaboratively.


In conversations with board members, she has found that board effectiveness is overwhelmingly benefitted from improved board diversity.

AS MORE CORPORATIONS recognize the value of bringing more Latinos and members of other underrepresented groups into their board room, the selection of directors is becoming a dynamic process that emphasizes more than checking off the right boxes or even meeting quota"Thererules.has to be an understanding that promoting diversity only for the sake of being able to disclose you have board diversity isn't going to have the same impact," said Kaley Childs Karaffa, Head of Board Advisory in the Americas at Nasdaq where she advises boards on corporate governance matters. To be effective, implementing diversity should be coupled with developing an inclusive culture and environment, said Karaffa. In advocating for board diversity, Karaffa stresses that director and executive management must understand that having people with different backgrounds and skill sets in the boardroom can prevent risks and bolster more significant innovation. These are the foundational elements of sustainable, durable, and high-potential organizations, said Karaffa, who joined Nasdaq in 2019 to help develop their Board Advisory and Compliance Solutions services. Karaffa also has a legal background; she graduated from the Pace University School of Law and worked as a practicing attorney in New York and subsequently served as general counsel of a manufacturing corporation. At Nasdaq, she became part of an organization that has made championing inclusive growth and prosperity its corporate purpose. Beyond serving as an exchange, Nasdaq supports thousands of public and private corporations worldwide with corporate governance services to help them function effectively and have the right technology and insight to drive growth and prosperity, Karaffa said. In recent years, factors such as the pandemic technology advancements, and complex business and geopolitical environments have put pressure on how boards oversee their corporations and interact with the management team. "With those demands, we have started to see some improvement in the quality of personal characteristics that are represented because it enables boards to better understand these issues and their impact on the corporation," said Karaffa. Last year, Nasdaq implemented a disclosure rule that recommends diverse representation objectives. "We are starting to see the disclosures of board diversity in proxy statements along with an increased awareness around the importance of diversity of all types this is promoting," Karaffa said.

Bill Sarno Nasdaq F. Izquierdo For more Nasdaqresources,educationaljointheCenterfor Board Excellence, a platform for board members, executive leaders, educators, collaborationcommunity,boardleadershiptoExcellenceTheexperiencesknowledge-seekersandtoshareandgaininsights.NasdaqCenterforBoardisdedicatedadvancingcorporateanddeepeningengagementthroughcontent,and

In addition, Karaffa notes that board leaders must be effective facilitators to enable each director to bring their expertise, experiences, and personal perspectives to enhance decision making.



To experience positive impact, board members, led by board chairs and committee chairs, should have an open conversation to understand how diversity will enable individual and group effectiveness, Karaffa said. The prior will benefit the company and its stakeholders, allowing the corporation to be differentiated and durable in the long term. There are critical facets to how this dialogue should proceed. It includes an initial conversation to define diversity and understand it in a way that genuinely aligns to the corporate values and purpose.





G ustavo Alba is the managing partner of the Technology & Services Practice. Gustavo was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. At age 10, he and his family moved to the United States, mainly be tween New York and Florida. Being of Hispanic descent, Alba understands the importance of representation deeply. Recently, Alba accepted a global leadership role in the firm and along with other firm leaders, he is excited to continue partnering with clients to think about what more can be done to elevate Hispanic communities in corporate and board positions to ensure adequate representation. “If you look at the Board Monitor U.S. 2022, a report by Heidrick & Struggles¹, you will find fortune 500 company board appointments, as well as new director roles and wom en as directors, are rising because of the DE&I move ment.”Alba expects to see boards adding more people with technology and HR expertise and continuing to build the wide range of commercial knowledge they started in 2020. When clients search for board members, they are looking for individuals with capacities and skills in strategy, globalization, environmental, social, and Johanna Hoyos

Diversity and inclusion are becoming integral to an organization’s culture; organizations must be competitive in today’s marketplace. Companies like Heidrick & Struggles are working hard to diversify talent genuinely. They pride themselves on being their clients’ most trusted advisor, offering an integrated suite of services to help manage these challenges and their leadership assets. Their offering ranges from placing talent through executive search to providing counsel in areas that include succession planning, executive and board assessment, and board effectivenessreviews.




2. Finding solutions to questions such as: What can be done about the underrepresentation of His panic communities? Increasingly companies see the link between their company’s business strategy and DE&I strategy are changing and recognize the im portance of enhancing the board’s thinking about their own role in DE&I efforts. “I have hopes for the flywheel effect resulting in better representation of the Hispanic and Latino/a community, by the pull effect into the C-suite level. We must start moving the dial,” Alba emphasizes. The benefits of having more diversity with board mem bers and C-suite roles allow for a stronger connection with the customer/consumer diversity. “I mean link ing the market strategy with the board representation to differentiate yourself and to connect better to the customerHowever,base.”not all the work depends on the environ ment. There is a shared responsibility with those who wish to advance in the corporate world. Gustavo ad vises executive Latinos who want to join a corporate board to network with the ecosystem of current and former board members, have them as mentors, and get introductions to boards. “Become an expert in strategy, globalization, ESG, or cybersecurity. There are many options like writing whitepapers and at tending and presenting at conferences. Put a stamp as one of the leading experts in one of those topics.”

1. Spotlighting Hispanics and Latinos while call ing out the problem of underrepresentation. Best-inclass directors are taking a more holistic approach to diversity, expanding Hispanic and Latinx networks and improving their outreach to potential directors from those backgrounds.

Gustavo believes the corporate search and execu tive search firms and corporate boards will be seeing ‘fresh thinking’ with first-time board members in the coming years. They will be the new wave to build a broader remit, defining the skills needed and the val ue-added - breaking the mentality of having a CEO or CFO on the board. “It’s only going to get better with the first-time board members,” says Alba. Heidrick & Struggles sees the trend toward diver sity continuing and expanding. As this progress con tinues, it is crucial that boards not trade off one form of diversity for another.



Another way of getting connected is to be part of associations committed to paying it forward and ad vancing the mission of increasing the number of U.S. Latinos on corporate boards.

INCREASINGLY COMPANIES SEE THE LINK BETWEEN THEIR COMPANY’S BUSINESS STRATEGY AND DE&I STRATEGY ARE CHANGING AND RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF ENHANCING THE BOARD’S THINKING ABOUT THEIR OWN ROLE IN DE&I EFFORTS. governance (ESG), sustainability, and cybersecurity. They are also looking at the percentage of representa tion in terms of DE&I, The goal of Heidrick & Struggles is to:


3. How many of your clients explicitly ask for Latino candidates?


2. What part of your job focuses on searching for Latinos for Corpo rate positions?

1. Explain your current position within Korn Ferry.

JG: In most cases, boards are not specific regarding the ethnic diversity component they seek - be it Latino, African American, or Asia-Pacific Americans. However, suppose there is a company

Courtesy of Joe Griesedieck Carlos Cuevas

JG: Today, I am the Vice-Chairman of Korn Ferry and responsible for developing and overseeing the firm’s Board Advisory Practice. I joined Korn Ferry in 2004. I have been in the executive search profession for over 40 years.

JG: As with all board openings and longer-term director succes sion planning, we seek a diverse slate of candidates for every role, including Latino and Latina executives. To ensure that every candidate brings relevant experience to a board, we look for the appropriate industry and functional expertise among all candidates, including the foregoing community of business executives.

8. What advice would you give Latinos wanting to join as Board Directors?

MAY / JUNE 2022 LATINO LEADERS 165 where it is evident that Latino candidates would best represent communities that the company serves (geographic, de mographic, or otherwise). In that case, we will make specific recommendations of Latino candidates whom we believe would add strategic value to the board. In a more general sense, we are also aware that Latinos represent a significant and growing part of the U.S. population (20%). However, they are under-repre sented on boards, including by compar ison to other ethnic communities and gender groups.

JG: There are several challenges in my cur rent role. First, with the demand for di verse director candidates, finding those individuals with the time and interest to serve. In some cases, these are execu tives who have not previously served on a public or private company board. So, it is crucial to ensure that they bring the rel evant skills, experience, knowledge, and judgment to perform in a value-added way as a board member.

6. How are companies benefited from a diverse JG:Board? The value of a diverse board reflects in how the board can hear different points of view and opinions. Having one person of gender or ethnic diversity on the board does not make it a diverse board. Howev er, the conversation changes when at least one-third of the board or more is com prised of diverse directors. Diverse board members bring different perspectives, ex periences, and in some cases thinking styles that enrich the quality of board discussions and debates. There is empirical evidence that companies with this diversity level on their boards outperform their peers.

7. What challenges are you facing within your current role?

JG: Boards today are looking at their com position in a much more strategic way. Due to increased pressure from investor and shareholder interest groups, boards are deliberately adding members who fill gaps in their strategic makeup or add new skills and insights to changing strategies or company transformations. Investors want boards with the knowledge and skills that align with the company’s strategy.

4. From your perspective, what is the current corporate environment – what are companies looking for?

JG: There has never been a better time for Latinos who are interested in and qualified to serve as board directors to utilize and extend their networks to let people know that they have this interest. In addition to the executive search firms, the growing Latino pro fessional networks and publications (Latino Leaders, LCDA, Latina Style, Nueva and others) have been proactive in bringing Latino executives to the at tention of boards. For me, bringing more Latinos onto boards is not so much about increasing the diversity of the board as it is about adding cultural, social, and business perspectives that will enhance the quality of board discussions and help the company leadership confirm a long-term strategy and business transformation. To me, a truly diverse board is one that has relevant but multiple experiences, skills, and knowledge, represents vari ous stakeholders (customers, employees, and suppliers), and brings diverse per spectives to board discussions based on all of these.

The Korn Ferry board, an NYSE-listed company, is a good example. The board has 10 independent members, includ ing a former Latino CEO, an African American former CEO, four females, and a soon-to-be-added Asian-Ameri can former F500 CEO. The nature of our business is around leadership and talent development on a global basis, so it is a very appropriate mix of expe riences, views, interests, and opinions. I am hopeful that we will see (and we will undoubtedly promote) a great er interest from boards in candidates who come from the Latino communi ty. It is a rich source of talent for com pany boards.

Second, given the dominance of fe male and African American executives who have been brought onto boards in recent years, it has been challenging to get boards to recognize that there is an equally qualified and available community of experienced executives in the lesser represented Latino and Asian-American business population.



5. How are DEI initiatives influencing the search for positions? JG: DEI initiatives encompass corporate hiring, development, and promotion, as well as board appointment initiatives. In the case of boards, the value should still be in the experience, qualifications, and strategic relevance that a potential direc tor brings and should not be driven by diversity alone.

Every one of the following names is a hidden jewel of corporate execution and effectiveness that will enrich the Board Director practice in Corporate America.

Perhaps the most vital mission to advance the number of Latinos on Corporate Boards is to showcase the pipeline of talented and experienced individuals with enough credentials and skills to seat on a corporate Board. This list is perhaps the core of our mission, to provide that pipeline of individuals interested and capable of performing an outstanding role as Directors.

2022 is the second year we present the Ultimate Candidates List to our readers, showcasing executives ready to serve on Corporate Boards. The list was curated through many different sources, including our partner organizations, such as LCDA, other Board Directors, selfnominations vetted by our advisors, and our research of identifying individuals with excellence in professionalism.


Maria Lensing, SVP and CTO, Infrastructure, Engineering & Operations at McKesson Corp Courtesy


As a woman in technology, I’ve always been passionate about representing the strength and talent of women within the industry. But in recent years, I’ve learned to appreciate that not only am I a woman in technology; I am also a Latina in a leadership position in corporate America. And representation matters.

THE SIGNIFICANCE of representation became personal when a woman approached me after I finished a panel discussion with other technology executives. She shook my hand, with emotion in her eyes and said, “I’m so happy I get to tell my son that a person with an accent can be an executive at a large corporation.” It was 2016, and I had never considered there were still Latino youth—even adults— who believed their accents would be an obstacle to attaining execu tive positions. It was a reminder that we, as Latinos, could be holding ourselves back from professional growth. I decided from that day forward, I would help break down misconceptions and barriers to help highlight the talent, accomplishments, and perspectives Latinos bring to the table. I’m honored to help spotlight the 100 Latino Leaders Candidates for Boards who represent the cultural awareness, expertise, and vi sion needed on corporate boards of directors. I imagine everyone on this list has, at one point or another, experienced a simple, yet profound realization that we are representing more than ourselves and our families—we are an example to a rising generation of Latino professionals aspiring to serve in executive positions. Diversity on corporate boards extends beyond opportunity for equal representation. It’s an economic imperative. It would be a strategic loss for corporations to miss out on the $2.3T purchasing power of the Latino community, which today represents 18% of the

I hope we can all appreciate and value the unique perspectives and talents of the Latino leaders who serve on corporate boards. We need their representation, and we are seeing great results from their inclusion—even if they have an accent.


United States population. But still, Latinos make up only 2.7% of board seats on the Fortune 1000. So, today I also have a message for board directors: The history of the corporate Latino is one of breaking misconcep tions along the way. Let’s do that right now. A recent KPMG study showed that 30% of directors still believe that one of barriers in get ting more diversity for the boards is the lack of talent. Look through the list of Latinos included in this very edition. When reading about the diverse skill and experiences that these professionals represent, there is no denying that the talent is there. The tenacity, commit ment and vision that helped us get to the table is what companies need to grow in today’s hyper competitive and global environment. Are the leaders on this list the exception? No, they are the tip of the spear. Behind them is a new wave of strong, passionate and tal ented Latino professionals who we need to prepare and nurture for the executive ranks. As we work together to invest in Latino exec utives, corporate boards will more fully represent and benefit the consumers, communities, employees and shareholders we serve.

ALEX ALVAREZ Chief Production and Sustainability Officer, BrownFormanManufacturing Operations, Supply Chain Man agement, Merger & Acquisiton, Innovation.

CARLOS AGUILAR, PHD President & Chief Executive Officer, Texas Central PartnersExperience in the transportation, power, and water sectors.

CARMEN ALLEN CEO & Founder, Allen Solvision, LLC Over 25 years of experience in telecommuni cations, high tech, and healthcare

More than 20 years’ experience operating, investing in, and representing startup and growth businesses.

Accomplished technology futurist and a global operations senior executive with experience consulting to large and small compa nies. She is the CEO and founder of Allen Solvision, LLC (est. in 1993) a management consulting firm focused on business trans formation initiatives at Fortune 500 Telecom and High-Tech firms enabling them to achieve disruptive change and innovation. Her previous experience includes positions at IBM Research, IBM Global Services, Accenture, and Bell Labs.

Age:Washington,55 DC BoardNationality:XP: Anne has forged a diverse career in the corporate, public and nonprofit sectors. Anne’s held executive roles at 3 Fortune 500 companies—Amoco, Kraft Foods and at Corteva AgriScience as Senior VP, External Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer. Anne served as a senior executive at 4 U.S. federal agencies including EPA, Commerce, State and USDA. Anne led the American Egg Board as its President & CEO. Anne is recognized for her championship of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and named a 2022 “Top 100” Most Influential Latina by Latino Leaders and a “Director to Watch” by Directors & Boards magazine.


Age:Roswell,46 GA BoardNationality:XP:

ANNE ALONZO Independent Director, PotlatchDeltic and Director, Feeding America ESG, Environmental Sustainability, Regulatory, Risk Management, Marketing and Global, JD/MBA Age:Louisville,51 KT BoardNationality:XP: Alex he currently serves at Brown-Forman where he is Responsible for ensuring the companys’s growth ambitions, business practices and corporate culture are environmentally and socially sustainable by developing, articulating, and implementing a comprehensive ESG strategy. He has over 30 years of manufacturing management experience across multiple industries and geographies, including Food, Beauty Care, Oral Care and Beverage. Some of his expertise is focused on restructuring of distilling, bottling/packaging, processing, and agricultural operations. He has led workforce reductions across multiple sites/roles totaling over 1000 employees.

Age:Washington,50 DC BoardNationality:XP: He previously served as CEO of Datum Technologies, an IT services company focused on the multi-unit restaurant industry. He also co-founded and operated Distributed Sun, a commercial solar energy developer and independent power producer. Rafael practiced law at Holland & Knight where he focused on regulatory enforcement and corporate compliance and is admitted to practice in California, the District of Columbia, Florida, and New York. He began his career serving as an officer in the US Marines, deploying throughout SE Asia and Latin America. Rafael is a graduate of the University of Michigan, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, and The George Washington University Law School.

Carlos combines an understanding of both multiparty negotiations and complex financing structures and of the on-the-ground realities of engineering and construction management and safety. General management, project finance and execution executive with over 30 years of experience managing power, transport, and other large industrial projects ranging from airports to multi-bil lion dollar power and petrochemicals facilities.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 169 Age:Dallas,61 TX BoardNationality:XP:

RAFAEL ALFONZO Managing Partner, Radien Legacy Partners

JOSE ALVARO AVALOS President, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Austin GIS, Inc. Senior executive with significant experience in digital optimization, businessdevelopment, and growing new ventures/start-up, marketing and technicalorganizations. Age: 54 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Raul is President of Business Banking, one of Bank of America’s eight lines of business, and is a member of the company’s executive management team. He leads a nationwide team that serves mid-sized businesses with annual revenues of $5 million to $50 million by delivering financial advice and solutions to help companies grow, improve cash flow, and invest for the future. Additionally, Raul serves as Bank of America's President for the Greater Los Angeles region and its 8,000 associates.

Age:Cincinnati,60 OH BoardNationality:XP: Founder of CEA-Advisory LLC, an advisory practice that focuses on helping CIOs design Digital and IT Strategies to drive business and organization transformations; and helping emerging technology companies grow by tailoring its product offerings through compelling business propositions. As Hershey's Global CIO, Carlos led one of the broadest digital programs in the industry, in cluding a comprehensive organization transformation required to deliver and sustain its digitization plan. Before joining Hershey, Carlos spent 28 years at Procter & Gamble, in a broad and diverse set of roles across several countries.

Founder & President, CEA-Advisory, LLC Technology and shared services executive with extensive experience at the intersection of business and technology in Fortune 500companies

Age:Chandler,56 AZ BoardNationality:XP: Jose Alvaro Avalos is CEO, Co-Founder and Board Director at Austin GIS, Inc., a NewCo focused on IOT and 5G Infrastructure Solutions. His strengths include building productive long-term customer relationships, growing new ventures, technical innova tion and new product category creation, leading and managing worldwide organizations, and extensive experience conducting international business in over 40 countries. Previous to Austin GIS, Jose was Vice President of the Internet of Things Group and General Manager of RBHE Vertical Markets at Intel Corporation. In 2021 and 2022, Jose was named to the HITEC 100 list of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the technology industry.

Age:Mexico60 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Arana is a well-rounded CEO with a strong 39-year global experience mostly in the USA, Brazil and Mexico with companies in the Agribusiness (DOW CHEMICAL), Food (TYSON FOODS), automotive-Industrial (GIS) and Pharmaceutical (NADRO) sectors. Alongside his top-level career path has performed several global leading roles such as: President and General Manager with ample knowledge in CEO, sales, marketing, human resources, merges and acquisitions, operations and government affair.


JOSE MANUEL ARANA CEO, Nadro Pharmaceutical

Most recently, Bill lead the management team of Patriot Capital Funding, a public BDC (specialty finance company) through a successful IPO and three secondary offerings, building its asset base to over $400 million and ultimately merged the company where the shareholders received a 260% premium in stock price. He has a proven track record of building and integrating teams, systems and procedures during periods of high growth and economic recession.

RAUL ANAYA Head of Business Banking, Bank of America Commercial banking executive focused in consumer products, technology, entertainment, finance and aerospace and defense.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 170 Age:Sarasota,66 FL BoardNationality:XP:


WILLIAM E. ALVAREZ, JR. Partner, CFO Performance Partners

Broad base of experience in financial man agement, strategic and operations planning, investor relations and revenue management.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 171 Age:Dallas,52 TX BoardNationality:XP: Araujo joined the Berry corporation in 2020 as EVP & Chief Operating Officer. Previously, he served as Director for Western Hemisphere Assets for Schlumberger Production Management. From August 2000 to August 2018, Araujo worked for Apache Corporation in roles of increasing responsibility. He graduated from Pomona College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, then from California State Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, and then from California State University, Bakersfield with a Master of Business Administration.

Age:Mexico60 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Arce was appointed HSBC Mexico Chief Executive Officer and led the Bank through the worst health and financial crisis in Mexico and the world in many generations. This happened while he was leading the digital transformation of the bank. Between 2016 and 2019, he was the Deputy General Director of Santander Mexico, in charge of its Wholesale Banking business with annual revenues of over 600 million. Jorge spent 21 years at Deutsche Bank in various roles. Between 2011 and 2016, he was CEO and President of Deutsche Bank Mexico. Before that he had several leading positions in the asset and wealth management areas. He earned a BA from Pace University.

Carolina is a seasoned senior technology executive who has helped organizations transform divisions to accelerate innovation, incubate artificial intelligence products, manage risk in ecommerce portfolios, contribute in the design of platforms to support artificial intelligence, and develop strategy. Extensive hands-on experience in training and operationalizing large-scale machine learning models. She has been at Visa for 7 years, climbing through different leadership positions in data science. Prior to joining Visa, Carolina was at PayPal for 7 years, where she focused on the risk of small and medium merchants (SMB).

CAROLINA BARCENAS SVP Research, MultidisciplinaryVisa functional skills and executive management experience in big data, data science, and machine learning.

DAVID ARENAS Managing Principal-Hispanic Board Services, James DruryLeaderPartnersexperienced in strategy and execution, investments and deal-making operations.

JORGE ARCE Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Financial Group in Mexico Extensive Board Experience, including Grupo Coppel, Mexico’s largest private retail and financial sector company.


Age:Brooklyn,45 NY BoardNationality:XP: Daisy leads a global team at Vice Media Group, responsible for people operations and culture, diversity, equity and inclusion, corporate facilities, and ESG. She recently authored Inclusion Revolution, a practical, inspiring roadmap for building and grow ing equitable workplaces. She kicked off her career at Moody’s Investors Service and has since played an integral part on the leadership teams at The Walt Disney Company, Google, and Viacom. Daisy's bold voice in elevating the importance of inclusion, innovation and courage in workplaces make her a highly sought-after speaker.

DAISY AUGER-DOMINGUEZ Chief People Officer, VICE Media C-suite human capital executive and inclusive expert focused on making workplaces more equitable and inclusive. Age:Austin,48 TX BoardNationality:XP:


EVP & Chief Operating Officer, Berry Corporation Leader of oil & gas companies, orchestrating operational and financial turnarounds.performance Age:Chicago,54 IL BoardNationality:XP: David brings expertise in board director diversity placement, and leads the firm's Hispanic Board Services practice. His earlier experience includes management consulting, executive search, and investment banking in industries such as technology, energy, distribution, manufacturing, and consumer goods. He is an advisor to the Hispanic IT Executive Council. He earned an MBA from the Kellogg School, and a Master’s of Engineering Management from the McCormick School, and earlier, a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Age:San47Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Guillermo has been with SC Johnson for the past 7 years, holding different positions leading to his current CEO for Lifestyle brand responsibilities. Previously he was at PepsiCo for 14 years and before that at Unilever for 7 years. Guillermo has a degree from Universidad de Belgrano in Business Administration.

BRENDA BAZAN Operating Partner, TWV Capital Management LLC Executive changing the growth trajectory of tech startups and Fortune 50 multinationals.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 173 Age:Atlanta,38 GA BoardNationality:XP: Melissa leads the company’s customer-focused strategy, and the organization’s sales, real estate, field services, customer rela tionship, and enterprise technology teams. She has jointly led the company to deliver five-year compound annual growth rates of 9% in sales, 15% in EBITDA, 38% in earnings per share, and 683% in Total Shareholder Return through 2020. Before Sleep Number, Melissa held a variety of senior leadership roles in Finance, Strategy and Corporate Development for Best Buy Co., Inc. (2005-2012). Previously, she also held corporate finance and strategy leadership roles domestically and internationally at Grupo Futuro, Citibank, and GE Capital.

GUILLERMO BEADE CEO Lifestyle Brands, SC Johnson International Executive with expertise in financial management for consumer products corporations.


Tony Barrueta is Senior Vice President, Government Relations at Kaiser Permanente, one of America's leading integrated health care providers and not-for-profit health serving more than 12 million members in eight states and the District of Columbia. Bar rueta oversees the development of Kaiser Permanente’s public policy positions, which advance and protect the ability of Kaiser Permanente to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of Kaiser Permanente members and their communities.

MELISSA BARRA EVP, Chief Sales and Services Officer, Sleep Number Experienced in retail, investments, and audit committee. Age:Berkeley,65 CA BoardNationality:XP:

ANTHONY BARRUETA SVP, Government Relations, Kaiser Permanente Goverment relations and health care policy legal executive Age:Miami,60 FL BoardNationality:XP: Julio has an exceptional career focused on improving logistics and transportation businesses. His most recent experience was as Senior Vice Presdient of Latin America Operations and Global Service Provides at Fedex where he spent over 23 years. Prior to Fedex, he was at Ryder Systems as Director of Western Area Finance. He has served on different advisory and non-profit boards. Julio holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami.

JULIO BARRIONUEVO Former SVP Latin America Operations and Global Service Provides, Fedex Executive with 40 years of expertise in finance, engineering and global operations of the transportation and logistics sectors. Age:Dallas,61 TX BoardNationality:XP: For over 20 years, Brenda has enabled transformative growth for companies both large and small. Commencing her career at IBM; as a transformative visionary, she designed, built, and led strategic transformation of the company’s sales model and GTM. Following this success, she drove expansion of the U.S. model into Europe and the Middle East. Today she is an investor and operating partner at Texas Women Ventures Capital Management, she has raised series A, B, and C rounds to mezzanine rounds totaling >$25M AUM.

NELLIE BORRERO Managing Director, Senior Strategic Advisor-Global Inclusion & Diversity, Accenture Leader recognized for her passion for inclusion and diversity.

MARTHA BERNADETT, MD Former EVP-Research and Innovation, Molina HealthcareFamilyphysician, health innovator and digital transformation evangelist committed to health equity. Age: 45 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Benavides is senior vice president and chief legal officer at Kaiser Permanente, one of America's leading integrated health care providers and not-for-profit health plans serving more than 12 million members. Benavides serves as the general counsel for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Hospitals and manages the legal, compliance, and regulatory functions. In this role, she is responsible for implementing an integrated approach to foster a better understanding of enterprise risks and solutions, while advancing support of evolving business strategies. Benavides reports directly to Kaiser Permanente’s chair and chief executive officer and is a member of the National Executive Team. Benavides joined Kaiser Permanente in 2015 as chief compliance and privacy officer.

ANA-MITA BETANCOURT Former General Counsel-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World BankGroup International development attorney and exec utive experienced in sustainable development projects.

Age:Leonia,47 NJ BoardNationality:XP: As Accenture's Global Inclusion & Diversity Executive, Nellie holds a crucial leadership role and is a driving force behind the company's diversity initiatives. Nellie joined Accenture in 1986. She created the first role for Diversity efforts and is embraced as a beloved and deeply committed advocate for change, for women, for minorities, for people.


ENRIQUE BELTRANENA Founder CEO/President, Volaris Senior executive with significant experience in aviation, finance, and human development. Age: Peninsula,Palos53VerdesCA BoardNationality:XP: Martha Molina Bernadett is a family physician and member of the founding family of Molina Healthcare, a Fortune 500 company and one of the largest Hispanic-owned business in the United States. She previously served as the company’s executive vice president of research and innovation. She has provided consultation to hospitals, health systems and municipalities across the nation related to cultural competency and effective cross-cultural communications.

VANESSA M. BENAVIDES SVP/Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer, Kaiser PermanenteHealthindustry legal and compliance executive with years of regulatory oversight and risk management experience. Age:Washington,62 DC BoardNationality:XP: Ana-Mita Betancourt joined the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) in September 2010 as General Counsel. MIGA is the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank Group. Betancourt was overall responsibile for MIGA’s Legal Affairs and Claims Group, including eligibility and deal structure, contract negotiation and drafting, dispute resolution, and claims man agement.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 174 Age:Mexico50 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Enrique Beltranena has been Chief Executive Officer of Volaris since March 2006. Previously he worked as Grupo TACA’s chief operating officer, human resources and institutional relations vice president, cargo vice president and commercial director for Mexico and Central America. He also held the position of general director of Aviateca in Guatemala. Beltranena started his career in the aerospace industry in 1988. During the 1990s he was responsible for the commercial merger of Aviateca, Sahsa, Nica, Lacsa and TACA Peru, which consolidated them into a single management entity called Grupo TACA.

Age: 44 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Tina is a Managing Partner and co-founder of Avivar Capital, bringing over 20 years of experience in the fields of finance and investment management. Tina co-leads the firm’s overall business activities and serves as an impact investment advisor to Avi var’s clients providing guidance on the development and execution of impact investing portfolios and funds. Prior to founding Avivar, Tina was the Director of Impact Investing for The California Endowment (TCE) and prior to that worked in the Investment Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

MARÍA-ELENA CARRIÓN Founder/Managing Partner, Multicultural Capital, LLC Mergers and acquisitions and investments financial expert.

Age:Reston,53 VA BoardNationality:XP: As a senior finance executive, VP and board member, David brings twenty years of experience working as a member of senior management, advising Boards, C-suite executives and government leaders on complex financial issues, operational performance, risk, growth strategies, debt and capital raises, and SEC filings.

DAVID CARBAJAL Former Group Head, Pension Benefit Guaranty CorporationExperience(PBGC)ininvestment banking, diplomacy, engineering and government.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 175 Age:Monterrey,50 MX BoardNationality:XP: Cairo was appointed CEO in July 2013, since then has led the company to make an investment of 1,000 million dollars in Lazaro Cardenas for the generation of added value and take the company to a new level of 5.3 million tons of steel per year (main producer of crude steel in the country). Among his main achievements since 2013 is the reduction of 20% of effective personnel, reduction of fixed and variable costs to improve the profitability of the company and its growth. Victor entered to ArcelorMittal group in 2000 as Plant Manager. He has extensive professional experience in the steel sector, in the general manufacturing sector, as well as steel processing and generating value throughout the supply chain thanks to his time at Caterpillar and Prolec-General Electric.

VICTOR CAIRO Chief Executive Officer, ArcelorMittal Mexico Expert of steel and mining Mittal operation in Mexico.

Age:San55Juan, PR BoardNationality:XP: Carrión is a mergers and acquisitions specialist with 30 years of experience in the financial industry. She is the founder and Managing Partner of Multicultural Capital, LLC (MCC) and Multicultural Ventures LLC (MCV), and manages a team of seven pro fessionals from her San Juan, Puerto Rico headquarters. Carrión has an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BS from the Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania. She is also a PHD candidate in Puerto Rican history at the Centro de Estudios Avanzados in San Juan, P.R. Her thesis work dealt with the impact of the Hispanic demographic boom in the United States on the resolution of Puerto Rico's political status.

TINA CASTRO Co-Founder/Managing Partner, Avivar Capital Impact investing executive with experience in finance and investment management.

Age:Detroit,55 MI BoardNationality:XP: Chávez is senior vice president and chief legal officer for DTE Energy, a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Chávez currently serves on the DTE Energy Foundation Board and the DTE Energy Investment Committee. Chávez currently serves as The Michigan Hispanic Fund President and as a board member for the Cristo Rey Network, the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute.


JOANN CHAVEZ Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, DTE EnergySenior financial and legal executive & a strong advocate for young people.


Age:New57York, NY BoardNationality:XP: She leads the development, commercialization and delivery of innovative vaccines to drive the prevention of serious and life-threatening conditions. She’s been active in biopharmaceutical industry groups such as the International Federation of Phar maceutical Manufacturers & Associations, where served as Chair of the Vaccine CEO Steering Committee from 2019-2020. With 18 years at Pfizer, Nanette has had roles touching every market of the world with an eye toward innovation in the way healthcare is delivered. Prior to leading Vaccines, she was Regional President, Emerging Markets for Pfizer’s Innovative Health business. Prior to Pfizer, she worked for 10 years as a management consultant and served as a Research Fellow for the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Pharmacology. She has Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Cornell University, a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA from The Wharton Business School.

Age:Menlo51 Park, CA BoardNationality:XP: Since joining SVB in 1996, John has facilitated connections between entrepreneurs, investors, the Fortune 500, bankers and even winemakers. John is responsible for growing the funds business, SVB’s Family Office practice, and SVB’s Startup Banking, which supports entrepreneurs and startups at their earliest stages. John is a long-standing member of SVB Capital’s Operating Commit tee. John has been a partner to entrepreneurs and their investors to help accelerate their growth. He is a part of SVB’s Executive Committee and has led Technology Banking teams. He has also been responsible for the company’s Corporate Venturing Group, Early-Stage banking services, SVB’s Global Gateway program, the Credit Solutioning Group and Corporate Finance. He earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Stanford University.

JOHN CHINA Division President-SVB Capital, SVB Financial Group Financial services leader focused on support ing entrepreneurs and startups at their earliest stages.

ANNA MARIA CHÁVEZ Chief Impact Officer, Encantos / President, Expert on women's leadership, youth develop ment, and aging.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ENESA Chief Executive Officer with a long story of managing, investing and Board practicel.


NANETTE COCERO Global President, Pfizer Vaccines Strong background on research and 18 years in Pfizer working with emerging markets, and vaccine development.

Director Outreach and Recruitment, White House Fellows Foundation and Association Experience with transformative efforts in the private, public and non-profit sectors.

Age:Mexico65 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: He held various executive positions in some of Mexico's most important and influential companies, including CEO of Euzka di-General Tire de Mexico, president and CEO of Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V., and as a senior executive at Fimbursa, an investment bank. By 2005, under his leadership as vice chairman and CEO for TELMEX, the country's largest private sector company, experienced tremendous growth and expansion. To stay at the top, Chico Pardo sought to reinvent TELMEX from a local telephone monopoly into a global high-tech multimedia company. Jaime Chico Pardo holds an MBA in 1974 from the University of Chicago.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 177 Age:Culver51 City, CA BoardNationality:XP: In 2021, Chávez was appointed as the inaugural Chief Impact Officer of Encantos and President of FORBES maga zine named Chávez one of the 50 over 50 women leaders in June 2021 for her leadership in public education. She held numerous posts in President Bill Clinton's administration, and later returning to Arizona to serve then-governor Janet Napolitano. From 2017 to 2021, she held different positions at National Council on Aging (NCOA) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA).

Age:Sacramento,50 CA BoardNationality:XP: As Director of Outreach and Recruitment for WHFF, Margarita is responsible for leading the efforts to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the national recruitment of high-quality applicants for the White House Fellowship program. Previously she served as VP of Investments for Manos Accelerator via Google Launchpad. Before she had an extensive career of over 17 years at Chevron where she held different leadership poisitions.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 178 Age:Minneapolis,53 MN BoardNationality:XP: Noel oversees all global quality operations for the company and is a member of the Medtronic Executive Committee. He partners with the business groups and global regions to assure end-to-end quality and reliability from development through manufactur ing, distribution, and end-customer use. He is responsible for driving the strategic direction for the quality programs through the implementation of policy and standards across. Noel serves as founding member of the Medtronic Hispanic Latino Network. Noel received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, and his Master of Business Administration from InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico.

IGNACIO CORTINA EVP, General Counsel & Secretary, Oshkosh Corporation Legal professional with experience overseeing legal, ethics and compliance, environmental affairs and sustainability matters in the auto manufacturing industry. Age:Clifton,47 NJ BoardNationality:XP: Cuellar previously was President/CEO of ECO & Sons Inc. and KamaVerdeFresh, as well as was a Naval Officer in the United States Navy. He earned his MBA from St. Joseph’s University and completed the OPM program at Harvard University in March of 2019. He also holds a B.A. in economics from Fordham University.

RAFAEL CUELLAR President & CEO, Cuellar LLC Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the retail industry.

LIZETTE CORRO President/CEO, Corro Nobil Associates Global fundraising and event management leader. Age:Mexico57 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Andres Conesa has been Aeromexico’s Chief Executive Officer since 2005. He is responsible for leading the airline. His strategic vision builds on the pillars of safety, customer and employee experience, profitability, and efficiency. He was a member of the board of governors of the International Air Transport Association from 2008 until June 2018 and served as its chairman during the 2015 term. Conesa is a former director of Infraestructura Energética Nova S.A.B. de C.V. Conesa serves on Sempra's Audit and Executive committees and is chair of the Compensation and Talent Development Committee.

NOEL COLON SVP, Chief Quality Officer, Medtronic Experience in the Medical Technology industry with deep and global expertise in Operations, R&D and Quality.

Age:Washington,64 DC BoardNationality:XP: Prior to founding Corro Nobil, she was Chief Executive Officer of Linder & Associates (2009 to 2014) and President and Chief Executive Officer of The Webster Group (2006 to 2009), strategic planning, fundraising and global event management agencies where she developed and implemented growth strategies that substantially increased each firm's revenues and visibility. Previ ously, Ms. Corro was Senior Vice President of Resource Development for America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth and Managing Director at Orr Associates, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in strategic planning, board development, capital campaigns and foundation management, where she led highly successful fundraising campaigns and special events for major nonprofit organizations nationwide.

ANDRES CONESA Chief Executive Officer, Aeromexico Superior experience in the aviation industry, as well as international board experience. Age:Oshkosh,48 WI BoardNationality:XP: Ignacio is Oshkosh Corporation’s Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, a position he has held since November 2016.Prior to joining Oshkosh, he was in private practice in Washington, DC. Cortina holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from James Madison University and earned his law degree from Columbus School of Law at Catholic University. He is admitted to the Maryland and Washington, D.C. Bar and is registered as a Wisconsin in-house counsel.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 180 Age:Mexico52 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Silvia began her career in 1989 at McDonald's Mexico, joined Procter & Gamble in 1992, as part of the Marketing staff, in 1999 she was Marketing Director based in Caracas. In 2004, she signed with Mars Mexico, where she performed the roles of General Manager for the Chocolates division and General Manager for the Pet division. In 2014, she became VP and CMO for Global Food and was based in Belgium. In 2017, she joined Danone as Regional President LATAM, Dairy and Plant based. Since 2020 Silvia is Member of the Global Executive Committee in Danone, and now she oversees all the Waters and EDP business in the Region.

Age:Miami,48 FL BoardNationality:XP: De Armas has over 30 years’ experience in executive management and consulting for corporate entities and financial institutions. De Armas leads the CSMB Enhanced Due Diligence Practice focusing on site visitations and independent evaluations of highrisk customers particularly correspondent banking, wealth management and NRAs. De Armas also directs the firm’s technology services group developing cutting edge software for compliance automation. De Armas has a Masters’ Degree in Business from the Kelley School of Management at Indiana University, and a bachelor’s degree in Business from California State University, Long Beach.

Age:Bakersfield,52 CA BoardNationality:XP: De Castro comes to Aera from its member company, ExxonMobil, which he joined in 1994. Since his first post in Bogota, De Cas tro worked in ExxonMobil’s audit, controller’s and treasurer’s departments. More recently, he served as financial officer in multiple locations, including Chile, Great Britain, Angola and the U.S. De Castro holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and later received an MBA from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

SERGIO DE CASTRO Senior VP, Strategy and Chief Financial Officer, Aera EnergyExperiencedLLC Senior Finance Executive with demonstrated history of working in the oil & energy industry. Age:Cincinnati,47 OH BoardNationality:XP: Carlos has a remarkable career at Procter & Gamble, where he has been for over 22 years. He started his career as Assistant Brand Manager for Pampers North America back in 2000. Over the years, he has escalated to differeent marketing and business positions. He started as Senior Vice President for North America Oral Care in 2020. Carlos has a BS in Business from Florida State University.

CARLOS DE JESUS SVP-North America Oral Care, Procter & Gamble Executive with a trayectory in marketing and management in consumer brands.


ALBERTO DE CARDENAS EVP & General Counsel, MasTec Legal professional with over 20 years experi ence in growing legal departments.

SILVIA DAVILA Regional President for Mexico/Latin America, Danone FoodStrategy,Groupdigital transformation for Brands and organizations. Age:Coral51Gables, FL BoardNationality:XP: De Cardenas has been the Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary responsible for all of MasTec's corporate and operational legal matters and corporate secretary matters since November 2005. Prior, de Cardenas was Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Perry Ellis International, Inc. His previous experiences include positions at Broad and Cassel andDeloitte & Touche LLP.

CELESTE DE ARMAS Chief Executive Officer, RiskRator & President, CSMB InternationalFinancialservices and consumer-centric leader with proven experience in fintech, regulatory compliance, food & beverage and marketing.

Before joining Kimberly Clark in 2020, her career includes positions at a number of well known brands such as Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, General Mills, and more recently Amazon and Danone. She has BSE degree in Operations Research and Finan cial Engineering from Princeton University and a MBA from New York University, Stern School of Business.


MARCELO DE SANTIS Chief Digital Officer, ThoughtWorks Global experience in creating growth with new business models, innovative technology and disruptive go-to-market approaches. Age:Atlanta,40 GA BoardNationality:XP:

SVP & Chief Technology Risk Officer, Kaiser Permanente Experience in healthcare, legal, regulatory and information technology. Age:Miami,49 FL BoardNationality:XP: Marcelo is currently Chief Digital Officer at ThoughtWorks and works with executives to invent, launch, and scale digital business models. Previously he held the positions of Chief Digital and Information Officer at Kraft Foods, Mondelez and Pirelli. Marcelo holds a Master of Business Administration from Northwestern Kellogg and a Bachelor in Computer Science from Universidad Argentina de la Empresa.


HECTOR DE LA BARREDA President Amplify Snack Brands, The Hershey Company Senior executive with deep operational and general management experience. Age:Oakland,38 CA BoardNationality:XP:

ADRIANNE DEL SOL VP/General Manager-Digital Commerce, Kimberly-Clark Accomplished supply chain leader with extensive experience in sales, e-commerce, and marketing. Age:San45Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: He has been at his current position since 2021. Tim started in Walmart back in 2018, as Director of Corporate Development/M&A for ecommerce. Prior to joining Walmart, he spent 6 years working for Barnes & Noble and Dow Jones & Company. DeSoto has an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business and a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Certificate in International Business from Arizona State University.

TIM DESOTO Head of Membership Programs, Partnerships & Innovation, Sam's Club, Walmart Leading digital commerce and media execu tive with experience creating programs and forming partnerships.

Jorge joined Kaiser Permanente in 2015 as Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Risk Officer. He is responsible for risk man agement across the IT function. He also has experience in public service as he served for 16 years at Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Before public service he was at Dignity Health holding different poisitions for 21 years. Jorge has a Bachelor of Law from Northwestern CU.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 181 Age:Austin,53 TX BoardNationality:XP:

Hector most recently lead Hershey Canada, the company’s second largest market, through a business transformation. He also led the company’s International Regional Markets. Prior to joining Hershey, de la Barreda served as CEO of a Coca-Cola joint venture that specialized in the dairy business. Before that, he led the Latin America Commercial Development team for Coca-Cola FEMSA. He holds a Bachelor´s degree in Actuarial Sciences and post graduate degree in Finance, both from the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM).

Former Partner/Americas Head of Execution Services, GoldmanSeasonedSachsfinancial services leader with a a robust history of building high-performing teams and driving business growth.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 182 Age:New53York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Patricio Diaz has 16 years of professional experience in the financial advisory industry. Diaz holds Series 63 and Series 66 licenses, qualifying them as a securities broker. Diaz can advise customers based out of Connecticut and Texas. Diaz has worked most of his career at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. He also worked with Citigroup Global Markets and Gulf Coast Funding with structuring investments and global markets. Diaz holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and a MS in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Florida.

Investment management executive experienced in capital markets products and platforms. Age:Pittsburgh,73 PA BoardNationality:XP: Diaz has more than 40 years of legal, public policy, economic regulation, and operations experience in the private and public sectors, including the Exelon Corporation, the City of Philadelphia, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Depart ment of Energy. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Plan II Honors Program from the University of Texas at Austin, and a J.D. degree from the University of Texas School of Law. Diaz also completed security- and financing-related executive programs at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, Inter-American Development Bank and The Wharton School.

PATRICIO DIAZ Head of Capital Markets - GWIM, Merrill Lynch

GUILLERMO DIAZ, JR. Founder and CEO, Conectado Inc.

ROMULO DIAZ, JR. Independent Director, Federal Home Loan Bank of PittsburghGovernmental and external affairs executive in energy, public financing,environmental protection and public service. Age:Baltimore,42 MD BoardNationality:XP: He is responsible for managing the execution of Exelon’s audit and controls strategies and activities. Diaz joined Exelon in 2001 and has since progressed through a variety of roles across Finance, including Accounting roles both at corporate and the operat ing companies and various roles as a member of the Treasury department. Prior to his current role, Diaz served as vice president of finance for Constellation.

DAVID DIAZ SVP, Audit Services, Exelon Corporation Experienced finance and audit leader with over 15 years in the utilities sector. Age:San56Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Guillermo Diaz, Jr., is a transformative global business leader and champion of diversity, equity and inclusion. He now serves as the Chairman of the Hispanic Technology Council (HITEC), the premier global executive leadership organization of senior business and technology executives who have and are building outstanding careers in technology. Diaz is also the Founder and CEO of Conectado Inc., an innovative Web 3 digital platform with the mission to accelerate access to opportunities for those that are underrepresented.


Digital and Culture Transformation, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Customer Experience; Scaling and Governing a multi-billion dollar business. Age:New55York, NY BoardNationality:XP:

Michele spent almost 32 years at Goldman Sachs, including the last 10 years as a partner. She has a long history of leadership in financial services with extensive experience running businesses regionally as well as globally. She brings a robust history of build ing high-performing teams and driving significant commercial impact. Michele is a member of the advisory board for Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and has been continually recognized among the most powerful and influential Latina leaders by the Association of Latino Professionals for America.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 184 Age:Orlando,53 FL BoardNationality:XP:

Pedro has an extensice career in the Sugar/Sweeteners commodities, after more than 20 years of professional eperience. He is a featured speaker at global sugar market events and international trade conferences covering USA, USMCA, CAFTA-DR, Colombia Free Trade Agreements and Puerto Rico Agricultural Affairs.

IXCHELL DUARTE Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, CNL Healthcare Properties,FinancialInc.executive with over 25 years of pub lic company experience overseeing corporate financial strategy.

DEAN FLOREZ President & CEO, Balance Inc. Seasoned government relations professional and prior service in the California Legislature.

LUIZ FEREZIN Retired, Accenture Mexico / Independent Director Global Executive with large experience in Latin America, having also worked in the US and Germany. Age: 63 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Escutia joined the University of Southern California in 2013, serving as vice president for state government relations and special counsel. Prior to joining USC, Senator Escutia focused on her legal practice. From 2010-2013, she was the founding partner of The Senators’ Firm, specializing in legal and regulatory advice. From 2007-2010, Senator Escutia was a partner at the national law firm of Manatt Phelps and Phillips. During her 14-year legislative career, Senator Escutia became the first woman to chair both the State Assembly and Senate Judiciary committees.

MARTHA ESCUTIA Vice President for Government Relations, University of SouthernLegalCaliforniaandregulatory senior executive and former legislator. Age:Bay48City, MI BoardNationality:XP:

PEDRO FIGUEROA Vice President-Sales & Marketing, Michigan Sugar CompanyGlobal Agricultural Commodities Executive. Age: 53 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: With over three decades of experience and prior service in the California Legislature, he is an expert at guiding established and start up tech companies through regulatory processes and spaces. Dean is the former California Senate Majority Leader and also served in the State Assembly. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School and started politics early as the past UCLA Student Body President. Dean also serves on various early venture funded corporate boards that are impact driven.

Duarte currently serves as chief financial officer, treasurer, and senior vice president of CNL Healthcare Properties, Inc., a public, non-traded real estate investment trust (REIT), overseeing financial strategy, treasury and debt operations, accounting, tax, inter nal audit, SEC reporting and SOX compliance. Previously served as SVP and chief accounting officer for CNL Financial Group. She began her career as audit staff at KPMG.

Age:Mexico65 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Broad experience in different areas and supported large clients throughout their transformation process integrating Strategy, People, Process and Digital to achieve relevant results. Strong connections in Mexico and Brazil in most sectors enabling a very good understanding of each countries challenges and opportunities. Digital Evangelist and Investor. After a 16-year long very successful career as head of Accenture Mexico he retired and currently serves in two very prominent Boards in Mexico: The Alsea Group of several restaurants chains for Latin America and parts of Europe including such major brands as Starbucks, Domino’s, and others. Recently he was chosen for one of Mexico’s prestigious Boards, ABC’s Hospitals.


DEBORAH GALLEGOS Managing Director, Palladium Equity Partners, LLC Experience in portfolio management, investment consulting, and pension fund administration.


Age:Hunt50Valley, MD BoardNationality:XP: Marcos is a global executive with 25+ years of experience in major multinational companies across three continents, including McCormick, Avon, Unilever and Eli Lilly with solid experience in all areas of finance, strategy development, enterprise-wide business transformation, M&A, risk management, and private equity. He holds an MBA in Finance and completed the Exec. Lead ership Devel. Program from Thunderbird School of Global Management. He was awarded two outstanding Global CEO Awards by both Unilever and Avon CEOs for his business contributions in his career.

ISAURA GAETA Vice President-Security Research-Intel Product Assurance and Security Engineering, Intel Corp. Technology executive with deep governance, security engineering, and technology research.


A 30-year veteran of Intel, Gaeta spent the first two decades of her Intel career developing various semiconductor process ing technologies. Previously she was GM of systems engineering in the Platform Engineering Group and was responsible for optimizing engineering execution capacity, quality management systems, and operational excellence for a global engineering organization of 18k people. The Hispanic IT Executive Council has recognized her six times on the top 100 Hispanic professionals in the IT industry.

MARCOS GABRIEL Chief Transformation Officer, McCormick & Company Finance executive with experience in consumer products, multi-national companies and private-equity portfolio businesses.

INDRANI M. FRANCHINI Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer, Alnylam PharmaceuticalsExperience

developing and building the infrastructure and company-wide standards for global compliance programs.

Age:New47York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Indrani Franchini joined Alnylam in January 2022 and has over 20 years of global legal experience in a variety of legal and compli ance roles. She has held multiple leadership positions providing legal, government investigations, regulatory, governance, privacy, quality, compliance and commercial contracting counsel to a broad range of global functions. Prior to joining Alnylam, Indrani served as Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer at Alexion, and was a member of the executive team.

Age:Sunnyvale,53 CA BoardNationality:XP:

Age:Boynton57 Beach, FL BoardNationality:XP: Maria has a career at Boston Scientific of over 14 years, having held different positions. She has extensive experience in finance, general management, channel partner management, and marketing within healthcare and medical device sectors. Prior to Bos ton Scientific, she was at Baxter Healthcare for over 18 years.

MARIA GALAINENA-JOHNSON International Vice President of Channel Transformation, Latin America, Boston Scientific Corp. Executive with experience in finance, general management, channel partner management. Age:San50Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Gallegos gives to Palladium 25 years of investment experience having managed over $100 billion in assets over the course of her career. She previously served as Chief Investment Officer for the New York City Comptroller, Deputy State Investment Officer for the New Mexico State Investment Council, and Director of Manager Research for Strategic Investment Solutions, now Verus Investments. Most recently, she was a Senior Investment Manager at CSAA Insurance Group, an AAA insurer. Gallegos began her career in the Emerging Markets Equity Group at JP Morgan Asset Management.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 186 Age:Dallas,56 TX BoardNationality:XP:

Age:New48York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Carlos is a proven influential leader that has transformed technology organizations by aligning them to the firm’s underlying business strategy. At The Service Desk Group he is Managing Partner of Technology and Operations. He is focused on developing and implementing systems, operations, and security solutions in over 25 countries while solving some of the most complex issues for businesses and sovereign entities.

RODRIGO GARCIA Global Chief Financial Officer, Talipot Holdings Chief Financial Officer, Chief Investment Offi cer, Private Board Director, Financial Services Practice Leader, Corporate Strategy.

HILDA GALVAN Partner, Jones NationallyDayrecognized trial & technology lawyer.

Age:Oakland,55 CA BoardNationality:XP: Garcia is a Senior C-Suite Executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, with a consistent record of overachieving strategic growth initiatives and protecting brand equity of mature and emerging public and privately held compa nies. Sergio Garcia is a Senior C-Suite Executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, with a consistent record of overachieving strategic growth initiatives and protecting brand equity of mature and emerging public and privately held companies. Deep expertise in corporate governance, and regulatory compliance matters while serving as public company General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

SERGIO GARCIA Founder and Principal, Garcia Strategic Advisors, LLC Senior executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, Age:San39Diego, CA BoardNationality:XP: Rodrigo Garcia has 20+ years of progressive leadership experience in transformational change, financial and investment ex pertise, corporate strategy, technology innovation, new product development, and full lifecycle project management. Garcia is an insightful lifelong learner and authentic leader with high emotional intelligence building meaningful relationships, bringing teams together with diverse views and skills, and driving organizational growth, profitability, and sustainability within fast-paced environments. Garcia serves on the boards of Canela Media, Inc. and Framework IT.

Hilda has served as lead counsel in the enforcement of patent portfolios as well as defense of infringement allegations. Her cases have involved various technologies, including electronics, software wireless communication, and semiconductor processes, among others. Hilda has a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Texas El Paso, and a JD from the University of Texas, School of Law.

Age:Boston,48 MA BoardNationality:XP: As Chief of Staff to the Chairman and CEO, Yvonne serves as his strategic advisor and first point of contact across various stakeholder relationships, including employee, client, regulator, community, and investor engagement. As the Global Head of Internal Communications, Yvonne drives the communications strategy for over 40,000 employees and is also responsible for the oversight of a program including State Street’s most strategic clients representing over $6.5B in revenue. Prior to State Street, Yvonne served as Director in Marketing and Distribution Strategy for Liberty Mutual and as Vice President for Bank of America’s China Construction Bank (CCB) Strategic Assistance Program.

CARLOS GARCIA, JR. Managing Partner, Technology and Operations, The Service Desk BusinessGroupexecutive, co-founder and angel investor.

YVONNE GARCIA Chief of Staff to CEO/Global Head of Internal Communications, State Street Corporation Experience leading business strategy, client engagement, executive leadership oversight, and marketing and communications.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 188 Age:New51York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Highly motivated and versatile professional with over 16 years experience in all areas of Multicultural Call Center management, Banking Center Operations, and leading large teams. Possess an extraordinary blend of leadership, business-to-business relation ships, customer satisfaction, cost control expertise, sales leadership and technical knowledge. Outstanding operator and customer service leader with superior track record in executing strategic initiatives across multiple channels. Successful change leader in a rapidly changing environment that drives operational and performance improvements through long-term planning, prioritization, inspiration, and accountability.

Chief Legal Officer, SVP Corporate Development Risk and Regulatory Compliance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Global Expansion, Corporate Governance and ESG Age:Oakland,54 CA BoardNationality:XP: With over 29 years at Kaiser Permanente, an $80 BB integrated health care delivery system, developed a deep understanding of healthcare. As VP, Health IT Transformation & Analytics, she was responsible for realizing strategic value and maximizing oppor tunities using HIT and advanced analytics. Garrido was awarded KPLA ‘Pathmaker Award’. Rounded experience since retirement by working with early stage organizations and governance experience with two boards.


TERHILDA GARRIDO Independent Board Director Technology executive of healthcare IT transfor mation and analytics. Age:Beverly46 Hills, CA BoardNationality:XP: Gast is an executive with extensive financial, strategic and operating experience in Private Equity and Fortune 100 companies. Strong growth partner with track record of creating value and market - leading positions. With over 15 year of experience in Mergers and Acquisitions, Gast has led and participated in the execution of multiple public and private buy – and sell – side trans actions, including numerous acquisitions, equity investments, divestitures and joint ventures both domestically and internationally.

CLAUDIA GAST CFO & Board Director, Global Technology Acquisition Corp.Senior executive with financial, strategic and operating experience in Private Equity and Fortune 100 companies. Age: 33 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Jordi has over 14 years of experience in marketing and trade marketing gained in Unilever & Coca-Cola and the fastest growing company in the beverage industry, Monster Energy. Leading teams across multiple geographies, product categories and consumer targets have provided a solid strategic vision and leadership skills.

Age:San44Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Seasoned executive with 15+ years of experience providing management, leadership, strategic direction and oversight of all legal, compliance, and regulatory affairs, as well as corporate development, for Glass Lewis, a global SaaS company and leading provider of governance solutions. She is a member of the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), TechGC, and was named a Rising Star of Corporate Governance, almost a decade ago, by the Millstein Center (formerly at the Yale School of Management). Her nuanced knowledge of corporate governance and ESG distinguishes her as a powerful advisor in this era of heightened focus on corporate compliance and sustainability.

JORDI GAYOLÀ GUITART SVP Global Marketing, Monster Beverage Brand builder with experience in top fast moving leading consumer goods companies and the beverage industry.

Chief CRA Officer and Head of Community Banking & Development Executive, Bank of America Operator and customer service leader with ex perience in all areas of multicultural call center management and banking center operations.



JERONIMO GERARD President and CEO, MRP Group One of the brightest Senior Executives in Mexi co, experience in investment and management platforms for alternative assets in real estate, infrastructure and private equity.

Age:Mexico51 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Recognized as one of the largest institutional fund managers, the real estate arm of MRP Group has invested over 1.25 billion in more than 80 assets including commercial, office and hospitality. He founded Institutional Infrastructure (I2), an infrastructure investment platform, which was acquired by Blackrock in 2015. He recently created Mexico Opportunity Fund (MXO), a private equity platform with over US$ 400 million in capital. Prior to MRP, he served as CFO for Telefonica Moviles Mexico, the largest mobile phone operator company in Mexico. Before that, he worked as CEO of Telefonica B2B as responsible of the operations re structuring in the US, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. He worked for Goldman Sachs & Co in the M&A and investment banking practice in NY. Gerard graduated from the MBA program of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and holds a Bd in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).


Age:Denver,58 CO BoardNationality:XP: Throughout his career Gomez has been respected as a strategic and inspirational leader that has consistently transformed un der-performing organizations and spurred dramatic business and earnings growth. This proven track record has been accom plished by creating trusting, agile and learning environments in which diverse thoughts are encouraged to consistently drive disruptive innovations.

LUIS DEMETRIO GOMEZ CEO, MultiSource Manufacturing LLC Executive leading publicly-held and Private Equity-backed manufacturing and industrial companies worldwide. Age:Mountain49 View, CA BoardNationality:XP: Alessandra leads global business and culture transformations to drive profitable growth for major multinational brands, including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Diageo, Avon, Philips, and Volkswagen. A recognized leader in human capital management, digital transformation, M&A, and diversity, equity & inclusion, she serves as a trusted advisor to boards, CEOs, and executive committees on building high-performance cultures. She has lived on 3 continents, driving innovation across Technology, Consumer Goods, Life Sciences, Automotive and Financial Services sectors.

Age:New48York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Veronica is responsible for driving profitable growth through Marketing for the Credit Card business across performance mar keting, content marketing, lifecycle marketing, product marketing, site UX testing and optimization, and analytics. She has a very strong marketing experience of over 20 years holding different leadership positions in different industries. Her previous positions include companies such as SoulCycle Inc, Tory Burch, Macy's and JP Morgan Chase & Co. Veronica has a BSE in Marketing and Finance from Wharton.

ALESSANDRA GINANTE YOCKELSON Chief Human Resources Officer, Pure Storage Global Human Resources executive driving business changes through cultural transfor mations.


VERONICA GONTIER Head of Digital Marketing for Credit Card, Credit One Marketing, customer, and digital expert focused on building lifestyle brands.

Age:Minneapolis,50 MN BoardNationality:XP: Gomez is executive vice president, chief food and beverage officer for Target Corporation. He brings deep retail expertise and more than 20 years of experience managing multi-billion-dollar consumer packaged goods brands to Target’s food and beverage business. Prior to Target, he served as vice president of brand marketing at MillerCoors. He also held multiple leadership roles at PepsiCo.

RICK GOMEZ Executive Vice President and Chief Food and Beverage Officer, Target Corporation Marketing and brand management executive with demonstrated success in the consumer products and retail industry.

JC GONZALEZ-MENDEZ Former President-Latin America, McDonald's Corporation / Chief Strategy Officer, Bien Trucha Group Executive with vast experience in the Quick Service Restaurant enterprise. Age:Midland,57 MI BoardNationality:XP: Gregorio has a track record of increasing responsibility, significant market and international experience, and considerable achieve ments at Dow. He joined the Company in 1984, and has held a variety of leadership roles, spanning business management, com mercial, supply chain and technical service, across several Dow’s upstream and downstream, market-facing businesses, including Coatings, Consumer Solutions, Plastics, Feedstocks & Energy.

Founder & Managing Partner, VamosVentures Angel investor focused on companies led by Hispanic and diverse founders.

Previously he was Mexico’s Minister of Finance, CEO of PEMEX (Mexico’s National Oil Company) and General Director at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). He was a Lecturer and Senior Researcher at Stanford University; Senior Economist for Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru at the World Bank. He holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard and a B.A. degree in Economics as well as a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.

Age:Mexico55 City, MX BoardNationality:XP:

JOSE ANTONIO GONZALEZ ANAYA CEO, IZZI Telecomm at Grupo Televisa Prominent experience in public and private sector. Age:New52York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Before Equitable, González was EVP & General Counsel for CNA Insurance, serving as principal counsel to the CEO, senior man agement team and board of directors. Prior to joining CNA, he was Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary at QBE North America, and Group General Counsel and Corporate Secretary for Torus Insurance. He also held numerous leadership roles over the course of 12 years within the legal function of AIG. González holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School and a Juris Doctor from the Columbia University.

MAURO GREGORIO President-Performance Materials & Coatings, Dow Inc. Executive providing innovative solutions to global markets.

Marcos has been a venture, private equity, and angel investor throughout his career both in the United States and abroad. In between investment funds, Marcos co-founded a tech company in Boston during the first internet wave of the 90s. Before entrepreneurship and investing, Marcos worked for the Boston Consulting Group. Marcos holds a BA from Brown University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 190 Age: 48 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP:

JOSE GONZÁLEZ Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, Equitable Senior executive with in-house and private practice legal and compliance experience. Age: 60 St. Charles, IL BoardNationality:XP: Most recently, he served as Senior Vice President, McDonald’s Global Inclusion, Community Engagement and Philanthropy, re sponsible for coordinating Community Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, as well as McDonald’s Philanthropic efforts around the world, including Ronald McDonald House Charities, where he served as the President and CEO since 2013.




LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 192 Age:Silicon43 Valley, CA BoardNationality:XP:


CYNTHIA GUERRERO Partner, California Strategies Advocacy experience relating to the technol ogy sector.

Age:Atlanta,50 GA BoardNationality:XP: With over three decades of experience, Eduardo has worked with brands such as HGTV, Food Network, Discovery and helping build novel products like DailyMe and AOL. Early in 2020, he joined Sun Capital Partners to run Gem Shopping Network, the top media seller of fine jewelry.

EDUARDO HAUSER Chief Executive Officer, Gem Shopping Network Innovator developing and building businesses and products in media, technology and consumer spaces. Age:Roanoke,66 VA BoardNationality:XP: Fortune 500 CIO and CTO executive Known for delivering innovative, revenue-generating technology solutions and services. Two-time award winner #1 on the InformationWeek Elite 100 Innovators in Technology. Businessweek Web Smart 50, Comput erWorld Premier 100 IT Leaders (best in class) and Hispanic Executive Top 100 Latino Business Leaders.

VERONICA HINOJOSA-SEGURA Associate Vice Chancellor & Controller, The University of Texas LeaderSystemwith extensive, diverse experience in healthcare, higher education,government & technology sectors.

She works tirelessly in Silicon Valley advising world-renowned companies on how to navigate the state and federal government legislative and regulatory process which often trails innovation. Previously, Cynthia founded CG Consulting Group, Inc., in 2003. There, she dedicated her time ensuring client success by strategically navigating the legislative process and overcoming regulatory hurdles at the state or federal level.

MAURICE HERRERA Chief Marketing Officer, Adtalem Global Education Innovative marketing executive with strong roots in building brand equity, digital market ing, and e-commerce. Age:Austin,58 TX BoardNationality:XP: As Controller Hinojosa Segura has System-wide responsibility for the oversight of accounting activities and financial reporting for the 13 institutions under UT System. Prior to joining the U T System, Veronica was the President / CEO of the Ascension DePaul Services of San Antonio. Veronica enjoys giving back to the community and is currently the Chair Elect and Treasurer for the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and a Board member of the Hispanic Chamber Foundation.

DAVID GUZMAN Chief Executive Officer, DRG, LLC Chief Information Officer with international experience in multiple industries. Age:New53York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Herrera is responsible for leading all company-wide marketing initiatives, including driving student enrollments and building brand awareness for Adtalem’s portfolio of institutions. Herrera brings nearly 30 years of marketing leadership from multinational consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, such as Campbell’s, PepsiCo and Kraft/Mondelez, and direct-to-consumer compa nies, Weight Watchers and Avis Budget. He holds a bachelor’s degree in math and economics from Binghamton University and an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

DIETER HOLTZ CEO, Latin America of Upfield B.V. Multi-industry and global executive with a demonstrated history of forming and develop ing high performance teams and cultures.

Age:Indianapolis,52 IN BoardNationality:XP: She provides proactive, strategic advice to the Elanco executive committee and works in close partnership with its board of directors. Prior to Elanco, Marcela held US, regional and global leadership roles with Fortune 500 life science companies, such as Novartis, Roche and Danaher. Marcela earned her law degrees from Rutgers School of Law, in Newark, New Jersey and the Catholic University of Argentina, in Buenos Aires

ROBERT KOZMANN, JR. Chief Operating Officer Latin American, Bank of America Banking industry executive with global and international exposure. Age:Irvine,51 CA BoardNationality:XP:

MARCELA KIRBERGER General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Elanco Animal HealthGlobal executive leader, chief legal officer and change management sponsor, known for guiding organizational transformations. Age:Mexico47 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: From 2019 to July 2021, she was the President of the Executive Council of Global Companies in Mexico, a Council that integrates more than 50 global companies with presence in Mexico, that aims to build a continuous dialogue with the Govern ment. Until February 2021, Claudia was President for Latin America and Global Director for Diversity & Inclusion at DuPont, where she worked for more than 13 years.

Ofelia first joined McDonald’s in 1992 as a manager trainee in the U.S. and later in Latin America. In Latin America, she was responsible for the Operations deployment plans of the Andean countries, Central America, and Puerto Rico. In 2013, she served as Vice President and General Manager for the SoCal Region, until July 2018 when she was promoted to her current role. Ofelia earned her MBA from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business.

OFELIA KUMPF U.S. Field Vice President, McDonald’s USA International food and beverage operations executive with over 20 years of experience.

Dieter Holtz is currently acting as CEO for Latin America of Upfield, the leading global company in plant based nutrition, formed after the private equity firm KKR acquired the ailing business from Unilever in 2018. In Latin America it is known for holding the leading market share position in margarines in almost all countries it participates in. Sales in the region amount to approx. $300 million USD and operates through 11 production plants, both owned and sub-contracted.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 193 Age:Mexico53 City, MX BoardNationality:XP:

CLAUDIA JAÑEZ IndependentOneDirectorofthe most important and influential leaders in business in Mexico. Age:New60York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Robert has 28 years of experience working in the banking industry in Sao Paulo, Frankfurt, London and NY. He has been at Bank of America for 21 years, most recently serving as Chief Operating Officer for Latin America. Previously he has held different positions at JPMorgan Chase & Co and Deutsche Bank in different locations.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 194 Age:New46York, NY BoardNationality:XP:


Age:Castro36 Valley, CA BoardNationality:XP:

Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Roman served a variety of roles in Financial Technology and Financial Services, most recently at PayPal and Goldman Sachs. At PayPal, he co-led the next-gen financial services, digital currencies and P2P strategies, where he collaborated on market strategy, business development and product. At Goldman, Leal covered the Financial Technology sector and he was one of the founding members of the Emerging Technology Research and Payment Processing Around the World

STEPHANIE LEDESMA Interim Senior Vice President Community Health Programs, Kaiser Permanente Experience in operations management and information technology leadership. Age:Dallas,42 TX BoardNationality:XP: Maria is focused on empowering McKesson solutions through the capabilities of the technology platform that her team develops and sustains. She drives technological and health modernization through large-scale transformative initiatives. dditionally, Maria is active in promoting minority inclusion in business, STEM education, and female empowerment programs. Maria has received vast recognition for her work including the 2021 Corporate CTO of the year by Tech Titans, 2021 HITEC 100 Award as one of the 100 most influential Hispanic leaders in technology, “2019 Woman in Business” award by the Dallas Business Journal.

CHRISTOPHER LALAN Assisant General Counsel, Circle Legal executive supporting strategic initiatives, digital transformation, and risk management oversight.

Lalan has over 15 years of extensive legal insurance. Prior to his current position, he was Chief Legal and Compliance Officer for Teachers Federal Credit Union, where he was responsible for overseeing the enterprise risk, compliance, privacy and financial crimes teams, in addition to building out the credit union’s in-house legal department and serving as primary legal advisor to the Senior Management team.

MARIA LENSING SVP and CTO, Engineering, Infrastructure & Operations, McKessonLeaderwith experience of making corporations grow through technology platforms

ROMAN LEAL Managing Partner, LEAP Global Partners Entrepreneur with experience in product, operations and strategy in social networking, education and financial technology sectors.

KEYLA LAZARDI Chief Scientific Officer, Revlon Executive delivering global breakthrough innovation programmes for assembled and formulated consumer products. Age:San48Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Stephanie leads all aspects of operations and core community health initiatives for Kaiser Permanente. She reports directly to Kaiser Permanente’s chair and chief executive officer and is a member of the National Executive Team. Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente, she was chief operating officer at Aetna Better Health of Pennsylvania. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in information technology from Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri, and a Master of Science in applied analytics from Saint Louis University.

Age:New50York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Keyla is responsible for driving product innovation for our brands and product strategies across the global organization. She joined Revlon with over 20 years of global experience in the consumer products and consumer health industries with an excep tional track record of delivering breakthrough innovation. She has worked in Asia, Europe, LA and the US. Most recently held the position of R&D Vice President at e.l.f. Cosmetics and previously held leadership positions of increasing responsibility at Schiff Nutrition, Reckitt Benckiser and Procter & Gamble.



Age:Orlando,58 FL BoardNationality:XP: Tony is the CEO/Founder for L&L Advisors. He served as Chair of the PROSPANICA board and served on the BOA of MAS Global. He currently serves on NextPhase Capital’s Advisory Board. He began his career as an Air Force Officer and joined J&J in 1991 where he held operational and commercial leadership roles. From 2009-2011 he led CareFusion Respiratory, and from 20112017 he was President, Ansell Healthcare. He was named CEO of AZZUR in 2017. Tony holds a BS in Engineering and an MS in Engineering Management.

ESTEBAN LÓPEZ Market Lead - Healthcare and Life Sciences, Americas, Google Cloud A recognized change agent and healthcare thought leader with proven success in P+L and medical management.

Fabio has over 30 years of international experience in the pharma and health industries. Most recently he has been at AbbVie since 2015 spearheading the Science Safety practices. He is also Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Pharmacology of Northwestern University. Fabio has vast experience through positions in companies such as Merck, Novartis, Sanofi. Also public health organizations like the CDC and WHO.

ANTHONY LÓPEZ CEO & Founder, L&L Advisors Experienced executive in the healthcare, industrial, consumer and IT sectors.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 196 Age:Chicago,58 IL BoardNationality:XP:

Age:Dallas,45 TX BoardNationality:XP: Miguel is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Ribbon Communications since 2020 with responsibilities for all finance, information technology and investor activities. Previously, he served as the CFO of Vista Outdoor Inc.. Miguel holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Georgetown University and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Chicago.

FABIO LIEVANO Vice President Safety Science, AbbVie Inc. Extensive experience in public health, clinical development, and pharmacoepidemiology.

EVP & Chief Financial Officer, Ribbon Communications, Inc.Finance executive with experience public and private equity companies within technology, consumer products, and services.

MICHAEL LOPEZ SVP Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Inclusion & Diversity and Human Resources executive with experiences across industries.

Age:San46Antonio, TX BoardNationality:XP: López is the Americas healthcare and life sciences Market Lead at Google Cloud with multinational executive responsibility for strategy and solutions development. He previously served as chief medical officer for clinical strategy and innovation at Health Care Service Corporation/ Prior to this position, he was president and chief medical officer of the southwest Texas region for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. López remains a practicing physician and he is dual board certified in internal medicine and pediatrics.

Age:San43Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Lopez is responsible for leading Abercrombie & Fitch Co.'s sustainability, community giving, and inclusion and diversity functions as the company looks to broaden these ongoing efforts and embed the ESG strategy into its business operations. Previously, he served as Chief Diversity Officer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Lopez has a BA in Organizational Behavior & Communications from NYU.

JORGE MADRIGAL Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Penserra Financial services executive with extensive experience in investment management and advisory.

PAULO MAIA Chairman, HSBC Latin America International executive with a solid back ground and track record in financial services in developed and emerging markets.

Age:New50York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Claudia is an Executive Director and the Head of Key Client Coverage and Head of Advisor Recruiting for International Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley. Previously, Claudia was the Chief Operating Officer for the Client Development Group. Prior to that role, Claudia was an attorney for 10 years with the Morgan Stanley Legal and Compliance Division. Claudia was Co-Head of the Firm’s Latino Employee Network. Claudia was awarded the 2017 MAKERS@ Morgan Stanley award. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Claudia was at Citigroup from 2002-2006. Claudia holds an LLM degree from Columbia University and a law degree from University of Buenos Aires, Law School.

MAYBEL MARTE Managing Director, Head of Leveraged Finance Product Strategy, Global Credit Group, BlackRock Financial product strategist delivering solutions in product development, marketing, and client service.

SARA MANZANO-DIAZ Commissioner, Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board Executive leader and expert in government affairs and global regulatory compliance.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 197 Age:San50Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP:

Age:Philadelphia,68 PA BoardNationality:XP: Manzano-Díaz has accomplished significant and distinguished public service work on both the state and federal levels. Among her State government positions, she served as the highest-ranking Latina Law Enforcement official in the role as Pennsylvania’s Executive Deputy Attorney General for Public Protection. In addition, Manzano-Díaz served the Commonwealth as Deputy Sec retary of State for Regulatory Programs.

CLAUDIA MARMOLEJO Executive Director, Head of Key Client Coverage, MorganWealthStanleymanagement, legal/compliance and operations executive in leading financial institutions. Age:New46York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Marte focuses on developing credit solutions for both institutional and retail clients, across our Bank Loans, High Yield and CLO offerings. Prior to BlackRock, she was a SVP at PIMCO in the US Institutional Client Management group. Before joining PIMCO in early 2010, Marte held positions in fixed income institutional sales for over 9 years, of which 7 years was spent at Goldman Sachs. She received her Masters of Business Administration from The Wharton School and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Wellesley College.

Prior to founding Penserra, Jorge spent fourteen years at Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which is now part of BlackRock, in various senior capacities including Head of Transition Management and Senior Portfolio Manager. Before working at BGI, he also worked for Baxter International and Conagra in finance roles. He is also a graduate of Columbia University with a MBA focus in securities analysis and a graduate of University of California, Berkeley with a MBA focus in business strategy.

Age: 58 Rio De Janeiro, BR BoardNationality:XP: He started his career in Brazil in 1982 with JP Morgan Chase before joining the HSBC Group in 1993. He has worked and lived in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, UK and USA. Until the end of March 2021 he was a Group Managing Director of HSBC Holdings PLC and CEO of Latin America since 2015 based in Mexico City. Other relevant positions included President & CEO of HSBC Bank Canada 2012 - 2015, CEO of HSBC Bank Australia 2009-2012 and Deputy CEO of HSBC Bank Brazil 2007 – 2009. He was a member of the Group Management Board, the HSBC Group highest executive committee, from 2013 to 2020.


As both the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and President of the UPS Foundation, he led and influenced awareness, account ability, and engagement over the course of a 45 year long career at UPS. Eduardo has a BA in Business Administration and a JD from Nova Southeastern University.


Age:Boston,46 MA BoardNationality:XP: Roxanne leads the human resources and workplace services organization. Before joining DentaQuest in 2019, Roxanne served as the Senior Vice President and Talent Officer for the U.S. region of Liberty Mutual’s Global Retail Markets business. Roxanne received her Bachelor of Arts in Politics from Brandeis University and J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law.

JOSE ANTONIO MEADE Former Candidate for Mexico's Presidency, Minister of Finance and Board Director for HSBC Global Extensive experience in public administration, banking and financial policy.

RODRIGO MAZON EVP & GM SVOD Televisa Univision Communications Inc.Media and entertainment executive driving programming strategy as well as tv/film co-productions and acquisitions. Age:Mexico53 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Meade is currently Board Director for HSBC and on the Advisory Board of the Global Centre of Adaptation. He also serves as a non-executive Director of both ALFA and Grupo Comerical Chedraui, S.A.B. de C.V., which are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange, as well as on the Consultative Board of UNICEF Mexico.From 2011 and 2017 he held Cabinet-level positions in the federal government of Mexico. Prior to his appointment to the Cabinet, he served as Undersecretary and as Chief of Staff in the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, among other government administrative positions. He studied economics and law from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, before receiving a PhD in Economics from Yale University.


Former President, The UPS Foundation / Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, UPS Inc. Diversity and inclusion and risk management leader with deep experience in logistics.

Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer, BMO Financial GroupDiverse experience in AML, Compliance, Risk, Governance and Control, Program/Project Management, Securities Operations and Technology.


Age:Chicago,48 IL BoardNationality:XP:

Prior to January 2019, when he took on his current responsibilities, Herb served as the U.S. Chief BSA/AML/OFAC Officer, BMO Financial Group, where he was responsible for the BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance program for the U.S. Prior to joining BMO, Herb was the Global Head of Bank of America's Financial Intelligence Unit. e has a Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Francis College in New York.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 199 Age:Atlanta,63 GA BoardNationality:XP:

ROXANNE MARTINEZ Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer,GlobalDentaQuestseniorHR and operations executive with extensive experience leading complex business transformations. Age: 41 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Rodrigo joined the content team at Netflix in April of 2015, before his current position at Univision. Prior to Netflix, he spent almost 4 years at Hulu, also in content acquisitions, managing various content categories. Rodrigo started his career in media/ entertainment in 2001, when he worked in corporate development at MGM Studios managing the film greenlight process. Orig inally from San Diego, he studied undergrad at Dartmouth College, and received his MBA at Stanford University.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 200 Age:Houston,55 TX BoardNationality:XP:

Samantha is responsible for the consumer banking sector - its business strategy, growth, and leadership. She has over 25 years of experience across deposits, investments, retirement, and credit. Prior to joining Synchrony, she held several senior leadership positions during 18 years at Bank of America. She has a BS in Economics with a minor in Finance.

Joseph has more than 20 years of executive management and senior leadership in the energy, oil & gas, and refining industries. He has successfully transitioned to the private sector from position as a senior USMC Commander (General Officer). Served on multiple boards of international companies.

ROBERTO MEDRANO Chief Executive Officer, Beach View Executive in the technology fields of cyber security, AI, Blockchain, IoT, middleware, API security, microservices, etc.

Age:State57of Mexico, MX BoardNationality:XP: Previously, she served as Deputy Secretary of Energy for Hydrocarbons (2014-16) and Under-Secretary for Electricity (2012-2014) during the time of design, negotiation and initial implementations of Mexico´s energy reform. As a career diplomat, she held various positions in Mexico’s Foreign Service. She was the 2016-17 Robert Wilhelm Fellow at MIT, and has been a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and at the Jackson School of Geosciences of the University of Texas (Austin).

SAMANTHA MELTING SVP & Head of Consumer Bank, Synchrony Financial Executive with sucessful experience in product management, performance improvement, and strategy development and execution. Age:Fort56Lauderdale, FL BoardNationality:XP: Mendizabal is group president for Stanley Black & Decker Lain America since 2019. Most recently, she was business unit president and global chief marketing and innovations officer at Nature's Sunshine Products. She held leadership roles at Visa USA, Herbalif, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, PepsiCo-Mexico and Procter & Gamble. She was named one of Mexico's Top 10 most powerful women in business by CNN's Expansion Business Magazine.


LOURDES MELGAR Research Affiliate, Center for Collective Intelligence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Experience in energy industry and passionate for diplomacy. Age: 60 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Roberto has been an executive at five public companies and in a board position of 14 that have been acquired. He has experience with Fortune 100 companies on digital transformation initiatives using mobile, SaaS, on-premises or cloud hybrid products. He was selected as a participant in President Clinton's White House Security Summit on cyber security.

Age:Charlotte,50 NC BoardNationality:XP:

JOSEPH MEDINA Chief Executive Officer, The Asia Pacific Strategies & SolutionsExecutiveGroupmanagement and senior leadership in aftermarket & field service support for Energy/Oil & Gas, and refining industries.

ADRIANA MENDIZABAL Group President Latin America, Stanley Black & Decker,LeaderInc driving transformational business strategies

Over 25 years of information systems audit and advisory experience and a comprehensive understanding of the business benefits and risks that can arise from the use of information technology and systems as well as experience in the design of relevant con trols and security solutions. Ralph is National Board Member for the KPMG Hispanic Latino Network.

Age:Boston,44 MA BoardNationality:XP:


David is Former Commissioner of Health Care Finance & Policy in Massachusetts. Together with his wife, they founded Ahora Inc. (, a not-for-profit dedicated to empowering working class families and low-income individuals, especially Latinos, to build self-reliance through budgeting, money management, and wealth building.

DAVID MORALES General Manager UniCare, Anthem, Inc. Operations and health care executive focused in public policy and benefits.

His current scope of responsibility also includes the Stills Beverages business for all of the Latin America Region. Previously Pres ident of the Latin Center Business Unit with base in Colombia, where he championed a new regional vision that reversed losses and delivered the highest engagement and net promoter scores companywide. Prior to that, as President of the South Pacific Business Unit in Australia, Roberto widened his repertoire to include developed market expertise.

Age:New48York, NY BoardNationality:XP:

Maria has led North American businesses for both Britax Child Safety (manufacturers of car seats and strollers) and Bugaboo Americas (manufactures of premium strollers). She also has held senior leadership roles in strategic planning and general man agement at both Nike and Univision. Maria has a BA in Economics from Stanford University and an MBA from Northwester University.

RALPH MONTE Short Hills Office Advisory Office Leader, KPMG Audit executive with over 25 years of informa tion systems audit and advisory experience.

ROBERTO MERCADE President, Mexico Zone, The Coca-Cola Co. Outstanding experience and achievements with the Coca-Cola Company in four continents.

RITA MITJANS Founder & President, BizGuru LLC Marketing executive with experience in mar ket-leading sustainability, diversity/inclusion and engagement programs.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 201 Age:Mexico53 City, MX BoardNationality:XP:

Age:Short61Hills, NJ BoardNationality:XP:

MARIA MONTANO President/CEO, Gerber Childrenswear LLC Highly accomplished retail and consumer products executive. Age:Miami,53 FL BoardNationality:XP: She combines over 30 years of Fortune 500 successful senior leadership experience in strategy, human resources, marketing, and finance, helping organizations improve performance and create inclusive cultures. As an executive coach, she leverages her training, deep leadership experience with empathy and a bias for action to help clients achieve their goals.

© 2022 Selective Ins. Group, Inc., Branchville, NJ. Products vary by jurisdiction, terms, and conditions and are provided by Selective Ins. Co. of America and its insurer affiliates. Details at OURUNIQUELYDIRECTOR Selective appreciates the diverse experiences, perspectives, and talents of our director, Lisa Rojas Bacus. We value uniqueness – in everyone we work with and in everything we do.

JOSÉ MOREY Chief Executive Officer, Ad Astra Media, LLC Leader in exponential technology innovation and excels at leading multidisciplinary teams that sit at the epicenter of biotechnology, AI, and aerospace.

Age:Richmond,54 VA BoardNationality:XP:

Age:Plano,53 TX BoardNationality:XP: Mark has an extensive career at Toyota, he has over 15 years of experience at the brand - where he has held different positions at different locations. He has been at the current position since September 2020. Other professional experiences include General Manager of the Lexus - Central Area sales region.

As the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) her role is to partner with senior management and the Audit Committee to help them fulfill their broad responsibilities for effective governance. She first joined Brink's Company in 2004 as VP & CFO for the LATAM region. Previously she served at Johnson & Johnson, Bacardi, & PWC.


ILEANA MUSA Managing Director, Head of International Banking & Lending, Morgan Stanley Financial services leader focused on growing cross-border wealth management businesses.


Age:Miami,51 FL BoardNationality:XP: Musa joined Morgan Stanley in 2017 as part of the firm’s strategic focus on international high-net-worth clients. She brings an appropriately worldly perspective to the role. She’s also involved in several nonprofit and professional organizations devoted to education, the arts, and Latinx issues. Including ALFPA, the Association of Latino Professionals For America, which recently honored her as one of its Most Powerful Latinas for the fourth year in a row.

MARK NAZARIO Vice President-Guest Experience & Retention, Toyota Motor North America General management and operations execu tive in the automotive industry.

ELSA NUÑEZ Chief Audit Executive, The Brink's Company Audit and financial operations in consumer products and technology services.

Age: 55 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: A key player in the global media industry for more than 25 years, Nuñez led the international divisions of major U.S. media com panies that have launched some of the most well-known content in the world. In a series of high-profile executive roles, he was responsible for shaping CBS’s global licensing and syndication business and turning CBS Studios International into a worldwide distribution leader.

Founder, Peritus Global Advisors Global executive with over 20 years in media production and licensing.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 203 Age:Newport44 News, VA BoardNationality:XP:

CEO and Founder of Ad Astra Media LLC; providing role models and educational STEAM content to encourage more diversity in STEAM related fields. José is the Chief Medical Officer for Ever Medical, an Eisenhower Fellow with the 2020/2021 ZHI-XING Fellows Program and is a health and technology keynote speaker, author and a consultant for NASA, Forbes, MIT and the White House Office of Science and Technology. He is considered a leader in exponential technology innovation and excels at leading multidisciplinary teams that sit at the epicenter of biotechnology, AI, and aerospace.


Age:Farmington,60 MI BoardNationality:XP: President, CEO and Founder of Padilla NetWorks, a consulting firm established in 2010. It provides global public policy, strategic planning and management expertise on domestic and international business topics to Fortune 500 clients and new business ventures. Prior he comes from a 34-year global career at General Motors, Padilla’s last assignment was Global Senior Director, Public Policy, Corporate & Government Relations with expanded responsibilities for the General Motors Public Policy Center.


Ortiz-McGhee is the Chief Operating Officer of the National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC), the trade association and largest network of diverse-owned private equity firms and hedge funds. Prior to joining NAIC, she served as Senior Vice President at Aon plc. Here she was responsible for driving growth across all risk and health product lines in the Mid-Atlantic.

Age:Austin,52 TX BoardNationality:XP:

Chief Operating Officer, National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC) Sales and operations executive with experi ence in advocacy onbehalf of diverse asset managers.

Graduate of the University of Virginia, currently serves as Chair of the Governance & Nominations Committee of the Communities in Schools national board

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 204 Age:Washington,46 DC BoardNationality:XP:

Luis leads Austin PBS on an ambitious transformational journey to engage digital audiences, new generations and expand its impact on diverse and growing communities. Previously he was at Univision for more than 16 years holding different leadership positions. Patiño served on the Austin PBS board between 2013 and 2015.

ORLANDO PADILLA President & CEO, Padilla NetWorks LLC / Former Global Senior Director-Public Policy & Government Relations, General Motors Public policy, strategic planning on domestic and international business matters in the automotive and transportation sector. Age:Princeton,47 NJ BoardNationality:XP: Pease leads the Company’s global finance organization and is responsible for overseeing the Accounting, Tax, Treasury, Investor Relations, Internal Audit, Risk Management, and Procurement functions, as well as working closely with operational finance teams across the Company’s global businesses. Prior to joining Charles River, Ms. Pease served as Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer of Johnson & Johnson’s global Medical Devices businesses since 2019.

FLAVIA PEASE Chief Financial Officer, Charles River Laboratories Finance executive with diverse management experience including mergers & acquisitions, licenses, and compliance. Age:New48York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Paulo has over 20 years of operations and finance experience in the hospitality, quick service restaurant and beverage industries. Previously he served as Chief Operating Officer of Selina, one of the world’s fastest growing hospitality brands, where he was responsible for overall hotel operations for the company’s portfolio of over 95 properties. Prior to joining Selina, Pena was a Vice President at McDonald’s USA, where, among other things, he oversaw operations at over 800 McDonald’s-owned locations in the United States.

PAULO PENA President and Chief Executive Officer, Carrols CorporationGlobalexecutive with experience in opera tions, strategy, finance, commercial, business development, real estate, and hospitality.

LUIS PATINO Chief Executive Officer, Austin Public Broadcasting ServiceSeasoned(PBS) media executive with experience managing large media national organizations.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 205 Age:Mexico55 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: For seven years (2008 – 2015) Luis served as CEO of HSBC Mexico having increased profitability substantially and as of 2016 he was promoted to Vice-Chairman, Global Banking and Markets for the entire Latin America Region. Before joining HSBC Luis served as CEO for Banorte, the largest Mexican commercial bank with 1200 branches and 17,000 employees (between 2004 – 2008). After finishing his MBA at Stanford University, Luis joined Citibanamex where he developed a fast growth career between 1983 and 2004. He obtained a BA in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Iberoamericana and an MBA from Stanford University.

Age:Albuquerque,60 NM BoardNationality:XP: David Perez is an accomplished entrepreneur with a successful track record of starting and building B2C and B2B technology companies in the fields of healthcare technology, data analytics, and digital marketing With a strong background in sales, market ing, and branding, David also has experience in raising capital, mergers and acquisitions, SaaS platforms, software development, market research and education. David founded Latin Force, the first Hispanic consumer digital marketing agency, which he sold in 2009.

Age:San54Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Perez has had an exemplary career at Nielsen for more than 25 years. He first joined as Product Manager in 1997 and has escalated to Executive leadership positions. Today he leads a national team focused on customer retention, customer growth and new customer acquisition in the Media Industry.

DAVID PEREZ Principal, Perez Strategy Group Entrepreneur with a track record of starting and building consumer focused technology businesses. Age:San55Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Pereira retired from Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. in 2020, having served as Chief Operating Officer from 2010 to 2020 and Chief Financial Officer from 2004 to 2020. He also served as Head of Financial Reporting for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. from 2000 to 2004. Earlier in his career, Pereira gained valuable regulatory experience and perspective while serving as Managing Director at the New York Stock Exchange

GEORGE PEREIRA Independent Director, Pacific Premier Bank Operations and finance executive with a demonstrated history of leading investment management organizations.

Founding Partner & Co-Chairman of Silvergreen Capital A seasoned banker with a long experience in investment and commercial operations.



Age:Nashville,60 TN BoardNationality:XP: During his time at TVA, he led in both nuclear and corporate areas. His last assignment was as the Agency's functional CAO role where he led strategies for critical infrastructure, including multi‐million dollar capital projects, new reactor options, physical and cyber security protection compliance (per US NERC CIP standards) and optimized the company's supply chain, IT and facilities operations.

RICARDO PEREZ Former President/Chief Operating Officer, Westinghouse ElectricLeaderCompanywitha successful career in electricity markets, engineering businesses, and critical infrastructure management.

AMILCAR PEREZ EVP Sales & CRO National Media Clients, Nielsen. Sales and media executive with experience leading global commercial strategy and revenue operations.

WLIFREDO RAMOS President, UPS Mexico and Latin America Leader responsible for managing the operations and leading the creation and implementation of new strategies. Age:Mexico57 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Reich is an executive with over 35 years in the financial sector in Mexico and Latin America. Former Chief Executive Officer for BNP-Paribas Cardif Mexico from 2014 until 2022. Currently she is President of the Board of Diretors at the company. Before, Nicole served as the CEO and President of Grupo Financiero Scotiabank Inverlat S.A. de C.V. from 2007 to September 2012 and Vice President of the National Banks association in Mexico. She was an Executive Vice President of Scotiabank since April 2010. She joined Scotiabank in 2005 after a long tenure at Citigroup where she held various senior roles in several Latin American countries, including General Manager and CEO for Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic.

NICOLE REICH Former Chief Executive Officer, BNP-Paribas Cardiff MexicoResults driven executive with twenty two years of diverse international general management experience in banking.

PEDRO PIERLUISI Governor, Puerto AccomplishedRicopublic servant and litigator in the private and public sector. Age: Dublin, OH BoardNationality:XP: Accomplished CFO, entrepreneur, strategic advisor and KPMG audit and consulting partner experienced in finance and account ing, strategy, digital transformation, international expansion, capital markets, risk management and M&A.Before joining Kimball Midwest, Ramirez served as CFO of Unity Aluminum, an industrial startup company building a greenfield aluminum rolling mill in Ashland, Kentucky. He also served as a director on the Board of Atlas LLC. Previously, Ramirez was CFO of The Freeman Company in Dallas.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 206 Age:San63Juan, PR BoardNationality:XP: Pedro Pierluisi is the Governor of Puerto Rico and presides over the New Progressive Party. He was elected on November 3, 2020. Pierluisi is a lawyer from San Juan with 35 years of experience in the public and private sectors. He began his professional career in Washington, D.C. as an assistant to Resident Commissioner Baltasar Corrada del Rio. He was Puerto Rico’s Resident Commis sioner in Washington from January 2009 to December 2016, and during his tenure in Congress, he compiled an impressive record of accomplishments in multiple areas.

JULIO O. RAMIREZ Chief Financial Officer, Kimball Midwest Qualified financial expert with international experience assisting companies. Age:Towson,57 MD BoardNationality:XP: Jaime assumed leadership of this business in early 2020 following more than 30 years of progressive leadership responsibility with Stanley Black & Decker, including as SVP & President of Global Emerging Markets, President of our Latin America Group and President of our Exponential Learning Unit known as STANLEY X. Jaime earned a bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and an MBA from Loyola University, Maryland.

JAIME RAMIREZ Executive Vice President and President, Tools & Storage, Stanley Black & Decker Inc. Tools and storage veteran with deep knowledge of emerging markets, innovation andlearning, global perspective. Age:Mexico44 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Wilfredo is a native of Puerto Rico, where he joined UPS in 2003 as a corporate tax manager. Over the course of 17 years, Ramos has held several key leadership roles for UPS, including vice president of strategy, mergers and acquisitions for UPS Asia Pacific, and managing director of UPS Spain and Portugal. From 2011 to 2016, Wilfredo held a number of different roles in Asia where he spearheaded efforts to restructure UPS’s air network, gain new business and expand into new markets.

Age:Washington,50 DC BoardNationality:XP: Maria invests herself in understanding each family's financial scenario, coordinating the strengths of J.P. Morgan to help pursue their priorities and preserve their wealth while educating the next generation on the responsibilities to come. Before joining J.P. Morgan, Maria spent two decades advising private equity and institutional clients. Most recently, she was with Bank of America Private Bank and previously was a managing principal at ISG Advisers, a real estate investment advisory firm. Maria earned her MBA in finance from the University of Miami and her BS in finance and corporate law from Florida State University.

MIGUEL ROGGERO Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Fuse Media, Inc. Executive with multicultural, Latinx, growth, and turnaround experience with leading media, technology and CPG organizations.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 207 Age:San46Carlos, CA BoardNationality:XP: Melissa has led global HR organizations in information technology, entertainment and the news industry, during tenures with Thomson Reuters, Yahoo, Opera MediaWorks and Deluxe Entertainment Group. In her previous role Melissa was the EVP of Human Resources at Deluxe Entertainment Group .She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from UNOPAR –Universidade Norte do Paraná, Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management from UNESPAR – Universidade Estadual do Paraná.

ED RIVERA Operating Partner, DigitalWorks Marketing and sales operations leader deliv ering product development, innovationand operations strategy in the entertainment industry. Age:Palo48Alto, CA BoardNationality:XP: Diego was Executive Vice President, Chief Product and Design Officer at Intuit. He guided the strategy, design, and delivery of Intuit’s AI-driven customer experiences and led its product management and design teams. Before Intuit, Diego was a Senior Partner at IDEO. He developed Business Design as a core part of IDEO’s offer and then served as the Managing Director of IDEO Bay Area. As Global Managing Director of IDEO Futures he led the creation of growth ventures such as IDEO U and IDEO CoLab, and funded and incubated a portfolio of external startups.

DIEGO RODRIGUEZ Former Executive Vice President/Chief Product & Design Officer,Leading-edgeIntuit product executive focused on end-to-end customer experiences, product management and design.

MELISSA RIBEIRO Chief People Officer, Actian Corporation Global human resources and talent manage ment executive.

Age: 53 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: During Roggero’s tenure, Fuse Media’s predecessor, SíTV, the first English-language entertainment destination for the under served Latino community, rebranded to NUVOtv. Roggero has also helped Fuse Media identify and expand the company’s multi platform business opportunities, including development and distribution of content beyond the Fuse and FM linear TV networks, and onto OTT platforms. During his more than 15 years at the company, Roggero was previously CFO & COO.


MARIA RIVERO CLARKE Executive Director and Banker, J.P. Morgan Private Bank Banking and business development executive focused in advising individuals and corporations. Age:New49York, NY BoardNationality:XP: In his current role Ed is responsible for strategic relationships with founders, platforms, and regulators while identifying op portunities to monetize in diverse markets. Prior, he was Chief Strategy Officer for The Opes Group, where he was responsible for delivering capital solutions to a range of companies seeking family offices, hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital partners. He has a BS in Finance from Ithaca College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

He is Managing Director of Bank of America Merrill Lynch Mexico. He joins the financial firm from Telemundo, where he served as President since 2011. Prior to this, Romano was president and CEO of Grupo Puerta Alameda, a real estate development and investment company, as well as CEO of Grupo Mexicana de Aviación.


DEBORAH ROSADO SHAW Former SVP, Chief Global Diversity & Engagement Officer, PepsiCo, Inc. Advisor and strategist focused on diversity, marketing, entrepreneurship, and business strategy. Age:Washington,51 DC BoardNationality:XP: Javier is Partner at Fenway Summer, Director and Audit Chair of SoftBank Vision Fund Investment Corp., Chairman of the Board of GP Funding, Inc., a PE-owned company, Board Member of Harvard’s Rock Center for Entrepreneurship, is a CNBC contributor and recently served as Lead Independent Director of the Board of Directors of Porch Group. Previously, he was appointed by President Obama as Associate Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Before public service, he spent 20 years in leadership roles at McKinsey & Co, Bridgewater Associates, Booz Allen and Abbott.

JAVIER SAADE Venture Partner, Fenway Summer Venture capitalist and investments executive focused in digital inclusion, impact/ESG investing, corporate leadership and capital stewardship.

MARTA RONQUILLO NEWHART Chief Communications & Brand Officer, Westinghouse ElectricCommunicationsCompany and crisis management executive leveraging marketing and communi cations vehicles to generate revenue. Age:Houston,48 TX BoardNationality:XP: Experienced Division Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the banking industry. Skilled in Sales, Leadership, Risk Management, Strategic Planning, and Finance. Strong business development professional graduated from San Diego State University-California State University.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 210 Age:Mexico55 City, MX BoardNationality:XP:

EMILIO ROMANO Managing Director, Bank of America, Mexico Experience leader with extensive experience in banking. Age:Denver,52 CO BoardNationality:XP:

Marta has an exception proven track record in brand communication and marketing. She has over 20 years of experience in international brands, including companies such as Boeing, Medtronic, Johnson Controls - and currently at Westinghouse Electric Company. At her current position she is responsible for growing the business and brand through communication. Marta has a BA in International Communications from the University of Washington and an MBA from Pepperdine Graziadio Business School.


Small Business National Client Solution Executive, Bank ofExperiencedAmerica retail banking, franchise, and cash management executive. Age:New55York, NY BoardNationality:XP: As PepsiCo's SVP, Chief Global Diversity & Engagement, she was responsible for driving innovation and optimizing high-per formance teams by leveraging the diverse strengths, backgrounds, and perspectives of 260,000 associates operating in 200 countries and territories. Deborah was at PepsiCo for 21 years, holding diferent positions. Earlier in her career, she has served the World Bank Group as an external diversity expert and has been appointed to the NWBC (National Women's Business Council).


Former President and CEO, Telefonica USA C-suite executive with extensive senior man agement experience in strategic partnerships, and market entry.

Age:Moorpark,57 CA BoardNationality:XP: Anthony Salcido, former Chief Accounting Officer of Toyota Motors North America, is a strategic accounting and finance leader with extensive experience with governance, regulatory and financial matters. He is an active CPA and has extensive experience with regulatory matters including SEC actions, Sarbanes-Oxley, Federal and international tax matters and U.S. GAAP. He was also the audit chair for Toyota Motors Credit Corporation, a separate public registrant and the largest auto finance company in the U.S. He is an active board member and board Treasurer for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

Sánchez was most recently a senior adviser for TriCap Partners, a New York-based independent merchant banking and asset management firm. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and a native Texan. She was CEO for Telefonica USA and Global Crossing Latin America, president of Terremark, president of Global Operations for Mozido, a senior vice president at Alcatel-Lucent in the Caribbean and Latin America, and a regional sales director for Alestra Mexico. She was also president of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

SVP and Chief Customer Officer, Analog Devices Technology executive with P&L experience providing strategic direction to geographically dispersed organizations.

Age:Miami,61 FL BoardNationality:XP:


Age:Nashville,50 TN BoardNationality:XP: Casey joined Asurion in March 2021 coming from Alliance Bernstein where she was SVP, Head of Business Process Innovation, Workflow and Automation. She also has previous experience at General Atlantic and McKinsey and Company. She started her career at NASA, supporting over 20 space shuttle missions. Casey holds an MBA and MA in International Studies from The Wharton School and the Lauder Institute, and a BS in Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

CASEY SANTOS Chief Information Officer, Asurion Senior business technology executive with a focus on strategically enabling positive business outcomes via innovative technology and operational change.

Sacks is responsible for ADI’s customer strategy, enabling frictionless delivery of cutting-edge solutions to a fragmented customer base globally, delivering and capturing value for ADI’s technology. Prior to joining Analog Devices, Sacks worked for Texas Instruments, where she held a variety of leadership roles over the past 15 years growing their portfolio of analog, digital and software technologies.


ANTHONY SALCIDO Chief Accounting Officer (retired), Toyota Motors North AmericaStrategic accounting and finance leader with experience with governance, regulatory and financial matters. Age:Mexico55 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: With previous experience in McKinsey & Company and PepsiCo, he joined Coca-Cola FEMSA in 1995 where he in various stra tegic positions. As of January 1, 2014, the Board of Directors appointed him to the position of CEO of Coca-Cola FEMSA. He is also a member of the Board of Gentera, leaders of financial inclusion with a presence in Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. He holds both a Bachelor and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance from Southern Methodist University.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 211 Age:Boston,39 MA BoardNationality:XP:

JOHN ANTHONY SANTA MARIA OTAZÚA Chief Executive Officer, Coca-Cola FEMSA Executive leader with extended experience in beverages and company boards.

CARLOS SCHULER Chief Operating & Technology Officer, InCarda Therapeutics Inc. Seasoned engineering executive with over 25 years of technical management experience in healthcare. Age:Nashville,49 TN BoardNationality:XP: Solana is a senior executive known for leading large transformations, globally and in region, in a variety of industries across bestin-class brands, such as Henkel, Bridgestone, Coty and Colgate-Palmolive. Mr. Solana leads organizations to achieve profitable growth, while delivering sustainable operational excellence through rigorous change management. He is an expert in assessing an organization, crafting a vision, developing a strategy, inspiring minds, executing through complexity and ambiguity, and insti tutionalizing changes while creating shareholder value.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 212 Age:San58Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Schuler, Ph.D., Chief Operating and Technology Officer, is a co-founder of InCarda. He was VP of Technical Operations at ForSight VISION5, VP of Product Development at S.E.A. Medical Systems, Senior Director of Quality Engineering at Incline Therapeutics, was Vice President of Operations at Talima Therapeutics, and Vice President of CMC at Anesiva. Previous to these roles, Dr. Schuler worked at Nektar Therapeutics for 11 years.

FEDERICO SCHUMACHER VP & General Manager, Latin America, PayPal Global executive with experience in financial services and digital payments both in multina tional as well as startups. Age:Mexico65 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: His outstanding professional background initiated in the public sector in Nicaragua (Central Bank Ministry of Commerce) in 1979. Shortly after, in Mexico, he joined CIFRA (retailer) in 1985 until 1994, year he joined Soriana (retailer) as a chief Merchandise Officer, in 1998, shortly after Walmart acquired CIFRA, he return to CIFRA Walmart where he built up a very successful carrier to CEO of Walmart Mexico and 5 years after as a CEO of Walmart Latin America. He was also chairman of the Board of Walmart Mexico and Vice Chairman of Walmart Chile both public companies.

TOM SOTO IndependentLeadingDirectorinvestor in the impact sector and a pioneering voice in the diversity in fund management.


LUIS SOLANA Head of Supply Chain Management NA - Adhesive Technologies, Henkel Senior executive with more than 25 years in end-to-end supply chain management leading large transformation, Age:San47Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Federico is responsible for the development of PayPal’s business for PayPal in Latin America, leading a team working to grow the business while continuing to prioritize innovation so PayPal can offer solutions that support customers, merchants, and consum ers, as well as business partners. Before joining PayPal in 2010, Federico held different positions at American Express, PagaTodo and Giesecke & Devrient.

EDUARDO SOLORZANO IndependentOutstandingDirectorretail career, including large scale corporations. Age: 54 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: He is also a long-time pioneering voice in the diversity in fund management and technology movement. He has stood at the dovetail of energy, Tech, cloud based and IoT platforms. Tom is a two-time appointee of President Clinton and was the Team Lead for The Executive Office of the President’s Transition Team for the White House Council on Environmental Quality for former President Obama and is a founding member of the Executive Council for Clean Energy for Biden.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 213 Age:Houston,51 TX BoardNationality:XP: Before joining Mears in 2019, Soto was SVP of Gas Operations for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Through Soto’s leadership, PG&E became the first utility in the United States to earn several notable third- party certifications around pipeline safety and asset management. Before joining PG&E in 2012, Soto served as VP of Operations Services for El Paso Corporation’s Pipeline Group in Houston, Texas. Soto holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from UT El Paso, a master’s degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix.


Age:San52Diego, CA BoardNationality:XP: Adam is currently focused on identifying businesses in the real estate industry, including construction, homebuilding, real estate owners and operators, arrangers of financing, insurance, and other services for real estate, and adjacent businesses and technol ogies targeting the real estate spac. Previously he served as CFO of President of Presidio Property Trust Inc. He has held positions at other companies such as Encore Capital Group, KPMG, Union Bank of Cali / MUFG, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

ADAM SRAGOVICZ Chief Financial Officer & Director, Murphy Canyon Acquisition Corp. Finance executive with extensive experience in treasury, financial risk management, mergers & acquisitions and capital raising.

HERNAN TABAH Senior Vice President & Chief Digital Officer, Altria Technology leader with extensive technology, digital, marketing and strategy experience.


Age:Mexico59 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Suárez was General Director of PEMEX, the national oil company of Mexico, from 2009 to 2012. Prior to his tenure as General Director, Suárez held other positions at PEMEX, including Chief Financial Officer from 2001 to 2006. He also served as Chief of Staff of Mexico’s Secretary of Finance and Public Credit in 2000 and 2001. In the private sector, Suárez was Co-Head of Equity Derivative Trading at Banamex and held senior leadership positions at Grupo Televisa and Grupo Modelo.

Age:Miam,58 FL BoardNationality:XP: He was most recently a member of the Ernst & Young (EY) U.S. central region leadership team. Prior to that, Suarez served as EY’s markets leader for Florida and Puerto Rico, overseeing all services provided by EY in these two markets. During his career, he has worked with management teams and board of directors across large multinational and SEC registrants and served on the board of Miami United Way and Florida international University (FIU) Foundation. Suarez was a founding member of corporate advisory boards at FIU and University of Miami. Mr. Suarez, a CPA, holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from St. Thomas University in Miami. Mr. Suarez currently resides in Miami, FL.

Natural gas industry executive focus on op erations and cyber security affecting fieldand pipeline systems.

Former Florida/Puerto Rico Lead, Ernst & Young Global business leader and financial expert with over 30 years of public accounting.

Chief Operating Officer, Mears Group, Inc.

JUAN JOSE SUAREZ COPPEL IndependentExperiencedDirectorunderstanding of the oil and gas market. Age:Chicago,43 IL BoardNationality:XP: He has extensive technology, digital, marketing and strategy experience from consumer packaged goods industries. Previously, Hernan served as Global Chief Technology Officer and Transformation Lead for technology strategy and digital transformation initiatives at Mondelez International in Chicago. Prior to Mondelez, he held various digital and technology leadership positions at British American Tobacco


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 215 Age:Atlanta,52 GA BoardNationality:XP:

Lauren S. Tashma is the Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Graphic Packaging Holding Company, serving in this position since February 2014. Previously, Ms. Tashma served as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc., where she led the legal, compliance and environmental, health and safety functions. Prior to that, Ms. Tashma had various roles with Fortune Brands, Inc., including Vice President and Associate General Counsel.

LAUREN S. TASHMA Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, Graphic Packaging International, LLC

Legal and risk management executive with a successful history of addressing complex legal and operational issues.

Age:New50York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Jose guides how the Private Bank delivers client offerings in partnership with Bank of America Corporation’s lines of business. Jose also works to position the Private Bank and Merrill as premier providers of investment services to corporate and institutional clients. In addition to his Private Bank responsibilities, Jose also serves as Bank of America’s New York City President. Jose joined Bank of America in 1995 and has led several business units in the United States and Latin America, including Emerging Markets FICC Sales for the Americas. He has also held senior management positions within Bank of America Global Banking and Markets for North and South America. He began his financial career as a management consultant for Hewitt Associates and KPMG in New York City.

LUIS TELLEZ Director,SignificantChubb business, executive, public policy, government and international affairs expertise.

Age:New47York, NY BoardNationality:XP: Rachel ten Brink is General Partner and co-Founder of Red Bike Capital. Named Entrepreneur Magazines' 100 Powerful Women of 2020, Rachel is a Founder, Board Member, and Investor. She was co-founder and CMO of Scentbird, a Y-Combinator backed ecommerce startup. Before this, she spent 20+ years building billion-brands at Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, Gillette, and L’Oréal. She was recognized as Top 50 Latinx Tech Leaders in the US. Rachel is one of only 90 Latinas to have raised over $1M in venture funding.

RACHEL TEN BRINK General Partner, Red Bike Capital Experienced operator, early-stage tech investor and board member who has helped organiza tions scale and gain market share.

ELIAS TAVAREZ Chief Financial Officer, Edward Don & Company Global senior finance executive combining fi nancial, operational, and people management expertise. Age:Mexico63 City, MX BoardNationality:XP: Téllez’s successful performance in board, executive and senior leadership positions over the past three decades in a variety of areas in both the private sector and public sector also provide additional value to understanding and providing oversight of the variety of business, legal and regulatory matter. He was Chairman and CEO of the Mexican Stock Exchange (MSE) from 2009 to 2014. He served as Mexico’s Secretary of Communications and Transportation and Secretary of Energy. He also served as Chief of Staff to President Ernesto Zedillo from 1994 to 1997.

Age:Naperville,48 IL BoardNationality:XP: Tavares is responsible for the Company’s finance organization and will be responsible for accounting, treasury, financial planning & analysis, tax and banking relations. Prior to joining DON, he served as CFO of Harvest Sherwood Food Distributors in Detroit Michigan. He also served in senior financial roles at Dunns River Brands, LaLa US and PepsiCo where he was known for driving financial strategy and performance.

JOSE TAVAREZ Vice Chair, Head of Wealth Management Advisory, Bank of FinancialAmericaservices, banking, and investment resources executive.


LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 216 Age:Dallas,39 TX BoardNationality:XP:

Founder and Managing Partner of Sana Capital, a healthcare private equity firm that partners with overlooked founders engaged in information technology and services sectors. Prior to Sana, Jason was a Partner at Mansa Capital where he led the evaluation of new investment opportunities, firm operations and served on the boards of portfolio companies. He earned his MBA from Stanford and a B.S. in Information Systems & Finance from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

RAFAEL TORRES Managing Director, Altaris Capital Partners, LLC Financial services executive, experience in investments and venture capital. Age:Atlanta,41 GA BoardNationality:XP: Tronocoso most recently served as Vice President and head of Justice & Opportunity at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Earlier, Mike served as chief counsel and chief of public policy to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. As the Attorney General's primary legal and policy advisor, he developed and executed the Attorney General's department-wide priorities and oversaw the department’s most sensitive litigation, legislative, and enforcement matters.

JASON TORRES Founder/Managing Partner, Sana Capital Growth-stage private equity executive with domain expertise in regulatory risk, information technology, government contracts, and payments.

MICHAEL TRONCOSO Elected Member, The American Law Institute Senior attorney with extensive policy, legal and public service experience. Age:Austin,48 TX BoardNationality:XP: He has a proven record of implementing positive change in large organizations through collaboration with multiple stakeholders in complex environments. Prior to joining McKinsey, Daniel worked with Walmart as part of its compliance-enhancement efforts and co-led its risk-management program. He also spent 15 years with Schlumberger Limited in various compliance, ethics, and governance roles.

DANIEL TRUJILLO Partner, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, McKinsey & CompanyGlobal executive with experience in governance, ethics, compliance and legal departments.

Age:Menlo46 Park, CA BoardNationality:XP: Torres is a Managing Director to lead the firm’s coverage of the life sciences & diagnostics sectors. Previously he served as an Altaris Operating Partner. Prior to joining, Torres was the head of Corporate Development & Strategy at Varian Medical Systems, which was recently sold to Siemens Healthineers for $16.4 billion. Before joining Varian, Torres spent 14 years at GE. He received a BA in Economics from Universidad del Pacifico in Lima, Peru, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Age:New43York, NY BoardNationality:XP:

Torres guides companies in highly regulated industries through a broad range of strategic regulatory trade controls and national security matters, including developing effective strategies for growth and conducting negotiations with U.S. and foreign regula tory agencies. Businesses leaders turn to Torres for assistance in ascertaining business and operational risks and improving legal compliance.

OLGA TORRES President, Torres Trade Advisory PLLC Strategic advisor to industry regarding trade and national security regulatory compliance.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 217 Age:Rancho58 Palos Verdes,CA BoardNationality:XP: From 1991 to 2020, she held multiple positions at Toyota Motors. She is actively involved in Toyota Motors’ diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, serving as the executive advisor to Social Innovation, a diversity and inclusion support member on the Diver sity Advisory Board, and the Executive Sponsor of the Latino Employee Resource Group and representing Lexus at events such as the Women in Automotive Summit and Women Panel for New York Auto Show. Turner holds her MB. from Loyola Marymount University and BA from University of California Irvine.

LINDA URRUTIA-VARHALL USSTRATCOM Strategic Advisory Group, United States Strategic Command / Adjunct, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses / Member Board of Directors, National Military Intelligence Foundation Leading expert in cybersecurity, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Age:Puerto51 Rico BoardNationality:XP: Francisco is a seasoned senior business executive and board member who has helped investor backed businesses develop strategy, grow revenues, gain market share, create operational efficiencies, and harvest value. Uriarte is partner at ONEtoONE Corporate Finance Group, which is a Global Digital Investment Bank, specialized in M&A advisory, serving the middle-market. He also been serving at Grupo Guayacán for more than 24 years.

GILBERTO VARGAS Vice President/General Manager-Cloud & Enterprise Sales, Intel FortuneCorporation500sales and marketing executive.

Age:Colorado57 Springs, CO BoardNationality:XP: Global executive leader & advisor, wih 30+ years across intelligence, threat analysis, geospatial, and aerospace across Asia, Middle East, Europe, & Latin America. She has advised Cabinet-level officials, Intelligence Officers, CIA and Congress on aligning objectives, developing and executing strategies/policies, and leading diplomacy initiatives to advance security measures. First Latina United States Air Force Academy Graduate and USAF Officer to attain the rank of Major General (2 star).

ROBERT OTTO VALDEZ, PH.D., MHSA Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Internationally recognized scientist and expert in public and community health with over 30 years experience. Age:San42Jose, CA BoardNationality:XP: Gilberto joined Intel in 2002 as Finance Manager and has escalated to executive positions throughout his career. In 2002 he was named VP of Sales and Marketing for GM Cloud and Enterprise Sales. Before joining intel, he was at Farmers Insurance Group. Gilberto has a BA in Business Economics from the University of California and an MBA from UCLA.


PEGGY TURNER Vice President, Lexus-Customer Retention and Loyalty, Toyota Motor North America

Extensive expertise in strategic planning, business process improvement, and supply chain optimization.

FRANCISCO URIARTE Partner, ONEtoONE Corporate Finance Executive with over 30 years of combined experience in the areas of Corporate and Entrepreneurial Finance, Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Mergers & Acquisitions Age:Albuquerque,63 NM BoardNationality:XP: Otto Valdez, Ph.D., M.H.S.A., was appointed Director of AHRQ in February 2022. He was previously the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Professor Emeritus of Family & Community Medicine and Economics at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He received his Ph.D. from the Pardee RAND Graduate School for Public Policy Studies specializing in studies of healthcare financing and quality of medical care. At the University of Michigan School of Public Health, he was awarded a master’s degree in Health Policy & Administration. At Harvard University, Valdez studied in the Department of History and Science specializing in Latin American history and Biochemistry.

Prior to joining TPG in 2018, Anilu was with Goldman Sachs for more than 11 years, where she most recently was the firm’s Global Head of Talent and Chief Diversity Officer. Prior to Goldman Sachs, Anilu was an associate at Shearman & Sterling LLP in the Executive Compensation & Employee Benefits group. Anilu received an AB in History and Latin American Studies, cum laude, from Princeton University and a JD from Fordham University School of Law.

Age:San49Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP: Carla leads key categories in’s Everyday Essentials businesses, including: Grocery, Beauty, Baby, Health and Per sonal Care. Additionally, she oversees several strategic platforms for Consumables including supply chain, sales of consumable products to the commercial business sector and tech advancements across consumables categories. Prior to joining Amazon, Carla was a Corporate Officer at General Mills (NYSE: GIS) where her most recent role was that of President of the Natural and Organic Operating Unit. She received her BA in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Texas, Austin.

Age:Midland,50 MI BoardNationality:XP: Louis has a 19 year career at Dow, most recently he leads Dow’s largest Region with 18,000 employees and 54 locations. He utilizes extensive international experience to drive engagement with stakeholders across North America to drive enterprise suc cess. Louis is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion. He has a BA in Political Science and Government from New Mexico State University.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 219 Age:San44Francisco, CA BoardNationality:XP:

LOUIS VEGA President-North America, Dow, Inc. Executive with strong global business acumen in management, marketing, and operations across industries. Age:Orlando,46 FL BoardNationality:XP: Vitas leads the company’s marketing strategies and programs, bringing broader awareness to AmeriLife’s holistic solutions to life, health and retirement planning. Prior to joining AmeriLife in 2020, Ovi served as Executive Vice President and Chief Brand and Digital Officer for Marriott Vacations Worldwide, where he oversaw all brand, digital and performance optimization efforts. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Vanderbilt University and an MBA from Cornell University.

OVIDIO VITAS Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, AmeriLife Group LLC. Marketing and branding executive with expe rience in CPG, Fitness, Apparel, Entertainment and Hospitalit Age:New42York, NY BoardNationality:XP:

ANILU VAZQUEZ-UBARRI Partner/Chief Human Resource Officer, TPG Global Global human resources executive focused on evolving and driving the firm’s leadership, talent and diversity strategies.

Heather has a 16-year career at Goldman Sachs performing in roles like Managing Director, Vice President and Partner. She made partner in 2021, as Head of Private Equity Client Engagement and Product Strategy, Alternatives Capital Markets and Strategy, Asset Management. Prior to Goldman Sachs, she was atDavis Polk & Wardwell. She has been widely recognized in her industry for her prominent execution.

CARLA VERNON VP Consumables Categories, Amazon Leader widely recognized for catapulting consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands through innovation.

HEATHER VON ZUBEN Partner, Global Head of Wealth Management Alternatives, Goldman Sachs Experienced business development profession al skilled in Investment Management, Capital Markets and Investment Strategies.



Yasmine’s experience across many disciplines and market segments in health insurance has given her a unique ability to develop and match health insurance business solutions to the needs of the marketplace. Before joining UnitedHealth Group, she held sev eral positions with BlueCross/ BlueShield of Illinois, Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma (Health Care Service Corporation). Yasmine has served on the Illinois Governor’s Council on Accreditation that developed consumer- driven health standards.

SEBASTIAN ZUGMAN General Auditor-Global Banking, Markets, Bank of AmericaCorporate audit and financial services leader with experience in risk management.

NATALIA WOODWARD Vice President and Treasurer, Southern California Edison Public utilities finance executive with expertise in corporate financial planning, capital gover nance and asset analytics. Age: 45 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: Steven also is the Co-Founder and Chairman of Encantos PBC, the award-winning children's entertainment company. Prior to Encantos, Steven served as the Chief Marketing Officer of Datalogix (acquired by Oracle for $1.2 billion), Neustar (acquired by Golden Gate Capital for $3 billion), and Quantcast. Named by Adweek as one of the "50 Most Indispensable Executives in Marketing, Media and Tech", as well as one of Hispanic Executive’s “Top 10 Líderes” in 2021.

STEVEN WOLFE PEREIRA Chief Business Officer, 3Pas Studios Executive with more than 25 years of experience in technology, media, and financial services. Age:Santa49 Clara, CA BoardNationality:XP: Since 2018 Benjamin has been Vice President, Director of Intellectual Property Legal Group. Benjamin joined Intel in 2010 from Kirkland & Ellis LLP, where he was Partner. He has held different positions at Intel, starting as Senior Litigation Counsel, Intel Litigation Group. Now he is Ben holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Arizona and earned his JD degree from Stanford Law School at Stanford University.

LEADERSLATINO 2022JUNE/MAY 220 Age:Mount55 Prospect, IL BoardNationality:XP:

BENJAMIN YRUN OSTAPUK Vice President-Director of Intellectual Property-Legal Group, Intel LeaderCorporationrecognized in global technology companies undergoing disruption and radical transformation. Age:Riverside,45 CT BoardNationality:XP: Senior risk management professional with over 25 years of experience actively managing market, credit risk and operational risk. Currently he serves as General Auditor Global Banking and Markets for Bank of America. Prior joining, he was at HSBC for 12 years holding different leading positions. He has Extensive international regulatory experience with regards to credit and market risk management, capital planning and regulatory compliance.

YASMINE WINKLER Former Executive Lead, Diversity and Inclusion, UnitedHealthcare Community and State Innovative leader demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Age: 46 Los Angeles, CA BoardNationality:XP: She is responsible for the financial operations of the utility, including corporate financial planning, capital governance and asset analytics, financing, treasury operations, investment management and credit risk. Previously, Natalia served as the director of Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis within the Treasurer’s organization. Before, Natalia held various financial positions with Allegheny Energy, Merrill Lynch and Dime Savings Bank.

fluencing the CEO to make the best decision for the company. And they are so different in terms of interaction and how far you can go. You cannot operate the business," he says.

Having the chance to experience both po sitions is a thrilling experience for Arana. As a board member, he has the time to analyze and reflect, directly impacting his job as a CEO when he asks for advice.


Arana is not afraid of changes and is pas sionate about reinventing business. Of course, diversity is a key driver at the moment, and it is crucial for companies. "Regardless if you are Latino, Indian or Chinese, I think boards are required to have different backgrounds and mindsets. People have different experiences throughout their lives. It is very satisfying to join a diverse board, rich discussions and shape better ideas," he says.

HIS CAREER started in the early 1980s at the Dow Chemical Company, where he had the chance to work in different positions in Brazil and the United States for two decades. After that, he returned to Mexico, where he worked as the CEO of Tyson Foods for six years. Arana has been a board member for dif ferent Mexican companies for over 20 years, including Citrofrut and Protexa. As a CEO, Arana's primary expertise is mergers & acquisitions (M&A). "When I was at Dow Chemical, I headed the Glob al Strategy Group for about three years in our corporate headquarters in Indianapo lis," he says. His leadership style is focused on people, ensuring the employees' potential and placing them in the most suitable position. His main challenge as a CEO is to speed up technolo gy transformation, aiming to serve customers and suppliers better. Working as a CEO and a board member gave Arana a new perspective on both roles, which are entirely different according to him. Arana explains that as a CEO, executives must present initiatives and strategic moves. "You must work and weave between all the stakeholder groups so the company can make the best decision. But you're driving a lot of that influence," explains Arana.

On the other hand, board members often navigate differently in a company. "You are in Jose Manuel Arana is the CEO of Nadro, a company focused on pharmaceutical distribution.

However, a Corporate Board constantly faces challenges; Arana lists three ideas for better board practices. The first is to know where they want to take the business. The sec ond step is "making an in-depth assessment of their top-level people. And make the hard de cisions early so that you can have a good team for that vision," Arana says. Yet, the most criti cal part is the execution. "You can have a good strategy, but nothing happens if you don't execute properly." In the coming years, Arana sees himself more involved in board positions. "Most of my career has been globally, and I think I can contribute a lot to someone that aspires to grow globally," he says. Education is a crucial value as he thrives on knowledge. "I plan on preparing myself to continue improving as a board member and always staying up to date with the best board practices."

The top executive has spent nearly four decadesworking for different industries (biotechnology,food, auto parts and pharma) and has lived inBrazil, the United States, China, and Europeancountries. Arana is considered a reference in his area, but despite his experience, he is still planningto evolve and learn.





Luana Ferreira Courtesy of Nadro Carlos Cuevas


Luana Ferreira Courtesy of Nicole Reich Luis E. González

Y et, Nicole is aware she is still an exception and wants to open space for other women. Although statistics have recently im proved, only 11% of exec utives and board members at financial institutions in Latin America are women, according to aresearch published by S&P Global Mar ket Intelligence. The executive became known in the business as a game-changer who is not afraid of challenges. Nicole started her career in banking at Citigroup Mexico, where she worked in different areas and was offered an op portunity in Peru. "They gave it to me because it was a lost cause, and I was known for turning businesses over. My boss gave me two options, 'so are you fixing it or are we closing it?' And I said, 'Give me six months.' We succeeded," sheAfterremembers.that, Nicole accepted new challenges in the Dominican Repub lic and Chile, where she ran the whole group and consumer bank operation, respectively. She was also the leader of Citigroup's diversity program in Latin America for nearly three years. Eventu ally, she moved to Indonesia to look af ter 6,000 employers and a $600-million operation.Afterthat, Nicole was ready for a change, so she accepted an offer from Scotiabank. Her new challenge was to fix their operations in the Dominican Republic, aiming to become the bank's President in Mexico afterward. "It was unthinkable then that a woman could run a big bank in Mexico. So I took



When Nicole Reich , former CEO at BNP Paribas Cardif Mexico, started her banking career more than thirty years ago, she was often the only woman in the room. During the last decades, Nicole climbed the corporate ladder, became a top executive, and served as a board member for several institutions, including today her former company, Gentera bank, Diesco Group, and the Junior Achievement Board.



UNDENIABLY, THINGS HAVE EVOLVED FOR LATINO WOMEN IN PAST THREE DECADES, BUT NICOLE WANTS TO HELP THEM AND SHARE #ConnectLL the chance. I went to the D.R., and we turned around the whole business in twoWhenyears."she took over the position at Scotiabank Mexico in 2007, she be came the first female President of a bank in Mexico. She ran Scotiabank in Mexico for five years. During that peri od, Nicole and her team worked hard to give the bank visibility and grow all the portfolios. After that period and all milestones accomplished, Reich decid ed it was time to take a sabbatical, but headhunters kept calling her. It wasn't until the appropriate company profile came that she decided to return. She had a stellar comeback as the CEO of BNP Paribas Cardif, a position she held until early 2022. Nicole believes that her success relies on a combination of qualities. The first is being savvy on all financial subjects, but she is also people-oriented. Nicole also does her homework. "I never arrive at a board without reading the materi als, preparing myself with questions." The executive says she never felt dis criminated as a woman, and she turned the fact of being the only woman in the room in her favor. "Everybody remem bers you. You may not remember the 30 guys in the meeting, but they will remember you," she says. "So, I have tended to use being a woman as a bene fit and not as something negative. As a Latino leader, though, I think it's more difficult."Undeniably, things have evolved for Latino women in the past three de cades, but Nicole wants to help them achieve more. "When I'm sitting on a board, I make sure men are conscious of what we have on management lines and consider all the women that might be ready to advance."


Nicole takes the support of the gen der seriously and plans to continue spearheading the advancement of new generations. "I want to open up space for women. Nobody believed that a woman could be President of a bank in Mexico, and nobody believed we could be on boards. I proved differ ently," she adds.



In addition, in November 2016, the Volaris Costa Rica subsidiary was inaugurated as part of Volaris' international expansion to offer flights within the central American region at ultra-low-cost fares. In August 2021, we obtained the Air Operator Certificate in El Salvador.  Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, Volaris has retained its place as Mexico's top airline and is among the top three airlines worldwide with the strongest recovery.

I proud myself of being a Member of the IATA Board of Governors, and a National Board Member of the Coordinating Council of Women Entrepreneurs.

EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE, VOLARIS Briefly share highlights of your background and professional EB:experience.

I am the founder, Executive Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of Volaris, the Mexican ultra-low-cost airline operating in Mexico, the U.S., Central America and South America. Although my professional career in the aerospace industry began in 1988, I had always been passionate about aviation since I was a child. I remember myself playing with planes instead of cars and joining my father on several adventures while flying our family Cessna.


Courtesy of Enrique Beltranena F. Izquierdo

Now, in terms of my professional incursion in the industry, I would have to start in Guatemala in the 1990’s when, as general manager of Aviateca, I supported the commercial merger of that company as well as Sahsa in Honduras, Nica in Nicaragua, and Lacsa in Costa Rica, into Grupo TACA. For over ten years in this new airline, I held several positions such as Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Human Resources and Institutional Relations, and Vice President of Cargo and Commercial Director for Mexico and Central America.  In 2005 a group of visionaries and myself started developing the Volaris project based on an innovative ultra-low-cost business model to offer the lowest base fares, complimentary services, and outstanding customer service. Our first flight took off on March 13th in 2006. With that, a new era in Mexico’s aviation began by democratizing the skies so that more people could fly.  In 2013 I led the company to complete its initial public offer, as well as trading on the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. This placed Volaris among the top five publicly traded airlines in Latin America.

You have been very successful in a highly complex industry: aviation. In your opinion, what has been the key to your success  EB: Without any doubt, the Volaris family has been fundamental to our success and reinvention throughout the years. I have an outstanding executive committee, a first-class directors’ team, and the most talented people in the industry. They all have helped Volaris navigate through many challenges and taken our company to the next level.

As a Latino top executive, what is the greatest asset you can bring to a Corporate Board?  EB: Experience, Business intelligence, Empowerment, Leadership. All of which I could not offer without the guidance and expertise of the right people.

What has been the biggest challenge within your current role?  EB:  We have already talked about the health crisis, which I believe was the biggest challenge not only for any CEO, but for the entire world.  Apart from this, I think the biggest challenges in the aviation industry are those related to flying high while keeping our feet on the ground: there will always be a financial, traffic, fleet, or environmental goal, but we must deliver with a strong sense of our number one priority. In a globalized world you will always encounter best practices, challenging scenarios, disruptive markets, and new travel trends, but that does not mean we can forget our business fundamentals: people and safety. In the case of Volaris, people represent our Family and safety represents our DNA.


It doesn’t come without saying that every crisis is an opportunity, and especially in this industry you learn to make this statement your mantra.

The growth of the middle class in Mexico has also been crucial to Volaris' success as the demand for air travel and the shift from long-haul bus travel to air - Volaris' main strategy to serve the VFR market (visiting friends and relatives) - continues to grow robustly.


I think the most notable example of our adaption capacity and outstanding execution is the health crisis and economic shocks caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We proved to be resilient, emerging as the leading airline in terms of market recovery in Mexico and the Americas. This was possible due to several factors implemented around our business model, including financial discipline, resilience and adaptation to the new normal, understanding the needs of our stakeholders, a corporate sustainability strategy and, of course, the extraordinary work of the Volaris Family.  Over the last two years, we saw rapid market changes resulting from the surges of Covid-19 variants. Our seasoned executive team has been through many demand fluctuations and has been able to quickly recognize these fluctuations and pivot when needed, resulting in our ability to report strong TRASM and CASM exfuel that have delivered EBITDAR levels well above our domestic and international peers.

As for the international market, we have focused on Central and South America. We have also focused on growing our ties to the United States since the FAA downgraded Mexico's air security to Category 2. Although we are closely working with Mexican authorities and regulators to regain Category 1, Volaris has been executing a comprehensive Central and South America expansion plan.

What leadership skills and values differentiate you from the rest of the executives? EB:  This is a very interesting question. I strongly believe that true passion translates into effective leadership. Since Volaris took off back in 2006 I have been involved in all the airline’s areas, from operations to human resources. I remember spending weekends at the airport’s counters helping our clients with their reservations, checking-in luggage... talking with our mechanics and engineers. I believe this is the major difference. It has a lot to do with capability, of course, but mostly with your willingness to transcend doing what you really love.


Final Third: This is where everything comes together! Remember the fruity avors from the cold draw? Well, imagine your favorite toast bread with a spread of almond bu er and honey, and a few slices of peaches and apples on top! As most cigars of the year, they have certain things in common, like a perfect draw with no e ort and rm ash. In this case, it comes in a light grey color. Overall, perfect burning from start to nish. My go to cu er was a V-cut, which provided the perfect amount of smoke considering that this is a box press cigar with a 50-ring gauge. The smoking experience lasted for 60 minutes, which is a very good combustion rate for a 5.0” inch long cigar. Its pro le could be positioned in the mild to full strength, qualifying as a 7.5 in a 1 to 10 scale. The drink of choice for this tasting was black

Second Third: Ernesto Perez-Carrillo is well known for his amazing cra smanship and the time that he invests while creating these magni cent blends, with so much a ention to details like moving certain llers back and forth to ne tune the smoking experience. That said, the transition to the second third is remarkable and teases the palate in a steady progression of strength with aro- mas of nu y, roast, peanuts, almonds and toast as well as woody and tasty bread avors. The retro hale continues to be an extremely pleasant experience.

It’s worth noting that this is a cigar, not a puro. A cigar is made with tobaccos from di erent countries, the puro only has tobaccos from one country. A puro is not be er or worse than a cigar, it’s just for mere classi cation purposes. This is a beautiful box pressed cigar, and if you read my last column, you will notice that the cigar of the year 2021 was also a box pressed. Is there a tendency here? Maybe, only time will tell. A common factor in box pressed cigars or puros is an almost perfect draw due to the way it’s rolled and then pressed in a squared box, allowing for a great air ow. Pre light cold draw: the avors and aromas that we perceived right out of the box were fruity, prune, and apple.

Second Third: Ernesto Perez-Carrillo is well known for his amazing cra smanship and the time that he invests while creating these magni cent blends, with so much a ention to details like moving certain llers back and forth to ne tune the smoking experience. That said, the transition to the second third is remarkable and teases the palate in a steady progression of strength with aro- mas of nu y, roast, peanuts, almonds and toast as well as woody and tasty bread avors. The retro hale continues to be an extremely pleasant experience.

THIS MASTERPIECE is wrapped in an Habano Connecticut leaf, which means a Cuban seed planted and har- vested in Connecticut, accompanied by a majestic Ecuadorian binder, and robust Nicaraguan llers. It is the latest the Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and Ernesto is a family man in every way, his family is his and we can see the pictures of his mother and least 3 of his latest creations. Last Sunday I had the interview his daugh- ter Lisse e Perez-Carrillo landed in Dominican Republic to visit their factory. enough to share the story behind this family legacy.* worth noting that this is a cigar, not a puro. A cigar tobaccos from di erent countries, the puro only has one country. A puro is not be er or worse than a for mere classi cation purposes. This is a beautiful cigar, and if you read my last column, you will notice of the year 2021 was also a box pressed. Is there a Maybe, only time will tell. A common factor in cigars or puros is an almost perfect draw due to the and then pressed in a squared box, allowing for a

First Third: starting with a light grey ash, the aromas started with beautiful hints of dry fruit, toasty, dark chocolate, and licorice. Flavors in the realm of cedar wood, leather, charred wood, co ee beans with a great retro hale right from the start. As a box pressed cigar, the draw its normally great and, this cigar was no exception.

THIS MASTERPIECE is wrapped in an Habano Connecticut leaf, which means a Cuban seed planted and har- vested in Connecticut, accompanied by a majestic Ecuadorian binder, and robust Nicaraguan llers. It is the latest creation from the Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and family. Don Ernesto is a family man in every way, his family is his inspiration, and we can see the pictures of his mother and daughter in at least 3 of his latest creations. Last Sunday I had the opportunity to interview his daugh- ter Lisse e Perez-Carrillo right a er she landed in Dominican Republic to visit their factory. She was kind enough to share the story behind this family legacy.*

Final Third: This is where everything comes together! Remember the fruity avors from the cold draw? Well, imagine your favorite toast bread with a spread of almond bu er and honey, and a few slices of peaches and apples on top! As most cigars of the year, they have certain things in common, like a perfect draw with no e ort and rm ash. In this case, it comes in a light grey color. Overall, perfect burning from start to nish. My go to cu er was a V-cut, which provided the perfect amount of smoke considering that this is a box press cigar with a 50-ring gauge. The smoking experience lasted for 60 minutes, which is a very good combustion rate for a 5.0” inch long cigar. Its pro le could be positioned in the mild to full strength, qualifying as a 7.5 in a 1 to 10 scale. The drink of choice for this tasting was black

El Pino Club “Funky Jory” 2018 Dundee Hills, Willamette Valley OR. Sunday treat! I like the sophisticated and more compacted fruit from the Oregon Pinot Noirs. This one is elegant, graceful, and balanced, like an American Burgundy, not too oaky, well crafted, fruit expressive with plums and cherry, rose petals and spice. It gets sophisticated and complex as you drink it. It evolves from the first pour. Really nice! I always like my Pinot Noir with Chinese or Roast ed birds, but this one I had it with a cedar plank roasted salmon and it was amazing. Christophe Patrice Chablis 1er Cru BEAUROY 2019. Pale yellow and discreet in aromas it opens slowly and at its own pace, like most of the Burgun dies. There are mellow notes of melon, butter, pineapple, and green apple. Acid, yeasty and dry. It’s elegant and reserved, but quality is presented in a more austere way than usual on a Chablis 1er Cru. Mixed feelings here, I expected more expression and character. This one must be drunk with not much analysis; it is just very pleasant as you drink it. I would put some sushi or shrimp on to enjoy it better. Flight Knoll “Noble Right“ Proprietary Red 2019. So, one of my best friends goes to Napa and does a wine tasting in this-never-heard of-winery. Next thing, we get together and gives me this bottle he brought by the six pack: nice well-crafted wine with loads of ripe red fruit, mature notes of cherry, plum and roasted herbs. Vanilla and minty hints. Beautiful wine, velvety tannins and full bodied. To be honest this is a delicious wine. One of those well-crafted Cabs from Napa that will impress you, with boldness and big personality. Quinta do Noval Touriga Nacional 2017, Douro. After a whiff of oak aromas, it develops bright fruity notes, blueberry, plum and strawberry. Medium bodied with ample ripe fruit and berries. Short. Not much to savor after you swallow. However, it has a very welcoming approach with spiced notes. It drinks very nice with short ribs, barbecue or grilled sausages. I need to confess that I’m ready to explore more wines from Portugal, I know they made some amazing stuff, not very easy to find. Touriga is a indigenous grape varietal from the north of Portugal, with a very distinct personality, usually displaying a lot of blue and red berries.

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Henri Prudhon Saint-Aubin 1er Cru “Le Castets” 2018. I always love these white Burgundies, with fresh lime and flowery accents. Dry, acidic, and bright. Medium bodied with more notes of green melon, apple and white pepper. A little dissatisfied with the lack of expression, both in aromas and flavors. However, it is a very fine and elegant white wine. Silky and luscious. This is a good wine to drink with cheeses; Camembert, Brie, Re blochon, Pont L’eveque, and other creamy ones. This one doesn’t have a very long finish, but it displays very nice tropical fruit, enough to make you enjoy it very much.


Jorge Ferráez @ JFerraez_Latino Luis E. González L a Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 904 cosecha 2005. What a different wine, with a superb array of nutty and ripe fruit flavors. This one is one of my favorite representatives of the old classic style Riojas. Few wines age so graceful as these ones. Lactic tones bring you to acidic hints of licorice, pomegranate, plum, orange peel and spice. Medium bodied and very ample in aromas and flavors with some meaty and bloody character. A refined and sophisticated wine. Always a pleasure to sip with anything, especially if it is with some serrano ham, manchego cheese and other tapas!

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