Latino Leaders May/June 2023

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•Candidates for Boards: Latinos ready to serve on public and private boards

•Interviews with Directors sharing their perspectives and experiences, Candidates talking about their expertise and plans for the future.

The largest list ever! More than 400 latinos serving on Boards of Directors of Fortune 1000 companies.

Collaboration with:

MAY - JUNE 2023 Vol. 24 No. 3


Table of Contents:

• Interview with Margot Carter: Lead Director, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee and a member of the Audit Committee of Installed Building Products – page 18

• Latino Corporate Directors Association: a letter by Ozzy Gromada – page 24

• The state of Latinos: an Introduction by Claudia Romo Edelman – page 26

• Highlight: Our biggest list ever! Latinos on Boards 2023, more than 400 Latinos serving on public and private companies – page 28

• Candidates 2023: 150 boardready Latino executives – page 166

• Interview with: Dieter Holtz, Upfield, a KKR investment – page 214

MAY / JUNE 2023
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FOR MANY YEARS we have been getting the opinions and experiences of hundreds and even thousands of Latinos in leadership positions about one single issue: How to advance better and faster?

Needless to say, and recognize the lack of Latinos in many leadership areas of leadership and decision-making positions. This is the usual conclusion we always reach after every conference, every interview, and every survey we produce in Latino Leaders. But the formula on how to make advancement faster, better, more relevant, more equal and fairer is still in the air.

Many times, the discussion is with arguments like how Black or Jewish leaders have managed the challenge of being included and offered opportunities to lead. Some other times it has been discussed the idea of Latinos not being enough vocal and demanding when it comes to leadership opportunities, and many other positions in between.

When we started the Latinos on Boards edition 16th years ago, our purpose was to offer points of view of leaders already on Corporate Board positions. We also included interviews with wary opinions and views, an aggressive call on corporations to open their board seats to Latinos. We didn’t see much change.

Over the years, our message changed, and we started profiling the pull of talent that the Latino community has of potential Corporate Directors, to oppose those saying there was not enough talent out there. Also, we started highlighting the advantages and benefits of having more diverse boards, interviewing the great advocates in the Community. This time, things started to move, still slowly but in the right direction.

Today, we’ve been told that the “unicorn” for board service is a “Latina” executive and for the second year in a row, the number of Latinos on Corporate 1000 boards has increased slightly (barely 3 to 4%, compared to 1% or even zero percent in previous years)

This edition is a sample of the above. It is by far the largest collection of current Board Directors and Candidates for Board Director seats we have ever published: more than 600 combined. Impressive, yes! Kudos to all these individuals, leaders in their areas of knowledge and profession. They deserve our admiration, and they also are a great example to follow. But not only that, they are truly paving the way for others to follow, so one day in the future we can have a proportion of Latinos serving on Corporate Boards, that equals the markets, consumers, population and labor force of our economy. Our admiration too, to all these Corporations with Latinos on their Boards, for they are also opening the road for more opportunities. After all, if Latinos are the future of this Nation, they are certainly also the future of Corporate America.

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Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino (ISSN 1529-3998) is published seven times annually by Ferraez Publications of America Corp., 11300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300, Dallas, TX, 75243, May/June 2023. Subscription rates: In U.S. and possessions, one year $15.00. Checks payable to Ferraez Publications of America, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Latino Leaders, 15443 Knoll Trail, Suite 210, 75248 Dallas, TX, USA.© 2001 by Ferraez Publications of America Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Latino Leaders: The National Magazine of the Successful American Latino. The periodical’s name and logo, and the various titles and headings therein, are trademarks of Ferraez Publications of America Corp. 4 LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023
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This edition always feels like an impossible hike, but like every hiking expedition – once you are at the very top, you feel incredibly satisfied with the accomplishment. This is exactly the feeling I get once we published the edition; it is a tremendous amount of work but seeing so many fellow Latinos getting the recognition they deserve is an immense satisfaction. This is our longest list ever, with more than 450 executives presented –although the job is not nearly done, it is amazing to see more and more new names added go the list. The overall percentage of Latinos serving on corporate boards is still low but moving in the right direction. Please enjoy this edition and the stories behind each one of our interviews. I hope you find in them a source of inspiration whenever times get tough.




Photography has always been a way for me to appreciate the simple moments that often go unnoticed in the hustle of life. From my early days with a camera, I enjoyed exploring subjects from various angles, seeking to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.

Growing up in Laredo, Texas, I developed a fascination for understanding different perspectives and experiences through imagery. The camera became my passport to venture beyond familiar boundaries. I embarked on cross-cultural journeys, crossing the Laredo/Nuevo Laredo border to capture life on the other side. These experiences influenced my academic pursuits, leading me to earn degrees in archaeology, anthropology, and print journalism.

I find great joy in knowing that there are countless powerful images waiting to be discovered if we simply take the time to observe. Each day is brimming with things to see and respond to, and this awareness keeps my eyes and heart open. As the poet Mary Oliver beautifully expressed, the act of paying attention becomes the foundation of devotion. Even seemingly mundane aspects of life, like weeds in a vacant parking lot, can inspire us daily.

Beyond objects, I believe in paying attention to people around us, setting aside labels to truly notice and learn from one another. Despite our differences, shared interests and perspectives can bring us closer, expanding our horizons. Photography has been my chosen medium for over four decades, not solely to create compelling prints, but to invite viewers to explore what resonates with them. The final image is just the beginning, a gateway to deeper self-reflection.

The evolution of technology has revolutionized the process since my early days in the 1980s. Everything is more instantaneous now, and even though I mainly use my iPhone as my primary camera, I still lose track of time when I'm out capturing moments or editing my shots. Photography has always been an integral

part of my life, but I initially hesitated to pursue it professionally. I questioned whether I could make a career as a documentary photographer and how it would fit into the family life I aspired to have. Writing and reporting seemed like safer paths to follow.

While I occasionally wonder what it would have been like to be a photojournalist, I don't live with regret. I'm grateful for the freedom and enduring passion that allow me to incorporate photography into my everyday life. My work has been exhibited at prestigious venues like the Houston Center for Photography, The Big Show at the Lawndale Art Center, and the recent ALMAAH show. Furthermore, I have contributed my photographs to various charitable causes, such as the Rio Grande International Center, Rexanna's Lung Cancer Foundation, The Laredo Center for the Arts, and The Laredo College.

Specializing in street and nature photography, I share my work on Instagram and at https://www.sunblinksgallery. com/ . Through my photography, I strive to give merit to life and shed light on the unnoticed aspects that surround us.

TO OUR VALUED READERS, At Marisa's request, we have decided to present this edition's column in the first person. Marisa's unique perspective and personal insights, showcased through her words in a previous interview, on her website, and expressed in her photography statement for an upcoming online shop, make her the perfect voice for this edition.



ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS are complex, with multiple contributing factors and stakeholders. Determining whether we are solving the right problems is an important consideration when setting strategic goals for an organization.

One article published in the Harvard Business Review by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg showed that surveys of 106 C-suite executives who represented 91 private and public-sector companies in 17 countries indicated that a full 85% agreed that their organizations were bad at problem diagnosis, and 87% agreed that this flaw carried significant costs.

Often, the problems we face are symptoms of a larger underlying issue. If we dig deeper, cognitive and emotional biases can push us to solve the wrong problems by influencing the way we process and interpret information.

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in thinking that can lead us to make irrational decisions and judgments. Examples of cognitive biases that can impact problem-solving include confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs, and framing bias, which is the tendency to interpret information based on how it is presented or framed.

Emotional biases, such as the tendency to be more focused on short-term gains over long-term outcomes, can also impact problem-solving. For example, the sunk cost fallacy, which is the tendency to continue investing in a project or decision simply because we have already invested resources, can lead to a focus on the wrong problem if we are unwilling to cut our losses and change course.

In addition, emotional biases can impact the way we prioritize problems, with emotionally charged issues often being given more attention and resources than projects that are objectively more significant.

Here are some steps to take to avoid cognitive and emotional biases when trying to solve the right problem:

1. Recognize your biases: The first step is to become aware of the cognitive and emotional biases that you may be prone to. Educate yourself on common biases and reflect on which ones you may be susceptible to.

2. Seek out diverse perspectives: Engage with people who have different viewpoints, experiences, and backgrounds than your own. This can help you see the problem from multiple angles and reduce the impact of your biases.

3. Challenge your assumptions: Question your assumptions and beliefs about the problem. Use reframing techniques. Consider alternative explanations and hypotheses and be open to changing your perspective.

4. Gather data and evidence: Seek out objective data and evidence to support your decision-making. Use metrics, research, and other objective sources to inform your decisions.

5. Use structured problem-solving frameworks: Use problem-solving frameworks such as design thinking, root cause analysis, or SWOT analysis to structure your thinking and approach the problem in a systematic and objective way.

6. Take breaks and practice self-reflection: Taking breaks and practicing mindfulness or meditation can help you clear your mind and avoid getting stuck in cognitive or emotional biases. Self-reflection can also help you stay focused on the right problem.

7. Collaborate and communicate openly: Encourage open communication and constructive feedback to help you stay on track and solve the right problem.

As Peter Drucker pointed out, there’s nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question. If you are a leader who wants to improve problem solving and decision making, please contact us to learn more about the “Intuitive Decision Making” Workshop.

ABOUT JOE Joe Bacigalupo, MBA, MPEC, ACPEC is a Managing Partner and an Executive Advisor at AlliancesHub International, LLC. AlliancesHub offers Change Management and Strategy Consulting, Talent Optimization and Analytics, Leadership Development, and Executive/ Leadership Coaching services. 469-287-2086 @latinoleadersmag FOLLOW US LatinoLeadersMagazine FOLLOW US @LatinoLeadersUS FOLLOW US FOLLOW US


POPULATION growth and productivity drive a nation’s economic growth1. Population growth expands the labor force and increases consumer demand. Productivity improves the efficiency of labor, capital, and other resources and allows for increased output per capita.

As population growth slows in many countries around the world, it becomes more challenging to drive economic growth. The lack of workers exacerbated by an aging population is causing governments to reconsider their immigration policies. Germany recently revised its immigration law to lower the hurdles for migrant workers outside the European Union. The new legislation would make it easier for migrants to come to Germany with or without a job offer and provides incentives to bring not only spouses and children but also parents. It includes a point-based system that considers skills, educational levels, and German language ability 2 .

Germany’s plan recognizes the importance of an expanded labor pool of potential workers, entrepreneurs, and innovators, which can lead to enhanced economic growth. However, population growth alone does not guarantee economic growth. Other factors such as innovation, education, infrastructure, and economic policies also play crucial roles in economic development.

Innovation is significant in today’s environment with the recent advances in Generative artificial intelligence (AI). Generative AI has the potential to improve the productivity of people across the world significantly. This includes automating repetitive tasks, enhancing creativity and ideation, rapid prototyping, and intelligent data analysis, to name a few ways it will influence productivity.

Immigration and innovation are the keys to future economic growth. There are many challenges to implementing sustainable policies in each area. This includes addressing concerns about the impact of immigration and the ethical use of Generative AI. Those nations that strike the right balance between the human element and AI assistance and develop progressive immigration policies that attract human talent will reap the benefits of economic growth.

Our great country is perfectly positioned to take advantage of these opportunities and should set an example for the rest of the world.

1 Economic growth is measured by a nations’ gross domestic product (GDP)

2 BBC News, Berlin

Ralph de laVega is the former vice-chairman ofAT&T Inc. He is the author of the best-selling book“ObstaclesWelcome: TurnAdversity toAdvantage in Business and Life.”He is also a LinkedIn Influencer,posting regularly on leadership and innovation.




1. How was growing up for you?

EVG: I have very fond memories of my childhood even though now I realize they were somewhat difficult years. I am a very proud Mexican American, born and raised in Detroit, where I am still based.  My father was an assembly-line worker for Chrysler for 17 years after serving in the Army during the Korean War.  Our family was very low-income in my early years by today’s standards, but my parents worked hard to make sure my brother and I didn’t feel poor or experience many hardships. I have a few memories now that make me realize we were most likely living from paycheck to paycheck.  We often went to the Union Hall to receive toys and food baskets during Christmas and other holidays.  I recall moving around a lot, and with not much stability in my home or school life. I know now that this was because my dad experienced frequent layoffs from his job at the auto factory, and we couldn’t afford the stability that comes with homeownership. While all this moving was disruptive and chaotic, I am grateful that we finally resettled in Detroit in 1963 and have remained here since.  I do, however, have fond memories of many family gatherings held at our home.  My mother and father were both very good cooks and often made traditional Mexican food for the holidays and special occasions.  My mom would hold open houses and our extended family would stop by throughout the day.  These experiences made me realize the importance of family traditions and celebrations, of maintaining a stable home environment in my own family, for the benefit of our children.  My husband and I made it a priority to save for our two daughters’ education, own our own home and strive to keep them in the same schools with their friends throughout their education… just a few of the basic needs that I’m certain most families want for their children.

2. What were your core family values?

EVG: The primary values that were meaningful to our family were love, respect, honesty, family traditions, kindness and protecting each other.  It was also important for my parents to provide a stable environment even though we lived through difficult economic times.  My parents strived to ensure that we were as self-sufficient as possible, that we were fed, and that we were healthy.  My father worked long hours, often leaving home in the early and coming home late in the evening.  He set an example of strong work ethic, to be responsible and dependable and to enjoy family gatherings on weekends whenever possible.  I remember that for several years we owned a mobile home up North in Michigan, and often went to camp and barbeque and to enjoy the lake on summer weekends. Overall, I felt our family values were strong and helped create a positive environment and happy life-long family memories.

Courtesy of Eva Garza Dewaelsche F. Izquierdo

3. What led you into your current business?

EVG: When I was in high school I did very well in business courses.  My counselor thought I would be an excellent co-op student and referred me to my very first part-time job at National Bank of Detroit.  I started as a board mail clerk, and eventually worked my way up to research assistant within 10 years.  I had reached a point where I could not be promoted further unless I pursued college courses.  I earned my bachelor’s in sociology in 9 years, and then a few years later I earned my Master’s in Education.  During that period, I was fortunate to learn about a position through my parents who were involved with the non-profit, SER Metro-Detroit.  SER is a workforce development organization that is primarily funded by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education that provides job training, education, and employment programs for the underserved and underrepresented.  I was hired at SER in 1977 and worked my way up the ladder during my nearly 40 years seniority.  I did leave for 7 years, but I returned.  I am currently the president and CEO and have held this position for the past 20 years.

4. What has been your biggest challenge, and how did you face it?

EVG: There have been many challenges in my job, it is part of the responsibility of holding the highest position within the corporation.  However, there is one challenge that was among the most difficult for me.  I had left SER in 1999 to run another Hispanic non-profit in Detroit, Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development (LASED).  It was a job that I loved, and I had successfully grown the organization over the five years I was there.  I thoroughly enjoyed the work we did, running a senior center, a youth center, and helping families who needed a variety of social services including our undocumented community.  One day I received a call from a board member from SER who asked if I would consider returning to SER Metro as their president.  I initially said no twice because I was so very happy in my position.  But I received more calls from other board members requesting that I consider applying for the position.  The organization was experiencing rapid growth and needed a president for its Michigan and Illinois operations.  I was not sure that I wanted to travel and to take on a position with such a huge responsibility.  And to be honest, I wasn’t confident I could handle the position.  But there were many individuals who

had faith in me and convinced me that I could do the work.  So, after much thought, and discussions with my family, I decided to apply and was selected.

I took the position contingent upon working part-time at LASED for up to 6 months until a new director was hired.  The board agreed to this arrangement.  I have been here for nearly 40 years, and it was the best decision of my career.

5. What are your short and long-term goals in your current position?

EVG: It seems that there are always advances in software and electronic devices and equipment.  For short-term goals, I want to make sure that I am as current as possible, and that the corporation is equipped with state-ofthe-art equipment and software for our employees to perform their jobs effectively and to produce the best possible reports of their performance in real time so that management is well-informed to make the most effective decisions.  Additionally, with AI now quickly becoming a part of our daily lives, we need to train our staff and set policies that will provide direction and security in these relatively unknown areas.  For the long-term, I would like to ensure that we have a good succession plan in place for my position as well as the other executive level management positions. SER Metro currently has operations in Texas and Illinois, and I would like for us to eventually own a building for the headquarters for each of those states as we do in Michigan.

6. What advice would you give to the new generation of Latina professionals?

EVG: The most important advice I would give is that you should never stop learning.  By that I mean, take advantage of every learning opportunity that comes your way; workshops, webinars, courses sponsored by your employer through tuition assistance programs, for example.  Learning is a life-long experience.



BORN IN BOSTON and raised in Venezuela, Luis Vargas was a total fish out of water when he returned to the United States at 26 years old to begin building his future. Fortunately, the familial values that he grew up practicing helped him navigate the way to his new life.

“My parents lived and studied in Boston,” Luis said. “Once they finished, they went back to Venezuela and I basically spent most of my life there. In my family, [the main] core values are definitely hard work and discipline. They also encouraged some risk taking, with the understanding that the risks have to be measured.”

The first step of Luis’ journey took him directly back to Boston where he attended Northeastern University to pursue his MBA. There, he was also accepted into the co-op program, which offered professional, yet rig-

Alán Benítez Courtesy of Luis Vargas Carlos Cuevas

orous, internships to students. Luis landed interning for Bayer Consumer Care doing marketing for them for about six months. And after he graduated with his MBA, they hired him full time which allowed his corporate life to take flight.

“I decided to come to the U.S. with basically nothing [to start] a future,” Luis said. “I wanted something different compared to what I was getting in Venezuela at the time. I took that risk and stayed on track. [Fortunately], I was able to [make it] into the corporate world, which is basically what I wanted.”

Fast forward 25 years, Luis was officially bicultural after having spent several years working different jobs and gaining experience in the U.S., as he had planned. He was also the father of two kids. The only chapter of his life that hadn’t been written yet was breaking a renowned Guinness World Record. In fact, it was quite a spontaneous event that it even caught him by surprise.

“The world records I [trained for] were actually by accident,” Luis said. “A few years ago, I read the Guinness World Records Book to my two kids one night and they challenged me to beat a record. I told them ‘Yes, of course I will do that,’ just to make them happy. However, they took it very seriously and kept reminding me about when my record was going to be in the book. I was like ‘Holy cow, what did I do?’ so I started working on it.”

The odds of beating a world record were on Luis’ side because he was persistent when it came to fitness activities. Not to mention, he held a third-degree black belt in taekwondo and was an experienced skydiver. The challenge wouldn’t be easy for an almost 50-yearold, but the failed attempts along the way would surely ignite more motivation.

“I decided to try out something different for a change because experience has no borders,” Luis said. “I was not at record level at the time, but my kids inspired me to build a strategy to achieve that goal. Everyone laughed at me when I told them I was going to beat a world record. And that exact reason is why I did it, to prove people wrong and show them that the impossible is possible.”

Luis beat his first record in front of a live audience at a work conference in Las Vegas. Although he met the minimum requirement for his kids, he decided to keep going because it was an activity that boosted his quality of life. And he now has 20 official Guinness World Records (the Venezuelan with the

most world records in history). Shortly after, the pandemic hit, but that did not discourage him from succeeding, so he fearlessly birthed a new company.

“During COVID, I started a virtual ‘wellness & fitness-from-home’ program, [at my former corporate job], for my fellow team members that were based [all over the world] since everyone was constrained inside their house,” Luis said. “It was extremely successful, which sparked the idea of potentially building a corporate wellness program that I could offer to companies wanting to give this type of perk to their employees.”

Today, Luis is the Founder of World Record Fitness & Wellness, LLC, a personal and corporate mobile fitness app focused purely on bodyweight training for the busy executive. Thanks to his emotional intelligence, he was able to make employees physically feel that healthy beginnings can start at any age. Building these relationships brought his dream to life.

“I want my legacy to set an example for other corporate executives like me who are very busy, travel a lot and don’t have time to work out and believe that life’s just ending for them,” Luis said. “I want people to remember me as the guy who inspired everyone to maximize their potential and bring out talents they didn't even know they had. I want to make them understand that if you put in the time and effort, you can have a good life physically and mentally, no matter how fit or how old you are.”



An infographic sharing the views and perspective of Victor Arias Jr., Managing Director of Diversified Search Group

THE NUMBER of Latinos on Corporate Boards is increasing but not at the ideal rate. Here is a roadmap of what boards and looking for and how to get there.


Flexibility on C-suite Experience

• GMs

• P&L responsibilities

• First time directors

Broader Demand for Specialized Expertise

• Digital/Social Media/Transformation

• Cloud Computing and Cyber Security

• Global Market Knowledge


• Succession Planning

• Board Effectiveness/Refreshment

• Activist Investors

Private/Family-Owned Companies Pursue BestIn-Class Governance


Nominations/Governance Committee leads normal process

Skills Matrix Analysis

Constant Review of Board Talent/Retirement Ages

• Internal Search

External Search

• Position Description

• Long List/Short List Review

• Selection/References/Background Review/Election


• Be the BEST in your field

• Touch the revenue stream

• Have others speak for you

• Enhance personal brand (board bio / LinkedIn profile)

• Subject matter expertise (speak/publish)

• LEAD organizations (including volunteer activities)

• Be Proactive (industry/affinity groups)

• Learn about governance practices/search firms



Strong Core Values

• Integrity/Ethics

• Leadership

• Judgment

Successful Career Track Record

Effective Counselor/Advisor

• Depth/Breadth of Specific Function/Industry


• Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA)

• National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

• Women Corporate Directors

• Corporate Board Member

• Catalyst

Hopefully this roadmap will be helpful to our Latino fellows and clarify the journey to become a board member.



FOR THE FIRST TIME in its 10 year history one of the most prestigious studies on the state of cybersecurity, the “2023 Cyberthreat Defense Report” by Cyberedge Group, put its finger in the wound of lack of Board of Directors involvement in this utmost important topic.

Lack of involvement from senior management / BOD and low employee awareness has been for the last decade two of the main drivers behind cyberattacks rising numbers. Microsoft's estimated losses for cyberattacks in 2022 amounted to $8.4 Trillion dollars, in other words, if it was an economy, it would be the world’s third largest, just behind China.

Indicators are moving however in the right direction as finally the Board of Directors and employees are taking strong interest in securing a Cyber-safe environment for their companies.

Key conclusions:

• 97% of IT Security leaders are finally engaging directly with their Board of Directors. Most common ways this engagement comes to life is through monthly, quarterly, or annual cyber risk assessment reports, however many other means of involvement exist even including an encouraging 43% of IT security leaders as part of the risk committee.

• Independent cyber risk assessments presented to the BOD have been implemented in 37.4% of companies worldwide.

INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: Manuel Rivera ( @mriveraraba) is CEO and co-founder of NEKT Group, a specialized cybersecurity firm (, he is also a constant contributor on this matter to CNÑ, Business Insider Mexico and several radio stations and newspapers.

• During 2023, an overwhelming 98% of organizations are providing some form of security awareness training for their employees. Among them, simulations report to be the most effective.

• To note, the study is conducted among 1,200 qualified IT security decision makers working in companies with more than 500 employees in 17 different countries (US included) representing 19 different industries.



AS PART of the continued partnership between the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA) and Latino Leaders magazine, I am proud to share updates regarding the state of LCDA, its members, and Latinos in America’s boardrooms.

LCDA is comprised of US Latinos that serve on publicly traded or large privately held company boards, as well as C-level aspiring directors. It convenes accomplished Latino executives at the highest levels of corporate leadership who are committed to paying it forward and advancing the mission to develop, support and increase the number of US Latinos

on corporate boards. Our model is focused on reducing the network gap, expanding opportunities, and lifting up the next wave of Latino directors.

With LCDA members occupying more than 30 percent of the board seats held by Latinos on Fortune 1000 companies, LCDA has become the largest network of Latinos at the highest levels of corporate governance and business leadership. Through the collective efforts of LCDA, its members, and network LCDA is at the forefront of promoting qualified Latino talent and preparing Latinos for board service.


LCDA's network of members, partners, and comprehensive demand strategy has made a significant impact on the Latino community. By opening doors to boardrooms across America, LCDA is helping to level the playing field for Latinos and create a more diverse and inclusive corporate environment. Just recently, two Latina LCDA members were appointed simultaneously to a large private company board. This is one of many doors opened by LCDA’s network. LCDA has been a resource to leading organizations including Ameriprise Financial, National Life Group, Hunter Industries, and Huntington Bank, to name a few. Out of many, these are some notable instances for LCDA, where our network has lived up to the commitment of expanding opportunities and offering a talent solution.

Plus, as part of LCDA’s commitment to provide high-caliber programming and elevate Latino talent primed for the boardroom, LCDA will welcome members, partners, and allies to network, connect, and discuss timely business and board topics at LCDA’s 8th Annual Board Leaders Convening hosted by Toyota Motor North America, Inc., and presented by KPMG. We also recently presented LCDA’s Summer BoardReady


Institute (BRI), hosted by KPMG, focused on accelerating the development and placement of highly credentialed Latinos who are aspiring, new, and boardexperienced directors from a variety of sectors and professions onto the highest levels of corporate governance.

As the preeminent association of US Latina and Latino corporate directors and a trusted source for US corporations and search firms seeking board talent, LCDA believes a diverse board isn’t just about fulfilling social quotas, but about creating a diverse think engine for companies. Having Latinos on corporate boards means representing the vast majority of market growth as Latino consumers contribute $2.7 trillion to the US GDP and make up nearly 20 percent of the US population.

LCDA stays committed to partnering with key organizations, like Latino Leaders, to bring awareness to the ample supply of senior Latino talent and the value of boardroom diversity. For more information on our work or to partner and be a part of growing this association, visit: Together, we can increase opportunities for talented Latinos to serve on corporate boards.



Hispanics in the United States are on a trajectory of prosperity , power, and progress. Our community's economic power is growing stronger each year, with businesses flourishing at an unprecedented rate and the workforce expanding rapidly. From small startups to Fortune 500 companies, we are seizing opportunities, buying homes, and investing in our future. Our economic success is laying the foundation for a brighter tomorrow.



Claudia Romo Edelman Courtesy Luis E. González

Moreover, Hispanics are making waves in every sector, gaining power and influence in politics and society. As we continue to succeed economically, we are also gaining control, authority, and influence over others. We are becoming a formidable group, shaping the direction of our country and making our voices heard. With power comes the responsibility to use it wisely and positively impact our communities.

Progress is ingrained in the Hispanic identity. From education to income, Latinos are advancing in a positive direction and driving American progress. What unifies us is our shared desire to move forward. Hispanic progress is American progress. However, in order to continue on this path, we must prioritize unity and pride as a community. We need to transition from being energized to being organized.

Over the next decade, it is crucial for Latinos to prioritize education, representation in influential positions, the growth of our businesses, and securing sufficient funding for our causes. We need to take pride in our heritage, know our data, and understand our history. By driving our narrative and forming meaningful partnerships with corporate America, we can shape how we are portrayed in a respectful and relevant manner.

Consider this: five years ago, corporate boards only had 1% representation of Latinos. Today, that number has quadrupled to 4.5%. To quadruple it again, whether in corporate boards, politics, or senior positions, individual efforts alone will not be enough. We need to act as a team, anchored in Latino unity and pride, to drive Latino progress. It is not enough for some of us to succeed individually; we must uplift one another. By doing so, we honor the dreams and sacrifices of our ancestors.

Within this very room are the 500 leaders who will shape the next decade. They will be the elected officials, have seats on influential boards like the Met, and occupy C-suite positions in Fortune 500 companies. This group needs strong, structured, and intentional networks to support, buy from, and mentor one another. Once you achieve success, it is imperative to bring someone along with you. Share the access code and open doors for the next generation. Advocate for Latinos and take pride in being Hispanic. We need a ladder of mentorship and sponsorship, supported by allies, to propel Hispanics to shine.

Driving a shared agenda based on increasing our perception and representation is imperative. I see two significant opportunities from now until the end of the year. Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity for us to unite forces and break through the noise. I want to see Dallas and Texas fully activated, with every store, office, and speech radiating our collective strength. In partnership with organizations such as the LCDA and Latino Leaders Magazine, we have created a toolkit that you can use, make your own, and be the city that makes the biggest noise in the entire country.

Furthermore, I extend an invitation to all of you to be part of the planning for our shared agenda at the end of the year. We will gather the most influential 500 Latino leaders and allies at the United Nations for the Hispanic Leadership Summit, followed by our gala, which aims to become the Met Gala for Latinos. I hope to witness a significant delegation from Dallas this year.

Remember, America is composed of stars, and Hispanics are one of them. Together, we shine as Hispanic stars. By embracing unity,

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OUR LONGEST LIST EVER! We are proud to feature more than 450 Latino profiles serving on public or private companies. Each one is an example of professionalism, tenacity, and talent. Congratulations and we hope the list keeps growing every year.



Age: 56

Chicago, IL


Energizer Holdings (775) Boards

Carlos Abrams-Rivera serves as Executive Vice President and President, North America Zone for The Kraft Heinz Company, which is the fifth largest global food company. He is responsible for leading all operations of Kraft Heinz’s largest zone, which is comprised of its U.S. and Canada businesses. Before joining Kraft Heinz in 2020, Carlos held several senior leadership roles at Campbell Soup Company, where he departed as SVP and President, Campbell Snacks. Prior to Campbell's, Carlos served leadership roles at Mondelēz and also a range of management positions at Kraft Foods Group, Inc. Carlos holds a bachelor’s degree in Managerial Economics from Carnegie Mellon University as well as an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business.

Age: 66

Santa Barbara, CA Nationality:

Independent Director

Entrepreneur, investor, business leader, rocket-scientist. Passionate about building, scaling and leading market transitions. Acevedo served as Chief Executive Officer of the Girl Scouts of the USA from May 2017 to August 2020, and as interim Chief Executive Officer from June 2016 to May 2017. She was a board member from 2008 until 2016. Chair of President Obama’s White House initiative for Educational Excellence for Hispanics in early childhood leadership. Driver of the Administration’s Early Childhood Dual Language Education Policy. National speaker on Education, STEM, cybersecurity, demographic trends and leadership.

Age: 65

New Canaan, CT Nationality:

Adjunto Faculty,

Farmers Insurance Exchange (256) Boards

Age: 38

Los Angeles, CA Nationality:

Acevedo is an entrepreneurial business leader with experience in corporate and nonprofit settings. She founded a Consulting firm which provides services to corporations and non-profits. She formerly served as President of a non-profit educational and social services agency and has held various executive positions in corporate settings throughout her career.

Cue Health Boards

Achar has served as a member of our board of directors since May 2019 and was appointed our Chief Strategy Officer in June 2021. He is the founder of Genzum Life Sciences, Inc., a pharmaceutical company, and has served as its Chief Executive Officer since 2010. Prior, he founded Synergy Ventures, a venture capital company where he serves as a general partner, whose investments include seed stage funding to several medical technology companies including Cue BioPharma, Inc. and Provention Bio, Inc. He has served as a member of the board of directors of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship since 2018. Achar holds a BS in business marketing from California State University and an MBA from Pepperdine University’s School of Business.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 29 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
CARLOS ABRAMS-RIVERA Executive Vice President and President, North America Zone, The Kraft Heinz Company SYLVIA ACEVEDO Qualcomm (107), Credo, Ambri Battery Inc, Quark.AI Boards GISELLE ACEVEDO Fairfield University CHRIS K. ACHAR Chief Strategy Officer/Board Member

Age: 56 Dallas, TX



President & CEO, CARCON Industries/Southwestern Testing Laboratories (STL Engineers)

Magnolia Oil & Gas, Vistra Corp. (315), Veritex Holdings Inc. Boards

Age: 60

Phoenix, AZ



President and Chief Executive Officer, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc.

Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Boards

Age: 65

South Florida Nationality:


Owner & CEO, Erie SeaWolves

CVS Health (4), Synchrony Financial (236), Barry Callebaut Boards

Age: 67 Miami, FL


CEO and Chairman, Spanish Broadcasting System

Spanish Broadcasting System Boards

Age: 51 New York, NY


Acosta is an entrepreneur, nationally recognized speaker, philanthropist, and mother. Acosta and her companies have won more than 45 national, regional, and local awards. She is a graduate of Texas Tech University and Harvard University Business School – Corporate Governance Program. With over 20 years of experience, Acosta excels as a highperforming leader with the business acumen and analytical skills needed to drive transformation. Acosta was recently elected to be the Chairwoman-Elect of the Dallas Citizens Council Board of Directors making her the 2nd woman to be Chair in the 84-year history of the organization. Her term will begin in 2023 through 2026.

Adame serves as president and CEO of Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC), one of the nation’s largest community development corporations. Mr. Adame served as COO and CFO before taking on the position of president and CEO. Under his leadership, CPLC has experienced significant growth and expansion in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, Texas, and Mexico. Mr. Adame was vice president of Arizona operations for McCormack Baron & Salazar, responsible for overseeing the firm’s role in Henson Village, a HOPE VI project in Phoenix. He served as senior deputy director of Fannie Mae’s Arizona partnership office from 1997 to 2003. Prior to that, he worked at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (then called Bank One Arizona) for eight years.

Owner & CEO of the Erie SeaWolves, a professional baseball team, the Double A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. Former Chairman & CEO Chiquita Brands International, from January 2004 to October 2012. Prior to that, he was an Executive at Procter & Gamble for 24 years working in Mexico, Brazil, and the USA in global roles. He was Honored with the Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award by the NFL. Aguirre earned a business degree at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 1980. He was elected to SIUE’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2007 and its alumni Hall of Fame in 2009. In 2012, Aguirre received an honorary doctoral degree from SIUE.

Alarcón joined Spanish Broadcasting System in 1983 as an account executive and has been President and a director since October 1985 and Chief Executive Officer since June 1994. On November 2, 1999, he became Chairman of the board of directors and continues as Chief Executive Officer and President. Currently, Alarcón is responsible for the long-range strategic planning and operational matters and is instrumental in the acquisition and related financing of each of the stations.

Alberti-Perez was the former CFO of 3 media and technology companies: Getty Images, MediaMath, and Penguin Random House. She currently serves on one public company board where she chairs the Audit Committee and is a member of the Compensation Committee. She serves on two private corporate boards of directors and is a member of the Audit Committee. Her business and board experience spans from technology, finance, digital transformation, media, international M&A, cybersecurity, enterprise sales, DEI, and digital marketing. She is a member of Latino Corporate Directors Association, National Association of Corporate Directors, and sits on the non profit boards of Jumpstart (early education) and the Wild Bird Fund. Alberti-Perez is a native Spanish speaker.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 30 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RÁUL ALARCÓN MILENA ALBERTI-PEREZ Independent Director Pitney Bowes, Inc. Boards

Age: 53 Dallas, TX



Sleep Number (982) Boards

Daniel joined Activision from Google, where he worked for more than 16 years leading growth and expansion. He was President of Global Retail and Shopping, where he led the initiatives to embed ecommerce across all Google product areas diversifying beyond advertising into the retail transactions business. Prior to that, he was President of Google's Global and Strategic Partnerships organization, working across all of core business to create strategic relationships with some of the world’s largest partners. Also President of Google’s Asia-Pacific and Japan businesses and as VP of the Latin America business. Daniel holds a BA degree with Honors from Princeton University from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, as well as dual MBA and JD degrees from Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School.

Age: 64 New York, NY



Retired CEO, Global, of Yowie Group Ltd

Eastman Chemical (349), The Kraft Heinz Company Boards

Age: N/A




Independent Director

Meta Platforms, Inc (27), Macerich Boards

Humberto served as CEO from 2016, and a director from 2017, until 2018 of Yowie, a global brand licensing company specializing in the development of Yowie character children's consumer products. He was President, International, of The Hershey Company. He was EVP, CFO and Chief Administrative Officer from 2011 to 2013, and SVP and CFO from 2007 to 2011. He joined Hershey in 2006, initially serving as Vice President, Finance and Planning, U.S. Commercial Group in 2006, and then serving as VP, Finance and Planning, North American Commercial Group from 2006 to 2007. Before joining Hershey, Alfonso held a variety of finance positions at Cadbury Schweppes. Prior to that, he held a number of senior financial positions at Pfizer, Inc.


As EVP Global Sales and Merchant Services, Peggy leads PayPal’s Commercial and Customer Success teams worldwide. She has extensive experience leading high performing teams across product development, finance and growth strategy. Peggy has held numerous senior leadership roles at PayPal, including SVP Core Markets; SVP People Operations; COO Asia Pacific and CFO for the Americas. In 2019, Peggy returned to PayPal after two years as CFO and Head of Operations at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a philanthropic organization. Prior to joining PayPal in 2011, Peggy worked at, a national internet real estate listing service and former subsidiary of eBay Inc., where she served in positions of increasing responsibility, including President, General Manager and Chief Financial Officer.

Age: 61

Chicago, IL


Chairman, President and CEO, Baxter International Inc

Baxter International (292), Bank of America Boards

Age: 55

Washington, DC Nationality:


Chief Executive Officer, Fannie Mae

Realty Income Corp, Fannie Mae (22) Boards

Almeida assumed his current responsibilities at Baxter in January 2016. He is now leading the company through a period of dynamic evolution, powered by Baxter’s mission to save and sustain lives and vision to transform healthcare. Before joining Baxter, Almeida served as chairman, president and CEO of Covidien plc. Prior to this, he held a range of senior leadership roles at Covidien and other companies across the industry. A native of Brazil, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia.

Almodovar has deep expertise in America’s housing finance system, she is responsible for overseeing the firm’s strategy, managing risk, driving innovation and efficiency, and promoting and fostering diversity and inclusion throughout the business. Prior to joining Fannie Mae, Almodovar was President and CEO of Enterprise Community Partners. Earlier in her career, she was President and CEO at New York State Housing Finance Agency, State of New York Mortgage Agency, and Affordable Housing Corporation. In this role, she oversaw the agencies responsible for providing construction and permanent loans and tax credit equity to multi-family developers, mortgages to first time homebuyers, and credit insurance. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Hofstra University and her Juris Doctor from Columbia University School of Law.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 31 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 71 Boston, MA


Alvarado is the former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Metals Company, a Fortune 500 global metals firm, which under his leadership was active in recycling, manufacturing, fabricating and trading. Alvardo received his master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance from the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Notre Dame.

Age: 73

Newark, Ohio Nationality:

Previously, Alvarado served as President and Chief Executive Officer of a global educational publishing company from 1989-1993. She has served on corporate boards in the manufacturing, banking, transportation, and services industries. She has also led state and national workforce policy boards. Alvarado previously served as Chairwoman of the Ohio Board of Regents. Following executive and legislative staff appointments at the U.S. Department of Defense and in the U.S. Congress, Alvarado was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to lead the federal agency ACTION, the nation's premier agency for civic engagement and volunteerism, a position which she held from 1985-1989.

Age: 35

Washington, DC


VP & COO, Becket

Knights of Columbus (925) Boards

Age: 62

Austin, TX


Former Global CEO and Senior Executive at Fortune 50 & Start-Up Companies

Domtar (533), Ruth's Hospitality Group Inc., Trulieve, Driscoll's Boards

Age: 59

Boston, MA


Alvarado joined the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in 2009 and was named VP & Executive Director in 2017. With a background in public policy and campaigns, she has led initiatives at Becket in development, communications, strategy and operations that have helped secure religious liberty victories against the contraceptive mandate, protect the rights of churches to choose their leaders, and safeguard the free speech of crisis pregnancy centers and religious groups on campus. Alvarado has a Masters from the George Washington University and a B.A. from Florida International University. She served on the Montgomery County Commission for Women in Maryland and is currently on the board of the Patients’ Rights Action Fund.

Former CEO Stop & Shop Companies, Senior Lecturer Harvard Business School

TJX (75), United Rentals (363) Boards

Alvarez is the former CEO of Beanitos, Inc., a privately held leader in bean-based snacking, headquarted in Austin, TX. She served until 2018 as CEO of Harmless Harvest, Inc. She held the position of Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Pet Business unit at Del Monte Corporation. From 2011 to 2013, she served as Group President and Chief Executive Officer for Barilla Americas, where she was responsible for North, Central and South America’s operations of Barilla S.p.A., a global food and beverages company headquartered in Parma, Italy. From 2006 to 2010, she held senior global management positions with The Coca-Cola Company. Prior to that, she held a number of increasingly senior positions in marketing and general management with Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Procter & Gamble in the United States and Latin America.

Alvarez has been on the faculty of the Harvard Business School since 2009. Until 2008, he was the EVP—global business development for Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers. He joined Royal Ahold in 2001 and subsequently held several key senior management positions, including president and CEO of the company’s Stop & Shop and Giant-Landover brands. Previously, he served in executive positions at Shaw’s Supermarket, Inc. and American Stores Company. Alvarez held several key management positions with Royal Ahold NV, one of the world’s largest grocery retailers, providing him with business leadership experience in, and valuable knowledge of, the global retail industry. Alvarez holds an MBA degree from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and an AB degree from Princeton. He served previously as a director of The TJX Companies, Inc. and Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 32 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOSEPH ALVARADO Former Chairman and CEO Commercial Metals Co. PNC Financial Sevices (178), Arcosa (975), Kennametal (988), Trinseo Boards DONNA M. ALVARADO Founder and President of Aguila International CSX (298), CoreCivic (982), Park National Corp. Boards MARIA MONTSERRAT ALVARADO GIANNELLA ÁLVAREZ JOSÉ B. ÁLVAREZ

Age: 67

Boston, MA



Lowe’s (35),

Born in Cuba, he received his bachelor’s degree in BA from the University of Miami. Alvarez retired as president and CEO of McDonald’s Corporation in 2009. Prior to joining McDonald’s in 1994, he held leadership positions at Burger King Corporation and Wendy’s International, Inc. He held a variety of leadership roles throughout his career, including chief operations officer and president of the central division, both with McDonald’s USA. Before joining the U.S. business, Alvarez was president of McDonald’s Mexico. From 2004 until 2005, he was president of McDonald’s USA, where he led a team that aligned employees, owner/operators and suppliers behind the company’s “Plan to Win” strategy – the catalyst for the turnaround of its U.S. business. He served as president of McDonald’s North America from 2005 until 2006. In this role, he was responsible for all McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. and Canada. Alvarez became president and CEO in 2006.

Age: 73 California



Hewlett Packard Inc. (59), Stride Inc., Fastly Inc., Boards

Age: 65

Miami, FL



Senior Chairman, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Watsco (507), Precigen Inc., The St. Joe Company Boards

Age: 64

San Juan, PR


President and Chief Executive Officer of Popular, Inc.

Popular (888) Boards

Age: 71

Coral Gables, Florida


Aida has had a successful career as a journalist, investment banker and public servant. She was the first Latino woman to hold a U.S. cabinet-level position as the administrator of the Small Business Administration during Bill Clinton's presidency. She entered the Clinton administration as the first director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. She also has more than a decade of experience in corporate finance, working as a vice president of Public Finance for both Bear Stearns and First Boston. Before, she served as VP Public Affairs of the New York City Health and Hospitals. She began her career as a reporter for the New York Post. She previously served on boards including Walmart, PacifiCare (United Health), MUFG Union Bank and the Diversity Advisory Board for Deloitte & Touche. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College, and honorary doctorates from Bethany College, Iona College, Mercy College and the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.

Kemper (514) Boards

Alvarez is a Senior Chairman of the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig. He previously served as the firm’s Executive Chairman for more than three years and as its Chief Executive Officer for 13 years. Alvarez served on the Board of Directors of Sears Holdings Corporation from January 2013 until May 2017.

Alvarez has been President and CEO of Popular, Inc. since July 1st, 2017. Prior to this, he served as President and Chief Operating Officer. Previously, served as EVP and Chief Legal Officer. Before this, he was one of the six founding partners of the law firm Pietrantoni Mendez & Alvarez LLP. Recognized by Chambers Global as “one of the best lawyers in Puerto Rico,” Alvarez was an integral part of the firm’s success for 18 years. Among his main practice areas are: banking, corporate and commercial law; corporate and public finance law; securities and capital markets. Alvarez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958; graduated from Georgetown University, Magna Cum Laude, 1980; Harvard Law School J.D., Cum Laude, 1983; and admitted to the Bar in Florida and Puerto Rico in 1983. He was an Adjunct Professor and Lecturer, University of Puerto Rico Law School, from 1988 to 1992. He has been a member of the Board of Regents of Georgetown University since October 2008.

Tere currently serves as Principal and Portfolio Manager of Cito Capital Group, LLC, a multi-family office registered as an investment advisor with the SEC. Prior to her role at Cito, She served as President and Portfolio Manager (1985-2016) of Taplin, Canida & Habacht, LLC (TCH), an investment management firm specializing in Institutional fixed income account management with assets under management of approximately $12 billion at the time of its sale in 2008 to what is now Bank of Montreal (BMO). TCH managed client assets for public and corporate pension funds, endowments, foundations and hospitals. Tere was responsible for the firm’s strategy, investment policy and managing client portfolios along with the firm’s other portfolio managers. Prior to founding TCH in 1985, she was Vice President and Senior Investment Officer for Southeast Bank Trust Company. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and an MBA from George Washington University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 34 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Operating Partner, Advent International Corporation Eli Lilly (122), First Watch Restaurant Group, Traeger Grills Boards AIDA Independent Director IGNACIO ÁLVAREZ TERESA ÁLVAREZ CANIDA Principal & Portfolio Manager, Cito Capital

Age: 68

Scottsdale, AZ



Independent Director

Assurant Boards

Alves was elected to Assurant’s board of directors in November 2019. He served as chief sales officer of Sprint Corporation from January 2012 to September 2013, after serving as president of the company’s Business Markets Group from 2009 to 2012. Prior to that role, he held various senior executive positions at Sprint Corporation, including president, Sales and Distribution; senior vice president, Enterprise Markets and President, Strategic Markets. He currently chairs the Audit Committee of Yum! Brands, Inc. and the Audit Committee of Synchrony Financial, and he serves on Synchrony Financial’s Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. He also chairs the board of directors of Sorenson Communications, a communication device company for the deaf community. Alves previously served on the board of directors of International Game Technology PLC and was a member of its Audit and Compensation Committees.

Age: 51

San Diego, CA


Qualcomm (124) Boards

Amon began his Qualcomm career in 1995 as an engineer, and during his tenure, has helped shape the strategic direction for the Company in several leadership roles. Before becoming CEO, he served as president of Qualcomm. He has overseen the successful execution of M&A to augment Qualcomm’s capabilities and accelerate growth in key areas. Previously, he led Qualcomm’s semiconductor business as president of QCT. He also held several technical and business leadership positions, which included having overall responsibility for Snapdragon® platforms.Prior to Qualcomm, Amon served as chief technical officer for Vésper, a wireless operator in Brazil, and held leadership positions at NEC, Ericsson and Velocom.Amon holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and an honorary doctorate from UNICAMP – Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Age: 56

Miami, FL


He has almost 30 years of experience in the insurance industry, successfully leading large and complex domestic and international businesses. He has served in executive leadership roles in underwriting, product development and innovation, claims, sales and distribution, strategy development, and general management. Before commencing his insurance career, Andrade worked in national security and international affairs within the U.S. Federal Government’s Executive Branch and The Executive Office of the President.He received a B of S degree in Journalism with a minor in Political Science from the University of Florida and was honored as a Distinguished Alumni in 2018. He was inducted into the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Hall of Fame in 2021, and holds a Master of Arts degree in International Economics and Latin American Studies from the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University.

USAA (96) Boards

Age: 57

Cambridge, MA Nationality:

He is responsible for the supply of product required for Moderna’s preclinical and clinical development programs, as well as scaling the chemistry, manufacturing and controls processes across Moderna’s portfolio. He was previously the Global Head of Technical Operations (Manufacturing and Supply Chain) for over 25K Novartis employees. He had responsibility for all of manufacturing sites, and related support functions and technologies worldwide, overseeing small molecules drug substance and drug product, as well as biologics drug substance, drug product and technical development. Previous roles include Group Novartis Quality Head, Global Head of Technical Research and Development, and Global Pharmaceutical Operations Head. Before Novartis, he worked at Eli Lilly for 18 years. Andres holds a Master degree in Pharmacy from Alcala de Henares University in Madrid and completed an advanced development program at the London Business School.

Avantor (438) Boards

Age: 60

Mexico City, MX Nationality:

President & Chief Executive Officer, Tresalia Capital

Coty (554) Boards

Aramburuzabala is one of Latin America's most prominent business leaders and her achievements have been recognized by multiple institutions. Tresalia has a particular expertise in consumer goods companies, with an investment portfolio including Anheauser-Busch InBev, Tory. Burch, kIo Networks, Casper, Multiplan, Kraftz-Heinz, Aliat, and Medistik. She also serves as Board Director for several global corporations. and institutions.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 35 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
PAGET CRISTIANO R. AMON President and Chief Executive Officer, Qualcomm Incorporated JUAN C. ANDRADE President and Chief Executive Officer, Everest Re Group, Ltd JUAN ANDRÉS Chief Technical Operations and Quality Officer, Moderna, Inc. MARIA ASUNCIÓN ARAMBURUZABALA

Age: 70 Detroit, MI



Owner & CEO,ASG Renaissance LLC

Clean Energy Fuels Boards

Age: 50

Houston, TX



Chief Executive Officer, EnLink Midstream

EnLink Midstream (485) Boards

Entrepreneur and co-founder of ASG Renaissance, a technical and communications firms in addition to her role at ASG, Ardisana is an active business and civic leader in the Michigan and Hispanic Communities. She serves on numerous corporate and educational boards, and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the community. Ardisana holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Detroit, a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Texas.

Age: 48

Miami, FL



Group Head, International Banking, Scotiabank

Hanover Insurance Group (583) Boards

Arenivas is the Chief Executive Officer of EnLink Midstream and a director on the EnLink Board of Directors. Prior to joining EnLink, he spent almost 20 years with Kinder Morgan Inc. (KMI), where he helped the company grow to become the largest transporter of CO2 in North America. He served as President of the CO2 segment since 2014 and was appointed President of KMI’s Energy Transition Ventures team upon its formation in early 2021.Arenivas joined KMI in 2003 and previously served in various financial, accounting, and business development roles, including Vice President of Finance and Accounting for KMI’s CO2 business segment. Before joining KMI, Arenivas spent five years at ConocoPhillips Co. in financial and commercial roles. Arenivas holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance from the University of Texas Permian Basin and is a certified public accountant.

Aristeguieta currently serves as Group Head, International Banking for Scotiabank. Prior to that appointment in May 2023, Aristeguieta served as a special adviser for State Street Corporation, a provider of financial services to institutional investors worldwide. He served as chief executive officer of State Street Institutional Services from 2020 to 2022, and served as executive vice president and chief executive officer of State Street International Business from 2019 to 2020. Before joining State Street in 2019, Aristeguieta was Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Asia Pacific, an international investment banking and financial services provider, from 2015 to 2019. Prior to that role, he served as chief executive officer of Citigroup Latin America from 2013 to 2015 and before that he led Citigroup’s Global Transaction Services Group in Latin America, and served as vice chairman on the board of directors of Banco de Chile. Aristeguieta is a member of the Compensation and Human Capital Committee. Aristeguieta’s term expires in 2026.

Age: 55

Austin, TX



Principal, Klein Energy, LLC

Diamonback Energy Inc. (479), SJW Group Boards

Age: 55

Connecticut Nationality:


Managing Partner, Siempre Holdings

Campbell Soup Company (409), Burberry plc, Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO), Boards

Klein has been the principal at Klein Energy, LLC since 2006. Prior to that she served as chair of the Public Utilities Commission of Texas, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Air Force Reserve. She also sits on other publicly traded and privately held boards. Klein is the founder of the Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute, a nonprofit that addresses the nexus of energy and poverty in Texas, and she previously served on the Diversity Advisory Committee of the Federal Communications Commission. She is a native of San Antonio, Texas, and is fluent in Spanish having grown up partly in Mexico and Venezuela. She is a graduate of Stanford University and earned a master’s degree from Georgetown University, a juris doctor degree from St. Mary’s Law School, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

She is the Managing Partner of Siempre Holdings, a private, single family investment office based in Connecticut. She is a member (prior Co-Chair) of the U.S. National Council of the World Wildlife Fund and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Fabiola has also previously served as a non-executive Board Director of NPR (National PublicRadio), Rodale Inc., Experian Group plc, Saks Incorporated, the Intelsat Corporation, Bankinter S.A., the BOC Group plc, the World Wildlife Fund in the U.S. and the U.K., and as a Board Trustee of Sesame Workshop. She previously held senior operating roles at Yahoo!, the BBC and Bertelsmann. Fabiola is a graduate of Stanford University and the Harvard Business School.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 36 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 61

San Diego, CA


Dennis Arriola has over 28 years of senior leadership experience in the utility and renewable energy sectors and most recently served as CEO at Avangrid (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company based in CT. Prior to that, Arriola was in senior executive roles at Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE) including Group President, Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Chairman and CEO at Southern California Gas Co., Chief Financial Officer at SoCalGas and SDG&E, and Regional President and General Manager - South American Operations. Arriola also served as CFO and EVP at SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ: SPWR). Arriola has an A.B. in Economics from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard University.

Homes Boards

ConocoPhillips Company (77),

Age: 60 Dallas, TX


Chief Strategy & Development Officer, AT&T

Global Payments (407) Boards

Age: 58

Tustin, CA


Arroyo serves as the Chief Strategy and Development Officer of AT&T Inc. He oversees corporate strategy, corporate development, venture investments, strategic business development and alliances as well as incubating emerging businesses that support AT&T’s long-term growth. He previously served as Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Consumer, where he was responsible for the company’s integrated consumer internet and mobility services organization. His team served more than 196 million wireless subscriber connections and passed nearly 17 million eligible customer locations with fiber internet. He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, the CEO of AT&T Mexico, the Chief Information Officer (CIO), AT&T and prior to AT&T, he also served as CIO at Cingular Wireless.


Arvielo is a self-made entrepreneur with more than 40 years of experience in the mortgage industry. She co-founded and leads the nation’s largest Latina-owned mortgage company, New American Funding. Arvielo manages the company’s operations and sales and oversaw the creation and expansion of the company’s retail lending operation which grew a small local operation to a national powerhouse with over 100 locations and thousands of employees across the country. A champion of fairness and equality, Patty created the Latino Focus and New American Dream initiatives, which aim to increase lending to underserved communities. She is also an active lobbyist for the housing industry and minority interests in Washington, D.C. and with numerous state governments. Patty is leading the industry to help minority borrowers attain the dream of homeownership.

Age: 70

Dallas, TX


Arvizu has had a 5-decade career in energy R&D and policy, technology diffusion, and higher education administration. He began his career at AT&T Bell Labs and served in executive roles at Sandia National Labs, CH2M Hill Companies, Ltd., and Emerson Collective, before becoming the 28th Chancellor of the NMSU System. In 2004 and 2010 he was appointed to serve on the National Science Board (NSB), the governing body of the NSF, by two successive presidents—G. W. Bush and B. Obama. He was twice elected NSB Chair by his peers. Arvizu presently serves on several boards, panels and advisory committees. In 2021 he was appointed by President J. Biden to serve on the President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology (PCAST). He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Public Administration. Arvizu has a BSME from New Mexico State University, and a MS and Ph.D. in ME from Stanford University.

Age: 49

New York, NY


Global media executive, advisor and corporate board director. Most recently she was President, Global Distribution, for Home Box Office, Inc., overseeing $7 billion in annual revenue and all distribution operations of the company’s services and platforms worldwide. She spearheaded HBO’s transformation from a traditional media company (appointment TV) into an agile, on-demand powerhouse with streaming, digital services worldwide. Aulestia joined HBO in 1997. Prior to joining HBO, Aulestia worked at Univision Communications, Inc., Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc., and Kidder, Peabody Inc.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 37 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DENNIS ARRIOLA Operating Partner, Sandbrook Capital Meritage THADDEUS ARROYO PATRICIA ARVIELO CEO & Co-Founder, New American Funding Century Communities (673), Carson Life, Community Bank, WeAllGrowLatina Boards DANIEL E. ARVIZU CEO, Arvizu Science, Technology, Energy and Education Policy Consulting Farm Insurance. (42), MRIGlobal Boards BERNADETTE AULESTIA Chief Revenue & Growth Officer, Callisto Media Nexstar Media Group (637), Denny's Corp. Boards

Age: 63

Charlotte, NC



Independent Director

Generac Holdings Inc. Boards

Age: 54 Dallas, TX



Chief Information and Technology Officer, McKesson Corporation

Comerica Bank (825) Boards

Age: 52

New York, NY



Independent Board Director

Scotts Miracle-Gro (616) Boards



Independent Director

Centene (26) Boards

Avedon has served as a director of Generac since December 2019. She is currently the CEO of Avedon Advisory, LLC. Prior to her role with Trane Technologies, she served as the Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Communications and Corporate Affairs for Ingersoll Rand since 2007, and as the Chief HR officer of Merck from 2002-2006. She held increasingly responsible leadership positions in Human Resources and Communications in Honeywell International from 1995-2002. Her early career included positions in human resources at Anheuser-Busch Companies and as a consultant with Booz, Allen & Hamilton. Avedon earned a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from George Washington University. She has over 30 years of experience leading organizational transformation, talent and succession management, culture change, corporate social responsibility and communications.

Age: 65

Medina, WA


Flores has served as a leader in the technology sector for more than 25 years. She joined McKesson in 2020 where she directs the company's technology initiatives, including software, infrastructure, application development tools and processes, operations, and cybersecurity. She also guides the overall direction for the company's healthcare technology products and data and analytics. Prior to McKesson, Flores served as CIO at Johnson Controls, where she was responsible for information technology, cybersecurity and analytics. She spent 22 years at Abbott Laboratories in several leadership roles, including CIO.

Avilés has over 30 years of experience in the finance industry, where she has cultivated key relationships and executed growth strategies to deliver strong financial performance across complex global organizations. Currently, she is a managing director in the global investor relations team at Clayton Dubilier & Rice. She previously held leadership roles at Natixis, most recently serving as vice chair of the Americas. Before that, she held senior positions at BNP Paribas and Chase Manhattan Corporation (now JP Morgan Chase).

Ayala has 35+ years history experience working in the Information Technology industry - Senior Executive for 25 years with Microsoft. Member of Bill Gates's senior leadership team when Ayala was Executive VP of the WW field operating teams in 115 countries. Skilled in Sales, Enterprise Software, Social Impact, Partner Management, and Enterprise Organizational Architecture. Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Systems Administration and a Bachelors in Information Systems focused in Computers and Software from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Colombia.

Age: 54

Mexico City, MX



Executive Chairman of the Board & Chairman of the Executive Committee, Groupo Televisa

TelevisaUnivision (866) Boards

Descendant of a Mexican dinasty of businessmen and former chief executive officer (CEO) of Televisa, a Mexican mass media company and the world's largest media conglomarate in spanish language. Azcárraga Jean is widely credited for turning around Televisa into the prosperous company after the death of his father "El Tigre". He is also a global board member of Endeavor, an international non-profit development organization that finds and supports high-impact entrepreneurs in emerging markets.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 38 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 70





Former Prime Minister of Spain, President Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis

News Corp. (374) Boards

José María Aznar has served as the President of the Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis, a political research and educational organization focused on Spain, since 1989. He served as the Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004. He was the Executive President of the Partido Popular of Spain from 1990 to 2004 and its Honorific President from 2004 to 2016. Aznar has been a Director of Afiniti, a developer of artificial intelligence systems, since 2016, President of the Honorary Board of the Bussola Institute since 2017, a special advisor to Latham & Watkins LLP since 2018 and a member of the International Advisory Board of Barrick Gold Corporation since 2011.

Age: 57 Puerto Rico



Independent Director

Popular (888) Boards

Bacardí has extensive experience in the development and implementation of international marketing, sales and distribution strategies acquired throughout more than 24 years at various Bacardi companies and 3 years as Product Manager of Nestlé of Puerto Rico. As President and CEO of Bacardi Corporation, he directed and managed all business operations with full profit and loss responsibilities and government relations for Bacardi in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. Prior to becoming President and CEO of Bacardi, he held positions in various Bacardi enterprises where, among other things, he was responsible for the development of all global communication strategies for Bacardi Limited’s whisky portfolio, with total sales of approximately $400 million, and supervision of marketing for all Bacardi brands globally.

Age: 56

Puerto Rico


President, Ballester Hermanos, Inc.

Popular (888) Boards

Ballester has a comprehensive understanding of Puerto Rico’s consumer products and distribution industries acquired through over 29 years of experience at Ballester Hermanos, Inc., a privately-owned business dedicated to the importation and distribution of grocery products, as well as beer, liquors and wine for the retail and food service trade in Puerto Rico. In 2019, Ballester Hermanos had approximately $125 million in assets and annual revenues of approximately $350 million. He has proven to be a successful entrepreneur establishing the food service division of Ballester Hermanos in 1999, which today accounts for 38% of the firm’s revenues. During 2009, he was a director of the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and member of its audit and investment committees where he obtained experience in overseeing a variety of fiscal issues related to various government agencies, instrumentalities and municipalities.

Age: 62

Detroit, MI


CEO/Chairman of the Board

Barra was elected Chair of the GM Board of Directors in January 2016 and has served as CEO of GM since January 2014. Prior to becoming CEO, she served as GM executive vice president, Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain since August 2013, and as senior vice president, Global Product Development since February 2011. In these roles, she and her teams were responsible for the design, engineering and quality of GM vehicle launches worldwide. Previously, she served as vice president, Global Human Resources; vice president, Global Manufacturing Engineering; plant manager, Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly; and in several other executive engineering and staff positions. She began her career with GM in 1980 as a General Motors Institute (Kettering University) co-op student at the Pontiac Motor Division. Barra graduated with a BS in electrical engineering in 1985, followed by an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1990.

Age: 54

Atlanta, GA Nationality:

Barra oversees the company’s strategy to provide customers with innovative and exclusive products across flooring, paint, kitchen, bath, appliances, décor, storage and organization. Barra joined The Home Depot in 2017 and previously served as senior vice president of Merchandising Services. Barra brings more than 25 years of industry experience to the company. Before joining The Home Depot, he served as executive vice president of Optum Inc., a diversified health and well-being company. Prior to that, he served as executive vice president of merchandising, essentials and hardlines at Target, where he was responsible for the strategic direction and financial performance of 10 divisions that generated more than 60 percent of total company revenues.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 39 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOAQUÍN ALEJANDRO M. BALLESTER MARY T. BARRA General Motors Boards JOSÉ M. BARRA Senior VP Merchandising, The Home Depot KB Home (603) Boards

Age: 60

Ontario, CA


OpenText, Dicks Sporting Goods Boards

Age: 49 Houston, TX



Chief Financial Officer, BJ Energy Solutions

TopBuild Corp (755) Boards

Age: 55

Sarasota, FL


Barrenechea joined OpenText as President and Chief Executive Officer in January 2012, and also serves as a member of the Board of Directors. In January 2016, he took on the role of Chief Technology Officer and was appointed Vice Chair in September 2017. As CEO of Canada’s largest software company, he oversees the strategic and operational direction of the organization and upholds the company’s position at the forefront of the industry. Under his direction, OpenText has grown through innovation and strategic acquisitions into a multi-billion-dollar cloud company. His unwavering commitment to innovation and results, combined with a dedication to customers’ needs, led him to successfully realign the company’s products, transforming OpenText into an information management leader and modern cloud company. Barrenechea holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Saint Michael’s College and serves as a member of the Board and Audit Committee of Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Independent Director

Zumiez, Claire's, DXL Group Boards

He has served as BJ’s CFO since 2021. With more than 28 years of Financial Executive experience, Ernesto has an extensive corporate strategy, financial management, and analysis background culminating into a proven track record in identifying and exploiting opportunities to maximize economic returns. Prior to BJ, served as VP, CFO and Treasurer of CARBO Ceramics Inc. Prior to CARBO, Ernesto served in several senior management roles at W-H Energy Services, Inc., ultimately serving as VP and CFO prior to the Company’s sale to Smith International Inc. Ernesto is a Certified Public Accountant in Texas and holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Rice University.

From 2019 to 2021, Carmen served as Chief Merchandising Officer at Fanatics. Prior to this, she was Chief Merchandising Officer at HSN from 2016 to 2017 and SVP, General Merchandise Manager Consumables, Health and Wellness at Walmart from 2007 to 2016. She has previously held roles at Bath & Body Works, Five Below and The Walt Disney Company. Carmen is currently a member of the board of trustees at Seton Hill University and the advisory board of RoundTable Healthcare Partners Council. She previously served as a Director of Walmart of Mexico, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Network of Executive Women and the Literacy Council of Benton County. Carmen holds a BS in Fashion Merchandising and Business from Seton Hill University.

Age: 50

Houston, TX


Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of NOV Inc.


Bayardo is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of National Oilwell Varco (NOV). Prior to joining NOV in 2015, Jose served as Senior Vice President, Resource and Business Development at Continental Resources, Inc. and spent nine years serving in various roles at Complete Production Services, Inc. including Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Prior to joining Complete Production Services, Jose was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan. Jose brings a wealth of financial experience to NOV having worked both in the oil and gas industry and in investment banking during his career. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master of Engineering Management from the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University and a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.

Age: 51

Encinitas, CA


Beery is currently chief executive officer of LunaPBC, manager of Luna DNA, a health data platform uniting people, communities, and researchers. Mr. Beery is an experienced leader of corporate information technology (“IT”) systems with a long history in managing IT and eCommerce services for global companies. Mr. Beery joined Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., a life sciences company, in January 2014, through its acquisition of Life Technologies Corporation, a biotechnology company, and last held the role of senior vice president and chief information officer until September 2019. Beery has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of several private companies and not-for-profit organizations. Beery self-identifies as Hispanic and is a proud champion of inclusion and diversity.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 40 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 56


Nationality: Restaurant Brands International Boards

Managing Partner, 3G Capital

Founding Partner and Managing Partner and a board member of 3G Capital, a global investment firm, since 2004. He also has served as the Chairman of the board of Restaurant Brands International Inc., (Burger King, Popeyes, and Tim Hortons), since 2014. Previously, he served on the Board of Directors of Burger King Worldwide, Inc. and its predecessor as Chairman from 2010 until 2014. Behring also served as a director of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a multinational drink and brewing holdings company, from 2014 to 2019. Previously, Behring spent 10 years at GP Investments, including eight years as a partner and member of the firm’s Investment Committee. He served for seven years, from 1998, as Chief Executive Officer of America Latina Logistica (“ALL”), one of Latin America’s largest railroad and logistics companies. He served as a director of ALL and CSX Corporation until 2011.

Age: 61

Seattle, WA


Independent Director

Lumen Technologies (179), CommVault Systems Inc., Quadient S.A., Sportsman's Warehouse Boards

Age: 63

Miami, FL


World Fuel Services (111), Fifth Third Bancorp (415), Simplex Group Boards

Age: 70

New York, NY


She's the co -founder of Red Bison Advisory Group, LLC . A firm focused on being a trusted advisor, providing objective and result - oriented analysis and solutions in the areas of Real Estate, Natural Resources and ICT. Martha has been CEO and Director of companies inlcuding Unium Inc., Flow Mobile, a broadband wireless access solution, Wipro Infocrossing Cloud Computing Services and Microsoft Corp., where she was the Corporate Vice President for the Communi cations Sector. Martha started her ICT career with AT&T and BellSouth where she held numerous positions. She received an Advanced Management Program degree from Harvard University Business School. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami and holds an MBA from Nova Southeastern University.

Benitez retired from Accenture in September 2014 after more than 33 years of service, the last three years of which he served as Chief Executive Officer of North America, where he had primary responsibility for Accenture’s business and operations in North America. From September 2006 to August 2011, he served as Chief Operating Officer, Products Operating Group, the largest of Accenture’s five operating groups, where he was responsible for executing the business strategy and ensuring operational excellence across a wide set of consumer industry groups, including: automotive; air, freight and travel services; industrial equipment; and infrastructure and transportation services. Prior to that, Benitez held various senior leadership roles and other positions since joining Accenture in 1981.

Bermudez is the retired chief risk officer of Citibank/Citigroup. He began his career with Citibank in 1975 and held various positions, including CEO e-Business, developing Citibank’s Corporate Banking Internet strategy and platform; CEO Citigroup Latin America; Senior Advisor International; CEO Citigroup’s Commercial Business Group North America and Citibank Texas, a position he held until becoming the chief risk officer in 2007. Bermudez currently serves also as a director/trustee on The Federal Reserve Bank 11th District (Dallas). He has also served on the boards of Electric Reliability Council of Texas; American Institute of Architects; The Federal Reserve Bank Houston; Citibank, NA, and Citicorp USA; Council of the Americas; Mastercard International LAC; Siembra Group; Asociacion de Bancos Argentinos; FEMSA Group. He was chairman of the New York Clearing House Steering Committee.

Age: 61

Houston, TX


Andrea Bertone is the former President of Duke Energy International. She spent 15 years at Duke Energy, including seven years as President of Duke Energy International with executive responsibility for coal, gas and hydro assets across a number of countries. Prior to her time at Duke Energy, she was Latin America counsel with Baker & McKenzie. She began her career as an attorney in Sao Paulo, Brazil, including an in-house corporate attorney for TAM Airlines. Other directorships include Yamana Gold, a Canadian listed gold producer, DMC Global Inc. and Amcor plc. Bertone earned a Bachelor of Law from the University of Sao Paulo Law School in Brazil and a Master of Law in International and Comparative Law from Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 41 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ALEXANDRE BEHRING DA COSTA MARTHA HELENA BEJAR JORGE L. BENÍTEZ Retired Chief Executive, North America Accenture JORGE A. BERMUDEZ President & CEO, Byebrook Group Moody’s (610) Boards ANDREA BERTONE Independent Director,Former President, Duke Energy International Peabody Energy (781), DMC Global Inc., Amcor Boards

Age: 70 New York, NY



Independent Director

Exelon (99), Trane Technologies Boards

Age: 61

St. Paul, MN



Independent Director

Patterson Companies (529) Boards

Berzin served as Chairman and CEO of Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC), an insurer of municipal bonds, asset-backed securities and structured finance obligations, from 1992 to 2001. Berzin joined FGIC in 1985 as its General Counsel following seven years of securities law practice in New York City. She currently serves as a director of Trane Technologies plc (industrial manufacturing).She previously served as a director of Constellation Energy Group from 2008 to 2012 when Constellation merged with Exelon.


Independent Director

Former Chief Supply Chain Officer, Baxter International, Blanco was previously executive vice president and chief supply chain officer for Ecolab Inc. In this position where he oversaw the company’s global supply chain operations, including Ecolab’s 98 manufacturing plants and more than 200 distribution and other supply chain facilities around the world. Previously, Alex worked for Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) for thirty years. Blanco led Supply Chain operations for key P&G divisions and held several international assignments. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University.

Age: 65

Boston, MA


Synopsys Inc. (675), Carter's (754), Eastern Bank Boards

Age: 53

Houston, TX


Former Chief Financial Officer at Athena Health, until 2022. After serving in the United States Air Force, Borgen has become an expert in corporate finance over the past 25 years, adding more than a decade as CFO in various industries.Prior to his arrival as CFO at Athenahealth, Inc., a leading provider of web-enabled healthcare products and services, he served as CFO at Vistaprint, DAVIDsTEA, Inc. and DaVita. Borgen, who has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a master's degree in Finance from Boston College, and a bachelor's degree in Management from the U.S. Air Force Academy, currently serves on the boards of Carters, Inc. and Eastern Bankshares, Inc.

Tyson Foods (81) Boards

She is responsible for setting the business and value-creation strategies of the Oilfield Services business. Borras leads approximately 26K employees. She has more than 25 years of experience in the oil & gas sector, serving as Chief Commercial Officer at GE Oil & Gas before. There she managed a global team of more than 4000 sales, commercial, and marketing professionals. She also served as President, Europe/Africa/Russia Caspian Region; VP, Global Marketing; VP, Centrilift Marketing; and Area Manager for a number of countries in Latin America. She began her career in the oil & gas industry in 1991 as a production engineer for Esso in Colombia. She then moved into operations, marketing, and management roles at Esso before joining Baker Hughes. She has broad experience in organizational transformation, process improvement and growth strategies.

Age: 64

São Paulo, Brazil Nationality:


Independent Director

Mastercard (201) Boards

Bracher brings to the board extensive payments experience and consumer insight as a former CEO and director of a publicly traded financial institution. His experience in highly regulated industries provides valuable perspective on engaging and partnering with regulators. His extensive experience in financial services contributes strong financial understanding. As a former CEO, Bracher brings extensive experience with respect to culture development and talent management, as well as focus on social responsibility and environmental initiatives.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 42 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MARÍA CLAUDIA BORRAS Executive Vice President, Oilfield Services at Baker Hughes

Age: 62

Madrid, Spain



Executive Chairman, Banco Santander

Coca-Cola Co. (93) Boards

Age: 58

San Francisco, CA



Former EVP and CFO of Enphase Energy, Inc.


Cognizant Technology Solutions (194), Fortive Corporation (579)

Age: 57

Houston, TX Nationality:

Botín has served as a director of Banco Santander, S.A. since 1989 and currently chairs the Executive and Innovation and Technology Committees and is a member of the Responsible Banking, Sustainability and Culture Committee. She is an executive director of both Santander US and Santander UK boards. She joined Santander after working at JP Morgan. In 1992 she was appointed Senior EVP. Between 1992 and 1998 she led the expansion of Santander in Latin America. From 2002 to 2010 she was Executive Chairman of Banco Español de Credito, S.A. (Banesto). From 2010-2014 she was CEO of Santander UK and currently serves as a Non-Executive Director. During her role as CEO of Santander UK, she led the transformation to one of Britain’s most innovative banks.

Becton Dickinson (173) Boards

Age: 65

New York, NY Nationality:

Eric previously served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Enphase Energy, Inc., a renewable energy technology company, from June 2018 to February 2022 and continued serving as an advisor until June 2022. Prior to Enphase, Eric was the Chief Accounting Officer and Corporate Controller of Tesla, Inc., an automotive and renewable energy company, from October 2016 to March 2018. He also held various senior roles such as Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Officer at SunPower Corporation from 2010 to 2016. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Fortive Corporation, a provider of essential technologies for connected workflow solutions across a range of markets.

AMN Healthcare (694) Boards

Age: 69

Marietta, GA Nationality:

Becton, Dickinson and Company is a global medical technology company. She has been a member of the board since 2021. She is the EVPand head of University of California Health (UCH), where she leads the nation's largest academic health system. Prior to UCH, she held leadership roles at Texas A&M University System, including serving concurrently as dean of the College of Medicine and senior vice president of Health Sciences for Texas A&M University and vice chancellor for health services for the Texas A&M 11-campus system. She is the first Hispanic woman to serve in these health leadership roles in the United States. Prior to Texas A&M University System, she spent more than 20 years in teaching and leadership positions with the University of Utah.

Truist Financial (155) Boards

Caballero is an accomplished global business executive who served as Managing Partner of Deloitte’s Business Tax Services U.S.-India practice until his retirement in June 2019. During his 32-year tenure at Deloitte LLP, Caballero served in many capacities as a state and regional tax managing partner prior to assuming a global role. He joined Deloitte as a tax manager in 1987 and was admitted to the partnership three years later where he led teams from tax, audit, consulting, and risk. In addition, Caballero served as a Tax Managing Partner for the State of New Jersey from 2003 to 2011 and as Assistant Vice President of Tax at Beneficial Corporation from 1983 to 1986, and as a Senior Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers from 1979 to 1982.

Anna started out working at Piedmont Hospital, after two years, she had an opportunity to change jobs and in 1976 she started working with a construction materials company. She stayed there for seven years, progressing from clerk to Vice President of the Company. In 1982 she left her position to start her first company: ANATEK, INC., a contracting company that specializes in highway bridges. After leading ANATEK, INC. to become one of the largest Hispanic owned firms in Georgia, Cablik started ANASTEEL & Supply Company, LLC in 1994. ANASTEEL is the only Hispanic/female owned reinforcing steel fabricator in the Southeast. Cablik was a partner in PanAmerican Logistics, LLC, a logistics company that operated the Perishables Center at the Atlanta Airport; and CAMANA Holdings, LLC, a real estate holding company sold in 2017.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 43 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
CARRIE L. BYINGTON Executive Vice President and head of University of California Health (UCH) JORGE CABALLERO Independent Board Director ANNA R CABLIK President, Anatek, Inc. & Anasteel & Supply Company, LLC

Age: 68

Bethesda, MD


Chairman& President,WY Group

HNI Corporation (983) Boards

Dual citizen of Portugal and the US. Chairman of the Board since 2020, member of the Board of Directors since 2019. Independent of the company and significant shareholders. Calado has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from the Catholic University of Brazil and he’s Owner/President Management program in General Management at Harvard Business School. Calado has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Aveleda S.A. and OutSystems S.A. He has been President of iMAX Diagnostic Imaging Business Unit, Vice President of Hovione S.A., Vice President and CFO of Hovione S.A. Additionally, he has held various positions at PepsiCo, Inc. including Vice President and CFO of PepsiCo Foods International. Calado is also the President of Gamcal LLC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wygroup, S.A, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OutSystems S.A. and a member of the Board of Directors of HNI Corporation.

Age: 68

Washington, DC


Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School

Granite Construction (749), Dallas News Corp., Meritage Homes (588) Boards

Age: 49

Los Altos, CA


Louis Caldera, is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School. He is the former Secretary of the Army and former president of The University of New Mexico. Caldera has served on over 15 corporate and nonprofit boards, including six public company boards. He currently serves on the boards of Meritage Homes Corp., Granite Construction, Inc., and DallasNews Corp. He is the co-founder and co-chair of The Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, an alliance of over 550 college and university presidents concerned about how U.S. immigration policies impact their students, campuses, and communities. Earlier in his career Caldera served as a U.S. Army officer, a corporate lawyer, and a member of the California State Assembly from Los Angeles. The son of Mexican immigrants, Caldera holds a B.S. degree from the U.S. Military Academy and law and business degrees from Harvard University.

Campos started his current position at Apple in October 2022. Previously 2016 to 2021, Campos was the CEO of Woven—an enterprise software company applying machine learning and natural language processing to workforce productivity. Before founding Woven and from August 2010 until November 2016, she served as Vice President and CIO for Facebook. Prior to Facebook, Campos was CIO for KLA-Tencor. He has deep expertise in enterprise software development, large scale distributed systems and data services and analytics. He has an MBA from both Columbia University and the University of California at Berkeley and a degree in electrical engineering and computer science also from the University of California at Berkeley.

Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Apple

UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) Boards

Age: 73 New York, NY


Regional Management Corporation Boards

Age: 56 New York, NY


Campos is a partner and Senior Counsel with the law firm of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP since 2016, where he practices in the areas of securities regulation, corporate governance, and securities enforcement and serves as Chair of the firm’s Securities Enforcement Practice. Prior to that, he received a presidential appointment and served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission from 2002 to 2007. Before the SEC, Campos was a founding partner of a Houston-based radio broadcaster. He is also a director of a private registered broker-dealer, Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. From 2008 to 2013, Campos served by selection of President Barack Obama on the President’s citizen Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board. He earned a B.S. degree from the United States Air Force Academy, an M.B.A. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.

Sandra is an internationally recognized retail technology CEO, entrepreneur, and retail executive. Throughout her career, she has built global lifestyle brands and has been instrumental in turnarounds, digital innovation, cultural marketing, and international expansion. She was appointed CEO of Project Verte, a retail and supply chain technology company. Her leadership prioritizes product-market fit and solving retailer’s supply chain needs. As the former CEO of Diane Von Furstenberg, Sandra is known to be an innovator whose focus on the implementation of Omni-channel, unified commerce strategies enhance the consumer experience and make a significant impact. Campos is a frequent keynote speaker, panelist, and invited guest across the globe, MSNBC, Telemundo and Bloomberg on topics ranging from female empowerment, retail innovation, leadership, and diversity in the workplace.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 44 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MIGUEL CALADO LOUIS (LUIS) CALDERA TIMOTHY CAMPOS ROEL C. CAMPOS Senior Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP SANDRA CAMPOS Chief Executive Officer, Cynosure Holdings / Founder, Launchpad Big Lots (449), PetMeds, PureRed, Fabric Commerce, Daniel’s Jewelers Boards

Age: 53

Los Angeles, CA


Edison International (243) Boards

Camuñez has significant experience as a senior executive, counselor, and advocate advising U.S. companies in domestic and global markets, and he possesses a unique combination of bi-partisan political, legal, economic, and international expertise. He is a frequent commentator on international trade, international economics, NAFTA, and the US-Mexico relationship in the press, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNBC’s Squawk Box, and other media outlets. Camuñez previously served for two years as Special Counsel to the President in the Office of the White House Counsel, as well as Special Assistant to the President. He is a former equity partner of the global law firm O’Melveny & Myers LLP and of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP. A graduate of Harvard College and Stanford Law School.

Age: 61 Seattle, WA


Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, Providence

Amica Mutual Insurance (880), Providence Health Plan Boards

Age: 66 Los Gatos, CA


Prior to joining Providence, Canales served CHE Trinity Health for over 10 years, most recently as executive vice president and chief administrative officer. During her tenure, she guided the organization through significant change, creating synergy across a geographically and operationally diverse system in 21 states. Throughout her 25-year human resources career, Canales has worked in a range of global Fortune 500 organizations, including Hewlett Packard/Compaq Computer Corporation, Yum Brands/ PepsiCo, R.H. Macy’s Inc. and Centura Health.

Age: 59

Orlando, FL


Cannizzaro brings 40 years of experience as a global financial executive to the Boards of the Corporation and the Utility. He has a deep background in financial accounting and reporting, risk management, operations, and operational regulatory compliance. During his tenure at KPMG, he served as the Global Head of Quality, Risk and Regulatory, the West Area Managing Partner of Audit, and provided sound oversight and governance as a member of the Board of Directors of KPMG Americas and KPMG US.

Tractor Supply (294), Darden Restaurants (465)

Age: 63

Incline Village, Nevada


Rick served as Darden’s Chief Financial Officer since 2016. Before, he served as SVP and Chief Strategy Officer. He began his career with Darden as an hourly employee in 1984, before joining the restaurant support center team in 1992 as an Auditor. From there he held increasingly more responsible positions including Director of Corporate Development, Director of Finance and Technology for Seasons 52, Vice President of Finance and Assistant Controller for Olive Garden, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for LongHorn Steakhouse, Senior Vice President of Finance and Controller for Red Lobster, and Executive Vice President of Operations for LongHorn Steakhouse. Rick briefly left the company in 1998 to work for management consulting firms Bain & Company and the Parthenon Group. Rick graduated summa cum laude from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Finance & Accounting. He earned an MBA from The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College and is a Certified Public Accountant.

Cardoso joined CMPC Advisors LLC in January 2015. Prior to that, he served as Chairman of Kennametal, Inc. from 2008 until 2014 and as President and CEO of Kennametal from 2006 until 2014. He joined Kennametal in 2003 and served as Vice President, Metalworking Solutions and Services Group and then as Executive Vice President and COO before he became President and CEO Prior to his tenure with Kennametal, Cardoso was President of the Pump Division of Flowserve Corporation from 2001 to 2003. Cardoso faced the challenge of managing a complex company on a daily basis. This experience, combined with the skills he acquired in his leadership roles at Kennametal, Inc. and Flowserve Corporation, make him a valuable resource for Boards and management.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 45 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MICHAEL C. CAMUÑEZ President & CEO, Monarch Global Strategies LLC DEBRA A. CANALES EDWARD CANNIZZARO Former Global Head of Quality, Risk and Regulatory, KPMG International PG&E (168), Ross Stores (189) Boards RICK CÁRDENAS President & Chief Operating Officer, Darden Restaurants Boards CARLOS M. CARDOSO Principal,CMPC Advisors LLC Stanley Black & Decker (209), Hubbell Inc. (602) Boards

Age: 72 Maryland


Herbalife, McKesson (9), Better Therapeutics Boards

Age: 55

Houston, TX



MDU Resources Group (547)

Carmona has been chief of health innovations of Canyon Ranch Inc., a life-enhancement company, since 2017. He previously served as vice chairman of Canyon Ranch, CEO of the Canyon Ranch health division and president of the nonprofit Canyon Ranch Institute from 2006 to 2017. He is the first distinguished professor of public health at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. Prior to Canyon Ranch, Carmona served as the 17th surgeon general of the United States from 2002 through 2006, achieving the rank of vice admiral. Previously, he was chairman of the state of Arizona Southern Regional Emergency Medical System, a professor of surgery, public health, and family and community medicine at the University of Arizona, and surgeon and deputy sheriff of the Pima County, Arizona, Sheriff’s Department. He served in the United States Army and the Army’s Special Forces.

President, Caribbean Cinemas

Popular (888) Boards

Age: 66



German has spent his career defining and executing digital transformation programs. Prior to Wood, German served as Principal Senior at Boston Consulting Group, before leading the successful implementation of the digital transformation strategy at CEMEX, a global materials company, where he held the role of Executive Vice president Finance and Information Technology overseeing customer journey, automation, business analytics and Internet of Things. Carmona, in addition to his general responsibilities on the board, will serve on the Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Governance Committee.

Carmona holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico, a master's degree in engineering management from Cornell University in New York and a master's degree in business administration from Stanford University Graduate School of Business in California.


President & CEO, Arcosa Inc.

Carrady is the President of Caribbean Cinemas, a familyowned business and the largest movie theater chain in the Caribbean, with approximately 570 screens in 68 locations across Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and several other Caribbean islands, as well as in Guyana, Panama and Bolivia. Caribbean Cinemas, through its affiliates, manages theatre operations, as well as related film buying, screen advertising and food and game room concessions. It also engages in the construction of certain of the sites in which it operates and leases real estate to third parties as part of its real estate leasing and property management business.

Age: 56

Dallas, TX


NRG Energy (133), Arcosa (975) Boards

Age: 70 San Juan, P.R./ New York NY



Chairman of the Board of Directors, Popular, Inc.

Popular (888) Boards

From 2018 until 2018, Carrillo served as the Senior Vice President and Group President of Construction, Energy, Marine and Components of Trinity Industries, Inc. From 2012 to 2018, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Orbia Advance Corporation (formerly known as Mexichem S.A.B. de C.V.) (“Orbia”). Prior to joining Orbia, he spent 16 years at Trinity Industries where he served as Senior Vice President and Group President of Trinity Industries’ Energy Equipment Group and was responsible for Trinity Industries’ Mexico operations. Carrillo previously served as a director of Trinity Industries from 2014 to 2018 and as a director of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. from 2015 to 2018. He has served as Professor of Finance at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. Carrillo holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a major in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico City.

Carrión’s 44 years of banking experience and over 33 years heading Popular, give him a unique level of knowledge of the Puerto Rico financial system. A well-recognized leader with a vast knowledge of the Puerto Rico economy, is actively involved in major efforts impacting the local economy. His knowledge of the financial industry led him to become a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for eight years. Chairman of Popular since 1993 and Executive Chairman from 2017 to 2019. CEO of Popular from 1994 to 2017 and President from 1991 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2014. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Banco Popular, Inc. since 1991. Chairman and Director of Popular Foundation, Inc. since 2005. Member of the Board of Directors of Verizon Communications, Inc. from 1995 to 2019. Member of the International Olympic Committee since 1990 and Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Finance Commission from 2002 to 2013. Managing Member of RCA3 Investments, LLC.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 46 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RICHARD H. CARMONA Chief of Health Innovations at Canyon Ranch and Distinguished Laureate Professor at The University of Arizona GERMAN CARMONA President of Digital Consulting, Wood Group PLC ROBERT CARRADY

Age: 71 Washington, DC




Independent Director, Private Investor

Prudential Financial (51) Boards

Age: 65 Puerto Rico & Florida


Member of the board of directors of Prudential Financial, Inc. since 2001, Casellas also serves on advisory boards for Toyota Motor North America, the Comcast Corporation and T-Mobile US. In 2018, the National Association of Corporate Directors named him one of the 100 most influential boardroom leaders. He is a trustee (emeritus) of the University of Pennsylvania, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Life Member of the American Law Institute. Under President Clinton, he was Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, General Counsel of the Air Force and Co-Chairman of the Census Monitoring Board. During the Obama Administration, he served on the Military Leadership Diversity Commission. A Fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers, he is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg Law’s treatise on Workplace Harassment.

Independant Director

Ford Motor (22), Mutual of America Financial Group (878) Boards

Age: 63

N/A Nationality:


Retired Senior Executive, The Boeing Co.

Ball Corp. (272) Boards

Kimberly Casiano is the first Latina woman to serve on a top five "Fortune 100" corporate board. Kim is a former director of Mead Johnson Nutrition Company. Outside of the corporate world, Kim is a member of the founding Board of Directors of the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA); the Board of Advisors of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida; the global Alumni Board of Harvard Business School; and is former Chapter Chair of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), Puerto Rico. She has been recognized by many prominent organizations as one of the most powerful Latinos in America. Previously, she was President of one of the largest U.S. Hispanic-owned media, advertising, customer relationship management (CRM), and direct marketing companies.

He served Boeing for 31 years, most recently as president of Boeing Capital Corp., a wholly owned Boeing subsidiary responsible for arranging, structuring and providing financing for Boeing's commercial airplane and space and defense products. Prior to that, he served as senior vice president of business development and strategy for the corporation; senior vice president and general manager for Boeing’s commercial airplane programs; chief financial officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, and vice president of finance for Boeing Information, Space & Defense Systems.

Age: 69

Miami, FL


Former President, Latin America and Caribbean, FedEx Express

Assurant (325) Boards

Juan Cento served as Regional President of the Latin America and Caribbean Division of FedEx Express, headquartered in Miami, Florida, until his retirement in 2021. Cento began his career with FedEx in 1989 when the company merged with Flying Tigers. Immediately following the merger, he was promoted to managing director for South and Central America, based in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. In his 32+ years with FedEx, Cento has expanded the company’s presence in Latin America and helped FedEx Express become a pillar for growth in the region. A Cuba native, Cento moved to Miami in 1960, where he attended Miami-Dade College and proceeded to graduate from Florida International University College of Business Administration.

Age: 65

Chicago, IL Nationality:

Independent Board Director

Cepeda has extensive community involvement and serves on the Cook County Council of Economic Advisors and the City of Chicago Community Development Commission. She also serves on the boards of the Chicago Foundation for Women, Arrupe College, and is president of Teatro Vista. Until 2011, she served as an appointed executive committee member of The Chicago Community Trust, one of the nation’s leading community foundations. From 2011 to 2013 she served on the board of the Chicago Housing Authority, chairing its audit, finance and pension committees. Cepeda was recently invited to join the Commercial Club of Chicago. Cepeda is an honors graduate of Harvard College with a major in Economics and has an MBA from the University of Chicago School of Business.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 47 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
KIMBERLY ANN CASIANO JUAN N. CENTO ADELA CEPEDA BMO Financial Corp., UBS Funds, Pathway Mutual Funds, Mercer Mutual Funds Boards

Gartner (612) Boards

Age: 74 Orlando, FL


Cesan is the Founder and Managing Partner of Commercial Worldwide LLC, an investment firm. Prior thereto, he spent 25 years at Schering Plough Corporation, serving in various capacities of substantial responsibility the President and Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President of ScheringPlough Corporation and President of ScheringPlough Pharmaceuticals President of Schering Laboratories, U.S. Pharmaceutical Operations and President of Schering Plough International . Cesan was until April 2019 also a director of The New York Times Company.

Age: 49 New York, NY



Dollar General (106) Boards

Chadwick is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Pitney Bowes, responsible for the financial operations of the company on a global basis, which includes the treasury, audit, investor relations, and tax functions. Ana has more than 20 years of global experience as a finance and operational executive at GE Capital. Her responsibilities included both operational and financial positions, along with strong transformational and financial services experience. Ana received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from The American University in Washington, DC in 1993. She is a former member of both GE’s Hispanic Forum and Women’s Network. She serves on the board of the Norwalk Community College (NCC) Foundation where she also mentors and dedicates time to strengthen NCC’s Career Services.

Age: 61 N/A



Independent Director

Alphabet, Inc. (8) Boards

Chávez currently serves as a member of the board of directors of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the Stanford Medicine Board of Fellows, and is a member of the board of directors of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Prior to Sixth Street, he held a number of executive positions during his 20 year tenure with Goldman Sachs, including chief information officer, chief financial officer, global co-head of the firm’s Securities Division, and member of the management committee. He also co-founded San Francisco start-up Quorum Software Systems, where he was chief technology officer, and he was chief executive officer and co-founder of Kiodex (acquired by Sungard). Chávez holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in biochemical sciences and a Master of Science degree in computer science from Harvard University, and a Doctoral degree in medical information sciences from Stanford University.

Age: 65 New York, NY



Former Chairman, PVH Corp

Dick's Sporting Goods Boards

Age: 42

New York, NY


Chirico is Former Chairman of PVH Corp., owner of an iconic family of brands including Calvin Klein TOMMY HILFIGER, Van Heusen, ARROW, Warner's and IZOD. Manny was with PVH for over 26 years, serving as CEO from 2006 to 2021 and Chairman from 2007 to 2021. Under his leadership, PVH become one of the largest and most admired fashion and lifestyle companies in the world, reaching $9.9 billion in annual revenues in 2019 and 40,000 associates operating in over 40 countries. He played a key role in acquiring Calvin Klein in 2003 and engineered the transformative acquisitions of Tommy Hilfiger in 2010 and Warnaco in 2013. Born and raised in the Bronx, Manny graduated from Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business in 1979.

Mattel Inc. (570) Boards

CEO of Cisneros, a privately held company with over 90 years’ experience operating businesses globally. The company today has three divisions: Cisneros Media, Cisneros Interactive and Cisneros Real Estate. She is President of the Fundación Cisneros, a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to improving access to education in Latin America. She is on the board of MoMA’s Latin American Acquisitions Committee (LACF) and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Cisneros Institute. Board member of Endeavor Miami, and a Director and Trustee of the Paley Center for Media. She is also a Board Member of Mattel, Inc., Parrot Analytics, the Knight Foundation and University of Miami. Adriana is a member of the Citibank Private Bank Latin American Advisory Board as well as an Advisory Board Member of Wyncode and TheVentureCity and was recently appointed as Head of Strategy for AST & Science. She holds a BA from Columbia University (2002) and a Master’s Degree in journalism from New York University (2005).

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 49 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RAUL E. CESAN Founder & Managing Partner, Commercial Worldwide LLC ANA MARIA Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Pitney Bowes ADRIANA CISNEROS Chief Executive Officer, Cisneros

Age: 51 New York, NY Nationality:


Chairman & CEO, Claure Capital

Univision Communications (830), T-Mobile Boards

Age: 70

Puerto Rico Nationality:


Principal Investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group and the Puerto Rico National Cancer Institute Oncology Community Research Program

Triple-S Management (648) Boards

Age: 81




Former Representative US Congress (CA)

Service Corp. International (677) Boards


He is currently the Chairman & CEO of Claure Capital, a multi-billion-dollar global investment firm focused on public and private companies in technology, media, telecommunications, crypto, sports, real estate and other high growth sectors. From 2018 until 2022, Claure was the CEO of SoftBank Group International and COO of SoftBank Group, the world’s largest technology investment company. Previously, Claure served as President and CEO and then as Executive Chairman of Sprint, where he is widely recognized for delivering the best financial results in Sprint’s 120-year history and architecting its merger with T-Mobile U.S. Prior to Sprint, he founded Brightstar, which he built into the world’s largest global wireless distribution and services company and the largest Hispanic-owned business in U.S. history, with operations in more than 50 countries and revenues exceeding $10 billion.

Age: 44

Dallas, TX


Managing Director, Senior Counsel, Hudson Advisors LP

Foundation Building Materials Boards

Age: 49

Miami, FL


Chairman, NBCUniversal News Group

He is the principal investigator for the Children’s Oncology Group and the Dana Farber Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Consortium at said institution. He was a professor of pediatrics and pathology from 1980 to 1994, and director of pediatric hematology oncology from 1984 to 1994, at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. He has particular expertise in clinical investigation. He is the chairman of the Board’s Executive Committee and member of the Investment and Finance Committee.

Anthony Lee Coelho is an American politician from California who served in the United States House of Representatives.A member of the Democratic Party, he was the primary sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is a former chairman and current member of the board of directors of the Epilepsy Foundation.

Colorado has been a Director with Hudson Advisors L.P., or Hudson Advisors, an affiliate, since 2016. In such capacity, Colorado advises on legal issues impacting operating companies that are affiliates of Lone Star within North America, as well as other corporate investments. This is Colorado’s second stint with Hudson Advisors having previously been a Vice President at the firm from 2008 to 2012. In between his times at Hudson Advisors, he was a Partner at the law firm of Perkins Coie LLP, from 2012 to 2016, where he supported clients in various types of mortgage banking transactions, private and public securities offerings, debt financing transactions and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to his time at Hudson, Colorado was an attorney with Bank of America and a CPA with Ernst & Young LLP.

Conde has oversight of NBC News, MSNBC, and CNBC, including editorial and business operations for the television and digital properties. Under his leadership, the NBCU News Group has made substantial investments in digital and streaming, accelerating its leading position across all platforms. It is the most-watched news organization in the country and the number one digital news organization in the U.S. for the first time in its history. Previously, Conde was Chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises. He was responsible for the operations and international expansion of NBCUniversal businesses outside of North America. He also oversaw the leading media properties that serve Hispanics worldwide. He was instrumental in building NBCU Telemundo Enterprises into a world-class media company that produces and distributes high-quality Spanish-language content across a range of broadcast, cable, and digital properties. He holds a B.A. with honors from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 50 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
CÉSAR CONDE Walmart (1), PepsiCo (45) Boards

Age: 52 Mexico City, Mexico


Sempra Energy (288) Boards

Age: 62

Atlanta, GA


Macy’s (144), Lincoln National (187), Genmab A/S Boards

Age: 56

Park City, Utah Nationality:

Conesa has been member of the IATA Board of Governors and an acting Board Member of Skyteam and the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA). Prior to Aeromexico, he held various positions in the Mexican Public Administration. He holds an Economics Bachelor degree from the Instituto Tecnológico de Mexico (ITAM) and a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Prior to her tenure at GSK from 2009 to 2015, Connelly was with Eli Lilly and Co., where she had been president of Lilly USA. During her 26-year career, she held a variety of executive positions, including senior vice president of human resources for the corporation, as well as vice president of human resources for pharmaceutical operations. Connelly was named national sales manager for the Puerto Rico affiliate and later became director of sales and marketing for the Caribbean Basin Region. She also served as general manager for Eli Lilly Puerto Rico. Later, she was named executive director of global marketing for Evista, and leader of the woman’s health business unit in the U.S. In 2008, she was appointed to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and helped select the White House Fellows. Born in San Juan, Connelly earned a bachelor's degree in Economics and Marketing from Lycoming College. She also graduated from Harvard University's Advanced Management Program.

President, Ascension

ArcBest Corporation (696) , Southwest Airlines Co, Boards

Age: 66

Los Angeles, CA Nationality:

Managing Partner, Rockway Equity Partners

TriNet Group (649), Zions Bancorporation (841) Boards

Age: 56

Winchester, MA Nationality:

Eduardo Conrado leads system strategies and day-to-day operations for one of the nation’s leading non-profit and Catholic health systems with more than 2,600 sites of care, including 139 hospitals in 19 states. He previously served Ascension as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, joined Ascension in 2018 as Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, and served on Ascension’s Board of Directors from 2014 to 2018.Prior to joining Ascension, he was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Motorola Solutions. Conrado earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University; a master’s degree in Business Administration from ESADE in Barcelona; and a master’s degree in International Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Managing Partner of Rockway Equity Partners, she previously served as a member of President Obama’s cabinet as the 24th Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration from 2014 to 2017. Since 2017, Contreras-Sweet has served as a director and member of the audit committee of Sempra Energy. She was a founder of ProAmerica Bank, where she served as Executive Chairwoman from 2006 to 2014, and Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Fortius Holdings from 2003 to 2006. Prior to that, she served as the California cabinet Secretary of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency from 1999 to 2003. Earlier in her career, she was a senior executive with Westinghouse Electric Company’s 7-Up/RC Bottling Company. She has been bestowed with honorary doctorates from Tufts University, Whittier College, California State University, Los Angeles, and La Verne University.

Cordeiro served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer at Cabot Corporation, a global specialty chemicals and performance materials company, from 2009 to 2018. He also served as President of the Americas region from 2014 to 2018. During his 20-year tenure at Cabot Corporation, he held several corporate, business and executive management positions, including Vice President of Corporate Strategy and General Manager of its Fumed Metal Oxides and Supermetals businesses. Prior to his career at Cabot, Cordeiro was a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group and a founding partner of The Economics Resource Group.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 51 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ANDRÉS CONESA LABASTIDA Chief Executive Officer, Aeromexico DEIRDRE P. CONNELLY Chairman, Genmab A/S EDUARDO F. CONRADO MARÍA CONTRERAS-SWEET EDUARDO E. CORDEIRO Independent Director Owens Corning (408), FMC Corp. (603) Boards

Age: 50 Dallas, TX



Vice President, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, McKesson Corporation


Safely2Prosperity LLC

Age: 50 Minneapolis, MN




Donaldson Company Inc. (861)

Age: 58 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil



Regional Vice President, BrazilChairman, UAB Motors Participacoes

Group 1 Automotive (286) Boards


Prior to joining McKesson, Jesse Cortez was the Global Inclusion leader for Hewlett Packard Enterprise. In his role he was responsible for the company’s efforts to accelerate inclusion in the workplace. He led teams of regional Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) leaders across the globe charged with creating an environment of Inclusion that would allow for everyone to succeed and bring their best to work. Throughout his career, Jesse has been dedicated to talent and diversity, fostering an inclusive environment for people and companies to succeed. He has extensive corporate experience in leadership talent acquisition, large scale diversity initiatives and working with non-profit organizations for over 17 years. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC) and the HITEC Foundation, and previously served on the Advisory Board for Disability:IN and Prospanica.

Pilar Cruz leads the company’s efforts to deliver sustainable supply chains for customers around the globe, while making agriculture part of how we deliver on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This aim is core to Cargill’s purpose to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. Pilar also leads Cargill’s global Communications and Corporate Responsibility functions, which includes advancing partnerships to accelerate progress on climate, food security and human rights. Pilar has a global and diverse perspective to the Executive Team. Her career with Cargill has brought her from the U.S. to Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, several European countries and the U.K. Originally from Colombia, Pilar is the first Latina promoted to Cargill’s executive team.

Pereira has served as Regional VP, Brazil since 2013. From 1999 to 2005, he served as a legal representative of United Auto do Brasil Ltda, a public auto group operating in São Paulo and controlled by United Auto Group. From 1995 through 2005, Pereira practiced law with Cunha Pereira Advogados, representing professional athletes and international racecar drivers. He founded Atrium Telecomunicações Ltda, a provider of local exchange telecommunication services. Atrium was sold to Telefonica of Spain in 2004, and he founded E-Vertical Tecnologia, a leading provider of high tech facilities management services to commercial properties. From 1978 through 1995, he held numerous positions with various banks, both in Brazil and abroad. He is a Vice President of the São Paulo Chamber of Commerce (ACSP), serves as a Director of the Associação Brasileira dos Concessionários BMW and Associação Brasileira do Distribuidores Toyota. Pereira received his LL.B. from Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco, and is an alumnus of London Business School.

Age: 50


Chief Information Officer, Summit Materials

Farmers Insurance Exchange (256) Boards

Age: 59

Washington, DC


Da Silva is a business focused innovative technology leader who excels at solving critical business challenges with the latest technology solutions. He is known as an Executive catalyst for change who combines innovation with business acumen to deliver creative solutions in large, complex organizations. Expertise in Cloud Technology, Enterprise Architecture, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Program Delivery, and Big Data & Analytics. Da Silva has proven ability in leading management and project teams through change to deliver high performance, customer focused services.

Daboub’s board experiences span publicly traded F500 companies & SPACs, investment firms, banks, and others. Currently, Daboub is President of HUGE Investment Council, an NGO backed by LatAm business leaders to encourage investment & job creation. Daboub also has extensive government experience. He was Secretary of Treasury & Chief of Staff to the President of El Salvador, where he dollarized the country’s economy, negotiated the US Free-Trade Agreement, restructured & privatized the state-owned telecom company, was president of the public utilities company, and achieved Investment Grade ratings for the government’s debt. Aside from teaching at Princeton University, Daboub also lead the World Bank as Managing Director - overseeing 110 countries in Africa, Middle East, East Asia, and LatAm. He Co-Chaired the World Economic Forum Council on Climate Change, founded the Global Adaptation Institute, and is a member of the UN’s Innovation for Change Initiative.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 52 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Corporate Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Cargill S.A. JUAN JOSÉ DABOUB President of HUGE (Honduras, USA, Guatemala, & El Salvador) Business & Investment Council / CEO, The Daboub Partnership Philip Morris International (101), Tortoise Ecofin Acquisition III, Banco FICOHSA, K&M Advisors, The Dorado Group, Emplasa, DISE Boards

Age: 65

Los Angeles, CA


Managing Partner, Leonard Green & Partners

IQVIA Holdings (269) Boards

Age: 60 Los Angeles, CA


Danhakl has served as a director of IQVIA since October 2016 and is a member of the Nominating and Governance and the Leadership Development and Compensation Committees. Prior to this, Danhakl served as a director of IMS Health from February 2010 until October 2016. He is a Managing Partner at Leonard Green & Partners, which he joined in 1995. Previously, Danhakl was a Managing Director of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corporation, which he joined in 1990. From 1985 until 1990, he was a Vice President in corporate finance at Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. Danhakl currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of Life Time Fitness, Inc., Charter NEX Generation, Genani Corporation, Eyemart Express, Mister Car Wash Holdings, Inc., SRS Distribution, Convergint Technologies LLC, Parts Town, Lakeshore Learning, Pye-Barker Fire Safety, LLC and WellSky. Danhakl holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley.

CEO, DMI-Consulting and Co-founder AIMM.

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (871), Banner Health Boards

Age: 50

New York, NY



Independent Director/Co-Chair

Cirque du Soleil Boards

Age: 61

Mexico City, Mexico



Co-Chief Executive Officer, Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.

TelevisaUnivision (866), Grupo Televisa, S.A.B., Innova S. de R.L. de C.V., Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V. Boards

Age: 53

London, UK



Independent Director/Technology & Innovation Committe Chair

Ribbon Communications Boards

Gilbert Davila is one of the most sought-after experts on Multicultural marketing as well as DEIB in the United States today. His 25 years of experience working as a senior corporate marketing executive and multicultural market expert has led him to help lead strategy at industry stalwarts such as: Procter & Gamble; Coca Cola USA; Sears, Roebuck and Company; and The Walt Disney Company where he served as the head of MC Marketing and Global Diversity. Over the last 12 years, DMI Consulting has grown to be a leading firm proving Multicultural marketing and DEIB strategies and plans to drive growth in leading corporations and brands including- McDonald’s, Kimberly Clark, Dunkin’, Warner Bro’s Studios, Synchrony, Sea World and Coca Cola, amongst others.

De Alba is a Managing Director and Partner of The Catalyst Capital Group, Inc. His responsibilities at Catalyst have included acting as a director or senior officer of various Catalyst portfolio companies, including, Frontera Energy, Geneba Properties, Advantage Rent-A-Car, Gateway Casinos & Entertainment, Therapure Biopharma, World Color Press, Cable Satisfaction International/Cabovisão and Sonar Entertainment. He has more than 25 years of investing, operating and leading corporate boards and focuses on fintech, healthcare services, gaming & entertainment, and media & sports IP industries. He is the recipient of the 2020 Leadership Achievement Award and 2018 Global Private Equity Growth Dealmaker of the Year in the Leadership Achievement Category. De Alba is fluent in five languages, holds a double B.S. in Finance and Economics from NYU Stern, an MBA from Columbia University, and has completed graduate courses in Mathematics and Computer Science at Harvard University.

Alfonso de Angoitia is co-CEO of Grupo Televisa, one of the main cable TV operators in Mexico, the leading satellite pay television system in the country, and the largest investor in TelevisaUnivision, Inc., the leading media company in the Spanish-speaking world. He also sits on the Board and Executive Committee of Grupo Televisa and is Chairman of the Board of TelevisaUnivision. Prior to Grupo Televisa, Alfonso de Angoitia was an attorney in New York and co-founded a leading law firm in Mexico, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes. He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Kardias, a Mexican not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of care for children who suffer from congenital heart defects. Alfonso de Angoitia graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

De Beer was Chief Commercial and Digital Officer of Telefónica S.A., a large public multinational telecommunications company, from 2017 until 2019. De Beer was also member of the Telefónica Group Executive Committee. From 2013 to 2015, he was General Manager (President) of Microsoft in Brazil and, from 2015 to 2016, General Manager (President) of the multi-country Region Latam New Markets, responsible for several countries in South and Central America and the Caribbean. Previously, he was CEO of RBS Educação, part of the Brazilian conglomerate RBS Group. De Beer is a former consultant at McKinsey & Co. He graduated from UADE in Argentina and obtained an MBA from Georgetown University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 53 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Independent Director

Fiserv Inc. (227) Boards

Age: 57

San Francisco, CA


Henrique De Castro joined the Board of Fiserv, Inc. as a Director in 2019 after serving as a Director of First Data since 2017. He led Cantor Fitzgerald’s venture capital arm, Cantor Ventures, from 2015 to 2019 and served as Chief Operating Officer at Yahoo! Inc. between 2012 and 2014. Prior to that, he held senior executive positions at Google including President of Partner Business, responsible for approximately a third of Google's revenues and President of Media, Mobile & Platforms where he built and scaled the business globally to over 50 countries. Prior to Google, De Castro had senior executive roles at Dell Technologies and McKinsey & Company. De Castro has extensive experience across the globe in the Technology, Internet, Media and Retail industries. He has an MBA from IMD in Switzerland and a Bachelor in Business and Economics from ISEG in Lisbon.

Age: 52 Phoenix, AZ


Gonzalo is the Founder & CEO of Emerging Domestic Market Ventures, LLC (EDMV), an airport concessions operating company with Food, Beverage and Retail holdings in Phoenix (PHX), Mesa Gateway (AZA), Salt Lake City (SLC) and Denver (DEN) Airports. Gonzalo previously served as the President of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (AZHCC) & Operator of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA). Prior to that, Gonzalo spent 15 years in the Consumer Package Goods (CPG) industry with Coca-Cola and The Dial Corporation where he conducted business in more than thirty-five countries before the age of thirty-five while developing expertise in the areas of global brand management, exports, finance and M&A. Gonzalo earned an MBA from Thunderbird, School of Global Management and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Arizona State University.

Age: 55

Dallas, TX


CareMax Inc., Steward Health Care Systems LLC Boards

Age: 70

Boca Raton, FL



Founder & Chairman, De La Vega Group

New York Life Insurance (67), American Express (85), Amdocs, Ubicquia Boards

Age: 46

Miami-FLL, FL


De La Torre, M.D., is the Chairman and CEO of Steward Health Care Systems LLC. Prior to founding Steward, he was CEO of Caritas Christi Health Care, where he led the transformation of a six-hospital system and developed the business model for Steward, which was subsequently invested in by Cerberus Capital Management. Previously, he was founder and CEO of the Cardiovascular Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and of Cardiovascular Management Associates, one of the nation's first totally integrated systems for treating cardiac patients. At the same time, he was Chief of Cardiac Surgery at BIDMC and a Harvard Medical Faculty Physician at BIDMC ‒ he was widely recognized as one of the top cardiac surgeons in the nation. De La Torre graduated from Duke University in 1988 (B.S.E.), where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi, and from a joint program between Harvard Medical School (M.D.) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.S.) in 1992.

Founder and chairman of the De La Vega Group which invests in and advices startup companies that have a noble purpose and solve difficult problems using innovative technologies. De la Vega is the former Vice Chairman of AT&T Inc. and CEO of Business Solutions & International. Previously, he was President and CEO of AT&T Mobility. Under his leadership, AT&T Mobility became one of the world’s leading smartphone and mobile Internet providers. He is the author of the best-selling book Obstacles Welcome: Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life (Thomas Nelson, 2009). De la Vega has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and a master’s degree in business administration from Northern Illinois University. He completed the Executive Program at the University of Virginia and received a Doctor Honoris Causa from FAU.

De Solo has committed his professional life to creating the most effective delivery system for underserved patients in economically challenged areas. With more than 10 years' experience in healthcare, he started his career as senior equities trader for RBC/Carlin. From there, he served as COO and partner of a startup managed healthcare company, then successfully sold the company in two years. In 2011, he founded CareMax, a network of full-risk, community-based Medicare Advantage healthcare and wellness centers. As CEO, he built CareMax from the ground up, using social determinants to serve comprehensive healthcare needs for the most vulnerable senior populations. In August, 2021, he was named a Florida Entrepreneur of the Year award winner. In addition to CEO of CareMax, De Solo is on the Board of Directors at Coral Gables Hospital (a Tenet Hospital).

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 54 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
HENRIQUE DE CASTRO GONZALO DE LA MELENA JR. Independent Director Pinnacle West Capital (716), Gainey Business Bank Boards RALPH DE LA TORRE CEO, Steward Health Care Systems CARLOS A. DE SOLO Independent Director CareMax Inc. Boards

Age: 65




Laureate Education (803) Boards

Age: 69

Arlington, VA


Pedro del Corro is a member of Torreal, S.A., one of the largest private investment firms in Spain. He joined Torreal in 1990 and is currently a managing director and a member of its board. Prior to joining Torreal, he held various positions with Procter & Gamble in Spain, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Portugal. He currently is a director of each of Arbarin Sicav, S.A. and Inversiones Naira Sicav, S.A. In the past five years, he has served as a member of the boards of directors of Universidad Europea de Madrid, S.L.U., Imagina and Saba Infraestructuras. Del Corro earned a law degree from the Universidad de Deusto and a business administration degree from ICADE Business School—Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

General Dynamics (94) Boards

Senior fellow with the National Security and International Policy team at American Progress. He has worked at the organization since 2007 and focuses on U.S. national security issues and U.S.-China relations. DeLeon’s 25-year government career concluded in 2001 after his tenure as deputy secretary of defense, during which time he served as the chief operating officer at the Pentagon, a member of the Deputies Committee of the National Security Council, and a member of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Partnership Council on labor-management issues. For five years, in 2001, he served as a senior vice president for the Boeing Company, focusing on global trade issues and Washington, D.C., operations. DeLeon earned a bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University in 1974. In 1984, he completed the executive program in national and international security at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Age: 63

Austin, TX.


Independent Director

Stepan Company (949), Goldman Sachs Trust Boards

Age: 49

Zurich, CH


Joaquin Delgado worked at 3M Company from 1987 until his retirement in July 2019. He most recently served as Executive Vice President since July 2009, having operating responsibility for three Business Groups consecutively: Electro-Communications Business Group, Health Care Business Group and Consumer Business Group. Delgado has a PhD in polymer science and engineering from Lehigh University.

Amcor Boards

Delia joined Amcor in 2005. He was appointed to his current role in April 2015 and is based in Zurich. His former positions at Amcor have been: Executive Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Amcor Ltd (2011–2015) based in Melbourne; Vice President and General Manager, Amcor Rigid Plastics Latin America (2008–2011) based in Miami; Executive Vice President Corporate Operations, Amcor Ltd (2005–2008) based in Melbourne and Brussels. Prior to joining Amcor, Mr Delia was an Associate Principal, McKinsey & Company based in New York and held senior commercial roles in American National Can Co., based in New Jersey.

Age: 60

New York, NY


Monster Beverage (564) Boards

Ana Demel teaches at NYU School of Law; she is a member of the board of Pro Mujer. Prior to 2009, Ana was a partner at the international law firm of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP where her practice focused on international financing and business transactions, particularly in Latin America. At Cleary Gottlieb she advised private and public sector clients on a variety of transactions. In addition, she was involved in pro bono matters involving microfinance. Ana was distinguished by Chambers USA America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for Latin American investment and Chambers Latin America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for corporate/M&A. She received a J.D. degree from New York University in 1986, where she was a note editor of the New York University Law Review, and an undergraduate degree, magna cum laude, from Brandeis University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 56 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Managing Director, Torreal, S.A. RUDY F. DELEÓN Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress JOAQUÍN DELGADO RON DELIA Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Amcor ANA DEMEL Adjunct Professor at NYU School of Law

Age: 63 New York, NY



Independent Director

Popular (888) Boards

DeVita, an executive with extensive experience in the banking and payments industry, is currently the Chief Business Officer and a member of the board of directors of FinConecta, a global technology company focused on the digitalization of finance and open banking. She previously served as Chief Commercial Officer of Digital Payments & Labs at Mastercard Worldwide where she oversaw the company’s research, development, and deployment of payment innovations across a wide range of global markets. She also served as President of Mastercard Canada, Inc. Before joining Mastercard, she held various positions of increasing responsibility at Citigroup, Inc., including leadership roles in North America, Latin America, and Korea, culminating in her position as Chairman and CEO of Citibank Canada Inc. DeVita served on the board of directors of Molson Coors Brewing Co. from 2016 to 2020.

Age: 65 New York, NY



Managing Director, Bearing North, LLC

Cummins (149), Ferrovial Boards

Age: 59

New England, USA


Bearing-North LLC,is an independent advisory focused on business expansion and senior executive counseling in strategy and operations. Di Leo sits on the Board of Directors of Ferrovial S.A. in Spain (FER.MC). He is a member of the International Advisory Board of Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE) in Spain, and also serves in the Deming Center Advisory Board of Columbia Business School. He retired from IBM in June 2018 as IBM Senior Vice President. He has business leadership experience in multinational environments, having lived and held executive positions on four continents. During his career, he has built a reputation for operational excellence, innovative strategic thinking, working with the highest level of integrity, and a deep commitment to IBM clients.

Independent Director

Anywhere Real Estate Inc. Boards

Age: 57

Nashville, TN

Dias became a member of our Board in June 2013 and has served as a member of the Compensation Committee since August 2013 and as a member of the Product and Technology Committee since August 2018. She is currently Principal Digital Partner at Ryan Retail Consulting, a global consulting firm, and has held that position since January 2015. Previously, she was Chief Strategy Officer of ShopRunner, an online shopping service, from August 2011 to October 2014. Before that, she was Executive Vice President, Strategy & Marketing, of GSI Commerce, Inc. from February 2007 to June 2011. Her experience with developing, implementing and assessing marketing plans and initiatives allows the Board to benefit from her marketing expertise. In addition, Dias’ e-commerce and digital marketing experience with a broad spectrum of brands aligns well with the Board’s review and assessment of the Company’s multi-brand strategies.


Retired President & CEO and Chairman of the Board, Mitsubishi Motors North America

Nationality: Valero Energy Corp. (30), SiteOne Landscape Supply (756), Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., Archer Aviation Boards

Age: 60

Salt Lake City, UT Nationality:

From 2018 to 2020, Diaz served as President and CEO of Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. He previously served in executive management roles at Nissan, most recently as Division Vice President and General Manager, North America, Trucks and Commercial Vehicles, of Nissan North America, Inc. Prior to that, Diaz served as Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Operations, of Nissan USA. Before joining Nissan in 2013, Diaz spent 24 years at Chrysler Corporation, where he held a number of executive management roles, including President and Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler’s Ram Truck brand and President and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler de Mexico and Latin America. Diaz is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University and holds an M.B.A. from Central Michigan University.

Partner at Cressey & Company (2016-2020), a private investment firm headquartered in Chicago. Paul is the former president and CEO and vice chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. At the time, Kindred had revenues of $7.2 billion, rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, home health and hospice agencies and contract rehabilitation locations. For six years in a row, during his tenure as CEO, Kindred was ranked one of the Most Admired healthcare companies in the U.S. by Fortune magazine. Modern Healthcare magazine named Paul one of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare and named him one of the top 25 Minority Executives in Healthcare for numerous years. Paul earned a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting from American University’s Kogod School of Business and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 57 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
V. DI LEO FIONA P. DIAS PAUL J. DÍAZ President & Chief Executive Officer, Myriad Genetics, Inc. DaVita (324), Myriad Genetics, Inc. Boards

Age: 60 Santa Fe, NM



Independent Director

Entravision Communications Corp. Boards

Age: 75

San Antonio, TX



Retired Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, AT&T


Entravision Communications Corp, Amalgamated Financial Corp

Age: 50 Houston, TX



CEO, Paragon ISG

Huntington Bancshares, Inc. Boards

Age: 52

Miami, FL



Trinity Industries (955)

Age: 52

Austin, TX Nationality:

Diaz served as President of the Editorial Televisa subsidiary of Televisa for the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and also served as President of Distribuidora Intermex, S.A. de C.V., a subsidiary of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B., from 2012 until 2015. She served as president of Sistema Radiópolis, S.A. de C.V., from 2010 until 2012. She holds a degree in chemical engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and a postgraduate certificate as a marketing specialist from the Universidad EAFIT in Colombia.

Vital Farms Inc. Boards

Patricia Diaz Dennis retired from AT&T in 2008 as SVP & Assistant General Counsel. Her past board service includes Telemundo, Carr America, UST and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. She was the first Latina Board Chair of the Girl Scouts of the USA (2005-2008). She also served on the NPR Board. Diaz Dennis received three Presidential appointments confirmed by the U.S. Senate: Member of the National Labor Relations Board (1983), Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (1986) and Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (1992), all firsts for a Latina.

Diaz-Granados is a broadly seasoned executive and international leader. Since 2020, he has served as Chairman and CEO of Paragon, a portfolio company of Palladium Equity Partners. He is also co-founder of Angeles Investors, a Hispanic angel investing group based in Chicago, and currently serves as CEO of Cetan Investments based in Miami. He also has a wide variety of board leadership experiences, including serving as a director of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation, the Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation, Q'Max Solutions, and as Chair of Trachte, a private company majority-owned by Palladium. Diaz-Granados earned his bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard University and his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center.

CEO for Ryder System, Inc., a leading commercial fleet management, dedicated transportation, and supply chain solutions company. He is responsible for Ryder’s financial management functions including finance and accounting, treasury, tax, audit, corporate strategy, and investor relations. He is a member of Ryder’s executive leadership team. Over the course of 20 years at Ryder, Diez has held many senior leadership positions including president of Ryder’s largest business segment of Fleet Management Solutions, president of the company’s Dedicated Transportation Solutions business unit, senior vice president of asset management, senior vice president of global field finance, and vice president and CFO for the Fleet Management business segment. A licensed CPA and a member of the American Institute of CPAs, Diez earned both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Accounting from Florida International University.

A self-proclaimed “recovering MBA student”, Diez-Canesco was attracted to Vital Farms because the company’s multi-stakeholder business model challenged all his previous notions on capitalism. Under his leadership, Vital Farms has grown significantly in revenue, with a 35% compound annual growth rate from 2016-2020, as well as in retail distribution, and its relationships with small family farms. In July 2020, he led Vital Farms’ successful transition to the public market. He believes his most significant contribution to Vital Farms is scaling a high-performing organization and world-class Board of Directors, while cultivating a strong, values-driven culture. Prior to joining Vital Farms, Diez-Canesco worked with McKinsey & Company, H-E-B Grocery, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 58 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOHN J. DIEZ Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Ryder System, Inc. RUSSELL DIEZ-CANESCO President & CEO/Board Member

KB Home (543) Boards

Age: 59 Los Angeles & Sacramento, CA Nationality:

Dorene has served as Chairwoman and CEO of the Vanir Group of Companies and its subsidiaries, Vanir Construction Management and Vanir Development Company , since 2004. She is member of the governing group that aggressively pursued and ultimately purchased the Sacramento Kings professional basketball team in 2013. With the purchase, Dominguez became the first Latina to hold the distinction of National Basketball Association (NBA ) governor status. She is also a member of the governing group for the Sacramento Republic Football Club, which is scheduled to begin Major League Soccer(MLS) play in 2022. Dominguez formed The Dominguez Dream in Memory of H. Frank Dominguez nonprofit, formerly known as The Vanir Foundation in Memory of her father, in 2004. Dominguez graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and holds a Certificate in Corporate Governance from Harvard University.

Age: 64 New Jersey


Hartford Financial Services Group (160), Medidata Solutions Boards

Age: 73

Washington, DC Nationality:

Carlos has more than 30 years of enterprise technology experience and an unparalleled passion for innovation. Previously an active member of Sprinklr’s board of directors, today Carlos guides strategic direction for Sprinklr and leads the marketing, sales, services, and partnerships teams for the most complete enterprise social technology company in the world. Prior to joining Sprinklr, Carlos spent 22 years at Cisco Systems. Over the last seven years, he served as a technology evangelist and representative for the chairman and CEO of Cisco, delivering keynotes to audiences worldwide. During his tenure at Cisco, he cemented the company in the strategic markets of financial services, media, and pharmaceuticals. He also helped establish and lead Cisco’s Service Provider organization to generate more than $14 billion in annual revenue.

Independent Director

Triple-S Management (648) Boards

Age: 69

Houston, TX



Former Partner and Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader, Ernst & Young LLP

Norfolk Southern (332), NOV (566), Marathon Oil (569), Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (157) Boards

Age: 59

New York, NY Nationality:

Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson (37) Boards

Cari was the chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from 2001 to 2006. She is president of Dominguez & Associates, a management consulting firm, which she founded in 1999. From 1995 to 1998, she was a partner at Heidrick & Struggles, an international executive search firm. From 1993 to 1995, she was a director at Spencer Stuart. From 1989 to 1993 she was Assistant Secretary for the Employment Standards Administration and Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. Before then, Dominguez held senior management positions with Bank of America.

Donadio retired as a partner of Ernst & Young LLP in 2014. Prior to her retirement, she was Americas Oil & Gas Sector Leader for Ernst & Young LLP from 2007, with responsibility for one of EY’s significant industry groups helping set firm strategy for oil and gas industry clients in the U.S. and throughout the Americas. Donadio joined EY LLP in 1976, and from 1989 served as an audit partner for multiple companies in the oil and gas industry. During her tenure as a partner with EY LLP, she held various energy industry leadership positions. She has audit and public accounting experience with a specialization in domestic and international operations in all segments of the energy industry. Donadio holds a B.S. in accounting from Louisiana State University and is a licensed certified public accountant in the State of Texas.

Joaquin’s 30-plus year career at J&J has spanned multiple business sectors, geographies and functions. In his current role, he provides strategic direction for the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Health sectors (a $60 billion portfolio) and oversees the Global Supply Chain, Technology and Health & Wellness teams. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Joaquin oversaw the Company’s rapid response to the crisis and drove coordination of global initiatives to safeguard the health of employees, ensure business and supply chain continuity, and accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. He is a past chair of PhRMA. As the current executive sponsor of Johnson & Johnson’s African Ancestry Leadership Council, Joaquin is committed to nurturing a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace—work recognized by the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association in 2017 when he received the Honorable Mentor award. Joaquin earned an MBA from ESADE in Barcelona, Spain, and a Master of International Management from Thunderbird in Phoenix, Arizona.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 59 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DORENE C. DOMÍNGUEZ CEO and Chairwoman of Vanir CARLOS DOMÍNGUEZ Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Evangelist at Sprinklr CARI M. DOMÍNGUEZ JOAQUÍN DUATO

Age: 58

Bedford Hills, NY Nationality:

Independent Director

Diana served as EVP and CFO at JPMorgan Chase & Co, from 1998 until her retirement in 2004. In this role, she was responsible for financial management, corporate treasury and investor relations. Dublon previously held numerous positions at JPMorgan Chase and its predecessor companies, including corporate treasurer, managing director of the financial institutions division and head of asset liability management. Dublon also previously served on the faculty of Harvard Business School and on the boards of several non-profit organizations. She also currently serves on the independent audit quality committee of Ernst & Young LLP, the board of advisors of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the board of directors of the Westchester Land Trust.

Age: 27

San Franciso, CA



Co-Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Brex Inc.


Expedia Group Inc. (404)

Age: 61

Miami, FL




Independent Director & Advisor

Huntsman Corp. (410), Hemisphere Media Group Boards

Age: 58

River Shores, FL



Global Corporate Director



Dubugras has been a director of Expedia Group since October 2022. He has served as the co-Chief Executive Officer of Brex Inc., a privately-held financial services company, since co- founding Brex in 2017. Prior to Brex, Dubrugras had co-founded and served as Chief Executive Officer of, an online payments company that was acquired in September 2016. Earlier in his career, Dubrugas founded EduqueMe, an educational crowdfunding company, and Estudar nos EUA, a company aimed at disseminating information about study- abroad opportunities. Since June 2017, Dubrugas has served on the Board of Directors of MercadoLibre, Inc., a leading Latin American e-commerce technology platform. Dubugras has significant B2B experience, expertise in the area of online payments systems, and a track record of driving innovation.

Dulá is a business executive and entrepreneur and, until of 2018, she was Vice Chairman at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Prior to this position, she was head of the Latin America Wealth Management Division at Merrill Lynch and head of Corporate and Investment Banking for Latin America. Following her MBA, she worked for nine years at Goldman Sachs, where she led landmark privatizations out of Spain, Italy and Mexico, as well as global debt and equity offerings for Latin American issuers. After Goldman Sachs, Sonia became CEO of Telemundo Studios México, the production center for Telemundo Network (USA). She co-founded two internet companies – Internet Group of Brazil and Obsidiana – and she was CEO of Grupo Latino de Radio, a Prisa company with more than 500 owned and operated radio stations in Latin America and the US Hispanic market.

Experienced CEO, Business Advisor and Corporate Board Director of publicly traded, family-owned and private corporations. She has 30+ years of experience in P&L management, deals structuring, technology, business growth and C-Level business advisory in over 25 countries. In her own tenure as CEO, proxy Officer and P&L leader with companies such as IBM, CSC, Marsh & McLennan and Accenture, Ana created several $500+ MM global business through the combination of organic growth, global acquisitions and joint-ventures, innovative go-to-market approaches and incorporation of technology and digitalization of services and products. Ana holds an MBA from Kellogg, a Masters in Economics from Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Juris Doctor from Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, all summa cum laude.

Age: 66

New York, NY


Echevarria served as CEO of Deloitte LLP. He previously served in increasingly senior leadership positions during his 36-year career at the firm, including U.S. Managing Partner for Operations, prior to being named CEO. In addition to the public company board services noted above, Echevarria currently serves as a Trustee and senior advisor to the President of the University of Miami. Echevarria previously served as Chairman of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and as a Member of the Private Export Council, the principal national advisory committee on international trade. He has served as a director since 2015, as Lead Director from 2016 through 2019 and as Chair since 2019. Echevarria earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Miami.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 60 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DINA DUBLON PepsiCo (44), T. Rowe Price Group Boards Pembina Carparts, Elkay Manufacturing, M. Holland, Lifespace Communities, ELJ, Jelmar, Sparq Boards JOSEPH J. ECHEVARRÍA Independent Director Pfizer (43), Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (229), Unum Group (317) Boards

Age: 55

Washington, DC




President AES Clean Energy

Delek US Holdings (346) Boards

Age: 62

Boston, MA


Has over 15 years of experience in the energy industry. Since 2020 he has served as the President of AES Clean Energy, a division of The AES Corporation, a global power company leader in renewables and new technologies. Moreno has worked for The AES Corporation since 2006 in a variety of positions, including SVP Corporate Strategy & Investments and Chief Commercial Officer from 2017 to 2020, CFO, Europe from 2015 to 2016, and other leadership roles related to strategy, finance, commercial, investments, mergers and acquisitions, and sustainability. He served as a director of AES Brasil Energia SA until 2022 and has served as an alternate director of AES Andes S.A. since 2018. He was as a Senior Auditor for Ernst & Young in Brazil from 2003 to 2005.

Managing Director, Excel Venture Management

Cabot Corp. (813), Excel Venture Management, Viridos, Zipongo/ Foodsmart Boards

Age: 62

Arlington, VA Nationality:

He is a leading authority on the economic impact of life sciences on business and society and is a respected business leader and entrepreneur. Prior to Excel, Juan was the founding Director of the Harvard Business School's Life Sciences Project, with many of his innovative thoughts captured in his bestselling book, As The Future Catches You, which provided an accurate blueprint of how a bio-based economy changes industries and corporations. Juan became an angel investor and founder of Biotechonomy Ventures investing in BioTrove, Xcellerex, and Synthetic Genomics, (co founded with Drs. J. Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith) to apply synthetic biology solutions to address global energy, medicine, clean water, and food challenges. As a business leader, advisor, and renowned speaker, Juan works directly with the CEOs of a number of Fortune 50 companies, as well as various heads of state, on how to adapt to a world where the dominant language is shifting from the digital towards the language of life.

Alicia is an Independent Board Director that brings more than 30 years of experience with multinational Fortune 100 Companies in the Food and Beverages sectors with roles as General Manager, President, Chief Marketing Officer, and E-Business Officer. Since 2017, she has served as Chief Marketing Officer of Nestlé USA and previously served as President of the Beverages Division. Prior roles include Principal Consultant and Managing Director of Zyman Group, a subsidiary of MDC Partners and various marketing leadership roles at Procter & Gamble and Estée Lauder.

Independent Director

Bacardi Boards

Age: 61

San Bernardino, CA Nationality:


Senior Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank

Navient (761) Boards

She is a partner in The Cabral Group, a firm dedicated to serving clients in need of government and public relations support. From 2009 through May of 2018, she served as a Senior Principal Advisor within the External Relations department of the Inter-American Development Bank, the largest source of development financing for the Caribbean and Latin America. She was the Bank’s principal liaison between senior management and parliamentary bodies, including the U.S. Congress. She served as Treasurer of the United States, U.S. Department of the Treasury, helping the Secretary of the Treasury fulfill the President’s economic agenda. From 1991-1999, she was executive staff director for the U.S. Senate Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs and deputy staff director for the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Cabral earned her Juris Doctorate from George Mason University School of Law.

Age: 62

New Jersey


Independent Director

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings (698), KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc., Roper Technologies (492) Boards

Esteves was Chief Financial Officer of Time Warner Cable Inc., a post she held from 2011 to 2013. She previously served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of XL Group plc from 2010 to 2011. Prior to that position, Esteves was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Regions Financial Corporation from 2008 to 2010. She previously served on the board of directors of TW Telecom Inc. from 2014 to 2014 and the board of directors of Timberland Co. from 2003 to 2009.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 61 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 72 Spain


Vice Chairman, Omega Capital

Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. (177) Boards

Age: 53

São Paulo, Brazil



Independent Director

Restaurant Brands International Boards

Fanjul is Vice Chairman of Omega Capital, a private investment firm based in Spain. He is the Founding Chairman and former CEO of Repsol. Fanjul is Vice Chairman of the Board of LafargeHolcim and a director of Ferrovial. He is a former director of Unilever, the London Stock Exchange, Areva, Acerinox and Deoleo. He is a dual Spanish and Chilean national and has a PhD in Economics.

Farjallat has served on our Board since January 2023. She has served as regional sales director, mid-market Latin America for Facebook Brasil since March 2020. Prior to joining Facebook, she served as senior director of marketplace/chief marketing officer for Mercado Livre do Brasil, a marketplace and fintech company, from March 2017 through February 2020. She served as founder and chief executive officer of Tiena Indústria s Comércio de Cosméticos Ltda, a cosmetics company, from January 2009 to October 2016. She serves as an advisor to Americanas, a publicly-traded retail, online commerce and fintech company, since December 2021 and serves on its digital committee. From June 2021 to December 2021, she served as an independent board member of Lojas Americanas S.A., one of South America’s largest retailers. Farjallat earned her MBA from Harvard Business School and her bachelor’s degree from Universidade de São Paolo.

Age: 54

Washington, DC


Independent Director

eBay Boards

Farrell is former Founding President and Chief Executive Officer at JPMorgan Chase Institute, a global think tank. Prior to JPMorgan, and over the course of her career, she held a variety of roles at McKinsey & Company, Inc., serving as the Director and Global Head of the McKinsey Center for Government, Global Head and Director of the McKinsey Global Institute and Partner and Leader of the Global Financial Institutions and Strategy Practices, among other positions. Farrell also served as the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council and the Deputy Economic Advisor to the President under the Obama Administration. She began her career at Goldman Sachs. Ms. Farrell is a member of the Board of Trustees at Wesleyan University, the Urban Institute and the Trilateral Commission. She earned a B.A. in the College of Social Studies and in Economics from Wesleyan University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Age: 51

Santa Monica, CA Nationality:

Janus International Group Inc. Boards

Age: 60

Chicago, IL Nationality:

Feliciano is a Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Clearlake Capital Group, L.P. which he co-founded in 2006 and is primarily focused on investments in the industrials, energy and consumer sectors. He currently serves as a member of the board of directors of Smart Sand, a NASDAQ listed company; he also previously served as a member of the board of directors of ConvergeOne Holdings, Inc., a NASDAQ listed company until a merger in early 2019. He currently serves, or has served, on the boards of many private companies, including Amquip Crane Rental, Better for You, Gravity Oilfield Services, Innovative XCessories & Services, Janus International, Pretium, PrimeSource Building Products, Sage Automotive, Sunbelt Supply, Team Technologies, Unifrax, WellPet and Wheel Pros. Feliciano graduated with High Honors from Princeton University, where he received a BS in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, followed by an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.

Mattel Inc. Boards

Ferguson brings to Mattel’s Board significant leadership, finance, human capital management, strategy, and consumer products experience. As a former Chief Financial Officer in several consumer products businesses, she brings valuable perspective on managing large organizations, complex accounting principles and judgments, internal controls and financial reporting requirements, and evaluating the financial results and financial reporting processes of complex companies. Ferguson also has extensive board experience with publicly-traded companies and nonprofit organizations.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 62 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ÓSCAR FANJUL MARTÍN DIANA FARRELL JOSÉ E. FELICIANO Independent Director/Chairman of the Board DIANA FERGUSON Independent Director

Age: 60

Tipton, CA



Partner of Legacy Ranches

Land O'Lakes (232) Boards

Age: Tulare, CA



No information available at time of print

Land O'Lakes (232) Boards

Age: 61 Dallas, TX



Independent Director

Jacobs Engineering Group (262), HF Sinclair (197) Boards

Age: 75

Miami, FL


Fernandes is partner of Legacy Ranches, a dairy Farm located in Pixley, California. Legacy Ranches consists of 4500 milk cows and 5000 head of support stock on two facilities along with 1800 acres of farm ground. The dairies milk both Jersey and Holstein cows, and the farm grows Alfalfa, Wheat, Corn and Pistachios.

Managing Director, SI Ventures

Performance Food Group (112), Leggett & Platt (598) Boards

Age: 52

Orlando, Fl Nationality:

No information available at time of print.


Tupperware Brands Corporation Boards

Manny has over thirty-five years of experience advising and serving large, multi-national, publicly traded companies, across various industries. Manny held several leadership roles, including most recently as Dallas’ Office Managing Partner and the Southwest Region, leading KPMG’s clients and markets team covering nine offices and over 3,000 professionals, across Audit, Tax and Consulting. Career and Leadership competencies include, business strategy & operations, M&A, international, human capital, inclusion & diversity, enterprise risk management and financial literacy. He served as Audit Partner or Senior Account Executive for some of KPMG’s most prominent Large Cap clients in a variety of industry sectors. International experience, working with large SEC, multi-national companies, “initial public offerings” (IPOs), and have lived and worked outside the U.S. (Mexico City) during his career.

Fernandez co-founded SI Ventures, a venture capital firm focusing on IT and communications infrastructure, and served as the managing director from 1998 until his retirement in 2014. His previous positions include Chairman and CEO of Gartner, Inc. and CEO of Dataquest, Inc. Fernandez holds a degree in electrical engineering and completed post-graduate work in solid-state engineering at the University of Florida, and also completed post-graduate work in business administration at the Florida Institute of Technology. He was first elected as a Director of the Company in 2014.

During his25+ year career, he has established himself as a notable leader in the direct selling industry with a strong record of implementing and executing positive global transformations. He joined Tupperware as President and CEOi n 2020. He spent more than two years as Global President at Avon Products Inc. During his time at Avon, he led the company’s transformation strategy, helping to modernize and optimize Avon’s digital functions and developing a new omni-channel approach in order to drive growth and enhance revenue. Prior to Avon, Fernandez spent a decade in senior roles at Herbalife Nutrition, where he served as Executive Vice President and Managing Director for the Americas and Worldwide Member Operations. During his time at Herbalife, Miguel was instrumental in transforming the Herbalife Mexico business to be one of the largest direct-selling companies in Mexico.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 63 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MANUEL A. FERNÁNDEZ MIGUEL FERNÁNDEZ President & Chief Executive Officer, Tupperware

Age: 55 Washington, DC Nationality:


Vice Chairman & Owner, Monumental Sports & Entertainment

Broadcom (128), DXC Technology (152) SyncThink Boards

Age: 63

Ridgefield, CT Nationality:

Vice Chairman and Owner of Monumental Sports & Entertainment, a private partnership that co-owns the NBA’s Washington Wizards, the NHL’s 2018 Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals, the WNBA’s Washington Mystics, Team Liquid eSports and Wizards District Gaming NBA 2K, as well as co-owns and operates Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. He also serves as Special Advisor and Limited Partner to General Atlantic Partners, a growth equity firm with more than $31 billion under management. He previously served in several leadership roles at various technology companies, including as Chairman and CEO for ObjectVideo. Fernandez has more than three decades of executive experience scaling innovative and rapidly growing technology companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Maryland.


Fernandez is currently an independent Board Director, serving on various Public, Private and Non-Profit Boards, and consultant, having started his own firm, AFF Advisors, LLC, in 2016, which specializes in helping companies optimize their supply chains and improve operational performance. Tony has over 40 years of management experience in operations and supply chain, having worked mostly in the food and beverage industry. His last two roles were Chief Supply Chain Officer for Cadbury, PLC and Pinnacle Foods. Tony also worked at Kraft Foods, PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble. He was a consultant for The Canaan Group and a Senior Advisor for McKinsey & Co. Tony graduated from Lafayette College in 1981 with a B.S. In Chemical Engineering.

Age: 47

New York, NY Nationality:

Global Chief Technology Officer, AIG

Juniper Networks Inc. (632) Boards

Age: 68

Monterrey, NL, Mexico


Since 2020, Steve has served as the Global Chief Technology Officer of AIG, a leading global insurance organization, where he is responsible for developing the technology vision and operations of the enterprise. Prior to this role, he was the CTO of L’Oréal in Paris, France and led the global transformation of the company, creating a modern digital workplace for employees and successfully developing a technical culture focused on agility, speed and professional results. Steve has also held several C-suite level positions at prior companies, including Conisus, LLC and The Coca-Cola Company, Bottling Investments Group.

Visa (147) Boards

Fernandez is the CEO of Servicios Administrativos Contry S.A. de C.V., a privately held company that provides central administrative and investment management services, since June 2005. Prior to this responsibility, he had an extensive professional career in financial services. From July 2000 to January 2002, he was CEO of the Corporate Development Division of Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer, S.A., a Mexico-based banking and financial services company that owns BBVA Bancomer, Mexico’s largest bank. Prior to this role, he held other senior executive positions at Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer since joining in 1991, serving as president from 1999 to 2000, and as CFO from 1995 to 1999. He holds a degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Age: 59

San Juan, PR Nationality:

W.R. Berkley (371), Popular (888) Boards

As president and CEO, Maria Luisa leads the company’s development and diversification strategies with relentless visionary force, unafraid of new ventures and challenges, and focused on growth and sustainable entrepreneurship. She oversees a family holding company with leading operations in media, real estate, and customer engagement in Puerto Rico, the United States and Latin America. She also serves as Publisher of GFR Media, Grupo Ferré Rangel’s media arm and the leading media business in Puerto Rico.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 65 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
FERNÁNDEZ ANTONIO "TONY" F. FERNÁNDEZ President, AFF Advisors, LLC Realty Trust (893), Utz Brands Inc., Green Rabbit Holdings Inc. Boards STEVE FERNÁNDEZ FRANCISCO JAVIER FERNÁNDEZCARBAJAL Chief Executive Officer, Servicios Administrativos Contry S.A. de C.V. MARÍA LUISA FERRE RANGEL President & CEO, Grupo Ferré Rangel (GFR)

Age: 47 Buenos Aires, Argentina


Sempra Energy (288) Boards

Age: 54 Austin, TX


ChampionX Corporation (819) Boards

Age: 66

New York, NY Nationality:


Venture Partner, Ocean Azul Partners

Deckers Brands (918), Western Alliance Bancorporation, Diversey Boards

Age: 70

San Juan, PR



President, Smart Networks, LLC

Triple-S Management (648) Boards

Age: 62

Grandbury, TX


Ferrero has been a director since 2013. He is an independent energy consultant and the former chief executive officer of Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. His experience includes more than 20 years in the energy industry, including director and senior management positions with major South American energy companies. Ferrero has served as director and chairman of the board of several energy companies and industry-related boards.

Ameren Corporation (500) Boards

Carlos has over 35 years of experience in the natural resources sector, including exploration and production, midstream, refining and marketing, oilfield services, chemicals and mining. Fierro has significant transactional experience with a focus on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring and equity and debt financings. From 2008-2013, he was a Managing Director and the Global Head of the Natural Resources Group for Barclays PLC. Prior to that he spent 11 years at Lehman Brothers, where his last role was as the Global Head of the Natural Resources Group. Before joining Lehman Brothers, Fierro was a transactional lawyer with Baker Botts L.L.P., where he practiced corporate, M&A and securities law. Fierro previously served on the Board of Directors of Shell Midstream Partners, L.P. and Athabasca Oil Corporation, and currently serves on the advisory board for Greenbelt Capital Partners.

Former EVP and CFO of Revlon. Prior to joining Revlon, Juan served as EVP & CFO of NII Holdings a NASDAQ listed provider of wireless communication services under the Nextel brand. Juan also served as EVP & CFO at Newell Brands a global marketer of consumer and commercial products, listed on the NYSE. Before serving at Newell Brands, he was EVP & CFO of Cott Corporation. Juan also served as VP in charge of M&A at Walmart. Prior to Walmart he served in a number of key international positions at PepsiCo, including VP and managing director for Frito-Lay Dominican Republic, VP of Business Integration for Frito-Lay Europe in London, VP and CFO of Frito-Lay South Europe in Barcelona, VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Bottling in Sao Paulo and VP and CFO of Pepsi-Cola Latin America. He holds a bachelor of business administration from Florida International University.

Figueroa-Collazo is the president of Smart Networks, LLC, a telecommunication, hosting and data processing company in Puerto Rico. From 1999 to 2019, he was president of VERNET, Inc., an educational software development company. He has fifteen years of experience in senior management positions and over twenty-five years of exposure at all management levels in the information and telecommunications industries. He was previously CEO of AT&T de Mexico and currently chairs the State Committee for NSF’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCor) in Puerto Rico.

Flores joined Luminant, a private Texas-based electric utility, in 1983 and served as Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer from 2009 to 2015. In this position, he oversaw operations at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in Texas, reported nuclear matters directly to Luminant’s nuclear oversight advisory board and represented Luminant with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, the Nuclear Energy Institute and on various committees and working groups in the nuclear industry.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 66 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
PABLO ALEJANDRO FERRERO Independent Energy Consultant CARLOS FIERRO Senior Advisor to Guggenheim Securities JUAN RAFAEL FLORES Former Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Luminant

Age: 54



Responsible for enterprise-widedigital, data and technology strategy and solutions to support the purpose of deliveringBreakthroughs that Change Patients’ Lives. She also leads Learning and Development andBusiness Process Excellence. In her prior role, Lidia was CIO at Quest Diagnostics, the world’sleading provider of diagnostic information services. In 2020, Lidia joined Fast Company’s Impact Council and Pfizer was named one of Fast Company magazine’s 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators. She was named 2020 Healthcare Influencer and 2019 Healthcare Transformer by Medical, Marketing &Media. She received Forbes’ 2017 CIO Innovation Award. She earned a BA from the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley and an MBA and Master Business Informatics from Rotterdam School ofManagement, Erasmus Graduate School of Business.



Fonseca has 36 years’ experience in the financial services industry and has been the president and chief executive officer of Logix Federal Credit Union, Valencia, California, since January 2019. From April 2002 through December 2018, she held leadership roles including executive vice president/chief operating officer and executive vice president/chief financial officer. She is experienced in developing and executing strategies to achieve long term profitable growth, sustain high levels of customer delight, and build high performing teams and has overseen fiscal operations, sales and revenue growth, customer service/experience, lending, risk management, facilities management, information technology, data and financial analytics and business operations. Fonseca holds an M.B.A. from Pepperdine Graziadio Business School and a B.A. from University of Phoenix and has studied Executive Leadership at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Francisco Boards

Age: 67

Rockville, MD Nationality:


President & Executive Director, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health

Biogen (338), Alexandria Real Estate Equities (945) Boards

Age: 52

Hunt Valley, MA Nationality:


Senior Vice President, Finance and Global Business Services, McCormick & Co

NLV Financial Corporation Boards

Age: 69

Atlanta, GA Nationality:

Freire is Principal of The Freire Group, a consulting firm focused on strategic alliances in life sciences. Until September 2021, Dr. Freire was the President, Executive Director and board member for the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health. Before then, she was the President of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation; and President and CEO of the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development. She chaired the Science Board of the Food & Drug Administration. Freire is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine and the Council on Foreign Relations. She was appointed to the U.S. Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Freire obtained a B.S. degree from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, and a Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of Virginia. She has been awarded the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service and many others.

Marcos is a global executive with 25+ years of experience in major multinational companies, including McCormick, Avon, Unilever and Eli Lilly with solid experience in all areas of finance, strategy development, enterprise-wide business transformation, M&A, risk management, and private equity. He is currently a Board Director and Member of the Audit Committee at National Life Group. Marcos brings an understanding of strategy development and business transformation as well as a solid finance experience as CFO in different leadership roles across the globe, always setting a bold vision and driving positive change, and acting as a trusted business advisor to the CEO. He was awarded two outstanding Global CEO Awards by both Unilever and Avon CEOs for his business contributions in his career.

Independent Director


Paul is a pioneer in the financial services industry, became Chief Executive Officer of NDC’s Atlanta-based eCommerce line of business in June 1999. NDC e-Commerce began operating as Global Payments Inc. on December 11, 2000, and the new company spun off from NDC on February 1, 2001. During his 14-year tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Global Payments grew annual revenues from $350 million to $2.4 billion. Garcia has served on the Global, U.S. and Latin American Boards of MasterCard International, West Corporation. Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, and the Electronic Transaction Association. Garcia holds a B.A. from Ithaca College.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 67 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
LIDIA L. FONSECA Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Executive Vice President, Pfizer TEGNA (832), Medtronic Boards ANA E. FONSECA Independent Director 48 Los Angeles, CA Federal Home Loan Bank of San GABRIEL PAUL R. GARCÍA Group (5), Deluxe Corp., Repay Holdings Boards



Age: 58

Ontario, CA



Age: 61

Miami, FL


Michael Garcia has served on Alliant Energy’s Board of Directors since 2020. He was President of the Pulp and Paper Division of Domtar Corporation from 2014 to 2021. Prior to joining Domtar, Garcia was the Chief Executive Officer at EVRAZ Highveld Steel & Vanadium Co. in South Africa. He has more than 25 years of international management experience in paper, steel, and aluminum manufacturing and marketing. Garcia holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the United States Military Academy and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard University.

Garcia retired in 2019 as the EVP and CFO of Ryder System, Inc., a $8.4 billion commercial fleet and supply chain management solutions company, a position held since 2010 and was a member of Ryder’s executive leadership team. Previously, he served as senior vice president, controller and chief accounting officer of Ryder from 2005 to 2010. Garcia joined Ryder in 1997 as senior manager of corporate accounting. He later served as director of corporate accounting and, subsequently, as group director of accounting services. Prior to joining Ryder, Garcia spent 14 years with the Miami office of the accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand LLP as senior manager of business assurance.

Age: 47

New York, NY Nationality:

President, North America, Unilever

Arrow Electronics (104) Boards

Fabian helps drive Unilever’s mission of making sustainable living commonplace through a number of strategic initiatives including overseeing Unilever’s purpose-driven brands, industry-leading sustainable packaging development, and an inclusive company culture. Formerly, Fabian served as the President and CEO of Revlon serving between 2016 and 2018. In this capacity, Fabian initiated the transformation of Revlon into a digitally competitive enterprise, while restoring health to the company's iconic brands and creating shareholder value through the successful integration of the 2016 Elizabeth Arden acquisition. Prior to his appointment in Revlon, Fabian was Chief Operating Officer for Colgate Palmolive. He graduated from Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, with a B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering.

Age: 45

San Antonio, TX



President, MarketVision

Gray Television (934) Boards

Age: 47

Los Angeles, CA Nationality:


Senior Vice President of Internal Audit, Herbalife

Skechers USA (506) Boards

As a marketing strategist, Luis develops behavior-changing communications and marketing campaigns centered around the impact of culture on beliefs and behavior. A native of Mexico City and graduate of The University of Texas at Austin advertising program, he founded integrated-marketing firm Garcia 360° in 1998 and joined MarketVision as president in 2008. He analyzes, strategizes and guides clients, helping them create culture-inspired marketing initiatives that enable brands to connect in meaningful ways.

Zulema Garcia is the Senior Vice President of Internal Audit at Herbalife. Prior to Herbalife in 2019, she was an audit partner in the Los Angeles office of KPMG LLP for 24 years, most recently serving as the Deputy Professional Practice Partner of the South Region. Ms. Garcia currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Mount St. Mary’s University and on the Board of Directors of The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Los Angeles.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 68 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MICHAEL D. GARCÍA Chief Executive Officer, Algoma Steel Group Inc. Alliant Energy (731), Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Charlotte Branch), Algoma Steel Inc. Boards Former Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Ryder System, Inc. Electric Power (219), ABM Industries (510), Elanco Animal Health (699), Raymond James Financial Boards

Ulta Beauty Inc. Boards

Age: 60 Miami Nationality:

García served as CFO since 1984, Chief Administrative Officer and Senior Executive Vice President since August 4, 2008, and Secretary since November 2, 1999. He was also Executive Vice President from 1996 to 2008. García was responsible for financial affairs, operational and administrative matters, investor relations, and was instrumental in the acquisition and related financing of the stations. Before joining in 1984, García spent thirteen years in international financial planning positions with Philip Morris Companies, Inc. and with Revlon, Inc., where he was manager of financial planning for Revlon – Latin America. García holds an MBA from St. John’s University and is a recipient of the outstanding achievement award from the University.

Age: 55

Novi, MI


Garcia is the Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Domino’s Pizza, where he is responsible for providing the company’s technology vision and leadership as well as developing and implementing strategic technology initiatives to support and improve the business globally, since July 2012. His broad technology experience includes global e-commerce, loyalty, innovation, and global software product development. Prior to joining Domino’s, Garcia was Vice President of Business Intelligence and North American Operations for R. L. Polk & Company.

Age: 40

Phoenix, AZ


Garcia co-founded Carvana and has served as President and CEO since 2012. Prior to Carvana, he held various roles at the DriveTime Automotive Group, Inc. from 2007 to 2013. From 2007 to 2008, he served as a financial strategist. He was a managing director of corporate finance from 2008 to 2009. From 2009 until 2013, he served as a Vice President and Treasurer and Director of Quantitative Analytics where he was responsible for the firm’s ongoing development of consumer credit scoring models, and its utilization of those tools in retail vehicle sales deal structuring and vehicle price optimization. Prior to DriveTime, Garcia was an associate in the Principal Transactions Group at RBS Greenwich Capital from 2005 to 2006, where he focused on consumer credit based investments.

Carvana (290) Boards

Age: 55

New York, NY


Independent Director

MiBanco Banco de la

Age: 58

San Juan, PR


Maria Garcia Nielsen is an independent director for private European multinationals in the industrials sector, and a financial entity in Latin America. Maria was CEO of Office Depot in Spain and Portugal and had an executive career focused on leveraging technology to drive profits. She has led multiple digital transformations in retail and distribution. She is a member of The Latino Corporate Director Association and Co-Chair of the Board of Women Execs on Boards.

Triple-S Management (648) Boards

President & Chief Executive Officer; Secretary since 2010; VP and General Counsel since 2008. Previously, VP and General Counsel at Puerto Rico Telephone. He holds a BA from Harvard University, an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and a JD from Stanford Law School. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 70 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOSEPH A. GARCÍA Independent Director Spanish Broadcasting System Boards KELLY E. GARCIA Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Domino’s Pizza, ERNIE GARCÍA III Founder & CEO, Carvana MARÍA DEL CARMEN GARCÍA NIELSEN Microempresa S.A. Boards ROBERTO GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, ESQ. President & Chief Executive Officer,Triple-S Management Corp.

Age: 54

Mequon, WI



President, Advocate National Center for Health Equity

/ Chief Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer, Advocate Health

WEC Energy Group (416) Boards

Age: 71 Pittsburgh, PA


Allison Transmission Holdings (940), Matthews International Boards

Age: 61

Fort Worth, TX


Managing Director, Bravo Equity Partners

Atmos Energy (768), VBT Financial Corporation (subsidiary Vantage Bank Texas) Boards

Age: 64

Mexico City, MX Nationality:

Counsel to White & Case; Former United States Ambassador to Mexico, U.S. Department of State

Canadian Pacific Railway Company, The Greenbrier Companies, Inc., Tricolor Auto Group, LLC. Boards

The Advocate National Center for Health Equity will create a highly visible and accessible center of excellence for health equity that is valued and trusted by the community, providing equitable health and healthcare for all. She has more than 25 years of industry experience including leadership roles as the president and CEO of the United Performing Arts Fund. She has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the 2023 Linda T. Mellowes Woman Leader of the Year, Milwaukee Business Journal’s 2023 Top 25 Power Brokers, Chicago United’s 2021 Business Leaders of Color, Milwaukee BizTimes’ Notable Minority Executive award, TEMPO Milwaukee’s Mentor award, the Milwaukee Business Journal’s Women of Influence and 40 under 40 awards, and the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee’s Hispanic Professional of the Year award. Cristy holds a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University.

Age: 60

Monterrey, MX Nationality:

Canadian Pacific Railway Company Boards

Àlvaro retired as the CFO of Wabtec Corporation, or Wabtec, a provider of products and services for the global rail industry, effective, 2014. He remained with Wabtec as a strategic advisor until 2017. Garcia-Tunon was named EVP and CFO for Wabtec in 2012. Prior to that, he was EVP, CEO and Secretary of Wabtec since 2010. Prior thereto, he served as SVP, CFO and Secretary of Wabtec since 2003. He graduated from the College of William and Mary with a Juris Doctor degree and is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce and Accounting. He is a CPA and a member of the Virginia State Bar.

Rafael G. Garza serves as Executive Vice Chairman of Vantage Bank Texas. He is also Co-Founder and Managing Director of Bravo Equity Partners, a private investment and consulting firm focused on companies in the US and Mexico. Garza is involved in various sectors including banking, financial services, food, and education. He led the acquisition and merger of two banks that formed Vantage Bank Texas. Prior to founding Bravo, Garza was Director of Ernst & Young’s International Corporate Finance practice based in Mexico City and prior a member of E&Y’s Assurance practice. He has over 30 years of advising companies with capital and corporate strategic initiatives including debt, equity, and M&A. Garza serves on the Board of Trustees of Texas Christian University and Baylor Scott and White Holdings. He also serves as President of the Board of Trustees of Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and its related endowment foundation. Garza earned a BBA, Accounting form Texas Christian University.

Antonio Garza is currently Counsel to White & Case in Mexico City, one of the world’s leading global law firms with 42 offices in 28 countries. Garza served as US Ambassador to Mexico from 2002 through 2009 and formerly held statewide and local office in his native Texas. Drawing on decades of high profile, political, legal, and business experience, Ambassador Garza serves as a strategic counselor to CEOs, investors, and entrepreneurs. He is acknowledged as one of the top experts on U.S.-Mexico relations and on the business and political environments of both nations and currently advises a number of companies and investors active in Mexico, Texas and the United States.

Garza-Santos is a business and community leader in Monterrey, N.L. Mexico. As Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MADISA, a national distributor of heavy-duty equipment, Garza-Santos has experience in all phases of leading a company. He also sits on the board of directors of Promotora Ambiental, S.A.B. de C.V., a publicly-traded services company based out of Monterrey, Mexico. Garza-Santos is also a recognized leader in Monterrey, which provides his Company with additional insight and leadership on the business and political environment both regionally in Monterrey as well as nationally across Mexico.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 71 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ÁLVARO R. GARCÍA-TUÑÓN Independent Director RAFAEL G. GARZA Executive Vice Chairman, VBT Financial Corporation (subsidiary Vantage Bank Texas) / Co-Founder and ANTONIO O. GARZA DAVID F. GARZA-SANTOS Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, MADISA

Age: 54 New York, NY



Partner, 3G Capital

Restaurant Brands International Boards

Age: 51

Miami, FL


Prior to 3G Capital, João spent more than 20 years at AB InBev, where he served in numerous leadership positions, mostly recently as North America Zone President and CEO of Anheuser-Busch. In that role, he was responsible for running its North America operations and led a team of more than 19,000 employees. During his tenure at AB InBev, he helped grow publicly listed subsidiary Ambev into the most valuable company in Latin America in terms of market capitalization.

Nike (83) Boards

Gil leads the company’s Operations, Marketing, Strategy and Insights, and Communications teams. Since joining the company in 2017, Gil has been instrumental in establishing Telemundo as the nation’s number one Spanish-language network. Poised at the forefront of emerging technologies and shifting consumer behavior, Gil has led the company’s brand development, digital marketing, and multichannel creative efforts. Prior to Telemundo, Gil served in several leadership roles at Nielsen, where she was responsible for accelerating growth opportunities for a wide range of blue-chip media clients. In this capacity, she helped partners meet consumer and media behaviors among key demographics such as women, millennials, Hispanics, and diverse audiences. Gil earned a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.A. from the University of Southern California School of Public Administration.

Age: 46

Dallas, TX



Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Culture+ Group

Zumiez, RCN Television, AUA Private Equity Boards

Age: 64

Arlington, VA




President & Chief Executive Officer, AES Corporation

Waste Management (203), AES Corp. (333) Boards

Age: 40

Baltimore, MD



President, Hand Tools, Accessories & Storage Group, Stanley Black & Decker Inc.’s

Helen of Troy Ltd. Boards

Gil Valletta is a former corporate executive turned award-winning entrepreneur and a recognized television business contributor and speaker. She is the Co-Founder and CEO of Culture+ Group, a global research, strategy and cultural marketing family of companies listed by the Inc. 5000 as one of America's Fastest Growing Privately-owned companies. Her conglomerate works with the world's most iconic Fortune 500 corporations and brands that want to successfully understand and drive impact and business growth by tapping into diverse market segments. Lili is one of less than 1% of Latinas serving on a Fortune 500+ public board, as an independent director for the global youth retailer Zumiez and RCN Television.

Andrés previously served as CEO of both AES Gener in Chile and La Electricidad de Caracas in Venezuela. He held senior positions in banking, telecom, the IMF and the public sector before joining AES in 2000. During his tenure as President and CEO, he has led AES through a dramatic transformation by focusing on simplification, risk improvement and innovation. He has led the company through a $5 billion divestiture program, increased the credit rating by multiple notches and initiated a quarterly dividend, which has grown at an 8% annual rate. Andrés has also overseen the largest construction program in AES’ history, with more than 5,000 MW of new power generation completed. He has been invited to serve as an expert witness at US Congressional hearings on the subject of energy policy and Latin America.

Hand Tools, Accessories & Storage Group, is a $4 billion business unit within Stanley Black & Decker Inc.’s Tools & Storage division. She joined the company in 2017, earning progressively more senior roles during her tenure. She has extensive experience in global marketing, brand building, general management, product innovation, operational leadership, and organizational development. She also brings expertise in digital marketing and licensed product management. Prior to Stanley Black & Decker, she worked for Coty Inc USA, and for Procter & Gamble in the United States, Europe, and Latin America in Beauty, Appliances, and other consumer categories.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 72 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MONICA GIL EVP, Chief Administrative and Marketing Officer, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises L. GÓMEZ

Age: 54

Mexico City, Mexico



Bernardo served as a Deputy to the President of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. He also served as President of the Mexican Chamber of Television and Radio Broadcasters from 2001 to 2002. He served as Assistant Manager of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. He has been a Director of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. since April 1999 and Empresas Cablevisión, S.A.B. de C.V. since April 2003. He is a Director of Grupo Axo, S.A.P.I. de C.V. He has been a Director of Univision Communications Inc. since March 2017.


TelevisaUnivision (866) Boards

Age: 52 Chicago, IL



Gonçalves is the President of Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), Global Foods, and a member of the Company’s Executive Council. At ADM, she oversees the Company’s international portfolio of food ingredients and solutions. Prior to joining ADM, she spent more than 20 years at Monsanto and three years at Bayer following its acquisition of Monsanto, with roles in digital solutions, commercial operations, international management and technology development. She is also a longtime advocate and driver of diversity and inclusion, participating in the Conference Board’s Global Women’s Leaders Council in Europe. In December 2022, she was recognized by Bloomberg Línea as one of the 100 Most Influential Latinos around the world. Gonçalves holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil and an executive MBA from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh.

Age: 58

Sao Paulo, BR




Former Chief Executive Officer, Copersucar S.A.

Mosaic (305) Boards

From December 2018 until earlier this year, Teixeira served as the CEO of Copersucar S.A., a Brazilian sugar, ethanol and logistics corporation. Also noteworthy is his experience in financial risk management and his entire career in the financial market. Between 2007 and 2010 he served as a member of the board of ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association). Teixeira also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Br Malls Participações S.A., is a member of the Board of Directors of Fleury S.A. and acts pro bono as an independent member of the Investment Committee of Yunus Social Business Brazil. Teixeira holds a Bachelor‘s and Master‘s degree in economics from PUC-RJ. He also earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the London Business School in 1995 and participated in the Executive Program at Singularity University in 2018.

Age: 51

Santa Ana, CA


Electronic Arts (485) Boards

Gonzalez was appointed to Electronic Arts’ Board of Directors in November 2021, where she also serves on the nominating and governance committee. Before EA, she was the Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Starbucks Corporation April 2018 to 2022, where she oversought legal and regulatory affairs, global security, and ethics and compliance. Prior to joining Starbucks, she served as Chief Administrative Officer for Sabre Corporation where she led a global team responsible for corporate communications, corporate compliance, government affairs, human resources, legal strategy, and regulatory affairs. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Dana Incorporated and the Advisory Board of PODER25, a sub-organization of the Hispanic National Bar Association. Gonzalez holds a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkeley, as well as a law degree from the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley.

Age: 55

Miami, FL Nationality:

Gonzalez joined us in 2002 and has served as President and Chief Executive Officer since November 2015. During his time with the Company, Gonzalez has served in roles of increasing responsibility, including as the Company’s Senior Vice President of Development from March 2015 to November 2015. Gonzalez has three decades of continuous experience in various planning and real estate related roles. Gonzalez serves or has served on various community boards and organizations, including as the Chairman of the Bay County Economic Development Alliance, the Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center Board of Directors, the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the Florida Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Enterprise Florida, The Florida State University’s Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees of The St. Joe Community Foundation. Gonzalez has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Florida State University.

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Independent Director Emerson Electric Co Boards RACHEL A. GONZALEZ Independent Director JORGE GONZALEZ President and Chief Executive Officer, St. Joe Company The St. Joe Company Boards

AbbVie (63) Boards

Age: 67 Chicago, IL



Age: 38

Columbio, OH


Former U.S. Representative for Ohio's 16th Congressional District

DXC Technology (152) Boards

Age: 51

Danville, CA



Vice President – Treasurer, Investor Relations and Real Estate, The Clorox Company

Abbott Laboratories (86) Boards

Prior to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott in 2013, Gonzalez was a 30-year Abbott veteran. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Abbott before briefly retiring in 2007. He also held various senior leadership positions in Abbott’s medical products businesses, including President and CEO of the Medical Products Group; Senior Vice President and President of the former Hospital Products Division; Vice President and President of the Health Systems Division; and Divisional Vice President and General Manager for Diagnostics Operations in the United States and Canada. Gonzalez has been a long-standing leader in the greater Chicago community where he is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago and represents AbbVie on their Civic Committee.

Age: 55 New York, NY



Executive Vice President, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Office, Popular

TelevisaUnivision (866) Boards

Age: 50

Boca Raton, FL Nationality:


Chief Executive Officer, GEO Group

GEO Group (966) Boards

González is a former U.S. Congressman for Ohio’s 16th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives, where he served from 2019 until January 3, 2023. Anthony served on the House Financial Services Committee and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Additionally, he served on the House China Task Force and the Select Committee on the Climate. A graduate of The Ohio State University and Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, Anthony played 5 seasons in the National Football League where he was a first-round draft pick of the Indianapolis Colts. Upon retiring from the NFL in 2012 and earning his Masters in Business Administration in 2014. In July 2015, he joined InformedK12 (formerly Chalk Schools) where he served as Chief Operating Officer until June 2017.

Gonzalez is responsible for treasury, investor relations and real estate matters, and through her prior financial roles in several of its businesses, has considerable experience providing financial leadership to a multinational public company with multiple businesses, contributing significant financial expertise and knowledge of financial statements, corporate finance and accounting matters. Before, she was the Division CFO for the Household and Lifestyle Segments representing half of the company’s revenues and consisting of seven business units, providing financial leadership in business strategy, performance management, value creation and organizational building.

González Noguera serves as Senior Vice President of Global Public Affairs at The Estée Lauder Companies. Previously, she served as Special Assistant to the President and the Director of Communications to First Lady Michelle Obama, where she was responsible for shaping long- term strategic planning and message development for the First Lady. Prior to her time at the White House, González Noguera was a Vice President of Corporate Communications for The Estée Lauder Companies and a Managing Director at the Washington, D.C. firm Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates where she managed communications and issue-oriented campaigns for variety of clients. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of UnidosUS

Jose Gordo is GEO’s Chief Executive Officer and a member of GEO’s Board of Directors. Jose has over 20 years of experience in business management, private equity, corporate finance, and business law. Prior to joining GEO, Jose had been serving as the CEO of a general partnership that invests in and actively oversees small and medium-sized privately held companies. From 2013 to early 2017, he served as the CFO of magicJack Vocaltec Ltd., a publicly traded company in the telecommunications industry. Prior to that position, Jose served as a Managing Director at the Comvest Group, a Florida-based private equity firm. Jose was also previously a partner at the national law firm of Akerman LLP., where he specialized in corporate law matters.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 74 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RICHARD A. GONZÁLEZ Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, AbbVie GONZÁLEZ

Celebrating the leaders who inspire us

UnitedHealth Group proudly joins Latino Leaders in recognizing Paul Garcia in its annual Latinos on Boards issue. We are grateful for Paul’s leadership as we work together to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone. Thank you, Paul.

E W Scripps Co Boards

Age: 55

Colorado Springs, CO




Age: 75

Santa Fe, NM


Founder, MLK Health and Wellness CDC

Paramount Global (116) Boards



Independent Director

Amcor Boards

Age: 68

Lausanne, CH


Private investor and philanthropist. Board member of RightGift since 2020 (after two years as a board adviser). Trustee of the Scripps Howard Foundation/Fund since 2019. Director of the Scripps Family Impact Fund and board secretary since the organization’s inception in 2018. Charter member of the charitable advisory board to the Adam R. Scripps Foundation.

She is the founder of the MLK Community Health Foundation and its chair until 2015. In 2015, She has held several public sector positions including deputy mayor of Los Angeles (under then Mayor Tom Bradley), president and chief executive officer of the LA Community Development Bank, and Rebuild LA, an entity created to spearhead economic recovery following the 1992 LA Civil Unrest. Linda worked as a congressional aide to US Senator Alan Cranston in Washington. For more than two decades, she has served on corporate boards of directors. Linda graduated from UCLA with a BA and was a senior fellow of the UCLA School of Public Policy. In 2008, she was awarded the UCLA Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the university.

Guerra has held senior executive positions in Europe, including President and Director General of Colgate Palmolive France and Chairman and Managing Director of Colgate Palmolive UK Ltd. She is currently a director of the British American Tobacco group. She was formerly a Non-Executive Director of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A, Paysafe PLC, Inchcape PLC, Samlerhuset BV, Swedish Match AB and Electrocomponents PLC. Prior to the acquisition of Bemis Company, Inc. by Amcor Ltd in 2019, she was a director of Amcor Ltd from April 2010. Guerra holds a degree in Management Sciences from the University of Manchester and is based in Portugal.

Age: 61

Boston, MA



Independent Director

StoneX Group (87), FLEETCOR Technologies (868), Triton International Boards

Age: 64

Irving, TX Nationality:


Independent Director

AutoZone (249), Darling Ingredients (631) Boards

Annabelle Bexiga was appointed as a director of StoneX Group Inc. on February 27, 2020. She retired in 2017 after serving as Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Global Commercial Insurance at American International Group (AIG). After holding leadership positions at J.P. Morgan & Co. and Deutsche Bank, she served as CIO at JPMorgan Invest, Bain Capital, and the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA). Altogether, Ms. Bexiga has almost 30 years of experience and expertise in the financial industry. Ms. Bexiga also currently serves on the supervisory board of DWS Group GmbH of Frankfurt, Germany, where she serves on the remuneration committee, and on the board of Triton International Limited.

In 2017, he retired as the President and CEO for Laureate Education, Inc., positions he held since 2015. Prior to that, from 2012 to 2015, he served in various executive roles at PepsiCo, Inc., including EVP, Global Categories and Operations from 2014 through 2015, CEO of PepsiCo Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa from 2012 to 2014, and President of PepsiCo Global Operations from 2011 to 2012. In addition, Guimaraes previously had served as EVP of Electrolux and Chief Executive Officer of its major appliances business in Europe, Africa and the Middle East from 2008 to 2011, and held various leadership positions during his 10 years at Philips Electronics and also worked in various marketing positions at Danone and Johnson & Johnson.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 76 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RAYMUNDO H. GRANADO JR. Private Investor

Age: 60 Dallas, TX



Independent Director


Gutiérrez has more than 30 years of experience leading business transformations and creating shareholder value. He served as senior EVP and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO of AT&T from 2015 until his retirement at the end of 2016. Prior to this position and over his 25-year career at AT&T, Gutiérrez held numerous senior executive positions, including president of AT&T Wholesale and Access Solutions, president and CEO of AT&T Advertising Solutions, president of AT&T Global Enterprise Solutions, and president and CEO of Southwestern Bell. Gutiérrez serves as a director, chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, and member of the Compensation and Incentives Committee of Denny’s Corp.; he previously served as a director of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group until 2018.

Age: 51 Houston, TX



President & CEO, NRG Energy

NRG Energy (133), Chipotle Mexican Grill (450) Boards

Age: 70

New York, NY Nationality:


Chairman and CEO, Empath, Inc. Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce

MetLife (50), Occidental Petroleum (135), Exelon (99) Boards

Age: 50

Paradise Valley, AZ


NRG Energy is a leading, integrated power company. He joined NRG in 2004 and helped to build the company from a regional power generation business into a Fortune 200, diversified energy company. Prior to being named CEO in 2015, Gutierrez served as Chief Operating Officer, leading all commercial operations and engineering and construction activities. Gutierrez is a Member of the Business Roundtable and serves on the Boards of NRG Energy, Chipotle, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, Retail Energy Advancement League, and Drexel University. He holds a bachelor's degree from the Universidad Panamericana and master's degrees from the Colorado School of Mines and the French Institute of Petroleum.

Co-Founder, Executive Chairman and CEO of EmPath, Inc., a skills intelligence software technology company. Previously was CoChair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a commercial diplomacy and strategic advisory firm, from 2013 to 2020. He joined Albright Stonebridge from Citigroup Inc. where he was Vice Chairman of the Institutional Clients Group and a member of the Senior Strategic Advisory Group from 2011 to 2013. Prior to Citigroup, Gutierrez was with communications and public affairs consulting firm APCO Worldwide Inc., where he was Chairman of the Global Political Strategies division in 2010. He served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from 2005 to 2009, where he worked with foreign government and business leaders to advance economic relationships and enhance trade. Prior to his government service, Gutierrez was with Kellogg Company.

President & CEO, Arizona Coyotes Hockey Team

Commercial Bank of California, Janus International Group Inc., Arctos NorthStar Acquisition Boards

Age: 56

Monterrey, NL, Mexico



CEO, Arca Continental

KKR (316) Boards

Named as the President, CEO and Alternate Governor of the Arizona Coyotes Hockey Club in 2020. He is the first Latino President & CEO in the history of the NationalHockey League. Before he was Managing Director at Clearlake Capital Group. Gutierrez has a 25+ year career as a business executive, investor and dealmaker focused on investment management corporate strategy & operations, finance and business development. At Clearlake Capital Group, he focused on investments, operations, strategic development, and investor client servicing & outreach. Gutierrez is a member of Clearlake’s Executive Council. Previously, he served as Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Group, the family office of US Latino business executive and Coyotes Chairman and Governor Alex Meruelo, and President & Chief Investment Officer of Meruelo Investment Partners, the firm’s investment affiliate.

Arturo has served as the CEO of Arca Continental, one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world, since 2019. He held several executive positions in the company from 2001 to 2018, including Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Head of the Mexico Beverages Division, EVP of Human Resources, Director of Corporate Planning and General Counsel. He serves on several boards of industry-related companies, including Jugos del Valle and Piasa, and he holds positions on several international and national industry councils, such as the System Leadership Governance Board of Coca-Cola North America. He earned a law degree from Escuela Libre de Derecho, in Mexico City, and an L.L.M. from Harvard University, as a Fulbright Scholar.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 77 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Corp., Adient, Gartner (633) Boards XAVIER A. GUTIÉRREZ

Age: 59

Sacramento, CA


Guzmán holds expertise in finance, governance, employment, higher education and in financial turnaround management. She serves as Director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, since 2007. She previously served as a director of Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., a publicly traded telecom company. Guzmán’s experience as an attorney compliments her role as a director. She has managed the most complex of litigation matters to the smallest of cases. Guzmán has served on numerous community boards including the CA Restaurant Association, Cien Amigos, Nehemiah Corporation. U.C. Davis Foundation, Make A Wish Foundation and KVIE PBS. Guzmán is a Board Leadership Fellow of the National Association of Corporate Directors, member of the National Association of Corporate Directors; the Latino Corporate Directors, and Turnaround Management Association, in addition to other organizations.

Age: 62

Great Falls, VA


She was President and CEO of PS Business Parks, Inc, a member of the S&P MidCap 400 and publicly-traded real estate investment trust (REIT) where she served in multiple roles, including CFO, chief administrative officer and executive vice president from 1988 through 2020. When she was an executive vice president with the company, Hawthorne supported the rollout of advanced technologies that resulted in PSB becoming the first commercial real estate organization in the country to fully automate its leasing process. She also put in place long-term strategic initiatives, compensation programs and talent development efforts. Hawthorne earned her bachelor of arts degree in international relations from Pomona College.

Age: 61

Cincinnati, OH


Healey is an accomplished C-suite executive officer with over 30 years of global and operational experience in companies like Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and S.C. Johnson and in countries like Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and the US. She left P&G in 2015 after 25 years of service. Melanie was also a pivotal leader of P&G’s Feminine Care business globally, responsible for the successful launch of Tampax Pearl, Always Infinity, and the first and largest teen website - She is a graduate of the University of Richmond where she earned a bachelor of science in Business Administration in 1983.


Worldwide Holdings (538), Verizon Communications (23) Boards

Age: 64

Chicago, IL



Chairman of the Board, Avis Budget Group

Avis Budget Group (378), Bunge Boards

Age: 46

Los Angeles, CA



Leadership and Executive Adivsor, Egon Zehnder

Griffon Corp. (919) Boards

Hees has been a director since February 2020. Previously, he served as Chief Executive Officer of The Kraft Heinz Company from 2015 to June 2019. He served as Chief Executive Officer of H.J. Heinz Holding Corporation since 2013. From 2010 to 2013 Hees served as Chief Executive Officer of Burger King Worldwide Holdings, Inc., a global fast food restaurant chain. From 2005 to 2010 he was Chief Executive Officer of América Latina Logística, a Brazilian logistics company. Mr. Hees was also a partner at 3G Capital from 2010 to 2019.

Stewart joined Egon Zehnder in 2022. She was SVP and Head of Investor Relations at Endeavor from 2019 to 2021. From 2013 to 2018, she was Head of Investor Relations for Manchester United, an English Premier League football team; Director of Investor Relations at Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP), leading the investor relations efforts behind its initial public offering; and Chief Investment Officer of Soho House, a global private membership club and lifestyle brand that features hotels, food and beverage venues, gyms and retail outlets. Prior to such time, Stewart was Vice President of Investor Relations for Wynn Resorts, Ltd. (NASDAQ: WYNN), a developer, owner and operator of destination casino resorts, for ten years. Stewart began her career in investment banking at Morgan Stanley.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 78 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MELINDA GUZMAN Independent Director Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Boards MARÍA R. HAWTHORNE Independent Director ASGN (663), Essex Property Trust Boards MELANIE L. HEALEY Board Member, Investor & Strategic Advisor (32), PPG Industries (218), Hilton

Honoring Transformational Leadership

Congratulations, Miriam Hernandez-Kakol!

K. Hovnanian® Homes is proud to join Latino Leaders in recognizing the exceptional work of Miriam Hernandez-Kakol, an invaluable member of our Board of Directors. Ms. Hernandez-Kakol’s energy, vision, and experience pioneering datadriven solutions have proved indispensable as we continue to help homebuyers across the country find the home they’ve always wanted.


Age: 68 Miami, FL



Independent Diretor

HEICO Boards

Age: 62

Miami, FL



Vice Chairman & President Global Operations, Zumba



Molson Coors Beverage (352), Gildan, Quirch Foods, HyCite Enterprises LLC, Accupac LLC

Age: 70

New Alexandria, VA



President, CyberLens, LLC

Hubbell Inc. (635) Boards

Age: 64

Pasadena, CA & New York, NY.



Chief Executive Officer, Hernandez Media Ventures

U.S. Bancorp (150), Take-Two Interactive Software (770), Fox Corporation (287) Boards

Age: 64

Oakland, CA Nationality:

From 2008 until 2010, he was Vice Chairman of The Related Group, a privately-held, leading builder of luxury condominiums and multi-family real estate developments (founded by legendary tycoon Jorge Perez). From 2005 until its sale in 2007, he was Chairman, President and CEO of NYSE-listed Florida East Coast Industries, having served on its Board since 1998 and having been Chairman of its Audit Committee, as well as a member of its Governance Committee. From 1998 until 2005, he served as CEO of the South Region for Regions Bank (and its predecessor Union Planters Bank). Prior to joining Regions Bank, Henriques served in executive capacities at Bank of America’s predecessor banks since 1986, including Chairman of NationsBank in South Florida and Executive Vice President of Barnett Bank.

President and CEO, California Health Care Foundation

First Republic Bank (574) Boards

Previously served as a director of NII Holding (Nextel International) where he also served as Chairman of the compensation committee between 2003 and 2013. From 2006 to 2012, he held positions of increasing responsibility leading up to office of the Chairman/EVP of Emerging and Developing Market Group at Avon Products Inc. From 1999 to 2006, he was President and CEO of AOL Latin America. Prior to that, he was President at Revlon Latin America from 1997 to 1999. From 1990 to 1997, he held a variety of executive positions in several different geographies leading to division president with Pepsico Restaurant International. From 1981 to 1990, he held various marketing and executive positions in different countries at Procter & Gamble.

Rhett served as the Chief and Commander of Army Cyber Command. Lieutenant General. Also served as the Deputy Chief of Staff of Army Operations, Chief, U.S. Military Training Mission, Saudi Arabia and Commanding General and Human Resources Command. Hernandez was an Ambassador and Director of the Center for Special Operations at Dell Dailey. He served as Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and was a Commanding General of the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM). He served at United States Army for 39 years. He was part in MacB strengthen and its considerable offensive and defensive Cybersecurity capabilities to meet current and future needs of ARCYBER, as well as the broader Cyber community. He has been a Member of Board of Advisor at Macaulay-Brown, Inc.

Founding Principal and CEO of Hernandez Media Ventures, a family office primarily engaged in the acquisition and management of media and digital assets. Through 2019, Hernandez served as the Chairman of the Board of Belmond Ltd., an NYSE listed company based in London. Belmond Ltd., formerly known as Orient-Express Hotels Ltd. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Telemundo Group, Inc. from 1995 to 2000, and also as Chairman from 1998 to 2000. Prior to Telemundo, Hernandez founded Interspan Communications and served as President from 1986 to 1994. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree, cum laude, from Harvard College, and a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.

The California Health Care Foundation, is an independent foundation dedicated to improving the health of the people of California. Sandra is a gubernatorial appointee to the Board of Covered California, the California health insurance marketplace. Prior to joining CHCF, she was CEO of The San Francisco Foundation, which she led for 16 years. Hernández previously served as Director of Public Health for the City and County of San Francisco and co-chaired San Francisco’s Universal Healthcare Council. B.A., 1979, Yale University; M.D., 1984, Tufts School of Medicine; Senior Executives in State and Local Government certificate program, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 80 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List


Age: 60

Miami, FL Nationality:

CEO of Fluor Corporation from 2019 to 2020. Before he was the EVP & chief legal officer for Fluor Corporation and corporate secretary. He had responsibility for all legal affairs and compliance. Joined Fluor in 2007. Before, he served as general counsel for ArcelorMittal Americas, a major steel producer and as general counsel and secretary of International Steel Group (ISG), Inc. prior to its acquisition by Mittal Steel Company. In addition to law and compliance, he had responsibility for government affairs and environmental matters.Before joining ISG, he served as EVP, general counsel and secretary for Fleming Companies, Inc. Hernandez served in a number of different legal capacities including assistant general counsel for Armco Inc. a steel company, in Pittsburgh.

Age: 45

Los Angeles, CA


Hernandez served as a partner and investment analyst for Capital Group and its subsidiary, Capital World Investors. He joined the Capital Group companies in August 2000 and retired in June 2022 after having spent 22 years covering a variety of industries, including U.S. tobacco, helping lead the research portfolio for one of the largest growth mutual funds in the world and serving in key leadership roles. Hernández is a director of Aris Water Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: ARIS). He previously served as a director of Pioneer Natural Resources Company (2022 to May 2023) (NYSE: PXD). Hernández is a member of the Audit, Finance, and Innovation Committees.

Age: 50

Los Gatos, CA Nationality:

ResMed (802), Carmat Boards

Hernandez is head of clinical research, health economics, and outcomes research at Google. He joined Alphabet in 2016 where he has built and led teams at Verily and Google leveraging artificial intelligence to assist in promoting healthy lifestyles, diagnosing cancer, preventing blindness, and more. Hernandez is a medical device and digital health executive with over 30 years of experience in clinical research, health economics, market access, and global commercial strategy. Prior to joining Alphabet, he was vice president of global health economics and outcomes research at Abbott Laboratories, and vice president of health economics and clinical research at Boston Scientific Corporation. He has also been an adjunct faculty member at Stanford University and served in health services research, strategy consulting, and health policy roles at the RAND Corporation, Quintiles, PwC, and the American Society of Internal Medicine (now ACP).

Age: 55

New York, NY


Former Chief Marketing Officer, Hispanic Enterprises and Content, NBCUniversal

Victoria's Secret (480) Boards

Hernández currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of New Majority Ready, a marketing and strategy consultancy, a position she has held since 2019. She also serves as a director at Estrella Media, a privately held Hispanic media company. She previously served as the President of Combate Americas from 2017 to 2020, as well as Chief Operating Officer of NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises and Chief Marketing Officer of NBCUniversal Hispanic Enterprises. Ms. Hernández has served as a director of Isos Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: ISOS.U), a special purpose acquisition company, in 2021 and a director at Redbox Automated Retail, a privately held on-demand streaming and video rental company, from 2020 to 2021. Hernández has executive and business operational experience complemented by her expertise in multicultural marketing and strategic planning.

Age: 60

New York, NY



Independent Director

Hovnanian Enterprises (879) Boards

Hernandez-Kakol retired from the position of Senior Partner and Global Head of Management Consulting Practice of KPMG LLP, which she held from 2019 to 2021. Previously, she led the Global Customer and Operations practice at KPMG from 2015 to 2019. Prior to KPMG, she was at BearingPoint from 2003 to 2008 as Managing Director and Senior Vice President. She also held various positions at Telcordia Technologies from 1988 to 1999. Hernandez-Kakol has served on the board of Junior Achievement of NJ, the Hispanic Information Technology Executive Council (HITEC), KPMG's Women's Advisory Board and the STEM Committee of the National Academy Foundation.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 81 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
CARLOS M. HERNÁNDEZ Retired Chief Executive Officer of Fluor Corporation PG&E (160), Stewart Health Care Boards JACINTO J. HERNÁNDEZ Strategic Consultant Group Inc. (165), Aris Water Solutions, Pioneer Nautral Resources (248) Boards JOHN B. HERNANDEZ Head of Clinical Research, Health Economics, and Outcomes Research, Google JACQUELINE HERNÁNDEZ-FALLOUS

Age: 65

Mexico City, Mexico



Former President & Managing Director, General Motors de Mexico (Retired)

Constellation Brands (403), BRP, Dana Inc. (391) Boards

Age: 67




McDonald’s: Chairman of the Board; Inter-Con Security Systems: Chairman of the Board

Chevron (16), McDonald’s (152), Macerich Inc, Boards

Age: 69

Denver, CO


Hernández retired from General Motors de Mexico, a subsidiary of General Motors Company, a global automobile manufacturing company which through a subsidiary also provides automotive financing services, in 2020. From 2011 until 2019, he served as President and Managing Director of GM de Mexico. Prior to that time, he served as Vice President and Executive Director of Sales, Service and Marketing of GM de Mexico, having served in that role from 2003 through 2011. Hernández began his career with GM in Mexico in 1980 and has held numerous positions of growing responsibility within that company. He also serves on the Board of Directors of BRP Inc., with headquarters in Quebec, Canada, and on the Board of Directors of DINE and Grupo KUO, headquartered in Mexico City.

Director & Advisor

Amerco (648) Boards


Independent Director

Rick Hernandez, a graduate of Harvard Law School, began his career as a litigator with a large San Francisco law firm in 1980. In 1985 he joined his father Hank at Inter-Con Security, a firm his father founded upon his own retirement from the LAPD. Rick went on to become president and CEO, and the firm today is a multinational presence and one of the largest and most respected firms in the global security marketplace. Rick has served on several NYSE boards since the mid-1990s, including prior service as Chairman of the Board of Nordstrom Inc. Rick is now beginning his eighth year as Chairman of the Board of McDonald’s Corporation, the world’s largest restaurant company. Currently, Rick also serves on the boards of Chevron, the oil and gas company, and Macerich the owner and operator of retail centers throughout the U.S..


Age: 66

Tampa, FL


Herrera was employed as Marketing Vice President/Retails Sales Manager for U-Haul from 1988 to 2001 and served on the Company’s Board from 1993 to 2001 and the U-Haul Board of Directors from 1990 to 2001. Herrera has a long history in the retail industry, including serving as Executive Vice President of Eastern Seaboard Packaging and Executive Vice President of ABUS Lock USA.

Travel & Leisure, Co., is the world’s largest leisure vacation company. From 2006-2021, he served on the Board of Directors of Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, and Wyndham Destinations.From 1998 thru 2004, Herrera served as President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. During his tenure, he created a $100 million private equity fund, named Hispania Capital Partners. The Fund was initially capitalized by a $5 million investment, by Bank One and a $10 million investment from the Verizon Corporation. From 1978 to 1998, Herrera served as President of Burgos and Associates, Inc., Herrera was the Creator of the nationally syndicated television show “Hispanics Today,” which was viewed by more than 30 million viewers on networks throughout the US. In 2015, Herrera received the Lifetime Business Achievement Award, from the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Later Herrera was named a “FELLOW”, The Wharton Society of Fellows, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Age: 48



Herrero has extensive experience in corporate management and business operations in the consumables industry. From 2015 to 2019, he served as the CEO and director of Guess Inc, which is principally engaged in designing, marketing, distributing and licensing a lifestyle collection of contemporary apparel products around the world. Prior to Guess Inc, served as the head of Asia Pacific and managing director of Greater China of Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. (Inditex Group), an international fashion retailer with brands including Zara, Massimo Dutti, Pull & Bear, Bershka and Stradivarius.. Herrero graduated with an MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2003. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from ESCP Europe in Paris, 1992 and a Bachelor’s of Law Degree from the University of Zaragoza in Spain in 1993.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 82 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RICHARD J. HERRERA Travel + Leisure Co. (810) Boards VÍCTOR HERRERO Chief Executive Officer and Director of Lovisa Apparel Group (885), Lovisa Boards

Age: 68 New York



Herz has been a director since July 2012. He served as Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board from 2002 to 2010 and was previously a member of the International Accounting Standards Board . He is currently President of Robert H. Herz LLC, providing consulting services on financial reporting matters. Herz is a member of the Independent Investment Committee of United Nations Office for Project Services. Herz served as a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1985 until 2002. He also is an executive-in-residence at the Columbia University Business School, and trustee emeritus of the Kessler Foundation. Herz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Manchester, England, and is both a U.S. CPA and an English Chartered Accountant.

Age: 55 New York, NY Nationality:


Professor of Medicine and Chief of Hem Onc at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Bristol-Myers Squibb (82) Boards


Age: 57 Miami, FL


Former President, Loyalty & Engagement at Mastercard

Equitable Holdings (336), Bath & Body Works (435) Boards

Age: 66

Washington, DC


He is also the E. Hugh Luckey distinguished professor of medicine and associate director for clinical services at the Sandra & Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine. Has more than 20 years of experience in translational and clinical research in anticancer drug development, with an emphasis in gastrointestinal cancers. He has also led the early clinical development of new anticancer agents for pancreatic cancer among other solid tumor cancers. Before Hidalgo served as chief of the division of hematology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and clinical director of the Rosenberg Clinical Cancer Center until 2019. During this time, he was the Theodore W. and Evelyn G. Berenson Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He also held leadership positions at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) in Madrid and at the Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, where he was director of gastrointestinal oncology program.

Founder and President, MPH Consulting, LLC

Francis A. Hondal is the former president of loyalty and engagement at Mastercard within Data & Services. She led a global P&L, the development of new products, strategic partnerships and B2B services that enable exceptional consumer experiences through loyalty, rewards, and performance-based marketing services. She currently serves on the board of Bath & Body Works, Inc. (formerly L Brands, Inc.) and Equitable Holdings, a financial service holding company comprised of two complementary and well-established principal franchises, Equitable and Alliance Bernstein. She also serves as a Trustee on the Florida International University (FIU) Board of Trustees. Francis is a first-generation Cuban-American and has been named to ALPFA/Fortune’s Top 20 Most Powerful Latina Women in corporate America several times.

Founder and President of MPH Consulting. He served as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from 2013 to 2018. He joined the agency in 2010 as Deputy Administrator. During his tenure at the FAA, Michael redefined the FAA's regulatory relationship with the aviation industry to achieve greater levels of safety through increased collaboration and widespread sharing of data. Prior to the FAA, Michael served as Group President of the Transportation Solutions Group of Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS). He also served in executive positions at the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Port of San Francisco and the New York City Department of Ports, International Trade and Commerce.

Age: 64

Devon, PA


Appointed in January of 2019 and has served on its Board since 2014. He previously served as President of AquaVenture since 2014. AquaVenture is a New York Stock Exchange listed multinational provider of water purification and treatment services and technologies. Ibargüen has also served as the CEO of Quench USA, Inc., an AquaVenture subsidiary, since 2010. In 2018, he was elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, where he is a member of the executive and management and budget committees. From 2004 to 2008, he was President and CEO of Alliance Consulting Group, a privately-held IT consulting firm, and prior to that, he was in leadership roles at several IT industry companies, including as President and member of the Board of Directors of Tech Data Corporation, a global technology distribution company.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 83 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
President, Robert H. Herz LLC Morgan Stanley (61), Fannie Mae (25) Boards A. HONDAL MICHAEL P. HUERTA Delta Air Lines (178), Verra Mobility Corp., Pangiam Boards ANTHONY "TONY" A. IBARGÜEN CEO & President of Quench USA, Inc., and President of Culligan Latin Americ Insight Enterprises (373), NewSpring Holdings LLC, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Boards

Age: 68

Los Altos, CA



Board Director, 4X CEO, Strategic Advisor, CEO Mentor

PriceSmart (739), Ribbon Communications, Liquidity Services, Rulai Inc. Boards

Age: 42

New York, NY


CEO, Ardinall Investment Management

Pioneer Natural Resources (248) Boards

Age: 62

Oakland, CA Nationality:

Co-Founder and Managing Director at Aditum Bio

General Motors (25), Procter & Gamble (47) Boards

Age: 52

Chicago, IL Nationality:


Group Vice President and General Counsel, GE Healthcare

Huntington Ingalls Industries (370) Boards

Age: 68

California Nationality:


Former Interim Chief Financial Officer, Intersil Corp.

Synopsys Inc. (674), Teradyne (726), Analog Devices (463) Boards

Award-winning public and private company Board Director and former 4X CEO with a multi-faceted career in companies that disrupted markets and value chains, leading both early stage and F100 organizations through $2B in revenues across a variety of technology sectors. She has been named an NACD Directorship 100 honoree, Financial Times Top 50 Digital Directors, and is an NACD Board Leadership Fellow. She is the author of The Mandate for Corporate Renewal: A Leader’s Guide. BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University and an MS in Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology.

Prior to Ardinall, Maria spent 15 years at Goldman Sachs, most recently as a managing director and portfolio manager for Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, focusing on energy, industrials, transportation and infrastructure investments across the capital structure, in both public and private markets. She currently serves as a director on the board of Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation, a NYSE listed infrastructure company. Currently, Maria is a member of the Advisory Board of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Maria earned a dual degree in economics and management science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

From 2010 to 2018, Joseph Jimenez held the position of CEO of Novartis, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Under his leadership, Novartis developed one of the largest pipelines of self-originated drugs in the industry, driven by a strong commitment to R&D. Jimenez also transformed the company’s portfolio to focus on innovative patented medicines under Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Oncology, generics under Sandoz, and eye care devices under Alcon. Prior to serving as CEO of Novartis, He held the position of Division Head, Novartis Pharmaceuticals. He joined Novartis in 2007 as Division Head, Novartis Consumer Health. He graduated in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and in 1984 with a Master of Business Administration from the U. C. Berkeley.

An attorney who is the VP and general counsel of GE Heathcare and who served as the 21st General Counsel of the U.S. Department of the Navy. Jimenez most recently served as EVP and general counsel at Raytheon Technologies Corp. In prior roles, he served as general counsel at Raytheon Company prior to its 2020 merger with United Technologies Corporation, as well as at Bunge Limited, Xylem Inc. and ITT Corp. In government service, Jimenez also served as deputy general counsel for the U.S. Department of Defense, principal deputy general counsel of the Navy, chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Secretary Mel Martinez, and deputy chief of staff and acting general counsel for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Johnson previously served as Interim Chief Financial Officer of Intersil Corporation from April 2013 to September 2013, Chief Financial Officer of Avago Technologies, Inc. from 2005 to 2008, and Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Lam Research Corporation from 1997 to 2004. She has previously served as a board member for a number of public companies, including Intersil Corporation, Juniper Networks, Inc., Micron Technology, Inc. and Storage Technology Corporation.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 84 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 51

Mountain View, CA




Officer, Capital One

Mr. Cooper (777) Boards

Daniela Jorge has a history of success unlocking the business value of design across industries, including marketplaces, ecommerce, and multisided platforms serving a broad range of users. In her role as Chief Design Officer at Capital One, Daniela leads a 700+ person organization supporting Capital One's mission of helping customers succeed by bringing ingenuity, simplicity, and humanity to banking. She was previously the Chief Design Officer at PayPal and VP of Design at AT&T. She serves on the board of directors of Mr. Cooper Group (NASDAQ: COOP), BayBrazil, and is a board advisor at Loft. Daniela graduated with an MFA in Computer Graphics and a BFA in Industrial Design from Rochester Institute of Technology.


Age: 56 Miami, FL


Chief Executive Officer, MBB Auto, LLC,


Home Depot (17), Republic Services Inc. (329), Bright Health Group (688)

Age: 57

San Jose, CA


Kadre is Chief Executive Officer of MBB Auto, LLC, a premium luxury retail automotive group, and previously was Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast Caribbean Importers. He also sits on the boards of directors of The Home Depot, Inc., and Mednax, Inc., where he is the lead independent director. Kadre serves on the board of trustees for the University of Miami and on the board of directors for University of Miami Health System. Kadre is a graduate of Iona College and earned his law degree from Fordham University.

Partner, JC2 Ventures

Entegris Inc. (997), Amdoc Limited, Sprinklr Inc., Science Applications International Corporation Boards

Age: 47

Bagneux, France



Member of the Board Representing Employees

Quadient S.A. Boards

Yvette is responsible for technology strategy and engineering relationships within JC2 Ventures investment companies, partners, and customers. She headed the $7B service provider business at Cisco Systems, and she has held CTO and President roles at various companies in the communications and media industry. She has received a 2020 Lifetime Achievement Emmy for Engineering and Technology, the National Cable and Television Association's Vanguard Award for Leadership in Science and Technology, was named an Industry Pioneer, won an Emmy for her work in Video on Demand with SeaChange, named an Industry Wonder Woman, Top Techie, and Woman in Technology; she has been named one of the 11 most influential women in the Television industry, and has consistently been ranked as one of the top 100 industry executives. Yvette holds several patents, is on various company and industry boards, and is an active participant in industry organizations, standards bodies, and leading industry technology efforts.

Labia is currently Head of Brand and External Communications at Quadient. She began her career at IBM France, successively holding the positions of sales, channel marketing, product marketing and marketing management. In 2005, she joined Ricoh’s European head offices in London where she was in charge of the launch of high-end printing solutions across Ricoh subsidiaries. Her career at Quadient began in 2009, responsible for product management and press relations in the former shipping team, before moving to Group’s corporate communications. Since joining the company, she has been one of the key contributors to strategic projects such as the parcel locker solutions launch in 2013 and the Quadient global brand launch in 2019. Labia has a dual French and Brazilian nationality and holds a Master’s degree in Management from Audencia Business School.

Age: 74

Miami, FL



Walt Disney (53), Coca-Cola Co. (93) Boards

Lagomasino has worked with financially successful families for more than three decades. As CEO and Managing Partner of WE Family Offices, a global family office serving ultra-high net worth families, she engages client families to build their wealth enterprises and provides the support and control they need to manage their wealth as a business enterprise. Before founding WE, Mel served as CEO of GenSpring Family Offices, a wealth management firm. Prior to that, she served as chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Private Bank. She began her career at Citibank. Mel serves on the Boards of The Walt Disney Company and The Coca-Cola Company. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Trustee of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and an Advisory Board member of Millstein Center at Columbia Law School. Mel attended Columbia University and Fordham University and has a master’s in business administration.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 86 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 60

Purchase, NY


Chief Executive Officer & Chairman, PepsiCo

PepsiCo (45), Visa (147) Boards

A 25-year PepsiCo veteran, has served as CEO since 2018, and Chairman of the Board since 2019. As Chairman and CEO, he has begun pivoting the company toward accelerated growth, embracing a new corporate mission—to Create More Smiles with Every Sip and Every Bite—and adopting a new vision that captures PepsiCo’s competitive spirit, intense focus, and shared values: to Be the Global Leader in Convenient Foods and Beverages by Winning with Purpose. Until 2017, he served as CEO of Europe Sub-Saharan Africa, with responsibility for leading the company’s beverage, food and snacks business in Europe and Sub- Saharan Africa. Prior to that, he held a variety of positions of increasing responsibility in Europe, including leading the acquisition and integration of the company’s dairy business in Russia. Before joining PepsiCo in 1996, he worked for Chupa Chups, S.A., a Spanish confectionery company, with international roles in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.

Age: 32 Switzerland


Independent Director

Restaurant Brands International Boards


Lemann has served on our board since June 2021. He is an investor and entrepreneur with a broad range of business and investment experience. Since December 2017, when he co-founded Growth Interface Fund, he has served as a member of the general partner and director of the fund. Since February 2016, when he co-founded Go4it Capital, he has served as a director. Prior to that, from October 2015, he co-founded Go4it Esportes e Entretenimento S.A., a sports agency and business incubator in Brazil. Since April 2022, he has served as a member of the board of directors of São Carlos Empreendimentos e Participações S.A., a commercial real estate investment and management company in Brazil that is publicly-held and listed on the Brazilian stock exchange, and was previously an alternate board member from April 2020 to April 2022. Lemann graduated from Columbia University with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in economics.

Age: 44

Washington, DC


Independent Director, Managing Director at Diversified Search Group

CareFirst Inc. Boards

As Managing Director at Diversified Search Group, ranked in the top #5 by Forbes Magazine, León manages the firm’s Washington, D.C. office including the $7 million profit and loss for this division. He specializes in nonprofit, corporate board, and financial services practices. He is a certified public accountant and started his career serving as senior official Chief Financial Officer for the City of Isabela, Puerto Rico, managing an operating budget of over $30 million and overseeing the operations of seven administrative departments and a municipal hospital in support of 800 employees and 50,000 residents. His strategic consultation and enthusiasm enable him to approach each assignment with an energy that engages clients and executives through strategic decisions impacting growth and leadership. León’s clients include local and national nonprofits, from emerging organizations to Fortune 1000 corporations.

Age: 56

Chicago, IL


Wilshire Mutual Funds, Inc., Eastside

Distilling, Munich Re, Summit Strategy Advisors Boards

Age: 63

Detroit, MI


Co-founder and CEO of Orrington Strategies, a management consulting firm dedicated to helping Fortune 500 insurance, investment management, and consumer products companies. She takes an analytical, data-driven approach to value creation, with a focus on distribution and sales, new business development, digital transformation, new market entry, strategic marketing, and brand-building. While leading two thriving businesses over the past 20 years, she was responsible for their P&L and operations management, and provided organizational leadership, financial oversight, and business strategy. She currently serves on several public and private boards, and was former Investment Fiduciary for her firm.

Grace Lieblein is a senior executive with extensive experience in Engineering, Supply Chain and Global Business. She also has over 10 years of experience serving on Fortune 100 public Boards and has over 20 years of experience in senior executive positions in the Automotive Industry. Grace retired as Vice President Global Quality of General Motors in 2015 after a career that spanned 37 years. She was the highest ranking Latina in the company. Among the highlights, Grace was Chief Engineer for the very successful mid-size crossover vehicles that include the award winning Buick Enclave. She was the first woman to be named as President and Managing Director of GM Mexico, and from there she was President and Managing Director of one of GM’s most important subsidiaries, GM Brazil. Prior to her Quality position, she was Vice President of Global Purchasing and Supply Chain for the company.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 87 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RAMÓN LAGUARTA MARC LEMANN ELIZABETH "LIZ" LEVY-NAVARRO CEO, Public Company Board Member, Digital Commerce Advisor with Value Creation and Financial Expertise. GRACE LIEBLEIN Independent Director Honeywell International (94), American Tower (375), Cox Enterprises Boards

Age: 55




Santander Holdings USA Inc. Boards

Age: 62

New Heaven, CT




Linares was appointed to the Santander Holdings, USA Inc. (SHUSA), the Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) New York Advisory Board and the Santander Capital Markets LLC Board in August 2022. He reports directly to the Group CEO and is also a member of the Group’s Management Committee, Executive Risk Committee, Inclusive and Sustainable Banking Steering Committee and Santader’s Asset Management Board. Prior to joining Santander, he spent more than 17 years at J.P. Morgan in a number of senior roles in New York, Hong Kong and London. His final position there was Head of Global Corporate Banking in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). He was also Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan Bank International. Linares holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Economics from Babson College, where he graduated summa cum laude, and an MBA from Columbia University.

UGI (455) Boards

Age: 68



Llado has more than 30 years of IT and cybersecurity experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. In his position on Alexion Pharmaceuticals, he is responsible for leading the company’s Global Information Technology organization by developing and implementing innovative technology and enabling data-driven insights across Alexion’s Research & Development, Commercial, Manufacturing Operations, and Supply Chain functions. Prior to Alexion in 2015, Llado was employed by Merck & Co., Inc. for 25 years in IT positions of increasing responsibility. He served as VP, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Information Technology and business-line CIO, for which he led the planning and development of IT solutions for Merck’s Manufacturing division. While at Merck, Llado led the merger integration of Merck and Schering-Plough across the IT and Shared Business Services organizations.

Age: 60 Johnston, RI


Principal, Pannone Lopes Devereaux & O’Gara LLC

Amica Mutual Insurance Boards

Longhi retired in 2017 as the CEO of United States Steel Corporation. He was formerly President and CEO until 2017, President and COO until 2013, and EVP and COO until 2013 of United States Steel Corporation. Prior to joining USSC, he served as CEO and President (2006 to 2011) and President (2005 to 2006) of Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation. Longhi spent 23 years at Alcoa, Inc. prior to that, where he served in various roles of increasing responsibility since 1982, including as President – Alcoa Wheels International, President – Alcoa Forgings Division, President and CEO– Howmet Castings, and Alcoa Vice President and Group President – Global Extrusions.

Lopes Jr. is a Principal with Pannone Lopes Devereaux & O’Gara LLC. For most of his 35-year legal career, he has been actively involved in the court oversight of correctional systems and is a nationally recognized Special Master in correctional reform litigation. For the past 26 years, he has served as the Special Master for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California in the matter of Coleman v. Newsom. As Special Master in this case, Lopes leads a team of experts and monitors in overseeing the care provided to more than 30,000 seriously mentally ill inmates throughout the 34 institutions within the California prison system. Prior to his current role, Lopes served as a court monitor, deputy Special Master and Special Master, respectively, in three additional major remedial correctional cases under the supervision of the United States District Courts of Georgia, Texas and Rhode Island.

Age: 50 San Antonio, TX Nationality:

Axonics Inc., Addus HomeCare Corporation Boards

López has served as a member of the Board since July 2021. Since January 2021, he has served on the Board of Directors of Addus HomeCare Corporation, a publicly traded provider of home care services, and is the founder and CEO of Hopscotch Health, a clinical practice focused on children's urgent care needs. From September 2020 to March 2023, he served as the Americas healthcare and life sciences Market Lead at Google Cloud with multinational executive responsibility for strategy and solutions development. From March 2013 to December 2019, he worked at Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) in several executive roles, most recently as Chief Medical Officer for Clinical Strategy and Innovation. HCSC is the fourth largest health insurer in the U.S. López received a B.A. in biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, his medical degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, and his MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 88 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Senior Executive VP and Global Head of Santander CIB at Grupo Santander GEORGE LLADO Senior Vice President &. Chief Information Officer, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Charles River Laboratories International MARIO LONGHI former President and Chief Executive Officer, United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) MATTHEW A. LOPES JR. ESTEBAN LOPEZ Independent Board Director

Age: 64

Vancouver BC, Canada


Chief Executive Officer, QuadReal Property Group

Welltower (630) Boards

Dennis has been actively involved in the real estate industry for over 30 years and has worked in the Americas, Asia and Europe. His experience includes real estate acquisitions, developments, M&A and equity and debt fundraising in both the public and private markets. Prior to QuadReal, Dennis served as the CIO of AXA IM – Real Assets, the fifth largest global real estate investment manager. Based in London, Paris and New York, he worked with his team to approve over $60 billion in acquisitions, sales and loans during his tenure. Previously, he served as the CEO of SUN Group and was the Managing Director and European Head of Real Estate Investment Banking at JP Morgan. Dennis holds a BA in Business Administration from California State University Long Beach and an MBA in Finance from UCLA.

Age: 64 Miami, FL



A global business executive with over 35 years of experience leading transformations and creating shareholder value across diverse businesses and industries, including Hospitality (Extended Stay America), Entertainment (AMC Theatres), Multi - Unit Retail (Starbucks), Food & Beverage (PepsiCo), Consumer Packaged Goods ( Procter & Gamble) and Supply Chain (Handleman Company). Since 2018, he has been Head of the Operating Group for SoftBank Investment Advisers, with a $100B SoftBank Vision Fund. He also has fourteen years of service as an independent Board member in public and private companies. He was also a Founder and Board co- Chair at Open Road Films, winner of the 2015 Best Picture Oscar for “ Spotlight”.


Age: 56

New York, NY


Sits on Domino’s Board of Directors since July 2018 and is member of the Inclusion & Diversity Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors. Lopez most recently served as CEO and as a member of the Board of Directors of High Ridge Brands Co., from 2017 to 2020. She served as a Senior Vice President at Estée Lauder Companies Inc. from 2015 to 2016, a Senior Vice President at Avon Products, Inc. from 2012 to 2014 and previously held various positions at The Procter & Gamble Co. for 25 years, most recently serving as a Vice President and General Manager overseeing its Eastern Europe business.

Age: 64

Omaha, NE


López has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, and until 2017, as Executive Chairman of NorthMarq Capital Finance, LLC, a mortgage banking company for the multifamily industry. López was President and CEO of AmeriSphere, a company he founded in 1997, and which was acquired in 2015 by NorthMarq Capital, LLC. Prior to founding AmeriSphere, he was Chief Lending Officer for a life insurance company. López has several years serving as a director of several financial industry boards, as well as extensive leadership experience in investments and in the real estate and mortgage banking industries. He is Chair of the Investment Committee and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the board.

Age: 56

Perrysburg, OH Nationality:

Andres has established himself as a strong and successful leader, serving as CEO during 2015 and playing a leading role on the acquisition of Vitro’s Food and Beverage business in Mexico, the U.S. and Bolivia. He has also served as president of O-I Americas, with a focus on strengthening O-I’s North America operations. Prior to that role, he served as president of O-I’s South America operations, where he led the region through significant organic and acquisition-based growth, adding new capabilities in Brazil and Argentina. Lopez has held various other leadership positions at O-I, including global vice president of manufacturing and engineering; vice president of manufacturing, North America; and country general manager for O-I Peru.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 89 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DENNIS G. LÓPEZ GERARDO I. LÓPEZ Group (126), Newell Brands (348), Realty Income Corp. Boards PATRICIA E. LÓPEZ CEO, Board Member, Business Advisor Domino's Pizza (662), Aramark (314), Express Boards RODRIGO LÓPEZ Chairman AmeriSphere Companies Mutual of Omaha Insurance (324) Boards ANDRÉS A. LÓPEZ CEO, O-I Glass Avery Dennison (412), O-I Glass (501) Boards

Age: 49 Miami, FL



BrightView Holdings (916) Boards

Age: 57

New York, NY



Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Cumulus Media Inc.

United Rentals (363) Boards

Age: 54

London, UK



Independent Director

MoneyGram International Boards


Frank is EVP and Chief Human Resources Officer of Ryder System, Inc. From 2013 to 2016, Lopez was SVP, Global Human Resources Operations, responsible for business segments throughout U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia, as well as for corporate human resources, talent management, recruiting, diversity and inclusion, labor relations and human resource service center operations. Lopez joined Ryder in 2002 as Associate General Counsel – Global Labor and Employment Law, with responsibility for global employment law and labor relations. Prior to Ryder, he spent several years in private practice at a national law firm. He has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Florida International University and a law degree from Emory University School of Law.

Age: 57

Palo Alto, CA


President and Chief Executive Officer, HP Inc.

Hewlett Packard Inc. (59), PayPal Holdings (143) Boards

Age: 66




Former President & CEO, College Futures Foundation

Target (32), Apple (3), Bank of America Corp. (36) Boards

López-Balboa was named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Cumulus Media Inc. in March 2020. Prior to joining the Company, he served as Executive Vice President and CFO of Univision Communications Inc., (“Univision”), the leading media company serving Hispanic America, from 2015 to 2018. He has deep experience in the media sector; prior to joining Univision, López-Balboa was an investment banker working with Telecom, Media and Technology (“TMT”) companies. He was a Managing Director at Goldman, Sachs & Co. for more than 20 years. He began his career in the Investment Banking Capital Markets Group at Merrill, Lynch & Co. He is an Emeritus Trustee of the Board of Visitors for the undergraduate college at Columbia University and is a Trustee, Treasurer and member of the Investment Committee for St. Mark’s School in Southborough, Massachusetts.

Lorca founded and currently serves as the CEO of EthosData. Prior to founding EthosData, Lorca held executive and leadership positions with Startupbootcamp FinTech, First Data International, Teknoland, GE Capital Europe and McKinsey & Company. Lorca has a M.B.A. degree and holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from California State University.

Enrique Lores is President and CEO of HP Inc., a global technology leader and creator of solutions that enable people to bring their ideas to life and connect to the things that matter most. Enrique became CEO in November 2019 and is driving a bold strategy to position HP for the future, focusing on building a more growth-oriented portfolio, becoming a more digital company, and making the company the leading place for talent development. His 34-year career at HP started as an intern and subsequently included senior positions spanning Personal Systems, Print, Industrial, and Services businesses worldwide. He was a key architect of the 2015 Hewlett-Packard Company separation, one of the largest in history. Enrique holds an electrical engineering degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and an MBA from Esade Business School.

Lozano served as President and Chief Executive Officer of College Futures Foundation, a California-based private foundation from 2017-2022. Before joining College Futures, she spent thirty years in media as editor and publisher of La Opinión, the country’s leading Spanish language daily newspaper and subsequently as Chair and CEO of the parent company, ImpreMedia. She co-founded the Aspen Institute Latinos and Society program, served on the board of The Walt Disney Company, chaired the University of California Board of Regents, and is Lead Independent Director at Target. The recipient of numerous awards and recognitions, Lozano was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 90 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 62 Chicago, IL Nationality:

Chairman, President and CEO, ADM

Archer Daniels Midland (38), Eli Lilly (122), Wilmar International Boards

Age: 60

San Francisco, CA



Principal and Founder, 5S Diversity

Express, Adweek, VidMob Boards

Joined ADM in 2011 as EVP and COO. He was named president in 2014, and in 2015 became the ninth CEO in ADM’s 112-year history. He became chairman of the board in 2016. Under his leadership, ADM has undergone an evolution, building on more than a century of heritage to create a global nutrition business, with an industry-leading array of ingredients and solutions that are opening the door to growth opportunities in key global macro trend areas. He has promoted use of innovative technologies to meet customer needs, and led a strategic growth campaign that has expanded ADM’s global footprint, building capabilities and adding talent and expertise that allow it to create value to every part of the global value chain. Before ADM, Luciano had a 25-year tenure at The Dow Chemical Company.

Antonio Lucio is the Principal and Founder of 5S Diversity, a firm dedicated to increasing the participation of women and people of color in senior marketing positions, and an Executive Fellow at the Yale School of Management. Previously, he was the Global Chief Marketing Officer of Facebook, Inc. from September 2018 to September 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Lucio was the Global Head of Marketing & Communications for HP Inc. from 2015 to 2020, and Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer for Visa from 2007 to 2015. His 40 years of global marketing experience also includes marketing positions at PepsiCo, Kraft and Procter & Gamble. Mr. Lucio currently serves on the boards of Adweek and VidMob, and the advisory board of Edelman.

Age: 60

Rio de Janeiro, BR



Independent Director

Bunge Boards

Aleixo Lustosa most recently served as Managing Director at the Brazilian Development Bank (“BNDES”), National Bank for Economic and Social Development, where she was responsible for capital markets and the execution of the Brazilian Privatization Program. Earlier in her career, she was the Chief Financial Officer of LLX Logística S.A. (currently Prumo Logística S.A.), Vice President of Finance and Control of Grupo Abril S.A., Executive Director of Globex Utilidades S.A. and Chief Investment Officer of the Petrobras’ Employee Pension Fund. Aleixo Lustosa has a Ph.D in Finance and Master’s of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she later served as a professor of microeconomics and international relations.

Age: 46

Los Angeles, CA



Chief Content Officer, Cinedigm Entertainment Group

Skechers USA (506) Boards

Age: 56

Mexico City, Mexico




Vice President, PPG LatinAmerica and GeneralManager, Protective andMarine Coatings,Latin America

Cooper Companies (851) Boards

Yolanda Macias has been at Cinedigm Entertainment Group since 2013, currently serving as the Chief Content Officer, responsible for acquiring global content rights for all distribution and streaming platforms and for overseeing all digital and physical sales and marketing. Prior to 2013, Macias held various positions at Gaiam Inc., Vivendi Entertainment, which was a division of Universal Music Group, DirecTV, Inc., Technicolor and The Walt Disney Company. She currently serves on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of C5LA, which is a non-profit organization that helps under-resourced, high potential youth to enroll and to succeed in college.

PPG Industries Inc., is a manufacturer and distributer of a broad range of paints, coatings and specialty materials, prior to which she served as its general manager, Latin America North and general manager, Automotive OEM Coatings from 2012 to 2017. She held several other positions of increasing responsibility at PPG Industries since she started with the company in 1989. Adriana has over 25 years of leadership experience in multinational settings. She earned an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from Universidad La Salle, Mexico City; and has completed executive training courses in Finance Management at University of Michigan Ross School of Business; Corporate Strategy at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; and Women on Boards at Harvard Business School.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 92 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 54

Mexico City, Mexico



Madero is currently an independent business consultant based in Mexico City. He served as honorary advisor of the COFINECE (national council for the promotion of investment, employment and economic growth) at the Office of the Chief of Staff of the President of Mexico until his term ended in 2019. Prior to that, he served as CEO of Grupo Bepensa until 2019. From 2005 to 2015, he held various roles of growing responsibility with Monsanto Company, including VP of International Business Development from 2014 to 2015, President and Regional Lead EMEA from 2013 to 2014, President and Regional Lead Latin America North from 2009 to 2013, VP of Commercial Operations for Latin America South from 2007 to 2009, and President and Regional Lead of Australia and New Zealand, from 2006 to 2007. Newmont Corporation,is the world’s leading gold company and a producer of copper, silver, zinc and lead.

Age: 51

San Diego, CA



Founder and chairman, Kompali Farms


CF Industries Holdings (492)

Age: 61

Mexico City, MX


Madrazo is the founder and chairman of Kompali Farms, a large wine venture in Mexico renowned for its innovation by uniting technology and sustainability to deliver value to consumers while minimizing environmental impact. Prior to Kompali Farms, he served as a member of the executive leadership team and as executive vice president, public affairs and sustainability, for the Crop Science division of Bayer. Prior to joining Bayer, Madrazo held the role of Vice President, Commercial and Global Supply Chain, at Monsanto, which he first joined in 1999. Madrazo holds a legal degree from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico and received post-legal degrees from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and University of Arizona. He also holds an MBA from Cardiff Business School in the United Kingdom.

Independent Director


Laureate Education Inc. (803)

Mair has been a partner of Smart Force, a provider of digital business solutions, since 2019. Previously, she was involved in several technology start-ups, including Workforce Digital, a robotic process automation company, from 2018 to 2019, and Muktek, a provider of coding bootcamp programs, from 2017 to 2019. From 2012 to 2015, Mair was the Chief Executive Officer of Universidades Aliat, a network of universities in Mexico, having initially served as Chief Operating Officer in 2011. Before then, she was a partner of Medida y Compas S.C., a strategic consulting firm, and held various roles at HP, Compaq and Unisys. She has served on various public, private and nonprofit boards of directors in Mexico since 2001. Mair earned a B.A. from Dartmouth College and a Masters of Technology in Education from University of British Columbia.

Age: 60

London, UK


Vice Chairman of Santander Holdings USA Inc.

Santander Holdings USA Inc. Boards

Age: 54

Austin, TX Nationality:

Maldonado joined the Boards of Santander Holdings USA, Inc.; Santander Bank, N.A.; Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. and Santander Investment Securities, Inc. (SIS) in 2015. He is Global Head Strategic Projects and Group Real Estate Assets at Banco Santander, S.A. He has held numerous management positions at Santander, including Senior Executive Vice President, Global Head of Cost Control, Head of the General Directorate for Coordination and Control of Regulatory Projects in the Risks Division, Executive Committee Director, and Head of Internal Control and Corporate Development for Santander UK. He practiced corporate and international law for thirteen years and previously was an attorney with Baker & McKenzie and Corporate and International Law Department Head at J.Y. Hernández-Canut Law Firm. Maldonado received a law degree from UNED in Spain and a law degree from Northwestern University.


Biogen (338) Boards

Mantas is the Global Managing Partner leading Business Transformation Services, which is a $9B unit of IBM Consulting. His global team helps clients design, transform, and operate mission-critical processes as they accelerate digital transformations. He also leads IBM Consulting acquisition portfolio and serves in the IBM Executive Performance Team, IBM Executive Technology Team, IBM Chairman Acceleration Team and is the emeritus chairman of the IBM Hispanic Diversity Council. Previously, he led IBM Business Consulting Services, IBM BPO, IBM Consulting in Latin America and IBM Global Wireless Solutions. Before IBM, he was a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, an adjunct professor at University of California Irvine Graduate School of Management and an officer in the Air Force of Spain. He is a member of the World Economic Forum AI Global Council.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 93 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Founder & Managing Partner, Bizwp SC. Newmont Corp (308), Constellation Brands (403), Diltex Brands, Vector Casa de Bolsa Boards BARBARA MAIR JAVIER MALDONADO JESÚS B. MANTAS Managing Partner, IBM

Age: 56

Washington, DC



Assistant Secretary for Communications and External Affairs,Smithsonian Institution


CareFirst Inc.

Marenco served as the chief external affairs officer and senior advisor at the Federal Communications Commission where she directed outreach, education and external affairs in the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. She was responsible for establishing strategic partnerships and developing outreach efforts to consumers, stakeholders, and public and private partners. Before, she was the president of ZGS Communications Station Group where she oversaw the management and direction of 13 Telemundo television stations, three radio stations, multiple digital properties and more than 200 employees. Marenco earned her B.A. in communications from Rowan University and her master’s degree from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. In 2007, she was selected to serve as a White House Fellow.

Age: 68

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Private Equity Associate, Acon Investments

Nationality: Ball Corp. (272) Boards

Age: 52

São Paulo, Brazil



Chief Executive Officer, Ultrapar Participacões S.A.

Corteva Inc. (238) Boards

Age: 70 Dallas, TX


Pedro joined Ball Corporation’s board of directors as advisory director in 2010 and moved into director in 2018. He is CEO and member of the board, Banco BocomBBM, a Brazilian financial institution. He joined BBM Group in 1981; was elected to the executive committee of Banco BBM in 1983; and appointed its chief executive officer in 1991. In addition to his director role with Ball, Mariani is a member of the board of directors at FEBRABAN (Brazilian Federation of Banks). He is a council member for Pró-Criança Cardíaca Project, a children´s hospital in Rio de Janeiro. He is past-president of ANBID (Brazilian Association of Investment Banks) and past member of the Brazilian Financial System Council. His areas of specialty include econometrics and operational research.

Foot Locker (390) Boards

Age: 56

San Diego, CA


Lutz was named chief executive officer of Ultrapar Participações S.A., a Brazil-based conglomerate operating in the sectors of fuel distribution, specialty chemicals, liquid bulk storage and pharmacies, effective January 2022, and served as a member of Ultrapar’s board of directors from April to December 2021. Previously, Lutz was chief executive officer of Cosan Limited, from April 2015 to April 2020 and served as a director of Cosan from December 2009 to June 2020. Before Cosan, he held senior leadership roles at Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) SA, most recently serving as vice president of infrastructure and energy. Before, he was the chief operating officer for Ultracargo S.A., Ultra Group’s logistics subsidiary. Lutz has served as a director of Votorantim SA, since April 2021. Lutz previously served as a director at Monsanto Company from May 2014 to June 2018. Lutz joined Corteva’s Board in June 2019.

PriceSmart (739) Boards

In conjunction with private equity firms, Marmol invest and advises early-stage technology companies through his own firm Marmol & Associates. Served on the boards of The Vitamin Shoppe and KERA, the North Texas public broadcasting affiliate. He served as a member of the executive committee that led the successful turnaround of EDS. While at EDS, he was responsible for planning, operations improvement and corporate development, he also led the acquisition of MphasiS a major Indian technology services provider. Prior to EDS, he served as CEO of Luminant, an Internet professional services company that he took public in 1998. He also was Chair of the Operating Committee of Perot Systems Corporation through a period of three-fold growth. Marmol was senior partner of McKinsey & Company for 18 years.

Since 2014, Dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego, and in 2020 she started her dual role as Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Innovation and Dean of the the same school. She joined the USD School of Business in 2007 teaching courses in “Business and Society,” “Global Social Entrepreneurship,” and “Business and Social Innovation.” Her research has focused on the intersection of business and social value creation, with an emphasis on poverty alleviation through market mechanisms. Before USD, Márquez was a professor and dean at IESA, a School of Business in Caracas, Venezuela from 2003 to 2005. She has a bachelor of arts from Bowdoin College, and received her master of arts and doctor of philosophy in socio-cultural anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 94 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
GUILLERMO G. MARMOL Chief Executive Officer, Viron Therapeutics PATRICIA MÁRQUEZ Associate Provost of Academic Planning & Innovation and Dean of the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, University of San Diego

Age: 55

Utrecht, Netherlands



Age: 46

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Marquez joined Diebold in 2014 and has held multiple leadership roles during his time at the company. With responsibility for delivering 70% of the company's revenues leading the company's Global Banking teams, he works directly with customers to automate, digitize and transform the way people bank. Driving the company's banking strategy globally, his leadership spans sales and solutions distribution, including Professional and Managed Services. Before joining the company, Marquez served as managing director for the Mexico operations for EMC, a global leader in IT management and cloud computing, and held several leadership roles at Hewlett Packard, including president of HP Mexico.


Marte led the successful IPO of Chewy in 2019 and leads all finance, accounting and investor relations functions for the company. Prior to becoming CFO, he led financial planning and analysis and treasury in three successful private fundraisings and the sale of Chewy to BC Partners in 2017. He has almost two decades of experience in finance at American Airlines, Hilton Worldwide and Chewy. He has experience in growth and transformation, having established the financial planning, operations finance and treasury functions at Chewy Inc. He also worked closely with the leadership team to reengineer the company’s financial strategy and long-term growth plan in the first six months after joining. He has worked in Spain and the UK, while leading teams across Asia Pacific, Latin America, North America and Europe.

Age: 75 Miami, FL Nationality:


Chairman of the Southeast and Latin America, JPMorgan Chase & Co

NVR Inc. (389), Marriott Vacations Worldwide (705) Boards

Age: 65

San Jose, CA


EVP and Chief Operating Officer, Cisco

McKesson (9), Cue Health Boards

Age: 57

Santa Rosa, CA Nationality:

Mel joined JPMorgan Chase in 2010. Based in Florida, he represents the firm to clients throughout the Southeast—from individuals and businesses to large corporations, governments and nonprofit organizations. Mel was elected to the United States Senate in 2004 representing Florida and served on several committees including Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Armed Services and Foreign Affairs. While serving in the Senate, Mel led efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and was a trusted voice on foreign policy issues throughout the Western Hemisphere. Before he served as the 12th Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He's the first Cuban American to serve in a President’s cabinet, Mel also served as Mayor of Orange County (Orlando, Florida) and prior to his public service, he practiced law for 25 years.

CUNA Mutual Group (602) Boards

Maria is responsible for Cisco’s operations and transformation, as well as building high-value experiences for its customers, partners, and employees. She oversees Cisco’s Customer Experience, Security & Trust, Supply Chain, IT, and Services functions. A transformational leader and engineer at heart, Maria brings over 40 years of leadership experience from a variety of technology sectors. Maria previously served as President of Customer Success at Salesforce, where she was responsible for the onboarding, adoption, and growth of the global customer base. She has held executive roles at Microsoft, Motorola, and AT&T and was the CEO of IoT startup, Embrace Networks. Maria serves on the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee in the U.S. and the Board of Directors for McKesson, Cue Health, Computer History Museum, and the Silicon Valley Education Foundation.

CUNA, is a leading provider of insurance and financial services to credit unions, their members, and valued customers worldwide. He joined the board in 2021. He has been with Redwood Credit Union since 2002. As the President & CEO, Martinez oversees all aspects of the credit union, including its credit union service organization (CUSO), which operates an auto dealership and an insurance agency. Past Chairman of the Board for the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce, Credit Union National Association (CUNA) and the Board of the California Credit Union League. Martinez holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from California State University San Bernardino. He is also a graduate of Western CUNA Management School class of 1994.

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President and Chief Executive Officer, Diebold Nixdorf Diebold Nixdorf (704), Inspur Financial Information Technologies Ltd. Boards MARIO J. MARTE Chief Financial Officer, Chewy Buy Co. (68) Boards MELQUIADES R. MARÍA MARTÍNEZ BRETT MARTÍNEZ President & CEO, Redwood Credit Union

Age: 68

Santa Barbara, CA



Former CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Deckers Brands (Retired)

Korn Ferry (961), Genesco Inc. (931) Boards

Age: 51

New York, NY Nationality:

Angel joined Deckers Brands in April, 2005 as Chief Executive Officer and President. He was named Chairman of the Board in May, 2008. In 2008, Deckers Brands was honored by the footwear industry as “Company of the Year” by both Footwear News and Footwear Plus. The UGG brand has received multiple footwear industry awards in both “Design Excellence” and “Brand of The Year” categories. Deckers was named on Outside Magazine’s “Best Places to Work” in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Angel retired from Deckers Brands in 2016. He served on the Board of Directors of Tupperware (TUP) from 1998 until 2020. Angel currently serves on the Board of Korn Ferry, a global executive search and talent consultancy. In May of 2021, Angel joined the board of Genesco Inc., GCO, a Nashville-based specialty retailer and branded footwear company, that sells footwear and accessories in more than 1,455 retail stores.

VP, Global Brand & Multicultural Marketing, Netflix

Travel + Leisure Co. (810) Boards


Martinez recently joined Netflix as Vice-President, Global Brand & Multicultural Marketing. As the former Executive Vice President, Brand Marketing, Multicultural and International Marketing at WarnerMedia, she was responsible for developing a distinct, resonant, and inclusive brand narrative for media and digital powerhouses HBO and HBO Max. During her 20-year tenure at the company, she built a best-in-class multicultural marketing team that created meaningful, long-term connections with the brand's fans across the rapidly changing global marketplace. Martinez serves on the Board of Trustees of The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. She also serves on the Advisory Board of The Hispanic Scholarship Fund. Martinez previously served on the New York Board of the American Heart Association. For her work with AHA, Ms. Martinez received a 2011 Time Warner Andrew Heiskell Community Service Award.

Age: 56

Eden Prairie, MN Nationality:


Former President and CEO, MTS Systems Corp.

Plexus Corp. (772), Acorn Growth Companies Boards

Age: 49

New Alexandria, VA Nationality:


President and Co-Founder, EverFi

PROG Holdings (899) Boards

Age: 68

Dallas, TX Nationality:

Prior to assuming the role of President and CEO at MTS in 2020 from his position as a Director of the company, Martinez held various leadership positions within the aviation, aerospace & defense industries. Hel continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the National Defense Transportation Association, First Class Air Holdings and ACORN Growth Companies. Martinez holds a BS degree from the US Air Force Academy. He served with distinction in the U.S. Air Force for 21 years, retiring as a Colonel and Command Pilot and having held a wide variety of leadership roles, including command and senior staff positions. He has an exceptional track record of leadership in billion-dollar public corporations in aviation, aerospace and defense.

Former CEO, National Math + Science Initiative

American Electric Power (219), Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (80), Service Corp. International (677) Boards

EVERFI, is an international technology company driving social change on the most challenging issues affecting society through education. As a leader in digital learning, Martinez oversees the development of a variety of educational programs related to financial wellness, healthcare literacy, data science, mental health, and other critical skills. Martinez has also led large-scale strategic partnerships with global financial services companies to reach learners where they live, work, and engage. He has considerable regulatory experience and has worked closely with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and multiple states’ Attorneys General on financial literacy matters. A thought leader and frequent speaker and author on topics related to systemic inequality.

Former chairman of The University of Texas System Board of Regents. She was CEO of the National Math + Science Initiative. Prior to that, she served as the under secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. As under secretary, she oversaw all policies, programs and activities related to postsecondary education, vocational and adult education, and federal student aid. Before, Tucker worked for nine years as the CEO and president of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF). Where she raised $280 million for scholarships, growing annual scholarships from $3 million to over $25 million, and to launch community outreach programs to raise college expectations in Latino families and communities. Tucker spent 16 years at AT&T. A native of Laredo, Texas, she earned her bachelor's degree with honors in journalism at the UT Austin.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 97 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

MasTec (429) Boards

Age: 60 Miami, FL


Mas is Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of MasTec, Inc. and has been involved in all phases of the firm’s development since its creation in 1994. He began his career at Church and Tower, MasTec’s predecessor in 1984. Mas is also the managing partner of a Private Equity Group which manages a diverse portfolio of operating companies and investments. He has served on over a dozen corporate boards assisting in strategic growth strategies and corporate governance. Mas founded Neff Corporation and is Managing Owner of the recently awarded Miami Major League Soccer franchise. Mas graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 1984 and a Master in Business Administration in 1985.

Age: 50

Miami, FL


Mas was appointed CEO of MasTec in 2007 and during his tenure MasTec’s revenues have more than quadrupled and earnings have grown six fold. Since assuming the top executive position at MasTec, Jose has diversified the company into the growing fields of oil and gas pipeline construction, electric transmission line construction, renewable energy, and wireless infrastructure construction while expanding its traditional communications business, which includes both broad-band infrastructure and installation to the home satellite services. Mas has grown up in the business and over 20 years worked his way from the field to the boardroom. Mas is a graduate of the University of Miami where he obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration.

Age: 61

Pelham, NY Nationality:

Chancellor at City University of New York

Affiliated Managers Group (936) Boards

Age: 67

Los Angeles, CA Nationality:

Prior to his appointment as Chancellor in 2019, Rodríguez was president of CUNY’s Queens College and of CUNY’s Eugenio María de Hostos Community College in the Bronx. He has served as a teacher, administrator, and former Cabinet secretary for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He sits on the governing board of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and additionally serves on the boards of Phipps Houses, the United Way of New York City, the American Council on Education, the TIAA Hispanic Advisory Council, and the Research Alliance for New York City Schools. Matos Rodríguez holds a B.A. from Yale University and received a doctorate in history from Columbia University.

Lief Organics,, Linker. finance Boards

Age: 65

Houston, TX Nationality:

Veritex Holdings Inc., Sentinel Trust Boards

Roberto Medrano has been an independent board director for more than 30 private companies and non-profit organizations. Previously global General Manager of HP Software, CEO of Polivec, President of Finjan, VP of Avnet, Executive of Sun Microsystems. Silicon Valley global executive with more than 20 years of experience with small and large companies. Extensive P&L and board experience helping businesses grow to more than $1 Billion revenue. He has been an executive with five public companies and in a board positions of 14 companies that have been acquired. Roberto is a cybersecurity pioneer and lead initiatives in the early phases of the firewall, content security, and security policy. He was selected as a participant in President Clinton's White House Security Summit on cyber security.

Mehos is a private investor, an entrepreneur, and a member of the Board of Directors of Veritex Bank. Mehos has served as a member of Sentinel Trust’s Board of Directors since 2005 and currently chairs its Compensation Committee.Prior to the merger with Veritex in 2019, Mehos served as the Chairman of the Board of Green Bank, N.A. of Houston. Mehos founded Green Bancorp, Inc. in 2004 and served as its Chairman and CEO. He is the founder and former Chairman and CEO of Coastal Banc, a Houston-based bank that was sold to Hibernia Corporation in 2004. Prior to founding Coastal Banc, Mehos worked at KPMG as a Certified Public Accountant and Goldman Sachs.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 98 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JORGE MAS Chairman of the Board & Co-Founder, MasTec, Inc. MasTec (429) Boards JOSÉ R. MAS CEO, MasTec, Inc. FÉLIX V. MATOS RODRÍGUEZ ROBERT MEDRANO CEO, Beach View MANUEL J. MEHOS Independent Director

Age: 57

Miami, FL Nationality:

From 2011 to 2020, Mejía served as a Senior Vice President at the Kellogg Company and President of Kellogg Latin America during the same period. She previously held a number of positions at Colgate-Palmolive in the U.S., Latin America, Asia and Europe between 1989 and 2011. These included Vice President and General Manager Global Personal Care and Fragrance Development and, prior to that, Vice President Marketing and Innovation, Europe and South Pacific. Mejía previously served as a non-executive director at IAG, a leading global Airline Group, from 2014 to 2020 where she was a member of the Audit and Compliance and Remuneration Committees.

Age: 56

Hartford, CT


The MITRE Corporation Boards

Age: 62

Rancho Santa Fe, CA


Sleep Number (982), Kinaxis, Peloton Interactive (689), LevaData Boards

Age: 56

Dallas, TX


Yvette is a former healthcare policy executive, with more than 30 years of experience leading large government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. She retired in 2017 as interim president of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. She is the former vice president, for government and community alliance for Hartford HealthCare, a regional, integrated healthcare network. Prior to that, she was chief of staff and chief administrative officer for the Connecticut State University System. Her experience also includes leadership roles at the State Department of Education, where she was the architect of Connecticut's entry into the charter school movement; as deputy commissioner of the Department of Public Health; and as chief of staff for the Department of Social Services.


Age: 49

Pine Crest, FL


An accomplished transformational leader focused on Innovation, Operational Excellence and Enterprise Transformation, Angel is captivated with the intersection of software, Industry 4.0 technologies, and industrial use cases. Over the last 35 years he has held executive leadership positions with some of the world’s most notable technology companies. Most recently he served for four years as EVP and COO of HERE Technologies where he led HERE’s core business, global operations, product management, and corporate transformation. Prior to HERE, he served ten years in executive leadership roles at Cisco Systems responsible for the company’s enterprise transformation program as well as its global supply chain. Mendez began his career at GE, graduating from the Manufacturing Management Program and serving 11 years in increasingly responsible assignments. Following GE he served in senior executive roles at AlliedSignal, Citigroup, Gateway, and Palm.

Prior to founding the company in 2011, Mendoza served as the CEO of AMS, a leading distributor of wallboard, suspended ceiling systems, lath and plaster products, doors and other building products. Mendoza originally joined AMS in 1991 and assumed the CEO role in 2003 after several years as AMS’ Vice President and Sales Manager. AMS grew significantly under Mendoza’s leadership, particularly across the West Coast and Northern Mexico through Greenfields and strategic acquisitions. Mendoza attended California State University and has completed executive education at Harvard Business School (Strategy), Wharton School of Business (Management) and Northwestern (Marketing).

Mendoza is an independent Herbalife distributor with more than 30 years of experience helping people live healthy active lifestyles through personalized nutrition and coaching. Mendoza regularly tours the world, doing seminars, mentoring and training independent Herbalife distributors about the business, the products, and the importance of our distributor difference. He is an integral member of various strategy and planning groups for the Company. As a member of the Board of Directors, Mendoza has a first-hand understanding of the function and specific needs of the Company's independent distributors, the ultimate drivers of Herbalife's business, to the Board.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 99 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MARÍA FERNANDA MEJÍA CEO International, Newell Brands Pepco Group Boards YVETTE MELÉNDEZ President, YMR Consulting ÁNGEL L. MENDEZ Executive Chairman, Levadata inc. RUBÉN D. MENDOZA President & Chief Executive Officer, Foundation Building Materials Building Materials Boards JUAN MIGUEL MENDOZA Independent Herbalife Distributor Herbalife Boards

Age: 56

San Antonio, TX



President & CEO, Conceptual MindWorks, Inc.

Rush Enterprises (590), Southwest Airlines Co Boards

Age: 56 Miami, FL



General Counsel, SoftBank Latin America Fund & Opportunity Fund


Expedia Group Inc. (404)

CMI is a leading informatics company that specializes in providing health-related software, bioinformatics, biotechnology, scientific, and technical solutions to the public and private sectors, which she founded in 1990. Mendoza serves on the boards of several entities, including non-profits, and has been an active member of her community for more than 30 years. She currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System and as a member of the board of directors of HCSC, where she serves as the chair of the Audit and Compliance committee. Mendoza holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University.

Age: 45

Dallas, TX



Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, EnLink Midstream

Patricia has saerved as Deputy General Counsel of SoftBank Group International and General Counsel of the SoftBank Latin America Fund since May 2019 and General Counsel of the SoftBank Opportunity Fund since July 2020. Prior to joining SoftBank, she served in various leadership roles at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, including as Vice Chair and as a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Patricia holds a J.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and a B.B.A degree from the University of Miami.

He has served as SVP and CFO of Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. since 2018. From 2011, Mercado served in various roles at Forum Energy Technologies, Inc., including as SVP, Finance from until 2018; VP, Operations Finance from until 2017; VP, Corporate Strategy and Treasurer until 2015; VP, Corporate Development & Strategy until 2014; and VP, Corporate Development until 2013. From 2005 to 2011, Mercado was an investment banker in the Oil and Gas Group of Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC where he worked with oilfield services companies. Mercado was also an investment banker at other firms, primarily working with companies in the oil and gas industry. He holds a B.B.A. from the Cox School of Business, a B.A. in Economics from the Dedman College at Southern Methodist University, and an M.B.A. from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Age: 59

Paradise Valley, AZ


President & CEO, Meruelo Group, LLC

Commercial Bank of California, Arizona Coyotes Boards

Age: 60

New York, NY


Former Chief Executive Officer, BlueTriton Brands, Inc.

Humana Inc. (40), Mondeléz International (121) Boards

Alex founded and oversees Meruelo Group LLC, which supports his still-growing family of companies across a variety of business sectors, including entertainment, gaming and hospitality, construction, real estate, banking, and food services. He became the Majority Owner, Chairman, and Governor of the Arizona Coyotes on July 29, 2019. Alex assembled and developed a residential and commercial real estate portfolio with holdings throughout Southern California. Those investments led Alex to expand into construction through Meruelo Enterprises, Inc., owner of six utility construction companies with deep roots in building major private and public construction projects throughout Southern California.

MMesquita served as Chief Executive Officer of BlueTriton Brands, a beverage company that offers regional spring water and national purified water brands, from July 2021 to March 2022. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President and Worldwide Chairman, Consumer of Johnson & Johnson, a global healthcare products company, from December 2014 until February 2019. He has a strong track record of building and marketing global brands, developing consumer insight-driven innovation capabilities and leading strategic business turnarounds. His diverse experience included leading major global business units in the Home Care and Fabric Care categories and was recognized for the reinvention of major brands such as Tide, Swiffer, Febreze, Downy and others. He spent his first 15 years at P&G working in various capacities across Latin America including roles in Oral Care and Beauty.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 100 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Comfort Systems USA Inc. (820) Boards ALEX MERUELO JR. JORGE S. MESQUITA

Age: 65

New Orleans, LA


Pan-American Life Insurance Group Boards


Independent Director

Carlos joined Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) in 2005 and retired in 2022 as Head of Finance and Administration and Vice-Chairman of the Board. Carlos has extensive history as a senior financial executive leading company turnarounds, strategic transformations, mergers and acquisitions and integrations, internal restructuring and risk management. Strong international experience in Latin America, Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Diverse experience in human resources and compensation, business continuity planning, information technology and real estate. Prior to joining PALIG, Carlos was Senior Vice President and CFO of Principal International, Inc., Chief Planning Officer for Aetna International, CFO for CIGNA Latin America and, Assistant Treasurer for CIGNA Worldwide.

Age: 56

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Tyson Foods (73), Celsius Holdings Boards

Age: 58

Houston, TX


Cheryl’s more than 20 years of corporate finance experience in consumer-focused industries and experience in such key areas as acquisitions, cybersecurity, e-commerce and public company shareholder relations make her a valuable asset to the board. Most recently, Cheryl served as chief financial officer of West Marine. She previously served as executive strategic advisor for, and executive vice president and chief financial officer of, JM Family Enterprises. A native of Puerto Rico and resident of Florida, Cheryl holds a bachelor's degree in finance and business administration from James Madison University. Miller also serves on the board of directors and as chair of the audit committee of Celsius Holdings, a global lifestyle fitness drink company.

Minas was appointed to the Board of Directors of Crestwood Equity GP LLC in January 2022. She currently serves as a director at Woodside Energy (NYSE: WDS) and Vallourec S.A. (Euronext: VK), where she serves as the Chair of the Audit Committee and is a member of the Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee. She has previously served on the boards of Westlake Chemical Partners (NYSE: WLKP), CNX Midstream Partners, Weatherford International (NASDAQ: WFRD) and Ciner Resources LP (NYSE: CINR). She served as Chair of the Audit Committee for CNX Midstream and Ciner Resources. During her career, she was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of DCP Midstream and Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer for Constellation Energy Partners. Minas earned her B.A. and MBA from Rice University.

Age: 51

Charlotte, NC


Minaya is Chief Executive Officer of Nuveen, a leading global asset management firm with more than $1 trillion under management. Jose is responsible for Nuveen’s vision, strategy and day-to-day operations. He and his leadership team set and execute key growth initiatives and oversee the firm’s investment teams, product strategy and management and client businesses. He chairs the Nuveen Executive Committee and is also a member of the TIAA Executive Committee. Jose is also the executive sponsor of the Inclusion and Diversity initiative for TIAA, working to build and promote a diverse and inclusive environment across the company. He joined TIAA as a fixed income portfolio manager in 2004 and has more than 29 years of investment experience at firms including AIG, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan.

Age: 69

San Francisco, CA


Independent Director

Miramontes is an experienced board member and accomplished business executive. A strong leader and provides frequent counsel and input to CEOs on operating and strategic matters. As a Qualified Financial Executive, he provides oversight of financial disclosures, internal controls and compliance. He is proactive with financial teams to help build strong and effective financial systems. Lou had a 38-year career at KPMG, where he served in many leadership roles, including managing partner of the San Francisco office and Senior Partner for KPMG’s Latin America region. As an audit partner, he provided audit services to public and private clients in the retail, financial services and real estate sectors. Lou received his B.S. degree in Business Administration from California State University, East Bay.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 102 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
CARLOS MICKAN Independent Director ANGELA A. MINAS Independent Director/Audit Committee Chair Crestwood Equity Partners (904) Boards JOSE MINAYA Chief Executive Officer, Nuveen Moody's (610) Boards LOUIS P. MIRAMONTES Lithia Motors (231), Rite Aid Corp. (158), Oportun Inc. Boards

Age: 57

Miami, FL


Experienced Independent Board Member at Fortune 1000 Public and Private Equity backed companies with experience in Nominating & Governance (Chair), Audit/Finance and Compensation Committees. Strong background as an accomplished former CEO, General Manager and Global Marketer with 30 years of experience mainly focused on fast-turning Consumer Goods, Food, Healthcare and Retail multinational. Proven track record of successfully directing large, complex businesses in North and Latin America to accelerated sales growth and P&L success. Monteagudo has a diverse perspective regarding Domestic and International Markets, Innovation, Global/Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Hispanic consumers, as well as a demonstrated capability in strategic planning, M&A, Diversity/Inclusion and cultural transformation.

Age: 65

Scottsdale, AZ


Michael is a former presidential appointee and Senate-confirmed official. He is also a senior advisor at LeadershipForward, a premier leadership performance firm serving Fortune 500 and small business clients. He served as chief administrative officer and senior vice president, public policy and corporate affairs for Sodexo, Inc. Previously, he was a Bush White House appointee serving as the 19th assistant secretary for financial management and chief financial officer of the U.S. Air Force and concluded his tenure at the Pentagon as acting secretary of the Air Force.

Age: 59

Minneapolis, MN Nationality:

Northwestern Mutual (97) Boards

Age: 71

Coral Gables, FL Nationality:

Montemayor leads IT, Digital, Data and Analytics and Cybersecurity capabilities and is responsible for leading General Mills digital transformation efforts. Montemayor joined General Mills with over 20 years of experience in the information technology and digital spaces, having held leadership positions at Oracle, Booz-Allen and Hamilton, 7-Eleven and PepsiCo. During his time with PepsiCo, Montemayor led multiple IT-enabled business transformations, spearheaded the development of the analytics-at-scale strategy and deployed innovative capabilities to enable the company for future retail and consumer trends. Montemayor’s career has been global and multicultural with a focus on delivering significant business value, developing talent and building strong teams across geographies including North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. Montemayor serves on the board of trustees for Northwestern Mutual since 2017 where he chairs the Distribution and Technology Committee.

Independent Director

Royal Caribbean, McCormick & Co. (505), Aptar Group (812), Comcast (28) Boards

Age: 52

San Francisco, CA Nationality:

Montiel served as Deputy CEO and Vice Chairman of Deloitte LLP from 2011 through her retirement in May 2014. Prior to these positions, she held numerous senior management roles at Deloitte, including Managing Partner (Leadership Development and Succession, Deloitte University) from 2009 to 2011, and Regional Managing Partner from 2001 to 2009. During Montiel’s tenure at Deloitte, she was the Advisory Partner for many engagements in which Deloitte was the principal auditor.

F5 Networks Inc. (908) Boards

Montoya serves as Chief Information Security Officer at Equinix, a role he has held since 2019. Previously, he served as SVP & Chief Information Security Officer at Digital Realty and in numerous leadership roles at Microsoft, including as Chief Cybersecurity Officer, Asia, where he led security initiatives and operations for the development and delivery of Microsoft cloud security products and services. Montoya also held leadership positions at FireEye, EMC Corporation, and Avanade Inc. He currently serves as an advisor for several early-stage security companies. He earned a B.A. degree in Economics from the University of New Mexico and holds advisor roles for several early-stage security companies.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 103 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
GRACIELA IVONNE MONTEAGUDO Independent Director iHeartMedia Inc. (742), WD-40 Company, ACCO Brands Boards MICHAEL MONTELONGO GRC Advisory Services, LLC Conduent (678), Civeo Corp. Boards JAIME MONTEMAYOR Chief Digital and Technology Officer, General Mills MARITZA G. MONTIEL MICHAEL MONTOYA SVP & Chief Information Security Officer, Equinix

Age: 49 Houston, TX


The Law Office of Wendy Montoya Cloonan specializes in the areas of public finance and public law. Before founding her firm, she worked at the Houston Endowment, Inc. until 2019 where she served as Senior Program Officer in Education, Assistant General Counsel and Director of Legal. Before she served as an attorney at Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. and Vinson & Elkins LLP. She has served as a commissioner of the Port of Houston Authority since 2019 and on the board of directors of the Houston Downtown Management District since 2015.. She earned a B.A. from Yale University, a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence with Honors from The University of Texas School of Law.

Age: 57





Teledyne Technologies (640)

Age: 71 N/A



Independent Director


Hanesbrands (432), GNC Holdings, Inc.


Morales is an accomplished business executive with more than 38 years of financial and strategy experience at a Fortune 250 U.S.-based public company. He is currently Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for PPG Industries. He joined PPG in 1985 and progressed through a variety of finance roles with increased responsibility including vice president roles in investor relations, treasury and company-wide business finance. In his current role, Mr. Morales is part of PPG’s Executive Committee which is responsible for establishing and executing the company’s strategy. He also serves as Chairman of the non-profit Board of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania.

From 2016 to 2017, Moran served as Interim Chief Executive Officer of GNC. He served as Chairman of the Board of PetSmart, Inc. (“PetSmart”), from 2012 to 2013 and as CEO of PetSmart from 2009 to 2013. He joined PetSmart as President of North American Stores in 1999, and in 2001 he was appointed President and COO. From 1998 to 1999, he was President of Toys “R” Us (Canada) Ltd. Prior to 1991 and from 1993 to 1998, for a total of 20 years, Moran was employed by retailer Sears, Roebuck and Company in a variety of financial and merchandising positions, including as President and CEO of Sears de Mexico. He was also CFO and Executive Vice President of Galerias Preciados of Madrid, Spain, a leading department store, from 1991 to 1993.

Age: 60

Washington DC


Managing Director, Allen & Co LLC

Dow (64) Boards

Moreno is the former President and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB), a position he held for 15 years. He transformed the IDB by increasing the its financial strength by optimizing the use of its capital, revamping private sector affiliations and innovation laboratory, standardizing gender and diversity objectives, adopting new technologies and innovation to increase the impact and efficiency of the Bank’s operations and, leading the organization through a an operational response in support of member countries during COVID-19 pandemic. Before IDB, he served as Colombia’s Ambassador to the U.S. from 1998 until 2005. He previously served as Colombia’s Minister of Economic Development and as strategic advisor to leading private sector organizations.

Age: 60

New York, NY Nationality:


Wells Fargo Boards

Morris is the retired executive vice president and head of the Global Employee Benefits business of MetLife, Inc. She served as executive vice president and head of the Global Employee Benefits business from 2011 and interim head of the U.S. Business from 2016 until July 2017, with responsibility for MetLife’s U.S. Business and Employee Benefits business in more than 40 countries. She served in multiple other leadership roles after joining MetLife in 1984, including as chief marketing officer from April 2014 to January 2015 and as head of Global Technology and Operations from 2008 until 2011 where she oversaw the successful integration of MetLife’s $16.4 billion acquisition of American Life Insurance Company. She is a member of the board of trustees of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York and chair of the board of directors of All Stars Project, Inc. Morris earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Franklin and Marshall College.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 104 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
WENDY MONTOYA CLOONAN Shareholder, The Law Office of Wendy Montoya Cloonan, PLLC CenterPoint Energy (414) Boards Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of PPG Industries, Inc. MARIA R. MORRIS Director

Age: 63

Jacksonville, FL Nationality:


Retired Executive Chairman & CEO, United Airlines


CBRE Group (126), TelevisaUnivision (866), Archer Aviation, Salesforce (136)

Age: 66

Franklin, TN Nationality:



Huntsman Corp. (410) Boards

Age: 70

Washington, DC Nationality:

Munoz is recognized as one of the world's foremost leaders in corporate turnaround strategy, successful operations management, employee engagement and a strong customer advocate. He was credited for leading United Airlines out of a period of acute crisis for the corporation, rapidly achieving industry-leading reliability, as well as sustained financial success, with stock value increasing 54% during his tenure. He previously served as CFO at AT&T Consumer Services. He’s also served as SVP of Finance and Administration for U.S. West, Regional Vice President of Finance and Administration for Coca-Cola Enterprises, and has held various finance positions at PepsiCo. As a first-generation college graduate from an immigrant family, he has dedicated himself to advancing the futures of others with similar backgrounds.


Altria Group (165), Laureate Education (803), Marriott International (270) Boards

Age: 65

Washington, DC Nationality:

He is the COO of Hyundai Motor Company, a global manufacturer of automobiles based in Seoul, South Korea, where he oversees more than 120K employees and operations worldwide. In addition to the company’s overall results, including the nearly $88 billion in total 2020 revenues, José leads the company’s global operational strategies and their implementation, oversees the development and implementation of the company’s fuel cell vehicle and mobility services strategy, and serves as President and CEO of Hyundai Motor America, the company’s largest operating subsidiary. Prior to Hyundai, José served in leadership roles at Nissan (most recently as global Chief Performance Officer and head of the company’s China region), Toyota and Daewoo.

Independent Director

Headspace Health Boards

Age: 63

Bryan, TX Nationality:

Muñoz has over 17 years of experience in public company corporate governance serving on the Board and as chair of Board Audit Committees, Compensation Committees and Corporate ESG & Nom and Gov Committees. Extensive experience in working with different levels of government and regulatory bodies. Muñoz was appointed and served as an Assistant Secretary and CFO of the U.S. Treasury Department during the first term of the Clinton Administration. In that capacity, he oversaw management and financial matters for the Treasury Department and its Bureaus. He was appointed and served as the President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, an independent federal agency during the second term of the Clinton Administration.

Muñoz is a national leader in public policy and public interest technology with over three decades of experience in the non-profit sector and eight years of service on former President Barack Obama’s senior team. In addition to her years of public policy and civil service experience, she is also the author of the award-winning book, “More Than Ready: Be Strong and Be You...and Other Lessons for Women of Color on the Rise,” which shares insights from her career as well as the careers of other notable women of color. She spent two decades at the National Council of La Raza (now UnidosUS), the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization, where she won a MacArthur Fellowship for her work on immigration and civil rights. The first Latino to lead the White House Domestic Policy Council, Muñoz currently serves as a Senior Advisor at New America in Washington, D.C., and on the boards of several foundations and nonprofit organizations.

A graduate of Florida International University, Murano received a Ph.D. in Food Science from Virginia Tech. She began her career at Iowa State University, and in 1995 she joined the faculty at Texas A&M University. In 2001, Murano was appointed by President Bush as Undersecretary for Food Safety. In 2005, she returned to Texas A&M as Vice Chancellor of Agriculture and Life Sciences and in 2008 became the first woman and first Hispanic president of the University. Since 2012, she has been the Director of the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture. Murano serves as Chair of the Board for the International Livestock Research Institute and as Advisor to the World Food Prize Foundation. Murano was named Outstanding Alumni by Virginia Tech, Maestro of Community Service by Latino Leaders Magazine, and One of the Most influential Corporate Board Directors by

Inc. Magazine.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 105 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MUÑOZ COO Hyundai Motor CVompany GEORGE MUÑOZ Muñoz Group CECILIA MUÑOZ Women’s ELSA A. MURANO Director of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture & Development, Professor and President Emerita, Texas A&M University Hormel Foods (327), EcoLab, Advisory Board on Food Safety Boards

Age: 62

Miami, FL



President, Cloud Success Services, SAP

Principal Financial Group (256) Boards

Age: 61

Washington, DC



Freddie Mac (47)


Age: 70

New York, NY Nationality:

Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

AES Corp. Boards

With nearly 23,000 talented people in this global organization, he ensures the success of every customer’s cloud journey by developing SAP’s best capabilities and services. Before leading Cloud Success Services, Claudio was head of SAP EMEA South, a region comprising Southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In his former role he was responsible for SAP's Go-to-Market strategy and overseeing the execution for all SAP’s Lines of Business across the company’s most diverse region. Prior to that he was head of SAP Latin America Caribbean region and maintained his connection with Latin America as he held an advisory role for many years as Chairman for SAP Latin America and Caribbean, providing support to customers in the region even after taking on a broader global role.

Age: 67

Naples, FL


Prior to founding Evince, Alberto served as EVP at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2014 to 2016, as Head of the Integrated Policy Analysis Group and of the Emerging Markets and International Affairs Group, as well as a Member of the Bank’s Management Committee. From 2000 to 2013, he held various positions at Tudor Investment Corporation, including Managing Director, Partner, and Global Head of Research and was a Member of the firm's Management, Capital Allocation and Strategy Committees. From 1996 to 2000, he was an economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC. In addition, he was an Adjunct Professor of International Financial Markets at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University and worked at both Bankers Trust and McKinsey & Co.

Civeo Corp. Arch Resources Boards

Age: 56

San Francisco, CA


Naím is a distinguished fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an internationally syndicated columnist, and the host and producer of Efecto Naím; a weekly television program on international affairs that airs throughout the Americas. The program earned an Emmy Award in 2018. Naím was Venezuela’s Minister of Development, director of its Central Bank and an Executive Director at the World Bank. From 1996 to 2010, he was the editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy magazine. Naím is the author of many scholarly articles and over 14 books on international affairs, economics and politics; including “Illicit” and “The End of Power” which was selected by the Washington Post and the Financial Times as one of the best books of the year. He recently published his first novel, “Dos Espías en Caracas”.Naím holds a Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Doctor Honoris Causa in International Affairs from American University.

Evelance Health (20), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (123) Boards

Navarre has been a director of Civeo since June 2014 and currently serves as Chairman of the board of directors of Civeo. He served as President and CEO of Covia Corporation from May 2019 until May 2021. From 2012 to 2019, he served as an independent strategic business advisor to leading investment firms and the energy industry. He is currently an independent director, chairman of the conflicts committee, member of the audit and personnel and compensation committees for Natural Resource Partners LP (NYSE:NRP); and independent director, chairman of the personnel and compensation committee and member of the audit and the ESG and Nominating committees for Arch Resources (NYSE:ARCH). He is a member of the Board of Advisors and the Hall of Fame of the College of Business and Analytics at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. Navarre is a Certified Public Accountant and received his BS in Accounting from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.

During his more than 25 years at the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Antonio has held numerous leadership positions. Most recently, he served as EVP and General Manager of HPE’s Enterprise Group, which included the company’s Server, Networking, Storage and Technology Services business units. Prior to HPE’s separation from HP, he ran HP’s Server and Networking business, where he was responsible for bringing new innovations to market and the execution of the goto-market strategy. Before that, Antonio led HP’s Technology Services business, which provided technology support and consulting services for HP’s products and solutions. Antonio spent the earlier part of his career in various engineering and leadership roles in HP’s Printing and Personal Systems business units.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 106 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ALBERTO G. MUSALEM Chief Executive Officer, Co-Chief Investment Officer & Founder,Evince Asset Management LP RICHARD "RICK" A. NAVARRE Independent Director/Chairman of the Board ANTONIO F. NERI President & CEO, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Age: 68 Chicago, IL



President, Nieto Advisory LLC

Ryder System (365) Boards

Age: 59

Cincinnati, OH Nationality:



Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ashland

PPG Industries (218), Ashland Global Holdings (999) Boards

Age: 46

Miami, FL



Chief Marketing Officer, Nubank

Estée Lauder (228) Boards

Age: 65

Boise, ID



Outside Director & Speaker; former Chair, National Science Board & retired Astronaut and Director, NASA Johnson Space Center

Service Corp. International (677), Mutual of America Financial Group (878) Boards

Age: 73

Miami, FL Nationality:



Retired President and Chief Executive Officer of Florida Power & Light Company

Lennar (131), Fluor (259), Consolidated Edison Inc. (276) Boards

Nieto served as President of the Consumer Foods Group for ConAgra Foods Inc. from 2007 until he retired in 2009. He joined ConAgra in 2005 and held various leadership positions, including President of the Meats Group and Refrigerated Foods Group. Prior to joining ConAgra, he was President and CEO of the Federated Group, a leading private label supplier to the retail grocery and foodservice industries, from 2002 to 2005. From 2000 to 2002, he served as President of the National Refrigerated Products Group of Dean Foods Company. Prior to joining Dean Foods, Nieto held positions in brand management and strategic planning with Mission Foods, Kraft Foods and the Quaker Oats Company. Nieto Advisory LLC, a consulting firm and is affiliated with Akoya Capital Partners.

He became CEO of Ashland in 2019. Before was the President & CEO of Versum Materials and a member of its Board. He also served as EVP, Materials Technologies of Air Products. He joined Air Products in 2012 as SVP Electronics, Performance Materials, Strategy and Technology. Prior to Air Products, he was employed by Dow Chemical Company where he most recently served as group vice president, Dow Coating Materials. He began his career in 1986 with Rohm and Haas Company (which merged with Dow in 2009) and over the next 24 years progressed through a variety of commercial, marketing, and general management positions, living in South America, the U.S. and Asia. In 1998, was named a VP at Rohm and Haas, and in 2006 became one of five group executives on the corporate leadership team.

Nuñez, 55, has been the Chief Marketing Officer of Nubank since June 2021. Prior to joining Nubank, he founded AIE Creative, a branding and marketing firm, and from 2014 to 2018, he was the Head of Marketing, Latin America, for Apple Inc. From 2007 to 2014, Nunez held various marketing positions at NIKE, Inc., including Global Vice President, Basketball Marketing, and from 1999 to 2007, he held various positions at the National Basketball Association (“NBA”) including Vice President, Managing Director, NBA Latin America and U.S. Hispanic. Nuñez graduated from Florida A&M University.

She has a 30-year career at NASA as a senior government executive, astronaut and engineer. During the time Ochoa served as Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, the International Space Station transitioned to an R&D focus, and the Orion exploration spacecraft completed a successful first test flight. As the first Latina astronaut, she applied her technology and operations experience during four space shuttle missions, logging nearly 1000 hours in space. Prior to her astronaut career, she was a research engineer and holds three patents for optical systems. She earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford, and a B.S. in Physics from San Diego State University. Ochoa is honored to have seven schools named after her and eight honorary doctorates.

Olivera is the retired president and CEO of Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. and one of the largest investor-owned electric utilities in the US. Olivera managed a multibillion dollar capital investment program that included expanded nuclear capacity, a new highly efficient natural gas, combined cycle plant and three new solar energy centers. After retiring from FPL, Olivera served for three years a senior advisor and general partner at Britton Hill Partners, a privately-held investment and advisory firm. He has also served on the boards of AGL Resources and Nicor Corporation.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 107 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

E W Scripps Co Boards

Age: 48



Private investor and philanthropist. Founding director of the Scripps Family Impact Fund since 2018. Charter member of the charitable advisory board to the Adam R. Scripps Foundation. Director of Miramar Services, Inc., since 2019, and chair of its Vision Statement Committee.

Age: 45

Cambridge, MA


Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Enovis Corp (708), Mueller Water Products Boards

Age: 73

Washington, DC Nationality:

She has made pioneering advancements in the areas of biotechnology, biomaterials, and nanotechnology. The author of more than 200 scholarly publications, has supervised research projects across multiple academic disciplines, received 30 national and international honors, including the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering awarded to her by President George Bush, and served as the Dean for Graduate Education at MIT until 2016. Founder of an innovative, nonprofit, post-secondary educational institution, Station1. She also serves as a director of Mueller Water Products.

Former Undersecretary of State, U.S Department of State

Herbalife Boards

In 2009, Otero was appointed by President Obama as Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs. In 2012, Secretary Clinton named Maria Otero as Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. She became the highest-ranking Hispanic official at the State Department and the first Latina undersecretary in its history. She was appointed by President Clinton to chair the board of the Inter-American Foundation and by President Bush to serve as vice-chair on the board of the US Institute of Peace. In 2006, she was appointed by Secretary General Kofi Annan to the U.N. Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors. From 2000 to 2009 Otero served as President and CEO of Accion International representing Accion on the board of several microfinance banks.

Age: 56

Lafayette, CA



Senior Marketing Advisor, Thrive

Helen of Troy Ltd. Boards

30 years of global consumer products industry experience, mainly in marketing, growth and strategy, ecommerce, and general management. She has led complex, multicultural and multifunctional organizations spanning more than 25 countries. Her experience covers a wide range of categories including Home Care, Pets, Beauty, and Personal Care. She has extensive senior experience in marketing disciplines such as brand building, consumer insights, innovation, analytics, digital, and consumer engagement. Recently retired from The Clorox Company following a twenty-year career. Prior to Clorox, she worked for twelve years at Procter & Gamble in Latin America.

Age: 66

Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Xerox Holdings (471), Conduent (678), AIR Communities Boards


Paláu-Hernández is CEO of Hernández Ventures and serves on the Boards of Xerox Holdings Corporation, Conduent Incorporated and AIR Communities. She previously served on the Boards of Occidental Petroleum, Herbalife Nutrition, Ltd., and ALJ Regional Holdings, Inc. She served as a Representative of the United States of America to the Seventy-third Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations with the personal rank of Ambassador. Paláu-Hernández serves as Vice Chair of the National Museum of the American Latino at the Smithsonian, Chair of the Smithsonian National Latino Board, Chair of the Yale School of Management Council of Global Advisors, and Board member of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Board of Advisors and UCLA Law Women L.E.A.D. She is currently a Trustee Emeritus of UCLA School of Law Board of Advisors and the University of San Diego Board of Trustees.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 108 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MONICA ORTEGA HOLCOMB Founding Director, Scripps Family Impact Fund CHRISTINE ORTÍZ MARÍA OTERO United States Representative to the United Nations General Assembly 73rd Session

Age: 77

Miami, FL



President & CEO, SMC Resources

Regional Management Corporation, Pan-America Life Insurance Group, Banesco USA Boards

Age: 61 Dallas, TX


SMC Resources is a consulting practice that advises senior executives on business and marketing strategy. From 2001 to 2007, Palomares was Senior Vice President at Capital One Financial Corp., and he was Chief Operating Officer of Capital One Federal Savings Bank banking unit from 2004 to 2007. Prior to joining Capital One, he held a number of senior positions with Citigroup Inc. and its affiliates, including Chief Operating Officer of Citibank Latin America Consumer Bank from 1998 to 2001, CFO of Citibank North America Consumer Bank from 1997 to 1998, Chairman and CEO of Citibank Italia from 1990 to 1992, and President and CEO of Citibank FSB Florida from 1992 to 1997. Palomares earned a B.S. degree in Quantitative Analysis from New York University.

Former President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He helped raise the profile of the USHCC through frequent media appearances, the establishment of strong partnerships with the country’s largest corporations, sponsors, Hispanic entrepreneurs and the promotion of the organization as a leading advocacy group for American small business and the Hispanic community in general. He has held senior leadership positions in marketing, business development, brand strategy and public relations and is credited with the creation of specialized insurance, telecommunications and financial services products, for leading corporations such as Allstate, Sprint and Bank of America.

Age: 52

Winnetka, IL Nationality:

Alberto Paracchini has served as President and CEO of Byline Bank since 2013. Alberto has spent nearly 20 years in financial services and held executive positions with numerous companies, including Banco Popular North America, BXM Holdings, Inc., Popular Financial Holdings and E-Loan, an internet banking and mortgage company. Alberto graduated from Marquette University and received his MBA, with honors, from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with a focus on finance and business economics. He currently serves on the board for Junior Achievement of Chicago and is a member of the Cook County Council of Economic Advisors and Economic Club of Chicago. He was born and raised in Puerto Rico and resides in Winnetka with his wife, Aimee, and their three daughters.

Age: 57

Chicago, IL


Chief Executive Officer and Chair, Kraft Heinz

Kraft Heinz (139) Boards

Patricio brings to the Board deep consumer goods industry and leadership experience as well as his unique perspective as our Chief Executive Officer. Before joining Kraft Heinz, Patricio was previously with Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, where he served as Chief of Special Global Projects – Marketing from January 2019 to June 2019, as Chief Marketing Officer from 2012 to December 2018, and in various zone president and marketing leadership roles from 2005 to 2012. He was Chief Marketing Officer of Companhia de Bebidas das Americas S.A. from 1999 to 2004. Patricio previously served as Vice President, Marketing at Philip Morris International Inc., from 1997 to 1999, as Global Marketing Director for The Coca-Cola Company, from 1996 to 1997, and as Global Marketing Director at Johnson & Johnson, a pharmaceutical and medical device company, from 1989 to 1995.

Age: 52

Atlanta, GA Nationality:

W.W. Grainger (284), Primerica (895) Boards

Perez aligns a diverse portfolio of work against critical business objectives to support brands, communities, consumers and partners worldwide. During her tenure of more than two decades at that company, she has held several leadership roles while garnering significant experience in marketing and sustainability programs. Perez also has experience in corporate governance matters and serves as a director of another publicly traded company, with additional responsibilities including a compensation committee assignment. Perez is a strong advocate for community service, serving on various nonprofit boards, including The Coca Cola Foundation.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 109 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JAVIER PALOMÁREZ President & CEO, United States Hispanic Business Council MasTec. (441) Boards ALBERTO PARACCHINI President and CEO, Byline Bank Kemper (537), Byline Bancorp, Scale Link Boards MIGUEL PATRICIO BEATRIZ "BEA" PÉREZ SVP Chief Communications, Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

Age: 55

Atlanta, GA


Perez is responsible for all technology and engineering functions. He was appointed to his current role in 2017 after having served as CIO since 2016. Previously, Perez was VP of Technology. Through different rotations in that role. His career has included assignments in Operations, Industrial Engineering, Process Management, and Technology in Corporate, U.S., and International business units. He currently manages a budget of over $6 billion between Engineering and IT. His Engineering responsibilities include Industrial, Buildings and Systems, and Automotive Engineering. Juan holds a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering and an MS in Computer and Manufacturing Engineering, from the University of Southern California.

Age: 67

Baton Rouge, LA Nationality:

President-Southeast States, AT&T

Hancock Whitney Corporation Boards


Board Member, Itron Inc.

Itron Inc. (919) Boards

Age: 58

Miami, FL


Sonia Pérez leads and executes the strategic direction of AT&T’s corporate initiatives in Louisiana & Kentucky. Named state president of AT&T Louisiana in 2010, Sonia has led on strategy, governance & social responsibility issues for the company. Her teams focus on how technology & infrastructure solves economic challenges faced by urban & rural communities. Sonia is an Independent Director for Hancock Whitney Corporation & Sanderson Farms, Inc. She serves on the executive committees of The University of Texas Foundation, the Louisiana Board of Regents, and The National WWII Museum. She has also chaired various boards – the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry; the state’s business roundtable, the Committee of 100; & the Board of Trustees of Xavier University of Louisiana. She currently serves on Gov, John Bel Edwards’ Resilient Louisiana Commission.


Age: 67

Southfield, MI


Investment Consultant, DeRoy & Devereaux

Martin Marietta Materials (568) Boards

Prior to Arsenal, Perez served as Chief Commercial Digital Officer & SVP U.S. Services & Solutions at Schneider Electric until 2020. He held several leadership roles at Johnson Controls between 1999 and 2016. These included VP & GM Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, where he led the company’s sales, distribution, contracting and service operations, as well as VP Global Business Lines & Operations. Prior to this he held various of positions in Thermo Fisher Scientific from until 1999, in United Technologies between 1991 and 1997, and with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company from 1985 to 1989. He has nearly 35 years of sales, product management and service operations experience in high-tech industries, including the energy, building automation and industrial automation sectors.

Perez is an investment consultant with DeRoy & Devereaux, an independent investment adviser, where she has provided client consulting services since 2015. She was previously Owner and Managing Partner of The Medallion Company, a consulting firm, from 2003 to 2015. From 1996 until 2002, she was VP of Loomis, Sayles & Company. Perez was co-founder of Medallion Investment Company, Inc. and served as President and CEO from 1991 until it was acquired by Loomis Sayles in 1996. Perez was previously a Director of GenOn Energy, Inc., a large power producer in the United States, where she was Chair of its Audit Committee and a member of its Risk and Finance Oversight Committee. Perez earned a Bachelor's degree from Baylor University in Finance and Economics.

Age: 66

Hollywood, FL



Investor & Board Director


Perez de la Mesa was President and CEO of Pool Corporation, from 2001 until his retirement in 2018; from 1999 to 2001 he served as the President and COO. He now serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. Manny is also Lead Director of BCPE Empire Topco, Inc., the parent company of Imperial Dade; Lead Director of BCPE Ulysses Investor, LP, the parent company of USLBM; Chairman of Bution Holdings 1, Llc., the parent company of ORS Medco; a board member of Advanced Drainage Systems, Hamilton HoldCo, LLC, the U.S. subsidiary of the Reece Ltd.

Pool Corp. (577), Advanced Drainage Systems, BCPE Empire Topco (d/b/a “Imperial Dade”), BCPE Ulysses Investor (d/b/a “USLBM”), Bution Holdings (d/b/a “ORS Medco”), Hamilton Holdco (d/b/a “Reece USA”)

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 110 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JUAN R. PÉREZ Chief Information Officer, Salesforce Hershey Co. (388) Boards SONIA PÉREZ

Age: 67

Indianapolis, IN



Retired Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Phelps Dodge Corporation

Evelance Health (20), SM Energy Co. (905), UNS Energy Corporation Boards

Age: 55 Brazil



Director & Partner, Kunumi AI

News Corp. (374) Boards

Age: 64 Rye, NY



Independent Director

Jones Lang LaSalle (186) Boards

Peru’s positions included technology experience as SVP at Phelps Dodge with responsibility for managing both information systems and technology and human resources. He served on the former WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. board of directors until its merger in 2004. During 2007, he was EVP and CFO of Swift Corporation (transportation) and prior to that was EVP and CFO of Phelps Dodge Corporation (mining and manufacturing)until 2007. He joined Phelps Dodge in 1979 and held various finance and accounting positions. Peru has served as a director of SM Energy Company (oil and gas exploration and production company) since 2014, UNS Energy Corporation (electric and gas utility holding company), a subsidiary of Fortis Inc. (utility holding company), since 2007 and Bluemedia, Inc. (large format printer) since 2018.

Kunumi AI is a leading artificial intelligence start-up in Brazil. She has been an independent board member and member of the audit committee of News Corporation, NY, since 2013. Pessoa was CFO of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games from 2015 to 2017. She served as Founder and Managing Director of Brunswick São Paulo from 2012 to 2015. She founded and was Chair of Neemu Internet, which was sold in 2015 to Linx SA.. She was CFO of infoglobo Comunicações from 2001-2011, and before that held several executive positions in the Globo Organizations since 1993. Ana Paula worked for the World Bank in DC and The United Nations Devenlopment Programme in New York and Benin, West Africa.

Petach has been a Director of JLL since May, 2015 and Chairman of the Audit Committee since May, 2016. From 2007 until 2014, she was a senior leader at BlackRock, Inc., the world’s largest investment management firm managing over $4.6 trillion of assets on behalf of governments, companies, foundations, and millions of individuals globally. Most recently, she was the co-head of US Client Solutions and prior to that she was the Chief Financial Officer of BlackRock. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2007, she was Vice President, Treasurer at Ford Motor Company, where she worked for the firm in the US, Europe and South America over a period of 23 years. She is currently a member of the board of directors of certain of BlackRock’s affiliated companies and she is a trustee, secretary and treasurer of the Financial Accounting Foundation. Petach earned a BA degree in business and Spanish from Muhlenberg College in 1982 and a MSIA degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984.

Age: 55

Juno Beach, FL


Pimentel, Jr. has been the president and CEO of Florida Power & Light Company, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc. and an electric utility serving 5.8 million customer accounts, since February 2023. He previously served as president and chief executive officer of NextEra Energy Resources, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc., and leading provider of sustainable energy generation, from October 2011 to March 2019. He also served as executive vice president, finance and chief financial officer of NextEra Energy, Inc. from May 2008 to October 2011 and was a member of the board of NextEra Energy Partners, L.P. from June 2014 to March 2019 (while also serving as president of NextEra Energy Partners during that time). Prior to joining NextEra Energy, Pimentel was a partner at Deloitte & Touche and an accounting fellow with the Office of the Chief Accountant of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Pimentel earned a BS degree in accounting from Florida State University.

Age: 62

Miami, FL


George Pita has extensive C-Suite business, financial and operational acumen gained over a 40-year career in both public and private entities. Wide range of Sector Expertise including E&C Infrastructure and Consumer Products. He has experience in management of both U.S. and Global Operations. Experience with both high growth and restructuring environments. As well as, vast experience in capital market equity and debt transactions, M&A transactions, SEC reporting, investor, and rating agency relations. He is also experienced in board relations and governance, having managed board relations at multiple companies. George is an experienced director currently serving as Audit Committee chair of both public and not for profit entities, currently serving as Audit Committee chair of both public and not for profit entities.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 111 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ARMANDO PIMENTEL JR. CEO, Florida Power & Light Company Ameriprise Financial (279) Boards GEORGE PITA Independent Board Director Ovintiv (400), Jupiter Acquisition Corp (JACX) Boards

Age: 59 Pasadena, CA



President & Chief Executive Officer, Edison International


Edison International (243), 3M (102)


Pedro is president and CEO as well as a directorof Edison International, the parent company of electric utility Southern California Edison and global energy advisor Edison Energy. Previously, he was president of Edison Mission Energy, an independent power producer subsidiary, became president of SCE in October 2014. Pizarro was formerly a senior engagement manager with McKinsey & Company. He earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Harvard. Pizarro is a vice chair for the Edison Electric Institute, the immediate past chair of Electric Power Research Institute and a board member of Argonne National Laboratory, Caltech and the Analysis and Resilience Center for Systemic Risk.

Age: 62

New York, NY


Former president and chief executive officer, Mercer


State Street Corp. (316)

Age: 68

Chicago, IL



Executive Advisor Partner, Wind Point Partners


Hormel Foods (327), Northern Trust (493), Tropicale Foods, Evans Food Group Ltd.

Age: 65

Corvina, CA


President, Provencio Advisory Services, Inc.

Beazer Homes USA (992) Boards

Age: 60

Ashburn, VA Nationality:

Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, PepsiCo

Target Corporation (32), Organon & Co. Boards

Portalatin served as President and CEO of Mercer, a business of Marsh & McLennan that delivers advice and technology-driven solutions to help organizations meet the health, wealth and career needs of their workforces in more than 140 countries. Before joining Mercer in 2012, he spent 20 years at AIG, where he held many senior positions. He actively supports several nonprofit organizations and currently sits on the Board of Covenant House International, which works with homeless youth. Portalatin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and honorary doctorate from Hofstra University and is a member of its Board of Trustees.

Jose Luis is with Wind Point Partners and since 2016 he has been acquiring and developing Hispanic food companies. Until 2019 he was Chairman and CEO of Evans Foods Group. Prado is also Former President of Quaker Oats North America, a $2.7 Billion division of PepsiCo. Before Quaker he was President from 2002 to 2010 of Gamesa Quaker, HQ in Mexico with more than 15K associates and revenues of +1.5 Billion. The first Mexican to lead a major PepsiCo business in NA, Prado retired from PepsiCo in 2014 after a distinguished career of 30 years, 6 countries and two continents including Leadership and General Management responsibilities in Mexico, Spain, Caribbean, Andean and South Cone in Latin America.

Provencio has 30 years of financial consulting experience. She was with Arthur Andersen for 23 years and was the Partner-inCharge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice from 1996 to 2002. She joined KPMG in May 2002 and was the Partner-inCharge of its Pacific Southwest Healthcare Practice until she resigned her partnership in September 2003 and formed Provencio Advisory Services. She was responsible for the audit, business consulting, and tax practices at Andersen and KPMG. Since 1983 Norma has worked exclusively with healthcare organizations including serving the business advisory needs of hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, physician groups, and managed care organizations. Norma received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University.

Puma is Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of PepsiCo, where she leads the global operations, global procurement, employee health & safety, global security and holistic cost management. Working across a complex operating environment that is evolving at a rapid pace, Grace is valued for her ability to find innovative solutions and build strong business relationships to meet the needs of customers and consumers. Prior to joining PepsiCo, Grace was Chief Procurement Officer at United Airlines and held a variety of senior leadership positions in global procurement at Kraft Foods Recognized as a top female leader and Hispanic role model, she is well-known for her ability to inspire and develop talent. Grace holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics from Illinois Benedictine University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 112 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 63

Houston, TX


Newmont Corp (308), SM Energy Co. (905) Boards

Age: 62

Austin, TX



Cummins (150) Boards

Quintana served as the President and CEO of Tesco Corporation, from 2005 until his retirement in 2015, and served on Tesco’s Board of Directors from 2004 to 2015. Prior to his appointment as President and Chief Executive Officer, Quintana served as Executive Vice President and CEO at Tesco beginning in 2004. Prior to his tenure at Tesco, he worked for five years in various executive roles for Schlumberger Corporation. Prior to Schlumberger, he worked for nearly 20 years for Unocal Corporation, an integrated E&P company, in various operational and managerial roles.

Quintos served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer (CCO) of Dell Technologies Inc., a global technology leader, from 2016 to 2020. Ms. Quintos was responsible for Dell’s customer experience, ESG (including Diversity), and customer data strategy and programs. Previously at Dell, Quintos served as Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer from 2010 to 2016 and Vice President of Public Sector Marketing and North America Commercial from 2008 to 2010. She also held executive roles in services, support, and supply chain management. Quintos earned a master’s degree in marketing and international business from New York University, and a Bachelor of Science in supply chain management from Pennsylvania State University.

Age: 50 N/A



CEO Latin America, Prysmian Group

IDEX Corporation (887) Boards

Alejandro Quiroz Centeno serves as CEO Latin America for Prysmian Group, a global leader in the energy and telecommunications cable systems industry. Prior to joining Prysmian Group, Quiroz served as President, Aptiv Latin America, leading a $5.5 billion automotive technology business with 75,000 employees and 40 locations in Mexico, Central and South America. His previous experience includes leadership roles in various countries at automotive suppliers Tenneco Inc in EMEA, Edscha Aktiengesellschaft in USA and Continental Aktiengesellschaft in Asia, as well as home appliance manufacturer Whirlpool Corporation. Quiroz holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad de las Americas-Puebla.

Age: 56

Palo Alto, CA


Treasurer Alphabet Inc.

Bath & Body Works (435) Boards

Age: 56

Key Biscayne, FL


Born in Argentina, has served as the Treasurer of Alphabet Inc. a multinational technology company, and its subsidiary Google since 2018. In his role he oversees over $100 billion of investments, corporate finance policy and financial risk management. He is also a key executive overseeing Google's sustainability strategy and diversity, equity and inclusion work. Prior to Alphabet, Rajlin served as Corporate Treasurer and Chief Risk Officer from until 2017 and as CFO, Products and Services from until 2018, in each case at Mastercard, and held various roles with increasing levels of responsibility with General Motors Company before joining Mastercard. Rajlin holds a BS, Economics from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Argentina and an MBA from Columbia University.

Kimberly-Clark (182) Boards

Ramirez currently serves as Executive Vice President and President, Global Tools and Storage for Stanley Black & Decker. Over his 30-year career with the company, he has held various roles of global responsibility, including Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the company's Tools & Storage business, President for the Exponential Learning Unit (STANLEY X), and Senior Vice President and President of Global Emerging Markets. He earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and an MBA from Loyola Universityin Maryland.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 114 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JULIO M. QUINTANA Director, Basic Energy Services Retired Chief Customer Officer, Dell Technologies Inc. JUAN RAJLIN JAIME RAMÍREZ Executive Vice President and President, Global Tools and Storage for Stanley Black & Decker

Six Flags Boards

Age: 51 Dallas, TX


Enrique joined Pizza Hut in 2010 as VP of Finance and was promoted to CFO of Pizza Hut U.S. in 2011. In 2014, he was promoted to Global CFO of Pizza Hut, focusing on leading and driving the development of strategic initiatives and financial decisions for the Pizza Hut brand. In 2016, he took on additional responsibility for the Development function for Pizza Hut globally, and led a significant acceleration of international unit development through both organic growth and M&A. In 2019 he took on the additional role of General Manager of Pizza Hut LatAm & Iberia business unit. Ramirez is an 18-year veteran of the retail industry with various roles of the areas of Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Product Development, Operations and Real Estate. His career includes positions with FedEx Kinko’s, The Boston Consulting Group and Santander Investment Securities.

Age: 66

Alpharetta, GA


Generac Holdings Inc. Boards

Age: 56

Raleigh-Durham, NC



CIO Governing Body Member, Evanta. Executive VP & Chief Information Officer, First Citizens Bank

ScanSource (773) Boards

Age: 54

Miami, FL Nationality:

He has more than 30 years of broad management, operations, and investment experience with both established and emerging companies. Until 2018, Ramon served as Chairman and CEO of Diversified Maintenance, a specialized cleaning and maintenance services corporation. He co-founded Vaduz Partners in 1998, a private investment firm for which he continues to serve as a Managing Partner. From 2000 through 2007, he was also President, CEO, and director of USA.NET, Inc. Until 1998, he was President of the Coleman Outdoor Recreation Group. From 1994 to 1997, he held various senior management positions including President and CEO of New World Television, Inc. and director of New World Communications Group, Inc. Ramon served as the Executive Vice President and CFO of Gillett Holdings, Inc.

Ramoneda previously served as CIO and Vice President of Information Technology and Telecommunications at Progress Energy. With more than 35 years of technology experience, Ramoneda has led the continued development of innovative, robust, and secure information technology environments, giving her an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities within ScanSource's technologies, as well as the perspective for many of the Company's customers and supplier partners.

Ramos joined Millicom in 2015 as CEO and was elected as an Executive Director of the Millicom Board in 2020. Since then he has pioneered a variety of initiatives, most notably transforming the company into a fixed internet and mobile business with a strong focus on Latin America. In 2018 he led the acquisition of Cable Onda, the Group’s first asset in Panama, and followed in 2019 with the acquisition of Telefonica’s mobile subsidiaries in Panama and Nicaragua. Before joining Millicom, he was President of Liberty Global’s Latin American division, a position he held from 2006 until 2015. During his career at Liberty Global, Mauricio held several leadership roles, including positions as Chairman and CEO of VTR in Chile, CFO of Liberty’s Latin American division, and President of Liberty Puerto Rico.

Age: 57

Moines, Iowa Nationality:

Casey’s, is a F500 company operating over 2,300 convenience stores throughout the Midwest and South. He's the CEO of the third largest convenience retailer and fifth largest pizza chain. Prior to Casey’s, Rebelez served as the President of IHOP Restaurants, a unit of Dine Brands Global, Inc., (Applebee’s Grill & Bar and IHOP brands). He worked at 7-Eleven as Executive Vice President and COO. Before 7-Eleven, he held numerous leadership roles within ExxonMobil, and before at Thornton Oil Corporation. Preceding his civilian career, Darren was an Army Ranger and Gulf War veteran. He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Foreign Area Studies. He went on to also earn an MBA from the University of Houston.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 115 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ENRIQUE RAMÍREZ MENA President, BUFF City Soap DAVID A. RAMÓN Manging Partner, Vaduz Partners LLC. MAURICIO RAMOS Chief Executive Officer, Millicom Charter Communications Inc. (69), Millicom Boards DARREN M. REBELEZ President and Chief Executive Officer, Casey’s Des Casey's General Stores (371), Globe Life (445) Boards

Age: 66

Glendale, CA


Public Storage (765) Boards

Age: 48

Milwaukee, WI



Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Ingersoll Rand

American Airlines Group (114), Ingersoll Rand (550) Boards

Age: 63

Sao Paulo, Brazil



Chief Executive Officer, Banco Santander Brasil

Delta Air Lines (113) Boards

Age: 58

San Francisco, CA



Chief Executive Officer, Red River Associates

American Family Insurance (250), Ripple Labs Inc. Boards

Age: 60

Billerica, MA



Chief Medical Affairs Officer and Head of Evidence Generation, Pfizer

Cooper Companies (851) Boards

Edward John Reyes was the CFO and Senior Vice President of Public Storage, Public Storage since 1996. He also served as a Vice President of Public Storage Canadian Properties. He joined Public Storage Inc. in 1990. John served as Controller of Public Storage Inc., from 1992 to 1996. From 1983 to 1990, he was employed by Ernst & Young. Reyes is a Certified Public Accountant.

Prior to Ingersoll Rand, Vicente served as CEO of Gardner Denver. In this role, he was responsible for driving growth and profitability leading to the IPO of Gardner Denver in May 2017 and subsequently in 2020 acquiring the Ingersoll Rand Industrial Segment. Vicente has led a tremendous value creation increasing the enterprise value by more than 8x over the past seven years. Before joining Gardner Denver, Vicente spent 11 years at Danaher. Prior to joining Danaher, Vicente served in various operational and executive roles at Thermo Fisher Scientific and AlliedSignal Corp. (which became Honeywell in 1999). Vicente also serves on the board of Ownership Works, a non-profit organization.Vicente holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and a MS in Mechanical Engineering and a MS in Technology and Policy; both from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

CEO of Santander Brasil since January 2016. He served as Chairman of Banco Santander Brasil from 2015 until 2016. From 2012 to 2015, He was CEO of Marfrig Global Foods, one of the world’s largest meat companies with operations in Brazil and 15 other countries. Prior to Marfrig in 2012, Rial served in various leadership capacities with Cargill, Inc., a Minneapolis-based global provider of food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services. At Cargill, Rial served as CFO from 2009 to 2011 and EVP from 2011 to 2012. He was also a member of Cargill’s board of directors from 2010 to 2012. From 2002 to 2004, was a senior managing director and co-head of the Investment Banking Division at Bear Stearns & Co. in New York after serving at ABN AMRO Bank for 18 years.

She was the 43rd Treasurer of the United States from 2009 to 2016. In that capacity she had direct oversight over the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and served as a key liaison with the Federal Reserve. In addition, she was a senior adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury in the areas of community development and public engagement. She is the CEO of Red River Associates, an investment management firm, and is a graduate of Harvard University where she is the first Latina to have a portrait commissioned in her honor. Prior to the Treasury, she was managing director of investments for MacFarlane Partners. Before that, Rios served in several California private and public sector positions focused on economic development and urban redevelopment.

Rivas is a LatinX, senior biotechnology executive, experienced public corporate board director, and Columbia University trained physician. At S&P 100 and international companies like Lilly, Abbvie and Merck & Co, she has enhanced the value proposition and market success of multiple products throughout their lifecycles. Rivas has extensive experience in global operations, digital transformation, and crisis and risk management in highly regulated industries. Rivas has started-up and transformed high-performing global teams of up to 2000 professionals in over 90 countries. Rivas serves on the board of Cooper Companies, a public large cap medical device company. She served as a board director at Medidata, a public mid-cap health technology company until its successful M&A to Dassault Systemes.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 116 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOHN REYES Retired Chief Financial Officer, Public Storage VICENTE

Age: 59

New York, NY


Welltower (630) Boards

Former CEO of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. He previously served as CEO and President of the Vacation Ownership segment of ILG, Inc. from 2016 to 2018. He is also the former President of The Americas for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2012 to 2016, and CEO and President of Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., a position he held from 2007 to 2016. Rivera served in a variety of capacities with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. since 1998.

Age: 59

Santa Clara, CA


She leads Intel’s development of leadership data center products for a cloud-based world, including Intel® Xeon® and field programmable gate array products. She also drives the company’s overall artificial intelligence strategy and product roadmap. Before, she led Intel’s Human Resources organization and was responsible for driving greater business results through a culture which embraces diversity and inclusion. Previously, Rivera led Intel’s fast-growing networking business and was the executive sponsor for the company’s 5G strategy and product roadmap. Rivera joined Intel in 2000 as a marketing director after the acquisition of Dialogic Corporation. Before joining Intel, Rivera co-founded and served as president of The CTI Authority, and served as president of the computer telephony division at Catalyst Telecom.

Equinix (487) Boards

Age: 61

Atlanta, GA


President of the North America Operating Unit, The Coca-Cola Company

Principal Financial Group (256) Boards


His role helps lead the company's transformation to emerge stronger as a total beverage company, enabled by a globally-networked organization. He has been a veteran of the global Coca-Cola system for 35 years and joined The Coca-Cola Co. in 1997. Prior to his current role he was President, Latin America from 2016-2020, President, Latin Center Business Unit from 2013-2016, VP of Operations Mexico from 2006-2012 and prior to 2006 held other global positions with Coca-Cola. Rivera has executive level experience in accounting and finance, consumer (retail), international, marketing, strategic planning, sustainability/ESG, and technology. Bachelor's degree and MBA from the University of Southern Mississippi; and the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

Age: 66

Rochester, NY


Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Paychex, Inc.

Jones Lang LaSalle (185), Rochester Regional Health Boards

Age: 52

Denver, CO



Chief Executive Officer, DaVita Inc.

Gilead Sciences Inc. (129), DaVita (324) Boards

Rivera is the senior vice president and chief financial officer of Paychex, Inc. He joined the company in June 2011 as senior vice president, chief financial officer, and treasurer. Rivera was formerly corporate vice president and chief financial officer at Bausch & Lomb, a global eye health company, and also served as vice president of finance and administration at Houghton College in Western New York. Rivera holds a Doctor of Management degree from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Additionally, he earned his Master of Business Administration from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester, and a Juris Doctor degree from New York University in New York City. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Houghton College.

Rodriguez is an experienced leader committed to transforming care delivery for patients with kidney disease—from the earliest stages of the disease through transplantation. He is passionate about accelerating the digital transformation and delivering customized care to each patient while lowering costs for the health care system. In more than 20 years with DaVita, he has continued fostering a powerful sense of inclusivity and community among teammates and patients. Since joining the company in 1998, Rodriguez has served in a number of capacities, including leading kidney care operations and payor contracting. Prior to joining DaVita, Rodriguez worked in finance for Baxter Healthcare Corporation and in operations for CBS Marketing Inc. in Mexico City.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 118 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 66 El Paso, TX


Oneok Inc. (224) Boards

Eduardo previously served as executive vice president and as a member of the board of directorsof Hunt Building Corporation, a privately held company engaged in construction and realestate development headquartered in El Paso, Texas. Prior to his three years with Hunt BuildingCorporation, Eduardo spent 20 years in the electric utility industry at El Paso Electric Company,a publicly traded, investor-owned utility, where he served in various senior-level executivepositions, including general counsel, senior vice president for customer and corporate services,executive vice president, and as chief operating officer.

Age: 62

Long Beach, CA Nationality:

Farmers Insurance Exchange (256), APGA Boards

Age: 58

New Jersey


While at Boys & Girls Clubs, Don has grown the Clubs quite extensively, from three to 12 sites. He has also expanded the reach within the community and stakeholders, and was awarded “Executive of the Year” by B&GCA. He has proven his ability to build new partnerships locally and nationally, while enhancing current ones, and has a strong ability to align organizational strategy to the vision of the Board of Directors, while maintaining the ability to respond to changes from the peripheral environment. He has been on the Farmers Insurance Group Board of Governors for over 20 years, is past Chair of Farmers Board of Governors, past Chair of Farmers Truck Insurance Exchange, current Vice Chair of Farmers Fire Board, and is a member of the Claims Committee of Farmers Insurance and is on the board of APGA.

ADP (242), Microsoft (14) Boards

Age: 56

New York, NY


Rodriguez served as CEO and President of ADP until January 2023. During his tenure, ADP has nearly doubled the number of clients using its cloud-based services. Additionally, its Professional Employer Organization, ADP TotalSource®, business has nearly doubled the number of client employees served, putting it on par with the nation’s largest private sector employers. After joining ADP in 1999 through its acquisition of Vincam, he held a series of positions with increasing responsibilities before becoming CEO. He served as President of TotalSource, which became the fastest-growing and largest PEO in the industry under his leadership. He also served as President of the National Account Services and Employer Services International divisions, which serve large companies, and spent several years as President of the Small Business Services (SBS) division.

Burlington Stores Inc. (377) Boards

Age: 64

Winston-Salem, NC


Named COO of UCI Networks in 2018, overseeing all programming, acquisitions, production and marketing operations for the Spanish-language media giant. She has spearheaded some of the Company’s most high-profile, award-winning campaigns as well as strategic partnerships with programmers and media partners, including an unprecedented deal with Netflix. As CMO, she leads an award-winning team driving audience engagement and culture across all linear and digital platforms. Jessica has risen the corporate ladder since joining Univision in 2000 as an intern while at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Rodríguez, a CPA, was an audit partner at KPMG LLP from 1995 until his retirement on 2021. During his time with KPMG, he held various leadership positions, including Partner in Charge and Executive Director of KPMG’s Audit Committee Institute from 2016 to 2021, member of KPMG US’s board of directors from 2006 to 2011, including the role as Lead Director and Ombudsman responsible for leading the firm’s internal regulatory investigations. He also served as COO for KPMG’s Global Audit Practice from 2012 to 2015 and Office Managing Partner for the firm’s Global Service Center from 2013 to 2015.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 119 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
EDUARDO A. RODRÍGUEZ President, Strategic Communication Consulting Group DONALD RODRÍGUEZ Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach CARLOS A. RODRÍGUEZ Executive Chair of the Board, ADP JESSICA RODRÍGUEZ President & Chief Operating Officer, UCI Networks & Chief Marketing Officer, Univision Communicaions Inc. JOSÉ R. RODRÍGUEZ Independent Director Primoris Services Corp (752), Popular (888), CareMax Inc. Boards


Age: 64

Washington, DC


Rodriguez is a public company board director, industrial / organizational psychologist, and a former Fortune 500 chief HR officer. As Global CHRO at Marriott International, he led human capital strategy and execution for the leading hospitality player in one of the most significant employment sectors – Travel and Tourism – which supports one out of every 10 jobs worldwide and accounts for roughly 10% of global GDP. In 2016, he led the organizational and cultural integration of the Starwood brands into Marriott to create the world's largest hotel company. Currently he serves as a public board director and is active in various professional endeavors that draw on his experience both as a CHRO and industrial/organizational psychologist.

Age: 58

Phoenix, AZ


Bacus previously served as EVP and Global Chief Marketing & Customer Officer of CIGNA Corporation and President of the Cigna Foundation until 2019. She was responsible for Cigna's global marketing activities and communications capabilities. . Bacus earned BA and BS Degrees from Northern Arizona University and an MBA from Duke University. She joined the company in of 2013 after five years with the American Family Insurance where she served as Executive Vice President and CMO, overseeing all marketing, public relations, communications and actuarial functions. Bacus began a successful 22-year career with the Ford Motor Company, where she served in many key roles, including as Head of Global Marketing Strategy and Director of Global Market Research.

Age: 61

Princeton, NJ Nationality:


Vice President & General Counsel, Princeton University

TIAA Boards

Ramona E. Romero is the Vice President and General Counsel of Princeton University. From 2011 to 2014, she was General Counsel to the United States Department of Agriculture, a role to which she was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Earlier in her career, Ramona held various legal roles at DuPont, and spent ten years as a litigator at a major law firm. Currently, she serves on the Boards of TIAA (a Fortune 100 financial services company), Legal Services of New Jersey, and the National Association of Women Lawyers, and on President Biden’s Commission on White House Fellowships. She has extensive governance experience gained through service on numerous non-profit boards, including those of Barnard College, Greater Trenton, Inc., and as President of the Hispanic National Bar Association. Ramona is a graduate of Barnard College and Harvard Law School.

Age: 55

McLean, VA


President and Chief Executive Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton

As president and CEO of Booz Allen Hamilton, he guides Booz Allen’s overall business strategy and investments in innovation, advanced and emerging technology solutions, and highly skilled talent. With a focus on velocity, leadership, and technology, he has positioned the business to drive transformation and advance critical missions for government clients and Fortune 500 corporations while delivering continued revenue growth and increased shareholder value. Rozanski is a respected authority and leader in the consulting industry with expertise in business strategy, technology and operations, talent and diversity, and the future of technology and consulting. Born and raised in Argentina, Rozanski moved to the US and got a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago.

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. (436), Children’s National Medical Center, CARE USA, Marriott International (270), The Economic Club of Washington DC Boards

Age: 50

Las Vegas, NV Nationality:

Carlos is a finance and entertainment executive with more than 25 years of experience. He served as the president and CFO and a director of Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. an owner and operator of gaming, hospitality and entertainment businesses, from 2016 through its 2018 acquisition by Penn National Gaming, Inc. Prior to becoming president in 2013, he served as executive vice president since 2008 and executive vice president of strategic planning and development from 2008 to 2011. Before joining Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc., Ruisanchez was senior managing director at Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. As senior managing director of Bear, Stearns & Co., he was responsible for corporate clients in the gaming, lodging and leisure industries, as well as financial sponsor banking relationships.

Cedar Fair Entertainment Co., Southwest Gas Holdings (728) Boards

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 120 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DAVID A. RODRÍGUEZ Former EVP & Chief HR Officer, Marriott International Life (594), American Woodmark Boards LISA ROJAS BACUS President & CEO, Oro Vista Ventures LLC Selective Insurance Group (769), Teradata, Culver's Restaurants, Douglas Dynamics Boards HORACIO D. ROZANSKI CARLOS RUISANCHEZ Founding Partner, Sorelle Capital

Age: 54

Boston, MA



Independent Director

FM Global (418) Boards

Ruiz arrived at MIT as a master’s student in the MIT Sloan School of Management. After completing his degree in 2001, he became a consultant to MIT, serving former president Charles Vest and former provost Robert Brown. In 2002, Ruiz formally joined MIT as manager of financial planning and analysis, becoming associate director of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning in 2003. He was named director of finance in 2005, leading an Institute-wide rebalancing that several years later yielded the first balanced general unrestricted budget in 15 years. He was named vice president for finance in 2007. Ruiz became MIT’s executive vice president and treasurer in 2011. Ruiz led the development of The Engine, an accelerator for “tough tech” entrepreneurs from MIT and across the Boston area.

Age: 66

Plano, TX



Chairman, MediaKind

Liberty Mutual Insurance Group (78), MediaKind Boards

Age: 52

Rogers, AR



Independent Director

TelevisaUnivision (866), Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc. (871), Vital Farms Inc., Ulta Beauty Inc. (402) Boards

Age: 70

Tucson, AZ


Past President & CEO for Ericsson, Inc. and MediaKind. He previously was Head-North American Region at Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson. Ruiz has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Central Florida and a Master’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems from John Hopkins University.

Age: 64

Miami, FL


Over her 26 year career, Gisel built extensive experience serving in executive capacities at Fortune 1 company, Walmart Inc. She worked her way up the ranks from an hourly Assistant Manager Trainee to Chief Operating Officer for Walmart US where she was responsible for store operations, store innovation and real estate strategy for the $250bil US business segment. As Executive Vice President People serving Walmart International, she set the strategy in all areas of human capital management, managing HR teams supporting over 1 million employees across 27 countries outside of the US. Prior to completing her career at Walmart Inc, she served as Executive Vice President, C.O.O. for Sam’s Club, the fast growing, omni channel warehouse membership business. Gisel now serves on several public and private company boards, including TelevisaUnivision media company and Ulta Beauty.

In 2018, Ruiz was named a Mexicanos Distinguidos, by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in Mexico and honored with Geological Society of America's Public Service Award. Ruiz was honored in 2010 by Mexico’s president as an outstanding Mexican researcher, one of the first Mexican scholars living abroad to be so recognized. He is also a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He was president of the Geological Society of America for 2010-11. He joined the geosciences department in 1983, was named department head in 1995, dean of the College of Science in 2000, executive dean in 2008 and vice president of innovation and strategy in 2013. Ruiz’s lab discovered in 2002 that more than 40 percent of the world’s gold is 3 billion years old.

Retired from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in 2020 as a senior global partner. For nearly 40-years career he served in various senior leadership and operational roles, including CEO for both the U.S. and global audit practices. He also served as the managing partner for all of Deloitte’s businesses across the 28 countries of North and South America. An accomplished global business executive with a comprehensive multi-cultural business background, He is a licensed CPA and qualified board of director financial expert. As a result of his deep passion for talent development and mentoring, and in recognition of his legacy at the firm, Sabater’s Deloitte partners, clients, and friends endowed a scholarship and mentoring program in his name at the Florida International University. He holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Florida International University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 121 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RUÍZ JOAQUÍN RUÍZ VP of Global Environmental Futures UNS Energy Corporation Boards CARLOS A. SABATER Board Member, Retired Senior Global Partner-Deloitte KBR (460), PDC Energy Inc., PoolCorp. (577) Boards

Age: 58 Miami, FL



Age: 71

New York, NY



Age: 55

Santa Monica, CA



Entravision Communications Corp. Boards


Carmen is a CPA and currently serves as the CFO of Quirch Foods Parent, LLC, a national food distribution company with a portfolio of owned brands. She has served in that role since 2002 and has led Quirch's integration strategy and also has experience with both human capital and technology functions. Before she was the Controller of MasTec, Inc. until 1999 and was then appointed as its CFO, serving in that role until 2002. Carmen was previously at Deloitte & Touche, LLP, as an auditor and then as a Senior Manager until 1994.

Age: 59

San Francisco, CA


DocuSign (1000), FireEye, Atlassian, ForeScout Boards

Age: 54

Oklahoma City, OK Nationality:


Former President, Sonic Corp.

BOK Financial (936) Boards

Pineda has, 30 years of experience as a senior executive at Toyota, first at the start-up joint venture between General Motors and Toyota, New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. and then at Toyota Motor North America, Inc. from which she retired at the end of 2016. During her career, Pineda served as General Counsel and Group Vice President, overseeing legal, board governance, corporate communications, human resources, government and environmental affairs, philanthropy, corporate advertising, diversity and inclusion, and Hispanic business strategies. Pineda received her B.A. in Government at Mills College and her J.D. at Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. She also completed the Toyota Executive Program at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.

He is in this position since November 2020. He has also served on Entravision’s Board of Directors since 2014. He is the founder of JSW Servicios de Estrategia SC and has held several positions at Televisa Corporación, S.A. de C.V. (“Televisa”), serving as president of Televisa Interactive Media and as Director of Planning and Strategy of Televisa Multimedia. Before joining Televisa, Saldívar was the founder and Country Manager of in Mexico. He is a Partner at Rise Capital and currently serves on the boards of directors of Grupo Diniz SA de CV and Travesías Editores SA de CV. He holds a degree in economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and an MBA from the IESE Business School in Spain.

Enrique joined Bain Capital Ventures in 2014, where he focuses on infrastructure software and services with a specialization in cybersecurity. Enrique was previously the president and CEO of Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC) and brings more than 27 years of executive experience in technology and security to Bain Capital Ventures. Through his 19 years at the global leader for security, backup, and availability solutions, Enrique also served as the EVP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing and President of Consumer Products. Before Symantec, he was president and CEO of Brightmail, the leading anti-spam software company acquired by Symantec in 2004.In March 2011, Enrique was appointed to President Barack Obama’s Management Advisory Board. Enrique was named 2004 Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young, and 2007 Corporate Executive of the Year by Hispanic Net.

She sets the strategic direction for SONIC and is responsible for overseeing the brand’s marketing, operations, and supply chain teams. She is also responsible for the growth and success of SONIC’s company-owned restaurants as well as the brand’s relationship with its franchise community. San Pedro joined SONIC in 2006 as vice president of investor relations and treasurer. She was promoted to EVP and CFO in 2015, and was responsible for SONIC’s financial planning practices, as well as the brand’s relationship with lending institutions, shareholders, and the financial community. Prior to SONIC, she served as the director for the Oklahoma Office of State Finance. Appointed by Governor Brad Henry in 2005, San Pedro was the first female and first Hispanic to serve as director of state finance for Oklahoma.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 122 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
SVP Chief Financial Officer, Quirch Foods Dycom Industries Inc. (910) Boards Former Toyota Motor North America, Inc. General Counsel & Group Vice President Levi Strauss (540), Frontier Airlines, Omnicom Group (255), Portland General Electric Boards Chief Digital, Strategy and Accountability Officer, Entravision Partner, Bain Capital Venture

Age: 39

Newton, MA



Co-Founder & CRO, Equity Quotient


TechTarget, Lifeway Foods, Inc.

Age: 58

Miami, FL


Perfecto is a proven executive and entrepreneur dedicated to advancing solutions that drive stakeholder value. A 2005 West Point grad and combat veteran with two tours to Iraq, he has continued his service in the civilian sector with the goal to make ‘doing good’ more accessible. As the founder and CEO of Keep The Change, an award-winning social impact agency, he has impacted millions of lives with the goal of shaping a better right now. He is currently on a mission to shape the future of the S in ESG with Equity Quotient, an AI-powered stakeholder intelligence data platform. Ask him how he became the first American to row across the North Sea.

Chariman & CEO, Ryder System


Ryder System (365), Texas Instruments (198)

Age: 63

Naples, FL



President, S Group Advisory, LLC

ACI Worldwide Inc., Avnet Inc. (180), Snap One Holdings Corp., ASM International, MITRE Corporation Boards

Age: 56

New York, NY



Director, US Agency Business Development, Google

For over 30 years at Ryder, Sanchez has held many senior executive leadership positions: president and COO, CFO, president of Fleet Management Solutions, CIO, SVP of Transportation Management within Supply Chain Solutions, and VP of Asset Management. He has been a member of the Executive Leadership Team since 2003. In earlier roles, Sanchez played a key part in implementing the strategies which drove an improvement in the return of capital and earnings of the company. Since 2012, he has led the development and execution of Ryder’s growth strategy. Before he held positions at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Florida Power & Light. Sanchez earned his MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Miami.

Adalio Sanchez is a tech industry veteran with a strong track record of operating large complex multibillion-dollar global businesses. Sanchez spent 32 years with IBM Corporation where he held various senior executive officer and general management roles. During his tenure, Sanchez was instrumental in developing IBM’s early personal computers, spearheaded the formation of the Bluetooth industry consortium that made today’s popular wireless technology ubiquitous, and oversaw the creation of several of the world’s most powerful servers and supercomputing systems. Following IBM, he was Senior Vice President of Lenovo Group and CEO of Quantum Corporation. Now a seasoned board director, Sanchez Chairs the board of ACI Worldwide, Inc, and serves on the boards of Avnet Inc, Snap One Holdings Corp., and ASM International NV. He is also on the Board of Trustees of the MITRE Corporation.

Monique Sanchez has nearly 30 years corporate experience, with over with over 21 years in the digital advertising industry with a deep expertise in selling advertising technologies and media solutions to global agencies, marketers, and publishers. Since 2008, she has held senior sales and business development roles at Google, including most recently as Director Agency Sales Development, where she is responsible for leading an agency development team focused on driving revenue growth across Google’s largest market and U.S. clients and agency holding companies. Previously, she held business development roles at DoubleClick, which was acquired by Google in 2008. She received her B.A. degree from Syracuse University.

A-Mark Precious

Metals (446) Boards

Age: 64

Tampa, FL & Washington, DC



Chairman & CEO, CNS Global Advisors

Archer Daniels Midland (38) Boards

He has a long and distinguished career in the public and private sectors. He served as the U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for Trade until 2013, appointed by President Obama . As Under Secretary, he led the International Trade Administration in its efforts to improve the global business environment by helping U.S. businesses compete abroad. As one of the architects of Obama's National Export Initiative. He directed programs and policies that promote and protect the competitiveness of American businesses. During the Clinton Administration, Sánchez served as the assistant secretary for aviation and international affairs at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Before, he served in the White House as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton, and chief of staff to the Special Envoy to the Americas.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 124 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List

Age: 59

Houston, TX



Founder, Adelante Ventures LLC

Fannie Mae (33), Stewart Information Services (784) Boards

Age: 63 New Jersey Nationality:

Founder of Adelante Ventures LLC, and Founder Advisor to Spring Labs Inc. He was the President and CEO of Compass Bank, Inc. a U.S. subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), from 2008 to 2017. He also served as a member of BBVA’s worldwide Executive Committee and was BBVA’s Country Manager for U.S. operations from 2010 to 2017. Sánchez joined BBVA in 1990 and served in a number of other roles prior to becoming President and CEO of Compass Bank in 2008, including as Senior Executive Vice President of Community Banking in 2008, President and CEO of Laredo National Bank from 2005 to 2008, and Chief Risk Officer for BBVA Bancomer in Mexico City from 2002 to 2005.

Independent Board Director

Archer Daniels Midland (38), Dollar General (106), Keuring Dr Pepper (296), Gannett (801) Boards

Age: 49

Reno, NV Nationality:

A visionary global C-level executive with strong marketing and operating management experience. She has built and led multi-million dollar new business platforms in non-traditional channels; led start-ups and brand innovations; launched mega brands, developed award-winning big idea campaigns and led multi-billion dollar businesses. Her experience in the boardroom gives her a unique perspective on the recruiting process. In 2017 Sandler founded Mavis Foods, LLC, which successfully launched Bazodee®- a line of Caribbean gourmet sauces and marinades. At Johnson & Johnson she was the Worldwide President of McNeil Nutritionals and led the launch of Splenda®.

Scotts Miracle-Gro (616) Boards

Governor Sandoval served two terms as the 29th Governor of the State of Nevada, having held office from 2011 to 2019. He is currently the President of the University of Nevada, Reno, a position he has held since 2020. His current role as President of the University of Nevada, Reno – the first Hispanic and University alumnus to serve that role – is the most recent of his public service posts. Before serving as Governor, he served as a District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada, Attorney General of Nevada, and in the Nevada Assembly. He served as Chairman of the National Governors Association from 2017 to 2018, National Council of State Governments in 2015, Western Governors Association in 2014 and the Education Commission of the States from 2013 to 2014.

Age: 55 New York


Luis served as the CEO and on the board of directors of Tapestry, Inc. from 2014 to 2019, where he led the company’s transformation into Tapestry Inc., a New York-based house of modern luxury brands including Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman. Luis joined Coach, Inc. in 2006 as president and CEO of Coach Japan. He rapidly assumed additional leadership responsibilities across Asia and Europe, becoming chief commercial officer of Coach, Inc. in 2013 and CEO in 2014. Prior to Coach, Inc., from 2002 to 2006, Luis was president and CEO of Baccarat, Inc., where he ran the North American operation of the French luxury brand. Luis joined the Moët-Hennessy Louis Vuitton Group in 1995, ultimately advancing to president and CEO of its subsidiary, Givenchy, Japan Incorporated, before leaving in 2002.

Age: 51

Wilmerding, PA Nationality:

A native of Brazil, Santana has roughly 25 years of commercial, product management andexecutive leadership. Most recently, he served as President and CEO of GE Transportation, a unit of General Electric company. Prior to that role, he was president & CEO of GE in LatinAmerica; Santana also served as president and CEO of the Turbomachinery Solutions Businessof GE Oil & Gas, Prior to joining GE in 2000, Santana worked for six years at ExxonMobil andBritish American Tobacco. Santana has a degree in engineering from the Universidade Federalde Minas Gerais in Brazil.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 125 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DEBRA SANDLER BRIAN E. SANDOVAL President, the University of Nevada VÍCTOR LUIS Former Chief Executive, Tapestry Officer, Inc. Deckers Brands (918) Boards RAFAEL SANTANA President & CEO, Wabtec Corporation Travelers Cos. (103), Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. (439) Boards

Age: 55 N/A



EVP & Global CMO, HARMAN International

Dollar General (106) Boards

Ralph has served as CMO of Harman International Industries since 2013, with responsibility for all aspects of Harman’s worldwide marketing strategy. He is also responsible for Harman’s e-commerce business and runs its global design group which entails 6 design studios around the world and full P&L accountability. Before joining Harman, he served as SVP & CMO, North America, for Samsung. He also served 16 years at PepsiCo Inc. from 1994 to 2010, holding positions spanning multiple international and domestic leadership roles in marketing. While at PepsiCo, Inc. he also held positions with its Frito-Lay’s international and North America operations.

Age: 55

Mexico City, MX Nationality:

CEO, PepsiCo Latin America

Home Depot Boards

Santilli is the Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo Latin America and a member of PepsiCo’s Executive Committee since May 2019. Previously, she served as the President of PepsiCo Mexico Foods (PMF), the second largest market for PepsiCo globally, and of the PepsiCo Mexico Foundation. Before her roles in Mexico, she held leadership roles in both the beverages and foods businesses in the Southern Cone. Santilli is committed to generate inclusive growth in Latin America and to contribute to the well- being of the communities in which PepsiCo operates. She is also a strong champion of diversity and inclusion, increasing women representation in Mexico. She is co-author of three books on women empowerment and the importance of closing the gender gap in leadership positions.

Age: 66

Miami, FL


Former President & Chief Operating Officer, Signature Flight Support

General Mills (201), O'Reilly Automotive (279), GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation, Miramar Services Inc. Boards

Age: 78

New York, NY


Managing Director of Allen & Company LLC

Cinemark Holdings Inc. Boards

Age: 66

Dallas, TX


Signature Flight Support is the world’s largest and market leading fixed base operator network, for business, government, and private aviation. Prior to that, she was a Senior Executive with Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises between 2000-2008, where she held the positions of SVP, International for Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, responsible for the strategic market expansion and business development of the cruise line for Asia and Latin America. At Royal Caribbean International she was also VP of Hotel Operations and her responsibilities included managing all aspects of hotel operations, private destinations, retail, port operations, and the guest experience onboard Royal Caribbean’s worldwide fleet. Sastre joined Royal Caribbean after serving as VP of Worldwide Customer Satisfaction at United Airlines.

Enrique has served as a financial advisor to several corporations including Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, CapCities/ ABC, Columbia Pictures and QVC Networks. He also is serving on the following public company boards: Grupo Televisa S.A.B.; Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A. and Cinemark Holdings, Inc. He holds a B.A. in Architecture, a B.E. in Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in Industrial Administration from Yale University, an M.B.A. from the Harvard University, and an honorary J.D. from Emerson College.

He has served on the Board of Directors for Cinemark Holding, Inc. since 2007, and was appointed Lead Director in 2016. In 2014, he became a Director on the Board of Directors for Savoya, one of the world’s finest chauffeured ground transportation service providers. He served on the Board of Matador Resources Company from 2013 to 2017. Prior to Triumph, he was at Interstate Battery System International for 23 years, the last nine years as President & CEO. Before Interstate Batteries, he gained more than 10 years of experience in various roles with KPMG Peat Marwick Accounting Firm where he was an audit partner and designated associate SEC reviewing partner. Carlos received his Bachelor of Business Administration with highest honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1979.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 126 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
PAULA A. SANTILLI MARÍA SASTRE ENRIQUE F. SENIOR HERNÁNDEZ CARLOS SEPÚLVEDA Chairman of the Board, Triumph Bancorp, Inc. Cinemark Holdings Inc., Triumph Bancorp, Savoya Boards

Age: 56 Los Altos, CA


A CodeX Fellow at Stanford, Past Co-Chair of the We Robot Conference on AI/Robotics & Law, and the immediate past faculty director of the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford. He co-founded the Rock Center in 2006 and, as a Professor of the Practice and Associate Dean at Stanford Law School, led the Center until 2017. His teaching includes Finance, Governance, and Venture Capital. In 2009, 2010, and 2011, alongside Bernanke, Krugman, and Icahn, Professor Siciliano was named to the “Directorship 100” – a list of the most influential people in corporate governance. Co-founder, CEO and Executive Chairman of LawLogix Group. He sold a majority stake of the company to PNC Riverarch Capital and led the sale of the company to Hyland Software/Thoma Bravo in 2015.

Age: 61

Menlo Park, CA


Independent Director, CEO & Venture Capitalist

Illumina (651), Align Technology (699), Nevro Boards

Age: 53

Alberta, CA Nationality:

President and Chief Executive Officer, NOVA Chemical

Steel Dynamics Inc. (196) Boards

Most recently, Sue served as GE’s Chief Innovation Officer and CEO of GE Ventures, she oversaw investment in startups, created and scaled new companies, and commercialized GE’s intellectual property. She also led strategy planning and oversaw the global marketing function. Before joining GE, Siegel was a Silicon Valley-based healthcare and life sciences VC. Prior to becoming a venture capitalist, she led Affymetrix as President and a board member, where she drove the company’s transformation from a pre-revenue startup to a global, multi-billion-dollar market cap genomics leader. She has held executive leadership roles at Bio-Rad, DuPont and Amersham after transitioning to a corporate career from early work in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Sierra joined NOVA Chemicals in 2020. Prior to joining NOVA Chemicals, Sierra was CEO of global aromatics at BP. Before, Sierra held various positions throughout his career, including CFO of BP Whiting Refinery and President of BP Aromatics for the Americas, Europe and Middle East. Sierra earned a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida, a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Strategy from the University of Chicago.He has been listed in the 2022 ICIS Top 40 Power Players by ICIS, a global ranking of the leading CEOs and senior executives making the greatest positive impact on their companies and the chemicals industry.

Age: 56

Tampa, FL Nationality:

President & CEO, Culver Franchising System, LLC

Anywhere Real Estate Inc. (427) Boards

Age: 54

Mexico City, MX Nationality:

Silva served as the CEO and President of Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. from February 2007 to February 2020. For 13 years prior thereto, he served in various leadership positions at Burger King Corporation, including Senior Vice President, Franchise Operations East Zone and Canada; Senior Vice President, U.S. Company Operations, President, Latin America Region; and Vice President and General Counsel, Latin America. Silva carries a deep knowledge of operational and legal matters, including with respect to risk management.

BlackRock (184) Boards

Son of one of Mexico's most succesful businesman; Carlos Slim, Tony has been Chairman of the board of directors of Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V. since 1997 and previously served as its Chief Executive Officer from 1997 until April 2012. He is also a member of the board of directors of Grupo Carso, S.A.B. de C.V. and Chairman of The Carlos Slim Health Institute and of Impulsora del Desarrollo y el Empleo en América Latina, S.A.B. de C.V. (IDEAL), an infrastructure company. Slim was a member of the board of directors of Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. from 1995 until April 2014.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 127 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DANIEL SICILIANO Chairman Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Boards SUSAN E. SIEGEL LUIS M. SIERRA ENRIQUE SILVA MARCO ANTONIO (TONY) SLIM DOMIT Chairman of the Board & CEO , Grupo Financiero Inbursa

Age: 54

Hollywood, FL



Myrna has over 28 years of Information Technology/ CyberSecurity experience. Myrna is the Founder and CEO of Apogee Executive Advisors. An advisory firm specializing in CyberSecurity, Technology Risk, Board Service and Governance, she is recognized as a Governance and Board Leadership Fellow by NACD. She most recently served as the Chief Strategy and Trust Officer for Forcepoint. She also served as COO of a managed security service provider (MSSP) as well an Investment Partner at ForgePoint Capital. Her previous roles include serving other senior leadership positions with American Express, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Lines and Kemper Insurance. She is a highly decorated executive with a long list of recognitions including , being recognized as Recognized As NACD Directorship 100™ Honoree 2022. She also was recognized by boardiQ as a Hall of Fame LatinX | Hispanic Top 100 Honoree.

CMS Energy Corp (451), TriNet Group (649), Popular (888), Spirit Airlines (796), Delinea, Headspace Health,

Age: 68

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Independent Director

Amica Mutual Insurance Boards

Age: 64

Norfolk, VA



Former EVP & CFO, Norfolk Southern Corp.

Simon Property Group (593), Sherwin-Williams (175) Boards

Age: 45

Los Altos, CA



General Partner, Emergence Capital

Zoom Video Communications (684), OpenPath Security Inc., Clearbanc, and CrunchBase Boards

Age: 64

Miami, FL Nationality:


Director, First Horizon Bank

First Horizon National Corp (794) Boards

Souza joined the Board of Directors and Compensation Committee of Amica and its related companies in February, 2019. She was CEO of UnitedHealthcare Specialty Benefits and has over 25 years of managed care and health benefits experience. She began her career with Price Waterhouse in 1979 as Audit Staff Accountant before assuming several senior positions at Deloitte Haskins & Sells from 1980 to 1988. In 1994, she joined Aetna, where her roles included CFO of Guaranteed Products and Aetna Life Insurance Company. At UnitedHealthcare beginning in 2008, she led healthcare operations and business and large-scale systems transformation, in addition to her CEO role. Souza is a certified public accountant, holds a degree in accounting from University of Massachusetts, an honorary doctorate in Business studies from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and a degree in dental hygiene from Northeastern University, Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists.

Stewart retired from Norfolk Southern Corporation in 2017 after a distinguished 33-year careerwith the company. She served as EVP and CFO from 2013 to 2017. Her tenure at NorfolkSouthern included roles of increasing responsibility, including vice president of accounting andcontroller, and vice president finance and treasurer. Prior to her tenure at Norfolk Southern, shespent four years at Peat Marwick (a predecessor to KPMG). Stewart is a Certified Public Accountantand currently also serves on the board of directors of Simon Property Group.

Before joining Emergence, Santi founded AXG Tecnonexo, a SaaS e-learning company in Argentina. He expanded the company to 150+ employees with operations across Latin America and the U.S. Santi is also a founding board member of Puente Labs, an organization that helps founders of Latin American high-potential growth companies scale their businesses globally. He received an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School and holds a BS in Economics from St. Andrew’s University in Argentina. He is a Kauffman Fellow, an Endeavor Entrepreneur, and currently serves on the boards of Airkit, Civitas Learning, Clearco, CrunchBase, High Alpha, Openpath, Quasar, Restorando, Talent Hack, Top Hat, Xapo and Zoom.

Rosa was the founder and served as the CEO of Iberia Tiles, in Miami, Florida from 1980 until 2012 when the company was sold. She was a director of Sabadell United Bank in Miami from 2006 to 2017, and a former Board member and past Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Miami Branch. Sugrañes became a director of First Horizon in July 2020 upon the closing of the merger of IBERIABANK Corporation with First Horizon. She had previously served as a director of IBERIABANK Corporation since 2018.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 128 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
MYRNA M. SOTO CEO, Apogee Executive Advisors Vectra.AI DIANE D. SOUZA

Age: 67 New Orleans, LA


Regions Financial (489), Pan-American Life Insurance, Ochsner Health System Boards

Age: 51

San Francisco, CA


Chief Executive Officer, PagerDuty, Inc.

Estée Lauder (213) Boards

Age: 49

San Francisco, CA


Suquet joined Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) in November 2004 and has led the organization to record growth and success thanks to an initial restructuring of the Group’s operations. In his more than 18 years leading the PALIG organization, Mr. Suquet and his management team have more than tripled the size of the company - total assets grew from $1.6 billion to $6.4 billion and GAAP equity grew from $389 million to $1.3 billion - through consistent organic growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions with a renewed focus on life, health and personal accident insurance, while expanding its historical footprint throughout the Americas. Prior to joining Pan-American Life, José held senior management posts in the insurance industry for more than four decades, including serving as senior executive vice president and chief distribution officer of AXA Financial.

Partner, Bain & Co

Pacific Life (266), FactSet Boards

Prior to joining PagerDuty in July 2016, Tejada was President and CEO of Keynote Systems, a software company specializing in digital performance analytics and web and mobile testing, from 2013 to 2015. She was Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Mincom, an enterprise software company, from 2008 to 2011. She has also previously held senior positions at Merivale Group, Procter & Gamble, and i2 Technologies.

Maria Teresa Tejada is an expert in the global financial services practice. She advises clients on corporate strategy, risk management and governance topics. Prior to Bain & Co., Inc., Tejada was the chief strategic enterprise risk officer at Wells Fargo & Company with a focus on leveraging enterprise risk programs for regulatory remediation, as well as deputy chief risk officer and chief credit officer at KeyCorp where she was responsible for group-level risk oversight. She spent 16 years at Goldman Sachs between New York and London, in emerging markets fixed income and Latin America investment banking then ultimately served as managing director of credit risk management & advisory for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region.

Age: 59

Los Angeles, CA



Independent Director

Felicia was the Interim CEO at 99 Cents Only Stores LLC in 2019-2020, CFO and Treasurer from 2015-2018 supporting its operational transformation and refinancing. Thornton also served as Co-CEO, President and COO of DeMoulas Super Market, Inc., with a successful sale to minority shareholders and as the CEO of Knowledge Universe U.S., She served as CFO and led overall strategy for Albertsons, until to 2006. She served in a variety of executive strategic and financial roles from 1992 to 2000 for Ralphs Grocery Company, Inc., and for Fred Meyer, both of which eventually became part of The Kroger Company. She received a B.S. in Economics from Santa Clara University and an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California.

Floor & Décor Holdings (764), Covergint Technologies, CoolSys, Pactiv Evergreen, Ares Acquisition Corp, Ares Acquisition Corporation II, 99 cents stores Boards

Age: 56

New Jersey Nationality:


Professor Emerita, Princeton University

TIAA (90) Boards

She's is co-author of The Hispanic Population of the United States (1987), the first national comparison of the major nationality groups, and co-editor of two volumes about Hispanics and the future of America published by the National Academies of Science (2006). She is past president of the Population Association of America, current President of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Academy of Education. She also serves on the boards of the Urban Institute, Teachers Insurance Annuity Association (TIAA), the Robin Hood Foundation (NYC) and the Holdsworth Center for Excellence in Education (Texas).

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 129 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
JOSÉ S. SUQUET Chairman, President & CEO, Pan-American Life Insurance Group JENNIFER TEJADA MARÍA TERESA TEJADA

Age: 58 Los Angeles, CA


Tirador is President, Chief Executive Officer, Director of Mercury. He has served as Chief Executive Officer since January 1, 2007 and as President since October 2001. He was tVice President and Chief Financial Officer from February 1998 until October 2001. From January 1997 to February 1998, he served as Vice President and Controller of the Automobile Club of Southern California. Tirador has over 30 years experience in the property and casualty insurance industry.



Denice has 25 years of management experience in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer healthcare. She served in senior leadership roles at Johnson & Johnson, including Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer for the global medical device business. She is credited for leading one of the most significant transformations in J&J history. She was of President, McNeil Consumer Healthcare. She also led the recovery of OTC brands, including the iconic Tylenol portfolio. At J&J, she also served as President of Janssen Pharmaceuticals where she drove turnaround growth. Before joining J&J, she had a 14-year career at Lilly where she was the executive director of global neuroscience and director of U.S. women’s health.

Age: ?

San Franciso, CA


Independent Director

Torres became a member of our Board in September 2021. She has served as the Chief Marketing Officer of Circle Internet Financial, LLC since January 2022. From November 2020 until January 2022, she served as Chief Marketing Officer of Novi, a division of Meta (formerly known as Facebook), where she led all aspects of global marketing across Facebook's payment products. From August 2014 to May 2020, she served as Global Marketing Director for Google, Inc. and from May 2020 to October 2020, she served as Global Inclusion Director for Google. Prior to 2014, she served in a variety of leadership roles at Viacom (now Paramount) across consumer products, strategic planning and digital. She began her career in the change management consulting practice of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Torres also served on the board of directors of LogicMark, LLC, a seller of medical alert devices, from February 2022 to March 2023

Age: 52 London, UK



Independent Board Director

Euronet Worldwide (831) Boards

Age: 70

San Diego, CA



Co-Founder of the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC)

Western Union (541), Agua Media, Encantos, TruCo Technology LLC Boards

Torres’ professional experience includes over 30 years in the financial sector across capital markets, wealth management and asset management, where she held operational, managerial and board positions covering Latin America, Asia, and Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The last 20 years of her professional career were within the BNP Paribas Group. From 2013 up to her retirement in 2021, she worked in the asset management division where she first led the emerging market activities to subsequently become Chief Executive Officer of the Asia Pacific region based in Hong Kong. Torres has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from ITAM and postgraduate degrees in International Finance and Derivatives from HEC (Paris) and from the University of Paris Dauphine IX. She has followed the Oxford University program on Corporate Sustainability Leadership and the Non-executive Director program of the FT, focused on Corporate Governance.

Solomon Trujillo has served as the CEO and director of Telstra Corporation Limited, Australia’s largest media-communications enterprise, from July 2005 to June 2009. From February 2003 to March 2004, Trujillo was Orange SA’s CEO. Prior, Trujillo was chairman, president and CEO of Graviton, Inc. from January 2001 until January 2003. Trujillo previously served as a director of Target Corporation from 1994 to 2014. He also founded L'Attitude, a powerful event gathering leaders for the advancement of the Latino Community.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 130 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
GABRIEL TIRADOR Chief Executive Officer, Mercury General Corporation Mercury General (693) Boards DENICE M. TORRES Founder and CEO, The Ignited Company 56 New Hope, PA Karuna Therapeutics, Glaukos Corporation, Resilience, Surface Oncology Inc., 2seventy bio Boards SHERICE R. TORRES
Advance Auto Parts Boards


Age: 45 San Francisco, CA


Based in San Francisco, he leads TPG's Internet, digital media, and communications investing efforts across the firm’s Growth and Capital platforms. He led TPG Growth's investments in Airbnb and Uber. He previously served on the Boards of, Fenwal Therapeutics, HSM Electronic Protection Services, Sorenson Communications and, Triad Financial. Prior to joining TPG in 2006, he was a VP at GTCR Golder Rauner. Trujillo received an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and BA in economics from Yale University.


Age: 62

Phoenix, AZ


Trujillo has been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years with significant experience as a CEO, financier, operator, and independent corporate board member. MTrujillo is the founder of Southwest Harvard Group Venture Capital (SHG), an investment firm and Family Office since 1990. SHG has a proven track record of creating and investing in businesses for growth and profitability with an average return on investment of 40%. SHG recently acquired Standard Printing Company, of which he currently serves as its Executive Chairman. Trujillo also has three decades of independent board experience, including serving on four publicly traded company boards and multiple privately owned company boards. Mr. Trujillo has extensive board experience in the technology, healthcare, auto finance, real estate, and banking industries.

Age: 60

Weston, VT


AT&T (11), Electronic Arts (551),

Luis has had a career across business, government and the nonprofit sector. He has served as President of the Ford Foundation, a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and an Obama-era appointee to both the Export-Import Bank and the International Trade Commission. Over the last several years, he has been an investor, advisor and board member. During the 2020 campaign Luis co-chaired the Biden economic policy committee. He has also served as President of the Board of the Pan American Development Foundation. Luis serves on several other multilateral, governmental and nonprofit boards and advisory committees, including the Advisory Board of the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships and the New York Public Library, where he serves as Chair of the Finance Committee and on the Executive Committee.

Age: 59 New York, NY

Nationality: Popular (888) Boards

President of Goya de Puerto Rico, Inc. since 2003 and of Goya Santo Domingo, S.A. since 1994, food processors and distributors. Unanue has 34 years of experience at Goya Foods, Inc., a privately held family business with operations in the United States, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the Dominican Republic that is dedicated to the sale, marketing and distribution of Hispanic food, as well as to the food processing and canned food manufacturing business.


Age: 6766 Panama


Jorge served as Global Productivity and Organization Transformation Officer at the Procter & Gamble Company from 2012 until his retirement in 2015. Prior to 2012, he served as Group President of Latin America at Procter & Gamble from 2004 to 2012, as Vice President, Marketing and Customer Business Development, Latin America from 2001 to 2004 and as Vice President, Venezuela and Andean Region from 1999 to 2001. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Xavier University and a bachelor degree in management engineering from Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Sede Medellin.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 131 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
DAVID I. TRUJILLO Partner, TPG Uber Technologies (210), TPG Inc. (610), Cirque du Soleil, Creative Artists Agency, Ipsy Boards GARY L. TRUJILLO Founder, President & CEO, Southwest Harvard Group Venture Capital, LLC Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Boards LUIS ANTONIO UBIÑAS Investor and Advisor; Chair, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island Foundation. Tanger Factory Outlet Centers CARLOS A UNANUE Goya de Puerto Rico, Inc. JORGE A. URIBE Independent Board Director General Mills (201), Ingredion (476), Grupo Argos, Carvajal SA Boards

Age: 52 Dallas, TX Nationality:


Founder, Chairman & CEO, Pinnacle Group

Comerica Bank (825), Cinemark Holdings Inc., Austin Industries Inc. Boards

Age: 52

Minneapolis, MN



EVP, Chief Supply Chain & Logistics Officer, Target

Advance Auto Parts (337) Boards

A celebrated entrepreneur, board member, and advocate for diversity and inclusion. During her 25+ years as CEO, Pinnacle Group has expanded globally and won countless customer and industry awards for growth and excellence, establishing itself as the leading Hispanic-owned company in its industry. Vaca is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, a Henry Crown Fellow with the Aspen Institute, a lifetime member of the Council of Foreign Relations, and holds three honorary doctorate degrees. She served as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship through the White House and is deeply committed to improving lives globally through business.

Age: 56

Denver, CO



Independent Director

Crestwood Equity Partners (6444), Coterra Energy (762) Boards

Age: 56

Los Angeles, CA



Independent Director

Delinea Boards

Age: 51

Boston, MA Nationality:


Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Snap (839) Boards

Valdez has spent his career building supply chain and fulfillment networks across Asia, Europe and North and South America. Prior to his time at Target Corporation, he spent 17 years in a variety of leadership roles with Inc., including Vice President, Operations, International Expansion, Vice President, Worldwide Transportation, and Vice President, Operations, Ltd.

Vallejo is a former executive officer of ConocoPhillips where she began her career in 1987. She served as Vice President Corporate Planning and Development from 2015 until 2016 and as Vice President and Treasurer from 2008 until 2015. Prior to 2008, she served as General Manager Corporate Planning and Budgets, Vice President Upstream Planning & Portfolio Management, Assistant Treasurer, Manager Strategic Transactions, and in other geophysical, commercial, and finance roles. Vallejo served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Colorado School of Mines from 2010 until 2016 and is a member of Colorado School of Mines Foundation Board of Governors.

Pascal Van Dooren has over 25 years of global technology-related experience spanning industries from accounting/finance to CRM, ERP and GRC categories with organizations including Galvanize, Avalara, Sage and Epicor. Van Dooren is a technology executive with a strategic management background, including private and public company, M&A and IPO experience, and sits on the board of several technology companies. Up until 2021, as CRO of Galvanize, Van Dooren led the company’s go-to-market functions, supporting a transformation agenda focused on growth, culture, technology, business model, global go to-market scale and M&A positioning. Prior to Galvanize, Van Dooren was CRO at Avalara (AVLR), where he oversaw the go-to market development and strategy of the company as Avalara grew both domestically and internationally, with the opening of offices in the United States, Europe, Latin America and Asia and an IPO in 2018.

Vargas has served as Chief Executive Officer of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund since January 2013. Prior to joining the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, he worked as a Partner at Centinela Capital Partners from 2006 to 2012, and from 1992 to 1997, Vargas served as Mayor for the City of Baldwin Park, California. Vargas serves on the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships and holds an M.B.A. and an A.B. in Social Studies from Harvard University.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 132 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List


Age: 47

Los Angeles, CA


Vargas has more than two decades of international leadership experience in global life and non-life insurance markets across the U.S., Latin America and Europe. Mr. Vargas was appointed CEO of Farmers Group, Inc. and became a member of the Executive Committee in January 2023. In his extensive career with the Zurich Group, he served most recently as president of distribution, life and financial services for Farmers Group, Inc.sFrom 2014 to 2022, Vargas was CEO of Zurich Santander Insurance America. Prior to this, he held a variety of leadership roles in different geographies, including head of distribution and proposition management of Zurich Santander in Madrid, Spain from 2011 to 2014, head of life business Latin America in Miami, Florida, from 2007 to 2010, as well as chief life actuary and head of product development in Milan, Italy from 2004 to 2007.

Age: 68 Orange, CA


Independent Director

Granite Construction (749) Boards

Age: 82

Los Angeles, CA


Managing Partner, Vasquez & Company


Entravision Communications Corp.

Age: 52 Brazil



Independent Director

Avangrid Networks, Inc. Boards

Age: 51

San Carlos, CA




Chief Executive Officer, Oportun

Intuit Inc. (366), Oportun Inc. Boards

Until 2019, Vasquez served as SVP of Government Affairs for Southern California Edison. He was responsible for government relations activities at the Federal and State level. He began his 27 year career as a police officer in the City of Orange, CA and has served at city, county, state, and federal levels of government. He has spent most of his life in Orange County and has been a leader in promoting health, safety, and educational opportunities for children and youth in underserved communities. Before Edison International, he served as U.S. Ambassador and permanent representative to United Nations Agencies based in Rome, Italy. He also served as Director of the United States Peace Corps.

Gilbert has been the managing partner of the certified public accounting firm of Vasquez & Company LLP since 1969. Gil guided the firm's growth from a one-person consultancy into the largest Latino-owned CPA firm in California. He was the first minority board member of the California Board of Accountancy. Gil was founder and president of ALPFA, the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting. Vasquez continues to serve as a board member of Manufacturers Bank, and is also Chairman of the Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce.

Vassão de Souza is the Executive Director of Operations for Neoenergia and serves as a member of the Avangrid Networks, Inc. Board of Directors. He also serves as leader of the Global Networking Committee of Iberdrola in Spain since 2021. He is Executive Director of Operations at Neoenergia, leading Neoenergia's Networks, Renewables and Liberalized (Retail) Businesses. He also served as leader of Iberdrola's Global Network Committee in Spain from 2021 to 2022. He previously served as Chief Operating Officer of Avangrid Service Company from 2019 to 2022. He also served as Chief Executive Officer of Elektro in Campinas from 2017 to 2019. Vassão de Souza earned an Electrical Engineering degree from The University of Santa Cecilia dos Bandeirantes. He earned an MBA in Business Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation of Rio de Janeiro, a specialization in Entrepreneurship at Babson College and Leadership in the Global Energy Industry from ESADE Business School.

Oportun,is a financial technology company and digital banking platform that aims to make financial health effortless for everyone. He has set a bold vision for the company to deliver a complete set of financial solutions that meet the everyday needs of hardworking people, from borrowing and savings to banking, investing, and more. Under his leadership, Oportun has become a profitable and publicly traded fintech and neo-bank with an unparalleled suite of digital banking products. He joined Oportun in 2012 after having held senior leadership roles at Walmart, including President and CEO of, and EVP and President of Walmart West. Raul is a graduate of Stanford University with an MBA at the Wharton School of Business.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 134 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
RAUL VARGAS CEO & President, Farmers Group, Inc. Group, Inc. (264), Zurich Insurance Boards GADDI H. VÁSQUEZ GILBERT R. VÁSQUEZ

Age: 46

San Franciso, CA Nationality:

Partner and Chief Human Resources Officer, TPG Inc.

TPG Inc. (610), Upwork, Greenhouse Boards

Age: 77

Coral Gables, Florida


Pan-American Life Insurance Group, Spanish Broadcasting System Boards

Age: 68 San Antonio, TX


Anilu is a member of TPG Inc.’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee, the Executive Sponsor of TPG NEXT, and co-chair of the TPG Diversity Equity and Inclusion Council with CEO, Jon Winkelried. Prior to joining TPG in August 2018, Anilu was with Goldman Sachs for more than 11 years, where she most recently was the firm’s Global Head of Talent and Chief Diversity Officer. Prior to Goldman Sachs, Anilu was an associate at Shearman & Sterling LLP in the Executive Compensation & Employee Benefits group from 2002 to 2007. Anilu received an AB in History and Latin American Studies, cum laude, from Princeton University and a JD from Fordham University School of Law.

Independent Director


Union Pacific Corp. (163)

In George H.W. Bush’s administration, Jose Antonio served as U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs. He is a former Dean of the Scholl of Business at St. Thomas University in Miami and the former Chairman of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors of Florida. Villamil founded The Washington Economics Group (WEG). and serves as its Senior Advisor. Tony is a Board Director of Pan American Life Insurance where he chairs the Governance and Nominating Committee. He is also a Board Director Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS). At SBS, he chairs the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.

José is on the board of Union Pacific Corp., Center for American Progress, KIPP Foundation and U.S.-Mexico Foundation. In his past career he was Partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP and Chairman of UnidosUS.He received an undergraduate degree from Purdue University and a graduate degree from Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

Age: 57 Chicago, IL



Independent Director

J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. Boards

Age: 50

San Francisco, CA




Senior Vice President and CFO of Unity Software Inc.

Splunk (900) Boards

Lisboa retired as President and CEO of Navistar, Inc., a global original equipment manufacturer in the transportation industry in October 2021. Prior to his ultimate leadership role of the company, his 35-year career with Navistar included management positions in sales and marketing, manufacturing, supply chain, and procurement within both domestic and international operations. Lisboa is a graduate of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with a marketing specialization.

Unity Software Inc.,is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content, a role he has held since 2021. Prior to Unity, he was CFO of Palo Alto Networks, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Amazon’s Worldwide Consumer division. Before that, he served in a senior finance role at Cisco and spent 23 years in various finance leadership positions at Procter & Gamble. From 2020 to 2021, Visoso served on the Unity Board of Directors, including as a member of the Audit Committee. Visoso holds a bachelor’s degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 136 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ANILU VÁZQUEZ-UBARRI JOSÉ ANTONIO VILLAMIL Founder and Senior Advisor, The Washington Economics Group Inc. (WEG) JOSÉ H. VILLARREAL

AppLovin (876) Boards

Age: 45 Palo Alto, CA Nationality:

Vivas has served as Chief Executive Officer at, an online outdoor sports retailer he co-founded, since August 2017. From March 2014 to April 2017, Vivas served as Head of Product, Talent Solutions at LinkedIn Corporation, a business and employment-oriented online service. He joined LinkedIn through its acquisition of, an employment website company he co-founded and served as Chief Product Officer from October 2011 to February 2014.

Age: 54 Sewickley, PA Nationality:

Republic Services Boards

Sandra has been on Republic’s board of directors since December 2016. She is Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning, Communications and Business Development Solutions for FedEx Ground, where she has worked since 2000. Volpe graduated from Kent State University and earned her MBA from the University of Pittsburgh.

Age: 71

New York, NY


Natica von Althann has served as a Director of PPL Corporation, one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the U.S. with approximately 18,000 megawatts of power generation, since December 1, 2009 and as a Director of TD Bank US Holding Company and its two bank subsidiaries, TD Bank, N.A. and TD Bank USA, N.A. since 2009. She was a founding partner of C&A Advisors, a consulting firm for financial services and risk management from 2009 to 2013, following her retirement in 2008 as the Senior Credit Risk Management Executive for Bank of America and Chief Credit Officer of U.S. Trust, an investment management company owned by Bank of America. Previously, she spent 26 years with Citigroup in various leadership roles, including Division Executive – Latin America for the Citigroup Private Bank, Managing Director and Global Retail Industry Head, and Managing Director and co-head of the U.S. Telecommunications –Technology group for Citicorp Securities.

Age: 55

Toms River, NJ


Independent Board Director

Glenn A. Votek served as Senior Advisor to the Company from March 2020 to August 2020 after serving as Interim Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company from November 2019 to March 2020. Previously, he was Chief Financial Officer of the Company from August 2013 to December 2019. Mr. Votek has over 30 years of experience in financial services. Prior to joining the Company in 2013, Mr. Votek was an Executive Vice President and Treasurer at CIT Group since 1999 and also President of Consumer Finance since 2012. Prior to that, he worked at AT&T and its finance subsidiary from 1986 to 1999 in various financial management roles. Mr. Votek currently serves on the Rutgers Business School Alumni Board for Learning Experiences. Mr. Votek holds a B.S. in Finance and Economics from Kean University/University of Arizona, a M.B.A in Finance from Rutgers University and attended the Executive Education Program of the Colgate W. Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. In addition, Mr. Votek has completed the Carnegie Mellon/NACD Cyber-Risk Oversight Program and earned the CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight. Mr. Votek has also earned the Diligent Institute Climate Leadership Certification, which focuses on oversight of climate risk and related business strategies, and the NACD Directorship Certification.

Age: 63

New York, NY


Weisser served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bunge Limited, a global food, commodity and agribusiness company, from 1999 until June 2013, and as Executive Chairman until December 2013. Weisser previously served as Bunge’s Chief Financial Officer from 1993 to 1999. Prior to his tenure at Bunge, Weisser worked at BASF Group, a chemical company, in various finance-related positions. He also served as a Senior Advisor at Lazard Ltd. from 2015 until August 2018. Weisser serves as a member of the Supervisory Board of Bayer AG. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo, where he has been a member of the Audit Committee since 2011 and Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2016. He also serves on the Americas Advisory Panel of Temasek International Pte. Ltd., a Singapore-based investment company.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 137 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
EDUARDO VIVAS Chief Executive Officer, Curated SANDRA M. VOLPE Senior Vice President, FedEx Ground NATICA VON ALTHANN Founding partner, C&A Advisors
PPL Corp. (382),
Fuel Cell Energy Inc. Boards
GLENN VOTEK Annaly Capital Management (867) Boards ALBERTO WEISSER Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bunge Limited PepsiCo (45), Linde plc Boards

NOV (566) Boards

Age: 50 Austin, TX


Welborn has been a Director of the Company since October 2021. Since December 2021, Welborn has been serving as the Head of Meta Decision Science for Meta Inc. Prior to that, he was the Head of Programs Data Science, Small Business Group for Meta Inc. where he oversaw the development of solutions used by over 140 million businesses around the world. Before joining Meta Inc. in 2020, he held various positions within General Motors between 2018 and 2020, including Global Chief Data and Analytics Officer and served in several positions of increasing responsibility at USAA between 2009 and 2017, including Chief Data Scientist. From 1996 to 2009, Welborn was employed at Perot Systems and Wagonhound Investments. Welborn holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California, San Diego.

Age: 75 California Nationality:

Tony is former Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of Applied Biosystems, Inc. (formerly Applera Corporation), a developer, manufacturer and marketer of life science systems and genomic information products, having served in those positions from 1995 until his retirement in 2008. Formerly a director at C.R. Bard, Inc. White carries wealth of management experience in the life sciences and health care industries, including over 13 years as Chairman and CEO of an advanced-technology life sciences company and 26 years in various management positions at Baxter International, Inc.

Age: 65

Bethesda, MD


Independent Director, Retired Diplomat.

Albemarle Inc. (780) Boards

Age: 62

Austin, TX


Alejandro Daniel served as U.S. Ambassador to Chile from September 2010 until retirement in August 2013 and as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-2010). He has more than 33 years of service in the U.S. Department of State, including service in Algeria, Morocco, Chile, Cyprus, the U.S. Mission to the European Union in Brussels, and as Deputy Chief of Mission and Charge d’Affaires in France. From 2014 – 2016, he was Managing Director of Gryphon Partners LLC (a global advisory firm focused on frontier markets).

Independent Director


Yzaguirre has experience serving on the Boards of Directors of for-profit and non-profit organizations, including publicly-listed and privately-held companies, and has served as Chairman of Audit & Compliance, Risk and Compensation Committees. Max has over 35 years of leadership experience in domestic and international business, government and law, and expertise in a wide variety of industries and sectors, including electricity, oil and gas, banking, real estate, telecommunications and private equity investing. Max has specific executive expertise in starting new businesses in evolving market conditions. He served first as Chairman and CEO of the Forbes Bros. U.S. operation and ultimately as the Executive Chairman of Forbes Bros. Holdings. He also served as the Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas from 2001 to 2002 and was a member of the board of directors of Texas Regional Bancshares, Inc.

Age: 64

Norwalk, CT Nationality:

Independent Director. President Xerox Technology

PPL Corp. (469) Boards

Armando retired in 2015 as an EVP of Xerox Corporation, a position he held since 2010. Until 2014, Zagalo de Lima also served as president of Xerox Technology and was responsible for engineering, product development, manufacturing, distribution, managed print services, sales channels and technical services. Until 2012, he served as president of Global Customer Operations, responsible for worldwide sales, service and customer administration activities for Xerox’s document technology, services and solutions. Before, he led Xerox Europe until 2010, serving as COO until to 2004, and then as president to 2010. He first joined Xerox in Portugal in 1983 and held sales, marketing and management positions across Europe.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 139 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
ROBERT WELBORN Head of Meta Decision Science, Meta Inc. TONY L. WHITE Former Chairman, President and CEO of Applied Biosystems Inc Ingersoll Rand (533), Trane Technologies Boards ALEJANDRO DANIEL WOLFF M. MAX YZAGUIRRE Group Inc. (165), Aris Water Solutions, Luther Burbank Corporation Boards ARMANDO ZAGALO DE LIMA

Age: 52

Washington, DC Nationality:


Global Co-Managing Partner & Chief Strategy Officer, K2 Integrity and Co-Founder & Chair, Consilient

Northwestern Mutual (97), Consilitent, Guardian Space Technology Boards

Age: 70

Connecticut/ Mexico City



President of Mexico from 1994-2000. Director, Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor in the Field of International Economics and Politics, Yale University

Alcoa Corp. (312) Boards

Age: 53

Mendham, New Jersey



CEO, Quantum Exchange

Maxar Technologies, Bloom Energy Boards


Independent Director

Cinemark Boards

He is the chairman of the Center on Economic and Financial Power, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a senior fellow at West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center. He is the senior national security analyst for NBC News/ MSNBC. Published author of “Treasury’s War” (2013) and “Forging Democracy” (1994). Zarate has served as an independent advisor to Coinbase. For over five years, Zarate sat on the board of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority, and for seven years, he was the U.S. advisor on HSBC’s Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee. He served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for combating terrorism from 2005 to 2009.

Age: 68

Dallas, TX


He has been at Yale University since 2002. Zedillo was President of Mexico from 1994 to 2000. He served in the Federal Government of Mexico as Undersecretary of the Budget; as Secretary of Economic Programming and the Budget and board member of various state-owned enterprises, including PEMEX, Mexico’s national oil company and as Secretary of Education. Earlier, he was with the central bank of Mexico where he served as deputy manager of economic research and deputy director and was the founding General Director of the Trust Fund for the Coverage of Exchange Risks. His administration is regarded as a good one for economic recovery for the mexican economy and opening an age for oposition party presidents of Mexico

He is Special Advisor at Riverside Management Group, a boutique merchant bank. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Principal Investments Group at Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, focusing on media, entertainment and technology companies. Zervigon was also a Certified Public Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP). He previously served as a director of DigitalGlobe, Inc., a builder and operator of satellites for digital imaging, where he served as a member of the audit and compensation committees. In addition, he has previously served as a board member of MMCinemas, Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc., TVN Entertainment Corporation and Stadium Capital.

Zoradi served as CEO of Cinemark from August 2015 to December 31, 2021. Zoradi spent 30 years at The Walt Disney Company, a major motion picture studio, including serving as the President of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Group. Prior to that, Zoradi served in a variety of positions of increasing responsibility with The Walt Disney Company, including as the General Manager of Buena Vista Television and President of Buena Vista International with responsibility for the international theatrical and home entertainment marketing and distribution of Disney, Touchstone and Pixar films. Zoradi also served as the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Dick Cook Studios from January 2011 until July 2014 and the COO of DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. from August 2014 until January 2015.

Age: 56

North Miami Beach, FL



Independent Director

He retired in 2021, and spent over 30 years at Eli Lilly and Company in various roles of increasing responsibility, including most recently as President, International from 2017 until his retirement. He was a corporate officer and member of Eli Lilly and Company’s executive committee. He previously served as a member of the board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), and US-Japan Business Council. He received his Bachelor of Arts from De La Salle University in the Philippines, and his MBA from Colgate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia.

THE 2021 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 141 New addition to the 2023 Latino Leaders' Board List
Syneos Health (586), Glooko, CTS Corporation Boards


32 STATES (+ DC, PR)

Most mentions:

Women- 168 (35.4%)

Men- 307 (64.6%)

Total – 475

• California

• Florida

• Texas

• New York

• Illinois

95 New names

115 Universities

Average age: 59.3 years old

Youngest: 27 - Henrique Dubugras, Board: Brex, Inc.

Oldest: 82 - Gilbert Vasquez, Board: Entravision Communications Corp.

10 Nationalities

# of foreign nationals per country:

Argentina - 4

Brazil - 21

Colombia - 3

Cuba - 5


México - 27

Portugal - 3

Spain - 10

USA - 399

Venezuela - 2

- 1


AS A PROMINENT Cuban-American and highly respected economic strategist, Jose Antonio "Tony" Villamil provides both an example and a source of relevant guidance to young Latino executives aspiring to gain corporate board seats.

He also strongly represents and espouses how diversity in the board room is critical to the success of companies, especially those with global perspectives and an interest in marketing to Hispanics.

From Tony Villamil's more than three decades as an economist and nearly twenty years on boards, some basic tenets for an aspiring executive have emerged: dive deeply into how a company operates and be able to float strategies to meet ongoing challenges.

"Study a lot about the company, keep track of what management is doing, but do not get involved in the day-to-day activities," said Villamil who is the principal and founder of the Washington Economics Group, a Florida-based research and advisory firm.

Villamil's advice also comes with a caveat: avoid plunging into the day-to-day activities of the business.

"If you start getting into the operational side of the company then you start getting into difficulty because you get into a area that is not in your goal or responsibility," he warned.

Villamil said the biggest challenge a board member faces is to provide useful guidance to management through ongoing economic changes and during difficult environments like the last recession when problems are magnified.

"To be a director it is not simply coming to the meeting, you have to be fairly cognizant of what is going on with the firm and with its management and you also have to be able to be on call for any question," Villamil said.

The study hard admonition dovetails with a career long association with education. He earned bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from Louisiana State University where he also completed course work for a doctoral degree, a honor later bestowed by Florida International University.

Among his academic roles, Tony Villamil was the founding dean of the School of Business of St. Thomas University, serving until December 31, 2013

Villamil's board portfolio includes a heavy dose of governance. He recently completed eighteen years on the board of Amerant Bank, N.A, the former Mercantil Bank, serving as chairman of various committees.

He also has been and remains a director and committee head for several companies. Among the most notable are Pan American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) and Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS). He also serves on civic boards in South Florida where he resides.

Villamil has found that his fluency in Spanish and having contacts in Latin American is an asset to these boards which are very growth orientated and are marketing to the Hispanic community in the United States and Latin America.

"Being Latino you can offer an affinity with the culture and issues facing that population," Villamil said "you bring in different concepts, different ideas, different ways to deal with ethnic populations," he said. "We have a diverse population and we have a diverse economy," he adds.

It is also important, he said, to be alert and able to keep up with what is going on in the company, identifying right procedures and, if necessary, correcting procedures, but strictly focusing on overall direction to help management while staying clear of messing with operational details.

As for his own career, Villamil’s goal is to be on boards and to “assist company’s objectives, its growth process and to create value for shareholders.”

From Tony Villamil's more than three decades as an economist and nearly twenty years on boards, some basic tenets for an aspiring executive have emerged: dive deeply into how a company operates and be able to float strategies to meet ongoing challenges.





CYNTHIA'S PROFILE presents a compelling narrative of her journey and accomplishments. As the founder and recently retired CEO of Animato Technologies Corp., Cynthia's extensive expertise in the technological and financial sectors now contributes to the growth of organizations as a board director of NASDAQ and NYSE listed companies.

Her professional path began with a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin, where she laid the foundation for her successful career. Reflecting on her transition to board directorship, Cynthia shared, "as a result of my comprehensive finance and technology acumen coupled with my international, CFO and CEO experience, board opportunities came my way." She further explained, "the board opportunities were keenly interested in me because of my Qualified Financial Expert qualification as well as my strong technology background."

Currently, Cynthia is an independent director of Universal Display Corp., a NASDAQ-listed company, and Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. a NYSE-listed company. She is a National Association for Corporate Directors fellow and a member of Latinos Corporate Directors Association. Cynthia is also a former independent director of Black Box Corp a then NASDAQ-listed company that sold to a private entity in 2019.

Navigating the realm of board directorship has increased her business leadership by engaging in a variety of business circumstances. The board learning curve arises as a result of the migration of direct corporate leadership/management to one of providing strategic oversight and governance while engaging with other board members that come from a variety of industries and business experiences. As she gained more experience as a director, she realized how this business diversity became each board's strength. "Over time, I find it to be one of the best things about a board for two reasons: it helps the organization become better, and it helps me personally in development and growth."

Cynthia emphasizes the importance of trust-building within a diverse team to achieve this efficient working environment. She also acknowledges the value diversity of gender, race and geographic differences directors bring to the table. Cynthia believes and business results confirm that there is a certain advantage to having a diverse board.

In her role as a committee chair, she ensures not only to lead but also to engage with her fellow committee members. To do so, she consistently reaches out to other board members to get their input and view of the committee. By fostering strong relationships over lunch or dinner gatherings before board meetings, Cynthia believes that crises can be navigated more effectively when fueled by mutual trust.

Cynthia's dedication to adaptability is evident as she underscores the need for companies and boards to adjust to our everchanging environment. With her belief that every company is now driven by technology, she assumes the role of addressing related concerns and ensures that the board remains focused on technological advancements.

Furthermore, Cynthia recognizes that her responsibilities as a board director extend beyond her existing role. She states, "As a board member, you bring a depth of knowledge, but it doesn't stop there. Continuing education and staying abreast of the evolving landscape are essential as the skillset that brought you here may not be sufficient in the coming years."

Drawing from her own experience, Cynthia possesses a deep passion for guiding and supporting young Latina leaders. By providing scholarships for higher education, offering business mentorship, and maintaining connections, Cynthia actively assists these women in their future career endeavors. She encourages them to take risks, emphasizing that trying and failing is far better than not trying at all. Most importantly, she advises the women to take risks. "Take risks. If you don’t, you won’t expand and go to the next level. It is better to have tried and failed than to not try."

Looking ahead, Cynthia remains open to joining additional boards of global companies with high-growth potential, emphasizing the importance of organizations that genuinely value the contributions and expertise of their board members. With her unwavering commitment to excellence and technology, Cynthia continues to make a profound impact in shaping innovation and growth in our rapidly evolving world.

Arianna Villarreal Courtesy of Cynthia Comparin F. Izquierdo

PEDRO DAVID Espinoza’s journey defies his years, demonstrating that wisdom knows no age boundaries. Despite being born in 1994, his accomplishments as a TED speaker, World Economic Forum Vice Curator, startup founder, tech CEO, author, and board member speak volumes about his expertise. In a recent interview with the editor of Latino Leaders, Espinoza emphasizes the value of storytelling, the importance of diverse representation, and the commitment to inspiring the next generation of Latinos to empower them to reach new ideas of success.

But the roots of that success are in the childhood experiences that made him who he is today: “Growing up in Peru and having criticisms from my teachers encouraged me to try harder and take risks. To fail forward. Instead of attending IB classes in high school, I took easier classes to upgrade my GPA.”, Pedro states, “I’m a doer, and I think actions speak louder than words. In the end, Berkeley opened its door with scholarships when I turned 18. Berkeley welcomed me to the San Francisco Bay Area, and hence Silicon Valley”

Espinoza's successful transition from Latin American academics to education in the United States can be attributed, in part, to the core values taught by his family. Among these values were discipline and the willingness to seek help when needed. As for him, being selfaware of how you choose to spend your time is related to true success, which comes from maintaining focus and dedicating oneself to one goal. Espinoza is known for not eating dessert, having no Amazon Prime, Spotify Premium or Netflix accounts. He is an outlier – he does not seem like a Millennial.

When asked how being a Latino shaped his professional path, he’s firm in his response: “Not being afraid of my background and culture. The competitive advantage that we have as Latinos is that we are relational. We can talk about our family, our faith, and our values without being ashamed of it.” His father worked as a taxi driver and his mother as a shoe shiner when they were in college, and they created companies from scratch. This mindset is the one that makes him stand out and keep going forward. For him, there’s joy in trying harder: “Like Captain America when he says I can do this all day, it’s the same thing for me when it comes to rejection,” Espinoza says. Rejection is redirection. One anecdote he shared how he faced rejection when he applied to join Global Shapers for the first



Luisana Rodriguez Courtesy of PEdro David Espinoza Carlos Cuevas

time. Did he stay there? He tried again! The second time he applied to join the World Economic Forum’s Shapers family, Espinoza got accepted. The last two years, Espinoza has been present at Davos. For the term of 2022 to 2023, Espinoza served as Vice Curator for the Palo Alto hub of WEF Shapers. His profile is not the typical former CEO that jumps into a board position at Surplus Service or Actaware, for instance. Therefore, what are those assets that allowed him to succeed in this competitive field? He believes that his focus on fostering professional relationships opened these types of doors for him. He built his personal board of directors. One of the ways is by writing a book. In 2019, Espinoza wrote Differences That Make A Difference with his fellow Peruvian co-author Jorge Titinger. Through his book he recruited Fortune 500 CEOs to become contributing writers. Leaders such as Eric Schmidt and Reed Hastings. Pat Gelsinger (Intel CEO) wrote his foreword. Espinoza was not ashamed to reach out, to ask – he took risks. Besides, he’s a connector: “I think social brokers are crucial in boards, and at service for that. I have contacts in different countries that facilitate introductions for business development opportunities, M&A possibilities and sales leads”, Pedro points out. However, this position is not free from

challenges. According to Espinoza, the main challenges that boards are facing right now are transparency on carbon emissions and supply chain management, as well as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: “In California, it’s a big problem you don’t have a Hispanic on the board. How can you care for your customer base when you don’t have representation at the top?”, he claims. Given that Espinoza was educated at Berkeley and Stanford summer session, he cares about increasing representation at the top: board of directors. Especially in the most populous state of the country.

Hence why he’s determined to empower the next generation of Latinos coming after him. He supports entrepreneurs as an angel investor and as a board member, mentors them through avenues such as the LinkedIn Creator Accelerator Program and Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, shares his pitching/oratory expertise as a TED speaker, and helps Peruvians to gain access to human essentials such as the internet through his venture, Pan Peru USA: “Your background should not define your destiny,” Espinoza concludes. With his optimistic spirit, Pedro Espinoza stands as a shining example of the possibilities that lie ahead when you fearlessly embrace your culture. His story serves because of the power of self-confidence, resilience, and embracing one's heritage without doubt.




DAN CLIFFORD is the Board Network Leader for the EY Center for Board Matters and leads the Readiness and Referral Program. Using his boardroom knowledge and relationships in the governance space, he focuses on facilitating connections between qualified board candidates and potential corporate board opportunities. Dan has worked with C-suite execs across most industries and both public and private organizations to support their board-readiness, prepare for interviews, and become further connected to the board ecosystem.

1. Can you briefly share the purpose of the EY Center for Board Matters?

DC: The EY Center for Board Matters supports boards,

committees and directors in their oversight role by providing content, insights and education to help them address complex boardroom issues. Using our professional competencies, relationships and proprietary corporate governance database, we can identify trends and emerging governance issues. This allows us to deliver timely and balanced insights, data-rich content, and practical tools and analysis for directors, institutional investors and other governance stakeholders. Click this link to learn more.

2. What trends are you seeing in board recruitment?

DC: A key trend in my domain is in where boards are sourcing candidates. No longer are board members solely turning to a

courtesy of Dan Clifford Carlos Cuevas

golf buddy or college roommate for names of potential candidate names. They are also not purely relying on retained search firms. Instead, they are asking their professional services advisors (EY), their investment banker, law firm, PE firm, VC firm, and other providers who regularly engage with C-suites and boards. Given the demand for diversity, they are also reaching out to affinity groups. EY teams with many organizations, including The Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), that are focused on connecting those who historically have not been engaged with the corporate board ecosystem. So, for those who are looking to add to their board portfolio or land that first seat, it is very important for as many people as possible to understand one’s interest in board service. You want all those sources sharing your name and the value you could bring to a board.

3. In terms of skills or experiences, what trends are you seeing in board recruitment?

DC: Keep in mind EY is not a retained search firm; however, our non-audit clients, retained search firms, private equity and venture capital organizations, etc., regularly reach out to the EY Center for Board Matters for board candidates. Additionally, corporate board turnover is often low and slow. Many boards replace fewer than one board member a year; so, it is difficult to draw trend lines. There continues to be strong demand to bring diverse perspectives to the boardroom. Boards continue to be interested in current and former CEOs and CFOs; however, other executives are also being considered. What is interesting is many boards are looking at the company’s long-term strategy to establish board expertise around key areas like emerging technologies, cybersecurity, innovation, talent management, capital allocation, and other topics. Many boards are also considering whether they need somebody who has significant experience leveraging technology to enable growth or to minimize risk. We are seeing the emergence of the “digital director.” The purview must be broad, because with so few seats around that boardroom table, no one can be a one-trick pony. So, the more areas one can cover (e.g., software as service, data privacy, analytics, cyber), the stronger a digital candidate one is. There are two other areas worth mentioning, equally in demand as someone with digital

prowess. First, boards want a director who can govern the talent agenda and who has a track record of building a strong culture and successful people strategy. Second, they’re looking for a director who can support strategy formulation, especially in an era of higher interest rates and new capital allocation priorities. There will be opportunities for aspiring directors, since according to our CBM research, 26% of S&P 500 boards have at least two board members over 70 who have served more than 10 years as of August 31, 2022. Since many boards have tenure and retirement policy limits, those seats might turn over in the years ahead.

4. What is the most common mistake aspiring directors make?

DC: The most common mistake board candidates make is a lack of focus. The goal is to be viewed as a great board member, not a great executive who could be on a board – a subtle but important difference. So, a candidate must be incredibly clear with where and how they can bring value to the board. If the board has to translate an individual’s experience, they will move on to the next candidate. Each year, the EY Center for Board Matters publishes a research piece on the top priorities for boards. This past year, we surveyed over 400 directors to understand what is top of mind in boardrooms. This is a great starting point, to understand the challenges boards are facing, and how one can support them. This focus is especially important during the board interview process, where understanding the role of the board and board member is paramount. At the EY Center for Board Matters, we say that the role of a board member is to provide insight, foresight and oversight by asking great questions.

5. What is the most common mistake made during the board interview process? —

DC: It is simple and straightforward, but it is incredibly important to show that you are curious and that you have done the homework. If you don’t prepare for the interview, what kind of board member will you be? Read analyst reports and listen to analyst calls. Read the proxy. Boards are looking for candidates who want to be engaged and are interested in bettering the organization, not just somebody who is looking to fill time between golf rounds or world travel.




MARIA OTERO, a champion for Latino leaders, has shattered countless glass ceilings throughout her years in the United States. As the Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Maria became the first Latina to hold this esteemed position, and also became the State Department's highest-ranking Hispanic woman in its history. Prior to this appointment, Maria served as the President and CEO of ACCION International, a global microfinance organization operating in 26 countries.

Maria, fueled by an unwavering passion to empower the less fortunate worldwide, currently holds positions on the board of directors of Herbalife, Development Alternatives Inc., and BancoSol. Additionally, she serves as a trustee for the Kresge Foundation, the American University and Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. Given her vast leadership experience, public service background, and expertise in microfinance, Maria proves to be a valuable asset to any organization she associates with, contributing significantly to the fulfillment of its mission.

Now, as a board director at Herbalife and other organizations, Maria reflects on the advantages and skills she gained during her time as an operational executive, which have made her a more effective board director. In her own words, she explains, "The fact that I was an operational executive made me more sensitive to the role you have to play on a board." This self-awareness has enabled her to grasp the distinct responsibilities of a manager versus those of a board member. With this understanding, Maria ensures that each role is carried out appropriately, taking care not to overstep her boundaries.

Looking back at the early stages of her career, Maria recalls the challenging dynamics she faced as the sole woman in many professional settings. Constantly under pressure to navigate the male-dominated environment effectively, she observed that some women attempted to blend in rather than embracing their unique feminine qualities. Offering her valuable advice, she emphasizes, "It's really important not to go that route, but you have to always be prepared, know all the answers, and speak up." She added, "Ask questions in a respectful manner, without adopting a shy approach that may undermine the value of the answers provided."

Having experienced such dynamics, Maria holds a distinctive perspective on the significance of diversity in boardrooms. She firmly believes, "Having diversity allows you to truly transform the board and make meaningful contributions that can bring about substantial changes within the company." Maria also highlights the valuable contributions women bring, emphasizing that they offer professional experiences and insights that men may not possess. Moreover, she emphasizes the importance of different ethnicities, stating, "Different ethnicities bring diverse insights, opinions, and a unique worldview, allowing for a broader perspective. Having all those people in a room only enhances the company's capabilities and potential."

Most importantly, however, Maria unashamedly embraces being Latina. She says, "I love the Latina part; it's such a privilege to have two cultures." She quickly realized that the privilege of being a Latina also came with responsibilities because she wasn't just portraying herself; rather, she was helping younger Latinas move up into higher positions, saying, "Early on, there were very few Latinas in high-level, decision-making positions. I felt a responsibility to mentor and support younger Latinas, assisting them in recognizing and achieving their full potential."

As an accomplished leader, she advises Latinos, "This country has a tremendous need for Latinos on boards. By leveraging your professional expertise, you can make a significant impact by collaborating with non-profit organizations dedicated to serving our communities." Maria's guidance to young Latinos is to cultivate a strong work ethic, maintain discipline, remain determined, and nurture a profound desire for success.

Arianna Villarreal Courtesy of Herbalife Carlos Cuevas


1. How do you think the evolving times are challenging board composition and operation?

LRB: We’ve seen a lot of positive boardroom change over the last few years. For starters, we’ve seen increased diversity, greater adoption and acceptance of technology, and greater accountability. A combination of changing dynamics creates better dialogue and more robust decision-making. Corporate social responsibility is a great example. Selective built a good size solar field and sells the power to others at a nice return. It’s a good investment and shows the company’s commitment to alternative power.

2. What has been the most difficult situation you’ve faced as a board member?

LRB: Obviously, CEO transitions require a great deal of thought and planning. It’s one of the primary board functions, and it’s important to have plans and processes in place to ensure a smooth transition, whether planned or due to an emergency. Each of my boards has had a CEO transition in the last few years. Each went very smoothly. Nonetheless, the Board needs to be prepared for many different scenarios. Ensuring good governance processes, including succession planning, is the best way to deal with difficult situations.

3. How are you empowering the next generation of Latinas?

LRB: I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to get involved with Latinas in many ways throughout my career. Providing college scholarships for young Latinas to give them greater access to higher education; supporting them at all levels of leadership through mentoring and advising; connecting them to others as appropriate; guiding those at the most senior levels; and helping them get board-ready.

4. How do you keep improving your knowledge and skills?

LRB: Technology makes it easy to continue learning and share and connect with others. There are some wonderful webinars and specialized certification programs that can help you stay current with today's issues and opportunities. I found teaching a couple of college courses particularly rewarding and a great learning opportunity. The students had such curious minds, forcing me to stretch my thinking.

5. What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself?

LRB: Slow down. Ask others for help. Prioritize your health and well-being. And something all Latinas should do: Know your value proposition and what is unique about you –and think about getting board-ready while you are an executive.

Duane Furlong Studios LLC F. Izquierdo



1. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a senior executive?

The biggest lesson for me is the importance of being authentic and the positive impact it has on you and those around you. During my career I have taken risks and pursued roles in areas that were new to me and where I had a lot to learn. To be authentic, I had to be willing to be vulnerable

and acknowledge to others the areas that I needed to develop and solicit help along the way. While this may sound straightforward, the reality is that the more senior you become in an organization the more difficult it becomes to put yourself out there and be transparent about where you really are. However, I have found time and time again that being vulnerable inspired

trust in others and created a culture where learning and discussing issues openly felt safe. It also helped me be successful as showing humility and enlisting help from others allowed me to move faster on the learning curve, avoid blind spots, and develop as a better leader.

2. What would you say is the biggest asset you bring as a board member?

I bring a breadth of financial and leadership experience having worked for more than 25 years at The Clorox Company, a global consumer products company with leading brands that consumers trust and love. I also bring diverse perspectives as I grew up and worked in Peru during challenging political and economic periods, I have experienced a military government, terrorism, hyperinflation, and high unemployment. I believe that bringing different world views and business perspectives enhances the quality of the board discussions which ultimately can lead to richer solutions. Abbott’s board and management team are very welcoming to new board members and continually foster an environment of open dialogue and inclusion. I am very honored to serve on Abbott’s board.

3. How do you differentiate your skills as an operational executive versus as a board member?

The responsibility of a board member is very distinct from those of senior management. We are there to represent the interests of shareholders by providing advice to management and overseeing its activities. To fulfill our role, the board spends significant time with management discussing the strategic and operational direction of the company, ensuring we are taking full advantage of opportunities and appropriately managing risks. I am very privileged to have the opportunity to fully leverage my professional and personal skills and experiences to work collaboratively with the board and management to help people around the world live fuller lives through better health.

4. What challenges did you face on the journey towards becoming a board member?

I believe that the personal and professional challenges that I experienced throughout

Courtesy of Paola Gonzalez Carlos Cuevas

my life helped me grow as a leader and prepared me to serve as a board member. With regards to my board experience, I started my board journey serving on a non-profit board, the East Oakland Youth Development Foundation, where I served for 15 years. Clorox also gave me the opportunity to sit on a couple of internal boards which helped me get experience in governance matters and further develop my skills. Clorox also supported me in joining an external board to continue to broaden my perspective. To prepare to be an effective board member I enrolled in corporate governance courses and leveraged these learnings and relationships to start networking. It was very important to me to join the board of a company with a strong purpose, values, and business model. While some opportunities knocked at my door early on, I am glad that I was patient and didn’t settle for the first opportunity. In 2021, approximately a year after beginning my board search, I was contacted by an executive search firm about a board opportunity at Abbott Laboratories where I was later selected to serve. It is very rewarding and a privilege to serve on the board of Abbott, a company with a diversified portfolio of leading businesses with a deep-rooted culture of service.

5. How do you keep preparing yourself and improve your skills as times and environments change?

My parents gave me a strong foundation and helped me develop a growth mindset which has helped me deal effectively with change over the years. I am a big believer that attitude matters, and that we need to put extra effort and take chances to grow and develop. Growing up in Lima, Peru we experienced challenging times with high unemployment and hyperinflation. I was very fortunate to have loving and supportive parents who always emphasized the need to invest in my education and to work hard. They would always tell me: “material things come and go but your education and experiences always stay with you”. I listened to their advice and pushed myself to excel in my studies, I earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a few years later I was awarded a full tuition scholarship to pursue my MBA at The University of Notre Dame. At

work, I took assignments that pushed me outside of my comfort zone and helped me develop new skills and to grow. I am also very grateful to my mentors and leaders who gave me advice, candid feedback, and challenging opportunities throughout my career. As a result of my life journey, I strongly believe that having a growth mindset helps you adapt and make the most of changing environments.

6. What advice would you give to young executives building a career? I think it is very important to pursue assignments that challenge you as these experiences will help you broaden your perspective and develop new skills. Even if you make mistakes, you will grow from these experiences and will apply these learnings to your next challenge. As you do this, be open to and leverage the advice and support of mentors and sponsors. I also think it is important to make a difference in someone’s life, you will find it very fulfilling, and it will help you develop key leadership qualities. There are so many ways to make a positive impact such as mentoring someone, supporting a non-profit organization, or being a source of inspiration by participating in panels. My favorite quote about leadership is from Simon Sinek, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.



For more than thirty years, Celia Huber has been an integral part of McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, where she has not only excelled in her career but also dedicated herself to diversifying boards. Starting as a consultant in 1992, she climbed the ranks and now leads McKinsey's Board Services practice in North America. Celia's expertise and exceptional skills have earned her recognition as a core faculty member of McKinsey's leadership forums, where she provides actionable solutions to CEOs, making her a unique asset to the company.

Throughout her tenure at McKinsey, Celia specialized in advising clients on enterprise and business unit strategies, offering valuable support to boards in areas such as governance, diversity and inclusion, and the evolving role of boards. In addition to her client-related responsibilities, Celia actively serves on the board of directors for the California Business Roundtable and the AltaMed Foundation's board of trustees, demonstrating her commitment to enhancing healthcare accessibility for underserved communities.

Celia, a woman who has dedicated much of her career to diversifying boards, acknowledges the challenges faced by Latinos and other diverse candidates when attempting to secure board positions. However, she makes a crucial distinction, emphasizing that these obstacles primarily arise when individuals are seeking their first board appointments.

To address this challenge, Celia highlights the significance of networking, stating, "Most board seats are determined by people that you know and your network, so a specific focus on networking is really important." She advised candidates to work backwards, telling the professionals to ask themselves “What type of company would you like to be on the board of? And who do you know who might know people on that board?”

Additionally, she notes the necessity for candidates to have a comprehensive understanding of the board's purpose. With this in mind, Celia has worked with aspiring board members to demystify board service, ensuring that candidates recognize their qualifications are on par with those of other board members. She believes that this method empowers candidates to approach board interviews with confidence.

When discussing mistakes to avoid, Celia cautioned against treating board interviews as if they were interviews for executive positions. Rather than focusing on sharing one's background, she recommended, "You will want to convey your perspective on running a company, your strategies, and what’s important in terms of what the CEO needs to deliver.”

Celia has also collaborated with multiple nomination committees, providing guidance on reaching out to community leaders for candidate suggestions and advocating for casting a wide net to ensure there is a diverse pool of candidates with varying perspectives. She firmly believes that “The board is only as good as the questions that they ask management, and that different background of members really helps to ask those questions.”

Given the ever-changing world, Celia emphasizes the growing importance of strategy and the implications of the business model for boards. "As the world undergoes constant changes, be it in technology or geopolitics, boards must consider these factors when envisioning a successful business model for the future," she states. Furthermore, Celia suggests that boards must be conscious of their oversight role and prioritize transparency, particularly in response to growing investor demands for information on sustainability, social issues, and diversity.

As a trailblazer in her industry and a role model for aspiring Latino leaders, Celia aims to inspire others to serve on boards in the future. She expresses, "I would encourage folks to think about serving on boards not only for when they retire but while they are still working to continue to develop through filling in one board seat.”

Arianna Villarreal Courtesy of Celia Huber

A dedicated leader who uplifts others

We applaud Roland Hernandez and all of the corporate leaders included in this year’s Latino Leaders Magazine.

U.S. Bank congratulates Roland Hernandez on his inclusion in Latino Leaders Magazine’s Latinos on Boards. A member of the U.S. Bancorp Board of Directors since 2012, Roland’s contributions have been pivotal to our mission to foster a culture of inclusivity.

As chair of the Capital Planning Committee and a member of the Executive Committee and Governance Committee, Roland brings leadership acumen and strategic operational insights to the Board. Moreover, Roland’s deep expertise working with client-focused companies – and his ability to zero in on what clients want and expect – have been a guiding light as U.S. Bank works toward a goal of creating opportunities for all.

Member FDIC. ©2023 U.S. Bank

1. How do you think the evolving times are challenging board composition and operation?

DS: Demands put on boards continue to increase, and so the overall time commitment for board members has increased substantially. This is not particularly a new observation, but the added complexity is that previously “siloed” industries - political/policy matters, social movements, and technologies - now have material strategic impact and are (appropriately) elevated more often as board matters (oversight at least, strategic direction as often). For example, compliance requirements and higher CEO (and NEO) turnover mean that boards have to work harder and longer (not a surprise and a long-term trend at this point), but the expanded impact and disruptive force of generative AI (ChatGPT and other LLMs), for example, has reached all corners of industry. Board members must always be learning and engaging on matters like this and others that



were once relegated to incidental or strategically unimportant status. The increase in attention paid to human capital, matters of social justice, international or geopolitical matters that impact markets or market share (think Ukraine or, more significantly, potential Taiwan/China tensions) in the context of highly fluid macroeconomic circumstances means that boards must bring a wider variety of skills and experiences to the table than in the past, and, further, directors are expected to apply their knowledge and experience to novel and evolving challenges (strategically and otherwise) as never before. Diversity helps solve some of this problem, because differences in perspective help a board tackle unique and emerging issues in a more productive way. And a more comprehensive and thoughtful approach to onboarding of new board members helps address all of these trends at a practical/operational level. It is an interesting time to be a director!

2. What has been the most difficult situation you’ve faced as a board member?

DS: Each new crisis or challenge can be difficult in different ways, which makes choosing one relevant event hard. Arguably, the most difficult situation I’ve faced as a board member was as a newly elected independent director chairing the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco’s board in the first and second quarter of 2020. Running the board during the Covid pandemic shutdown while conducting an (unplanned) CEO succession process during the tumultuous financial ups and downs of 2020 (as Covid settled in) was difficult.

Courtesy of Daniel Siciliano, Photo by Laura Kudritzki Carlos Cuevas

We weathered that storm and the Bank emerged stronger than ever. The most important takeaway, from a board perspective, was that there is no easy substitute for deep engagement and deliberation at the board level. Hard problems are…hard, and a board needs to work through the process to arrive at the right decisions one way or another: in this case, via many, many zoom meetings and a few carefully orchestrated in-person meetings.

3. How are you empowering the next generation of Latinos?

DS: I’m lucky that much of my day job (even now that I am a “retired” professor) brings me in close proximity to Latino law and business students at Stanford. I spend a lot of time having conversations with these students about how to navigate the world of finance and venture capital. From

non-partisan immigration advocacy and think tank organization in the US and home to the Immigrant Justice Center with its “Belonging Begins with Us” Ad Council campaign, and one of the most successful impact litigation teams in the country.

4. How do you keep improving your knowledge and skills?

DS: I keep an informal journal each week about “lessons learned” from experiences that week. This helps crystallize takeaways from that week’s challenges and reminds me of either what I’ve learned, or as likely, highlights what I don’t know enough about. Or, in Mark Twain style, it shows me what I thought I knew but was wrong about! From there I try to emulate my best students and consume content from a variety of sources including traditional jour-

(but popular) Star Trek reference – but the younger me would get it.

Remember the Kobayashi Maru: When life seems to force you to choose from among only undesirable options, you must find another way. The best choices in life (and business) are not standardized – be brave enough to invent your own way when you must.

those conversations, I’m very optimistic about the future. The up-and-coming generation is better than ours – they might have a different style and some different views about certain norms we consider important, but they are hard-working, smart, worldly, and determined.

Most relevant to how I am working for the advancement of Latinos into director roles, however, is that I serve on the board of the Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF), where I chair the audit committee and play a large role in developing and teaching our Board Readiness Initiative (BRI) for senior Latino C-Suite executives who are great candidates for public boards.

Finally, I spend a lot of time thinking about immigration policy and working with immigrants (many are from Latin America) because of my role as chair of the board of the American Immigration Council. This Council is the largest

nalists and national news outlets, NACD events and publications and other director education material from places the Wharton, Stanford, and Chicago, along with less traditional blogs, podcasts, and even reddit forums.

But the best way I take new(ish) knowledge and skills that I’ve acquired and upskill them to mastery level – or at least try to –is by agreeing to teach the relevant subject either in a traditional Stanford classroom or, more likely, in an executive education environment (teaching executives or board members, or both). I find there are few better ways to evolve “pretty good knowledge and skill” into something closer to mastery than by preparing for and then teaching it to smart people who ask hard questions!

5. What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself?

DS: This answer is an admittedly nerdy




Courtesy of Margot Carter Carlos Cuevas


1. What role do you play as Chair of NACD for North Texas?

MC: As Chairperson along with an incredible board, we serve as an ambassador of the director community and aim to create the most beneficial experience for all involved. I am responsible for working with our bestin-class board in developing chapter programs, implementing plans and assignments, organizing valuable events, and enabling our chapter to fulfill its obligations to the national organization. Personally, I love connecting technology, companies, and people with similar goals to create something greater than the sum of its parts. My term as Chair has provided a great platform to help others reach their goals.

2. What is the benefit of serving in a non-for-profit board versus a corporate board?

MC: Both are rewarding experiences that offer an opportunity to use your skills and experience to make a positive impact and help provide good governance.

When serving on a non-profit board, you benefit by being able to champion a good cause and give back to your community. The board focuses on advancing the mission of the organization, supporting a worthwhile cause, and helping fundraise and facilitate financial contributions. While there is no compensation for this role (in fact you generally need to donate and get others to donate), you benefit from working toward a shared passion and purpose while actively participating and networking with community members.

As the governing body of a company, a corporate board sets policy, oversees management, strategy and organizational direction, risk and makes key decisions representing the company and its shareholders. As a director you get exposure to various leadership styles, gain peer-to-peer insights, and benefit from different business approaches, diverse thinking, and communication techniques. In addition to being paid, serving on a corporate board helps you give back and coach your management teams, continue to learn, meet interesting people, and enhance experiences by sitting on different committees, gaining knowledge and new perspectives.

3. What are the main challenges that non-for-profit boards face?

MC: Fundraising and Friendraising. Fund-

raising and friendraising are crucial to the long-term success of nonprofits. Nonprofit organizations often have a recognizable brand and a reputation to uphold. Creating a strategic plan with a long-term vision as the foundation begins in conjunction with the organization’s mission and vision.

4. How is diversity impacting board composition?

MC: A diverse and inclusive board is critical to long-term value creation for every organization. While progress has certainly been made to increase the board diversity, there is still much work to be done. Rising expectations from consumers, shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders have put a spotlight on board composition and board oversight of DEI programs. Diversity is a driver of board composition progress. For example, in a 2023 Deloitte survey of 135 corporate governance professionals, 57% cite a desire for greater diversity resulted in changes to their board composition over the last 1-2 years, up significantly from the 15% that said so in 2016. In another survey, findings revealed that over the last decade, racial diversity on boards grew from 13.3% in 2012 to 21.5% in 2022, with gender diversity rising 16.6% to 31% over the same period . It’s clear that diversity is increasingly valued and a critical component of making positive changes to board composition. What I like to say is everyone was a first-time director at some point. Let’s all work to give others that same opportunity.

5. What are the main skills that you think potential board candidates are lacking nowadays?

MC: Businesses face increasing complexity and continuous change at rapidly accelerated speeds, which call for agile business strategy skills and innovative mindsets. With the fast-growing adoption of artificial intelligence technologies, such as Gen AI, and emerging technologies and immersive technologies, such as metaverse and Web 3, coming around the corner, digital transformation and technology skills at the management level will prove to be very valuable. Enhanced knowledge of the ESG business and regulatory landscape and skills that enable embedding functional ESG to organizational strategy with measurable outcomes will also be beneficial. And, of course, diverse experience and innovative thinking remain important capabilities needed to increase board effectiveness.


• Margot Carter is Chair of the NACD NTX, is a strategic and innovative SAAS executive, a business builder in the fields of technology, real estate and construction. She cofounded an AI first sales productivity business and is a director on two NYSE companies Installed Building Products and Eagle Materials.


is a community of directors driven by a common purpose: to be trusted catalysts of economic opportunity and positive change in business and in director communities. It’s the leading organization for corporate directors, who want to expand their knowledge, grow their network, and maximize their and their companies/ organizations potential. For over 50 years, NACD has been on the leading edge of corporate governance, setting standards of excellence to elevate board performance and creating thought leadership on key issues, trends, and relevant topics. Through insights, education, and credentialing (director certification), we help boards make more informed decisions on the most pressing and strategic issues facing business today. With a peer network of over 23,000 members and 20 NACD Chapter Networks hosting both in-person and virtual events, directors can forge new professional relationships and expand their local networks. It’s a great opportunity to share first-hand insights, learn from real-world experiences, and bring powerful governance ideas to life. There’s a great program for folks who would like to get director certified.



The candidates list 2023

THIS YEAR we present 150 candidates ready to serve on boards. Our intention is to highlight names who demonstrate the accomplishments of Latino talent. May we keep spotlighting so new opportunities open to each one of them.


Age: 61 Dallas, TX


Board XP:

Experience in the transportation, power, and water sectors.


Age: 48

West Orange, NJ


Board XP: N

SVP and President Latin America, Merck & Co. (MSD)

Experience in the communications/marketing, sales, medical affairs, and pharmecutical manufacturing sectors.

Age: 52

Washington, DC


Board XP: N


Managing Partner, Radien Legacy Partners

More than 20 years of experience operating, investing, and representing startup/growth businesses.

Age: 56

Washington, DC


Board XP:


Independent Director, PotlatchDeltic Co. and Feeding America

Deep understanding of ESG, risk management, and marketing.

Carlos combines an understanding of both multiparty negotiations and complex financing structures and of the on-the-ground realities of engineering and construction management and safety. General management, project finance and execution executive with over 30 years of experience managing power, transport, and other large industrial projects ranging from airports to multi-billion dollar power and petrochemicals facilities.

Age: 53

Louisville, KY

Nationality: Board XP: N

SVP Chief Sustainability Officer & Director of ESG, Brown-Forman

Manufacturing Operations, Supply Chain Management, Merger & Acquisiton, Innovation.

Aiosa sets strategic direction and oversees pharmaceutical operations in human health across all Latin American subsidiaries encompassing 4,000 employees in more than 20 countries. She has a background in strategic and operational roles in US, Global and ex-US. Prior to Merck, she gained experience in several companies such as Novartis, sanofi-aventis and Eli Lilly. She has worked in areas such as medical affairs, patient education, sales, direct-to-consumer marketing, and public relations/crisis management.

Alfonzo previously served as CEO of Datum Technologies, an IT services company focused on the multi-unit restaurant industry. He also co-founded and operated Distributed Sun, a commercial solar energy developer and independent power producer. He practiced law at Holland & Knight where he focused on regulatory enforcement and corporate compliance and is admitted to practice in California, the District of Columbia, Florida, and New York. He began his career serving as an officer in the US Marines, deploying throughout SE Asia and Latin America.

Anne has forged a diverse career in the corporate, public and nonprofit sectors. Anne’s held executive roles at 3 Fortune 500 companies—Amoco, Kraft Foods and at Corteva AgriScience as Senior VP, External Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer. Anne served as a senior executive at 4 U.S. federal agencies including EPA, Commerce, State and USDA. Anne led the American Egg Board as its President & CEO. Anne is recognized for her championship of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and named a 2022 “Top 100” Most Influential Latina by Latino Leaders and a “Director to Watch” by Directors & Boards magazine.

Alex he currently serves at Brown-Forman where he is Responsible for ensuring the companys’s growth ambitions, business practices and corporate culture are environmentally and socially sustainable by developing, articulating, and implementing a comprehensive ESG strategy. He has over 30 years of manufacturing management experience across multiple industries and geographies, including Food, Beauty Care, Oral Care and Beverage. Some of his expertise is focused on restructuring of distilling, bottling/packaging, processing, and agricultural operations. He has led workforce reductions across multiple sites/roles totaling over 1000 employees.

CARLOS AGUILAR, PHD President & Chief Executive Officer, Texas Central Partners ALEX ALVAREZ

Age: 68

Sarasota, FL


Board XP: N


Former CFO, Harvest Capital Credit Corporation

Broad base of experience in financial management, strategic and operations planning, investor relations and revenue management.

Age: 57

Chandler, AZ


Board XP:


President, Co-Founder and Former CEO of Austin GIS, Inc.

Senior executive with significant experience in digital optimization, businessdevelopment, and growing new ventures/start-up, marketing and technicalorganizations.

Age: 61

Cincinnati, OH


Board XP:


Founder & President, CEA-Advisory, LLC

Technology and shared services executive with extensive experience at the intersection of business and technology in Fortune 500companies

Age: 55

Los Angeles, CA


Board XP:


Head of Business Banking, Bank of America

Commercial banking executive focused in consumer products, technology, entertainment, finance and aerospace and defense.

Age: 63

Farmington, CT

Nationality: Board XP:


Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Everest Insurance

Executive with more than three decades of legal, corporate governance and (re)insurance industry expertise.

Most recently, Bill led the management team of Patriot Capital Funding, a public BDC (specialty finance company) through a successful IPO and three secondary offerings, building its asset base to over $400 million and ultimately merged the company where the shareholders received a 260% premium in stock price. He has a proven track record of building and integrating teams, systems and procedures during periods of high growth and economic recession.

Jose Alvaro Avalos is CEO, Co-Founder and Board Director at Austin GIS, Inc., a NewCo focused on IOT and 5G Infrastructure Solutions. His strengths include building productive long-term customer relationships, growing new ventures, technical innovation and new product category creation, leading and managing worldwide organizations, and extensive experience conducting international business in over 40 countries. Previous to Austin GIS, Jose was Vice President of the Internet of Things Group and General Manager of RBHE Vertical Markets at Intel Corporation. In 2021 and 2022, Jose was named to the HITEC 100 list of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the technology industry.

Founder of CEA-Advisory LLC, an advisory practice that focuses on helping CIOs design Digital and IT Strategies to drive business and organization transformations; and helping emerging technology companies grow by tailoring its product offerings through compelling business propositions. As Hershey's Global CIO, Carlos led one of the broadest digital programs in the industry, including a comprehensive organization transformation required to deliver and sustain its digitization plan. Before joining Hershey, Carlos spent 28 years at Procter & Gamble, in a broad and diverse set of roles across several countries.

Raul is President of Business Banking, one of Bank of America’s eight lines of business, and is a member of the company’s executive management team. He leads a nationwide team that serves mid-sized businesses with annual revenues of $5 million to $50 million by delivering financial advice and solutions to help companies grow, improve cash flow, and invest for the future. Additionally, Raul serves as Bank of America's President for the Greater Los Angeles region and its 8,000 associates.

Anzaldua is a trusted Fortune 100 C-suite and boardroom advisor on strategy, finance, governance, compliance and communications. With exceptional leadership and consensus-building skills, he has built collaborative environments for solving issues. Ricardo has also created and coached executives on effective Diversity initiatives. Ricardo has a global grasp, stemming from work as lead advisor on numerous cross-border M&A transactions for Latin America-based businesses. He has practiced law in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


Age: 50

Miami, FL


Board XP:


EVP, Secretary, and General Counsel, Ingram Micro Inc.

Executive skilled in orchestrating business and legal strategies for global corporations, M&A, Compliance, Litigation, Governance, and Transaction.

Age: 61

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


CEO, Nadro

Highly recognized leader in the Pharmaceutical industry.

Age: 54

Dallas, TX


Board XP:


Chief Executive Officer, Berry Corporation

Leader of oil & gas companies, orchestrating operational and financial performance turnarounds.

Age: 61

Mexico City, MX

Nationality: Board XP:


Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Financial Group in Mexico

Extensive Board Experience, including Grupo Coppel, Mexico’s largest private retail and financial sector company.

Age: 47

Woodbury, MN

Nationality: Board XP:


President, United States & Canada (USAC) Area, Health Care Business Group, 3M

Known as a decisive and results-oriented leader with expertise in strategy, operations, P&L oversight, digital-enabled business models, and multichannel product distribution.

He joined Ingram Micro in 2008 as regional counsel for Latin America and has successfully worked through a variety of increasingly complex legal leadership roles with the company, especially in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and finance transactions. He rose to the level of vice president and associate general counsel prior to earning the promotion to his current position in December 2016. Before joining Ingram Micro, Aragone worked as legal director for Latin America in the law department of DHL in Plantation, Fla.

Arana is a well-rounded CEO with a strong 39-year global experience mostly in the USA, Brazil and Mexico with companies in the Agribusiness (DOW CHEMICAL), Food (TYSON FOODS), automotive-Industrial (GIS) and Pharmaceutical (NADRO) sectors. Alongside his top-level career path has performed several global leading roles such as: President and General Manager with ample knowledge in CEO, sales, marketing, human resources, merges and acquisitions, operations and government affair.

Araujo joined the Berry corporation in 2020 as EVP & Chief Operating Officer. Previously, he served as Director for Western Hemisphere Assets for Schlumberger Production Management. From August 2000 to August 2018, Araujo worked for Apache Corporation in roles of increasing responsibility. He graduated from Pomona College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, then from California State Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, and then from California State University, Bakersfield with a Master of Business Administration.

Arce was appointed HSBC Mexico Chief Executive Officer and led the Bank through the worst health and financial crisis in Mexico and the world in many generations. This happened while he was leading the digital transformation of the bank. Between 2016 and 2019, he was the Deputy General Director of Santander Mexico, in charge of its Wholesale Banking business with annual revenues of over 600 million. Jorge spent 21 years at Deutsche Bank in various roles. Between 2011 and 2016, he was CEO and President of Deutsche Bank Mexico. Before that he had several leading positions in the asset and wealth management areas. He earned a BA from Pace University.

Throughout his career with 3M, Sebastian has held multiple leadership roles that have taken him across three continents. He consistently coupled a “can do” attitude with a warm, charismatic personality that inspires others to new levels of personal, team and organizational success. In his last role, Sebastian oversaw the largest geographical region for 3M’s Health Care business group, with responsibility of $4.8B+ in annual sales and 4,200+ employees. Prior, Sebastian served as President for 3M’s Oral Care division, where he led 3,000 employees globally and $1.5B in sales annually.


Age: 55

Chicago, IL


Board XP: N


Managing Principal-Hispanic Board Services, James Drury Partners

Leader experienced in strategy and execution, investments and deal-making operations.

Age: 53

Washington, DC


Board XP:


Co-Founder, EVP & General Counsel, Viamericas Corporation

Leader on legal matters across the business, including corporate, commercial, regulatory, intellectual property, litigation, employment, ethics and governance.

Age: 46

Brooklyn, NY


Board XP:


Global Chief People Officer, VICE Media

C-suite human capital executive and inclusive expert focused on making workplaces more equitable and inclusive.

Age: 49

Austin, TX


Board XP:


Head of Platform Data Science, Airbnb Inc.

Multidisciplinary functional skills and executive management experience in big data, data science, and machine learning.

Age: 39

Atlanta, GA

Nationality: Board XP:



EVP, Chief Sales and Services Officer, Sleep Number

Experienced in retail, investments, and audit committee.

David brings expertise in board director diversity placement, and leads the firm's Hispanic Board Services practice. His earlier experience includes management consulting, executive search, and investment banking in industries such as technology, energy, distribution, manufacturing, and consumer goods. He is an advisor to the Hispanic IT Executive Council. He earned an MBA from the Kellogg School, and a Master’s of Engineering Management from the McCormick School, and earlier, a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Argilagos also serves as President of Viamistad, a non-profit organization that works to foster understanding between marginalized and mainstream communities. A major focus of its work is supporting recreational camps for mentally and physically challenged adults in Guatemala. Prior to joining Viamericas, Argilagos worked for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Inter-American Dialogue, two Washington-based think tanks, as Executive Director of the Group of Fifty (G-50).

Daisy leads a global team at Vice Media Group, responsible for people operations and culture, diversity, equity and inclusion, corporate facilities, and ESG. She recently authored Inclusion Revolution, a practical, inspiring roadmap for building and growing equitable workplaces. She kicked off her career at Moody’s Investors Service and has since played an integral part on the leadership teams at The Walt Disney Company, Google, and Viacom. Daisy's bold voice in elevating the importance of inclusion, innovation and courage in workplaces make her a highly sought-after speaker.

Carolina is a seasoned senior technology executive who has helped organizations transform divisions to accelerate innovation, incubate artificial intelligence products, manage risk in ecommerce portfolios, contribute in the design of platforms to support artificial intelligence, and develop strategy. Extensive hands-on experience in training and operationalizing large-scale machine learning models. She has been at Visa for 7 years, climbing through different leadership positions in data science. Prior to joining Visa, Carolina was at PayPal for 7 years, where she focused on the risk of small and medium merchants (SMB).

Melissa leads the company’s customer-focused strategy, and the organization’s sales, real estate, field services, customer relationship, and enterprise technology teams. She has jointly led the company to deliver five-year compound annual growth rates of 9% in sales, 15% in EBITDA, 38% in earnings per share, and 683% in Total Shareholder Return through 2020. Before Sleep Number, Melissa held a variety of senior leadership roles in Finance, Strategy and Corporate Development for Best Buy Co., Inc. (2005-2012). Previously, she also held corporate finance and strategy leadership roles domestically and internationally at Grupo Futuro, Citibank, and GE Capital.


Age: 62

Miami, FL


Board XP:


Former SVP Latin America Operations and Global Service Provides, Fedex

Executive with 40 years of expertise in finance, engineering and global operations of the transportation and logistics sectors.

Age: 67

Berkeley, CA


Board XP:


SVP Government Relations, Kaiser Permanente

Goverment relations and health care policy legal executive

Age: 53

New York, NY


Board XP: N


EVP & Chief Financial Officer, Kyowa Kirin US, Inc.

C-suite executive with more than 20 years of finance experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Age: 61

Dallas, TX


Board XP: N

Julio has an exceptional career focused on improving logistics and transportation businesses. His most recent experience was as Senior Vice Presdient of Latin America Operations and Global Service Provides at Fedex where he spent over 23 years. Prior to Fedex, he was at Ryder Systems as Director of Western Area Finance. He has served on different advisory and non-profit boards. Julio holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami.

Age: 49

San Francisco, CA

Nationality: Board XP:

CEO & SVP Lifestyle Brands, SC Johnson

International Executive with expertise in financial management for consumer products corporations.

Tony Barrueta is Senior Vice President, Government Relations at Kaiser Permanente, one of America's leading integrated health care providers and not-for-profit health serving more than 12 million members in eight states and the District of Columbia. Barrueta oversees the development of Kaiser Permanente’s public policy positions, which advance and protect the ability of Kaiser Permanente to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of Kaiser Permanente members and their communities.

Bastiani-Posner brings strategic leadership and a deep financial background to Kyowa Kirin. Most recently, Bastiani-Posner led the finance and IT functions as Senior Vice President, Finance Administration at the New York Genome Center, Inc. Prior to this, Bastiani-Posner held leadership roles in finance at several large pharmaceutical companies, including Allergan, Novartis and Schering Plough, where she contributed to research and development, mergers and acquisitions and global administration.

For over 20 years, Brenda has enabled transformative growth for companies both large and small. Commencing her career at IBM; as a transformative visionary, she designed, built, and led strategic transformation of the company’s sales model and GTM. Following this success, she drove expansion of the U.S. model into Europe and the Middle East. Today she is an investor and operating partner at Texas Women Ventures Capital Management, she has raised series A, B, and C rounds to mezzanine rounds totaling >$25M AUM.

Guillermo has been with SC Johnson for the past 7 years, holding different positions leading to his current CEO for Lifestyle brand responsibilities. Previously he was at PepsiCo for 14 years and before that at Unilever for 7 years. Guillermo has a degree from Universidad de Belgrano in Business Administration.

BRENDA BAZAN Operating Partner, TWV Capital Management LLC Executive changing the growth trajectory of tech startups and Fortune 50 multinationals. GUILLERMO BEADE

Age: 63

Washington, DC


Board XP: N


President, Marymount University

Educational leader known for expanding educational access for students.

Age: 52

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


Founder CEO/President, Volaris

Senior executive with significant experience in aviation, finance, and human development.

Age: 47

Los Angeles, CA


Board XP:


SVP & Chief Legal Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Health industry legal and compliance executive with years of regulatory oversight and risk management experience.

Age: 49

Washington, DC


Board XP: N


Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Telos Corporation (NASDAQ: TLS)

Qualified financial expert with 25 years of investor relations, financial planning & analysis.

Becerra is known for expanding educational access for students and keenly targeting programming to meet societal needs and changing demographics. Her academic career, both as student and professional, has blended mathematics, engineering and systems thinking and processes in her studies, teaching and administrative leadership. Irma Becerra took office as the seventh President of Marymount University in Arlington, Va., on July 1, 2018.

Age: 63

Washington, DC


Board XP:


Former General Counsel-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World BankGroup

International development attorney and executive experienced in sustainable development projects.

Enrique Beltranena has been Chief Executive Officer of Volaris since March 2006. Previously he worked as Grupo TACA’s chief operating officer, human resources and institutional relations vice president, cargo vice president and commercial director for Mexico and Central America. He also held the position of general director of Aviateca in Guatemala. Beltranena started his career in the aerospace industry in 1988. During the 1990s he was responsible for the commercial merger of Aviateca, Sahsa, Nica, Lacsa and TACA Peru, which consolidated them into a single management entity called Grupo TACA.

Benavides is senior vice president and chief legal officer at Kaiser Permanente, one of America's leading integrated health care providers and not-for-profit health plans serving more than 12 million members. Benavides serves as the general counsel for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Hospitals and manages the legal, compliance, and regulatory functions. In this role, she is responsible for implementing an integrated approach to foster a better understanding of enterprise risks and solutions, while advancing support of evolving business strategies. Benavides reports directly to Kaiser Permanente’s chair and chief executive officer and is a member of the National Executive Team. Benavides joined Kaiser Permanente in 2015 as chief compliance and privacy officer.

Bendza previously served as vice president in charge of investor relations at Honeywell International Inc. (NASDAQ: HON), where he led an award-winning investor relations program. He has over 20 years of experience with global companies in investor relations, business development, financial planning, analysis, financial strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and capital markets. He has a bachelor’s degree from Wesleyan University and an MBA from Columbia Business School.

Ana-Mita Betancourt joined the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) in September 2010 as General Counsel. MIGA is the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank Group. Betancourt was overall responsibile for MIGA’s Legal Affairs and Claims Group, including eligibility and deal structure, contract negotiation and drafting, dispute resolution, and claims management.


Age: 48 Leonia, NJ


Board XP: N



Inclusion & Diversity, Accenture

Leader recognized for her passion for inclusion and diversity.


Age: 50

Monterrey, MX


Board XP:

Chief Executive Officer, ArcelorMittal Mexico

Expert of steel and mining Mittal operation in Mexico.

As Accenture's Global Inclusion & Diversity Executive, Nellie holds a crucial leadership role and is a driving force behind the company's diversity initiatives. Nellie joined Accenture in 1986. She created the first role for Diversity efforts and is embraced as a beloved and deeply committed advocate for change, for women, for minorities, for people.

Cairo was appointed CEO in July 2013, since then has led the company to make an investment of 1,000 million dollars in Lazaro Cardenas for the generation of added value and take the company to a new level of 5.3 million tons of steel per year (main producer of crude steel in the country). Among his main achievements since 2013 is the reduction of 20% of effective personnel, reduction of fixed and variable costs to improve the profitability of the company and its growth. Victor entered to ArcelorMittal group in 2000 as Plant Manager. He has extensive professional experience in the steel sector, in the general manufacturing sector, as well as steel processing and generating value throughout the supply chain thanks to his time at Caterpillar and Prolec-General Electric.

Age: 56 San Juan, PR


Board XP: N


Founder/Managing Partner, Multicultural Capital, LLC

Mergers and acquisitions and investments financial expert.

Age: 57

Costa Mesa, CA

Nationality: Board XP:


EVP & CEO, Health & Wellness, Synchrony Financial

Expert in business, finance and healthcar.e

Carrión is a mergers and acquisitions specialist with 30 years of experience in the financial industry. She is the founder and Managing Partner of Multicultural Capital, LLC (MCC) and Multicultural Ventures LLC (MCV), and manages a team of seven professionals from her San Juan, Puerto Rico headquarters. Carrión has an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BS from the Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania. She is also a PHD candidate in Puerto Rican history at the Centro de Estudios Avanzados in San Juan, P.R. Her thesis work dealt with the impact of the Hispanic demographic boom in the United States on the resolution of Puerto Rico's political status.

At Synchrony Health & Wellness, our combination of healthcare and finance expertise gives us a unique perspective and understanding of the issues people face when seeking to pay for their own – or their families' and pet's – wellness and care. We help consumers finance healthcare services so they can get the care they want and need – when they want and need it. Simultaneously, we help providers maintain financial stability during a time of evolving change. Synchrony Health and Wellness offers a comprehensive set of financing options – including CareCredit, a healthcare credit card and Allegro, an installment loan and Pet’s Best Insurance. Our financial solutions are accepted at more than 260,000 provider, health and wellness retail locations.

Age: 50

Houston, TX

Nationality: Board XP: N

General Counsel, Virtuoso Travel

Seasoned leader with focus on International business and law.

Alejandro is a senior Executive, Corporate General Counsel, Compliance Officer, and Board Member with extensive U.S. and international experience. He is the former president/CEO of AccuFleet International, Inc., a Texas headquartered, privately-owned provider of aviation support services to major domestic and international airlines operating in airports across the country.


Age: 48

San Antonio, TX


Board XP:

David is a Latino executive who exhibits focus, commitment and sheer will. Award winning and results-oriented with a distinguished 20+ year career in finance, audit, accounting, business process improvement, corporate governance, international trade, project management and operations management.

Age: 56

Detroit, MI


Board XP:

Chávez is senior vice president and chief legal officer for DTE Energy, a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Chávez currently serves on the DTE Energy Foundation Board and the DTE Energy Investment Committee. Chávez currently serves as The Michigan Hispanic Fund President and as a board member for the Cristo Rey Network, the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute.

Age: 52

Culver City, CA


Board XP: N

Expert on women's leadership, youth development, and aging.

Age: 66

Mexico City, MX

Nationality: Board XP:

In 2021, Chávez was appointed as the inaugural Chief Impact Officer of Encantos and President of FORBES magazine named Chávez one of the 50 over 50 women leaders in June 2021 for her leadership in public education. She held numerous posts in President Bill Clinton's administration, and later returning to Arizona to serve then-governor Janet Napolitano. From 2017 to 2021, she held different positions at National Council on Aging (NCOA) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA).

He held various executive positions in some of Mexico's most important and influential companies, including CEO of Euzkadi-General Tire de Mexico, president and CEO of Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V., and as a senior executive at Fimbursa, an investment bank. By 2005, under his leadership as vice chairman and CEO for TELMEX, the country's largest private sector company, experienced tremendous growth and expansion. To stay at the top, Chico Pardo sought to reinvent TELMEX from a local telephone monopoly into a global high-tech multimedia company. Jaime Chico Pardo holds an MBA in 1974 from the University of Chicago.

Age: 58

New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP:

She leads the development, commercialization and delivery of innovative vaccines to drive the prevention of serious and life-threatening conditions. She’s been active in biopharmaceutical industry groups such as the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations, where served as Chair of the Vaccine CEO Steering Committee from 2019-2020. With 18 years at Pfizer, Nanette has had roles touching every market of the world with an eye toward innovation in the way healthcare is delivered. Prior to leading Vaccines, she was Regional President, Emerging Markets for Pfizer’s Innovative Health business. Prior to Pfizer, she worked for 10 years as a management consultant and served as a Research Fellow for the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Pharmacology. She has Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Cornell University, a Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA from The Wharton Business School.

Strong background on research, emerging markets, and vaccine development.

DAVID CHAVEZ SVP & CFO Shared Services, CVS Health Finance and risk management high ranking executive. JOANN CHÁVEZ SVP & Chief Legal Officer, DTE Energy Senior financial and legal executive & a strong advocate for young people. ANNA MARIA CHÁVEZ President & Chief Impact Officer Encantos Publishing/ Impact Foundation JAIME CHICO PARDO Founder & Chief Executive Officer of ENESA Energía Chief Executive Officer with a long story of managing, investing and Board practicel. NANETTE COCERO Global President, Pfizer Vaccines

Age: 54

Minneapolis, MN


Board XP: N


SVP of Research & Development, Medtronic

Experience in the Medical Technology industry with deep and global expertise in Operations, R&D and Quality.

Age: 49

Hartford, CT


Board XP: N


President & CEO, Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network, Inc.

Communications and marketing global expert.

Noel oversees all global quality operations for the company and is a member of the Medtronic Executive Committee. He partners with the business groups and global regions to assure end-to-end quality and reliability from development through manufacturing, distribution, and end-customer use. He is responsible for driving the strategic direction for the quality programs through the implementation of policy and standards across. Noel serves as founding member of the Medtronic Hispanic Latino Network. Noel received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, and his Master of Business Administration from InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico.


Mark Contreras, President and Chief Executive Officer of Connecticut Public, has led several media businesses through digital transformation. Prior to his role as Dean of the School of Communications at Quinnipiac University, Contreras served as CEO of Calkins Media, a privately-held local television, digital and local newspaper publishing company. Calkins developed innovative strategies to maximize audience reach, engagement and revenue by embracing streaming media platforms such as Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV. He previously led local newspaper publishing and digital businesses for three public companies including Capital Cities/ABC; Pulitzer, Inc; and The E.W. Scripps Co.

Age: 65

Washington, DC


Board XP:

President/CEO, Corro Nobil Associates

Global fundraising and event management leader.

Prior to founding Corro Nobil, she was Chief Executive Officer of Linder & Associates (2009 to 2014) and President and Chief Executive Officer of The Webster Group (2006 to 2009), strategic planning, fundraising and global event management agencies where she developed and implemented growth strategies that substantially increased each firm's revenues and visibility. Previously, Ms. Corro was Senior Vice President of Resource Development for America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth and Managing Director at Orr Associates, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in strategic planning, board development, capital campaigns and foundation management, where she led highly successful fundraising campaigns and special events for major nonprofit organizations nationwide.

Age: 49

Oshkosh, WI

Nationality: Board XP: N


EVP, Chief Legal Officer & Secretary, Oshkosh Corporation

Legal professional with experience overseeing legal, ethics and compliance, environmental affairs and sustainability matters in the auto manufacturing industry.

Age: 46

Charlotte, NC

Nationality: Board XP: N


CEO, Magnolia Wash Holdings

Communications, marketing, and management are his primary areas of expertise.

Ignacio is Oshkosh Corporation’s Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, a position he has held since November 2016.Prior to joining Oshkosh, he was in private practice in Washington, DC. Cortina holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from James Madison University and earned his law degree from Columbus School of Law at Catholic University. He is admitted to the Maryland and Washington, D.C. Bar and is registered as a Wisconsin in-house counsel.

Jose Costa has a long track record of successfully creating corporate value and leading large, multi-unit retail organizations with responsibility of +$2B in annual sales. Mr. Costa is a change agent that has increased organizational performance in multiple industries through identifying and realizing new growth opportunities, developing integrated strategies, hiring and developing exceptional talent, and delivering flawless execution. Skilled in mergers and acquisitions and integrating complex businesses in both company and franchise operations.


Age: 53

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


Regional President LATAM & CEO for México, Danone Food Group

Career focus in strategy, digital transformation for brands and organizations.


Age: 48

Cincinnati, OH


Board XP: N

SVP-North America Oral Care, Procter & Gamble

Executive with a trayectory in marketing and management in consumer brands.

Age: 54

Hershey, PA


Board XP: N


SVP-Chief Global Business Platforms & New Ventures, The Hershey Company

Senior executive with deep operational and general management experience.

Age: 50 Boston, MA


Board XP: N


President & COO, Hope Global

International relations and business high level executive.

Silvia began her career in 1989 at McDonald's Mexico, joined Procter & Gamble in 1992, as part of the Marketing staff, in 1999 she was Marketing Director based in Caracas. In 2004, she signed with Mars Mexico, where she performed the roles of General Manager for the Chocolates division and General Manager for the Pet division. In 2014, she became VP and CMO for Global Food and was based in Belgium. In 2017, she joined Danone as Regional President LATAM, Dairy and Plant based. Since 2020 Silvia is Member of the Global Executive Committee in Danone, and now she oversees all the Waters and EDP business in the Region.


Carlos has a remarkable career at Procter & Gamble, where he has been for over 22 years. He started his career as Assistant Brand Manager for Pampers North America back in 2000. Over the years, he has escalated to differeent marketing and business positions. He started as Senior Vice President for North America Oral Care in 2020. Carlos has a BS in Business from Florida State University.

Age: 54 New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP:

Hector most recently lead Hershey Canada, the company’s second largest market, through a business transformation. He also led the company’s International Regional Markets. Prior to joining Hershey, de la Barreda served as CEO of a Coca-Cola joint venture that specialized in the dairy business. Before that, he led the Latin America Commercial Development team for Coca-Cola FEMSA. He holds a Bachelor´s degree in Actuarial Sciences and post graduate degree in Finance, both from the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM).

Head of Capital Markets - GWIM, Merrill Lynch

Investment management executive experienced in capital markets products and platforms.

As an executive, De Santiago drives sustainable revenue growth by leading lean manufacturing operations, building high-functioning teams, and strategizing growth initiatives. To do so, he leverages 20+ years of global operations leadership and business development experience. His approach is simple: he positively impacts the bottom-line by driving continuous improvement initiatives. Throughout his career, he has capitalized on business development opportunities. De Santiago deliver best-in-class manufacturing operations, demonstrates solid financial performance, and generates revenue growth.

Patricio Diaz has 16 years of professional experience in the financial advisory industry. Diaz holds Series 63 and Series 66 licenses, qualifying them as a securities broker. Diaz can advise customers based out of Connecticut and Texas. Diaz has worked most of his career at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. He also worked with Citigroup Global Markets and Gulf Coast Funding with structuring investments and global markets. Diaz holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and a MS in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Florida.


Age: 74

Pittsburgh, PA


Board XP:


Independent Director, Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh

Governmental and external affairs executive in energy, public financing,environmental protection and public service.

Age: 57

San Francisco, CA


Board XP:


Founder & CEO, Conectado Inc.

Business leader with experience in digital and cultural transformation, and DEI.

Age: 56

New York, NY


Board XP:


Former Partner/Americas Head of Execution Services, Goldman Sachs

Seasoned financial services leader with a a robust history of building high-performing teams and driving business growth.

Age: 50

Portland, OR

Nationality: Board XP:


VP of Security Sales & General Manager Intel RISE Tech Initiative, Intel Corporation

Business management and product marketing

Diaz has more than 40 years of legal, public policy, economic regulation, and operations experience in the private and public sectors, including the Exelon Corporation, the City of Philadelphia, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Energy. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Plan II Honors Program from the University of Texas at Austin, and a J.D. degree from the University of Texas School of Law. Diaz also completed security- and financing-related executive programs at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, Inter-American Development Bank and The Wharton School.

Age: 56

Arlington, VA

Nationality: Board XP:


Independent Director, Bacardí

Expert in communications and marketing strategies.

Guillermo Diaz, Jr., is a transformative global business leader and champion of diversity, equity and inclusion. He now serves as the Chairman of the Hispanic Technology Council (HITEC), the premier global executive leadership organization of senior business and technology executives who have and are building outstanding careers in technology. Diaz is also the Founder and CEO of Conectado Inc., an innovative Web 3 digital platform with the mission to accelerate access to opportunities for those that are underrepresented.

Michele spent almost 32 years at Goldman Sachs, including the last 10 years as a partner. She has a long history of leadership in financial services with extensive experience running businesses regionally as well as globally. She brings a robust history of building high-performing teams and driving significant commercial impact. Michele is a member of the advisory board for Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and has been continually recognized among the most powerful and influential Latina leaders by the Association of Latino Professionals for America.

Rallying teams around a common vision and mission to reach for an inspirational ‘North Star’ has been the key to my 20+year career in the high-tech industry. The beauty of this industry is that it's provided me the opportunity to be in a constant state of learning—taking on new challenges, building new relationships, and delivering results—earning me a series of growth opportunities through diverse leadership roles at Intel. Whether challenged to lead a global TOP sponsorship program with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), start-up and lead new businesses or strategic initiatives, and/or ignite revenue and profit growth—I have developed the strategies and tactics that increased value as measured by revenue, profitability, and competitiveness

Alicia is an Independent Board Director that brings more than 30 years of experience with multinational Fortune 100 Companies in the Food and Beverages sectors with roles as General Manager, President, Chief Marketing Officer, and E-Business Officer. Since 2017, she has served as Chief Marketing Officer of Nestlé USA and previously served as President of the Beverages Division. Prior roles include Principal Consultant and Managing Director of Zyman Group, a subsidiary of MDC Partners and various marketing leadership roles at Procter & Gamble and Estée Lauder.


Age: 51 Colombia


Board XP:


CFO Colombia, Stanley Black & Decker Inc.

Tools and storage veteran with deep knowledge of emerging markets, innovation andlearning, global perspective.

Age: 51

New York, NY


Board XP:


Chief People Officer, Marsh & McLennan Companies

HR and management seasoned executive.

Jaime assumed leadership of this business in early 2020 following more than 30 years of progressive leadership responsibility with Stanley Black & Decker, including as SVP & President of Global Emerging Markets, President of our Latin America Group and President of our Exponential Learning Unit known as STANLEY X. Jaime earned a bachelor’s degree from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and an MBA from Loyola University, Maryland.

Age: 51 Minneapolis, MN

Nationality: Board XP:


President-U.S. Morning Foods, General Mills

Executive with deep understanding in marketing, revenue management, and manufacturing.

Age: 49 New York, NY


Board XP:


Executive Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation

Politics, international relations, marketing, and management expert.


As the Chief People Officer for Marsh & McLennan, Fernandez leads her HR team and partners with the board, executive committee and senior leaders to proactively address talent needs critical to and common across our businesses: ensuring colleagues experience our culture as inclusive and vibrant, our leaders as inspiring, our workforce as a place to grow and learn, and our value proposition as compelling and guided by trust.

Global executive with more than 23 years of leadership for a Fortune 200 company. Worked across countries on six continents, and learned the importance of understanding culture and adapting to meet different needs both with consumers and at work. Also have great insights into the importance of company culture and the role I play in fostering it.

Sergio is an internationally recognized leader across various industries with a common theme of developing innovative public-private multi-stakeholder governance models, from shaping social impact initiatives, regulatory frameworks to smart city policy & programs. Sergio over the last two decades has founded, invested and/or participated in over 23 companies, rolled up & acquired over 19 companies and has been involved in raising over 750m across his career. Most notably know for building one of Americas fastest growing billboard companies, Fuel Outdoor, from zero to top 3 privately owned in the USA sold to Van Wagner in 2012 and exiting his next venture a Smart City company 5 years later, P3 Global Management to Portobello Capital.

Age: 54

Los Angeles, CA

Nationality: Board XP:

President & CEO, Balance Inc.

Seasoned government relations professional and prior service in the California Legislature.

With over three decades of experience and prior service in the California Legislature, he is an expert at guiding established and start up tech companies through regulatory processes and spaces. Dean is the former California Senate Majority Leader and also served in the State Assembly. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School and started politics early as the past UCLA Student Body President. Dean also serves on various early venture funded corporate boards that are impact driven.


Age: 51

Hunt Valley, MD

Nationality: Board XP: N


SVP Finance & Global Business Services, McCormick & Company

Finance executive with experience in consumer products, multi-national companies and private-equity portfolio businesses.

Age: 54

Sunnyvale, CA


Board XP: N


VP of Security Research, Intel Product Assurance, & Security Engineering, Intel Corp.

Technology executive with deep governance, security engineering, and technology research.

Age: 51

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N



Managing Director & Co-Head of Sustainability, Palladium Equity Partners, LLC

Experience in portfolio management, investment consulting, and pension fund administration.

Age: 57

Dallas, TX


Board XP: N



Partner-in-Charge, Jones Day

Nationally recognized trial & technology lawyer.



Marcos is a global executive with 25+ years of experience in major multinational companies across three continents, including McCormick, Avon, Unilever and Eli Lilly with solid experience in all areas of finance, strategy development, enterprise-wide business transformation, M&A, risk management, and private equity. He holds an MBA in Finance and completed the Exec. Leadership Devel. Program from Thunderbird School of Global Management. He was awarded two outstanding Global CEO Awards by both Unilever and Avon CEOs for his business contributions in his career.

Age: 40

San Diego, CA

Nationality: Board XP:

Global Chief Financial Officer & U.S. President, Talipot Holdings

Chief Financial Officer, Chief Investment Officer, Private Board Director, Financial Services Practice Leader, Corporate Strategy.

A 30-year veteran of Intel, Gaeta spent the first two decades of her Intel career developing various semiconductor processing technologies. Previously she was GM of systems engineering in the Platform Engineering Group and was responsible for optimizing engineering execution capacity, quality management systems, and operational excellence for a global engineering organization of 18k people. The Hispanic IT Executive Council has recognized her six times on the top 100 Hispanic professionals in the IT industry.

Gallegos gives to Palladium 25 years of investment experience having managed over $100 billion in assets over the course of her career. She previously served as Chief Investment Officer for the New York City Comptroller, Deputy State Investment Officer for the New Mexico State Investment Council, and Director of Manager Research for Strategic Investment Solutions, now Verus Investments. Most recently, she was a Senior Investment Manager at CSAA Insurance Group, an AAA insurer. Gallegos began her career in the Emerging Markets Equity Group at JP Morgan Asset Management.

Hilda has served as lead counsel in the enforcement of patent portfolios as well as defense of infringement allegations. Her cases have involved various technologies, including electronics, software wireless communication, and semiconductor processes, among others. Hilda has a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Texas El Paso, and a JD from the University of Texas, School of Law.

Rodrigo Garcia has 20+ years of progressive leadership experience in transformational change, financial and investment expertise, corporate strategy, technology innovation, new product development, and full lifecycle project management. Garcia is an insightful lifelong learner and authentic leader with high emotional intelligence building meaningful relationships, bringing teams together with diverse views and skills, and driving organizational growth, profitability, and sustainability within fast-paced environments. Garcia serves on the boards of Canela Media, Inc. and Framework IT.


Age: 56

Oakland, CA


Board XP:


Founder and Principal, Garcia Strategic Advisors, LLC

Senior executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors,


Age: 49

Boston, MA


Board XP:

Chief of Staff to CEO & Global Head of Internal Communications, State Street Corporation

Experience leading business strategy, client engagement, executive leadership oversight, and marketing and communications.

Age: 63

Key Biscayne, FL


Board XP:


Former SVP & Chief ESG Officer, Royal Caribbean Group

Business, economics, government and policy



Garcia is a Senior C-Suite Executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, with a consistent record of overachieving strategic growth initiatives and protecting brand equity of mature and emerging public and privately held companies. Sergio Garcia is a Senior C-Suite Executive, attorney and trusted advisor to CEOs and board of directors, with a consistent record of overachieving strategic growth initiatives and protecting brand equity of mature and emerging public and privately held companies. Deep expertise in corporate governance, and regulatory compliance matters while serving as public company General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

Age: 47

San Francisco, CA

Nationality: Board XP:

As Chief of Staff to the Chairman and CEO, Yvonne serves as his strategic advisor and first point of contact across various stakeholder relationships, including employee, client, regulator, community, and investor engagement. As the Global Head of Internal Communications, Yvonne drives the communications strategy for over 40,000 employees and is also responsible for the oversight of a program including State Street’s most strategic clients representing over $6.5B in revenue. Prior to State Street, Yvonne served as Director in Marketing and Distribution Strategy for Liberty Mutual and as Vice President for Bank of America’s China Construction Bank (CCB) Strategic Assistance Program.

Silvia is a strategic, purpose-driven and versatile executive and attorney with 30+ years of experience leading the development and execution of ESG/sustainability strategies and plans for publicly held companies. Working with diverse and cross-functional teams, Silvia has co-created pathways to maximize innovation and continuous improvement, and embed best practices for social and environmental performance, governance, capital allocation, board oversight, shareholder and stakeholder relationships, reporting and enterprise risk management.

Gast is an executive with extensive financial, strategic and operating experience in Private Equity and Fortune 100 companies. Strong growth partner with track record of creating value and market - leading positions. With over 15 year of experience in Mergers and Acquisitions, Gast has led and participated in the execution of multiple public and private buy – and sell – side transactions, including numerous acquisitions, equity investments, divestitures and joint ventures both domestically and internationally.

Age: 51

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


Recognized as one of the largest institutional fund managers, the real estate arm of MRP Group has invested over 1.25 billion in more than 80 assets including commercial, office and hospitality. He founded Institutional Infrastructure (I2), an infrastructure investment platform, which was acquired by Blackrock in 2015. He recently created Mexico Opportunity Fund (MXO), a private equity platform with over US$ 400 million in capital. Prior to MRP, he served as CFO for Telefonica Moviles Mexico, the largest mobile phone operator company in Mexico. Before that, he worked as CEO of Telefonica B2B as responsible of the operations restructuring in the US, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. He worked for Goldman Sachs & Co in the M&A and investment banking practice in NY. Gerard graduated from the MBA program of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and holds a Bd in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).

SERGIO Former CFO & Board Director, Global Technology Acquisition Corp. executive with financial, strategic and operating experience in Private Equity and Fortune 100 companies. President and CEO, MRP Group One of the brightest Senior Executives in Mexico, experience in investment and management platforms for alternative assets in real estate, infrastructure and private equity.

Age: 54

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N

Partner, TPG Capital

Extensive general management, strategic planning and business development experience.

Age: 59 Denver, CO

Nationality: Board XP:

Board Member, Advisor, and Senior global business executive with a history of improving operating performance and increasing shareholder value in companies ranging from startups to FTSE 100 companies. Skilled board member, general manager, corporate development, finance and strategy leader in the consumer goods, retail, consumer financial services, and e-commerce industries. Proficiency in and passion for identifying and driving revenue and profitable growth. Proven track record of effectively leading engaged teams to deliver strong financial and operational results.

Executive leading publicly-held and Private Equity-backed manufacturing and industrial companies worldwide.

Age: 51

Minneapolis, MN


Board XP:

Throughout his career Gomez has been respected as a strategic and inspirational leader that has consistently transformed under-performing organizations and spurred dramatic business and earnings growth. This proven track record has been accomplished by creating trusting, agile and learning environments in which diverse thoughts are encouraged to consistently drive disruptive innovations.

Age: 49

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N

Gomez is executive vice president, chief food and beverage officer for Target Corporation. He brings deep retail expertise and more than 20 years of experience managing multi-billion-dollar consumer packaged goods brands to Target’s food and beverage business. Prior to Target, he served as vice president of brand marketing at MillerCoors. He also held multiple leadership roles at PepsiCo.

Global executive with experience in financial services and digital payments both in multinational as well as startups.

Age: 49

New York, NY


Board XP: N

Head of Growth Marketing for Credit Card, Capital One

Marketing, customer, and digital expert focused on building lifestyle brands.

Federico is responsible for the development of PayPal’s business for PayPal in Latin America, leading a team working to grow the business while continuing to prioritize innovation so PayPal can offer solutions that support customers, merchants, and consumers, as well as business partners. Before joining PayPal in 2010, Federico held different positions at American Express, PagaTodo and Giesecke & Devrient.

Veronica is responsible for driving profitable growth through Marketing for the Credit Card business across performance marketing, content marketing, lifecycle marketing, product marketing, site UX testing and optimization, and analytics. She has a very strong marketing experience of over 20 years holding different leadership positions in different industries. Her previous positions include companies such as SoulCycle Inc, Tory Burch, Macy's and JP Morgan Chase & Co. Veronica has a BSE in Marketing and Finance from Wharton.

IGNACIO GIRALDO LUIS DEMETRIO GOMEZ CEO, MultiSource Manufacturing LLC RICK GOMEZ Executive Vice President and Chief Food and Beverage Officer, Target Corporation Marketing and brand management executive with demonstrated success in the consumer products and retail industry. FEDERICO GOMEZ SCHUMACHER VP & General Manager, Latin America, PayPal VERONICA GONTIER

Age: 58

Miami-FLL, FL


Board XP:


Founder & CEO, Better Not Younger

Executive with deep understanding in marketing and brand management.


Age: 48

Albany, NY


Board XP:

Former Chief Information Security Officer-Mexico, Barclays

Leader with experience in Business management and technology.

Age: 61

St. Charles, IL


Board XP:


Former SVP-Global CSR, Sustainability & Philanthropy, President & CEO Ronald McDonald House Charities, McDonald's Corporation // Partner & Chief Strategy Officer, Bien Trucha Group Executive with vast experience in the Quick Service Restaurant enterprise.

Age: 58

Midland, MI


Board XP:


President-Performance Materials & Coatings, Dow Inc.

Executive providing innovative solutions to global markets.



President, DR Guzmán, LLC

As a global C-Level CPG Executive, CEO and Board Member with 25+ years of experience I have built, scaled and delivered billion-dollar growth for iconic beauty, body and hair brands at Fortune 50 leaders Procter & Gamble and L’Oréal. I evolve savvy consumers, extend global markets and create brand innovations that drive growth and reverse under-performing brands to market leadership in Latin America, US, Canada, EMEA and Asia. I’ve successfully held billion-dollar P/Ls in multiple regions, fusing multi-cultural, global, local and multi-functional expertise in high-growth and economically challenged areas.

Age: 67

Roanoke, VA


Board XP:

Javier Gonzalez is a senior executive with over 25 years of broad cybersecurity and enterprise risk management experience, delivering business value through wide-ranging expertise in technology, strategy, market share expansion, sales growth, and merger & acquisitions. Javier is a strong information technology professional skilled in architecture, and has a proven record in strategic execution, cyber disruption and innovation roadmaps. He shares his expertise as an active advisory board and committee member across several technology, cyber defense, and IT companies.

Chief Information Officer with international experience in multiple industries.

Most recently, he served as Senior Vice President, McDonald’s Global Inclusion, Community Engagement and Philanthropy, responsible for coordinating Community Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, as well as McDonald’s Philanthropic efforts around the world, including Ronald McDonald House Charities, where he served as the President and CEO since 2013.

Gregorio has a track record of increasing responsibility, significant market and international experience, and considerable achievements at Dow. He joined the Company in 1984, and has held a variety of leadership roles, spanning business management, commercial, supply chain and technical service, across several Dow’s upstream and downstream, market-facing businesses, including Coatings, Consumer Solutions, Plastics, Feedstocks & Energy.

Fortune 500 CIO and CTO executive Known for delivering innovative, revenue-generating technology solutions and services. Two-time award winner #1 on the InformationWeek Elite 100 Innovators in Technology. Businessweek Web Smart 50, ComputerWorld Premier 100 IT Leaders (best in class) and Hispanic Executive Top 100 Latino Business Leaders.


Age: 51

Atlanta, GA


Board XP:


Chief Executive Officer, Gem Shopping Network

Innovator developing and building businesses and products in media, technology and consumer spaces.

Age: 50

Washington, DC


Board XP:


Former VP of Public Policy & Philanthropy-Americas, Twitter

Seasoned executive in government, politics, and corporate affairs.

Age: 59

Austin, TX


Board XP: N


Associate Vice Chancellor & Controller, The University of Texas System

Leader with extensive, diverse experience in healthcare, higher education,government & technology sectors.

Age: 54

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


CEO, Latin America, KKR Business, Upfield B.V.

Multi-industry and global executive with a demonstrated history of forming and developing high performance teams and cultures.

Age: 50

San Diego, CA


Board XP:

With over three decades of experience, Eduardo has worked with brands such as HGTV, Food Network, Discovery and helping build novel products like DailyMe and AOL. Early in 2020, he joined Sun Capital Partners to run Gem Shopping Network, the top media seller of fine jewelry.

Chief Financial Officer, Shoreline Biosciences

Managing finance, human resources, information technology, legal and administrative operations at private and public companies.

Herrera-Flanigan is an executive with extensive experience working on corporate affairs, legal, public policy, communications, crisis management, government relations, regulatory, legal, and social impact matters in the technology, media, security, sports, and government contracting sectors. She currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Safe Sport, and as a Board Member of Regis University and the Peabody Awards. She has served as the Vice President of Public Policy & Philanthropy, Americas at Twitter, and as the Executive Vice President of Government & Corporate Affairs at Univision and President of the Univision Foundation. Prior to Univision, she was a partner with the government affairs and strategic consulting firm Monument Policy Group, where she led the firm's technology, media, sports, and crisis communications practices.

As Controller Hinojosa Segura has System-wide responsibility for the oversight of accounting activities and financial reporting for the 13 institutions under UT System. Prior to joining the U T System, Veronica was the President / CEO of the Ascension DePaul Services of San Antonio. Veronica enjoys giving back to the community and is currently the Chair Elect and Treasurer for the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and a Board member of the Hispanic Chamber Foundation.

Dieter Holtz is currently acting as CEO for Latin America of Upfield, the leading global company in plant based nutrition, formed after the private equity firm KKR acquired the ailing business from Unilever in 2018. In Latin America it is known for holding the leading market share position in margarines in almost all countries it participates in. Sales in the region amount to approx. $300 million USD and operates through 11 production plants, both owned and sub-contracted.

Vanessa is a financial executive with experience managing finance, human resources, information technology, legal and administrative operations at private and public companies. Her career accomplishments include several significant financings, exits, IPO and company creations.


Age: 48

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:

One of the most important and influential leaders in business in Mexico.

Age: 60

New York, NY


Board XP:

Banking industry executive with global and international exposure.

Age: 51 New York, NY


Board XP: N

From 2019 to July 2021, she was the President of the Executive Council of Global Companies in Mexico, a Council that integrates more than 50 global companies with presence in Mexico, that aims to build a continuous dialogue with the Government. Until February 2021, Claudia was President for Latin America and Global Director for Diversity & Inclusion at DuPont, where she worked for more than 13 years.

Executive delivering global breakthrough innovation programmes for assembled and formulated consumer products.

Age: 49 New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP:

Robert has 28 years of experience working in the banking industry in Sao Paulo, Frankfurt, London and NY. He has been at Bank of America for 21 years, most recently serving as Chief Operating Officer for Latin America. Previously he has held different positions at JPMorgan Chase & Co and Deutsche Bank in different locations.

Seasoned executive with experience in operations, defense procurement, and multinational simulation exercises.

Age: 50 New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP: N

Keyla is responsible for driving product innovation for our brands and product strategies across the global organization. She joined Revlon with over 20 years of global experience in the consumer products and consumer health industries with an exceptional track record of delivering breakthrough innovation. She has worked in Asia, Europe, LA and the US. Most recently held the position of R&D Vice President at e.l.f. Cosmetics and previously held leadership positions of increasing responsibility at Schiff Nutrition, Reckitt Benckiser and Procter & Gamble.

Experience in business management and finance.

Enterprise leader with nearly three decades of executive leadership experience. White House, Cabinet, Army Futures Command (AFC), Pentagon, Joint Staff, and West Point experience. Combat leadership experience in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Possesses a strong record for achieving results for non-standard missions, in high-paced environments, under ambiguous leadership conditions. A developer of leaders and teams known for driving change and moving large organizations forward.

I am a Chief Audit and Finance Executive, with proven ability to drive effective management and risk oversight. A trusted advisor of the Board and Senior Leadership. I am a leader, who holds himself accountable and brings out the very best in my teams, driving objectives, designing, and executing process and control improvements, that drive positive change and business transformation.

CLAUDIA JAÑEZ Independent Director ROBERT KOZMANN, JR. Chief Operating Officer Latin American (MD), Bank of America
KEILA LAZARDI Chief Scientific Officer, Revlon FRANCISCO LEIJA Founder & President (Principal), Modern Phalanx Solutions, LLC OSVALDO (OZZIE) LLANES Vice President and Chief Auditor, Xylem, Inc.

Age: 44

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N

DEI and Human Resources executive with experiences across industries.

Age: 51

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N

President & CEO, Penserra

Financial services executive with extensive experience in investment management and advisory.

Age: 59

Rio De Janeiro, BR


Board XP:


Former Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC Mexico & Argentina Boards

International executive with a solid background and track record in financial services in developed and emerging markets.

Age: 66

Chicago, IL


Board XP:


Board Member, AARP

Professional with a deep understanding in public policy and community development.

Lopez is responsible for leading Abercrombie & Fitch Co.'s sustainability, community giving, and inclusion and diversity functions as the company looks to broaden these ongoing efforts and embed the ESG strategy into its business operations. Previously, he served as Chief Diversity Officer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Lopez has a BA in Organizational Behavior & Communications from NYU.

Age: 64

Atlanta, GA

Nationality: Board XP: N


Former President & Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, UPS Inc.

Diversity and inclusion and risk management leader with deep experience in logistics.

Prior to founding Penserra, Jorge spent fourteen years at Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which is now part of BlackRock, in various senior capacities including Head of Transition Management and Senior Portfolio Manager. Before working at BGI, he also worked for Baxter International and Conagra in finance roles. He is also a graduate of Columbia University with a MBA focus in securities analysis and a graduate of University of California, Berkeley with a MBA focus in business strategy.

He started his career in Brazil in 1982 with JP Morgan Chase before joining the HSBC Group in 1993. He has worked and lived in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, UK and USA. Until the end of March 2021 he was a Group Managing Director of HSBC Holdings PLC and CEO of Latin America since 2015 based in Mexico City. Other relevant positions included President & CEO of HSBC Bank Canada 2012 - 2015, CEO of HSBC Bank Australia 2009-2012 and Deputy CEO of HSBC Bank Brazil 2007 – 2009. He was a member of the Group Management Board, the HSBC Group highest executive committee, from 2013 to 2020.

Márquez served from 2014 to 2021 as AARP Illinois State President, helping to shape and drive AARP Illinois advocacy at the state and local level. From 2002 to 2014, she was President and CEO of Eleanor Foundation, leading its transformation into a research-oriented grant-making foundation focused on economic self-sufficiency for working women of modest means.

As both the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and President of the UPS Foundation, he led and influenced awareness, accountability, and engagement over the course of a 45 year long career at UPS. Eduardo has a BA in Business Administration and a JD from Nova Southeastern University.

MICHAEL LOPEZ Former SVP Diversity & Inclusion, ESG, Abercrombie & Fitch Co. JORGE MADRIGAL

Age: 49 Chicago, IL

Nationality: Board XP: N


Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer, BMO Financial Group

Diverse experience in AML, Compliance, Risk, Governance and Control, Program/Project Management, Securities Operations and Technology.

Age: 56

Houston, TX

Nationality: Board XP: N

Chief Executive Officer, The Asia Pacific Strategies & Solutions (APSS) Group

Executive management and senior leadership in aftermarket & field service support for Energy/Oil & Gas, and refining industries.

Age: 40 Chicago, IL


Board XP: N

Founding Partner, Chingona Ventures

Proven track-record in business management and entrepreneurship.

Age: 52 Anaheim, CA

Nationality: Board XP:

Former U.S. Field VP, McDonald’s USA

International food and beverage operations executive with over 20 years of experience.

Prior to January 2019, when he took on his current responsibilities, Herb served as the U.S. Chief BSA/AML/OFAC Officer, BMO Financial Group, where he was responsible for the BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance program for the U.S. Prior to joining BMO, Herb was the Global Head of Bank of America's Financial Intelligence Unit. e has a Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Francis College in New York.

Age: 57

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Nationality: Board XP:

Joseph has more than 20 years of executive management and senior leadership in the energy, oil & gas, and refining industries. He has successfully transitioned to the private sector from position as a senior USMC Commander (General Officer). Served on multiple boards of international companies.

Leader driving transformational business strategies.

Samara is founding partner of Chingona Ventures. She previously spent eight years at Goldman Sachs, where she was highly ranked in selling financial products, providing market insights, advising on portfolio construction, and consulting on business practices.

Ofelia first joined McDonald’s in 1992 as a manager trainee in the U.S. and later in Latin America. In Latin America, she was responsible for the Operations deployment plans of the Andean countries, Central America, and Puerto Rico. In 2013, she served as Vice President and General Manager for the SoCal Region, until July 2018 when she was promoted to her current role. Ofelia earned her MBA from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business.

Mendizabal is group president for Stanley Black & Decker Lain America since 2019. Most recently, she was business unit president and global chief marketing and innovations officer at Nature's Sunshine Products. She held leadership roles at Visa USA, Herbalif, Johnson & Johnson, Kodak, PepsiCo-Mexico and Procter & Gamble. She was named one of Mexico's Top 10 most powerful women in business by CNN's Expansion Business Magazine.


Age: 55

London, UK


Board XP:

Business management skills executive.

Age: 54

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


President, Mexico Zone & The McDonald's Vision, The Coca-Cola Co.

Outstanding experience and achievements with the Coca-Cola Company in four continents.

Age: 52

New York, NY


Board XP:


Founder & CEO, Ana Mims LLC

Career focus in MedTech, Health and Pharma Industry.

Age: 49 New York, NY


Board XP:


President/CEO, Gerber Childrenswear LLC

Highly accomplished retail and consumer products executive.

Outstanding general manager with extensive global experience in creating and scaling businesses. A reputation for constructing successful business models with operational rigour. An expert in driving innovation, building teams and achieving profitable growth in challenging environments.

Age: 52

Seattle, WA


Board XP: N

VP Cybersecurity Risk & Governance/Chief Privacy Officer, Intel Corporation

Global executive with extensive IT & Cybersecurity experience.

His current scope of responsibility also includes the Stills Beverages business for all of the Latin America Region. Previously President of the Latin Center Business Unit with base in Colombia, where he championed a new regional vision that reversed losses and delivered the highest engagement and net promoter scores companywide. Prior to that, as President of the South Pacific Business Unit in Australia, Roberto widened his repertoire to include developed market expertise.

I am a growth-stage, C-Suite executive working with Founders, CEOs, Boards, and PE/VC firms in private/public companies driving growth strategies, solving complex market challenges, delivering strategic go-to-market product solutions, as well as transforming operational processes through integrated digital technology. I am passionate about leveraging technology as a key vector at the heart of many core operational challenges such as market penetration, and consumer acquisition, retention, and engagement.

Maria has led North American businesses for both Britax Child Safety (manufacturers of car seats and strollers) and Bugaboo Americas (manufactures of premium strollers). She also has held senior leadership roles in strategic planning and general management at both Nike and Univision. Maria has a BA in Economics from Stanford University and an MBA from Northwester University.

Proven track record for developing and leading high achieving teams, successful delivery of enterprise-wide security programs, development and implementation of corporate-wide security governance, establishing cyber security policy and standards frameworks, embedding security by design into application development, developing enterprise continuity of operations, implementing global security awareness programs, and ensuring cyber security and privacy regulatory compliance.

CARLOS MENENDEZ President, Commercialization Office, MasterCard ANA MARIA XOCHITL MONTEON

Age: 45

Boston, MA


Board XP: N


General Manager UniCare, Elevance Health

Operations and health care executive focused in public policy and benefits.


CEO, Ad Astra Media, LLC

David is Former Commissioner of Health Care Finance & Policy in Massachusetts. Together with his wife, they founded Ahora Inc. (, a not-for-profit dedicated to empowering working class families and low-income individuals, especially Latinos, to build self-reliance through budgeting, money management, and wealth building.

Age: 45

Newport News, VA


Board XP: N

Leader in exponential technology innovation and excels at leading multidisciplinary teams that sit at the epicenter of biotechnology, AI, and aerospace.

Age: 52

Miami, FL


Board XP:


Managing Director, Head of International Banking & Lending, Morgan Stanley

Financial services leader focused on growing cross-border wealth management businesses.


Age: 55

Bradenton, FL

Nationality: Board XP: N

Chief Audit Executive and President Brink's Capital, The Brink's Company

Audit and financial operations in consumer products and technology services.

Age: 56

Los Angeles, CA

Nationality: Board XP: N


Founder, Peritus Global Advisors

Global executive with over 20 years in media production and licensing.

CEO and Founder of Ad Astra Media LLC; providing role models and educational STEAM content to encourage more diversity in STEAM related fields. José is the Chief Medical Officer for Ever Medical, an Eisenhower Fellow with the 2020/2021 ZHI-XING Fellows Program and is a health and technology keynote speaker, author and a consultant for NASA, Forbes, MIT and the White House Office of Science and Technology. He is considered a leader in exponential technology innovation and excels at leading multidisciplinary teams that sit at the epicenter of biotechnology, AI, and aerospace.

Musa joined Morgan Stanley in 2017 as part of the firm’s strategic focus on international high-net-worth clients. She brings an appropriately worldly perspective to the role. She’s also involved in several nonprofit and professional organizations devoted to education, the arts, and Latinx issues. Including ALFPA, the Association of Latino Professionals For America, which recently honored her as one of its Most Powerful Latinas for the fourth year in a row.

As the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) her role is to partner with senior management and the Audit Committee to help them fulfill their broad responsibilities for effective governance. She first joined Brink's Company in 2004 as VP & CFO for the LATAM region. Previously she served at Johnson & Johnson, Bacardi, & PWC.

A key player in the global media industry for more than 25 years, Nuñez led the international divisions of major U.S. media companies that have launched some of the most well-known content in the world. In a series of high-profile executive roles, he was responsible for shaping CBS’s global licensing and syndication business and turning CBS Studios International into a worldwide distribution leader.


Age: 51

Munster, IN


Board XP:


Former Managing Director-Cloud Advisory, Accenture

Deep business management and entrepreneurship experience.

Age: 47

Washington, DC


Board XP:


Chief Operating Officer, National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC)

Sales and operations executive with experience in advocacy onbehalf of diverse asset managers.

Age: 47

Roswell, GA


Board XP:


CEO & Founder, Allen Solvision, LLC

Over 25 years of experience in telecommunications, high tech, and healthcare

Age: 61

Farmington, MI


Board XP:


President & CEO, Padilla NetWorks LLC / Former Global Senior Director-Public Policy & Government Relations, General Motors

Public policy, strategic planning on domestic and international business matters in the automotive and transportation sector.

Age: 63

Tampa, FL

Nationality: Board XP: N


EVP, Executive Managing Director, Florida Corporate Banking Executive, Cadence Bank

Experience in dealing with both public and private middle market companies, private equity, and M&A transaction financing.

David is the CEO and Co-founder of Angeles Investors. Before Angeles Investors, David held senior executive positions of increasing responsibility at Nippon Telegraph & Telephone (NTT), Ford Motor Company, Oracle, Verizon, Softtek, and Accenture. David has leveraged his expertise in technology, business strategy, digital platforms and networking excellence as an early-stage/Angel investor in 70+ companies. This portfolio includes three unicorns and ten that have garnered more than $100m in valuation (and growing).

Ortiz-McGhee is the Chief Operating Officer of the National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC), the trade association and largest network of diverse-owned private equity firms and hedge funds. Prior to joining NAIC, she served as Senior Vice President at Aon plc. Here she was responsible for driving growth across all risk and health product lines in the Mid-Atlantic. Graduate of the University of Virginia, currently serves as Chair of the Governance & Nominations Committee of the Communities in Schools national board

Allen is an accomplished technology futurist and a global operations senior executive with experience consulting to large and small companies. She is the CEO and founder of Allen Solvision, LLC (est. in 1993) a management consulting firm focused on business transformation initiatives at Fortune 500 Telecom and High-Tech firms enabling them to achieve disruptive change and innovation. Her previous experience includes positions at IBM Research, IBM Global Services, Accenture, and Bell Labs.

President, CEO and Founder of Padilla NetWorks, a consulting firm established in 2010. It provides global public policy, strategic planning and management expertise on domestic and international business topics to Fortune 500 clients and new business ventures. Prior he comes from a 34-year global career at General Motors, Padilla’s last assignment was Global Senior Director, Public Policy, Corporate & Government Relations with expanded responsibilities for the General Motors Public Policy Center.

Her career began with Barnett Bank in Consumer Lending/ Regional Branch Management and she stayed through the NationsBank and Bank of America mergers as Regional Sales Director for Retail Banking with over 250 employees. After 13 years she was offered the opportunity to start the Retail Bank for Wachovia in Florida and created a successful DeNovo roll-out and bank acquisition strategy until Wachovia was acquired by First Union. Her roles at the new Wachovia included Financial Specialist Sales Leader, Acquisition Banking Director and VP, Business Banking Client Manager. SHe stayed through the Wells Fargo Merger and then returned to Bank of America in their Global Commercial Bank as a Senior Vice President and Client Manager, until this opportunity of a lifetime came to start the Commercial Bank in Florida for Cadence Bank.


Age: 53

Austin, TX


Board XP: N


CEO, Austin Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) // CEO, Austin City Limits (ACL)

Seasoned media executive with experience managing large media national organizations.


Age: 48

Princeton, NJ

Nationality: Board XP:

Luis leads Austin PBS on an ambitious transformational journey to engage digital audiences, new generations and expand its impact on diverse and growing communities. Previously he was at Univision for more than 16 years holding different leadership positions. Patiño served on the Austin PBS board between 2013 and 2015.

Pease leads the Company’s global finance organization and is responsible for overseeing the Accounting, Tax, Treasury, Investor Relations, Internal Audit, Risk Management, and Procurement functions, as well as working closely with operational finance teams across the Company’s global businesses. Prior to joining Charles River, Ms. Pease served as Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer of Johnson & Johnson’s global Medical Devices businesses since 2019.

Chief Financial Officer, Charles River Laboratories

Finance executive with diverse management experience including mergers & acquisitions, licenses, and compliance.

Age: 48

New York, NY


Board XP:


President and Chief Executive Officer, Carrols Corporation

Global executive with experience in operations, strategy, finance, commercial, business development, real estate, and hospitality.

Age: 55

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


Founding Partner & Co-Chairman of Silvergreen Capital

A seasoned banker with a long experience in investment and commercial operations.

Age: 56

San Francisco, CA

Nationality: Board XP:


Independent Director, Pacific Premier Bank

Operations and finance executive with a demonstrated history of leading investment management organizations.

Paulo has over 20 years of operations and finance experience in the hospitality, quick service restaurant and beverage industries. Previously he served as Chief Operating Officer of Selina, one of the world’s fastest growing hospitality brands, where he was responsible for overall hotel operations for the company’s portfolio of over 95 properties. Prior to joining Selina, Pena was a Vice President at McDonald’s USA, where, among other things, he oversaw operations at over 800 McDonald’s-owned locations in the United States.

For seven years (2008 – 2015) Luis served as CEO of HSBC Mexico having increased profitability substantially and as of 2016 he was promoted to Vice-Chairman, Global Banking and Markets for the entire Latin America Region. Before joining HSBC Luis served as CEO for Banorte, the largest Mexican commercial bank with 1200 branches and 17,000 employees (between 2004 – 2008). After finishing his MBA at Stanford University, Luis joined Citibanamex where he developed a fast growth career between 1983 and 2004. He obtained a BA in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Iberoamericana and an MBA from Stanford University.

Pereira retired from Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. in 2020, having served as Chief Operating Officer from 2010 to 2020 and Chief Financial Officer from 2004 to 2020. He also served as Head of Financial Reporting for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. from 2000 to 2004. Earlier in his career, Pereira gained valuable regulatory experience and perspective while serving as Managing Director at the New York Stock Exchange


Age: 55

San Francisco, CA


Board XP: N



Global-Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Audience

Measurement, Nielsen

Sales and media executive with experience leading global commercial strategy and revenue operations.

Age: 64

San Juan, PR


Board XP:

Governor of Puerto Rico

Accomplished public servant and litigator in the private and public sector.

Age: 53

Miami, FL


Board XP:

Professional with career focus in communications and marketing.

Age: 61



Board XP:

Former President-Latin America, Procter & Gamble

Finance Executive with a demonstrated success track-record.

Perez has had an exemplary career at Nielsen for more than 25 years. He first joined as Product Manager in 1997 and has escalated to Executive leadership positions. Today he leads a national team focused on customer retention, customer growth and new customer acquisition in the Media Industry.

Age: 71

Miami, FL

Nationality: Board XP: N

Pedro Pierluisi is the Governor of Puerto Rico and presides over the New Progressive Party. He was elected on November 3, 2020. Pierluisi is a lawyer from San Juan with 35 years of experience in the public and private sectors. He began his professional career in Washington, D.C. as an assistant to Resident Commissioner Baltasar Corrada del Rio. He was Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner in Washington from January 2009 to December 2016, and during his tenure in Congress, he compiled an impressive record of accomplishments in multiple areas.

Experienced senior executive in franchising, marketing, business management.

Plasencia is co-founder, chairman & CEO of Republica Havas, a communications company providing culture-forward marketing solutions to Fortune 500 and blue-chip brands through its award-winning Creative, Media, Health & Wellness, and Experiences divisions. Founded in 2006 in Miami, minority-certified Republica Havas is the multicultural partner of Havas, one of the world’s largest communications groups with over 700 agencies in 100 countries.

Juan Fernando is responsible for P&G’s business in Latin America, home to more than 500 million consumers, with on-the-ground operations in 11 countries, 17 manufacturing plants and 12.000 employees. He leads a team of country and category leaders focused on serving the Latin American consumer with superior brands and products, and works closely with retail partners to grow categories in which P&G participates ensuring our brands are present everywhere consumers shop.

High energy, results-focused former CEO and COO/President of public companies, seeking public or private board opportunities. Will leverage 35+ years of domestic and international experience establishing strategy, developing talent, and scaling operations for businesses with market capitalizations of $150MM to $2B. In addition, brings 20+ years of non-profit board experience and external directorship for the largest franchisee of American brands in Central America.

PEDRO PIERLUISI JORGE PLASENCIA Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO, Republica Havas JUAN FERNANDO POSADA JULIO A. RAMIREZ Former CEO, BurgerFi International, Inc.

Age: 45

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


President-Americas Region, Global Brokerage, Customer Solutions and Global Revenue Operations, UPS Inc.

Leader responsible for managing the operations and leading the creation and implementation of new strategies.

Age: 58

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


Former CEO, BNP-Paribas Cardif Mexico

Results driven executive with twenty two years of diverse international general management experience in banking.

Age: 53

Los Angeles, CA


Board XP:


Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Fuse Media, Inc.

Executive with multicultural, Latinx, growth, and turnaround experience with leading media, technology and CPG organizations.

Age: 56

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:


CEO Mexico, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch

Experienced leader with extensive experience in banking.

Wilfredo is a native of Puerto Rico, where he joined UPS in 2003 as a corporate tax manager. Over the course of 17 years, Ramos has held several key leadership roles for UPS, including vice president of strategy, mergers and acquisitions for UPS Asia Pacific, and managing director of UPS Spain and Portugal. From 2011 to 2016, Wilfredo held a number of different roles in Asia where he spearheaded efforts to restructure UPS’s air network, gain new business and expand into new markets.

Age: 59

New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP:

Reich is an executive with over 35 years in the financial sector in Mexico and Latin America. Former Chief Executive Officer for BNP-Paribas Cardif Mexico from 2014 until 2022. Currently she is President of the Board of Diretors at the company. Before, Nicole served as the CEO and President of Grupo Financiero Scotiabank Inverlat S.A. de C.V. from 2007 to September 2012 and Vice President of the National Banks association in Mexico. She was an Executive Vice President of Scotiabank since April 2010. She joined Scotiabank in 2005 after a long tenure at Citigroup where she held various senior roles in several Latin American countries, including General Manager and CEO for Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic.

Leader with experience in management, civil rights, and non-profit organizations.

During Roggero’s tenure, Fuse Media’s predecessor, SíTV, the first English-language entertainment destination for the underserved Latino community, rebranded to NUVOtv. Roggero has also helped Fuse Media identify and expand the company’s multiplatform business opportunities, including development and distribution of content beyond the Fuse and FM linear TV networks, and onto OTT platforms. During his more than 15 years at the company, Roggero was previously CFO & COO.

He is Managing Director of Bank of America Merrill Lynch Mexico. He joins the financial firm from Telemundo, where he served as President since 2011. Prior to this, Romano was president and CEO of Grupo Puerta Alameda, a real estate development and investment company, as well as CEO of Grupo Mexicana de Aviación.

During his 22 years as Executive Director/CEO of the ACLU, Romero has led the organization through historic growth and provided top-notch management and executive stewardship for one of the largest NGOs in America. He also serves on the Board of Ariel Investments and is the chair of its Talent/Compensation Committee. He took the helm of the ACLU just seven days before the September 11, 2001 attacks. As chief executive officer for the ACLU, he has oversight and management responsibility for the ACLU's program, fundraising, lobbying, media and communications, as well as administration and finance. He is a seasoned executive of a large, complex organization. The ACLU has over 2,200 staff; offices in every state; revenue exceeding $400 million; and assets topping $1 billion. A non-partisan organization, the ACLU advances civil liberties and civil rights without respect to political affiliation. It works with Republicans and Democrats, and locks horns with both.

ROMANO ANTHONY ROMERO Executive Director/CEO, American Civil Liberties Union

Age: 54

Miami, FL


Board XP: N


Managing Partner (Principal), Nexus Living LLC

Proven experience in Real estate, budgeting, and outreach.


Age: 54

Miami-FLL, FL


Board XP: N

Co-Founder & CEO Okee Labs, Former Global CTO Banco Santander, M&T Bank and Citi Latin America

Seasoned executive in IT Management and software development.


Age: 50

Weston, CT Nationality:

Board XP: N

Former President of Strategic Markets, Kyndryl Inc.

Extensive career with focus in P&L management and international sales.

Transformative leader, strategic advisor and collaborator committed to building coalitions for growth in business and the common good in community. Enjoys leveraging a diverse skillset to analyze opportunities, problem solve, and drive actions and outcomes for progress and revenue growth. Believes in the value of bringing leaders and teams together to execute a common vision, ultimately delivering transformational and cultural change that yields wins for organizations, employees, clients and communities.

Age: 50

Ontario, California


Board XP: N

Chief Marketing Officer, Cardenas Markets

High-ranking executive with particular focus on Marketing and brand management.

Age: 62

Miami, FL


Board XP:

President and CEO, Telefonica USA

C-suite executive with extensive senior management experience in strategic partnerships, and market entry.

Ross is a serial entrepreneur, technology strategist at public companies, corporate governance and growth expert. She is a twotime startup founder with one exit in digital technology. She is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of Okee Labs, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup specializing in Deep Learning algorithms and models for predictive agriculture in the United States. For 20 years, she has worked in C-suite positions for some of the world’s most visible Global financial services companies, technology companies, and academia in Europe, Latin America and the United States including Citi, Banco Santander, Motorola Research, M&T Bank, University of Miami, and Arpro Technologies. Additionally, she has been an Adjunct Professor and Lecturer at Universities including Cornell University, University at Buffalo and Florida Atlantic University.

As a senior executive and advisor leading global companies, teams, and P&Ls, I’ve transformed multi-faceted global and geographic organizations in both growth and renewal phases, following the mantra, ‘we do what we said we would do’. I’ve led the spinoff of the world’s largest IT infrastructure Services Company, headed the most profitable business across IBM, and led 21K global employees across 48 countries. I've always worked to balance the business results, our employees, and our customers.

A savvy and goal-oriented marketing executive specializing in the food service and retail industries, with global and domestic experience in marketing communications and public relations, media relations/outreach, e-commerce, digital marketing, brand awareness and management, consumer insights, budgeting and expenditures, menu development, and strategic planning. A proven track record of promoting multicultural and diversity among marketing initiatives, bolstering client base while maximizing engagement. Excels at guiding efforts to improve sales, expand cultural relevancy, develop high-performing teams, and evolve overall approach. A driven and dynamic leader who utilizes marketing as a means of delivering results to ensure long-term growth, profitability, and customer service.

Sánchez was most recently a senior adviser for TriCap Partners, a New York-based independent merchant banking and asset management firm. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and a native Texan. She was CEO for Telefonica USA and Global Crossing Latin America, president of Terremark, president of Global Operations for Mozido, a senior vice president at Alcatel-Lucent in the Caribbean and Latin America, and a regional sales director for Alestra Mexico. She was also president of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.


Age: 51

Nashville, TN


Board XP:


Chief Information Officer, Asurion

Senior business technology executive with a focus on strategically enabling positive business outcomes via innovative technology and operational change.

Age: 52

Houston, TX


Board XP:

Casey joined Asurion in March 2021 coming from Alliance Bernstein where she was SVP, Head of Business Process Innovation, Workflow and Automation. She also has previous experience at General Atlantic and McKinsey and Company. She started her career at NASA, supporting over 20 space shuttle missions. Casey holds an MBA and MA in International Studies from The Wharton School and the Lauder Institute, and a BS in Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Group, Inc.

Natural gas industry executive focus on operations and cyber security affecting fieldand pipeline systems.

Age: 48

Naperville, IL


Board XP:

Before joining Mears in 2019, Soto was SVP of Gas Operations for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Through Soto’s leadership, PG&E became the first utility in the United States to earn several notable third- party certifications around pipeline safety and asset management. Before joining PG&E in 2012, Soto served as VP of Operations Services for El Paso Corporation’s Pipeline Group in Houston, Texas. Soto holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from UT El Paso, a master’s degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix.



Tavares is responsible for the Company’s finance organization and will be responsible for accounting, treasury, financial planning & analysis, tax and banking relations. Prior to joining DON, he served as CFO of Harvest Sherwood Food Distributors in Detroit Michigan. He also served in senior financial roles at Dunns River Brands, LaLa US and PepsiCo where he was known for driving financial strategy and performance.

Age: 63

Mexico City, MX


Board XP:

Téllez’s successful performance in board, executive and senior leadership positions over the past three decades in a variety of areas in both the private sector and public sector also provide additional value to understanding and providing oversight of the variety of business, legal and regulatory matter. He was Chairman and CEO of the Mexican Stock Exchange (MSE) from 2009 to 2014. He served as Mexico’s Secretary of Communications and Transportation and Secretary of Energy. He also served as Chief of Staff to President Ernesto Zedillo from 1994 to 1997.

Age: 61

Plano, TX

Nationality: Board XP:

Thomas is recognized as a thought leader and has led several projects addressing organizational and career development transformation opportunities. She attributes her success to building high performance teams and having the courage to diplomatically influence organizations to consider different alternatives. A first-generation American born to Cuban immigrants, Thomas realized her parents' sacrifice to leave the familiar surroundings of their native country required a great deal of courage. She learned early how valuable it was to preserve the qualities of freedom and the ability to express your personal opinion no matter how difficult the circumstances.

JESUS SOTO, JR. Former Chief Operating Officer, Mears ELIAS TAVAREZ Financial & EVP Finance, HR and IT, Edward Don & Co. Global senior finance executive combining financial, operational, and people management expertise. LUIS TELLEZ KUENZLER Strategic and Business Advisor Significant business, executive, public policy, government and international affairs expertise. JACQUELINE THOMAS Chief Compliance Officer, Toyota North America Sucessful executive with experience in Compliance, Risk & Audit Leadership.


Age: 40 Dallas, TX


Board XP:

Strategic advisor to industry regarding trade and national security regulatory compliance.

Age: 42

Atlanta, GA


Board XP:

Senior attorney with extensive policy, legal and public service experience.

Age: 48

New York, NY


Board XP:

Chief Growth Officer, eXp Realty

Extensive experience in real estate and investment properties.

Age: 51

Midland, MI


Board XP:

President-North America, Dow, Inc.

Executive with strong global business acumen in management, marketing, and operations across industries.

Age: 50

Minneapolis, MN

Nationality: Board XP:

Torres guides companies in highly regulated industries through a broad range of strategic regulatory trade controls and national security matters, including developing effective strategies for growth and conducting negotiations with U.S. and foreign regulatory agencies. Businesses leaders turn to Torres for assistance in ascertaining business and operational risks and improving legal compliance.

Former VP Consumables Categories, Amazon

Leader widely recognized for catapulting consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands through innovation.

Tronocoso most recently served as Vice President and head of Justice & Opportunity at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Earlier, Mike served as chief counsel and chief of public policy to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. As the Attorney General's primary legal and policy advisor, he developed and executed the Attorney General's department-wide priorities and oversaw the department’s most sensitive litigation, legislative, and enforcement matters.

Valdes was the former Senior Vice President of Global Servicing for Realogy Corporation. In that role he oversaw the international servicing platform for all Realogy brands including Century 21, Coldwell Banker, ERA, Better Homes & Garden, Corcoran, Climb and Sotheby’s International Realty in 113 countries. He had been with Realogy in a variety of roles for 15 years. Prior to that, Valdes was Director of Private Banking at Deutsche Bank for a decade where he oversaw a book of business of just under $1 billion. He has the distinction of being the first Director in the United States of Latino descent.

Louis has a 19 year career at Dow, most recently he leads Dow’s largest Region with 18,000 employees and 54 locations. He utilizes extensive international experience to drive engagement with stakeholders across North America to drive enterprise success. Louis is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion. He has a BA in Political Science and Government from New Mexico State University.

Carla leads key categories in’s Everyday Essentials businesses, including: Grocery, Beauty, Baby, Health and Personal Care. Additionally, she oversees several strategic platforms for Consumables including supply chain, sales of consumable products to the commercial business sector and tech advancements across consumables categories. Prior to joining Amazon, Carla was a Corporate Officer at General Mills (NYSE: GIS) where her most recent role was that of President of the Natural and Organic Operating Unit. She received her BA in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Texas, Austin.

OLGA TORRES President/Managing Member, Torres Trade Advisory MICHAEL TRONCOSO Elected Member, The American Law Institute MICHAEL VALDES LOUIS VEGA

Age: 63

Pompano Beach, FL


Board XP:


Head of Enterprise Data Strategy & TransformationNorth America, SAP

Experience including enterprise data management, data strategy, and data governance.

Age: 57

Atlanta, GA


Board XP: N


SVP & Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary, Asbury Automotive Group

Seasoned executive with more than 30 years legal and corporate experience.

Age: 46

Los Angeles, CA


Board XP:

Chief Business Officer, 3Pas Studios

Executive with more than 25 years of experience in technology, media, and financial services.

Age: 47

Los Angeles, CA


Board XP:


Director of Financial Planning & Analysis, Southern California Edison (SCE)

Public utilities finance executive with expertise in corporate financial planning, capital governance and asset analytics.

Age: 60

New York, NY

Nationality: Board XP:

Villar has held senior executive positions responsible for changing the data culture, building enterprise data capabilities and leading large data transformation programs. She co-authored "Managing your Business Data: From Chaos to Confidence", a business book for how business leaders should manage their business data with 6 Guiding principles for an effective data management program. Published in 2009, this was one of the first business books on data governance. She also contributed as a data management thought leader through publishing articles, training through online classes and an Outcome Driven Data Strategy master class (YouTube) plus industry speaking event.

Senior Executive Leader with exerience as DEI champion.

George A. Villasana is a Fortune 500 C-suite executive. George has served as the trusted advisor to boards of directors, CEOs, and senior leadership teams of three public companies. George has taken a company public, managed the sale of a public company, closed 200+ mergers and acquisitions valued at $5+ billion and closed 20+ corporate financings valued at $8+ billion across several industries.

Steven also is the Co-Founder and Chairman of Encantos PBC, the award-winning children's entertainment company. Prior to Encantos, Steven served as the Chief Marketing Officer of Datalogix (acquired by Oracle for $1.2 billion), Neustar (acquired by Golden Gate Capital for $3 billion), and Quantcast. Named by Adweek as one of the "50 Most Indispensable Executives in Marketing, Media and Tech", as well as one of Hispanic Executive’s “Top 10 Líderes” in 2021.

She is responsible for the financial operations of the utility, including corporate financial planning, capital governance and asset analytics, financing, treasury operations, investment management and credit risk. Previously, Natalia served as the director of Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis within the Treasurer’s organization. Before, Natalia held various financial positions with Allegheny Energy, Merrill Lynch and Dime Savings Bank.

Magda Yrizarry has been a force for change for over three decades. She most recently served as Senior Vice President – Strategic DEI Initiatives and Supplier Diversity, Yrizarry ensures Verizon’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategies care for all four stakeholders — customers, shareholders, society, and employees

STEVEN WOLFE PEREIRA MAGDA YRIZARRY Former Chief Talent and Diversity Officer, Verizon Communications



WHILE CORPORATE boards of trustees typically are cast in similar oversight roles, not every situation is a good fit for potential members, advises Jose Antonio Gonzalez Anaya, a former finance minister and a longtime senior executive in Mexico's public and private sectors.

For Gonzalez, the best fit is a dynamic board which has a good interaction with management and plays an integral role in long-term planning and defining the mission of the company. "With some boards in the public sector that does not happen," he said.

Also, Gonzalez said it is important to be in a place where he learns new things and can contribute. "You have to be yourself but realize you are entering an institution that exists. You don't want to be an outlier, but you have to be constructive," he said.

What the U.S.-educated economist brings to the table includes extensive experience as a team builder and problem solver in both the C-suite and in the board room. "I became an executive after I became a board member," he notes.

Gonzalez took on governance and management positions in different public and private entities sometimes simultaneously during his tenure in the public sector and as chief executive of Izzi at Televisa Group, a leading Mexican media and telecommunications company. He does not prefer one status above the other. "It depends on what the role you want to play and what role you can play," he said.

With regards to what would offer an American corporate board, Gonzalez said is his knowledge of Mexico and exposure to other geographic areas as well as a long career in finance, health care and oil and gas.

A native of Coatzacoalcos, a city in the state of Veracruz, Gonzalez earned a doctorate in economics from Harvard University and degrees in economics and mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His career path includes a decade at the Mexican finance ministry, holding regulatory positions in the non-banking sectors and serving as under-secretary of taxes.

"I also ran a huge healthcare provider," Gonzalez said. He was general director of the Mexican Social Security Insti-

tute, which manages pensions and provides healthcare to close to seventy million Mexicans and employs close to 420,000 workers.

Before joining Izzi, Gonzalez was CEO of PEMEX, one of the world's largest energy companies.

In addition, the 56-year-old executive has been a researcher and professor at Stanford University and a senior economist for Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru under the World Bank. He also is a member of the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center Advisory Council.

One of the assets Gonzalez brings to any position is his penchant for problem solving. "I like to face issues head on," he said, adding, "I like to get down and dirty and see what the issues are."

In tackling issues, he said. there is never just one thing, but a lot of things to be addressed. "You can't solve everything in "one gulp," the executive said, adding, " There are no magic bullets in any circumstances.".

Another major challenge Gonzalez has confronted is team building. This task can be hard, he said, but it is a very important part of a leader's job. "You have to surround yourself with people who can help you and to put them in the right places," he said.

During changing times, Gonzalez has been able to remain relevant because of his commitment to hard work. "Every day you sharpen your skills through work," he said, comparing this diligence to a sports team which practices to get better.

This work ethic, Gonzalez said, is vital for young executives aspiring to play significant roles in corporate management and governance. "You have to work hard,' he said, "there are no shortcuts."

Bill Sarno Courtesy of Jose Antonio Gonzalez Anaya Carlos Cuevas


Age: 65

Sunnyvale, CA



Stearns Bank Boards

Isaura leads an engineering team focused on hardware security research, including penetration testing, physical attack mechanisms, and outreach to academia. A 30-year veteran of Intel, Gaeta spent the first two decades of her Intel career developing various semiconductor processing technologies. Her work during that period led to two patents and five Intel Achievement Awards, the company’s highest recognition. Gaeta holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University. She founded Intel’s Network of Executive Women for the Latin America region and was the chair of Intel’s Hispanic Leadership Council. Outside of Intel, she serves on the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley board. The Hispanic IT Executive Council has recognized her six times among the top 100 Hispanic professionals in the IT industry.

Age: 52

Houston, TX


Carriage Services, Inc. Boards

Carlos Quezada is an accomplished and visionary leader and strategist, currently serving as the CEO and Vice Chairman of Carriage Services. With a proven track record of transformative growth, he has delivered exceptional results in various industries. His strategic vision and financial acumen have yielded record-breaking outcomes at Carriage Services. Previously, as Managing Director at Service Corporation International (NYSE: SCI), he achieved double-digit revenue growth by creating a customer-centric culture. As founder and CEO of a Hospitality Company, he achieved outstanding financial performance through innovation and service excellence. Carlos's expertise in capital allocation, strategic planning, finance, business transformation, and his passion for building high-performance teams have driven remarkable success. His commitment to empowering individuals and creating sustainable high performance makes him an ideal board member, capable of developing strategic initiatives and fostering continuous improvement and growth in any organization.

Leading the way.

We are grateful for your strategic, impactful leadership on the Stearns Bank N.A. Board. You are an incredible trailblazer in your engineering and technology career and a visionary thought leader on innovative growth and diversity & inclusion in technology and business.

Your contributions to Stearns Bank, our customers and their communities are immeasurable. We commend you and celebrate this honor with you!

THE 2023 LIST LATINOS ON BOARDS LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 208 New addition to the 2022 Latino Leaders' Board List
Vice President, Security Research, Intel Product Assurance and Security Engineering, Intel Corporation CARLOS QUEZADA Vice Chairmen and Chief Executive Officer
Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
Isaura Gaeta Board of Directors, Stearns Bank N.A.
Isaura, on the well-deserved honor of being selected for the 2023 list of Latino Leaders on Boards.


When it comes to crafting the ideal profile for a supply chain master executive, Fernanda Guarro effortlessly checks all the boxes, adding a touch of uniqueness as a woman in the field. As the experienced President and Managing Director of 3M in Mexico, a prominent U.S. conglomerate, Guarro embodies the peak of leadership in the industry.

210 LATINO LEADERS MAY / JUNE 2023 @latinoleadersmag FOLLOW US LatinoLeadersMagazine FOLLOW US FOLLOW US
Luisana Rodriguez Courtesy of Fernanda Guarro Luis E. González

In a conversation with our magazine's editor, Fernanda Guarro reflects thoughtfully on her remarkable career journey so far. From her early beginnings in business finance to her current position as a supply chain executive, her professional evolution has been quite inspiring. With a warm approach, she shares, “I’ve been a supply chain executive for more than 20 years, from chemical and agricultural companies to biotechnology and pharmaceutics. In all those different areas I’ve found that even when the way you solve problems may be quite different, the problems you encounter are always the same.”

However, it's not all about structure and strategy! When asked to describe her professional career in a few adjectives, Guarro highlights the importance of adaptability (particularly in light of the recent global pandemic,) resilience, and a sense of fun. As the first woman in Mexico to be awarded the National Logistics Award in 2017 and the first female supply chain director in a handful of companies she’s worked for, she feels the responsibility of empowering other women in the corporate field.

So, what advice would she give to the new generation of female Latinas starting their corporate careers? For her, it’s simple: don’t be afraid to take the lead. “Use your own powerful voice to set your identity, understand who you are and what you bring to the table. If you’re there, it’s because you’re capable.” According to Fernanda, you’ll encounter challenges in every step of your professional development. The move from supply chain to more corporate affairs is hers: “I’m now in a broader strategic role. I turned around my career in the middle of the pandemic, as a work-fromhome mom of twins, and totally out of my comfort zone,” Guarro comments, “but it’s all paying back the effort.”

Beyond frontiers, for any American company that wants to grow in the emerging region of Latin America, Guarro is one of the few high-level executive His-

panics, but her fresh perspective and two decades of proven competence make her an invaluable asset. “I have a passion for connecting the dots and making things easier, supply chain makes you think like that. It’s part of my DNA,” she responds when questioned about how a company can benefit from her input, “I’ve been working to set the stage for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to be not just in the paper but in the action of a company.”

This handful of skills comes from her own diverse career background in both supply chain and management. The key to differentiating her knowledge resides in knowing that when you’re a board member you’re not accountable for the

results but for asking the right questions and leading the conversation, in contrast to her work in the supply chain, you must set apart and propose without taking the final decisions: “I learned to think like a consultant, not a doer.”

Fernanda Guarro combines a remarkable skill set of leadership and a friendly personality that sets her apart. With her guidance and expertise, organizations can confidently navigate the complexity of supply chain management and business strategy, knowing they have a true character of success. Her ability to find joy amidst challenges and inspire others serves as proof of her ongoing impact on the world of supply chain management.



1. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a senior executive?

DH: The most valuable capability that a senior executive needs to excel is stakeholder management. As you take the accountability of leading an organization to reach its objectives, you need to make sure that the force behind the teams' work consolidates all efforts, strengths, and ideas of everyone involved. Things flow much better, with more constructive energy when you, as the leader, have been able to understand, align and interpret the strategy and objectives of the Board of Directors and shareholders, when you have translated these into a clear operational path for your executive committee or leadership team, and when your customers feel this integrated approach in the form of products exceeding their expectations in quality and service. The passion of everyone in the organization, from shareholders to every employee, gets boosted when communication and alignment are at the center of your daily work. This is the responsibility of a senior executive; we all know what a company filled with passionate people can do.

2. What is the biggest asset you would bring as a board member?

DH: Assuming I get the OK from my current employer on a specific BOD responsibility, I have the right capabilities on two fronts: my acquired expertise, track record, and my approach to a board position. First, I have had the great opportunity to manage businesses in various industries and on five continents worldwide. Having led financial turnarounds, company mergers, or expansion efforts either through organic growth or acquisitions in Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the US adds valuable expertise to the agenda of a multinational company when it comes to defining strategic growth, and when it comes to assessing the performance of business divisions overseas. I feel blessed to have been able to run a business in the US with a yearly turnover north of 4.5 bln USD, where my weekly routine meant walking the fields of Nebraska, Idaho, Illinois, California, looking

Courtesy of Dieter Holtz F. Izquierdo

for acquisition targets in Andra Pradesh, India, or setting up business in Latin America. Also, having managed businesses in different industries, from industrial to FMCGs, offers a wide array of best practices and risk management capabilities that are valuable to other Board committees and, in some instances, make me an excellent sounding board to the acting CEO of the company, if they so request it. I am also confident in bringing the right behavioral attitudes, dedication, and business views. To be a successful BOD member, I know that one must be dedicated and accountable to my Board peers and act as a driving force to move agenda items forward.

3. How do you differentiate your skills as an operational executive from a board member?

DH: Let me start by saying where I am the same, independent of sitting at a BOD table or in front of a customer: My financial, data-driven approach to business, my customer centricity, and my results orientation are never compromised. Having said that, one must apply these capabilities differently. As a board member, one is not running the company. For someone who grew the corporate ladder to the C-Suite, detracting oneself from the operational details can be challenging, but you must do it as a board member. Sitting at the Board table, I generally switch into an advisory and strategic mentality, albeit remaining aware that my responsibility towards the company's objectives remains the same. As a board member, you carry the weight of risk management, ESG, inclusiveness, and financial health closer to your mind than in the CEO role, where more of the dayto-day influence resides. As a board member, you set goals together with your board colleagues. As a CEO, you are responsible for interpreting those goals and strategies and making the corresponding organizational decisions to bring the organization forward. One thing, though, is critical as a CEO: building trust and good communication with your board makes life much easier and fun.

4. What challenges do you face on the journey towards becoming a board member?

DH: When you are a CEO or an executive team member, you have precise results that back you up and move you forward in your professional aspirations as an operating executive.

As a board member, it is a different set of capabilities, but not exclusive to your operational CV, that is sought after. Getting that first chance to sit on a board is complex, and the path is unclear. While being an active CEO, you also must be sure that if given a chance to sit on a BOD, you will have the time to dedicate yourself to the expectations and needs of your role on a board. Being a successful board member takes much more time than one can think: proactively preparing for the meetings, pushing for committee participation, maintaining oneself current in the trends and happenings of the industry, and building relationships and channels of communication with peers, all of it can become a second full-time job.

5. How do you keep preparing and improving your skills as times and environments change?

DH: I am naturally inquisitive and remain as updated as possible on the business topics of interest. I also take advantage of today's access to information to constantly enrich myself on the behaviors of successful, shot-to-the-moon accomplishments of CEOs as well as the behavioral trends shaping today's successful boards. I am particularly interested in reading about leadership styles shaping today's business enviornment, particularly on technological advancements or disruptions, like AI, which should be a prioritary topic within Boards' agendas. One excellent way to gain more knowledge on this topic is also to heavily and constantly network with executives in CEO or board roles. There is a lot of information out there. I show a lot of interest in it.

6. What advice would you give to young executives for building a career?

DH: Ambition. A professional career is similar to sports. We all admire famous athletes, but rarely do we acknowledge the sacrifices behind this success, the mentality needed to be the best of the best, and above all, the unwavering ambition and willingness. This is the same formula that will take you to the top in the corporate or entrepreneurial world. Leadership and working with people. Today more than ever, executives that can influence others are sought after. If you can get people to commit, take accountability, and generate a positive work environment while performing in your functional responsibility, you will get noticed.




A Journey into the World of Arturo Fuente:

It was an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to interview Carlito Fuente, the legendary figure behind Arturo Fuente Cigars. In preparation for the highly anticipated event that celebrated the launch of the Arturo Fuente book by Aaron Sigmond, we delved into the captivating realm of Arturo Fuente, exploring the rich history, and craftsmanship. The experience was nothing short of awe-inspiring, as Carlito Fuente unraveled the secrets and passion behind the Arturo Fuente brand.

A Legacy of Excellence:

Arturo Fuente Cigars has long been synonymous with excellence, maintaining an unwavering commitment to quality and tradition. The Fuente family's dedication has spanned four generations, each contributing to the brand's unparalleled reputation. Talking with Carlito Fuente, it was evident that this legacy is deeply ingrained in his DNA, as he spoke with unmatched enthusiasm about the meticulous craftsmanship and unwavering pursuit of perfection that goes into every Arturo Fuente cigar.

The Arturo Fuente Book: A Testament to Mastery:

Our conversation not only shed light on the forthcoming Arturo Fuente book by author Aaron Sigmond, published by the esteemed Assouline editorial house but also unveiled an extraordinary collaboration with the world-renowned Hublot watch brand. This was an event of great significance, and it took place at the Monterrey Cigar Club, located inside the famous and upscale The Mexican Restaurant in Dallas Texas. This beautifully crafted book serves as a testament to the mastery and artistry that have made Arturo Fuente Cigars legendary. Carlito Fuente spoke passionately about the book, highlighting its ability to transport readers into the heart and soul of the brand, sharing the family's remarkable journey and the profound impact they have had on the cigar industry.

The Day of the Event:

From the moment I entered the opulent venue, it was apparent that this event was destined to be unforgettable. The air was infused with the rich aroma of the finest cigars, creating an ambience of indulgence and refinement. The atmosphere was further enhanced by the presence of distinguished guests, connoisseurs, and lovers of the finer things in life, all eagerly anticipating the unveiling of the Arturo Fuente book.

The Author:

Aaron Sigmond, a man of remarkable charisma and passion, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. As we settled into our conversation, he shared his deep appreciation for the heritage and tradition behind Arturo Fuente, a brand that has endured for over a century. He spoke about the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into every Arturo Fuente cigar, emphasizing the dedication and skill passed down through generations of the Fuente family.

The forthcoming Arturo Fuente book, expertly penned by author Aaron Sigmond and published by Assouline, it’s a tribute to the legacy of the brand. It would chronicle the captivating journey of Arturo Fuente, immersing readers in the captivating stories, characters, and moments that have shaped the brand's history of love and passion, meticulously crafted to capture the essence and soul of Arturo Fuente.


But the collaboration didn't end there. In a stroke of brilliance, the distinguished Swiss watchmaker Hublot joined forces with Arturo Fuente, further elevating the event's grandeur. Tina Kazan and her team led the fusion of craftsmanship and artistry between these two iconic brands, and it was truly a sight to behold. The collaboration showcased limited-edition timepieces inspired by the world of cigars, crafted with meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Pairings:

To heighten the sensory experience, the event also introduced remarkable pairings of Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Hublot Limited Edition cigars with Glenmorangie 14 years old, complemented by carefully selected chocolate pieces with 75% cacao and salty cashews. The combination of the refined flavors of the cigars, the velvety smoothness of Glenmorangie 14 years old, and the delightful interplay of chocolate and cashews created an unparalleled harmony of taste, leaving the guests in awe. For those seeking a more indulgent pairing, Arturo Fuente Casa Fuente was paired with Glenmorangie 18 years old, served with pieces of white chocolate adorned with succulent strawberries and an assortment of dried fruits. The contrast between the fruity notes of the whisky and the sweetness of the white chocolate and strawberries delighted the palate, creating a truly unforgettable experience.


Interviewing Carlito Fuente in preparation for the grand Arturo Fuente book launch and the remarkable pairings with Glenmorangie whiskies was an experience beyond words. It shed light on the incredible craftsmanship, family heritage, and dedication that have made Arturo Fuente Cigars an icon in the cigar industry. The event was a celebration of passion, artistry, and a shared love for the finer things in life.

As we ventured into the world of Arturo Fuente, guided by Carlito Fuente's infectious enthusiasm, we were reminded of the magic that can be found in the pursuit of excellence. The Arturo Fuente book and the unforgettable pairings of Arturo Fuente Cigars with Glenmorangie whiskies exemplified the perfect harmony that can be achieved when true love is the key ingredient.



Gran Enemigo 2017

Mendoza Argentina ($98)

• Fantastic lactic and cherry aromas explode from the glass. Deep colored with red-purplish notes. On the nose is impressive candy, red ripe fruit and licorice. Full bodied with a complex structure and still very amicably open. The Malbec shows immediately (although it is a blend with Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon and Merlot) with acid, plum, strawberry and blueberry notes on the palate. This is a big wine, with an unforgettable long finish! Excellent wine to pair with any barbecue or grill choice.

La Ferme du Mont Chateauneuf-duPape “Vendage” 2013 ($50)

• Right at its peak this is a wonderful CDP, ample in dark fruit, spiced and mineral aromas followed by ripe red berries, old spice, and plum notes. Silky, elegant, and complex with a vibrant and mouthful-full bodied structure. As it evolves from the glass, it becomes even more subtle and round. Delicious!! I will pair it with a big juicy steak.

Pinea 2018 Ribera del Duero ($150)

• Kudos to my friend Hugo del Pozzo and his partner Vicente Pliego for this fabulous wine. Elegant, bold and balanced. A very harmonious and sophisticated wine showing a lot of fruit, lactic accents and cocoa powder notes. An exquisite wine to drink now and for the next 10 or so years. It is ample, complex and very sophisticated. This one deserves a great Jabugo ham with some aged Manchego cheese.

Marita’s Vineyard

SOMA Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2008 ($175 Wine club only)

• Exuberant in fruit and forest spice and still evolving for hours. Perfumed with licorice, blueberry and plum. Full bodied, elegant, complex, and long. This wine has a special personality, it doesn’t show that heavy-oak-driven flavors. It relies more on the fruit which shows in a spectacular fashion. I drank this with lamb ragu with pasta and it was fabulous!

Maison Leroy

Bourgogne Blanc 2015 ($75).

• Green apple and pineapple aromas precede more citric, buttery and melon notes. Ample, medium bodied with excellent structure and white flower hints. It evolves into mature tropical fruit notes and insinuations of mangoes. Awesome wine with complexity and succulent notes. A great wine to pair with Salmon in any style.

Andrew Will

“Two Blondes Vineyard

“ 2017 Yakima Valley

WA (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec) ($50)

• Yummy wine with lots of red ripe fruit, cherry marmalade, raspberry and plum. Bold, full bodied with notes of forestry spice, dark chocolate, and black pepper. Expressive and balanced, with evident acidity that will make a perfect match for juicy steaks and a wood grilled burger. One of the best examples for the Pacific Northwest red wines.

Jorge Ferráez @ JFerraez_Latino

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