27 minute read
Faith & Religion
Church Bulletins
NEEDY: Catholic Charities is able to help families who have been directly impacted by COVID-19. If you have families who need assistance, please refer them to www.cclubbock.org to fill out an intake form at cclubbock.org/ assistance. A case manager will call you to get additional information over the phone and via email. Out of safety for both staff and clients, no walk-ins are accepted. Families can also call (806)765-8475 for assistance.
Catholic Charities Youth and Family department is still here to help families’ mental and emotional health. Case managers can help with family conflict, stress, anxiety and more. To be contacted by a case manager, fill out a form at cclubbock.org/ youth-and-families. ONLINE MASS – Check www.catholiclubbock.org/Covid-19 for a listing. VIRTUAL MASS – Our Lady of Guadalupe will hold a virtual mass indefinitely online visit https://www.lubbockolg.org/ covid19.html for the links. COUNSELING: Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by Marriage & Family Life Office, in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. For appointment, call Dr. Nicole Springer at 806-7423074. DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/ devotions/novena
at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faithformation/resources/pray-the-rosary-online
The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) has resources against racism, including a free webinar series on how to apply the USCCB's pastoral letter, "Open Wide Our Hearts" in a ministry context. Details: www.nfcym.org/open-wideour-hearts
TURES online at https://catholicboard.com/
THE BIBLE ONLINE www.catholic. org/bible/ EWTN NEWS https://www.ewtnnews. com/
ON STANDS AND ONLINE www. latinolubbock.net
From Letters to Love
A Couple's 60 Year Love Story
Raymond & Janie Flores, a Lubbock couple who married in 1961 at Holy Cross Catholic Church, will be achieving their 60th wedding anniversary in March 2021. Janie Flores said she grew up seeing her parents’ relationship and knew she wanted a different route in love, she wanted a marriage full of love and respect. She met Raymond Flores at a dance before seeing him three months later in Slaton, where they exchanged P.O. Box addresses and started writing to each other. They dated for five years before getting married. Mrs. Flores treasures a box filled with letters her husband started sending in 1957, including pictures and even a Valentine’s Day chocolate heart-shaped box he gifted her. “Those letters were the ones that kept me going. When I got a letter, I’m going “yes!” you know, he thought about me; they meant so much to me.” She said times were tougher back then because they were migrant workers and money was hard to make. She fondly recalled how Raymond pawned his 1957 Chevrolet and gave her $100 to buy her wedding dress, shoes, a crown, and veil. Unlike other couples, they didn’t enjoy a typical honeymoon. Instead, they drove back to her mother-inlaw’s house in Lubbock. Fast forward, she recalled when her children planned their 50thanniversary celebration in 2011 at the 50 Yard Line Steakhouse. A decade later, the couple decided not to hold a big celebration, due to the pandemic. To make up for their honeymoon, she said over the years they have adventured to Guadalajara and Tulum, Mexico; Puerto Rico, Alaska, Las Vegas, etc. She hopes to travel again when the pandemic is over. She offered some marriage advice explaining it is not perfect, "It may have its good fights and bad fights, but a good fight is good because you learn from it.” "If someone wants to have a good marriage," she said, "you must have a lot of patience. The marriage sacrament is very sacred... you promise to God that you will obey and look for one another until death." “Marriage is an everyday thing that you have to work at, it’s not easy and it’s hard because the more you are married the more you find out about each other.” She added that dating was easier in the past because people would get to know each other well before getting serious, but she believes the new generation is different. Mrs. Flores added that communication plays an important role in marriage, explaining that you should let your spouse know how you are feeling even if it’s not positive. “There’s no perfect plan like the plan God has for us -I think God put my husband in my life.” Here's to 60 more years from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (See the video news package online at www.latinolubbock.net)
LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE BOYS AND GILRS: The Knights of Columbus Lubbock Council #3008 presented a check to the Boys & Girls Club of Lubbock in the amount of $2,500. Accepting the check was Executive Director Tom Vermillion. The original vision of providing a place for boys to spend leisure time in a wholesome manner has expanded to include boys and girls who need a positive influence and environment. The Lubbock Boys & Girls Club is helping Lubbock’s youth build a better tomorrow for themselves and their families.
Prevención de la gripe
El número de casos de influenza se ha desplomado este año en medio de COVID. Los médicos continúan aconsejando a las personas que aún no se han vacunado contra la gripe que se pongan una porque si hay algo que hemos visto este año, las cosas pueden cambiar rápidamente. La mejor manera de prevenir la gripe estacional es ser vacunado cada año, pero los buenos hábitos de salud como cubrir su tos y lavarse las manos a menudo pueden ayudar a detener la propagación de gérmenes y prevenir enfermedades respiratorias como la gripe. También hay medicamentos antivirales de gripe que pueden ser usados para tratar y prevenir la gripe. 1. Evite el contacto cercano con las personas que están enfermas. 2. Quédate en casa cuando estás enfermo. Esto ayudará a prevenir la propagación de su enfermedad a los demás. 3. Cubre la boca y la nariz con un tejido al toser o estornudar. 4. Limpia tus manos. Lavarse las manos a menudo te ayudará a protegerte de los gérmenes. Si el jabón y el agua no están disponibles, usa un masaje de mano con alcohol. 5. Evite tocar los ojos, la nariz o la boca. Los gérmenes a menudo se propagación cuando una persona toca algo que está contaminado con gérmenes y luego toca sus ojos, nariz o boca. 6. Practicar otros buenos hábitos de salud. Limpiar y desinfectar con frecuencia las superficies en casa, el trabajo o la escuela, especialmente cuando alguien está enfermo. Dormir mucho, ser físicamente activo, manejar tu estrés, beber muchos fluidos, y comer comida nutritiva. In English on p. 11
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics for Second Dose Scheduling
The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are now opened announced the City of Lubbock. Citizens who received their first dose on or before Dec. 31, 2020 can call the health department directly at 806-775-2933 to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be scheduled on the following dates: • Tuesday, February 2 - First dose on or before January 5 • Wednesday, February 3 - First dose on or before January 6 • Thursday, February 4 - First dose on or before January 7 • Saturday, February 6 - First dose on or before January 9 • Tuesday, February 9 - First dose on or before January 12 • Wednesday, February 10 - First dose on for before January 13 • Thursday, February 11 - First dose on or before January 14 • Saturday, February 13 - First dose on or before January 16 To schedule an appointment for the 2nd dose go to www. ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/civiccenter/covid-19-vaccine-dose-2information. For more info about vaccines in English and Spanish, visit www. latinolubbock.net
Manos limpias salvan vidas
Mantener las manos limpias es uno de los pasos más importantes que podemos tomar para evitar enfermarnos y transmitir los gérmenes a otras personas. Lo mejor es lavarse las manos con agua corriente limpia y jabón por 20 segundos. ¿Necesita un cronómetro? Imagínese cantar "Feliz Cumpleaños" dos veces a través de un amigo! Sin embargo, si el agua limpia y jabón no están disponibles, utilice un producto a base de alcohol para limpiarse las manos. Manos a base de alcohol para frotar a reducir significativamente el número de gérmenes en la piel y son de acción rápida. (In English, p. 7)
La Confianza del Consumidor de los Hispanos Declina en el Cuarto Trimestre
Los hispanos de los Estados Unidos no finalizaron el 2020 con una opinión optimista acerca de su situación económica, aún cuando se espera que las nuevas vacunas para el COVID-19 contribuyan a que la nación se recupere de los efectos desvastadores de la pandemia. En el cuarto trimestre del 2020, el Indice de Sentimiento del Consumidor Hispano disminuyó a 79,3% lo cual significó casi alrededor de seis puntos por debajo del porcentaje del tercer trimestre, conforme a la Iniciativa de la Encuesta sobre Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Florida Atlantic (FAU BEPI) en la Escuela de Negocios de FAU. La cifra del cuarto trimestre - si bien es más ó menos la misma que la del índice de sentimiento de confianza del consumidor correspondiente al total de la población conforme a la Universidad de Michigan - es casi 22 puntos por debajo de la del año pasado, antes del comienzo de la pandemia. "Puede ser que los hispanos se muestren menos optimistas debido al hecho de que el porcentaje de desempleo de los Latinos es más alto que el porcentaje de desempleo global en los Estados Unidos", manifestó Mónica Escaleras, Ph.D. Directora de FAU BEPI. La encuesta del cuarto trimestre reveló que el 47 por ciento de los hispanos declararon que están mejor económicamente que hace un año, mientras que en el tercer trimestre el porcentaje que expresaba esto mismo era del 57 por ciento. Además, 62 por ciento de los que respondieron a la encuesta manifestaron que esperan estar mejor económicamente el próximo año, mientras que en el tercer trimestre el porcentaje que expresaba esto mismo era del 69 por ciento. La última encuesta también reveló que fueron menos los participantes que piensan que éste es un buen momento para comprar artículos de lujo, y fueron más aquellos que piensan que el costo de vida ha aumentado. No obstante, los hispanos parecen tener confianza en la perspectiva económica a largo plazo, puesto que 66 por ciento de los mismos expresaron que creen que la economía estará bien durante los próximos cinco años. Este porcentaje es nueve puntos por encima del porcentaje obtenido en el tercer trimestre. La encuesta se basó en una muestra de 617 hispanos de 18 años o mayores de 18 años, desde el 1ro de Octubre al 31 de Diciembre. El margen de error es de +/-3,95%. La encuesta fue suministrada usando tanto la recopilación de datos vía IVR como la recopilación de datos en la línea usando Dynata. Las respuestas de toda la muestra fueron evaluadas de modo tal de reflejar la distribución nacional de la población hispana por región, educación, sexo, edad, e ingresos, conforme con los últimos datos de la Encuesta de la Comunidad Americana. Los resultados de la encuesta y las tabulaciones cruzadas completas pueden ser consultadas en www. business.fau.edu/BEPI.
(In English, p. 9)
Celebrate 2-1-1 Day
Federal Communications Commission assigned 2-1-1 as the 3 digit code for health and human service access on July 21, 2000. And the United Way of America declared February 11th as National 2-1-1 Day in 2006. 2-1-1 is a free, easy-to-remember three-digit telephone number that provides answers and direction in regard to health benefits (public benefits), food vouchers and pantries, general information; utility assistance, and rent assistance. For more information visit www.211texas.org, or email to southplains211@yahoo.com.
Neighborhood News & Resources
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. UTILITY ASSISTANCE- For Lubbock County residents. Help with energy bills or repairs to existing heating/AC units is available! Contact Neighborhood House at (806) 589-1907. La asistencia está disponible ahora para fracturas de energía y reparaciones a calentadores o aires acondicionados. Llama Neighborhood House en español a (806) 775-2706. Debes vivir en el Condado de Lubbock.
HOOD ASSOCIATION meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Check the Facebook page for details at www.facebook.com/NLNALubbock NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to NonEmergency City Services. Call takers are available 8 to 5 pm daily.
NEWS? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock.net/ have-a-story or, email your youth news, quinceañera, and other info to news@latinolubbock.net . For more info call (806)792-1212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 792-1212
latinolubbock@suddenlink.net www.latinolubbock.net
TINEZ, 68, was victorious in her 10-year battle with Alzheimer's and departed this life for her eternal reward, joining her son in Heaven on December 14, 2020. She was born August 8, 1952 in Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico to the late, Natividad and Teresa G. Dominguez. Jose Luis Martinez won her heart after a persistent courtship of three years that spanned several cities, and they married on October 27, 1973 in Brownfield, Texas. They were married 47 years and built a beautiful, loving family of five. Emilia was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church where she served on the Altar Society. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She was her family and friend's goto person for advice, prayer, and listening ear. She was a master hostess and loved cooking for and entertaining her family and friends. Emilia was everyone's favorite Tia and leaves a lasting impact on her many nieces and nephews. She was the matriarch of her large family and leaves behind so many happy memories, life lessons, and lasting legacies.
“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” ~ Williams Penn
NANDEZ, 76, died January 11, 2021. She was born January 20, 1944 in Sinton, Texas to Fancisco and Mataina Hernandez and was raised by her grandparents Heliborio and Faustina Hernandez. She married Juan O. Escobedo on September 19, 1958. She was a mother and a housewife who enjoyed spending time with her family and friends and listening to music. Those left to cherish her memory are her six children Lydia Franco of Memphis, TN, Graciela Rodriguez of Lubbock, Juan Escobedo, Jr. of Lubbock, Ricardo Escobedo of Lubbock, Edward Escobedo of Texas City, and Jacqueline Aguirre of Lubbock; her two sisters Helen Hernandez of Idaho and Alicia Mendoza of Taft; her two brothers Francisco Hernandez, Jr. of Sinton and Reynaldo Hernandez of Sinton, 20 grandchildren, 52 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Gloria is preceded in death by her daughter Evangelina Cruz, her husband Juan O. Escobedo, her parents Francisco and Matiana Hernandez, her brother Leoardo Hernandez, and her sister Julia Sierra.
NOTE: American Flag displays that the individual was a veteran.
81, of Lubbock died January 19, 2021. He was born April 9, 1939 in Runge, Texas to the late Pedro Sr. and Nestora Martinez. He married Janie Brito on January 4, 1997 in Lubbock. Pedro worked for Scotts Manufacture as a welder for many years and was also a trucker. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife Janie Martinez; eight sons George Martinez of Amarillo, Roy Martinez of Amarillo, Ricky Martinez of Wolfforth, Rudy Martinez of Amarillo, Gary Silva of Lubbock, Aurelio Herrera of Lubbock, Daniel Herrera of Wolfforth, Israel Silva of Lubbock; six daughters, Gracie Martinez of McAllen, Vivian Rodriguez of Amarillo, Vicky Garcia of California, Julie Martinez of California, Sylvia Ortiz of Austin, Angelica Silva-Ramirez of Lubbock; 52 grandchildren; 90 great grandchildren; three great great grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his parents, a son Pete Martinez III, and a daughter Ruby Martinez.
LANUEVA, 85, passed away on January 23, 2021. He was the husband of Filomena Villanueva, which he met in 1949. They married on March 23, 1954 in Sinton, TX and shared 66 years together. He was born on April 3, 1935 in Sinton, TX to Jesus Villanueva and Josephine Flores who preceded him in death. He was employed at Ford in Crosbyton in the 1960’s and worked at Simmons in Ralls in the 1970’s. He was a member of St. Theresa Catholic Church. He enjoyed cooking out, picking pecans, watermelons, music…he was always dancing. He never met a stranger. He is survived by his spouse, Filomena Ramirez Villanueva; granddaughters, Rosemary VillanuevaPardo (Oscar) of Amarillo, Josephine Alexandra Villanueva (fiancé, Jacob Gonzales) of Lubbock and seven great-grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by his son, Jesse Villanueva; one brother, Ernesto Villanueva; and three sisters, Eva Martinez, Lucia Medallin and Louisa Lara.
To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the sun… ECCL 3:18.
In Memory of Francisca D. Hernandez
Nov. 22,1945 to Feb. 5,2020 Now in God's hands. Forever in our hearts. We miss you mom! Psalm:23 Margie Olivarez
TORRES, 89, was born on January 14, 1932 to Pablo and Gregoria Gonzales who preceded her in death. She went to be with her Lord and Savior on January 14, 2021. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Pedro Torres to whom she was married for over 43 years; two children, Joe Torres and Gilbert Torres, and by one great grandchild. Lilly leaves behind her children, Pete Torres (Rosa), Mary Cervantez, Rosa Torres (Juan), Robert Torres (Mollie) and Margie Cervantez (Abel); 15 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren, 22 great-great grandchildren, and one great-great-great grandchild.
JR., 91, passed away December 15, 2020. He was born May 21, 1929, to Jose and Loreto Lopez in Saginaw, MI. He met the love of his life Noemi Velasco Lopez on December 30, 1957, in Lubbock. He established his own construction company and stressed the value of education to his children expecting better for each of them. Survivors include his wife, Noemi Lopez; their children, Ruth Lucero (George) Loretta Chavez (Sam), Yolanda Lopez, Frederick Lopez (Aimee), and Deborah Bowman (William); stepchildren, Lisa Ramos (Ralph), Paul Ramon (Kay), Tony Arrendondo (Bridgett); and 18 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, out of 11 siblings only surviving brother, Ernesto Lopez from Mexico City. He was preceded in death by his son, Jose Louis Lopez.
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. ~ Matthew 5:4
SERVIN, a lifelong resident of Lubbock passed away at the age of 57, on Monday, January 18, 2020. He was born on January 16, 1964 in Lubbock to Abelino G. and Herlinda (Hernandez) Servin. Juan was an Usher at St. Joseph Catholic Church for several years. He was also an avid Redskins fan and loved Lowriders. Juan’s favorite moto was “Smile Now Cry Later” Those left to cherish his memory are his mother; Herlinda Servin of Lubbock, six brothers; Edward Servin of Odessa, Albert Servin, Alejandro Servin, Mike Servin, Antonio Servin, and Billy Servin all of Lubbock and five sisters; Herlinda Montes of San Antonio, Rosalinda Servin Sanchez of Lubbock, Patricia Servin Zavala Torres of Ennis, Michelle Garcia of Lubbock and San Juanita Pena also of Lubbock. Juan was preceded in death by his father, Abelino Servin and two brothers; Abelino Servin, Jr. and Miguel Servin.
NEZ, 71, of Lubbock died January 18, 2021. He was born on September 30, 1949, in Meadow, Texas to the late Pedro and Julia Martinez. Later in life on July 10, 1999 he married Julia Sanchez. Luis worked as a welder for numerous years. A man of God, Luis was a pastor and ministered God’s word. He is preceded in death parents Pedro and Julia Martinez; two brothers Joaquin Martinez and Pedro Martinez Jr. and by a grandson Jayden Martinez. Survivors include wife Julia Martinez of Lubbock; five sons Luis Martinez Jr. of Dimmitt, Gabriel Martinez of Lubbock, George Martinez of Lubbock, J.D. Martinez of Lubbock and Ricky Tenorio of Midland; six daughters Maria Martinez of Lubbock, Michelle Garcia of Arlington, Michelle Longoria of Charlotte, Belinda McBride of Lubbock, Crystal De Luna of San Angelo and April Bailey of San Angelo; two brothers Juan Manuel Martinez and Pasqual Martinez both of Lubbock; 37 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.
GA Loving wife, mother, and Grandma passed away at the age of 65 on January 19th. She was born in Corpus Christi, TX to Luis and Maria Gil. She married Paul, October 7, 1969. They were married for 49 years and raised three children. She worked at Caprock Growers for many years. She is survived by her children, Mellissa Vera and husband Mark of Plainview; Trish Aguirre and husband Jerry; Joe Berlanga and wife Monica of Lubbock, 7 grandchildren Erica and Cint Mendez, Joe Paul Berlanga, Ivan, Benjamin and Megan Vera and Jake Aguirre and 3 greatgrandchildren. One sister Juanita Ysasaga (Jessie) of Lubbock and one brother Luis Gil Jr. of Smyer. She is preceded in death by her husband Paul and her parents.
RY,92, of Lubbock, TX was born in Asherton, TX on January 9, 1929, and died January 14, 2021. Maria was preceded in death by her parents, Segunda and Clemencia Bosquez; her loving husband Ruben Marry; daughter, Delma Garza; son, Richard Marry; granddaughter, Monica Marry, three grandsons, Keith Elliott, Mark Martinez and Rolando Mata; and by two sisters, Zuelma Castillo and Anita Tamez. She leaves behind her children, Josephine Bosquez Lamar of, Angeline Vela, Johnnie Marry, Silbia Jaramillo, Nancy Cantu, Ida Marry, Ruben Marry Jr. and Debbie Marry Lopez; 41 grandchildren and numerous great grand and great-great grandchildren; sisters, Ofelia Maldonado and Olga Bolado; and by brother, Segundo Bosquez Jr.
In Memory of Fidencia Castro
Dec. 27, 1928 to Jan. 21, 2014
Though her smile is gone forever and her hand I cannot touch I still have many memories of the one I loved so much. Her memory is my keepsake, which with I’ll never part. God has her in His keeping, and I have her in my heart. How I miss my darling angel, and know she misses me. I love you abuelita. One day, God will reunite us. For now, I send my hugs and hope you will share them with our loved ones in Heaven, especially our puppies.
PHILLIP BLANCO, of Lubbock, passed away January 8, 2021 at the age of 40. He was born on September 4, 1980 to Faustino Blanco and Nancy (Reed) Blanco. Zachery was the kindest and sweetest young man with a smile that would light up a room. Zachery was a single stay at home dad so he could take care of his son Isaiah who has CP, and his daughter Savannah. His children were his pride and joy. Those left to cherish his memory are his children Isaiah Philip Blanco and Savannah Blanco, mother: Nancy Blanco, father: Tino Blanco and his wife Marie, brother Justin Blanco and sister: Elysse Mata.
February Prayer
A PRAYER FOR TODAY Holy and Faithful Father, please forgive me for the times I've been lazy in my spiritual walk. Help me see the many opportunities for service you give to me each day, and then empower me to act in those opportunities in ways that bless others. In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen.
"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." ~ James 2:26
Wear Your Mask! ¡Usa tu máscara!
PEARS FOR PAIRS: the United Family donated 1,000 pairs of socks to the Salvation Army of Lubbock. This is the second year the United Family has helped make this donation to the Salvation Army in Lubbock. The donation stems from a program called “Pears for Pairs.” From October to December of 2020, a portion of the proceeds from the purchase of Rainier Fruit pears went to purchasing socks to donate to organizations that support the homeless community.
Lubbock WWII Veteran Abelardo Mata Dies at 97
Abelardo Mata, known to his family and friends as “Lalo” , entered the kingdom of Heaven on January 15, 2021 at the age of 97. He was a member of the Greatest Generation, and was a WWII Veteran. He joined the United States Army in 1943 after seeing his older brother, Canuto Mata, volunteer for the army as well. Both brothers were sent to Europe. Mr. Mata served his country in the US Army from 1943 to 1946. Assigned to the 740th Tank Battalion, Tech Corporal Mata served 18 months of heavy combat in France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Mr. Mata was involved in three major campaigns, the Ardennes Battle of the Bulge, the Battle of the Rhineland, and the Battle of Central Europe. Mr. Mata was awarded the Good Conduct Medal, WWII Victory Medal, EAME (Europe, African, Middle Eastern) Campaign Medal, with three Bronze Stars for his heroism and devotion to duty. He was born in Grand Falls, TX on August 6, 1923 to Lorenzo and Ercilia Mata. A lifelong resident of Lubbock, Mr. Mata retired from his job with the City of Lubbock Water Department after working 36 years. Mr. Mata was an active member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, a communion minister, and a Cursillista. His Legacy includes being president of Iglesia en Marcha prayer group and Vocal de Ultreya for St. Joseph Catholic Church. After retirement, he had more time to devote to his family. Mr. Mata had an abundance of love for his sons, daughters, and grandchildren who he considered gifts from God and Heaven. Mr. Mata always spoke with pride when talking about his family. Mr. Mata was always available for his family, ready to provide and care for anyone that needed help or assistance. The love for his family was beyond measure and will transcend this world and the next. Mr. Mata is survived by close family members Ercelia Mata Cantu and Emily Garcia, 20 grandchildren, 49 great-grandchildren, 25 greatgreat grandchildren and his fur baby Mickey. Mr. Mata leaves behind his companion Mercedes Hernandez of 10 years. Mr. Mata was preceded in death by his wife Elvira Mata, son Abelardo, Jr., daughter Mary Helen Huerta, son Thomas Mata, daughter Irene Mata Wilson, and son Juan Mata, Sr.
TTU Press Celebrates 50th, Showcases Wartime Book
Texas Tech University Press announce the celebration of their 50th anniversary in 2021. To commemorate, they will be looking back, recalling some of their most cherished memories and successes; as well as look forward to new avenues on the horizon. To launch the celebration, they are sharing, Rain in Our Hearts that takes readers into Alpha Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, 196th LIB, Americal Division in 1969–1970. Jim Logue, a professional photographer, was drafted and served as an infantryman; he also carried a camera. “In order to take my mind off the war,” he would say, “I took pictures.” Logue’s photos showcase the daily lives of infantrymen: setting up a night laager, chatting with local children, making supply drops, and “humping” rucksacks miles each day in search of the enemy. His camera records the individual experiences and daily lives of the men who fought the war. Accompanying Logue’s over 100 photographs is the narrative writ-ten by Gary D. Ford. For pricing, to order, and to learn about other titles, please visit ttupress.org
Veteran & Military Connection
SERVICES program allows area military veterans to take advantage of a scholarship opportunity to attend Texas State Technical College, visit https://www.tstc.edu/ veterans
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov
is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. www. helpourmilitaryheroes.org
Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-TALK(8255) "Press 1 for Veterans" U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
The Gallo
Pico the Gallo and all content may not be reproduced or copied. Copyright 2021 by Latino Lubbock Magazine. All Rights reserved. Jita is making home made Valentine Cards and you can too! Meet Pico the Bilingual Gallo (Rooster) - He loves school, reading, playing outside and discover ways to have fun and make friends. Now it is time for Pico to prepare for Día de San Valentin, Valentine’s Day. His prima (cousin) Jita la Gallita (little hen), esta hacendo algunas decoracíones para la mesa.
President's Day
Meet Two Famous Presidents
Valentine's Day Crossword
Presidents’ Day is celebrated in February to honor two of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. The holiday is celebrated in the United States on the third Monday in February.
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. When he was born, America was not a nation yet. It belonged to England, a country across the ocean. People in America didn’t want to belong to England so they fought a war to become a separate country. George Washington was an American general in the war. America won the war and picked a new name for itself: The United States of America. George Washington was elected to be its first President. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 in 1809. Things were different then. When Abe was a boy, he lived in a log cabin. A log cabin is a small house made out of logs cut from trees. His father cut down the trees and made the cabin. There were no electric lights in the cabin. Young Abe read books by firelight and drew with charcoal on a shovel. Abe’s family was poor. Often he went barefoot because he didn’t have any shoes. When Abraham Lincoln grew up, he studied hard and became a lawyer. Then he was elected to be a law-maker. In 1861, Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States.
Latino Lubbock Magazine Announces 2021 Spring Student Journalists
Latino English and Reagan Lub - Spanish, Ranzer is bock Maga- and they are from Proszine (LLM) anxious to per, Texas is proud to apply their north of introduce skills and Dallas. She the student the news- is a senior at journalists style of Texas Tech, for Spring Latino Lub- studying 2021. They bock Maga- broadcast will be writ- zine. journal ing articles This se- ism. She is for Latino mester's passionate VASQUEZ Lubbock Magazine, student journal about writing in the as well as ist include hope of one preparing digital stories for the Graciela Vazquez, a senior at Tex- day becoming an anchor or rewebsite, and LLM's social media as Tech University studying Jour- porter for Entertainment News. pages. nalism, who is also considering Each semester, Latino Lubbock "We want them to gain hands-on law school. She's passionate about Magazine works with student experience, build confidence in storytelling and seeks opportuni- interns to offer them experience their writing, as well as develop ties to improve her writing skills, and insight into the local Hispanic their portfolios," said LLM's Pub- prepare for the future and learn. community. lisher, Christy Martinez-Garcia, Rebecca Ruiz is from Madrid, If you have a story opportunity, who will mentor them. Spain, and aspires to become a please submit it online at www. She added that each has worked journalist and report in Spanish. latinolubbock.net/have-a-story , hard to learn about the news me- She wants to give voice to those or call (806)792-1212. dia, they are bilingual- speaking whose stories need to be told.