10 minute read
RISING BY LIFTING STUDENTS: Principal Melissa Hernandez congratulated Lito Belmontes of Jose Ramirez Elementary who was selected as one of the The United Family® and Mrs Baird’s Bread® October winners of the 10th Annual Teachers On The Rise program. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
Plainview ISD’s H.T. Sanchez
Superintendent of the Year Nominee

Plainview ISD Superintendent H.T. Sanchez, Ed.D., has been selected by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) as Texas’ nominee for 2022 National Superintendent of the Year, an award given by AASA, The School Superintendents Association. Sanchez has served as superintendent of Plainview ISD, a district of nearly 5,000 students in the Texas Panhandle, since 2018. Prior to that, he was superintendent of Tucson Unified School District in Arizona for four years. He has also served as a teacher, coach, principal, and in a number of administrative positions during his 23-year career in education. “The goal of the Plainview ISD teaching and learning approach is to create a turnkey system for instruction,” Sanchez said. “… Ultimately, our goal is for principals and teachers to have the time to focus on student relationships while creating fun and engaging learning opportunities. Students learn best when they are having fun, and teachers teach best when they are supported. This may not sound scientific, but Plainview ISD’s data
illustrates otherwise.” Sanchez earned his bachelor’s degree in English from Angelo State University, master’s degree in school administration from Sul Ross State University, and doctorate in educational administration from Texas A&M UniversityCommerce. He has been a member of TASA since 2018 and also belongs to the Texas Association of Community Schools, Mexican American School Board Association, Texas Association of Business Officials, and Friends of Texas Public Schools. In September 2021, following Sanchez’s selection as Region 17 Superintendent of the Year, the Texas Association of School Boards named him the 2021 Texas Superintendent of the Year. Now, as a state nominee for AASA National Superintendent of the Year, Sanchez will be considered by a panel of judges from across the U.S. that will select four finalists to be interviewed in January. The 2022 National Superintendent of the Year will be announced, and the state nominees honored at AASA’s TEACHERS ON THE RISE: Sean Hightower of Monterey High School received congratulations from Joe Hermandez of United/Market Street and Shane Sumrow of National Conference on Education, February 17-19, 2022, in Nashville. Lubbock Public Library users can pay off late fines by donating canned food at any library location. Each can Food for Fines at Libraries donated removes a dollar of your fine. Cans will be accepted at all libraries from Monday, December 2 through Sunday, December 8 at Mahon Library. For more information, please call 775-2834, or online at www.lubbocklibrary.com Mrs. Bairds. To nominate a teacher from your school, visit www.MrsBTeacher.com. Depresión Estacional El trastorno afectivo estacional, TAE (también conocido por su sigla en inglés SAD) es un tipo de depresión que se desencadena con las estaciones. El tipo más común de TAE es la llamada depresión que comienza en el invierno. Los síntomas usualmente, comienzan al final del otoño YOUR LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED MOVIE EXPERT IN TOWN o al comienzo del invierno y TEXAS TECH CORPORATE SPONSOR desaparecen en el verano. Un tipo mucho menos común de TAE que se conoce como depresión que comienza en el verano usualmente comienza al final de la primavera o al comienzo del verano y desaparece con el invierno. El TAE puede estar relacionado con cambios en la cantidad de luz solar durante las distintas épocas del año. ¿Qué tan común es el TAE? Tantas como medio millón de personas en los Estados Unidos de América puwww.pccmovies.com facebook.com/LubbockPremiereCinema16Imax 806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q eden tener depresión que comienza en el invierno. Otro 10 a 20 % pueden experimentar TAE leve. El TAE es más común en las mujeres que en los hombres. A pesar de que a algunos niños y adolescentes les dé TAE, éste usualmente no comienza en personas menores de 20 años de edad. Para los adultos, el riesgo de TAE disminuye a medida que ellos envejecen. La depresión que comienza en el invierno TAE es más común en las regiones del norte en las cuales la estación de invierno típicamente es más larga y más fuerte. ¿Cómo puede saber mi médico que tengo TAE? a pesar de que sus síntomas son claves para el diagnóstico, no todo el mundo con tae tiene los mismos síntomas. los síntomas comunes de depresión en el invierno incluyen lo siguiente: un cambio en el apetito, especialmente antojarse de dulces o comidas con almidón. (In English, p. 10)
Education & Scholarship Updates

TION is open to TTU Dec. graduates on Friday, Dec 10, 2021, 10 a.m., at Merket Alumni Center, 17th & Boston on campus. Graduates arrive by 9:15 a.m. Register online at wwww.tturaidersrojos.org
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarshipsearch COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet.com
ABLE The new 2022–23 FAFSA form is here! Some states and schools have limited funds, so don’t delay! For priority consideration, submit your application by Jan. 15, 2022. Additional forms might be required. Private and two-year institutions may have different deadlines. Check with your financial aid administrator. To begin your application, go to https://studentaid. gov/.
SHIP" Se invita a los estudiantes hispanos del último año de la escuela secundaria que tengan deseos de ir a la universidad, y a sus padres, a que visiten mcdonalds.com/hacer para obtener recursos universitarios adicionales en inglés y en español y para conocer todos los detalles sobre cómo solicitar la Beca Nacional HACER® de McDonald's. El período para solicitar la beca para el próximo año académico finaliza el 3 de febrero de 2022. LEARNING EXPRESS LIBRARY is a learning hub for all ages. Whether you would like to prep for college entrance exams, improve your computer skills, get ahead at work or find out what career you are best suited for, this is the place for you. Learning Express also provides help for High School students, including math and science, English language arts, social studies, and prep for the STAAR and TSI tests. To access from home, you will need your LBK public library card number.
ASSOCIATION, Inc. (NSNA) Breakthrough To Nursing Scholarships For Ethnic Apply online at www.nsna.org

Youth Opportunities

new magnet middle school campus, will have their Open House Monday, December 6th, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.!Specializing in STEM highschool programs. They invite all current 5th grade families from the Lubbock region to attend at 4402 31st.
DECORATING Decorate ornaments and make snowflakes to decorate the library! Dec. 7th, 6:30 p.m. at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th Street.
PRESS Please join us for a free family event! Enjoy this month’s free family movie on the big screen at Mahon Library! Bring your pillows and blankets for comfy floor seating or enjoy seating with our chairs. Rated G. Runtime: 100 minutes, Dec. 22nd, 2 p.m. at Mahon Library, 1306 9th Street.
FOR TEENS Let’s make art! This is a free event for teens and all supplies will be provided by Mahon Library, including stretched canvases, paint, brushes, holiday templates, and more! Bring out your inner Picasso and make a work of art that you can gift to a loved one this holiday season! Space is limited; call 806-775-2835 to reserve your spot today! Dec. 16th, 10:30 a.m. at Mahon Library, 1306 9th Street.
PARTY This free family event will include craft supplies provided by Mahon Library so you can make your own holiday ornament, including snowflakes, stars, bells, and more! Dec. 22nd, 2 p.m. at Mahon Library, 1306 9th Street.
KIDS Did you know you can watch movies online through the library?!? We've got movies for all ages available through the OverDrive App (not Libby) or on the website lubbock.overdrive.com!
SHIP ACADEMY This group has great service and leadership programs for youth ages 10-17 to participate in, focused in North and East Lubbock. Marty can be reached at 806-535-5437 parenthood1@ sbcglobal.net OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free.

Create Your FREE Holiday Reading Digital Library
With the holiday season upon us, if you aren't aware of it by now, let us make it clear to you: We have a reading epidemic in America! Learning to read is a challenge for more than 40 percent of children. As you will discover, there is time outside of school, during holidays and weekends, for children to read. One hour a day can make a huge impact on your reading skills. To assure that all students have access to reading material, myON has partnered with Latino Lubbock Magazine, and Los Hermanos Familia to offer a free online digital library this holiday season! Thousands of online digital books in English and Spanish can be accessed for FREE this holiday season at www.loshermanosfamilia. org. Follow these simple instructions:
Step 1: www.loshermanosfamilia. org/readtolead-readtogrow Step 2: Enter School Name: Demo Region 12 Step 3: Enter Username: read Step 4: Enter Password: myon Step 5: Browse and enjoy thousands of digital books this holiday and "read to grow!" This is a free digital library that you can access online anywhere you go, or from home this holiday season. For more info call (806)792-1212, or go to www.loshermanosfamilia. org.
When in doubt, thank it out. Days can be incredibly long, and sometimes the rowdiness and load of responsibilities in the world seem unbearable, but I can never forget that keeping a grateful heart will always lead me out of darkness. Listening to the daily gospel reflections and mass have shaped my days in an unfathomable way. One quote strikes me most, “if we are going to be fruitful, we must not walk in fear.” It is important for me to take inventory of all God has given me—mentors, research skills, knowledge, curiosity, energy—and not be afraid to use my gifts in pursuit of my academic, professional, and philanthropic dreams. The individuals who have done much, have overcome the most fear. Currently, I am in the process of being interviewed to enter a program in Maryland following graduation. If it weren’t for having the courage to “reach for the stars,” I don’t think I would be blessed with opportunities I once prayed for. I no longer fear because I thank God every day for his gifts; working hard and maintaining a strong religious foundation have yet to fail me.
· Take a break. · Go online and register for fastweb.com, or look up scholarships during the holiday break. · Apply for FAFSA or get to know it. · Checkout the scholarships and updates on Latino Lubbock's Education page, 14

2021 SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS: The Arnett Benson Cowboys won their 4th Super Bowl in the South Plains football league. They have been a team for seven years now. The coaches are Chad Young, Nolan Esquivel, Torrance Carr, Chase Brackens, Sam Fry, Gus Tates, Jo Garza, Teddy Boyd, Ruben Rios, and Lamar Duncan. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

PERFECTING THEIR ART: Congratulations to the 2021 TYFA Lubbock Red Raiders Cheer Squad! They participated in the 2021 TYFA State Cheer & Dance Competition winning numerous awards including 1st Place Individual Tyke Pom Dance; 1st Place Duo Tyke Pom Dance; 3rd Place Duo Mixed Show Cheer; 1st Place Duo Mixed Pom Dance; 1st Place Trio Mixed Pom Dance; 2nd Place 11u Hip Hop Dance; and, 1st