19 minute read
Faith & Religion
Victoria Ramirez
Lubbock Christian University Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science
Isaac David Hill
Texas Tech University Bachelor of Science Natural Resources Management with a concentration in Wildlife Biology
Rachel G. McCumber
Columbia College in Chicago, IL. Creative Writing Bachelor of Arts
Tristan Alonzo
Texas Tech University College of Arts and Science Bachelor in General Studies with Minor in Mathematics, Minor in Atmospheric Science, Minor in Mineralogy
Gabriella Delgado
Texas Tech University Bachelor of Science
Christopher Matthew Gonzales
Texas Tech University College of Arts & Science Bachelor of Science in Wind Energy
Ashley Amanda Rodriguez
Angelo State University Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology
Nicholas I Ramos
Wayland Baptist University Bachelor of Science
Victoria Heredia
Texas Tech University Bachelor of Science Biology Graduating with Honors from the Honors College
Jared Castellano
Texas Tech University Bachelor of Arts in Media Strategies
Alyssa Gonzales
West Texas A&M University Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Journalism
Michael Esparza
St. Mary's University Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Calys Danai Jiménez
Texas Tech University Bachelor’s in Secondary Education Minor in English
Veronica Sifuentes
Texas Tech University Bachelor of Science in Counseling & Addiction Sciences with a Minor in Human Development and Family Sciences
Michael Torres
Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business Master of Science, Finance
Manuel Mendez
Wayland Baptist University Masters of Arts in Public Administration
Alexis Aguilar
Texas Tech University Health Science Center Master of Science in Healthcare Administration
Jaime Elizardo
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Master of Science in Healthcare Administration
Alma Cunningtubby
Texas Tech University College of Education Doctorate in Educational Leadership
Sonya Castro Quirino
Loyola University Chicago Doctorate of Bioethics Magna Cum Laude

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GROUP ANNOUNCES NEW OFFICERS: Congratulations to the newly elected Los Carnales La Familia MC Lubbock Chapter Board. The new officers include: Carnal President - Alfie, Austin Simcik; Carnal VP - Smokey Bear, Kaleb Salas; Treasurer - Fluffy, Jeremias Rodriguez; Secretary - Low Key, Ralph Torres; and Familia President - Foo Chino, Lloyd Foo. All the best from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

PFC Elijah A Arriaga, 24 yrs old, of Lubbock, TX graduated from United States Marine Corps boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego on April, 16th, 2021. PFC Arriaga successfully completed 13 weeks of intensive basic training at MCRD San Diego as one of 68 recruits in Training Platoon 3231. While in recruit training PFC Arriaga accomplished/achieved the following: Expert Rifle & Fireteam Leader & graduated with rank of Private First Class. PFC Arriaga will report to Camp Pendleton for one month at Military Combat Training then 2 months of Military Occupation Specialty school. PFC Arriaga will return home to Lubbock to complete his degree in Criminal Justice from Lubbock Christian University and will serve in the Marine Reserves . PFC Arriaga will switch to Active Duty after graduating LCU. From Latino Lubbock Magazine we salute you!
Hometown Heroes
Wild West Harley to Hold 10th Annual Car & Bike Show
Lubbock's only Authorized Harley-Davidson dealership Wild West Harley-Davidson will be holding their annual car and bike show SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 2021 AT 8 AM CDT – 2:30 PM Registration $10 per vehicle, t-shirt included (while supplies last, no pre-registration) from 8 am - 10am, Awards at 2pm. Multiple Classes, participant judging. Fun for the whole family. Vitalant Bloodmobile will be on hand accepting much needed blood donations. Food trucks and more. For more information, please call (806)791-4597 or visit www.wildwesthd.com

PTSD Awareness Month
To bring greater awareness to the issue of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the United States Senate designated June 27th as National PTSD Awareness Day. In addition, June has been designated as PTSD Awareness Month by the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD). PTSD is a mental health problem that can occur after someone has been exposed to a single traumatic event or multiple traumatic events, such as sexual or physical
assault, natural or man-made disaster, and war-related combat stress. Symptoms of PTSD include persistent intrusive thoughts and distressing dreams about the traumatic event, triggered emotional responses to reminders of the trauma, efforts to avoid thinking or talking about the trauma, and persistent hypervigilance for cues that indicate additional danger or trauma re-occurring. To discover ways to connect and share, visit the National Center for PTSD website: www. ptsd.va.gov.
Flag Day is June 14, 2021
Flag Day, is a day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our flag, its designers and makers. Our flag is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation.....one nation, under God, indivisible. Our flag has a proud and glorious history. It was at the lead of every battle fought by Americans. Many people have died protecting it. It even stands proudly on the surface of the moon. Raise the flag for our soldiers fighting a war for our freedom and for humanity. Flag Day celebrates our nation’s most visible symbol of liberty, which is a banner to our freedom of speech, press, and worship. As Americans, and as Latino Americans, we have every right to be proud of our culture, our nation, and our flag. Join your neighbors, friends and family members and raise the flag today and every day with pride!
Show Us Your Blue
For 2021, Wear Blue Day is Friday, June 18. Friday of Men’s Health Week has been officially named Wear BLUE Day. Wear BLUE Day is demonstrates concern for the health and wellbeing of boys and men. Organizations and individuals can host a Wear BLUE day to raise awareness and money for education about men’s need to seek regular checkups, or testicular cancer education, prostate cancer education, or other health issues that affect men. (Cardiovascular disease, skin cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, gout, and more.) Wear BLUE Day is a part of the year-round Wear BLUE® awareness campaign that was created by Men’s Health Network to raise awareness about the importance of male health and to encourage men to live longer and healthier lives, and give women an opportunity to encourge them to do so. Many people take advantage of less stringent work attire to show their support of men’s health by wearing blue. The social media hashtag #ShowUsYourBlue has grown tremendously over the years.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!
Veteran & Military Connection
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov
is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. www. helpourmilitaryheroes.org WOUNDED WEAR Provide free fashionable clothing kits and modifications to wounded warriors that empower them to rediscover the hero within. (757) 773-8079 http://www.woundedwear.org/

Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-TALK(8255) "Press 1 for Veterans" U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
Neighborhood News & Resources
GRAM with Lubbock Public Library Join the Lubbock Master Gardeners at www.Facebook.com/LubbockLibrary at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 1 for “Tomato Trials” and learn how to grow terrific tomatoes.

TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. UTILITY ASSISTANCE- For Lubbock County residents. Help with energy bills or repairs to existing heating/AC units is available! Contact Neighborhood House at (806) 589-1907. La asistencia está disponible ahora para fracturas de energía y reparaciones a calentadores o aires acondicionados. Llama Neighborhood House en español a (806) 775-2706. Debes vivir en el Condado de Lubbock. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to NonEmergency City Services. Call takers are available 8 to 5 pm daily.
NEWS? Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock.net/ have-a-story or, email your youth news, quinceañera, and other info to news@latinolubbock.net . For more info call (806)792-1212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 792-1212
latinolubbock@suddenlink.net www.latinolubbock.net
June is Home Safety Month
Have you ever heard that most car accidents happen within a few blocks of home? As it turns out, many accidents happen before you even leave. Injuries that happen at home account for 21 million medical visits and close to 20,000 deaths each year, according to the Home Safety Council’s 2004 State of Home Security in America. Older adults, who tend to spend more time at home, are at even greater risk. The good news is that by taking a few simple precautions, many of these injuries can be prevented. Don’t stop with physical safety; mental and emotional well-being are also part of feeling safe. Clear a cluttered area, create a space for yoga or stretching, learn about feng shui, put up a painting or photograph you love. Do one thing this month that will make you a little happier at home. Getting acquainted with your neighbors can also bring peace of mind. Knowing someone is looking out for you can greatly reduce stress and anxiety.
Junio es Mes de la seguridad en el hogar
¿Alguna vez ha escuchado que la mayor parte de los accidentes automovilísticos suceden a pocas cuadras del hogar? Tal como sucede, muchos accidentes ocurren incluso antes de salir del hogar. Las lesiones que ocurren en el hogar dan cuenta de 21 millones de personas y de cerca de 20 mil muertes cada año, según el 2004 State of Home Security in America del Home Safety Council. Los adultos mayores, que tienden a pasar la mayor parte del tiempo en el hogar, están expuestos incluso a mayores riesgos. La buena nueva es que al tomar algunas precauciones sencillas, se pueden evitar muchas de estas lesiones. No se detenga solamente en la seguridad física; el bienestar mental y emocional también forma parte del hecho de sentirse seguro. Despeje un área desordenada, disponga de un espacio para practicar yoga o estiramientos, aprenda sobre Feng Shui, o cuelgue una pintura o fotografía que le guste. Este mes haga algo en el hogar que lo ponga un poco más feliz. Familiarizarse con sus vecinos también puede brindarle tranquilidad. Saber que alguien se preocupa por usted puede reducir significativamente la tensión nerviosa y la ansiedad.
P-EBT Approved for TX Kids
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved a second round of federal Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer to help Texas families. The P-EBT food benefits were created to help families whose children temporarily lost access to free and reduced-price school meals due to the pandemic
in the last school year. The P-EBT benefits are up to $1,200 per child for the school year and are based on the schools that the kids attend and the amount of days that students at the school learned from home. For more info visit hhs.texas.gov/ pebt or call 833-442-1255

GROWING TOGETHER: Roots Historical Arts Council, Growing Together Texas, and Voice of Hope are working to prevent food insecurity, prevent violence, and promote community building and community history while continuing the legacy of Eric Strong. Roots Historical Arts Council, Growing Together Texas, and Voice of Hope have partnered together on the Booker T. Washington Garden in East Lubbock. Together we teach youth and adults about community, community history, gardening, and how to cook the food we harvest. Way to GROW from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
En Aquellos Días…
Ta nos estábamos alistando para que se acabara el tiempo de escuela. Estábamos desesperados par que entrara el mes de junio. No porque teníamos planes de salir a vacación, pero para dormir tarde, comer y jugar. En aquellos dias decíamos que el mes de junio era el mes más cortito. Mi mama cumplía años en junio. Un año mi hermana nos dijo que ella le iba hacer un pastel. En esos tiempos no levantábamos el teléfono y poníamos la orden ni íbamos a la tienda y buscábamos el pastel mas bonito y mas barato. No, se media la harina, sal, espauda, etc. y le robábamos los huevos a las gallinas. Todo iba bien hasta que se llegó la hora de cortar el pastel. Estaba el plato poco pesado, pero nadie pensó nada porque se miraba bonito. Al tomar la primera bocada, estaba pero salado. Resulto que uso una cuchara grande en lugar de ½ cuchara chiquita. Cada año le hacíamos burla.
Pasaron los años y se casó, paso dos años en Alemania con su esposo, tuvo tres hijas y por fin se movieron para Dallas. Allí empezó a trabajar… en una panadería haciendo y decorando pasteles. Ahora hace los pasteles mas bonitos y delicios que nadie más. Ahora le pedimos otro pedazo y no le hacemos burla.
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.

Weather Radio Good Investment
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from the nearest National Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts official Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Working with the Federal Com-
munication Commis sion’s (FCC) Emergency Alert System , NWR is an “All Hazards” radio network, making it your single source for comprehensive weather and emergency information. Un radio es una buena inversión
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) es una estaciones de radio que transmiten información meteorológica continua directamente de la oficina del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional más cercana. NWR emite advertencias oficiales del Servicio de Meteorología, pronósticos y otra información de peligro las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana. Ellos trabajan con la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones de (FCC) del Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia, Radio NOAA es su única fuente de tiempo completo y la información de emergencia.
Genaro Castillo Chavez, 74 was born April 9, 1947 in Lubbock to Francisco & Paulina Chavez. After graduating from Lubbock High, Genaro went on to receive his bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University in 1971. He married Florinda Parras on May 20, 1989 in Beaumont and worked as a program director for TDHCA for many years before retiring in 2003. Genaro was as strong advocate of education equity and equality and a man that inspired many to go beyond their means, dream big, follow through, and get their education. Voting was important to Genaro as he believed, your vote is truly a way to express your voice. He was a lifelong brother of L.U.L.A.C. and loved to travel with his wife. Together they were able to experience places like the Holy Land, the Interior of Mexico, and other major areas of the world and the United States. In all, Genaro was a son, a brother, an uncle, father, and devoted husband who loved spending time with his family and grandchildren. Early in the evening of May 3, 2021, Genaro Castillo Chavez was called from this earth and into glory. Those left to cherish his amazing memory are his wife, Linda Chavez; two daughters, Vanessa Chavez-Aguirre, Cynthia Chavez Garcia; two stepsons, Robert DeLeon, M. Oso Arziaga; a stepdaughter, Gina DeLeon DeAnda and several grandchildren.
GUEZ was born in Lubbock, Texas on March 13, 1981 to Rene Dominguez, Sr. and Janie Contreras Dominguez who both survive her. She went to be with her Lord and Savior on May 22, 2021 at the age of 40 years. She also leaves behind her siblings, Rene Dominguez, Jr. (Joe), Patricia Ann Zavala and Michael Ray Dominguez (Jeanette); grandmother, Guadalupe Contreras; uncle, Alfonso Contreras, Jr.; Aunt, Norma Trevino; nine nieces and nephews and five great nieces and nephews.
REZ, JR. (also known as Rey), 51, was born on January 19, 1970 in Lubbock, TX to Reynaldo Gutierrez Sr and Yolanda Flores. He went to be with his Lord and Savior on May 9, 2021. Rey leaves behind his wife of over 23 years, Maria Gutierrez; his father, Reynaldo Gutierrez Sr.; step-mom, Linda Gutierrez; a mother in love, Aurora Ramirez; children, Trenten Bounds, Rex Gutierrez, Zach Bounds, William Gutierrez and his daughter in love, Kansas Roe; 6 grandchildren; sisters, Carmen Lopez, Katie Torres, Lupe Cua and a sister in love, Terri Rodriguez; brothers in love, Eric Reyna, Ruben Rodriguez and Sam Loa; and 25 nieces and nephews. Rey was preceded in death by his mother, Yolanda Flores; a grandchild; and brothers, Jimmy Gutierrez, John Anthony Gutierrez and brother in love, Ralph Maldonado.
NANDEZ, 68, of Lubbock, passed away on May 14, 2021. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico on March 26, 1953. Celida graduated from Estacado High School with honors and was a part of the first graduating class. She went on to graduate from Texas Tech University with a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. She became a board-certified accountant. Celida worked as a clerical clerk at Malouf's, held various positions for 23 years at PCCA, she ended her career there as the accounting manager. She also worked at the Catholic Diocese of Lubbock as the Finance Officer and Human Resource Director. She was a member of multiple different organizations. She was awarded the ABWA- Business Association of the Year and AWCPA- Woman of Courage Award. She was a parishioner of the Christ the King Cathedral for over 40 years and was involved in many parish organizations. She is proceeded in death by her parents Jesus M. Hernandez and Maria A. Hernandez. She is survived by her sister Rafaela A. Hernandez, of Lubbock, her brothers Manuel A. Hernandez, of Lubbock, Jesse A. Hernandez, of Colorado, David Hernandez and wife Tammy, of Fort Worth. And a number of family and friends.
48 passed Tuesday, May 18, 2021.
“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” ~ Williams Penn

R. MARTINEZ, 74, died May 21, 2021. He was born January 2, 1947 in La Feria, Texas to Cornelio and Maria Martinez. On August 17, 1968 Jessie married Guadalupe "Lupe" Martinez in Petersburg, Texas, and they shared 34 years together. Jessie retired from Henley Interiors as a sheetrock installer and foreman. He was a member of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. Those left to cherish his memory are his children Patricia Gonzales (Gilbert Gonzales, Jr.) and Gabriel Martinez; four grandchildren, two great-granddaughters; and eight brothers and two sisters Max Sr., Antonio, Rudy, Ricky, David, Ramiro, Roy, Margarita, and Mary Lou. Jessie is preceded in death by his wife Guadalupe "Lupe" Martinez, his mother Maria R. Martinez, his father Cornelio Martinez, his brother Manuel Martinez, and his sister Margarita Flores.
FLORES,77, was born in Georgetown, Texas on July 28, 1943 to Seferino Sr and Angelita Venegas who preceded her in death. She went to be with her Lord and Savior on May 9, 2021. She was also preceded in death by her loving husband of over 54 years, Trinidad Flores, Sr.; children, Eunice Flores, Ezequiel Flores, Felix Flores and Johnny Flores; grandchild, Memo Rene Smith; great grandchild, Memo Gonzales; and by five brothers, Pete Venegas, Leon Venegas, Ray Venegas, Phillip Venegas and Trinidad Venegas. Beatrice leaves behind her children, Helen Gonzales (Joe), Elicio Flores, Trinidad Flores Jr. (Layla), Alex Flores, Ruth Smith (Ruben), Rachel Smith (James), Sally Gutierrez (Raymond); daughter-in-law, Annette Flores; 36 grandchildren, 54 great grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; and brother, Zeferino Venegas.
Happy Birthday I. D. Ramos
Happy birthday to I.D Ramos from his wife, sons, daughter, grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is missed dearly; he is and will always be the rock of our family. We love and miss you.
To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the sun… ECCL 3:18.
Feliz día de los Padres Timoteo Torres Albiar
January 25, 1907 to February 19, 1994 Para el mejor Padre que Dios mando a este mundo; nunca lo voy Olivader. Feliz Día De Los Padres!
Memorial Richard Lopez
April 14, 1934 to June 8, 2008 A friend, a husband, and a father. Another year, and yet, you are still not forgotten. Happy Father's Day!
Love Always! Your wife Rachel & Family And friends
June Prayer
A PRAYER FOR TODAY Righteous God and Holy Father, please bless me with an undivided heart, one that seeks you as the first and ordering priority of my life. Forgive me, dear Lord, for letting other things distract my focus from you and interfere with my service to your Kingdom. Fill me with a holy passion for Kingdom matters above all other concerns and interests. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ~ Jeremiah 29:13
NOTE: American Flag displays that the individual was a veteran.
“ Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. ” ~ Matthew 4: 19
August 7, 2021
Pre-Register Online at
www.letsgofishinglubbock.com or www.loshermanosfamilia.org
For more information, please call (806)792-1212

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