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Faith & Religion
GREAT JOB: The parish youth of St. Joseph's Church in Lubbock held a breakfast fundraiser to pay their way to Catholic Christian Retreat in Dallas. The students did great! Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine! (Photo by Sandy Cisneros)
CONFIRMED STUDENTS: The confirmation candidates at St. Joseph's Catholic Church achieved their Sacrament of Confirmation! This is the equivalent of the growth process on the natural level that builds on what was begun in Baptism and what was nourished in Holy Eucharist. Congratulations!

OLG MEN'S CLUB ANNUAL BRISKET FUNDRAISER: The Men's Club of Our Lady of Grace held their annual brisket fundraiser on Cinco de Mayo. Proceeds benefit their church programs. As usual - THE BURRITOS WERE DELICIOUS!

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South Plains Parishes
Ready for 2022 Jamaica Season
Catholic churches in the South Plains area are now preparing for jamaica season post the pandemic. These church festivals are the largest fund-raisers for many of the churches. Beyond the fund-raising, this is a chance to bring the church community together. According to Rev. Martin Piña, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lubbock, starts their planning at the beginning of the year. The committee identifies music and performers for entertainment. “The music must be family friendly and cater to individuals that are primary church goers,” he says. Rev. Piña said that they try to provide entertainment for the established church goers, as well as the young people, and for primary Spanish speakers, keeping in mind Mexican Americans who enjoy the typical Tejano music that is uniquely West Texas. They strive to make the event family friendly, including activities that allow for the children to have fun; its nonalcoholic; and the bands must abide by the church values presented to them. He said that the food is always a draw. “It’s traditional food that they don't get to eat normally like tripas, gorditas, old time delicacies that are unique to an event such as this.” Rev. Piña added that people go to have fun and socialize. “It is a social precedent for families - people come together,” he said there are even some families that have a reunion during the jamaica. He added that they also have a cultural dimension to them, “a cultural identity of who we are, and a cultural invitation to reconnect with our musical roots and our own traditions, brought about through food and music that we enjoy,” he concluded. The jamaicas are scheduled over the summer. Many attendees plan their Sundays accordingly, attending their own church festival and then supporting other churches in the Diocese, reconnecting with families and friends, and having fun. And while the primary reason for churches is that these festivals are their biggest capital fundraiser used for the physical upkeep and improvement of their church parish, it also gives the church community a chance to work towards growing spiritually and through philanthropy. To learn more about dates of all upcoming jamaicas, read the church bulletin section of Latino Lubbock Magazine for monthly jamaica listings.
Catholic Foundation Awards $113,000 in Grants
Thanks to the generosity of its donors and to favorable earnings on its investment portfolio, the Catholic Foundation of the South Plains has awarded $113,138 in grants to the following recipients: • St. Michael’s Church in Ralls for new lighting inside the church • St. Philip Neri Church in Pep to repair the interior church walls • Raider Catholic in Lubbock towards a leadership formation retreat • Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Snyder to fix bathrooms and replace ceiling and floor tiles • San Jose Church in Crosbyton for the purchase of an indoor fryer • St. Joseph Church in Rotan for musical equipment and access to WiFi • San Lorenzo Church in Lorenzo to replace an air conditioner unit • St. Michael’s Church in Anson to replace parish hall drop ceilings and light fixtures • St. Patrick’s Church in Lubbock to replace and repair tiles and water pipes in the hall kitchen • St. Mary’s Church in Spur to replace the heater and A/C unit • Catholic Charities in Lubbock for exterior doors. • Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock for discretionary needs within the Diocese “The Catholic Foundation of the South Plains exists to help Catholics live out the sacred mission of the Church by financially supporting the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our Catholic community. This year the Foundation grants were dedicated to meeting the areas of greatest need within the 25 counties of the Diocese of Lubbock.” said Tricia Vowels, Managing Director. “Without our generous donors and those who have left their legacy with the Catholic Foundation none of this would be possible.”
Church Bulletins
Beginning the first week of June, at Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church in Lubbock, participants will meet once a week for a 5-week study of A World Undone by Father Mike Schmitz -. The book & study will be provided for free. More information at https://stjohnbaptistlbk.org/small-faithsharing-groups
June 5 - Lubbock Saint Patrick, 12 to 8 p.m. June 11 - Olton Saint Peter, 11 to 9 p.m. June 12 - St. Pius X Church June 18 – Idalou Saint Philip, 2 to 9 p.m. June 26 – San Ramon, Woodrow, 12-8 p.m. Submit your info to news@latinoubbock. net
OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Father Piña’s Bible Study in English will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. - as long as covid numbers are down. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm.
Plug Into Jesus – Bring your parish youth for fun at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church - Sunday, June 12th 6-8:30 pm. More information at https://stjohnbaptistlbk.org/summer-youth-faith-fest-2022
KICKBALL GAME June 17, 2022- Clergy, Seminarians and Women Religious versus youth of the Diocese of Lubbock at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Festivities begin at 5 p.m. with First Pitch at 7 p.m. Join us and bring your lawn chairs.
NAL FEAST MASS June 25, 2022 - Bishop Coerver will celebrate a Mass in honor of the feast of the Diocese of Lubbock’s Patron – The Immaculate Heart of Mary at 10 a.m. at Christ the King Cathedral in Lubbock.
FAMILIES CELEBRATE June 25, 2022 following the Patronal Feast Mass, at Noon, gather at the Catholic Renewal Center in Lubbock. Food trucks available for lunch. Speakers include Joe Melendrez, musician; Father Heriberto Mercado, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Muleshoe and Saint Mary Magdalen Church in Earth; and Father Nahum Lopez, Pastor of Saint Theresa Church in Lubbock. More information at www.catholiclubbock.org DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/ devotions/novena PRAY THE ROSARY ONLINE at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faith-formation/resources/pray-the-rosary-online
TURES online at https://catholicboard. com/
LINE www.catholic.org/bible/
Happy Father's Day/Feliz día de los padres St. Joseph, a True Example of a Fatherly Figure on Father's Day

Father’s Day is around the corner, a day to celebrate fatherhood in our country. Just like on Mother’s Day, we honor not just dads, but abuelos, grandfathers, big brothers, tios, uncles, priests whom we call “Father,” and anyone else who fulfills a fatherly role for others. It is good to also give praise to the ultimate “Abba”: God, our loving Father, on this day. St. Joseph is also fitting to be praised and prayed to as the most beloved earthly father we have in the Bible. Joseph was chosen by God, just as Mary was, to raise Jesus and provide a necessary role as His father all the years they had together. God knew Joseph’s heart was good and that he would make a wonderful dad, husband and faithful leader of their family. Although we don’t know much about Joseph from the Bible (none of his words are documented!), there are a lot of wonderful qualities we can presume about him from what we do know. Due to this, it gives us many reasons to pray to him so he can help us grow in these qualities, to protect all families, and to intercede for us to his son Jesus. Due to the courageous, life-saving escape to Egypt, St. Joseph is the only human who can be called the “Savior of the Savior.” He is also, along with Mary, the only human who lived in perpetual Adoration, being in Jesus’ physical presence all of their years together. St. Joseph is the second highest saint worth praying to; he comes below Mary since she was Immaculate, but above all other saints since he lived with Jesus. Joseph was a loving husband who respected and honored Mary’s virginity and chaste devotion to God. He took his responsibility of being head of the Holy Family so seriously he was named “Protector of the Holy Church” by Pope Pius IX in 1870. Mary and Jesus so adored Joseph that what we do know about him was lovingly shared with the disciples, who would not have met him but went on to record his actions with dignity and respect. Joseph was so special to God that He spoke to him three times through his dreams. Joseph was such a faithful man that he listened and abided to the messages he received right away with complete obedience. His humility and devotion to God is admirable.

BEAUTY.TALK.BRUNCH: An inaugural luxury sip and shop experience was organized by young Latinas! Attendees were greeted with a glass of complimentary champagne and an exclusive shopping experience. Way to go from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

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MILITARY SCHOLARSHIP: Levelland businessman Bill Cohen, right, recently presented the McDonald’s of Levelland Veterans Impact Scholarship to assist South Plains College student Leslie Hernandez of Slaton. He established the scholarship in 2018. Also shown is the Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Jordan Flores. (SPC Photo)

THE LUBBOCK PEACE OFFICER MEMORIAL: Lubbock Police officers and Police Chief Mitchell were among law enforcements officers at the at the Lubbock Regional Public Safety Memorial honoring fallen officers.
SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Members of the Lubbock County Color Guard also honored fallen officers and were on hand to represent law enforcement.

PTSD Awareness Month
To bring greater awareness to the issue of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the United States Senate designated June 27th as National PTSD Awareness Day. In addition, June has been designated as PTSD Awareness Month by the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD). PTSD is a mental health problem that can occur after someone has been exposed to a single traumatic event or multiple traumatic events, such as sexual or physical assault,
natural or man-made disaster, and war-related combat stress. Symptoms of PTSD include persistent intrusive thoughts and distressing dreams about the traumatic event, triggered emotional responses to reminders of the trauma, efforts to avoid thinking or talking about the trauma, and persistent hypervigilance for cues that indicate additional danger or trauma reoccurring. To discover ways to connect and share, visit the National Center for PTSD website: www. ptsd.va.gov. Flag Day is June 14, 2022
Flag Day, is a day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our flag, its designers and makers. Our flag is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation.....one nation, under God, indivisible. Our flag has a proud and glorious history. It was at the lead of every battle fought by Americans. Many people have died protecting it. It even stands proudly on the
surface of the moon. Raise the flag for our soldiers fighting a war for our freedom and for humanity. Flag Day celebrates our nation’s most visible symbol of liberty, which is a banner to our freedom of speech, press, and worship. As Americans, and as Latino Americans, we have every right to be proud of our culture, our nation, and our flag. Join your neighbors, friends and family members and raise the flag today and every day with pride! Wear Blue Day 2022
For 2022, Wear Blue Day is June 18. Friday of Men’s Health Week has been officially named Wear BLUE Day. Wear BLUE Day is demonstrates concern for the health and wellbeing of boys and men. Organizations and individuals can host a Wear BLUE day to raise awareness and money for education about men’s need to seek regular checkups, or testicular cancer education, prostate cancer education, or other health issues that affect men. (Cardiovascular disease, skin cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, gout,
and more.) Wear BLUE Day is a part of the year-round Wear BLUE® awareness campaign that was created by Men’s Health Network to raise awareness about the importance of male health and to encourage men to live longer and healthier lives, and give women an opportunity to encourge them to do so. Many people take advantage of less stringent work attire to show their support of men’s health by wearing blue. The social media hashtag #ShowUsYourBlue has grown tremendously over the years. LHF Announces Events
Los Hermanos Familia announces upcoming events in 2022. The 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" Event will be held Saturday, August 6, 2022. The 7th Annual Veteran's Parade will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2022. Online registration and applications for these events can be found online at www.loshermanosfamilia.org.
Veteran & Military Connection
BANQUET Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 4 pm. Women Veterans Day is observed on June 12 in the United States, a date chosen to mark the anniversary of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act. Register at : www.eventbrite.com/e/denim-anddiamonds-women-veterans-day-luncheon-registration-321078453297
June- Army Birthday Tuesday, June 14 U.S. Flag Day Tuesday, June 14 Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday Thurs., June 23
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov

Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-TALK(8255) "Press 1 for Veterans" U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
Neighborhood News & Resources
will meet on North Lubbock Neighborhood Association and Guadalupe Neighborhood Association meetings combined on Tues. June 21st at 102 Ave. J - Catholic Charities conference room at 5:30 pm. Presentations will be done by Brenna Jaco with Lubbock Libraries that will present as to summer reading programs for children and adults. Lubbock Police Department will present on the Safe Cam program and the Fireworks ordinance, at 102 Ave. J Catholic Charities.
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to NonEmergency City Services.
MEETING meeting is the fourth Monday of each month, 7 pm, at the Volunteer Center of Lubbock, 1706 23rd.

Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock. net/have-a-story For more info call (806)7921212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 4-1-1 Voting Information Información de votación Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212
news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net
June is Home Safety Month
Have you ever heard that most car accidents happen within a few blocks of home? As it turns out, many accidents happen before you even leave. Injuries that happen at home account for 21 million medical visits and close to 20,000 deaths each year, according to the Home Safety Council’s 2004 State of Home Security in America. Older adults, who tend to spend more time at home, are at even greater risk. The good news is that by taking a few simple precautions, many of these injuries can be prevented. Don’t stop with physical safety; mental and emotional well-being are also part of feeling safe. Clear a cluttered area, create a space for yoga or stretching, learn about feng shui, put up a painting or photograph you love. Do one thing this month that will make you a little happier at home. Getting acquainted with your neighbors can also bring peace of mind. Knowing someone is looking out for you can greatly reduce stress and anxiety.
Junio es Mes de la seguridad en el hogar
¿Alguna vez ha escuchado que la mayor parte de los accidentes automovilísticos suceden a pocas cuadras del hogar? Tal como sucede, muchos accidentes ocurren incluso antes de salir del hogar. Las lesiones que ocurren en el hogar dan cuenta de 21 millones de personas y de cerca de 20 mil muertes cada año, según el 2004 State of Home Security in America del Home Safety Council. Los adultos mayores, que tienden a pasar la mayor parte del tiempo en el hogar, están expuestos incluso a mayores riesgos. La buena nueva es que al tomar algunas precauciones sencillas, se pueden evitar muchas de estas lesiones. No se detenga solamente en la seguridad física; el bienestar mental y emocional también forma parte del hecho de sentirse seguro. Despeje un área desordenada, disponga de un espacio para practicar yoga o estiramientos, aprenda sobre Feng Shui, o cuelgue una pintura o fotografía que le guste. Este mes haga algo en el hogar que lo ponga un poco más feliz. Familiarizarse con sus vecinos también puede brindarle tranquilidad. Saber que alguien se preocupa por usted puede reducir significativamente la tensión nerviosa y la ansiedad.
Montelongo Swimming Pool to Open June 11th
The City of Lubbock will delay the opening of Montelongo Pool due to a leak discovered in the pool system during pre-opening startup. The City has a contractor scheduled to make necessary repairs. The projected new opening date for Montelongo Pool is Saturday, June 11, 2022. The other three City pools are scheduled to open on Friday, May 27, 2022, with normal operating hours Tuesday - Sunday, 1 - 6 p.m.: • Clapp Pool - 46th Street, and Avenue U - Located in
Clapp Park • Maxey Pool - 4007 30th Street, Located in Maxey Park • Mae Simmons Pool - E. 24th Street off of MLK Blvd - Located in Mae Simmons Park For more information, visit mylubbock.us/ pools or call 806-775-2673.
LPD Debuts Online Reporting System
The Lubbock Police Department is debuting a new online reporting system designed to make the filing of online police reports easier for the public, all while decreasing the time it takes for reports to be created and filed for non-violent crimes. The system, called “Coplogic,” is located on the department’s website at www.Lubbockpolice.com under the “Reports and Forms” tab. The system replaces the former system of Ten8Tech. Upon selecting “File Crime Report,” the system will take the user to a separate page, allowing them to select the incident type, while simultaneously giving a definition and example of each type of crime in order to help the reporting party more easily narrow down and select the appropriate category of crime. From there, multiple questions are asked about the crime, allowing as many details as possible to be gathered before the report is officially created within the department’s system. Once a report is created by the user, a case number is assigned. The report then goes through the department’s records system before being assigned to the appropriate unit for investigation. The online reporting system is designed for multiple types of crimes, including theft, fraud and other property crimes. In addition, house watch requests and drug tips can also be made through the new system. However, not all crime types will fit the criteria for online reporting. While the LPD encourages the use of this new online reporting system, members of the public are always welcome to call the Lubbock Police Department’s non-emergency number at (806) 775-2865 to request to meet with an officer to file a report in person. They can also file a report at the front desk of police department headquarters, located at 916 Texas Avenue, or they can go to their local division station, which are located at the following addresses: East – 1901 East 19th Street, South – 14005 Indiana Avenue, North – 5910 Erskine Street and file a report at the front desk there.