21 minute read
Faith & Religion
THE BIG 90: Happy Birthday Father Bob of St. Elizabeth's Church! May God bless you always! Thank you for all you do for all the families at St. Elizabeth (Photo by Margie Aguirre Aguilar)

KINDNESS MATTERS: Pastor Ed Sena and volunteers from Grace Church were handing out free snow cones on a very hot evening for FREE at 4302 34th St! They believe that kindness matters - it truly does! THANK YOU from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
Hispana Baptist Church
Refocusing & Regrouping
Pastor Joe Lopez, of Hispana Baptist Church, 111 E. 82nd Street in Lubbock shares his vision to refocus, then move Godward. In the last couple of years COVID, followed by inflation, has made life difficult. Families and churches have suffered a great financial loss, which has impacted their ways of life. It’s demoralizing and people felt a sense of hopelessness. But never forget that we have a God who loves us, sustains us, and knows our situation. Knowing Him and knowing His Word is our hope! He guarantees us that “all will be well with our soul”. Psalm 119:116 “Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed”. As a church, we seized the opportunity to make a statement to our adversary; Deuteronomy 20:4 “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” We are in the process of redefining our ministry, focusing on communicating to our community that Jesus is the answer. We also decided to invest money that only God can provide. We’ve launched an aggressive and expensive remolding of our church sanctuary. Don’t think you have scarcely any money knowing we have a “RICH FATHER”! Trials in life will be better because they give us the opportunity to refocus, regroup and reestablish. Psalm 65:5 “You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas.” Adelante!

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER FOR JANIE: Catholic Charities congratulated their 2022 Night to Remember-Casino Royale Gala raffle winner - Janie Martinez. She bought ONE ticket - but it was the WINNING ticket!

ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR: Members of the Knights of Columbus of St. Elizabeth's Church took time to pose at the 10th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. They are a member association of Los Hermanos Familia and are valued volunteers.
Forward in Chris
Ephesians 6:1-9, the Bible teaches us that honoring each other or giving honor should be a high priority in our lives. It’s not always easy to honor those whom we deem not worthy of honor. Let me give you three reasons why I believe honoring others can be a challenge. 1. It's engraved in us – It’s in our human nature. We have this innate ability to look past others to see ourselves. Me first! I deserve to be noticed, honored, or respected. As children, we just knew this. (MINE)! 2. We have our preferences - People who look like us, talk like us, act like us, or same age as us. We are just more comfortable with the people we connect with. It makes sense and believe me - I get it! But we must practice honoring all. 3. We've been hurt by some in authority - An important part of building a culture of honor is choosing not to hold things against people or think condemning thoughts toward them. Instead, we genuinely care. We are called to submit to one another in honor. Here is what Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3) Honor can be hard but it’s right.
Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Center and has been in ministry for 32 years.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!
Church Bulletins
September 4 - Sacred Heart Church, Littlefield, 12 - 6 pm, 1309 W 8th St September 10 - Brownfield, Saint Anthony Church, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. September 11 - Lubbock, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
RETREAT on October 1, 2022, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mercy Center Slaton. More information to come. ENGAGED ENCOUNTER October 7th-9th, at Mercy Retreat Center - 605 S 19th St, Slaton, TX. This retreat is for Engaged Couples that are planning to get married in 2022, 2023 or 2024. Deadline to register is Sept 22nd. For information: 792-3943 ext 221 or FamilyLife@catholiclubbock.org
MYSTICS & PROPHETS” Join us as we learn how the lives of Sinners, Saints, Mystics and Prophets teach us how God intervened in their lives and how it changed them. Encounter God and be transformed. Only in God will you !nd the truth and happiness your searching for. October 27th-30th at Mercy Retreat Center in Slaton. For more information call 806 828-6428 or www.MercyRC.com or get a registration form from the church office.
Father Piña’s Bible Study in English will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. - as long as covid numbers are down. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY at Our Lady of Grace, every Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at Buxkemper Hall, 3111 Erskine St. DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/ novena
ONLINE at https://www. cathe- dralofmary.org/faith-formation/resources/pray-the-rosary-online
SCRIPTURES online at https:// catholicboard.com/ THE BIBLE ONLINE www.catholic.org/bible/ EWTN NEWS https://www.ewtnnews.com/
LINE www.latinolubbock.net
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

This is a great time to have conversations about this important aspect of a family's overall financial plan. Life insurance can help you and your family realize the dreams and goals on your bucket list even when faced with challenging circumstances. Did you know? • Life insurance conversation uncomfortable - When it comes to life's most important topics, higher percentages of parents feel comfortable talking with their children about drugs and alcohol (55 percent), religion (53 percent) and politics (44 percent) than discussing life insurance (38 percent), family finances (36 percent) or sex/puberty (30 percent). • Parents count - 45 percent of Ameri- cans first learned about life insurance from a family member. Daughters were most likely to name their moms (21 percent) as their top source for first learning about life insurance, while sons are most likely to list their dads (22 percent). Becoming a parent is the number one life event that prompts individuals to obtain life insurance coverage (37 percent), however just 51 percent of parents have individual life insurance policies outside of work. • Most families budget for vacations/cell phones before life insurance - More than 7 in 10 parents consider life insurance to be im- portant (71 percent) and over three-fourths say it plays a role in their overall financial plan (78 per - cent), yet only 59 percent of parents would be likely to adjust their budget to purchase life insurance. A greater percentage of parents would be willing to adjust their budget to afford cable TV (76 percent), a family vacation (69 percent), or a cell phone and service for each family member (62 percent), compared to life insurance. • Knowledge Curve - Seventy-eight percent of Americans consider themselves at least somewhat knowledgeable about life insurance. However, one in five (22 percent) feel they are not at all knowledgeable about life insurance. • More than death benefits - Forty-four percent of Americans believe that "life insurance benefits are only accessible when an insured family member passes away." However, many policies offer benefits while a policyholder is still alive. These "living benefits" can be accessed for qualified college, retirement and emergency expenses (this may reduce the death benefit and cash value).

GUADALUPANOS OF OUR LADY OF GRACE: The men's club from Our Lady of Grace prepared the beverages for the annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event as they have since its' inception. They strive to make sure everyone stays hydrated. Thanks, dear friends!

THE BAIT SHOP: Los Hermanos Familia takes pride in caring for its participants. One way is by offering bait at the annual fishing event for those who forget their special bait.
Es un excelente momento para conversar sobre este aspecto importante del plan financiero general de la familia. Asegúrese de que el establecimiento de objetivos y la idea de un futuro financiero sólido sean parte de la charla. Un seguro de vida puede ayudarle a usted y su familia a alcanzar los sueños y objetivos de su lista de deseos familiares, incluso cuando se enfrentan situaciones difíciles. ¿Sabía usted? • La conversación sobre el seguro de vida es incómoda - Cuando se trata de los temas más importantes de la vida, es mayor el porcentaje de padres que se sienten cómodos hablando con sus hijos sobre drogas y alcohol (55 %), religión (53 %) y política (44 %) que el porcentaje relacionado con charlas sobre seguros de vida (38 %), finanzas familiares (36 %) o sexo/pubertad (30 %). • Los padres cuentan - El 45 % de los estadounidenses supo del seguro de vida gracias a un familiar.
Las mujeres mencionaron como su fuente principal de información con más frecuencia a sus madres (21 %), mientras que los hombres mencionaron a sus padres (22 %). Convertirse en padres es el acontecimiento principal que impulsa a las personas a obtener una cobertura de seguro (37 %); sin embargo, solo el 51 % de los padres tienen pólizas de seguro de vida individual fuera del trabajo. • La mayoría de las familias crean presupuestos para vacaciones/teléfonos celulares antes que para el seguro de vida - Más de 7 de cada 10 padres consideran que el seguro de vida es importante (71 %) y más de tres cuartos afirman que cumple un papel importante en sus planes financieros generales (78 %); sin embargo, solo el 59 % de los padres modificarían sus presupuestos para adquirir un seguro de vida. Un porcentaje mayor de padres estarían dispuestos a modificar sus presupuestos para poder pagar televisión por cable (76 %),
Copyright 2022 by Latino Lubbock Magazine
vacaciones familiares (69 %) o planes y teléfonos celulares para cada miembro de la familia (62 %), comparado con el seguro de vida. • Curva de conocimiento - El 78 % de los estadounidenses consideran que, al menos, tienen algo de conocimiento sobre seguros de vida. Sin embargo, uno de cada cinco (22 %) siente que no tiene conocimiento sobre seguros de vida • Más que beneficios por fallecimiento - El 44 % de los estadounidenses creen que "solo se puede acceder a los beneficios del seguro de vida cuando muere la persona asegurada". Sin embargo, muchas pólizas ofrecen beneficios mientras el titular de la póliza se encuentra con vida. Se puede acceder a estos "beneficios en vida" para pagar gastos de la universidad, la jubilación o gastos de emergencia elegibles (esto puede reducir el beneficio por fallecimiento o el valor en efectivo).

KOC VOLUNTEERS: Members of the Knights of Columbus of San Jose Council #11807 prepared the fishing poles equipment for the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. During the event, KOC councils are urged to bring their families to join the event and observe Knights of Columbus Family Week. Register online at www. letsgofishinglubbock.com

UMC VOLUNTEERS: This was the first year for the UMC Volunteers to participate in the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event and they had a blast!

FAMILIA IS EVERYTHING: Los Carnales La Familia members took time to pose at the 14th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" event. They served snow cones to kids, and are a member association of Los Hermanos Familia and are valued volunteers.
Join the 2nd Annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride
The stunning aftermath of September 11, 2001, was heartbreaking. A stifling, toxic cloud hung over the collapsed twin towers of the World Trade Center for days, as well as the world. Brave first responders searched vigilantly for any sign of life. Now, 21 years later, Lubbock, TX is once again joining the nation to remember the victims of that dark day. Hundreds of people will be memorializing 9/11 in a special way with the Second Annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride. A memorial service will be held Sunday, September 11 at the Lubbock Regional Public Safety Memorial, 6601 Quaker Ave. Various agencies will be setting up tables with resources and a display of the Twin Towers made by Ruben Hernandez will be on site. A prayer service will be held at 9:28 a.m., when the last tower fell, with the official ceremony starting at 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. kickstands up. The riders will pass in front of 12 fire stations throughout Lubbock as a reminder of the heroism and dedication of those who sacrificed their lives. The ride will end at about 3:20 p.m., with a BBQ and fellowship. Among those riding are various members of the Lubbock Patriot Guard Riders, Veterans of Wars Motorcycle Club, United Valor Motorcycle Club, Zephyr Riders, Christian Motorcycle Association, La Placa Motorcycle Club, and various veteran organizations will be on-site to answer questions. The ride is free to all who wish to participate, and donations are being accepted. All funds raised will benefit local volunteer first responders who are injured or killed in the line of duty. For more information, please contact Leighton Lowell at llowellpgr@gmail.com or call (432) 258-2891.

Mitch Wright
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9/11: Let Us Not Forget
On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the Unites States. They hijacked four airplanes in mid-flight. The terrorists flew two of the planes into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact caused the buildings to catch fire and collapse. Another plane destroyed part of the Pentagon (the U.S. military headquarters) in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials believe that the terrorists on that plane intended to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane fought the terrorists and prevented them from reaching their goal. In all, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. A total of 19 terrorists hijacked the four planes on 9/11. All of the men were from nations in the Middle East. They belonged to a terrorist group called Al Qaeda (ahl KAYdah), led by Osama bin Laden. Al Qaeda practices an extreme version of the religion of Islam. The group is intensely opposed to the United States and other Western, democratic nations. They are especially against the military presence of these countries in Arab nations. Since the group’s creation by bin Laden in the late 1980s, Al Qaeda has helped coordinate and fund numerous bombings worldwide. In October 2001, the U.S. and its allies invaded Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda was based. The extreme Islamic group that ran Afghanistan's government, known as the Taliban, was protecting Bin Laden and allowing Al Qaeda to run training camps in the country. U.S.-led forces soon brought down the Taliban. They are are still working to help rebuild and stabilize the nation. Since 2001, many Al Qaeda members have been captured or killed. On May 1, 2011, U.S. troops killed Bin Laden where he was hiding in Pakistan. The U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. Then President George W. Bush and other U.S. leaders believed that the country’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, was hiding terrible weapons that could be given to terrorists. Hussein was captured and later put to death by an Iraqi court. No weapons of mass destruction were found. Following 9/11, the U.S. government took many steps to try to make the country safer. Let us not forget.

Thank a Police Officer Day September 17, 2022
National Thank a Police Officer Day is Sept. 17, 2022. This day was started as a way for the country to show appreciation to law enforcement men and women. Police officers put their lives on the line daily to protect and serve our communities. Citizens are encouraged to take a moment on Sept. 16th to show appreciation through small acts of gratitude. If you are a teacher or parent, have the children write a short note thanking the police or invite one of them to speak to your class sometime. If you have a business display sign, honor them with a “Thank You.” On any given day, the smallest gesture of a “thank you” is what any police officer appreciates the most.
Veteran & Military Connection
· Sept. is National Suicide Prevention Month · National Service Dog Month · Air Force (USAF) Birthday - Sept. 18 · Air National Guard Birthday - Sept. 18 · National POW/MIA Recognition Day - 3rd Friday in Sept. · Gold Star Mother’s Day - Last Sunday in Sept. VFW Day - Sept. 29
VIETNAM MEMORIAL at Texas Tech University Memorial Circle, Sept. 21 at 1 pm – Sept. 25 at 4 pm.
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services.

Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
SUICIDE & CRISIS LINE 9-8-8 U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
Neighborhood News & Resources
SOCIATION North Lubbock Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting Thursday Sept. 15th, 5:30 p.m. at Maggie Trejo Supercenter. Presentation by Elections Office on Voting Machines and Paper Ballots NLNA Elections of officers
MEETING meeting are the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm, at the Hope Shalom, 2005 Ave. T.
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to Non-Emergency City Services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/

Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock. net/have-a-story For more info call (806)7921212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 4-1-1 Voting Information Información de votación Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212
news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net
September is National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month (NPM). It is a time to prepare yourself and those in your care for emergencies and disasters. Police, fire and rescue may not always be able to reach you quickly in an emergency or disaster. As such, the most important step you can take in helping your local responders is being able to take care of yourself and those in your care. Be prepared and plan in the event you must go for three days without electricity, water service, access to a supermarket, or local services for several days. Follow these four steps: Stay Informed: Information is available from federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial resources. Access Ready.gov to learn what to do before, during, and after an emergency. Make a Plan: Discuss, agree on, and document an emergency plan
with those in your care. For sample plans, see Ready.gov. Work together with neighbors, colleagues, and others to build community resilience. Build a Kit: Keep enough emergency supplies - water, nonperishable food, first aid, prescriptions, flashlight, and battery-powered radio on hand - for you and those in your care. Get Involved: There are many ways to get involved especially before a disaster occurs. The whole community can participate in programs and activities to make their families, homes and places of worship safer from risks and threats. Community leaders agree that the formula for ensuring a safer homeland consists of volunteers, a trained and informed public, and increased support of emergency response agencies during disasters. By taking a few simple actions, you can make your family safer. El mes de la concienciación del seguro de vida
Septiembre es el mes de preparación nacional (Prevención). Es un momento para prepararse a ti mismo y a los que están en tu cuidado para emergencias y desastres. La Policía, el fuego y el rescate pueden no ser siempre capaces de llegar rápidamente en una emergencia o desastre. Como tal, el paso más importante que puedes tomar para ayudar a tus agentes locales es ser capaz de cuidar de ti mismo y de los que están a tu cuidado. Estar preparado y planificar en caso de que usted debe ir durante tres días sin electricidad, servicio de agua, acceso a un supermercado, o servicios locales durante varios días. Siga estos cuatro pasos: Mantente informado: se dispone de información de los recursos federales, estatales, locales, tribales y territoriales. Acceso listo. Gov para aprender qué hacer antes, durante, y después de una emergencia. Hacer un plan: discutir, acordar y documentar un plan de emergencia con los que estén a su cuidado. Para los planes de muestra, ver lista. Gobernador. Trabajar junto con vecinos, colegas y otros para aumentar la capacidad de recuperación de la comunidad. Construir un kit: mantener suficientes suministros de emergencia - agua, comida no, primeros auxilios, recetas, linterna, y una radio alimentada con batería a mano - para usted y los que están en su cuidado. Participa: hay muchas formas de participar especialmente antes de que ocurra un desastre. Toda la comunidad puede participar en programas y actividades para que sus familias, hogares y lugares de culto sean más seguros frente a los riesgos y las amenazas. Los dirigentes de la comunidad están de acuerdo en que la fórmula para garantizar una seguridad interior más segura consiste en voluntarios, un público formado e informado, y un mayor apoyo de los organismos de respuesta ante situaciones de emergencia durante los desastres. Al tomar algunas acciones simples, puedes hacer que tu familia sea más segura.

CHCL Welcomes Doctors Ortega and Walker
CHCL is proud to welcome Dr. Beatriz G. Ortega, DDS to its dental team at CHCL. Dr. Ortega, originally from Peru, received her Doctor of Dental Science (DDS) degree from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas. She currently holds an undergraduate degree in Biology from Prairie View A&M University. Dr. Ortega is a proud member of the American Dental Association and The Texas Academy of General Dentistry. She is dedicated to providing quality dental care to every patient. Although Dr. Ortega loves many facets of dentistry, she most enjoys getting to know her patients. To her, personalized patient care is essential as she provides them with the individualized care they need. Dr. Ortega has been bilingual her entire life and has treated many Spanish-speaking patients. All of them were very grateful to have a provider with whom they could communicate freely about their dental health. CHCL is also excited to welcome Shawn Walker, MD a new Pediatrician to their team. Dr. Walker graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas in 2018 and completed his residency training in pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2022. Dr. Walker discovered his passion for medicine while serving in the Marine Corps. He decided after his military service that he would pursue medicine in the hopes of helping the people of West Texas. While doing missionary work in Peru he discovered that he enjoyed helping children with their healthcare needs. Dr. Walker was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas and is excited to start his practice as a pediatrician at the Community Health Center of Lubbock and to serve the communities in West Texas. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ortega for dental care, or Dr. Walker at the Main Clinic for pediatric medical care by phone or online.