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World Marriage Day February 12, 2023

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Forward in Chris

Forward in Chris

is gone and the new has come. When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, He transforms us!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away, behold, new things have come!” ~ 2 Corinthians

This change is a change from the inside out. So, instead of just rolling back the odometer and being the same old person inside, He gives us a spiritual heart transplant. Now, that’s a change for the better and a change that lasts.

The Bible says if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old

Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Center and has been in ministry for 32 years.

World Marriage Day is an annual event, sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter (the largest Catholic pro-marriage and family movement in the world). It honors and affirms the vocation of husbands and wives and the positive impact of their dedicated example on society, families, communities, Church, and nation.

Each year on World Marriage Day, the Diocese of Lubbock's Marriage and Family Life office arranges various events including a mass that is offered in grateful recognition of married couples everywhere, with particular attention focused on the longest-married couple in the Diocese.

This year World Marriage Day is February 12th. The Week will be from February 7 to 14th. Priests will offer blessings to married couples at their respective parishes.

2023 Lent Calendar A Time for Preparation

Lent is a time of preparation for the death of Christ on Good Friday and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is a period of 40 days of repentance, with prayer, fasting and abstinence, and Confession.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 46 days before Easter Sunday.

Feast of Saint Patrick is March 17. Followed by the Feast of Saint Joseph on March 19. The Annunciation of the Lord is March 25.

Palm Sunday will be on Sunday, April 2, commemorates the triumphal entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed in His path, before His arrest on Holy Thursday and His Crucifixion on Good Friday.

Holy Thursday is April 6, 2023, and is the day on which Christ cel- ebrated the Last Supper with His disciples, four days after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Only hours after the Last Supper, Judas would betray Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, setting the stage for Christ's Crucifixion on Good Friday.

Good Friday, April 7, 2023, commemorates the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Holy Saturday, April 8, the final day of Lent, of Holy Week, and of the Easter Triduum.

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Submit your church events to news@latinolubbock.net

Church Bulletins

FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS North Lubbock Neighboring Parishes will join to host First Saturday Rosary, Mass, Confessions, reflections, food & fellowship. Beginning February 4, the devotion will take place at St. Elizabeth University Parish, at 2316 Broadway St., on the next five first Saturdays (February - June). Rosary will be prayed beginning at 8 a.m.

PRESENTATION OF THE LORD IN THE TEMPLE Thursday, Feb 2nd at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 1120 52nd St. Mass at 6 pm. Bring your Candles for the traditional Blessing of the Candles.

OUR LADY OF LOURDES & WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE SICK The morning includes one hour of Adoration followed by a Healing Mass. Feb 11th, 8 - 10:30am at Our Lady of Grace Church, 3111 Erskine St. ST. PATRICK'S KOC VALENTINE STEAK DINNER by Knights Of Columbus Council #15876 Sat., Feb. 11th, serving from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the St. Patrick Church church hall, 1603 Cherry Ave. Event ends at Cost is $50 dinner for two, or, $35 for one. For more info email stpatrickskoc@ gmail.com

SAN RAMON CHURCH VALENTINE’S DANCE at the Knights of Columbus Banquet Hall, 4702 130th St, February 11, 2023, $15 per person, $5 children(12 yrs & under). Food, raffle, auction and drawing of a $400 gift card with purchase of adult ticket. Music: Phat Jams Production featuring Cowboy Rick.

MARRIAGE JUBILEE MASS Join the Office for Marriage and Family Life celebrating Mass honoring those celebrating anniversaries of Holy Matrimony. Marriage Jubilee Mass, February 19, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. at Christ the King Cathedral, 4011 54th St.

DEACON WIVES: Wives of deacons play an important role in their husbands’ ministries. On this day several wives and family members came to offer support on the news of Pope Benedict's death. As deacons support the Church, wives support their husbands through prayer, sacrifice and commitment to a unique vocation Thank you, ladies from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

La vacuna contra la gripe - No es demasiado tarde

La gripe es la séptima causa más común de muerte entre los latinos mayores de 65 años. Todos a partir de los seis meses de edad lo hagan. Sólo tres de cada 10 latinos la recibieron el año pasado, lo que es preocupante porque con enfermedades como la diabetes y el asma tan comunes entre los latinos, puede haber complicaciones. Ahora, sólo se necesita una inyección y existe una nueva de alta dosis para los mayores de 65 años.

(In English p. 11)

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE LENT SCHEDULE Ash Wednesday – February 22 - 7 am - Spanish Full Mass; 12 p.m. – English Readings & Ashes only; 6 pm – Spanish Readings & Ashes only; 7 pm – English. Full Mass. Stations of the Cross (Bilingual)Every Friday of Lent at 6 pm beginning 2/24. Morning Holy HourEvery Tuesday of Lent from 7 -8 am beginning February 28th. Enchilada Dinner Ash Wednesday, February 22nd from 11 am to 6 pm. Fish Fry - Every Friday of Lent beginning 2/24 from 11 am to 6 pm. Located at 1120 52nd St.

LENT - MEATLESS MEAL join Saint John the Baptist Church,Feb 24th, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at 10805 Indiana. $10 adult plate, $5 kid’s plate. List of Food Options and Pre-Orders available at stjohnbaptistlbk.org/fridaylenten-meals-pre-order (Also scheduled for March 10, 24, and 31).

38TH ANNUAL SAUSAGE LOVERS FESTIVAL St. Michael Parish in Levelland will be held February 26, 2023 with its traditional German-style link sausage dinner with all the trimmings. The festival includes a raffle, silent and live auctions, baked goods store and much more. In Levelland, 316 E Washington St.

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