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West Texas Small Business
Summit Set for May 24
Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs of West Texas

– Get ready, because the South Plains Association of Governments/Caprock
BFC will be holding a resource and educational event for small businesses May 24th.
The West Texas Small Business Summit will take place at the Lubbock Civic Center. This event is geared towards small business owners and those looking to start a small business. Through a range of workshops on Accounting/Financial Management, Marketing, Legal, and Workforce, they hope to deliver useful information.
At the event, they will also have a resource area where small businesses can interact directly with local resources that will help them in their business operations. The direct registration link: https://WTX-SmallBusinessSummit.eventbrite. com or on FaceBook at: https://fb.me/ e/3eJDSPj4W.
There are several regional partners working together – SPAG/ Caprock BFC, The High Ground of Texas, TTU Innovation Hub, Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Small Business Development Center & TMAC, City of Lubbock, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, SBA – Lubbock/West Texas District Office, area banks and more – in order to provide the best in information, resources, and connections to help your small business get started or grow!
City Accepting Applications for Various Boards, Committees
The City of Lubbock is now accepting applications for several boards and commissions. This is a chance for Lubbock citizens to be an active part in their city’s future. The term for these positions start September 1, 2023, and the deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 31, 2023. If you have previously submitted an application as of January 1, 2021, your application will be considered. It is encouraged that you login and update your application to ensure the City of Lubbock has the most up‐ to‐date information on file.

Applications can be submitted at www.mylubbock.us/cityboards . Summaries and information about the City’s boards and commissions can be found at: https://ci.lubbock. tx.us/departments/city‐secretary/ boards‐commissions/list‐of‐boards‐commissions